Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):
                                December 4, 1999

                               ACADIA GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                           Colorado 0-28976 010509781
                  (State or other (Commission (I.R.S. Employer
                 jurisdiction) File Number) Identification No.)

                        415 Rodman Road, Auburn, ME 04210
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code (207) 777-3423
                                 (800) 479-3066

         (Former name and former address, if changed since last report)

              The undersigned registrant hereby amends its Current Report on
              Form 8-K dated December 4, 1999 and filed on December 7, 1999 to
              amend Item 7.

Item 7.           Financial Statements and Exhibits.

         (a)      Financial Statements of Business Acquired

                  Financial Statements of

                  Audited Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1999

                  Statement of Operations for period from January 1, 1999 to
                  September 30, 1999

                  Statement of Changes in Members' Equity for period from
                  January 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999

                  Statement of CashFlows for period from January 1, 1999 to
                  September 30, 1999

                  Notes to Financial Statements

          (b)     Pro Forma Financial Information

                  Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                  Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Balance Sheet as of September
                  30, 1999

                  Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Statement of Operations Year
                  Ended September 30, 1999


                  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  the Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                         ACADIA GROUP, INC.

                                  By:     /S/ John W. Holt, Jr.
                                  Name:  John W. Holt, Jr.
                                  Title: Chief Executive Officer and President

Dated:  March 7, 2000

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Acadia Business Group, Inc.

We have audited the balance  sheet of,  LLC as of September  30,
1999, and the related  statements of operations,  changes in members' equity and
cash flows for the period from  January 1, 1999 to  September  30,  1999.  These
financial  statements are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards  require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the  financial  position of,  LLC as of
September  30,  1999 and the  results of its  operations  and cash flows for the
period from January 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999 in conformity  with  generally
accepted accounting principles.

Portland, Maine
February 24, 2000

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                                  Balance Sheet

                               September 30, 1999


Current assets
     Cash                                                                     $ 3,202

Intangibles, net of amortization                                                  695

              Total assets                                                    $ 3,897

                         LIABILITIES AND MEMBERS' EQUITY

Current liabilities
     Accounts payable                                                         $ 1,000

Members' equity
     Membership contributions                                                 $20,224
     Deficit accumulated during development stage                            (17,327)

              Total members' equity                                           $ 2,897

              Total liabilities and members' equity                           $ 3,897

- ----------------
The accompanying notes are an integralpat of these financial statements.

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                             Statement of Operations

                  Period from January 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999


Revenues                                                               $ -

General and administrative fees
     Professional fees                                               6,351
     Marketing and advertising                                       1,176
     Web systems development                                         7,534
     Travel                                                          1,124
     Amortization                                                       95
     Office supplies and postage                                     1,019

              Total expenses                                        17,299

Other income (expense)
     Bank charges                                                   (58)
     Interest income                                                  30

     Other expense, net                                             (28)

     Net loss                                                 $   17,327

- ----------------
The accompanying notes are an integralpat of these financial statements.

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                     Statement of Changes in Members' Equity

                Period from January 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999

                                                 Accumulated       Total
                                  Membership     During Devel.     Members'
                                Contributions       Stage          Equity

Balances, January 1, 1999         $ -              $  -          $    -

Membership contributions           20,224             -            20,224

Net loss                             -             (17,327)      (17,327)

Balances, September 30, 1999      $20,224         $(17,327)      $  2,897

- ------------------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                              MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                           Statement of Cash Flows

             Period from January 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999

Cash flows from operating activities
     Net loss                                            $(17,327)
     Adjustment to reconcile net loss to
     net cash used by operating activities
     Amortization                                               95
     Increase in accounts payable                            1,000

     Net cash used by operating activities                (16,232)

     Cash flows from investing activities
         Additions to intangible assets                      (790)

     Cash flows from financing activities
         Membership contributions                           20,224

                  Net increase in cash                       3,202

     Cash, beginning of period                              ------

     Cash, end of period                                    $3,202

- ----------------
The accompanying notes are an integralpat of these financial statements.

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                          Notes to Financial Statements
                               September 30, 1999

Nature of Operations

     The  Company  was  formed on  October  13,  1998 in the State of Maine as a
Limited Liability Corporation.,  LLC (the "Company") was created
to provide easily accessible CME (continuing  medical  education) for physicians
through video  streaming on the Internet.  The Company's  mission is to act as a
consolidator  and  distributor  of quality  lectures  from across the country to
physicians via the Internet.  The Company is currently in a development stage in
which  operations  consist  primarily  of  designing  a delivery  mechanism  and
developing strategic  partnerships.  As further disclosed in Note 3, the Company
merged with Acadia National Health Systems,  Inc. (Acadia) on November 19, 1999.,  LLC has a calendar  year-end.  These  financial  statements and
accompanying  footnotes  have been  prepared for the period  beginning  with the
start of operations through Acadia's fiscal year-end.

1.    Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

      Use of Estimates

      Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing financial
      statements. Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of
      assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and
      liabilities, and the reported revenues and expenses.


      The Company's investments in intangible assets consist of domain names,
      which are amortized by the straight-line method over the period in which
      those registrations are effective.

      Advertising Costs

      The Company expenses advertising costs as they are incurred.  Advertising
      costs for the period ended September 30, 1999 were $1,176.

      Software Costs

      The Company has adopted Statement of Position (SOP) 98-1,  "Accounting for
      the Costs of Computer  Software  Developed or Obtained for Internal  Use",
      which  requires  software  costs to be  expensed  during  the  preliminary
      project stage.  The Company  utilized the services of an internet  service
      provider in developing its web site. Costs of $7,534 for the period ending
      September 30, 1999 were expensed.

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                    September 30, 1999

1.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Concluded)

   Organizational Costs

      Organizational  costs  represent  legal and other  costs  associated  with
      organizing and incorporating the Company and are expensed as incurred,  in
      accordance with SOP 98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up Activities."

      Income Taxes

      The Company is a limited  liability company (LLC). No provision for income
      taxes has been made  since the  Company  is not a taxable  entity  and the
      individual  members report their respective shares of the Company's income
      or loss.

  2.  Operating Agreement

      On July 19, 1999, the Company  amended its Operating  Agreement to reflect
      changes in  ownership.  The  agreement  provides  that the  Company  shall
      allocate  all  profit  and  losses on a pro rata  basis to its  members in
      accordance with their LLC interests.  In addition, the operating agreement
      provides that the Company shall continue in force and effect indefinitely,
      unless certain events,  as defined,  occur which cause the dissolution and
      liquidation  of the  Company.  Members are not  personally  liable for any
      debts or losses of the Company beyond their initial capital contributions.

  3.  Subsequent Events

      On November  19,  1999,  the Company  merged with Acadia  National  Health
      Systems,   Inc.  Prior  to  the  merger,  the  Company  reorganized  as  a
      corporation  registered  in the State of Maine and  issued  100  shares of
      common stock to members of the LLC. In exchange for one hundred percent of
      the outstanding shares of,  Inc., Acadia Group, Inc. issued
      approximately  five million shares of its common stock to the stockholders
      of, Inc.

      In connection with the merger, Acadia National Health Systems, Inc.
      changed its name to Acadia Group, Inc., d/b/a Acadia Business Group, Inc.,
      and formed two subsidiary companies.  Acadia Business Group, Inc.
      operations now fall under the subsidiary named Acadia National Health
      Systems, Inc., Inc. was merged with the second subsidiary,, Inc.

               Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

The following unaudited pro forma combining balance sheet and statement of
operations  present the combined financial position and results of operations of
Acadia  National  Health  Systems,  Inc.(Acadia), and,   Inc.
(MedLecture),  as of September 30, 1999,  assuming the merger had occurred as of
this date. The accompanying pro forma information is based on historical balance
sheet data of the  companies,  giving effect to the  transaction as a pooling of

Under  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,   the  transaction  will  be
accounted for as a pooling of interests and, as such, the assets and liabilities
of Acadia will be combined with those of MedLecture at book value.  In addition,
the  statements  of income of Acadia will be  combined  with the  statements  of
operations of MedLecture as of the earliest period presented.  The unaudited pro
forma  combining  statement of  operations  gives effect to the merger as if the
merger occurred at the beginning of the earliest period presented. The unaudited
pro forma  combining  balance  sheet  assumes  the  merger  was  consummated  on
September 30, 1999.

The pro forma information presented is not necessarily indicative of the results
of  operations or the combined  financial  position that would have resulted had
the merger been consummated at the beginning of the periods indicated, nor is it
necessarily  indicative of the results of  operations  in future  periods or the
future financial position of the combined company.

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                   Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Balance Sheet
                               September 30, 1999
                                                        Pro Forma     Pro Forma
                             Acadia       Medlecture    Adjustments   Combined
Current assets
     Cash                 $   19,037      $ 3,202       $    -       $   22,239
 Accounts receivable
 and advances             $1,080,881           -             -        1,080,881
     Income taxes
 receivable                   22,226           -             -           22,226
     Current portion of
 note receivable              23,676           -             -           23,676
     Prepaid expenses and
 other assets                116,356           -             -          116,356
     Deferred income
 taxes                         7,500           -             -            7,500
   Total current assets     1,269,676        3,202           -        1,272,878

Property and equipment
 Computer software and
 licenses                      92,711          -             -           92,711
 Equipment                    186,019          -             -          186,019
 Leasehold improvements       147,803          -             -          147,803
 Furniture and fixtures        47,128          -             -           47,128
 Equipment under capital
  leases                      295,830          -                        295,830

 Less accumulated             769,491          -             -          769,491
   depreciation               186,509          -             -          186,509

 Net property and
   equipment                  582,982          -             -          582,982

Other assets
Covenant not to
 compete, net of
 amortization of $16,416      180,579          -             -          180,579
Other intangibles, net
 of amortization of
 $1,261                        16,331         695            -           17,026
Goodwill, net of
 amortization of $18,359       66,376          -             -           66,376
Organization costs, net
 of amortization of
 $16,421                       16,279          -             -           16,279
Note receivable, net of
 allowance of $50,000           4,166          -             -            4,166
Deferred tax asset
 long term                    226,000          -             -          226,000
 Total other assets           509,731         695            -          510,426

                           $2,362,389      $3,897          $ -       $2,366,286

                               MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

                Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Balance Sheet (Concluded)
                               September 30, 1999

                                                  Pro Forma         Pro Forma
                           Acadia   MedLecture    Adjustments        Combined
Current liabilities
 Notes payable        $ 1,052,415   $   -         $  -              $ 1,052,415
 Current portion
  of long-term debt        84,300       -            -                   84,300
 Current portion of
  obligations under
  capital leases           86,700         -          -                   86,700
  Accounts payable        178,504     1,000          -                  179,504
  Accrued expenses         65,140         -          -                   65,140
  Overdraft payable         1,382         -          -                    1,382

Total current
  liabilities           1,468,441     1,000          -                 1469,441

Deferred income
  taxes                    15,500         -          -                   15,500

Long-term debt,
 excluding current
 portion                  331,943         -          -                  331,943

Obligations under
 capital leases, excluding
 current portion           84,937         -          -                   84,937
Total liabilities       1,900,821     1,000          -                1,901,821


Stockholders' equity
 Common stock of no
 par value; authorized
 issued and outstanding
 10,377,974 shares      1,029,890         -        2,897              1,032,787
Additional paid-
 in capital                41,992         -          -                   41,992
Accumulated deficit      (610,314)        -          -                (610,314)
Members' equity                 -     2,897       (2,897)                     -

Total stockholders'
 equity                   461,568     2,897          -                  464,465
                      $ 2,362,389   $ 3,897        $ -               $2,366,286

                            MEDLECTURE.COM, LLC

            Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Statement of Operations
                    Year Ended September 30, 1999

                                                       Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                              Acadia     MedLecture    Adjustments      Combined

Revenues                    $2,008,010   $  -       $     -         $ 2,008,010
Direct expenses                760,252      -             -             760,252
   Gross profit              1,247,758      -             -           1,247,758

Selling, general
 and administrative
  Salaries and benefits      1,019,300      -             -          1,019,300
  Professional fees            132,720    13,885          -            146,605
  Administrative               200,183     1,176          -            201,359
  Depreciation and
    amortization               136,890        95          -            136,985
  Equipment                     89,989         -          -             89,989
  Postage                      122,879     1,019          -            123,898
  Occupancy                    167,261         -          -            167,261
  Travel                        50,790     1,124          -             51,914
  Provision for loss
   on notes and
   advances receivable         111,159         -          -            111,159
  Provision for bad debts        7,655         -          -              7,655
Total selling, general and
 administrative expenses     2,038,826     17,299         -          2,056,125

Other income (expense)
 Interest expense            (115,830)         -          -          (115,830)
 Interest income               19,961          -          -             19,961
 Other income                  15,263       (28)          -             15,235
 Loss on disposition
  of assets                  (32,656)          -          -           (32,656)

Total other expenses        (113,262)       (28)          -          (113,290)

Loss before income taxes    (904,330)   (17,327)          -          (921,657)

Income tax benefit          (238,500)          -          -          (238,500)

Net loss                  $ (665,830) $ (17,327)          -         $(683,157)

Net loss per common share $   (.1495) $        -     $    -         $  (.0696)
