HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY


                    HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY

1.   This Amended 1999 Executive Supplemental Retirement Plan for
     designated key executives of Homestake Mining Company is
     effective as of April 1, 1999, and amended as of September
     1, 1999 (the "Plan").


     This Plan is established to provide supplementary Retirement
     Benefits for key executives designated by the Compensation
     Committee of the Board of Directors.


     (a)  "Affiliate" means Homestake Mining Company of
          California, Homestake Canada Inc., Homestake Gold of
          Australia Limited, Plutonic Resources Limited, and any
          other affiliated organizations designated by the
          Committee to participate in the Plan.

     (b)  "Board" means the Board of Directors of Homestake
          Mining Company.

     (c)  "Change of Control" means any of the following
          events (except as specifically provided elsewhere):

          (i)  The Company or any of its Subsidiaries is a party
               to a consolidation or merger or other combination,
               or there is an acquisition by the Company or any
               of its Subsidiaries of another corporation or
               entity or its assets, or there is any other
               corporate reorganization or acquisition
               transaction in which the Company or any of its
               Subsidiaries is a participant, under the terms of
               which capital stock having less than 62.5% of the
               voting power in election of directors in the
               Company or the resulting or surviving publicly
               held corporation or entity (if not the Company) is
               held by the Stockholders of the Company
               immediately preceding such event;

          (ii) At least 75% in fair market value of the Company's
               assets are sold; or

          (iii)Capital stock having at least 25% in voting
               power in election of directors of the Company is
               acquired by any one person or group as that term
               is used in Rule 13d-5 under the Securities
               Exchange Act of 1934.

          For purposes of this Plan, holders of Homestake Canada
          Inc. Exchangeable Shares shall be deemed to be
          Stockholders of Homestake.

     (d)  "Company" or "Homestake" means Homestake Mining Company.


     (e)  "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of
          the Board, as constituted from time to time, or, in the
          event there is no such Committee of the Board, means
          the Board.

     (f)  "Compensation" means all regular base salary and
          performance bonuses paid under the Homestake Variable
          Pay Plan which are or would be reported on Form W-2 (or
          comparable form) for any calendar year; any pre-tax
          reductions of such compensation made pursuant to
          election under a Section 401(k), Cafeteria, Deferred
          Income or similar plan; and any amount of cash bonus
          for such year under the Homestake Variable Pay Plan
          that has been foregone in lieu of restricted stock
          awards.  "Compensation" does not include: directors'
          fees; amounts resulting or relating to exercise of or
          vesting in stock options, stock appreciation rights or
          other restricted stock rights under stock option and
          share rights plans (including stock received on vesting
          of restricted stock awards received in lieu of cash
          bonuses foregone); relocation or signing bonuses; loan
          forgiveness amounts; tax gross-up payments; tax
          equalization payments; other fees and commissions; and
          any other payments (or deemed payments) not described
          in the preceding sentence.

     (g)  "Normal Retirement Date" means, with respect to a
          Participant, the first day of the calendar month
          coincident with or next following the first date on
          which the Participant has both attained age 62 and
          attained a Vesting Event.

     (h)  "Participant" means a key executive of the Company
          or Affiliate who receives written notification from the
          Company that he or she has been designated as a
          participant in the Plan by the Committee, and who
          agrees to be a participant in the Plan.

     (i)  "Prior Plan" means the Amended and Restated Executive
          Supplemental Retirement Plan effective August 1, 1995,
          as modified January 23, 1998.

     (j)  "Retirement Benefit" means the benefits payable
          under this Plan, calculated in accordance with Section 4.

     (k)  "Homestake Retirement Plan" means the Homestake
          Retirement Plan, restated as of January 1, 1989, as it
          has been and may be amended and restated from time to

     (l)  "Reorganization Vesting Events" has the meaning set out
          in Section 13 hereof.

     (m)  "Service" means all periods of employment with the
          Company and any Affiliate and any other entity
          designated by the Committee.

     (n)  "Subsidiary" means any corporation or other entity that
          is controlled by the Company.

     (o)  "Vesting Event" means the earliest of the following dates:


          (i)  A Participant has attained age 55 and has
               completed 10 years of Service;

          (ii) A Participant has been a Participant in the Plan
               (and/or the Prior Plan) for five years and has
               completed 15 years of Service; or

          (iii)A Participant has attained age 55 and has
               been a Participant in the Plan (and/or the Prior
               Plan) for five years.


     (a)  Normal Retirement Benefit.  A Participant who
          retires at the Normal Retirement Date shall be entitled
          to receive a monthly Retirement Benefit equal to the
          amount determined by multiplying:

               (i)  4-1/3% by

               (ii) the complete or fractional
                    years of Service (up to a maximum of 15
                    years) by

               (iii)the average monthly
                    Compensation paid to the Participant during
                    the period of his 36 consecutive months of
                    highest Compensation (or, if employed for
                    less than 36 consecutive months, the period
                    of such Participant's actual employment);

          The monthly Retirement Benefit thus calculated
          shall be reduced by:

               (iv) commencing on the Participant's
                    attainment of age 65, (x) 50% of the
                    primary insurance amount of United
                    States Social Security which the Participant
                    would be entitled to receive if he retired
                    and commenced receipt of benefits at that
                    time, and (y) an amount equal to any
                    reduction for Canada Pension Plan, Quebec
                    Pension Plan and any similar foreign
                    employment related social security plan
                    ("foreign plans") benefits which the
                    Participant would be entitled to receive if
                    he retired and commenced receipt of benefits
                    at that time, but only to the extent the
                    Homestake Retirement Plan has been amended
                    prior to the Participant's attainment of age
                    65 to provide for such a reduction in respect
                    of foreign plans from benefits payable under
                    the Homestake Retirement Plan, and

               (v)  benefits from time to time
                    received or receivable before giving effect
                    to any spousal or contingent annuitant
                    benefit election under the Homestake
                    Retirement Plan, the Supplemental Retirement
                    Plan or any other of the Company's pension or
                    retirement plans (not including the Savings
                    Plan), and any disability plan or worker's
                    compensation plan.


     (b)  Early Retirement Benefit.  A Participant who has
          attained a Vesting Event and who is not employed by the
          Company or any of its Affiliates at the time Retirement
          Benefits are proposed to commence may request
          commencement of Retirement Benefits on the first day of
          any month after the Participant has attained age 55, by
          written request filed with, and subject to the approval
          of, the Committee.  The Committee, at its discretion,
          may withhold such approval, but in no event beyond age
          62.  If the request is approved, the Participant shall
          be entitled to receive a monthly Retirement Benefit
          determined as provided in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii)
          of paragraph (a) above, reduced as follows:

               (i)  by 4% of such amount for each
                    year (prorated on a monthly basis for parts
                    of a year) by which such commencement of
                    benefits precedes the Participant's Normal
                    Retirement Date; and

               (ii) there shall then be made the
                    reductions provided in clauses (iv) and (v)
                    of paragraph (a) above.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Committee
          withholds such approval, the Participant may
          nonetheless elect to commence receiving early
          Retirement Benefits on the date requested (or 30 days
          after the election, whichever is later), provided that,
          in addition to the reductions set out in clauses (i)
          and (ii) of this paragraph (b), the Retirement Benefit
          shall be subject to an additional penalty reduction of
          1% for each year (prorated on a monthly basis for parts
          of a year) by which such commencement of benefits
          precedes the Participant's Normal Retirement Date, up
          to a maximum additional  reduction of 5%.  Such
          election must be made within 30 days after the
          Participant receives notice from the Committee
          withholding such approval.

     (c)  Postponed Retirement Benefit.  A Participant who
          retires after the Normal Retirement Date shall receive
          a Retirement Benefit calculated as provided in
          paragraph (a), recognizing all years of Service (up to
          a maximum of fifteen years) and Compensation paid prior
          to the Participant's actual retirement.

     (d)  Surviving Spouse Benefit.  If a Participant who
          has attained a Vesting Event or a Reorganization
          Vesting Event dies, either before or after commencement
          of Retirement Benefits, the Participant's qualifying
          spouse shall receive a Surviving Spouse Benefit for
          life if the Participant did not, at the time of death,
          have in effect a valid election to receive an optional
          form of joint and survivor annuity pursuant to Section
          5.  A "qualifying spouse" is the spouse of a
          Participant at the Participant's death who has been
          lawfully married to the Participant throughout the one-
          year period ending on the Participant's death.  If the
          Participant had previously commenced receiving
          Retirement Benefits, the Surviving Spouse Benefit shall
          commence on the first day of the month following the
          Participant's death.  If the Participant had not
          previously commenced receiving Retirement Benefits, the
          Surviving Spouse Benefit shall commence on the first
          day of the month following


          the month in which the
          Participant's Normal Retirement date would have
          occurred or, at the election of the Spouse in
          accordance with the procedures set out in paragraph (b)
          above, at any time after what would have been the
          Participant's 55th birthday. In all instances, the
          Surviving Spouse Benefit shall terminate with the
          payment for the month in which the spouse's death
          occurs.  If the Participant was receiving Retirement
          Benefits at the time of the Participant's death, the
          Surviving Spouse Benefit shall equal one-half of the
          Retirement Benefit then being paid to the Participant,
          subject to further reduction as hereafter provided.  If
          the Participant was not receiving Retirement Benefits
          at the time of the Participant's death, the Surviving
          Spouse Benefit shall equal one-half of the Retirement
          Benefit which would have been payable if the
          Participant had been living and had commenced receipt
          of benefits on the date of commencement of the
          Surviving Spouse Benefit, subject to further reduction
          as hereafter provided.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
          the Surviving Spouse Benefit shall be reduced by one
          percent of such benefit for each full year in excess of
          ten that the date of birth of the surviving spouse
          occurred after the date of birth of the deceased

     (e)  For the purposes of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of
          Section 4, the payment of any benefit provided under
          this Plan shall commence on the first day of the month
          following the month in which retirement occurs or the
          month in which the election to receive Retirement
          Benefits is made.  The final payment shall be the
          payment made on the first day of the month in which
          death occurs.


     Instead of the Retirement Benefit with Surviving Spouse
     Benefit provided in Section 4, a Participant may elect to
     receive an actuarially equivalent Retirement Benefit.
     Benefits paid to a surviving spouse or contingent annuitant
     shall be governed by the optional form of benefit elected.
     The election may be made at any time and may be changed at
     any time prior to the commencement of payment of benefits.
     The optional forms of benefits are as follows:

     (a)  Surviving Spouse.  The Retirement Benefit may be
          actuarially reduced to provide a benefit to a
          qualifying surviving spouse equal to:

               (i)  the benefit the Participant
                    would have been entitled to receive, or

               (ii) two-thirds of the benefit the
                    Participant would have been entitled to

     (b)  Contingent Annuitant.  With the written consent of
          a spouse, if any, a Participant may designate a person
          other than a qualifying spouse to be a contingent
          annuitant, in which case the Retirement Benefit will be
          actuarially reduced to provide a benefit to the
          contingent annuitant equal to:

               (i)  the benefit the Participant
                    would have been entitled to receive, or


               (ii) two-thirds of the benefit the
                    Participant would have been entitled to
                    receive, or

               (iii)one-half of the benefit
                    the Participant would have been entitled to

     Any actuarial reduction in benefits made pursuant to this
     Section 5 shall be made in accordance with the actuarial
     assumptions used in computing alternative forms of benefits
     under the Homestake Retirement Plan at the time that such
     reduction is made.


     It is anticipated that the retirement benefits payable to
     Participants hereunder will exceed those to which
     Participants are entitled pursuant to the  Homestake
     Retirement Plan, the Supplemental Retirement Plan or any
     other retirement plans from time to time in effect and its
     employment policies generally and, in the event that any
     Participant becomes entitled to retirement benefits under
     said plans and policies which benefits at any time or from
     time to time are greater than those herein provided, no
     additional benefits shall be payable under this Plan.  If at
     any time the Company increases the benefits paid to persons
     then retired under the Company's retirement plans generally
     or to then retired senior executives generally, such
     increases shall be applied pro rata to all of the Retirement
     Benefits payable to Participants hereunder.  For purposes of
     this section 6, any annual adjustment to the Participants'
     retirement benefits under the Homestake Retirement Plan will
     also apply to Retirement Benefits payable hereunder.


     A Participant who ceases to be employed by the Company or
     any Subsidiary or Affiliate for any reason after having
     attained a Vesting Event or a Reorganization Vesting Event
     shall be entitled to receive Retirement Benefits as provided
     in Section 4 or Section 13.  Any Participant who ceases to
     be employed by the Company or any Subsidiary or Affiliate
     for any reason before having attained a Vesting Event or a
     Reorganization Vesting Event shall cease to be a Participant
     and shall not be entitled to received any benefits under
     this Plan except for any benefits to which such Participant
     may become entitled through re-employment.


     (a)  A Participant or his or her Beneficiary, as the case
          may be, may request, at any time after he or she
          becomes eligible to receive benefits payments under
          this Plan (including an early Retirement Benefit under
          Section 4(b)), to receive payments in a lump sum or in
          equal monthly installment payments over 10 years, based
          on the actuarial equivalent of his or her remaining
          vested benefits.  Payments may not begin prior to the
          date that is or would have been the Participant's 55th
          birthday.  The written request shall be filed with and
          be subject to the approval of, the Committee.


          The Committee, at its discretion, may withhold such
          approval. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the
          Committee withholds such approval, the Participant or
          Beneficiary may nonetheless elect to receive such
          accelerated or lump sum benefits on the date requested
          (or 30 days after the election, whichever is later),
          provided that, in addition to the reductions set out in
          clauses (i) and (ii) of Section 4(b), the amount of the
          Retirement Benefit (determined prior to actuarial
          adjustment) shall be subject to an additional penalty
          reduction of (i) 1% for each year (prorated on a
          monthly basis for parts of a year) by which
          commencement of such accelerated or lump sum benefits
          precedes the date that is or would have been the
          Participant's 62nd birthday, subject to a minimum
          reduction of 3% and a maximum reduction of 5%, and (ii)
          3% as to any other Participant.  Such election must be
          made within 30 days after the Participant or
          Beneficiary receives notice from the Committee
          withholding such approval.

     (b)  Actuarial equivalence shall be determined in accordance
          with the actuarial assumptions used in computing lump
          sum payments under the Homestake Retirement Plan at the
          time such accelerated payments begin or such lump sum
          payment is made. Such actuarial benefit shall be paid
          (or commence to be paid) within 60 days of his or her


     If the Committee determines that a Participant otherwise
     entitled to benefits under the Plan is engaged actively or
     proposes to engage actively, directly or indirectly, in
     activities which may be detrimental to the interests of the
     Company, it shall give such person written notice of the
     grounds for its determination.  The Committee shall afford
     such person an opportunity to submit to it within 60 days
     thereafter a written statement of reasons why such person
     considers such determination to be incorrect.  After
     considering such written statement and any other information
     which it determines to be relevant, the Committee shall have
     the right to terminate benefits otherwise payable under the
     Plan or to suspend them for such period as it determines to
     be appropriate.  The Committee shall advise such person of
     its action. Any determination by the Committee to suspend or
     terminate benefits shall be final and binding upon the

10.  TRUST

     (a)  The Company shall establish one or more grantor Trusts
          and the Company and Affiliates shall at least annually
          transfer over to the Trust such assets as the Company
          and Affiliates determine, in their sole discretion, are
          necessary to provide for the Company's and Affiliates'
          future liabilities created under the Plan, provided the
          assets of the Trust shall be considered part of the
          general assets of the Company and Affiliates subject to
          the claims of its general creditors.

     (b)  The provisions of the Plan shall govern rights of a
          Participant to receive distributions pursuant to the
          Plan.  The provisions of the Trust shall govern the
          rights of the Participants and the creditors of the
          Company and Affiliates to the assets transferred


          to the Trust.  The Company and Affiliates shall at all times
          remain liable to carry out its obligations under the
          Plan.  The Company's and Affiliates' obligations under
          the Plan may be satisfied with Trust assets distributed
          pursuant to the terms of the Trust.


     (a)  This Plan is intended to qualify for exemption from
          Parts II, III and IV of the Employee Retirement Income
          Security Act of 1974, as amended, as a plan maintained
          primarily for the purpose of providing deferred
          compensation for a select group of management or highly
          compensated employees under Sections 201(2), 301(a)(3)
          and 401(a)(1) of such Act, and shall be so interpreted.

     (b)  This Plan shall be administered by the Committee. The
          Committee shall have the discretion and authority to
          make, amend, interpret and enforce all appropriate
          rules and regulations for the administration of this
          Plan and decide or resolve any and all questions
          including interpretations of this Plan, as may arise in
          connection with the Plan.

     (c)  In the administration of this Plan, the Committee may,
          from time to time, employ agents and delegate to them
          such administrative duties as it sees fit and may, from
          time to time, consult with counsel who may be counsel
          to the Company.

     (d)  The decision or action of the Committee with respect to
          any question arising out of or in connection with the
          administration, interpretation and application of the
          Plan and the rules and regulations promulgated
          hereunder shall be final and conclusive and binding
          upon all persons having any interest in the Plan.

     (e)  The Company and Affiliates shall indemnify and hold
          harmless each member of the Committee against any and
          all claims, losses, damages, expenses or liabilities
          arising from any action or failure to act with respect
          to this Plan, except in the case of willful misconduct
          by that member.

     (f)  To enable the Committee to perform its functions, the
          Company and Affiliates shall supply full and timely
          information to the Committee on all matters relating to
          the compensation of its Participants, the date and
          circumstances of the retirement, disability, death or
          termination of employment of its Participants, and such
          other pertinent information as the Committee may
          reasonably require.


     The Company and Affiliates reserves the right to change or
     terminate the Plan, or both, at any time.  The Company and
     Affiliates shall promptly notify Participants of any change
     or termination.  Any change or termination will not affect
     benefits vested on the effective date of change or
     termination, but, except as provided in Section 13(a), any
     benefits or expected benefits not then vested shall be
     modified or extinguished as the case may be.  For this


     purpose, benefits shall be deemed vested when a Participant
     has attained a Vesting Event or a Reorganization Vesting


     (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, if the
          Company is dissolved or liquidated or is a party to a
          Change of Control and if (i) the Company's successor
          does not, by operation or law or prior agreement,
          assume the Company's obligations with respect to the
          Plan, or (ii) a Participant's employment is terminated
          for any reason or no reason by the Participant or by
          such successor within two years following the
          occurrence of such dissolution or liquidation, or (iii)
          a Participant's employment is terminated under
          circumstances described in Section 13(b) within two
          years following the occurrence of a Change of Control
          (collectively, "Reorganization Vesting Events" and
          individually a "Reorganization Vesting Event"), the
          benefits under the Plan of each Participant affected
          thereby shall vest fully as if such Participant had a
          total of 15 years of Service, and shall be calculated
          based on such Participant's highest average monthly
          Compensation over any 36 consecutive month period of
          actual employment prior to the Reorganization Vesting
          Event or, if the Participant has been employed for less
          than 36 consecutive months at such time, the period of
          such Participant's actual employment.  No termination
          or modification of the Plan shall affect the rights of
          a Participant to then-vested benefits pursuant to the
          preceding sentence.  If the Company is dissolved or
          liquidated or is a party to a Change of Control then,
          as to that event, the 1999 Plan may not be terminated
          or amended to reduce the benefits provided hereunder
          during the two year period following that event.

     (b)  If a Participant's employment is terminated under the
          following circumstances within two years following the
          occurrence of a Change of Control, any unvested
          benefits of such Participant under the Plan shall vest
          fully if:

          (i)  The Participant's employment is terminated
               involuntarily for reasons other than death,
               disability or discharge for "Good and Sufficient
               Cause" (as defined below); or

          (ii) The Participant voluntarily chooses to terminate
               employment for "Good Reason" (as defined below).

     (c)  Benefits so vested pursuant to this Section 13 shall be
          payable commencing on the later of attainment of age
          fifty-five or the first day of the month following the
          Reorganization Vesting Event; provided, however, that
          the amount of such benefits shall be reduced as
          provided in clauses (i) and (ii) of Section 4(b) hereof
          for any Participant for whom commencement of benefits
          precedes such Participant's Normal Retirement Date.
          Sections 4(d) and (e) and Sections 5 and 6 shall apply
          to benefits payable pursuant to this Section 13.


     (d)  Any Participant or his or her Beneficiary, as the case
          may be, receiving or entitled to receive benefits under
          this Section 13 may request, at any time, to receive
          payments in a lump sum or in equal monthly installment
          payments over 10 years, based on the actuarial
          equivalent of his or her remaining vested benefits.
          Payments may not begin prior to the date that is or
          would have been the Participant's 55th birthday.  The
          written request shall be filed with and be subject to
          the approval of, the Committee.  The Committee, at its
          discretion, may withhold such approval. Notwithstanding
          the foregoing, if the Committee withholds such
          approval, the Participant or Beneficiary may
          nonetheless elect to receive such accelerated or lump
          sum benefits on the date requested (or 30 days after
          the election, whichever is later), provided that, in
          addition to the reductions set out in clauses (i) and
          (ii) of Section 4(b), the amount of the Retirement
          Benefit (determined prior to actuarial adjustment)
          shall be subject to an additional penalty reduction of
          (i) 1% for each year (prorated on a monthly basis for
          parts of a year) by which commencement of such
          accelerated or lump sum benefits precedes the date that
          is or would have been the Participant's 62nd birthday,
          subject to a minimum reduction of 3% and a maximum
          reduction of 5%, and (ii) 3% as to any other
          Participant.  Such election must be made within 30 days
          after the Participant or Beneficiary receives notice
          from the Committee withholding such approval. Actuarial
          equivalence shall be determined in accordance with the
          actuarial assumptions used in computing lump sum
          payments under the Homestake Retirement Plan at the
          time such accelerated payments begin or such lump sum
          payment is made. Such actuarial benefit shall be paid
          (or commence to be paid) within 60 days of his or her

     (e)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Participant or
          Beneficiary fails to make any request or election under
          clause (d) of this Section 13 and the federal, state,
          provincial or local taxing authorities for the
          Participant's or Beneficiary's jurisdiction of
          residence subsequently contends that the Participant or
          Beneficiary had constructive receipt of benefits
          hereunder because of the rights provided by clause (d),
          then the Participant or Beneficiary may elect a lump
          sum with respect to the actuarial equivalent of his or
          her remaining vested benefits hereunder within 30 days
          receiving notice of such contention.  Such lump sum
          will be paid within 30 days of receipt of the
          Participant's or Beneficiary's written election to
          receive such lump sum, accompanied by a copy of the
          notice from the applicable taxing authority.

      (f) As used herein:

          (i)  "Good and Sufficient Cause" means any act of fraud
               or dishonesty, or conviction of a felony involving
               moral turpitude or a Participant knowingly
               engaging in acts seriously detrimental to any of
               the operations of the Company.

          (ii) Voluntary termination of employment by a
               Participant for "Good Reason" means termination
               after a Change of Control of the Company following the


               occurrence of one of the following events
               without the Participant's express written consent:

               (A)  The assignment by the Company to the
                    Participant of any duties inconsistent with
                    the Participant's positions, duties,
                    responsibilities, and status with the Company
                    immediately prior to the Change of Control;
                    provided, however, that for purposes of this
                    subclause (A), the amount "50%" shall be
                    substituted for "62.5%" in Section 3(c)(i)
                    above (definition of "Change of Control") and
                    Sections 3(c)(ii) and (iii) shall not apply;

                (B) A material reduction in the Participant's
                    responsibilities, titles, or offices as in
                    effect immediately prior to the Change of
                    Control, or any removal of the Participant
                    from or any failure to re-elect the
                    Participant to any such positions, except in
                    connection with the involuntary termination
                    of the Participant's employment for Good and
                    Sufficient Cause, or as a result of the
                    Participant's death, disability or
                    retirement, or voluntary termination by the
                    Participant for other than Good Reason;
                    provided, however, that for purposes of this
                    subclause (B), the amount "50%" shall be
                    substituted for "62.5%" in Section 3(c)(i)
                    above (definition of "Change of Control");

               (C)  A reduction by the Company in the
                    Participant's base salary as in effect
                    immediately prior to the Change of Control;

               (D)  If there has been a change in the principal
                    executive office of the Company to a location
                    more than 50 miles from the location of the
                    principal executive office of the Company
                    immediately prior to the Change of Control,
                    the requirement by the Company that the
                    Participant be based anywhere other than
                    within a 50-mile radius of your location
                    immediately prior to the Change of Control,
                    except for required travel on the Company's
                    business to an extent substantially
                    consistent with the Participant's business
                    travel obligations immediately prior to the
                    Change of Control; provided, however, that
                    this subclause (D) shall not apply if the new
                    location at which the Participant is to be
                    based is as close to or closer to the
                    Participant's principal residence than the
                    prior location at which the Participant was

               (E)  The requirement by the Company that the
                    Participant be based anywhere other than
                    within a 50-mile radius of the Participant's
                    location immediately prior to the Change of
                    Control, except for required travel on the
                    Company's business to an extent substantially
                    consistent with the Participant's travel
                    obligations immediately prior to the Change
                    of Control; provided, however,


                    that for purposes of this subclause (E), the
                    amount "50%" shall be substituted for "62.5%" in
                    Section 3(c)(i) above (definition of "Change
                    of Control") and Sections 3(c)(ii) and (iii)
                    shall not apply; and provided, further, that
                    this subclause (E) shall not apply if the new
                    location at which the Participant is to be
                    based is as close to or closer to the
                    Participant's principal residence than the
                    prior location at which the Participant was
                    based; or

               (F)  The failure by the Company to continue in
                    effect, or a change of the Participant's
                    participation or benefits under, any bonus or
                    incentive compensation plan, any employee
                    benefit plan qualified under Section 401 (a)
                    of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as
                    amended from time to time (the "Code"), any
                    stock ownership, stock purchase, stock option
                    or other equity incentive plan, any life,
                    health, accident, disability or similar plan
                    providing welfare benefits or any plan or
                    program of fringe benefits in which the
                    Participant participates immediately prior to
                    a Change of Control ("Existing Plans"), the
                    effect of which would be to materially reduce
                    the total value, in the aggregate, of the
                    Participant's benefits under all Existing
                    Plans and all amendments thereto and plans
                    substituted therefor, as compared to the
                    Participant's benefits under Existing Plans
                    as they existed immediately prior to the
                    Change of Control, or the failure by the
                    Company to provide the Participant with the
                    number of paid vacation days to which the
                    Participant was entitled in accordance with
                    the Company's general vacation policy for key
                    executives in effect immediately prior to the
                    Change of Control.

     (g)  Some or all of the events which constitute a Change of
          Control for purposes of this Plan also may constitute a
          change of control under Sections 280G and 4999 of the
          Internal Revenue Code ("Code") and related proposed
          regulations ("Regulations").  In the event a Change of
          Control occurs which also constitutes a change of
          control under the Code and Regulations and which
          subjects a Participant or Beneficiary to excise taxes
          under the Code and Regulations, the Participant or
          Beneficiary will be entitled to receive a "gross-up
          payment" in an amount sufficient to pay the excise tax,
          the taxes (including the excise tax) on the gross-up
          payment, and any related interest and penalties.
          Whether a Participant or Beneficiary is subject to the
          excise tax and the amount of the gross-up payment shall
          be determined by a law firm, a certified public
          accounting firm, and/or a firm of recognized executive
          compensation consultants selected by the Company (the
          "Consultant").  Determinations of the Consultant shall
          be binding upon the Participant or Beneficiary and the
          Company.  Unless the Consultant concludes that a
          contrary method is clearly preferable, the gross-up
          payment shall be calculated on the assumption that the
          Participant or Beneficiary is subject to tax at the sum
          of the maximum marginal tax rates applicable to the
          state of residence of the Participant or Beneficiary,
          with no adjustment for the amount of income, for


          the deduction of state taxes on a federal return, for the
          deduction of federal tax on a state return, for the
          loss of itemized deductions or exemptions, or for any
          other purpose, and the Company shall make the gross-up
          payment in a lump sum within 10 days of receipt of the
          Consultant's determination.  The Consultant shall
          provide the Participant or Beneficiary and the Company
          with a written notice of the amount of the excise taxes
          that is required to be paid and the amount of the gross-
          up payment, including any necessary calculations in
          support of its conclusions.  The Company shall pay all
          fees and expenses of the Consultant.
          The Participant or Beneficiary shall notify the Company
          in writing within five days if the Internal Revenue
          Service takes the position that the amount of excise
          tax paid was incorrect.  The Company shall have the
          right to challenge any excise tax determinations made
          by the Internal Revenue Service, and the Participant or
          Beneficiary shall cooperate fully with the Company in
          connection with any such challenge.  The Company shall
          control any such challenge and shall bear all costs
          associated with the challenge. After the Company has
          exhausted the rights to challenge the determination or
          indicated that it intends to concede or settle the
          excise tax determination, the gross-up payment shall be
          recalculated by the Consultant to reflect the actual
          excise taxes and any related interest and penalties.
          The Company shall pay to the Participant or Beneficiary
          any deficiency in the gross-up payment and any related
          interest and penalties payable (or the Participant or
          Beneficiary shall return to the Company any excess
          gross-up payment and any interest received thereon)
          within 10 days of receipt of the revised calculations
          from the Consultant.


     (a)  Except as provided by the Trust, Participants and their
          Beneficiaries, heirs, successors and assigns shall have
          no legal or equitable rights, interest or claims in any
          property or assets of the Company or its Affiliates.
          With respect to the Plan, any Plan Agreement and the
          Trust, any and all of the Company's and Affiliates'
          assets shall be, and shall remain, the general,
          unpledged unrestricted assets of the Company and its
          Affiliates, except as provided by the Trust.

     (b)  The Company's and its Affiliates' liability for the
          payment of benefits shall be defined only by the Plan.
          The Company and its Affiliates shall have no obligation
          to a Participant under the Plan except as expressly
          provided in the Plan.

     (c)  Neither a Participant nor any other person shall have
          any right to sell, assign, transfer, pledge,
          anticipate, mortgage or otherwise encumber, transfer,
          hypothecate or convey in advance of actual receipt, the
          amounts, if any, payable hereunder, or any part
          thereof, which are, and all rights to which are,
          expressly declared to be unassignable and non-
          transferable, except that the foregoing shall not apply
          to any family support obligations set forth in a court
          order.  No part of the amounts payable shall, prior to
          actual payment, be subject to seizure or sequestration
          for the payment of any debts, judgments, alimony or
          separate maintenance owed by a Participant or


          any other person, nor be transferable by operation of law
          in the event of a Participant's or any other person's
          bankruptcy or insolvency.

     (d)  The terms and conditions of this Plan shall not be
          deemed to constitute a contract of employment between
          the Company or any Affiliate and the Participant.  Such
          employment is an "at will" employment relationship that
          can be terminated at any time for any reason, with or
          without cause, unless expressly provided in a written
          employment agreement.  Nothing in this Plan shall be
          deemed to give a Participant the right to be retained
          in the service of any Company or Affiliate or to
          interfere with the right of any Company or Affiliate
          to discipline or discharge the Participant at any time.

     (e)  A Participant shall cooperate with the Company or
          Affiliate by furnishing any and all information
          requested by the Company or Affiliate and take such
          other actions as may be requested in order to
          facilitate the administration of the Plan and the
          payments of benefits hereunder, including but not
          limited to taking such physical examinations as any
          Company or Affiliate may deem necessary.

     (f)  Whenever any words are used herein in the masculine,
          they shall be construed as though they were in the
          feminine in all cases where they would so apply; and
          wherever any words are used herein in the singular or
          in the plural, they shall be construed as though they
          were used in the plural or the singular, as the case
          may be, in all cases where they would so apply.

     (g)  The captions of the articles, sections and paragraphs
          of this plan are for convenience only and shall not
          control or affect the meaning or construction of any of
          its provisions.

     (h)  The provisions of this Plan shall be construed and
          interpreted according to the laws of the State of

     (i)  In case any provision of this Plan shall be illegal or
          invalid for any reason, said illegality or invalidity
          shall not affect the remaining parts hereof, but this
          Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal
          and invalid provision had never been inserted herein.

     (j)  Any notice or filing required or permitted to be given
          to the Committee under this Plan shall be sufficient if
          in writing and hand-delivered, or sent by registered or
          certified mail, to the address below:

                         Homestake Mining Company
                         Attn: Compensation Committee
                         650 California Street
                         San Francisco, CA 94108

          Such notice shall be deemed given as of the date of
          delivery or, if delivery is


          made by mail, as of the date shown on the postmark on
          the receipt for registration or certification.

     (k)  Any notice or filing required or permitted to be given
          to a Participant under this Plan shall be sufficient if
          in writing and hand-delivered, or sent by mail, to the
          last known address of the Participant.

     (l)  The provisions of this Plan shall bind and inure to the
          benefit of the Company and its Affiliates and their
          successors and assigns and the Participant, the
          Participant's Beneficiaries, and their permitted
          successors and assigns.

     (m)  The interest in the benefits hereunder of a spouse of a
          Participant who has predeceased the Participant shall
          automatically pass to the Participant and shall not be
          transferable by such spouse in any manner, including
          but not limited to such spouse's will, nor shall such
          interest pass under the laws of intestate succession.

     (n)  If a benefit under this Plan is to be paid to a minor,
          a person declared incompetent or to a person incapable
          of handling the disposition of that person's property,
          the Committee may direct payment of such benefit to the
          guardian, legal representative or person having the
          care and custody of such minor, incompetent or
          incapable person.  The Committee may require proof of
          minority, incompetence, incapacity or guardianship, as
          it may deem appropriate prior to distribution of the
          benefit.  Any payment of a benefit shall be a payment
          for the account of the Participant and the
          Participant's Beneficiary, as the case may be, and
          shall be a complete discharge of any liability under
          the Plan for such payment amount.


     If, for any reason, all or any portion of a Participant's
     benefits under this Plan become taxable to the Participant
     prior to receipt, a Participant may petition the Committee
     for a distribution of assets sufficient to meet the
     Participant's tax liability (including additions to tax,
     penalties and interest).  Upon the grant of such a petition,
     which grant shall not be unreasonably withheld, the Company
     and it Affiliates shall cause to be distributed to the
     Participant immediately available funds in an amount equal
     to the Participant's federal, state and local tax liability
     associated with such taxation (which amount shall not exceed
     a Participant's accrued benefit under the Plan), which
     liability shall be measured by using that Participant's then
     current highest federal, state and local marginal tax rate,
     plus the rates or amounts for the applicable additions to
     tax, penalties and interest.  If the petition is granted,
     the tax liability distribution shall be made within 90 days
     of the date when Participant's petition is granted.  Such a
     distribution shall affect and reduce the benefits to be paid
     subsequently hereunder.


     If a Participant or Beneficiary ("Claimant") believes that
     he or she is entitled to a benefit or greater benefit as the
     case may be, under the Plan, the Claimant may submit a signed,


     written application to the Committee within 90 days
     of having been denied such benefit.  The Claimant will
     generally be notified of the approval or denial of this
     application within 90 days of the date that the Committee
     receives the application.  If the claim is denied, the
     denial will state specific reasons for the denial and the
     Claimant will have 60 days to file a signed, written request
     for a review of the denial with the Committee.  This request
     should include the reasons for requesting a review, facts
     supporting the request and any other relevant comments.  The
     Committee, operating pursuant to its discretionary authority
     to administer and interpret the Plan and to determine
     eligibility for benefits under the terms of the Plan, will
     generally make a final, written determination of the
     Claimant's eligibility for benefits within 60 days of
     receipt of the request for review.


     Any controversy between a Participant and the Company or its
     Affiliates involving the construction or application of any
     of the terms, provisions, or conditions of this Plan shall
     be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial
     Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association,
     then in effect, and judgment on the award rendered by the
     arbitrator(s) may be entered by any court having
     jurisdiction thereof.  The exclusive place of arbitration
     shall be San Francisco, California.  The expenses reasonably
     incurred by both parties in connection with arbitration,
     including attorney fees, shall be borne by the Company and
     its Affiliates.


     This Plan superceded and replaced the Prior Plan, and all
     rights, if any, that the undersigned Participant may have
     had under the Prior Plan terminated.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Homestake Mining Company has adopted
this 1999 Executive Supplemental Retirement Plan, effective April
1, 1999, amended as of September 1, 1999.

                                   HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY

__________________________         By: ________________________
    Date of Execution


     I have read and understand and agree to the 1999 Executive
Supplemental Retirement Plan, as amended as of September 1, 1999
("Plan"), set out above.   I acknowledge that the Plan


defines the entire obligation of Homestake and its Affiliates with
respect to the benefits identified therein and is limited to
those benefits.

Date:__________________                ________________________
