Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) August 18, 1998

                        NORTH ATLANTIC ACQUISITION CORP.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                     0-22813
- ---------------------------------------------      ---------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)     (Commission File No.)

     5 East 59th Street                                   
     New York, New York                                   10022
- ----------------------------------------               -----------
(Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (212) 486-4444


Item 5.  Other Events

     On  August  18,  1998,  North  Atlantic   Acquisition   Corp.,  a  Delaware
corporation ("NAAC"),  Moto Guzzi Corp., a Delaware corporation ("Guzzi Corp."),
and, for certain provisions,  Trident Rowan Group, Inc., a Maryland  corporation
("TRG"),   entered  into  a  definitive   Agreement   and  Plan  of  Merger  and
Reorganization  ("Merger Agreement"),  pursuant to which Guzzi Corp. would merge
with and into NAAC, with NAAC being the surviving  corporation  ("Merger").  TRG
and its partially owned subsidiary  O.A.M.  S.p.A.  ("OAM") together own all the
outstanding  common  stock of Guzzi  Corp.  The  consummation  of the  Merger is
subject  to the terms and  conditions  of the  Merger  Agreement  which  will be
submitted  to the  stockholders  of NAAC for their  approval  at a  Stockholders
Meeting to be called for the purpose,  among other  things,  of  obtaining  such
approval ("Stockholders Meeting").

     The Merger

     Subject  to the terms and  conditions  of the Merger  Agreement,  NAAC will
issue to the current  holders of the common stock and  preferred  stock of Guzzi
Corp. an aggregate of 3,702,450  shares of Class A Common Stock,  $.01 par value
("Class A Common Stock"),  234,489 shares of Class B Convertible Preferred Stock
and warrants  ("Nominal  Warrants") to purchase such number of shares of Class A
Common  Stock as is equal to  74.05%  of the  number of shares of Class A Common
Stock  which may be  purchased  under the  maximum  number of  Nominal  Warrants
(together "Merger  Consideration").  Simultaneously with the consummation of the
Merger,  TRG and OAM have agreed to contribute to the capital of Guzzi Corp. all
intercompany  debt,  less  $800,000,  between each of those  companies and Guzzi
Corp. in exchange for the issuance of an aggregate of 1,038,040  shares of Class
A Common Stock, 65,743 shares of Class B Preferred Stock and Nominal Warrants to
purchase  20.76% of the  number of shares of Class A Common  Stock  which may be
purchased under the maximum number of Nominal Warrants.  NAAC will also offer to
the holders of the  outstanding  warrants of Guzzi  Corp.,  the  opportunity  to
exchange them for an aggregate of 259,510 shares of Class A Common Stock, 16,436
shares of Class B Preferred Stock and Nominal  Warrants to purchase 5.19% of the
number of  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  which  may be  purchased  under the
maximum number of Nominal Warrants. The Merger Consideration is subject to being
increased  if NAAC has less than  $8,150,000  in cash  assets at the time of the
Merger.  All the Class B Preferred  Stock and  100,000  shares of Class A Common
Stock  issued on the Merger  will be  deposited  in escrow to provide a fund for
indemnification of NAAC in the event of a breach of a representation or warranty
determined after the Merger,  subject to various  limitations before a claim may
be made.  The escrow is for a maximum  period ending  approximately  March 2000,
unless there is an outstanding claim for indemnification.

     The fees and expenses of the transaction  attributable to NAAC will be paid
from the liquid  assets of NAAC and the proceeds of a special  interest  bearing
account with Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. ("Escrow Fund") established with certain
proceeds of the initial public offering  consummated August 22, 1997 ("IPO"). As
of July 31,  1998 the  Escrow  Fund held  $8,422,500.  TRG will pay the fees and
expenses of the transaction attributable to Guzzi Corp.

     The  consummation of the Merger is conditioned  upon various  matters.  The
obligations  of NAAC,  Guzzi Corp.  and TRG are  subject to various  conditions,
including (i) the  representations  and warranties of NAAC,  Guzzi Corp. and TRG
are  true and  correct  in all  material  respects  (as  defined  in the  Merger
Agreement) at the consummation of the Merger, (ii) performance of and compliance
with covenants,  agreements and conditions,  (iii) absence of any pending claim,


action,  suit,  investigation or governmental  proceeding which would render the
Merger  unlawful,  and (iv)  receipt of all  necessary  consents,  approvals  or
waivers.  The  obligation  of NAAC to  consummate  the Merger is also subject to
approval  of various  matters by the  stockholders  of NAAC and  approval by the
security holders of Guzzi Corp.

     The Merger  Agreement may be  terminated by (i) mutual  consent of NAAC and
Guzzi Corp.  and TRG, (ii) by Guzzi Corp. if the cash assets of NAAC at the time
of the Merger are less than  $8,000,000  (after  various cash expenses of NAAC),
(iii) if the Merger is not  consummated by February 18, 1999, (iv) if there is a
breach  of  any  of  the  covenants,  representations  or  warranties  as of the
consummation of the Merger that have not been waived,  or (v) the failure of the
stockholders  of  NAAC  to  approve  the  transaction  or up to 20% of the  NAAC
stockholders  who are  eligible to, and do,  exercise  their right to have their
Class A Common Stock redeemed at the time of the Merger.  The NAAC  stockholders
who own on the record date for the  Stockholders  Meeting  Class A Common  Stock
offered in the IPO ("Public  Stockholders")  have the right to demand redemption
of such  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  into cash  upon  consummation  of the
Merger.  The conversion price per share of Class A Common Stock will be equal to
the net  worth of NAAC as  reflected  in its most  recent  financial  statements
divided by the shares of Class A Common Stock of NAAC eligible to participate in
the distribution from the Escrow Fund. To exercise the right of redemption,  the
Public Stockholders must follow certain procedures.  Based upon the net worth of
NAAC as of May 31,  1998 which was  $8,457,902,  the  conversion  price would be
approximately  $10.57.  On August  18,1998,  the day the  Merger  Agreement  was
executed  the closing bid and asked prices of a share of Class A Common Stock of
NAAC were approximately $8.625 and $9.375.

     Holders of the Class A Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock of NAAC at
the close of business on the record date for the  Stockholders  Meeting ("Record
Date") will be entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  Stockholders  Meeting.
Each  holder of record of the Class A Common  Stock is entitled to cast one vote
for each share held,  and each  holder of record of the Class B Common  Stock is
entitled to cast two votes for each share held.  The  directors  and officers of
NAAC who hold an aggregate of 40,000  shares of Class A Common Stock have agreed
to vote all their shares in accordance with the vote of the majority in interest
of all other NAAC stockholders.

The Parties


     NAAC is a Specialized  Merger and  Acquisition  Allocated Risk  Transaction
company,  the  objective of which is to acquire an operating  business  ("Target
Business").  NAAC  consummated  its IPO on August 22,  1997,  and  received  net
proceeds of  approximately  $8,390,000  after  payment of offering  expenses.  A
substantial  portion of the net proceeds  ($8,000,000)  was placed in the Escrow
Fund,  until the earlier of (i) the  consummation  of a business  combination or
(ii)  liquidation  of NAAC.  The remaining net proceeds of the IPO have been and
are being used to pay for  business,  legal and  accounting,  due  diligence  on
prospective  acquisitions,  and for the general and  administrative  expenses of
NAAC. NAAC has not engaged in any substantive  commercial  business and the sole
activities  of NAAC have been to  evaluate  and  select  an  appropriate  Target
Business and to structure and negotiate the Merger Agreement.


     NAAC's initial  business  combination  must be with a Target Business whose
fair  market  value is at least 80% of the net assets of NAAC at the time of the
business   combination.   NAAC  believes  the  proposed  Merger  satisfies  this

     If NAAC does not consummate any business combination, including the Merger,
by August 22, 1999,  NAAC will be dissolved  and will  distribute  to all Public
Stockholders  in  proportion  to their  respective  equity  interest in NAAC, an
aggregate sum equal to the amount in the Escrow Fund on that date,  inclusive of
any after tax interest thereon, plus any remaining net assets of NAAC.

     Guzzi Corp.

     Guzzi Corp. was formed in 1996 to acquire Moto Guzzi S.p.A. ("Moto Guzzi"),
the 77-year old Italian manufacturer of performance and luxury motorcycles,  and
Moto America,  Inc., a North Carolina  corporation  ("Moto America,  Inc."), the
exclusive  United  States  importer  -  distributor  of  "Moto  Guzzi(R)"  brand
motorcycles and spare parts.

     Moto Guzzi has a reputation as one of the elite motorcycle manufacturers in
the world, and distributes its products worldwide through a network of wholly or
partially owned importers and independent dealers. For many years, however, Moto
Guzzi  failed to operate  profitably.  In 1994,  then  operating  under the name
G.B.M.  S.p.A.,  Moto  Guzzi  was  mired  in a  cycle  of  declining  sales  and
production,  and of increasing losses,  which threatened its viability.  In that
year,  TRG  brought  outside  temporary  management  services  to Moto Guzzi and
developed  a strategic  plan to restore  its  subsidiary  to  financial  health,
materially  enhance its value and provide liquidity through a public offering of
its shares or by sale to a third party.

     Since  that  intervention,  Moto  Guzzi has  significantly  increased  unit
production and sales to approximately  5,700 units for fiscal 1997,  although it
continues  to  operate  at a  loss.  Moto  Guzzi's  strategic  plan  anticipates
additional  investment  in plant and  equipment  to enable  substantial  further
growth in unit production and sales, a relocation of its principal manufacturing
operations from its original  facility in Mandello del Lario,  Italy, to a newer
facility in Monza, Italy, the introduction of new motorcycle models, redesigning
engines, and an increase in sales in the United States through Moto America.

     Guzzi Corp.  today  manufactures  a high priced  line of  motorcycles,  and
distributes parts and accessories,  under the Moto Guzzi trademark.  Guzzi Corp.
motorcycles vary in engine  displacement  from 350cc to 1,100cc.  Guzzi Corp. in
recent  years,  has  concentrated  development  and sales efforts on its largest
motorcycles,  having engines of 750cc or larger, but as part of its growth plan,
it is planning to re-enter the lower-cost, smaller displacement market.

     All  motorcycle  manufacturing  currently  is  conducted  at a  factory  in
Mandello  del  Lario,  Italy.  Guzzi  Corp.  manufactures  certain  power  train
components,  acquires  certain  other  components  from outside  suppliers,  and
performs finishing work and assembly into motorcycle bodies.

     Guzzi Corp.  maintains a distribution  network throughout Italy of over 120
independent   dealers.   A  single   importer-distributor   acts  as   exclusive
importer-distributor for Guzzi Corp. in each of Argentina,  Australia,  Austria,
Belgium, the Czech Republic,  Denmark,  Finland, France, Greece, Holland, Japan,
Luxembourg,  Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal,  Singapore,  Spain,
Sweden,  Switzerland,  and the United  Kingdom.  Moto  America  is Guzzi  Corp's
exclusive importer- distributor in the United States. Moto Guzzi also owns a 25%
equity  interest in MGI GmbH, a German  corporation  which became the  exclusive
importer-distributor in Germany.


     The mailing address of the principal executive office of Guzzi Corp. is c/o
Trident Rowan Group,  Inc., Two Worlds Fair Drive,  Somerset,  NJ 08873, and its
telephone number is (908) 868- 9000.

Item 7.  Financial Statement and Exhibits

     (a) The following documents are filed herewith as exhibits:

          2.1  Agreement  and  Plan of  Merger  and  Reorganization  dated as of
               August 18, 1998 (without schedules or exhibits)

          99.1 Press Release dated August 18, 1998

     (b) Financial Statements


     (c) Pro Forma Financial Information




         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                   NORTH ATLANTIC ACQUISITION CORP.

                                     /s/ David J. Mitchell
                                           Name:  David J. Mitchell
                                          Title:   President

Date:  August 24, 1998
