JAYCOR provides a retirement program to all eligible employees.  Additionally,
the Company believes it is important for employees to augment their retirement
monies through personal savings.  Accordingly, the Company wishes to encourage
certain key employees to more adequately prepare for retirement and has
therefore developed this Deferred Compensation Plan which will pay a guaranteed
rate of interest of 8% per annum on amounts deferred or contributed into the

Amounts deferred into the plan reduce the income base of individuals.  This
reduction in salary, in turn, causes a reduction of Company contributions into
employees' Money Purchase Pension Plan (MPPP) accounts because MPPP
contributions are based upon W-2 earnings.  To counter this reduction in MPPP
contributions, for the year in which salary is deferred into this plan, the
Company will make a contribution into the deferring employee's MPPP account,
equivalent to the amount that would have been made had salary not been deferred
into this plan.  This contribution will be made before March 31st of the year
subsequent to the year in which salary is deferred into this plan.

This Deferred Compensation Agreement ("Agreement") is made on ________________
between JAYCOR ("Company"), a California corporation, and
___________________________ ("Employee") and is made with reference to the
following facts:

         Employee is and will be rendering valuable services to the Company and
         it is the desire of the Company to have benefit of his/her continued
         loyalty, service, and counsel and also to assist the Employee in
         providing for the contingencies of death, disability, and old age

Therefore, the parties agree as follows:


         1.1     AMOUNT OF DEFERRAL
                          1.1.1  As of the effective date of this Agreement,
         the Company will commence to compensate the Employee for his/her
         services in the form of both current and deferred compensation.

                          1.1.2  The amount of current compensation may be
         adjusted by the parties hereto from time to time without altering the
         terms of the Agreement.  The deferred portion of the total
         compensation will be controlled by the terms of this Agreement and as
         of the effective date and until amended will be $ ____________ per
         2-week pay period.  This amount will be credited each month in
         accordance with Section 1.2.

                          1.1.3  The deferred portion of the total compensation
         can be amended upon written notice.  The Employee must notify the
         Company at least 30 days before the effective date of change.  The
         deferred portion cannot be changed more frequently than once every 6

                          1.1.4  Compensation in the form of cash bonus
         payments may be deferred in its entirety into this deferral plan.
         Cash bonus payments may be entered into this plan provided the check
         is returned uncashed along with written authorization received not
         longer than 5 working days after issuance of the bonus payment.

                 1.2      ACCOUNT AND CREDITS

                          1.2.1  Effective ________________, the Company will
         set up an account on its books in the name of the Employee to which
         will be accrued deferred compensation in the amount of $ ___________
         per 2-week pay period.  This amount will be accrued to this account
         each biweekly period thereafter, provided sufficient hours are
         submitted by the Employee during the time the Employee continues
         employment with the Company.  This account will earn interest at the
         guaranteed rate of 8% per annum, compounded monthly.  Interest will be
         credited to the account based on the account balance as of the first
         day of each calendar month.

                 2.1  VALUATION OF ACCOUNT

                 The account referenced in 1.2.1 will be valued as of the end
         of the month prior to the day the first installment is paid under the
         provisions of this Section 2.

                 2.2  TERMINATION BEFORE DEATH

                          2.2.1  INSTALLMENT PERIOD:  At retirement or in the
         event the Employee's employment with the Company terminates for any
         reason other than the death of the Employee, then beginning on a date
         to be determined by the Company but within 3 months from the date of
         such termination, the Company will commence to pay the Employee
         termination benefits in equal installments.  If the number of whole
         years for which income was actually deferred between the effective
         date of this Agreement and the date of termination ("Service Period")
         is 10 or less years, such installments will be paid for a period of
         years equal to such Service Period.  If, on the other hand, the
         Service Period is 11 or more years, such installments will be paid for
         any number of whole years which the Company, in its sole discretion
         and either with or without consultation with the Employee, may select
         within the range of years specified in the following schedule,
         depending upon the Service Period of the Employee:

                                                        Period of Whole Years Company
                          Service Period                May Select for Installments  
                          --------------                -----------------------------
                          11 years                          10 thru 11 inclusive
                          12 years                          10 thru 12 inclusive
                          13 years                          10 thru 13 inclusive
                          14 years                          10 thru 14 inclusive
                          15 years                          10 thru 15 inclusive
                          16 years                          10 thru 16 inclusive
                          17 years                          10 thru 17 inclusive
                          18 years                          10 thru 18 inclusive
                          19 years                          10 thru 19 inclusive
                          20 years or more                  10 thru 20 inclusive

                          2.2.2  SIZE OF INSTALLMENT:  The basic installments
         will be equal and will be of such a size that the present value of all
         such installments, on the date the first installment is paid by the
         Company, will equal the value of the Account on such date after all
         adjustments have been made in accordance with Section 2.1 of the
         Agreement, based on the annual compound interest factor of seven
         percent (7%).

                          2.2.3  FREQUENCY OF INSTALLMENT:  The basic
         installment will be paid annually, or at the written request of the
         Employee, the basic installments can be paid monthly.  Additionally,
         the Company will consider the Employee's written request for payment
         in the form of a single lump sum.  In either case, the written request
         must be received within 2 months from the date of such termination.
         The Company cannot guarantee that a lump sum request will be honored,
         such determination is based upon Management's assessment of the
         Company's overall financial obligations.

                          2.2.4  DEATH AFTER TERMINATION:  In the event the
         Employee dies after becoming entitled to receive the above specified
         installments, but before any or all of such installments have been
         paid, the Company will pay or will continue to pay said unpaid amounts
         or the unpaid balance of said amounts to the Employee's beneficiaries
         in the same manner as they would have been paid to the Employee.

                 2.3  TERMINATION BECAUSE OF DEATH
                          2.3.1  INSTALLMENT PERIOD:  In the event the
         Employee's employment with the Company terminated because of the
         Employee's death, then, beginning on a date to be determined by the
         Company but no sooner than the day after and no later than 2 months
         following such termination, the Company will commence to pay the
         designated beneficiaries, termination benefits, in monthly
         installments, for a period as determined by Subparagraph 2.2.1.

                          2.3.2  SIZE OF INSTALLMENT:  The size of such
         installments will be determined in accordance with the rules set forth
         in Subparagraph 2.2.2 of this Agreement.

                          2.3.3  FREQUENCY OF INSTALLMENT:  The basic
         installment will be paid monthly.  Additionally, the Company will
         consider the beneficiaries' written request for payment in the form of
         a single lump sum, provided it is received within 2 months of the
         employee's death.  The Company cannot guarantee such a request will be
         honored, such determination is based upon Management's assessment of
         the Company's overall financial obligations.

                 2.4  CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY

                 The designated beneficiaries may be changed by the Employee,
         by submitting a Beneficiary Designation/Change form.  Any previous
         beneficiary designation or change of beneficiary designation will be
         revoked upon receipt of the Change form.
                 2.5  WITHHOLDING OF TAXES

                 There shall be deducted from any payment due an Employee or
         beneficiaries under this plan, payroll and/or withholding taxes, as
         required by law.


                 It is the intent of the Company that the benefits provided by
         this Agreement will be available for the support and maintenance of
         the Employee and his/her beneficiaries and payees in the event of the
         Employee's termination.  Therefore, the Company desires to limit the
         rights of the Employee, his/her beneficiaries and payees in a manner
         which will assure that such benefits will always be of a size and
         duration sufficient to provide for the support and maintenance of the
         Employee and his/her beneficiaries and payees.  Therefore, the
         benefits provided by Section 2 of the Agreement will not be subject to
         garnishment, attachment, or other legal process by creditors of the
         Employee or of any person or persons designated as beneficiaries of
         the Agreement or of any other payee of the benefits provided herein.


                 4.1  This Agreement creates no rights in the Employee to
         continue in his/her employment with the Company for any length of
         time, nor does it create any rights in the Employee or his/her
         beneficiaries or any obligation on the part of the Company, other than
         those set forth herein.

                 4.2  This Agreement is solely between the Company and the
         Employee.  The Employee and his/her beneficiaries and payees will have
         recourse only against the Company for enforcement, and this Agreement
         will be binding upon the beneficiaries, heirs, and personal
         representatives of the Employee and upon the successors and assigns of
         the Company.

                 4.3  The Agreement does not constitute a trust for the benefit
         of the Employee, and Employee's rights are, other than contained in
         the Agreement, that of general creditor.
          EXECUTED by the undersigned on the date first above written.

         EMPLOYEE:                                          JAYCOR:
         By: __________________________________    
                                                            Eric P. Wenaas
                                                            President and CEO

                           LONG TERM DEFERRAL PROGRAM

This program is designed to allow select employees to defer current income into
long term savings, on a tax-deferred basis.  Listed below are the major
features of this program.


   o    the delay of income tax payments (state/federal taxes are not withheld,
        social security taxes are)

   o    the accumulation of funds for retirement

   o    a competitive return on investment

   o    salary bonus payments may also be deferred into your plan.


   o    Minimum deferral is $150.00 per pay period.

        o        May change deferral amount every 6 months.

        o        Funds are available only when you retire or when your
   employment with JAYCOR terminates.

        o        Currently the plan is offered at an interest rate of 8% per
   annum compounded monthly; this is lowered to 7% in pay-out period.  This
   rate is subject to change in advance of a signed agreement between the
   Employee and the Company.

        o        To satisfy IRS regulations, funds cannot be placed in
   trusteeship.  Deferrals will be used by JAYCOR as operating funds with
   corresponding reductions in cash borrowing.  Under this arrangement, funds
   are not secured and will be available as a general credit obligation.

        o        Company contributions to your Money Purchase Pension Plan are
   reduced as a result of participation in this plan since your W-2 earnings
   are less.  This reduction will be offset through an annual increase to your
   deferral account of exactly the amount lost in the Pension Plan.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
If you are interested in participating in this plan, complete the attached
Agreement and the Beneficiary Designation form and return both to your Human
Resources Department.  If you have any further questions, contact the Corporate
or Tysons Human Resources Department.



            JAYCOR provides a retirement program to all eligible employees.
            Additionally, the Company believes it is important for employees to
            augment their retirement monies through personal savings.
            Accordingly, the Company wishes to incentivize certain key
            employees to more adequately prepare for retirement and has
            therefore developed this Deferred Compensation Plan which will pay
            a guaranteed rate of interest of 9% per annum on amounts deferred
            or contributed into the Plan.   Amounts deferred into the plan
            reduce the income base of individuals thereby delaying income
            taxation until funds are paid out.

            This Deferred Compensation Agreement ("Agreement") is made on
            ____________ between JAYCOR ("Company"), a California corporation, 
            and _____________ ("Employee") and is made with reference to the 
            following facts:

                     Employee is and will be rendering valuable services to
                     the Company and it is the desire of the Company to have 
                     benefit of his continued loyalty, service, and counsel and
                     also to assist the  Employee in providing for the 
                     contingencies of death, disability, and old age dependency.

                     Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

                     Section 1:       Deferred Compensation Account

                             1.1      Amount of Deferral

                                      1.1.1    As of the effective date of this
            Agreement, the Company will commence to compensate the Employee for
            his services in the form of both current and deferred compensation.

                                      1.1.2    The deferred portion of the 
            total compensation will be controlled by the terms of this 
            Agreement and will be $ ___________ per two week pay period.  This
            amount will be credited each month in accordance with Section 1.2.

                             1.2      Account and Credits

                                      1.2.1    Effective _____________, the
            Company will set up an account on its books in the name of
            _________________(Employee) to which will be accrued deferred 
            compensation in the amount of $ ____________ per two week pay 
            period.  This amount will be accrued to this account each biweekly
            period thereafter during the time __________________(Employee) 
            shall continue his employment with the Company.  This account will

            interest at the guaranteed rate of 9% per annum, compounded
            monthly.  Interest will be credited to the account based on the
            account balance as of the first day of each calendar month.

                     Section 2.       Termination Benefits

                             2.1      Valuation of Account

                                      2.1.1    The account referenced in
            1.2.1 will be valued as of the end of the month prior to the day
            the first installment is paid under the provisions of this section

                             2.2      Termination before Death

                                      2.2.1    Installment Period

                     At Retirement or in the event the Employee's
            employment with the Company terminates for any reason other than
            the death of the Employee, then, beginning on a date to be
            determined by the Company but within three months from the date of
            such termination, the Company will commence to pay the Employee
            termination benefits in monthly installments.  If the number of
            whole years for which income was actually deferred between the
            effective date of this Agreement and the date of termination
            ("Service Period") is ten (10) or less years, such installments
            will be paid for a period of years equal to such Service Period.
            If, on the  other hand, the Service Period is eleven (11) or more
            years, such installment will be paid for any number of whole years
            which the Company, in its

            sole discretion and either with or without consultation with the
            Employee may select within the range of years specified in the
            following schedule, depending upon the Service Period of the

                                    Period of Whole Years
                                    Which Company May Select
            Service Period          for Installments
            --------------          ------------------------
            11  years               10 through 11 inclusive
            12  years               10 through 12 inclusive
            13  years               10 through 13 inclusive
            14  years               10 through 14 inclusive
            15  years               10 through 15 inclusive
            16  years               10 through 16 inclusive
            17  years               10 through 17 inclusive
            18  years               10 through 18 inclusive
            19  years               10 through 19 inclusive
            20  years or more       10 through 20 inclusive

                                      2.2.2  Size of Installment

                     The basic installments will be equal and will be of such
            a size that the present value of all such installments on the date
            the first installment is paid by the Company will equal the value
            of the Account on such date after all adjustments have been made in
            accordance with Section 2.1 of this Agreement, based on the annual
            compound interest factor of 8%.

                                      2.2.3  Death after Termination

                     In the event the Employee dies after becoming entitled to
            receive the above specified installments but before any or all of
            such installments and gains realized have been paid, the Company

            will pay or will continue to pay said unpaid amounts or the unpaid
            balance of said amounts to the Employee's beneficiaries in the same
            manner as they would have been paid to the Employee.

                             2.3      Termination Because of Death

                                      2.3.1   In the event the Employee's
            employment with the Company terminated because of the Employee's
            death, then, beginning on a date to be determined by the Company
            but no sooner than the day after and no later than two (2) months
            following such termination, the Company will commence to pay the
            beneficiaries designated below termination benefits in monthly
            installments for a period as determined by Subparagraph 2.2.1.

                                      2.3.2   The size of such installments 
            will be determined in accordance with the rules set forth in 
            Subparagraph 2.2.2 of this Agreement.

                                      2.3.3   The beneficiaries named herein may
            be changed by the Employee, with the agreement of the Company, by
            written amendment to this Agreement.   However, the Company will not
            unreasonably withhold its agreement to change the beneficiary
            designation, but a change in beneficiaries shall not be effective 
            until there is a written amendment to the Agreement signed by both
            the Company and the Employee.

                                      2.3.4   There shall be deducted from any
            payment due an Employee or beneficiaries under this plan, payroll
            and/or withholding taxes, as required by law.

                     Section 3.       Benefits Non-assignable

                             3.1      It is the intent of the Company that
            the benefits provided by this Agreement will be available for the
            support and maintenance of the Employee and his beneficiaries and
            payees in the event of the Employee termination.  Therefore, the
            company desires to limit the rights of the Employee and his
            beneficiaries and payees in a manner which will assure that such
            benefits will always be of a size and duration sufficient to
            provide for the support and maintenance of the Employee and his
            beneficiaries and payees.  Therefore, the benefits provided by
            Section 2 of this  Agreement will not be  subject to garnishment,
            attachment or other legal process by creditors of the Employee or
            any person or persons designated as beneficiaries of this
            Agreement or any other payee of the benefits provided herein.

                     Section 4.       Employment and Other Rights

                             4.1      This Agreement creates no rights in the
            Employee to continue in his employment with the Company for any
            length of time, nor does it create any rights in the Employee or
            his beneficiaries or any obligation on the part of the Company,
            other than those set forth herein.

                             4.2      This Agreement is solely between the
            Company and the Employee.  The Employee and his beneficiaries and
            payees will have recourse only against the Company for enforcement,
            and this Agreement will be binding upon the beneficiaries, heirs, 
            and personal representatives of the Employee and upon the 
            successors and assigns of the Company.

                             4.3      The Agreement does not constitute a
            trust for the benefit Employees, and Employee's rights are, other
            than contained in this Agreement, that of general creditor.

                     EXECUTED by the undersigned on the date first above

            EMPLOYEE:                        JAYCOR: 

            By:______________________         ________________________
                                              E. Linneman
                                              Director, Human Resources



            This Amendment is made on _________________ to amend the Deferred
            Compensation Plan Agreement (the "Agreement") between JAYCOR, a
            California corporation ("Company") and _________________________
            ("Employee") dated __________________,  as follows:

            1.       Section 1 of the Agreement is amended by the insertion of
            a new subsection 1.3 to read as follows:

                     1.3  For calendar 1994 only, the Company no later than
            December 31, 1994, shall credit Employee's account with additional
            accrued deferred compensation in the amount of $____________.

            2.       Except as so amended, the Agreement is ratified and

            JAYCOR, a California corporation

            by: ____________________________




            This Amendment is made on December 29, 1995 to amend the Deferred
            Compensation Plan Agreement (the "Agreement") between JAYCOR, a
            California corporation ("Company") and __________________________
            ("Employee") dated September 15, 1990, as follows:

            1.       Section 1 of the Agreement is amended by the insertion of
            a new subsection 1.3 to read as follows:

                     1.3       For calendar 1995 only, the Company no later
            than December 31, 1995, shall credit Employee's account with
            additional accrued deferred compensation in the amount of 

            2.       Except as so amended, the Agreement is ratified and 


            by: _______________________________
                Randy Johnson, VP-Finance & CFO

            EMPLOYEE: _________________________


            This Amendment is made on December 16, 1996 to amend the Deferred
            Compensation Plan Agreement (the "Agreement") between JAYCOR, a
            California corporation  ("Company") and _________________________
            ("Employee") dated September 15, 1990, as follows:

            1.       Section 1 of the Agreement is amended by the insertion of 
            a new subsection 1.3 to read as follows:

                     1.3       For calendar 1996 only, the Company no later
            than December 31, 1996, shall credit Employee's account with
            additional accrued deferred compensation in the amount of 

            2.       Except as so amended, the Agreement is ratified and 


            by: ________________________________
                 Randy Johnson, VP-Finance & CFO

            EMPLOYEE: __________________________