
                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

 X    Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)of the Securities Exchange
- ---   Act of 1934

For the fiscal quarter ended:  June 30, 2004 or

      Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
- ---   Exchange Act of 1934

For the transition period from ________________ to ________________

Commission file number:     0-25426

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                Delaware                                 74-1871327
- ----------------------------------------     -----------------------------------
    (State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
    incorporation or organization)                 Identification Number)
     11500 North MoPac Expressway
             Austin, Texas                                 78759
- ----------------------------------------     -----------------------------------
    (address of principal executive                      (zip code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 338-9119

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No |_|

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes |X| No |_|

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                  Class                      Outstanding at August 4, 2004
     Common Stock - $0.01 par value                   78,811,495



         PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                 Page No.

Item 1   Financial Statements:

            Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited)
            June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003............................3

            Consolidated Statements of Income (unaudited)
            Three months and six months ended June 30, 2004 and 2003.......4

            Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited)
            Six months ended June 30, 2004 and 2003........................5

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.....................6

Item 2   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations..............................11

Item 3   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.......20

Item 4   Controls and Procedures..........................................20


Item 1   Legal Proceedings................................................22

Item 2   Changes in Securities, Use of Proceeds and Issuer Purchases
         of Equity Securities............................................ 23

Item 4   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..............23

Item 5   Other Information................................................23

Item 6   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.................................24


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

ITEM 1. Financial Statements

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        (in thousands, except share data)

                                                        June 30,    December 31,
                                                          2004          2003
                                                       -----------  ------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents.......................    $   46,199   $    53,446
   Short-term investments..........................       145,708       141,227
   Accounts receivable, net........................        85,091        77,970
   Inventories, net................................        60,431        38,813
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets.......        14,961         9,742
   Deferred income tax, net........................        11,551         9,927
                                                       -----------  ------------
      Total current assets.........................       363,941       331,125
Property and equipment, net........................       150,462       151,612
Intangibles, net and other assets..................        42,721        42,414
                                                       -----------  ------------
      Total assets.................................    $  557,124   $   525,151
                                                       ===========  ============

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable................................    $   35,102   $    29,567
   Accrued compensation............................        18,003        12,302
   Deferred revenue................................        10,031         8,148
   Accrued expenses and other liabilities..........        10,261        16,271
   Other taxes payable.............................         8,367         9,507
                                                       -----------  ------------
      Total current liabilities....................        81,764        75,795
Deferred income taxes..............................        10,391         9,904
                                                       -----------  ------------
      Total liabilities............................        92,155        85,699
                                                       -----------  ------------
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders' equity:
   Preferred stock: par value $0.01; 5,000,000
   shares authorized; 0 and 0 shares issued and
   outstanding, respectively.......................            --            --
   Common stock: par value $0.01; 180,000,000
   shares authorized; 78,757,349 and 78,269,235
   shares issued and outstanding, respectively.....           788           783
   Additional paid-in capital......................        98,707        95,070
   Retained earnings...............................       367,621       349,994
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss............        (2,147)       (6,395)
                                                       -----------  ------------
      Total stockholders' equity...................       464,969       439,452
                                                       -----------  ------------
      Total liabilities and stockholders' equity...    $  557,124   $   525,151
                                                       ===========  ============

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                      (in thousands, except per share data)

                                            Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                                  June 30,               June 30,
                                          ----------------------  ----------------------
                                             2004        2003        2004        2003
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net sales..............................   $ 127,127   $ 100,165   $ 251,765   $ 199,338
Cost of sales..........................      33,325      27,150      64,895      53,163
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Gross profit........................      93,802      73,015     186,870     146,175
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Operating expenses:
   Sales and marketing.................      47,048      38,124      93,745      76,669
   Research and development............      21,345      16,876      41,335      32,127
   General and administrative..........      10,401       9,201      20,437      20,240
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
      Total operating expenses.........      78,794      64,201     155,517     129,036
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

      Operating income.................      15,008       8,814      31,353      17,139

Other income (expense):
   Interest income, net................         717         620       1,430       1,306
   Net foreign exchange gain (loss)....        (743)        340        (746)        325
   Other income, net...................         165          98         212         119
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Income before income taxes.............      15,147       9,872      32,249      18,889
Provision for income taxes.............       3,787       2,468       8,062       4,722
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

      Net income.......................   $  11,360   $   7,404   $  24,187   $  14,167
                                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

Basic earnings per share...............   $    0.15   $    0.10   $    0.31   $    0.18
                                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

Weighted average shares
   outstanding-basic...................      78,287      77,235      78,126      76,986
                                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

Diluted earnings per share.............   $    0.14   $    0.09   $    0.30   $    0.18
                                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

Weighted average shares                      81,994      80,450      81,955      80,180
   outstanding-diluted.................   ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

Dividends declared per share...........   $    0.05   $      --   $    0.08   $      --
                                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                 (in thousands)

                                                             Six Months Ended
                                                                 June 30,
                                                             2004        2003
                                                          ----------  ----------
Cash flow from operating activities:
   Net income...........................................  $  24,187   $  14,167
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by operating activities:
      Charges to income not requiring cash outlays:
        Depreciation and amortization...................     12,058      12,390
        Benefit from deferred income taxes..............     (1,137)       (965)
        Tax benefit from stock option plans.............      1,807       1,315
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable......     (7,121)      1,221
        Decrease (increase) in inventories..............    (21,618)      3,351
        Decrease (increase) in prepaid expense and
        other assets....................................     (1,635)      2,511
        Increase (decrease) in current liabilities......      5,969      (6,978)
                                                          ----------  ----------
      Net cash provided by operating activities.........     12,510      27,012
                                                          ----------  ----------

Cash flow from investing activities:
   Capital expenditures.................................     (6,802)     (7,759)
   Capitalization of internally developed software......     (3,413)     (8,432)
   Additions to other intangibles.......................       (336)     (4,323)
   Purchases of short-term investments..................    (91,367)    (77,042)
   Sales and maturities of short-term investments.......     86,886      50,651
                                                          ----------  ----------
      Net cash used in investing activities.............    (15,032)    (46,905)
                                                          ----------  ----------

Cash flow from financing activities:
   Net proceeds from issuance of common stock under
   employee plans.......................................      9,240       7,715
   Repurchase of common stock...........................     (7,405)         --
   Dividends paid.......................................     (6,560)         --
                                                          ----------  ----------
      Net cash provided by (used in) financing
      activities........................................     (4,725)      7,715
                                                          ----------  ----------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents...............     (7,247)    (12,178)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period........     53,446      40,240
                                                          ----------  ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period..............  $  46,199   $  28,062
                                                          ==========  ==========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


NOTE 1 - Basis of Presentation

The accompanying  unaudited  consolidated financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto for the
year ended  December 31, 2003,  included in the Company's  annual report on Form
10-K,  filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  In the opinion of
management,  the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  reflect all
adjustments  (consisting only of normal recurring items) considered necessary to
present fairly the financial  position of National  Instruments  Corporation and
its  consolidated  subsidiaries  at June 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003, and the
results of operations for the three-month  and six-month  periods ended June 30,
2004 and 2003, and the cash flows for the six-month  periods ended June 30, 2004
and 2003. Operating results for the three-month and six-month periods ended June
30, 2004 are not necessarily  indicative of the results that may be expected for
the year ending December 31, 2004.

Certain  prior year  amounts  have been  reclassified  to conform  with the 2004

NOTE 2 - Earnings Per Share

Basic  earnings  per share  ("EPS") is computed  by  dividing  net income by the
weighted average number of common shares outstanding during each period. Diluted
EPS is computed by dividing net income by the weighted  average number of common
shares and common  share  equivalents  outstanding  (if  dilutive)  during  each
period.  Common share  equivalents  include stock options.  The number of common
share  equivalents  outstanding  relating to stock options is computed using the
treasury stock method.

The  reconciliation  of the denominators used to calculate basic EPS and diluted
EPS for the  three-month  and  six-month  periods  ended June 30, 2004 and 2003,
respectively, are as follows (in thousands):

                                         Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                              June 30,            June 30,
                                         ------------------  ------------------
                                            (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                           2004      2003      2004      2003
                                         --------  --------  --------  --------
Weighted average shares
 outstanding-basic....................    78,287    77,235    78,126    76,986
Plus: Common share equivalents
   Stock options......................     3,707     3,215     3,829     3,194
                                         --------  --------  --------  --------
Weighted average shares
 outstanding-diluted..................    81,994    80,450    81,955    80,180
                                         ========  ========  ========  ========

Stock options to acquire  1,616,000 and 2,346,000  shares for the quarters ended
June 30, 2004 and 2003, respectively, and 1,590,000 and 2,326,500 shares for the
six months  ended June 30,  2004 and 2003,  respectively,  were  excluded in the
computations  of diluted EPS because the effect of including  the stock  options
would have been anti-dilutive.

NOTE 3 - Inventories, net

Inventories consist of the following (in thousands):

                                  June 30,     December 31,
                                    2004           2003
Raw materials                    $  27,237      $  17,513
Work-in-process                      3,322          1,625
Finished goods                      29,872         19,675
                                -----------    ------------
                                 $  60,431      $  38,813
                                ===========    ============

NOTE 4 - Comprehensive Income

The Company's  comprehensive income is comprised of net income, foreign currency
translation and unrealized  gains and losses on forward and option contracts and
securities  available for sale.  Comprehensive  income for the  three-month  and
six-month periods ended June 30, 2004 and 2003 was as follows (in thousands):

                                          Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                               June 30,            June 30,
                                          ------------------  ------------------
                                              (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                            2004      2003      2004      2003
                                          --------  --------  --------  --------
Comprehensive income:
  Net income............................  $11,360   $ 7,404   $24,187   $14,167

  Foreign currency translation..........     (462)    1,555      (616)    2,165
  Unrealized gains (losses) on
    derivative instruments..............    3,768      (705)    5,289    (1,362)
  Unrealized losses on securities
    available for sale..................     (425)       33      (425)      (59)
                                          --------  --------  --------  --------
Total comprehensive income..............  $14,241   $ 8,287   $28,435   $14,911
                                          ========  ========  ========  ========

NOTE 5 - Stock-Based Compensation Plans

The Company has two active stock-based compensation plans and one inactive plan.
The two active  stock-based  compensation  plans are the 1994 Incentive Plan and
the  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan.  The Company  follows the  disclosure-only
provisions of SFAS No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation,  as amended
by SFAS No. 148,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation  -  Transition  and
Disclosure.  As allowed by SFAS No.  123,  the  Company  continues  to apply the
provisions of Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No. 25,  Accounting for Stock
issued to Employees,  and related  interpretations  in accounting for its plans.
Accordingly,  compensation  cost for stock options is measured as the excess, if
any, of the quoted market price of the Company's  stock at the date of the grant
over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the stock. No compensation  cost
has been recognized in the Company's  financial  statements for the stock option
plan and the stock  purchase  plan. If  compensation  cost for the Company's two
active stock-based compensation plans were determined based on the fair value at
the  grant  date for  awards  under  those  plans  consistent  with  the  method
established  by SFAS No. 123,  the  Company's  net income and earnings per share
would  approximate the pro-forma  amounts below (in thousands,  except per share

                                          Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                                June 30,            June 30,
                                          ------------------  ------------------
                                              (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                            2004      2003      2004      2003
                                          --------  --------  --------  --------
Net income, as reported.............      $11,360   $ 7,404   $24,187   $14,167

Stock-based compensation included
 in reported net income, net of
 related tax effects................           --        --        --        --
Total stock-based compensation
 expense determined under fair
 value method for all awards,
 net of related tax effects.........       (2,992)   (3,935)   (5,515)   (6,671)
                                          --------  --------  --------  --------
Pro-forma net income................      $ 8,368   $ 3,469   $18,672   $ 7,496
                                          --------  --------  --------  --------

Earnings per share:
Basic - as reported.................      $  0.15   $  0.10   $  0.31   $  0.18
Basic - pro-forma...................      $  0.11   $  0.04   $  0.24   $  0.10

Diluted - as reported...............      $  0.14   $  0.09   $  0.30   $  0.18
Diluted - pro-forma.................      $  0.10   $  0.04   $  0.23   $  0.09

NOTE 6 - Authorized Preferred Stock and Preferred Stock Purchase Rights Plan

National  Instruments  has 5,000,000  authorized  shares of preferred  stock. On
January 21,  2004,  the Board of Directors  of National  Instruments  designated
750,000 of these shares as Series A Participating Preferred Stock in conjunction
with its adoption of a Preferred Stock Rights Agreement (the "Rights Agreement")
and  declaration of a dividend of one preferred share purchase right (a "Right")
for each share of common  stock  outstanding  held as of May 10,  2004 or issued
thereafter. Each Right will entitle its holder to purchase one one-thousandth of
a share of National  Instruments'  Series A Participating  Preferred Stock at an
exercise price of $200, subject to adjustment, under certain circumstances.  The
Rights Agreement was not adopted in response to any effort to acquire control of
National Instruments.

The Rights only become  exercisable in certain limited  circumstances  following
the tenth day after a person or group announces acquisitions of or tender offers
for 20% or more of  National  Instruments'  common  stock.  In  addition,  if an
acquirer  (subject to certain  exclusions for certain  current  stockholders  of
National  Instruments,  an "Acquiring  Person")  obtains 20% or more of National
Instruments'  common  stock,  then each Right (other than the Rights owned by an
Acquiring Person or its affiliates) will entitle the holder to purchase, for the
exercise price, shares of National Instruments common stock having a value equal
to two times the  exercise  price.  Under  certain  circumstances,  the National
Instruments'  Board of  Directors  may redeem the Rights,  in whole,  but not in
part,  at a  purchase  price of $0.01  per  Right.  The  Rights  have no  voting
privileges  and  are  attached  to  and   automatically   traded  with  National
Instruments  common stock until the occurrence of specified trigger events.  The
Rights  will  expire  on the  earlier  of May 10,  2014 or the  exchange  or the
redemption of the Rights.

NOTE 7 - Commitments and Contingencies

The Company offers a one or two-year limited warranty on most hardware  products
and a 90-day warranty on software products, which is included in the sales price
of many of its products.  Provision is made for estimated  future warranty costs
at the time of sale.

The warranty reserve was as follows (in thousands):

                                                             Six Months Ended
                                                                 June 30,
                                                             2004        2003
                                                          ----------  ----------
Balance at the beginning of the period.................   $    715    $    715
Accruals for warranties issued during the period.......        766         518
Settlements made (in cash or in kind) during the
  period...............................................       (666)       (518)
Balance at the end of the period.......................   $    815    $    715

As of June 30,  2004,  the Company  has  outstanding  guarantees  for payment of
foreign leases, customs and foreign grants totaling approximately $4.6 million.

As of June 30, 2004, the Company has  non-cancelable  purchase  commitments with
various  suppliers of customized  inventory and  inventory  components  totaling
approximately $5.1 million over the next twelve months.

NOTE 8 - Segment Information

While the Company sells its products to many different  markets,  its management
has chosen to organize  the  Company by  geographic  areas,  and as a result has
determined that it has one reportable segment. Substantially all of the interest
income,  interest  expense,  depreciation  and amortization is recorded in North
America.  Substantially all of the Company's goodwill is recorded in Europe. Net
sales,  operating  income  and  identifiable  assets,  classified  by the  major
geographic areas in which the Company operates, are as follows (in thousands):

                                    Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                          June 30,               June 30,
                                  ----------------------  ----------------------
                                        (unaudited)            (unaudited)
                                     2004        2003        2004        2003
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net sales:
  Unaffiliated customer sales...  $  62,700   $  49,562   $ 120,107   $  96,220
  Geographic transfers..........     20,896      13,239      42,109      27,130
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                     83,596      62,801     162,216     123,350
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

  Unaffiliated customer sales...     40,493      31,175      80,252      62,453
  Geographic transfers..........     18,754      11,814      32,869      23,017
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                     59,247      42,989     113,121      85,470
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Asia Pacific:
  Unaffiliated customer sales...     23,934      19,428      51,406      40,665
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Eliminations....................    (39,650)    (25,053)    (74,978)    (50,147)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                  $ 127,127   $ 100,165   $ 251,765   $ 199,338
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

                                    Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                          June 30,               June 30,
                                  ----------------------  ----------------------
                                        (unaudited)            (unaudited)
                                     2004        2003        2004        2003
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Operating income:
Americas........................  $  16,460   $   9,337   $  29,175   $  15,236
Europe..........................     12,154       9,399      24,616      17,609
Asia Pacific....................      7,739       6,954      18,897      16,421
Research and development
 expenses.......................    (21,345)    (16,876)    (41,335)    (32,127)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                  $  15,008   $   8,814   $  31,353   $  17,139
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

                                   June 30,   December 31,
                                     2004         2003
Identifiable assets:
Americas........................  $ 456,963   $  420,082
Europe..........................     69,572       77,963
Asia Pacific....................     30,589       27,106
                                  ----------  -----------
                                  $ 557,124   $  525,151
                                  ==========  ===========

Total sales  outside the United States for the quarter and six months ended June
30,  2004 were $70.1  million  and  $143.4  million,  respectively,  and for the
quarter  and six  months  ended  June 30,  2003 were  $55.3  million  and $112.1
million, respectively.

NOTE 9 - Litigation

The Company has filed two complaints against The MathWorks,  Inc.  ("Defendant")
for patent infringement.  In both complaints,  the Company claimed the Defendant
infringes certain of its U.S. patents and the Defendant  challenged the validity
and  enforceability  of those  patents and asserts that it does not infringe the
claims of those patents.

The first  complaint was filed on January 25, 2001 in the U.S.  District  Court,
Eastern  District of Texas  (Marshall  Division).  On January 30, 2003, the jury
found infringement by the Defendant of three of the patents involved and awarded
the  Company  specified  damages.  On June 23,  2003,  the Court  entered  final
judgment  in favor of the Company in an amount of  approximately  $4 million and
entered an  injunction  against  Defendant's  sale of its  Simulink  and related
products.  The  Court  stayed  the  injunction  pending  appeal  of the case and
required the Defendant to pay a specified  royalty on its U.S. sales of the same
products during the pendency of appeal.  The initial judgement and the royalties
on the sales of infringing products through June 30, 2004 total $6.3 million and
are  escrowed.  On July 22, 2003,  Defendant  filed its Notice of Appeal and the
case is  currently  pending on appeal  before the U.S.  Court of Appeals for the
Federal  Circuit.  The final  judgment  has not been  recorded in the  financial
statements of the Company pending the disposition of the appeal.

The second  complaint  was filed  October 21,  2002,  also in the U.S.  District
Court, Eastern District of Texas (Marshall Division) and on August 27, 2003, the
complaint was dismissed by agreement of the parties.

On January 15, 2003,  SoftWIRE  Technology,  LLC  ("SoftWIRE")  and  Measurement
Computing  Corporation ("MCC") filed a complaint against the Company in the U.S.
District  Court for the  District of  Massachusetts  asking the court to declare
that SoftWIRE does not infringe  certain of the Company's U.S.  patents and that
such patents are invalid and  unenforceable.  On February 21, 2003,  the Company
filed a complaint against SoftWIRE and MCC in the U.S.  District Court,  Eastern
District  of Texas  (Marshall  Division)  claiming  that both  SoftWIRE  and MCC
infringe the same and certain other of the Company's U.S. patents.  SoftWIRE and
MCC challenge the validity and  enforceability  of these patents and assert that
they do not infringe any of these patents.  In the Eastern District action,  the
Company seeks monetary damages and injunction of the sale of certain products of
SoftWIRE and MCC as well as  attorney's  fees and costs.  By order of the Court,
the Eastern  District action was transferred to the U.S.  District Court for the
District of  Massachusetts  on May 9, 2003, and has been  consolidated  with the
previously-filed  SoftWIRE  action,  which also  includes  counterclaims  by the
Company that are the same in substance  as the  Company's  claims in the Eastern
District  action.  On June 12,  2003,  SoftWIRE  moved  for  leave to amend  its
complaint in order to allege that the Company  infringes  two U.S.  patents that
SoftWIRE  acquired by purchase on May 23, 2003.  On November 5, 2003,  the Court
granted SoftWIRE's motion to amend, thereby adding SoftWIRE's two patents to the
litigation.  With respect to those two SoftWIRE patents, SoftWIRE seeks monetary
damages and injunction of the sale of the Company's  LabVIEW software  products,
as well as  attorney's  fees and costs.  The Company  challenges  the  validity,
enforceability  and  alleged  infringement  of  those  patents  and  intends  to
vigorously  defend  against  SoftWIRE's  claims.  Discovery in the litigation is
underway.  During the fourth quarter of 2003,  the Company  accrued $3.8 million
related to its probable loss from this  contingency,  which  consists  solely of
anticipated  patent defense costs that are probable of being incurred.  However,
the  outcome  of any  litigation  is  inherently  uncertain  and there can be no
assurance as to the ultimate outcome of this matter or any other litigation. The
Company charged  approximately  $893,000  against this accrual during the second
quarter of 2004.  The Company has charged a total of $1.3  million  against this
accrual through June 30, 2004.

NOTE 10 - Subsequent Event

The  Company's  Board of Directors  approved on July 27, 2004, a quarterly  cash
dividend of $0.05 per common share,  payable on August 30, 2004 to  shareholders
of record on August 9, 2004.

Item 2. Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations

     This  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q  contains  forward-looking  statements
within the meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E
of the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934.  Any  statements  contained  herein
regarding  the  future  financial  performance  or  operations  of  the  Company
(including,  without  limitation,  statements  to the  effect  that the  Company
"believes,"  "expects,"  "plans,"  "may," "will,"  "projects,"  "continues,"  or
"estimates"  or  other  variations  thereof  or  comparable  terminology  or the
negative  thereof)  should  be  considered  forward-looking  statements.  Actual
results  could differ  materially  from those  projected in the  forward-looking
statements  as a result of a number of important  factors.  For a discussion  of
important factors that could affect the Company's  results,  please refer to the
Market Risk section,  the Factors Affecting the Company's Business and Prospects
section and financial  statement line item discussions  below.  Readers are also
encouraged  to refer to the  documents  regularly  filed by the Company with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  including the Company's  Annual Report on
Form  10-K for  further  discussion  of the  Company's  business  and the  risks
attendant thereto.


     National   Instruments   designs,   develops,   manufactures   and  markets
instrumentation  and  automation  software and hardware for general  commercial,
industrial and scientific applications.  The Company offers hundreds of products
used to create virtual  instrumentation  systems for measurement and automation.
The Company has identified a large and diverse  market for test and  measurement
("T&M") and industrial  automation ("IA")  applications.  The Company's products
are  used  in a  variety  of  applications  from  research  and  development  to
production testing, monitoring and industrial control. In T&M applications,  the
Company's products can be used to monitor and control traditional instruments or
to create computer-based  instruments that can replace traditional  instruments.
In IA  applications,  the Company's  products can be used in the same ways as in
test and measurement and can also be used to integrate measurement functionality
with process  automation  capabilities.  The Company  sells to a large number of
customers in a wide variety of industries. No single customer accounted for more
than 3% of the Company's sales in 2003, 2002 or 2001.

     The Company has been  profitable in every year since 1990.  However,  there
can be no assurance  that the  Company's net sales will grow or that the Company
will remain  profitable in future  periods.  As a result,  the Company  believes
historical  results of operations  should not be relied upon as  indications  of
future performance.

Results of Operations

     The following table sets forth, for the periods  indicated,  the percentage
of  net  sales   represented  by  certain  items   reflected  in  the  Company's
consolidated statements of income:

                                    Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                         June 30,                June 30,
                                  ----------------------  ----------------------
                                     2004        2003        2004        2003
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net sales:
   Americas                           49.3%       49.5%       47.7%       48.3%
   Europe                             31.9        31.1        31.9        31.3
   Asia Pacific                       18.8        19.4        20.4        20.4
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Consolidated net sales            100.0       100.0       100.0       100.0
Cost of sales                         26.2        27.1        25.8        26.7
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Gross profit                       73.8        72.9        74.2        73.3
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Operating expenses:
   Sales and marketing                37.0        38.1        37.2        38.5
   Research and development           16.8        16.8        16.4        16.1
   General and administrative          8.2         9.2         8.1        10.1
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Total operating expenses           62.0        64.1        61.7        64.7
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
      Operating income                11.8         8.8        12.5         8.6
Other income (expense):
   Interest income, net                0.6         0.6         0.5         0.7
   Net foreign exchange gain
    (loss)                            (0.6)        0.3        (0.3)        0.2
   Other income, net                   0.1         0.1         0.1        --
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Income before income taxes            11.9         9.8        12.8         9.5
Provision for income taxes             3.0         2.4         3.2         2.4
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Net income                          8.9%        7.4%        9.6%        7.1%
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

     Net Sales. Consolidated net sales increased by $27.0 million or 27% for the
three months ended June 30, 2004 to $127.1  million from $100.2  million for the
three months ended June 30, 2003,  and increased  $52.4 million or 26% to $251.8
million  for the six months  ended June 30,  2004 from  $199.3  million  for the
comparable  period in the prior year. The Company believes that the increases in
sales  for the  three  and  six  months  ended  June  30,  2004  were  primarily
attributable  to the  introduction of new and upgraded  products,  the continued
recovery in the global  economy,  the increase in unit volume from the increased
market acceptance of the Company's products in all regions,  and the strength of
the Euro. The increase in sales  attributable to the increase in unit volume was
partially  offset by the decrease in local currency  product pricing in Asia and
Europe.  Sales in the Americas in the second  quarter of 2004 increased 27% from
the second  quarter of 2003 and sales in the  Americas  for the six months ended
June 30, 2004 increased 25% from the six months ended June 30, 2003.

     Sales outside of the Americas,  as a percentage of  consolidated  sales for
the  quarter  ended  June 30,  2004,  increased  to 50.7%  from  50.5%  over the
comparable  2003  period as a result of  stronger  sales in Asia and a  stronger
Euro.  International  sales as a percentage  of  consolidated  sales for the six
months  ended June 30, 2004  increased  to 52.3% from 51.7% over the  comparable
2003 period due to stronger sales in Asia and a stronger  Euro.  Compared to the
corresponding  periods in 2003, the Company's European sales increased by 30% to
$40.5  million for the quarter  ended June 30, 2004 and  increased  29% to $80.3
million for the six months ended June 30, 2004. Sales in Asia Pacific  increased
by 23% to $23.9  million in the quarter ended June 30, 2004 compared to the same
period in 2003 and  increased 26% to $51.4 million for the six months ended June
30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003. The Company  expects sales outside
of North America to continue to represent a significant  portion of its revenue.
The  Company  intends to  continue  to expand its  international  operations  by
increasing  its  presence  in  existing  markets,  adding a presence in some new
geographical markets and continuing the use of distributors to sell its products
in some countries.

     Sales by the Company's  direct sales offices in Europe and Asia Pacific are
denominated in local currencies, and accordingly,  the U.S. dollar equivalent of
these sales is affected by changes in foreign currency  exchange rates.  Between
the  second  quarter  of 2003 and the  second  quarter  of 2004,  net of hedging
results, the change in exchange rates had the effect of increasing the Company's
consolidated sales by 7%; increasing  European sales by 18% and increasing sales
in Asia Pacific by 5%. For 2004, year-to-date sales, net of hedging results, the
change in exchange rates had the effect of increasing the Company's consolidated
sales by 7%. The increases in sales in Europe and Asia as a result of the change
in exchange rates was partially offset by the decrease in local currency product
pricing in each  region.  Since most of the  Company's  international  operating
expenses are also incurred in local currencies, the change in exchange rates had
the effect of increasing  operating  expenses by $3.8 million,  or 2.5%, for the
six months  ended June 30, 2004 and by $1.5  million,  or 1.9%,  for the quarter
ended June 30, 2004 compared to the comparable prior year periods.

     Gross Profit.  As a percentage of sales,  gross profit increased to 74% for
the second quarter of 2004 from 73% for the second quarter of 2003 and increased
to 74% for the first six  months  of 2004 from 73% for the  comparable  period a
year ago.  Approximately  50% of the higher margin in the second quarter of 2004
is  attributable to favorable  foreign  currency  exchange rates.  The remaining
fraction of the higher margin is attributable to the favorable  impact of higher
sales volume.  Approximately 60% of the higher margin in the first six months of
2004 compared to the comparable  prior year period is  attributable to favorable
foreign currency exchange rates. The remaining  fraction of the higher margin is
attributable  to the favorable  impact of higher sales  volume.  There can be no
assurance  that the Company will maintain its  historical  margins.  The Company
believes its current manufacturing capacity is adequate to meet current needs.

     Sales and Marketing. Sales and marketing expenses for the second quarter of
2004 increased to $47.0 million, a 23% increase,  compared to the second quarter
of 2003 and increased 22% to $93.7 million for the first six months of 2004 from
the comparable 2003 period. Approximately 60% of the increases in these expenses
in the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2004 from the comparable prior year
periods were  attributable  to increases in  international  sales and  marketing
personnel  costs,  due to the  increase  in  international  sales and  marketing
personnel,  the increase in variable  compensation  from higher sales volume and
from the effects of the change in currency  exchange  rates,  with the remaining
fraction of increase  attributable to increases in  advertising,  tradeshows and
special events. As a percentage of net sales,  sales and marketing expenses were
37.0% and 38.1% for the three months ended June 30, 2004 and 2003, respectively,
and  37.2%  and  38.5%  for the  six  months  ended  June  30,  2004  and  2003,
respectively. The Company expects sales and marketing expenses in future periods
to increase in absolute dollars, and to fluctuate as a percentage of sales based
on recruiting,  initial marketing and advertising campaign costs associated with
major new product  releases and entry into new market  areas,  investment in web
sales and marketing  efforts,  increasing  product  demonstration  costs and the
timing of domestic and international conferences and trade shows.

     Research and Development.  Research and development  expenses  increased to
$21.3 million for the quarter  ended June 30, 2004, a 26% increase,  compared to
$16.9  million for the three months ended June 30, 2003,  and  increased  29% to
$41.3  million for the six months ended June 30, 2004 from the  comparable  2003
period. As a percentage of net sales, research and development expenses remained
flat at 16.8% for the  quarter  ended June 30,  2004  compared  with the quarter
ended June 30,  2003,  and  increased to 16.4% for the six months ended June 30,
2004 from 16.1% for the  comparable  2003  period.  The increase in research and
development  costs as a percentage of sales in the  six-month  period ended June
30,  2004  versus  the prior year  period  was  primarily  due to  increases  in
personnel costs from the hiring of additional product development  engineers and
the decrease in the  capitalization of software  development  costs. The Company
plans to continue making a significant investment in research and development in
order to remain competitive and support revenue growth.

     The Company capitalizes  software  development costs in accordance with the
SFAS No. 86, Accounting for the Costs of Computer  Software to be Sold,  Leased,
or  Otherwise  Marketed.  The  Company  amortizes  such costs  over the  related
product's estimated economic useful life, generally three years,  beginning when
a product becomes available for general release.  Software  amortization expense
totaled $1.8  million and $1.2 million for the quarters  ended June 30, 2004 and
2003,  respectively,  and $3.7  million and $2.2  million  during the six months
ended  June  30,  2004  and  2003,  respectively.   Software  development  costs
capitalized  were $1.4 million and $3.9 million for the quarters  ended June 30,
2004 and 2003, respectively, and $3.4 million and $8.4 million for the first six
months of 2004 and 2003, respectively.

     General and  Administrative.  General and  administrative  expenses for the
second  quarter  ended June 30, 2004  increased  13% to $10.4  million from $9.2
million for the comparable prior year period.  For the first six months of 2004,
general and  administrative  expenses  increased 1% to $20.4  million from $20.2
million for the first six months of 2003. As a percentage of net sales,  general
and  administrative  expenses  decreased to 8.2% for the quarter  ended June 30,
2004 from 9.2% for the second  quarter  of 2003.  During the first six months of
2004, general and administrative  expenses decreased as a percentage of sales to
8.1% from 10.1% for the comparable  prior year period.  The increases in general
and administrative expenses in absolute terms for the quarter and the six months
ended June 30,  2004 from the  comparable  prior  year  periods  were  primarily
attributable to increases in personnel and insurance costs, and costs associated
with the upgrade of the Company's business applications suite to Oracle's latest
web-based release 11i. The decrease in general and administrative  expenses as a
percentage  of sales for the  quarter  ended  June 30,  2004 from the prior year
period was  primarily  attributable  to higher  sales  volume.  The  decrease in
general and administrative  expenses as a percentage of sales for the six months
ended June 30, 2004 from the comparable  prior year period was  attributable  to
decreased litigation costs of approximately $2.8 million associated with a legal
action by the  Company  brought  against  The  MathWorks,  Inc.  to enforce  the
Company's intellectual property.  (See Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements.)  The Company  expects that general and  administrative  expenses in
future  periods  will  fluctuate  in  absolute  amounts and as a  percentage  of

     Interest  Income,  Net. Net interest  income in the second  quarter of 2004
increased to $717,000 from $620,000 in the second quarter of 2003, and increased
to $1.4  million  for the first six  months  of 2004 from $1.3  million  for the
comparable 2003 period. The increases in interest income for the quarter and six
months  ended  June 30,  2004 were due to higher  yields on  increased  invested
funds.  The primary  source of  interest  income is from the  investment  of the
Company's cash.

     Net Foreign  Exchange  Gain  (Loss).  The Company  experienced  net foreign
exchange  losses of $743,000 in the second  quarter of 2004 compared to gains of
$340,000 in the second quarter of 2003. Net foreign  exchange losses of $746,000
were  recognized  for the first six months of 2004 compared to gains of $325,000
for the first six months of 2003.  These results are  attributable  to movements
between  the U.S.  dollar and the local  currencies  in  countries  in which the
Company's  sales  subsidiaries  are located.  The Company  recognizes  the local
currency as the functional currency of its international subsidiaries.

     The Company utilizes foreign currency forward contracts to hedge a majority
of its foreign currency-denominated  receivables in order to reduce its exposure
to significant foreign currency  fluctuations.  The Company typically limits the
duration of its "receivables" foreign currency forward contracts to 90 days.

     The Company also utilizes foreign  currency  forward  contracts and foreign
currency  purchased  option  contracts  in  order  to  reduce  its  exposure  to
fluctuations in future foreign currency cash flows. The Company  purchases these
contracts  for up to 100% of its  forecasted  cash flows in selected  currencies
(primarily  the euro,  yen and pound  sterling) and limits the duration of these
contracts to 40 months.  The foreign  currency  purchased  option  contracts are
purchased  "at-the-money"  or  "out-of-the-money."  As a result,  the  Company's
hedging  activities  only  partially  address  its  risks  in  foreign  currency
transactions,  and  there  can  be no  assurance  that  this  strategy  will  be
successful.  The Company does not invest in contracts for speculative  purposes.
The Company's hedging strategy decreased the foreign exchange losses by $427,000
during the quarter ended June 30, 2004, and reduced the foreign  exchange losses
by $227,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2004.

     Provision  for Income Taxes.  The  provision  for income taxes  reflects an
effective  tax rate of 25% for the three and six months  ended June 30, 2004 and
25% for the three and six months ended June 30, 2003.  The  Company's  effective
tax rate is lower than the U.S.  federal  statutory  rate of 35%  primarily as a
result of the extraterritorial income exclusion, tax-exempt interest and reduced
tax rates in certain foreign jurisdictions.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     The Company is currently financing its operations and capital  expenditures
through cash flow from  operations.  At June 30,  2004,  the Company had working
capital of  approximately  $282.2 million compared to $255.3 million at December
31, 2003.  Net cash provided by operating  activities  for the six month periods
ended  June  30,  2004  and  2003  totaled  $12.5  million  and  $27.0  million,

     Accounts receivable  increased to $85.1 million at June 30, 2004 from $78.0
million at December 31, 2003. Days sales outstanding increased to 57 at June 30,
2004 compared to 56 at June 30, 2003.  Consolidated inventory balances increased
to $60.4 million at June 30, 2004 from $38.8  million at December 31, 2003.  The
increase in inventory was due to a planned  increase in safety stock  inventory.
Inventory  turns decreased to 2.2 for the quarter ended June 30, 2004 from turns
of 3.0 for the quarter ended June 30, 2003. Cash used in the first six months of
2004 for the purchase of property and equipment  totaled $6.8  million,  for the
capitalization of internally  developed software costs totaled $3.4 million, and
for additions to other intangibles totaled $336,000.  Cash used in the first six
months of 2003 for the purchase of property and equipment  totaled $7.8 million,
for the  capitalization  of  internally  developed  software  costs totaled $8.4
million, and for additions to other intangibles totaled $4.3 million.

     Cash provided by the issuance of common stock totaled $9.2 million and $7.7
million for the first six months of 2004 and 2003, respectively. The issuance of
common stock was  primarily  to employees  under the  Company's  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan and 1994  Incentive  Plan.  Cash used for the repurchase of common
stock  totaled  $7.4  million  and $0 for the first six months of 2004 and 2003,
respectively. Cash used for the payment of dividends totaled $6.6 million and $0
for the first six months of 2004 and 2003, respectively.

     The Company currently expects to fund expenditures for capital requirements
as well as  liquidity  needs  created  by  changes  in  working  capital  from a
combination of available cash and short-term  investment balances and internally
generated  funds.  As of  June  30,  2004  and  2003,  the  Company  had no debt
outstanding.  The Company believes that its cash flow from  operations,  if any,
existing cash balances and short-term investments will be sufficient to meet its
cash  requirements  for at least the next twelve months.  Cash  requirements for
periods   beyond  the  next  twelve   months   will  depend  on  the   Company's
profitability,  its ability to manage working capital  requirements and its rate
of growth.

Financial Risk Management

     The Company's  international sales are subject to inherent risks, including
fluctuations in local  economies;  difficulties in staffing and managing foreign
operations;  greater  difficulty in accounts  receivable  collection;  costs and
risks of  localizing  products  for  foreign  countries;  unexpected  changes in
regulatory requirements,  tariffs and other trade barriers;  difficulties in the
repatriation of earnings and burdens of complying with a wide variety of foreign
laws.  The Company's  sales outside of North  America are  denominated  in local
currencies, and accordingly, the Company is subject to the risks associated with
fluctuations  in currency  rates.  In particular,  increases in the value of the
dollar  against  foreign  currencies  decrease the U.S.  dollar value of foreign
sales  requiring the Company either to increase its price in the local currency,
which could render the Company's  product  prices  noncompetitive,  or to suffer
reduced revenues and gross margins as measured in U.S.  dollars.  These dynamics
have  adversely  affected  revenue growth in  international  markets in previous
years.  The Company's  foreign  currency  hedging program  includes both foreign
currency forward and purchased option contracts to reduce the effect of exchange
rate  fluctuations.  However,  the hedging program will not eliminate all of the
Company's foreign exchange risks. (See "Net Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss)").

     The  marketplace  for the  Company's  products  dictates  that  many of the
Company's  products be shipped  very quickly  after an order is  received.  As a
result, the Company is required to maintain significant inventories.  Therefore,
inventory  obsolescence  is a risk for the Company  due to frequent  engineering
changes,  shifting customer demand,  the emergence of new industry standards and
rapid  technological  advances  including the introduction by the Company or its
competitors of products  embodying new technology.  While the Company  maintains
valuation   allowances  for  excess  and  obsolete  inventories  and  management
continues to monitor the adequacy of such valuation allowances,  there can be no
assurance that such valuation allowances will be sufficient.

     The Company has no debt or  off-balance  sheet debt. At June 30, 2004,  the
Company  did not have any  relationships  with any  unconsolidated  entities  or
financial partnerships, such as entities often referred to as structured finance
entities,  which would have been  established  for the  purpose of  facilitating
off-balance  sheet  arrangements.  As such,  the  Company is not  exposed to any
financing, liquidity, market or credit risk that could arise if the Company were
engaged in such relationships.

Market Risk

     The Company is exposed to a variety of risks,  including  foreign  currency
fluctuations and changes in the market value of its  investments.  In the normal
course of business,  the Company employs established  policies and procedures to
manage its exposure to  fluctuations  in foreign  currency values and changes in
the market value of its investments.

     Foreign Currency Hedging  Activities.  The Company's  objective in managing
its exposure to foreign  currency  exchange rate  fluctuations  is to reduce the
impact of adverse  fluctuations in such exchange rates on the Company's earnings
and cash flow.  Accordingly,  the Company  utilizes  purchased  foreign currency
option  contracts  and forward  contracts to hedge its  exposure on  anticipated
transactions and firm commitments. The principal currencies hedged are the euro,
British  pound and  Japanese  yen.  The Company  monitors  its foreign  exchange
exposures regularly to ensure the overall  effectiveness of its foreign currency
hedge  positions.  However,  there can be no  assurance  the  Company's  foreign
currency hedging activities will substantially offset the impact of fluctuations
in currency exchanges rates on its results of operations and financial position.
Based on the foreign  exchange  instruments  outstanding  at June 30,  2004,  an
adverse  change  (defined  as 20% in the Asian  currencies  and 10% in all other
currencies)  in exchange  rates would result in a decline in the aggregate  fair
market value of all  instruments  outstanding  of  approximately  $8.1  million.
However,  as the  Company  utilizes  foreign  currency  instruments  for hedging
anticipated and firmly committed  transactions,  management believes that a loss
in fair value for those instruments will be substantially offset by increases in
the value of the underlying exposure.

     Short-term  Investments.  The fair value of the  Company's  investments  in
marketable  securities  at June 30, 2004 was $145.7  million.  Investments  with
maturities  beyond one year are  classified as short-term  based on their highly
liquid nature and because such marketable securities represent the investment of
cash that is available for current operations.  The Company's  investment policy
is to manage its investment  portfolio to preserve principal and liquidity while
maximizing the return on the investment portfolio through the full investment of
available funds. The Company diversifies its marketable  securities portfolio by
investing  in  multiple  types of  investment-grade  securities.  The  Company's
investment  portfolio  is  primarily  invested  in  securities  with at least an
investment grade rating to minimize  interest rate and credit risk as well as to
provide for an  immediate  source of funds.  Based on the  Company's  investment
portfolio  and interest  rates at June 30,  2004, a 100 basis point  increase or
decrease  in  interest   rates  would  result  in  a  decrease  or  increase  of
approximately  $730,000,  respectively,  in the  fair  value  of the  investment
portfolio.  Although  changes in interest rates may affect the fair value of the
investment  portfolio and cause unrealized gains or losses, such gains or losses
would not be realized unless the investments are sold.

Factors Affecting the Company's Business and Prospects

     U.S./Global  Economic Changes.  As occurred in recent years, the markets in
which the Company does business could again experience the negative effects of a
slowdown in the U.S., and/or global economies.  Additionally,  the Company could
be impacted by the effects of any  recurrence of the SARS virus,  either through
increased  difficulty or costs of the export of products into affected  regions,
the import of components used in the Company's  products from affected  regions,
and/or the  effects  the virus or costs to contain the virus have on the economy
in regions in which the Company does business, particularly Asia, which has been
the highest growth region of the Company over the past three years.  The Company
could also be subject to or  impacted  by acts of  terrorism  and/or the effects
that war or continued U.S.  military action would have on the U.S. and/or global
economies. The worsening of the U.S. or global economies could result in reduced
purchasing  and capital  spending  in any of the  markets  served by the Company
which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.

     Budgets.  The Company has  established  an operating  budget for 2004.  The
Company's spending for the remainder of the year could exceed this budget due to
a number of factors,  including:  additional marketing costs for conferences and
tradeshows;   increased  costs  from  the  over-hiring  of  product  development
engineers or other  personnel;  increased  manufacturing  costs  resulting  from
component supply shortages and/or component price fluctuations and/or additional
expenses  related to  intellectual  property  litigation.  Any future  decreased
demand for the Company's  products  could result in decreased  revenue and could
require the Company to revise its budget and reduce expenditures.  Exceeding the
established  operating  budget or failing to reduce  expenditures in response to
any decrease in revenue  could have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's
operating results.

     Risk of  Component  Shortages.  As has  occurred  in the past and as may be
expected to occur in the future,  supply  shortages  of  components  used in our
products, including sole source components, can result in significant additional
costs and  inefficiencies  in  manufacturing.  If the Company is unsuccessful in
resolving any such component shortages,  it will experience a significant impact
on the timing of revenue and/or an increase in  manufacturing  costs,  either of
which would have a material adverse impact on the Company's operating results.

     Fluctuations  in  Quarterly  Results.  The  Company's  quarterly  operating
results  have  fluctuated  in the past and may  fluctuate  significantly  in the
future due to a number of  factors,  including:  changes in the mix of  products
sold; the availability and pricing of components from third parties  (especially
sole sources);  the timing of orders;  level of pricing of international  sales;
fluctuations in foreign  currency  exchange rates; the difficulty in maintaining
margins,  including the higher margins  traditionally  achieved in international
sales;  and  changes in pricing  policies by the  Company,  its  competitors  or
suppliers.  Specifically,  if the local  currencies  in which the Company  sells
weaken against the U.S. dollar,  and if the local sales prices cannot be raised,
the Company will experience a deterioration of its gross and net profit margins.
If the U.S. dollar  strengthens in the future,  it could have a material adverse
effect on gross and net profit margins.

     As has  occurred in the past and as may be expected to occur in the future,
new software  products of the Company or new operating  systems of third parties
on which the Company's products are based, often contain bugs or errors that can
result in reduced  sales and/or cause the  Company's  support costs to increase,
either of which could have a material adverse impact on the Company's  operating
results.  Furthermore,  the Company has  significant  revenues from customers in
industries such as semiconductors, automated test equipment, telecommunications,
aerospace,  defense and  automotive  which are cyclical in nature.  Downturns in
these industries could have a material adverse effect on the Company's operating

     In  recent  years,  the  Company's  revenues  have  been  characterized  by
seasonality,  with revenues  typically being  relatively  constant in the first,
second and third  quarters,  growing in the fourth quarter and being  relatively
flat or declining  from the fourth  quarter of the year to the first  quarter of
the following year. The Company's  results of operations in the third quarter of
2004 may be adversely affected by lower sales levels in Europe,  which typically
occur during the summer  months.  The Company  believes the  seasonality  of its
revenue results from the international mix of its revenue and the variability of
the  budgeting  and  purchasing   cycles  of  its  customers   throughout   each
international  region.  In addition,  total operating  expenses have in the past
tended to be higher  in the  second  and third  quarters  of each  year,  due to
recruiting and increased intern personnel expenses.

     New  Product  Introductions  and  Market  Acceptance.  The  market  for the
Company's  products is characterized  by rapid  technological  change,  evolving
industry  standards,   changes  in  customer  needs  and  frequent  new  product
introductions, and is therefore highly dependent upon timely product innovation.
The Company's  success is dependent on its ability to  successfully  develop and
introduce  new and  enhanced  products  on a timely  basis to replace  declining
revenues  from older  products,  and on increasing  penetration  in domestic and
international  markets.  In the past,  the Company has  experienced  significant
delays between the announcement and the commercial availability of new products.
Any  significant  delay in releasing new products could have a material  adverse
effect on the ultimate success of a product and other related products and could
impede  continued  sales of  predecessor  products,  any of which  could  have a
material  adverse  effect on the Company's  operating  results.  There can be no
assurance  that the Company will be able to introduce new products in accordance
with announced  release dates,  that new products will achieve market acceptance
or that  any such  acceptance  will be  sustained  for any  significant  period.
Failure of new  products to achieve or sustain  market  acceptance  could have a
material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.  Moreover, there can
be no assurance that the Company's international sales will continue at existing
levels or grow in  accordance  with the  Company's  efforts to increase  foreign
market penetration.

     Risks Associated with the Company's Web Site. The Company devotes resources
to  maintain  its Web site as a key  marketing  and sales  tool and  expects  to
continue to do so in the future. There can be no assurance that the Company will
be successful in its attempt to leverage the Web to increase sales.  The Company
hosts its Web site internally. Any failure to successfully maintain the Web site
could have a significant adverse impact on the Company's operating results.

     Operation  in  Intensely  Competitive  Markets.  The  markets  in which the
Company  operates  are  characterized  by  intense   competition  from  numerous
competitors,  some of which  are  divisions  of large  corporations  having  far
greater  resources  than the  Company,  and the Company  expects to face further
competition  from new market entrants in the future. A key competitor is Agilent
Technologies  Inc.  ("Agilent").  Agilent  offers  its own  line  of  instrument
controllers,   and  also  offers  hardware  and  software  add-on  products  for
third-party  desktop  computers and  workstations  that provide  solutions  that
directly compete with the Company's virtual instrumentation products. Agilent is
aggressively  advertising and marketing  products that are competitive  with the
Company's products.  Because of Agilent's strong position in the instrumentation
business,  changes in its marketing  strategy or product  offerings could have a
material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.

     The  Company  believes  its  ability to compete  successfully  depends on a
number of factors  both within and outside its control,  including:  new product
introductions by competitors;  product pricing; quality and performance; success
in  developing  new  products;  adequate  manufacturing  capacity  and supply of
components and materials; efficiency of manufacturing operations;  effectiveness
of sales and marketing  resources and strategies;  strategic  relationships with
other suppliers;  timing of new product introductions by the Company; protection
of the  Company's  products by  effective  use of  intellectual  property  laws;
general market and economic  conditions;  and government  actions throughout the
world.  There  can be no  assurance  that the  Company  will be able to  compete
successfully in the future.

     Management  Information  Systems.  The  Company  relies  on  three  primary
regional centers for its management information systems. As with any information
system,  unforeseen issues may arise that could affect  management's  ability to
receive adequate, accurate and timely financial information, which in turn could
inhibit effective and timely decisions.  Furthermore, it is possible that one or
more of the Company's  three  regional  information  systems could  experience a
complete  or partial  shutdown.  If such a shutdown  occurred  near the end of a
quarter it could impact the Company's product shipments and revenues, as product
distribution  is heavily  dependent  on the  integrated  management  information
systems in each region. Accordingly,  operating results in that quarter would be
adversely  impacted.  The Company is working to achieve more  reliable  regional
management  information  systems to control  costs and  improve  its  ability to
deliver its products in substantially  all of its direct markets  worldwide.  No
assurance  can be given  that the  Company's  efforts  will be  successful.  The
failure to receive  adequate,  accurate and timely financial  information  could
inhibit management's ability to make effective and timely decisions.

     During the quarter ending March 31, 2005, the Company will be upgrading its
European business  applications suite to Oracle's latest web-based release, 11i.
There can be no  assurance  that the Company  will not  experience  difficulties
implementing the new system.  Difficulties or delays in the  implementation  may
interrupt  normal Company  operations,  including the ability to provide quotes,
process orders,  ship products,  provide  services and support to its customers,
bill and track its customers,  fulfill contractual obligations and otherwise run
its business.  Any disruptions occurring in the implementation of the system may
have a material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.

     Risks  Associated  with  International  Operations  and Foreign  Economies.
International  sales are subject to inherent  risks,  including  fluctuations in
local  economies,  difficulties  in staffing  and managing  foreign  operations,
greater  difficulty  in  accounts  receivable  collection,  costs  and  risks of
localizing  products for foreign  countries,  unexpected  changes in  regulatory
requirements, tariffs and other trade barriers, difficulties in the repatriation
of earnings  and the burdens of complying  with a wide variety of foreign  laws.
The Company must also comply with various import and export regulations. Failure
to comply with these  regulations  could result in fines and/or  termination  of
import and export privileges,  which could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's operating results.  Additionally,  the regulatory  environment in some
countries is very  restrictive as their  governments  try to protect their local
economy and value of their local currency against the U.S. dollar. Sales made by
the  Company's  international  direct  sales  offices are  denominated  in local
currencies,  and  accordingly,  the U.S.  dollar  equivalent  of these  sales is
affected by changes in the foreign currency  exchange rates.  Between the second
quarter of 2004 and the  second  quarter of 2003,  net of hedging  results,  the
change in exchange rates had the effect of increasing the Company's consolidated
sales by $6.2 million, or 7%, compared to the second quarter of 2003. Since most
of the  Company's  international  operating  expenses are also incurred in local
currencies, the change in exchanges rates had the effect of increasing operating
expenses by $1.5  million for the  quarter  ended June 30, 2004  compared to the
comparable prior year period. If the U.S. dollar weakens in the future, it could
result in the Company  having to reduce prices locally in order for its products
to remain competitive in the local  marketplace.  If the U.S. dollar strengthens
in the future, and the Company is unable to successfully raise its international
selling  prices,  it could  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's
operating results.

     Expansion of  Manufacturing  Capacity.  During 2001, the Company  completed
construction  of a second  manufacturing  facility.  This facility is located in
Hungary and became  operational  in the fourth  quarter of 2001.  This  facility
sources a significant  portion of the Company's sales.  Currently the Company is
continuing to develop and implement information systems to support the operation
of this  facility.  This  facility and its  operation  are also subject to risks
associated   with  a  new   manufacturing   facility  and  with  doing  business
internationally,  including difficulty in managing manufacturing operations in a
foreign  country,  difficulty  in  achieving  or  maintaining  product  quality,
interruption  to  transportation  flows for  delivery  of  components  to us and
finished  goods to our  customers,  and changes in the  country's  political  or
economic  conditions.  No assurance can be given that the Company's efforts will
be successful.  Accordingly, any failure to deal with these factors could result
in interruption in the facility's operation or delays in expanding its capacity,
either of which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's  operating

     Income Tax Rate.  The  Company  established  a  manufacturing  facility  in
Hungary in 2001. As a result of certain foreign investment  incentives available
under  Hungarian  law,  the profit from the  Company's  Hungarian  operation  is
currently  exempt from income tax.  These  benefits  may not be available in the
future due to changes in  Hungary's  political  condition  and/or tax laws.  The
reduction or elimination of these foreign investment  incentives would result in
the reduction or  elimination  of certain tax benefits  thereby  increasing  the
Company's  future effective income tax rate, which could have a material adverse
effect on the Company's operating results.

     The  Company   receives  a   substantial   income  tax  benefit   from  the
extraterritorial  income exemption ("ETI") under U.S. law. The ETI rules provide
that a percentage of the profits from products and intangibles exported from the
U.S. are exempt from U.S.  tax.  This benefit may not be available in the future
as ETI has been ruled an illegal export subsidy by the World Trade Organization.
The  repeal  of the ETI  would  result in the  elimination  of this tax  benefit
thereby  increasing the Company's  future effective income tax rate, which could
have a material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.

     Products Dependent on Certain  Industries.  Sales of the Company's products
are   dependent   on   customers  in  certain   industries,   particularly   the
telecommunications, semiconductor, automotive, automated test equipment, defense
and aerospace industries.  As experienced in the past, and as may be expected to
occur in the future, downturns characterized by diminished product demand in any
one or more of these  industries  could result in decreased  sales,  which could
have a material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.

     Dependence  on Key  Suppliers.  The Company's  manufacturing  processes use
large volumes of high-quality  components and subassemblies  supplied by outside
sources.  Several of these  components  are  available  through  sole or limited
sources.   Sole-source  components  purchased  by  the  Company  include  custom
application-specific  integrated  circuits  ("ASICs") and other components.  The
Company has in the past  experienced  delays and quality  problems in connection
with sole-source  components,  and there can be no assurance that these problems
will not recur in the future.  Accordingly,  the failure to receive  sole-source
components  from  suppliers  could  result in a material  adverse  effect on the
Company's revenues and operating results.

     Stock-based  Compensation  Plans.  The Company  has two active  stock-based
compensation   plans  and  one  inactive  plan.   The  two  active   stock-based
compensation  plans are the 1994  Incentive Plan and the Employee Stock Purchase
Plan. The Company  currently  adheres to the disclosure  only provisions of SFAS
No. 123, as amended by SFAS No. 148,  Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation -
Transition and Disclosure, and as such, no compensation cost has been recognized
in the Company's  financial  statements  for the stock option plan and the stock
purchase plan. The Company is currently monitoring the recent proposal requiring
changes in the accounting  treatment for stock options.  The Company will comply
with any changes in the accounting of stock options required by the FASB and the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Provisions in Our Charter  Documents  and Delaware Law and Our  Stockholder
Rights  Plan May Delay or  Prevent an  Acquisition  of Us.  Our  certificate  of
incorporation and bylaws and Delaware law contain  provisions that could make it
more  difficult for a third party to acquire us without the consent of our Board
of  Directors.  These  provisions  include  a  classified  Board  of  Directors,
prohibition  of   stockholder   action  by  written   consent,   prohibition  of
stockholders to call special meetings and the requirement that the holders of at
least 80% of our shares approve any business  combination not otherwise approved
by  two-thirds  of the  Board  of  Directors.  Delaware  law also  imposes  some
restrictions  on  mergers  and other  business  combinations  between us and any
holder of 15% or more of our outstanding common stock. In addition, our Board of
Directors has the right to issue preferred stock without  stockholder  approval,
which  could be used to  dilute  the  stock  ownership  of a  potential  hostile
acquirer.  Our Board of  Directors  adopted a new  stockholders  rights  plan on
January 21, 2004, pursuant to which we declared a dividend of one right for each
share of our common  stock  outstanding  as of May 10,  2004.  This  rights plan
replaced a similar  rights plan that had been in effect since our initial public
offering  in 1995.  Unless  redeemed  by us prior  to the  time the  rights  are
exercised,  upon the occurrence of certain  events,  the rights will entitle the
holders to receive upon  exercise  thereof  shares of our  preferred  stock,  or
shares of an acquiring  entity,  having a value equal to twice the  then-current
exercise price of the right. The issuance of the rights could have the effect of
delaying or preventing a change of control of us.

     Proprietary  Rights and  Intellectual  Property  Litigation.  The Company's
success  depends  on its  ability  to  obtain  and  maintain  patents  and other
proprietary rights relative to the technologies used in its principal  products.
Despite the Company's  efforts to protect its proprietary  rights,  unauthorized
parties  may have in the past  infringed  or violated  certain of the  Company's
intellectual  property  rights.  The  Company  from  time  to  time  engages  in
litigation  to protect its  intellectual  property  rights.  In  monitoring  and
policing  its  intellectual  property  rights,  the  Company has been and may be
required to spend  significant  resources.  The Company from time to time may be
notified that it is infringing certain patent or intellectual property rights of
others.  There can be no assurance  that the SoftWIRE case and/or other existing
litigation,  or any other  intellectual  property  litigation  initiated  in the
future,  will not cause significant  litigation expense,  liability,  injunction
against  some  of  the  Company's  products,  and a  diversion  of  management's
attention,  any of which may have a  material  adverse  effect on the  Company's
operating results.

     Recently  Enacted  and  Proposed  Changes in  Securities  Laws and  Related
Regulations Could Result in Increased Costs to Us. Recently enacted and proposed
changes in the laws and regulations  affecting public  companies,  including the
provisions  of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002 and  recent  rules  enacted  and
proposed by the SEC, Nasdaq and the NYSE, are resulting in increased costs to us
as we respond to their requirements. In particular,  complying with the internal
control  audit  requirements  of  Sarbanes-Oxley  Section  404  will  result  in
increased internal efforts and higher fees from our independent accounting firm.
The current estimate of our total cost of both the additional  internal resource
requirement and the additional external cost to implement these new and proposed
rules,  including  Sarbanes-Oxley  Section 404, is  approximately  $1.0 million.
However,  any internal controls that need to be implemented or improved in order
to comply with these new rules,  and/or any changes to the  requirements,  could
result in the Company  exceeding its current  internal  resource and/or external
cost  estimates.  If the amount of the costs we incur increases or the timing of
such  costs  that we may  incur as we  implement  these new and  proposed  rules
changes,  it could have a material  adverse  impact on the  Company's  operating
results.  The new rules could make it more  difficult  for us to obtain  certain
types of insurance,  including director and officer liability insurance,  and we
may  be  forced  to  accept   reduced   policy  limits  and  coverage  or  incur
substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage. The impact of
these  events  could also make it more  difficult  for us to attract  and retain
qualified persons to serve on our Board of Directors, on committees of our Board
of Directors, or as executive officers.

     Dependence on Key Management and Technical Personnel. The Company's success
depends to a  significant  degree upon the  continued  contributions  of its key
management,   sales,   marketing,   research  and  development  and  operational
personnel,  including Dr. Truchard,  the Company's  Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, and other members of senior management and key technical personnel. The
Company  has no  agreements  providing  for  the  employment  of any of its  key
employees for any fixed term and the  Company's  key  employees may  voluntarily
terminate  their  employment  with  the  Company  at any  time.  The loss of the
services of one or more of the  Company's key employees in the future could have
a material adverse effect on the Company's  operating results.  The Company also
believes  its future  success will depend upon its ability to attract and retain
additional  highly  skilled  management,   technical,  marketing,  research  and
development,  and  operational  personnel with  experience in managing large and
rapidly  changing  companies,  as well as training,  motivating and  supervising
employees.  In addition,  the recruiting  environment for software  engineering,
sales and other technical  professionals  is very  competitive.  Competition for
qualified software engineers is particularly  intense and is likely to result in
increased  personnel  costs.  Failure to attract  or retain  qualified  software
engineers could have an adverse effect on the Company's  operating results.  The
Company also recruits and employs foreign  nationals to achieve its hiring goals
primarily for engineering and software positions. There can be no guarantee that
the Company will continue to be able to recruit foreign nationals at the current
rate. These factors further intensify  competition for key personnel,  and there
can be no  assurance  that the  Company  will be  successful  in  retaining  its
existing key personnel or attracting  and retaining  additional  key  personnel.
Failure to attract and retain a sufficient number of the Company's key personnel
could have a material adverse effect on the Company's operating results.

     Risk of Product  Liability Claims.  The Company's  products are designed to
provide  information  upon which the users may rely.  The  Company  attempts  to
assure the quality and accuracy of the processes contained in its products,  and
to limit its product  liability  exposure  through  contractual  limitations  on
liability,  including  disclaimers in its "shrink wrap" license  agreements with
end-users.  If future products contain errors that produce  incorrect results on
which  users  rely,  customer  acceptance  of the  Company's  products  could be
adversely  affected.  Further,  the Company could be subject to liability claims
that could have a material adverse effect on the Company's  operating results or
financial position.  Although the Company maintains liability  insurance,  there
can be no assurance that such insurance or the  contractual  provisions  used by
the Company to limit its liability will be sufficient.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     Response to this item is included in "Item 2 - Management's  Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Conditions and Results of Operations - Market Risk" above.

Item 4.  Controls and Procedures

     The Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, based on
the evaluation of the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined
in Rules  13a-15(e)  and  15d-15(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended) required by paragraph (b) of Rule 13a-15 or Rule 15d-15, as of June 30,
2004, have concluded that the Company's  disclosure controls and procedures were
effective  to  ensure  the  timely  collection,  evaluation  and  disclosure  of
information  relating  to the  Company  that  would  potentially  be  subject to
disclosure under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder.  During the quarter ended June 30, 2004,
there  were  no  changes  in the  Company's  internal  controls  over  financial
reporting identified in connection with the evaluation required by paragraph (d)
of the Rule 13a-15 or Rule 15d-15 that has materially affected, or is reasonably
likely to materially affect, the internal controls over financial reporting.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


     The  Company  has  filed  two  complaints   against  The  MathWorks,   Inc.
("Defendant") for patent infringement.  In both complaints,  the Company claimed
the Defendant infringes certain of its U.S. patents and the Defendant challenged
the validity and  enforceability  of those  patents and asserts that it does not
infringe the claims of those patents.

     The first  complaint  was filed on January  25,  2001 in the U.S.  District
Court, Eastern District of Texas (Marshall  Division).  On January 30, 2003, the
jury found  infringement  by the Defendant of three of the patents  involved and
awarded the Company specified damages. On June 23, 2003, the Court entered final
judgment  in favor of the Company in an amount of  approximately  $4 million and
entered an  injunction  against  Defendant's  sale of its  Simulink  and related
products.  The  Court  stayed  the  injunction  pending  appeal  of the case and
required the Defendant to pay a specified  royalty on its U.S. sales of the same
products during the pendency of appeal.  The initial judgement and the royalties
on the sales of infringing products through June 30, 2004 total $6.3 million and
are  escrowed.  On July 22, 2003,  Defendant  filed its Notice of Appeal and the
case is  currently  pending on appeal  before the U.S.  Court of Appeals for the
Federal  Circuit.  The final  judgment  has not been  recorded in the  financial
statements of the Company pending the disposition of the appeal.

     The second complaint was filed October 21, 2002, also in the U.S.  District
Court, Eastern District of Texas (Marshall Division) and on August 27, 2003, the
complaint was dismissed by agreement of the parties.

     On January 15, 2003, SoftWIRE Technology,  LLC ("SoftWIRE") and Measurement
Computing  Corporation ("MCC") filed a complaint against the Company in the U.S.
District  Court for the  District of  Massachusetts  asking the court to declare
that SoftWIRE does not infringe  certain of the Company's U.S.  patents and that
such patents are invalid and  unenforceable.  On February 21, 2003,  the Company
filed a complaint against SoftWIRE and MCC in the U.S.  District Court,  Eastern
District  of Texas  (Marshall  Division)  claiming  that both  SoftWIRE  and MCC
infringe the same and certain other of the Company's U.S. patents.  SoftWIRE and
MCC challenge the validity and  enforceability  of these patents and assert that
they do not infringe any of these patents.  In the Eastern District action,  the
Company seeks monetary damages and injunction of the sale of certain products of
SoftWIRE and MCC as well as  attorney's  fees and costs.  By order of the Court,
the Eastern  District action was transferred to the U.S.  District Court for the
District of  Massachusetts  on May 9, 2003, and has been  consolidated  with the
previously-filed  SoftWIRE  action,  which also  includes  counterclaims  by the
Company that are the same in substance  as the  Company's  claims in the Eastern
District  action.  On June 12,  2003,  SoftWIRE  moved  for  leave to amend  its
complaint in order to allege that the Company  infringes  two U.S.  patents that
SoftWIRE  acquired by purchase on May 23, 2003.  On November 5, 2003,  the Court
granted SoftWIRE's motion to amend, thereby adding SoftWIRE's two patents to the
litigation.  With respect to those two SoftWIRE patents, SoftWIRE seeks monetary
damages and injunction of the sale of the Company's  LabVIEW software  products,
as well as  attorney's  fees and costs.  The Company  challenges  the  validity,
enforceability  and  alleged  infringement  of  those  patents  and  intends  to
vigorously  defend  against  SoftWIRE's  claims.  Discovery in the litigation is
underway.  During the fourth quarter of 2003,  the Company  accrued $3.8 million
related to its probable loss from this  contingency,  which  consists  solely of
anticipated  patent defense costs that are probable of being incurred.  However,
the  outcome  of any  litigation  is  inherently  uncertain  and there can be no
assurance as to the ultimate outcome of this matter or any other litigation. The
Company charged  approximately  $893,000  against this accrual during the second
quarter of 2004.  The Company has charged a total of $1.3  million  against this
accrual through June 30, 2004.


                                                                 Maximum number
                                             Total number of     of shares that
                                            shares purchased      may yet be
                      Total      Average      as part of a      purchased under
                    number of   price paid  publicly announced    the plan or
      Period          shares    per share    plan or program        program
- ------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------------  ----------------
April 1, 2004 to
  April 30, 2004        --          --              --              3,000,000
May 1, 2004 to
  May 31, 2004        234,250    $ 31.61          234,250           2,765,570
June 1, 2004 to
  June 30, 2004         --          --              --              2,765,570
                    ----------  ----------  ------------------  ----------------
Total                 234,250    $ 31.61          234,250           2,765,750
                    ==========              ==================

     The  Company's  share  repurchase  plan was  announced on October 17, 2002.
Under the plan,  the Company has  authorization  to  repurchase  up to 3,000,000
shares of National Instruments stock. The plan has no expiration date.


     (a)  The annual meeting of stockholders was held on May 11, 2004.

     (b)  The following directors were elected at the meeting to serve a term of
          three years:

                  James J. Truchard
                  Charles J. Roesslein

          The  following directors are continuing to serve their terms:

                  Jeffrey L. Kodosky
                  Donald M. Carlton
                  Ben G. Streetman
                  R. Gary Daniels

     (c)  The  matters  voted upon at the meeting and results of the voting with
          respect to those matters were as follows:

          (1)  Election of directors:        For                Abstain

                  James J. Truchard       68,696,207           5,261,283
                  Charles J. Roesslein    67,591,196           6,366,294

          (2)  The Company's stockholders approved the amendment and restatement
               of the Company's  1994  Incentive  Plan to increase the number of
               shares  reserved for issuance  thereunder by 750,000 shares to an
               aggregate of 16,950,000 shares and to extend the termination date
               of the  plan by one  year to  2005,  with  [60,044,423]  votes in
               favor, [7,334,392] votes against and [423,898] votes abstaining.

     The foregoing  matters are described in detail in the Company's  definitive
proxy statement dated April 5, 2004.


     From time to time the  Company's  directors,  executive  officers and other
insiders may adopt stock trading plans pursuant to Rule 10b5-1(c) promulgated by
the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  as amended.  Jeffrey L. Kodosky and James J.  Truchard have made periodic
sales of the Company's stock pursuant to such plans.


a) Exhibits.

    3.1(2)  Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, of the Company.

    3.2(2)  Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Company.

    3.3(4)  Certificate of Designation of Rights, Preferences and Privileges of
            Series A Participating Preferred Stock of the Company.

    4.1(1)  Specimen of Common Stock certificate of the Company.

    4.2(3)  Rights Agreement dated as of January 21, 2004, between the Company
            and EquiServe Trust Company, N.A.

    10.1(1) Form of Indemnification Agreement.

    10.2    1994 Incentive Plan, as amended.*

    10.3(1) 1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.*

    31.1    Certification of Chief Executive Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
            Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 302 of the
            Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    31.2    Certification of Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
            Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 302 of the
            Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    32.1    Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer
            Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section
            906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    (1)     Incorporated by reference to the Company's Registration Statement on
            Form S-1 (Reg. No. 33-88386) declared effective March 13, 1995.

    (2)     Incorporated by reference to the same-numbered exhibit filed with
            the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
            December 31, 2003.

    (3)     Incorporated by reference to exhibit 4.1 filed with the Company's
            Current Report on Form 8-K filed on January 28, 2004.

    (4)     Incorporated by reference to the same-numbered exhibit filed with
            the Company's Form 8-A on April 27, 2004.

     *      Management Contract or Compensatory Plan or Arrangement.

b) Reports on Form 8-K.

     In  connection  with the Company's  earnings  press release for the quarter
     ended March 31, 2004, the Company furnished a Current Report on Form 8-K on
     April 28, 2004.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION

                               BY:  /s/ Alex Davern
                                    Alex Davern
                                    Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                                    (principal financial and accounting officer)

Dated:  August 5, 2004