By signing this Subscription Agreement and Purchaser Questionnaire (the
"Subscription Agreement"), I, the undersigned subscriber,  (hereinafter referred
to as "I", "me",  "Investor" or "Subscriber") hereby  unconditionally  subscribe
for the Shares of CHDT  Corp.,  a Florida  corporation,  in the number set forth

                             SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT
                               DATED JUNE 18, 2007

         This Subscription  Agreement ("Agreement" or "Subscription") for Shares
in the  Company  is  being  made  in  accordance  with  this  Private  Placement
Memorandum of the Company,  dated June 18, 2007, and consisting of the foregoing
summary  of  the  Offering,   this  Subscription   Agreement  and  the  attached
Information  Statement  with attached and  incorporated  by reference  documents
(collectively,  the  "Private  Placement  Memorandum").  YOU MAY  WITHDRAW  YOUR

                          ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT

         I, the undersigned  subscriber  (hereinafter  referred to as "I", "me",
"my",  "mine", or "Subscriber")  hereby  acknowledge and agree, for the specific
benefit and reliance of the Company and its  organizers,  members,  managers and
controlling persons, as follows:

         The Shares have not been  registered  under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended (the "Act") or any state, including New York State,  securities laws.
The Shares have not been qualified or registered with the office of the Attorney
General of New York State or any other state securities  agency.  The Shares may
not be  transferred  unless  registered  under  the Act or  qualified  with  the
securities  regulatory agency of any state, which has jurisdiction over any such
transfer  unless  an  exemption  from  such  registration  or  qualification  is
available.  Transfer of the Shares is further  restricted by this  Agreement.  I
shall  hold  harmless  the  Company  and  its  officers,  directors,  employees,
"affiliates"  (as defined in SEC rules) and controlling  persons against loss or
liability arising from the disposition,  in violation of this Agreement,  of the
Shares subscribed for by this Agreement.

         INVESTOR  SUITABILITY:  You must be an "accredited investor" as defined
in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  to
subscribe  for Shares  under  this  Offering.  An  "accredited  investor"  is an
investor who is able to check either box A, B or C under Section 2 below.

         An investment in the Shares of the Company involves  significant  risk,
including those set forth in this Private Placement Memorandum;

         The "Shares" are "restricted securities" (as defined in Rule 144 of the
Securities  Act of 1933, as amended) and may not be sold,  encumbered,  pledged,
transferred or otherwise  disposed without  registration of the Shares under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and applicable  state  securities  laws, or
qualification for an exemption under federal  securities laws and applicable New
York State  securities  laws,  and without a legal opinion  satisfactory  to the
Company  and  opining  that  the  Shares  may  be  sold,  encumbered,   pledged,
transferred or otherwise  disposed without  registration of the Shares under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and applicable state securities laws.

         Legends  shall  be  placed  on any  certificates,  which  evidence  the
restrictions  under  federal  and state  securities  laws and rules on the sale,
transfer,  encumbering or other disposition of the Shares; I had the opportunity
to ask  questions  of and receive  answers  from the Company and its  organizers
about the offering,  as I deemed necessary,  to evaluate the merits and risks of
an investment in the Company.

         I, or my  purchaser  representative,  if any,  received  answers to our
questions to our full  satisfaction and obtained such additional  information as
we  requested.  I  consulted  with  investment,  accounting,  legal,  and/or tax
advisors, as I deemed appropriate and necessary, to make a decision to invest in
the Company.

         Neither the Company,  nor any of its organizers,  members,  managers or
controlling persons has made any representations or warranties, oral, written or
otherwise, concerning the Company or the offering, other than those contained in
the Private  Placement  Memorandum.  In  subscribing  for the  Shares,  I am not
relying on any  information,  other than the  results of my own or my  purchaser
representative's  independent review of the Private Placement  Memorandum of the
Company and the Private  Placement  Memorandum  and the  exhibits  thereto,  the
Operating  Agreement,  and any other written information provided by the Company
to me or my purchaser's representative at either my request or the request of my
purchaser's representative.


         I hereby subscribe for ___________________________ (_______) Shares, at
______________________________________________________________Dollars        and
________  Cents  ($_____________________)  per Share.  I enclose full payment of
__________________________ Dollars ($_________) for such Shares by check or wire
transfer  made  payable  to "Paul W.  Richter,  Attorney,  In Trust for CHDT PPM

         You must  subscribe  for and  purchase at least  Twenty  Five  Thousand
Dollars and No Cents ($25,000) of Shares based on a purchase price of $0.017 per
Share. A subscriber may subscribe for the entire offering amount of Five Hundred
Thousand  Dollars and No Cents  ($500,000)  of Shares based on the same purchase
price. The purchase price for the Shares is $0.017 per Share ("purchase price"),
which  is  discounted   from  the  closing  Bid  price  of  the  Shares  on  the
Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board or "OTCBB" of $0.02.


         The  information  set forth below is being  furnished to the Company in
order for the Company to  determine  whether you are  qualified  to purchase the
Shares in light of the  requirements  of Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended, and Rule 506 of Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended.  You and your personal or investment  representative  agree that you
have the  knowledge and  experience in financial and business  affairs such that
you are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the proposed investment of
the  Shares.  You and your  personal  or  investment  representative  agree  and
understand that the Company will rely on your  representations in this Agreement
to determine  and verify  compliance  of the  Offering  with Section 4(2) of the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  and Rule 506 of  Regulation  D under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended.  New York  State  securities  laws do not
require the registration or exemption from registration of Rule 506 offerings of
securities. `

         As an  inducement to the Company to sell the Shares  subscribed  for in
this  Agreement to me, and for the  reliance of the Company and its  organizers,
members,  angers, and controlling persons, I hereby represent and warrant to the
Company and its organizers,  members,  managers,  and controlling  persons,  the
facts set forth below:

         I am over  twenty-one  (21) years old and legally  competent to execute
this Subscription Agreement;

         I have  received  and  carefully  read a copy of the Private  Placement
Memorandum of the Company, dated June 18, 2007, and I understand the contents of
said Private Placement Memorandum;

         My state of  residence  for the last  three (3) years has been New York
State or;

         My primary and  official  residence  for New York State law purposes is
residence address is:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------;

         The state in which my spouse,  if any, and I are  registered to vote is
New York State;

         My  driver's  license,  if I have  one,  is a New York  State  driver's

         I do not intend to change my residence at this time;

         I am purchasing the Shares for my own account, for investment only, and
not  with a view to or for  sale in  connection  with  any  distribution  of the

         I understand  the  fundamental  risks in investing in the Shares (e.g.,
the lack of liquidity,  various conflicts of interest, and the tax consequences)
as well as all of the risks described in the Private Placement Memorandum of the
Company and the Private Placement Memorandum;

         I can bear the economic risk of the complete loss of this investment;

         I either have a preexisting personal or business  relationship with the
Company, or its organizers,  members,  managers, or controlling persons, or with
an affiliate of the Company or such affiliates' organizers, members, managers or
controlling  persons, or by reason of my business or financial experience or the
business  or  financial   experience  of  my   professional   advisors  who  are
unaffiliated  with and who are not compensated by the Company or the organizers,
members, managers,  controlling persons,  affiliates or selling agents, directly
or indirectly,  can be reasonably assumed to have the capacity to protect my own
interests in connection with the transaction;

         As  of  the  date  of  this  Subscription  Agreement,  I,  directly  or
indirectly, have an interest in the following investments that are or will be in
competition with the services offered by the Company: The investment I am making
in the Shares does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of my net worth;

         My Social Security Number/EIN is: ________________________________.

         My  educational  background  is:  _____________________________________

         My occupation  is a physician  and I practice with a medical  specialty
of: ----------------------------------------------------------- ;

         I have worked in this  occupation  for ____ years;  If I have worked in
this occupation for less than five (5) years, my prior  occupation or profession

         Please check one or more of the following boxes, as appropriate:

                  A. [__] My individual  annual gross income for each of the two
(2) most recent  calendar  years was in excess of Two Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($200,000)  and I reasonably  expect to receive an annual gross income in excess
of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) in this current calendar year;

                  B. [__] My joint annual gross income  together  with my spouse
for  each of the two (2) most  recent  calendar  years  was in  excess  of Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars  ($300,000) and I reasonably  expect to receive a joint
annual gross income together with my spouse in excess of Three Hundred  Thousand
Dollars ($300,000) in this current calendar year;

                  C. [__] I have a current  net worth  (either  alone or jointly
with my spouse) in excess of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000); or

                  [__] None of the above.


         I agree to  indemnify,  defend and hold  harmless the Company,  and its
organizers, officers, directors, "affiliates" (as defined by SEC rules), agents,
attorneys  and  representatives  from and against  any and all  losses,  claims,
demands,   liabilities  and  expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,
paraprofessional  fees, and related costs at all levels of trial and appeal,  to
which the Company, and its organizers,  members, managers or controlling persons
may become subject or incur,  arising out of or based upon any untrue  statement
or misrepresentation or alleged untrue statement or misrepresentation  contained
in this  Agreement,  or the omission or alleged  omission to state herein a fact
required to be stated  herein or  necessary  to make the  statements  herein not


         The laws of the State of New York  shall  govern the  validity  of this
Subscription Agreement, the construction of its terms, and the interpretation of
the rights and duties of the parties hereto.

         This  Subscription  Agreement  shall be binding upon the parties hereto
and their respective heirs,  executors,  administrators,  legal representatives,
successors and assigns.

         If any action at law or in equity is  brought  to enforce or  interpret
the terms of this Subscription Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled
to reasonable  attorney's,  paraprofessional's  and  accounting  fees and costs,
including at all levels of trial and appeal,  in addition to any other relief to
which such party may be entitled.

         This  Agreement  may not be  assigned  by  either  party  hereto.  This
Agreement is subject to rejection by the Company without explanation and for any
reason or without reason.

         I understand that this PPM was prepared by Company's legal counsel,  PW
Richter,  PLC,  and that the  legal  counsel  relied  upon the  Company  and its
management  for the accuracy of all  information  contained  herein.  As such, I
hereby hold PW Richter,  Plc and its members and lawyers  harmless  from any and
all claims, causes of action, judgments,  damages, losses of any kind whatsoever
and all other  liabilities  whatsoever  that  result  from or are based  upon my
investment  in the Shares,  any statement or  representation  made in the PPM or
otherwise  by the  Company.  PW  Richter,  Plc does not  warrant  or verify  any
information  or  representations  in this PPM. I also  understand and agree that
Paul Richter, a Member of PW Richter, plc, shall serve as the Escrow Agent.


I  understand  that the  Company  will  rely on my  responses  to the  foregoing
questions and you hereby represent to the Company that:

         (1) The answers to the above questions are complete and correct and may
be relied upon by the  Company in  determining  whether  your  subscription  and
purchase of Shares  complies with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended,  and Rule 506 of  Regulation  D under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended, and a similar exemption under Virginia securities laws and regulations;

         (2) I will notify the Company of any material  changes in any statement
or  response  that I have  made  above or  herein  prior to the  closing  of the
purchase of the Shares; and

         (3)  I  have  sufficient  knowledge  and  experience  in  business  and
financial  matters to  evaluate  the merits  and risks of an  investment  in the
Shares and I am without  doubt able to bear the economic  risk of the loss of my
entire investment in the Shares, which loss shall not affect my ability to fully
and timely pay those debts and obligations that essential to the maintenance and
support of my residence and dependents.

Executed at __________________________________________________,
 New York, this  _________day of  June 2007.



- ------------------------------------
Printed Full Legal Name

                            FOR BUSINESS ASSOCIATION

Name of Entity:________________________________________________

By: _____________________________________________________________



                              CERTIFICATE OF SPOUSE


I certify that:

1. I am the spouse of the person who signed the foregoing Subscription Agreement
(the  "Subscription  Agreement")  relating  to an  investment  in shares of CHDT
Corp., formerly "China Direct Trading  Corporation",  a Florida corporation with
its Common  Stock quoted on the OTC  Bulletin  Board under the Symbol  "CHDT.OB"
(the "Company").

2. I have  read and  approve  and  agree to be bound by the  provisions  of that
certain Private  Placement  Memorandum of the Company dated as of June 18, 2007,
as  well  as  all  documents  and  exhibits  attached  thereto,  including  this
Subscription Agreement.

3. I am aware that, by their provisions, the Private Placement Memorandum of the
Company  and  all  documents  and  exhibits  attached  thereto,  including  this
Subscription  Agreement,  may apply to any community property interest,  if any,
that I may have in the  Company,  and I agree to be  bound by and  accept  those
provisions of the Private  Placement  Memorandum  and all documents and exhibits
attached thereto, including this Subscription Agreement.

Executed on _____ day of ________________________ 2007,  at ____________________
______________________________ (City or County _________________________________

                Signature of Spouse:_____________________________

           Type or Print Name of Spouse:_____________________________