CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                                 SAILORS, INC.

          The undersigned incorporator, in order to form a corporation under the
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the "General Corporation
Law"), certifies as follows:

          1.   Name.  The name of the corporation is Sailors, Inc. (the

          2.   Address; Registered Office and Agent.  The address of the
Corporation's registered office is 9 East Loockerman Street, City of Dover,
County of Kent, State of Delaware; and its registered agent at such address is
National Corporate Research, Ltd.

          3.   Purposes.  The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any
lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General
Corporation Law.

          4.   Number of Shares.  The total number of shares of stock that the
Corporation shall have authority to issue is:  One Thousand (1,000), all of
which shall be shares of Common Stock of the par value of One Cent ($0.01) each.

          5.   Name and Mailing Address of Incorporator.  The name and mailing
address of the incorporator are:  Raphael M. Russo, 1285 Avenue of the Americas,
2nd Floor, New York, New York  10019-6064.

          6.   Number of Directors.  The number of directors constituting the
Board of Directors is initially three, and may be changed from time to time in
accordance with the By-laws of the Corporation.  The names and addresses of the
initial directors, who are to serve until 

the first annual meeting of the stockholders or until their successors are
elected and qualified, are:

          Name                     Mailing Address
          ----                     ---------------

          Douglas Krupp            c/o Harborside Healthcare Corporation
                                   470 Atlantic Avenue
                                   Boston, MA  02210

          Laurence Gerber          c/o Harborside Healthcare Corporation
                                   470 Atlantic Avenue
                                   Boston, MA   02210

          Stephen Guillard         c/o Harborside Healthcare Corporation
                                   470 Atlantic Avenue
                                   Boston, MA  02210

          7.   Election of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors of the
Corporation (the "Board") may be elected either by written ballot or by voice

          8.   Limitation of Liability.  No director of the Corporation shall be
personally liable to the Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages
for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, provided that this provision shall
not eliminate or limit the liability of a director (a) for any breach of the
director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its stockholders, (b) for acts
or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a
knowing violation of law, (c) under section 174 of the General Corporation Law
or (d) for any transaction from which the director derived any improper personal

          Any repeal or modification of the foregoing provision shall not
adversely affect any right or protection of a director of the Corporation
existing at the time of such repeal or modification.


          9.   Indemnification.

               9.1  To the extent not prohibited by law, the Corporation shall
indemnify any person who is or was made, or threatened to be made, a party to
any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding (a
"Proceeding"), whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative,
including, without limitation, an action by or in the right of the Corporation
to procure a judgment in its favor, by reason of the fact that such person, or a
person of whom such person is the legal representative, is or was a director or
officer of the Corporation, or, at the request of the Corporation, is or was
serving as a director or officer of any other corporation or in a capacity with
comparable authority or responsibilities for any partnership, joint venture,
trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise (an "Other Entity"), against
judgments, fines, penalties, excise taxes, amounts paid in settlement and costs,
charges and expenses (including attorneys' fees, disbursements and other
charges).  Persons who are not directors or officers of the Corporation (or
otherwise entitled to indemnification pursuant to the preceding sentence) may be
similarly indemnified in respect of service to the Corporation or to an Other
Entity at the request of the Corporation to the extent the Board at any time
specifies that such persons are entitled to the benefits of this Section 9.

               9.2  The Corporation shall, from time to time, reimburse or
advance to any director or officer or other person entitled to indemnification
hereunder the funds necessary for payment of expenses, including attorneys' fees
and disbursements, incurred in connection with any Proceeding, in advance of the
final disposition of such Proceeding; provided, however, that, if required by
                                      --------  -------                      
the General Corporation Law, such expenses incurred by or on behalf of any
director or officer or other person may be paid in advance of the final
disposition of a Proceeding 


only upon receipt by the Corporation of an undertaking, by or on behalf of such
director or officer (or other person indemnified hereunder), to repay any such
amount so advanced if it shall ultimately be determined by final judicial
decision from which there is no further right of appeal that such director,
officer or other person is not entitled to be indemnified for such expenses.

               9.3  The rights to indemnification and reimbursement or
advancement of expenses provided by, or granted pursuant to, this Section 9
shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which a person seeking
indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of expenses may have or
hereafter be entitled under any statute, this Certificate of Incorporation, the
By-laws of the Corporation (the "By-laws"), any agreement, any vote of
stockholders or disinterested directors or otherwise, both as to action in his
or her official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such

               9.4  The rights to indemnification and reimbursement or
advancement of expenses provided by, or granted pursuant to, this Section 9
shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director or officer (or
other person indemnified hereunder) and shall inure to the benefit of the
executors, administrators, legatees and distributees of such person.

               9.5  The Corporation shall have power to purchase and maintain
insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, employee or
agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation
as a director, officer, employee or agent of an Other Entity, against any
liability asserted against such person and incurred by such person in any such
capacity, or arising out of such person's status as such, whether or not the
Corporation would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability
under the 


provisions of this Section 9, the By-laws or under section 145 of the General
Corporation Law or any other provision of law.

               9.6  The provisions of this Section 9 shall be a contract between
the Corporation, on the one hand, and each director and officer who serves in
such capacity at any time while this Section 9 is in effect and any other person
entitled to indemnification hereunder, on the other hand, pursuant to which the
Corporation and each such director, officer, or other person intend to be, and
shall be, legally bound. No repeal or modification of this Section 9 shall
affect any rights or obligations with respect to any state of facts then or
theretofore existing or thereafter arising or any proceeding theretofore or
thereafter brought or threatened based in whole or in part upon any such state
of facts.

               9.7  The rights to indemnification and reimbursement or
advancement of expenses provided by, or granted pursuant to, this Section 9
shall be enforceable by any person entitled to such indemnification or
reimbursement or advancement of expenses in any court of competent jurisdiction.
The burden of proving that such indemnification or reimbursement or advancement
of expenses is not appropriate shall be on the Corporation. Neither the failure
of the Corporation (including its Board, its independent legal counsel and its
stockholders) to have made a determination prior to the commencement of such
action that such indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of expenses is
proper in the circumstances nor an actual determination by the Corporation
(including its Board, its independent legal counsel and its stockholders) that
such person is not entitled to such indemnification or reimbursement or
advancement of expenses shall constitute a defense to the action or create a
presumption that such person is not so entitled. Such a person shall also be
indemnified for any expenses incurred 


in connection with successfully establishing his or her right to such
indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of expenses, in whole or in
part, in any such proceeding.

               9.8  Any director or officer of the Corporation serving in any
capacity of (a) another corporation of which a majority of the shares entitled
to vote in the election of its directors is held, directly or indirectly, by the
Corporation or (b) any employee benefit plan of the Corporation or any
corporation referred to in clause (a) shall be deemed to be doing so at the
request of the Corporation.

               9.9  Any person entitled to be indemnified or to reimbursement or
advancement of expenses as a matter of right pursuant to this Section 9 may
elect to have the right to indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of
expenses interpreted on the basis of the applicable law in effect at the time of
the occurrence of the event or events giving rise to the applicable Proceeding,
to the extent permitted by law, or on the basis of the applicable law in effect
at the time such indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of expenses is
sought.  Such election shall be made, by a notice in writing to the Corporation,
at the time indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of expenses is
sought; provided, however, that if no such notice is given, the right to
        --------  -------                                               
indemnification or reimbursement or advancement of expenses shall be determined
by the law in effect at the time indemnification or reimbursement or advancement
of expenses is sought.

               10.  Adoption, Amendment and/or Repeal of By-Laws. The Board may
from time to time adopt, amend or repeal the By-laws of the Corporation;
provided, however, that any By-laws adopted or amended by the Board may be
- --------  -------
amended or repealed, and any By-


laws may be adopted, by the stockholders of the Corporation by vote of a
majority of the holders of shares of stock of the Corporation entitled to vote
in the election of directors of the Corporation.

               WITNESS the signature of this Certificate this 6th day of March,

                              /s/ Raphael M. Russo
                              Rapahel M. Russo, Incorporator


                            AND OF REGISTERED AGENT

     It is hereby certified that:

          1.   The name of the corporation (hereinafter called this
"corporation") is

               Sailors, Inc.

          2.   The registered office of the corporation within the State of
Delaware is hereby changed to 1013 Centre Road, City of Wilmington 19805, County
of New Castle.

          3.   The registered agent of the corporation within the State of
Delaware is hereby changed to Corporation Service Company, the business office
of which is identical with the registered office of the corporation as hereby

Signed on April 1, 1998

                              SAILORS, INC.

                              By:  /s/ Scott D. Spelfogel
                                   Scott D. Spelfogel