CIM HIGH YIELD SECURITIES

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                                 CODE OF ETHICS



               This Code of Ethics  ("Code")  establishes  rules of conduct  for
               "Covered   Persons"  (as  defined   herein)  of  CIM  High  Yield
               Securities  (the  "Fund") and is designed to govern the  personal
               securities   activities  of  Covered  Persons.   In  general,  in
               connection with personal securities transactions, Covered Persons
               should (1) always place the interests of the Fund's  shareholders
               first; (2) ensure that all personal  securities  transactions are
               conducted  consistent  with  this Code and in such a manner as to
               avoid any actual or  potential  conflict of interest or any abuse
               of a Covered Person's position of trust and  responsibility;  and
               (3) not take inappropriate advantage of their positions.

         B.    APPLICABILITY

               For purposes of this Code, "Covered Person" shall mean:

               1.   Any  officer or  employee  of the Fund or of any  investment
                    adviser,  subadviser  or  co-adviser  to the  Fund or of any
                    company  in a  control  relationship  to the  Fund  or  such
                    investment   adviser,   subadviser  or  co-adviser  who,  in
                    connection  with his or her  regular  functions  or  duties,
                    makes,  participates in or obtains information regarding the
                    purchase  or  sale  of  securities  by  the  Fund  or  whose
                    functions relate to the making of any  recommendation to the
                    Fund regarding the purchase or sale of securities, including
                    the person or persons  with the  direct  responsibility  and
                    authority to make  investment  decisions  affecting the Fund
                    (the "Portfolio Manager");

               2.   Any natural person in a control  relationship to the Fund or
                    of any investment  adviser,  subadviser or co-adviser to the
                    Fund who obtains information concerning recommendations made
                    to the  Fund  with  regard  to the  purchase  or  sale  of a
                    security by the Fund; and

               3.   Any Trustee of the Fund.

               For  purposes of this Code,  (a) an "Advisory  Person"  means any
               employee of the Fund or of any investment adviser,  subadviser or
               co-adviser  to the Fund  described  in  paragraph 1 above and any
               natural person  described in paragraph 2 above;  (b) a person who
               normally  assists  in the  preparation  of public  reports or who
               receives  public  reports but who receives no  information  about
               current  recommendations  or trading or who obtains  knowledge of
               current  recommendations or trading activity once or infrequently
               or  inadvertently  shall not be  deemed to be either an  Advisory
               Person or a Covered  Person,  and (C) the defined terms  "Covered
               Person",  "Advisory  Person" and  "Portfolio  Manager"  shall not
               include  any  person who is  subject  to  securities  transaction
               pre-clearance  requirements and securities  transaction reporting
               requirements of a code of ethics adopted by an investment adviser
               or subadviser or co-adviser to the Fund (an "Investment Adviser")
               or  an  administrator  of  the  Fund  (an   "Administrator")   in
               compliance with Rule 17j-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940,
               as amended  (the "1940  Act"),  and/or Rule  204-2(a)(12)  of the
               Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"),
               as  long  as  such  Investment   Adviser  or  Administrator,   as
               applicable,  complies  with the  provisions  of Article V of this



               1.   No  Covered  Person  shall  purchase  or sell,  directly  or
                    indirectly,  any  security  in which  he or she  has,  or by
                    reason of such transaction acquires,  any direct or indirect
                    beneficial  ownership  (as defined in  Attachment  A to this
                    Code) on a day during which the Fund has a pending  "buy" or
                    "sell"  order in that  same  security  until  that  order is
                    executed or withdrawn.  The  foregoing  shall not apply to a
                    person who is a Covered  Person with  respect to the Fund by
                    virtue  of being a Trustee  of the  Fund,  but who is not an
                    "interested person" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund
                    (a "Disinterested Trustee").

               2.   No Portfolio  Manager  shall  purchase or sell,  directly or
                    indirectly,  any  security  in which  he or she  has,  or by
                    reason of such transaction acquires,  any direct or indirect
                    beneficial  ownership  (Attachment A to this Code) in within
                    fifteen (15)  calendar  days before or after the Fund trades
                    in that security.


               No Covered Person shall recommend any securities  transactions by
               the Fund without having disclosed his or her interest, if any, in
               such  securities  or  the  issuer  thereof,   including   without


               1.   any direct or indirect  beneficial  ownership (as defined in
                    Attachment A to this Code) of any securities of such issuer;

               2.   any   contemplated   transaction  by  such  person  in  such

               3.   any position with such issuer or its affiliates; and

               4.   any present or proposed business  relationship  between such
                    issuer  or its  affiliates  and such  person or any party in
                    which such person has a significant interest.


               No Advisory  Person shall  acquire any  securities  in an initial
               public offering for his or her personal account.


               No  Advisory  Person  shall  acquire,   directly  or  indirectly,
               beneficial  ownership of any  securities  in a private  placement
               without the prior approval of the  Designated  Review Officer (as
               hereinafter  defined)  who has  been  provided  by such  Advisory
               Person with full details of the proposed  transaction  (including
               written  certification  that the investment  opportunity  did not
               arise by virtue of the Advisory Person's  activities on behalf of
               the  Fund)  and  has  concluded  after  consultation  with  other
               investment  advisory  personnel  of the Fund that the Fund has no
               foreseeable interest in purchasing such securities.


               No Advisory  Person shall  profit from the purchase and sale,  or
               sale and  purchase,  of the same (or  equivalent)  securities  of
               which such Advisory  Person has  beneficial  ownership  within 60
               calendar  days. Any profit so realized  shall,  unless the Fund's
               Board  approves  otherwise,  be  paid  over  to the  Fund or to a
               charitable organization of the Advisory Person's choosing.

         F.    GIFTS

               No Advisory Person shall receive any gift or other things of more
               than DE  MINIMIS  value  from any  person  or  entity  that  does
               business with or on behalf of the Fund.



               No Advisory  Person  shall serve on the board of directors of any
               publicly  traded  company  without prior  authorization  from the
               Designated  Review  Officer  (as  defined  below)  based  upon  a
               determination  that such board service  would be consistent  with
               the interests of the Fund and its shareholders.


         A.    For  purposes of this Code,  the term  "security"  shall have the
               same  meaning  as that set forth in  ss.2(a)(36)  of the 1940 Act
               except that it shall not include the following:

               1.   direct obligations of the Government of the United States;
               2.   bankers' acceptances;
               3.   bank certificates of deposit;
               4.   commercial   paper   and  high   quality   short-term   debt
                    instruments; and
               5.   shares of registered open-end investment companies.

         B.    The  prohibitions  described in paragraphs (A) and (E) of Article
               II shall not apply to:

               1.   Purchases  or sales  effected in any account  over which the
                    Covered  Person  has no  direct  or  indirect  influence  or

               2.   Purchases  or sales that are  non-volitional  on the part of
                    the Covered Person;

               3.   Purchases   that   are   part  of  an   automatic   dividend
                    reinvestment plan;

               4.   Purchases  effected upon the exercise of rights issued by an
                    issuer PRO RATA to all holders of a class of its securities,
                    to the extent such rights were acquired from the issuer, and
                    sales of such rights so acquired; or

               5.   Subject  to the  advance  approval  by a  Designated  Review
                    Officer (as defined below) purchases or sales which are only
                    remotely  potentially  harmful  to  the  Fund  because  such
                    purchases  or sales  would be  unlikely  to  affect a highly
                    institutional market, or because such purchases or sales are
                    clearly not related  economically  to the  securities  held,
                    purchased or sold by the Fund.



         A.    PRECLEARANCE

               A Covered Person may, directly or indirectly,  acquire or dispose
               of beneficial  ownership of a security,  including  shares of the
               Fund,  only if (1) such  purchase or sale has been  approved by a
               review  officer  designated  by the  Fund  or,  in the  case of a
               Covered  Person  employed  by  an  Investment  Adviser,  by  such
               Investment Adviser (each, a "Designated Review Officer"), (2) the
               approved transaction is completed by the close of business on the
               next  business  day  after  approval  is  received  and  (3)  the
               Designated  Review  Officer has not rescinded such approval prior
               to execution of the transaction.


               1.   Unless  excepted  by  Section 2 of this  Paragraph  B, every
                    Covered Person must report to the Designated  Review Officer
                    as described below.

                    (a)  INITIAL HOLDINGS REPORTS.  Not later than 10 days after
                         the person  becomes an Covered  Person,  the  following

                         (i)    the title, number of shares and principal amount
                                of each security in which the Covered Person had
                                any direct or indirect beneficial ownership when
                                the person became a Covered Person;

                         (ii)   the name of any broker, dealer or bank with whom
                                the  Covered  Person  maintained  an  account in
                                which any securities were held for the direct or
                                indirect benefit of the Covered Person as of the
                                date the person became a Covered Person; and

                         (iii)  the date that the report is signed and submitted
                                by the Covered Person.

                    (b)  QUARTERLY  TRANSACTION  REPORTS. Not later than 10 days
                         after the end of each calendar  quarter,  the following

                         (i)    With  respect  to  any  transaction  during  the
                                quarter  in a  security  in  which  the  Covered
                                Person  had any  direct or  indirect  beneficial

                                (1)  the date of the transaction, the title, the
                                     interest   rate  and   maturity   date  (if


                                     applicable),  the  number of shares and the
                                     principal amount of each security involved;

                                (2)  the  nature  of  the   transaction   (I.E.,
                                     purchase,   sale  or  any  other   type  of
                                     acquisition or disposition);

                                (3)  the  price of the  security  at  which  the
                                     transaction was effected;

                                (4)  the name of the broker, dealer or bank with
                                     or  through  which  the   transaction   was
                                     effected; and

                                (5)  the date  that the  report  is  signed  and
                                     submitted by the Covered Person.

                         (ii)   With respect to any account  established  by the
                                Covered Person in which any securities were held
                                during the  quarter  for the direct or  indirect
                                benefit of the Covered Person:

                                (1)  the name of the broker, dealer or bank with
                                     whom the  Covered  Person  established  the

                                (2)  the date that the account was  established;

                                (3)  the date  that the  report  is  signed  and
                                     submitted by the Covered Person.

                         (iii)  In the  event  that no  reportable  transactions
                                occurred  during the quarter,  the report should
                                be so noted and returned signed and dated.

                    (c)  ANNUAL  HOLDINGS  REPORTS.  Not later than each January
                         30th, the following information (which information must
                         be current as of a date no more than 30 days before the
                         report is submitted):

                         (i)    the title, number of shares and principal amount
                                of each security in which the Covered Person had
                                any direct or indirect beneficial ownership;


                         (ii)   the name of any broker, dealer or bank with whom
                                the Covered Person maintains an account in which
                                any  securities  are  held  for  the  direct  or
                                indirect benefit of the Covered Person; and

                         (iii)  the date on  which  the  report  is  signed  and
                                submitted by the Covered Person.

               2.   The   following   are  the   exceptions   to  the  reporting
                    requirements outlined in Section 1 of this Paragraph B:

                    (a)  A  person  need  not make  any  report  required  under
                         Section  1  of  this   Paragraph  B  with   respect  to
                         transactions  effected for, and securities held in, any
                         account  over which the person has no direct  influence
                         or  control,  including  such an  account  in which the
                         person has any beneficial ownership.

                    (b)  A person who would  otherwise  be  required to make the
                         reports  described  in this  Paragraph  B shall  not be
                         required to file reports  pursuant to this  Paragraph B
                         if such person is required to file reports  pursuant to
                         a code of ethics described in Article V hereof.

                    (c)  A  Disinterested  Trustee who would be required to make
                         the reports  required under Section 1 of this Paragraph
                         B solely by reason of being a trustee  of the Fund need
                         not make:

                         (i)    an initial holdings report under Section 1(a) of
                                this  Paragraph B or an annual  holdings  report
                                under Section 1(c) of this Paragraph B; or

                         (ii)   a quarterly  transaction  report  under  Section
                                1(b)   of   this   Paragraph   B,   unless   the
                                Disinterested  Trustee  knew or, in the ordinary
                                course of fulfilling his or her official  duties
                                as a Trustee  of the Fund,  should  have  known,
                                that during the 15-day period immediately before
                                or  after  the   Trustee's   transaction   in  a
                                security,   the  Fund   purchased  or  sold  the
                                security or the Fund or its investment  adviser,
                                subadviser or co-adviser  considered  purchasing
                                or selling the security.

                    (d)  A person need not make a quarterly  transaction  report
                         under  Section  1(b) of this  Paragraph B if the report
                         would duplicate  information  contained in broker trade
                         confirmations  or account  statements  received  by the
                         Designated Review Officer with respect to the person in
                         the time period  required under Section 1(b), if all of


                         information required under Section 1(b) is contained in
                         the broker trade confirmations or account statements or
                         in the records of the Fund.

               3.   Any  report  delivered  pursuant  to  this  Paragraph  B may
                    contain a statement  that the report  shall not be construed
                    as an admission by the person  making such report that he or
                    she has any direct or indirect  beneficial  ownership in the
                    securities to which the report relates.


               Each Covered  Person is required to certify  annually  that he or
               she has read and understood  the Fund's Code and recognizes  that
               he or she is subject to such Code.  Further,  each Covered Person
               is required to certify  annually that he or she has complied with
               all the requirements of the Code and that he or she has disclosed
               or reported all personal securities  transactions  required to be
               disclosed or reported pursuant to the requirements of the Code.


               At least annually, an officer of the Fund shall furnish a written
               report to the Board of Trustees that:

               1.   describes any issues arising under this Code of Ethics since
                    the last report to the Board of Trustees, including, but not
                    limited to,  information  about material  violations of this
                    Code of Ethics  and  sanctions  imposed in  response  to the
                    material violations; and

               2.   certifies  that the Fund has adopted  procedures  reasonably
                    necessary to prevent its Covered Persons from violating this
                    Code of Ethics.


         Each Investment Adviser and Administrator shall:

         (1) submit to the Board of  Trustees  of the Fund a copy of the Code of
         Ethics adopted by such Investment Adviser or Administrator  pursuant to
         Rule 17j-1 of the 1940 Act and/or  Rule  204-2(a)(12)  of the  Advisers
         Act, which Code of Ethics shall comply with the  recommendations of the
         Investment Company Institute's  Advisory Group on Personal Investing or
         be accompanied  by a statement  explaining any difference and supplying
         the rationale therefor;

         (2) promptly report to the Board of Trustees of the Fund in writing any
         material  amendments to such  Investment  Adviser's or  Administrator's
         Code of Ethics;


         (3)  promptly  furnish  to the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Fund,  upon
         request,  copies  of any  reports  made  pursuant  to  such  Investment
         Adviser's or Administrator's  Code of Ethics by any person who would be
         a Covered  Person,  Advisory Person or Portfolio  Manager  hereunder if
         such  person  were  not  subject  to  such   Investment   Adviser's  or
         Administrator's Code of Ethics; and

         (4)  immediately  furnish  to the  Board  of  Trustees  of the Fund all
         material  information   regarding  any  violation  of  such  Investment
         Adviser's or Administrator's  Code of Ethics by any person who would be
         a Covered  Person,  Advisory Person or Portfolio  Manager  hereunder if
         such  person  were  not  subject  to  such   Investment   Adviser's  or
         Administrator's Code of Ethics.


         Upon  discovering  that a  Covered  Person  has not  complied  with the
         requirements  of this Code, the Designated  Review Officer shall submit
         findings  to the  Board  of  Trustees  of the  Fund.  With  respect  to
         officers,  employees or Trustees of the Fund,  the Board of Trustees of
         the Fund may impose on that Covered Person whatever sanctions the Board
         of  Trustees  of the Fund deems  appropriate,  including,  among  other
         things,  disgorgement of profits, censure, suspension or termination of


         All information  obtained from any Covered Person  hereunder or from an
         Investment Adviser pursuant to Article V hereof shall be kept in strict
         confidence,  except that reports of securities  transactions  hereunder
         may be made available to the Securities and Exchange  Commission or any
         other regulatory or self-regulatory organization,  and may otherwise be
         disclosed to the extent required by law or regulation.


         Nothing  contained in this Code shall be  interpreted  as relieving any
         Covered  Person from acting in  accordance  with the  provision  of any
         applicable law, rule, or regulation or any other statement of policy or
         procedures governing the conduct of such person adopted by the Fund.



         The Fund  shall  maintain  records  in the manner and to the extent set
forth below,  which records may be maintained on microfilm  under the conditions
described  in  Rule  31a-2  under  the  1940  Act and  shall  be  available  for
examination by representatives of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         1.    A copy of this Code of Ethics and any other Code of Ethics  which
               is, or at any time within the past five years has been, in effect
               shall be preserved in an easily accessible place.

         2.    A record  of any  violation  of this Code of  Ethics,  and of any
               action taken as a result of such violation, shall be preserved in
               an  easily  accessible  place  for a period of not less than five
               years following the end of the fiscal year in which the violation

         3.    A copy of each report made by a Covered  Person  pursuant to this
               Code of Ethics shall be  preserved  for a period of not less than
               five years from the end of the fiscal year in which the report is
               made, the first two years in an easily accessible place.

         4.    A list of all persons who are, or within the past five years have
               been,  required to make  reports  pursuant to this Code of Ethics
               shall be maintained in an easily accessible place.

         5.    A copy of each report  required  under  Paragraph D of Article IV
               shall be preserved  for a period of not less than five years from
               the end of the  fiscal  year in which it is made,  the  first two
               years in an early accessible place.

         6.    A  record  of  any  decision,  and  the  reasons  supporting  the
               decision,  to  approve  the  acquisition  by  Advisory  Person of
               securities  under  Paragraph D of Article II,  shall be preserved
               for a period  of not less  than  five  years  from the end of the
               fiscal year in which the approval is granted.


         If any person has any questions with regard to the applicability of the
         provisions  of this Code  generally  or with  regard to any  securities
         transaction or  transactions  such person should consult the applicable
         Designated Review Officer.

Dated:  April 5, 1995

as amended July 5, 1995

as further amended January 11, 2000


                                  ATTACHMENT A

         The term "beneficial  ownership" as used in the attached Code of Ethics
(the "Code") is to be  interpreted  by reference to Rule  16a-1(a)(2)  under the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Rule"),  except that the determination of
direct or indirect  beneficial  ownership  for purposes of the Code must be made
with respect to all securities that a Covered Person has or acquires.  Under the
Rule, a person is generally deemed to have beneficial ownership of securities if
the  person,  directly  or  indirectly,   through  any  contract,   arrangement,
understanding,  relationship  or  otherwise,  has or shares a direct or indirect
pecuniary interest in the securities.

         The term  "pecuniary  interest" in  particular  securities is generally
defined in the Rule to mean the opportunity,  directly or indirectly,  to profit
or share in any profit derived from a transaction in the securities. A person is
refutably deemed to have an "indirect  pecuniary interest" within the meaning of
the Rule in any  securities  held by members of the  person's  immediate  family
sharing the same  household,  the term "immediate  family"  including any child,
stepchild,   grandchild,  parent,  stepparent,   grandparent,  spouse,  sibling,
mother-in-law,   father-in-law,  son-in-law,  daughter-in-law,   brother-in-law,
sister-in-law,  as well as adoptive  relationships.  Under the Rule, an indirect
pecuniary  interest  also  includes,  among other  things:  a general  partner's
proportionate  interest in the portfolio securities held by a general or limited
partnership;  a performance-related fee, other than an asset-based fee, received
by any broker, dealer, bank, insurance company,  investment company,  investment
adviser,  investment  manager,  trustee or person or entity performing a similar
function;  a person's right to dividends that is separated or separable from the
underlying securities; a person's interest in securities held by certain trusts;
and a person's  right to acquire  equity  securities  through  the  exercise  or
conversion of any derivative security, whether or not presently exercisable, the
term  "derivative  security  being  generally  defined as any  option,  warrant,
convertible  security,  stock  appreciation  right,  or  similar  right  with an
exercise or conversion  privilege at a price related to an equity  security,  or
similar securities with, or value derived from, the value of an equity security.
For  purposes of the Rule, a person who is a  shareholder  of a  corporation  or
similar  entity  is  NOT  deemed  to  have a  pecuniary  interest  in  portfolio
securities held by the corporation or entity,  so long as the shareholder is not
a controlling  shareholder of the corporation or the entity and does not have or
share investment control over the corporation's or the entity portfolio.