THE NASDAQ STOCK MARKET
                   9600 BLACKWELL ROAD, SUITE 300

Jerry Crotty
Managing Director
Listing Qualifications
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.

By Facsimile and Overnight Mail

June 20, 2005

Mr. Robert De Vaere
Vice President, Finance and Administration
and Chief Financial Officer
Epimmune Inc.
5820 Nancy Ridge Drive
San Diego, California 92121

Re: Epimmune Inc. ("Epimmune" or the "Company")
    Nasdaq Symbol: EPMN

Dear Mr. De Vaere:

On May 17, 2005, Staff notified the Company that it did not comply with the
minimum $10,000,000 stockholders' equity requirement(1) for continued listing
set forth in Marketplace Rule 4450(a)(3), (the "Rule"). According to the Form
10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2005, Staff determined that the Company's
stockholders' equity was $8,766,000. Based on Staff's further review and the
materials submitted through June 10, 2005, we have determined to deny the
Company's request for continued listing on The Nasdaq National Market.

The Company's plan to regain compliance with the Rule is to consummate a
proposed merger with Immuno-Designed Molecules, S.A. ("IDM"), a private French
company (the "Transaction"). However, as discussed below, Staff has concluded
that this Transaction, if consummated, would constitute a "reverse merger" under
Marketplace Rule 4330(f).(2) Therefore, the post transaction

- ----------
(1) The Company also docs not meet the continued listing requirements under
Maintenance Standard 2. See attached chart.

(2) Marketplace Rule 4330(f) states "An issuer must apply for initial inclusion
following a transaction whereby the issuer combines with a non-Nasdaq entity,
resulting in a change of control of the issuer and potentially allowing the non-
Nasdaq entity to obtain a Nasdaq Listing (for purposes of this rule, such a
transaction is referred to as a 'Reverse Merger'). In determining whether a
Reverse Merger has occurred, Nasdaq will consider all relevant factors
including, but not limited to, changes in the management, board of directors,
voting power, ownership, and financial structure of the issuer. Nasdaq will also
consider the nature of the businesses and the relative size of the Nasdaq issuer
and non-Nasdaq entity."

Mr. Robert De Vaere
June 20, 2005
Page 2

company will be required to submit an initial listing application and to meet
all initial inclusion criteria of The Nasdaq National Market in order to remain

Staff determined that the proposed Transaction, if consummated, would constitute
a reverse merger based on the fact that IDM is a non-Nasdaq entity, and the
merger results in a change of control due to the changes in ownership and
voting power, and the changes in management and the board of directors.
Pursuant to the terms of the Transaction,(4) Epimmune will acquire all of the
outstanding share capital of IDM, in exchange for shares of Epimmune's common
stock. Each share of IDM will be exchanged for approximately 3.77 shares of
Epimmune's common stock, and the former shareholders of IDM will hold, as a
group, approximately 78% of the outstanding common stock of the post-transaction

In addition, effective with the closing of the Transaction, the post-transaction
entity's board of directors will be expanded to nine members, six of whom will
be selected by IDM. Specifically, three of Epimmune's current directors(5) will
resign and be replaced by three current IDM directors;(6) the other three IDM
designated directors will include the Managing General Partner(7) of Alta
Partners, an IDM shareholder; and two other persons designated by IDM.(8) In
addition, Jean-Loup Romet-Lemonne, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of IDM, will be
appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the post-transaction company.
Finally, subject to shareholder approval, Epimmune intends to amend its
certificate of incorporation to change the name of the post-transaction company
to IDM, Inc.

In its May 27, 2005 submission to Staff, Epimmune noted that on May 6, 2005, it
submitted an initial listing application for the post-transaction entity.(9)
According to the application, if the proposed merger with IDM had been
consummated on March 31, 2005, the Company's pro forma stockholders' equity
would have been $48,519,000. However, Staff notes that the Company will be
unable to evidence compliance until the merger with IDM is completed. Further,
completion of the Transaction is subject to shareholder approval and therefore
is not definitive. Moreover, while the Company hopes to close the Transaction in
mid-July, it has not set a date for the shareholders' meeting and has not
completed the SEC comment period with respect to its June 2nd Preliminary Proxy
filing. In that regard, the Company has not presented Staff with a definitive
time frame to evidence compliance.

In view of the foregoing, Staff has determined that the Company did not provide
a definitive plan evidencing its ability to achieve compliance with the
continued listing requirements. Accordingly,

- ----------
(3) If the Company transfers to The Nasdaq SmallCap Market, it would need to
meet the initial inclusion requirements of that market.

(4) See Preliminary Proxy filed with the SEC on June 2, 2005.

(5) Howard E. ("Ted") Greene, Jr., Georges Hibon and William T. Comer, Ph.D.

(6) Michael G. Grey, Donald Drakeman, Ph.D., and David, Haselkorn, Ph.D.

(7) Jean Deleage, Ph.D.

(8) Sylvie Gregoire and Robert Beck

(9) Through June 10, 2005, the Company has provided additional information
related to the initial listing application.

Mr. Robert De Vaere
June 20, 2005
Page 3

the Company's securities will be delisted from The Nasdaq National Market at the
opening of business on June 29, 2005.

The Company may want to consider applying to list its securities on The Nasdaq
SmallCap Market, provided it satisfies the requirements for continued listing on
that market.(10) These requirements are outlined on the attached chart. If the
Company decides to apply to transfer its listing to The Nasdaq SmallCap Market,
the application and applicable listing fees are due by June 27, 2005.

Marketplace Rule 4815(b) requires that the Company, as promptly as possible but
no later than seven calendar days from the receipt of this letter, make a public
announcement through the news media which discloses receipt of this letter and
the Nasdaq rules upon which it is based.(11) The Company must provide a copy of
this announcement to Nasdaq's StockWatch Department and Listing Qualifications
Hearings Department (the "Hearings Department") at least 10 minutes prior to its
public dissemination.(12) For your convenience, we have enclosed a list of news
services. In the event the Company does not make the required public
announcement, Nasdaq will halt trading in its securities, even if the Company
appeals Staff's determination to a Listing Qualifications Panel (the "Panel") as
described below.

Please be advised that Marketplace Rule 4815(b) does not relieve the Company of
its obligation to disclose Staff's determination under the federal securities
laws. In that regard, Item 3.01 of Form 8-K requires disclosure of the receipt
of a delisting notification within four business days.(13) Accordingly, the
Company should consult with counsel regarding its disclosure and other
obligations mandated by law.(14)

- ----------
(10) Since the Transaction is a reverse merger, if the Company completes the
Transaction while on the SmallCap Market, or in conjunction with a transfer to
the SmallCap Market, the post-transaction entity will be required to meet all
initial listing criteria for the SmallCap Market in order to remain listed.

(11) The Company must ensure that the full text of the required announcement is
disseminated publicly. The Company has not satisfied this requirement if the
announcement is published as a headline only or if the news service determines
not to publish the full text of the story.

(12) This notice should be provided to the attention of Nasdaq's StockWatch
Department (telephone: 301/978-8500; facsimile: 301/978-8510), 9513 Key West
Avenue, Rockviile, Maryland, 20850, and to Nasdaq's Hearings Department
(telephone: 301/978-8071; facsimile: 301/978-8080), 9600 Blackwell Road, Fifth
Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850.

(13) See, SEC Release No. 34-49424.

(14) Nasdaq cannot render advice to the Company with respect to the format or
content of the public announcement The following is provided only as a guide
that should be modified following consultation with securities counsel: the
Company received a Nasdaq Staff Determination on (DATE OF RECEIPT OF STAFF
DETERMINATION) indicating that the Company fails to comply with the
FILING, etc.) requirement(s) for continued listing set forth in Marketplace
Rule(s) ______________________, and that its securities are, therefore, subject
to delisting from (The Nasdaq National/SmallCap Market). The Company has
requested a hearing before a Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel to review the
Staff Determination. There can be no assurance the Panel will grant the
Company's request for continued listing.

Mr. Robert De Vaere
June 20, 2005
Page 4

The Company may appeal Staff's determination(15) to the Panel, pursuant to the
procedures set forth in the Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4800 Series. A hearing
request will stay the delisting of the Company's securities pending the Panel's
decision. Hearing requests should not contain arguments in support of the
Company's position. The Company may request either an oral hearing or a hearing
based solely on written submissions. The fee for an oral hearing is $5,000; the
fee for a hearing based on written submissions is $4,000. Please note that the
hearing fee is non-refundable and that the check must be made payable to "The
Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.". The request for a hearing and a copy of the check
must be received by the Hearings Department no later than, 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Time on June 27, 2005. The request must be in writing and faxed, with a copy of
the check, to (301) 978-8080, with the original request sent to:

                                 Lanae Holbrook
                                 Chief Counsel
                    Office of Listing Qualifications Hearings
                          The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
                        9600 Blackwell Road, Fifth Floor
                               Rockville, MD 20850

The Company must send the enclosed Hearing Fee Payment Form with its payment to:

If by Regular Mail(16)
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
P.O. Box 7777-W9740
Philadelphia, PA 19175-9740


If by Courier/Overnight
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
C/O Mellon Bank, Rm 3490
701 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Please note that the delisting will be stayed only if the Hearings Department
(the Rockville, MD location) receives the Company's hearing request on or before
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 27, 2005.

If you would like additional information regarding the hearing process, please
call the Hearings Department at (301) 978-8203.

Marketplace Rule 4890 prohibits communications relevant to the merits of a
proceeding under the Marketplace Rule 4800 Series between the Company and the
Hearings Department unless Staff is provided notice and an opportunity to
participate. In that regard, Staff waived its right to participate in any oral
communications between the Company and the Hearings Department. Should Staff

- ----------
(15) On May 26, 2005, Staff also notified the Company that the bid price of its
common stock had closed below $1 per share for 30 consecutive trading days, and
accordingly, that it did not comply with Marketplace Rule 4450(a)(5), If the
Company appeals, it needs to address this issue at its hearing.

(16) The P.O. Box address will not accept courier or overnight deliveries.

Mr. Robert De Vaere
June 20, 2005
Page 5

determine to revoke such waiver, the Company will be immediately notified, and
the requirements of Marketplace Rule 4890 will be strictly enforced.

If the Company does not appeal Staff's determination to the Panel, the Company's
securities will not be immediately eligible to trade on the OTC Bulletin Board
or in the "Pink Sheets." The securities may become eligible if a market maker
makes application to register in and quote the security in accordance with SEC
Rule 15c2-ll, and such application (a "Form 211") is cleared.(17) Only a market
maker, not the Company, may file a Form 211.

While the delisting announcement will be included on the "Daily List," which is
posted and available to subscribers of www.Nasdaqtrader.com at approximately
2:00 p.m. on June 28, 2005, news of the delisting may not be deemed publicly
disseminated until the Company makes an announcement through a Regulation FD
compliant means of communication. Nasdaq strongly recommends that the Company
issue a press release announcing the delisting.

If you have any questions, please contact Douglas D. McKenney, Director, at
(301) 978-8011 or Marilyn Bacot, Listing Analyst, at (301) 978-8048.


/s/ Jerry Crotty


- ----------
(17) Pursuant to Marketplace Rules 6530 and 6540, a Form 211 cannot be cleared
if the issuer is not current in its filing obligations.

                           THE NASDAQ NATIONAL MARKET

This table identifies the minimum standards for continued inclusion on The
Nasdaq National Market. Each incidence of non-compliance by the Company is
denoted with an "X".


                              Maintenance Standard                    Maintenance Standard
Standards                             1                                      2
- --------                      ---------------------                   --------------------
Stockholders' Equity              $10 million             X                 N/A

Market Value of Listed                N/A                                 $50 million               X
Securities(18)                                                               OR

Total Assets                                                              ($50 million
Total Revenue                                                             $50 million)

Publicly Held Shares(19)           750,000                                1.1 million

Market Value of                   $5 million                              $15 million               X
Publicly Held Shares(20)

Bid Price                            $1                   X                 $1                      X

Round Lot                            400                                    400

Market Makers(22)                     2                                      4

Corporate Governance                 Yes                                    Yes

- ----------
(18) Listed securities means securities quoted on Nasdaq or listed on a national
securities exchange.

(19) For purposes of this requirement, publicly held shares means total shares
outstanding less any shares held by officers, directors, or beneficial owners of
10 percent or more.

(20) Market Value means the closing bid price multiplied by the measure to be
valued (e.g., an issuer's market value of public float is equal to the closing
bid price multiplied by an issuer's public float).

(21) Round lot holders are holders of 100 shares or more.

(22) An Electronic Communication Network ("ECN") is not considered an active
market maker.

                           The Nasdaq SmallCap Market
                        Criteria for Continued Inclusion

Stockholders' Equity                                         $2,500,000
Net Income from Continuing Operations                            or
(most recently completed fiscal year or                       $500,000
2 of the last 3 years)                                           or
Market Value of Listed Securities                            $35,000,000
Publicly Held Shares                                           500,000
Market Value of Publicly Held Shares                         $1,000,000
Bid Price                                                       $1.00
Market Makers                                                     2
Round Lot Shareholders                                           300
Corporate Governance                                             Yes

                               News Services List

Dow Jones News Wire Spot News
Harborside Financial Center
800 Plaza Two
Jersey City, NJ 07311-1199
(201) 938-5400
(201) 938-5600 FAX

40 E. 52nd Street
14th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 752-9600
(212) 752-9698 FAX

Bloomberg Business News Newsroom
P.O. Box 888
Princeton, NJ 08540-0888
(609) 750-4500
(609) 497-6577 FAX

Corporate News Desk
199 Waters Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10038
(212) 859-1600
(212) 859-1717 FAX

PR Newswire
810 7th Avenue, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10019
(800) 832-5522
(800) 793-9313 FAX

                            Hearing Fee Payment Form

Please complete this form legibly and submit it with your payment to the
appropriate address below:

Issuer Name:
Issuer Symbol:
Issuer Address:


Remitter Name:    ______________________________________________________________
(if not the same as the Issuer)

Check enclosed in the amount of $ _________                   Check No.________

Please attach your payment to this form and send to:

Regular Mail
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
P.O. Box 7777-W9740
Philadelphia, PA 19175-9740


The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
C/O Mellon Bank, Rm 3490
701 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Please note that the P.O. Box address WILL NOT ACCEPT courier or overnight