
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                               ALTA SYSTEMS, INC.

         Pursuant to Section 16-10-57 of the Utah Business  Corporation Act, the
undersigned corporation hereby adopts the following amendment to its Articles of

         FIRST: The name of the Corporation is Alta Systems, Inc.

         SECOND:  The following  amendment to the Articles of Incorporation  was
duly adopted by the shareholders of the Corporation:

         1. Article I of the Corporation's current Articles of Incorporation, is
hereby  amended by striking the entire  Article I and isnerting the following in
lieu thereof:

                                    ARTICLE I

         The name of this Corporation shall be MicroCor, Inc.

         THIRD:  The foregoing  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  was
adopted  unanimously  by the  vote  of all  117,681  shares  held  by all of the
shareholders of the Corporation by unanimous  consent dated February 14, 1985 in
accordance with Section 16-10-38 of the Utah Business Corporation Act.

         FOURTH: No other class was entitled to vote on the amendment.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoing Articles of Amendment to the Articles
of  Incorporation  of Alta  Systems,  Inc.  has been  executed  this 14th day of
February, 1985.

         ATTEST:                                     ALTA SYSTEMS, INC.

         By___/S/_________________        By___/S/____________________
              Steven Castleton                              Allan Kaminsky
                 Vice President                                  President

         STATE OF UTAH                      )
         COUNTY OF SALT LAKE                )

                  On February 14,  1985,  before me, the  undersigned,  a notary
         public in and for said  county and state,  personally  appeared  Steven
         Castleton and Allan Kaminsky,  who, being by me duly sworn,  did state,
         each for himself that he, Allan Kaminsky, is the President and that he,
         Steven Castleton,  is the Vice President, of Alta Systems, Inc., a Utah
         corporation,  and that  the  foregoing  Articles  of  Amendment  to the
         Articles of Incorporation of Alta Systems, Inc. was signed on behalf of
         such corporation by authority of a resolution of its Board of Directors
         and that the statements contained therein are true.

                  WITNESS my hand and official seal.

                                                Notary Public
                                                Residing in Salt Lake City

         My Commission Expires:


                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                               ALTA SYSTEMS, INC.

         We the undersigned, natural persons being more than twenty-one years of
age, acting as incorporators of a corporation  pursuant to the provisions of the
Utah  Business  Corporation  Act,  do hereby  adopt the  following  Articles  of
Incorporation for such corporation:

                                    ARTICLE I


              The name of the Corporation hereby created shall be:

                               ALTA SYSTEMS, INC.

                                   ARTICLE II


         The Corporation shall continue in existence  perpetually  unless sooner
dissolved according to law.

                                   ARTICLE III


         The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized are:

         1. To design,  manufacture,  assemble and market computer  hardware and
assembled systems;

         2. To provide custom programming and/or programming  systems; and

         3. To engage in any other  business or enterprise and any other acts or
activities for which  corporations  may be organized under the laws of the State
of Utah and to  Exercise  such other  powers and engage in all  transactions  as
permitted by the laws of the State of Utah.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         The  aggregate  number of shares  which  this  Corporation  shall  have
authority  to issue is  5,000,000  shares of  capital  stock with a par value of
$0.01 per  share.  Each share  shall  have equal  rights as to voting and in the
event of dissolution or liquidation.

                                    ARTICLE V

                                 PAID IN CAPITAL

         The Corporation  shall not commence  business until  consideration of a
value of at  least  $1,000  has been  received  by it as  consideration  for the
issuance of its shares.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                                PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS

         Shareholders  of the Corporation  shall not have  preemptive  rights to
purchase any shares of the Corporation hereafter issued.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         No contract or other transaction between this Corporation and any other
firm or corporation  shall be affected by the fact that a director of officer of

this Corporation has an interest in, or is a director or officer of such firm or
other corporation. Any officer, or director, individually or with others, may be
a party to, or may have an interest in, any  transaction of this  Corporation or
any  transaction in which this  Corporation is a party or has an interest.  Each
person who is now or may become an officer or  director of this  Corporation  is
hereby relieved from liability that he might otherwise  obtain in the event such
officer or director  contracts with this  Corporation for the benefit of himself
or any firm or other corporation in which he may have an interest, provided such
officer or director acts in good faith.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


         The  Corporation  shall have not less than three (3) nor more than nine
(9) directors as determined,  from time to time, by the Board of Directors.  The
original Board of Directors  shall be comprised of three (3) persons.  The names
and  addresses  of the  persons  who are to serve as  directors  until the first
annual  meeting of  Shareholders  and until  their  successors  are  elected and
qualify  are as  follows:

               Allan L. Kaminsky               3709 East Blue Jay Lane
                                               Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

               Stephen Castleton               503 East Wasatch
                                               Midvale, Utah 84047

               Christia Kaminsky               3709 East Blue Jay Lane
                                               Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

                                   ARTICLE IX

                           REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT

         The address of the initial registered office of the Corporation is:

                               620 Kearns Building
                              136 South Main Street
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

         and the name of its initial registered agent at such address is:

                            Scott K. Zimmerman, Esq.

                                    ARTICLE X


         The name and addresses of the incorporators are:

                   Terrell W. Smith                   620 Kearns Building
                                                      136 South Main Street
                                                      Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

                   Sandy Janes                        620 Kearns Building
                                                      136 South Main Street
                                                      Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

                   Scott K. Zimmerman                 620 Kearns Building
                                                      136 South Main Street
                                                      Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

         Dated this 12th day of October, 1981.

                                                     Terrell W. Smith

                                                     Sandy Janes

                                                     Scott K. Zimmerman

         STATE OF UTAH                      )
         COUNTY OF SALT LAKE                )

         Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 12th day of October, 1981.

                                             NOTARY PUBLIC
                                             Residing in Salt Lake County, Utah

         My commission expires: