Media Contacts:                   Analyst Contacts:
       	Doug Kline				                   Mark Fisher
       	Enova Corporation			             Enova Corporation
       	(619) 696-4292			                (619) 696-4897
       	Web Page:

       	Mike Mizrahi			                  Clem Teng
       	Pacific Enterprises		            Pacific Enterprises
       	(213) 244-3030			                (213) 244-3966
       	Web page: http//


    	LOS ANGELES and SAN DIEGO, March 26, 1998 -- Pacific 
Enterprises and Enova Corporation have issued the following 
additional statement about today's California Public Utilities 
Commission (CPUC) decision on their proposed merger:
	    "Both of our companies have completed a thorough review of 
the CPUC's March 26, 1998, decision approving our merger.  Overall, 
the decision provides substantial benefits to all of our 
stakeholders, including shareholders and customers, and we will 
proceed as planned with our merger.  We expect all remaining 
regulatory approvals to be gained and the new company formed by our 
merger -- Sempra Energy -- to be operational this summer."
	    Final regulatory approvals still must be gained from the 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) -- which already 
conditionally approved the merger June 25, 1997 -- and the 
Securities and Exchange Commission.
	    Based on stock closing prices yesterday, the merger deal has 
a market value of $6.6 billion.
	    In October 1996, Pacific Enterprises and Enova Corporation 
jointly announced an agreement to combine their companies.  The 
shareholders of both companies approved the merger March 11, 1997.  
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the merger Aug. 29, 
1997.  The California State Attorney General's office issued a 
favorable advisory opinion on the merger Nov. 21, 1997.   The U.S. 
Department of Justice approved the merger March 9, 1998.
                         - more -

Joint Statement on CPUC Merger Decision/Page 2

    	Enova Corporation (NYSE: ENA), based in San Diego, is a 
leading energy management company providing electricity, gas and 
value-added products and services in the United States and Mexico. 
Enova is the parent company of San Diego Gas & Electric Company 
(SDG&E), Enova International, Enova Financial, Califia and Pacific 
Diversified Capital.  SDG&E has 1.2 million electric meters and 
715,000 natural gas meters, serving 3 million consumers in San 
Diego and southern Orange counties.
	    Pacific Enterprises (NYSE: PET) is a Los Angeles-based 
energy-services company, whose Southern California Gas Co. unit is 
the nation's largest natural gas distributor, with 4.8 million 
natural gas meters serving 18 million consumers.  Pacific 
Enterprises also has interstate and offshore natural gas pipelines, 
centralized heating and cooling facilities and natural gas 
distribution operations in Latin America.
	    Enova Corporation and Pacific Enterprises jointly own Energy 
Pacific, a retail energy-services marketing company, and Sempra 
Energy Trading, a wholesale energy commodity trading firm.

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