(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant   [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement      [ ] Confidential, For Use of the Commission
                                         Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                         Eaton Vance Mutual Funds Trust
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (1) and 0-11.

(1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)      Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed 
         pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule  0-11  (set  forth the  amount  on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)      Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
    Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was
    paid  previously.  Identify the previous  filing by  registration  statement
    number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)  Filing Party:

(4)  Date Filed:

                        EV CLASSIC STRATEGIC INCOME FUND
                     24 FEDERAL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 02110

                                                                January 21, 1997

Dear Shareholders:

         On Wednesday,  February 26, 1997, a Special  Meeting of Shareholders of
EV Classic  Strategic Income Fund and EV Marathon  Strategic Income Fund (each a
"Fund"), series of Eaton Vance Mutual Funds Trust (the "Trust"), will be held to
vote on three proposals. Adoption of these proposals, which the Trust's Trustees
have  approved  and  believe  are in the  best  interests  of each  Fund and its
shareholders,  are being submitted for your approval. As a shareholder,  you are
entitled to cast one vote for each share that you own.


required  votes are not received by February  26, 1997,  it will be necessary to
send further  mailings to secure it. This is a costly process and is paid for by
the Funds. Therefore, you, as a shareholder, ultimately pay for the expense of a
delayed  vote.  Please  sign and  return  your  proxy  promptly  to  avoid  this
unnecessary expense.

         One  purpose of the  Meeting is to  consider a proposal  to modify each
Fund's investment objective.  A second proposal would permit each Fund to invest
a  substantial  part of its assets in another  investment  company  sponsored by
Eaton Vance  Management  with  consistent,  but  somewhat  different  investment
policies than the Funds.  Implementation of these proposals increase  investment
flexibility  and efficiency,  which may reduce expenses and enhance  shareholder
returns.  Shareholders  are also  asked to ratify  the  selection  of the Funds'
independent accountants.

         The matters to be presented  to the Meeting are  described in detail in

                                 For the Board of Trustees

                                 /s/ M. Dozier Gardner
                                 M. Dozier Gardner, President and Trustee

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           ENCLOSED PROXY CARD TODAY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        EV CLASSIC STRATEGIC INCOME FUND
                     24 FEDERAL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 02110

                    Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
                          To Be Held February 26, 1997

         A Special Meeting of the  Shareholders of EV Classic  Strategic  Income
Fund and EV  Marathon  Strategic  Income  Fund (each a "Fund"),  series of Eaton
Vance Mutual Funds Trust (the "Trust"),  will be held at the principal office of
the Trust, 24 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts,  on Wednesday, February 26,
1997, at 10:00 A.M. (Boston time), for the following purposes:

         1.       To consider and act upon a proposal to modify the investment 
                  objective of each Fund.

         2.       To  consider  and act  upon a  proposal  to  adopt  a  revised
                  investment  structure wherein each Fund would have the ability
                  to invest in one or more other investment  companies sponsored
                  by  Eaton  Vance  Management  with  consistent,  but  somewhat
                  different investment policies than the Funds.

         3.       To ratify the selection of Coopers & Lybrand, L.L.P. as the 
                  independent accountants of each Fund.

         4.       To consider and act upon any matters incidental to the 
                  foregoing purposes or any of them, and any other matters
                  which may properly come before said meeting or an adjourned 
                  session thereof.

         These  proposals are discussed in greater  detail in the attached Proxy

         This  meeting is called  pursuant  to the  By-Laws  of the  Trust.  The
Trustees  have fixed the close of business on December 31,  1996,  as the record
date for the determination of the shareholders of the Fund entitled to notice of
and to vote at the meeting and any adjournments thereof.

                                                          /s/ Thomas Otis
                                                          Thomas Otis, Secretary

January 21, 1997


                        EV CLASSIC STRATEGIC INCOME FUND

                                                               24 Federal Street
                                                     Boston, Massachusetts 02110
                                                                January 21, 1997

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         A proxy is enclosed with the foregoing Notice of the Special Meeting of
the Shareholders of EV Classic  Strategic Income Fund and EV Marathon  Strategic
Income  Fund (each a "Fund"),  series of Eaton  Vance  Mutual  Funds  Trust (the
"Trust"),  to be held on  Wednesday,  February  26,  1997,  for the  benefit  of
shareholders  who do not  expect to be  present  at the  meeting.  This proxy is
solicited on behalf of the Trustees of the Trust, and is revocable by the person
giving it prior to exercise by a signed  writing filed with the Funds'  transfer
agent, First Data Investors Services Group,  Attention:  Eaton Vance Funds, P.O.
Box 5123,  Westborough,  MA  01581-5123,  or by executing and delivering a later
dated proxy,  or by attending the meeting and voting his shares in person.  Each
shareholder  may  specify  the manner in which he desires  his proxy to be voted
upon the matters referred to in the proxy; in the absence of such specification,
his proxy will authorize the persons named as attorneys, or any of them, to vote
in favor of each such matter.  This proxy material is being initially  mailed to
shareholders on or about January 21, 1997.

         The Trustees  have fixed the close of business on December 31, 1996, as
the record date for the determination of the shareholders  entitled to notice of
and to vote at the meeting and any  adjournments  thereof.  Shareholders  at the
close of business on the record date will be entitled to one vote for each share
held. As of December 31, 1996, the number of shares of beneficial interest of EV
Classic Strategic Income Fund and EV Marathon  Strategic Income Fund outstanding
was 159,014.119 and 13,836,031.713, respectively.

         As of the record date,  Merrill  Lynch  Pierce  Fenner and Smith of New
Brunswick, NJ, broker-dealers,  held of record 8.0% and 34.2% of the outstanding
shares of EV Classic  Strategic  Income  Fund and EV Marathon  Strategic  Income
Fund,  respectively,  which  it  held on  behalf  of its  customers  who are the
beneficial owners of such shares.  Such firm has informed the Trust that none of
its  customers  beneficially  owned  more than 5% of either  Fund's  outstanding
shares. River Distributing Co. Inc., Eagle Bay, NY 13331 held of the record date

73.73%  of  the  outstanding   shares  of EV Classic  Strategic Income Fund, and
Sun  Air,  c/o 420  Lexington  Avenue,  New  York,  NY 10170  held  6.25% of the
outstanding shares of EV Marathon Strategic Income Fund. To the knowledge of the
Trust, no other person owns (of record or  beneficially)  more than 5% of either
Fund's outstanding shares.

         The Trustees know of no matter other than those  mentioned in Proposals
1 through 3 of the Notice which will be  presented at the meeting.  If any other
matter is properly presented at the meeting,  it is the intention of the persons
named as attorneys in the enclosed proxy to vote the proxies in accordance  with
their judgment in regard to such matter.  Proposals 1 and 2 would be implemented
March 1, 1997 if approval is obtained February 26, 1997.


         At a meeting of Trustees  held  November 18,  1996,  the Board voted to
modify the investment  objective of the Funds.  Each Fund's  current  investment
objective  is "a high  level  of  income  by  investing  in a  global  portfolio
consisting  primarily of high grade debt securities and having a dollar weighted
average maturity of not more than three years." The proposed  objective would be
"a high  level of income and total  return by  investing  in a global  portfolio
consisting  primarily of high grade debt  securities."  No adjustment in current
portfolio holdings is contemplated if the change were implemented.

change would increase portfolio management flexibility by allowing the Strategic
Income Portfolio (the "SI Portfolio") in which the Funds invest to purchase debt
securities with a longer maturity and greater capital appreciation potential. Of
course,  there  is  no  assurance  SI  Portfolio's  investment  adviser,  Boston
Management and Research  ("BMR" or "Adviser"),  will be able to use  effectively
this increased  flexibility  and investors in the Funds may realize a decline in
the net asset value of their holdings.  Longer maturity  securities have greater
market value  fluctuation,  and if sold prior to maturity have greater potential
for loss as well as for gain.

         The  modification of each Fund's objective may also permit the Funds to
be more effectively  marketed,  which could result in certain economies of scale
if assets  grow.  Currently,  the Funds  have an  investment  objective  that is
appealing  to  investors   seeking  income  from  a  somewhat  limited  pool  of
securities.  With a broader objective,  the Funds may be attractive to a greater
number of investors.  If the change does facilitate greater sales, the Funds may
grow in net assets.  Economies  of scale could be  achieved by  spreading  fixed
costs over a larger asset base. A broader selection of investments could then be
purchased, which may reduce risk and improve performance.  Of course, the change
might not result in more  effective  marketing  and an  increase  in net assets.
Indeed, net assets could decline.  Overall compensation to the Adviser increases
as Fund assets grow.

         Each Fund invests its assets in a corresponding  investment company, SI
Portfolio,  which has the same investment objective as the Funds. Each Fund will
vote its  interest in SI Portfolio  for or against a parallel  proposal to amend
the Portfolio's investment objective proportionately to the instructions to vote
for or against the Funds' Proposal. A sufficient number of votes in favor of the
Proposal must be received in the aggregate from the Funds for each Fund's and SI
Portfolio's objective to be changed.

VOTE TO  MODIFY  THE  INVESTMENT  OBJECTIVE.  If  approved  by the  Funds and SI
Portfolio, this Proposal will be effective upon filing supplements to the Funds'
prospectuses, or new prospectuses, with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



         The Board of Trustees of the Trust has  approved,  and is submitting to
the  shareholders  of each Fund for approval,  the adoption of a new  investment
policy for each Fund and the revision of a fundamental  investment  provision to
permit each Fund to invest part of its "investable assets" (portfolio securities
and cash) in one or more open-end  management  investment  companies,  including
High Income Portfolio (the "HI Portfolio"),  having the same investment  adviser
as Strategic  Income Portfolio (the "SI Portfolio") in which the Funds currently
invest all of their investable  assets. If this Proposal is approved,  each Fund
intends to invest up to 35% of its assets in the HI Portfolio from time to time,
depending  upon  market  conditions.   This  proposed  investment  structure  is
permitted under the National  Securities Markets  Improvement Act of 1996, which
was enacted October 11, 1996.

         The  advantages  of the  Proposal  to  each  Fund's  shareholders  is a
substantial  increase in the diversification of high yield debt securities and a
more efficient means of investing in these securities.  As of December 31, 1996,
SI  Portfolio  had 7  holdings  of  such  securities  and HI  Portfolio  had 143
holdings.  Participation  in a more  diversified  pool of high yield  securities
should reduce the risk to shareholders. Moreover, the HI Portfolio currently has
lower operating expenses.

                            CURRENT INVESTMENT POLICY

         Each Fund  currently  invests  all of its  investable  assets in the SI
Portfolio.  The SI  Portfolio  is a New York trust  which,  like the  Trust,  is
registered as an open-end management company under the Investment Company Act of
1940  (the  "Act").  The SI  Portfolio  has  substantially  the same  investment
objective,  policies  and  restrictions  as the Funds and BMR is the  investment
adviser  of the  Portfolio.  Thus,  each Fund seeks to  achieve  its  investment

objective  through   investment  in  the  Portfolio,  rather than through direct
investments in  securities.  The Portfolio in turn invests in securities and may
invest up to 35% of its assets in high yield debt securities  (commonly referred
to as "junk  bonds").  In the mutual fund industry,  this two-tier  structure is
commonly referred to as the "master-feeder" structure.

                           PROPOSED INVESTMENT POLICY

         If this  Proposal  is  approved,  each Fund would  have the  ability to
invest up to 35% of its assets in HI Portfolio  from time to time.  Thus, a Fund
would be able to invest in both SI Portfolio (as currently), and in HI Portfolio
at the  same  time.  Instead  of SI  Portfolio  investing  in  high  yield  debt
securities,  the Funds would invest part of their assets in HI Portfolio,  which
consists  of a  portfolio  of high  yield  debt  securities  managed by the same
company,  BMR,  that  manages the SI  Portfolio.  Each Fund would  invest in the
Portfolios  in the same  proportions.  SI  Portfolio  could still hold some high
yield debt securities but the aggregate ownership interest in such securities of
a Fund held through  investment  in both  Portfolios  cannot  exceed 35% of that
Fund's assets. To avoid possible disruption to the HI Portfolio, the Funds would
not make additional investments in HI Portfolio at any time that their aggregate
investment  in HI  Portfolio  is 10% or more of the net assets of HI  Portfolio,
unless the Trustees of the HI Portfolio permit that additional investment.

         The new  investment  policy  would  permit the Funds to invest in other
registered investment companies in the Eaton Vance group of funds in addition to
or in lieu of HI Portfolio,  if such other funds invest in  securities  that the
Funds can invest in and the  Trustees of the Trust  determine  it is in the best
interests  of the  Funds to do so.  There is no  current  intention  to use this

                         INFORMATION ABOUT HI PORTFOLIO

         The HI  Portfolio,  like SI  Portfolio,  is a New York  trust  which is
registered  as an open-end  management  company  under the Act.  BMR is also the
investment adviser to HI Portfolio.

Investment  Policies.  The   investment   objective  of  the  HI Portfolio is to
provide a high level of current income.  HI Portfolio  normally invests at least
65% of its assets in debt securities of the lowest investment grade, lower rated
obligations  and  unrated  obligations;  80% of its net  assets in  fixed-income
securities, including convertible securities; and up to 20% of its net assets in
common stocks and other equity  securities when consistent with its objective or
acquired as part of a unit combining  fixed-income  and equity  securities.  The
Funds  will  not  invest  in the HI  Portfolio  when  such  Portfolio  is not so
invested.  Foreign  investments  of HI  Portfolio  may not  exceed  25% of total

assets.  HI  Portfolio  may  purchase  and sell derivative  instruments  similar
to those SI Portfolio can purchase,  except HI Portfolio cannot engage in swaps.
At December 31, 1996, HI Portfolio had 92.7% of its net assets  invested in high
yield, high risk bonds, and no bonds were in default.

         HI Portfolio has substantially the same fundamental and  nonfundamental
policies  as the Funds  and the SI  Portfolio,  except  that HI  Portfolio  is a
diversified  investment  company and,  therefore,  has the following  additional
fundamental policy: With respect to 75% of total assets of the HI Portfolio,  it
may not purchase any security if such purchase, at the time thereof, would cause
more than 5% of its total  assets to be invested in the  securities  of a single
issuer,  or cause more than 10% of the total  outstanding  voting  securities of
such issuer to be held by it,  except  obligations  issued or  guaranteed by the
U.S.  Government,  its agencies or  instrumentalities  and except  securities of
other  investment  companies.  Most  investment  policies of HI Portfolio can be
changed by its trustees without investor approval.

         Because HI Portfolio  predominately  invests in the types of securities
that SI Portfolio  currently  purchases  with  respect to 35% of SI  Portfolio's
assets,  investment risk to Fund shareholders should not increase.  SI Portfolio
acquires  debt  securities  rated below  BBB-/Baa3  by Standard & Poor's  Rating
Group,  Moody's Investors Service,  Inc. or Duff & Phelps, Inc., or, if unrated,
of  equivalent  quality  (commonly  referred  to as "junk  bonds").  Lower-rated
securities generally offer higher current yields and appreciation potential than
do higher-rated securities,  but are subject to greater risks. Securities in the
lower-rated  categories are considered to be of poor standing and  predominantly
speculative;  securities in the lowest rating  categories  may be in default and
are generally regarded by the rating agencies as having extremely poor prospects
of ever attaining any real  investment  standing.  Lower quality debt securities
are subject to the risk of an issuer's  inability to meet principal and interest
payments  on the  obligations  (credit  risk) and may also be  subject  to price
volatility due to such factors as interest rate  sensitivity,  market perception
of the  creditworthiness  of the issuer and  general  market  liquidity  (market
risk).  Lower-rated  and comparable  unrated  securities are also more likely to
react to real or perceived  developments  affecting  market and credit risk than
are more highly  rated  securities,  which react  primarily  to movements in the
general level of interest rates.  HI Portfolio may invest a substantial  portion
of  its  assets  in  such   securities   issued  in  connection   with  mergers,
acquisitions,  leveraged buy-outs,  recapitalizations and other highly leveraged
transactions  which pose a higher  risk of default or  bankruptcy  of the issuer
than other fixed-income  securities particularly during periods of deteriorating
economic conditions and contraction in the credit markets. HI Portfolio may also
invest in debt  securities not paying current income in anticipation of possible
future income or capital  appreciation.  The issuer of such securities may be in
bankruptcy  or  undergoing a debt  restructuring  or  reorganization.  Defaulted
securities  may be  retained,  and  may  result  in  additional  expense  for HI
Portfolio to recover its investment.

         While  BMR is the  investment  adviser  of  both  SI  Portfolio  and HI
Portfolio, the Portfolios have different portfolio managers. Mark S. Venezia has
acted  as  the  portfolio  manager  of  the  SI  Portfolio  since  it  commenced
operations.  He has been a Vice President of Eaton Vance  Management  since 1987
and of BMR since 1992. Hooker Talcott,  Jr. has acted as portfolio manager of HI
Portfolio since it commenced  operations.  Mr. Talcott has been a Vice President
of Eaton Vance Management since 1987 and of BMR since 1992.  Michael  Weilheimer
is the  co-portfolio  manager of HI Portfolio  and has been a Vice  President of
Eaton Vance Management since 1992.

         A copy of the prospectus of EV Marathon High Income Fund, a mutual fund
that has investment  policies  substantially  identical to HI Portfolio,  can be
obtained by calling Eaton Vance Distributors, Inc. at 1-800-225-6265.

     Expenses. Under its advisory agreements with the Portfolios, BMR receives a
monthly advisory fee equal to the aggregate of

         (a)      a daily asset based fee  computed by applying the annual asset
                  rate  applicable to that portion of the total daily net assets
                  in each Category as indicated below, plus

         (b)      a daily income based fee computed by applying the daily income
                  rate  applicable  to that  portion  of the total  daily  gross
                  income (which portion shall bear the same  relationship to the
                  total  daily gross  income on such day as that  portion of the
                  total daily net assets in the same Category bears to the total
                  daily net assets on such day) in each  Category  as  indicated

                                       SI PORTFOLIO         HI PORTFOLIO
                                       ------------         ------------
                                     ANNUAL       DAILY    ANNUAL   DAILY
                                     RATE         RATE     RATE     RATE
- -------- --------------------------  ------       ------ --------   -------

1        up to $500 million          0.275%        2.75%   0.300%    3.00%
2        $500 million but less than  0.250%        2.50%   0.275%    2.75%
         $1 billion
3        $1 billion but less than    0.225%        2.25%   0.250%    2.50%
         $1.5 billion
4        $1.5 billion but less than  0.200%        2.00%   0.225%    2.25%
         $2 billion
5        $2 billion but less than    0.175%        1.75%   0.200%    2.00%
         $3 billion
6        $3 billion and over         0.150%        1.50%   0.175%    1.75%


All other  provisions  of the  respective  investment  advisory  agreements  are
substantially  the  same.  For the  fiscal  year  ended  October  31,  1996,  SI
Portfolio's  fee rate was 0.54% of  average  daily net assets and for the fiscal
year ended  March 31,  1996,  the HI  Portfolio's  fee rate was 0.63% of average
daily net assets.

         Each Portfolio also engages BMR as its administrator. SI Portfolio pays
a  monthly  fee at an  annual  rate of .15% of  average  daily  net  assets.  HI
Portfolio currently pays no administration fee, but may do so in the future.

         Total expenses of the Portfolios,  which the Funds bear indirectly, are
comprised of advisory and administration fees and certain other expenses such as
Trustees fees,  custody fees, cost of pricing services,  insurance  premiums and
audit fees. These expenses  generally decline as a percentage of net assets as a
Portfolio grows in size. As of December 31, 1996, the net assets of SI Portfolio
and HI Portfolio were approximately $135 million and $640 million, respectively.

         The following table shows the estimated  expenses for the Funds for the
twelve  months ended  December  31, 1996 (based on actual  expenses for the year
ended  October 31, 1996 for SI  Portfolio  and for the year ended March 31, 1996
for HI  Portfolio)  when the Funds  invested all of their assets in SI Portfolio
and a pro forma adjustment (including the cost of this proxy solicitation) based
on the  assumption  each Fund had invested 80% of its assets in SI Portfolio and
20% of its assets in HI Portfolio (such 20% investment in HI Portfolio being the
maximum currently contemplated).

                          PRO FORMA EXPENSE COMPARISON

                  MARATHON STRATEGIC                   CLASSIC STRATEGIC
                     INCOME FUND                         INCOME FUND
                  ------------------                   -----------------

                                      80% SIP                     80% SIP
Fees                       100% SIP   20% HIP          100% SIP   20% HIP
- ----                       --------   -------          --------   -------
Advisory                     0.54%    0.56%              0.54%    0.56%
Administration               0.15     0.12               0.15     0.12
12b-1 (Distribution)         0.92     0.92               1.00     1.00
Other                        0.56     0.55               0.69     0.68
                             ----     ----               ----     ----
                             2.17%    2.15%              2.38%    2.36%


         The  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  Trust  has  approved,  subject  to a
shareholder  vote,  a  supplemental  provision  to be  added  to the  investment
restrictions  of each Fund to permit each Fund to invest part of its  investable
assets in the HI Portfolio and in certain other funds.

         The Board of Trustees  proposes that these  restrictions  and all other
investment  restrictions be supplemented with a revised  fundamental  investment
provision  as follows  (with  additions in italics and  deletions in  brackets):
"Notwithstanding  the investment policies and restrictions of the Fund, the Fund
may invest [all of] its investable assets in an open-end  management  investment
company (a Portfolio) with substantially the same investment objective, policies
and restrictions as the Fund; moreover, subject to Trustee approval the Fund may

invest   its   investable   assets   in  other  open-end  management  investment
companies in the same group of  investment  companies  with the same  investment
adviser as the Portfolio (or an affiliate) if, with respect to such assets,  the
other companies'  permitted  investments are  substantially the same as those of
the Fund."

                                OTHER INFORMATION

         In order to avoid  additional  financial  reporting  costs arising from
investing  in HI  Portfolio,  the  Trustees of the Trust and SI  Portfolio  have
approved  a change in the  fiscal  year end of the Funds and SI  Portfolio  from
October 31 to March 31 if  necessary  to avoid such costs and ensure  compliance
with accounting rules. If this change is implemented,  shareholders will receive
shareholder reports in May and November instead of June and December.

         The initial withdrawal of assets from SI Portfolio and investment in HI
Portfolio  is not  expected  to  result in  transaction  costs to be borne by SI
Portfolio.  Movement of Fund assets from SI Portfolio  to HI Portfolio  and visa
versa is expected to be a gradual  process.  No capital gain recognition to Fund
shareholders is expected from this process.

         The proposed  transaction  will not alter the rights and  privileges of
shareholders  of the Funds.  The value of a  shareholder's  investment in a Fund
will be the same immediately  after the Fund's investment in the HI Portfolio as
immediately  before that  investment.  Of course,  the value of a  shareholder's
investment in a Fund will fluctuate thereafter.

         Each Fund would be able to withdraw its  investment in both  Portfolios
at any  time if the  Trustees  of the  Trust  determine  that it is in the  best
interests  of a Fund to do so.  Upon any such  withdrawal,  the  Trustees  would
consider what action might be taken,  including the investment of the investable
assets of a Fund in another pooled  investment  entity having  substantially the
same  investment  objective  and  policies  as the Fund or the  retention  of an
investment adviser to manage the Fund's assets in accordance with its investment

         Like the Funds,  each Portfolio  determines its net asset value once on
each day the New York Stock  Exchange  is open for  trading,  as of the close of
regular trading on the Exchange. Each Portfolio's net asset value is computed by
determining the value of the  Portfolio's  total assets (the securities it holds
plus any cash or other assets, including interest accrued but not yet received),
and subtracting all of the Portfolio's liabilities (including accrued expenses).
Both Portfolios value their assets in the same manner.

         As partnerships  under the Internal Revenue Code, the Portfolios do not
pay Federal  income or excise  taxes.  Provided  the Funds  qualify as regulated
investment  companies  for Federal  income tax purposes and the  Portfolios  are
treated as partnerships for Federal and Massachusetts tax purposes, no entity is
liable for income, corporate excise tax or franchise tax in Massachusetts.

         Interests in a Portfolio have no pre-emptive or conversion  rights, and
are  fully  paid and  non-assessable,  except as set forth  below.  A  Portfolio
normally will not hold meetings of holders of such interests  except as required
under the Act. A Portfolio would be required to hold a meeting of holders in the
event that at any time less than a majority of the trustees  holding  office had
been  elected by holders.  The  trustees of a Portfolio  continue to hold office
until  their  successors  are  elected  and have  qualified.  Holders  holding a
specified  percentage  interest in a Portfolio  may call a meeting of holders in
the Portfolio for the purpose of removing any trustee.  A trustee of a Portfolio
may be removed  upon a majority  vote of holders in the  Portfolio  qualified to
vote in the  election.  The Act  requires a  Portfolio  to assist its holders in
calling  such  a  meeting.  Upon  liquidation  of a  Portfolio,  holders  in the
Portfolio would be entitled to share pro rata in the net assets of the Portfolio
available for distribution to holders.

         The approval of a Portfolio's  investors (i.e., holders of interests in
the  Portfolio,  such as a Fund) is  required  to change  any of its  investment
restrictions;  however,  any change in nonfundamental  investment policies would
not require such  approval.  Each holder in a Portfolio is entitled to a vote in
proportion to its share of the interests in the  Portfolio.  Except as described
below,  whenever  a Fund  is  requested  to  vote  on  matters  pertaining  to a
Portfolio,  the Fund will hold a meeting of its  shareholders  and will cast its
votes proportionately as instructed by Fund shareholders.  Because the Funds are
expected to hold only a minority  interest in HI Portfolio,  other  investors in
that Portfolio will control matters submitted to a vote.

         Subject to applicable  statutory and  regulatory  requirements,  a Fund
would not request a vote of its  shareholders  with  respect to (a) any proposal
relating to a Portfolio, which proposal, if made with respect to the Fund, would
not require the vote of the shareholders of the Fund, or (b) any proposal,  with
respect to the  Portfolio  that is  identical,  in all material  respects,  to a
proposal that has  previously  been approved by  shareholders  of the Fund.  Any
proposal  submitted  to holders in a  Portfolio,  and that is not required to be
voted  on by  shareholders  of a Fund,  would  nonetheless  be  voted  on by the
Trustees of the Trust.

         Investments  in a Portfolio  may not be  transferred,  but a holder may
withdraw  all or any portion of its  investment  at any time at net asset value.
Each holder in a Portfolio, including a Fund, will be liable for all obligations
of the  Portfolio.  However,  the  risk of a  holder  in a  Portfolio  incurring
financial loss on account of such liability is limited to circumstances in which
both inadequate  insurance exists and the Portfolio itself is unable to meet its
obligations.  Thus, shareholders of a Fund should not experience losses from the
new investment structure itself.

         Each  Portfolio has its own board of trustees,  including a majority of
trustees  who are not  "interested"  persons of the  Portfolio as defined in the
Act. The present  noninterested  trustees of HI Portfolio  are  identical to the
present noninterested Trustees of the Trust and of SI Portfolio.

                           EVALUATION BY THE TRUSTEES

         The Board of Trustees of the Trust has carefully  considered Proposal 2
and its potential  benefits and risks.  By adopting the proposed  structure each
Fund  can  participate  in a  larger,  more  diversified  and  potentially  more
attractive  investment  portfolio.  Given the relative sizes of the SI Portfolio
and the HI  Portfolio,  the total  expenses  of each Fund will also be  slightly
lower (assuming no change in either Portfolio's operations).

         The  Board  believes  that  investing  part of a  Fund's  assets  in HI
Portfolio involves  substantially the same risks as are associated with a Fund's
investment  in  SI  Portfolio  given  the  kinds  of  securities   eligible  for

         Based on their  consideration,  analysis  and  evaluation  of the above
factors and other  information  deemed by them to be relevant to this  Proposal,
the Trustees  (including the Independent  Trustees) have concluded that it would
be in the best  interests  of each Fund and its  shareholders  to  approve a new
investment policy and supplement to the Fund's investment restrictions to enable
the  Fund to  invest  a  substantial  part of its  investable  assets  in the HI

                       VOTE REQUIRED TO APPROVE PROPOSAL 2

         Approval by the shareholders of a Fund of the new investment policy and
revision to its fundamental investment restrictions require the affirmative vote
of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund which term as used in this
Proxy  Statement  means  the  vote of the  lesser  of (a)  more  than 50% of the
outstanding  shares of the Fund, or (b) 67% of the shares of the Fund present at
the  meeting if the  holders of more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of the
Fund are present or represented by proxy at the meeting.

VOTE TO APPROVE THIS PROPOSAL.  Implementation of this Proposal is not dependent
upon approval of any other  Proposal in this Proxy  Statement.  In the event the
shareholders  of a Fund fail to approve this Proposal,  that Fund would continue
to invest all of its assets in SI Portfolio.


         A majority of the Trustees of the Trust who are not interested  persons
of the Trust or EVM have  selected  Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.,  One Post  Office
Square,  Boston,  MA 02109 as  independent  accountants  to sign or certify  any
financial  statements  which may be filed by each Fund with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  in respect of all or any part of the current  fiscal year,
the employment of such accountants being expressly conditioned upon the right of
each Fund, by the vote of a majority of its outstanding  "voting securities" (as
defined in the Act) at any meeting  called for the purpose,  to  terminate  such
employment forthwith without any penalty.  (The current fiscal year ends October
31, 1997,  unless  Proposal 2 is  implemented  in which case the year end may be
changed to March 31,  1997.) Such  selection  was made pursuant to provisions of
Section  32(a) of the Act,  and is subject to  ratification  or rejection by the
holders of shares of each Fund at the meeting of such holders. Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P.,  currently serves as the independent accountants of each Fund. The Trust
is  informed  that no member  of  Coopers &  Lybrand  L.L.P.  has any  direct or
material indirect interest in either Fund or either Portfolio.

         The  Funds'  independent  accountants  provide  customary  professional
services in  connection  with the audit  function  for a  management  investment
company series such as the Funds,  and their fees for such services include fees
for work  leading to the  expression  of  opinions of the  financial  statements
included in annual reports to shareholders, opinions on financial statements and
other data included in each Fund's annual report to the  Securities and Exchange
Commission,  opinions on  financial  statements  included in  amendments  to the
Trust's registration statement with respect to the Funds, and preparation of the
Funds'  federal  and state  income  tax  returns.  The  nature  and scope of the
professional  services  of the  accountants  have been  approved  by the Trust's
Trustees,  which have considered the possible effect thereof on the independence
of the accountants.

         Representatives  of Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  are not  expected  to be
present at the meeting but have been given the  opportunity  to make a statement
if they do so desire and will be  available  should any matter  arise  requiring
their presence.

         It is intended  that proxies not limited to the contrary  will be voted
in favor of  ratifying  the  selection  of  Coopers  &  Lybrand  L.L.P.,  as the
independent  accountants  of each Fund to sign or certify  financial  statements
required to be signed or certified by independent accountants and filed with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  in respect of all or part of the  current
fiscal year of the Funds.

vote separately on this proposal.

                            EATON VANCE ORGANIZATION

         Boston  Management  and  Research  ("BMR"),  or its parent  Eaton Vance
Management  ("EVM"),  act as  investment  adviser to  investment  companies  and
various  individual  and  institutional  clients,  with  combined  assets  under

management  of  over  $16 billion.  EVM  provides  administrative and management
services  to certain  Eaton Vance funds  (including  the Trust),  as well as The
Wright  Managed  Income  Trust,  The Wright  Managed  Equity  Trust,  The Wright
EquiFund Equity Trust and The Wright Managed Blue Chip Series Trust.

     There are no  financial  conditions  known by the Eaton Vance  organization
which would impair the financial ability of BMR to fulfill its commitment to the
Portfolios  under  its  contractual  agreements.  BMR and EVM are  Massachusetts
business trusts, and Eaton Vance, Inc. ("EV") is the trustee of BMR and EVM. The
Directors  of EV are Landon T. Clay,  M.  Dozier  Gardner,  James B.  Hawkes and
Benjamin A.  Rowland , Jr. The  Directors  of Eaton Vance Corp.  ("EVC"),  which
wholly-owns  EVM and EV,  consist of the same  persons  and John G.L.  Cabot and
Ralph Z.  Sorenson.  Mr. Clay is Chairman,  Mr. Gardner is Vice Chairman and Mr.
Hawkes is President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of EVC,  EVM, BMR and EV. All
shares of the  outstanding  Voting Common Stock of EVC are deposited in a Voting
Trust  which  expires on December  31,  1997,  the Voting  Trustees of which are
Messrs.  Clay,  Gardner,  Hawkes,  and Rowland,  and Thomas E. Faust. The Voting
Trustees have  unrestricted  voting rights for the election of Directors of EVC.
All of the outstanding  voting trust receipts issued under said Voting Trust are
owned by certain of the officers of BMR and EVM. As of January 1, 1997,  Messrs.
Clay,  Gardner  and Hawkes  each owned 24% of such voting  trust  receipts,  and
Messrs. Rowland and Faust owned 15% and 13%,  respectively.  The address of EVC,
EVM,  BMR, EV and of its  Directors  or Trustees is 24 Federal  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02110.

         EVC owns all the stock of Energex Energy Corp., which is engaged in oil
and gas,  exploration  and  development.  EVM owns  all the  stock of  Northeast
Properties,  Inc., which is engaged in real estate investment.  EVC owns all the
stock of  Fulcrum  Management,  Inc.  and  MinVen,  Inc.,  which are  engaged in
precious metal mining venture  investment and  management.  EVC also owns 24% of
the  Class A shares of Lloyd  George  Management  (BVI)  Limited,  a  registered
investment adviser. EVC, BMR, EVM and EV may also enter into other businesses.

         Certain  Trustees  of the  Trust and the  Portfolio,  and most of their
respective officers are officers of BMR and EVM.

         Eaton Vance  Distributors,  Inc. ("EVD") (a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
EVM), 24 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110 acts as Principal Underwriter for over
140 investment  companies,  each of which makes a continuous offering of shares.
EVD also acts as the Placement  Agent for each  Portfolio.  The Placement  Agent
Agreement is renewable annually by each Portfolio's Board of Trustees (including
a majority of the Independent Trustees), may be terminated on sixty days' notice
either by such  Trustees  or by vote of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the  Portfolio or on six months notice by the Placement  Agent and
is automatically terminated upon assignment.


         The  Trust has  previously  solicited  all  Nominee  and  Broker/Dealer
accounts  as to the number of  additional  proxy  statements  required to supply
owners of shares.  Should  additional  proxy material be required for beneficial
owners,  please forward such requests to: First Data Investors  Services  Group,
Attention: Eaton Vance Funds, P.O. Box 5123, Westborough, MA 01581-5123.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         The expense of preparing, printing and mailing this Proxy Statement and
enclosures and the cost of soliciting proxies on behalf of the Board of Trustees
of the Trust will be borne by the Funds.  Proxies  will be solicited by mail and
may be  solicited  in person or by  telephone  or  telegraph  by officers of the
Trust,  by  personnel  of  its   Administrator,   Eaton  Vance  Management,   by
broker-dealers  or by  Management  Information  Services  Corp.,  61 Accord Park
Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, a professional solicitation organization. The expenses
connected with the  solicitation  of these proxies and with any further  proxies
which may be  solicited  will be borne by the Funds.  The Funds  will  reimburse
banks, broker-dealer firms, and other persons holding shares registered in their
names or in the names of their nominees,  for their expenses incurred in sending
proxy  material to and  obtaining  proxies  from the  beneficial  owners of such

         All proxy cards  solicited  by the Board of Trustees  that are properly
executed and received by the Secretary  prior to the meeting,  and which are not
revoked,  will be voted at the meeting.  Shares represented by such proxies will
be voted in accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no  specification is
made on the proxy card, it will be voted for the matters  specified on the proxy
card.  All proxies not voted will not be counted  toward  establishing a quorum.
Broker  non-votes  will  be  counted  toward   establishing  a  quorum  and  for
determining  whether  sufficient  votes have been  received  for approval of the
Proposal to be acted upon.  Shareholders should note that while votes to abstain
will  count  toward  establishing  a  quorum,  passage  of  any  Proposal  being
considered  at the meeting will occur only if a  sufficient  number of votes are
cast for the Proposal. Accordingly, votes to abstain, broker non-votes and votes
against will have the same effect in determining whether a Proposal is approved.

         In the event that sufficient  votes by the shareholders of the Funds in
favor of any  Proposal  set forth in the Notice of this meeting are not received
by February 26, 1997,  the persons named as attorneys in the enclosed  proxy may
propose one or more  adjournments of the meeting to permit further  solicitation
of proxies.  A shareholder  vote may be taken on one or more of the Proposals in
this Proxy  Statement  prior to such  adjournment if sufficient  votes have been
received and it is otherwise appropriate.  Any such adjournment will require the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present in person or
by proxy at the session of the  meeting to be  adjourned.  The persons  named as
attorneys in the  enclosed  proxy will vote in favor of such  adjournment  those
proxies  which  they are  entitled  to vote in favor of the  Proposal  for which
further  solicitation  of proxies is to be made. They will vote against any such
adjournment those proxies required to be voted against such Proposal.  The costs
of any such additional  solicitation and of any adjourned  session will be borne
by the Funds.

         Submission  of  Shareholder  Proposals.  The Trust and the Funds do not
hold annual shareholders' meetings.  Shareholder wishing to submit proposals for
inclusion in a proxy  statement for a subsequent  shareholders'  meeting  should
send their written proposals to:  Secretary,  Eaton Vance Mutual Funds Trust, 24
Federal  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02110.  Proposals  must be received in
advance of a proxy  solicitation  to be included  and the mere  submission  of a
proposal does not guarantee  inclusion in the proxy  statement  because  certain
federal securities law rules must be complied with.

         A copy of a  Fund's  annual  report  to  shareholders  may be  obtained
without charge by contacting  the Fund at 24 Federal  Street,  Boston,  MA 02110

January 21, 1997

PROXY                                         THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned,  revoking previous proxies
for such stock,  hereby  appoints Alan R. Dynner,  M. Dozier Gardner and Eric G.
Woodbury,  or any of them,  attorneys  of the  undersigned,  with full  power of
substitution,  to vote all shares of EV Classic Strategic Income Fund, which the
undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
said Fund to be held on February 26, 1997, at the principal  office of the Fund,
24 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110, at 10:00 A.M. (Boston time), and
at any  and  all  adjournments  thereof.  Receipt  of the  Notice  of and  Proxy
Statement for said Meeting is acknowledged.

The shares  represented by this proxy will be voted on the following  matters as
specified  below. If no specification is made, this proxy will be voted in favor
of all such matters.  Note: This proxy must be returned in order for your shares
to be voted.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  1
1.  To consider and act upon a proposal to modify 
    the investment objective of the Fund.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  2
2.  To consider and act upon a proposal to permit a revised
    investment structure wherein the Fund could invest its
    assets  in  one or  more  investment  companies  with  consistent,  but
    somewhat different, investment policies than the Fund.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  3
3.  To ratify the selection of Coopers & Lybrand the
    independent accountants of the Fund.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  4
4.  To consider and act upon any matters incidental to the foregoing
    purposes or any of them, and any other matters which may properly
    come before said meeting or an adjourned session thereof.

As to any matters, said attorneys shall vote in accordance with their judgment.

                        ALL MATTERS


                        Please sign exactly as your name appears at left.

                        Dated: ___________________________________________, 1997

PROXY                                         THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned,  revoking previous proxies
for such stock,  hereby  appoints Alan R. Dynner,  M. Dozier Gardner and Eric G.
Woodbury,  or any of them,  attorneys  of the  undersigned,  with full  power of
substitution, to vote all shares of EV Marathon Strategic Income Fund, which the
undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
said Fund to be held on February 26, 1997, at the principal  office of the Fund,
24 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110, at 10:00 A.M. (Boston time), and
at any  and  all  adjournments  thereof.  Receipt  of the  Notice  of and  Proxy
Statement for said Meeting is acknowledged.

The shares  represented by this proxy will be voted on the following  matters as
specified  below. If no specification is made, this proxy will be voted in favor
of all such matters.  Note: This proxy must be returned in order for your shares
to be voted.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  1
1.  To consider and act upon a proposal to modify
    the investment objective of the Fund.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  2
2.  To consider and act upon a proposal to permit a revised
    investment structure wherein the Fund could invest its
    assets  in one ore  more  investment  companies  with
    consistent,  but somewhat different, investment policies
    than the Fund.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  3
3.  To ratify the selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as the
    independent accountants of the Fund.

                                                  FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN  4
4.  To consider and act upon any matters incidental to the foregoing
    purposes or any of them, and any other matters which may properly
    come before said meeting or an adjourned session thereof.

As to any matters, said attorneys shall vote in accordance with their judgment.

                        ALL MATTERS


                        Please sign exactly as your name appears at left.

                        Dated: ___________________________________________, 1997