Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement No. 33-60885
                         Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 33-49051

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                Amendment No. 1
                                    FORM S-3

                             Registration Statement
                                   Under the
                             Securities Act Of 1933


                         ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                     DELAWARE                          43-1162835
           (State or other jurisdiction               (IRS Employer
                of incorporation or                Identification No.)

                          ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INCORPORATED
           (Exact name of co-registrant as specified in its charter)

                     MISSOURI                          43-0161000
           (State or other jurisdiction               (IRS Employer
                of incorporation or                Identification No.)

                                One Busch Place
                           St. Louis, Missouri 63118
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
       Registrant's telephone number including area code: (314) 577-2000


             JoBeth G. Brown                          Copies to:
       Vice President and Secretary             Denis P. McCusker, Esq.
      Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.        Armstrong, Teasdale, Schlafly &
             One Busch Place                             Davis
        St. Louis, Missouri 63118         One Metropolitan Square, Suite 2600
      (Name and address of agent for           St. Louis, Missouri 63102


                            AMENDING THE PROSPECTUS


     Pursuant to Rule 429 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the

Prospectus contained herein will also be used in connection with Registration
Statement No. 33-49051 previously filed by the Registrant on Form S-3 and
declared effective on September 28, 1992.  This Registration Statement, which
constitutes Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement No. 33-60885, also
constitutes Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement No. 33-49051 and such
Amendment shall become effective concurrently with the effectiveness of this
Registration Statement and in accordance with Section 8(c) of the Securities
Act of 1933.


                                Debt Securities

     Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. (the "Company") intends to issue from time
to time its debt securities (the "Debt Securities") at an aggregate initial
offering price not to exceed $750,000,000 (or, if the principal of the Debt
Securities is payable in a foreign currency, the equivalent thereof at the time
of offering), which will be offered on terms to be determined at the time of
sale.  The accompanying Prospectus Supplement (the "Prospectus Supplement")
sets forth the specific terms of the Series of Debt Securities (the "Series")
in respect of which this Prospectus is being delivered, including the
designation of the Debt Securities, the aggregate principal amount offered, the
rate or rates of interest or the provisions for determining such rate or rates
and the time of payment thereof, maturity, currency of payment, offering price,
terms relating to redemption (whether mandatory or at the option of the Company
or the holder) and information as to listing on any securities exchange.




     The Debt  Securities will be  sold directly, through agents  designated by
the Company from  time to time or through underwriters or dealers designated by
the  Company.  If any agents of the  Company or any dealers or underwriters are
involved in the sale of the Series of  Debt Securities in respect of which this
Prospectus  is  being   delivered,  the  names  of  such   agents,  dealers  or
underwriters and any applicable agent's  commission, dealer's purchase price or
underwriter's  discount  are  set  forth  in  or  may  be  calculated from  the
Prospectus Supplement.  The net proceeds to the Company from such sale  will be
the purchase price  of such Series of  Debt Securities less such  commission in
the  case of an agent, the purchase price  of such Series of Debt Securities in
the case of  a dealer or the  public offering price  less such discount in  the
case of  an underwriter and  less, in  each case,  other attributable  issuance
expenses.  See "Plan of Distribution" for possible indemnification arrangements
for the agents, dealers and underwriters.
                The date of this Prospectus is August ___, 1995.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

     Available Information . . . . . 2    Book Entry Securities . . . .  9
     Incorporation of Documents           Plan of Distribution  . . . . 11
     by Reference  . . . . . . . . . 2    Legal Opinion . . . . . . . . 12
     The Company . . . . . . . . . . 3    Experts . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     Use of Proceeds . . . . . . . . 3
     Description of Debt Securities  3


                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     The Company is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities
Exchange  Act of  1934  and in  accordance  therewith files  reports and  other
information with  the Securities  and Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission").
Reports, proxy statements and other  information filed by the Company  with the
Commission  can be  inspected and  copied  at the  public reference  facilities
maintained by the Commission at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549;
and at  the  following Regional  Offices of  the Commission:  500 West  Madison
Street, Suite  1400, Chicago,  Illinois, 60661; and  Seven World  Trade Center,
Suite  1300, New  York, New  York 10048;  and copies  of such  material can  be
obtained  from the  public reference  facilities of  the Commission,  450 Fifth
Street, N.W.,  Room 1024, Washington,  D.C. 20549,  at prescribed rates.   Such
material can also be  inspected and copied at the offices of the New York Stock
Exchange, Inc., 20 Broad Street, New York, N.Y. 10005, on which certain of  the
Company's securities are listed.


     The  following documents  filed by  the  Company with  the Securities  and
Exchange Commission (File No. 1-7823) are incorporated herein by reference:
          1.   The Company's  Annual Report  on Form 10-K  for the  fiscal year
     ended December 31,  1994, filed pursuant to  Section 13 of  the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934.
          2.   The Company's Quarterly  Reports on Form  10-Q for the  quarters
     ended March 31  and June  30, 1995, filed  pursuant to Section  13 of  the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
          3.   The Company's Report on Form 8-K filed July 31, 1995 pursuant to
     Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
     All  documents  subsequently filed  by  the Company  pursuant  to Sections
13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 prior to  the
termination  of the  offering of  the  Debt Securities  shall be  deemed  to be
incorporated by reference in this Prospectus  and to be a part hereof  from the
date of filing of such documents.
PLACE, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63118, TELEPHONE (314) 577-2000.


                                  THE COMPANY

     The Company  is a holding  company whose subsidiaries include  the world's
largest  brewing  organization.    Other subsidiaries  of  the  Company conduct
various  business  operations  in beer-related  activities,  food  products and
family entertainment.  The Company was organized in 1979 as the holding company
parent  of Anheuser-Busch, Incorporated  ("ABI"), a Missouri  corporation whose
origins date back to 1875.
     The Company's principal  product is beer, produced and  distributed by ABI
in a  variety  of containers  primarily under  the brand  names Budweiser,  Bud
Light, Bud Dry, Bud Ice, Bud Ice Light, Michelob, Michelob Light, Michelob Dry,
Michelob  Golden Draft,  Michelob Golden  Draft Light,  Michelob Classic  Dark,
Busch, Busch Light,  Natural Light, Natural Pilsner, King Cobra and O'Doul's (a
non-alcoholic malt beverage).   The Company has recently  introduced the brands
Elk Mountain Ale, Elk Mountain Red, Red Wolf, Elephant Red Malt and Busch NA (a
non-alcoholic  malt beverage).  The Company  is the exclusive importer into the
U.S. from  Denmark of  Carlsberg and Carlsberg  Light beers  and Elephant  Malt
     The Company's products are brewed and distributed in international markets
through  its wholly-owned subsidiary, Anheuser-Busch International, Inc.  Since
1993,  the Company has  made equity investments  or formed  joint ventures with
brewers in Mexico, Japan, China and the United Kingdom.  Through Anheuser-Busch
European  Trade Limited,  an indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary of  the Company,
ABI's  beer brands  are  distributed  in twenty-one  European  countries.   The
Company's  products  are   also  brewed  under  license   or  contract  brewing
arrangements in Canada,  Ireland, Korea and Spain,  and are sold under  import-
distribution  agreements in more than 60  countries and U.S. territories and to
the U.S. military and diplomatic corps outside the United States.
     Other subsidiaries  of the  Company operate in  the beer-related  areas of
container manufacturing and recycling, malt  and rice production, metalized and
paper label manufacturing and transportation services.
     Campbell Taggart,  Inc., a  wholly-owned subsidiary of  the Company,  is a
holding  company whose  operating subsidiaries  are involved  primarily in  the
production and distribution  of bakery products  in domestic and  international
markets.  (On  July 26, 1995, the  Company announced its intention  to spin off
Campbell Taggart, Inc.  to its shareholders  as a  separate company during  the
first half of 1996, subject to a ruling by the Internal Revenue Service that it
can be accomplished on a tax-free  basis.)  Eagle Snacks, Inc., a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of  the Company,  produces  and distributes  a  line of  snack  food
     Busch  Entertainment Corporation ("BEC"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company,  operates  Busch  Gardens  theme   parks  in  Tampa,  Florida  and  in
Williamsburg,  Virginia, and  Sea World  theme parks  in Orlando,  Florida, San
Antonio,  Texas, Aurora,  Ohio and  San Diego,  California.  BEC  also operates
water  park attractions in Tampa,  Florida (Adventure Island) and Williamsburg,
Virginia (Water  Country, U.S.A),  an educational play  park for  children near
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Sesame Place) and the Baseball  City Sports Complex
near  Orlando, Florida.  The Company is also  the parent corporation of the St.
Louis National Baseball  Club, Inc. (St. Louis Cardinals)  and, through another
subsidiary, owns Busch Stadium and other properties in downtown St. Louis.
     The Company's principal office is at  One Busch Place, St. Louis, Missouri
63118 and its telephone number is 314-577-2000.

                                USE OF PROCEEDS

     The Company  intends to  add the net  proceeds from  the sale of  the Debt
Securities to the general funds of the Company to be used for general corporate
purposes, including  payment of  short-term debt,  payment  of working  capital

expenses  and  capital expenditures.    Prior  to  such application,  such  net
proceeds may be invested  in short or intermediate term securities.   Except as
may  be indicated  in  a  Prospectus Supplement  delivered  together with  this
Prospectus, no  specific determination  as to the  use of  the proceeds  of the
Securities in  respect of which  this Prospectus  is being  delivered has  been

                         DESCRIPTION OF DEBT SECURITIES

     The Debt  Securities are  to be  issued either  under an  indenture to  be
entered into between  the Company and  Chemical Bank, as  trustee, dated as  of
July 15, 1995 or under a separate, substantially identical


indenture to be entered  into between the Company and a new  trustee.  For each
issue of  Debt Securities, the  applicable indenture (the "Indenture")  and the
trustee  thereunder  (the  "Trustee")  will  be  specified  in  the  Prospectus
Supplement  relating  to such  issue of  Debt  Securities or  in  an attachment
thereto.  Each issue  of Debt Securities will  constitute a Series or Issue  of
Securities (as described below) under,  and will be governed by the  provisions
of,  the particular Indenture under which it is issued.  The provisions of each
of  the Indentures  are substantially identical  and the  following description
(other than certain information pertaining  only to Chemical Bank, as described
below) is applicable to each Indenture.   
     A  copy  of each  Indenture is  filed  as an  exhibit to  the Registration
Statement  which has  been  filed with  the  Commission  relating to  the  Debt
Securities.  The following is a summary of certain provisions of  the Indenture
and does not purport to be complete.  Reference is made to  the Indenture for a
complete statement  of such provisions.   Certain capitalized terms  used below
are  defined in  the Indenture  and  have the  meanings  given to  them in  the
Indenture.  Section references are to the Indenture.


     The Indenture provides for the issuance  by the Company from time to  time
of  its Securities  in one  or more  Series which  may consist  of one  or more
Issues.  An  Issue of  Securities will  consist of Securities  having the  same
interest rate,  maturity and  issue date.   The  Indenture does  not limit  the
amount of  Securities which  may be  issued thereunder, and  provides that  the
specific terms of any Series of Securities shall be set forth in, or determined
pursuant to, an Authorizing Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company
or in a supplemental indenture, if any, relating to such Series (Section 301).
     The specific terms  of the Series of  Securities in respect of  which this
Prospectus  is being  delivered are  set forth  in the  accompanying Prospectus
Supplement relating thereto, including the following:
          1.   The title of the Series and whether it will consist of more than
     one Issue.
          2.   The aggregate principal amount of the Securities of the Series.
          3.   The  date or dates  on which principal  and premium, if  any, on
     Securities of  the Series  is payable,  and, if applicable,  the terms  on
     which such maturity may be extended.
          4.   The rate or rates of interest (if any) on the Securities of such
     Series   (whether  floating  or  fixed),  the   provisions,  if  any,  for
     determining such  interest  rate or  rates  and adjustments  thereto,  the
     Interest Payment Dates and the Regular Record Dates with respect thereto.
          5.   The  currency(ies)  in  which principal,  premium,  if  any, and
     interest are payable by the Company, if other than United States dollars.
          6.   Provisions relating to redemption, at the option of the Company,
     pursuant to a Sinking Fund or otherwise, or at the option of a Holder, and

     the respective  Redemption Dates and  redemption prices and the  terms and
     conditions for such redemption.
          7.   Additional covenants or Events of  Default, if any, with respect
     to the  Securities of such Series in addition  to the covenants and Events
     of Default specified in the Indenture.
          8.   If less than  100% of the principal amount  of the Securities of
     such Series  is payable on  acceleration or provable in  bankruptcy (which
     may be the case for Original Issue Discount Securities), a schedule of the
     amounts which would be so payable or provable from time to time.
          9.   The form of the Securities of such Series, including whether the
     Securities of the Series  shall be issued in whole or in  part in the form
     of  one or  more Global Securities  and, in  such case, the  Depositary or
     Depositaries for such Global Security or Securities.
     If not set  forth in the accompanying Prospectus  Supplement, the specific
terms  of the  Series or  Issue of  Debt Securities  in respect  of  which this
Prospectus  is  being  delivered  are  set  forth  in  an   attachment  to  the
accompanying Prospectus Supplement.
     The Debt  Securities will be  direct and unconditional obligations  of the
Company,  which will  be unsecured  and  will rank  pari passu  with  all other
unsecured senior indebtedness of the Company outstanding at the time.
     Except as  otherwise specified in  the Authorizing Resolution  relating to
the  Securities  in  respect  of  which this  Prospectus  is  being  delivered,
principal and interest on the Securities are  to be payable, and the Securities
are to be transferable, at the office  of the Trustee (in the case of  Chemical
Bank, at its  Corporate Trust Office, 450 West 33rd Street, New York, New York,
or, in the case of any other Trustee,


at the office  and address specified in the related Prospectus Supplement or in
an attachment  thereto), but payment of interest, other  than interest due on a
Maturity Date, may be made at the option of the Company by  check mailed to the
address  of  the person  entitled  thereto as  shown  on the  Security Register
(Sections 202, 301, 305 and 1002).  The Securities are to be registered without
coupons in the denomination  of $1,000 or any integral multiple  thereof, or in
such other currencies  or denominations as may be specified in, or pursuant to,
the Authorizing  Resolution relating to  a Series of Securities  (Section 302).
No service charge  will be  made for  any transfer or  exchange of  Securities,
except any tax  or other governmental charges that may be imposed in connection
therewith (Section 305).

Indebtedness; Dividends; Security Purchases; Other Terms

     The Indenture does not limit the  amount of unsecured indebtedness of  the
Company or limit the payment of dividends  or the acquisition of the Securities
or any  other  debt or  equity security  of  the Company  (but Funded  Debt  of
Restricted Subsidiaries  is  limited as  described below  under "Limitation  on
Funded Debt of Restricted Subsidiaries").
     Neither  the Indenture  nor the  Securities afford  Holders of  Securities
protection in the  event of a change in control or  similar event affecting the
Company.  In addition, the Indenture  does not afford protection to Holders  in
the event that the Company enters into a highly leveraged or  other transaction
which  may adversely affect the  Holders, except for  the limitations set forth
below under "Creation  of Secured Indebtedness," "Limitation on  Funded Debt of
Restricted Subsidiaries" and "Sale-Leaseback Financings."   The holders of  the
Company's 8 % Notes Due December 1, 1999 and 9% Debentures Due December 1, 2009
(currently outstanding in the aggregate  principal amount of $600 million) have

the  right to require the  Company to repurchase  such securities following the
occurrence  of  certain change  in  control  events or  other  Risk Events  (as
defined),  if any  such event results  in the  rating of such  securities being
lowered below Investment  Grade (as  defined) or  withdrawn. If  any rights  in
respect of such matters are granted to the Holders of any Series of Securities,
such rights will be  described in the  accompanying Prospectus Supplement.   In
the event any  change in control or  other provision requiring the  purchase of
Securities  is applicable to the Debt Securities,  the Company will comply with
Section 14(e) of  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 14e-1 thereunder
in connection with such purchases.


     For purposes of the Indenture covenants described below:
     "Funded Debt" means,  generally, indebtedness for money  borrowed maturing
more than 12  months from  the date  of determination or  extendable beyond  12
months from such date  at the option of the borrower,  and direct guarantees of
such  indebtedness of other  Persons, subject to  certain exceptions, including
exceptions  for capitalized  lease  obligations  and  indirect  guarantees  and
contingent  obligations in  respect  of indebtedness  of  other Persons,  which
exception  includes agreements to  purchase or repurchase  obligations of other
Persons,  agreements to provide funds to or invest in other Persons, agreements
to pay  for property,  products or  services of  other Persons  and any  demand
charge,  throughput,  take-or-pay,  keep-well,  make-whole  or  maintenance  of
working capital or earnings or similar agreements.
     "Net  Tangible Assets"  means  the total  assets  of the  Company and  its
Restricted  Subsidiaries  (including, with  respect  to  the  Company, its  net
investment in  Unrestricted  Subsidiaries) after  deducting  therefrom  (a) all
current liabilities (excluding  any thereof constituting Funded  Debt by reason
of  being  renewable  or  extendable)   and  (b) all  goodwill,  trade   names,
trademarks,  patents, unamortized debt  discount and expense,  organization and
developmental expenses and other  like segregated intangibles, all as  computed
by the Company  in accordance with generally accepted  accounting principles as
of a date  within 90 days  of the date as  of which the determination  is being
made; provided,  that any items  constituting deferred  income taxes,  deferred
investment tax credit or other similar items shall not be taken into account as
a liability or as a deduction from or adjustment to total assets.
     "Principal Plant" means  any brewery, or any  manufacturing, processing or
packaging  plant,  now  owned  or hereafter  acquired  by  the  Company or  any
Subsidiary, but shall not include any (a) brewery or manufacturing,  processing
or packaging plant which the Company  shall by Board Resolution have determined
is not of  material importance to the  total business conducted by  the Company
and  its Subsidiaries  or  (b) any  plant  which the  Company  shall  by  Board
Resolution  have determined is used primarily  for transportation, marketing or
warehousing.  Any such determination will be effective as of the date specified
in the applicable Board Resolution.


     "Restricted Subsidiary"  means (i) any Subsidiary which owns or operates a
Principal Plant, except any Subsidiary  incorporated, or the principal place of
business of  which is  located, outside  the United  States and  (ii) any other
subsidiary which the Company, by Board Resolution, shall elect to be treated as
a Restricted  Subsidiary, until such time as the  Company may, by further Board
Resolution,  elect  that  such  Subsidiary  shall no  longer  be  a  Restricted
Subsidiary, successive such elections being permitted without restriction.  Any
such election  will be  effective as of  the date  specified in  the applicable
Board Resolution.
     "Subsidiary" means  any corporation of  which more than 50%  of the issued

and outstanding stock entitled to vote for the election of directors (otherwise
than  by reason  of default  in dividends)  is at  the time  owned  directly or
indirectly by the Company or a Subsidiary or Subsidiaries or by the Company and
a Subsidiary or Subsidiaries (Section 101).

Creation of Secured Indebtedness

     The Indenture provides that  the Company will not, nor will  it permit any
Restricted  Subsidiary to,  create, assume,  guarantee or  suffer to  exist any
indebtedness for  borrowed money secured by pledge of,  or mortgage or lien on,
any  of  its  Principal  Plants or  on  any  capital  stock  of any  Restricted
Subsidiary (other than (a) purchase money liens, (b) liens existing at the time
of acquisition  of  property (including  through  merger or  consolidation)  or
securing indebtedness the  proceeds of which are  used to pay or  reimburse the
Company or a Restricted Subsidiary for the cost of such property (provided such
indebtedness is incurred within 180  days after such acquisition), (c) liens on
property  of  a  Restricted  Subsidiary  existing  at  the  time  it  becomes a
Restricted  Subsidiary,  (d) liens  to  secure  the  cost  of   development  or
construction of  property, or improvements  thereon, and which are  released or
satisfied within 120 days after  completion of the development or construction,
(e) liens  in connection  with  the acquisition  or  construction of  Principal
Plants  or additions  thereto  financed  by  tax-exempt  securities,  (f) liens
securing  indebtedness owing  to the  Company or a  Restricted Subsidiary  by a
Restricted  Subsidiary, (g) liens  existing  at  the  date  of  the  Indenture,
(h) liens  required in  connection with  state or  local governmental  programs
which provide financial  or tax benefits, provided the  obligations secured are
in lieu of  or reduce  an obligation  that would have  been secured  by a  lien
permitted  under the Indenture, (i) extensions, renewals or replacements of the
liens  referred to  in  clauses  (a) through (h),  (j) as  permitted under  the
provisions  described  in  the  following  two  paragraphs  herein  and  (k) in
connection  with sale-leaseback  transactions  permitted under  the Indenture),
without  effectively providing  that  the  Securities  (together with,  if  the
Company shall so determine, any other indebtedness of the Company then existing
or  thereafter  created ranking  equally  with  the  Securities and  any  other
indebtedness of such Restricted Subsidiary then existing or thereafter created)
shall be  secured by  the security  for such  secured indebtedness  equally and
ratably therewith (Section 1006(a)).
     Notwithstanding  the provisions referred  to in the  immediately preceding
paragraph,  the  Company or  any  Restricted  Subsidiary may,  without  ratably
securing  the Securities,  create, assume,  guarantee  or suffer  to exist  any
indebtedness which would otherwise be  subject to such restrictions, and renew,
extend or replace such indebtedness, provided that the aggregate amount of such
indebtedness,  when added to  the fair market value  of property transferred in
certain  sale  and  leaseback  transactions  permitted by  Section  1007(c)  as
described  below under "Sale-Leaseback Financings" and  the aggregate amount of
certain Funded Debt of Restricted  Subsidiaries permitted by Section 1008(b) as
described below under  "Limitation on Funded  Debt of Restricted  Subsidiaries"
(computed without duplication of amounts), does  not at the time exceed 10%  of
Net Tangible Assets (Section 1006(d)).
     If the  Company or  any Restricted Subsidiary  shall merge  or consolidate
with,  or  purchase  all  or  substantially  all  of  the  assets  of,  another
corporation, or  the Company shall sell all or  substantially all of its assets
to  another  corporation,  and  if  such   other  corporation  has  outstanding
obligations  secured by  a   mortgage  or  other lien  which, by  reason  of an
after-acquired  property  clause or  similar  provision,  would  extend to  any
Principal Plant owned by the  Company or such Restricted Subsidiary immediately
prior thereto, the Company or such  Restricted Subsidiary, as the case may  be,
will in  such event be deemed  to have created  a mortgage or lien,  within the
prohibition  of the  covenant  referred  to above,  unless  (i) such merger  or
consolidation  involving a Restricted  Subsidiary constitutes a  disposition by

the  Company of its interest in the Restricted Subsidiary or (ii) either (a) at
or prior to the effective date of  such merger, consolidation, sale or purchase
such lien  shall be released  of record  or satisfied  to the  extent it  would
extend  to  such Principal  Plant  or (b) prior  thereto, the  Company  or such
Restricted Subsidiary shall have created,  as security for the Securities (and,
if the Company  shall so determine, as  security for any other  indebtedness of
the  Company then  existing  or  thereafter created  ranking  equally with  the
Securities  and  any  other indebtedness  of  such  Restricted Subsidiary  then
existing or thereafter created), a valid lien which


will rank  prior to  the lien  of such  mortgage or  other lien  of such  other
corporation  on  such  Principal  Plant  of  the  Company  or  such  Restricted
Subsidiary, as the case may be (Section 1006(b)).
     In each instance referred to in the preceding paragraphs where the Company
is obligated to provide security for the Securities (except, for certain issues
of indebtedness, in  the case of transactions relating to stock of a Restricted
Subsidiary), the Company  would be required to provide  comparable security for
other  outstanding indebtedness  under  the  indentures  and  other  agreements
relating thereto.

Limitation on Funded Debt of Restricted Subsidiaries

     The Company will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to create, assume or
permit  to  exist any  Funded  Debt other  than  (i) Funded Debt  secured  by a
mortgage, pledge or lien which is permitted to such Restricted Subsidiary under
the  provisions of  Section 1006  described  above under  "Creation of  Secured
Indebtedness",  (ii) Funded  Debt   owed  to  the  Company  or  any  Restricted
Subsidiary, (iii) Funded Debt of  a corporation existing at the time it becomes
a Restricted Subsidiary, (iv) Funded Debt created in connection with, or with a
view to, compliance by such Restricted Subsidiary with  the requirements of any
program, law, statute or regulation of any federal, state or local governmental
authority and applicable to such  Restricted Subsidiary and providing financial
or tax benefits  to such Restricted Subsidiary which are not available directly
to the Company, or not available on as favorable terms, (v) guarantees existing
at the date  of the Indenture and  (vi) certain guarantees of Funded  Debt with
respect to which the Company is liable (Section 1008(a)).
     Notwithstanding  the provisions referred  to in the  immediately preceding
paragraph,  any Restricted  Subsidiary may  create, assume  or permit  to exist
Funded Debt in addition to that permitted by such provisions, and renew, extend
or replace  such  Funded Debt,  provided that  at the  time  of such  creation,
assumption, renewal, extension or replacement, and after giving effect thereto,
the aggregate amount  of such Funded Debt  which would otherwise be  subject to
such restriction,  together  with  the  aggregate amount  of  indebtedness  for
borrowed money permitted by Section  1006(d) as described above under "Creation
of Secured Indebtedness" and  the aggregate amount of the fair  market value of
property transferred  in sale and  leaseback transactions permitted  by Section
1007(c)  as described below under "Sale-Leaseback Financings" (computed without
duplication of amounts) does not at the time exceed 10% of  Net Tangible Assets
(Section 1008(b)).

Sale-Leaseback Financings

     The Indenture  provides  that  neither  the  Company  nor  any  Restricted
Subsidiary will  enter into  any sale and  leaseback transaction  involving any
Principal Plant, other than a sale by a Restricted Subsidiary to the Company or
a Restricted  Subsidiary or  a transaction  involving a  lease for  a temporary
period, not  to exceed  three years,  by the  end of  which it  is intended  to
discontinue  use of  the  property, unless  (i) the net  proceeds of  such sale

(including any purchase money mortgages  received in connection with such sale)
are at least equal to the fair market value (as determined by Board Resolution)
of such  property and (ii) within  120 days  of the transfer  of title to  such
property the Company purchases and retires a principal amount of Securities, or
repays other Funded Debt of the Company  or any Restricted Subsidiary, or makes
expenditures for  the expansion,  construction or  acquisition  of a  Principal
Plant, or  effects some combination  of such repurchases, repayments  and plant
expenditures,  equal  to  the net  proceeds  received  by the  Company  or such
Restricted Subsidiary upon such sale (Section 1007).
     Notwithstanding the restriction  referred to in the  immediately preceding
paragraph, the  Company or any  Restricted Subsidiary may transfer  property in
sale  and leaseback  transactions  which  would otherwise  be  subject to  such
restriction if the aggregate amount of the fair market value of the property so
transferred,  when added  to the  aggregate amount  of certain  Funded Debt  of
Restricted Subsidiaries permitted by  Section 1008(d) as described above  under
"Limitation on Funded Debt of Restricted Subsidiaries" and the aggregate amount
of indebtedness  for borrowed money  permitted by Section 1006(d)  as described
above under "Creation of Secured Indebtedness" (computed without duplication of
amounts), does  not at  the time  exceed 10%  of Net  Tangible Assets  (Section


     The Indenture provides  that the Company may not consolidate with or merge
into  any other  corporation or  transfer or  lease its  properties and  assets
substantially as an  entirety unless certain conditions are  met, including the
assumption  of the  Securities  by  any successor  corporation  to the  Company
(Sections 801 and 1006).


Modification of the Indenture

     Modifications and amendments of  the Indenture may be made  by the Company
and the Trustee with  consent of the Holders of a majority  in principal amount
of  the Outstanding  Securities affected  thereby (voting  as a  single class),
provided that no supplemental  indenture may reduce the principal amount  of or
interest or premium payable on any Security,  change the maturity date or dates
of  the principal,  the interest payment  dates or  other terms of  payment, or
reduce the  percentage of Holders necessary  to modify or  alter the Indenture,
without  the consent  of each  Holder of  Outstanding Debt  Securities affected
thereby  (Section 902).  The Company  and the Trustee may  modify and amend the
Indenture without  the consent of  any Holders for certain  specified purposes,
including to make any  change which, in the opinion of  counsel to the Company,
does not materially adversely affect the interests of the Holders of the Series
of Securities affected thereby (Section 901).

Events of Default, Notice and Waiver

     The Indenture defines  an Event of Default,  with respect to any  Issue of
Securities, as:  (a) default in the payment of  any interest on any Security of
that Issue, continued for 30 days, (b) default  in the payment of principal, or
premium, if any, on any  Security of that Issue when due, and, in the case of a
principal payment  becoming due  by  reason of  an optional  redemption by  the
Company, continuance of such default for 30 days, (c) default in the deposit of
a required  Sinking Fund  installment (if  any) in  respect of  such Issue  and
continuance of such default for 30 days, (d) default in the performance  of any
other covenant of the Company continued for 90 days after written notice by the
Trustee or  holders of  at least  25% in  principal amount  of the  Outstanding

Securities  of  all   Issues  affected  thereby,  and  (e) certain   events  of
bankruptcy,  insolvency or reorganization (Section  501).  Additional Events of
Default, if any, applicable to the Series or Issue of  Securities in respect of
which  this Prospectus  is being  delivered are  specified in  the accompanying
Prospectus Supplement.   Other events  or occurrences regarding the  Company or
the Securities, some  of which may be  adverse to Holders of  Securities, would
not  constitute Events  of Default  and  would not  give rise  to  the remedies
provided in the Indenture.
     If there shall occur and be continuing an Event of Default with respect to
the payment  of principal or premium, if  any, or interest or  any Sinking Fund
installment on the Securities of any  Issue, the Trustee, or the holders of  at
least 25% in principal amount of the Securities of such Issue then Outstanding,
may  declare  the  principal  amount  of  all  the  Securities  of  such  Issue
immediately due  and payable.   If there shall  occur and be  continuing (i) an
Event of Default with respect to any covenant of the  Company applicable to the
Securities of  any or all Issues or (ii) any other Event of Default referred to
above, other than payment defaults, the Trustee  or the Holders of at least 25%
in principal amount of all Securities then Outstanding in respect of  which the
Event  of  Default has  occurred (voting  as  a single  class) may  declare the
principal amount  of  all of  the Securities  so affected  immediately due  and
payable.   The Holders of a majority in principal amount of the Securities then
Outstanding  so affected  (voting as  a single  class) (or,  in the  case of  a
payment default as to any Issue, the Holders of a  majority in principal amount
of the  Securities of such Issue) may rescind  such declaration and the effects
thereof if the  default is  cured.   No Holder  of Securities  may enforce  the
Indenture except in  the case of  a refusal  or neglect of  the Trustee to  act
after notice  of default  and after  request by  the Holders  of a majority  in
principal amount of  the outstanding Securities  of any Issue  or Series as  to
which a  default  has occurred,  and the  offer to  the  Trustee of  reasonable
indemnity, but this provision does not prevent any holder of any  Security from
enforcing payment of principal or premium, if any, or interest on such holder's
Security (Sections 502, 507 and 508).
     The Indenture  provides that the  Trustee will, within  90 days after  the
occurrence  of a default with respect to any Securities, give to the Holders of
such Securities notice  of all uncured defaults (as defined,  not including any
grace periods) known to it; but, except in the case of a payment default on any
of the Securities, the Trustee will be  protected in withholding such notice if
it in good  faith determines  that the  withholding of  such notice  is in  the
interest of such Holders (Section 602).
     The Indenture contains  a provision entitling the Trustee,  subject to the
duty of the Trustee during default to  act with the required standard of  care,
to  be  indemnified by  the  Holders  of  Securities issued  thereunder  before
proceeding to exercise any right or power under the Indenture at the request of
such Holders (Section  603(e)).  The Indenture  provides that the Holders  of a
majority  in principal  amount  of  the Outstanding  Securities  of any  Series
(voting as a single class) may direct the time,  method and place of conducting
any proceeding for  any remedy available to the Trustee or exercising any trust
or power conferred upon the Trustee in respect of the Securities of such Series
(Section 512).


     The  Holders  of  a  majority  in  principal  amount  of  the  Outstanding
Securities of all  Series affected thereby (voting  as a single class)  may, on
behalf of  the Holders  of all  such  Securities, waive  certain past  defaults
except  a default  in payment  of  the principal  of,  or premium,  if any,  or
interest on any Security (Section 513).  The Holders of a majority in principal
amount of Outstanding Securities of all Series entitled to the benefits thereof
(voting as  a single class)  may waive compliance with  certain covenants under

the Indenture (Section 1010).
     The Company is required to furnish  to the Trustee, annually, a  statement
as to  the fulfillment by  the Company of  its obligations under  the Indenture
(Section 1004).

Satisfaction and Discharge

     The  Indenture provides that, at the option  of the Company, the Indenture
will  be satisfied and discharged and cease to be of further effect (except for
certain rights relating to transfers or exchanges of Securities) if all  of the
Outstanding Securities  have been  delivered to  the Trustee for  cancellation,
except  for Securities  in respect  of which the  Company has  made irrevocable
provision for payment  within one year in  accordance with the  requirements of
the Indenture (Article Four).
     At the election of  the Company, (a) the obligations of the  Company under
the Indenture  with respect to one  or more  Series of  Securities (except  for
certain  obligations  relating  to transfers  or  exchanges  of Securities)  or
(b) the obligations  of the  Company under certain  covenants contained  in the
Indenture  (including, among others,  those described above  under "Creation of
Secured Indebtedness," "Limitation  on Funded Debt of  Restricted Subsidiaries"
and "Sale     Leaseback Financings")  with respect  to one  or  more Series  of
Securities, may  be satisfied and  discharged upon the satisfaction  of certain
conditions,  including the deposit with the Trustee of money or U.S. government
obligations  sufficient  for  payment of  such  Series  of  Securities (Article

Regarding the Trustee

     For  each Series  or  Issue  of Debt  Securities,  the Trustee  under  the
applicable Indenture will  either be Chemical Bank or a new Trustee selected by
the Company, as specified in the related Prospectus Supplement or an attachment
     Chemical Bank is the Trustee under  one of the Indentures.  Chemical  Bank
also acts as trustee (or successor trustee) under the following Indentures with
the Company: (a) an Indenture  dated as of September 1, 1992  under which there
have been  issued $200,000,000 principal amount  of 6.90% Notes Due  October 1,
2002,  $200,000,000  principal amount  of  7>%  Debentures  Due July  1,  2023,
$200,000,000  principal amount of 6.75% Notes  Due June 1, 2005 and $48,000,000
principal amount of  Medium-Term Notes; (b) an Indenture dated  as of September
1, 1989  under which there has been issued  $241,729,000 principal amount of 8%
Series  A Senior Convertible Debentures Due 1996;  (c) an Indenture dated as of
August 1, 1987 under which there have been issued $200,000,000 principal amount
of 10% Sinking Fund Debentures Due July 1,  2018, $350,000,000 principal amount
of 9% Debentures  Due December 1,  2009, $250,000,000 principal  amount of  8 %
Notes Due December 1, 1999, $100,000,000 principal amount of 8 % Notes Due July
15,  1995, $225,000,000 principal  amount of Medium-Term  Notes and $60,000,000
principal  amount of  Medium-Term Notes,  Second Series;  and  (d) an Indenture
dated as  of October 1,  1982 under which  there have been  issued $150,000,000
principal  amount of  8<%  Sinking Fund  Debentures  Due December  1, 2016  and
$150,000,000 principal amount of 8 % Sinking Fund Debentures Due March 1, 2017.
Chemical  Bank also is a  party to a  credit agreement with  the Company, under
which Chemical Bank  has committed  to lend to  the Company a  maximum of  $125
     Information regarding any other Trustee under the applicable Indenture for
a Series  or Issue  of Debt Securities  will be  furnished with  the Prospectus
Supplement relating to such Series or Issue of Debt Securities.

                             BOOK-ENTRY SECURITIES

     If so indicated on the  related Prospectus Supplement, the Debt Securities

will  be issued  in book-entry  form ("Book Entry  Securities"), which  will be
represented by a single global Security, and which will


be deposited with, or on behalf of, The Depository Trust Company, as depositary
(the  "Depositary"), and will be registered in  the name of the Depositary or a
nominee of the Depositary.
     Ownership of beneficial interests in a  global Security will be limited to
participants and to  persons that may hold interests  through institutions that
have accounts with  the Depositary ("participants").   Ownership of  beneficial
interests by  participants  in a  global Security  will be  shown  on, and  the
transfer  of that  ownership interest  will be  effected only  through, records
maintained by the Depositary for such global Security.  Ownership of beneficial
interests in  such global  Security by persons  that hold  through participants
will be  shown on,  and the  transfer of  that ownership  interest within  such
participant  will  be  effected  only  through,   records  maintained  by  such
     Payment  of  principal of  and  any  premium  and interest  on  Book Entry
Securities represented by  such global Security will be made  to the Depositary
or its nominee, as the case  may be, as the sole registered owner  and the sole
Holder of the Book Entry Securities  represented thereby for all purposes under
the Indenture.   The Company,  the Trustee and their  agents will not  have any
responsibility or liability for any aspect of the Depositary's records relating
to or payments  made on account of  beneficial ownership interests in  a global
Security representing any Book Entry Securities or for maintaining, supervising
or  reviewing any  of  the  Depositary's records  relating  to such  beneficial
ownership interests.
     The Company has  been advised by the  Depositary that upon receipt  of any
payment of principal of or any premium or interest on such global Security, the
Depositary will immediately credit, on its book-entry registration and transfer
system, the accounts of participants  with payments in amounts proportionate to
their respective  beneficial interests in  the principal amount of  such global
Security as  shown on the records of the  Depositary.  Payments by participants
to  owners of  beneficial interests  in the  global Security held  through such
participants will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices,
as  is now the  case with securities  held for customer  accounts registered in
"street name", and will be the sole responsibility of such participants.
     The global Security may not be transferred except  as a whole by a nominee
of the Depositary to the Depositary or another nominee of the Depositary or  by
the  Depositary or  any such  nominee to  a successor  of the  Depositary  or a
nominee of such successor.
     The global Security representing Book Entry Securities is exchangeable for
definitive Securities in registered form, bearing interest (if any) at the same
rate  or pursuant  to  the same  formula,  having the  same  date of  issuance,
redemption provisions,  stated  maturity  and  other  terms  and  of  differing
denominations aggregating  a like amount,  only if (x) the  Depositary notifies
the Company that it  is unwilling or unable to continue as  Depositary for such
global Security or if at any time the Depositary ceases to be a clearing agency
registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
Act"), and the Company does not  appoint a successor Depository within 90  days
or (y) the Company approves such exchange.   In that event, the global Security
will  be  exchangeable for  definitive Securities  in registered  form, bearing
interest at  the  same rate,  having  the  same date  of  issuance,  redemption
provisions,  stated maturity  and other  terms  and of  differing denominations
aggregating  a like  principal  amount.   Such  definitive  Securities will  be
registered in the names of the owners of the beneficial interests in the global
Securities as provided by the Depositary's participants.
     Except as  provided above, owners  of beneficial interests in  such global
Security will  not be entitled  to receive physical  delivery of  Securities in

definitive form and will not be considered the Holders thereof for  any purpose
under the Indenture, and the global Security representing Book Entry Securities
will  not  be exchangeable.    Accordingly,  each  person owning  a  beneficial
interest in such global Security must rely on the procedures of  the Depositary
and, if such person is not a  participant, on the procedures of the participant
through which such person owns its interest, to exercise any rights of a Holder
under  the Indenture.   The  laws of  some  jurisdictions require  that certain
purchasers  of  securities  take  physical  delivery   of  such  securities  in
definitive  form.  Such limits and such laws may impair the ability to transfer
beneficial interests in a global Security.
     The  Depositary may grant proxies  and otherwise authorize participants to
give or  take any request,  demand, authorization, direction,  notice, consent,
waiver or other  action which a Holder  is entitled to  give or take under  the
Indenture.  The Company understands  that under existing industry practices, in
the event that the Company requests any action of Holders or that an owner of a
beneficial interest  in such  a global  Security desires  to give  or take  any
action which  a Holder is  entitled to  give or take  under the  Indenture, the
Depositary would  authorize the  participants holding  the relevant  beneficial
interests to give or  take such action, and  such participants would  authorize
beneficial owners owning through such participants to


give or  take  such action  or would  otherwise act  upon  the instructions  of
beneficial owners owning through them.
     The Depositary has advised  the Company that the Depositary is  a limited-
purpose trust company  organized under  the laws of  the State  of New York,  a
member  of the  Federal Reserve  System,  a "clearing  corporation" within  the
meaning of  the New  York  Uniform Commercial  Code,  and a  "clearing  agency"
registered  under the  Exchange Act.   The Depositary  was created to  hold the
securities of its  participants and to facilitate the  clearance and settlement
of securities transactions  among its participants  in such securities  through
electronic   book-entry  changes  in  accounts  of  the  participants,  thereby
eliminating the  need for  physical movement of  securities certificates.   The
Depositary's participants  include securities  brokers and  dealers (which  may
include   agents  or  underwriters  referred  to   in  the  related  Prospectus
Supplement), banks, trust  companies, clearing corporations, and  certain other
organizations  some of whom (and/or  their representatives) own the Depositary.
Access to the Depositary's book-entry system is also available to others,  such
as banks, brokers, dealers and trust companies that clear through or maintain a
custodian relationship with a participant, either directly or indirectly.

                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

     The   Company  may  sell  the  Debt  Securities  in  any  of  three  ways:
(i) through underwriters  or  dealers; (ii) directly  to  a limited  number  of
institutional purchasers  or to  a single  purchaser; or (iii) through  agents.
Any such underwriter, dealer or agent may be deemed to be an underwriter within
the meaning of  the Securities Act of 1933.   The terms of the  offering of the
Series of  Debt  Securities with  respect  to which  this  Prospectus is  being
delivered are  set forth  in the Prospectus  Supplement which  accompanies this
Prospectus, including the name or names of any underwriters, the purchase price
of such Series and the proceeds to the Company from such sale, any underwriting
discounts  and other items constituting underwriters' compensation, any initial
public offering price and any discounts or concessions which may be  allowed or
reallowed or paid to  dealers and any securities exchanges on  which the Series
may be listed.
     If underwriters are used in the sale, the Debt Securities will be acquired
by the underwriters for their own account  and may be resold from time to  time
in  one or  more transactions,  including negotiated  transactions, at  a fixed

public offering price or at varying prices determined at the time of sale.  The
Debt  Securities may  be  offered  to the  public  either through  underwriting
syndicates represented  by managing underwriters  or directly by  such managing
underwriters or other  firms.   Unless otherwise  set forth  in the  Prospectus
Supplement, the obligations of the underwriters to purchase the Debt Securities
described in the accompanying Prospectus  Supplement will be subject to certain
conditions precedent  and the  underwriters will be  obligated to  purchase all
such Debt Securities if  any are purchased.  Any initial  public offering price
and any discounts or concessions allowed or reallowed or paid to dealers may be
changed from time to time.
     Debt  Securities may  be sold directly  by the  Company or  through agents
designated by the Company  from time to time.  Any agents involved in the offer
or sale of  the Debt Securities  in respect of which  this Prospectus is  being
delivered are named, and any commissions payable  by the Company to such agents
are set  forth, in  the accompanying Prospectus  Supplement.   Unless otherwise
indicated in the Prospectus Supplement, any such agent will be acting on a best
efforts basis for the period of its appointment.
     If so indicated  in the Prospectus Supplement, the  Company will authorize
agents,  underwriters  or  dealers  to  solicit  offers  by  certain  specified
institutions to purchase the  Issue or Series of Debt Securities  to which this
Prospectus and the Prospectus Supplement relates from the Company at the public
offering  price set  forth in  the  Prospectus Supplement  pursuant to  delayed
delivery  contracts providing for payment  and delivery on  a specified date in
the future.  Such contracts will be subject only to those  conditions set forth
in the Prospectus Supplement, and the  Prospectus Supplement will set forth the
commission payable for solicitation of such contracts.
     Agents and underwriters may be entitled under agreements entered into with
the   Company  to  indemnification   by  the  Company   against  certain  civil
liabilities, including  liabilities under the  Securities Act of 1933.   Agents
and  underwriters may be customers of, engage  in transactions with, or perform
services for the Company in the ordinary course of business.


                                 LEGAL OPINION

     Certain legal  matters relating  to the Debt  Securities are  being passed
upon for the Company by its counsel, Armstrong, Teasdale, Schlafly & Davis, One
Metropolitan Square, St. Louis, Missouri 63102.


     The annual consolidated  financial statements of the  Company incorporated
in this Prospectus by reference to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the  year ended December 31, 1994 have been  so incorporated in reliance on the
report of Price Waterhouse, independent  accountants, given on the authority of
said firm as experts in auditing and accounting.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the Registrant
certifies that  it has  reasonable grounds  to believe  that it  meets all  the
requirements  for filing  on  Form S-3  and has  duly caused  this registration
statement amendment to be  signed on its  behalf by the undersigned,  thereunto
duly authorized, in the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, on the 2nd day of
August, 1995.


               By:             Jerry E. Ritter
                              (Jerry E. Ritter,
                         Executive Vice President,
                    Chief Financial and Administrative Officer)

     Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  this
registration statement amendment has been signed below by the following persons
in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

        Signature                    Title                 Date
                                Chairman of the
                                  Board and
     August A. Busch III*         President and
 --------------------------       Director            August 2, 1995
    (August A. Busch III)         (Principal
                                  Executive Officer)
                                Executive Vice
                                  President - Chief
                                  Financial and
       Jerry E. Ritter            Administrative
 --------------------------       Officer (Principal  August 2, 1995
      (Jerry E. Ritter)           Financial Officer)
                                Vice President and
      Gerald C. Thayer*           Controller
 --------------------------       (Principal          August 2, 1995
      (Gerald C. Thayer)          Accounting

                                Director              August 2, 1995
  (Pablo Aramburuzabala O.)

                                Director              August 2, 1995
    (Andrew B. Craig III)

      Bernard A. Edison*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Bernard A. Edison)

      Peter M. Flanigan*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Peter M. Flanigan)


        John E. Jacob*          Director              August 2, 1995
       (John E. Jacob)

      Charles F. Knight*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Charles F. Knight)

    Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.*      Director              August 2, 1995
   (Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.)

      Vilma S. Martinez*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Vilma S. Martinez)

       Sybil C. Mobley*         Director              August 2, 1995
      (Sybil C. Mobley)

      James B. Orthwein*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (James B. Orthwein)

      Andrew C. Taylor*         Director              August 2, 1995
      (Andrew C. Taylor)

    Douglas A. Warner III*      Director              August 2, 1995
   (Douglas A. Warner III)

     William H. Webster*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (William H. Webster)

   Edward E. Whitacre, Jr.*     Director              August 2, 1995
  (Edward E. Whitacre, Jr.)

          * By:                Jerry E. Ritter
                              (Jerry E. Ritter,
                         Executive Vice President,
                    Chief Financial and Administrative Officer)



     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities Act  of  1933, the  co-
registrant certifies that  it has reasonable grounds  to believe that it  meets
all  the  requirements  for  filing  on  Form  S-3 and  has  duly  caused  this
registration statement amendment to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized, in  the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, on the
2nd day of August, 1995.


                    By:   Jerry E. Ritter
                         (Jerry E. Ritter, Vice President-Finance)

     Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  this
registration statement amendment has been signed below by the following persons
in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

        Signature                    Title                 Date

                                Chairman of the
                                  Board  and
     August A. Busch III*         Principal
 ---------------------------      Executive Officer   August 2, 1995
    (August A. Busch III)         (Principal
                                  Executive Officer)

      Patrick T. Stokes*        President and         August 2, 1995
 ---------------------------      Director
     (Patrick T. Stokes)

                                Vice President -
       Jerry E. Ritter            Finance and
 ---------------------------      Director            August 2, 1995
      (Jerry E. Ritter)           (Principal
                                  Financial Officer)

                                Controller            August 2, 1995
      Gerald C. Thayer*           (Principal
 ---------------------------      Accounting
      (Gerald C. Thayer)          Officer)

      W. Randolph Baker*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (W. Randolph Baker)

     August A. Busch IV*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (August A. Busch IV)

     Joseph L. Goltzman*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Joseph L. Goltzman)

    James F. Hoffmeister*       Director              August 2, 1995
    (James F. Hoffmeister)

     James I. Hunter III*       Director              August 2, 1995
    (James I. Hunter III)


        John E. Jacob*          Director              August 2, 1995
       (John E. Jacob)

       Donald W. Kloth*         Director              August 2, 1995
      (Donald W. Kloth)

     Gerhardt A. Kraemer*       Director              August 2, 1995
    (Gerhardt A. Kraemer)

    Stephen K. Lambright*       Director              August 2, 1995
    (Stephen K. Lambright)

      Aloys H. Litteken*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Aloys H. Litteken)

   Ellis W. McCracken, Jr.*     Director              August 2, 1995
  (Ellis W. McCracken, Jr.)

     Anthony T. Ponturo*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (Anthony T. Ponturo)

      William L. Rammes*        Director              August 2, 1995
     (William L. Rammes)

 ---------------------------    Director              August 2, 1995
        (Jesus Rangel)

     Joseph P. Sellinger*       Director              August 2, 1995
    (Joseph P. Sellinger)

     Wayman F. Smith III*       Director              August 2, 1995
    (Wayman F. Smith III)

          * By:      Jerry E. Ritter
                    (Jerry E. Ritter, Vice President-Finance)


                             STATEMENT OF DIFFERENCES 
     The upper left-hand corner of the circulated Prospectus will contain a one
inch square corporate logo of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.  The corporate
logo consists of a silver "A" and a white eagle on a blue background.