1984 BONUS COMPENSATION PLAN

                                    SECTION I


1.01      Purpose. The purpose of the 1984 Bonus Compensation Plan (the "Plan")
          is to further the success of the Company by providing special
          financial rewards in addition to regular salaries to those officers,
          directors, and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries most
          responsible for the continued success of the Company.

                                   SECTION II


2.01      Unless otherwise required by the context, the terms used in the Plan
          shall have the meanings set forth in this Section II.

2.02      Annual Salary. "Annual Salary" means an officer's, director's, or
          employee's total wages (including paid absences) during the
          Performance Year, exclusive of any bonus or other fringe benefits that
          such person may receive.

2.03      Board of Directors. "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors
          of the Company.

2.04      Bonus Compensation Rate. "Bonus Compensation Rate" means the Bonus
          Compensation Rate negotiated with the Federal Government as an element
          of the Company's Fringe Rate.

2.05      Committee. "Committee" means the Bonus Compensation Committee of the
          Board of Directors of the Company as referred to in Section IX of the

2.06      Common Stock. "Common Stock" means the common stock, $.05 par value,
          of the Company, or in the event the common stock of the Company shall
          consist of more than one class, then it shall mean the class of such
          common stock as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.

2.07      Company. "Company" shall mean Science Applications International
          Corporation and any Subsidiary of Science Applications International
          Corporation which shall be designated from time to time by the Board
          of Directors or the Committee as being eligible to participate in the

2.08      Eligible Compensation. "Eligible Compensation" means the total annual
          salaries of all officers, directors and employees of the Company and
          its subsidiaries.

2.09      Fiscal Year. "Fiscal Year" shall mean the fiscal year of the Company.

2.10      Fringe Rate. "Fringe Rate" means the rate which the Company shall be
          entitled to charge for employee fringe benefits under contracts with
          the Federal Government as such rate shall be negotiated from time to

2.11      Group. "Group" means the major operating groups of the Company as such
          shall be designated by the Company's management from time to time.

2.12      Group Bonus Fund. "Group Bonus Fund" means the aggregate amount which
          may be allocated to any particular Group for the payment of bonuses
          under the Plan with regard to any Performance Year.

2.13      Group Labor Dollars. "Group Labor Dollars" means aggregate base
          salaries paid by any Group, whether direct or indirect, exclusive of
          amounts attributable to fringe benefits but before reduction of any
          amount on account of (i) any withholding, such as income taxes or
          social security taxes, (ii) health and welfare payments, or (iii) any
          moving and relocation reimbursements.

2.14      Group Planned Financial Performance. "Group Planned Financial
          Performance" means the planned performance for any Group with regard
          to any Performance Year as set forth in the approved annual plan for
          that Group.

2.15      Group Planned Profit Rate. "Group Planned Profit Rate" is a rate
          determined by dividing the Group Profit set forth in the Group Planned
          Financial Performance by the Group Revenue set forth in the Group
          Planned Financial Performance.

2.16      Group Profit. "Group Profit" means the profit before tax attributable
          to any Group which shall be determined in accordance with the
          Company's accounting practices and shall be Net Fees attributable to
          that Group less Unallowables, interest charges attributable to that
          Group and net unfavorable Rate Variances. In the case of net favorable
          Rate Variances, the amount of such variances shall be added to Net
          Fees for the Group. Rates for which the Rate Variances shall be
          computed shall include the Group's overhead expenses, bid and proposal
          expenses, general and administrative expenses attributable to the
          Group and sick leave. Rate Variances shall be calculated

          from the rates approved in the Group's annual plan. Other income or
          expenses attributable to the Group shall be added or deducted as

2.17      Group Revenues. "Group Revenues" means revenues attributable to each
          Group as determined in accordance with the Company's accounting

2.18      Net Fees. "Net Fees" means negotiated contract fees adjusted for
          contract overruns and underruns.

2.19      Operating Committee. "Operating Committee" shall mean the Operating
          Committee of the Board of Directors.

2.20      Participant. A "Participant" shall mean each such person who is
          selected to receive a bonus under the Plan. Every officer, director or
          employee of the Company or its subsidiaries shall be eligible to
          receive a bonus under the Plan.

2.21      Performance Year. "Performance Year" means the Fiscal Year during
          which the performance of the Company or a Group is used to determine
          the amounts of awards which may be available under the Plan.

2.22      President. "President" means the person serving in the office of the
          president of the Company if the Board of Directors has not designated
          another officer to be the chief executive officer of the Company. If,
          however, the Board of Directors shall have designated another officer
          of the Company to be the chief executive officer of the Company, then
          the person designated as such chief executive officer shall be deemed
          to be the President for the purposes of the Plan.

2.23      President's Bonus Fund. "President's Bonus Fund" means that portion of
          the Company Bonus Fund which may be awarded as bonuses under the Plan
          by the President in regard to any Performance Year as provided in
          Section V of the Plan.

2.24      Profit. "Profit" means the net income of the Company for any
          Performance Year as certified by the Company's independent public
          accountants before provision for federal taxes and incentive
          compensation awards under the Plan.

2.25      Rate Variances. "Rate Variances" means variances from the rates
          established for overhead expenses, bid and proposal expenses, general
          and administrative expenses and sick leave expenses as set forth in
          the approved annual plan for the Group for the Performance Year.

2.26      Spot Bonus. "Spot Bonus" means special bonuses payable to individuals
          pursuant to Section VII of the Plan and which are intended to reward
          such individuals for extraordinary efforts or special achievements on
          a timely basis.

2.27      Unallowables. "Unallowables" means costs incurred by the Company which
          are not deemed to be reimbursable costs pursuant to the Company's
          Contracts with the Federal Government.

                                   SECTION III

                               COMPANY BONUS FUND

3.01      Company Bonus Fund. The Company Bonus Fund for each Performance Year
          shall be an amount not in excess of 7% of Eligible Compensation for
          such Performance Year and shall be the aggregate of the Group Bonus
          Funds, the President's Bonus Fund and any additional funds allocated
          from Profit as the Operating Committee shall determine. The Board of
          Directors shall have the authority to change the percentage of
          Eligible Compensation which shall be used to determine the maximum
          amount of the Company Bonus Fund from time to time.

3.02      Composition of Company Bonus Fund. The Company Bonus Fund shall be
          comprised of the aggregate of the Group Bonus Funds and the
          President's Bonus Fund. The Group Bonus Funds shall constitute 70% of
          the Company Bonus Fund and the President's Bonus Fund shall constitute
          30% of the Company Bonus Fund. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
          President's Bonus Fund may be increased by any additional funds
          allocated from Profit as the Operating Committee shall determine.

4.01      General Policy. The determination of the amount and distribution of
          the Group Bonus Fund is intended to reflect and reward the performance
          of each of the Company's various Groups as well as the overall
          performance of the Company. As an aide in accomplishing this aim, a
          Group Bonus Formula shall be used to determine the amount of each
          Group's Group Bonus Fund for each Performance Year. The amount of the
          Group Bonus Fund as calculated pursuant to the Group Bonus Formula is
          intended merely to provide a guide in determining the amount of the
          Group Bonus Fund actually established for each Group for each
          Performance Year. The Committee shall have the authority to establish
          for each Group the actual amount of that Group's Group Bonus Fund
          which amount may be equal to, in excess of or less than the amount of
          the Group Bonus Fund which would be determined under the Group Bonus
          Formula. In exercising this discretion, the Committee shall consider,
          among other things, the Company's overall financial performance, and
          other special situations in the Performance Year.

4.02      Group Bonus Formula. The Group Bonus Formula is intended to reflect
          the following criteria: (i) a minimum Group Bonus Fund for each Group
          so that individual performance within the Group may be rewarded
          notwithstanding the Group's overall performance; (ii) a maximum amount
          of Group Bonus Fund for each Group so as to avoid an inordinate drain
          on the Company's profit; (iii) a provision for awarding bonuses to a
          Group for Group Profit exceeding 3% of Group Revenue while providing
          greater incentive for Group Profit exceeding 6% of Group Revenue; (iv)
          a procedure for an automatic adjustment to reflect the Bonus
          Compensation Rate negotiated as an element of the Company's Fringe
          Rate Agreement with the Federal Government; and (v) a procedure for
          relating each Group's Group Bonus Fund to such Group's Group Planned
          Financial Performance. Accordingly, the Group Bonus Formula is
          expressed as follows:

          B = .0238L + .3 {R(P/R - .06)} when P >= .06R and B <= .061L

          B = .01L {1 + 46(P/R - .03)} when .03R >= P < .06R

          B = .01L when P < .03R

          where: B represents the Group Bonus Fund, L represents Group Labor
          Dollars, P represents Group Profits, and R represents Group Revenues.
          The minimum Group Bonus Fund is represented by 1% of Group Labor
          Dollars and the maximum Group Bonus Fund is represented by 6.1% of
          Group Labor Dollars. An illustration of the application of the Group
          Bonus Formula assuming various Group Profits ranging from 3% through
          12% of Group Revenue is attached as Table I and Table II to the Plan.
          If, at the beginning of any Performance Year, the Bonus Compensation
          Rate, the Fringe Rate, or the Group Planned Profit Rate change, then
          the numerical coefficients set forth in the Group Bonus Formula may be
          adjusted so that the aggregate Group Bonus Funds do not exceed the
          amount permitted under the Company Bonus Fund.

                                    SECTION V

                             PRESIDENT'S BONUS FUND

5.01      Purpose of President's Bonus Fund. The President's Bonus Fund is
          primarily intended to provide awards to deserving Participants (i) in
          the Company's top level of management, (ii) engaged in Corporate
          Development activities, (iii) serving in the Office of the President,
          and (iv) serving in Corporate Administration. The President's Bonus
          Fund may also be utilized to provide bonus awards to especially
          deserving Participants who are not otherwise rewarded, to encourage
          stock redistribution, to

          correct any inequities in the amount of the Group Bonus Funds of the
          various Groups, or for other special awards.

5.02      Amount of President's Bonus Fund. The President's Bonus Fund for any
          Performance Year is determined indirectly as a function of the
          aggregate amount of the Group Bonus Funds for the Performance Year.
          The President's Bonus Fund shall be an amount equal to 30% of the
          Company Bonus Fund with the aggregate of the Group Bonus Funds to be
          an amount equal to 70% of the Company Bonus Fund. Notwithstanding the
          foregoing, the President's Bonus Fund may be increased by any
          additional funds allocated from Profit as the Operating Committee
          shall determine.

                                   SECTION VI


6.01      Group Bonus Fund Recommendations. Within 45 days following the end of
          the Performance Year and/or from time to time during the Performance
          Year, each Group Manager shall submit to the Committee written
          recommendations for the payment of bonuses to members of that Group
          Manager's Group out of the Group's Group Bonus Fund. The total amount
          of such bonus recommendations shall be based upon application of the
          Group Bonus Formula to the Company's financial statements for the
          Performance Year.

6.02      President's Bonus Fund Recommendations. Within 45 days following the
          end of the Performance Year and/or from time to time during the
          Performance Year, the President shall submit to the Committee written
          recommendations for the payment of bonuses to Participants who are to
          receive bonuses paid out of the President's Bonus Fund.

6.03      Internal Group Administration. Each Group Manager shall be responsible
          for the implementation and operation of the Plan within that Group
          Manager's Group. The method of such implementation and operation
          within the Group is not prescribed by the Plan. The Group Manager may
          implement the distribution of payments under the Plan within the Group
          to meet the business goals of that Group; however, the total bonuses
          payable within the Group must be made within the limitations set forth
          in the Plan. If a Group Manager elects to apply the Group Bonus
          Formula or a similar formula to the administration of the Plan within
          the Group so as to allocate the Group's Group Bonus Fund between
          different divisions, operations or other identifiable entities within
          the Group, consideration must be given to the overhead rate
          differentials between those entities due to the allocation of
          management and administration overhead. Consideration must also be
          given to the need to reward individuals for technical performance for
          work unrelated to financial performance.

6.04      Approvals. All individual bonuses to be awarded from the Group Bonus
          Fund must be recommended in writing by the Group Manager to the
          Committee and all individual bonuses to be awarded out of the
          President's Bonus Fund must be in writing from the President to the
          Committee. The Committee must approve all individual bonuses awarded
          out of the Group Bonus Fund and the President's Bonus Fund except that
          any bonus payable to the President must be approved by the Board of
          Directors and any bonus payable to the other Committee members must be
          approved by the President. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no member of
          the Committee shall be eligible to receive a bonus that is payable in
          Common Stock. No individual shall be advised of a bonus recommendation
          until such bonus shall have been approved by the Group Manager or the
          President, as appropriate, and the Committee.

6.05      Recommendation Format. Written bonus recommendations submitted by the
          Group Manager or the President to the Committee may be in memorandum
          form or on an appropriate recommendation form as prescribed by the
          Committee from time to time.

                                   SECTION VII

                                  SPOT BONUSES

7.01      Spot Bonus Awards. Spot Bonuses may be awarded under the Plan at any
          time. Spot Bonuses shall be awarded by the Group Manager or the
          President (i) to reward extraordinary effort or special achievement
          for which the timeliness of the award is particularly important, (ii)
          are payable in cash only and in amounts of $1,000 or less, (iii) are
          normally deliverable within one week, and (iv) require the prior
          written approval of only the Group Manager in regard to Spot Bonuses
          to be payable to a Participant in the Group Manager's Group or by the
          President in regard to Spot Bonuses to be payable to any other
          Participant. The award of a Spot Bonus by the Group Manager or the
          President will be subsequently reviewed by the Committee.

7.02      Accounting for Spot Bonuses. Spot Bonuses paid during the Performance
          Year will be charged to the Group's 1% minimum Group Bonus Fund or the
          President's Bonus Fund, as appropriate, for the Performance Year.

                                  SECTION VIII

                               PAYMENT OF BONUSES

8.01      Time of Payment. Payment of the annual bonus awards shall be made as
          soon as practicable after the decision by the Committee to make
          payment of any bonus. Bonus

          awards made during the Performance Year shall be charged to the
          Company Bonus Fund or the President's Bonus Fund as appropriate for
          such Performance Year pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.01.
          Payment of Spot Bonuses shall be made within seven working days
          following the date of approval of such Spot Bonus by the Group Manager
          or the President.

8.02      Form of Payment. Bonuses awarded under the Plan, except for Spot
          Bonuses, shall be payable in cash or Common Stock or a combination of
          cash and Common Stock within the sole discretion of the Committee.

8.03      Stock Restriction Agreement. To the extent that any bonus awarded
          under the Plan is paid in Common Stock, as a condition to the receipt
          of such bonus, the Participant shall be required to execute and
          deliver a stock restriction agreement in such form and upon such terms
          and conditions, including, but not limited to, the granting of a right
          of first refusal to the Company regarding such Common Stock and a
          right on the part of the Company to repurchase such Common Stock from
          the Participant upon the Participant's termination of affiliation with
          the Company, as the Committee, in its sole discretion, shall deem

8.04      Forfeiture of Shares. To the extent that any bonus awarded under the
          Plan is paid in shares of Common Stock, such shares may be issued
          subject to forfeiture, in whole or in part, in accordance with a
          vesting schedule which the Committee may, in its sole discretion,

8.05      Valuing Common Stock. To the extent that bonuses awarded under the
          Plan are paid in Common Stock, the per share value of such Common
          Stock shall be based upon the Formula Price for the Common Stock in
          effect at the time the bonus is awarded. The bonus will be deemed to
          have been awarded on the date the Committee approves the granting of
          the bonus.

8.06      Individual Bonus Awards. Any bonus award to a Participant with respect
          to a Performance Year, other than a Spot Bonus, shall generally be
          made within the following guidelines.

      Category of
     Participant's             Minimum Amount            Maximum Amount
      Employment             of Bonus (if any)              of Bonus
- --------------------       --------------------       --------------------
Operations Manager         5% of Annual Salary        25% of Annual Salary
Division Manager           5% of Annual Salary        20% of Annual Salary
Others                     1 Week's Salary            15% of Annual Salary

          Recommendations for bonus awards outside these guidelines must be
          accompanied by a written justification from the Group Manager or the
          President unless such recommendation has been previously coordinated
          with the Committee.

                                   SECTION IX


9.01      The Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the Committee which
          shall consist of not less than two directors appointed by the Board of
          Directors, each of whom shall satisfy the requirements of Rule 16b-3,
          as amended, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange
          Act"). The Committee may appoint a separate committee with respect to
          Participants who are not subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

9.02      Authority of the Committee. The Committee shall be authorized to
          interpret the terms and provisions of the Plan and to adopt such rules
          and regulations for the administration of the Plan as it may, in its
          sole discretion, deem advisable. Without limiting the generality of
          the foregoing, and subject to the terms, provisions and conditions of
          the Plan, the Committee is authorized to:

          (a)       Approve the Participants who shall receive bonus awards
                    under the Plan.

          (b)       Prescribe the form, which shall be consistent with the Plan,
                    of the documents, if any, evidencing awards granted under
                    the Plan, including the stock restriction agreement referred
                    to in Section 8.03 of the Plan.

          (c)       Approve the amount of bonuses to be awarded to any
                    Participant under the Plan and the form of payment of such

                                    SECTION X

                            AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION

10.01     Amendment or Termination. The Plan may, at any time or from time to
          time, be amended, or may, at any time, be terminated, by either the
          stockholders of the Company or by the Board of Directors subject only
          to the provisions of Section 10.02 below.

10.02     Restriction on Amendment or Termination. No amendment or termination
          of the Plan by either the stockholders of the Company or the Board of
          Directors shall, without the

          Participant's consent, affect any bonus award theretofore made to such
          Participant under the Plan.

                                   SECTION XI


11.01     Certain Conditions and Limitations. The award of a bonus under the
          Plan may be effected only if the Committee determines that the award
          or the payment of such award complies with applicable securities and
          other laws. The Company may, but shall not be required to, register or
          qualify under applicable securities laws, at the Company's expense,
          any or all of the interests in the Plan and shares of Common Stock
          awarded or paid pursuant to the Plan.

11.02     Other Compensation or Incentive Arrangements. The Plan is not intended
          as, and shall not be deemed a substitute for, or preclude continuance
          or establishment of, incentive compensation, profit participation or
          bonus plans of subsidiaries, divisions, or other operating entities of
          the Company or any other plan, practice, or arrangement for the
          payment of compensation or fringe benefits, including, without
          limitation, commissions, prizes, production or similar bonuses,
          retirement, profit sharing, group insurance, stock purchase or stock
          bonus plans or any other bonus plans or arrangements, that may now or
          hereafter be in effect for employees generally or any group or class
          of employees or employee, and any such plan, practice or arrangement
          may be continued or authorized and payments thereunder made
          independently of the Plan.

11.03     Continuation of Employment. Nothing contained in the Plan, or in the
          award of any bonus pursuant to the Plan, shall confer upon any
          employee any right to continue in the employ of the Company or
          interfere in any way with the right of the Company to reduce such
          employee's compensation from the rate in existence at the time of the
          granting of a bonus under the Plan.

11.04     No Vested Interest in the Plan. No Participant nor any employee of the
          Company, nor any person claiming under or through any of them, nor any
          other person, shall have any right or interest, whether vested or
          otherwise, in the Plan or its continuance, or in or to the payment of
          any award under the Plan, whether such award be vested, contingent or
          otherwise, unless and until all the terms and conditions of the Plan
          or any rules and regulations of the Committee thereunder and of any
          instrument executed pursuant thereto affecting such award and its
          payment, shall be fully complied with as specifically provided in the
          Plan and the rules and regulations of the Committee thereunder. No
          rights under the Plan, contingent or otherwise, shall be assignable or
          subject to any encumbrance, pledge or charge of any nature, except as
          may be specifically authorized by the Committee.

11.05     Issuance of Common Stock. Any shares of Common Stock as payment, in
          whole or in part, of any bonus awarded under the Plan may be purchased
          by the Company in the limited internal market established and
          maintained by the Company or may be issued from the treasury stock of
          the Company or from the authorized but unissued Common Stock of the

11.06     Non-Transferability. Except as specifically provided in the Plan, no
          interest in or payment under the Plan shall be transferable by the
          Participant other than by will or by the laws of descent and

11.07     Tax Withholding. The Company shall have the right to deduct from any
          payment of bonuses awarded under the Plan or from any other
          compensation payable to the Participant receiving such bonus, any sums
          required by Federal, state or local tax law to be withheld with
          respect to such bonus payment. There is no obligation under the Plan
          that any Participant or other person be advised of the existence of
          any such tax or the amount which the Company will be so required to

11.08     Term of the Plan. Subject to approval by a majority of the holders of
          the outstanding common stock of the Company, the Plan is effective as
          of February 1, 1984.

11.09     Governing Law. The Plan, and any awards made under the Plan, shall be
          governed by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the
          State of Delaware.

                                     TABLE I


                                                               Group Profit as a % of Group Revenue
                                                                      (Dollars in Thousands)
                                     & less          4%            5%            6%            8%           10%           12%
                                    -------       -------       -------       -------       -------       -------       -------
Group Revenues ...............      $10,000       $10,000       $10,000       $10,000       $10,000       $10,000       $10,000
Costs at Provisional
    Rates ....................        9,200         9,200         9,200         9,200         9,200         9,200         9,200
Net Fees .....................      $   800       $   800       $   800       $   800       $   800       $   800       $   800
Unallowables .................           -5            -5            -5            -5            -5            -5            -5
Interest .....................         -100          -100          -100          -100          -100          -100          -100
Overhead Variance ............         -300          -225          -150           -75           +75          +225          +400
B&P Variance .................          -55           -40           -25           -10           +20           +50           +75
G&A Variance .................          -30           -20           -10            --           +20           +20           +20
Sickleave Variance ...........          -10           -10           -10           -10             0           +20           +20
Other ........................           --            --            --            --           -10           -10           -10
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group Profit Before
    Taxes ....................      $   300       $   400       $   500       $   600       $   800       $ 1,000       $ 1,200
% of Revenues ................            3%            4%            5%            6%            8%           10%           12%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(A) Bonus Base
    ($4.2M x .01) ............      $    42       $    42       $    42       $    42       $    42       $    42       $    42
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B) Earnable
Add: 46(P/R - .03) Base ......      $    --       $    19       $    39       $    58       $    58       $    58       $    58
Add: 30% Profit 6% ...........           --            --            --            --            60           120           180
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B) Total Earned .............      $    --       $    19       $    39       $    58       $   118       $   178       $   238
(A+B) Total Group Bonus Fund .           42            61            81           100           160           220           280
Total Group Bonus Funds
    to be Distributed ........           42            61            81           100           160           220           256
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bonus Distributed as a %
    of Group Labor Dollars ...          1.0%          1.5%          1.9%          2.4%          3.8%          5.2%          6.1%

                                    TABLE II

