THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF GAS

                           A.G. EDWARDS & SONS, INC.
                                 INVESTMENT BANKING

                                April 28, 1998


Introduction....................................         I

Review of Events to Date........................        II

Summary of Transaction..........................       III

Summary Observations............................        IV

Preliminary Report to the Special Committee.....         V


TRANSACTION     [_]  During 1997, Gas ("Gas" or the "Company") and Oil ("Oil")
PROPOSAL             discussed the idea of a possible business combination by
                     and between Gas and Oil. The series of proposed
                     transactions involved in such combination is referred to as
                     the "Transaction".

A.G. EDWARDS'   [_]  A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. ("A.G. Edwards") has been engaged
ENGAGEMENT           by the Special Committee (the "Special Committee") of the
                     Board of Directors of Gas (the "Board") to act as its
                     financial advisor with respect to the Transaction and to
                     issue to the Board an opinion as to the fairness, from a
                     financial point of view, to the common unitholders of Gas
                     who are not affiliated with Oil (the "Common Unitholders"),
                     of the Transaction (the "Fairness Opinion").

                [_]  The preparation of a fairness opinion is not susceptible to
                     partial analyses or summary. In rendering its Fairness
                     Opinion, A.G. Edwards will apply its judgment to a variety
                     of complex analyses and assumptions. A.G. Edwards may give
                     various analyses more or less weight than other analyses,
                     and may deem various assumptions more or less probable than
                     other assumptions. The assumptions made and the judgments
                     applied by A.G. Edwards in rendering its opinion are not
                     readily susceptible to description beyond that set forth in
                     the written text of the Fairness Opinion itself.

                                                                          Page 1


AS PART OF ITS  [_]  A review of the preliminary structure of the Transaction
ENGAGEMENT,          (See Tab III -"Summary of Transaction");
ACTIVITIES      [_]  A review of Gas' and Oil's historical financial statements
INCLUDED, BUT        and the financial projections of Gas and Oil (See         
WERE NOT             Appendices A and B -"Overview of Oil and Gas,"             
LIMITED TO, THE      respectively);                                             
                [_]  A review of certain market data of Gas' Common Units and  
                     Oil's Common Stock (See Appendices A and B -"Overview of
                     Oil and Gas," respectively);
                [_]  An analysis of the pro forma financial statements of Gas
                     giving effect to the Transaction (as proposed) (See
                     Appendix C - "Pro Forma Ownership Analysis");

                [_]  Conversations with PaineWebber regarding the nature and
                     extent of development of the terms of the Transaction;

                [_]  An investigation regarding current operations and future
                     prospects of Gas and Oil, through interviews with members
                     of Gas' and Oil's management, respectively (See Appendices
                     A and B - "Overview of Oil and Gas," respectively);

                [_]  A review of the industries in which Gas and Oil operate;

                [_]  A review of the market data for stocks of public companies
                     in the same or similar lines of business to Gas (See
                     Appendix I - "Public Company Analysis");

                [_]  Analyses of the Transaction using various valuation
                     methodologies; and

                [_]  Other analyses which it deemed necessary.

                                                                          Page 2


NATURE OF       [_]  A.G. Edwards relied upon and assumed, without independent
INFORMATION          verification, the accuracy and completeness of all
REVIEWED AND         financial and other information publicly available, or
PRESENTED            furnished to, or otherwise discussed with A.G. Edwards
                     including financial statements and financial projections,
                     as provided by management of Gas and Oil and Oil's
                     financial advisor. With respect to financial projections
                     and other information provided to or otherwise discussed
                     with A.G. Edwards, A.G. Edwards assumed and was advised by
                     the senior management of Gas and Oil, respectively, that
                     such projections and other information were reasonably
                     prepared on a basis that reflects the best currently
                     available estimates and judgments of the senior management
                     of Gas and Oil, respectively, as to the expected future
                     financial performance of Gas and Oil, in each case on a
                     stand-alone basis and after giving effect to the
                     Transaction. A.G. Edwards was not engaged to, and did not,
                     independently verify the information provided and performed
                     no audit of assets or liabilities and no independent
                     appraisal of assets or liabilities of either Gas or Oil.
                     A.G. Edwards has relied upon the assurances of the
                     management of Gas and Oil that they are not aware of any
                     facts that would make such information inaccurate or

                [_]  In performing its analyses, A.G. Edwards made numerous
                     assumptions with respect to the propane distribution
                     industry and the home heating oil distribution industry,
                     and general business and economic conditions which are
                     beyond the control of Gas and Oil. The analyses performed
                     by A.G. Edwards are not necessarily indicative of actual
                     values or actual future results, which may be significantly
                     more or less favorable than suggested by such analyses.
                     Such analyses were prepared solely as part of A.G. Edwards'
                     Preliminary Report to the Special Committee.

                [_]  This presentation is for the private use of the Special
                     Committee and may not be distributed to any other parties
                     without A.G. Edwards' written permission.

                                                                          Page 3

                REVIEW OF EVENTS TO DATE

FEBRUARY 11     [_]  A.G. Edwards presents its qualifications to the Special
                     Committee and its legal counsel.

MARCH 23        [_]  Special Committee engaged A.G. Edwards.

MARCH 23         [_]  A.G. Edwards met with members of Gas' and Oil's management
                      and submitted preliminary data request list.

                 [_]  A.G. Edwards began due diligence with management and other
                      representatives of Gas and Oil.

                      -   Business
                      -   Financial 
                      -   Accounting
                      -   Other      

MARCH 30         [_]  A.G. Edwards received data related to its preliminary data
                      request list.

MARCH 30 - APRIL [_]  A.G. Edwards continued the due diligence process with
27                    respect to Gas and Oil.

APRIL 28         [_]  Special Committee meeting to discuss the Transaction.

                                                                          Page 4


TO SIMPLIFY     [_]  There are currently 6,355 Gas units outstanding comprised
THE COMPLEXITY       of 3,832 common units, 2,396 subordinated units and 127
OF THE STEPS         general partner ("GP") units. The subordinated units and GP
IN THE               units are assets of Oil.                                   

                [_]  There are currently 26,563 shares of Oil common stock
                     outstanding, comprised of public shareholders and
                     "insiders." The public holds 17,160 Class A shares. The
                     "insiders" hold 9,404 shares which include 6,795 Class A
                     shares, 11 Class B shares and 2,598 Class C shares.

                [_]  Each shareholder of Oil will receive a certain number of
                     units in Gas such that the implied consideration paid for
                     each Oil share is $3.15.

                [_]  The publicly held 17,160 Class A shares will receive .1596
                     shares of newly created Senior Subordinated units (2,738
                     units in total) with an implied value of $19.74/unit. This
                     represents an implied purchase price of $3.15/share for an
                     implied total purchase price of $54.1 million.

                [_]  The "insiders" of Oil, who hold a total of 9,404 shares
                     (comprised of A, B and C shares) will also receive
                     $3.15/share for a total of $29.6 million. The consideration
                     received by these shareholders will be funded by:

                     -   (1) the distribution of existing units of Gas which are
                             currently owned by Oil
                             [_] all of the 127 GP units owned by Oil will be
                                 given as consideration at an implied value of
                                 $21.28/unit, for a total of $2.7 million.
                             [_] 754 of the 2,396 Subordinated units owned by
                                 Oil will be given as consideration at an
                                 implied value of $16.33/unit, for a total of
                                 $12.3 million.
                     -   (2) the distribution of newly-created units of Gas
                             [_] to fund the remaining $14.6 million of the
                                 $29.6 million due to the Oil "insiders", Gas
                                 will issue 559 newly-created Senior
                                 Subordinated units and 168 newly-created GP
                                 units. The implied values for these new units
                                 are $19.74 and $21.28, respectively.

                                                                          Page 5

Merger Premiums to Market Value Analysis
Mergers with Target Price Equal to or Less than $5 per Share
Announced and Completed 1/1/96-10/9/98

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date      Date                                                                     
Announced Effective Target Name                    Target Business Description     Acquiror Name
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01/10/96  06/26/96  American Resource Corp         Gold mining company             REA Gold Corp                  
01/18/96  08/23/96  AMSERV Healthcare Inc          Pvd temp nursing employment     Star Multi Care Services Inc   
01/23/96  05/09/96  Portage Industries Corp        Mnfr extruded plastic sheets    Spartech Corp                  
02/05/96  09/30/96  Customedix Corp                Mnfr dental, medical products   CUS Acquisitions Inc           
02/13/96  07/12/96  Medical Innovations Inc        Pvd home health care services   Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corp    
02/15/96  04/29/96  LDI Corp                       Computer equip leasing svcs     NationsBank Corp, Charlotte, NC
02/28/96  07/11/96  Salton/Maxim Housewares Inc    Mnfr electric housewares, fans  Windmere Corp                  
03/13/96  09/27/96  DeSoto Inc                     Mnfr paints and detergents      Keystone Consolidated Inds Inc 
04/16/96  05/31/96  CIS Technologies Inc           Manufacture computers           National Data Corp             
04/22/96  06/04/96  Cornerstone Natural Gas Co     Natural gas distribution svcs   El Paso Field Svcs(El Paso)    
05/03/96  03/17/98  Homeowners Group Inc           Real estate, insurance agency   Cross Country Group Inc        
05/06/96  09/03/96  Transcisco Industries Inc      Mnfr, service railroad equip    Trinity Industries Inc         
05/07/96  09/03/96  NMR of America Inc             Pvd. medical equip leasing svcs Medical Resources Inc          
05/13/96  08/30/96  MDT Corp                       Mnfr sterility assurance equip  Getinge Industries AB          
05/15/96  09/10/96  Carlisle Plastics Inc          Mnfr, whl plastic prods, resins Tyco International Ltd         
06/03/96  01/09/97  Bio-Dental Technologies Corp   Provide dental research svcs    Zila Inc                       
06/10/96  07/22/96  SysteMed Inc                   Pvd medical services            Merck-Medco Managed Care Inc   
06/11/96  09/03/96  Computer Identics Corp         Manufacture bar code scanners   Robotic Vision Systems Inc     
06/17/96  10/07/96  Scanforms Inc                  Mnfr business forms             Big Flower Press Holdings Inc  
06/21/96  08/23/96  Computer Identics Corp         Information retrieval svcs      United Communications Group    
06/24/96  12/05/96  MEM Co                         Manufacture toiletries          Renaissance Cosmetics Inc      
07/31/96  11/13/96  Calgene Inc                    Own and operate greenhouse      Monsanto Co                    
08/13/96  02/27/97  LaTex Resources Inc            Oil and gas expln, prodn        Alliance Resources PLC         
09/10/96  01/03/97  GreenStone Industries Corp     Manufacture stationery          Louisiana-Pacific Corp         
09/11/96  03/04/97  Chempower Inc                  Insulation, asbestos abatement  American Eco Corp              
09/16/96  12/06/96  Proler International Corp      Whl scrap metals & metals       Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc 
09/26/96  01/24/97  General Physics Corp           Provide training services       National Patent Development    
10/02/96  12/27/96  Software Publishing Corp       Develop software                Allegro New Media              
10/03/96  11/12/97  Pittencrieff Communications    Pvd radiotelephone commun svcs  Nextel Communications Inc      
10/04/96  12/31/96  Pet Food Warehouse Inc         Own, op pet food stores         Petco Animal Supplies Inc      
10/30/96  12/20/96  Pacific Rehab & Sports Med     Own, op rehab hospital          Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corp    
11/05/96  03/14/97  Panatech Research &                                                                           
                    Development                    Manufacture semiconductors      Harbour Group Ltd              
11/25/96  02/28/97  American Studios Inc           Pvd photography services        PCA International Inc          
12/06/96  03/18/97  MaxServ Inc (Sears Roebuck)    Pvd technical info support svc  Sears Roebuck & Co             
12/09/96  02/28/97  Houston Biotechnology Inc      Mnfr monoclonal antibodies      Medarex Inc                    
01/24/97  07/02/97  INCSTAR Corp (Sorin                                                                           
                    Biomedical)                    Mnfr diagnostic substances      American Standard Inc          
01/28/97  05/21/97  Calgene Inc (Monsanto Co)      Own and operate greenhouse      Monsanto Co                    
01/30/97  08/12/97  AST Research Inc               Mnfr computers; dvlp software   Samsung electronic Co Ltd      
02/07/97  08/01/97  MS Financial (MS Diversified)  Pvd financial credit services   Search Financial Services Inc  
02/11/97  07/31/97  Serv-Tech Inc                  Maintenance and cleaning svcs   Philip Environmental Inc       
03/04/97  06/27/97  Audio King Corp                Own, op consumer electn stores  Ultimate electronic Inc        
04/15/97  06/30/97  Kurzweil Applied Intelligence  Electronic computing equip      Lernout & Hauspic speech       
04/30/97  07/25/97  Arden Industrial Products Inc  Whl fasteners                   Park-Ohio Industries Inc       
05/01/97  08/01/97  Cryenco Sciences Inc           Mnfr liquid gas storage tanks   Chart Industries Inc           
05/08/97  09/10/97  Imex Medical Systems Inc       Mnfr fetal diagnostic instr     Nicolet Biomedical Inc         
06/16/97  09/30/97  Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc  Women's clothing stores         Investor Group                 
06/24/97  07/25/97  Jillians Entertainment Corp    Own, op billiard clubs          JW Childs Equity Partners LP   
07/23/97  12/02/97  Rudy's Restaurant Group        Own and operate restaurants     Benihana Inc                   
08/01/97  09/26/97  Community Care of America Inc  Own, op nursing homes           Integrated Health Services Inc 
08/07/97  12/02/97  Magnetic Technologies Corp     Manufacture copiers, printers   SPS Technologies Inc           
08/14/97  12/31/97  Allied Capital Advisers Inc    Investment advisory svcs        Allied Capital Lending Corp    
09/02/97  12/03/97  Ground Round Restaurants       Own and operate restaurants     GRR Holdings LLC               
09/04/97  12/30/97  Cinergi Pictures Entertainment Pvd motion picture prodn svcs   Investor Group                 
09/26/97  09/26/97  Laclede Steel Co               Own, operate steel works        Birmingham Steel Corp          
10/10/97  01/07/98  Puro Water Group Inc           Whl bottled water               United States Filter Corp      
10/13/97  03/19/98  Integrated Brands Inc          Produce ice cream               Yogen Fuz World-Wide Inc       
11/03/97  02/25/98  Individual Inc                 Pvd on-line info retrieval svc  Desktop Data Inc               
11/04/97  01/12/98  ComputerVision Corp            Mnfr computers, peripherals     Parametric Technology Corp     
11/12/97  03/03/98  PureTec Corp                   Manufacture plastic products    Tekni-Plex Inc                 
11/24/97  01/07/98  General Host Corp              Own, op specialty retail stores Cypress Group LLC              
12/02/97  03/17/98  Staodyn Inc                    Mnfr electromedical equipment   Rehabilicare Inc               
12/12/97  02/13/98  Impact Systems Inc             Paper prodn control systems     Voith Sulzer Paper Technology  
12/12/97  09/10/98  Timber Lodge Steakhouse Inc    Own, op restaurants             Santa Barbara Restaurant Group 
12/15/97  02/24/98  MetroGolf Inc                  Own, op golf courses            Family Golf Centers Inc        
12/22/97  05/20/98  Artistic Greetings Inc         Mnfr personalized stationery    MDC Communications Corp        

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                            Value of         Enter-
                                                                                            Trans-           prise
Date      Date                                      Acquiror                                action           Value
Announced Effective Target Name                     Business Description                    ($ mil)         ($ mil)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01/10/96  06/26/96  American Resource Corp           Gold mining company                      77.5           76.353 
01/18/96  08/23/96  AMSERV Healthcare Inc            Pvd home health care services             9.2            7.895 
01/23/96  05/09/96  Portage Industries Corp          Manufacture Plastic products             15.8           17,540 
02/05/96  09/30/96  Customedix Corp                  Investment company                        3.6           15,103 
02/13/96  07/12/96  Medical Innovations Inc          Pvd nursing care services                30.3           41,725 
02/15/96  04/29/96  LDI Corp                         Bank bldg co; pvd finl svcs              28.1          288,893 
02/28/96  07/11/96  Salton/Maxim Housewares Inc      Mnfr personal care appliances            21.1           53,442 
03/13/96  09/27/96  DeSoto Inc                       Manufacture steel wire                   36.1           40,529 
04/16/96  05/31/96  CIS Technologies Inc             Pvd homeowner membership svcs            99.3          112,471 
04/22/96  06/04/96  Cornerstone Natural Gas Co       Own, op diagnostic imaging ctrs          96.6           97,614 
05/03/96  03/17/98  Homeowners Group Inc             Pvd homeowner membership svcs            11.4           14,968 
05/06/96  09/03/96  Transcisco Industries Inc        Mnfr transp equip,parts                  44.7           51,126 
05/07/96  09/03/96  NMR of America Inc               Own,op diagnostic imaging ctrs           40.4           57,369 
05/13/96  08/30/96  MDT Corp                         Mnfr sterilizing equipment               70.3           69.457 
05/15/96  09/10/96  Carlisle Plastics Inc            Mnfr fire protection systems            122.4          273.282 
06/03/96  01/09/97  Bio-Dental Technologies Corp     Mnfr,whl pharmaceuticals                 40.3           48.477 
06/10/96  07/22/96  SysteMed Inc                     Health insurance company                 64.8           60,646 
06/11/96  09/03/96  Computer Identics Corp           Mnfr 2-D,3-D vision-based sys            42.0           40,881 
06/17/96  10/07/96  Scanforms Inc                    Pvd advertising,marketing svcs           27.5           15,661 
06/21/96  08/23/96  Computer Identics Corp           Publish newsletters                      12.0           11,548 
06/24/96  12/05/96  MEM Co                           Investor group                           38.2           29.577 
07/31/96  11/13/96  Calgene Inc                      Mnfr agro chems,manmade fibers           50.0          584,080 
08/13/96  02/27/97  LaTex Resources Inc              Oilo and gas exploration, prodn          27.1           44,759 
09/10/96  01/03/97  GreenStone Industries Corp       Mnfr lumber,plywood,pulp                 29.2           40,823 
09/11/96  03/04/97  Chempower Inc                    Pvd engineering services                 50.0           36,189 
09/16/96  12/06/96  Proler International Corp        Manufacture steel products               42.5           68,146 
09/26/96  01/24/97  General Physics Corp             Mnfr contact lenses                      261.           70,360 
10/02/96  12/27/96  Software Publishing Corp         Pvd software services                    25.2            8,786 
10/03/96  11/12/97  Pittencrieff Communications      Pvd cellular telephone svcs             158.4          159,860 
10/04/96  12/31/96  Pet Food Warehouse Inc           Own and operate pet stores               60.7           55,986 
10/30/96  12/20/96  Pacific Rehab & Sports Med       Pvd nursing care services                72.7           75,706 
11/05/96  03/14/97  Panatech Research &                                                                             
                    Development                      Mnfr steel cutting tools                 29.2           26,218 
11/25/96  02/28/97  American Studios Inc             Pvd photo processing services            66.3           67.650 
12/06/96  03/18/97  MaxServ Inc (Sears Roebuck)      Mnfr steel Department stores; finl svcs  46.0          87.263  
12/09/96  02/28/97  Houston Biotechnology Inc        Manufacture pharmaceutiCALS               8.6            8.700 
01/24/97  07/02/97  INCSTAR Corp (Sorin                                                                             
                    Biomedical)                      Transportation, building prod           106.3          102.865 
01/28/97  05/21/97  Calgene Inc (Monsanto Co)        Mnfr agro chems, manmade fibers         242.6          567.548 
01/30/97  08/12/97  AST Research Inc                 Mnfr consumer electronics               495.8          558.108 
02/07/97  08/01/97  MS Financial (MS Diversified)    Pvd business credit services             17.2          102.602 
02/11/97  07/31/97  Serv-Tech Inc                    Provide waste management svcs            73.4           54.956 
03/04/97  06/27/97  Audio King Corp                  Own, op radio, TV, electn stores          6.0           12.363 
04/15/97  06/30/97  Kurzweil Applied Intelligence    Mnfr speech tech products                51.3           50.852 
04/30/97  07/25/97  Arden Industrial Products Inc    Mnfr forged and machined parts           42.0           44.995 
05/01/97  08/01/97  Cryenco Sciences Inc             Mnfr process control instmnts            19.2           27.904 
05/08/97  09/10/97  Imex Medical Systems Inc         Investment company                        9.3           10.238 
06/16/97  09/30/97  Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc    Investor group                           69.4           57.007 
06/24/97  07/25/97  Jillians Entertainment Corp      Investment company                        4.7            7.007 
07/23/97  12/02/97  Rudy's Restaurant Group          Own and operate restaurants              18.8           18.936 
08/01/97  09/26/97  Community Care of America Inc    Pvd specialty healthcare svcs            94.0           89.996 
08/07/97  12/02/97  Magnetic Technologies Corp       Mnfr industrial fasteners                16.8           15.984 
08/14/97  12/31/97  Allied Capital Advisers Inc      Closed-end mgmt investment co            49.5           44.111 
09/02/97  12/03/97  Ground Round Restaurants         Investment company                       17.5           56.945 
09/04/97  12/30/97  Cinergi Pictures Entertainment   Investor group                           16.3           59.794 
09/26/97  09/26/97  Laclede Steel Co                 Manufacture steel, steel prod            15.0          131.767 
10/10/97  01/07/98  Puro Water Group Inc             Mnfr water treatment equip               25.7           30.186 
10/13/97  03/19/98  Integrated Brands Inc            Produce frozen yogurt                    46.8           51.274 
11/03/97  02/25/98  Individual Inc                   Pvd info retrieval svcs                  86.8           79.390 
11/04/97  01/12/98  ComputerVision Corp              Develop, wholesale software             250.3          460.128 
11/12/97  03/03/98  PureTec Corp                     Mnfr plastic                            324.6          281.484 
11/24/97  01/07/98  General Host Corp                Investment bank                         326.2          278.128 
12/02/97  03/17/98  Staodyn Inc                      Mnfr electromedical equip                22.5           22.867 
12/12/97  02/13/98  Impact Systems Inc               Provide paper tech dvlp svcs             28.6           28.467 
12/12/97  09/10/98  Timber Lodge Steakhouse Inc      Own, op fast food restaurants            30.4           30.925 
12/15/97  02/24/98  MetroGolf Inc                    Own and operate golf courses              6.6           18.428 
12/22/97  05/20/98  Artistic Greetings Inc           Provide marketing services               33.6           35.618 

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date      Date                                     1 Day Prior     1 Week Prior    4 Weeks Prior  3 Months Prior    1 Year Prior   
Announced Effective Target Name                   to Annc. Date   to Annc. Date    to Annc. Date  to Annc. Date     to Annc. Date 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

01/10/96  06/26/96  American Resource Corp         30.77             23.50           27.03                                   
01/18/96  08/23/96  AMSERV Healthcare Inc          14.56             27.29           20.59           (4.67)           20.42  
01/23/96  05/09/96  Portage Industries Corp        46.67             78.98           78.98          134.67           193.33  
02/05/96  09/30/96  Customedix Corp                22.58             26.67            5.56           19.00           (18.98) 
02/13/96  07/12/96  Medical Innovations Inc        13.85             18.40            5.71            5.71            37.67  
02/15/96  04/29/96  LDI Corp                       31.20             21.48           49.09           26.15             5.81  
02/28/96  07/11/96  Salton/Maxim Housewares Inc    (0.19)            12.84            3.81            1.65            (9.05) 
03/13/96  09/27/96  DeSoto Inc                     65.41             53.00           80.00          118.57            53.00  
04/16/96  05/31/96  CIS Technologies Inc           50.50             30.16           30.16           (5.57)           33.78  
04/22/96  06/04/96  Cornerstone Natural Gas Co     28.00             29.73          100.00          134.15           182.35  
05/03/96  03/17/98  Homeowners Group Inc           22.07             26.77           93.88          135.43            17.71  
05/06/96  09/03/96  Transcisco Industries Inc      15.56             36.84           28.40           57.58           271.43  
05/07/96  09/03/96  NMR of America Inc             41.43             86.79           90.39           98.08            37.56  
05/13/96  08/30/96  MDT Corp                       12.82             22.22            4.76           15.79            (6.38) 
05/15/96  09/10/96  Carlisle Plastics Inc          38.20             38.20           41.83           73.94            31.51  
06/03/96  01/09/97  Bio-Dental Technologies Corp   64.99             43.28          109.42          194.49            65.09  
06/10/96  07/22/96  SysteMed Inc                   (4.00)             4.35            9.09          (23.81)          (56.36) 
06/11/96  09/03/96  Computer Identics Corp         63.11             54.53           54.53           72.71            19.84  
06/17/96  10/07/96  Scanforms Inc                  61.40             61.40           58.62           70.37           130.00  
06/21/96  08/23/96  Computer Identics Corp         28.33             46.67           71.11          105.33           208.00  
06/24/96  12/05/96  MEM Co                         13.21             81.82           90.48           93.55           114.29  
07/31/96  11/13/96  Calgene Inc                    64.10             80.28           39.13           31.96            14.29  
08/13/96  02/27/97  LaTex Resources Inc           181.14            202.77          181.14          228.00           107.16  
09/10/96  01/03/97  GreenStone Industries Corp     33.33             52.73           58.49           42.37            50.00  
09/11/96  03/04/97  Chempower Inc                  48.06             48.06           45.88           50.30            65.33  
09/16/96  12/06/96  Proler International Corp     132.26            125.00          148.28           33.33             9.09  
09/26/96  01/24/97  General Physics Corp           16.57             31.61           36.00           23.64            45.71  
10/02/96  12/27/96  Software Publishing Corp       14.86             10.90           60.80          (88.09)                  
10/03/96  11/12/97  Pittencrieff Communications     8.95             14.40           30.74          (13.08)           29.14  
10/04/96  12/31/96  Pet Food Warehouse Inc         22.93             26.00           48.24           48.24            57.50  
10/30/96  12/20/96  Pacific Rehab & Sports Med     67.74             62.50           48.57           60.00             6.12  
11/05/96  03/14/97  Panatech Research &                                                                      
                    Development                    55.56             55.56           51.35                                   
11/25/96  02/28/97  American Studios Inc           90.48            110.53          166.67          (65.28)          (73.33) 
12/06/96  03/18/97  MaxServ Inc (Sears Roebuck)    19.23             67.57           55.00           67.57           129.63  
12/09/96  02/28/97  Houston Biotechnology Inc      52.00             62.13           52.00          (93.01)          (92.05) 
01/24/97  07/02/97  INCSTAR Corp (Sorin                                                                      
                    Biomedical)                    42.93             53.21           68.53                                   
01/28/97  05/21/97  Calgene Inc (Monsanto Co)      62.03             60.00           60.00           60.00            42.22  
01/30/97  08/12/97  AST Research Inc               16.76              8.00           20.00           23.43           (31.43) 
02/07/97  08/01/97  MS Financial (MS Diversified)  20.00             46.67           10.00            1.54           (70.67) 
02/11/97  07/31/97  Serv-Tech Inc                  32.00             60.00           88.57          129.57            12.34  
03/04/97  06/27/97  Audio King Corp                60.00             68.00           68.00           68.00           (18.05) 
04/15/97  06/30/97  Kurzweil Applied Intelligence  83.83             69.69           66.49           84.00            63.56  
04/30/97  07/25/97  Arden Industrial Products Inc  41.18             50.00           37.14           20.00            26.32  
05/01/97  08/01/97  Cryenco Sciences Inc           69.23             76.00           72.55           41.94           (26.67) 
05/08/97  09/10/97  Imex Medical Systems Inc        7.90              2.76            2.76          (30.32)          (32.50) 
06/16/97  09/30/97  Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc  48.85             44.47           25.95           93.75            85.07  
06/24/97  07/25/97  Jillians Entertainment Corp    14.29             77.78           45.46          220.00           166.67  
07/23/97  12/02/97  Rudy's Restaurant Group        50.94             70.21           72.04           60.00             5.26  
08/01/97  09/26/97  Community Care of America Inc  23.08             18.52           88.24           68.42           (48.39) 
08/07/97  12/02/97  Magnetic Technologies Corp     25.00             25.00           33.33           42.86            33.33  
08/14/97  12/31/97  Allied Capital Advisers Inc    10.41              4.68           10.41            8.97           (28.00) 
09/02/97  12/03/97  Ground Round Restaurants       10.00             10.00           (5.71)          14.78           (34.00) 
09/04/97  12/30/97  Cinergi Pictures Entertainment 26.90             24.75           56.60          236.00            26.00  
09/26/97  09/26/97  Laclede Steel Co              106.45            106.45          106.45          113.33            88.24  
10/10/97  01/07/98  Puro Water Group Inc           33.95             47.69           44.00           44.00                   
10/13/97  03/19/98  Integrated Brands Inc          69.94            106.35          167.50          501.33           381.07  
11/03/97  02/25/98  Individual Inc                  0.92             14.93           (7.02)          47.71            (6.00) 
11/04/97  01/12/98  ComputerVision Corp            28.31             69.92           18.63           14.33           (55.09) 
11/12/97  03/03/98  PureTec Corp                   28.74             34.94           31.77          143.48            69.70  
11/24/97  01/07/98  General Host Corp              60.00             62.96           79.59           51.72            77.69  
12/02/97  03/17/98  Staodyn Inc                    47.38             47.38           89.49          100.45           152.95  
12/12/97  02/13/98  Impact Systems Inc             57.14             49.15           44.26           69.23           109.52  
12/12/97  09/10/98  Timber Lodge Steakhouse Inc    74.13             74.13           81.19           94.32           139.43  
12/15/97  02/24/98  MetroGolf Inc                  20.00             20.00          (11.11)         (25.00)          (75.51) 
12/22/97  05/20/98  Artistic Greetings Inc         28.45             47.10           52.00           47.10            21.60  

                                                                      Page F-10


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         Distributed to Oil            Issued to Oil
                                        --------------------        --------------------
Type of Units           Current         Public      Insiders        Public      Insiders       Retired        Pro Forma
- --------------          -------         ------      --------        ------      --------       -------        ---------
Common                    3,832              -             -             -             -             -            3,832    
Senior Subordinated           -              -             -         2,738           559             -            3,297 
Subordinated              2,396              -           754             -             -         1,642              754 
General Partner (a)         127              -           127             -           168             -              295
                       --------                                                                               --------- 
                          6,355                                                                                   8,178

(a)  The number of GP units issued reflect the assumption of a 6,587 common unit
     equity offering to refinance certain of the assumed Oil debt.  Hence, the
     number of GP units reflected in the pro forma column do not equal 2% of the
     pro forma outstanding units shown above but do equal exactly 2% of the pro
     forma units outstanding on a post financing basis.

                                                                          Page 7

(units in thousands, $ in millions, except per unit amounts)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Purchase Price of Oil's Equity                      Purchase Price of Oil's Equity   
                                    ------------------------------         --------------------------------------------------------
                                           Value of Securities               Equity Value of Oil's       Value of Oil's GP and      
Event                                     Paid to Oil Shareholders           Heating Oil Assets          Subordinated Units in Star 
- ------------------                  ------------------------------         ------------------------      -------------------------- 
Issuance of Senior Subordinated       
Units to Public Oil Shareholders             2,738  x  $19.74                       
                                                $54.1                               $54.1                                   -     
Distribution of General Partner  
Unit to Inside Oil Shareholders                127  x  $21.28                        
                                                 $2.7                                   -                                $2.7 
Distribution of Subordinated     
Units to Inside Oil Shareholders               754  x  $16.33                          
                                                  $12.3                                 -                               $12.3  

Issuance of General Partner                    
Units to Inside Oil Shareholders               168  x  $21.28                       $3.6                                    -

Issuance of Senior Subordinated 
Units to Inside Oil Shareholders               559  x  $19.74 
                                                  $11.0                             $11.0                                   -

Retire Subordinated Units                                                                                         1,642  x  $16.33
                                                                                   ($26.8)                             $26.8 

                                                                                    $41.8                              $41.8
                                             -----------                              ------------------------------------
Total                                           $83.7                                                $83.7

Divided by 26.563 shares of Oil's Common stock = $3.15  per share

                                                                          Page 8

                    SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS 

PRICE PERFORMANCE  [_] A.G. Edwards has compared the historical prices of Gas'
                       and Oil's common unit/stock to an index of selected
                       companies. (See Appendix E - "Exchange Ratio Analysis.")

                   [_] While Gas' unit price has remained relatively flat over
                       the last two years, in line with the comparable index,
                       Oil's stock price has declined significantly over this

                              COMPARATIVE STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE                                         
                                       Premium of Current Price to Price                       
                                  Current     2 Years     1 Year   180 Days   60 Days   30 Days
                                 Price (b)     Prior       Prior    Prior      Prior     Prior 
                   Gas             21.94         5.1%        1.4%    -2.0%     -6.2%      -0.3%   
                   Oil              1.63       -76.8%      -45.8%   -48.1%    -35.0%      -0.9%  
                   Composite (a)   21.96        -2.2%        6.4%    -5.4%     -4.4%       1.3%  
                    (a) Composite index includes the following companies: APU,
                        CNO, HPG, EGP, NPL, SPH.
                    (b) As of 4/22/98

                       [Gas Graph appears here]         [Oil Graph appears here]

                                                                         Page 9

                         SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS

PREMIUM PAID ANALYSIS         [_]  A.G. Edwards calculated the implied equity
                              purchase price of Oil and compared the premium to
                              Oil's current and historical prices. These
                              premiums were compared to premiums paid in "Merger
                              of Equals" transactions. (See Appendix D -"Premium
                              Paid Analysis.")

                                                                                  Mergers of Equals
                                                                         Oil     Median    Adj. Mean(a) 
                                                                         ---     ------   ------------- 
                              Premium to stock price one day prior      93.8%       9.3%           10.1%
                              Premium to stock price one week prior     97.6%      10.0%            8.0%
                              Premium to stock price one month prior   101.6%       6.5%            6.5% 

                              (a) Adjusted mean excludes highest and lowest data

                                                                         Page 10


EXCHANGE RATIO ANALYSIS       [_]  A.G. Edwards reviewed the historical prices 
                                   of Gas' and Oil's common unit/stock and the 
                                   implied exchange ratio and compared them to 
                                   the proposed Exchange Ratio of 6.96x, which 
                                   represents the proposed Oil price of 
                                   $3.15/share and Gas price of $21.94/unit. 
                                   (See Appendix E - "Exchange Ratio Analysis.")

                              [_]  Due to the price decline of Oil's common 
                                   stock over the past year, the current 
                                   exchange ratio, based upon the current 
                                   unit/share prices of Gas and Oil ($21.938 
                                   and $1.625, respectively, as of April 22, 
                                   1998), represents a premium of 93.8% to the 
                                   current market price of Oil.

                              [_]  Relative to current prices, the exchange 
                                   ratio at $3.15 is low, however, it is in 
                                   line with the average prices of the 
                                   companies' equity over the past two years.

                             [GRAPH APPEARS HERE]

                                                                         Page 11


TRANSACTION MULTIPLE ANALYSIS      [_]  A.G. Edwards calculated the implied
                                        transaction multiple paid for Oil on a
                                        firm valuation basis, including costs
                                        and certain adjustments associated with
                                        the Transaction, and arrived at the
                                        following multiples:

                                               EBITDA              Multiple
                                               ------              --------
                                          1997 Adjusted              9.1x  
                                          Adjusted 1998 Budget      10.2x  
                                          1999 Projected             7.6x   

                                        (See Appendix F - "Transaction Multiple

                                   [_]  A.G. Edwards calculated the implied
                                        transaction multiple paid for Oil's
                                        existing heating oil business, excluding
                                        the valuation attributable to
                                        consolidation opportunities, and arrived
                                        at the following multiples:

                                                EBITDA              Multiple
                                                ------              --------
                                           1997 Adjusted              6.1x
                                           Adjusted 1998 Budget       6.9x
                                           1999 Projected             5.1x

                                        (See Appendix F - "Transaction Multiple

                                   [_]  Oil has historically paid EBITDA
                                        multiples averaging 4.5x, with a range
                                        of 2.7x to 6.5x, for its acquisitions.

                                   [_]  Gas has historically paid EBITDA
                                        multiples averaging 7.0x, with a range
                                        of 5.1x to 7.3x, for its acquisitions.
                                                                         Page 12

                                   SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS

RELATIVE CONTRIBUTION ANALYSIS     [_]  A.G. Edwards reviewed and compared the 
                                        relative contribution of Gas and Oil
                                        to the pro forma combined equity based 
                                        upon 1996, 1997, 1998E and 1999E 
                                        EBITDA. (See Appendix G - "Relative 
                                        Contribution Analysis") Other measures 
                                        of relative contribution analysis were 

                                   [_]  For Gas' contribution of approximately 
                                        34% of the combined entity's EBITDA(a), 
                                        it will receive approximately 37% of 
                                        the implied firm value.

                             [GRAPHS APPEAR HERE]

                                   (a)  For purposes of its analysis, A.G.
                                        Edwards converted Oil's historical
                                        December 31st fiscal year-end to a
                                        September 30th fiscal year-end for
                                        comparison purposes. Oil's projections
                                        are based on a December 31st calendar
                                        year end. Other measures of relative
                                        contribution analysis are non-
                                   (b)  Includes only heating oil EBITDA for
                                   (c)  Firm value for all of Oil.
                                   (d)  Implied firm value of only Oil's heating
                                        oil assets.

                                                                         Page 13

Summary Observations

Accretion/Dilution Analysis

                            [_]  A.G. Edwards reviewed the distributable cash
                                 flow per unit and the related accretion, common
                                 unit coverage and total unit coverage on a pro
                                 forma basis (See Appendix H -
                                 "Accretion/Dilution Analysis").

                            [_]  For the purpose of this analysis, A.G. Edwards
                                 had PaineWebber run its pro forma financial
                                 model for six scenarios to determine the
                                 sensitivity of certain assumptions.
                                                 Base Case                
                                       4.1% Attrition                     
                              Gas      $0.01 Margin growth                
                              Stand-alone  $30.0mm at 4.75x Acquisitions      
                              -----------  -----------------------------    
                            DCF per unit                                    
                                 1998E (a)           $1.270         $1.570  
                                 1998N (b)            1.930          2.190  
                                 1999P                2.250          3.200  
                                 1998E (a)                            23.6% 
                                 1998N (b)                            13.5% 
                                 1999P                                42.2% 
                            Common unit coverage                            
                                 1998E (a)             0.94x          0.99x 
                                 1998N (b)             1.42           1.38  
                                 1999P                 1.66           1.93  
                            Total unit coverage                             
                                 1998E (a)             0.58x          0.71x 
                                 1998N (b)             0.88           0.99  
                                 1999P                 1.02           1.39  

                                                                                        Sensitivity Cases                 
                                                                         Attrition        Margin Growth      Acquisitions 
                                                                     ---------------     ----------------    -------------
                                                                     6.00%     2.00%     $0.000    $0.015    $50mm at 5.75
                                                                     -----     -----     ------    ------    -------------
                                DCF per unit            
                                   1998E (a)                         $1.570    $1.570    $1.570    $1.570         $1.570  
                                   1998N (b)                          2.190     2.190     2.190     2.190          2.190  
                                   1999P                              3.080     3.330     2.910     3.350          3.480  
                                   1998E (a)                           23.6%     23.6%     23.6%     23.6%          23.6% 
                                   1998N (b)                           13.5%     13.5%     13.5%     13.5%          13.5% 
                                   1999P                               36.9%     48.0%     29.3%     48.9%          54.7% 
                                Common Unit Coverage
                                   1998E (a)                           0.99x     0.99x     0.99x     0.99x          0.99x 
                                   1998N (b)                           1.38      1.38      1.38      1.38           1.38  
                                   1999P                               1.86      2.01      1.76      2.02           2.10   
                                Total Unit Coverage
                                   1998E (a)                           0.71x     0.71x     0.71x     0.71x          0.71x  
                                   1998N (b)                           0.99      0.99      0.99      0.99           0.99   
                                   1999P                               1.34      1.45      1.26      1.45           1.51   

                                                        High Case
                                                 4.1% Attrition               
                                                 $0.015 Margin growth          
                                                $50mm at 5.75x Acquisitions 
                            DCT per unit                                         
                                 1998E (a)                               $1.570  
                                 1998N (b)                                2.190  
                                 1999P                                    3.640  
                                 1998E (a)                                 23.6% 
                                 1998N (b)                                 13.5% 
                                 1999P                                     61.8% 
                            Common unit coverage                                 
                                 1998E (a)                                 0.99x 
                                 1998N (b)                                 1.38  
                                 1999P                                     2.20  
                            Total unit coverage                                  
                                 1998E (a)                                 0.71x 
                                 1998N (b)                                 0.99  
                                 1999P                                     1.58   

                            (a) 1998 estimate assumes no acquisitions for either
                            company, and is adjusted to reflect actual results
                            through 3/31/98 .

                            (b)  1998 budgeted.
                                                                         Page 14

Summary Observations

Public Company Analysis

[_]  A.G. Edwards compared certain financial and market information of Gas on
     both a stand-alone and pro forma basis to that of certain public master
     limited partnerships (See Appendix I -- Public Company Analysis").

Public Comparable Companies (a)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                                                Public              Public    
                                                             Pro forma          Company             Company   
                                             Gas               Gas              Medians             Ranges     
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Yield                                        10.0%           10.5%               9.6%             8.5% to 10.6%
Firm value/LTM EBITDA                        12.7x (b)       10.8x (b)          12.5x             9.8x to 16.7x  
Firm value/1998 normalized EBITDA             8.7x (c)        7.9x (c)          11.5x            10.3x to 13.7x   
Equity Market Cap/LTM DCF                    18.0x (d)       14.0x (d)          15.7x             9.4x to 25.5x
Equity Market Cap/1998 normalized DCF         9.7x (e)        7.5x (e)          13.9x            11.6x to 16.9x   
LTM common unit coverage                      0.9x (f)        1.0x (f)           1.4x             0.6x to 1.5x
1998E common unit coverage                    1.7x (g)        1.8x (g)           1.4x             0.9x to 1.9x  
LTM total unit coverage                       0.6x (h)        0.7x (h)           0.7x             0.4x to 1.0x
1998E total unit coverage                     1.0x (i)        1.3x (i)           0.7x             0.7x to 1.0x
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

(a)  Public comparable companies include: APU, CNO, FGP, HPG, CNL and SPH       
(b)  Firm value/adjusted 1998 budget EBITDA.
(c)  Firm value/1999 estimated EBITDA.
(d)  Equity market cup/adjusted 1998 budget EBITDA.
(e)  Equity market cap/1999 estimated DCF.
(f)  Adjusted 1998 budget.
(g)  1999 estimates.
(h)  Adjusted 1998 budget.
(i)  1999 estimates.

                                                                         Page 15

                    Summary Observations

FLOW ANALYSIS       [_]  A.G. Edwards calculated the implied present value of
                         estimated unlevered free cash flows for Gas on both a
                         stand-alone and pro forma basis (See Appendix J --
                         "Discounted Cash Flow Analysis").

                    [_]  Key assumptions used in the analysis were:

                         -    Oil maintaining a flat 4.1% attrition rate;
                              relatively no margin improvement; and completing
                              $30 million in acquisitions each year at a 4.75x
                              EBITDA multiple.

                         -    A 7.9% weighted average cost of capital for both
                              cases. (See Appendix B, page 24 and Appendix K,
                              page 57).

                         -    A 10.2x terminal EBITDA multiple, representing the
                              current year normalized EBITDA.

                    DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW
                                                                 Net Present     Original        Equity value
                                        Present     Current         Value      Common units/      to Original
                    ($ in thousands)     Value    Net Debt (a)    of Equity   Total units (b)  Common Units (c)
                    Pro Forma           $970,827   ($297,334)     $673,493        26.0%           $174,793
                    Gas Stand-alone     $329,620   ($102,956)     $226,664        60.3%           $136,669 

                                         Increase in value to original common unit holders:       $ 38,124

                    (a) Represent total projected debt less cash as of 9/30/98.
                    (b) Total units include common, subordinated and GP units.
                    (c) Current market value of common units is $84,065.

                                                                         Page 16

                    SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS


                                    Advantages                         Disadvantages
                                    ----------                         -------------
                         .   Geographic diversification      .   Market perception of heating oil

                         .   Product diversification         .   Impact of attrition on growth

                         .   Critical mass                   .   MQD reserves & coverage
                             -acquisition programs
                             -economies of scale             .   Institutional ownership
                             -investor profile
                             -cross marketing                .   Potential for NYSE listing

                         .   Market liquidity

                                                                         Page 17


                    [_]  A.G. Edwards has initiated a full diligence review of
                         Oil and has updated its earlier reviews of Gas,
                         including: visits to corporate headquarters; meetings
                         with senior operations and financial officers; review
                         of financial statements, projections, documents and
                         information; evaluation and revision of alternative
                         modeling of the Transaction with Oil's financial
                         advisor; visit to Long Island calling center and
                         meeting with Oil's former consultant and now Vice
                         President; meeting with A.G. Edwards' equity research
                         analyst covering MLP's; and other relevant inquiries
                         regarding operations, acquisitions, financings and
                         other matters.

                    [_]  A.G. Edwards preliminary diligence and work has
                         resulted in certain tentative conclusions and
                         observations regarding Oil and Gas which differ from
                         its original expectations and perceptions, including:

                         -  the anemic heating season in first quarter of
                            calendar 1998 had a greater adverse impact on Gas
                            than on Oil;

                         -  Oil has made strides to implement key portions of
                            Oil's plan and the McKinsey report, including
                            corporate identification, customer communications
                            and implementation of a service culture,
                            regionalization, cross marketing arrangements and
                            rationalization of the management team;

                         -  although the El Nino affect distorted the first
                            quarter of 1998, Oil's attrition was moderated and
                            its pricing strategy was enhanced; and

                         -  Gas has demonstrated an ability to make propane
                            acquisitions on a tuck-in and market expansion
                            basis, and has already agreed to acquire a heating
                            oil business.

                                                                         Page 18


                    [_]  Although A.G. Edwards does not presently have an
                         adequate basis to form any opinion regarding the
                         Transaction, A.G. Edwards does recommend that the
                         Special Committee and its advisors proceed with its
                         careful consideration and evaluation of the proposed

                    [_]  A.G. Edwards requests that Joel Swanson, Esq. and Baker
                         & Botts, LLP consult with Oil's attorneys regarding the
                         proposed resolution of the myriad of legal issues
                         involving tax, partnership and corporate compliance and
                         the timing of the documentation of the Transaction in
                         terms of definitive agreements, proxy statements and
                         the like.

                    [_]  A.G. Edwards perceives Gas as taking appropriate steps
                         to assure procedural fairness of the Transaction
                         including the appointment of the Special Committee, the
                         engagement of counsel and financial advisor and the
                         approval of the Transaction by the majority of
                         Unitholders. The Special Committee should consider
                         whether Oil should be obligated to take parallel action
                         to assure procedural fairness.

                                                                         Page 19


                    [_]  A.G. Edwards suggests that the Special Committee's
                         consideration of substantive fairness to the Common
                         Unitholders should include an evaluation by the Special
                         Committee and its advisors of:

                         -  whether Gas' partnership agreement should be amended
                            to raise the future required minimum quarterly
                            distribution ("MQD") for common unitholders and, if
                            so, by how much and for what period(s);

                         -  whether the $3.15 exchange ratio should be lowered
                            and, if so, by how much;

                         -  whether the definitive agreements should be drafted
                            consistent with the PaineWebber models so that any
                            excess funds expended by Oil for debt refinancings
                            and the Transaction fees in general should
                            automatically reduce the aggregate consideration
                            paid by Gas for the acquisition of Oil by an equal

                         -  whether cash balances should be set aside for (a)
                            the funding of any unearned MQD to be paid to the
                            new unitholders, (b) the funding of Gas' surplus
                            balance to account for the addition of new
                            outstanding units, and (c) the funding of any off-
                            balance sheet liabilities, such as pension or tax;

                         -  whether cash payments should be required for the
                            issuance of new general partner interests and, if
                            so, by how much; and

                         -  such other issues suggested by the members of the
                            Special Committee and its counsel.

                    [_]  A.G. Edwards recommends that the Special Committee
                         communicate suggested revisions of the Transaction to
                         management of Oil for their consideration.

                                                                         Page 20