EXHIBIT 3.2.14


                              THIRD AMENDMENT TO


                            OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

Pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 109 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, the
undersigned hereby make this Third Amendment to the Certificate of Formation and
Agreement of Limited Partnership of Riverside Retirement Limited Partnership,
said Certificate and Agreement having been originally filed in the Office of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on January 15, 1988.  A First
Amendment was field in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts on July 1, 1988.  A Second Amendment was filed in the Office of
the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on December 12, 1988.

The purpose of this amendment is to reflect the transfer to Harborside
Healthcare Corporation of all of the Limited Partnership interests of Krupp
Enterprises Limited Partnership.

The last date on which this Partnership may dissolve is December 31, 2037.

EXECUTED as a sealed instrument the 14th day of June, 1996.

                              General Partner:

                              HARBORSIDE HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

                              470 Atlantic Avenue
                              Boston, MA  02210

                              By:  /s/ STEPHEN GUILLARD
                                   Stephen Guillard

                              Withdrawing Limited Partner:


                              By:  KGP I Incorporated
                                   General Partner

                              By:  /s/ LAURENCE GERBER
                                   Name:  Laurence Gerber
                                   Title:  President

                              Substituted Limited Partner:

                              HARBORSIDE HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
                              470 Atlantic Avenue
                              Boston, MA  02210

                              By:  /s/ WILLIAM H. STEPHAN
                                   Name:  William H. Stephan
                                   Title:  Treasurer



                              FIRST AMENDMENT TO


                            OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

Pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 109 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, the
undersigned hereby make this First Amendment to the Certificate of Formation and
Agreement of Limited Partnership of Riverside Retirement Limited Partnership,
said Certificate and Agreement having been originally filed in the Office of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on January 15, 1988.

The purpose of this amendment is to reflect the transfer to Krupp Apartments
1988 Limited Partnership (with a business address at 470 Atlantic Avenue,
Boston, MA  02210) of all of the limited partnership interests of Krupp
Apartments-I Limited Partnership.

EXECUTED as a sealed instrument the 23rd day of June, 1988.

                              General Partner:

                              HARBORSIDE HEALTH I CORPORATION

                              By:  /s/ LAURENCE GERGER, PRESIDENT      
                                   Laurence Gerber, President

                              Withdrawing Limited Partner:

                              KRUPP APARTMENTS-I LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                              By:  KRUPP I INCORPORATED
                                   GENERAL PARTNER

                              By:  /s/ GEORGE KRUPP, PRESIDENT
                                   George Krupp, President

                              Substituted Limited Partner:

                              KRUPP APARTMENTS 1988 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                              470 Atlantic Avenue
                              Boston, Massachusetts 02210

                              By:  THE KRUPP CORPORATION,
                                   GENERAL PARTNER

                              By:  /s/ GEORGE KRUPP, CO-PRESIDENT
                                   George Krupp, Co-Chairman



                              SECOND AMENDMENT TO


                            OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

Pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 109 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, the
undersigned hereby make this Second Amendment to the Certificate of Formation
and Agreement of Limited Partnership of Riverside Retirement Limited
Partnership, said Certificate and Agreement having been originally filed in the
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on January 15,
1988.  A First Amendment was field in the Office of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts on July 1, 1988.

The purpose of this amendment is to reflect the transfer to Krupp Enterprises
Limited Partnership of all of the limited partnership interests of Krupp
Apartments 1988 Limited Partnership.

EXECUTED as a sealed instrument the 12th day of December, 1988.

                              General Partner:

                              HARBORSIDE HEALTH I CORPORATION

                              By:  /s/ GARY MARINI
                                   Gary Marini

                              Withdrawing Limited Partner:

                              KRUPP APARTMENTS 1988 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                              By:  The Krupp Corporation
                                   General Partner

                              By:  /s/ GEORGE KRUPP
                                   George Krupp

                              Substituted Limited Partner:

                              470 Atlantic Avenue
                              Boston, MA  02210

                              By:  Krupp I Incorporated
                                   General Partner

                              By:  /s/ GEORGE KRUPP
                                   George Krupp




                            OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

The Partners desire to organize a limited partnership in accordance with the
laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  In furtherance thereof, the Partners
hereby execute and agree to file this Certificate in accordance with the
provisions of the Massachusetts Uniform Limited Partnership Act ("Act").

We, the undersigned, desiring to form a limited partnership pursuant to the laws
of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify and swear to the

     1.   The name of the partnership is RIVERSIDE RETIREMENT LIMITED

     2.   The character of the business intended to be transacted by the
          partnership is to acquire, invest in, maintain, operate, lease,
          improve, hold, encumber, sell, manage and otherwise deal with long
          term care facilities, including the real property, improvements,
          personal property and intangible personal property associated with
          such facilities; to be a general or limited partner in any business
          enterprise which the partnership would have the power to conduct by
          itself; and to engage in such related activities as are necessary,
          convenient, or incidental to the above.

     3.   The address of the office of the partnership is to be:

                    470 Atlantic Avenue
                    Boston, MA  02210

     or such other place or places as the general partner from time to time may

     The agent for service of process for the partnerships shall be:

                    David Moskowitz, Esq.
                    c/o Harborside Health I Corporation
                    470 Atlantic Avenue
                    Boston, MA  02210

     4.   The name and business address of each partner, general and limited
          partners being respectively designated, are as follows:

          General Partner                    Address
          ---------------                    -------

          Harborside Health I Corporation    470 Atlantic Avenue
                                             Boston, MA  02210

          Limited Partner

          Krupp Apartments-I Limited         470 Atlantic Avenue
          Partnership                        Boston, MA  02210

     5.   The amount of cash contributed by the general partner, no other
          property having been contributed by or agreed to be contributed in the
          future by the general partner, is as follows:  $10.00.

          The amount of cash contributed by the limited partner, no other
          property having been contributed by or agreed to be contributed in the
          future by the limited partner, is as follows: $95

     6.   No additional contributions to the capital of the partnership have
          been agreed to be made by the partners.

     7.   A limited partner may substitute an assignee as contributor in his
          place with the prior written consent of the general partner.

     8.   The limited partner has no right to withdraw from the partnership
          during the partnership's existence, except with the consent of the
          general partner and on the terms agreed to at the time of withdrawal,
          and the general partner has no right to withdraw.

     9.   No partner has a right to receive any distributions of property,
          including cash, from the partnership of except to the extent the
          general partner determines to make distributions in accordance with
          Section 13 hereof.

     10.  No partner has a right to receive distributions which include a return
          of all or any part of its contribution except to the extent the
          general partner determines to make such distributions in accordance
          with Section 13 hereof.

     11.  The partnership will be dissolved and its affairs wound up on December
          31, 2037, unless sooner dissolved in accordance with the provisions of
          the Act.

     12.  The remaining general partner or general partners, if any, have the
          right to continue the business of the partnership on the happening of
          an event of withdrawal of a general partner.

     13.  Profits, losses, credits and items thereof of the partnership shall be
          allocated, and cash shall be distributed in the following percentages:

          Harborside Health I Corporation              1.0%


          Krupp Apartments-I Limited Partnership       99.0%

     14.  The general partner shall have and may exercise all rights and powers
          granted by the Act as from time to time in effect.

     15.  The general partner may appoint one or more officers of the
          partnership including, without limitation, a president, one or more
          executive vice presidents, one or more other vice presidents, a
          treasurer, one or more assistant treasurers, a controller, a
          secretary, and one or more assistant secretaries.  The general partner
          may assign to any such officer from time to time such duties and
          powers as the general partner may deem as appropriate subject,
          however, to the general provisions of this agreement with respect to
          the rights, powers and duties of the general partner.

     16.  The general partner shall be entitled to such fees and reimbursements
          as may be determined by agreement of the partners.

     17.  The general partner shall have the right to propose the transfer of
          some or all of its interest to a new or additional general partner and
          such proposed new or additional general partner shall become a general
          partner of the partnership upon the unanimous written consent of the

     18.  Special Power of Attorney Relating to Continuance of Partnership:  If
          the business of the partnership is continued after dissolution, the
          limited partner constitutes and appoints the remaining or the new
          general partners, and each of them, if more than one, irrevocably,
          recognizing their interest and that of the other partners herein, and
          intending to create a durable power of attorney, as such partners'
          true and lawful attorney to execute, swear to and file whatever
          amended Certificates they deem appropriate in the circumstances, and
          to take whatever action may be necessary to continue the partnership
          business under applicable law.

     19.  No person dealing with the partnership, or its assets, whether as
          mortgagee, assignee, purchaser, lessee, grantee or otherwise, shall be
          required to investigate the authority of any general partner
          purporting to act on behalf of the partnership, in selling, assigning,
          leasing, mortgaging, or conveying any partnership assets, nor shall
          any such assignee, lessee, purchaser, mortgagee, or grantee be
          required to inquire as to whether the approval of the partners for any
          such sale, assignment, lease, mortgage or transfer has been first
          obtained.  Such person shall be conclusively protected in relying upon
          certificate of authority of, or in accepting any instrument signed by
          a general partner in the name and behalf of, the partnership or the
          general partner.

     20.  This Certificate and Agreement may be amended by and only by the
          general partner together with the consent of the limited partner.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the members of said partnership have executed this
certificate and agreement this 15th day of January, 1988, under penalty of

General Partner                         Limited Partner
- ---------------                         ---------------


By:  /s/ LAURENCE GERBGER               By:  /s/ DOUGLAS KRUPP
     -------------------------               ---------------------------------
     Laurence Gerber                         Douglas Krupp
     President                               General Partner
