
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): January 29, 2004

                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                   13-3245741
(State of incorporation)                  (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

        500 West Jefferson Street
          PNC Plaza-19th Floor
          Louisville, Kentucky                               40202-2823
(Address of principal executive office)                      (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (502) 589-8100


Item 12. Results of Operations and Financial Condition.

         See the following press release, dated January 29, 2004, announcing
Commonwealth Industries, Inc.'s results of operations for the Fourth Quarter
and Full Year 2003:

                           Contact:     Kim S. Knotts
                                        Director of Investor Relations
                                        (502) 588-8207

                      AND FULL YEAR 2003 FINANCIAL RESULTS

o    Fourth quarter aluminum shipments strongest for the year
o    Lead times in 2004 the longest in four years
o    Full-year and quarter periods impacted by goodwill impairment charges
o    Accounting-related hedge gain recorded in quarter
o    Estimated aluminum shipments for the first six months of 2004 are
       440-480m lbs.

     LOUISVILLE,  KENTUCKY  (January 29, 2004) - Commonwealth  Industries,  Inc.
(NASDAQ/NM:  CMIN) today announced results for the fourth quarter and year ended
December 31, 2003. The  resurgence in aluminum  shipments that began in the 2003
third quarter  accelerated in the fourth quarter,  as indicated by a further 10%
increase in aluminum  shipments over the 2003 third quarter,  from 195.4 million
pounds to 215.2  million  pounds,  the  highest  level of the  year.  It is also
notable that while aluminum  shipments  declined 4% from the prior year's robust
224.8 million pound fourth  quarter,  the  year-to-year  volume  decline for the
quarter includes the effects of the Company's planned annual maintenance outages
at all of the Company's  aluminum plants in the 2003 fourth  quarter.  (The last
prior  maintenance  shutdowns  had been planned and were taken in the 2003 first
quarter instead of the 2002 fourth quarter.)

     Fourth quarter 2003 operating results were also affected by two significant
non-cash  accounting-related  effects.  Inclusive of those effects,  the Company
reported  a net loss of $25.6  million  or $1.60 per share  versus net income of
$6.4  million  or $0.40 per share in the fourth  quarter  of 2002.  The first of
those effects is a charge of $29.6 million,  or $1.85 per share,  resulting from
impairment  of  the  carrying  value  of  goodwill  relating  to  the  Company's
electrical  products business.  Also included in the fourth quarter 2003 results
is a gain of approximately $5.6 million, or $0.35 per share, relating to certain
aluminum hedge transactions.

     Impairment of the carrying  value of goodwill was  determined in accordance
with the annual review  conducted by the Company in the fourth quarter as called
for under  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 142,  "Goodwill and
Other  Intangible  Assets" (SFAS No. 142).  The $29.6 million charge reduces the
remaining  goodwill  balance as of December 31, 2003, to $19.3  million,  all of
which is  associated  with the  Company's  electrical  products  business.  This
adjustment  to the  goodwill  carrying  value  follows  a $25.3  million  charge
previously recorded as a cumulative change in accounting principle as of January
1, 2002, in accordance  with the  transitional  test required  under the initial

implementation  of SFAS No. 142.  The fourth  quarter 2003  goodwill  impairment
charge  reflects  a more  conservative  long-term  outlook  by the  Company of a
continuing highly competitive,  commodity/volume/cost-driven environment for its
electrical products business.

     The $5.6  million,  or $0.35 per share,  gain  relating to  aluminum  hedge
transactions  resulted from a determination  by the Company that hedges in place
to reduce its  exposure  to aluminum  price  fluctuations  did not meet  certain
"effectiveness"  requirements  set forth in Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
Standards No. 133 (SFAS No. 133). Accordingly,  as required by the provisions of
SFAS No. 133,  the Company  recognized  the full gain by  marking-to-market  the
London Metal Exchange-based derivative contracts held by the Company as hedges.

     Notwithstanding  the mandated  recognition  of the $5.6 million gain in the
2003 fourth  quarter,  the Company  takes care to caution  that as the  physical
metal  purchases  represented  by these  contracts  are priced in the market and
delivered to the Company for  processing in future  periods,  the related higher
metal prices will result in future lower  margins and  corresponding  offsets to
the $5.6 million gain being  recorded.  Further,  the Company  estimates that an
additional $1.4 million gain from  "ineffectiveness" in prior 2003 quarters will
also be offset by higher costs in future periods, resulting in an aggregate cost
carry-over of $7.0 million into future periods  (predominantly in the first half
of 2004).  The  Company  retains the strong  conviction  that hedges in place to
reduce its exposure to aluminum  price  fluctuations  are  effective  and highly
suitable in an economic  sense,  but recognizes that adherence to the provisions
of SFAS No. 133 requires that the hedges meet certain  mandated  "effectiveness"
requirements to receive deferred accounting treatment.

     For the year,  net sales fell 5% to $920.0  million from $966.2  million in
2002. Gross profit for the 2003 year decreased 15% to $57.4 million versus $67.3
million for 2002. Including the 2003 goodwill impairment charge of $29.6 million
and the $25.3 million goodwill impairment charge recorded as a cumulative effect
of change in accounting  principle in 2002, the Company  reported a net loss for
2003 of $31.1 million,  or $1.94 per share,  compared with a net loss in 2002 of
$16.2 million, or $1.00, per diluted share.

     As mentioned at the outset,  aluminum  shipments in the 2003 fourth quarter
reached  the highest  level of the year at 215.2  million  pounds,  10% over the
third  quarter,  21% over the  second  quarter  and 17% over the first  quarter.
Aluminum shipments were just 4% below the 2002 fourth quarter despite the annual
maintenance  shutdown taken during the 2003 quarter. For the full year, aluminum
shipments  declined  15% from  905.0  million  pounds to 772.5  million  pounds,
reflecting  the relative  weakness in the earlier  quarters of 2003.  Electrical
product  shipments  declined 7% in the 2003 fourth quarter to 104.0 million feet
from 111.9 million feet in the prior-year quarter, consistent with the full year
7% decline to 454.8 million feet from 486.7 million feet in 2002, and indicative
of the  persistent  softness that  prevailed  throughout  2003 in the commercial
construction markets served by the Company.

     The Company's  gross profit margin for the fourth quarter  declined to 8.0%
from 9.1% in the year-earlier period. Aluminum business gross profit margin fell
to 7.2% from 8.4% in the  year-earlier  quarter due to the net effects of higher
net selling  prices  offset by higher  metal  purchase  prices,  the hedge gains
described  earlier,  higher  manufacturing  unit  costs  associated  with  lower

shipment  levels and costs  related to the  planned  outages.  In the  Company's
electrical  products  business,  gross  profit  margin  improved to 15.1% in the
fourth  quarter of 2003 from  12.6% in the same  period  last  year,  reflecting
reduced costs from the Company's Lean  Manufacturing  initiatives that more than
offset higher raw material costs.

     For the year, the Company's  gross profit margin declined to 6.2% from 7.0%
in 2002. The gross profit margin for the Company's  aluminum  products  business
was flat at 5.5% year-over-year.  The gross profit margin for Alflex declined to
11.7% in 2003  from  16.1% in 2002,  primarily  reflecting  the  impact of lower
volume  and the  related  impact  on  manufacturing  efficiency,  and  continued
pressure on selling  prices  resulting  from a sustained  decline in  commercial
construction activity and the competitive price environment.

     Selling,  general and administrative expenses (SG&A) for the fourth quarter
of 2003 were  essentially  flat at $12.3  million  versus  $12.2  million in the
fourth quarter of 2002. For the year, SG&A declined 3% to $45.6 million, 5.0% of
net sales in 2003 versus 4.9% of net sales in 2002.

     At December  31,  2003,  Commonwealth  had $379.8  million in total  assets
compared  with  $428.9  million  last year,  and  stockholders'  equity of $76.0
million   versus   $107.2   million   at  the  end  of   2002.   The   Company's
debt-to-capitalization  was 62% at December 31, 2003, compared with 54% one year
ago.  Each of the  foregoing  changes  reflected  the  impact  of the  Company's
goodwill impairment charges recorded in 2003 and 2002.

     President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  Mark V.  Kaminski  said,  "We are
heartened by the fact that the fourth  quarter was our strongest  quarter of the
year in terms of aluminum  shipments,  and we are optimistic as current bookings
indicate a strong market through  mid-year.  Gross profit at our Alflex business
also improved in the fourth quarter versus the prior-year quarter, and I believe
that by taking a more conservative outlook for our electrical products business,
as reflected in the fourth quarter goodwill  impairment  charge,  we are setting
the stage for future stability and growth in that business sector.

     "Although the Company would have strongly preferred to defer the hedge gain
of $5.6 million recorded in the 2003 fourth quarter, aggregating to $7.0 million
for the full  year,  in order to  achieve a closer  match to the  increased  raw
material  costs that will now depress our margins in 2004, we are mindful of the
exacting  provisions  set  forth in SFAS  No.  133 that  require  the  treatment
accorded these transactions.

     "We  worked  very  hard in 2003 at  helping  our  customers  improve  their
businesses  and  gear  their  production  more  closely  to  demand,"   Kaminski
continued. "Through innovations such as short lead-time programs, Rapid Response
Depot and  Solutions  Engineering,  Commonwealth  is looking  at its  customers'
individual needs, providing the ability for our customers to buy material closer
to  actual  requirements.  In  addition,  we are  working  on ways to share  the
benefits of reduced inventory, higher inventory turns and shorter lead times."

     Kaminski  concluded,  "While we cannot  predict when and to what extent the
looming economic recovery will benefit our businesses,  we are highly encouraged
by the  strengthening  outlook  taking  shape as we begin 2004.  We estimate the
first six months of 2004 aluminum  shipments to be 440 to 480 million pounds. We
will continue to concentrate on improving  customer  service  support,  reducing
costs through Lean Manufacturing and creating  innovative  solutions to meet our
customers' needs.  Helping our customers grow their businesses allows us to be a
better  strategic  supplier and  positions  us for improved  market share as the
economy improves."

     Commonwealth's  management  will discuss the Company's  fourth  quarter and
year-end  results during an online Web simulcast on Thursday,  January 29, 2004,
at  10:00  a.m.   Eastern   Time.   The  Web   simulcast   can  be  accessed  at
www.ciionline.com by selecting "Investor Relations",  then "Live Webcast Q4 2003
Commonwealth  Industries  Earnings  Conference  Call." An  online  replay of the
simulcast will be available  approximately two hours following the conclusion of
the live broadcast and will continue through February 28, 2004, at the Company's
web site.

     Commonwealth  Industries is one of North America's leading manufacturers of
aluminum  sheet  for  distributors  and the  transportation,  construction,  and
consumer  durables  end-use  markets.   The  Company  has  direct-chill  casting
facilities in Kentucky and continuous casting mini-mills in Ohio and California.
Commonwealth also is a leading  manufacturer of innovative  electrical  products
through  its  Alflex  operations  in  California  and North  Carolina.  For more
information   about   the   Company,    visit   Commonwealth's   web   site   at

     Certain   statements  set  forth  above,  may  constitute   forward-looking
statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995.  All  statements  regarding the Company's and its  subsidiaries'  expected
future  financial  position,  results  of  operations,  cash  flows,  funds from
operations,  dividends,  financing plans, business strategy,  budgets, projected
costs, capital expenditures,  competitive positions and growth opportunities are
forward-looking   statements.  Such  forward-looking  statements  are  based  on
management's   current   expectations  and  include  known  and  unknown  risks,
uncertainties and other factors,  many of which the Company is unable to predict
or  control,  that may cause the  Company's  actual  results or  performance  to
materially differ from any future results or performance expressed or implied by
such statements.  Such factors may include,  without limitation,  the success of
the implementation of the company-wide  information system, the effect of global
economic  conditions,  the  ability  to  achieve  the level of cost  savings  or
productivity  improvements  anticipated  by  management,  the effect  (including
possible  increases  in the  cost  of  doing  business)  resulting  from  war or
terrorist  activities or political  uncertainties,  the ability to  successfully
implement new marketing and sales strategies, the impact of competitive products
and pricing, product development and commercialization, availability and cost of
critical  raw  materials,  the  ability  to  effectively  hedge  the cost of raw
materials,  capacity and supply constraints or difficulties,  the success of the
Company in implementing  its business  strategy,  and other risks as detailed in
the Company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.
                 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations
                      (in thousands except per share data)

                                                                              Three Months Ended               Year Ended
                                                                                 December 31,                  December 31,
                                                                             2003            2002         2003            2002
                                                                          -----------    -----------    ----------    -----------
Net sales                                                                  $   244,837     $  238,719   $   920,042     $  966,238
Cost of goods sold                                                             225,303        216,994       862,619        898,927
                                                                           -----------     ----------   -----------     ----------
    Gross profit                                                                19,534         21,725        57,423         67,311
Selling, general and administrative expenses                                    12,253         12,198        45,564         46,977
Goodwill impairment charges                                                     29,607             --        29,607             --
                                                                           -----------     ----------   -----------     ----------
    Operating income (loss)                                                    (22,326)         9,527       (17,748)        20,334
Other income (expense), net                                                        440            818         1,771          1,636
Interest expense, net                                                           (3,700)        (3,740)      (14,915)       (15,146)
                                                                           -----------     ----------   -----------     ----------
    Income (loss) before income taxes and cumulative
      effect of change in accounting principle                                 (25,586)         6,605       (30,892)         6,824
Income tax expense (benefit)                                                        34            240           184         (2,292)
                                                                           -----------     ----------   -----------     ----------
    Income (loss) before cumulative effect of
      change in accounting principle                                           (25,620)         6,365       (31,076)         9,116
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle                                 --             --            --        (25,327)
                                                                           -----------     ----------   -----------     ----------
    Net income (loss)                                                      $   (25,620)    $    6,365   $   (31,076)    $  (16,211)
                                                                           ===========     ==========   ===========     ==========

Basic net income (loss) per share:
   Income (loss) before cumulative effect of
     change in accounting principle                                        $     (1.60)   $      0.40   $     (1.94)   $      0.57
   Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle                              --             --            --          (1.58)
                                                                           -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
   Net income (loss)                                                       $     (1.60)   $      0.40   $     (1.94)   $     (1.01)
                                                                           ===========    ===========   ===========    ===========
Diluted net income (loss) per share:
   Income (loss) before cumulative effect of
     change in accounting principle                                        $     (1.60)   $      0.40   $     (1.94)   $      0.57
   Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle                              --             --            --          (1.57)
                                                                           -----------    -----------   -----------    -----------
   Net income (loss)                                                       $     (1.60)   $      0.40   $     (1.94)   $     (1.00)
                                                                           ===========    ===========   ===========    ===========
Weighted average shares outstanding:
    Basic                                                                       16,011         15,998        16,011         15,994
    Diluted                                                                     16,011         16,086        16,011         16,097

Dividends paid per share                                                   $        --     $     0.05   $      0.10     $     0.20

                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.
                       Operating and Financial Statistics
                  (dollars in thousands except per share data)

                                                                         Three Months Ended                   Year Ended
                                                                            December 31,                      December 31,
                                                                        2003            2002             2003            2002
                                                                     -----------    -----------       -----------    -----------
Net sales volume:
    Aluminum products                                                $   220,759    $   212,768       $   819,357    $   853,849
    Electrical products                                              $    24,078    $    25,951       $   100,685    $   112,389

Shipment volume:
    Aluminum products (millions lbs.)                                      215.2          224.8             772.5          905.0
    Electrical products (millions ft.)                                     104.0          111.9             454.8          486.7

Production volume:
    Aluminum products (millions lbs.)                                      224.8          231.9             773.3          925.4
    Electrical products (millions ft.)                                     115.5          108.4             457.7          482.7

Gross profit percent
    Aluminum products                                                        7.2%           8.4%              5.5%           5.5%
    Electrical products                                                     15.1%          12.6%             11.7%          16.1%
    Consolidated Company                                                     8.0%           9.1%              6.2%           7.0%

Operating income percent
    Aluminum products                                                        5.5%           6.5%              4.2%           4.1%
    Electrical products                                                   (118.6%)          1.9%            (29.4%)          4.9%
    Consolidated Company                                                    (9.1%)          4.0%             (1.9%)          2.1%

Current ratio                                                                2.7x           2.6x              2.7x           2.6x
Interest coverage ratio (EBITDA excluding non-cash
    goodwill impairment charges of $29.6 million in 2003
    and non-cash goodwill impairment charges of $25.3
    million in 2002 to interest expense)                                     3.5x           4.2x              2.3x           2.8x
Interest coverage ratio (EBITDA including non-cash
    goodwill impairment charges of $29.6 million in 2003
    and non-cash goodwill impairment charges of $25.3
    million in 2002 to interest expense)                                    (4.5x)          4.2x              0.3x           1.2x
Return on average stockholders' equity (annualized)                       (116.9%)         22.7%            (32.2%)        (13.9%)
Debt-to-capitalization                                                        62%            54%               62%            54%

EBITDA (1) (excluding non-cash goodwill impairment
    charges of $29.6 million in 2003 and non-cash
    goodwill impairment charges of $25.3 million in 2002)             $   12,926    $    15,547       $    34,252    $    43,112
EBITDA (1) (including non-cash goodwill impairment
    charges of $29.6 million in 2003 and non-cash
    goodwill impairment charges of $25.3 million in 2002)             $  (16,681)   $    15,547       $     4,645    $    17,785

Note (1) Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization. See EBITDA Calculation on Page 6.

                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.
                             EBITDA Calculation (1)
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                               Three Months Ended                Year Ended
                                                                                   December 31,                  December 31,
                                                                              2003            2002           2003            2002
                                                                           -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------

Net cash provided by operating activities                                 $     4,285    $    20,594     $     3,810     $   24,754
Adjustments to reconcile net cash provided by
 operations to net income (loss):
  Depreciation                                                                 (5,205)        (5,202)        (20,622)       (21,142)
  Amortization                                                                   (229)          (222)           (895)          (984)
  Goodwill impairment charges                                                 (29,607)            --         (29,607)       (25,327)
  Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                              (486)          (129)           (554)          (325)
  Issuance of common stock in connection with stock awards                         --             --             (90)          (170)
  Change in working capital and other net assets                                5,622         (8,676)         16,882          6,983
                                                                         ------------    -----------    ------------    -----------
Net income (loss)                                                         $   (25,620)   $     6,365     $   (31,076)   $   (16,211)
Add back depreciation                                                           5,205          5,202          20,622         21,142
Add back amortization (2)                                                          --             --              --             --
Add back tax expense / subtract tax benefit                                        34            240             184         (2,292)
Add back interest expense, net (2)                                              3,700          3,740          14,915         15,146
                                                                          -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------
   EBITDA including non-cash goodwill impairment charges                      (16,681)        15,547           4,645         17,785
Add back non-cash goodwill impairment charges                                  29,607             --          29,607         25,327
                                                                          -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------
   EBITDA excluding non-cash goodwill impairment charges                  $    12,926    $    15,547     $    34,252    $    43,112
                                                                          ===========    ===========     ===========    ===========

Note (1) EBITDA is used in the calculation of certain covenants under the Company's credit agreement.

     (2) Amortization of financing costs for the three months ended December 31, 2003 and 2002
         of $229 and $222, respectively, and the year ended December 31, 2003 and 2002 of
         $895 and $984, respectively, is included in interest expense, net instead of in
         amortization in the above calculation.

                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.
                 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                            Year Ended
                                                                                            December 31,
                                                                                       2003            2002
                                                                                    ------------   -----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income (loss)                                                                 $   (31,076)   $   (16,211)
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
    provided by operations:
       Depreciation                                                                      20,622         21,142
       Amortization                                                                         895            984
       Goodwill impairment charges                                                       29,607         25,327
       Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                    554            325
       Issuance of common stock in connection with stock awards                              90            170
       Change in working capital and other net assets                                   (16,882)        (6,983)
                                                                                    ------------   -----------
         Net cash provided by operating activities                                        3,810         24,754
                                                                                    ------------   -----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                            (16,237)       (16,321)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                                       158             23
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
         Net cash (used in) investing activities                                        (16,079)       (16,298)
                                                                                    -----------    -----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Increase in outstanding checks in excess of deposits                                      659             --
  Proceeds from long-term debt                                                          108,970         77,270
  Repayments of long-term debt                                                         (108,970)       (77,270)
  Repayments of notes receivable from sale of common stock                                   --          1,561
  Cash dividends paid                                                                    (1,601)        (3,199)
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
         Net cash (used in) financing activities                                           (942)        (1,638)
                                                                                    -----------    -----------

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    (13,211)         6,818
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                         13,211          6,393
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                          $        --    $    13,211
                                                                                    ===========    ===========

                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.
                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                        (in thousands except share data)

                                                                                           December 31,
                                                                                       2003            2002
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
Cash and cash equivalents                                                           $        --    $    13,211
Accounts receivable, net                                                                    248             66
Inventories                                                                             131,552        125,348
Net residual interest in receivables sold                                                65,860         81,195
Prepayments and other current assets                                                     13,227          7,133
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
        Total current assets                                                            210,887        226,953
Property, plant and equipment, net                                                      141,871        146,968
Goodwill                                                                                 19,265         48,872
Other noncurrent assets                                                                   7,802          6,111
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
        Total assets                                                                $   379,825    $   428,904
                                                                                    ===========    ===========

Outstanding checks in excess of deposits                                            $       659    $        --
Accounts payable                                                                         53,399         59,594
Accrued liabilities                                                                      23,806         28,527
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
        Total current liabilities                                                        77,864         88,121
Long-term debt                                                                          125,000        125,000
Other long-term liabilities                                                               3,672          5,183
Accrued pension benefits                                                                 30,147         26,743
Accrued postretirement benefits                                                          67,146         76,670
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
        Total liabilities                                                               303,829        321,717
                                                                                    -----------    -----------

Commitments and contingencies                                                                --             --

Stockholders' Equity
Common stock, $0.01 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized,
     16,010,971 and 15,997,651 shares outstanding at
     December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively                                               160            160
Additional paid-in capital                                                              405,703        405,613
Accumulated deficit                                                                    (310,619)      (277,942)
Accumulated other comprehensive income:
     Unrealized gain on security                                                             34             --
     Minimum pension liability adjustment                                               (21,276)       (21,391)
     Effects of cash flow hedges                                                          1,994            747
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
        Total stockholders' equity                                                       75,996        107,187
                                                                                    -----------    -----------
        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                  $   379,825    $   428,904
                                                                                    ===========    ===========


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                    COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                 By    /s/ Mark V. Kaminski
                                       Mark V. Kaminski, President and
                                       Chief Executive Officer

Date: January 29, 2004