ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES, INC.
                               POWER OF ATTORNEY
     Each  of  the   undersigned  directors  and  officers   of  Anheuser-Busch
Companies, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), hereby appoints August
A. Busch  III, Jerry E.  Ritter and JoBeth  G. Brown,  and each of  them acting
singly, the true and lawful agents and  attorneys of the undersigned, with full
power of substitution,  to do all things  and to execute all  instruments which
any of them  may deem necessary  or advisable to enable  the Company to  comply
with the Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended, and  any rules, regulations  and
requirements of the  Securities and Exchange Commission in  respect thereof, in
connection  with  the  proposed  registration  under said  Act  pursuant  to  a
Registration  Statement  on Form  S-3 of  an additional  $648,000,000 principal
amount of  the debt  securities of  the Company  (for a  total of  $750,000,000
available  for issuance, including  $102,000,000 which remains  available under
the Company's previous Registration Statement No. 33-49051), in accordance with
Rule  415 under said  Act and as  authorized by the  Board of  Directors of the
Company on  June 28, 1995; this authorization to  include the authority to sign
the name of  each of the undersigned  in the capacities indicated  below to the
said  proposed Registration  Statement  to  be filed  with  the Securities  and
Exchange Commission  in respect of  said securities,  and to any  amendments to
said prior or proposed Registration Statements.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  each of the undersigned  has executed a copy  of this
Power of Attorney as of June 28, 1995.

            August A. Busch III                    Jerry E. Ritter
      --------------------------------     --------------------------------
            August A. Busch III                    Jerry E. Ritter
           Chairman of the Board             Executive Vice President - 
        and Chief Executive Officer              Chief Financial and
       (Principal Executive Officer)            Administrative Officer
                                            (Principal Financial Officer)

              Gerald C. Thayer
      --------------------------------    --------------------------------
              Gerald C. Thayer                 Pablo Aramburuzabala O.
       Vice President and Controller                   Director
       (Principal Accounting Officer)

                                                  Bernard A. Edison
     --------------------------------     --------------------------------
            Andrew B. Craig III                   Bernard A. Edison
                  Director                             Director

             Peter M. Flanigan                      John E. Jacob
     --------------------------------     --------------------------------
             Peter M. Flanigan                      John E. Jacob
                  Director                             Director

             Charles F. Knight                  Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.
     --------------------------------     --------------------------------
             Charles F. Knight                  Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.
                  Director                             Director

             Vilma S. Martinez                     Sybil C. Mobley
     --------------------------------     --------------------------------
             Vilma S. Martinez                     Sybil C. Mobley
                  Director                             Director

             James B. Orthwein                     Andrew C. Taylor
      --------------------------------    --------------------------------
             James B. Orthwein                     Andrew C. Taylor
                  Director                             Director

           Douglas A. Warner III                  William H. Webster
     --------------------------------     --------------------------------
           Douglas A. Warner III                  William H. Webster
                  Director                             Director

                            Edward E. Whitacre, Jr.
                            Edward E. Whitacre, Jr.