DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT

This Distributorship Agreement ("Agreement"), is entered into as of March 26,
1999, between:

LIGAND PHARMACEUTICALS, INCORPORATED, a corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., with its principal place of business
at 10275 Science Center Drive, San Diego, California, U.S.A. and SERAGEN, INC. a
Delaware corporation having its principle place of business at 97 South Street,
Hopkinton, Massachusetts (collectively referred to herein as "Ligand")


FERRER INTERNACIONAL , S.A, a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of Spain with its principal place of business at Gran Via Carlos III, 94,
Barcelona, Spain ("Distributor")

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

A.      Ligand is a leading researcher, developer and manufacturer of
        biopharmaceutical products, including the Products, and is the exclusive
        owner or licensee of proprietary rights in such Products.

B.      Distributor is engaged in the marketing of pharmaceutical products and
        has represented to Ligand that it has the facilities, personnel and
        technical expertise to market and distribute the Products in the

C.      Ligand is willing to exclusively sell Products in the Territory to
        Distributor on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.


        1.     DEFINITIONS

        For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the 
        following meanings:

1.1     "Affiliate" means any corporation or business entity which, directly or
        indirectly, is controlled by, controls, or is under common control with
        Ligand or Distributor, as applicable. For this purpose, "control"
        includes, but is not limited to, direct or indirect ownership of more
        than fifty percent (50%) of the voting shares or stock of such
        corporation or business entity.

        1.2 "Approvals" means and includes all filings, approvals,
        registrations, permits, licenses and authorizations related to Product
        pricing or marketing activities which


        are necessary or which, in the reasonable opinion of Ligand, are
        desirable, to be made with or obtained from any Governmental Authority
        for the sale of the Products in the Territory, including, without
        limitation, any pricing approvals, government reimbursement approvals,
        import permits and approvals concerning Distributor's facilities, but
        excluding Product Authorizations.

1.3      "Base Price" means, with respect to each Product, the price set forth
         in Attachment B.

1.4      "Confidential Information" means any and all data, trade secrets,
         confidential knowledge, specifications, clinical data and protocols and
         other proprietary information, not in the public domain, relating to
         the Products and/or the business or affairs of either party (the
         "Disclosing Party"). Confidential Information shall also include the
         present Agreement and the terms set forth herein to the extent that it
         has not been placed into the public domain by the Disclosing Party.
         Confidential Information may be communicated to the other party (the
         "Receiving Party") orally, visually, in writing, or in any other
         recorded or tangible form. All data and information will be considered
         to be Confidential Information hereunder (1) if the Disclosing Party
         has marked them as such, (2) if the Disclosing Party, orally or in
         writing, has advised the Receiving Party of the confidential nature,
         provided that, if disclosed orally, the Disclosing Party confirms such
         confidential nature in writing within two weeks thereafter; or (3) if,
         due to their character or nature, a reasonable person in a like
         position and under like circumstances as the Receiving Party would
         treat them as secret and confidential.

1.5      "Dealer" means a sub-distributor, agent or marketing representative of

1.6      "Effective Date" means the date of this Agreement as designated in
         preamble to this Agreement on the first page.

1.7     "Ex-Distributor Price" means the actual price at which Distributor sells
        each Product to customers of Distributor, less:

        (a)    freight, shipping and insurance with respect to such Products;

        (b)    sales, excise or similar taxes imposed on the sale of the

        (c)    any mandatory or industry standard discounts or rebates to the
               competent Governmental Authorities and/or Social Security Systems
               pursuant to the regulations and/or agreements in force; and

        (d)    cash and trade discounts and allowances as customarily applied to
               products of a similar kind in the pharmaceutical industry in the
               relevant country within the Territory;


         but in each case only if paid by Distributor or actually charged
         against Distributor and evidenced in Distributor's books and records of
         account and the reports

         provided to Ligand pursuant to Clause 9.3 hereof.

1.8      "Governmental Authority" means and includes all governmental and
         regulatory bodies, agencies, departments or entities, whether or not
         located in the Territory, which regulate, direct or control commerce in
         or with the Territory.

1.9      "Intellectual Property Rights" means and includes all copyrights,
         designs, databases, mask works, patents, trademarks, trade names and
         other proprietary rights, and all registrations and applications
         therefor, which Ligand may at any time own, adopt, use, license or
         register with respect to a Product or its business, and includes the

1.10     "Net Sale Price" means the amount equal to the percentage of the
         Ex-Distributor Price for each Product in accordance with the pricing
         schedule set forth in Appendix C.

1.11     "Person" means and includes any agency, association, company,
         individual, or other entity regardless of the type or nature thereof.

1.12     "Product Authorizations" means and includes all filings, approvals,
         registrations and authorizations relating to pharmaceutical or
         medicinal products which are necessary or which, in the reasonable
         opinion of Ligand, are desirable, to be made with or obtained from any
         Governmental Authority in order for Distributor to lawfully market,
         promote, offer for sale and sell the Products in the Territory,
         including, without limitation, authorizations required from the
         European MEA ("EMEA"), but excluding Approvals.

1.13     "Products" means the biopharmaceutical products manufactured by or on
         behalf of Ligand, for the indications and applications specified, which
         are listed in Appendix A, as amended by Ligand from time to time by
         written notice to Distributor; and shall include all line extensions
         and modified or improved versions of such products from time to time.


1.14     "Resale Price" means the price from the Distributor to the wholesalers
         in each respective country of the Territory, in the case of Spain as
         determined by the Spanish Governmental Authorities ("Precio de Venta
         Laboratorio") or, in the case of any other country of the Territory, as
         determined by the competent Governmental Agency in such country, as
         reduced by:

         (a)   freight, shipping and insurance with respect to such Products;

         (b)   sales, excise or similar taxes imposed on the sale of the

         (c)   any mandatory or industry standard discounts or rebates to the
               competent Governmental Authorities and/or Social Security Systems
               pursuant to the regulations and/or agreements in force; and

         (d)   cash and trade discounts and allowances as customarily applied to
               products of a similar kind in the pharmaceutical industry in the
               relevant country within the Territory;

         but in either case only if paid by Distributor or actually charged
         against Distributor and evidenced in Distributor's books and records of
         account and the reports provided to Ligand pursuant to Clause 9.3

1.15     "Technical Assistance" means and includes advice, training, information
         and other support regarding the manufacture, specifications, clinical
         trials and marketing specifically related to the Products.

1.16     "Term" means the term of this Agreement as determined in accordance
         with Clause 3.1 and, where the context permits, includes the extensions
         as per Clause 3.2.

1.17     "Territory" means the geographic area comprising the countries of
         Spain, Portugal and Greece.

1.18     "Trademarks" means the trademarks owned or licensed and designated by
         Ligand for the Products in Appendix D, as well as any substitute marks
         that are used for the Products in accordance with Clause 12.2.


2.1      Distribution Rights: Subject to the terms and conditions of this
         Agreement, Ligand grants to Distributor, and Distributor accepts, the
         exclusive right to market the Products in the Territory. Right to
         market under this Agreement shall mean the Distributor's right (1) to
         hold itself out as Ligand's exclusive authorized Distributor in the
         Territory; (2) to acquire the Products from Ligand for resale to
         customers on its own account in the Territory; and (3) to appoint
         Affiliates of Distributor, or other third parties (deemed) approved by
         Ligand, as Dealers in the Territory; provided, however, that (a)
         Distributor shall obtain an executed copy of a sub-


         distributor or dealer agreement, in a form containing terms and
         conditions substantially similar to the terms and conditions of this
         Agreement, from the relevant Dealer; and (b) Distributor shall notify
         Ligand in writing of the desired appointment of any third party Dealer
         and, at Ligand's request, provide Ligand with adequate background
         information on such Dealer. Unless Ligand reasonably objects to such
         appointment within thirty calendar days after its receipt of such
         notice and information, Ligand shall be deemed to have given the
         requisite approval to the appointment.

2.2      Additional Rights: Ligand further grants Distributor the royalty-free
         and (except as to Ligand) exclusive right to use the Confidential
         Information, the assistance and information related thereto pursuant to
         Clause 4.4, and the Trademarks solely to the extent reasonably
         necessary for the distribution and marketing of the Products within the
         Territory in accordance with this Agreement.

2.3      Independent Contractors: The relationship of Ligand and Distributor
         established by this Agreement is of seller and buyer, or independent
         contractors, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed: (1) to
         give either party the power to direct or control the daily activities
         of the other party, or (2) to constitute the parties as principal and
         agent, partners, or otherwise as participants in a joint undertaking.
         Ligand shall have no obligation or authority, express or implied, to
         exercise any control whatsoever over the employees or the business
         affairs of Distributor. Except as specifically provided in this
         Agreement, Distributor shall have no power or authority to make or give
         any representation or warranty or to incur any liability or obligation,
         or to waive any right, on Ligand's behalf.

2.4      Ligand's Rights: Ligand reserves the right to modify and/or to
         discontinue developing or producing the Products at its discretion at
         any time either (1) due to legal or regulatory requirements,
         administrative or court orders, or safety risks, or (2) so long as the
         Product in question is withdrawn from the market throughout the
         European Union for a justified and reasonable motive; provided,
         however, that Ligand shall notify Distributor as soon as practicable
         after any such modification or discontinuance and that Distributor
         shall be entitled to market any modified versions of Products pursuant
         to the terms of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
         deemed to restrict Ligand from selling the Products or other products
         to Persons outside the Territory for use within the Territory, nor from
         appointing Distributors in countries outside the Territory who may be
         permitted, by operation of law, to sell the Products in the Territory,
         and Distributor shall receive no compensation for such sales by Ligand
         or any other Distributor; provided, however, that Ligand shall impose
         upon its other Distributors restrictions on their active marketing of
         the Products in the Territory equivalent to restrictions placed upon
         Distributor's active marketing of Products outside the Territory in
         this Agreement, to the extent such restrictions are legally

2.5      Ligand Exclusive Supplier: During the Term, Distributor shall purchase
         all of its requirements of the Products from Ligand or any party
         designated by Ligand for this purpose.


3.      TERM

3.1      Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date
         and shall continue, with respect to a particular Product, for a period
         of ten years from the date of first sale of that particular Product to
         Distributor anywhere in the Territory after the Product Authorization
         is obtained for such Product, unless the Agreement is earlier
         terminated in accordance with Clause 16.

3.2      Extensions: Ligand and Distributor agree that, at least one year before
         the expiration of the initial ten-year term of the Agreement, they
         shall engage in good faith discussions for a period not to exceed six
         months concerning the extension of the term of the Agreement for the
         relevant Product(s) for a period of three to five years at commercial
         terms and conditions to be negotiated during the six month discussion


4.1      Distributor to Use Diligent Efforts to Apply for and Pursue Product
         Authorizations: Following the application by Ligand, at Ligand's cost,
         and further issuance of any Product Authorization by the EMEA or any
         other agency pursuant to a mutual recognition procedure in the
         Territory and in consultation with Ligand, Distributor shall be
         responsible for, and shall use diligent efforts to, file applications
         for, pursue and maintain, in each country within the Territory, during
         the Term, all Product Authorizations. All Product Authorizations shall
         be in Ligand's name, whenever legally permissible, unless otherwise
         agreed to by Ligand. Distributor shall obtain Ligand's prior approval
         of all applications and submissions to any Governmental Authority in
         respect of any Product Authorization. Distributor shall keep Ligand
         informed, in writing, of the status of its applications for Product
         Authorizations on a regular basis, and in any event no less frequently
         than once every three months, and shall immediately notify Ligand in
         writing of any substantial change in the status of any Product
         Authorization or any substantive questions received from any
         Governmental Authority in respect of such Product Authorizations.
         Distributor shall provide copies of all Product Authorizations to
         Ligand at its request. If at any time there is a choice in respect of
         the appropriate type of such Product Authorization to be obtained or
         maintained in respect of any one or more of the Products, Ligand may,
         in its sole and absolute discretion, exercise such choice and shall
         direct Distributor as to the appropriate Product Authorization to be.
         requested. If Ligand, at its sole discretion, informs Distributor that
         it does not intend to apply for any requisite Product Authorization in
         any country in the Territory, Distributor may give Ligand written
         notice of its intention to seek such Product Authorization on its own
         and shall have the right to do so, unless Ligand proceeds with or
         authorizes the filing on its behalf within thirty calendar days after
         its receipt of Distributor's notice. In any given case when Distributor
         seeks Product Authorization, Ligand shall provide Distributor with all
         reasonably necessary and available clinical data, documentation and
         assistance to such effect.


4.2      Distributor to Apply for Approvals: Distributor, at its cost, shall
         file applications for and maintain Approvals for all Products listed on
         Appendix A in effect as of the Effective Date in each country in the
         Territory during the Term. If Distributor believes that any application
         for Approval for any particular future Product or indication that may
         be included within the scope of this Agreement is not economically
         justified, Ligand may proceed with the application at its own cost and,
         upon issuance of the Approval, Distributor shall market the Product in
         the country concerned, if Ligand so requests. Distributor shall
         immediately notify Ligand in writing of any substantial change in the
         status of any Approval or any substantive questions received from any
         Governmental Authority in respect of such Approvals. Distributor shall
         provide copies of all Approvals to Ligand.

4.3      Pricing Approvals: Without limiting the generality of Clause 4.2, any
         applications, submissions, negotiations and agreements with any
         Governmental Authority on Product prices will require Ligand's prior
         consent provided, however, that in Spain Ligand shall:

        (a)     give its consent, if the price from the Distributor to the
                wholesalers in the relevant country of the Territory, as
                determined by the Spanish Governmental Authorities ("Precio de
                Venta Laboratorio") amount to not less than *** percent of the
                Reference Price;

        (b)     have the option to either consent to the Precio de Venta
                Laboratorio Resale Price or buy back from the Distributor the
                exclusive marketing rights in the Territory for the relevant
                Product (as listed in Appendix A) at a price of US$ *** each, if
                the Resale Price negotiated by Distributor amounts to less than
                *** , but more than *** , percent of the Reference Price and
                Ligand wishes to withhold its consent to the sale of the
                Products at such Resale Price; and

        (c)     have no obligation to give its consent, if the Precio de Venta
                Laboratorio Resale Price negotiated by Distributor amounts to
                *** percent or less of the Reference Price, in which case the
                marketing rights for the relevant Product shall revert to Ligand
                at no cost and Distributor shall be prevented from marketing the
                relevant Product in the Territory.

         If Ligand exercises its option to buy back the exclusive marketing
         rights in the Territory for the relevant Product under clause 4.3 (b)
         or Distributor loses its rights under clause 4.3 (c) to distribute the
         relevant Product in the Territory, Ligand shall either (i) refrain from
         marketing directly or indirectly in the Territory for a period of three
         years the relevant Product at a price equal or inferior to the price
         that caused the aforesaid transfer of marketing rights to Ligand under
         4.3(b) or (c), or (ii) restore Distributor's rights to market the
         relevant Product in the Territory under this Agreement.


         For purposes of this Clause 4.3, "Reference Price" shall mean the
         average, same distribution level price agreed upon by Ligand or its
         other Distributors for the relevant Products with the Governmental
         Authorities in the first three European Union Member States outside of
         the Territory where the relevant Product is sold. If Product prices
         have been approved in fewer than three European Union Member States
         when Distributor seeks Ligand's approval, the Reference Price shall be
         the average price in such fewer countries or, if there is no such
         country, a price mutually agreed upon by the parties. If Ligand
         reacquires the marketing rights for any Products pursuant to Clause 4.3
         (b) or (c), all obligations of the parties under this Agreement,
         including those under Clause 10, shall cease with respect to such

4.4      Ligand to Provide Assistance: Ligand shall provide such assistance as
         Ligand may deem reasonably necessary to Distributor in respect of
         Distributor's Product Authorization and Approval obligations under
         Clauses 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, and in particular shall provide:

        (a)     written materials and information concerning the Products,
                including copies, or summaries, of materials prepared for
                submission to the United States (or, at Ligand's discretion,
                European) Governmental Authorities concerning the Products or
                their labeling, to the extent that Ligand is legally and
                contractually permitted or required to do so, for Distributor's
                use in obtaining Product Authorizations in respect of each of
                the Products; and

        (b)     access to such clinical data and documentation in respect of the
                Products generated by research and trials funded by Ligand or to
                which Ligand may have access with the right to disclose, as
                Ligand may deem reasonably necessary to be relevant and useful
                to Distributor in obtaining Product Authorizations in respect of
                each Product.

4.5      Distributor to Bear Costs: Subject to Clauses 4.1 and 4.6 below,
         Distributor shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated
         with filing for and maintaining Product Authorizations and Approvals ,
         including, without limitation, the Base Price of Product supplied by
         Ligand and the costs of any clinical trials conducted by or on behalf
         of Distributor for the purposes of any Product Authorizations, unless
         otherwise agreed in writing between the parties prior to such costs
         being incurred.

4.6      Clinical Trial Program: The parties agree to jointly evaluate the
         merits of a clinical trial program for one or more of the Products for
         severe, recalcitrant, plaque psoriasis vulgaris.

4.7      No Marketing of Products without Product Authorizations: Except to the
         extent permitted by law and as may be agreed in writing between the
         parties, Distributor shall not market, promote, offer for sale or sell
         any one of the Products unless and until Distributor obtains the
         appropriate Product Authorizations in respect of such Product. In the
         event that Distributor is legally permitted, due to an individual pre-


         approval in respect of any Product, to market any Product prior to
         obtaining the relevant Product Authorization, Distributor shall not do
         so without obtaining the prior written consent of Ligand, which will
         not be unreasonably withheld.


5.1      Forecasts: In order to permit Ligand and its suppliers to allocate
         their manufacturing capacity, Distributor shall provide Ligand with
         written 4-quarter rolling forecasts of its Product requirements. Such
         forecast shall be broken down by Product, quantities, and shipping
         dates, and shall be delivered to Ligand not later than one hundred
         twenty days prior to the beginning of each calendar quarter (commencing
         after Distributor has obtained the first Product Authorization and
         Approval in respect of any Product). Ligand shall either accept or
         reasonably reject such forecasts within thirty days after receipt. Any
         forecast accepted by Ligand or not rejected within that period shall be
         binding on the Parties as follows: Unless otherwise agreed, Distributor
         shall order, and Ligand shall supply, one hundred percent of the
         quantities forecast for the first calendar quarter and between eighty
         and one hundred twenty percent of the quantities forecast for the next
         quarter. Quantities forecasts for subsequent quarters shall be
         non-binding indications for production schedules, only, until included
         in subsequent quarterly forecasts. 

5.2      Orders: Purchase of Products by Distributor hereunder shall be made
         only pursuant to written orders executed by Distributor, and shall be
         for a minimum of the Distributor's quarterly requirements for the
         Territory. The orders of Panretin(TM) Gel, Ontak(TM) and Targretin(TM)
         Gel shall separately specify the labeling requirements so as to allow
         Ligand to label those products before shipment. The orders shall be
         accepted in writing by Ligand at the offices specified in Clause 19.7.
         Subject to Clause 5.1 above, no order shall be binding upon Ligand
         until accepted by Ligand in writing. Subject to Clause 5.1 above,
         Ligand reserves the right to accept or reject any order, offer or
         request for Products in its sole discretion. The terms and conditions
         of this Agreement shall apply to all orders placed by Distributor and
         shall override and supersede any different or additional terms on
         orders from or any general conditions maintained by Distributor. All
         orders must be received by Ligand from Distributor at least 120 days
         prior to the desired shipment date. If any order for quarters 2, 3 or 4
         of a forecast exceeds the forecasts for that calendar quarter provided
         by Distributor under Clause 5.1 hereof by more than twenty percent
         (20%), Ligand shall use its reasonable efforts, but shall not be
         obligated, to ship the requested quantities of Products, with the
         normal lead time stated above. If the order cannot be fully shipped,
         Ligand will notify Distributor by the end of that period, and the
         parties will jointly determine an appropriate shipment schedule.

5.3      Shipment Frequency: The Products shall be shipped at a frequency no
         greater than once per month with a minimum purchase price to
         Distributor of $ *** U.S provided, however, that Distributor may
         request shipments at a frequency greater than once per month at the
         same minimum purchase price during the first year of the

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***     Portions of this page have been omited pursuant to a request for
        Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission.



5.4      Inventory Requirements: Distributor shall maintain a reasonable supply
         of Products adequate to serve the appropriate customer base in each
         country of the Territory from time to time. For the first six months
         beginning with the first sale of a Product, such inventory shall be
         sufficient to cover not less than a three month supply of Ontak(TM),
         Panretin(TM) and Targretin(TM) Products based on Distributor's
         forecasts. Thereafter, the inventory may be reduced to a two months

5.5      Cancellation and Rescheduling. Ligand will use its reasonable best
         efforts to honor any request of Distributor to reschedule shipment of
         any order accepted by Ligand. For Panretin(TM) and Targretin(TM)
         capsules, orders for bulk capsules or capsules in unlabeled bottles
         accepted by Ligand may be canceled by Distributor, provided that
         Distributor cancels the order at least forty five (45) days in advance
         of the shipment date and pays a cancellation charge equal to *** of the
         order price. No cancellation shall be allowed for any other Products
         once a firm order has been accepted by Ligand.

5.6      Terms of Shipment and Transfer of Title. All shipments of Products
         shall be made in Ligand's standard shipping packages CIF Distributor's
         designated port of entry in Spain or such other port of entry agreed
         upon by the parties. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the
         parties, Ligand shall select the method of shipment and the carrier,
         and Distributor shall be responsible for all actions and documents
         necessary to obtain clearance to import the Products into the
         Territory. Ligand shall retain title to the Products until full payment
         of the Base Price for the Products is irrevocably credited to Ligand's
         bank account, and Distributor shall store all Products in its
         facilities so that they are readily identifiable as Ligand's Products.

5.7      Product Availability. Ligand will use its reasonable efforts to deliver
         to Distributor the Products in the quantities and at the dates
         specified on the orders submitted by Distributor and accepted by
         Ligand; provided, however, that Ligand (1) reserves the right to
         allocate the Products equitably among its customers in the event of a
         shortage of any Products; and (2) shall not be liable to Distributor
         for any delay in delivery without Ligand being at fault.


6.1      Initial Service Reimbursement. On execution of this Agreement
         Distributor shall make a non-refundable initial payment to Ligand in
         the sum of US$ *** as reimbursement for services rendered in the
         registration of the Products in the Territory.

6.2      Additional Service Reimbursement: On either (a) the date on which
         Distributor obtains the first Product Authorization in any country in
         the Territory in respect of any Product; or (b) September 30, 1999,
         whichever is the earlier, Distributor shall

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***     Portions of this page have been omited pursuant to a request for
        Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission.


         make a non-refundable payment to Ligand in the sum of US$ *** as
         reimbursement for services rendered in the registration of the Products
         in the Territory.

6.3      Final Service Reimbursement: Within thirty days of the date on which a
         Product Authorization is first obtained in any country in the Territory
         for a breast cancer indication for Targretin(TM) capsules,Distributor
         shall pay to Ligand US$ *** as reimbursement for services rendered in
         the registration of Targretin(TM) for such indication.

6.4      Product Pricing: Ligand shall supply the Products CIF to the port of
         entry designated pursuant to Clause 5.6. For all Products supplied,
         Distributor shall pay to Ligand the higher of: (1) the Base Price, or
         (2) the Net Sale Price. All payments under this Agreement shall be made
         in United States dollars. Where payment must be converted into U.S.
         dollars from another currency, the conversion shall be made based on
         the applicable exchange rate as published on the European Central
         Bank's Web Site for the date of Ligand's invoice.

6.5      Payment of Base Price: Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Ligand,
         Distributor shall pay the invoiced estimated Base Price for each order
         of Products under this Agreement within forty-five calendar days' net
         by international wire transfer to the bank identified by Ligand from
         time to TIME. If Distributor at any time has become delinquent, Ligand
         shall have the right to make sales contingent upon Distributor's
         payment by irrevocable letter of credit confirmed by a major US
         merchant bank and payable in United States Dollars (US$) by draft at
         sight against delivery of bill of lading (which may be marked "freight
         collect" and which shall permit transshipments and partial shipments),
         commercial invoice and packing list.

6.6      Payment Reconciliation: Within ninety (90) days of the end of each
         calendar quarter (commencing after Distributor has made the first sale
         of any product), the amounts paid by Distributor to Ligand under clause
         6.5 shall be adjusted as follows:

        (a)     First, Distributor or Ligand, as the case may be, shall pay or
                credit to the other, the amount, if any, by which the estimated
                Base Prices paid by Distributor to Ligand under clause 6.5
                differ from the Base Prices payable by Distributor after
                deducting the deductionsactually paid or charged against
                Distributor pursuant to Clause 1.14 (a)-(d) during that quarter.

        (b)     Second, Distributor shall pay to Ligand, the amount, if any, by
                which the aggregate net sales prices for all products purchased
                from Ligand and sold by Distributor during that quarter exceeds
                the aggregate Base Prices payable to Ligand pursuant to clause
                6.6 (a), above.

6.7      Late Payments: Whenever a late payment is due to a cause attributable
         to a party, all amounts not paid to the other party when due shall
         accrue interest daily at the lesser of an annual rate of twelve percent
         (12%) or the highest rate permissible by

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***     Portions of this page have been omited pursuant to a request for
        Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission.


         law on the unpaid balance until paid in full.

6.8      Taxes. All amounts payable to Ligand under this Agreement are exclusive
         of any income, sales, use, property, ad valorem, value added or other
         taxes, levies, imposts, duties, charges or withholdings of any nature
         (collectively, "Taxes"), arising out of any transaction contemplated by
         this Agreement and imposed against or the Products by any taxing
         authority in the Territory (excluding, however, any Taxes on, or
         measured solely by, the net income of Ligand and Taxes imposed on
         Ligand in the United States). Distributor shall pay all applicable
         Taxes or provide Ligand with a certificate of exemption acceptable to
         the relevant taxing authority, and shall also be liable for all bank
         charges levied in connection with payments made to Ligand (excluding,
         however, any bank charges levied by Ligand's bank). In the event that
         any payments to Ligand under this Agreement are subject to any
         withholding taxes, Distributor shall promptly provide all tax
         certificates, applications and related documents to Ligand. If Ligand
         is required to pay any Taxes in the Territory, other than Taxes imposed
         upon the payments under Clause 6.1 or 6.2, Distributor shall promptly
         reimburse Ligand upon written request therefor.


7.1      Marketing Plans: At least six (6) months prior to the anticipated date
         on which the relevant Product Authorization and Approval shall be
         issued in respect of each Product, Ligand and Distributor shall consult
         in good faith to determine an appropriate marketing plan in respect of
         each Product for the Territory. All such marketing plans shall be
         harmonized with, and shall not prejudice, Ligand's global and regional
         marketing strategies covering the Territory. Distributor shall be
         responsible for implementing such marketing plans and for advertising
         and promoting each Product within the Territory from the dates on which
         it obtains the relevant Product Authorization and Approval for each
         Product. Distributor shall at all times adhere to the policies set by
         Ligand in the execution of mutually agreed upon annual marketing plans
         for the Products, including any marketing plans which Ligand wishes to
         implement among its Distributors in other territories and which are set
         by Ligand and agreed to by Distributor in good faith, ; provided,
         however, that Distributor, at its sole discretion (but in accordance
         with any relevant Approvals in the Territory in respect of pricing),
         may determine the Resale Prices for the Products and the terms and
         conditions of distribution.

7.2      Marketing Materials. In the promotion and marketing of the Products,
         Distributor shall develop sales literature and promotional materials
         provided to Distributor by Ligand pursuant to Clause 7.3. Distributor
         shall have the right to prepare other product descriptions and other
         promotional and marketing materials relating to the Products; provided
         however, that (1) all costs and expenses incurred by Distributor in the
         preparation and distribution of such product descriptions and other
         promotional and marketing materials shall be borne solely by
         Distributor; and (2) all such product descriptions and other
         promotional and marketing materials shall not be released by
         Distributor until approved in writing by Ligand, such


         approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Distributor shall submit
         samples of final copy for all key product descriptions and other
         promotional and marketing materials it proposes to use in respect of
         the Products for Ligand's approval within sixty (60) days prior to the
         first date of anticipated use of such materials. Ligand shall use its
         reasonable efforts to respond to any such request for approval within
         thirty (30) days of its receipt thereof. If no written response is
         given by Ligand denying such request within the aforesaid term, then
         Ligand's approval shall be deemed granted.

7.3      Product Literature: To the extent that it is legally and contractually
         permitted to do so, Ligand will share with Distributor samples of
         product descriptions, sales aids and advertising and promotional
         materials developed and used by Ligand, its other Distributors or
         licensees (collectively "Promotional Materials") in respect of each
         Product as soon as practicable. Distributor shall bear all costs of
         reproducing and/or adapting such Promotional Materials for use within
         the Territory, and shall not use any adaptations of such Promotional
         Materials without Ligand's prior approval of such adaptations.
         Likewise, Distributor agrees to share samples of its Promotional
         Materials with Ligand and Ligand's other Distributors and licensees.

7.4      Rights to Reproductions: All translations, reproductions, adaptations
         and creations of derivative works of all of Ligand's Promotional
         Materials (collectively "Reproductions") created by Distributor will be
         created as "works made for hire" with Ligand as the hirer, and
         copyright and all other proprietary rights in all of the Reproductions
         shall vest in Ligand from the date of completion thereof by
         Distributor. To the extent that any Reproductions do not qualify as
         "works made for hire", then Distributor hereby assigns to Ligand all
         copyrights and all other proprietary rights in the Reproductions to
         Ligand. In this event, Distributor will, at Ligand's request, execute
         any assignment or "work made for hire" documents and shall take all
         other steps as necessary or appropriate to perfect copyrights and all
         other proprietary rights in the Reproductions in the name of Ligand.
         If, notwithstanding the foregoing, Ligand, for any reason, is deemed
         not to own all rights, title, and interest in and to the Reproductions,
         Distributor shall be automatically considered to have granted to Ligand
         a royalty-free, perpetual and transferable license to use, distribute,
         translate and reproduce the Reproductions. Such license shall be
         exclusive to Ligand and shall survive the expiration or termination of
         this Agreement for any reason whatsoever.

7.5      Sales Assistance: Whenever Ligand considers it reasonably necessary in
         order to maintain or increase the volume of sales of Products in the
         Territory, Ligand shall be entitled to send, at its own cost,
         representatives to visit Distributor or Distributor's customers or
         prospective customers. Ligand shall keep Distributor informed of
         promotional methods and techniques used by Ligand in respect of the


8.1.     Diligent Efforts: Distributor shall use its diligent efforts to market
         and sell the


         Products within the Territory at its own expense, including but not
         limited to professional sales calls on target medical audiences (e.g.
         physicians, hospitals, pharmacists, etc.), advertising the Products in
         appropriate media and participating in trade shows, conferences,
         expositions, and promotional seminars, all with due consideration for
         the local marketing environment in the Territory. Distributor shall
         conduct its marketing activities in a lawful manner with the highest
         standards of pharmaceutical product promotional practices, fair trade,
         fair competition, and business ethics, and shall cause its employees
         and Dealers to do the same.

8.2.     Offices and Personnel. Distributor shall maintain offices adequate to
         market and support the Products in the Territory and shall retain and
         have at its disposal at all times an adequate staff of trained and
         qualified personnel to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

8.3.     Dealers: Distributor may only appoint Affiliates or other third parties
         pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in Clause 2.1. Any such
         appointment shall be made in writing and only in the name and for the
         account of Distributor, and shall terminate upon the expiration,
         non-renewal, or termination of this Agreement for any reason; provided,
         however, that:

         (a)   Distributor shall not undertake to grant to any Dealer any rights
               greater than those which are granted by Ligand to Distributor
               under this Agreement;

         (b)   In order to protect the goodwill of Ligand and the Products in
               the Territory, Distributor shall secure the agreement of each and
               every Dealer that it shall assume the same obligations as have
               been assumed by Distributor under this Agreement; and

         (c)   Distributor shall defend, indemnify and hold Ligand harmless
               against any claim, loss, liability or expense (including
               attorney's fees and court costs) arising out of or based upon (1)
               any act or omission of any Dealer, or (2) any claim made by any
               Dealer against Ligand.

8.4      Alterations: Distributor shall ensure that the Products are
         distributed, sold, and advertised in the form and with the labeling or
         marking designated by Ligand and in accordance with the applicable
         regulations in the Territory and, in particular, shall not alter,
         remove, or deface any Trademark. Distributor acknowledges that it shall
         have no right to sell any products under Ligand's name or trademark if
         they were not originally manufactured or supplied by, or on behalf of,

8.5      Clinical Evaluations: Prior to conducting any clinical evaluation of
         any of the Products, Distributor shall furnish to Ligand, for its prior
         review and written approval, the protocols for such evaluation written
         in the English language. Ligand shall use its reasonable efforts to
         respond to any such written request for approval within ninety (90)
         days of its receipt thereof, granting its approval or, if duly and
         reasonably justified, denying it. If no written notice is given by
         Ligand denying its approval within the aforesaid term, then Ligand's
         approval shall be deemed 


         granted. Results from any such clinical evaluation shall not be
         publicly disclosed or disclosed in confidence to any third party
         without Ligand's prior written approval, such approval not to be
         unreasonably withheld.

8.6      Insurance. Both parties shall obtain and at all times during the term
         of this Agreement maintain, and bear the cost of, liability insurance
         which, in the judgment of Ligand, is adequate to cover their respective
         obligations under this Agreement . A certificate of insurance and any
         other documentation necessary to prove compliance with this provision
         will be provided to the other party upon request.


9.1      Foreign Laws and Regulations: In addition to its obligations under
         Clauses 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 to provide Product Authorization and Approval
         information, Distributor shall advise Ligand of any legislation, rule,
         regulation or other law (including but not limited to any customs, tax,
         foreign exchange or foreign trade, antimonopoly, pharmaceutical
         products or intellectual property law) which is in effect or which may
         come into effect in the Territory after the date of this Agreement and
         which may affect the importation of the Products into the Territory or
         the use of the Products or the protection of Ligand's Intellectual
         Property Rights therein.

9.2      Record Keeping: At all times during the term of this Agreement,
         Distributor shall maintain at its principal place of business full,
         complete and accurate books of account and records with regard to its
         activities under this Agreement, including, without limitation, records
         of all sales of the Products including the names of customers to whom
         Products are sold and total gross sales and net sales for each calendar
         quarter. Upon reasonable notice, and not more than twice a year,
         Distributor shall grant Ligand or its representatives access during
         normal business hours to any premises of Distributor in order that
         Ligand, at its expense, may inspect Distributor's books and premises
         related to the Products for the sole purpose of verifying and enforcing
         compliance by Distributor with its obligations under this Agreement;
         provided, however, that Distributor shall reimburse Ligand for the full
         amount of the inspection costs if any inspection under this Clause 9.2
         reveals any substantial breach by Distributor of this Agreement,
         provided that Ligand shall have the burden of establishing any such
         substantial breach.

9.3      Reports: Distributor shall provide Ligand with quarterly operation
         reports of Distributor's activities to register, develop and market the
         Products in the Territory, and shall provide to Ligand copies of all
         such reports received by Distributor from Dealers. Each such report
         shall be due within thirty (30) days after the end of the period to
         which it relates. Each report shall include:

         (a)   a monthly compilation of all Products distributed by Distributor,
               including the revenues derived therefrom and a breakdown of the
               prices charged in respect of each Product; and


         (b)   a monthly list of the amount of inventory on hand; and

         (c)   monthly gross and net sales on a per Product, per country basis
               in local currency and U.S. dollars, using the average exchange
               rate set forth in the European Central Bank's Web Site for the

9.4      Annual Statements: Distributor shall provide Ligand with annual
         statements within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar year
         showing annual sales figures and the amount of inventory on hand as at
         December 31 of each year, and shall provide to Ligand copies of all
         such annual statements received by Distributor from Dealers. Such
         annual statements shall also contain a summary of all promotional
         activities undertaken by Distributor with respect to the Product during
         the preceding calendar year, and current credit references.

9.5      Exchange of Adverse Event Information: The recipient of Adverse Event
         (AE) reports and/or data, either Distributor or Ligand, will mutually
         exchange and promptly provide in writing, using the latest applicable
         International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for
         Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) and Council for
         International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) guidelines for
         reporting, any adverse event information obtained by the receiving
         party associated with the use of the Products either as a result of
         marketed use or from investigational clinical trials:

        (a)     Without limiting the foregoing, the party that is the original
                recipient of AE information relating to incidents of serious and
                unexpected reactions and/or events associated with the use of
                any of the Products, as defined by the ICH and/or CIOMS
                guidelines, shall make an initial written report of that
                information to the other party, via facsimile, not more than 72
                hours following receipt of that information. A full written
                report, following the content and format guidelines indicated in
                the applicable current ICH and CIOMS guidelines, is to be sent
                to and received by the other party within seven (7) days
                following the date the initial recipient receives such AE

        (b)     Distributor shall also provide Ligand with routine quarterly and
                annual adverse event reports and/or safety data received from
                any source in the Territory, using the ICH guidelines for the
                content and format for these types of reports. These reports are
                intended to be used for and incorporated into Periodic Safety
                Update Reports [PSUR] as defined by ICH guidelines. Ligand will
                provide a copy of each of the Products' complete PSUR to the
                Distributor within five (5) days of submission of the applicable
                Product's PSUR to the U.S. regulatory authorities.

        (c)     Distributor shall be responsible for submitting the adverse
                event/ medical safety (safety surveillance) reports in the
                countries of the Territory as required by the regulatory
                authorities. Ligand will hold and maintain the Central AE/
                safety database for the Products and reports based on this


                database, as necessary to meet the requirements of regulatory
                authorities in the Territory, will be made available to
                Distributor during the agreement life. Without limiting the
                generality of the foregoing, Distributor shall cooperate with
                Ligand for the development of standard operating procedures for
                exchange of information concerning Adverse Events and Product
                safety information derived from Products use in the Territory
                and each party shall at all times comply with the procedures so

        (d)     For all of the reports specified above, the language of all
                exchange between and among the Parties will be English.
                Distributor will provide Ligand all of the above-required AE
                reports to the following address: Ligand Medical Safety Ligand
                Pharmaceuticals Inc. 10275 Science Center Drive San Diego,
                California 92121 U. S. A. Tel: 1 (619) 550-7588 Fax: 1 (619)

                Ligand will provide  Distributor all of the above-required AE 
                reports to the following address:

                Ferrer Group
                Pharmacoepidemiology and Safety
                Medical Department
                Gran Via Carlos III, 86
                08028 Barcelona  Spain
                Tel: +34 93 330 61 11
                Fax: +34 93 490 70 78

9.6      Recall Procedures: Ligand will provide Distributor with a copy of
         Ligand's standard operating procedure for recalls of products.
         Distributor acknowledges the importance of the development and the
         observance of correct procedures in case of recalls. Distributor shall
         cooperate with Ligand for the development of recall standard operating
         procedures and shall at all times comply with the procedures so
         developed and adhere to Ligand's instructions from time to time and
         always in accordance with mandatory requirements applicable in the


10.1     Distributor acknowledges that Ligand cannot and does not guarantee the
         issuance of any Product Authorization for any or all of the Products in
         any country in the Territory and that Ligand will have satisfied its
         contractual obligations to Distributor concerning Product
         Authorizations once it has submitted complete registration dossiers for
         Products subject to the following provisions:

         (a)    Within a period of *** the Effective Date, Ligand shall have the
                option of either (1) submitting a complete registration dossier

- ----------
***     Portions of this page have been omited pursuant to a request for
        Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission.


         Product Authorization via central EMEA or mutual recognition procedures
         for at least *** Products (one of them being Targretin(TM) capsules);
         or (2) offering to buy-back from the Distributor the exclusive
         marketing rights for Products which Ligand has not submitted a complete
         registration dossier at a price of US$ *** for each such Product.

         (b)     If, within *** the Effective Date, Ligand has filed
                 registration dossiers for at least *** Products, but has been
                 unable to obtain Product Authorizations for Spain for at least
                 *** Products (one of them being Targretin(TM) capsules),
                 Distributor shall have the option, exercisable by written
                 notice to Ligand within three months after the expiration of
                 the *** period, either to:

                 (1)  (Re)submit the registration dossier for *** Products, in
                      which case Ligand will provide Distributor with reasonable
                      assistance and all product data in its possession or
                      available to it with the right to disclose that may be
                      required for the registration process; and acquire, at no
                      additional cost to Distributor, the exclusive marketing
                      rights for all Products in the Philippines for a period of
                      ten years from the date of Distributor's notice under the
                      terms and conditions specified in this Agreement; or to

                 (2)  Sell back to Ligand the exclusive marketing rights in the
                      Territory for all unapproved Products in exchange, at
                      Distributor's option, for (i) Ligand's waiver of its
                      rights under Clause 6.3; or (ii) a payment of US$ *** in
                      the aggregate.

         (c)     If, within *** from the Effective Date, Ligand and Distributor
                 have been unable to obtain the Product Authorization in Spain
                 for at least one Product and Distributor has not previously
                 exercised either option granted under Clause 10.1 (b),
                 Distributor shall have the further option, exercisable by
                 written notice to Ligand within *** after the expiration of the
                 *** period, to take one of the steps described in Clause 10.1
                 (b); provided that the price payable by Ligand under Clause
                 10.1(b)(2)(ii) would be increased to US$ *** .


11.1     Restrictions: To the extent permissible by law, Distributor is
         prohibited from:

        (a)     Advertising, circulating price lists or otherwise soliciting
                orders for the Products, and from establishing or maintaining
                branches, sales offices or distribution depots, outside the
                Territory for the distribution of the Products; 

        (b)     During the term of this Agreement, seeking the Approval for, or
                marketing, (a) any products of a third party for a registration
                indication of CTCL or, 


                (b) any oral or topical product of a third party for a
                registration indication of Kaposi's Sarcoma, except as agreed
                by the parties.


12.1     Acknowledgment: Distributor acknowledges Ligand's exclusive right,
         title and interest in and to any and all Intellectual Property Rights
         pertaining to the Products. Distributor shall not at any time during or
         after the term of this Agreement take any act or step impairing the
         Intellectual Property Rights or do anything that may otherwise
         adversely affect the Intellectual Property Rights, provided that any
         good faith legal challenge shall not be deemed to be such an act or

12.2     Notices, Trademarks and Name. Distributor shall have the royalty-free
         and (except as to Ligand) exclusive, right to use in the Territory, and
         shall use where available, the trademarks in Appendix D designated by
         Ligand for each Product. If no trademark in Appendix D is available for
         a Product in a country of the Territory and Ligand is unable or elects
         not to provide an alternative trademark, then Distributor shall have
         the right to secure, in Ligand's name and for its benefit, trademark
         rights to a substitute mark for the Products in the relevant country
         and Ligand will reimburse Distributor for the pre-approved expenses of
         securing such rights. The rights to the substitute mark shall remain
         with the Product it is used for and shall be transferred accordingly in
         the event that corresponding Product rights are transferred.
         Distributor shall not alter, deface, remove, cover, mutilate, or add
         to, in any manner whatsoever, any patent notice, copyright notice,
         trademark, trade name, serial number, model number or brand name that
         Ligand may attach or affix to the Products. Distributor shall not
         market the Products under any name, sign or logo other than the
         Trademarks approved by Ligand. Distributor may use the Trademarks
         solely in connection with the distribution of the Products and in
         accordance with Ligand's instructions and quality control standards
         from time to time, and will execute any document reasonably requested
         by Ligand in connection with the use and maintenance of the Trademarks
         in the Territory. Distributor acknowledges and agrees that it shall not
         have any rights in respect of the Trademarks except to the extent
         expressly granted in this Agreement, and that all use of the Trademarks
         in the Territory and all goodwill in the Trademarks shall inure to the
         benefit of Ligand.

12.3     Third Party Claims: Distributor shall promptly notify Ligand of any
         claims or objections that its use of the Intellectual Property Rights
         in connection with the marketing, support or service of the Products
         may or will infringe the copyrights, patents, trademarks or other
         proprietary rights of another Person ("Third Party Claim"). If
         Distributor is served with a legal action or otherwise forced to
         respond in a legal proceeding due to a Third Party Claim, Distributor
         shall (1) without delay, tender the defense of such Third Party Claim
         to Ligand; and (2) render Ligand all reasonable assistance, at Ligand's
         expense, in connection with the defense of any such third party claim
         or objection, whether in the courts, before administrative agencies, or
         otherwise. If Ligand refuses to assume the defense of a 


         Third Party Claim, Distributor shall have the right to defend itself
         against such Third Party Claim, in which case Ligand shall render
         Distributor all reasonable assistance, at Ligand's expense. Distributor
         shall not, except as required by law, knowingly make any admission to
         jeopardize, compromise or otherwise limit the validity of Intellectual
         Property Rights.

12.4     Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Distributor shall
         promptly notify Ligand of any infringement or suspected infringement of
         Intellectual Property Rights in the Territory relating to the Products
         of which it becomes aware, and provide Ligand with any available
         evidence of such infringement or suspected infringement.

        (a)     Enforcement by Ligand: Ligand, at its option, shall be entitled
                to institute enforcement proceedings ("Enforcement Proceedings")
                in respect of any infringement or unauthorized use of
                Intellectual Property Rights in the Territory. Distributor
                agrees to provide all reasonable co-operation and assistance to
                Ligand in relation to any such Enforcement Proceedings (and
                agrees to be named as a party if legally required). Any
                reasonable fees and costs borne by Distributor shall be
                reimbursed by Ligand. Ligand shall be entitled to deduct its
                reasonable expenses in relation to such Enforcement Proceedings
                (including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses and
                reimbursements to Distributor) from any recovery and any
                remaining amount shall be distributed pro rata among the parties
                in which Distributor shall receive 50% of any remaining recovery
                and Ligand shall receive 50% of any remaining recovery.

         (b)    Enforcement by Distributor: If, after six (6) months of receipt
                of credible evidence of infringement or unauthorized use of
                Intellectual Property Rights in the Territory or such lesser
                period of time if further delay would result in a loss of right
                to bring an Enforcement Proceeding, Ligand elects not to
                institute or continue an already instituted, Enforcement
                Proceeding then Distributor, using attorneys of Distributor's
                choosing reasonably acceptable to Ligand, can undertake or
                continue such Enforcement Proceeding at Distributor's expense.
                In such event, Distributor shall keep Ligand fully and timely
                informed of the action so as to enable Ligand to provide input
                which Distributor shall reasonable consider. Distributor may not
                enter into any settlement agreement or consent to judgement
                relating to the invalidity, unenforceability or noninfringement
                of the Intellectual Property Rights without Ligand's prior
                written consent. Ligand agrees to provide all reasonable
                co-operation and assistance to Distributor in relation to any
                such Enforcement Proceeding at Distributor's expense and agrees
                to be named as a party in any Enforcement Proceeding. Any
                reasonable fees and costs borne by Ligand shall be reimbursed by
                Distributor. If Distributor enforces Intellectual Property
                Rights in the Territory in accordance with this paragraph,
                Distributor shall be entitled to deduct its reasonable expenses
                in relation to such Enforcement Proceeding (including reasonable
                attorney's fees and expenses and reimbursements to Ligand)


                from any recovery and any remaining amount shall be distributed
                pro rata among the parties in which Distributor shall receive
                50% of any remaining recovery and Ligand shall receive 50% of
                any remaining recovery.


13.1     Non-Disclosure Obligations: During the term of this Agreement, the
         Disclosing Party will disclose certain Confidential Information to the
         Receiving Party to permit the Receiving Party to perform its
         obligations under this Agreement. The Receiving Party shall refrain
         from using or exploiting any and all Confidential Information for any
         purposes or activities other than those expressly authorized in this
         Agreement. The Receiving Party agrees that such Confidential
         Information shall be kept secret by the Receiving Party during the term
         of this Agreement and after the expiration hereof. The Receiving Party
         shall disclose Confidential Information only to its agents,
         representatives or employees with a need to know and shall implement
         appropriate security measures in order to avoid the disclosure or
         misappropriation of such Confidential Information.

13.2     Confidentiality Agreements: Both parties shall cause each of their
         directors, officers and employees and the directors, officers and
         employees of, respectively, Distributor's Dealers and agents, and
         Ligand's assignee's, who will receive Confidential Information pursuant
         to Clause 13.1 to enter into a Confidentiality Agreement in a form
         approved by both parties. The Distributor and Ligand, respectively,
         shall at their own expense undertake the enforcement of any such
         Confidentiality Agreement in the event of any breach thereof. Execution
         of Confidentiality Agreements by the parties shall not, however, be
         construed as limiting their duties or obligations hereunder.

13.3     Ownership of Ligand's Materials. All files, lists, records, documents,
         drawings, specifications and records, whether in written or electronic
         form, which incorporate or refer to all or a portion of Ligand's
         Confidential Information shall remain the sole property of Ligand. Such
         materials shall be promptly returned (1) upon Ligand's reasonable
         request, or (2) in accordance with Clause 17.2 of this Agreement upon
         termination of this Agreement, whichever is earlier.

13.4     Exceptions. The provisions of this Clause 13 shall not apply, or cease
         to apply, to information supplied by Ligand if it (1) was already known
         to Distributor; (2) came into the public domain without breach of
         confidence by Distributor or any other Person; (3) was received by
         Distributor from a third party without restrictions on their use in
         favor of Ligand; or (4) is required to be disclosed pursuant to any
         statutory or regulatory provision or court order; provided that
         Distributor shall have the burden of establishing any of the foregoing


14.1     Non-Infringement. To the best of Ligand's knowledge, the sale and use
         of the Products does not infringe the proprietary rights of any third
         party in the Territory, 


         and no court proceedings or any other procedure for infringement of
         patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other property rights
         have been brought against Ligand with respect to the Products as of the
         effective date of this Agreement. Ligand makes no warranty or
         representation, implied or otherwise, that the Products and/or their
         sale or use will not infringe the property rights of any third party in
         the Territory.

14.2     Products Warranty: Ligand warrants that all Products supplied hereunder
         shall (1) conform to the products specifications therefor, as published
         by Ligand from time to time consistent with the data contained in the
         Product Authorizations, and (2) have a shelf life of one year or more
         (or in the case of Ontak, nine months or more) from the date of
         shipment to Distributor. The aforementioned shelf life terms shall be
         proportionally increased from time to time in accordance with improved
         stability data.

14.3     Indemnity: Ligand shall defend, indemnify and hold Distributor and its
         shareholders, managers, officers, directors, agents and employees
         harmless against any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities,
         costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) resulting
         solely from the personal injury or death caused by the defective design
         and/or manufacture of the Products when supplied to Distributor by
         Ligand or by Ligand's appointee, provided that Distributor promptly
         notifies Ligand in writing of any claim, action or suit potentially
         giving rise to the indemnification obligation hereunder. Ligand shall
         have the sole and absolute control of, and discretion in, the handling
         of the defense and/or settlement of any such claim, action or suit,
         including, without limitation, the selection of defense counsel, and
         Distributor shall fully cooperate with Ligand in the defense and
         settlement of all such claims, actions or suits, provided, however,
         that Distributor may take any appropriate action necessary to preserve
         or avoid prejudice to its interests, or the interests of Ligand as
         indemnitor, in the event that (1) notice to Ligand cannot be given in
         sufficient time for Ligand to take action, or (2) Ligand, after prompt
         notice and inquiry from Distributor, fails to acknowledge its
         obligation to indemnify Distributor under this clause.





         this liability limitation shall not apply to Ligand's indemnity
         obligation under section 14.3 arising from personal injury or death
         caused by the defective design and/or manufacture of the Products when
         supplied to Distributor by Ligand or by Ligand's appointee.


15.1     Warranties: Distributor represents and warrants to Ligand that:

        (a)     Distributor is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
                and in good standing under the laws of Spain and has the
                corporate power to execute this Agreement and to perform its
                obligations hereunder;

        (b)     the person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of
                Distributor have been duly authorized to do so by all requisite
                corporate or other actions of Distributor;

        (c)     this Agreement is the legal, valid and binding obligation of
                Distributor, enforceable in accordance with its terms;

        (d)     the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
                Distributor does not and will not conflict with or result in a
                breach of any agreement, instrument or understanding, oral or
                written, to which Distributor is a party or by which Distributor
                may be bound, nor violate any law or regulation of any court or
                Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over Distributor;

         (e)    Distributor will maintain at all times during this Agreement all
                necessary Approvals, according to Clause 4.2; and

         (f)    all Affiliates of Distributor are duly organized, validly
                existing and in good standing under the laws of the country in
                which they operate and have the power to perform all obligations
                under this Agreement that they are assigned by Distributor.

15.2     Indemnity: Distributor shall indemnify and hold Ligand and its
         shareholders, managers, officers, directors, agents and employees
         harmless against any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities,
         costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting
         from any breach by Distributor of this Agreement so declared by a court
         of competent jurisdiction or as agreed between the parties, or
         resulting from any claim that may be made by reason of any damage
         caused by an 


         act or omission of Distributor or any of its shareholders, managers,
         officers, directors, agents or employees whenever such act or omission
         is in connection with this Agreement, contrary to the law and is so
         declared by a court of competent jurisdiction or as agreed between the



 16.1    Termination by Ligand: Ligand may terminate this Agreement, at its sole
         discretion: (1) in its entirety; or (2) in respect of any specified
         part of the Territory and/or any one or more of the Products only, by
         giving Distributor thirty (30) days written notice of termination,
         effective on the date such notice is received, in the event that:

         (a)    Distributor breaches any of its material obligations under this
                Agreement, and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days
                of receiving a written notice from Ligand specifying such breach
                and requiring it to be cured;

         (b)    Distributor takes any act or step impairing the Intellectual
                Property Rights or does anything that may otherwise adversely
                affect the Intellectual Property Rights of Ligand, provided,
                however, that Ligand may exercise its rights of termination
                pursuant to this Clause 16.1(b) whether or not the Distributor's
                legal challenge of Ligand's rights is in good faith;

         (c)    Distributor enters into insolvency or bankruptcy or is unable to
                pay its debts as they fall due, or a trustee or receiver or the
                equivalent is appointed to Distributor, or proceedings are
                instituted against Distributor in the Territory relating to
                dissolution, liquidation, winding up, bankruptcy, insolvency or
                the relief of creditors, if such proceedings are not terminated
                or discharged within thirty days;

         (d)    there is a change of control of Distributor, beyond its
                corporate structure and owners on the Effective Date, or a sale
                or disposition by Distributor to a third party other than its
                owners and companies in its corporate structure on the Effective
                Date of substantially all of its assets, without the prior
                written approval of Ligand, which approval may be given or
                withheld in Ligand's sole discretion. For the purposes of this
                Clause 16.1(d), the transfer (whether direct or indirect) of all
                or a majority of the capital stock of Distributor or the merger,
                consolidation or reorganization of Distributor beyond its
                corporate structure and owners on the Effective Date shall be
                considered a "change in control" of Distributor;

          (e)   any event of Force Majeure, as defined in Clause 19.6 hereof,
                occurs and 


                prevents Distributor from performing its obligations
                under this Agreement for a period of 90 days or more, provided
                there is no commercially reasonable alternative;

         (f)    Distributor ceases to carry on business in the marketing of
                pharmaceutical products in the Territory;

         (g)    any law, decree, or regulation is enacted within the Territory
                which would substantially impair or restrict (1) Ligand's right
                to terminate or elect not to renew this Agreement as herein
                provided; (2) Ligand's right, title or interest in the Products
                or the Intellectual Property Rights therein; or (3) Ligand's
                right to collect the purchase prices for the Products as set
                forth in this Agreement; or

         (h)    an adverse event occurs which has substantially impaired the
                ability of Distributor to continue to perform its obligations
                hereunder and Distributor is unable to provide Ligand with
                adequate assurance of future performance.

16.2     Termination by Distributor: Distributor may terminate this Agreement,
         at its sole discretion: (1) in its entirety; or (2) in respect of any
         specified part of the Territory and/or any one or more of the Products
         only, by giving Ligand thirty (30) days written notice of termination,
         effective on the date such notice is received, in the event that:

         (a)    Ligand breaches any of its material obligations under this
                Agreement, and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days
                of receiving a written notice from Distributor specifying such
                breach and requiring it to be cured;

         (b)    any event of Force Majeure, as defined in Clause 19.6 hereof,
                occurs and prevents Ligand from performing its obligations under
                this Agreement for a period of 90 days or more, provided there
                is no commercially reasonable alternative ;

         (c)    the Governmental Authorities have not issued the requisite
                Product Authorization or Approval for any Product for any
                country in the Territory;

         (d)    any law, decree, or regulation is enacted within the Territory
                which would substantially impair or restrict (1) Distributor's
                right to terminate or elect not to renew this Agreement as
                herein provided; (2) Ligand's right, title or interest in the
                Products or the Intellectual Property Rights therein; or (3)
                Distributor's right to market and distribute the Products in
                accordance with this Agreement; or

         (e)    an adverse event occurs which has substantially impaired
                Ligand's ability to continue to perform its obligations
                hereunder and Ligand is unable to provide Distributor with
                adequate assurance of future performance.



17.1     Cessation of Rights: Upon expiration or termination (collectively, the
         "Termination") of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever as provided
         herein all rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall cease,
         except as provided in Clauses 17.5 of this Agreement; provided,
         however, that Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the
         parties hereto of any obligations accrued prior to said Termination.
         Distributor, following notice of Termination by Ligand, shall be
         entitled to purchase under the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
         any Products the orders for which were accompanied by payment and which
         were accepted by Ligand prior to the effective date of Termination,
         even though shipment of the Products may be made subsequent to the date
         of Termination, provided that Distributor has paid all outstanding
         obligations to Ligand. Upon Termination by Ligand pursuant to Clauses
         16.1, Distributor shall immediately cease to use any advertising or
         promotional materials relating to the Products and discontinue any
         previously authorized use of the Trademarks and Confidential
         Information (except for activities permitted by the last sentence of
         Clause 17.3), and shall cease all conduct that might cause any Person
         to believe that Distributor is a Distributor of the Products or
         otherwise connected with Ligand.

17.2     Return of Materials and Customer List: Upon Termination, Distributor
         shall promptly return to Ligand, or deliver to a third party designated
         by Ligand, and shall cause its Dealers and employees to return or
         deliver, all sales materials, Confidential Information in written,
         recorded or other tangible form and other items in Distributor's
         possession, which Ligand has furnished or supplied to Distributor, or
         which Distributor has furnished to its Dealers and employees, and all
         customer lists for Ligand Products. If Distributor purchased any such
         materials or other items, Distributor shall be reimbursed in an amount
         equal to the net price paid by Distributor for the same.

17.3     Repurchase of Inventory: Ligand shall have the option, exercisable at
         its sole discretion by written notice to Distributor within thirty (30)
         days after Termination, to repurchase all or part of Distributor's
         remaining inventory of Products. The price payable by Ligand upon the
         exercise of the option shall be the net price paid by Distributor to
         Ligand for the Products, plus the costs of re-shipment to San Diego,
         California, or to such other destination within the Territory as Ligand
         may designate. Upon receipt of Ligand's notice of exercise of its
         option pursuant to this clause, Distributor shall ship its inventory of
         Products on hand to such location as Ligand may designate. If Ligand
         does not exercise its rights under this clause, Distributor shall have
         the right to sell its existing inventory for a period of six months
         months following the date of Termination.

17.4     Product Authorizations, Trademarks and other Product rights: Upon
         Termination of this Agreement as provided herein for any reason
         whatsoever, Distributor shall immediately take all steps necessary to
         transfer to Ligand, or to Ligand's designee, any and all rights
         Distributor may have to Product Authorizations, Trademarks and any
         other rights associated with the Products, to the extent permitted by


         law and at Distributor's cost. Distributor shall, at the time for
         application for Product Authorizations, take all reasonable steps to
         ensure that such transfers may later be completed. If such transfer is
         not possible, Distributor shall use its best efforts to arrange for
         Ligand or its designee to rely upon such Product Authorizations and
         shall permit Ligand or its designee to use and reference such Product
         Authorizations in its own applications.

17.5     Survival of Non-Disclosure Obligation: Notwithstanding the Termination
         of this Agreement, both Parties shall continue to abide by the terms of
         its non-disclosure obligations with respect to Confidential Information
         under Clause 12 of this Agreement.

17.6     Waiver of Termination Compensation: Neither Party shall be liable for,
         and each Party hereby waives, all right to compensation and all claims
         of any kind whether on account of the loss by the other of present or
         prospective profits, or anticipated orders, or expenditures,
         investments, or commitments made in connection with this Agreement,
         goodwill created, or on account of any other cause whatsoever.


18.1     No Payments: Distributor shall not make, offer or agree to offer
         anything of value to any government official, political party or
         candidate for government office. Distributor undertakes that there is
         not now nor will there be any employment of or beneficial ownership of
         Distributor by governmental or political officials in the Territory.
         Distributor will indemnify and hold harmless Ligand against any and all
         losses, costs, expenses or liabilities resulting from any breach by
         Distributor of its obligations under this Clause 18.


19.1     Waivers: The waiver by either party of a breach or default in any of
         the provisions of this Agreement by the other party shall not be
         construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other

19.2     Entire Agreement and Amendments: This Agreement constitutes the entire
         agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof
         and supersedes all prior agreements between the parties, whether
         written or oral, relating to the same subject matter. No modification,
         amendments or supplements to this Agreement shall be effective for any
         purpose unless in writing, signed by each party.

19.3     Governing Language: This Agreement has been prepared and executed in
         the English language. No authorized translation has been prepared or
         executed. In the event that any translation is prepared, the English
         language version of this Agreement shall govern. All written
         correspondence between the parties shall be in the English language.


19.4     Further Assurances: Each party agrees to do such acts and execute such
         further documents as may be necessary or desirable to enable the
         performance of and to fulfill the provisions and intent of this

19.5     Assignments: This Agreement is entered into by Ligand in reliance upon
         the facilities, personnel and technical expertise of Distributor, and
         Distributor may only transfer or delegate the performance of the
         Agreement or any part thereof to a Dealer pursuant to the terms and
         conditions of Clause 2.1. Nothing herein contained, however, shall
         prevent Ligand or Distributor from assigning this Agreement in whole or
         in part to, or causing any order or orders to be filled in whole or in
         part by, any Affiliate of Ligand or the Distributor, respectively.
         Ligand shall also have the right to assign this agreement in amerger or
         acquisition in which Ligand is not the surviving entity, or as part of
         a transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of its business to
         which this Agreement pertains.

19.6     Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any
         delay or omission in the performance of any obligation under this
         Agreement, other than the obligation to pay monies, where the delay or
         omission is due to any cause or condition beyond the reasonable control
         of the party obliged to perform, including, but not limited to, strikes
         or other labor difficulties, acts of God, acts of government (in
         particular with respect to the refusal to issue necessary import or
         export licenses), war, riots, embargoes, or inability to obtain
         supplies ("Force Majeure"). If Force Majeure prevents or delays the
         performance by a party of any obligation under this Agreement, then the
         party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly notify the other party
         thereof in writing.

19.7     Notices: Unless otherwise specifically provided, all notices required
         or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and in English,
         effective upon receipt, and may be delivered personally, or may be sent
         by facsimile, commercial express courier, or first class air mail,
         postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

        If to Ligand: Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
                      10275 Science Center Drive
                      San Diego, California 92121
        Attention:    General Counsel
        Facsimile:    (+)(1)(619) 550-1825


        If to Distributor:   Ferrer Internacional , S.A.
                             Gran Via Carlos III, 94,
                             08028 Barcelona, Spain
        Attention:           Licensing Department (cc. Legal Department)
        Facsimile:           (+)(34)(3) 330 80 57


20.1     Choice of Law: This Agreement is governed by, and shall be construed in
         accordance with, the laws of the State of California, United States of
         America, excluding (a) conflicts of laws rules, and (b) the United
         Nations' Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
         The parties shall endeavor to resolve amicably any and all disputes
         arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including but not
         limited to the interpretation of this Agreement, its validity and the
         performance hereunder.

20.2     Disputes: Any dispute between the parties relating to the validity,
         performance, interpretation or construction of this Agreement that
         cannot be resolved amicably between the parties shall be submitted to
         the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts, including the United States
         District Courts, in the State of California. Each party hereto
         irrevocably submits to the personal jurisdiction of the courts in
         California, for the resolution of all disputes hereunder.

20.3     Right to Judicial Remedies: Nothing in this Clause 20 shall be
         construed to impair or restrict either Party's right to judicial
         remedies, including preliminary and permanent injunctions from any
         court of competent jurisdiction to prevent any infringement of the
         Intellectual Property Rights, representation of competitive products,
         and/or disclosure of the Confidential Information.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused its duly authorized representative to
execute and deliver this Agreement in reliance on the due authority of the
representative of the other party, to be effective as of March 26, 1999.


By: /s/ R. FOGUET                   By:     /s/  David E. Robinson       
    --------------------------          ----------------------------------
Title:  CEO                         Title:  Chairman, President & CEO           
       -----------------------              ------------------------------


By:    /s/  Paul V. Maier   
Title:    CEO

                                   APPENDIX A


 PRODUCT                                COVERED INDICATIONS
 -------                                -------------------
 Panretin(TM) Gel (alitretinoin)        All indications

 Panretin(TM) Capsules (alitretinoin)   All indications

 Ontak(TM) (denileukin diftitox)        All indications

 Targretin(TM) Gel (bexarotene)         The treatment, palliation, prevention
                                        and/or remission of cancer and
                                        dermatological diseases

 Targretin(TM) Capsules (bexarotene)    The treatment, palliation, prevention 
                                        and/or remission of cancer and 
                                        dermatological diseases


                                   APPENDIX B

                               BASE PRICE SCHEDULE

 Targretin(TM) products:       ***% of Resale Price.

 Ontak(TM) products:           ***% of Resale Price.

 Panretin(TM)products:         ***% of Resale Price.

- ----------
***     Portions of this page have been omited pursuant to a request for
        Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission.


                                   APPENDIX C

                            NET SALE PRICE SCHEDULE

1.  Targretin(TM) products:        ***% of Ex-Distributor price in the Territory

2.  Ontak(TM)(TM) products:        ***% of Ex-Distributor price in the Territory 

3.  Panretin(TM) products:         ***% of Ex-Distributor price in the Territory

- ----------
***     Portions of this page have been omited pursuant to a request for
        Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission.


                                   APPENDIX D

                                LIGAND TRADEMARKS

Trademark             Generic Product Name                Country         Trademark Status
- ---------             --------------------                -------         ----------------
Panretin(TM)          alitretinoin                        US                    Registered
                                                          EP (CTM)              Pending

Targretin(TM)         bexarotene                          US                    Registered
                                                          EP(CTM)               Pending

Ontak(TM)             denileukin diftitox                 US                    Pending
                                                          EP(CTM)               Pending

Onact(TM)             denileukin diftitox                 Portugal              Registered
                                                          Spain                 Pending
