We  consent  to the use in the Registration Statement of Para Mas Internet, Inc.
on Form SB-2 of our Auditors'  Report, dated June 9, 2004, on the balance  sheet
of Para Mas Internet, Inc. as  of December 31, 2003 and the related statement of
income   and   accumulated  deficit  from   July  1,  2003 to December 31, 2003,
changes   in  stockholders'  equity,  and  cash flows  for  the six months ended
December 31, 2003.

We  also consent  to the use in the Registration Statement of Para Mas Internet,
Inc. on Form SB-2 of our Auditors'  Report, dated  June  9, 2004, on the balance
sheet  of  Amerigroup,  Inc. (a Nevada Corporation) as of December 31, 2003, and
the related  statement  of  income and accumulated deficit  from  July  1,  2003
to  December 31, 2003, changes in stockholders' equity,  and  cash flows for the
six months ended December 31, 2003.

/s/ CFO Advantage, Inc.

CFO Advantage, Inc.

June 16, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada