Washington, D.C. 20549

                                CURRENT REPORT

    Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

      Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): February 26, 1997

                             EXPERT SOFTWARE, INC.
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

           33-89758                       65-0359860
      (Commission File Number)            (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

              800 Douglas Road, 750, Coral Gables, Florida 33134
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (305) 567-9990

                                Not applicable
        (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)


Expert  Software,  Inc.  reported that it has signed a Licensing  Agreement with
McDonald's  Corporation for use of McDonald's characters and marks in family fun
software.  Under this Agreement,  Expert,  in cooperation with McDonald's,  will
develop  and market  family  oriented  consumer  software  featuring  McDonald's
characters through a wide variety of distribution  channels.  The first software
titles are expected to be introduced Mid 1997.


The following exhibit is filed herewith:

10.14 - Licensing  and  Royalty  Agreement  between  the Company and  McDonald's
Corporation dated as of January 2, 1997.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Dated: February 26, 1997                        
                                                  Expert Software, Inc.
                                              By: /s/ Charles H. Murphy
                                                  Charles H. Murphy    
                                                  Chief Financial Officer     

                                 EXHIBIT 10.14

                         LICENSE AND ROYALTY AGREEMENT

      AGREEMENT made this January 2, 1997 by and between McDONALD'S CORPORATION,
a corporation  organized  under the laws of the State of Delaware and having its
principal  office  at  One  McDonald's   Plaza,   Oak  Brook,   ]Illinois  60521
(hereinafter  called  "Licensor"),  and EXPERT  SOFTWARE,  INC.,  a  corporation
organized  under the laws of the State of  Delaware  and  having  its  principal
office at 800 Douglas Road,  Executive Tower, 7th Floor,  Coral Gables, FL 33134
(hereinafter called "Licensee").


      WHEREAS,  Licensor  owns or has the right to use the  trademarks,  service
marks,  copyrights and publicity in  character(s),  name(s),  symbols,  designs,
likenesses and visual  representations  listed in Exhibit A (which  intellectual
property rights shall hereinafter be called collectively "Mark" or "Marks"); and

      WHEREAS,  Licensor is  desirous of  encouraging  the  development  of high
quality products which are in keeping with its clean, wholesome, family-oriented
image and which are uniquely associated with it by the public through the use of
the Marks thereon and in connection therewith; and

      WHEREAS, Licensee desires to utilize the Marks in connection with the
manufacture and sale of certain merchandise; and

      WHEREAS,  Licensor  desires  to grant a  license  to  Licensee  permitting
Licensee to cause certain  merchandise  to utilize the Marks therein and to sell
such merchandise provided in this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is
agreed as follows:

IA.     Preambles

The foregoing preambles are true and correct and incorporated herein by

1B.   Definitions.

      As used herein, the following terms shall be defined as set forth below-

      (a)  "Product(s)" shall mean: Interactive computer software, screensavers
           and computer accessories.

      (b) "Licensed Products" shall mean all Products of Licensee in any form or
format  which have the Mark or Marks  affixed or attached  thereto in any manner
previously  approved by Licensor or which are shipped in  containers or packages
bearing the Mark(s).

      (c) Contract  Territory  shall mean the United  States,  its  territories,
commonwealths and possessions,  Canada,  Japan,  Australia,  United Kingdom.  At
Licensee's  request,  Licensor  may agree in its sole  discretion  to expand the
Contract Territory.

      (d)  "Contract  Period"  shall mean that period of time  commencing on the
date hereof and concluding  December 31, 2001 unless earlier terminated pursuant
to any other provisions of this Agreement.

      (e)  "Distributor(s)" shall be defined to include any jobbers, 
          wholesalers, distributors and retailers.

2.    Grant of License.

      (a) Licensor hereby grants to Licensee the non-exclusive right and license
to use the Marks in connection with the  advertisement  including on-line and on
or at Licensee's web site, promotion display,  public performance,  manufacture,
distribution  and  sale of  licensed  Products  to  Distributors  and in  retail
establishments  and to end-users  other than Licensor's  restaurants  within the
Contract  Territory and during the Contract Period.  Licensee agrees not to sell
merchandise  bearing the Marks to  Distributors  whose sales or  distribution is
substantially for publicity purposes, giveaways, premiums or close-outs.

       (b)  Notwithstanding  the rights granted above,  Licensor hereby reserves
the  right  to use or to  license  the  Marks  for any and  all  other  purposes
including, but not limited to, distribution or sales of like or similar products
bearing the Marks to its employees.

       (c) In confirmation of the foregoing,  Licensor shall use it best efforts
to deliver to  Licensee  the Marks  identified  on Exhibit "A" hereto or as same
shall be modified by the parties from time to time during the Contract Period in
camera ready master or other format reasonably  requested by Licensee (including
electronic  format if  available)  within a time period  mutually  agreed by the

        3.      Supplier.

      Licensee will inform any and all fulfillment  houses who produce  Licensed
Products that Licensed Products may only be sold by Licensee.  Towards this end,
Licensee and/or affiliates shall have every such fulfillment  houses sign, prior
to  production  of Licensed  Products,  an agreement  identical to that found in
Exhibit B. The signed  fulfillment  house's  agreement  shall be  maintained  by
Licensee and be made available to Licensor upon request.

      Any supplier will conform to all local laws and customs  regarding  hiring
practices and working conditions.  Under no circumstances will suppliers involve
the production of McDonald's  products in an environment where underage labor is

      Suppliers will not utilize  factories or production  facilities that force
work to be performed by unpaid laborers or those who must otherwise work against
their will.

      Suppliers will monitor their factories and suppliers work  environments to
ensure compliance to these policies and obtain verification of compliance.

       Any supplier  found not to be in compliance  with the above  requirements
will no longer be a suppliers to the McDonald's system.

       4.    Royalties.


       5.    Protection of Marks,

(a) All uses of the Marks in connection  with Licensed  Products  shall inure to
Licensor's  benefit.   Licensee   acknowledges   Licensor's  benefit.   Licensee
acknowledges  Licensor's exclusive right, title and interest in and to the Marks
and will not,  either  directly or  indirectly,  at any time do any act or thing
contesting  the validity of or in any way injuring or  discrediting  any part of
such right, tide or interest. At Licensor's expense and request,  Licensee shall
assist Licensor,  to the extent necessary,  in the procurement of any protection
or to protect  any of  Licensor's  rights in the Marks.  Toward  that end,  upon
Licensor's  request,  Licensee  shall provide  Licensor with two (2)  production
samples of any Licensed Product and whatever other  documentation or information
may be reasonably  requested by Licensor for the purpose of  registration of its
Mark or Marks in the categories into which the Licensed Products fall.

      (i)  Licensee   shall   promptly   notify   Licensor  in  writing  of  any
infringements  or imitations  by others of the Marks of which it becomes  aware.
Licensor  shall have the sole right to  determine  whether  any action  shall be
taken on  account  of such  infringements  or  imitations.  Licensee  shall  not
institute  any suit or take any action on account of any such  infringements  or
imitations without first obtaining the written consent of Licensor to do so.

      (ii)  Licensee  acknowledges  that  Licensor  prohibits  its suppliers and
vendors from using its Marks on any labels, packages or in advertisement without
specific  written  permission  from  Licensor.  Licensee  agrees to  notify  its
suppliers of Licensed Products of this  prohibition.  Licensee further agrees to
inform its  Distributors  or  retailers  of this  policy  and to use  reasonable
commercial  efforts to  enforce  these  policies;  provided,  however,  that the
Licensee's  Distributors  or  retailers  may use the  Marks in  connection  with
advertisements  in the ordinary course of business,  subject to Licensor's prior
written approval.

(iii) All material and concepts  developed by Licensee and/or its  manufacturers
pursuant to this  Agreement,  and all  copyright,  patent and  trademark  rights
therein (except for pre-existing rights including,  without  limitation,  use of
all trademarks and service marks of Licensee, except as provided below) shall be
the exclusive  property of Licensor and shall  automatically  be  transferred to
Licensor hereby without further acts or documentation except as provided below.

      The  parties   acknowledge   that  the   Licensed   Products  may  contain
intellectual  property  owned by  third  party  developers/licensors  (hereafter
`Third Party  Licensors") as well as related Licensee marks all of which are set
forth in exhibit A (Intellectual  Property). The parties agree that the Licensee
shall  retain  (a) all  rights,  title  and  interest  in and to the  Licensee's
intellectual property now existing Licensee's Marks and (b) said

      Third Party Licensors  shall retain all rights,  title and interest in and
to their intellectual  property.  in confirmation hereof, the Licensor agrees to
refrain  from using,  licensing or  sublicensing  such  intellectual  properties
without  the express  prior  written  approval  of Licensee  except as set forth

      (b) All graphical  representations of the Marks and all images relating to
the Marks in the  Licensed  Products  including  the total  look and feel of the
Marks and related images in the Licensed Products,  which Licensee,  its agents,
employees or consultants develop for Licensor pursuant to this Agreement,  shall
be works made for hire and to the extent such aspects are deemed not to be works
made for hire, Licensee hereby assigns all worldwide rights,  title and interest
in and to such representations, including any renewals, to McDonald's

      (c)  All  Licensed  Products  will  be  manufactured,  sold,  sublicensed,
labeled, packaged, distributed and advertised by Licensee in accordance with all
applicable laws,  standards and  regulations.  Licensee shall cause to appear on
all Licensed  Products and on all materials  used in connection  with the Marks,
such legends,  markings and notices as may reasonably be necessary as instructed
in  writing  by  Licensor  in order to give  appropriate  notice  of  Licensor's
trademark, tradename or other rights pertaining thereto, in the form provided by

      (d) The parties acknowledge and agree that in the marketing, distribution,
 licensing and sale of the Licensed Products,  both the Licensor's Marks and the
 Licensee's  Marks "Expert  Software" or "Expert" or other  Licensee  trademarks
 will be used.  The parties  further agree that Licensee shall mark each copy of
 the Licensed  Products with the  applicable  acknowledgment,  Mark or copyright
 notice of Licensor in accordance with Ns Agreement;  however, Licensee may also
 mark the Licensed  Products  with its own  trademark  or copyright  notice with
 reference to Licensee's Marks.

      (e) In confirmation of the foregoing, the Licensor warrants and represents
 to the Licensee  that the Marks and their  exploitation  as  authorized by this
 Agreement do not and will not infringe any copyright,  patent, trademark, trade
 secret,  right  of  publicity,  right  of  privacy  or any  other  proprietary,
 statutory or common law right of any third party.

      (f)  Licensee  shall  not  promote  Licensed  Products  along  with  or in
 connection with any products targeted to similar market audiences.

        6.    Indemnity.

      (a) Licensee  shall  defend,  indemnify and hold  harmless  Licensor,  its
subsidiaries,   affiliates,  distributors,   franchisees,  successors,  assigns,
directors,  officers,  agents and their employees,  from and against any and all
claims,  demands,  causes  of  action,  damages,  costs or  expenses,  including
reasonable  attorney's  fees,  arising  out of (1) any death,  injury or alleged
injury to any person, or damage or alleged damage to any property resulting,  in
whole or in part, from any actual or alleged defect in any Licensed Product sold
under this  Agreement or covered by this  Agreement,  whether  latent or patent,
including but not limited to actual or alleged  improper  construction or design
of such  merchandise  or the failure or alleged  failure of such  merchandise to
comply  with any  express  or  implied  warranties;  (2) any  actual or  alleged
violation by such merchandise,  or its manufacture,  possession, use or sale, of
any law, statute or ordinance or any governmental  administrative order, rule or
regulation;  (3) claims  that any  trademarks  (other  than the  Marks)  used in
connection with Licensed  Products,  the sale of Licensed  Products bearing that
trademark,  or the use of that  trademark by Licensee,  infringes upon any other
person's claimed  trademark  rights;  or (4) a product recall.  Toward this end,
Licensee  herein  represents  that it has an  insurance  policy in place with $1
million per occurrence,  $5 million in the aggregate,  and Licensor is listed as
an  additional  insured on the policy on or before  thirty  (30) days after full
execution  of  this  Agreement.  Licensee  agrees  to  provide  Licensor  with a
Certificate of Insurance showing Licensor listed as an additional  insured,  and
Licensee  further agrees that it will not cancel such policy  without  providing
sixty (60) days advance written notice to Licensor.

      (b) Licensor  shall  defend,  indemnify and hold  harmless  Licensee,  its
successors,  assigns,  officers,  agents and employees, from and against any and
all claims,  demands,  causes of action,  damages, costs or expenses,  including
reasonable  attorneys' fees,  arising out of a claim that (1) the application of
the Marks to Licensed  Products,  the sale or  sublicense  of Licensed  Products
bearing the Marks,  or the use of the Marks by Licensee,  all in accordance with
the terms of this  Agreement,  or (2) the rights  granted to Licensee under this
Agreement, violate or conflict with the-rights of any other person or persons.

      (c) In the event of any claim requiring indemnification in accordance with
this paragraph 6, the indemnitee shall give the indemnitor prompt written notice
of any such  claim,  suit,  action or  proceeding.  After  giving  notice to the
indemnitee  that it will  defend,  the  indemnitor  shall take such action as it
deems advisable to defend and/or settle such claim,  suit,  action or proceeding
on behalf  of the  indemnitee;  provided,  however,  if there is any  reasonable
possibility  that  Licensor  will agree to stop or be  prevented  from using any
portion of the Marks on any Licensed  Products where Licensee is the indemnitee,
Licensee will be immediately notified and continually apprised of the situation,
the intent being that  Licensee will have the maximum time  practical  under the
circumstances  and to the  extent  permitted  by law,  to  dispose  of any  such
Licensed  Products.  The indemnitee shall cooperate fully with the indemnitor in
all respects in connection  with any such defense that is made, and shall always
have the right to be informed of decisions regarding settlement of any claims or
lawsuits.  Provided that the indemnitor  assumes the defense of any claim, suit,
action or proceeding  covered by this paragraph,  the indemnitee  shall delegate
complete  and sole  authority  to the  indemnitor  to  defend  or  settle  same.
Indemnification pursuant to this paragraph 6 shall apply solely to the amount of
a judgment (if any),  any sums paid in  settlement,  and the costs and expenses,
including   reasonable   attorneys'  fees,   incurred  in  connection  with  the
indemnitee's  defense; such indemnification shall not apply to any other damages
suffered by the indemnitee.

        7.    Quality of Merchandise.

      (a) All Licensed Products shall be of high safety and structural standards
and of such style, appearance,  quality and consistency as shall be adequate and
suitable  for  goods of that  kind.  If  applicable,  Licensee  agrees to submit
required quantities of Licensed Products to an independent testing laboratory to
insure  compliance with required safety laws, rules and  regulations.  Any items
for children which are not suited for children of all ages must be appropriately
labeled,  as provided by applicable federal and state laws. No sales of Licensed
Products  which are below  first  quality  may be made by  Licensee  without the
approval of Licensor which approval shall not be unreasonably  withheld. To this

      (i) Before market  release of the Licensed  Products,  the Licensee  shall
      deliver to Licensor  written  certification  by Licensee that Licensee has
      conducted adequate and extensive licensed product testing, fixed any major
      errors  affecting the  functionality  which have been detected by Licensee
      and are subject to ongoing  error  detection  and  correction.  Failure to
      comply with this provision shall cause for Licensors immediate termination
      of this Agreement.

      (ii) Approval of Artwork or  Prototypes.  Before  manufacturing,  Licensee
      shall submit to Licensor, for its written approval, artwork and prototypes
      for each  Licensed  Product or any other usage of the Marks  together with
      prototypes  depicting  the usage of the Marks on labeling or  packaging in
      which Licensed Products are to be marketed. Licensed Products shall not be
      sold or distributed or sublicensed  without  Licensor's written consent if
      they depart from the approved  artwork or  prototypes in any respect which
      consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  If Licensor has not either
      granted its consent to,  commented on, or expressed its  disapproval of an
      item of artwork or a prototype  within 10 days of  submission by Licensee,
      then Licensor shall be deemed to have consented to the use of such artwork
      or prototype.

      (iii)Review  of Samples,  Labeling,  Packaging and  Advertising.  Licensee
      shall submit to Licensor for its written  approval,  prior to manufacture,
      packaging,  labeling  and  advertising  for all  Licensed  Products.  Such
      packaging,  labeling,  and  advertising  samples shall not depart from the
      approved artwork and prototypes in any respect without  Licensor's written

           (iv) Approval Form.  All materials sent in for approval must be
      accompanied by a completed approval form, a sample of which is attached
      to this Agreement.

      (b) All Licensed  Products shall be of the same quality and workmanship as
the approved sample or prototype and in the manufacture  thereof  Licensee shall
cause the manufacturers  designated by Licensee to use manufacturing  processes,
techniques and quality control  procedures  designed to ensure that the Licensed
Products will consistently comply with Licensor's high quality standards.  Under
no circumstances  shall Licensee be permitted to sell,  distribute,  sublicense,
give away or otherwise  deal in Licensed  Products that bear a distortion of the
Marks,   or  that  do  not  comply  with   Licensor's   quality   standards  and
specifications or governmental  laws,  regulations,  ordinances or enactments or
which have not been approved by Licensor.

      (c) The  provisions  for indemnity  under  Paragraph 6 hereof shall not be
waived by approval of Licensed Products by Licensor pursuant to Paragraph 7.

      (d) Licensee  shall notify  Licensor of any material  consumer  complaints
regarding  Licensed  Products and will assist Licensor in the resolution of such

           8.   Promotional Material.

      (a) Licensee  shall not use the Marks or any  reproduction  thereof in any
advertising,  promotional or display material  without  Licensor's prior written
approval.  Under no circumstances will promotional materials or programs be used
by Licensee that reflect  unfavorably on the Marks. All advertising,  display or
promotional  copy utilizing or in any way connected with the marks shall carry a
notice that the Marks are the property of Licensor and such advertising, display
or promotional  copy shall be submitted to Licensor for review and approval well
in advance of production.  Licensor shall have ten (10) business days to review,
comment upon or express its disapproval thereof and for changes to be made.

      (b) Any approval granted by Licensor under this paragraph will extend only
to Licensee's use of the Marks.

      9.   Records.

      (a) Licensee and its  manufacturers  shall keep accurate  books of account
and records covering all transactions relating to this license. Licensor and its
duly authorized  representatives shall have the right at reasonable times during
regular  business  hours to examine  such books of account  and  records and all
other documents and materials in Licensee's or its manufacturer's  possession or
under  its  control  with  respect  to the  subject  matter  and  terms  of this
Agreement,  and shall have free and full access:. for the purposes of monitoring
compliance  and for the purposes of making  extracts  therefrom  throughout  the
Contract Period, as the same may be renewed and extended. All records on hand on
expiration or termination of this Agreement shall be kept available for at least
two (2) years after expiration or termination of the Agreement.  Licensor agrees
to keep  confidential  and not to publicly  disclose  any  information  obtained
through any such review and to obtain an agreement to keep  confidential and not
to  publicly  disclose  any such  information  from  any of its duly  authorized
representatives who are granted access to such books and records.

      (b) At any time during the term of this Agreement, and for a period of two
  (2) years thereafter,  Licensor may, at its own expense, employ an independent
  certified  public  accountant  or its  employees to verify the accuracy of the
  statements  provided for in  subparagraph  (a) above.  If Licensee's  reported
  accrued royalty is more than 5% less than the accrued royalty as determined by
  the Licensor's  independent  certified public accountant,  then Licensor shall
  deliver such determination in writing and with relevant back-up materials,  to
  Licensee.  If Licensee  does not  deliver a written  objection  to  Licensor's
  determination  within  fifteen (15) days from  submission  by  Licensor,  then
  Licensee will be deemed to have accepted  Licensor's  determination of accrued
  royalty.  If Licensee  delivers to Licensor a written  objection to Licensor's
  determination  within  fifteen (15) days from  receipt of such  determination,
  then the parties  shall use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to finalize the
  amount  of  accrued  royalty  with  ten (10)  days of  Licensor's  receipt  of
  Licensee's  written  objection.  In the event that  Licensor  and Licensee are
  unable to agree on the amount of accrued  royalty within that time period,  at
  Licensee's  expense the matter will be referred for  determination as promptly
  as practicable  to a "Big 6" accounting  firm with no prior  affiliation  with
  Licensor or Licensee.  The  determination  of such accountants  shall,  absent
  fraud or manifest error, be conclusive and binding on Licensor and Licensee.

      10.     Samples and Inventory.

      Licensee  agrees to provide  Licensor a minimum of twelve (12)  samples of
each final  Licensed  Product.  Upon  expiration or  termination of the Contract
Period as specified  herein,  Licensee  shall have the right to continue to sell
previously  manufactured  Licensed  Products  according to all the terms of this
Agreement  for a period of three hundred  sixty (360) days.  Licensee  agrees to
sell to Licensor  available or ordered  merchandise in reasonable  quantities at
Licensee's lowest selling price.

II.   Termination and Rights after Termination.

      (a) If Licensee  shall fail to make any payment due  hereunder  or fail to
provide Licensor with quarterly reports as provided in paragraph 4(c) hereunder,
and if such  default  shall  continue  uncured  for a period of thirty (30) days
after  written  notice of such default has been  received by Licensee,  Licensor
shall have the right to terminate this Agreement  without further  notice.  Once
this Agreement is terminated under this section, Licensee shall have no right to
continue sales or any associated  advertising or  merchandising  of manufactured
Products. All sales of Licensed Products must cease.

      (b) If either  party shall fail to perform  any of the terms,  conditions,
agreements or covenants in this Agreement (other than the failure of Licensee to
make any payment as described in subparagraph  (a) above) and such default shall
continue  uncured for a period of thirty (30) days after written  notice thereof
has been  received  by the party so  failing,  the other  party may, at its sole
election, terminate this Agreement forthwith by written notice.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,  such right of  termination  shall be suspended if the default is
one which is not  susceptible  of cure within such thirty (30) day period and if
the defaulting party has commenced good faith effort to cure such default within
such thirty (30) day period and has continued such efforts without interruption.

      (c) Licensor may immediately,  upon written notice to Licensee,  terminate
this Agreement if Licensee:becomes  subject to a receiver or trustee; or becomes
insolvent;  or becomes  subject to an order for relief under an  involuntary  or
voluntary  petition  under the United  States  Bankruptcy  Act, as amended,  for
whatever  reason;  or makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors;  and
Licensee or any person or entity which  succeeds  Licensee or acts in Licensee's
behalf having been duly authorized  fails to provide Licensor with both adequate
protection against any losses or damages and adequate  assurance,  as determined
by Licensor,  of Licensee's  ability to fully perform its obligations under this
Agreement within thirty (30) days of any of the above-mentioned  acts or events;

           (ii) changes ownership, either by the sale or transfer of the company
      or by the sale or transfer of more than of the  ownership  interest of the

      (d) Licensor may immediately,  upon written notice to Licensee,  terminate
this Agreement if in Licensor's -sole determination, the sale or distribution of
Licensed  Products in any way threatens or endangers  Licensor's  reputation and
goodwill or its clean,  wholesome,  family-oriented image subject to seventy-two
hours written notice and opportunity to cure.

      (e) This  Agreement  shall  terminate on December 31, 1997 if Licensee has
not shipped Licensed Products to one or more of its Distributors by that date.

      (f) Notwithstanding any termination in accordance with the foregoing,  the
respective  parties shall have and hereby reserve all the respective  rights and
remedies which they have, or which are granted to them by operation of law, with
respect to the  collection  of  royalties  payable by Licensee  pursuant to this
Agreement, with respect to damages for breach of this Agreement by either party,
with respect to the right to seek to enjoin the unlawful or unauthorized  use of
the Marks or any Licensor  trademark or Licensee  trademarks  and service marks,
and with respect to enforcement of indemnity provisions contained herein.

12.   Notices.

All  notices,  reports and  statements  to be given and all  payments to be made
hereunder  shall be sent by certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  or by
express mail or other overnight courier,  with return receipt requested,  and if
to Licensor to:

                                    Jim Stadler
                                    National Retail Licensing Manager
                                    McDonald's Corporation
                                    Kroc Drive
                                    Oak Brook, Illinois 60521

  with copies to the attention of:  David Green
                                    Senior Vice President
                                    McDo nald's Corporation
                                    Kroc Drive
                                    Oak Brook, Illinois 60521

                                    General Counsel
                                    McDonald's Corporation
                                    Kroc Drive
                                    Oak Brook, Illinois 60521

and if to Licensee, to:             Ken Currier
                                    Chief Executive Officer
                                    Expert Software, Inc.
                                    800 Douglas Road, Executive Tower
                                    Suite 750
                                    Coral Gables, FL 33134

with copies to the attention of:    David L. Chiras
                                    General Counsel
                                    Expert Software, Inc.
                                    800 Douglas Road, Executive Tower
                                    Suite 750
                                    Coral Gables, FL 33134

         13.     No Joint Venture.

      Nothing  herein  contained  shall be construed to place the parties in the
relationship  of partners  or joint  ventures  and neither  party shall have the
power to obligate or bind the other in any manner whatsoever, and vice versa.

        14.   Warranties.

(a) Licensor  covenants and warrants that it has the power and right to grant to
Licensee the rights and licenses granted by it hereunder.

(b) Licensor  represents  and warrants that Licensor does not have, has not made
and will not make or authorize,  any  obligations,  commitments or grants to any
other person or persons which will or may impair or prevent the  performance  by
Licensor of its obligations and undertakings contained in this Agreement

(c) Licensee  covenants and warrants that it has the power and right to grant to
Licensor the rights granted by it hereunder.

(d) Licensee  represents  and warrants that at the time of the execution of this
Agreement,  Licensee does not have, has not made and will not make or authorize,
any obligations, commitments or grants to any other person or persons which will
or may impair or prevent the  performance  by Licensee  of its  obligations  and
undertakings contained in this Agreement.

15.     Cancellation.

      The parties understand that Licensor,  its subsidiaries,  affiliates,  and
franchisees,  use the Marks which are the subject of this license to advance and
promote Licensor's restaurants,  and that Licensor has a paramount obligation to
preserve  its ability to so use such Marks.  Should any other use of any Mark or
Marks  become  threatened  as a result of any  rules,  regulations  or policy of
governmental   administrative   agencies,   then  Licensor  may  terminate  this

16.     Assignment.

      Licensee  may not assign this  Agreement,  or any or all of its rights and
obligations hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of Licensor.

17.     Scope and Modification.

      This Agreement sets forth the agreement between the parties and supersedes
all prior  agreements and  understandings  between the parties,  their officers,
directors, or employees relating to the subject matter hereof. None of the terms
of this  Agreement may be waived or modified  except as expressly  agreed to, in
writing, by both parties.

18.    Waiver.

      No waiver by any party,  whether  express or implied,  of any provision of
this Agreement or of any breach or default shall constitute a continuing  waiver

19.    Confidentiality

      Licensee  agrees  to keep  any  information  it  learns  about  Licensor's
business  and  marketing  plans   confidential.   Licensee   further  agrees  to
communicate the confidential  nature of such information to its employees and to
its fulfillment houses.

      Licensor  agrees  to keep any  infon-nation  it  learns  about  Licensee's
business and marketing plans confidential.

20.     Exclusivity.

      Licensee  agrees not to enter into any agreement or develop a relationship
similar to the foregoing  with a McDonald's  competitor  during the term of this
Agreement. McDonald's competitor is defined as follows:

(a)   Service: Restaurants, including, but not limited to:

      (i) quick service  restaurants  in which food is prepared on the premises,
      sold at a counter  or  window,  and  intended  for  immediate  on-premises
      consumption or for home delivery, or carryout;

      (ii) non-white  tablecloth,  sit-down  service  restaurants,  and sit-down
      and/or  carry-out  service  restaurants  within  the  premises  of another
      business  which are  operated  by an entity  other  than the owner of that
      other business;

      (iii)contract food operations, food concessionaires,  specialty food shops
      which may not serve meals (i.e.  ice cream shops,  yogurt shops,  doughnut
      shops  and  cookie  shops),   and   independently   owned  "mom  and  pop"

      (iv) fountain and carry-out  food service  operations,  including  without
      limitation  such  operations  located in or  associated  with  convenience
      stores, mini-marts and gas stations.

(b)   Products: The following ready-to-eat and/or frozen food products:
      Hamburger; hand-held sandwiches (including breakfast sandwiches); french
      fries; beverages, including fountain soft drinks; meals; chicken; and

(c)  Notwithstanding  the above,  in the event  Licensee  wishes to enter into a
relationship  with a Competitor  of  McDonald's,  Licensee  shall send a written
request for approval,  stating the Competitor's  name, the product  contemplated
and the territory in which the product shall be distributed.  McDonald's  agrees
to respond to the request within five (5) business days.

       Licensee's current relationships with McDonald's competitors are:

  Name of Company         Product              Territory

________None____     __   _________________
- -----------------------------

- -------------------- -----------------         -----------------------------

- -------------------- -----------------         -----------------------------

21.   Governing Laws.  This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
Illinois without regard to that state's conflict of laws provision

22.   Entire Agreement.  This Agreement supersedes any prior or
contemporaneous communications or agreements between the parties.

23.   Effect on Waiver.  This Agreement may not be modified nor any of its
provisions waived absent a writing signed both parties.

24. Force Majeure. It shall not be a breach of any obligation hereunder should a
party fail to perform due to an Act of God, war,  government  regulation.  civil
disorder or other  emergency  making it  unadvisable,  illegal or  impossible to
perform.  However,  the affected  party shall provide notice to the other of its
inability to perform and such  inability  shall be excused for the length of the
Force Majeure event.

25.   Survival of Terms.  The terms and conditions of the following sections
shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

           Section 1,  Section 4. Section 6, Section 9, Section I 1, Section 14,
           Section 19.

     The  terms  and  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall  be  interpreted  in
accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Illinois.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the day first above  stated,  the  corporate  party by its proper  officers duly
authorized thereto.

                             McDONALD'S CORPORATION

Dated: January 2, 1997       By: /s/ David Green

                          Title: Senior Vice President

                             EXPERT SOFTWARE.  INC.

Dated: January 2, 1997       By: /s/ Kenneth P. Currier

                          Title: Chief Executive Office

                                   EXHIBIT A

                               McDonald's Marks
                            McDonaldland Characters
                              Happy Meal Workshop
                            McDonald's Racing Team*
                           McDonaldland Racing Team*
                                  Happy Meal*

          And as modified by the Parties in writing from time to time

* Includes word and design

                          FULFILLMENT HOUSE AGREEMENT

This  Fulfillment  House  Agreement  is made  pursuant to the License  Agreement
between McDonald's  Corporation and the pertinent sections of which are attached
and made a part hereof.

(Name of Licensee) "Licensee" and (Name of Fulfillment House) "Fulfillment House
" located at desire to cause the manufacture of the following  Products  bearing
the Marks of McDonald's  Corporation.  As a condition to the  manufacture of any
Licensed Products bearing a Mark listed on Exhibit A, of the License  Agreement,
Licensee and Fulfillment House acknowledges that the Marks are the sole property
of McDonald's  Corporation and that Fulfillment House's right to manufacture the
License  Products with the Marks thereon is in all respects subject to the terms
and  conditions  of the  License  Agreement.  Manufacturer  recognizes  that all
manufacturing rights to the Licensed Product are subject to (a) the restrictions
on the use of the  Marks  and  (b)  the  termination  provision  of the  License
Agreement.  Fulfillment  House further  acknowledges that its manufacture of the
Licensed  Product shall give  fulfillment  House no right to use the Marks or to
sell  articles  bearing  the marks  beyond  the term of the  License  Agreement.
Fulfillment  House shall not sell the  Licensed  Product to any person or entity
except Licensee.  If McDonald's  terminates the License  Agreement,  Fulfillment
House agrees to make no claim against McDonald's for any reason whatsoever.

      Fulfillment  House will comply  with all local laws and customs  regarding
hiring  practices,  wages and working  conditions.  Under no circumstances  will
Fulfillment   House  involve  the  production  of  McDonald's   products  in  an
environment where underage labor is employed.

      Fulfillment House will not utilize factories or production facilities that
force work to be performed by unpaid  laborers or those who must  otherwise work
against their will.

      Fulfillment  House will monitor  their  factories and  manufacturers  work
environment to ensure  compliance to these policies and obtain  verification  of

      If  Manufacturer  is  found  not  to  be  in  compliance  with  the  above
requirements  they  will no  longer  be a  manufacturer  under the terms of this

      By:                      By:
      Date:                    Date:



   Please       fill out the top  section of form.  This form must be  submitted
                with each step of product development listed below.


Licensee:                                                     Submitted by:
Telephone Number:                   Fax Number:
Product Description & Model #: