HNC'S BUSINESS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2000

        This exhibit contains forward-looking statements about our industry,
management's beliefs and certain assumptions we have made. Words such as
"anticipates," expects," "plans," "intends," "may," "will," "should,"
"believes," "estimates" or similar expressions identify forward-looking
statements. These statements include, among other things, statements concerning
our anticipated growth strategies, anticipated trends in our business and the
markets that we serve, our expectations of our future performance and the market
acceptance of our products, our plans for expanding our business, our plans for
product functionality and features and the status of evolving technologies.
Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions
that are difficult to predict. Therefore, our actual results could differ
materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements
as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, the risks
discussed under the heading "Risk Factors."

You should carefully consider these risks. Investors are cautioned not to place
undue reliance on these forward-looking statements that speak only as of the
date of this report. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any
forward-looking statements for any reason.


   We provide customer insight through Efficiency, Risk, Opportunity and
Intelligent Response software suites that enable companies in the financial,
insurance, telecommunications and e-commerce industries to acquire, manage and
retain customers. Our technology helps businesses make the right decisions about
their customers in real time. It can improve a business' speed and accuracy in
differentiating between customer value and risk; determining what customers want
without invading their privacy; delivering personalized service and managing
customers more profitably; and developing customer loyalty.


   Today's competitive business environment has forced many companies to
increase business efficiencies while improving their flexibility and
responsiveness to changing market conditions. In particular, the widespread
adoption of the Internet has changed the way many businesses operate.
Consequently, companies continue to make significant investments in technology
solutions designed to manage and analyze information, develop initiatives to
boost customer loyalty and develop lasting customer relationships with
profitable customers. Building lasting relationships with profitable customers
requires insight into customer profitability and the elements driving it, and
the ability to optimize interaction with the customer to improve profitability
and maximize the lifetime value of the customer relationship.

   Relationships with customers increasingly depend on electronic interactions.
Businesses must invest more resources to acquire, manage and retain customers.
At the same time, customers have a variety of purchasing options and are only a
click away from the competition. While businesses are experiencing increasing
customer acquisition costs, customers are experiencing decreasing switching
costs. As a result, there is an accelerated demand for the ability to analyze
information concerning customer transaction patterns to enable companies to
respond appropriately to customer needs and predict customer activity. In
addition, there is an expanding recognition that tools, applications and
services can help organizations better understand and retain their customers,
and build relationships over the Internet.


   HNC's Customer Insight platform incorporates Efficiency, Risk, Opportunity
and Intelligent Response software solutions. Our decision engines capitalize on
information to provide answers in real time so businesses can more effectively
acquire, manage or retain customers. Because the substantial majority of
electronically stored information is unstructured, there is a real need for a
natural language free-text analysis solution to optimize the use of stored data.
HNC's platform provides this solution.

   The platform also utilizes neural networks to help predict which transactions
are likely to result in negative activities such as fraud and payment
delinquency, or positive activities including cross-sell and up-sell. In
addition, the platform's decision support tools enable HNC's customers to
analyze information to take advantage of opportunities while minimizing risks.

   The combination of HNC's core technologies -- decision engines, free text
analysis, neural networks and decision support tools -- results in a customer
profile engine that helps businesses attain customer insight. Specific
capabilities of HNC's platform include:

   -   EFFICIENCY SUITE. The HNC Efficiency Suite enables companies to make
       instant, automated decisions regarding customer applications, including
       the ability to identify and determine customer creditworthiness. This
       allows companies to simultaneously reduce costs and increase the speed of
       the customer acquisition process. In addition, it allows companies to
       process large quantities of applications and claims in real time through
       multiple acquisition and delivery channels.

   -   RISK SUITE. The HNC Risk Suite enables companies to analyze the risks
       associated with acquiring, managing and retaining customers by analyzing
       patterns in customer transactions. Risks can include fraud, churn and bad

   -   OPPORTUNITY SUITE. The HNC Opportunity Suite enables companies to analyze
       the opportunities associated with acquiring, managing and retaining
       customers by analyzing patterns in customer transactions. Opportunities
       can include maximizing customer profitability by providing cross-sell and
       up-sell activities and focusing marketing efforts on more profitable


    -   INTELLIGENT RESPONSE SUITE -- The HNC Intelligent Response Suite enables
        companies to search across different data repositories and understand
        the meaning of content in text, images, SKUs or symbols, and deliver
        information to devices such as PCs and wireless (including PDAs)
        devices. It also proactively makes recommendations based upon profiles
        and patterns, and learns to index and retrieve only the most accurate,
        relevant information.


   HNC customers comprise leading Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 organizations in
the financial, insurance, telecommunications and e-commerce industries. Within
the financial services industry, HNC's customers include leading corporations on
six continents, including nine out of the top 10 U.S. credit card issuers and 16
of the 25 largest credit card issuers worldwide. More than 100 insurance
companies and state insurance funds -- including nine out of the 10 largest
carriers -- are HNC customers. HNC has more than 50 wireless and wireline
customers worldwide. In addition, more than 30 customers in industries including
computer, hotel, media and retail, are currently using HNC's products to conduct


- -  Enhance and Expand Solution Platform. We intend to continue to commit capital
   and enhance our Customer Insight solution platform through internal
   development and through acquisitions. For example, our Risk solutions for
   fraud detection have been expanded from a single credit card fraud detection
   solution in 1992 to checking, debit card and online credit card fraud
   detection in the financial services sector; extended to workers compensation,
   Medicare and Medicaid fraud detection in the insurance sector; and billing,
   subscription and network fraud in the telecommunications sector. We are also
   expanding our Intelligent Response and Efficiency solutions within and across
   these industries. For example, in 2000 we extended our Efficiency solutions
   originally developed for the financial services sector into the
   telecommunications and insurance underwriting sectors.

- -  Continue to Penetrate New Vertical Markets. We intend to continue to expand
   into and explore new market segments within existing sectors through product
   extensions and/or acquisitions. For example, in the financial services sector
   we extended our solutions into the brokerage market in fiscal 2000 and
   introduced new e-commerce solutions to support business-to-business
   exchanges. We also entered into the wireless and m-commerce
   telecommunications market with solutions for fraud detection, churn reduction
   and Efficiency management.

- -  Expand Global Presence. In 2000 we started an initiative to drive global
   expansion by adding several senior level executives with global experience in
   sales and marketing in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (the EMEA), as well
   as the Asian-Pacific and Latin American regions. We significantly increased
   the number of sales, support and development personnel in these regions and
   we intend to continue to allocate increased resources to support accelerated
   global expansion. We are leveraging new and existing partnerships to drive
   growth such as EDS, which has led to contracts in both the EMEA and the


   region. We also intend to expand in global markets through acquisitions, such
   as Systems/Link that provided direct inroads in the Latin American
   telecommunications market.

- -  Deepen Presence In Core Markets Through Multiple Delivery Models. In 2000 we
   delivered many of our solutions through a self-hosted and an application
   service provider, or ASP, channel to our customers for the first time, and we
   intend to continue to expand this channel of delivery. An ASP provides a
   contractual service that deploys, hosts, manages and rents access to software
   applications from a centrally managed facility, giving customers access to
   new application environments without up-front investments in licenses,
   servers and people. ASP's also offer mid-sized companies the full benefits of
   leading enterprise applications while minimizing the challenges, expense and
   risk associated with the implementation and ongoing maintenance of
   traditional software products. HNC benefits from offering its solutions
   through this delivery channel by expanding its market opportunity into
   mid-tier markets and deriving additional recurring revenue through a per
   user/per transaction model with reduced sales and implementation cycles.

- -  Strengthen and Develop Strategic Partnerships. We are increasing our focus on
   strengthening and developing additional relationships with channel
   distribution partners including value added resellers, or VARs, original
   equipment manufacturer distributors, or OEMs, strategic business partners,
   hardware platform partners, and consulting and implementation partners. The
   benefits we expect to receive from these partnerships include leveraging
   partner customer bases, sharing in co-operative marketing programs, and
   delivering unique, industry leading solutions. For example, we are developing
   a medical claim processing clearing house via the Web through our partnership
   with Web MD. In addition, the strategic partnerships we have developed in the
   merchant fraud market with Equifax, Thomson Financial and Digital Island have
   helped us win contracts with companies like Sears and Paymentech.

- -  Cross-Sell Customer Insight Solutions Within Existing Customer Base. HNC is
   increasingly leveraging its existing customer relationships to capitalize on
   opportunities to sell additional solutions. We are more closely integrating
   and cross-training our product development, account support and sales teams
   to increase collaboration on joint opportunities. For example, existing
   credit card fraud detection customers are also acquiring our Efficiency
   solutions. Also, the Efficiency solutions originally developed for the
   financial services industry are now successfully sold to our
   telecommunications and insurance customer base.

- -  Grow Through Acquisitions. In 2000 we made several acquisitions to
   facilitate growth into new markets and to deliver product extensions into
   existing markets. We continue to evaluate acquisitions that offer us the
   opportunity to enter new vertical markets or provide large market
   opportunity. We evaluate companies as acquisition targets that: have products
   or technologies that complement existing HNC solutions and/or can be enhanced
   by HNC's technologies; bring an experienced management team and domain
   expertise; deliver strong revenue and earnings growth; and leverage combined
   sales, marketing and distribution channels. In 2000, for example, we extended
   our Risk solutions in the financial services sector through our acquisition
   of CardAlert and our Opportunity solutions through our acquisition of CASA,
   by growing our presence in the marketing optimization arena. We strengthened
   our Efficiency solutions in the telecommunications sector through our
   acquisitions of Onyx Technologies and Systems/Link, by gaining a foothold in
   the wireless telecommunications market and an ASP delivery channel. We also
   garnered an EDI and network connectivity backbone in the


   insurance sector through our acquisition of Celerity Technologies, which
   allows us to facilitate claims processing over the Internet.


   Our Customer Insight product family includes Efficiency, Risk, Opportunity
and Intelligent Response software suites that enable companies in the financial,
insurance, telecommunications and e-commerce industries to acquire, manage and
retain customers. In 2000, we successfully acquired and integrated a number of
acquisitions including Onyx Technologies, Systems/Link, CASA, Celerity
Technologies and CardAlert Services, and as a result have expanded our product
footprint, market penetration and ASP delivery channels.

   We intend to continue to expand our solution platform through internal
product development initiatives as well as through strategic acquisitions that
deliver product extensions for existing as well as new markets. Through the
expansion of our solutions we expect to be able to penetrate new markets and
gain greater market share of existing niche markets.


   The HNC Efficiency Suite includes the following products:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                           PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPADVISOR           COMPADVISOR reviews and reprices medical bills for workers' compensation. It uses a powerful
                      decision engine to automate the bill review process and route as many as two-thirds of
                      processed medical bills without manual intervention. CompAdvisor includes powerful
                      electronic data interchange, or EDI, technology to reduce manual entry of data.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AUTOADVISOR           AUTOADVISOR is an integrated medical repricing software solution with a managed care
                      component for the auto medical claims industry that automates the process of bill review
                      with the same technology and quality results as CompAdvisor. AutoAdvisor addresses the need
                      to reduce the $13-18 billion the auto insurance industry loses annually due to unnecessary
                      medical claims.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CAPSTONE              CAPSTONE DECISION MANAGER is an intelligent new account decisioning system that can be
DECISION MANAGER      implemented within any lending environment. The system is ideally suited for helping large
                      organizations automate complex lending decision processes in individual business areas or
                      across the enterprise.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MANAGER FOR           interfaces with large enterprise systems to automate complex insurance claims transactions.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                           PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPSTONE DECISION     CAPSTONE DECISION MANAGER FOR MEDICAL BILLS is an intelligent decisioning system that can be
MANAGER FOR MEDICAL   the hub of a medical bill processing platform for insurance payors. By automating the
BILLS                 processing of a significant percentage of medical bills, routing medical bills to other
                      programs like CompAdvisor or VeriComp and routing bills for professional human review,
                      Capstone for Medical can greatly enhance the performance of legacy systems.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

APPLICATION DECISION  APPLICATION DECISION MANAGEMENT automates the new account process and enables
MANAGEMENT            telecommunications carriers to process more applications per month, reduce headcount and
(4SCORE)              assign customers the most appropriate service.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 AC-WEB               AC-WEB for the insurance industry incorporates AC-Manager functionality with the addition of
                      allowing access to the server via a browser-based user interface. This eliminates the need
                      for installations at each customer workstation.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 EC-WEB               EC-WEB EC-Web is a Web browser-based package that allows corporate risk managers and human
                      resources departments to electronically send and receive business documents in the national
                      standard format, ANSI ASC X12. It is designed to electronically connect risk management and
                      human resources departments with any claims administrator that can send and receive
                      documents electronically.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ADMIN-CONNECT         ADMIN-CONNECT was created specifically for claims administrators, enabling them to send and
                      receive injury reports using business-to-business e-commerce. This allows third party
                      administrators and insurance carriers to send and receive business documents electronically
                      in the ASC X12 format. AC-Manager incorporates Admin-Connect functionality along with
                      additional network administration features.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PREPAID BILLING       with a solution to offer prepaid wireless telecommunications service or to perform usage

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                             PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EMPLOYER-CONNECT      EMPLOYER-CONNECT is a Microsoft Windows-based PC package designed to send and receive injury
                      reports in the ASC X12 format. It is designed to electronically connect risk management and
                      human resource departments with an agency or organization that can send and receive
                      documents electronically. EC-Manager incorporates Employer-Connect functionality and
                      additional network administration features.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROVIDER-CONNECT      PROVIDER-CONNECT is a Microsoft Windows-based PC package designed to send and receive injury
                      reports in the ASC X12 format. It is designed to electronically connect healthcare providers
                      with insurance carriers that can send and receive documents electronically.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ROAMEX               ROAMING DATA EXCHANGE NETWORK (ROAMEX) provides wireless telecommunications carriers with
                      near real time records of roaming call data that occur outside a carrier's home network.
                      Carriers use this data to detect fraud beyond their home network.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SC-MANAGER            SC-MANAGER for the insurance industry incorporates the functionality of State-Connect (see
                      below) and includes additional business-to-business e-commerce project management

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 SC-WEB               SC-WEB incorporates State-Connect functionality (see below) along with a Web-enabled front
                      end to allow workers' compensation injury reports to be entered via the Internet.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STATE-CONNECT         STATE-CONNECT is a Microsoft Windows-based application, which unlike traditional
                      translators, specifically meets the business-to-business e-commerce requirements for state
                      workers' compensation agencies. It is a user-friendly software application that requires
                      minimum staffing and training.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TRANS-CONNECT         TRANS-CONNECT is a software package that allows claims and risk management software
                      developers to integrate e-commerce solutions into their legacy applications for employers,
                      claims administrators and state jurisdictions.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    The HNC Risk Suite includes the following products:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                             PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MIRA                  MIRA (MICRO INSURANCE RESERVE ANALYSIS) is an easy-to-use, integrated information system for
                      estimating workers' compensation claim loss reserves. MIRA is installed at more than 50
                      insurance companies, state funds and third-party administrators.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VERICOMP              VERICOMP CLAIMANT is an insurance-claimant fraud detection system that utilizes our advanced
CLAIMANT              neural network predictive technology to identify claims that fit historical patterns of
                      fraud and abuse. VeriComp Claimant saves time and money through early and accurate detection
                      of fraudulent claims.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VERICOMP              VERICOMP EMPLOYER is a predictive software solution created specifically to detect workers'
EMPLOYER              compensation premium fraud and abuse. This powerful tool enables auditors and other review
                      staff to identify suspicious policies and prioritize premium audit efforts.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VERICOMP SUBRO        VERICOMP SUBRO is a new predictive software system that can help insurance carriers recover
                      significant losses by automatically identifying and notifying claims adjusters of claims
                      that should actually be paid by another party.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ECMDIRECTOR           ECMDIRECTOR is a financial services predictive software solution that reduces cost by more
                      accurately identifying claims that would benefit most from case management and by automating
                      claim management decisions.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SPYDER                SPYDER is a predictive software solution designed to combat healthcare fraud and abuse in
                      group healthcare, Medicaid and Medicare. Using HNC's advanced neural network predictive
                      technology, Spyder is also available in a new real time version as well as a version
                      specifically developed to detect dental fraud and abuse.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FALCON                FALCON is the leader in real time fraud detection and prevention for credit card issuers.
                      Falcon's neural networks examine transaction, cardholder, and merchant data to detect a wide
                      range of credit card fraud quickly and accurately.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FALCON DEBIT          FALCON DEBIT is a financial services software product that examines transaction, cardholder,
                      and merchant data to detect debit card fraud.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                             PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FALCON CHEQUE         FALCON CHEQUE runs in a bank's check processing center and uses neural networks, expert
                      rules, and HNC's proprietary transaction pattern profiling technology to detect many types
                      of checking account fraud.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EAGLE                 EAGLE is a merchant risk management system designed to protect merchants from emerging fraud
                      trends, manage risk and profitability, and increase operational efficiency.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4WARN                 APPLICATION FRAUD MANAGEMENT (4WARN) is a telecommunications market solution that confirms
                      identity authenticity during the customer acquisition process, to detect individuals who
                      attempt identity deception.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CARDALERT NETWORK     CARDALERT NETWORK provides early detection and common-purchase-point analysis of payment
                      card fraud on shared Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and point-of-sale systems. Through daily
                      transaction data downloads provided by participating networks, CardAlert can identify and
                      link fraudulent transactions, identify compromised cards, and notify affected financial
                      institutions to prevent further losses.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROFITMAX             SUBSCRIPTION FRAUD MANAGEMENT (PROFITMAX) helps financial services companies reduce
                      write-offs and losses associated with fraudulent applications for service by persons who
                      have no intention to pay. The solution utilizes HNC's profiling engine and advanced
                      predictive models to quickly and accurately detect subscription fraud. HNC's decision rules
                      engine is used to counteract predicted fraudulent activity.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      reduce bad debt expenses related to fraudulent use of their network. These solutions
                      incorporate profile modeling to detect suspected fraudulent activity and include a case
                      manager to monitor and take action on potential instigators of fraud. ATACS uses neural
                      network models to automatically prioritize cases and prompt investigations of transactions
                      with the highest probability of being fraudulent.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                             PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      network modeling and case management through an easy to use browser-based interface in an
                      ASP environment. Telecommunications providers of every size can significantly reduce losses
                      associated with fraud through the use of this tool formerly available only to the largest

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EFALCON               EFALCON is a real time Internet payment fraud detection and risk management service for
                      online merchants and their service providers. Delivered through an ASP delivery channel, the
                      system also provides strategy management and customer service tools to help merchants save
                      legitimate transactions that appear risky, as well as set policies for accepting and
                      rejecting transactions.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

COMPCOMPARE           COMPCOMPARE is a benchmarking database that allows users to generate detailed comparative
                      analyses between their claims data and insurance industry data. It features online access to
                      HNC's workers' compensation database. The product is marketed by NCCI (the National Council
                      on Compensation Insurance, Inc.) through a joint marketing agreement with HNC.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROVIDER-COMPARE      PROVIDER-COMPARE is a physician profiling system that compares one physician to a peer group
                      of physicians for similar claim populations, identifies providers with significantly higher
                      costs, and uses provider report cards and treatment pattern analysis to educate providers to
                      improve financial outcomes. The product is marketed by NCCI through a joint marketing
                      agreement with HNC.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    The HNC Opportunity Suite includes the following products:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      PRODUCT                                              PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROFITMAX             PROFITMAX PROFITABILITY provides transaction-based, real time authorization and action
PROFITABILITY         decisions that enhance the profitability of credit card portfolios. Using neural networks and
                      HNC's cardholder transaction pattern profiling technology, ProfitMax Profitability analyzes
                      each cardholder account and predicts future profitability.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                               PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROFITMAX MARGIN      PROFITMAX MARGIN MANAGER predicts margin risk for equity, investment-grade debt and mutual
MANAGER               fund securities at the portfolio, account, and security levels. The solution utilizes
                      analytical models to formulate an assessment of margin account risk. Armed with the insight
                      these predictions provide, brokerages can make more intelligent risk management decisions.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROFITMAX CHURN       CHURN RISK MANAGEMENT (PROFITMAX) helps telecommunications carriers increase revenues by
RISK MANAGEMENT       improving customer retention. Churn risk is predicted using HNC's profiling engine and
                      advanced predictive models. Churn prevention treatments are formulated and executed using
                      HNC's decision rules engines.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROFITVISION          PROFITVISION is a comprehensive, enterprise-wide solution that analyzes the profitability of
                      customer relationships, products, and business units for financial services companies. It
                      incorporates an interface to core accounting systems and increases the accuracy of
                      profitability measurement through matched-maturity funds transfer pricing and sophisticated
                      cost-allocation methods, such as activity-based costing.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MARKETING             MARKETING OPTIMIZATION is an intelligent cross-sell optimization solution that selects the
OPTIMIZATION          most profitable promotion offer that a financial institution might present to a customer.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    HNC's Intelligent Response products include:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                            PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MINDWAVE REACTION     MINDWAVE REACTION uses text characterization, analysis and Intelligent Response technology to
                      automatically categorize text, e-mail and Web inquiries; automatically respond to e-mail and
                      Web self-help inquiries; and accurately search electronic content to find relevant answers
                      across multiple knowledge bases.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MINDWAVE PROACTION    MINDWAVE PROACTION adds proactive and predictive capabilities to Mindwave Reaction, so
                      companies can provide key audiences with data they need. Proaction observes and tracks online
                      transaction patterns; provides accurate analysis that translates to precise sales and
                      marketing targeting methods; profiles and groups users into specific categories; and
                      proactively suggests relevant information or products based on user profiles.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       PRODUCT                                               PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OFFER TARGETING       Designed for high-volume online retailers, OFFER TARGETING delivers one-on-one
                      personalization technology. Using neural network technology, Offer Targeting analyzes an
                      individual shopper's interests and transaction patterns to determine other complementary
                      products he or she may be interested in. Using analyzed interests coupled with previous
                      transaction patterns, Offer Targeting can up-sell, cross-sell, provide insights about groups
                      of customers and predict future purchasing transaction patterns.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FORM-FILL             FORM-FILL is a service provided to digital "wallet" vendors and merchants. Currently, most
                      online merchants require customers to fill out information forms as a precondition to a sale.
                      Our patented context vector technology equips the Form-Fill service to read any Web-form and
                      complete it, using free-form text analysis and processing. Applying our adaptive learning
                      technology, Form-Fill learns with each interaction and applies that knowledge to future
                      transactions so that the more a customer uses Form-Fill service (via a digital wallet), the
                      more powerful this tool becomes. The eHNC Form-Fill service automatically tracks
                      merchant-specific information, including reward codes, affinity programs, and site-specific
                      user names and passwords. The Form-Fill service does not require any action on the part of
                      the merchant, and therefore can be used for almost all e-commerce transactions.


   We sell and market our software and services globally through our direct
sales organization and strategic partners, including distribution, hardware
platform and service and consulting partners. Through these direct and indirect
sales channels, we are focusing on three key initiatives to accelerate sales:

    -   Develop and expand strategic partnerships on a global scale;

    -   Commit sales and marketing resources internationally to accelerate
        global expansion; and

    -   Leverage our existing customer base and cross-sell solutions within this

   The national sales staff is based at our corporate headquarters in San
Diego, as well as in our other United States field offices in California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Texas and Virginia. Internationally, we have field sales offices in the United
Kingdom, The Netherlands, Japan and Singapore. To support our sales force, we


comprehensive marketing programs, which include demand generation, public
relations, advertising, seminars, trade shows and ongoing customer communication
programs. Our sales staff is generally product-based and is assigned a
geographic territory.

- -  Service Bureaus. We have licensed First Data Resources, Inc., or First Data,
   Electronic Data Services, Total Systems and Equifax to act as service
   bureaus, providing an alternate channel of distribution for end-users of our
   Falcon product. We have also licensed First Data as a service bureau for our
   ProfitMax product. We generally assist our service bureau partners in the
   sales effort, often employing our direct sales force in the process. These
   service bureaus pay us monthly usage fees based on the volume of transactions

   We also have an outsourced bill review service bureau servicing the insurance
   industry. The service bureau provides both turnkey bill review services, as
   well as the capability to handle overflow needs of customers through our
   locations in California, Missouri and Texas.

- -  ASP (Application Service Provider). We provide Internet credit-card fraud
   detection to e-commerce merchants through an ASP delivery channel.

   In the telecommunications market we provide a suite of fraud detection
   solutions and Efficiency solutions through the ASP channel and in the
   insurance industry our EDI/Network Connectivity group offers ASP versions of
   several injury reporting products including AC-Web, EC-Web and SC-Web.

- -  International and Export Activity. International operations and export sales
   represented 19.3% of our total revenues in 2000, 23.2% in 1999, and 23.1% in
   1998. International sales result primarily from Falcon product sales, in
   addition to sales of Retek's products during the first nine months of 2000,
   fiscal 1999 and fiscal 1998. We intend to continue expansion of our
   operations outside the United States, and to enter additional international
   markets, which will require significant management attention and financial
   resources. We have committed and continue to commit significant time and
   development resources to customizing our products for selected international
   markets, and to developing international sales and support channels. Our
   efforts to develop products, databases, and models for targeted international
   markets or to develop additional international sales and support channels may
   not be successful.

   International sales have additional inherent risks, including longer payment
   cycles, unexpected changes in regulatory requirements, import and export
   restrictions and tariffs, difficulties in staffing and managing foreign
   operations, the burdens of complying with a variety of foreign laws, greater
   difficulty or delay in accounts receivable collection, potentially adverse
   tax consequences and political and economic instability. Our international
   sales are currently primarily denominated in United States dollars, and a
   small portion is denominated in other currencies, primarily those of Western
   Europe and Canada. An increase in the value of the United States dollar
   relative to foreign currencies could make our products more expensive, and
   therefore potentially less competitive, in foreign markets. In the future, to
   the extent our international sales are denominated in local currencies,
   foreign currency translations may contribute to significant fluctuations in
   our business, financial condition and results of operations. The imposition
   of exchange or price controls or other restrictions on foreign currencies
   could also harm our business.


- -  Sales Cycle Risks. Due in part to the mission-critical nature of our
   applications, potential customers perceive high risk in connection with
   adoption of our products. As a result, customers have been cautious in making
   decisions to acquire our products. In addition, because the purchase of our
   products typically involves a significant commitment of capital, and may
   involve shifts by the customer to a new software and/or hardware platform,
   delays in completing sales can arise while customers complete their internal
   procedures to approve large capital expenditures and test and accept new
   technologies that effect key operations. For these and other reasons, the
   sales cycle associated with the purchase of our products is typically
   lengthy, unpredictable and holds a number of significant risks over which we
   have little or no control, including customers' budgetary constraints and
   internal acceptance reviews. The sales cycle associated with the licensing of
   our products can typically range from 60 days to 18 months. As a result of
   the length of the sales cycle and the typical size of customers' orders, our
   ability to forecast the timing and amount of specific sales is limited.

- -  Competition. The market for customer insight solutions is intensely
   competitive and is constantly changing. Competitors, many of which have
   substantially greater financial resources than we do, vary in size and in the
   scope of the products and services they offer. We encounter competition from
   a number of sources, including:

    -   Other application software companies, including enterprise software

    -   Management information systems departments of customers and potential
        customers, including financial institutions, insurance companies,
        telecommunications carriers and retailers;

    -   Third party professional services organizations, including consulting
        divisions of public accounting firms;'

    -   Internet companies;

    -   Hardware suppliers that bundle or develop complementary software;

    -   Network and telecommunications switch manufacturers, and service
        providers that seek to enhance their value-added services;

    -   Neural-network tool suppliers; and

    -   Managed care organizations.

- -  Pricing in the Marketplace. We believe that most of our products are
   competitively priced when compared to our competitors' products. The market
   for our products is highly competitive, and we expect that we will face
   increasing pricing pressures from our customers, current competitors and new
   market entrants. In particular, increased competition could reduce or
   eliminate premiums and cause further price reductions. In addition,
   competition could negatively impact our ability to obtain new long-term
   contracts and renewals of existing long-term contracts on favorable terms.
   Any reduction in the price of our products could negatively impact our
   business, financial condition and results of operations.

- -  Competitive Factors. We believe that the principal competitive factors
   affecting our markets include technical performance (for example, accuracy
   in detecting credit card fraud or


   evaluating workers' compensation claims), access to unique proprietary
   databases, availability in ASP format and product attributes like
   adaptability, scalability, interoperability, functionality, ease-of-use,
   product reputation, quality, performance, price, customer service and
   support, the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts and our reputation.
   Although we believe that our products currently compete favorably with
   respect to these factors, we may not be able to maintain our competitive
   position against current and potential competitors, especially competitors
   with significantly greater financial, marketing, service, technical support
   and other resources.

   Some of our current competitors, and many of our potential competitors, have
   significantly greater financial, technical, marketing and other resources
   than we do, as well as broader integrated product lines. As a result, they
   may be able to respond more quickly to new or emerging technologies and
   changes in customer requirements or to devote greater resources to the
   development, promotion and sale of their products than we can. They may also
   possess marketing advantages due to their ability to market integrated suites
   of related products that are vital to the customer's computing
   infrastructure. This would enable them to sell products that compete with
   ours, even where their products may be inferior or more expensive. In
   addition, current and potential competitors have established or may establish
   cooperative relationships among themselves or with third parties to increase
   the ability of their products to address the needs of our prospective
   customers. It is possible that new competitors or alliances among competitors
   may emerge and rapidly gain significant market share. Also, we rely upon our
   customers to provide data, expertise and other support for the ongoing
   updating of our models. Our customers, most of which have significantly
   greater financial and marketing resources than we do, may compete with us in
   the future or otherwise discontinue their relationships with us, or cease to
   provide us with critical data or support of our business, all of which could
   significantly harm our business.


   A high level of continuing maintenance, service and support is critical to
maintaining the performance of our predictive software solutions. Service and
support are also essential to our objective of developing long-term
relationships with, and obtaining recurring revenues from, our customers. Our
service and support activities are related to system installation, performance
validation and ongoing consultation on the optimal use of our products.

- -  Model and Rule Updates. Most of our product license agreements obligate us to
   provide periodic data, model and/or rule updates to maintain system
   performance. Our technical personnel generally assist the customer with
   installation of updates. We make commitments to update models and rules at
   varying intervals, according to both periodically scheduled updates (for
   example quarterly and annually) as well as unscheduled updates, provided the
   customer has met its commitments to provide data to us. The choice of data
   source and data updates are important to customers because data are the
   fundamental building blocks used to create accurate predictive models. We
   provide various models built on industry-specific or customer-specific data
   to meet individual application requirements. Customers and data suppliers
   provide us with historical transaction data for turnkey models, trend
   analyses and product updates. This combination of proprietary turnkey
   customized and user-developed models allows us to offer products that solve a
   broad range of predictive application problems.


- -  Education. We offer comprehensive education and training programs to our
   customers. We provide on-site training services associated with many of our
   products. Fees for education and training services are generally included in
   the pricing of usage-priced products, but may be charged separately in other

- -  Consulting. Our consultants are available to work with our customers' user
   application groups and information systems organizations. Customers that buy
   consulting services are usually planning large implementations or want to
   optimize the performance of our products in their operating environments.
   Fees for consulting are generally included in the pricing of usage-priced
   products, but may be charged separately in other cases.


   At the heart of our predictive software solutions lie two critical functions.
The first of these is the ability to predict which individuals are most likely
to exhibit certain critical business transaction patterns. Examples of these
transaction patterns include fraud, payment delinquency, and responsiveness to
cross-sell/up-sell efforts. The second critical function is the ability to
select an appropriate action to either encourage (in the case of a cross-sell)
or discourage (in the case for delinquency) an individual's predicted
transaction patterns.

   Our key technologies are designed to perform one or both of these critical
functions. Our technologies include neural-network models, intelligent decision
engines, profiles, traditional statistical models, business models, expert rules
and context vectors.

   In addition to current technologies, we strive to develop new and innovative
technologies that enable new or expanded predictive software capabilities. Some
of our longer-term research projects are partially funded through contracts with
the U.S. Government or members of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

- -  Neural-network Technology. The term "neural network" refers to a family of
   nonlinear, statistical modeling techniques, which were derived from the work
   of scientists engaged in understanding biological intelligence. While we are
   far from having a complete understanding of biological intelligence, the
   techniques proposed by these scientists have proven to be very useful in
   solving difficult, complex business and engineering problems. We have adopted
   many of these techniques in our predictive software solutions.

   We use neural-network techniques to build models of complex transaction
   patterns such as consumer credit card fraud. These models are created through
   a process called "training." Training involves exposing a large data set of
   examples of the transaction patterns to a neural network algorithm. Often
   hundreds of thousands to millions of examples are provided. The neural
   network processes this data to identify patterns in the data that are
   predictive of the transaction patterns being modeled. Once training is
   complete, the neural network uses these learned patterns to predict the
   probability that a new individual will exhibit the modeled transaction
   patterns. We have developed proprietary high-speed and parallel-processor
   boards to accelerate training and execution of our neural-network software.

   Although other statistical methods can be used, our neural-network technology
   distinguishes itself in its ability to build highly accurate models more
   rapidly than possible with other methods. This provides us with a significant
   competitive advantage in developing and


   deploying products. Further, our experience with neural-network technology
   has led to the development of proprietary methodologies for applying that
   technology to real time, transaction-based business problems.

- -  Profiling Technology. Many of our products operate on transactional data,
   such as credit card purchase transactions, or other types of data that change
   over time, such as worker's compensations claims. In their raw form, these
   data are very difficult to use in model building for several reasons. First,
   a single transaction contains very little information about the transaction
   patterns of the individual that generated the transaction. Second,
   truncations change rapidly over time. Finally, this type of data can often be

   To overcome these data problems, we have developed a set of proprietary
   techniques that transform raw transactional data into a format that is
   suitable for model building. We refer to this set of techniques as our
   profiling technology. As the name suggests, our profiling technology
   accumulates data across multiple transactions to create profiles of
   transaction patterns. Although these profiles are unintelligible to a human,
   they provide our neural-network models with the information needed to predict
   complex transaction patterns.

- -  Rule-based Technology. Predicting transaction patterns is only half the
   battle in determining how to best manage or interact with a customer. The
   other half involves optimizing the response or action, given the transaction
   patterns that have been identified and the corresponding predicted outcome.
   To provide this response optimization, many of our products combine specially
   trained neural-network models with rule-based techniques.

   Rules provide an effective method of capturing and applying such well-defined
   information as marketing strategies, corporate policies, and standard
   operating procedures. We have developed rule engines that operate efficiently
   in a real time, transaction-oriented system. We believe that our combination
   of these rule engines with neural-network models represents a significant
   technological advantage over more traditional approaches to decision

- -  Context Vector Technology. Much of the information produced and used by the
   business world is in the form of text documents. Extracting this information
   and using it in predictive solutions has been very difficult with traditional
   analysis methods. This problem has been amplified by the huge increase in
   Internet usage, which generates an enormous amount of textual data. Our
   proprietary context vector technology solves many of the problems encountered
   in using textual data in predictive software solutions.

   Context vectors provide a means to encode textual information in a form that
   can be easily processed by computers. The basic idea is to associate a
   context vector with an object based on its textual description. For example,
   an online user can be described by the Web pages that he or she reads. An
   email can be characterized by the text contained within it and a product can
   be identified by a textual description. Using our proprietary training
   algorithms, context vectors are assigned to objects in such a way that
   vectors for related objects will be closer together than vectors for
   unrelated objects. Thus, the problem of associating similar objects based
   upon a textual description is solved, by finding vectors that are closest to
   each other.


   Many text-processing problems can be solved using context vector technology.
   For example, traditional query and retrieval consists of finding documents
   that include the content that is related and responsive to the query. Other
   examples include: matching a Web user with a banner ad, associating an e-mail
   with an automatic response, or recommending products that may appeal to an
   online buyer. When combined with our other technologies, such as neural
   networks and rule-based systems, we believe that context vectors can improve
   the performance of existing applications.

- -  Risks of Entering New Markets. Our success depends upon our ability to enter
   new markets by successfully developing new products for those markets on a
   timely and cost-effective basis. In order to develop new products, we often
   require proprietary customer data for decision model development and system
   installation. As a result, completion of new products (particularly new
   products for new markets we are entering) may be delayed until we can extract
   sufficient amounts of statistically relevant data to develop the models.
   During this development process, we rely on our potential customers in the
   new market to provide us with relevant data and to help train our personnel
   in the use and meaning of the data in the specific industry. These
   relationships also assist us in establishing a presence and credibility in
   the new market. These potential customers, most of which have significantly
   greater financial and marketing resources than we do, may compete with us in
   the future or otherwise discontinue their relationships with or support of
   us, either during development of our products or later on. If we fail to
   obtain adequate third-party support for new product development, our ability
   to enter new markets could be impaired, and consequently our business,
   financial condition and results of operations could be negatively impacted.

- -  Research & Development. Our research and development expenses were $75.5
   million in 2000, $50.2 million in 1999, and $32.7 million in 1998. We believe
   that our future success depends on our ability to continually maintain and
   improve our core technologies, enhance our existing products, and develop new
   products and technologies that meet an expanding range of markets and
   customer requirements. We intend to expand our existing product offerings and
   to introduce new predictive software solutions. In the development of new
   products and enhancements to existing products, we use our own development
   tools extensively. We have traditionally relied primarily on the internal
   development of our products. Based on timing and cost considerations,
   however, we have acquired, and in the future may consider acquiring,
   technology or products from third parties. For example, we acquired
   technology and products in connection with our acquisitions of PCS, FTI and
   ATACS in 1998, WebTrak in 1999, and CASA, AIM, Onyx Technologies, Celerity
   Technologies, HighTouch, CardAlert and Systems/Link in 2000. The expense
   associated with acquired technology and products is separately stated on our
   financial statements as acquired in-process research and development and is
   not included in our research and development expenses above. Visionary
   research has long been a key component of HNC's business plan. We continually
   monitor research developments internal and external to HNC. We sponsor
   research programs to develop the ideas that we believe have the most
   potential. In some cases, external funding (i.e., Government grants) is used
   to develop initial concepts. One example of this is our Cortronics program.
   Originally funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA,
   the program is now fully supported by HNC. The Cortronics project is a
   long-term research project focused on developing and applying computer models
   of regions of


   the cerebral cortex to recognize and associate patterns in text, speech and
   vision. The objective of this work is to develop intelligent computing
   systems that are much more capable of interacting with and reasoning about
   their environments than current systems.

- -  Government Research. We strategically plan and execute our long-term research
   projects. In addition to funds allocated for research, we receive research
   contracts from a variety of sources, including the United States Government.
   Our Government and commercial contract customers have included DARPA, the
   United States Air Force, the Office of Naval Research, and several
   organizations within the U.S. Intelligence Community. We believe that these
   contracts augment our ability to maintain existing technologies and
   investigate new technologies that may or may not be used in our products. The
   United States Government typically retains intellectual property rights and
   licenses in the technologies we develop, directly or indirectly, under
   government sponsored research contracts and in some cases can terminate our
   rights to these technologies if we fail to commercialize them on a timely
   basis. Historically, these research contracts have not resulted in the
   development of products contributing to near-term revenue.

- -  Quality Control. We perform all quality assurance and develop documentation
   internally. We intend to continue to support industry standard operating
   environments, client-server architectures and network protocols. Our
   specialists in neural network model development, software engineering, user
   interface design, product documentation and quality improvement are
   responsible for maintaining and enhancing the performance, quality and
   usability of all of our predictive software solutions. Our marketing group is
   responsible for authoring and updating all user documentation and other

- -  Technology Risks. The market for our predictive software solutions is
   characterized by rapidly changing technologies, including improvements in
   computer hardware, network operating systems, programming tools, programming
   languages, operating systems and database technology. Our success will depend
   upon our ability to continue to develop and maintain competitive
   technologies, enhance our current products and develop, in a timely and
   cost-effective manner, new products that meet changing market conditions,
   including evolving customer needs, new competitive product offerings,
   emerging industry standards and changing technology, such as the growth of
   Internet-based applications. We may not be able to develop and market product
   enhancements or new products that respond to changing technologies on a
   timely basis, or at all. We have previously experienced significant delays in
   the development and introduction of new products and product enhancements,
   primarily due to difficulties with model development, which has in the past
   required multiple iterations, as well as difficulties with acquiring needed
   data and adapting to particular operating environments. The length of these
   delays has varied depending upon the size and scope of the project and the
   nature of the problems encountered.

- -  Intellectual Property & Other Proprietary Rights. We rely on a combination
   of patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws and confidentiality
   procedures to protect our proprietary rights. We currently own 15 issued
   United States patents and have 24 United States patent applications pending.
   We have applied for international patent protection utilizing the Patent
   Cooperation Treaty. We have pending and granted patents in the following


   countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands,
   and the United Kingdom.

   Our United States patents expire at dates that range from December 2008 to
   October 2017. Patents may never issue on our pending patent applications or
   on any future applications we submit. In addition, the patents we currently
   hold may not be upheld as valid and may not prevent the development of
   competitive products. We seek to protect our software, documentation and
   other written materials under trade secret and copyright laws, which afford
   only limited protection.

   As part of our confidentiality procedures, we generally enter into invention
   assignment and proprietary information agreements with our employees and
   independent contractors and nondisclosure agreements with our distributors,
   corporate partners and licensees, and limit access to and distribution of our
   software, documentation and other proprietary information. Despite these
   precautions, it may be possible for a third party to copy or otherwise to
   obtain and use our products or technology without authorization, or to
   develop similar technology independently. In addition, to ensure that
   customers will not be negatively impacted by an interruption in our business,
   we often place the source code for our products into escrow, which may
   increase the likelihood of misappropriation or other misuse of our
   intellectual property. Moreover, effective protection of intellectual
   property rights may be unavailable or limited in foreign countries in which
   we have done and/or may do business.

   We have developed technologies for research projects conducted under
   agreements with various United States Government agencies or their
   subcontractors. Although we have acquired commercial rights to these
   technologies, the United States Government typically retains ownership of
   intellectual property rights and licenses in the technologies we develop
   under these contracts, and in some cases can terminate our rights to these
   technologies if we fail to commercialize them on a timely basis. In addition,
   under United States Government contracts, the results of our research may be
   made public by the government, which could limit our competitive advantage
   with respect to future products based on funded research.

   In the past, we have received communications from third parties asserting
   that our trademarks infringe upon other parties' trademarks, or that data we
   use is copyrighted by an independent third party, none of which resulted in
   litigation or material losses to us. In addition, we have been involved in
   patent litigation. As the number of software products increases and the
   functionality of these products further overlaps, we believe that software
   developers' risk of infringement claims will increase. Given our ongoing
   efforts to develop and market new technologies and products, we may receive
   claims from other third parties asserting that our products infringe upon
   their intellectual property rights. Licenses to disputed third-party
   technology or intellectual property rights might not be available on
   reasonable commercial terms, if at all. Furthermore, we may initiate claims
   or litigation against third parties for infringement of our proprietary
   rights or to establish the validity of our proprietary rights. Litigation
   could result in significant expense to us, and divert the efforts of our
   technical and management personnel, whether or not it is resolved in our
   favor. As a result of an adverse ruling in any litigation, we might be
   required to pay substantial damages, discontinue the use and sale of
   infringing products, expend significant resources to develop non-infringing


   technology or obtain and pay for licenses to infringing technology. In
   addition, a court might invalidate our patents, trademarks or other
   proprietary rights. In the event of a successful claim against us, and our
   failure to develop or license a substitute technology, our business,
   financial condition and results of operations would be harmed.


   As of December 31, 2000, we had 1,121 employees, including 438 in product
development and support, 216 in customer service, 123 in sales and marketing,
162 in service bureau and 182 in finance, administration and management
information systems. Most of our employees are located in the United States.
None of our employees are represented by a labor union. We have experienced no
work stoppages and believe that our employee relationships are generally good.

   Our success depends to a significant degree upon the continued service of our
senior management and other key research, development, sales and marketing
personnel. Only a small number of our employees have employment agreements, and
these agreements may not result in the retention of these employees. In the
past, we have experienced difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of
qualified technical and sales employees. In addition, competitors may attempt to
recruit, and be successful in recruiting, our key employees. We may not be
successful in attracting, assimilating, and retaining personnel.



   Our revenues and operating results have varied significantly in the past and
in some quarters we have experienced net losses. We expect fluctuations in our
operating results to continue for the foreseeable future. As a result, we
believe that you should not rely on period-to-period comparisons of our
financial results as an indication of our future performance. It is possible
that in some future periods our operating results may fall below the
expectations of market analysts and investors. In this event the market price of
our common stock would likely fall. Factors that are likely to cause our
revenues and operating results to fluctuate include the following:

    -   changes in the volume of our sales;

    -   a decrease in recurring revenues or the loss of key customers;

    -   the timing or deferral, or the reduction or cancellation, of customer
        orders or purchases;

    -   the timing of our new product announcements and introductions in
        comparison to our competitors;

    -   delays in the release of final commercial versions of our products;

    -   changes in the mix of our distribution channels;


    -   the amount and timing of our operating expenses;

    -   our ability to fulfill our obligations under percentage-of-completion

    -   our success in completing pilot installations within contracted fee

    -   competitive conditions in the industries we serve;

    -   economic conditions in our targeted markets;

    -   domestic and international economic conditions;

    -   changes in prevailing technologies;

    -   expenses and charges related to our acquisition of other businesses;

    -   increased operating expenses related to the development of new products,
        including products for the Internet;

    -   our ability to recognize revenues in accordance with generally accepted
        accounting principles in the quarter in which we expect to recognize
        those revenues.


   We cannot predict the timing of the recognition of our revenues accurately
because of the length of our sales cycles. As a result, if sales forecasted from
specific customers are not realized, we may be unable to compensate for the
resulting revenue shortfall and our operating results would be harmed. The sales
cycle to license our products can typically range from 60 days to 18 months.
Customers are often cautious in making decisions to acquire our products,
because purchasing our products typically involves a significant commitment of
capital, and may involve shifts by the customer to a new software and/or
hardware platform or changes in the customers operational procedures. Delays in
completing sales can arise while customers complete their internal procedures to
approve large capital expenditures and test and accept our applications. We may
incur substantial sales and marketing expenses and expend significant management
effort while potential customers are evaluating our products and before they
place an order with us. Consequently, if orders for our products are not
received as anticipated, our operating results could be harmed.


   During 2000, we completed the acquisition of seven businesses (one of which
was divested in connection with the spin-off of our former subsidiary Retek).
Integrating and organizing the remaining six acquired businesses creates
challenges for our operational, financial and


management information systems and can pose difficulties in maintaining our
corporate culture. If we do not adequately address issues presented by growth
through acquisitions, we may not fully realize the intended benefits, including
any financial benefits, of these acquisitions and may incur increased costs and


   We believe that our future growth may depend, in part, upon our ability to
successfully complete future acquisitions of businesses and technologies.
Integrating newly acquired organizations and technologies into our business
could put a strain on our resources and be expensive and time consuming. In
addition, we may not succeed in integrating acquired businesses or technologies
and may not achieve anticipated revenue and cost benefits. Further, our
acquisition strategy and future acquisitions could result in any of the
following risks:

   -  increased competition for acquisition opportunities could inhibit our
      growth and our ability to complete suitable acquisitions, and could also
      increase the price we would have to pay to complete acquisitions, which
      might result in dilution to the equity interests of our stockholders;

   -  if we are unable to complete acquisitions successfully, we might not be
      able to successfully develop and market products for new industries or for
      markets with which we may not be familiar;

   -  we might not be able to coordinate the diverse operating structures,
      policies and practices of companies we acquire or to successfully
      integrate the employees of the acquired companies into our organization
      and culture, which could impair employee morale and productivity;

   -  despite due diligence reviews, acquired businesses may bring with them
      unanticipated liabilities, risks or operating costs that could harm our
      results of operations or business or require unbudgeted expenses;

   -  if we fail to retain the services of key employees of acquired companies
      for significant time periods after the acquisition of their companies, we
      may experience difficulty in managing the acquired company's business and
      not realize the anticipated benefits of the acquisition;

   -  the accounting treatment of acquisitions can result in significant
      acquisition-related accounting charges and expenses that can reduce our
      reported results of operations both at the time of the acquisition and in
      future periods; and

   -  additional acquisitions may require us to issue shares of our stock and
      stock options to owners of the acquired businesses, resulting in dilution
      to our stockholders.



   In recent years, we have experienced changes in our operations that have
placed significant demands on our administrative, operational and financial
resources. These demands, which are expected to continue to challenge our
management and operations, include the following:

   -   growth and diversification of our customer base;

   -   expansion of our product functionality and the number of products we
       market and support;

   -   expansion of our product lines into new markets, industries and
       technology mediums;

   -   increase in the number of our employees; and

   -   geographic dispersion of our operations and personnel.

   These changes require us to manage an increasing number of relationships with
customers and other third parties, as well as a larger workforce. In addition,
we will need to adapt our operational and financial control systems, if
necessary, to respond to changes in the size and diversification of our
business. If we fail to manage changes effectively, our employee-related costs
and employee turnover could increase and we could face disruptions that
compromise our ability to execute on our business plan.


   The rate at which businesses have adopted our products has varied
significantly by market and by product within each market, and we expect to
continue to experience variations to the degree to which our products are
accepted in our target markets in the future. In particular, the acceptance of
our products may be limited by factors such as:

   -   the failure of prospective customers to perceive value in predictive
       software solutions;

   -   the reluctance of our prospective customers to replace their existing
       solutions with our products; and

   -   the emergence of new technologies that could cause our products to be
       less competitive or obsolete.

   In addition, because the market for customer insight solutions is still in a
relatively early stage of development, we cannot accurately assess the size of
the market, and we have limited insight into trends that may emerge and affect
our business. For example, we may have difficulty in predicting customer needs
and new technologies, developing products that could address those needs and
technologies, and establishing a distribution strategy for these products. We
may also have difficulties in predicting the competitive environment that will



   In our markets, technology changes rapidly, and there are continuous
improvements in computer hardware, network operating systems, programming tools,
programming languages, operating systems, database technology and the use of the
Internet. If we fail to enhance our current products and develop new products in
response to changes in technology or industry standards, our products could
rapidly become less competitive or obsolete. For example, the rapid growth of
the Internet environment creates new opportunities, risks and uncertainties for
businesses, such as ours, which develop software solutions that must also be
designed to operate in Internet, intranet and other online environments. Our
future success will depend, in part, upon our ability to:

   -   internally develop new and competitive technologies;

   -   use leading third-party technologies effectively;

   -   continue to develop our technical expertise;

   -   anticipate and effectively respond to changing customer needs;

   -   time new product introductions in a way that minimizes the impact of
       customers delaying purchases of existing products in anticipation of new
       product releases; and

   -   Influence and respond to emerging industry standards and other
       technological changes.


   The development of new, technologically advanced products is a complex and
uncertain process that requires innovation, highly skilled personnel and
accurate anticipation of technological and market trends. We have previously
experienced significant delays in the development and introduction of new
products and product enhancements, primarily due to difficulties with model
development, which has in the past required multiple iterations, as well as
difficulties with acquiring data and adapting to particular operating
environments. The length of these delays has varied depending upon the size and
scope of the project and the nature of the problems encountered. If we are
unable to meet the introduction schedules for our new products or product
enhancements, customers may switch their allegiance to competitive products or
refuse to purchase our solutions, which would harm our competitive position and
our operating results.


   Our CompAdvisor and Falcon products in the aggregate accounted for 40.3% of
our total revenues in 2000. CompAdvisor accounted for 23.5% of total revenues in
2000 and Falcon accounted for 16.8% of total revenues in 2000. We expect these
products will continue to account for a substantial portion of our total
revenues for the foreseeable future. Our revenue will decline if the market does
not continue to accept these products. Factors that might affect the market
acceptance of CompAdvisor include the following:


   -   simplification of state workers' compensation fee schedules;

   -   changes in the overall payment system or regulatory structure for
       workers' compensation claims;

   -   technological change;

   -   our inability to obtain or use state fee schedule or claims data;

   -   saturation of market demand;

   -   loss of key customers; and

   -   industry consolidation.

   Demand for, or use of, Falcon, could decline as a result of factors that
reduce the effectiveness of Falcon's fraud detection capabilities. For example,
patterns of credit card fraud might change in a manner that the Falcon product
line would not detect. In addition, other methods of credit card fraud
prevention such as smart cards may reduce customers' need for the Falcon product
line. Because many Falcon customers are banks and related financial
institutions, sales of our Falcon products are subject to changes in the
financial services industry such as fluctuations in interest rates and the
general economic health of financial services companies, which affect their
capital expenditure budgets. In addition, the financial services industry tends
to be cyclical, which may result in variations in demand for our Falcon
products. There is a continuing trend toward consolidation in the financial
services industry, which has reduced our customer base and may lead to lost or
delayed sales and reduced demand for our Falcon products. Industry consolidation
also could affect our base of recurring revenues derived from contracts in which
we are paid on a per-transaction basis, when consolidated customers combine
their operations under one contract with us which, in some cases, could result
in lower payments to us than those previously paid by our customers separately.


   The development, installation and support of our credit card fraud control
and profitability management, loan underwriting and insurance products require
periodic updates of our statistical models. To develop these updates, we must
develop or obtain a reliable source of sufficient amounts of current and
statistically relevant data to analyze transactions and update our models. In
most cases, these data must be periodically updated and refreshed to enable our
predictive products to continue to work effectively in a changing environment.
We do not own or control much of the data that we require, most of which are
collected privately and maintained in proprietary databases. Generally, our
customers agree to provide us the data we require to analyze transactions,
report results and build new predictive models. If we fail to maintain good
relationships with these customers, we could lose access to required data and
our products might become less effective. In addition, our CompAdvisor product
uses data from state workers'


compensation fee schedules adopted by state regulatory agencies. Third parties
have previously asserted copyright interests in this data. These assertions, if
successful, could prevent us from using the data. We may not be able to continue
to obtain adequate amounts of statistically relevant data on time, in the
required formats or on reasonable terms and conditions, whether from customers
or commercial suppliers.


   The market for predictive software solutions is intensely competitive and is
constantly changing. Some of our competitors or potential competitors have
substantially greater financial, technical and marketing resources than we do.
These competitors may be able to respond more rapidly than we can to new or
emerging technologies or changes in customer requirements. They may also devote
greater resources to the development, promotion and sale of their products than
we do. In addition, they may have the ability to sell products competitive to
ours at lower prices as part of integrated suites of several related products
that are vital to the customer's computing infrastructure. This may cause
customers to purchase products of our competitors that directly compete with our
products in order to acquire other products of the competitor.

   Our competitors vary in size and in the scope of the products and services
they offer. We encounter competition from a number of sources, including:

   -   other application software companies, including enterprise software

   -   management information systems departments of customers and potential
       customers, including financial institutions, insurance companies,
       telecommunications carriers and retailers;

   -   third-party professional services organizations, including consulting
       divisions of public accounting firms;

   -   Internet companies;

   -   hardware suppliers that bundle or develop complementary software;

   -   network and telecommunications switch manufacturers, and service
       providers that seek to enhance their value-added services;

   -   neural-network tool suppliers; and

   -   managed care organizations.

   We expect to experience additional competition from other established and
emerging companies, as well as from other technologies. For example, our Falcon
and eFalcon products compete against other methods of preventing credit card
fraud, such as credit card activation


programs, credit cards that contain the cardholder's photograph, smart cards and
other card authorization techniques.

   Increased competition, whether from other products or new technologies, could
result in price reductions, fewer customer orders, loss of customers, reduced
gross margins and loss of market share, any of which could negatively impact our
business. We expect to face increasing pricing pressures from our current
competitors and new market entrants. Price reductions could negatively impact
our margins and results of operations. Price competition could also harm our
ability to obtain new long-term contracts and renewals of existing long-term
contracts on favorable terms.

   Furthermore, a number of our current and potential competitors have
established or may establish cooperative relationships among themselves or with
third parties to increase the ability of their products to address the needs of
our prospective customers. As a result, new competitors or alliances among
competitors may emerge and rapidly gain significant market share. We may not be
able to compete effectively against current and potential competitors,
especially those with significantly greater resources and market leverage.


   Our future success depends to a significant degree upon the continued service
of members of our senior management and other key research, development, sales
and marketing personnel. We generally do not have employment agreements with our
employees, and the few employment agreements we do have with a small number of
our employees may not result in the retention of these employees. As a result,
we could experience the untimely loss of a member of the management team on
little or no advance notice. We could also lose the services of a key employee
of a business we acquire before we have had adequate time to familiarize
ourselves with the operating details of that business and obtain a suitably
experienced replacement. Our future performance will also depend, in part, upon
the ability of our officers to work together effectively. Our management
personnel may not be successful in carrying out their duties or running our
company. Any dissent among members of management could impair our ability to
make strategic decisions quickly in a rapidly changing market.


   Our future success depends upon our ability to attract, retain and motivate
highly skilled employees. Competition for employees in our industry is intense.
We have historically experienced difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of
qualified sales and technical employees. In addition, competitors and other
businesses may be successful in attempts to recruit our key employees,
particularly if they can offer more attractive stock options or other equity
compensation packages. Many of our technical employees possess unique skills and
are not easily replaceable, and loss of technical personnel could harm our
product development efforts. We expect to continue to experience difficulty in
hiring and retaining highly skilled employees with appropriate qualifications.



    International operations and export sales represented 19.3% of our total
revenues in 2000. We intend to continue to expand our operations outside the
United States and to enter additional international markets, which will require
significant management attention and financial resources. For more mature
products, like Falcon, we may need to increase our international sales in order
to continue to expand our customer base. We have committed and continue to
commit significant time and development resources to customizing and adapting
our products for selected international markets, and to developing international
sales and support channels. These international marketing efforts require us to
incur increased sales, marketing, development and support expenses. If our
efforts do not generate additional international sales on a timely basis, our
margins and earnings would be harmed.

   To the extent that our revenues from international operations represent an
increasing portion of our total revenues, we will be subject to increased
exposure to international risks. As a result, our future results could be
affected by a variety of factors, including:

   -   changes in foreign currency exchange rates;

   -   changes in the political or economic conditions of a country or region,
       particularly in emerging markets;

   -   trade protection measures, such as tariffs, EEU software directives and
       import or export licensing requirements;

   -   potentially negative consequences from changes in tax laws;

   -   potentially reduced protection for intellectual property rights;

   -   difficulty in managing widespread sales operations; and

   -   slower payment cycles from international customers.


   Many of our customers must comply with a number of government regulations
and other industry standards, and as a result, many of our key products must
also be compliant. For example, our financial services products are affected by
the Fair Credit Reporting Act, by Regulation B under the Equal Credit
Opportunity Act, by regulations governing the extension of credit to consumers
and by Regulation E under the Electronic Fund Transfers Act, as well as
non-governmental VISA and MasterCard electronic payment standards. Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac regulations, among others, for conforming loans, affect our
mortgage services products. Insurance-related regulations may in the future
apply to our insurance products. If our products fail to comply with existing or
future regulations and standards, our customers or we could be subject to legal
action by regulatory authorities or by third parties, including actions seeking
civil or criminal penalties, injunctions against our use of data or preventing
use of our products or civil damages. In addition, we may also be liable to our
customers for failure of our products to comply with regulatory requirements. If
state-mandated workers' compensation laws or regulations or state workers'
compensation fee schedules are simplified, these changes would


diminish the need for, and the benefit provided by, CompAdvisor. In many states,
including California, there have been periodic legislative efforts to reform
workers' compensation laws in order to reduce the cost of workers' compensation
insurance and to curb abuses of the workers' compensation system. Changes in
workers compensation laws or regulations could adversely affect our insurance
products by making them obsolete, or by requiring extensive changes in these
products to reflect new workers' compensation rules. To the extent that we sell
new products targeted to markets that include regulated industries and
businesses, our products will need to comply with these additional regulations.


Our success and ability to compete substantially depend upon our internally
developed proprietary technologies, which we protect through a combination of
patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws and confidentiality
procedures. We also seek to protect our software, documentation and other
written materials under trade secret and copyright laws, which afford only
limited protection. Despite the measures we take to protect our intellectual
property, it may be possible for a third party to copy or otherwise to obtain
and use our products or technology without authorization, or to develop similar
technology independently. In addition, patents may not be issued with respect to
our pending or future patent applications, and our patents may not be upheld as
valid or may not prevent the development of competitive products. To ensure that
customers will not be harmed by an interruption in our business, we often place
software source code for our products into escrow, which may increase the
likelihood of misappropriation or other misuse of our intellectual property. Any
disclosure, loss, invalidity of, or failure to protect, our intellectual
property could negatively impact our competitive position, and ultimately, our
business. We have developed technologies under research projects conducted under
agreements with various United States Government agencies or subcontractors.
Although we have acquired commercial rights to these technologies, the United
States Government typically retains ownership of intellectual property rights
and licenses in the technologies developed by us under these contracts, and in
some cases can terminate our rights in these technologies if we fail to
commercialize them on a timely basis. Under our contracts with the United States
Government, the results of our research may be made public by the government,
which could limit our competitive advantage with respect to future products
based on our research.


   In the past, we have received communications from third parties asserting
that our trademarks infringe upon their trademarks, or that data we use is
copyrighted by them, none of which has resulted in litigation or material
losses. We have also been involved in patent litigation. Given our ongoing
efforts to develop and market new technologies and products, we may from time to
time be served with other claims from third parties asserting that our products
or technologies infringe their intellectual property rights. Any litigation to
determine the validity of these claims, including claims arising through our
contractual indemnification of our customers and other business partners against
infringement, regardless of their merit or resolution, would likely be costly
and time consuming and divert the efforts and attention of our management and


personnel. We cannot be certain we would prevail in this litigation given the
complex technical issues and inherent uncertainties in intellectual property
litigation. If this litigation resulted in an adverse ruling, we could be
required to:

   -   pay substantial damages;

   -   cease the use or sale of infringing products;

   -   expend significant resources to develop non-infringing technology;

   -   discontinue the use of certain technology; or

   -   obtain a license under the intellectual property rights of the third
       party claiming infringement, which license may not be available on
       reasonable terms, or at all. A license, if obtained, might require that
       we pay substantial royalties or license fees that would reduce our


   Products as sophisticated as ours are likely to contain errors or failures
when first introduced or as new versions are released. To the extent that we
develop new products that operate in new environments, such as the Internet, the
possibility for program errors and failures may increase due to factors
including the use of new technologies or the need for more rapid product
development that is characteristic of the Internet market. In the future, we may
experience delays in releasing new products or product enhancements as problems
are corrected. Errors or defects in our products that are significant, or are
perceived to be significant, could result in the rejection of our products,
damage to our reputation, lost revenues, diverted development resources and
increased service and support costs and warranty claims. In addition, because
our products are used in business-critical applications, any product errors or
failures may give rise to substantial product liability claims.


   The market price of our common stock has been, and will likely continue to
be, subject to wide fluctuations. Many factors could cause the price of our
common stock to rise and fall, including:

   -   variations in our quarterly results;

   -   announcements of new products by us or our competitors

   -   acquisitions of businesses or products by us or our competitors;

   -   recruitment or departure of key personnel;


   -   the gain or loss of significant orders;

   -   the gain or loss of significant customers;

   -   changes in the estimates of our operating performance or changes in
       recommendations by any securities analysts that follow our stock; and

   -   market conditions in our industry, the industries of our customers and
       the economy as a whole.

   In addition, stocks of technology companies have experienced extreme price
and volume fluctuations that often have been unrelated or disproportionate to
the operating performance of these companies. Public announcements by companies
in our industry about, among other things, their performance, accounting
practices or legal problems could cause the market price of our common stock to
decline regardless of our actual operating performance.

   In the past, securities class action litigation has often been brought
against a company following a period of volatility in the market price of its
securities. We may in the future be the target of similar litigation. Securities
litigation could result in substantial costs and divert management's attention
and resources.


        Under our certificate of incorporation, our board of directors is
authorized to issue up to 4,000,000 shares of preferred stock without any
further vote or action by our stockholders. The rights of the holders of our
common stock will be subject to the rights of the holders of any preferred stock
that we may issue in the future. The issuance of preferred stock, while
providing desirable flexibility in connection with possible acquisitions and
other corporate purposes, could have the effect of making it more difficult for
a third party to acquire a majority of our outstanding voting stock. We have no
current plans to issue shares of preferred stock. In addition, Section 203 of
the Delaware General Corporation Law restricts business combinations with any
"interested stockholder" as defined by the statute. The statute could make it
more difficult for a third party to acquire us, even if an acquisition would
benefit our stockholders.
