NY12532: 194672.10
                          COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC.

                            1995 Stock Incentive Plan
                    As Amended and Restated on April 17, 1997

                  1.  General.  Pursuant  to the  terms  and  conditions  of the
Commonwealth Industries,  Inc. (formerly Commonwealth Aluminum Corporation) 1995
Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan") hereinafter set forth, the Committee specified
in Section 2 from time to time  granted or awarded  to  eligible  employees  (a)
options  to  purchase  shares of the  Common  Stock,  par  value  $.01 per share
("Common Stock"), of Commonwealth  Industries,  Inc. (the "Corporation") and (b)
restricted  Common Stock.  Options to purchase Common Stock also were granted to
non-employee  directors of the  Corporation in accordance with Section 16 of the
Plan.  No further  grants or awards shall be made under the Plan after April 17,
                  The  purpose  of the Plan is to  enhance  the  ability  of the
Corporation and its  subsidiaries to attract and retain  employees and directors
of outstanding  ability and to provide  employees and directors with an interest
in the Corporation parallel to that of the Corporation's stockholders.
                  2.  Administration.  The  Plan  shall be  administered  by the
Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the
"Board") of the Corporation,  or any successor  committee appointed by the Board
(the  "Committee");  which  Committee  shall at all times consist of two or more
directors,  each of whom is a "Non-Employee Director" within the meaning of Rule
16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act").
                  The  Committee  shall have full and final  authority,  in each
case subject to and consistent with the provisions of the Plan, to determine the
type,  number and other terms and  conditions  of, and all matters  relating to,
grants  and  awards,  to  prescribe  grant  and award  agreements  and rules and
regulations for the administration of the Plan and such agreements,  to construe
and interpret the Plan and grant and award  agreements  and to correct  defects,
supply  omissions or reconcile  inconsistencies  therein,  and to make all other
decisions and  determinations  as the Committee may deem  necessary or advisable
for the administration of the Plan.
                  Any action of the  Committee  shall be final,  conclusive  and
binding on all persons,  including  the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  and
stockholders, employees of the Corporation or its subsidiaries who have received
grants or awards  ("Participants") and persons claiming rights from or through a
                  The  Committee  may  delegate  to  officers or managers of the
Corporation or any subsidiary,  or committees thereof, and to service providers,
the  authority,  subject  to such terms as the  Committee  shall  determine,  to
perform  administrative  functions  with respect to the Plan and grant and award
                  The Committee and each member thereof shall be entitled to, in
good faith,  rely or act upon any report or other  information  furnished to the
Committee by any officer or employee of the  Corporation  or a  subsidiary,  the
Corporation's independent public accountants or any other adviser, consultant or
service provider  assisting in the  administration  of the Plan.  Members of the
Committee and any officer or employee of the Corporation or a subsidiary  acting
at the  direction  of, or on behalf of, the  Committee  shall not be  personally
liable for any action or determination  taken or made in good faith with respect
to the Plan, and shall, to the extent permitted by law, be fully  indemnified by
the Corporation with respect to any such action or determination.
                  3.  Eligibility.  Individuals eligible to receive awards under
the Plan were the officers and other key employees of the Corporation and its
subsidiaries selected by the Committee and all non-employee directors.  However,
except as provided in Section 16 hereof, no grant or award was made to a
director who was not an employee of the Corporation or its subsidiaries.
                  4.  Shares  Subject  to the Plan.  The total of the  number of
shares of Common  Stock  which may be  acquired  upon the  exercise  of  options
granted  under the Plan and the  number of shares  of Common  Stock  awarded  as
restricted Common Stock under the Plan shall not exceed 600,000;  provided, that
for purposes of this  limitation any option which is canceled or expires without
exercise,  and any restricted Common Stock which is forfeited to the Corporation
pursuant to the terms of the award  thereof,  shall  thereafter be deemed not to
have been granted or awarded.  No employee shall be granted in any calendar year
options to purchase more than 100,000  shares of Common Stock.  Shares of Common
Stock available for issue or distribution under the Plan shall be authorized and
unissued shares or shares acquired by the Corporation and held in treasury.
                  5.  Stock Options.  The Committee from time to time granted 
options under the Plan to eligible employees.  None of the options granted were
intended to be incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
                  The  Committee  established  the option price at the time each
option was granted.  The option price was not less than the fair market value of
the Common Stock on the date of grant.
                  Unless otherwise determined by the Committee,  the fair market
value of the Common Stock,  as used in this Section 5 and elsewhere in the Plan,
as of any given date shall be the mean  between the highest and lowest  reported
sales  prices on that date of the Common  Stock on the New York  Stock  Exchange
Composite  Tape or,  if not  listed  on such  exchange,  on any  other  national
securities  exchange on which the Common Stock is listed or on NASDAQ, or, if no
Common Stock was traded on that date,  on the next  preceding day on which there
was such a trade.
                  Except as otherwise provided herein,  options granted shall be
exercisable  at such time or times and subject to such terms and  conditions  as
shall be determined by the Committee, but in no event may options be exercisable
for a period of more than 10 years after their date of grant.  The Committee may
alter or waive,  at any time,  any term or  condition  of an option  that is not
mandatory under the Plan.
                  The  option  price of each  share as to  which  an  option  is
exercised shall be paid in full at the time of such exercise.  The payment shall
be made (a) in cash,  (b) by  surrender  of shares of Common  Stock owned by the
holder of the option for at least six months  prior to  exercise  of the option,
(c) to the extent authorized by the Committee,  by surrender of shares of Common
Stock  owned by the holder of the  option for less than six months  prior to the
exercise of the option  (including  shares of Common Stock otherwise  receivable
upon exercise of the option),  (d) through simultaneous sale through a broker of
shares acquired upon exercise,  as permitted  under  Regulation T of the Federal
Reserve Board, (e) through additional methods prescribed by the Committee or (f)
by a combination of any such methods. Any shares of Common Stock so delivered in
payment  shall be valued at their fair market value on the exercise  date, or on
such other date as determined by the Committee for administrative convenience.
                  Except  as  otherwise   determined  by  the  Committee  at  or
subsequent to grant,  any option  granted to an employee and  outstanding at the
time of the termination of employment of that employee shall remain  exercisable
as follows:
                  (a) In the  event  of the  termination  of  employment  of the
         employee by reason of  retirement  on or after normal  retirement  date
         pursuant  to a  retirement  plan  of  the  Corporation  or  any  of its
         subsidiaries or total and permanent disability,  the holder may, at any
         time  within one year after  that  termination,  but not later than the
         date of  expiration  of the  option,  exercise  the  option to the same
         extent,  if  any,  as  the  option  was  exercisable  at  the  date  of
         termination under the terms of the option. The option shall expire upon
         the   termination   of  employment  to  the  extent  it  was  not  then
         exercisable,  and otherwise  upon the earlier of the  expiration of the
         one-year period or the date of expiration of the option.
                  (b) In the event of the termination of employment by reason of
         death of the  employee,  any  person or  persons  (including  the legal
         representatives of the estate of the employee) who is the holder of the
         option  or to whom  the  option  shall  pass by will or by the  laws of
         descent  and  distribution  may,  at any time within one year after the
         date of death but not later than the date of  expiration of the option,
         exercise  the  option to the same  extent,  if any,  as the  option was
         exercisable  at the date of death  under the terms of the  option.  The
         option  shall expire on the date of death to the extent it was not then
         exercisable,  and otherwise  upon the  expiration of the earlier of the
         one-year period or the date of expiration of the option.
                  (c) In the  event of the  termination  of  employment  for any
         reason other than  retirement,  disability or death as  aforesaid,  the
         option shall expire upon the termination of employment.
                  For  purposes  of the Plan a leave of absence,  authorized  in
writing by the  Corporation  or a subsidiary  of the  Corporation,  for military
service or  illness,  or for any other  purpose if the period of such leave does
not exceed 90 days,  or for any other  purpose if the leave  exceeds 90 days but
reemployment is guaranteed by law or contract, shall not be deemed a termination
of employment.
                  No  option  may be  transferred  except by will or the laws of
descent and  distribution,  provided that the  Committee  may determine  that an
option may be  transferred  pursuant to a  qualified  domestic  relations  order
within the meaning of Section  414(p) of the Code or by a Participant  to one or
more members of the Participant's immediate family, or to trusts or partnerships
or limited  liability  companies  established for such family members.  For this
purpose,  immediate family means,  except as otherwise defined by the Committee,
the Participant's children, stepchildren,  grandchildren,  parents, stepparents,
grandparents,  spouse,  siblings (including half brothers and sisters),  in-laws
and persons related by reason of legal adoption.  Such  transferees may transfer
an  option  only by will or the  laws of  descent  or  distribution.  An  option
transferred pursuant to this paragraph shall remain subject to the provisions of
the Plan,  including,  but not  limited  to, the  provisions  of this  Section 5
relating to the exercise of the option upon the termination of employment of the
Participant  and shall be  subject to such other  rules as the  Committee  shall
determine.  Except in the case of a  holder's  incapacity,  an  option  shall be
exercisable only by the holder thereof.
                  6.  Restricted  Common Stock.  The Committee from time to time
awarded to eligible employees restricted Common Stock. The employment conditions
and the  length of the  period  for  vesting  of  restricted  Common  Stock were
established by the Committee at the time of award,  except that each restriction
period was and shall be not less than 12 months.
                  Except  as  restricted  under  the  terms  of the Plan and any
agreement  related  to  the  restricted  Common  Stock,  a  Participant  awarded
restricted Common Stock has all the rights of a stockholder  including,  without
limitation, the right to vote restricted Common Stock.
                  If a stock  certificate  is  issued  in  respect  of shares of
restricted  Common Stock, the certificate shall be registered in the name of the
Participant but shall be held by the Corporation for the account of the employee
until the end of the restriction period.
                  7.  Change in Control.  In the event of a Change in Control,
as hereafter defined:
                  (a)  Any option outstanding as of the date such Change in 
Control is determined to have occurred and not then exercisable in full shall
become fully exercisable; and
                  (b) The  restrictions  applicable  to all shares of restricted
Common Stock shall lapse and such shares shall be deemed fully vested.
                  A  "Change  in  Control"  means the  occurrence  of any of the
following events:
                  (a)  individuals  who on April 17, 1997  constitute  the Board
together  with those  individuals  who first  become  directors  after that date
(other  than as a  result  of an  actual  or  threatened  election  contest  for
directors or an actual or threatened  solicitation  of proxies or consents by or
on behalf of any person other than the Board) and whose  election or  nomination
for election to the Board was approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds  of the
directors  then in office who either were  directors  on April 17, 1997 or whose
election or nomination for election was previously so approved (the  "Continuing
Directors") cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the Board;
                  (b) any person (as  defined  in  Section  3(a)(9)  and used in
Sections  13(d)(3) and 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act) ("Person"),  other than the
Corporation, a subsidiary of the Corporation, an employee benefit plan sponsored
or  maintained  by the  Corporation  or a subsidiary  of the  Corporation  or an
underwriter  temporarily  holding  securities  pursuant  to an  offering of such
securities,  becomes  the  beneficial  owner (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
Exchange  Act)("Beneficial Owner") of securities of the Corporation representing
20% or more of the combined voting power of the  Corporation's  then outstanding
securities  eligible to vote for the  election of  directors  (the  "Corporation
Voting Securities") unless the Person became such a Beneficial Owner as a result
of a purchase of Corporation Voting Securities  directly from the Corporation in
a transaction  approved by a majority of the Continuing Directors or pursuant to
a transaction  which  complies with clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (c)
of this definition;
                  (c) the approval by the  stockholders  of the Corporation of a
reorganization,  merger,  consolidation,  exchange  of  shares  or sale or other
disposition of all or substantially  all the assets of the  Corporation,  or the
consummation of any such transaction if stockholder  approval is not required or
obtained,  other than any such transaction  pursuant to which (i) the Beneficial
Owners of the Corporation Voting Securities outstanding immediately prior to the
transaction  will be the Beneficial  Owners of more than 60% of the  outstanding
securities  eligible to vote for the election of  directors  of the  corporation
resulting from such  transaction or of any corporation of which such corporation
is a wholly-owned subsidiary ("Parent Corporation"),  (ii) no Person, other than
the  corporation  resulting  from  such  transaction  or Parent  Corporation,  a
subsidiary of such corporation or Parent Corporation or an employee benefit plan
sponsored  or  maintained  by  such  corporation  or  Parent  Corporation  or  a
subsidiary  thereof,  will become the  Beneficial  Owner of  securities  of such
corporation  or  Parent  Corporation  representing  20% or more of the  combined
voting  power  of the  then  outstanding  securities  eligible  to vote  for the
election of directors of such  corporation or Parent  Corporation  except to the
extent  that such  ownership  existed  with  respect to the  Corporation  Voting
Securities  prior to such  transaction and (iii)  individuals who are Continuing
Directors  will  constitute  at least a majority  of the members of the board of
directors  of  the   corporation   resulting  from  the  transaction  or  Parent
Corporation; or
                  (d)  the approval by stockholders of the Corporation of a 
complete liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation.
                  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not
be deemed to occur solely because any Person  acquires  Beneficial  Ownership of
more  than  20%  of  the  Corporation  Voting  Securities  as a  result  of  the
acquisition  of  Corporation  Voting  Securities by the  Corporation  which,  by
reducing the number of Corporation Voting Securities outstanding,  increases the
percentage  of shares  beneficially  owned by such  Person,  provided  that if a
Change  in  Control  would  occur  as a  result  of such an  acquisition  by the
Corporation  (if  not  for  the  operation  of this  sentence),  and  after  the
Corporation's acquisition such Person becomes the Beneficial Owner of additional
Corporation  Voting  Securities  that  increases the  percentage of  outstanding
Corporation Voting Securities  beneficially owned by such person,  then a Change
in Control shall occur.
                  8. Grant or Award  Agreement.  Each  grant or award  under the
Plan shall be evidenced by an agreement  setting forth the terms and conditions,
as determined  by the  Committee,  which shall apply to such grant or award,  in
addition to the terms and conditions specified in the Plan.
                  9. Withholding. The Corporation may deduct from any payment to
be made  pursuant  to the Plan the  amount  of any taxes  required  by law to be
withheld  therefrom,  or require a Participant to pay to the Corporation in cash
such amount  required to be  withheld  prior to the  issuance or delivery of any
shares of Common Stock or the payment of cash under the Plan.  Such taxes may be
paid in cash,  by  surrender  of shares of Common Stock or with shares of Common
Stock  otherwise  to  be  issued  or  delivered  to  the  Participant,  or  by a
combination  thereof, or in any other manner satisfactory to the Committee.  Any
shares of Common  Stock so  delivered  shall be valued at the fair market  value
thereof on the day immediately prior to exercise or payment of a grant or award.
                  10. No Right to Employment.  Nothing  contained in the Plan or
in any grant of award under the Plan shall  confer upon any  employee  any right
with respect to the  continuation  of employment  with the Corporation or any of
its  subsidiaries,  or interfere in any way with the right of the Corporation to
terminate his or her employment at any time. Nor shall anything contained in the
Plan confer upon any employee or other person any claim or right to any grant or
award under the Plan.
                  11.  Governmental  Compliance.  Each grant and award under the
Plan shall be subject to the requirement that if at any time the Committee shall
determine that the listing, registration or qualification of any shares issuable
or deliverable  thereunder upon any securities  exchange or under any Federal or
state law, or the consent or approval of any  governmental  regulatory  body, is
necessary or desirable as a condition thereof or in connection  therewith,  such
grant or award may not be  exercised  and no shares  may be  delivered  upon the
exercise or payment  thereof unless such listing,  registration,  qualification,
consent or approval  shall have been effected or obtained free of any conditions
not acceptable to the Committee.
                  The Committee may require any person acquiring shares pursuant
to a grant or award to  represent  to and agree with the  Corporation  that such
person  is  acquiring  the  shares  for  investment  and  without  a view to the
distribution thereof.
                  All  certificates  for shares of Common Stock  delivered under
the Plan  pursuant to a grant or award  shall be subject to such  stock-transfer
orders and other  restrictions  as the  Committee may deem  advisable  under any
federal or state law or regulation or the  requirements of any stock exchange or
NASDAQ,  and the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be endorsed upon any
such certificate to make reference to such restrictions.
                  It is intended that the Plan satisfy the  requirements of Rule
16b-3  under the  Exchange  Act so that  Participants  will be  entitled  to the
benefit  of that Rule or any other  rule  promulgated  under  Section  16 of the
Exchange Act and will not be subject to short-swing  liability under Section 16.
Accordingly,  if the operation of any provision of the Plan would  conflict with
this intent,  such  provision to the extent  possible  shall be  interpreted  or
deemed amended so as to avoid such conflict.
                  12. Adjustments. In the event of any change in the outstanding
shares  of  Common   Stock  by   reason   of  any  stock   dividend   or  split,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  spinoff,  combination or exchange of
shares or other corporate change, or any distribution to holders of Common Stock
other than regular cash  dividends,  the number or kind of shares  available for
options and awards under the Plan  (including  the calendar year limit on option
grants) may be adjusted by the Committee as it shall in its sole discretion deem
equitable and the number and kind of shares subject to any  outstanding  options
granted  under the Plan and the  purchase  price  thereof may be adjusted by the
Committee  as it shall in its sole  discretion  deem  equitable  to preserve the
value of such outstanding options.
                  13. Amendment.  The Board may amend,  suspend or terminate the
Plan or any portion thereof at any time, provided that (a) no amendment shall be
made without  stockholder  approval if such approval is necessary to satisfy any
applicable tax or regulatory  law or regulation  and the Board  determines it is
appropriate  to seek  stockholder  approval,  and  (b)  upon  or  following  the
occurrence of a Change in Control no amendment  may adversely  affect the rights
of any person in connection with a grant or award previously granted.
                  14.  Governing Law.  The Plan and any agreement evidencing a 
grant or award shall be construed and its provisions enforced and administered
in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.
                  15.  Effective Date.   The Plan became effective on March 17,
1995.  Subject to earlier termination pursuant to Section 13, the Plan shall
have a term of 10 years from its effective date.
                  16. Director Stock Options.  Nonqualified  options to purchase
1,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  (2,500  shares  in the case of a  non-employee
Chairman  of the Board)  were  granted  automatically  to each  director  of the
Corporation who was a director but was not an employee of the Corporation or its
subsidiaries  on the date of grant (a) upon the date such  director  joined  the
Board and (b) on each succeeding January 1. The option price for each option was
the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant of that option.
                  Each such option  shall become  exercisable  one year from the
date of the grant  thereof.  Each such option shall  terminate 10 years from the
date of grant unless sooner  terminated by reason of termination of service as a
                  An option granted to a non-employee  director pursuant to this
Section 16 and  outstanding  at the time of the  termination  of service of that
individual as a director for any reason shall be  exercisable at any time within
one year  following  such  termination  of  service,  whether  or not  otherwise
exercisable, but in no event beyond the term of the option, and shall thereafter
                  Except as  expressly  provided  in this  Section,  any  option
granted hereunder shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan as if
the grant were made pursuant to Section 5 hereof.
                  17.  No  Rights  Until  Certificates   Delivered.   Except  as
otherwise  provided by the Committee in the applicable grant or award agreement,
no person  shall  have  rights as a  stockholder  with  respect to any shares of
Common  Stock  as a  result  of any  grant  or  award  until  a  certificate  or
certificates  evidencing  such shares  shall have been  delivered to that person
and,  subject  to  Section  12, no  adjustment  shall be made for  dividends  or
distributions  or other rights in respect of any share for which the record date
is prior to the date on which  such  person  shall  become  the holder of record