The undersigned  Bernadette  Suckel of 12 Charmony,  Laguna Niguel,  CA
92677 (hereafter  "Employee") and Klever  Marketing,  Inc. , a Utah corporation,
having its principal  business  address at 3785 South 7th East,  Suite 230, Salt
Lake  City,  UT 84106  (hereafter  "Employer")  make and enter  this  employment
agreement  as of this 10th day of  November,  2006.  Both  employer and employee
agree  that  the  term  "Parties"  refers  to the  Employer  and  Employee  when
collectively  referenced  in  this  Agreement.  This is a  preliminary  contract
(hereafter  "the or this  Agreement")  which the  parties  agree shall cover all
recited  aspects of employment  until or unless  superceded by a more definitive
agreement as  contemplated  between the Parties.  It is further  understood  and
agreed that any definitive agreement shall not alter the primary terms stated in
this Agreement, unless mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Both Parties further
consent and agree that this  Agreement,  as a  preliminary  agreement,  shall be
prepared in outline  form and any third  party  interpreting  or  applying  this
Agreement  shall have broad  authority to apply and  construe  the  Agreement to
achieve the  perceived  intent of the Parties  and that the  Agreement  shall be
construed and applied in accordance with Utah law:

1.0  Consideration.  This  Agreement is supported  by the  consideration  to the
Employee as earned and to be earned; and, independently, by the mutual covenants
and agreements contained herein.

2.0 Current  Services.  Commencing  November1,  2006  Employee will be deemed to
provide services to Employer under a five month  employment  contract as set out
in this Agreement.  Employee agrees that during the regular  employment term she
will devote an average of 20-25 hours each week of her professional abilities to
the  management  of Employer and to provide  general  management  and assist the
President in procuring financing and providing general operation of the Employer
as its Interim Chief Operating Officer (COO). Employee shall avoid all customary
and standard  adverse  interests  or  conflicts of interest  during or after the
period of his services to Employer.  Employee  will not during or after the term
of this  Agreement  engage in any  economic  or  competitive  use of  Employer's
technology or proprietary  information unless  specifically agreed to in writing
by Employer.

3.0  Terms of Employment. The specific terms of employment are as follows:

Fixed Salary & Costs

         3.1 Employee  will be paid by Employer a gross salary of Five  Thousand
Dollars ($5,000) per month commencing in November,  2006 and paid through March,
2007 with  $2,500 paid by the 5th of each month and the balance of $2,500 by the
20th day of each month.  If such  payment is not made by the due date,  Employee
shall cease providing the services described in section 2.0 on the day after the
due date.  Employee  shall not resume  providing  services until payment for all
then past due and current amounts are made.

         3.2 The five month base employment agreement shall be non-revocable for
Employer,  except  for  non-performance  or  material  breach  by the  Employee.
However,  Employee may terminate the agreement on 14 fourteen days prior written
notice to the Employer.  The base employment  agreement,  shall be renewable for
consecutive like periods and terms as the parties mutually agree.

         3.3 Employee  agrees to pay and discharge all required self  employment
taxes from such gross salary and to acquire and pay any medical/dental  benefits
he may elect  without  further  charge to the  Employer.  Both parties agree the
gross salary,  including  deferred gross salary,  constitutes  the full monetary
consideration  and there shall be no claims or entitlement  under this Agreement
for retirement or disability pay, vacation or sick leave pay or related types of
employee  bonuses  or  benefits.  Employee  also  agrees to waive all  rights to
Workman's  Compensation  Insurance  or  claims  and /or any Utah  State or other
government  requirements  on behalf of the  Employer to provide  such  insurance
pay-in, premiums or coverage.

         3.4 Employer will pay upon timely prior notice, or otherwise  reimburse
Employee,  for all  pre-approved  expenses for, but not necessarily  limited to,
travel, cell and office telephone and supplies. No pre-approval will be required
for each month's expenses not aggregating more than $250.00.  Submitted expenses
shall be paid in full within one week of submission.

Additional Share Compensation

         3.5 In addition to the gross salary  described by paragraph 3.1, above,
Employee shall earn restricted  common stock of Employer for her services at the
rate of 70,000 shares issued to Employee for each month she remains  employed by
Employer  under this  Agreement  to a maximum of three  hundred  fifty  thousand
shares  (350,000).  The shares  subject to this  paragraph will be issued by the
10th day of the month  following  the month in which  earned and  commencing  on
December 10, 2006.  The actual  number of shares  earned and vested shall be pro
rated  on a daily  basis  in the  event  of  termination  during  any  month  of

Conditional Cash or Stock Option Bonuses

         3.6  In  addition  to  the  fixed  cash  payments  and  deferred  stock
consideration  described by the preceding  paragraphs,  3.1 & 3.5,  Employee may
earn  additional  cash  bonuses in the event that the Employer  receives  equity
capital financing of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) cumulatively
during the term of employment  described by this  Agreement  and the  benchmarks
described in paragraph 3.8 are  realized.  In the event the cash bonus cannot be
paid because the required equity financing is not raised, then Employee shall be
entitled to the  alternative  stock option in the event the following  benchmark
conditions are met under paragraph 3.8.

         3.7 The total shares  which may be subject to the Employee  alternative
stocks option are  described  below,  up to 400,000  restricted  common  shares,
exercisable  solely at the option of Employee at  twenty-five  cents ($0.25) per
share for thirty months from the date issued. The options, or any rights arising
therein,  as  restricted  securities  may only be assigned or  transferred  upon
consent of the  Employer,  as the issuer,  to the extent  necessary  to preclude
further  distribution  of such  securities.  The  securities  issued will bear a
standard  restrictive  legend and Employee  represents  he will not acquire such
securities for distribution or resale, but for investment purposes only.

         3.8 The conditional cash bonus payment or alternative options are to be
issued and vest as earned,  but only upon the  occurrence  of one or more of the
following conditions in or to Employer:

         (a) Board of  Employer  approving  an  acceptable  "resolution"  of all
         current relationships with Fujitsu Electronics and/or by entering a new
         strategic  development  agreement.  Fifteen thousand dollars cash bonus
         ($15,000); or option for 60,000 shares vested in Employee.

         (b)  Board of  Employer  certifying  that  Employer  realizes  improved
         financial condition, including Balance Sheet and resolution of AP legal
         issues,  by March 31, 2007 as measured from the date of this Agreement.
         Ten thousand dollars cash bonus ($10,000);  or option for 40,000 shares
         vested in Employee.

         (c)  Board  approves  and  published  three  year  business  plan,  but
         containing  alternative  exit strategy or strategies by March 31, 2007.
         Ten thousand dollars cash bonus ($10,000);  or option for 40,000 shares
         vested in Employee.

         (d)  Board  of  Employer   approving  a  documented  patent  and  other
         intellectual  property  protection,  defense or extension  plan (patent
         roadmap), assuming that required legal counsel is engaged, notice given
         with regard to protecting the patent  rights,  and other patent related
         actions taken and/or accommodated as necessary to ensure progress under
         this provision.  Ten thousand dollars cash bonus  ($10,000);  or option
         for 40,000 shares vested in Employee.

         (e)  Board  of  Employer   approving   documented   and   comprehensive
         "partnership" or "strategic venture" plan to complete development, join
         marketing and joint sales of product  and/or  technology.  Ten thousand
         dollars cash bonus  ($10,000);  or option for 40,000  shares  vested in

         (f) Board of Employer  approves  operation of "showcase  store"  and/or
         equivalent  retailer  deployment.  Fifteen  thousand dollars cash bonus
         ($15,000); or option for 60,000 shares vested in Employee.

         (g) Board of Employer  approves  consensual merger or acquisition plan,
         subject to shareholder  vote,  through efforts of Employee with a third
         party.  Thirty  thousand  dollar  cash bonus  ($30,000);  or option for
         120,000  shares  vested in Employee;  provided that option is agreed to
         and stated in Plan of Merger or Acquisition.

Miscellaneous Terms

         3.9 Employee during the period of employment will serve on the Board of
Directors of Employer,  subject to all regular rights,  prerogatives,  elections
and  limitations as set-out in the By-Laws.  Employee is deemed  appointed as an
interim  Director  upon the  execution  of this  Agreement  and the  addition of
Employee's  name to the D & O insurance of Employer now in effect.  The employer
expressly and through its By-Laws herein  indemnifies  employee  against any and
all  actions  or  consequences  arising  from  any and all  previous  decisions,
transaction,  agreements, employee actions or any activities which result in any
legal,  criminal,   financial,   institutional  and/or  shareholder  litigation,
actions,  fines,  fees,  awards,  charges  or any and all  consequences  related

         3.10  The  parties  contemplate  negotiating  a  three  year  full-time
employment  contract to  supersede  this  Agreement  by the end of March,  2007.
Provided,   however,  the  failure  to  draft  or  successfully  negotiate  such
replacement  agreement  shall not novate any terms of this  Agreement or release
any party as to rights or obligations.

4.0 Term of Options and Subordination.  All options granted under this Agreement
shall expire if not exercised in a period of thirty (30) months from vesting and
may be subordinated to any required institutional financing for Employer.

5.0 8-K Filing.  Upon the execution of this Agreement,  the Employer will file a
standard required 8-K report and issue a conforming press release describing the
terms of employment.

6.0 Employment  Goals.  Employee agrees and understands that her services to the
Employer  will be consistent  with  standard and  customary  duties of a COO, as
defined  and  limited  in the  By-Laws  of  the  Employer  and  as  specifically
prescribed by the Board of Directors  within the  limitations of this paragraph.
Within these general limitations and obligations,  the Employee agrees to accept
and discharge the following initial set of priorities for the Employer:

         6.1 Work with the  Board,  other  management  members  and  independent
consultants  and agents of the Employer,  as  necessary,  to formulate a plan of
financing and to obtain interim funding with a primary objective in an amount of
not less than $6.5 M during the initial employment term.

         6.2 Work with the  President  to  complete  negotiations  with  Fujistu
Corporation,  including any subsidiary,  agent and/or contractors, to attempt to
revise the  original  working  agreement  to fit present  realities  and with an
objective  to complete one or more store  outlets  using the  technology  of the

         6.3 Work on completing and implementing a business and financing plan.

         6.4 Work with legal  counsel  and other  experts  on patent  issues and
         protection and

enhancement of Employer's technology base.

         6.5 Work with legal  counsel  and other  experts to  establish  uniform
standards and  procedures,  including  disclosure  documents,  to be employed by
Klever  Marketing in the issuance of  securities by Klever  Marketing  either as
registered offerings or under claim of exemption.

         6.6 Work with legal  counsel and other  experts to devise  proposal for
settlement of outstanding claims and lawsuits for Board approval.

7.0 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be applied and construed in accord with
Utah law and any  action  which may be  brought  to  enforce  its term  shall be
brought in a court of general jurisdiction in Salt Lake County, Utah.

8.0 Authority of Signator.  The Employer represents that its undersigned officer
is fully and duly  authorized to execute this  Agreement for the Employer by its
Board of Directors.  This Agreement  constitutes a fully integrated contract and
shall not be subject to parole evidence and may only be amended or modified in a
writing between the Parties.

9.0 Review by Legal  Counsel.  Both Parties  represent  this  Agreement has been
reviewed by their  independent  legal counsel or they have knowingly waived such

10.0 Shareholder Ratification. All Stock Options created and to be granted under
this Agreement may be subject to subsequent shareholder ratification.

Dated the day and date first above written.

Employee:                                            Employer:

/s/                                                  /s/
- -------------------                                  -------------------
Bernadette Suckel                                    Klever Marketing, Inc.
                                                     By John Zaccheo, its acting