Gary  R.  Henrie  Attorney  at  Law

10616  Eagle  Nest  Street
Las  Vegas,  NV  89141

Telephone:  (702)  616-3093
Facsimile:  (702)  263-8102

October 18, 2004

Board  of  Directors
Custom Branded Internet,  Inc.
821 E. 29th
North Vancouver, B.C.  V7K  1B6

Re:  7,900,000 Shares Common Stock $.001 Par Value
     Form S-8 Registration Statement

Ladies  and  Gentlemen:

As  special  securities  counsel  for Custom Branded Networks, Inc., a
Nevada  corporation (the "Company"), you have requested my opinion in connection
with  the  preparation and filing with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission  of  a  Registration  Statement  on  Form  S-8  (the  "Registration
Statement")  registering  7,900,000  shares of the Company's common stock, $.001
par  value  per  share,  for issuance pursuant to certain Consulting  Agreements
(the  "Agreements?),  which  are  attached  to  the   Registration  Statement as
exhibits. The contents of  the  Registration  Statement, with exhibits  thereto,
are hereby  incorporated  by  reference.

I  have  examined  such  records  and  documents  and  made  such examination of
law  as  I  have  deemed  relevant in connection with this opinion. Based on the
foregoing,  and subject to the caveat identified below, I am of the opinion that
the  7,900,000  shares  covered  by  said Registration Statement, when issued in
accordance  with  the terms of the Agreements  and the Prospectus forming a part
of  the  Registration  Statement,  will  be  legally issued, fully-paid and non-
assessable.  Moreover, my opinion  is limited to the due issuance of such shares
covered by the Registration  Statement  and  the  Agreements that are issued for
services  deemed  to  be  permissible  pursuant  to  SEC   Release  No.  33-7647
(February  25, 1999).

I  hereby  consent  to  the  filing  of  this  opinion  as  an  exhibit  to  the
above-referenced  Registration  Statement.


/s/  Gary  R.  Henrie
Gary  R.  Henrie