
                            (1)  DAVID ANTHONY TOWNEND AND OTHERS

                            (2)  WAM!NET (UK) LIMITED

                            (3)  WAM!NET INC.



                        FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF THE
                         ENTIRE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL OF
                                4-SIGHT LIMITED


                              [LOGO APPEARS HERE]

                                Charles Russell
                              8-10 New Fetter Lane
                                London EC4A 1RS

                               Ref: MACM/26893/1


                                   I N D E X

                                                                                  PAGE NO.
     1.     DEFINITIONS.........................................................     1
     2.     INTERPRETATION......................................................     8
     3.     SALE OF SHARES......................................................    10
     4.     CONDITIONS..........................................................    10
     5.     INITIAL CONSIDERATION...............................................    11
     6.     DEFERRED CONSIDERATION..............................................    12
     7.     COMPLETION..........................................................    14
     8.     WARRANTIES..........................................................    18
     9.     WARRANTORS' LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY................................    20
     10.    PURCHASER'S REMEDIES................................................    20
     11.    PURCHASER WARRANTIES................................................    22
     12.    PURCHASER'S LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY................................    22
     13.    VENDORS' REMEDIES...................................................    22
     14.    ACTIONS PENDING COMPLETION..........................................    23
     15.    RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS...............................................    25
     16.    GUARANTEE...........................................................    27
     17.    ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CONFIDENTIALITY...................................    28
     18.    REGISTRATION RIGHTS.................................................    29
     19.    FURTHER ASSURANCE...................................................    32
     20.    WAIVER AND RELEASE..................................................    32
     21.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND VARIATIONS.....................................    32
     22.    COSTS...............................................................    33
     23.    COUNTERPARTS........................................................    33
     24.    ASSIGNMENT..........................................................    33
     25.    MISCELLANEOUS.......................................................    34
     26.    NOTICES.............................................................    34
     27.    LAWS AND JURISDICTION...............................................    35
            THE FIRST SCHEDULE..................................................    36
            THE VENDORS.........................................................    36
            THE SECOND SCHEDULE.................................................    38
            PART 1..............................................................    38
            THE COMPANY.........................................................    38 
            PART 2..............................................................    39
            THE SUBSIDIARIES....................................................    39
            THE THIRD SCHEDULE..................................................    43
            INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS........................................    43
            THE FOURTH SCHEDULE.................................................    44
            THE PENSION SCHEME..................................................    44
            THE FIFTH SCHEDULE..................................................    45
            THE PROPERTIES......................................................    45
            THE SIXTH SCHEDULE..................................................    46
            THE TAX DEED........................................................    46
            THE FIRST SCHEDULE..................................................    60

            THE COVENANTORS.....................................................    60
            THE SECOND SCHEDULE.................................................    61
            THE COMPANIES.......................................................    61
            THE SEVENTH SCHEDULE................................................    62
            PART I..............................................................    62
            THE VENDOR WARRANTIES...............................................    62
            PART II.............................................................   102
            THE PURCHASER WARRANTIES............................................   102
            THE EIGHTH SCHEDULE.................................................   106
            LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY............................................   106
            PART I..............................................................   106
            PART II.............................................................   110

THIS AGREEMENT is made                                                      1998
- --------------            

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(1)  THE SEVERAL PERSONS whose names and addresses are set out in columns 1 and
     2 respectively of Parts 1 and 2 of the First Schedule ("the Vendors");

(2)  WAM!NET (UK) LIMITED (company number 3469851) which is registered in
     England and whose registered office is at 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A
     1RS ("the Purchaser"); and

(3)  WAM!NET INC. which is incorporated in the State of Minnesota whose
     principal place of business is at 6100 West 110 Street, Minneapolis,
     Minnesota 55438, U.S.A. ("WAM!NET").

- -------  

(A)  4-Sight Limited ("the Company") is a private limited company incorporated
     in England further information about which is contained in Part 1 of the
     Second Schedule.

(B)  The Vendors have full title guarantee, or are otherwise able to procure the
     transfer, free from all liens, charges and encumbrances, of all the issued
     shares in the capital of the Company in the numbers set opposite their
     names in column 3 of the First Schedule.

(C)  The Vendors have agreed to sell and the Purchaser  and WAM!NET have agreed
     to purchase all of the issued shares in the capital of the Company subject
     to and on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

- -----------------------             


     In this Agreement the following expressions shall have the following
     meanings unless the context requires otherwise:-

     "the Audited Accounts"        the audited consolidated balance sheet of the
                                   Company and the Subsidiaries made up as at
                                   the Balance Sheet Date and the audited
                                   consolidated profit and loss account of the
                                   Company and the Subsidiaries for the
                                   financial year ended on that


                                   date, and the notes, directors' report and
                                   auditor's report which are annexed thereto (a
                                   true and complete copy of which is attached
                                   to the Disclosure Letter);

     "the Balance Sheet Date"      30 September 1997;

     "business day"                a day other than a Saturday or Sunday or
                                   public holiday in England and Wales or, if a
                                   payment is to be made in US dollars, other
                                   than a day on which banking institutions in
                                   New York are authorised or obliged by law or
                                   executive order to close;

     "CAA 1990"                    the Capital Allowances Act 1990;

     "the Companies Acts"          statutes for the time being regulating the
                                   activities of companies in the United

     "Completion"                  completion of the sale and purchase of the
                                   Shares in accordance with the provisions of
                                   Clause 7;

     "the Completion Date"         the date upon which Completion takes place;

     "the Conditions"              the conditions referred to in Clause 4;

     "the Consideration"           the consideration for the sale and purchase
                                   of the Shares as set forth in Clauses 5 and

     "Consideration Shares"        shares of common stock, par value of U.S.$
                                   0.01 per share, in the capital of WAM!NET
                                   credited as fully paid and non-assessable and
                                   to be issued pursuant to Clauses 5 and 6;

     "the Disclosure Letter"       a letter of even date herewith from the
                                   Warrantors to the Purchaser


                                   disclosing certain exceptions to the 
                                   Vendor Warranties;

     "Environmental Law"           all laws, regulations, directives, treaties,
                                   codes of practice, circulars, notices,
                                   guidance notes and the like (whether of the
                                   United Kingdom or elsewhere) concerning the
                                   protection of or harm to the Environment or
                                   to health of humans, animals or plants;

     "Environmental Licence"       any permit, licence, authorisation, consent
                                   or other approval required by any
                                   Environmental Law;

     "FRS's"                       financial reporting standards issued or
                                   adopted by the Accounting Standards Board;

     "Intellectual Property"       all inventions (whether patentable or not),
                                   patents, utility models, designs (both
                                   registered and unregistered and including
                                   rights in semiconductor topographies),
                                   copyright, trade and service marks (both
                                   registered and unregistered) together with

                                   (a)   rights to the grant of and applications
                                         for the same;

                                   (b)   corresponding applications, re-issues,
                                         extensions, divisions and continuations
                                         of the aforesaid; and

                                   (c)   supplementary protection certificates
                                         in respect of patents;

                                   and all similar or analogous rights
                                   throughout the world for the full term


     "Intellectual Property Rights" rights in all Intellectual Property which is
                                    listed in the Third Schedule;

     "Investor Vendors"             Geocapital IV LP, 3i Group Plc and Media Tec
                                    Investments Limited;

     "the Management Accounts"      the unaudited consolidated management
                                    accounts of the Company and the Subsidiaries
                                    for the period from the Balance Sheet Date
                                    to the Management Accounts Date (a true and
                                    complete copy of which is attached to the
                                    Disclosure Letter);

     "the Management Accounts
     Date"                          31 December 1997;

     "Material Breach"              (i) in relation to the Vendor Warranties, an
                                    event (save where the Purchaser has
                                    consented in writing to any such event),
                                    fact or circumstance having occurred which
                                    renders materially untrue, inaccurate or
                                    misleading any of the Vendor Warranties
                                    given on the date of this Agreement or which
                                    would render materially untrue, inaccurate
                                    or misleading any of the Vendor Warranties
                                    if they were repeated immediately prior to
                                    Completion and which in either case
                                    (assuming for these purposes (but not
                                    otherwise) and if applicable that the Vendor
                                    Warranties were to be repeated on
                                    Completion) would give rise to the Purchaser
                                    being entitled to make a Relevant Claim (if
                                    quantifiable) for an amount in excess of
                                    US$500,000 and, if not quantifiable, is in
                                    respect of a matter which has an adverse
                                    material effect on the value of the Shares
                                    having regard to the Company's and the
                                    Subsidiaries' business and financial
                                    condition, taken as a whole; and


                                   (ii) in relation to the Purchaser Warranties,
                                   an event (save where the Vendors have
                                   consented in writing to any such event), fact
                                   or circumstance having occurred which renders
                                   materially untrue, inaccurate or misleading
                                   any of the Purchaser Warranties given on the
                                   date of this Agreement or which would render
                                   materially untrue, inaccurate or misleading
                                   any of the Purchaser Warranties if they were
                                   repeated immediately prior to Completion and
                                   which in either case (assuming for these
                                   purposes (but not otherwise) and if
                                   applicable that the Purchaser Warranties were
                                   to be repeated on Completion) would give rise
                                   to the Vendors being entitled to make a
                                   Relevant Claim (if quantifiable) for an
                                   amount in excess of US$500,000 and, if not
                                   quantifiable, is in respect of a matter which
                                   has an adverse material effect on the value
                                   of the Consideration Shares having regard to
                                   the rights attached to the shares in WAM!NET
                                   which are held by Edward Driscoll III and
                                   Allen Witters;

     "Millennium Compliant"        the ability to process accurately all date
                                   information (without any change in operations
                                   or in procedures) whether before, during or
                                   after 1st January 2000, including but not
                                   limited to accepting, storing, retrieving and
                                   processing date input, providing accurate
                                   date output and performing accurate
                                   calculations involving dates or portions of
                                   dates in each case in a way which does not
                                   create any ambiguity as to century;


     "Opinion Letter"              a letter to be dated as of Completion in the
                                   agreed terms to the Vendors from Larkin,
                                   Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren Ltd (US counsel to

     "Options"                     options to subscribe for ordinary shares in
                                   the capital of the Company, granted to the
                                   Optionholders by the Company pursuant to the
                                   4-Sight plc Executive Share Option Scheme and
                                   the 4-Sight plc Employee Share Option Scheme;

     "Option Assignments"          deeds of sale and assignment in the agreed
                                   terms under which the Optionholders will sell
                                   and assign the Options to the Purchaser;

     "Optionholders"               those persons holding Options and listed in
                                   the list in the agreed terms and marked "A";

     "Option Payment"              the sum of US$944,755;

     "the Properties"              the properties short particulars of which are
                                   set out in the Fifth Schedule;

     "the Purchaser's Disclosure   a letter of even date herewith from the
     Letter"                       Purchaser and WAM!NET to the Vendors
                                   disclosing certain exceptions to the
                                   Purchaser Warranties;
     "the Purchaser's Group"       the Purchaser and/or WAM!NET and/or any
                                   subsidiary of the Purchaser or of WAM!NET;

     "the Purchaser's Solicitors"  Charles Russell of 8-10 New Fetter Lane,
                                   London EC4A 1RS;


     "the Purchaser Warranties"    the statements contained in Part II of the
                                   Seventh Schedule;

     "Relevant Claim"              a claim under the Purchaser Warranties or, as
                                   the case may be, the Vendor Warranties and/or
                                   of the Tax Deed;

     "the Service Agreements"      the service agreements to be entered into
                                   between the Company and each of Andrew Steven
                                   Baird, Lyndon David Stickley, David Anthony
                                   Townend and Yorick Phoenix, such service
                                   agreements to be in the agreed terms and
                                   marked "B";

     "the Shares"                  all of the issued shares in the capital of
                                   the Company;

     "SSAP's"                      statements of standard accounting practice
                                   issued or adopted by the Accounting Standards

     "the Subsidiaries"            the companies particulars of which are set
                                   out in Part 2 of the Second Schedule;

     "the Tax Deed"                the deed in the form set out in the Sixth

     "Taxation"                    all forms of taxation, duties, imposts,
                                   levies and rates whenever imposed and whether
                                   of the United Kingdom or elsewhere and in
                                   particular (but without prejudice to the
                                   generality of the foregoing) including income
                                   tax, withholding taxes, corporation tax,
                                   capital gains tax, capital transfer tax,
                                   inheritance tax, value added tax, customs
                                   duties, excise duties, stamp duty, stamp duty
                                   reserve tax, capital duty, national insurance
                                   contributions, social security or other
                                   similar contributions and generally any


                                   other taxes, duties, imposts, levies or other
                                   amounts (whether of a like nature or not) and
                                   any interest, penalty or fine in connection

     "Tax Authority"               any local, municipal, governmental, state,
                                   federal, or other fiscal, revenue, customs or
                                   excise authority, body or official anywhere
                                   in the world entitled to enforce or collect
                                   Taxation, including without limitation, the
                                   UK Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise;

     "the Taxes Act 1988"          the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

     "TCGA 1992"                   the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

     "VATA 1994"                   the Value Added Tax Act 1994;

     "the Vendor Warranties"       the statements contained in Part I of the
                                   Seventh Schedule;

     "the Vendors' Solicitors"     Faegre Benson Hobson Audley, 7 Pilgrim
                                   Street, London EC4V 6DR;

     "the Warrantors"              Andrew Steven Baird, Lyndon David Stickley,
                                   David Anthony Townend and Yorick Phoenix.


     In this Agreement where the context so admits:-

     2.1  references to statutory provisions shall be construed as references to
          those provisions as amended or re-enacted or as their application is
          modified by other provisions (whether before or after the date hereof)
          from time to time and shall include references to any provisions of
          which they are re-enactments (whether with or without modification)
          but shall exclude any new provisions enacted after the date hereof to
          the extent that any such provisions alter the law as at the date


     2.2  references to Clauses and Schedules are references to Clauses hereof
          and Schedules hereto; references to sub-clauses are, unless otherwise
          stated, references to sub-clauses of the Clause in which such
          references appear; references to paragraphs, are, unless otherwise
          stated, to paragraphs in the Schedule hereto in which such references
          appear; references to sub-paragraphs are, unless otherwise stated, to
          sub-paragraphs of the paragraph in which such references appear; and
          references to this Agreement include the Schedules;

     2.3  the plural includes the singular (and vice versa) and the masculine
          includes the feminine;

     2.4  the headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not
          affect the interpretation hereof;

     2.5  save as otherwise provided in the first paragraph of paragraph 8 of
          Part I of the Seventh Schedule (Taxation Matters), the expression "the
          Company" when used in Part I of the Seventh Schedule (other than in
          paragraphs 3(1) to 3(5) and 7(8)(d) inclusive of Part I of the Seventh
          Schedule) shall be deemed to mean each of the Subsidiaries and the
          Company so that the Vendor Warranties (other than the Vendor
          Warranties in such paragraphs) shall apply to each of the Subsidiaries
          as well as to the Company;

     2.6  if any Vendor Warranty is qualified by the expression "so far as the
          Vendor Warrantors are aware" or any similar expression, the Vendor
          Warrantors shall be deemed to have made reasonable enquiry in respect
          of the subject matter of the Vendor Warranty;

     2.7  if any Purchaser Warranty is qualified by the expression "so far as
          WAM!NET is aware" or any similar expression, WAM!NET shall be deemed
          to have made reasonable enquiry in respect of the subject matter of
          the Purchaser Warranty;

     2.8  the words "subsidiary" and "holding company" shall have the meanings
          given to them by the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies
          Act 1989;

     2.9  the word "Environment" shall have the meaning given to it in s.1(2) of
          the Environmental Protection Act 1990;


     2.10   any reference to a document being "in agreed terms" is to a document
            in terms which have been agreed by the parties or on their behalf by
            their respective Solicitors;

     2.11   save as expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, all
            warranties, covenants, agreements and obligations given or entered
            into in this Agreement or in the Tax Deed by more than one person
            are given or entered into jointly and severally.


3.1  The Vendors severally shall sell with full title guarantee and the
     Purchaser and WAM!NET shall purchase with effect from the Completion Date
     the Shares free from all charges, liens, encumbrances, options, equities
     and third party rights of any nature whatsoever and together with all
     rights attaching or accruing thereto and in respect of each individual
     Vendor the number of Shares set opposite his/its name in column 3 of the
     First Schedule.

3.2  The Vendors (for themselves and on behalf of their nominees) hereby
     severally waive all rights of pre-emption over any of the Shares conferred
     either by the articles of association of the Company or in any other way.

3.3  Neither the Purchaser nor WAM!NET shall be obliged to complete the purchase
     of any of the Shares unless the purchase of all the Shares is completed


4.1  This Agreement shall be conditional in all respects upon:-

     4.1.1  the Commissioners of Inland Revenue notifying the Vendors to the
            effect that they are satisfied that the sale and purchase of the
            Shares will be such that no notice under section 703(3) of the Taxes
            Act 1988 ought to be given in respect of them in such circumstances
            that the provisions of section 707(2) of the Taxes Act 1988 will not
            apply to any such notification;

     4.1.2  the Commissioners of Inland Revenue notifying the Vendors to the
            effect that they are satisfied that the exchange of shares provided
            for by this Agreement will be effected for bona fide commercial
            reasons and will not form part of any such scheme or arrangements as
            are mentioned in section 137(1) TCGA 1992;

     4.1.3  there having been no Material Breach of any Vendor Warranty;


     4.1.4  there having been no Material Breach of any Purchaser Warranty;

     4.1.5  the receipt by the Vendors' Solicitors of a certificate signed by a
            duly authorised officer of WAM!NET to the effect that WAM!NET has
            obtained financing of not less than US$125 million available, inter
            alia, for the acquisition of the Shares and operation of the
            Company's business after Completion, on terms and conditions
            satisfactory to WAM!NET at its sole discretion; and

     4.1.6  each of the Optionholders having irrevocably sold and assigned all
            his rights under or in connection with the Options to the Purchaser
            in accordance with the terms of the Option Assignments and
            resolutions of the Optionholders and ordinary resolutions of the
            Vendors (in their capacity as shareholders in the Company) in each
            case in terms reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser having been
            passed (PROVIDED THAT the Warrantors shall (a) procure that offers
            to the Optionholders are made by the Company for such rights and (b)
            use their reasonable endeavours to procure that such resolutions and
            ordinary resolutions are passed in each case within 3 days after
            receipt by the Vendor's Solicitors of the certificate referred to in
            sub-clause 4.1.5).

4.2  The Warrantors shall use their reasonable endeavours to procure
     satisfaction of the Conditions set out in sub-clauses 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3
     and 4.1.6.

4.3  The Purchaser and WAM!NET shall use their reasonable endeavours to procure
     satisfaction of the Conditions set out in sub-clauses 4.1.4 and 4.1.5.

4.4  In the event that the above Conditions are not satisfied or waived by all
     the parties on or before 31 March 1998 this Agreement shall lapse and shall
     be null and void and no party shall have liability to any other under this
     Agreement (other than pursuant to sub-clauses 4.2, 4.3, 10.2 and Clause


5.1  Save as deemed reduced herein, the consideration for the sale and purchase
     of the Shares shall be:-

     5.1.1  in respect of the Shares to be purchased by the Purchaser, the cash
            sum of US$19,055,245;


     5.1.2  in respect of the Shares to be purchased by WAM!NET, the issue by
            WAM!NET of 500,000 Consideration Shares (appropriately adjusted to
            reflect stock splits, stock dividends, reorganisations,
            consolidations and similar changes); and

     5.1.3  in respect of the Shares to be purchased by WAM!NET, the further
            consideration referred to in Clause 6.

5.2  The cash sum referred to in sub-clause 5.1.1 shall be divisible among the
     Vendors as set opposite each Vendor's name in column 4 of the First
     Schedule and paid on Completion to the Vendors' Solicitors.

5.3  Each Vendor shall have issued to him by WAM!NET at Completion such number
     of Consideration Shares referred to in sub-clause 5.1.2 as are opposite his
     name in column 5 of the First Schedule.

5.4  The Vendors' Solicitors are authorised to receive on behalf of the Vendors
     the cash sum referred to in sub-clause 5.1.1 and share certificates for the
     Consideration Shares to be issued in accordance with sub-clause 5.1.2;
     payment of the cash sum referred to in sub-clause 5.1.1 to the Vendors'
     Solicitors shall be a good discharge to the Purchaser of its obligations
     under sub-clause 5.2 and delivery to the Vendors' Solicitors of share
     certificates of such number of Consideration Shares as are set opposite
     each Vendor's name in column 5 of Part 1 or Part 2 (as the case may be) of
     the First Schedule shall be a good discharge to  WAM!NET of its obligations
     under sub-clause 5.3.


6.1  The further consideration for the sale and purchase of the Shares shall be
     the issue by WAM!NET of 150,000 Consideration Shares (appropriately
     adjusted to reflect stock splits, stock dividends, reorganisations,
     consolidations and similar changes) subject to and in accordance with the
     following provisions of this Clause 6.

6.2  WAM!NET will issue further Consideration Shares to the Vendors (in the
     relevant percentages set out in column 6 of the First Schedule) as

     6.2.1  125,000 Consideration Shares if the cumulative Non-US/Canada
            Revenues (as hereinafter defined) in the period of 3 years from the
            Completion Date equal or exceed US $50,000,000; and


     6.2.2  a further 25,000 Consideration Shares if the cumulative Non-
            US/Canada Revenues in the period of 3 years from the Completion Date
            equal or exceed US$70,000,000.

6.3  For the purpose of the foregoing, "Non-US/Canada Revenues" shall mean the
     revenues attributable to customer sites located outside the USA and Canada
     and receivable by any member of the Purchaser's Group (including after
     Completion, the Company and the Subsidiaries).

6.4  Within 20 business days after the end of each three month period (the first
     such period to begin on the Completion Date and end on the last day of the
     second month after the month in which Completion occurs) during the 3 years
     referred to above, WAM!NET shall prepare and deliver to the Vendors a
     certificate (signed by an authorised officer of the WAM!NET) setting out
     the cumulative Non-US/Canada Revenues as at the end of such 3 month period,
     together with reasonable supporting documentation.

6.5  In the event the Vendors shall dispute any certificate delivered by WAM!NET
     pursuant to sub-clause 6.4, they shall notify WAM!NET accordingly in
     writing within 20 business days after the date of such certificate.  In the
     event that the Vendors do not dispute the certificate within 20 business
     days of the date of such certificate, such certificate shall be deemed

6.6  In the event that any dispute regarding any such certificate shall not be
     resolved within 30 business days after the date of such certificate, the
     matter shall be submitted for determination by an independent certified
     public accountant (not employed or otherwise connected, within the meaning
     of Section 839 of the Taxes Act 1988, to any parties hereto), acting as
     expert and not as arbitrator, agreed between WAM!NET and the Vendors
     (failing which by the President for the time being of the Minnesota Society
     of Certified Public Accountants).  Such determination shall be final and
     binding on all concerned.  The fees of such accountant shall be borne
     equally between WAM!NET on the one hand and the Vendors on the other.

6.7  Each of the Purchaser and WAM!NET (on behalf of itself and the Purchaser's
     Group) undertakes with the Vendors that it will procure that the businesses
     of the Purchaser's Group are conducted in good faith and in a way which is
     not calculated or intended adversely to affect the value to the Vendors of
     their contingent right to receive the deferred consideration or any part
     thereof pursuant to this Clause 6, or the ability of WAM!NET to satisfy the
     same and further undertakes to the Vendors, 


     but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, that until the
     third anniversary of the Completion Date each of them:-

     6.7.1  shall not enter into or require or cause or permit any member of the
            Purchaser's Group to enter into:

            (a)  any artificial transaction which reduces or defers the level of
                 Non US/Canada Revenues; or

            (b)  any other transaction where either:-

                 (aa)  the principal purpose of entering into that transaction
                       is to reduce or defer the level of Non-US/Canada
                       Revenues; or

                 (bb)  the effect of entering into that transaction is to reduce
                       or defer the level of Non-US/Canada Revenues and such
                       transaction is not entered into in good faith in the best
                       interests of the Purchaser's Group; and

     6.7.2  shall procure that the business and affairs of the Purchaser's Group
            shall continue to be conducted on an arms' length basis for the
            purpose of ensuring (so far as it is reasonably possible so to do)
            that the level of Non-US/Canada Revenues is not distorted or

6.8  The issue of further Consideration Shares, if any, pursuant to this Clause
     6 shall be made within 14 business days of the next meeting of the board of
     directors of WAM!NET to be held (and which shall be held as soon as
     reasonably practicable) after the determination (pursuant to sub-clause
     6.4, 6.5 or 6.6, as appropriate) that the relevant target for Non-US/Canada
     Revenue has been met.


7.1  Completion shall take place at the office of the Vendors' Solicitors on or
     before the third business day following the date on which the last
     Condition shall have been satisfied or waived or at such other place or on
     such other date as may be agreed between the Purchaser and the Vendors'
     Solicitors on behalf of the Vendors, whereupon:-

     7.1.1  the Warrantors shall severally deliver to the Purchaser:-


        a certificate in the agreed terms duly signed by each
                         of them confirming that, inter alia, the Vendor
                         Warranties are, save as therein set out, true, accurate
                         and complete in all respects as at Completion and the
                         provisions of Clause 14 have been complied with and
                         dated as of Completion;

        duly executed transfers of the Shares by the registered
                         holders thereof in favour of the Purchaser or its
                         nominees together with the relative share certificates;

        the Tax Deed duly executed by the Warrantors as the
                         parties referred to therein as the Covenantors;

        the resignation executed as a deed of S J Clearman as
                         director of the Company in which he shall acknowledge
                         in agreed terms that he has no claims against the
                         Company for compensation for loss of office or
                         otherwise howsoever;

        all the statutory and other books of the Company and of
                         the Subsidiaries together with their certificates of
                         incorporation and common seals;

        at the Properties, the deeds and documents constituting
                         title to the Properties insofar as they are in the
                         possession of or under the control of the Warrantors or
                         the Company or the Subsidiaries or any of them;

        irrevocable powers of attorney in agreed terms executed
                         by each Vendor in favour of the Purchaser to enable the
                         Purchaser (pending registration of the transfers
                         referred to in sub-clause to exercise all
                         voting and other rights attaching to the Shares and to
                         appoint proxies for this purpose;

        the Service Agreements duly executed by each of Andrew
                         Steven Baird, Lyndon David 


                         Stickley, David Anthony Townend and Yorick Phoenix (in
                         the case of the relevant Service Agreement in which the
                         relevant person is named as a party);

        a letter in agreed terms from each of the Vendors in
                         which it or he confirms that there are no monies owed
                         to it or him by the Company or any of the Subsidiaries
                         other than, in the case of those Vendors who are
                         employees of the Company or a Subsidiary, customary
                         accrued expenses and unpaid salary in respect of the
                         period from the beginning of the month in which
                         Completion takes place to the Completion Date;

       a certified copy of a deed of termination and release
                         in respect of the Subscription and Shareholders'
                         Agreement dated 12 March 1997 in the agreed terms duly
                         executed by or on behalf of each of the parties

       Option Assignments duly executed by or on behalf of
                         each of the Optionholders with the name of the
                         Purchaser entered as the Purchaser of the Options; and

       Letters of Investment Intent (in the agreed terms) duly
                         executed by each Vendor;

     7.1.2  the Warrantors shall procure that a board meeting (in the agreed
            terms) of the Company (as the same may be required for effecting the
            following) shall be held at which it shall be resolved that:-

    the transfers in respect of the Shares be approved for
                     registration and that share certificates in respect thereof
                     be executed as deeds and delivered to the Purchaser and
                     WAM!NET subject only to the said transfers being duly
    the resignations of the person whose name is set out in 
                     sub-clause be tabled and approved;


    Edward J. Driscoll III and James R. Clancy shall be
                     appointed directors of the Company;

    the Service Agreements be approved;

     7.1.3  against compliance with the foregoing provisions, WAM!NET or, as the
            case may be, the Purchaser shall:-

    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors a certificate in the
                     agreed terms signed by a duly authorised officer of WAM!NET
                     confirming that, inter alia, the Purchaser Warranties are,
                     save as therein set out, true, accurate and complete in all
                     respects as at Completion and dated as of Completion;
    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors certificates for 500,000
                     Consideration Shares;

    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors a certified copy of a
                     Board Resolution of WAM!NET in the agreed terms
                     (authorising and issuing to the Vendors the Consideration
                     Shares referred to in sub-clause 5.1.2 and authorising and
                     reserving to the Vendors the Consideration Shares referred
                     to in Clause 6);

    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors the Opinion Letter;

    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors a counterpart of the Tax
                     Deed, duly executed by the Purchaser and WAM!NET;

    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors counterparts of the
                     Service Agreements, duly executed by the Company;

    deliver to the Vendors' Solicitors counterparts of the
                     Letters of Investment Intent (in the agreed terms) duly
                     executed by WAM!NET;

    telegraphically transfer such sum as will ensure that the
                     net sum of US$20,000,000 (being the cash sum of US
                     $19,055,245 referred to in sub-clause 5.1.1 and the Option
                     Payment) is credited to the Vendors' Solicitors account or
                     accounts (details of which are 


                     to be notified to the Purchaser's Solicitors prior to

7.2  If in any respect the obligations of the Warrantors under sub-clauses 7.1.1
     and 7.1.2 are not complied with on the date set for Completion, the
     Purchaser and WAM!NET may:-

     7.2.1  defer Completion to a date not more than 28 days after that date (in
            which case this sub-clause 7.2, apart from this sub-clause 7.2.1,
            will apply in respect of the date to which Completion is deferred);

     7.2.2  proceed to Completion as far as practicable (but not including
            completion of the purchase of some only of the Shares); or

     7.2.3  (without prejudice to their rights and remedies in respect of such
            non-compliance) rescind this Agreement.

7.3  If in any respect the obligations of the Purchaser and WAM!NET under sub-
     clause 7.1.3 are not complied with on the date set for Completion, the
     Vendors may:-

     7.3.1  defer Completion to a date not more than 28 days after that date (in
            which case this sub-clause 7.3, apart from this sub-clause 7.3.1,
            will apply in respect of the date to which Completion is deferred);

     7.3.2  proceed to Completion as far as practicable (but not including
            completion of the sale of some only of the Shares); or

     7.3.3  (without prejudice to their rights and remedies in respect of such
            non-compliance) rescind this Agreement.


8.1  The Warrantors hereby jointly and severally warrant to the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET that subject to Clause 9 and save as fairly disclosed in the
     Disclosure Letter the Vendor Warranties are at the date hereof true,
     accurate and complete in all respects.

8.2  The Warrantors jointly and severally undertake to forthwith disclose in
     writing to the Purchaser any matter or thing which may become known to them
     after the date hereof and prior to Completion which is inconsistent with
     any of the Vendor Warranties.


8.3  Each of the Vendors (but excluding the Investor Vendors as regards sub-
     clause 8.3.6) hereby warrants severally to the Purchaser and WAM!NET that:-

     8.3.1  he has full power and authority to enter into and perform this
            Agreement and each other document to be exercised and delivered by
            him at Completion other than the Tax Deed (collectively, "the
            Completion Agreements");

     8.3.2  the Completion Agreements, when executed, will constitute valid and
            binding obligations upon him in accordance with their terms;

     8.3.3  the execution and delivery of and performance by him of his
            obligations under the Completion Agreements and the transactions
            contemplated thereby will not result in a breach of any provision of
            the memorandum and articles of association or other constitutional
            documents of such Vendor or a breach of any order, judgment or
            decree of any court to which he is a party or by which he is bound;

     8.3.4  he is entitled to sell and transfer to the Purchaser the Shares set
            opposite his name in column 3 of the First Schedule on the terms of
            this Agreement with full title guarantee and without the consent of
            any third party;

     8.3.5  no person has the right (whether exercisable now or in the future
            and whether contingent or not but excluding the pre-emption rights
            which have been waived by the Vendors under sub-clause 3.2) to call
            for the sale or transfer of any of the Shares set opposite his name
            in column 3 of the First Schedule under any option or other
            agreement (including conversion rights and save as aforementioned
            and pre-emption rights) and there are no claims, charges, liens,
            equities or encumbrances on such Share(s);

     8.3.6  the execution and delivery of and performance by him of his
            obligation under the Completion Agreements and the transactions
            contemplated thereby will not result in a breach of any provision of
            the memorandum and articles of association of the Company.

8.4  It is acknowledged and agreed by each of the parties hereto that the
     Warranties contained in sub-clause 8.3 are the only warranties (other than
     warranties as to title to their respective holdings in any of the Shares)
     given by the Investor Vendors and, for the avoidance of doubt, the Investor
     Vendors shall have no liabilities in respect of any of the matters

     warranted by the Warrantors whether under sub-clause 8.1 or Part 1 of the
     Seventh Schedule or otherwise.

8.5  Each of the Warrantors hereby warrants severally to the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET that:-

     8.5.1  he has full power and authority to enter into and perform the Tax

     8.5.2  the Tax Deed, when executed, will constitute valid and binding
            obligations upon him in accordance with its terms;

     8.5.3  the execution and delivery of and performance by him of his
            obligations under the Tax Deed and the transactions contemplated
            thereby will not result in a breach of any provision of the
            memorandum and articles of association or other constitutional
            documents of the Company or, if appropriate, such Warrantor or a
            breach of any order, judgment or decree of any court to which he is
            a party or by which he is bound.

8.6  Any amount payable hereunder by virtue of a breach of any of the warranties
     or undertakings in sub-clauses 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 or 8.5 shall be deemed to
     be a reduction in the amount of the Consideration received by the Investor
     Vendors or Warrantors (as the case may be) for the Shares.


9.1  The provisions of Part I of the Eighth Schedule shall, subject to sub-
     clause 9.2, operate to limit the liability of the Warrantors under or in
     connection with the Vendor Warranties and under or in connection with the
     Tax Deed.

9.2  The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 (inclusive) of Part I of the Eighth
     Schedule shall not operate to limit the liability of the Warrantors under
     or in connection with the Vendor Warranties or under or in connection with
     the Tax Deed (and the provisions of such paragraphs shall not apply) where
     the liability in question arises as a result of fraud on the part of any of
     the Warrantors, or where the liability in question relates to a matter
     which has been deliberately concealed or withheld by any of the Warrantors.



10.1 The Warrantors hereby jointly and severally agree with the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET that in the event of any breach of the Vendor Warranties and
     subject always to sub-clause 9.1 and Part 1 of the Eighth Schedule, they
     will pay to the Purchaser or WAM!NET on demand:-

     10.1.1  the amount necessary to put the Company and the Subsidiaries into
             the position which would have existed if the Vendor Warranties had
             not been so breached; and

     10.1.2  all reasonable costs and expenses (including legal costs on an
             indemnity basis) incurred by the Purchaser, WAM!NET or the Company
             or any of the Subsidiaries as a result of such breach.

     The rights of the Purchaser and WAM!NET referred to in this sub-clause 10.1
     shall not restrict any of the rights of the Purchaser and WAM!NET or the
     ability of the Purchaser and WAM!NET to claim damages on any basis
     available to them in the event of any breach of the Vendor Warranties.

10.2 The Warrantors hereby jointly and severally agree with the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET (and subject always to sub-clause 9.1 and Part 1 of the Eighth
     Schedule) to indemnify and keep indemnified each of the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET (for themselves and as trustees for the Company and its
     Subsidiaries) against any costs, damages, losses and liabilities
     (including, without limitation, any liability to Taxation) suffered or
     incurred by the Purchaser, WAM!NET, the Company or any Subsidiary by reason
     of the implementation of the arrangements contemplated by the Option
     Assignments, including without limitation the offers made to the
     Optionholders and payments thereto.  If any payment hereunder is subject to
     Taxation in the hands of the recipient, such further payment shall be made
     as is necessary to ensure that the recipient is put in the same position as
     if no such Taxation had been due.

10.3 The Purchaser and WAM!NET may at any time prior to Completion (without any
     liability on their part) rescind this Agreement by notice in writing to the
     Vendors to that effect as soon as reasonably practicable after the
     Purchaser or WAM!NET becomes aware of any Material Breach of any Vendor

10.4 The rights, including any such right of rescission conferred on the
     Purchaser and WAM!NET by this Clause, shall be in addition to and without
     prejudice to all other rights and remedies available to the Purchaser and


10.5 The Purchaser and WAM!NET may release or compromise the liability of any of
     the Warrantors hereunder or grant to any Warrantor time or other indulgence
     without affecting the liability of any other Warrantor hereunder.

10.6 No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising on the part of the
     Purchaser and WAM!NET any right or remedy in respect of any Vendor Warranty
     shall operate as a waiver of such right, remedy or Vendor Warranty nor
     shall a single or partial exercise of such right or remedy preclude the
     exercise of such or any other right or remedy.

10.7 The Warrantors hereby agree with the Purchaser and WAM!NET (for themselves
     and as trustees of the Company and the Subsidiaries) to waive any right
     which they may have in respect of any misrepresentation, inaccuracy or
     omission in or from any information or advice supplied or given by the
     Company or the Subsidiaries or any of their officers and employees or
     professional advisers in enabling the Warrantors to give the Vendor
     Warranties and the Warrantors and their professional advisers to prepare
     the Disclosure Letter.


11.1 WAM!NET and the Purchaser hereby jointly and severally warrant to the
     Vendors that:-

     11.1.1  the Purchaser Warranties are at the date hereof true, accurate and
             complete in all respects; and

     11.1.2  they will forthwith disclose in writing to the Vendors any matter
             or thing which may become known to them after the date hereof and
             prior to Completion which is inconsistent with any of the Purchaser


12.1 The provisions of Part II of the Eighth Schedule shall, subject to sub-
     clause 12.2 operate to limit the liability of the Purchaser and WAM!NET
     under or in connection with the Purchaser Warranties.

12.2 The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 (inclusive) of Part II of the Eighth
     Schedule shall not operate to limit the liability of the Purchaser (and the
     provisions of such paragraphs shall not apply) under or in connection with
     any of the Purchaser Warranties where the liability in question arises as a
     result of fraud on the part of the Purchaser or WAM!NET or where 


     the liability in question relates to the matter which has been deliberately
     concealed or withheld by the Purchaser or WAM!NET.


13.1 The Purchaser and WAM!NET hereby jointly and severally agree with the
     Vendors that in the event of any breach of the Purchaser Warranties and
     subject always to sub-clause 12.1 and Part II of the Eighth Schedule, they
     will pay to the Vendors on demand:-

     13.1.1  the amount necessary to put the Vendors into the position which
             would have existed if the Purchaser Warranties had not been so
             breached; and

     13.1.2  all reasonable costs and expenses (including legal costs on an
             indemnity basis) incurred by the Vendors as a result of such

     The rights of the Vendors referred to in this sub-clause 13.1 shall not
     restrict any of the rights of the Vendors or the ability of the Vendors to
     claim damages on any basis available to them in the event of any breach of
     the Purchaser Warranties.

13.2 The Vendors may at any time prior to Completion (without any liability on
     their part) rescind this Agreement by notice in writing to the Purchaser
     and WAM!NET to that effect as soon as reasonably practicable after the
     Vendors become aware of any Material Breach of any Purchaser Warranties.

13.3 The rights including any such right of rescission conferred on the Vendors
     by this Clause shall be in addition to and without prejudice to all other
     rights and remedies available to the Vendors.

13.4 The Vendors may release or compromise the liability of the Purchaser or
     WAM!NET hereunder or grant to either of them time or other indulgence
     without affecting the liability of the other.

13.5 No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising on the part of the
     Vendors any right or remedy in respect of any Purchaser Warranty shall
     operate as a waiver or such right, remedy or Purchaser Warranty nor shall a
     single or partial exercise of such right or remedy preclude the exercise of
     such or any other right or remedy.



     The Warrantors undertake to the Purchaser that, in the period from the date
     of this Agreement to Completion, the Company and each of the Subsidiaries
     shall (except with the prior written consent of the Purchaser) which
     consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed:-

14.1 continue its business in the ordinary and usual course and so as to
     maintain the same as a going concern;

14.2 not enter into any contract, transaction or arrangements with the Vendors
     or any person connected (as such term is defined in section 839 of the
     Taxes Act 1988) with the Vendors (other than in respect of the payment of
     any remuneration properly accrued due or repayment of business or other
     expenses properly incurred);

14.3 save for any increases to which any director or employee is contractually
     entitled or which are made pursuant to any review policy currently in force
     and which are disclosed in the Disclosure Letter not increase or agree to
     increase the remuneration (including, without limitation, pension
     contributions, bonuses, commissions and benefits in kind) of its directors
     or employees (other than minor increases which the Warrantors shall notify
     to the Purchaser as soon as reasonably possible) or provide or agree to
     provide any gratuitous payment or benefit in excess of (Pounds)5,000 to any
     such person  or any of their dependants and no employees (other than casual
     employees or employees whose remuneration does not exceed (Pounds)30,000
     per annum) shall be engaged or dismissed or have their terms of employment
     altered in the case of the Warrantors, in any respect and, in the case of
     any other employee, in any material respect;

14.4 not amend or discontinue any of the Pension Schemes or communicate to any
     employee any plan, proposal or intention to amend, discontinue or exercise
     any discretion in relation to any of the Pension Schemes;

14.5 not acquire or agree to acquire (other than the proposed acquisition of a
     new accounting and administration system and the proposed lease of the
     "Midland Bank building" in Bournemouth, on the terms details of which are
     set out in the Disclosure Letter) or dispose or agree to dispose of any
     material asset (other than in the normal course of business) or enter into
     any contract or arrangement involving expenditure or liabilities in excess
     of (Pounds)50,000;

14.6 not make any payments out of any bank or deposit account exceeding in
     aggregate (Pounds)50,000 (except for payments in the normal course of


14.7   not create or agree to create any further security over or encumber or
       agree to encumber any of its assets or redeem or agree to redeem any
       existing security or give or agree to give any guarantees or indemnities;

14.8   not alter or agree to alter the terms of any existing borrowing
       facilities or arrange additional borrowing facilities or incur other
       indebtedness for borrowed money (other than pursuant to any existing
       borrowing facilities);

14.9   not alter or agree to alter or terminate or agree to terminate any
       agreement to which it is a party (and which involves expenditure of more
       than (Pounds)50,000 in total) or enter into any unusual or abnormal
       contract or commitment save for the proposed acquisition of a new
       accounting and administration system and the proposed lease of the
       "Midland Bank building" in Bournemouth, on the terms details of which are
       set out in the Disclosure Letter;

14.10  enter into (save as a defendant, having given prompt written notice
       thereof to the Purchaser) any litigation or arbitration proceedings
       (other than routine debt collection or as disclosed in the Disclosure

14.11  not declare, pay or make any dividend or other distribution of capital
       within the meaning of the Taxes Act 1988 nor redeem or purchase any of
       its shares;

14.12  not create, allot or issue any share or loan capital or other securities
       or acquire any shares or other interest in any other company;

14.13  not pass any resolution in general meeting other than to re-register the
       Company as a private limited company;

14.14  continue its insurance policies and do nothing to render such policies
       void or voidable;

14.15  make any change in any method or practice of accounting except for any
       such change required by reason of law or regulation; and

14.16  give all reasonable co-operation to the Purchaser (where applicable at
       the Purchaser's expense) so as to ensure a smooth, orderly and efficient
       continuation of management of the Company and the Subsidiaries after



15.1 Each of the Warrantors hereby undertakes severally with the Purchaser that
     he will not whether directly or indirectly or whether on his own account or
     for the account of any other person, firm or company, or as agent,
     director, partner, manager, employee, consultant or shareholder of or in
     any other person, firm or company:-

     15.1.1  during the period from the date hereof to two years and six months
             after the Completion Date carry on or be engaged or concerned or
             interested in any business which is directly or indirectly in
             competition with any business of the Company or any of the
             Subsidiaries carried on at the date of this Agreement in such
             countries in which such business is carried on at the date of this
             Agreement (any such business being referred in this Clause 15 to as
             a "Restricted Business");

     15.1.2  during the period from the date hereof to two years and six months
             after the Completion Date seek in competition with any Restricted
             Business to procure orders from, or do business with, any person
             firm or company who has been a customer of the Company or any of
             the Subsidiaries at any time during the period of twelve months
             prior to the Completion Date; or

     15.1.3  during the period from the date hereof to two years and six months
             after the Completion Date, solicit or endeavour to entice away from
             or discourage from being employed by the Company or any of the
             Subsidiaries, any person who is at the date hereof an employee of
             the Company or any of the Subsidiaries or whom any of such
             companies may at the date hereof have agreed to engage as an
             employee; or

     15.1.4  during the period from the date hereof to two years and six months
             after the Completion Date, attempt to employ or negotiate or
             arrange the employment of or engagement by any other person of, any
             person who is at the date hereof or, at the Completion Date shall
             be an employee of the Company or any of the Subsidiaries or whom
             any of such companies may at the date hereof have agreed to engage
             as an employee.

15.2 It is agreed by the parties that, whilst the restrictions set out in sub-
     clause 15.1 are considered fair and reasonable, if it should be found that
     any of the restrictions be void as going beyond what is fair and reasonable
     in all the circumstances and if by deleting part of the wording it would
     not be 


     void, then such deletions shall be made as shall render sub-clause
     15.1 valid and enforceable.

15.3 None of the restrictions in sub-clause 15.1.1 shall be deemed to restrict
     or prevent any of the Warrantors from being interested in any business
     solely as the owner for investment of securities dealt in on a recognised
     stock exchange or the NASDAQ Stock Market and not exceeding 5 per cent in
     nominal value of the securities of that class or as the owners of the
     Consideration Shares or as officers or employees of the Purchaser's Group.

15.4 The restrictions contained in sub-clause 15.1 shall not take effect until
     the day after particulars of this Agreement has been duly furnished to the
     Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to Section 24 Restrictive Trade
     Practices Act 1976 (unless such restrictions shall take effect without the
     need for such furnishing in which case such restrictions shall take effect
     from Completion).


16.1 In consideration of the undertaking by the Vendors to pay WAM!NET the sum
     of (Pounds)1 upon written request by WAM!NET, WAM!NET irrevocably and
     unconditionally guarantees to the Vendors the due and punctual performance
     of each obligation of the Purchaser whether to be performed before on or
     after Completion contained in this Agreement.  WAM!NET shall pay to the
     Vendors from time to time on demand any sum of money which the Purchaser is
     at any time liable to pay to the Vendors or any of them under or pursuant
     to this Agreement and which is then due and had not been paid at the time
     the demand is made.  WAM!NET's obligations under this sub-clause 16.1 are
     primary obligations and not those of a mere surety.  If an obligation of
     the Purchaser is void, voidable or unenforceable for any reason, WAM!NET's
     obligations under sub-clause 16.1 are unaffected and WAM!NET shall perform
     the Purchaser's obligations as if it were primarily liable for the

16.2 WAM!NET's obligations under sub-clause 16.1 are continuing obligations and
     are not satisfied, discharged or affected by an intermediate payment or
     settlement of account by, or a change in the constitution or control of, or
     the insolvency of, or bankruptcy, winding up or analogous proceedings
     relating to, the Purchaser.

16.3 WAM!NET's liability under sub-clause 16.1 is not affected by any
     arrangements which any of the Vendors may make with the Purchaser or with
     another person which (but for sub-clause 16.3) might operate to 


        diminish or discharge the liability of WAM!NET or otherwise provide a
        defence to a surety.

16.4    Without affecting the generality of sub-clause 16.3, the Vendors may at
        any time as they think fit and without reference to WAM!NET:-

16.4.1  grant a time for payment or grant another indulgence or agree to an
        amendment, variation, waiver or release in respect of an obligation of
        the Purchaser under this Agreement;

16.4.2  give up, deal with, vary, exchange or abstain from perfecting or
        enforcing other securities or guarantees held by any of the Vendors;

16.4.3  discharge a party to other securities or guarantees held by any of the
        Vendors and realise all or any of those securities or guarantees; and

16.4.4  compound with, accept compositions from and make other arrangements with
        the Purchaser or a person or persons liable on other securities or
        guarantees held or to be held by the Vendors.

16.5    WAM!NET's liability under sub-clause 16.1 is not affected by the
        avoidance of an assurance, security or payment or a release, settlement
        or discharge which is given or made on the faith of an assurance,
        security or payment, in either case, under an enactment relating to
        bankruptcy or insolvency.


17.1    Other than to the extent required by law or by any recognised stock
        exchange or regulatory or governmental body having jurisdiction (and
        then provided that the announcement or disclosure is only made after
        consultation with the other parties), or in furtherance of the funding
        proposed by WAM!NET and referred to in sub-clause 4.1.6, no announcement
        or disclosure concerning the matters provided for in this Agreement
        shall be made or issued by or on behalf of the Vendors or the Purchaser
        without the prior written approval of the other (such approval not to be
        unreasonably withheld or delayed).

17.2    The Vendors each severally agree to keep secret and confidential and not
        to use, disclose or divulge to any third party or to enable or cause any
        person to become aware of (except for the purposes of the business of
        the Company) any confidential information obtained by such Vendor in
        connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and


        relating to the Purchaser's Group (including after Completion, the
        Company and the subsidiaries) including but not limited to lists of
        customers, reports, notes, memoranda and all other documentary records
        pertaining to the Purchaser's Group (including after Completion, the
        Company and the subsidiaries) or their respective business affairs or

17.3    The restrictions in sub-clause 17.2 shall cease to apply to any such
        confidential information which:-

        17.3.1  at the time of disclosure was in the public domain; or

        17.3.2  after disclosure comes into the public domain other than by
                breach of the undertakings contained in sub-clause 17.2; or
        17.3.3  was proved to be known to the relevant party at the time of
                disclosure provided that the source of such information was not
                subject to any agreement or other duties relating to
                confidentiality in respect thereof.



18.1    Registration Rights

        If WAM!NET, at any time during the period beginning on the date six
        months from the date WAM!NET completes a public offering of its equity
        securities and ending on the date seven years from Completion, proposes
        to register the sale of any of its securities (except debt securities,
        including debt securities convertible into equity securities) under the
        Securities Act of 1933 ("the Act"), (except by a claim of exemption or
        registration statement on a form (i) that does not permit the inclusion
        of shares by its security holders, (ii) that relates to an employee
        benefit plan or (iii) that relates to a combination, acquisition or
        disposition involving one or more other parties), WAM!NET will give
        written notice to all registered holders of Consideration Shares of its
        intention to do so and, on the written request of any registered holders
        of Consideration Shares received by WAM!NET within fifteen (15) days
        after delivery by WAM!NET of any such notice, WAM!NET will use its best
        efforts to cause all such Consideration Shares, the holder of which
        shall have requested the registration or qualification thereof, to be
        included in such registration statement proposed to be filed by WAM!NET.
        If any such registration shall be underwritten in whole or in part,
        WAM!NET may require that the Consideration Shares requested for
        inclusion pursuant to this paragraph be included in the underwriting on
        the same terms and conditions as the securities otherwise being sold
        through the underwriters. In the event that, in the good faith judgment
        of the managing underwriter of such public offering, the total number of
        securities requested to be included in such registration exceeds the
        number which can be sold in an orderly manner in such offering, WAM!NET
        need include in such registration only such number of Consideration
        Securities and other securities requested to be included in such
        registration pro rata among the holders of such Consideration Securities
        and other securities on the basis of the number of shares requested to
        be included in the registration by each such holder, provided that the
        inclusion of Consideration Securities or other shares held by persons
        requesting registration shall not reduce the number of WAM!NET
        securities being offered in the registration.

18.2    Miscellaneous Registration Rights Provisions

18.2.1  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, WAM!NET may delay
        filing a registration statement, and may withhold or terminate efforts
        to cause the registration statement to become effective, if WAM!NET
        determines in good faith that such registration might adversely affect


18.2.2  From time to time WAM!NET shall amend or supplement, at WAM!NET's
        expense, the prospectus used in connection therewith to the extent
        necessary in order to comply with applicable law. If, after the
        registration statement becomes effective, WAM!NET advises the holders of
        registered Consideration Shares that WAM!NET considers it appropriate
        for the registration statement or any prospectus related thereto to be
        amended, the holders of such Consideration Shares shall immediately
        suspend any further sales of their registered Consideration Shares until
        WAM!NET advises them that the registration statement or prospectus has
        been amended.

18.2.3  The holder shall furnish in writing to WAM!NET all information as may be
        reasonably requested by WAM!NET or required under applicable securities
        law in connection with any registration of Consideration Shares,
        including but not limited to, the proposed method of sale or other
        disposition of the registered Consideration Shares and any compensation
        payable in connection therewith. The holder shall comply with the
        provisions of applicable securities law in connection with the
        registration of Consideration Shares and the disposition thereof.

18.2.4  All expenses incurred in connection with any registration, qualification
        or compliance pursuant to this Agreement, including without limitation,
        all registration, filing and qualification fees, printing expenses, fees
        and disbursements of counsel for WAM!NET, and expenses of any special
        audits incidental to or required by such registration, shall be borne by
        WAM!NET, provided however, that the person for whose account the
        Consideration Shares covered by such registration are sold shall bear
        underwriting commissions, discounts or fees relating to Consideration
        Shares, fees of holders' legal counsel and fees and expenses of any
        registration begun, the request for which has been subsequently
        withdrawn by the holders, in which case such expenses shall be borne by
        the holders requesting such withdrawal.

18.2.5  In connection with any registration statement in which the holder's
        Consideration Shares are included, the holder will indemnify WAM!NET,
        its directors and officers and each person who controls WAM!NET, against
        any losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses resulting from any
        untrue or alleged untrue statement of material fact contained in the
        registration statement, prospectus or preliminary prospectus or any
        amendment thereof or supplement thereto or any omission or alleged
        omission of a


        material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
        statements therein not misleading, but only to the extent that such
        untrue statement omission is contained in or should be contained in any
        information furnished in writing by the holder.

18.2.6  WAM!NET's obligation to proceed with registration under this Agreement
        shall terminate on the date on which, in the opinion of legal counsel to
        WAM!NET, all common stock of WAM!NET that could be registered under the
        United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or applicable United
        States state securities laws (including Consideration Shares)
        ("Registrable Securities") held by a holder may be transferred within a
        90-day period, or reissued without restriction, in compliance with the
        provisions of Rule 144 or 145 under the Act, or any successor provision.

18.2.7  WAM!NET may, at its discretion and in lieu of registering the
        Registrable Securities (including Consideration Shares) as provided
        herein, repurchase such Registrable Securities (including Consideration
        Shares) at "Fair Market Value", as defined below,at any time after
        receiving a request for registration of such Registrable Securities. For
        purposes of this sub-clause, "Fair Market Value" shall be determined on
        the date WAM!NET receives the request for registration.

18.2.8  "Fair Market Value" means, with respect to WAM!NET's Common Stock, as of
        any date: (i) if the Common Stock is listed or admitted to unlisted
        trading privileges on any national securities exchange or is not so
        listed or admitted but transactions in the Common Stock are reported on
        the Nasdaq National Market, the reported closing price of the Common
        Stock on such exchange or by the Nasdaq National Market as of such date
        (or, if no shares were traded on such day, as of the next preceding day
        on which there was such a trade); or (ii) if the Common Stock is not so
        listed or admitted to unlisted trading privileges or reported on the
        Nasdaq National Market, and bid and asked prices therefor in the over-
        the-counter market are reported by Nasdaq or National Quotation Bureau,
        Inc. (or any such comparable reporting service), the mean of the closing
        bid and asked prices as of such date, as so reported by Nasdaq, or, if
        no so reported thereon, as reported by National Quotation Bureau, Inc.
        (or such comparable reporting services); or (iii) if the Common Stock is
        not so listed, or admitted to unlisted trading privileges, or reported
        on the Nasdaq National Market, and such bid and asked prices are not so
        reported by Nasdaq or National Quotation Bureau Inc. (or any comparable
        reporting service), such price as WAM!NET's Board


             of Directors determines in good faith in the exercise of its
             reasonable discretion.

18.2.9       Upon request of the managing underwriter of any public offering of
             WAM!NET's securities, each holder of Consideration Shares agrees to
             sign and deliver an appropriate agreement limiting such holder's
             right to dispose of the Consideration Shares during the course of,
             and for a reasonable time following, such public offering;
             provided, however, that such agreement (i) is in customary form
             appropriate to such transaction, (ii) is the same form required by
             such underwriter from management and other principal shareholders
             of WAM!NET, and (iii) has a duration not exceeding 180 days
             following the effective date of the registration statement.


        The Vendors and the Purchaser and WAM!NET shall do and execute, and
        shall use their respective best endeavours to procure any other
        necessary party to do and execute, all such further acts, things, deeds
        and documents as may be necessary to give effect to the terms of this


20.1    No waiver by any of the parties of any of the requirements hereof or of
        any of its rights hereunder shall have effect unless given in writing
        and, in the case of a corporate party, signed by a director or other
        duly authorised officer of such party.

20.2    The Purchaser may release or compromise the liability of any Vendor
        hereunder without affecting the liability of any other Vendor.


21.1    This Agreement (together with the documents referred to herein)
        constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to all
        matters referred to herein.

21.2    No variations hereof shall be effective unless made in writing and
        signed by each of the parties and, in the case of a corporate party, by
        a director or other duly authorised officer of such party.

21.3    Each of the Purchaser and WAM!NET hereby acknowledges that it has not
        been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representation or


        warranty other than the Vendor Warranties and the warranties set forth
        in Clause 8.

21.4    The Vendors hereby acknowledge that they have not been induced to enter
        into this Agreement by any representation or warranty other than the
        Purchaser Warranties.

22.     COSTS

22.1    Save where otherwise specifically stated, each party to this Agreement
        shall pay its own costs of and incidental to this Agreement (and its
        preparation and negotiation) and the sale and purchase hereby agreed to
        be made.

22.2    The Purchaser shall pay all stamp duty in respect of the transfer of the


        This Agreement may be entered into in any number of counterparts and by
        the parties to it on separate counterparts each of which when so
        executed and delivered shall be an original, but all the counterparts
        shall together constitute one and the same instrument.


24.1    This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure for the benefit of the
        successors and permitted assigns of the parties but shall not be
        assignable save as stated below or otherwise with the agreement of all
        the parties. Any assignment in breach of this sub-clause 24.1 shall be
        void and of no force or effect.

24.2    The Purchaser (and any permitted assignee) may at any time assign all or
        any of its rights and benefits under this Agreement (including the
        Vendor Warranties and any cause of action arising from any of them) to
        any member of the Purchaser's Group provided that, if any member to whom
        such rights and benefits are assigned ceases to be a member of the
        Purchaser's Group, it shall re-assign the rights and benefits to the
        Purchaser or another member of the Purchaser's Group.

24.3    Any Vendor may at any time assign all or any of its rights to receive
        Consideration Shares under Clause 6 to employee(s) of the Company and/or
        any of its subsidiaries from time to time and (with the prior written
        consent of WAM!NET) to any other person PROVIDED THAT in any event such
        assignment shall be conditional on an opinion of Counsel for 


        WAM!NET being received on terms reasonably acceptable to WAM!NET that
        such assignment is exempt from registration under the US Securities Act
        of 1933, as amended and under any applicable US state securities laws.

24.4    Any Vendor may at any time sell its Consideration Shares and assign the
        rights thereto to any other Vendor subject to the condition set out in
        the proviso to sub-clause 24.3.


25.1    The provisions of this Agreement insofar as the same shall not have been
        performed at Completion (including but not limited to the Vendor
        Warranties and the Purchaser Warranties) shall remain in full force and
        effect notwithstanding Completion.

25.2    Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, both as regards the
        dates and periods mentioned and as regards any dates and periods which
        may be substituted for them in accordance with this Agreement or by
        agreement in writing between the parties.

25.3    If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or
        unenforceable, then such provision shall so far as it is invalid or
        unenforceable be given no effect and shall be deemed not to be included
        in this Agreement but shall not otherwise render any of the remaining
        provisions of this Agreement invalid or unenforceable.

25.4    If any matter referred to in this Agreement requires the approval or
        agreement of the Vendors, such approval or agreement shall be deemed to
        have been given by all of the Vendors if it has been given in writing by
        such number of Vendors who, at the date hereof, hold 75% or more of the
        Shares. For the purposes of this Agreement, the approval or agreement of
        a deceased Vendor shall be deemed to have been given if given by such
        deceased Vendor's personal representatives.

26.     NOTICES

26.1    Any notice to be given hereunder shall either be delivered personally
        (including by courier) or sent by first class recorded delivery post (if
        to an addressee in the same country as the sender) or airmail or fax to
        the party to be served at the address set out opposite his name in the
        Preamble or in the First Schedule (as the case may be) or relevant fax
        number (as the case may be) notified from time to time to the other
        parties for this purpose) or such other address or relevant fax number
        (as the case may be) as may from time to time be notified to the other


     hereto for this purpose. A notice shall be deemed to have been served as

     26.1.1    if personally delivered, at the time of delivery;

     26.1.2    if posted by overland mail at the expiration of two business days
               after the envelope containing the same was delivered into the
               custody of the postal authorities;

     26.1.3    if posted by airmail at the expiration of five business days
               after the envelope containing the same was delivered into the
               custody of the postal authorities;

     26.1.4    if sent by fax, at the expiration of one business day after the
               same was properly despatched (provided that a copy of the notice
               was also sent by first class recorded delivery post or airmail
               within 24 hours of the fax transmission).

26.2 In proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that personal
     delivery was made, or that the envelope containing such notice was properly
     addressed and delivered into the custody of the postal authority as a pre-
     paid first class recorded delivery letter, or airmail letter, or that the
     fax was properly addressed and despatched and the sender's machine shall
     have indicated that the message has been received at the addressee's
     machine, as the case may be.


27.1 The construction, validity and performance of this Agreement (other than
     Clause 18) shall be governed by the laws of England.  The construction,
     validity and performance of Clause 18 shall be governed by US federal law
     and the laws of the State of Minnesota.

27.2 In relation to any legal action or proceedings to enforce this Agreement or
     arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Tax Deed, each
     party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English

27.3 Geocapital IV L.P. hereby irrevocably appoints the Vendors' Solicitors as
     its agent for service of process in England in relation to any disputes or
     proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.

27.4 WAM!NET hereby irrevocably appoints the Purchaser's Solicitors as its agent
     for service of process in England in relation to any disputes or


     proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Tax

IN WITNESS this Agreement has been signed by or on behalf of each of the parties
- ----------                                                                      
hereto the day and year first before written.


                              THE FIRST SCHEDULE

                                  THE VENDORS

(1)                      (2)                 (3)                   (4)                 (5)                     (6)               
- ----                     -------             ------------          ------------------  --------------------    -------------
                                             (Ordinary unless                                                                   
                                              otherwise stated)
David Anthony Townend    3 Marwell Close        31,680,000             $7,991,094          263,460                48.95%          
Andrew Steven Baird      30 Denbigh Road         9,000,000             $2,270,197           74,846                13.90%          
                         London W13 8NH                                                                                           
Lyndon David Stickley    14 State Street         5,000,000             $1,261,220           41,581                 7.72%          
Yorick Phoenix                                   4,320,000             $1,089,694           35,926                 6.67%           
                         6 Princes Road                                                                                          
                         Dorset BH12 1BH                                                                                         


(1)                      (2)                    (3)                   (4)                 (5)                     (6)             
- ----                     -------                ------------          ------------------  --------------------    -------------   
                                                (Ordinary unless                                                              
                                                otherwise stated) 
Media Tec                Unit 18                            5,000,000       $1,261,220         41,581                 7.72%    
Investments Limited      Mill Wall                                                                                             
                         Wickham's Cay                                                                                         
                         British Virgin Island                                                                                 
Geocapital IV L.P.       One Bridge Plaza                  11,883,178       $4,200,820         34,617                 12.22%   
                         Fort Lee                  Preferred Ordinary                                                          
                         New Jersey                            Shares                                                          
31 Group PLC             91 Waterloo Road                   2,742,272       $  981,000          7,989                 2.82%    
                         London SE1 8XP            Preferred Ordinary                                                          


                              THE SECOND SCHEDULE

                                    PART 1

                                  THE COMPANY

(i)    Directors:                  Antony Gerard Ebel, Anthony Richard Prest,
                                   Andrew Steven Baird, Lyndon David Stickley,
                                   David Anthony Townend, Stephen Joshua
(ii)   Secretary:                  Andrew Steven Baird                      
(iii)  Registered Office:          Gild House, 64-68 Norwich Avenue West, 
                                   Bournemouth BH2 6AW
(iv)   Date of Incorporation:      7 April 1993                             
(v)    Country of Incorporation:   England and Wales                        
(vi)   Registered Number:          2807473                                  
(vii)  Auditors:                   Ernst & Young                            
(viii) Accounting Reference Date:  30 September                             
(ix)   Charges:                    Legal Mortgage dated 13 December 1994 in  
                                   favour of National Westminster Bank Plc.

(x)  Authorised Share Capital:     (Pounds)10,000,000 divided into 985,374,550
                                   ordinary shares of 1 pence each and
                                   14,625,450 convertible redeemable preferred
                                   ordinary shares of 1 pence each

(xi) Issued Share Capital:         HOLDER     NO. & CLASS OF
                                   ------     --------------

                                   As per columns (1), (2) and (3) of The First


                                    PART 2

                               THE SUBSIDIARIES


(i)    Directors:                      Christopher Holly, Harvey George 
                                       Jones, Anthony Richard Prest, 
                                       Andrew Steven Baird, Yorick 
                                       Phoenix, Lyndon David Stickley, 
                                       David Anthony Townend       
(ii)   Secretary:                      Andrew Steven Baird         
(iii)  Registered Office:              Gild House, 64-68 Norwich Avenue West, 
                                       Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 6AW
(iv)   Date of Incorporation:          4 June 1990                 
(v)    Country of Incorporation:       England and Wales           
(vi)   Registered Number:              2508346     
(vii)  Auditors:                       Ernst & Young               
(viii) Accounting Reference Date:      30 September                
(ix)   Charges:                        Mortgage Debenture dated 9 August 1994 
                                       in favour of National Westminster
                                       Bank Plc                    
(x)    Authorised Share Capital:       (Pounds)100,000 divided into 25,000 
                                       redeemable preference shares of(Pounds)1
                                       each, 250 convertible preference shares
                                       of (Pounds)100 each and 50,000 ordinary 
                                       shares of (Pounds)1 each   

(xi)   Issued Share Capital:           HOLDER              NO. & CLASS OF       
                                       ------              --------------       


                                        the Company 1,139 ordinary shares and
                                        250 convertible preference shares
(xii)     Percentage beneficially
          owned by the Company:         100%
(i)       Directors:                    Andrew Steven Baird, David 
                                        Anthony Townend, Anthony Richard 
                                        Prest, Christopher Holly
(ii)      Secretaries:                  Andrew Steven Baird, David 
                                        Anthony Townend
(iii)     Registered Office:            Gild House, 64-68 Norwich Avenue 
                                        West, Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 6AW
(iv)      Date of Incorporation:        15 November 1995
(v)       Country of Incorporation:     England and Wales
(vi)      Registered Number:            3126535
(vii)     Auditors:                     Ernst & Young
(viii)    Accounting Reference Date:    30 September
(ix)      Charges:                      None
(x)       Authorised Share Capital:     100 (Pounds) divided into 100 
                                        ordinary shares of (Pounds)1 each
(xi)      Issued Share Capital:         HOLDER              NO. & CLASS
                                        ------              -----------
                                                            OF SHARES
                                        the Company 2 ordinary shares

(xii)     Percentage beneficially
          owned by the Company:         100%


(C)       4-SIGHT INC.

(i)       Directors:                    Andrew Titley
(ii)      Secretary:                    Andrew Titley
(iii)     Registered Office:            1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, 
                                        Delaware 19801, U.S.A.
(iv)      Date of Incorporation:        4 August 1994
(v)       Country of Incorporation:     U.S.A.
(vi)      Registered Number:            N/A
(vii)     Auditors:                     None
(viii)    Accounting Reference Date:    30 September
(ix)      Charges:                      None
(x)       Authorised Share Capital:     3,000 shares of common stock, par value
                                        of $1.00 per share
(xi)      Issued Share Capital:         HOLDER              NO. & CLASS
                                        ------              -----------
                                                            OF SHARES
                                        the Company 1,999 shares of 
                                        common stock
(xii)     Percentage beneficially       
          owned by the Company:         100%
(D)       4-SIGHT GMBH
(i)       Directors:                    David Anthony Townend, Andrew Steven 
(ii)      Secretary:                    None

(iii)     Registered Office:            Hamburg, Germany
(iv)      Date of Incorporation:        12 September 1995
(v)       Country of Incorporation:     Germany
(vi)      Registered Number:            HR B 59 578
(vii)     Auditors:                     None
(viii)    Accounting Reference Date:    31 December
(ix)      Charges:                      None
(x)       Authorised Share Capital:     DM 50,000
(xi)      Issued Share Capital:         HOLDER      NO. & CLASS
                                        ------      -----------
                                                    OF SHARES
                                        the Company DM 50,000

(xii)     Percentage beneficially
          owned by the Company:         100%


                              THE THIRD SCHEDULE

                         INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS

1.   all rights in and to the products listed in attachment 14 of the Previous
     Disclosure Letter (as defined in the Disclosure Letter) and the addendum to
     that attachment dated 28 January 1998 (both jointly hereinafter referred to
     as the "Intellectual Property Report") and all rights in and to all other
     products which the Company is developing and has released and/or developed
     at any time (all these products jointly hereinafter referred to as the

2.   all rights in and to all other software programs, files, documentation,
     databases, artwork, inventions, trade secrets and other information and
     materials created, developed, and/or designed by the Company's past and
     present employees whilst in the Company's employ and/or any third parties
     on behalf of the Company;

3.   all rights, by way of licence, in and to third party programs and libraries
     (so described in the Intellectual Property Report) listed in the
     Intellectual Property Report and all other third party programs and
     libraries which are currently used in the development and/or design of any
     of the Products and/or which are incorporated in any of the Products or are
     otherwise used by the Company;

4.   all rights, by way of a licence agreement, in and to information of a
     confidential nature of a third party disclosed to the Company for the
     purpose of using such information subject to the terms of the agreement;

5.   all registered and unregistered third party trade marks which the Company
     features on any of the packaging, instruction manuals and/or any other
     documentation and/or artwork designed and/or used in conjunction with the
     Company's business and/or in any of the Company's promotional and/or
     advertising materials;

6.   all registered trade marks and applications for the same listed in the fax
     of Mrs Lait of Barker, Brettell & Duncan to Mr Baird of 21 January 1998 and
     unregistered trademarks developed by or on behalf of the Company;

7.   all rights, by way of licence, in and to the software used by the Company
     for accounting, administrative and general office purposes.


                              THE FOURTH SCHEDULE

                              THE PENSION SCHEME


                           4-SIGHT, L.C. 401(k) PLAN


     The Equitable Personal Pension Plan with the Equitable Life Assurance
                               Society (dormant)


                              THE FIFTH SCHEDULE

                                THE PROPERTIES

DATE           PREMISES                 ORIGINAL PARTIES         TERM
- ----           --------                 ----------------         ----
13.12.94       Units 4, 5 and 6         Graybird Properties      999 years commencing
               (Numbers 64-68)          Limited (Landlord)       commencing
               Norwich Avenue West      4-Sight (Software)
               Bournemouth              Limited (Tenant) (2)
20.11.96       70 Norwich Avenue West   Peter John Ruckwood      Period commencing
               Bournemouth              (Landlord) (1)           01.01.97 and expiring
               Dorset                   4-Sight plc (2)          30.04.99
16.10.97       Oserbekstrasse           COH City Office          Period commencing    
               90A-C Hamburg 22083      Hamburg GmBH (1)         01.12.97 and         
               Germany                  4-Sight GmBH (2)         terminable thereafter,
                                                                 but no earlier than  
                                                                 31.12.98, on any     
                                                                 calendar quarter on 6
                                                                 months' notice       
29.02.96       Suites 3600 and 3700     Cummings Property        29.02.96 to 30.08.99 
               800 West Cummings Park   Management Inc (1)                             
               Woburn                   4-Sight LC (2)                                 
01.07.97       Suite 3800               Cummings Property        01.07.97 to 30.07.2001
               800 West Cummings Park   Management Inc (1)                               
               Woburn                   4-Sight LC (2)                                   
Undated        1824 Industrial Circle   John E Spencer Snr (1)   Rolling yearly renewal  
               West Des Moines          CE Software Inc (2)      period 15 August to 14  
               Polk, Iowa, USA                                   August                   


                              THE SIXTH SCHEDULE

                                 THE TAX DEED

THIS DEED is made this       day of            1998
- ---------                                          

- -------  

(1)  THE SEVERAL PERSONS whose names and addresses are set out in columns 1 and
     2 respectively of the First Schedule hereto ("the Covenantors"); and

(2)  WAM!NET (UK) LIMITED (company number 3969851) whose registered office is at
     8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1RS and WAM!NET INC. whose principal
     place of business is at 6100 West 110 Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438,
     U.S.A (collectively "the Purchaser").

WHEREAS by an Agreement ("the Agreement") between, amongst others, the
- -------                                                               
Covenantors and the Purchaser, the Covenantors, amongst others, agreed to sell
the entire issued share capital of 4-Sight Limited to the Purchaser and by
virtue of the Agreement the Covenantors agreed to enter into this Deed.

- ------------------------             


     In this Deed:-

     1.1  "Claim" includes any assessment, notice, demand or other document
          issued or action taken by or on behalf of a Tax Authority whereby the
          Company is or is sought to be made liable to make a payment of
          Taxation or a Relief is denied or is sought to be denied;

     1.2  "Event" means any event, act, transaction or omission, whether or not
          the Company is a party thereto, and includes (without limitation) a
          receipt or accrual of income or gains, distribution, deemed
          distribution, failure to distribute, acquisition, disposal, transfer,
          payment, loan, advance, Completion and any combination of two or more
          such occurrences;

     1.3  "Company" means each and every company listed in the Second Schedule
          hereto or any one of them as the context requires;


     1.4  "Relief" means any loss, relief, allowance, exemption, set off,
          credit, rebate, refund, right to repayment or deduction in respect of
          any Taxation or any set off or deduction in computing, or against,
          profits, income or gains of any description or source for the purposes
          of any Taxation;

     1.5  reference to income or profits or gains earned, accrued or received,
          shall include income or profits or gains deemed to have been or
          treated as or regarded as earned, accrued or received for the purposes
          of any legislation relating to Taxation;

     1.6  reference to the loss of Relief or of a right to repayment of Taxation
          shall include the loss, reduction, modification, cancellation,
          nullification, withdrawal, counteracting or clawback of any Relief or
          right to repayment of Taxation;

     1.7  reference to any liability to Taxation shall include not only any
          liability to make any actual payment of Taxation (whether made before
          or after the date hereof and whether satisfied or unsatisfied at the
          date hereof) but also:-

          1.7.1   the loss of any Relief which has been shown as an asset in the
                  Audited Accounts or has been taken into account in computing
                  (and reducing) a provision (for deferred tax or otherwise)
                  which appears in the Audited Accounts or which has resulted in
                  no such provision being made in the Audited Accounts; or

          1.7.2   the amount of any Relief which has either:-

                  (a)  been treated as an asset in the Audited Accounts or has
                       been taken into account in computing (and reducing) a
                       provision (for deferred tax or otherwise) which appears
                       in the Audited Accounts or which has resulted in no such
                       provision being made in the Audited Accounts; or

                  (b)  arises in consequence of an Event occurring or is
                       otherwise attributable to a period after Completion;

                  which in each case is used to relieve income, profits or gains
                  or which has been set against any liability to make an actual
                  payment of Taxation in circumstances where (but 


                  for such utilisation or set off) the Purchaser would have been
                  entitled to make a claim against the Covenantors pursuant to
                  Clause 2 of this Deed (subject always to the provisions of
                  Clause 3 of this Deed);

     1.8  In any case mentioned in Clause 1.7 above there shall be treated as an
          amount of Taxation for which a liability has arisen:-

          1.8.1   in a case which falls within Clause 1.7.1 or Clause 1.7.2,
                  where the Relief which was subject to the loss or utilisation
                  was a deduction from or offset against Taxation, the amount of
                  the Relief;

          1.8.2   in a case which falls within Clause 1.7.1 or 1.7.2, where the
                  Relief which was lost or utilised was a deduction from or
                  offset against income or profits or gains:-

                  (a)  if the Relief is lost, the amount of Taxation which
                       would, on the basis of the rates of Taxation current at
                       Completion, have been saved had such Relief been
                       available, on the assumption that income, profits or
                       gains in respect of the earliest period for which such
                       Relief is available are such that the Relief (and all
                       other Reliefs available to the Company) could have been
                       utilised in full (and so that for this purpose any actual
                       liability to Taxation as a result of the loss of the
                       Relief shall be disregarded);

                  (b)  if the Relief is the subject of such set off, the amount
                       of Taxation which has been saved in consequence of such
                       setting off;

     1.9  reference to the result of Events on or before the date hereof shall
          include the combined result of two or more Events the first of which
          shall have taken place on or before the date hereof;

     1.10 "Taxation" means all forms of taxation, duties, imposts, levies and
          rates whenever imposed and whether of the United Kingdom or elsewhere
          and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the
          foregoing) includes income tax, withholding taxes, corporation tax,
          capital gains tax, capital transfer tax, inheritance tax, value added
          tax, customs duties, excise duties, development land tax, stamp duty,
          stamp duty reserve tax, capital 


          duty, national insurance contributions, social security or other
          similar contributions and generally any other taxes, duties, imposts,
          levies or other amounts (whether of a like nature or not) and any
          interest, penalty or fine in connection therewith;

     1.11 "Tax Authority" means any local, municipal, governmental, state,
          federal or other fiscal, revenue, customs or excise authority body or
          official anywhere in the world, entitled to enforce or collect
          Taxation including, without limitation, the UK Inland Revenue and HM
          Customs and Excise; and

     1.12 unless the context otherwise requires words and expressions defined in
          the Agreement have the same meaning in this Deed as in the Agreement.


2.1  Subject as hereinafter provided the Covenantors hereby jointly and
     severally covenant with the Purchaser to pay to the Purchaser or to pay, as
     directed by the Purchaser, to the Purchaser or to the Company an amount
     equal to:-

     2.1.1  any liability to Taxation of the Company which arises as a result of
            or by reference to any income, profits, or gains earned, accrued or
            received on or before Completion or as a result of or in connection
            with any Event occurring on or before Completion and whether alone
            or in conjunction with other circumstances and whether or not any
            such Taxation is primarily chargeable against or attributable to any
            other person, firm or company;

     and without limitation of the foregoing,

     2.1.2  any liability to Taxation of the Company which arises as a result of
            the making of a direction by HM Customs and Excise in respect of any
            supply made before Completion between companies which either form
            part of the same group of companies for the purposes of Value Added
            Tax or which at the time of that supply are capable of forming such
            a group;

     2.1.3  any Inheritance Tax for which the Company is or may become liable


            (a)  is at Completion a charge on any of the shares or assets of the
                 Company or gives rise to a power to sell, mortgage or charge
                 any of the shares or assets of the Company; or

            (b)  after Completion becomes a charge on or gives rise to a power
                 to sell, mortgage or charge any of the shares or assets of the
                 Company being a liability in respect of additional Inheritance
                 Tax payable as a result of the death of any person within seven
                 years after a transfer of value (or deemed transfer of value)
                 if a charge on or power to sell, mortgage or charge any such
                 shares or assets existed at Completion or would, if the death
                 had occurred immediately before Completion and the Inheritance
                 Tax payable as a result of such death had not been paid, have
                 existed at Completion; or

            (c)  arises as a result of a transfer of value by or to the Company
                 occurring on or before Completion,

            and in determining whether a charge on or power to sell, mortgage or
            charge any of the shares or assets of the Company exists at any
            time, the fact that any Inheritance Tax is not yet payable or may be
            paid by instalments shall be disregarded, and Inheritance Tax shall
            be treated as becoming due and a charge or power to sell, mortgage
            or charge as arising on the date of the transfer of value or other
            date or Event on or in respect of which it becomes payable or arises
            and the provisions of Section 213 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984
            shall not apply thereto;

     2.1.4  any liability to Taxation for which the Company is or may become
            liable in respect of or arising from any Event after Completion
            outside the ordinary course of business of the Company as carried on
            at Completion occurring in pursuance of a legally binding obligation
            incurred or arrangement entered into by the Company on or before
            Completion and which has not been disclosed in writing to the

     2.1.5  the reasonable costs and expenses incurred or payable by the
            Purchaser and/or the Company in connection with or in consequence of
            any Claim for Taxation or liability to Taxation or otherwise in
            respect of any matter for which the Covenantors are liable under the
            foregoing paragraphs of this Clause 2.1.


2.2  Any amount payable hereunder by virtue of the covenant contained in Clause
     2.1 above shall so far as possible be deemed to be a reduction in the
     consideration for the Shares agreed to be sold under the Agreement.


3.1  The covenant given by the Covenantors under Clause 2 above shall not cover
     any liability to Taxation:-

     3.1.1  to the extent that the liability was specifically taken into account
            in making any provision or reserve in respect of such liability to
            Taxation in the Audited Accounts or to the extent that payment or
            discharge of such liability has been taken into account in the
            Audited Accounts; or

     3.1.2  to the extent that any provision or reserve made in the audited
            accounts of the Company is insufficient only by reason of any
            increase in the rates of Taxation introduced after Completion with
            retrospective effect; or

     3.1.3  to the extent that the liability to Taxation arises or is increased
            as a result of any change in the law relating to Taxation or as a
            result of any withdrawal, replacement or amendment of any published
            statement of practice or extra-statutory concession announced or
            made after Completion with retrospective effect; or

     3.1.4  to the extent that the liability to Taxation arises wholly in
            consequence of a voluntary act or omission after Completion (which
            could reasonably have been avoided) carried out by the Purchaser or
            the Company or any member of the Purchaser's Group otherwise than in
            the ordinary course of business of the Company and which the
            Purchaser was or ought reasonably to have been aware could give rise
            to the liability to Taxation in question but so that this exclusion
            shall not extend to any voluntary act or omission carried out (a)
            pursuant to a legally binding obligation (whether pursuant to
            contract or by virtue of any law or regulation) existing on or
            before Completion; or (b) with the prior written consent of the
            Covenantors; or

     3.1.5  to the extent that the loss occasioned has been recovered pursuant
            to any claim under the Vendor Warranties or recovered from any third
            party; or


     3.1.6   to the extent that such liability to Taxation was discharged prior
             to Completion (net of any cost to the Purchasers' Group in making
             such discharge); or

     3.1.7   to the extent that any Relief which has not been utilised in the
             Audited Accounts or which is not shown as an asset in the Audited
             Accounts arises in respect of or as a consequence of any Event
             occurring before the Balance Sheet Date is available to the Company
             to set against or otherwise mitigate the liability to Taxation
             giving rise to the claim; or

     3.1.8   to the extent and insofar that it arises or is increased as a
             consequence of any failure to or delay by the Purchaser or the
             Company in complying with any of their obligations under this Deed;

     3.1.9   to the extent that it arises in the ordinary course of business of
             the Company either as a result of or in respect of any Event which
             occurred after the Balance Sheet Date or in respect of or by
             reference to any income profits or gains actually earned, accrued
             or received after the Balance Sheet Date; or

     3.1.10  to the extent that it arises in respect of or by reference to any
             income profits or gains earned, accrued or received after the
             Balance Sheet Date to the extent that the consideration actually
             earned, accrued, received or receivable in relation thereto is not
             less than the consideration deemed to have earned, accrued or
             received for Taxation purposes;

     3.1.11  to the extent that it is a liability in respect of value added tax
             relating to supplies made by the Company before Completion in
             respect of which value added tax has been properly charged and the
             tax invoice issued but which value added tax is not yet due and
             payable to HM Customs & Excise unless and to the extent that such
             value added tax is not actually received by the Company; or

     3.1.12  to the extent that the liability arises by reason of a voluntary
             disclaimer by the Company after Completion of the whole or any part
             of any allowance to which it is entitled under Part II CAA 1990 or
             by reason of the revocation by the Company after Completion of any
             claim for a Relief made (whether provisionally or otherwise) by it
             prior to 


                    Completion in each case where the allowance or Relief was
                    taken into account in the Audited Accounts; or

     3.1.13         to the extent that the liability has been made good by
                    insurers or otherwise compensated without cost to the
                    Purchaser or the Company.

3.2  The provisions of Part I of the Eighth Schedule to the Agreement shall
     operate to limit the liability of the Covenantors under this Deed save in
     the circumstances referred to in Clause 9.2 of the Agreement (in which case
     the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 (inclusive) of Part I of the Eighth
     Schedule to the Agreement shall not apply to limit the liability of the
     Covenantors under this Deed).

3.3  In calculating the liability of the Covenantors in respect of any Claim
     credit will be given to the Covenantors to the extent of any provision or
     reserve in respect of Taxation made in the audited accounts of the Company
     which proves and is certified by the Company's auditors to be an over-
     provision or over-reserve  PROVIDED THAT in computing any such over-
     provision or over-reserve no account shall be taken of any change in law or
     the practice of any Tax Authority introduced or announced after the Balance
     Sheet Date or any Relief arising after the Balance Sheet Date.


4.1  If any matter or circumstance which may give rise to a Claim relevant for
     the purposes of this Deed comes to the attention of the Purchaser, it

     4.1.1  forthwith give written notice thereof to the Covenantors indicating
            in reasonable detail the nature of the Claim and further shall
            procure that the Company shall promptly supply the Covenantors with
            full details of the Claim as soon as the Purchaser becomes aware of
            them including a reasonable estimate of the amount and details of
            the date on which payment in respect of the Claim is due; and

     4.1.2  if the Covenantors indemnify the Purchaser and the Company to their
            reasonable satisfaction against all losses, costs, damages and
            expenses (including any interest or penalty on overdue Taxation and
            any additional Taxation) which may be incurred thereby (and provide
            security for costs reasonably satisfactory to them in respect of
            such indemnity) take such steps as the Covenantors  


            may reasonably request to avoid, dispute, resist, appeal, compromise
            or defend the Claim and provide the Covenantors with such
            information, books, records and correspondence as are in the control
            of the Purchaser or the Company and which the Covenantors shall
            reasonably require for the purpose of contesting such Claim and
            shall give the Covenantors such assistance and reasonable co-
            operation for the purposes of taking such action as the Covenantors
            may reasonably request.

4.2  Neither the Purchaser nor the Company shall be obliged to appeal against
     any Taxation assessment raised on it if:-

     4.2.1  having given the Covenantors written notice of the receipt of the
            Taxation assessment in accordance with provisions of Clause 4.1.1,
            it has not within 15 business days received instructions in writing
            from the Covenantors in accordance with the provisions of Clause
            4.1.2 to make that appeal;

     4.2.2  any period prescribed by the relevant legislation relating to
            Taxation for making of an appeal against the liability for Taxation
            which is the subject of the claim has expired before any request is
            made by the Covenantors in accordance with Clause 4.1.2;

     4.2.3  this will involve contesting any Taxation assessment beyond the
            first appellate body (excluding the Tax Authority demanding the
            Taxation in question) in the jurisdiction concerned, unless the
            Covenantors furnish the Purchaser with the written opinion of tax
            counsel of at least 10 years standing to the effect that an appeal
            against the assessment in question will, on the balance of
            probabilities, succeed.

4.3  Subject to compliance of the Purchaser with its obligations under Clause
     4.1.1 the Purchaser and the Company shall be entitled without reference to
     the Covenantors to admit, compromise, settle, discharge or otherwise deal
     with any Taxation assessment after whichever is the earliest of:-

     4.3.1  the Purchaser or the Company being notified by any of the
            Covenantors that they consider that the assessment should no longer
            be resisted;

     4.3.2  the expiry of a period of 20 business days following the service of
            a notice by the Purchaser or the Company on the Covenantors, or on
            any of them, requiring the Covenantors to clarify or explain the
            terms of any request made under Clause 4.1.2, during which 


            period no such clarification or explanation has been received by the
            Purchaser or the Company; and

     4.3.3  the expiry of any period prescribed by applicable legislation for
            the making of an appeal against either the Taxation assessment or
            the decision of any court or tribunal in respect of any such
            assessment, as the case may be.

4.4  Neither the Purchaser nor the Company shall be required to take any action
     which in its reasonable opinion is likely to materially prejudice its
     business or result in the Purchaser or the Company or any company which
     forms part of the Purchaser's Group incurring a liability to Taxation or an
     increased liability to Taxation which would not otherwise have arisen.

4.5  The Purchaser shall make no settlement or compromise of any liability to
     Taxation for which a claim has been made under this Deed and in respect of
     which the Covenantors have made any such request as is referred to in
     Clause 4.1.2 above, nor agree any matter in the course of disputing the
     said claim likely to affect the amount thereof without the prior written
     approval of the Covenantors of the terms of the proposed settlement or
     agreement (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) and
     upon settlement or final adjudication of the said claim the Covenantors
     shall forthwith discharge any liability to Taxation arising from the said
     claim in accordance with Clause 6 below.

4.6  Clause 4.1.2 shall not apply in respect of a Claim if the Covenantors or
     the Company have committed an act or are responsible for an omission in
     relation to the Claim which the Purchaser or the Company reasonably
     considers constitutes fraudulent or negligent conduct.


5.1  The Covenantors or their duly authorised agents (at the expense of the
     Covenantors) shall at their option be responsible for and have the conduct
     and control of preparing, submitting to and agreeing with the relevant Tax
     Authority all Tax returns and computations of the Company for all
     accounting periods ended on or before the Completion, provided that such
     Tax returns and computations shall be prepared on a basis consistent with
     that upon which such returns and computations have been prepared by the
     Covenantors (or their duly authorised agent) previously, save to the extent
     that any change in such basis is required in order to comply with any
     change in generally accepted accounting principles or any change in
     legislation, law or published practice of, or any requirement of,


     any Tax Authority or to take account of any change in any interpretation

5.2  The Purchaser and the Covenantors shall each respectively provide (or
     procure the provision to) the other or their duly authorised agents of such
     information and assistance which may reasonably be required to prepare,
     submit and agree all such outstanding Tax computations and returns,
     including, without limitation, the causing of any computations, returns,
     notices, claims, elections and agreements to be authorised signed and
     returned by the Company to the Covenantors or their duly authorised
     representatives for submission to the appropriate Tax Authority provided
     that the Purchaser shall not be obliged to and shall not be obliged to
     procure that the Company take any such action as is mentioned in this sub-
     clause in relation to any Tax return or other document that is not full,
     true and accurate in all material respects.

5.3  The Covenantors shall ensure that all such Tax returns and computations,
     together with any related correspondence, are delivered to the Purchaser
     before submission to the Tax Authority concerned, and the Covenantors shall
     consult the Purchaser and consider the Purchaser's comments concerning the


6.1  Where the Covenantors are liable to make a payment pursuant to this Deed,
     the due date for making such payment which shall be made in cleared funds
     shall be :-

     6.1.1  in a case which involves the making of an actual payment of Taxation
            by the Company, the date that is three business days immediately
            before the last date on which the Company would have had to pay to
            the relevant Tax Authority the Taxation that has given rise to the
            Covenantors' liability under this Deed in order to avoid incurring a
            liability to interest or a charge or penalty in respect of that
            liability to Taxation; or

     6.1.2  in respect of a liability to Taxation falling within Clause 1.7.1
            within five business days after the date on which the Covenantors
            are notified by the Purchaser or the Company that the Covenantors
            have a liability for a determinable amount;

     6.1.3  in respect of a liability to Taxation falling within Clause 1.7.2
            the date that is one business day before the last date upon which
            the Company would have had to make an actual payment of Taxation


            but for the utilisation or set off of the Relief, as the case may
            be, in order to avoid incurring a liability to pay interest or a
            charge or a penalty;

     6.1.4  in any other case, within five business days after the date when the
            Covenantors have been notified by the Company or the Purchaser that
            the Covenantors have a liability for a determinable amount, such
            notice to be accompanied by reasonable evidence of the liability in
            question having been incurred.

6.2  If any sum due and payable by the Covenantors under this Deed is not paid
     on the due date for payment as ascertained in accordance with the
     provisions of this Deed, the Covenantors shall in addition to that sum, pay
     interest on the amount for the time being unpaid from the due date for
     payment of the sum to and including the day of actual payment of the sum
     (or the next business day if the day of actual payment is not a business
     day).  The interest shall accrue from day to day (before as well as after
     judgment) at the rate of 2% per annum above the base lending rate for the
     time being of Lloyds Bank plc and shall be compounded quarterly on the
     usual quarter days.


7.1  Any payment by the Covenantors to the Purchaser or to the Company hereunder
     shall be paid free and clear of all deductions, withholdings, set offs or
     counterclaims whatsoever, save as may be required by law.  If any
     deductions or withholdings shall be required by law, the Covenantors shall
     be obliged to pay to the Purchaser or to the Company such sum as will,
     after such deduction or withholding has been made, leave the Purchaser or
     the Company with the same amount as it would have been entitled to receive
     in the absence of any such requirement to make a deduction or withholding.

7.2  If any payment by the Covenantors to the Purchaser or the Company hereunder
     shall be subject to Taxation in the hands of the recipient then the sum
     payable shall be increased by such amount as will ensure that, after
     payment of Taxation, the Purchaser or the Company receives a net sum equal
     to the sum which it would otherwise have received under this Deed had the
     payment not been subject to Taxation provided always that if any payment is
     initially made on the basis that the amount due is taxable in the hands of
     the recipient and it is subsequently determined that is not, the Purchaser
     shall promptly refund to the Covenantors the excess amount paid.



     If the Covenantors have made a payment under Clause 2 of this Deed and the
     Purchaser or the Company subsequently receives from any other person (other
     than the Company or the Purchaser) any sum in respect of the Taxation
     concerned (otherwise than by reason of any Relief arising in consequence of
     an Event occurring after Completion), the Purchaser or the Company shall
     forthwith repay or procure the repayment to the Covenantors of the amount
     received (including any interest or repayment supplement paid by the Tax
     Authority relating to the period after receipt of the relevant payment from
     the Covenantors on or in respect thereof, less any costs reasonably and
     properly incurred in recovering such amount and any Taxation on such
     amount) not exceeding the payment by the Covenantors hereunder.


9.1  If any payment is made by the Covenantors under this Deed in respect of a
     liability to Taxation and the Company or the Purchaser receives a Relief in
     respect of the liability to Taxation in question, the Purchaser shall pay
     to the Covenantors the lower of the amount of Taxation that the Purchaser,
     the Company or any member of the Purchaser's Group actually saves by virtue
     of the relief (less any reasonable costs of obtaining or recovering such
     relief and any Taxation suffered thereon) and the aggregate payments
     previously made by the Covenantors under this Deed.

9.2  Any payment to be made by the Purchaser pursuant to Clause 9.1 shall be
     made 5 business days after the date on which Taxation would have been
     recoverable by a Taxation Authority but for the use of the Relief.


10.1 Any liability of the Covenantors to the Purchaser or to the Companies under
     the provisions of this Deed may in whole or in part be released, varied,
     compounded or compromised by the Purchaser and by the Companies in their
     absolute discretion without in any way prejudicing or affecting their
     rights against the Covenantors hereunder. A waiver by the Purchaser and/or
     by the Company of any breach by the Covenantors of the covenants and
     undertakings contained in this Deed or the acquiescence of the Purchaser
     and/or the Company in the act, whether of commission or omission, which but
     for such acquiescence would be a breach as aforesaid, shall not constitute
     a general waiver of such covenant or undertaking or of any subsequent act
     contrary thereto.


10.2 The provisions of Clauses 20.2, 21.2, 22, 23, 24.1, 24.2, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4,
     26 and 27 of the  Agreement shall apply as if repeated herein with
     references to the Vendors in such provisions being deemed to be references
     herein to the Covenantors and references therein to this Agreement being
     deemed to be references herein to this Deed.


11.1 WAM!NET (UK) Limited and WAM!NET Inc hereby jointly and severally covenant
     with the Covenantors to pay to the Covenantors an amount equivalent to any
     liability to Taxation of the Company for which the Covenantors are assessed
     under Section 767A Taxes Act together with any reasonable costs and
     expenses properly incurred by the Covenantors in connection with such
     Taxation or a claim under this Clause.

11.2 The covenant contained in Clause 11.1 shall:

     11.2.1  not apply to any Taxation to the extent that the Purchaser could
             claim payment in respect of it under Clause 2.1 of this Deed;

     11.2.2  not apply to Taxation which has been recovered under Section
             767B(2) Taxes Act (and the Covenantors shall procure that no such
             recovery is sought to the extent that payment is made hereunder).

IN WITNESS whereof this Deed has been executed by the Covenantors and the
- ----------                                                               
Purchaser and delivered the day and year first above written.


                               THE FIRST SCHEDULE

                                THE COVENANTORS

(1)                                (2)

NAME                               ADDRESS
- ----                               -------

Andrew Steven Baird                30 Denbigh Road
                                   London W13 8NH

Lyndon David Stickley              14 State Street

David Anthony Townend              3 Marwell Close

Yorick Phoenix
                                   6 Princes Road
                                   Dorset BH12 1BH


                              THE SECOND SCHEDULE

                                 THE COMPANIES

(1)                             (2)                   (3)
NAME                           NUMBER                 REGISTERED OFFICE
- ----                           ------                 ------------------
4-Sight PLC                   2807473              64-68 Norwich Avenue, West
                                                   Bournemouth, BH2 6AW, England
4-Sight (International)       2508436              "                    "
4-Sight Software Limited      3126535              "                    "
4-Sight Inc                   N/A                  1209 Orange Street, Wilmington,
                                                   Delaware 19801 U.S.A.
4-Sight GmbH                  HR B59 578           Hamburg, Germany


                             THE SEVENTH SCHEDULE

                                    PART I

                             THE VENDOR WARRANTIES


     No person has the right (whether exercisable now or in the future and
     whether contingent or not) to call for the allotment or issue of any shares
     or loan capital of the Company (under any option or other agreement
     (including conversion rights and rights of pre-emption)).



     All information contained in the Recitals and Schedules to this Agreement
     and the Disclosure Letter (including the documents listed therein) is true
     and accurate in all respects and none of the Warrantors is aware of any
     fact or matter or circumstances not disclosed in writing to the Purchaser
     which renders any such information untrue, inaccurate or misleading.


     The copies of the Audited Accounts, the Management Accounts and the
     memorandum and articles of association of the Company delivered to the
     Purchaser are complete and accurate copies of the originals thereof and, in
     the case of the memorandum and articles of association, contain full
     details of the rights and restrictions attaching to the share capital of
     the Company and have attached to them copies of all such resolutions and
     agreements as are required by law to be delivered to the Registrar of
     Companies for registration and all other resolutions passed by the Company
     or any class of members, other than resolutions relating to ordinary
     business at any annual general meeting of the Company.


     The criteria set out in paragraph 4(a)(i)-(iv) of the Introduction to the
     City Code on Take Overs and Mergers do not apply to 4-Sight Limited.




     (a)  The bases and policies of accounting adopted for the purpose of
          preparing the Audited Accounts are the same as those adopted in
          preparing the audited consolidated accounts of the Company in respect
          of the two accounting periods of the Company last preceding the
          Balance Sheet Date.

     (b)  The Audited Accounts give a true and fair view of the Company and of
          the Company and the Subsidiaries as a whole at the Balance Sheet Date
          and of the state of affairs of the Company and of the Company and the
          Subsidiaries at the Balance Sheet Date and of the profits and losses
          of the Company and of the Company and the Subsidiaries for the
          financial period ended on the Balance Sheet Date.

     (c)  The Audited Accounts comply with the requirements of the Companies
          Acts and were prepared in accordance with current FRS's and SSAP's
          applicable to a United Kingdom company.

     (d)  The Audited Accounts:-

          (i)   disclose, to the full extent required by applicable accounting
                standards, all the assets of the Company and of the Company and
                the Subsidiaries, as at the Balance Sheet Date;

          (ii)  make adequate provision to the full extent required by
                applicable accounting standards for all actual liabilities of
                the Company and the Subsidiaries as at the Balance Sheet Date;

          (iii) make proper provision to the full extent required by applicable
                accounting standards (or note in accordance with good accounting
                practice) for all contingent liabilities of the Company and of
                the Company and the Subsidiaries as at the Balance Sheet Date;

          (iv)  make provisions reasonably regarded as adequate for all bad and
                doubtful debts of the Company and the Subsidiaries as at the
                Balance Sheet Date.


     The stock and work-in-progress were included in the Audited Accounts at
     figures not exceeding the amounts which could in the circumstances existing
     at the Balance Sheet Date reasonably be expected to be realised in the
     normal course of carrying on the business of the Company.


     (a)  Full provision or reserve has been made in the Audited Accounts for
          all Taxation liable to be assessed on the Company or for which it is
          or may become accountable in respect of:-

          (i)    profits, gains or income (as computed for Taxation purposes)
                 arising or accruing or deemed to arise or accrue on or before
                 the Balance Sheet Date;

          (ii)   any transactions effected or deemed to be effected on or before
                 the Balance Sheet Date or provided for in the Audited Accounts;

          (iii)  distributions made or deemed to be made on or before the
                 Balance Sheet Date or provided for in the Audited Accounts.

     (b)  Proper provision or reserve for deferred taxation in accordance with
          accounting principles and standards generally accepted in the United
          Kingdom at the Balance Sheet Date has been made in the Audited

     (c)  Except as disclosed by the Audited Accounts and save in so far as full
          provision is made in them in a deferred taxation account for Taxation
          in respect of any chargeable gains or balancing charges which would
          arise or accrue in respect of any asset or machinery and plant on
          disposal thereof at the values at which they are included in them, no
          asset with a book value in excess of (Pounds)5,000 is included in the
          Audited Accounts at such value that if it were obtained on the
          disposal or deemed disposal of the asset a chargeable gain or
          balancing charge would arise or accrue.


     The profits of the Company for the three years ended on the Balance Sheet
     Date as shown by the Audited Accounts and by the audited


     accounts of the Company for previous periods delivered to the Purchaser and
     the trend of profits thereby shown have not (except as disclosed in such
     accounts) been affected by inconsistencies in accounting practices or by
     the inclusion of non-recurring items of income or expenditure or by
     transactions entered into otherwise than on normal commercial terms.


     None of the book debts of a value in excess of (Pounds)3,000 in respect of
     any debt which were included in the Audited Accounts or which have
     subsequently arisen, have been outstanding for more than three months from
     their due dates for payment or have been released on terms that the debtor
     has paid less than the full value of his debt and, so far as the Warrantors
     are aware all such debts have realised or will realise in the normal course
     of collection their full value as indicated in the Audited Accounts or in
     the books of the Company after taking into account the provision for bad
     and doubtful debts made in the Audited Accounts.  For the avoidance of
     doubt, a debt shall not be regarded as realising its full value to the
     extent that it is paid, received or otherwise recovered in circumstances in
     which such payment, receipt or recovery is void, voidable or otherwise
     liable to be reclaimed or set aside.


     The statutory books, books of account and other records of whatsoever kind
     of the Company are in all material respects up-to-date and maintained in
     accordance with all applicable legal requirements on a proper and
     consistent basis and contain accurate records in all material respects of
     all matters required to be dealt with in such books and all such books and
     records and all other material documents (including documents of title and
     copies of all subsisting agreements to which the Company is a party) which
     are the property of the Company or ought to be in its possession are in its
     possession or under its control and no notice or allegation that any is
     incorrect or should be rectified has been received.  All accounts,
     documents and returns required by law to be delivered or made to the
     Registrar of Companies or any other authority have been duly and correctly
     delivered or made.


     The Management Accounts:-

     (a)  have been prepared in good faith and with due diligence and on bases
          and principles which are consistent with those used in the


          preparation of the unaudited management accounts of the Company and
          the Subsidiaries for the financial year ended on the Balance Sheet
          Date; and

     (b)  so far as the Warrantors are aware, give a fair and not misleading
          view in all material respects of the financial state of affairs of the
          Company and the Subsidiaries and their results for the period from the
          Balance Sheet Date to the Management Accounts Date.


     Since the Balance Sheet Date:-

     (a)  there has been no material adverse change in the financial position or
          turnover of the Company;

     (b)  the Company's business has been carried on in the ordinary course,
          without any material interruption or alteration in its nature, scope
          or manner, and so as to maintain the same as a going concern;

     (c)  the Company has not entered into any transaction or assumed or, so far
          as the Warrantors are aware, incurred any liabilities (including
          contingent liabilities) or made any payment not provided for in the
          Audited Accounts otherwise than in the ordinary course of carrying on
          its business;

     (d)  the Company's profits have not been adversely affected by
          inconsistencies in accounting practices, by the inclusion of non-
          recurring items of income or expenditure, by transactions entered into
          otherwise than on normal commercial terms;

     (e)  the Company has not entered into any unusual, long term or onerous
          commitments or contracts;

     (f)  the Company's business has not been materially and adversely affected
          by the loss of any important customer or source of supply or by an
          abnormal factor not affecting similar businesses to a like extent and
          none of the Warrantors is aware of any facts which are likely to give
          rise to any such effects;

     (g)  no dividend or other distribution has been declared, made or paid to
          the Company's members and no loan capital or share capital of


          the Company has been repaid in whole or in part or has become liable
          to be repaid;

     (h)  the Company has not allotted or issued or agreed to issue any share or
          loan capital or other securities convertible into shares or loan

     (i)  the Company has not made or received any surrender relating to group
          relief or the benefit of advance corporation tax; and

     (j)  there has been no unusual increase or decrease in the level of the
          Company's stock.



     (a)  The amounts borrowed by the Company (as determined in accordance with
          the provisions of the relevant instrument) do not exceed any
          limitation on its borrowing contained in its Articles of Association
          or in any debenture or other deed or document binding upon it.

     (b)  The Company does not have outstanding any loan capital, and has not
          currently or  within the 3 years preceding the date of this Agreement,
          factored any of its debts or engaged in financing of a type which is
          not required to be shown or reflected in audited accounts or borrowed
          any money which it has not repaid nor otherwise has it the benefit of
          any overdraft, loan or other financial facilities, save as disclosed
          in the Disclosure Letter.

     (c)  A statement of all the bank accounts of the Company and of the credit
          or debit balances on such accounts as at a date not more than seven
          days before the date hereof is annexed to the Disclosure Letter.  The
          Company has no other bank or deposit accounts (whether in credit or
          overdrawn) and since such statement there have been no payments out of
          any such accounts except for routine payments and the balance on
          current account are not now substantially different from the balances
          shown on such statements.



     (a)  Particulars of the insurances of the Company are contained in the
          Disclosure Letter to which copies of the policies are attached.

     (b)  All the assets of the Company which are of an insurable nature have
          been and are at the date of this Agreement insured to the full
          replacement value thereof against fire and other risks normally
          insured against by companies carrying on similar businesses or owning
          property of a similar nature and the Company has been and is at the
          date of this Agreement adequately covered against accident, third
          party injury, damage and other risks normally covered by insurance by
          such companies.

     (c)  In respect of all such insurances:-

          (i)    all premiums have been duly paid to date;

          (ii)   all the policies are in force and, so far as the Warrantors are
                 aware, are not voidable on account of any act, omission or non-
                 disclosure on the part of the insured party;

          (iii)  there are no special or unusual terms or restrictions, the
                 premiums payable are not materially in excess of the normal
                 rates and neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has been given
                 notice of any circumstances in existence which are likely to
                 give rise to any increase in premiums; and

          (iv)   no claim is outstanding and neither the Company nor any
                 Subsidiary has been given notice of any circumstances which are
                 likely to give rise to any claim.


     Particulars of all investment or other grants, loan subsidies or financial
     assistance received by virtue of any statute by the Company during the
     previous six years are contained in the Disclosure Letter and, so far as
     the Warrantors are aware, and act or transaction has been effected in
     consequence of which the Company is or may be held liable to forfeit or
     refund in whole or in part any such grant or loan or any for which
     application has been made.



     Having regard to existing bank and other facilities, the Company has or
     will have sufficient working capital for the purposes of continuing to
     carry on its business in its present form and at its present level of
     turnover for a period of 12 months after Completion and for the purposes of
     executing, carrying out and fulfilling in accordance with their terms, all
     projects and contractual obligations which remain outstanding.



     The Company does not have any  outstanding capital commitments in excess of
     an aggregate of (Pounds)50,000.


     The Company is not now a party to or subject to any contract, obligation or
     liability which involves or may reasonably be expected to involve a
     liability on the Company of in excess of (Pounds)50,000 and which:-

     (a)  is of an unusual or abnormal nature or not wholly on an arm's length
          basis in the ordinary and usual course of business;

     (b)  is of a long-term nature (that is, unlikely to have been fully
          performed, in accordance with its terms, more than 12 months after the
          date on which is was entered into or undertaken);

     (c)  is incapable of termination in accordance with its terms, by the
          Company, on 60 days' notice or less;

     (d)  is of a loss-making nature (that is to say, known to be likely to
          result in a loss on completion of performance);

     (e)  cannot readily be fulfilled or performed on time without undue, or
          unusual, expenditure of money or effort;

     (f)  invoices payment by reference to fluctuations in the index of retail
          prices, or any other index, or in the rate of exchange for any



     Save as disclosed in the Audited Accounts or the Disclosure Letter, there
     is not outstanding any guarantee, indemnity or suretyship given by or for
     the benefit of the Company.


     (a)  With the exception of the loans, debts and securities particulars of
          which are contained in the Disclosure Letter and which will have been
          discharged prior to Completion, there are:-

          (i)   no loans made by the Company to the Vendors and/or any director
                of the Company and/or any person connected with any of them (as
                such expression is defined in Section 839 of the Taxes Act 1988)
                and the Company has not been a party to any transaction to which
                any of the provisions of s.320 (substantial property
                transactions involving directors, etc), s.322 (liabilities
                arising from contravention of s.320) or s.330 (general
                restrictions on loans etc to directors and persons connected
                with them) Companies Act 1985 may apply;

          (ii)  no debts owing to the Company by any of the Vendors and/or any
                director of the Company and/or any person connected (as defined
                in paragraph (i) above) with any of them;

          (iii) no debts owing by the Company other than debts which have arisen
                in the ordinary course of business; and

          (iv)  no securities for any such loans or debts.

     (b)  With the exception of the contracts and arrangements particulars of
          which are contained in the Disclosure Letter, there are no existing
          contracts or arrangements to which the Company is a party and in which
          any of the Vendors and/or any director of the Company and/or any
          person connected with any of them are interested whether directly or
          indirectly (other than by reason of their shareholdings in the

     (c)  There are not outstanding, nor during the past three years have been,
          any arrangements or understandings (whether legally binding or not)
          between the Company and any person who is a shareholder, or the
          beneficial owner of any interest, in the Company or in any Subsidiary
          or any person connected (as such


          expression is defined in Section 839 of the Taxes Act 1988) with any
          such person, relating to the management of the Company's business, or
          the appointment or removal of directors of the Company, or the
          ownership or the letting of any of the assets of the Company, or the
          provision, supply or purchase of finance, goods, services or other
          facilities to, by or from the Company, or otherwise howsoever relating
          to its affairs.

     (d)  None of the Warrantors have any material right or interest, direct or
          indirect, in any business other than that now carried on by the
          Company which is or, so far as the Warrantors are aware, will become
          competitive with the business of the Company.


     (a)  Compliance with this Agreement does not and will not conflict with or
          result in the breach of or constitute a default under any agreement or
          instrument to which the Company is now a party or relieve any other
          party to a contract with the Company of its obligations under such
          contract or entitle such party to terminate such contract, whether
          summarily or by notice.

     (b)  So far as the Warrantors are aware (but without having made specific
          enquiry of any third party), neither entering into nor completing this
          Agreement will or is likely to cause the Company to lose the benefit
          of any right or privilege it presently enjoys or any person who
          normally does business with or gives credit to the Company not to
          continue to do so on the same basis or any officer or senior employee
          of the Company to leave its employment.


     Neither more than 10 per cent of the aggregate amount of all the purchases,
     nor more than 10 per cent of the aggregate amount of all the sales, of the
     Company in each case during the 12 month period preceding the date hereof
     are obtained or made from or to the same supplier or customer (including
     any person, firm or company in any way connected with such supplier or
     customer) nor, so far as the Warrantors are aware, is any material source
     of supply to the Company, or any material outlet for the sales of the
     Company, in jeopardy or likely to be in jeopardy.



     No one is entitled to receive from the Company any finder's fee, brokerage
     or other commission in connection with the purchase of the Shares.


     The Company is not and has not agreed to become, a member of any joint
     venture, consortium, partnership or other unincorporated association and
     the Company is not and has not agreed to become a party to any agreement or
     arrangement for participating with others in any business sharing
     commissions or other income.


     The Company is not a party to any agency, distributorship, marketing,
     purchasing, manufacturing or licensing agreement (excluding "off the shelf"
     software licences) or arrangement or other agreement or arrangement which
     is material to the Company's business and which is exclusive or restricts
     its freedom to carry on its business in any part of the world in such
     manner as it thinks fit.


     The stock-in-trade currently held is not excessive but is adequate in
     relation to the current trading requirements of the business of the
     Company, is in good, undamaged and merchantable condition, is not obsolete
     or slow-moving and is capable of being sold by the Company in the ordinary
     course of its business in accordance with its current price list, without
     rebate or allowance to a purchaser (or to the extent that this is not the
     case, adequate provision or reserve has been made therefor in the Audited
     Accounts or Management Accounts).


     The assets owned or leased by the Company and the facilities and services
     to which the Company has a contractual right comprise all the assets,
     facilities and services necessary for the carrying on of the business of
     the Company in the manner in which it is presently conducted.




     The Company is carrying on its business in accordance with applicable laws,
     regulations and byelaws in the United Kingdom and in any relevant foreign
     country and so far as the Warrantors are aware there is no investigation or
     enquiry by, or order, decree or judgment of, any court or any governmental
     agency or regulatory body outstanding or anticipated against the Company or
     which might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect upon
     its assets or business.


     All material statutory, municipal and other licences, consents, permits and
     authorities necessary for the carrying on of the business of the Company as
     now carried on have been obtained and are valid and subsisting and all
     conditions applicable to any such licence, consent (including planning
     consent), permit or authority have been complied with and none of the
     Warrantors is aware of any breach of them or of any intended or likely
     suspension, cancellation, refusal or revocation of any of them.


     The terms of all material leases, tenancies, licences, concessions and
     agreements of whatsoever nature to which the Company is a party have in all
     material respects been duly complied with by all the parties thereto and so
     far as the Warrantors are aware there are no circumstances likely to give
     rise to any breach of such terms.


     (a)  Since the Balance Sheet Date the Company has not received notice of
          any claim for damages or seeking any other relief against the Company.

     (b)  Neither the Company nor in relation to any notice for which the
          Company is vicariously responsible, any director or (so far as the
          Warrantors are aware) employee is engaged whether as plaintiff or
          defendant or otherwise in any legal action, proceedings or arbitration
          (other than as plaintiff in the collection of debts arising in the
          ordinary course of its business) nor is being prosecuted for any
          criminal offence and, so far as the Warrantors are aware, there are no
          such proceedings or prosecutions pending or threatened.


     (c)  So far as the Warrantors are aware, there are no investigations,
          disciplinary proceedings or other circumstances likely to lead to any
          such claim or legal action, proceedings or arbitration (other than as
          aforesaid) or prosecution in which the Company may become involved.


     (a)  No order has been made, petition presented, resolution passed or
          meeting convened for the winding up of the Company.

     (b)  No petition has been presented for an administration order to be made
          in relation to the Company, nor has any such order been made.

     (c)  No receiver and/or manager (including an administrative receiver) has
          been appointed of the whole or any part of any of the property, assets
          and/or undertaking of the Company.

     (d)  No composition in satisfaction of the debts of the Company, or scheme
          or arrangements of its affairs, or compromise or arrangement between
          it and its creditors and/or members or any class of its creditors
          and/or members, has been proposed, sanctioned or approved.

     (e)  No distress, distraint, charging order, garnishee order, execution or
          other process has been levied or, so far as the Warrantors are aware,
          applied for in respect of the whole or any part of any of the
          property, assets and/or undertaking of the Company.

     (f)  So far as the Warrantors are aware, no event has occurred causing, or
          which upon intervention or notice by any third party may cause, any
          floating charge created by the Company to crystallise or any charge
          created by it to become enforceable, nor, so far as the Warrantors are
          aware, has any such crystallisation occurred or is such enforcement in

     (g)  In relation to any property or assets held by the Company under hire
          purchase, conditional sale, chattel leasing or retention of title
          agreement or otherwise belonging to a third party which are material
          to the carrying on of the Company's business, no event has occurred
          which entitles, or which upon intervention or notice by the third
          party may entitle, the third party to repossess the 


          property or assets concerned or terminate the agreement or any licence
          in respect of the same.

     (h)  The Company is not unable to pay its debts within the meaning of s.123
          Insolvency Act 1986.

     (i)  The Company has not been party to any transaction with any third party
          or parties which, in the event of any such third party going into
          liquidation or an administration order or a bankruptcy order being
          made in relation to it or him, would constitute (in whole or in part)
          a transaction at an undervalue, a preference, an invalid floating
          charge or an extortionate credit transaction or a transaction
          defrauding creditors under ss. 238 to 245 (inclusive) or ss. 339 to
          344 (inclusive) or s.423 Insolvency Act 1986.

     (j)  None of the persons who at present is, or who at any time within the
          last three years was, a director or officer of the Company is or at
          any material time was subject to any disqualification order under the
          Companies Acts.

     (k)  No steps have been taken or are contemplated by the Warrantors or any
          of them or by the Company or any third party, and so far as the
          Warrantors are aware, no circumstances exist, which may at any time
          hereafter lead to a result which renders any of the warranties
          contained in sub-paragraphs (a) to (j) (inclusive) above to be no
          longer true or accurate and no events or circumstances analogous to
          any of those referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) to (j) (inclusive)
          above have occurred, subsist or are contemplated in any jurisdiction
          other than England.


     (a)  The Company  (so far as the Warrantors are aware) is not a party to
          any agreement, arrangement or concerted practice and is not carrying
          on any practice which in whole or in part:-

          (i)    is or requires to be registered under the Restrictive Trade
                 Practices Acts;

          (ii)   contravenes Articles 85(1) or 86 of the Treaty of Rome or which
                 has been notified to the Commission of the European Communities
                 for negative clearance, exemption or other administrative


          (iii)  contravenes the provisions of the Consumer Credit Act 1974;

          (iv)   contravenes or is invalidated by the provisions of the Resale
                 Prices Act 1976;

          (v)    constitutes an anti-competitive practice as defined in the
                 Competition Act 1980; or

          (vi)   contravenes or is invalidated by any anti-trust legislation in
                 any other jurisdiction where the Company has assets or carries
                 on business.

     (b)  The Company has not received any financial or other benefit that
          requires to be notified to the Commission of European Communities as a
          state aid pursuant to Article 93 of the Treaty of Rome.

     (c)  The Company has not, within the preceding six years prior to the date
          of this Agreement Completion, received any notification that
          proceedings under any applicable anti-trust law have been initiated
          nor are any such proceedings contemplated by any of the Vendors or any
          of the directors of the Company nor within such period has it received
          notice of any claim having been made or threatened alleging any anti-
          trust law contravention.


     The Company has not been given notice that it has manufactured, sold or
     supplied products which are, or were, or will become, in any material
     respect, faulty or defective, or which do not comply with any warranties or
     representations expressly or impliedly made by the Company, or with all
     applicable regulations, standards and requirements.


     The Company has not given a power of attorney or any other authority
     (express, implied or ostensible) which is still outstanding or effective to
     any person to enter into any contract or commitment or do anything on its
     behalf, other than any authority to employees to enter into routine trading
     contracts in the normal course of their duties.



     All charges in favour of the Company have (if appropriate) been registered
     in accordance with the provisions of s. 395 and s.398 Companies Act 1985.


     None of the directors, nor, so far as the Warrantors are aware, officers,
     agents, employees or other persons acting on behalf of the Company has been
     party to the use of any assets of the Company for unlawful contributions,
     gifts, entertainment or other unlawful expenses relating to political
     activity or to the making of any direct or indirect unlawful payment to
     government officials or employees from such assets or to the establishment
     or maintenance of any unlawful or unrecorded fund of group monies or other
     assets or to the making of any deliberately false or fictitious entries on
     the books or records of the Company or to the making of any unlawful


     The Company has not sold or otherwise disposed of any shares or assets in
     circumstances such that it is, or may reasonably be expected to be, still
     subject to any liability (whether contingent or otherwise) under any
     representation, warranty or indemnity given or agreed to be given on or in
     connection with such sale or disposal but excluding any representation
     implied by law or given or agreed to be given in the ordinary course of



     (a)  Particulars are contained in the Disclosure Letter of all existing
          contracts of service with directors or employees of the Company
          carrying remuneration (including benefits) at a rate in excess of
          (Pounds)25,000 per annum and of all consultancy agreements with the

     (b)  There are not in existence any contracts of service with directors or
          employees of the Company, nor any consultancy agreements with the
          Company, which cannot be terminated by three months' notice or less
          without giving rise to any claim for damages or compensation (other
          than a statutory redundancy payment or statutory compensation for
          unfair dismissal).


     (c)  No changes to the contracts or agreements with the directors of the
          Company or contracts or agreements referred to in sub-paragraph (a)
          above have been made or proposed whether by the Company or any
          director, employee or consultant since the Balance Sheet Date.


     (a)  There are no amounts owing to any present or former directors or
          employees of the Company other than remuneration accrued due or for
          reimbursement of business expenses, and no directors or senior
          employees (being for this purpose employees with a remuneration
          package (including benefits) in excess of (Pounds)25,000 p.a.) of the
          Company have given or been given notice terminating their contracts of

     (b)  Save to the extent (if any) to which provision or allowance has been
          made in the Audited Accounts, the Company has not made or agreed to
          make any payment to or provided or agreed to provide any benefit for
          any present or former director or employee which is not allowable as a
          deduction for the purposes of Taxation.

     (c)  The Company is not liable to pay any industrial training levy and does
          not have outstanding any undischarged liability to pay to any
          governmental or regulatory authority in any jurisdiction any
          contribution, taxation or other impost arising in connection with the
          employment or engagement of employees or directors by it.

     (d)  Save to the extent (if any) to which provision or allowance has been
          made in the Audited Accounts or Management Accounts or (if applicable)
          in the audited accounts of the Company for the financial periods
          preceding the Balance Sheet Date (true and accurate copies of which
          are annexed to the Disclosure Letter):-

          (i)  no liability has been incurred by the Company in the 3 years
               preceding the date of this Agreement for breach of any contract
               of service or for services, for redundancy payments (including
               protective awards) or for compensation for wrongful dismissal or
               unfair dismissal or for failure to comply with any order for the
               reinstatement or re-engagement of any employee or for race, sex
               or disability discrimination; and


          (ii) no gratuitous payment has been made or promised by the Company in
               the 3 years preceding the date of this Agreement in connection
               with the actual or proposed termination or suspension of
               employment or variation of any contract of employment of any
               present or former director or employee.

     (e)  The Company has not received notice of any claims pending or
          threatened against the Company and the Warrantors are not aware of any
          circumstances likely to give rise to such a claim:-

          (i)  by an employee or workman or third party, in respect of an
               accident or injury which is not fully covered by insurance; or

          (ii) by an employee or director in relation to his terms and
               conditions of employment or appointment.


     The Company has in relation to each of its employees (and so far as
     relevant to each of its former employees) complied in all material respects

     (a)  all obligations imposed on it by Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome and
          all statutes, regulations and codes of conduct and practice relevant
          to the relations between it and its employees or any trade union and
          has maintained current adequate and suitable records regarding the
          service of each of its employees;

     (b)  all collective agreements and customs and practices for the time being
          dealing with such relations or the conditions of service of its
          employees; and

     (c)  all relevant orders and awards made under any relevant statutes,
          regulation or code of conduct and practice affecting the conditions of
          service of its employees.


     Within a period of one year preceding the date of this Agreement the
     Company has not given notice of any redundancies to the relevant Secretary
     of State or started consultations with any independent trade union or
     unions under the provisions of s.188 Trade Union and Labour 


     Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 or Regulation 10 of the Transfer of
     Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 and the Company
     has not failed to comply with any such obligations under the said s.188 or
     Regulation 10 of the said Regulations.


     (a)  The Company has (if applicable) complied with all recommendations made
          by the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service and with all
          awards and declarations made by the Central Arbitration Committee.

     (b)  The Company is not involved in any industrial or trade dispute or any
          dispute or negotiation regarding a claim of material importance with
          any trade union or association of trade unions or organisation or body
          of employees and there are no facts known, or which would on
          reasonable enquiry be known to the Warrantors which might indicate
          that there may be any such dispute.


     The Company does not have in existence and is not proposing to introduce
     any share incentive scheme, share option scheme or profit sharing scheme
     for all or any part of its directors or employees.


     The Company has not within the preceding 3 years prior to the date of this
     Agreement entered into any union membership, security of employment,
     recognition or other collective agreement (whether legally binding or not)
     with a trade union and has not within such period done any act which might
     be construed as recognition.


     (a)  No agreement or arrangement (other than the Pension Schemes) exists
          for the provision by the Company of any relevant benefits (as defined
          in s. 612(1) Taxes Act 1988, being a retirement benefits scheme
          defined in s. 630 Taxes Act 1988) for any person employed or formerly
          employed by the Company of for any dependant of any such person.


     (b)  The Company is not providing any ex gratia pensions or other like
          payments for any person employed or formerly employed by the Company
          or any dependant of any such person.

     (c)  No undertaking or assurance has been given  to all or any of the
          persons employed or formerly employed by the Company as to the
          continuance, introduction, increase or improvement of any retirement
          death or disability benefits (whether or not there is a legal
          obligation to do so).


     (1)  List of Plans - Part I of the Fourth Schedule to this Agreement
          contains an accurate and complete list of all 4-Sight, Inc. employee
          benefit plans ("Employee Benefit Plans"), within the meaning of
          section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
          as amended ("ERISA"), including any deferred compensation, separation,
          retention, severance or similar plan or agreement, whether or not any
          such Employee Benefit Plan is otherwise exempt from the provisions of
          ERISA, established, maintained or contributed to by 4-Sight, Inc.

     (2)  Status of Plans - 4-Sight, Inc. does not maintain or contribute to any
          Employee Benefit Plan subject to ERISA that is not in substantial
          compliance with ERISA.  None of the Employee Benefit Plans is a "multi
          employer plan," as defined in ERISA Section 4001(a)(3), or is a
          defined benefit pension plan subject to Title IV or ERISA.  4-Sight,
          Inc. is not delinquent in any obligation to make contributions to any
          multiemployer plan or to any Employee Benefit Plan subject to Internal
          Revenue Code ("Code") Section 412 or Title IV of ERISA and has not
          terminated or withdrawn from participation in any such plan.

     (3)  Contributions - Full payment has been made of all amounts which 4-
          Sight, Inc. is required, under applicable law or under any Employee
          Benefit Plan or any agreement relating to any Employee Benefit Plan to
          which 4-Sight, Inc. is a party, to have paid as contributions thereto
          as of the last day of the most recent fiscal year of such Employee
          Benefit Plan ended prior to the date hereof.  4-Sight, Inc. has made
          adequate provision for reserves to meet contributions that have not
          been made because they are not yet due under the terms of any Employee
          Benefit Plan or related agreements.  Benefits under all Employee
          Benefit Plans are as represented and have not been increased
          subsequent to the date as


          of which documents evidencing Employee Benefit Plans have been
          provided to the Purchaser.

     (4)  Tax Qualification - Each Employee Benefit Plan intended to be
          qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code has been determined to be
          so qualified by the Internal Revenue Service and nothing has occurred
          since the date of the last such determination which resulted or is
          likely to result in the revocation of such determination.

     (5)  Transactions - 4-Sight, Inc. has not engaged in any action or
          transaction with respect to an Employee Benefit Plan or any
          participant or beneficiary under an Employee Benefit Plan which would
          subject it to a tax, penalty, damages or liability under ERISA or the
          Code, nor have any of 4-Sight, Inc.'s directors, officers or employees
          to the extent they or any of them are fiduciaries with respect to such
          plans, breached in any material respect any of their responsibilities
          or obligations imposed upon fiduciaries under Title I of ERISA which
          would result in any claim being made under, by or on behalf of any
          such plans by any party.

     (6)  Audits or Suits - So far as the Warrantors are aware, there are no
          pending or threatened audits, investigations, claims, suits,
          grievances or other proceedings involving any Employee Benefit Plan,
          or any rights or benefits thereunder, other than the ordinary and
          usual claims for benefits by participants, dependents or

     (7)  Plan Amendment or Termination - Neither 4-Sight, Inc. nor any
          successor is restricted or prohibited from amending, merging, or
          terminating any Employee Benefit Plan in accordance with the terms of
          any such plan and applicable law.

     (8)  Documents - The Warrantors have delivered or caused to be delivered to
          the Purchaser true and complete copies of (i) all Employee Benefit
          Plans as in effect, together with all amendments thereto which will
          become effective at a later date, as well as the latest Internal
          Revenue Service determination letter obtained with respect to any such
          Employee Benefit Plan qualified under Section 401 or 501 of the Code,
          and (ii) Form 5500 for the most recent completed fiscal year for each
          Employee Benefit Plan required to file such form.



For the purposes of this paragraph 8, "Company" means all or any of the Company
and the Subsidiaries and "UK Company" means the Company and any Subsidiary which
is resident in the United Kingdom for the purposes of Taxation.


     (a)  RESIDENCE

          No Company is treated as resident for Taxation purposes in any
          jurisdiction other than or in addition to the jurisdiction of its


          Full provision or reserve has been made in the Audited Accounts for
          all Taxation liable to be assessed on any Company or for which it is
          accountable in respect of income, profits or gains earned, accrued or
          received on or before the Balance Sheet Date or any event on or before
          the Balance Sheet Date, including distributions made down to such date
          or provided for in the Audited Accounts, and full provisions has been
          made in the Audited Accounts for deferred Taxation in accordance with
          generally accepted accounting principles.


          (i)  Each Company has properly and punctually made all returns,
               notices and claims relating to Taxation and provided all such
               information and maintained all such records on a proper basis in
               relation to Taxation as are required to be provided or maintained
               by it and all such returns, notices, claims and information given
               to the Inland Revenue or other relevant Tax Authority were, when
               given, in all material respects, true and accurate and none of
               such returns is disputed nor so far as the Warrantors are aware
               likely to be disputed by, or is yet to be determined by, or is
               subject to agreement with, the Inland Revenue or any other Tax
               Authority concerned (in the United Kingdom or elsewhere).


          (ii)   Since the Balance Sheet Date, no accounting period of any
                 Company has ended.

          (iii)  Each Company has duly made all claims, disclaimers and
                 elections assumed to have been made for the purposes of the
                 Audited Accounts.

          (iv)   No transaction has been effected by any Company in respect of
                 which any consent or clearance from the Inland Revenue or other
                 Tax Authority was required without such consent or clearance
                 having been validly obtained before the transaction was
                 effected on the basis of a full and accurate disclosure to the
                 Inland Revenue or other Tax Authority of all relevant material
                 facts, circumstances and considerations, and all such
                 transactions have been carried into effect only in accordance
                 with the terms of the relevant consent or clearance.

          (v)    No Company has taken any action which has had, nor so far as
                 the Warrantors are aware will have, the result of altering,
                 prejudicing or in any way disturbing any arrangement or
                 agreement which it has previously had with the Commissioners of
                 Inland Revenue, or the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, or
                 other Tax Authority.

          (vi)   The Disclosure Letter sets out full particulars of any
                 agreement arrangement or dispensation between any Company and
                 the Inland Revenue or other Tax Authority which is currently

     (d)  PAYMENT OF TAX

          Each Company has duly and punctually paid all Taxation whether of the
          United Kingdom or elsewhere which it has become liable to pay and
          neither the Company nor any director or officer of any Company has
          paid, or is or has become liable to pay, any fine, penalty, surcharge
          or interest in connection with any claim for Taxation under the Taxes
          Management Act 1970 or the VATA 1994 or any other statutory provision
          relating to Taxation.



          (i)    No UK Company has made a distribution within the meaning of
                 s.210 (bonus issue following repayment of share capital) Taxes
                 Act 1988 or issued any share capital as paid up otherwise than
                 by receipt of new consideration within the meaning of Part VI
                 Taxes Act 1988.

          (ii)   No Company is bound to make any distribution except any
                 dividend disclosed in its audited statutory accounts.

          (iii)  No Company has repaid or agreed to repay or redeemed or agreed
                 to redeem or purchased or agreed to purchase any of its share
                 capital or capitalised or agreed to capitalise in the form of
                 debentures or redeemable shares, any profits or reserves or any
                 class or description.


          (i)    No UK Company has, prior to the date hereof, made any elections
                 under s.246A Taxes Act 1988.

          (ii)   No UK Company has not made any distribution which is deemed to
                 be a foreign income dividend by virtue of Schedule 7 Finance
                 Act 1997.


          All payments by any Company to any person which ought to have been
          made under deduction of tax have been so made and the Company has (if
          required bylaw to do so) provided certificates of deduction in the
          required form to such person and accounted to the Inland Revenue or
          other relevant Tax Authority for the Tax so deducted.


          No rents, interest, annual payments or other sums of an income nature
          paid or payable by any Company or which any Company is under an
          obligation to pay in the future are wholly or partially disallowable
          as deductions, loan relationship debits or charges in computing the
          profits of the Company for the purposes of Taxation.



          (i)    Each UK Company applies an authorised accruals method of
                 accounting (as that term is defined in s.85 Finance Act 1996)
                 in respect of all loan relationships (as that term is defined
                 in s.81 Finance Act 1996) to which it is a party.

          (ii)   The Disclosure Letter contains full and accurate particulars of
                 any loan relationship to which any UK Company is a party,
                 whether as a debtor or as a creditor, where any other party to
                 that loan relationship is connected with that Company for the
                 purposes of Chapter II Part IV Finance Act 1996.

          (iii)  No UK Company has entered into any loan relationship to which
                 paragraph 11(1) Schedule 9 Finance Act 1996 applies.

          (iv)   No Company has been nor is entitled to be released from any
                 liability arising under a debtor relationship of the Company.

          (v)    No UK Company is a party to any loan relationship which is
                 subject to the provisions of s.92 (convertible securities) or
                 s.93 (loan relationships linked to the value of chargeable
                 assets) Finance Act 1996.


          Nothing has been done and no event or series of events has occurred or
          will as a result of any contract, agreement or arrangement entered
          into before Completion occur which might, when taken together with the
          entry into or Completion of this Agreement, cause or contribute to the
          disallowance of the carry forward of any losses or excess charges on
          income or surplus advance corporation tax under the provisions of
          s.245 (calculation etc. of ACT on change of ownership of company),
          s.245A (restriction on application of s240 in certain circumstances),
          s.393 (losses other than terminal losses) or s.768 or s.768 A, B or C
          (change of ownership of company: disallowance of trading losses,
          expenses of management and other charges) Taxes Act 1988.


     (k)  GROUP INCOME

          The Disclosure Letter contains particulars of all elections made by
          any UK Company under s.247 Taxes Act 1988 (dividends etc. paid by one
          member of a group to another) and all such elections are now in force.


          (i)    The Disclosure Letter contains full details of all surrenders,
                 claims, notices, arrangements and agreements for surrenders or
                 claims or giving of notices to which any UK Company is or has
                 been a party in the last six accounting periods ending on or
                 before Completion for:-

                 (aa)  any amounts by way of group relief under the provisions
                       of Chapter IV of Part X Taxes Act 1988;

                 (bb)  any amount of surplus advance corporation tax under s.240
                       Taxes Act 1988;

                 (cc)  any amounts of tax refund to be dealt with under s.102
                       Finance Act 1989.

          (ii)   The Company has received all payments due to it and made all
                 payments due from it under any such arrangement or agreement as
                 is referred to in (i) above for any group relief, advance
                 corporation tax or tax refund under those provisions.

          (iii)  No Company (other than a UK Company) has at any time within the
                 last six accounting periods ending on or before Completion had
                 its tax affairs dealt with on a consolidated basis nor has any
                 Company entered into a tax sharing arrangement with any other
                 company (including without limitation any arrangement whereby
                 tax losses or tax reliefs are surrendered or claimed or profits




          The Company is a close company within the meaning of s.414 Taxes Act


          No distribution within s. 418 Taxes Act 1988 (certain expenses of
          close companies included as distributions) has been made by the
          Company within six years of the date hereof and no such distribution
          will be made before Completion.


          The Company has not made (and will not be deemed to have made) within
          six years of the date hereof any loan or advance to a participator or
          an associate of a participator so as to become liable to make any
          payment under s.419 Taxes Act 1988 (loans to participators etc.).


          The Company is not and has never been a "close investment holding
          company" within the meaning of s.13A Taxes Act 1988.



          (i)    No Company has at any time entered into or been a party to a
                 transaction or series of transactions containing steps inserted
                 which the Company was aware had no commercial or business
                 purpose other than the avoidance or deferral of Taxation; or

          (ii)   No UK Company has at any time entered into or been party to a
                 transaction or series of transactions being transactions to
                 which any of the provisions of Part XVII Taxes Act 1988 could
                 apply without, in the appropriate cases, having received
                 clearance in respect thereof from the Inland Revenue.

          (iii)  No transactions or arrangements involving any Company have
                 taken place or are in existence which are such that any
                 provisions relating to transfer pricing have or could be
                 applied to them (including for the avoidance of doubt, in


               the case of any UK Company, any of the provisions of Sections 
               770-773 Taxes Act 1988) and no Company is or has been involved in
               any other enquiry in any jurisdiction in relation to the
               adjustment of profits of associated enterprises for Taxation


          No notice of the making of a direction under s.747 Taxes Act 1988
          (imputation of chargeable profits and creditable tax of controlled
          foreign companies) has been received by any UK Company and no
          circumstances exist which would entitle the Inland Revenue to make
          such a direction and to apportion any profits of a controlled foreign
          company to any UK Company pursuant to s.752 Taxes Act 1988
          (apportionment of chargeable profits and creditable tax.


     (a)  BASE VALUES

          (i)   On the disposal of any capital asset of a UK Company for a
                consideration equal to the book value of that asset in or
                adopted for the purpose of the Audited Accounts no liability to
                corporation tax on chargeable gains under the TCGA 1992 would
                arise (disregarding any right to claim reliefs or allowances
                other than amounts falling to be deducted from the consideration
                receivable under s.38 TCGA 1992).

          (ii)  On the disposal by any Company (other than a UK Company) of any
                asset for a consideration equal to the value attributed to that
                asset in the Audited Accounts no charge to tax will arise.


          No UK Company has made a claim under ss. 152 to 156 (inclusive), s.158
          or ss.242 to 244 (inclusive) or s.247 TCGA 1992 and no such claim or
          other claim has been made by any other person (in particular pursuant
          to s.165 or s.175 TCGA 1992) which affects or could affect the amount
          or value of the consideration for the acquisition of any asset by the


          taken into account in calculating liability to corporation tax on
          chargeable gains on a subsequent disposal.


          (i)  The book value used in preparing the Audited Accounts of each
               asset or class of assets in respect of which separate
               computations for capital allowances are required to be made (as a
               result of an election or otherwise) is such that, on a disposal
               of each such asset, or (as the case may be) all the assets in
               such class, for a consideration equal to the value so used (and
               disregarding any statutory right to claim any allowance or
               relief), no balancing charge would arise.
          (ii) No claim has been made for the depreciation of any asset of a
               Company (other than a UK Company) for Taxation purposes in
               circumstances where the claim is likely to be disallowed.


          (i)    No liability to Taxation would arise on the disposal by any
                 Company of any asset acquired since the Balance Sheet Date for
                 a consideration equal to the consideration actually given for
                 the acquisition.

          (ii)   Since the Balance Sheet Date, no Company has entered into or
                 been party to any transaction which will or so far as the
                 Warrantors are aware may give rise to a liability to Taxation
                 other than transactions undertaken in the ordinary course of
                 trade of that Company (which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall
                 not include the disposal of a capital asset).

          (iii)  Since the Balance Sheet Date, no event has occurred as a result
                 of which a balancing charge may fall to be made under the CAA
                 1990 against, or any disposal value may fall to be brought into
                 account under s.24 CAA 1990 by, any UK Company or there may be
                 a recovery of excess relief within s.46 or s.47 CAA 1990 (or
                 other legislation relating to capital allowances).



          Neither s.178 nor s.179 TCGA 1992 will have effect in relation to any
          asset or property of any UK Company by virtue or in consequence of the
          entering into or performance of the Agreement or any other Event since
          the Balance Sheet Date.


     (a)  P.A.Y.E.

          (i)    Each UK Company has properly operated the Pay As You Earn
                 System deducting tax as required by law from all payments to or
                 treated as made to employees and ex-employees of the Company
                 and punctually accounted to the Inland Revenue for all tax so

          (ii)   Each UK Company has paid all national insurance and graduated
                 pension contributions for which it is liable and has kept
                 proper books and records relating to the same.

          (iii)  No UK Company has suffered any Pay As You Earn or national
                 insurance audit nor has been notified that any such audit is
                 expected to be made.

          (iv)   Each Company (other than a UK Company) has properly accounted
                 for all payroll, wage and other taxes, including without
                 limitation, all social security charges for which it is liable.


          No Company has made any payment to or provided any benefit for any
          officer or employee or ex-officer or ex-employee of the Company which
          is not allowable as a deduction in calculating the profits of the
          Company for Taxation purposes.


     (a)  All documents which confer any right upon a Company which it may have
          an interest in enforcing and all documents which form part of a
          Company's title to any asset owned or possessed by it or which the
          Company may need to enforce or produce in evidence in any court have
          been duly stamped and the Company is not liable to any penalty in
          respect of any such duty and there are no circumstances which may give
          rise to such a penalty.


     (b)  Each Company (other than a UK Company) has duly paid all capital
          duties for which it has at any time been liable.

     (c)  No UK Company has an unsatisfied liability to stamp duty reserve tax.

     For the purposes of this paragraph (8) where the context so requires,
     "value added tax" means value added tax which is charged in the United
     Kingdom under VATA 1994 and any similar or like tax charged on the supply
     of goods or services in any other jurisdiction.

     (a)  GENERAL

          (i)    Each Company is registered for the purposes of value added tax
                 and has been so registered at all times and in all
                 jurisdictions in which it has been required to be registered by
                 the relevant legislation.

          (ii)   Each Company has complied fully with all statutory
                 requirements, orders, provisions, directions or conditions
                 relating to value added tax including (for the avoidance of
                 doubt) the terms of any agreements reached with the
                 Commissioners of Customs and Excise or other relevant Tax

          (iii)  Each Company maintains and has at all times maintained
                 complete, correct and up-to-date records for the purposes of
                 any value added tax legislation and has preserved such records
                 in such form and for such periods as are required by the
                 relevant legislation.

          (iv)   No Company is in arrears with any payment or returns, or liable
                 to any abnormal or non-routine payment, or any forfeiture or
                 penalty, or to the operation of any penal provision.

          (v)    No Company has been required by a Taxation Authority (including
                 the Commissioners of Customs and Excise) to give security.


          (vi)    No Company is, nor has it agreed to become, an agent, manager,
                  or factor for the purposes of accounting for value added tax
                  on behalf of any other person other than another Company.

          (vii)   No Company is or has been treated for value added tax purposes
                  as a member of a group of companies.

          (viii)  No Company has made exempt supplies such or of such amount
                  that it is unable to obtain credit for all input tax paid or
                  suffered by it.

          (xii)   There is no asset in respect of which a Company may at any
                  time be required to make any payment to a Tax Authority by way
                  of adjustment to input value added tax deductible on the asset
                  under arrangements giving effect to or comparable with Article
                  20(2)-(5) EC Sixth Directive (77/388/EC) (capital goods


          The Disclosure Letter contains full details of all properties and
          interests in land in which any UK Company is or may be interested
          where any supply by it or to it or in relation thereto is or may be
          subject to value added tax and all related undertakings, covenants and
          agreements relating to the exercise or non-exercise of the election to
          waive exemption from value added tax under paragraph 2 Schedule 10
          VATA 1994.



          There are not in existence any circumstances whereby any such power as
          is mentioned in s.212 Inheritance Act 1984 could be exercised in
          relation to any share in, securities of, or assets of, a Company.

     (b)  GIFTS

          (i)  No Company is liable to be assessed to corporation tax on
               chargeable gains or to inheritance tax as donor or donee of any
               gift or transferor or transferee of value.


          (ii)   No Company has been a party to associated operations in
                 relation to a transfer of value within the meaning of s.268
                 Inheritance Tax Act 1984.

          (iii)  No Inland Revenue charge (as defined in s.237 Inheritance Tax
                 Act 1984) is outstanding over any asset of any Company or in
                 relation to any shares in the capital of any Company.

          (iv)   No Company has received any asset as mentioned in s.282 TCGA


     (a)  The Company has not received any payment to which s.601(1) Taxes Act
          1988 (payments to employers) could apply.

     (b)  The Pension Schemes are not such, or in such a condition, that the
          administration thereof may be obliged to submit proposals to the
          Inland Revenue under schedule 22 Taxes Act 1988 (reduction of pension
          scheme surpluses).


     The Company is not a participating company in any scheme approved under
     schedule 9 Taxes Act 1988 (approved share option schemes and profit sharing



     The Company is the sole beneficial owner of all the issued or allotted
     shares of the Subsidiaries free from all liens, claims, charges, equities
     and encumbrances and all such shares are fully paid or credited as fully


     The Company:-

     (a)  is not the holder or beneficial owner of, and has not agreed to,
          acquire any share or loan capital of any other company (whether
          incorporated in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) other than the
          Subsidiaries; and


     (b)  does not have outside the United Kingdom any branch, agency or place
          of business, or any permanent establishment (as that expression is
          defined in the relevant double taxation relief orders current at the
          date of this Agreement).


     All assets of the Company (other than the Properties) and all debts due to
     it which are included in the Audited Accounts or have otherwise been
     represented as being the property of or due to the Company were at the
     Balance Sheet Date used or held for the purposes of its business, were at
     the Balance Sheet Date the absolute property of the Company and (save for
     those subsequently disposed of or realised in the ordinary course of
     trading) all such assets and all assets and debts which have subsequently
     been acquired or arisen are now the absolute property of the Company and
     none is the subject of any option, right to acquire, assignment, mortgage,
     charge, lien or hypothecation or other encumbrance whatsoever (excepting
     other liens arising by operation of law in the normal course of trading) or
     the subject of any factoring arrangement, hire-purchase, conditional sale
     or credit sale agreement.


     (a)  The plant, machinery, vehicles and all other equipment used in
          connection with the business of the Company:-

          (i)    is in all material respects in a reasonable state of repair and
                 condition and satisfactory working order (fair wear and tear
                 excepted) and has been regularly and properly maintained;

          (ii)   (except computer equipment) is not surplus to requirements and
                 is in the possession and control of the Company and is not
                 expected to require replacements or additions at a cost in
                 excess of, in aggregate, (Pounds)10,000 within 12 months from
                 the date of this Agreement; and

          (iii)  is capable of doing the work for which it was designed or

     (b)  Maintenance contracts are in full force and effect in respect of all
          assets of the Company (except computer equipment) which it is normal
          or prudent to have maintained by independent or specialist 


          contractors and in respect of all assets which the Company is obliged
          to maintain or repair under any agreement (other than assets
          maintained by the Company itself) and all such assets have been
          maintained regularly to a reasonable technical standard and in
          accordance with safety regulations usually observed in relation
          thereto and in accordance with the terms of any leasing or other


     (a)  The Company is the sole legal and beneficial owner of or has the
          right to use, free and clear of all material liens, claims or
          restrictions all Intellectual Property Rights.

     (b)  All the Intellectual Property Rights are valid and enforceable and are
          in full force and effect.

     (c)  The details of the Intellectual Property Rights which are set out in
          the Third Schedule are true, complete and accurate in all material

     (d)  All Intellectual Property Rights which are capable of registration
          have been registered.

     (e)  The Company has not granted, or purported to grant, to any third party
          any licences (whether express or implied) of the Intellectual Property
          Rights nor has the Company created any equitable interest in,
          licensed, charged or mortgaged or otherwise encumbered the
          Intellectual Property Rights.

     (f)  All licences to the Company of Intellectual Property which are
          disclosed in the Disclosure Letter are in full force and effect, are
          valid and are not subject to any notice of termination, nor (so far as
          the Warrantors are aware) are there any grounds for termination of any
          such licence (including but not limited to termination as a result of
          any of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement), nor, as far
          as the Warrantors are aware, is the Company in breach of the terms of
          any such licence, nor is the Company liable to make any payment (or
          provide other consideration) contingent or otherwise to any third
          party in respect of the use of any Intellectual Property.

     (g)  As far as the Warrantors are aware, nothing has been done or omitted
          to be done and no circumstances exist which could lead to 


          any Intellectual Property Rights ceasing to be valid and enforceable
          or whereby:-

          (i)    any person is able to seek cancellation, rectification or
                 revocation or any modification of any Intellectual Property
                 Rights; or

          (ii)   any applications for registered Intellectual Property Rights
                 might not proceed to grant or might not proceed to grant in
                 their current form; or

          (iii)  any Intellectual Property Rights could lapse or where fines
                 could become payable for late payment due to failure to pay
                 fees to any regulatory or governmental authority or any third
                 party prior to or within six months of the date of this

     (h)  The Warrantors are not aware of any proceedings, actions or claims
          which are pending or threatened:-

          (i)    impugning the title, validity or enforceability (in whole or in
                 part) of any of the Intellectual Property Rights; or

          (ii)   in respect of employee rights to compensation as the inventor
                 or author of any Intellectual Property Right; or

          (iii)  with the intention that any third party be permitted to use any
                 of the Intellectual Property Rights, and in particular by way
                 of compulsory licence or crown use (or a similar or analogous
                 right in another jurisdiction).

     (i)  The carrying on of the business of the Company does not infringe and
          has not infringed any Intellectual Property of any third party and, so
          far as the Warrantors are aware, the Company does not need to obtain
          rights under any Intellectual Property other than the Intellectual
          Property Rights in order to continue its business as presently
          constituted or in accordance with its current business plan.

     (j)  All trade secrets, know-how and other  confidential information
          relating to the business carried on by the Company which were created
          by the Company including but not limited to lists of customers and
          suppliers, sales targets, sales statistics, prices, market research
          reports, business development and planning:-


          (i)    were lawfully created by the Company and were not obtained from
                 a third party;

          (ii)   have not been disclosed to any person (save for employees who
                 were under a duty of confidence) without in each case first
                 obtaining a written undertaking from the person in question to
                 keep the same confidential and the Company has disclosed to the
                 Purchaser the names and identities of all persons who have
                 given such undertakings; and

          (iii)  the Company is not under any obligation to disclose the same to
                 any person.

     (k)  The Company is not using any get up or trading style which is the same
          as or similar to that of a third party who carries on a similar
          business to the Company in the countries where the Company conducts
          its business.

     (l)  So far as the Warrantors are aware the Company is not engaged in any
          activity which could lead to a third party bringing a claim against
          the Company for passing off or (in other jurisdictions) for unfair
          competition and so far as the Warrantors are aware the Company does
          not have (and never has had) grounds to bring an action against a
          third party for passing off or for unfair competition.

     (m)  The Company has complied at all times  with all applicable
          requirements of the Data Protection Act 1984.

     (n)  All software held and/or used by the Company is and will remain
          Millennium Compliant.

     (o)  The Company is not liable to make any payment (or provide other
          consideration), contingent or otherwise, to any third party in respect
          of any third party licences, relating to any of the Intellectual
          Property, which have expired or been terminated and no proceedings,
          actions or claims are pending or threatened in respect of third party
          rights in and to such Intellectual Property which is the subject of
          expired or terminated third party licences.




     The Properties comprise all of the premises and land now owned or occupied
     by or at any time used in connection with the businesses of the Company.

(2)  TITLE

     In relation to each Property which is situated in the U.K.:-

     (a)  the Company or the Subsidiary named in the Fifth Schedule as owner of
          the Property is the legal owner of and beneficially entitled to the
          whole of the proceeds of sale of and has a good title to the whole of
          the Property;

     (b)  if the title to the Property is registered then the Company is
          registered with Absolute Title and if not so registered then the title
          of the Company commences with the lease of the relevant Property to
          the Company and the Company has in its possession all original
          documents and other documents and papers relating to the Company's
          title to the Property;

     (c)  there are no mortgages, charges or debentures, rent charges, liens,
          annuities or other unusual outgoings, or trusts affecting the Property
          or the proceeds of sale of it;

     (d)  save as contained or referred to in the lease of the relevant
          Property, the Property is not subject to any adverse estate, right,
          interest, covenant, restriction, stipulation, easement, option, right
          of pre-emption, wayleave, profit a prendre, licence or other right or
          informal arrangement in favour of any third party nor is there any
          agreement or commitment to create any of the foregoing and where the
          Property is subject to any such arrangement the Company has not
          received notice of any breach of it and is not aware of any material
          breach likely to cause such a notice to be received;

     (e)  the Property has access and egress over Norwich Avenue West which is
          adopted by the appropriate highway authority and are maintainable at
          the public expense.  The Property drains into a public sewer and is
          served by water and electricity utilities. Either the conducting media
          serving the Property connect directly to the mains without passing
          through land in the occupation or ownership of a third party or, if
          they do not, the rights necessary for the enjoyment and present use of
          the Property are enjoyed on 


          terms which are set out in the lease relating to the relevant

     (f)  where the title of the Property or any part of it is unregistered but
          situated in an area of compulsory registration no event has occurred
          in consequence of which registration of the Company's title to the
          relevant Property should have been effected; and

     (g)  there are no material outstanding disputes, claims or demands between
          the Company and any third party affecting the Property of which the
          Warrantors are aware.


     In relation to each Property which is situated in the U.K.:-

     (a)  no development at the Property or use of the Property has been
          undertaken by the Company in breach of the Town and Country Planning

     (b)  the planning consents and permissions affecting the Property are
          either unconditional or are subject only to conditions which are
          neither unusual, personal nor temporary and which have been satisfied
          or fully observed and performed up to the date of this Agreement;

     (c)  there is no resolution, proposal, scheme or order, whether formally
          adopted or not, for the compulsory acquisition of the whole or any
          part of the Property or any access or egress;

     (d)  there is no outstanding statutory or other notice relating to the
          Property, any business carried on there or the use of the Property;

     (e)  there is no outstanding monetary claim or liability, contingent or
          otherwise, in respect of the Property;

     (f)  none of the buildings or structures on the Property has been listed
          under s.54 Town and Country Planning Act 1971 or s.1 Planning (Listed
          Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, nor has the local
          authority authorised the service of any building preservation notice
          under s.58 Town and County Planning Act 1971 or s.3 Planning (Listed
          Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 or any repairs notice under
          s.115 Town and Country Planning Act 1971 or s.48 Planning (Listed
          Buildings and Conservation Areas) 


          Act 1990 in respect of the Property or any building or structure
          thereon, nor has the local authority made or resolved to make any
          noise abatement zone order under s. 63 Control of Pollution Act 1974
          for any area which includes the Property;

     (g)  the Property is not in an urban development area, an improvement area
          or an enterprise zone; and

     (h)  there are no onerous Local Land Charges registered in respect of the


     In relation to each Property which is situated in the U.K.:-

     (a)  a Fire Certificate has been issued in respect of the Property and
          there has been no breach of the provisions or conditions contained in

     (b)  so far as the Warrantors are aware the Property complies with the
          requirements of the Shops Act 1950, the Factories Acts, the Offices,
          Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 (as modified), the Fire
          Precautions Act 1971, the Health and Safety at Work etc., Act 1974 and
          any similar legislation, bye-laws and regulations made thereunder; and

     (c)  so far as the Warrantors are aware there is no actual or potential
          liability arising under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 or any other
          public health legislation which could give rise to any costs,
          liabilities or other obligations binding upon either the Vendors or
          the Purchaser.


     The Property is fit for the purposes for which it is used.


     Where the interest of the Company in any Property is leasehold the details
     of the date, parties, premises and term have been completed in the Fifth
     Schedule and:-


     (a)  The Company has paid the rent and the last demands for rent (or
          receipts if issued) were unqualified.

     (b)  So far as the Warrantors are aware, there are no material subsisting
          breaches of any covenant or condition contained in the Lease on the
          part of either the relevant landlord or the Company and no landlord
          has refused to accept rent or made any complaint or objection;

     (c)  (UK Property only) no structural alterations have been made to the
          exterior of the Property at the expense of the Company without
          landlord's consents and approvals and all other alterations to the
          Property have been made in accordance with the terms of the relevant
          Lease and with all necessary consents and approvals and do not have to
          be reinstated at the expiry of the term.

     (d)  (UK Property only) all steps in rent reviews have been duly taken and
          no rent reviews are or should be currently under negotiation or the
          subject of a reference to any expert or arbitrator of the Courts;

     (e)  (UK Property only) the Lease does not contain a covenant which
          requires the tenant to offer to surrender the same before or as a pre-
          condition of an assignment or underletting nor does it contain
          requirements to be satisfied on a change of ownership of the share
          capital or control of the tenant;

     (f)  (US Property only) a full and complete lease together with all
          amendments thereto and any related documents have been supplied to the
          Purchaser and WAM!NET.


     No Property is the subject of any Lease or Licence for the benefit of any
     person other than the Company.


     There is no actual or contingent liability on the part of the Company
     arising directly or indirectly out of any lease, agreement for lease,
     conveyance or licence or other deed previously held by the Company as an
     original lessee or underlessee or otherwise in respect of any Property
     situated in the U.K.



     Any replies given by or on behalf of the Vendor to Enquiries Before
     Contract raised by or on behalf of the Purchaser relating in any way to the
     Property are true and accurate in all respects.


     In respect of such of the Properties which are situated in the U.K.:
     (a)  So far as the Warrantors are aware the Company has obtained all
          necessary Environmental Licences and complied with the terms and
          conditions of such Environmental Licences and all other applicable
          Environmental Law.
     (b)  Neither the Company nor (so far as the Warrantors are aware) any of
          its directors, officers or employees nor any person for whose acts or
          defaults the Company may be vicariously liable is involved (in
          relation to any matter for which the Company is vicariously liable) in
          any legal, administrative, civil, criminal, arbitration or other
          proceedings or investigations in relation to any Environmental Law or
          any Environmental Licence or concerned with the pollution or
          protection of the Environment or the protection of or harm to the
          health of humans, animals or plants in any jurisdiction and, so far as
          the Warrantors are aware, none such are pending or threatened by or
          against the Company or any such person and, so far as the Warrantors
          are aware, there are no facts or circumstances that may give rise to
          any such proceedings arbitration or investigations.
     (c)  So far as the Warrantor are aware, the Company does not own use or
          occupy and has not owned used or occupied any land, water supply,
          plant or equipment, whether or not in or at the Properties, which
          contains or has contained a hazardous substance or article, waste or
          other pollutant or contaminant or which is or has been used for the
          deposit, storage, treatment or disposal of waste or sewage or been
          affected by any pollution, noise or nuisance from any other land or
          activity thereon or use thereof and, so far as the Warrantors are
          aware, no land or water supply adjoining any land or water supply
          owned, used or occupied by the Company has contained or contains any
          such hazardous substance, waste or other pollutant or contaminant.


     (d)  So far as the Warrantors are aware the Company has not discharged or
          emitted into or on, so far as the Warrantors are aware, to the
          Environment any hazardous substance or article, pollutant or
          contaminant in breach of the terms and conditions of any Environmental
     (e)  The Company has not received or given any notice or other
          communications alleging breach of any Environmental Law or
          Environmental Licence and, so far as the Warrantors are aware, there
          are no facts or circumstances that may give rise to the giving or
          receipt of any such notice or communication.
     (f)  There is and has been no governmental or other investigation, enquiry
          or disciplinary proceeding relating to the pollution or protection of
          the Environment concerning the Company or the Properties and, so far
          as the Warrantors are aware, none is pending or threatened and no
          facts or circumstances exist which might give rise to any such
          investigations, enquiries or proceedings.


     None of the Warrantors have any interest whatsoever in Media Tec
     Investments Limited.


     No person, firm or corporation has or will have, as a result of any act or
     omission of any of the Vendors, any right, interest or valid claim against
     or upon the Purchaser or WAM!NET for any commission, fee or other
     compensation as a finder or broker, or in any similar capacity, in
     connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


                                    PART II

                           THE PURCHASER WARRANTIES


     Each of WAM!NET and the Purchaser is a corporation duly organised, validly
     existing and (if appropriate) in good standing under respectively the laws
     of the State of Minnesota and England with full corporate power and
     authority to own its properties and carry on its business as now conducted.


     Each of WAM!NET and the Purchaser has the power and authority to execute
     and deliver this Agreement and to carry out its obligations hereunder. The
     execution, delivery and performance by each of WAM!NET and the Purchaser of
     this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
     therein have been duly authorised by all necessary corporate action on the
     part of each. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by
     WAM!NET and the Purchaser and constitutes the valid and legally binding
     obligations of WAM!NET and the Purchaser respectively enforceable against
     each such company in accordance with its terms, except as such
     enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
     reorganisation and similar laws of general application relating to or
     affecting the rights and remedies of creditors.


     The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the
     consummation of all of the transactions contemplated hereby, except where
     the failure to obtain a consent or waiver of any third party will not have
     a material adverse effect on WAM!NET and the Purchaser or impair the
     ability of WAM!NET or the Purchaser to consummate the transactions thereby
     contemplated (i) do not and will not, so far as the Purchaser or WAM!NET is
     concerned, require the consent, waiver, approval, license, designation or
     authorisation of, or declaration with, any person or public authority; (ii)
     do not and will not with or without the giving of notice or the passage of
     time or both, violate or conflict with or result in a breach or termination
     of any provision of, or constitute a default under, or accelerate or permit
     the acceleration of the performance required by the terms of, or result in
     the creation of any mortgage, 


     security interest, claim, lien, charge or other encumbrance upon any of the
     assets of WAM!NET or the Purchaser or pursuant to, or otherwise give rise
     to any liability or obligation under the articles or bylaws (or similar
     organisational documents) of WAM!NET or the Purchaser under any agreement,
     mortgage, deed of trust, indenture, licence, permit or any other agreement
     or instrument or any order, judgment, decree, statute, regulation or any
     other restriction of any kind or description to which WAM!NET or the
     Purchaser is a party or by which WAM!NET or the Purchaser may be bound; and
     (iii) will not terminate or result in the termination of any such agreement
     or instrument, or in any way affect or violate the terms and conditions of,
     or result in the cancellation, modification, revocation or suspension of,
     any rights of WAM!NET or the Purchaser.


     The copies of the articles of incorporation and bylaws or memorandum and
     articles of association (or similar organisational documents) of WAM!NET
     and the Purchaser delivered to the Vendors or their agents prior to the
     execution of this Agreement are true and complete copies of the duly and
     legally adopted articles of incorporation and bylaws or memorandum and
     articles of association (or similar organisational documents) of WAM!NET
     and the Purchaser in effect as of the date of this Agreement.


     Each of WAM!NET and the Purchaser is duly qualified or licensed to do
     business and in good standing as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction
     wherein the nature of its activities or of its properties owned or leased
     makes such qualification or licensing necessary and failure to be so
     qualified or licensed or in good standing would have a material adverse
     impact on its business.


     WAM!NET has heretofore delivered to each of the Vendors a consolidated
     balance sheet of WAM!NET and the WAM!NET Subsidiaries at 31 December 1997
     (the "Audited Balance Sheet"), together with consolidated statements of
     operations, stockholders' equity and cash flow of WAM!NET and the
     subsidiaries of WAM!NET ("WAM!NET Subsidiaries") for the fiscal year then
     ended, and the report thereon of Ernst & Young, certified public
     accountants. Such financial statements present fairly the consolidated
     financial condition of 


     WAM!NET and the WAM!NET Subsidiaries at the relevant balance sheet date and
     the consolidated results of operations of WAM!NET and the WAM!NET
     Subsidiaries for the period therein specified, and have been prepared in
     accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles applied on a
     basis consistent with prior accounting periods.


     (a)  Since 31 December 1997 neither WAM!NET nor any WAM!NET Subsidiary has
          received notice of any claim for damages or seeking any other relief
          against WAM!NET or any WAM!NET Subsidiary.

     (b)  Neither WAM!NET nor any WAM!NET Subsidiary is engaged whether as
          plaintiff or defendant or otherwise in any legal action, proceedings
          or arbitration (other than as plaintiff in the collection of debts
          arising in the ordinary course of its business) nor is WAM!NET nor any
          WAM!NET Subsidiary being prosecuted for any criminal offence and, so
          far as WAM!NET is aware, there are no such proceedings or prosecutions
          pending or threatened.

     (c)  So far as WAM!NET is are aware, there are no investigations,
          disciplinary proceedings or other circumstances likely to lead to any
          such claim or legal action, proceedings or arbitration (other than as
          aforesaid) or prosecution in which WAM!NET or any WAM!NET Subsidiary
          may become involved.

     The Consideration Shares referred to in sub-clause 5.1.2 are duly
     authorised and, when issued at Completion pursuant to the terms of this
     Agreement, will be validly issued and outstanding, fully paid,
     nonassessable and free and clear of all pledges, liens, encumbrances and
     restrictions (except restrictions on transfer thereof other than in
     compliance with federal and state securities laws). The Consideration
     Shares referred to in Clause 6 are duly authorised and reserved to the
     Vendors and, when issued pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, will be
     validly issued and outstanding, fully paid, nonassessable and free and
     clear of all pledges, liens, encumbrances and restrictions (except
     restrictions on transfer thereof other than in compliance with federal and
     state securities laws). The certificates representing the Consideration
     Shares to be delivered by WAM!NET under this Agreement will be genuine, and
     WAM!NET has no knowledge of any facts which would impair the validity



     The authorized capital stock of WAM!NET consists of (a) 90,000,000 shares
     of Common Stock, par value U.S. $0.01 per share, of which 1,339,948 shares
     of Common Stock are issued and outstanding, and (b) 100,000 shares of Class
     A Preferred Stock, par value U.S. $10.00 per share, of which 100,000 shares
     are issued and outstanding and (c) 9,900,000 shares of undesignated capital
     stock, none of which are issued and outstanding.

     All of the outstanding shares of capital stock of each of WAM!NET and the
     WAM!NET Subsidiaries were duly authorized and validly issued and are fully
     paid and nonassessable.

     No holder of any security of WAM!NET is entitled to any preemptive or
     similar rights to purchase securities from WAM!NET. All outstanding
     securities of WAM!NET and the WAM!NET Subsidiaries have been issued in full
     compliance with an exemption or exemptions from the registration and
     prospectus delivery requirements of the Securities Act and from the
     registration and qualification requirements of all applicable state
     securities laws.


     No person, firm or corporation has or will have, as a result of any act or
     omission of any of WAM!NET or the WAM!NET Subsidiaries, any right, interest
     or valid claim against or upon the Vendors for any commission, fee or other
     compensation as a finder or broker, or in any similar capacity, in
     connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


     Other than under Clause 18 WAM!NET has not agreed to register any of its
     authorized or outstanding securities under the Securities Act. 


                              THE EIGHTH SCHEDULE

                           LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY

                                    PART I

1.   No liability shall arise in respect of a Relevant Claim unless the
     aggregate amount of all Relevant Claims exceeds (Pounds)300,000 but if the
     aggregate of all Relevant Claims exceeds such sum as aforesaid then
     (subject to the other provisions hereof), the Warrantors shall be liable
     for the whole of such liabilities and not merely for the excess. The
     foregoing shall not apply to a Relevant Claim which relates to a liability
     to Taxation (as defined in the Tax Deed) arising as a result of any
     adjustment of the profits of the Company or any Subsidiary for the purposes
     of Taxation in connection with a marketing rebate of approximately
     (Pounds)180,000 from the Company to 4-Sight Inc nor, for the avoidance of
     doubt, any liability arising pursuant to the indemnity contained in Clause

2.   (a)  The aggregate amount of liabilities of the Warrantors under or in
          connection with all Relevant Claims shall not exceed the amount of the
          Consideration actually received by the Warrantors. The aggregate
          amount of liability of each Warrantor under or in connection with all
          Relevant Claims shall not exceed the aggregate amount of the
          Consideration actually received by such Warrantor for his Shares
          including the Consideration Shares. For the purposes of this paragraph
          the Consideration Shares shall be deemed to have a value per Share
          equal to the net proceeds of sale not exceeding US$40 per
          Consideration Share sold (less Taxation thereon) at arms' length of
          such Consideration Shares as are required to meet the Warrantors'
          liability for any Relevant Claim (in excess of the cash consideration
          received by him) PROVIDED THAT to the extent that prior to the date of
          the Relevant Claim, any of such Consideration Shares shall have been
          disposed of by way of sale at arms' length, the net proceeds of sale
          (less Taxation thereon) shall be substituted pro rata for such value.

     (b)  The amount of Taxation taken into account in determining the value per
          Share for the purposes of sub-paragraph 2(a) above shall be reduced by
          the amount of any credit in respect of Taxation given to the Warrantor
          as a result of an adjustment of the Consideration which is
          attributable to a payment made in respect of a Relevant Claim.


     (c)  The Warrantors undertake that, to the extent required, they will
          dispose of the Consideration Shares held by them by way of arms length
          sale in order to meet any Relevant Claim.

     (d)  The US dollar value of any net proceeds of sale of any Consideration
          Shares shall, for the purposes of this paragraph 2 be converted into
          sterling at the spot rate (at which dollars are bought with sterling)
          on the date on which the net proceeds are received.
3.   All Relevant Claims against the Warrantors under or in connection with the
     Vendor Warranties shall be wholly barred and unenforceable unless written
     particulars thereof (giving reasonable details of the specific matter or
     claim in respect of which a claim is made to the extent known to the
     Purchaser) shall have been given to the Warrantors by no later than the
     second anniversary of Completion or, in the case of any claim by reason of
     a breach of a Warranty contained in paragraph 8 of the Seventh Schedule,
     within a period of six years from the end of the current accounting
     reference period of the Company.

4.   All Relevant Claims against the Warrantors under or in connection with the
     Tax Deed shall be wholly barred and unenforceable unless written
     particulars thereof (giving reasonable details of the specific matter or
     claim in respect of which a claim is made to the extent known to the
     Purchaser) shall have been given to the Warrantors within a period of six
     years from the end of the current accounting reference period of the

5.   Where notice of a Relevant Claim has been duly given, such claim shall be
     wholly barred and unenforceable unless proceedings in respect of such claim
     shall have been issued and served upon the Warrantors within 12 months
     after notice of such claim shall be deemed to have been served (or, if part
     of such claim relates to a liability which is contingent, then in respect
     of such part only, within 12 months after such liability becomes an actual

6.   Where notice of a Relevant Claim has been duly given and part of such claim
     relates to a liability which is contingent, the Warrantors shall not be
     under any obligation to make any payment to the Purchaser or (if
     applicable) the Company in respect of such liability until such time as it
     becomes an actual liability.


7.   In the event that the Purchaser or the Company or any of the Subsidiaries
     recovers any sum (whether by payment, discount, credit or otherwise) from
     any third party which relates to the subject matter of a Relevant Claim the
     Purchaser shall offset (after deducting any applicable tax and the
     reasonable expenses incurred by the Purchaser or the Company or any of the
     Subsidiaries in the recovery thereof) such sum against the amount of the
     related claim payable by the Warrantors or, if the Warrantors have already
     paid such Relevant Claim, the Purchaser shall pay promptly or procure that
     the Company or the Subsidiaries (as the case may be) shall pay promptly
     such portion of such sum to the Warrantors, but only to the extent of the
     net payment received by the Purchaser from the Warrantors in respect of
     such Relevant Claim.

8.   In respect of any Relevant Claim paid in full by the Warrantors, the
     Warrantors shall be entitled to full subrogation to the rights of the
     Company, the Subsidiaries and the Purchaser against the third party to the
     extent that the Warrantors have so paid and the Purchaser shall and shall
     procure that the Company and the Subsidiaries shall co-operate with all
     reasonable requests to aid the Warrantors to collect from the third party,
     PROVIDED THAT all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses and all costs, claims,
     actions and demands made on the Purchaser or the Company or any of the
     Subsidiaries as a result of any action required to be taken by the
     Warrantors shall be paid for by the Warrantors.
9.   In respect of any Relevant Claim not first paid in full by the Warrantors,
     the Purchaser will take such action as the Warrantors may reasonably
     require to avoid, resist, contest or compromise any Relevant Claim or
     matter which gives or may give rise to a Relevant Claim, and where required
     by the Warrantors, give control of the conduct of any Relevant Claim or
     matter which may give rise to a Relevant Claim to the Warrantors (provided
     that such action or control shall not be required by the Warrantors in
     relation to any matters which is likely or might reasonably be expected
     directly or indirectly adversely to affect relations with customers or
     suppliers of the Company and/or any of the Subsidiaries or may otherwise
     adversely affect the business or financial position of the Company and/or
     any of the Subsidiaries), and subject in each such case to being
     indemnified and secured first to the Purchaser's reasonable satisfaction by
     the Warrantors against all reasonable costs in so doing.

10.  The Warrantors shall not be liable in respect of a Relevant Claim under or
     in connection with the Vendor Warranties if and to the extent that the loss
     is or has been included and satisfied in any Relevant Claim under the Tax
     Deed nor shall they be liable in respect of a Relevant Claim under or 


     in connection with the Tax Deed if and to the extent that the loss is or
     has been included and satisfied in any Relevant Claim under the Warranties.
     To the extent that the Relevant Claim arises under the Vendor Warranties
     and also under the Tax Deed, such claim shall first be satisfied under the

11.  The Purchaser shall not be entitled to make any Relevant Claim under or in
     connection with the Vendor Warranties to the extent that the matter giving
     rise to the Relevant Claim has been fairly disclosed in the Disclosure

12.  The Purchaser shall not be entitled to make any Relevant Claim (and the
     Warrantors shall not be liable in respect of any such claim):-

     (a)  to the extent that the subject matter of the claim is specifically
          reserved or provided for or included as a liability in the Audited
          Accounts or the Management Accounts;

     (b)  to the extent that such liability would not have arisen but for a
          voluntary act or omission by the Company or any Subsidiary which was
          provided for in or carried out to comply with the terms of or give
          effect to this Agreement or which is outside the ordinary course of
          business after Completion and which could reasonably have been avoided
          and which the Purchaser was aware or ought reasonably to have been
          aware might give rise to a Relevant Claim (save where such act or
          omission is a result of a legally binding obligation of the Company or
          the Subsidiary entered into before Completion or is done with the
          prior written approval of the Warrantors);

     (c)  to the extent that liability in respect of such claim arises or is
          increased as a result of any increase in the rates of Taxation made or
          imposed after Completion with retrospective effect to any period
          ending on or before Completion;

     (d)  to the extent that liability in respect of such claim arises or is
          increased as a result of the retrospective imposition of Taxation as a
          consequence of any change in the law enacted or in the published
          Inland Revenue practice thereof or otherwise made after the date

     (e)  to the extent that such liability arises wholly or partly out of or
          the amount thereof is increased as a result of any change in the
          accounting principles or practices of the Purchaser or WAM!NET 


          or the Company or any of the Subsidiaries introduced or having effect
          after the date hereof unless the same is introduced to bring such
          accounting principles and practices into line with generally accepted
          accounting principles and practices in relation to a business of the
          type carried on by the Company and the Subsidiaries.

13.  In this Part I of this Schedule, any reference to the Purchaser shall be
     construed as meaning the Purchaser and/or WAM!NET.


                                    PART II

1.   No liability shall arise in respect of a Relevant Claim unless the
     aggregate amount of all Relevant Claims exceeds (Pounds)300,000 but if the
     aggregate of all Relevant Claims exceeds such sum as aforesaid then
     (subject to the other provisions hereof), the Purchaser and WAM!NET shall
     be liable for the whole of such liabilities and not merely for the excess.

2.   The aggregate amount of liabilities of the Purchaser and WAM!NET under or
     in connection with all Relevant Claims shall not exceed US$12,612,204 .

3.   All Relevant Claims against the Purchaser and WAM!NET under or in
     connection with the Purchaser Warranties shall be wholly barred and
     unenforceable unless written particulars thereof (giving reasonable details
     of the specific matter or claim in respect of which a claim is made to the
     extent known to the Vendors) shall have been given to the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET by no later than the second anniversary of Completion.

4.   Where notice of a Relevant Claim has been duly given, such claim shall be
     wholly barred and unenforceable unless proceedings in respect of such claim
     shall have been issued and served upon the Purchaser and WAM!NET within 12
     months after notice of such claim shall be deemed to have been served (or,
     if part of such claim relates to a liability which is contingent, then in
     respect of such part only, within 12 months after such liability becomes an
     actual liability).

5.   Where notice of a Relevant Claim has been duly given and part of such claim
     relates to a liability which is contingent, the Purchaser and WAM!NET shall
     not be under any obligation to make any payment to the Vendors in respect
     of such liability until such time as it becomes an actual liability.

6.   In the event that the Vendors or the Company or any of the Subsidiaries
     recovers any sum (whether by payment, discount, credit or otherwise) from
     any third party which relates to the subject matter of a Relevant Claim the
     Vendors shall offset (after deducting any applicable tax and the reasonable
     expenses incurred by the Vendors or the Company or any of the Subsidiaries
     in the recovery thereof) such sum against the amount of the related claim
     payable by the Purchaser and WAM!NET or, if the 


     Purchaser and WAM!NET have already paid such Relevant Claim, the Vendors
     shall pay promptly such portion of such sum to the Purchaser and WAM!NET,
     but only to the extent of the net payment received by the Vendors from the
     Purchaser and WAM!NET in respect of such Relevant Claim.

7.   In respect of any Relevant Claim paid in full by the Purchaser and WAM!NET,
     the Purchaser and WAM!NET shall be entitled to full subrogation to the
     rights of the Company and the Subsidiaries and the Vendor against the third
     party to the extent that the Purchaser and/or WAM!NET have so paid and the
     Vendors shall and shall procure that the Company and the Subsidiaries shall
     co-operate with all reasonable requests to aid the Purchaser and/or WAM!NET
     to collect from the third party, PROVIDED THAT all reasonable out-of-pocket
     expenses and all costs, claims, actions and demands made on the Vendors or
     the Company or any of the Subsidiaries as a result of any action required
     to be taken by the Purchaser and WAM!NET shall be paid for by the Purchaser
     and WAM!NET.
8.   In respect of any Relevant Claim not first paid in full by the Purchaser
     and/or WAM!NET, the Vendors will take such action as the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET may reasonably require to avoid, resist, contest or compromise any
     relevant claim or matter which gives or may give rise to a Relevant Claim,
     and where required by the Purchaser and WAM!NET, give control of the
     conduct of any Relevant Claim or matter which may give rise to a Relevant
     Claim to the Purchaser and WAM!NET (provided that such action or control
     shall not be required by the Purchaser and WAM!NET in relation to any
     matters which are likely or might reasonably be expected directly or
     indirectly adversely to affect relations with customers or suppliers of the
     Company and/or any of the Subsidiaries or may otherwise adversely affect
     the business or financial position of the Company and/or any of the
     Subsidiaries), and subject in each such case to being indemnified and
     secured first to the Vendors' reasonable satisfaction by the Purchaser and
     WAM!NET against all reasonable costs in so doing.

9.   The Vendors shall not be entitled to make any Relevant Claim under or in
     connection with the Purchaser Warranties to the extent that the matter
     giving rise to the Relevant Claim has been fairly disclosed in the
     Purchaser's Disclosure Letter.

10.  The Vendors shall not be entitled to make any Relevant Claim (and the
     Purchaser and WAM!NET shall not be liable in respect of any such claim):-


     (a)  to the extent that the subject matter of the claim is specifically
          reserved or provided for or included as a liability in the Audited
          Balance Sheet referred to in paragraph 6 of the Seventh Schedule;

     (b)  to the extent that liability in respect of such claim arises or is
          increased as a result of any increase in the rates of Taxation made or
          imposed after Completion with retrospective effect to any period
          ending on or before Completion;

     (c)  to the extent that liability in respect of such claim arises or is
          increased as a result of the retrospective imposition of Taxation as a
          consequence of any change in the law enacted or in the published
          Inland Revenue or other Tax Authority practice thereof or otherwise
          made after the date hereof.


SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
DAVID ANTHONY TOWNEND         ) /s/ David Townend
- ---------------------          
in the presence of:-          )
   /s/ A.R. Prest

SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
LYNDON DAVID STICKLEY         ) /s/ Lyndon David Stickley
- ---------------------          
in the presence of:-          )
   /s/ Peter Basius

SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
ANDREW STEVEN BAIRD           ) /s/ Andrew S. Baird
- -------------------            
in the presence of:-          )
   /s/ Clair Baird

SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
YORICK PHOENIX                ) /s/ Yorick Phoenix
- --------------                 
in the presence of:-          )
   /s/ A.R. Prest

SIGNED by Frank Dearie        )
- ------                         
for and on behalf of          ) /s/ Frank Dearie
- ---------------------          
LIMITED in the presence of:-  )
- -------                          
    /s/ Karen B. Smith

SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
for and on behalf of          ) /s/ 
GEOCAPITAL IV L.P.            )
- ------------------             
in the presence of:-          )


SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
for and on behalf of          )
Catherine C. Clarke
3i GROUP PLC                  ) /s/ Catherine C. Clarke
- ------------                   
in the presence of:-          )

SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
for and on behalf of          )
WAM!NET (UK) LIMITED          ) /s/ Michael Borman
- --------------------           
in the presence of:-          )
   /s/ Edward J. Driscoll, Jr. 

SIGNED by                     )
- ------                         
for and on behalf of          )
WAM!NET INC.                  ) /s/ Edward J. Driscoll III
- ------------                  
in the presence of:-          )
   /s/ Michael O'Donnell
