(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant   [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement      [ ] Confidential, For Use of the Commission
                                         Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Fiduciary Exchange Fund, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (1) and 0-11.

(1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)      Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5)      Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3)  Filing Party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4)  Date Filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           CAPITAL EXCHANGE FUND, INC.
                         DEPOSITORS FUND OF BOSTON, INC.
                           DIVERSIFICATION FUND, INC.
                          FIDUCIARY EXCHANGE FUND, INC.
                        THE EXCHANGE FUND OF BOSTON, INC.
                     24 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. 02110
                                 (617) 482-8260

                           TO BE HELD OCTOBER 9, 1997

     A Special Meeting of Stockholders of each of Capital  Exchange Fund,  Inc.,
Depositors Fund of Boston, Inc.,  Diversification Fund, Inc., Fiduciary Exchange
Fund,  Inc.,  Second  Fiduciary  Exchange  Fund,  Inc. and The Exchange  Fund of
Boston, Inc. (collectively the "Funds"), will be held at the principal office of
each  Fund,  24  Federal  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts,  on  October 9, 1997,
commencing at 10:00 A.M. (Boston time), for the following purposes:

     1.   To consider and act upon a proposal to approve an  Agreement  and Plan
          of  Reorganization  on behalf of each Fund pursuant to which each Fund
          will be reorganized from a Massachusetts  corporation to a series fund
          of Eaton Vance  Series  Trust,  a  Massachusetts  business  trust (the
          "Successor Fund") and to approve the dissolution of the corporation.

     2.   To  consider  and act upon any  matters  incidental  to the  foregoing
          purposes or any of them, and any other matters which may properly come
          before said meeting or any adjourned session thereof.

     Each Fund will hold a separate meeting. Stockholders of each Fund will vote

     The meetings are called  pursuant to the By-Laws of each of the Funds.  The
Board of  Directors  of each Fund has fixed the close of  business on August 11,
1997 as the record date for the  determination  of the  stockholders of the Fund
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting and any adjournments thereof.

                                          ALAN R. DYNNER

August 28, 1997


                           CAPITAL EXCHANGE FUND, INC.
                         DEPOSITORS FUND OF BOSTON, INC.
                           DIVERSIFICATION FUND, INC.
                          FIDUCIARY EXCHANGE FUND, INC.
                        THE EXCHANGE FUND OF BOSTON, INC.
                                24 FEDERAL STREET
                           BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110
                                 (617) 482-8260

                                                                 August 28, 1997

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     A proxy card is enclosed with the foregoing  Notice of the Special Meetings
of Stockholders of Capital Exchange Fund, Inc. (the "Capital Fund"),  Depositors
Fund of Boston,  Inc. (the "Depositors Fund"),  Diversification  Fund, Inc. (the
"Diversification  Fund"),  Fiduciary Exchange Fund, Inc. (the "Fiduciary Fund"),
Second  Fiduciary  Exchange  Fund,  Inc. (the "Second  Fiduciary  Fund") and The
Exchange Fund of Boston, Inc. (the "Exchange Fund"),  (collectively the "Funds")
to be held on  October  9, 1997 at 10:00 A.M.  Eastern  time for the  benefit of
stockholders  who do not  expect to be  present  at the  meeting.  This proxy is
solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of each Fund,  and is revocable by
the person giving it prior to exercise by a signed writing filed with the Funds'
transfer agent, First Data Investor Services Group, P. O. Box 5123, Westborough,
Massachusetts 01581-5123, or by executing and delivering a later dated proxy, or
by  attending  the meeting and voting your shares in person.  Each proxy will be
voted in  accordance  with its  instructions;  if no  instruction  is given,  an
executed proxy will authorize the persons named as attorneys, or any of them, to
vote in favor of the proposal (the "Reorganization Proposal") referred to in the
proxy card.  This proxy  material is being  mailed to  stockholders  on or about
August 28, 1997.

     The Board of Directors of each Fund has fixed the close of business  August
11, 1997, as the record date for the determination of the stockholders  entitled
to  notice  of  and to  vote  at  the  meeting  and  any  adjournments  thereof.
Stockholders at the close of business on the record date will be entitled to one
vote for each share held. As of August 11, 1997, the number of shares of capital
stock  outstanding  of  each  of  the  Funds  was  as  follows:  Capital  Fund -
414,340.438, Depositors Fund - 536,340.376,  Diversification Fund - 332,674.457,
Fiduciary Fund - 268,721.351,  Second  Fiduciary Fund - 445,677.495 and Exchange
Fund -  266,906.433.  As of such date, the following  stockholders  beneficially
owned the following number of shares (at least 5% of outstanding shares) of each
Fund: Capital Fund - Patterson & Co., Philadelphia, PA 40,178.058 shares (9.69%)
and Arthur F.  Albert,  Trustee  of Arthur F.  Albert  Trust U/A dated  10/3/78,
Glenview, IL 30,900 shares (7.45%); Depositors Fund - Walter S. Rosenberry, III,
Trustee with Sarah Maud W.  Silversten U/A dated  10/20/81,  St. Paul, MN 66,488
shares  (12.39%);  Diversification  Fund - William T. Ragland,  Jr., Trustee for
William  T.  Ragland  UTI dated  9/22/52  Winston-Salem,  NC  22,084.925  shares
(6.63%),  Ruby H. Bryan,  Goldsboro,  NC 21,112.869  shares  (6.34%),  Laurie M.
Cummins,  Trustee FBO Laurie M. Cummins  Rev.  Liv.  Trust,  Santa  Barbara,  CA
16,721.972  shares  (5.02%)  and Smith  Barney  Shearson,  Inc.,  New York,  NY,
broker-dealers,  19,444 shares  (5.84%) which it held on behalf of its customers
who are the beneficial owners of such shares and as to which it has voting power
under certain limited  circumstances.  Such firm has informed the Fund that none
of its  customers  beneficially  owned  5% or  more of the  outstanding  shares;

Fiduciary  Fund - Bank of  America,  Trustee  for the  benefit  of  Benjamin  P.
Douglass U/A dated 4/14/50 17,784 shares (6.61%) and Dengel & Co., c/o Fiduciary
Trust  Company of New York, NY 15,556.797  shares  (5.78%);  Exchange Fund - Lee
Family Lim. Partnership, Ithaca, NY 13,399 shares (5.02%). As of August 11, 1997
the Second Fiduciary Fund had no stockholders who owned  beneficially  more than
5% of its  outstanding  shares.  To the  knowledge of each Fund, no other person
owns (of record or beneficially) more than 5% of its outstanding shares.

     The Boards of  Directors  of the Funds know of no business  other than that
mentioned  in Item 1 of the Notice of the meetings  which will be presented  for
consideration at the meeting. If any other matters are properly presented at the
meeting,  the persons  named as attorneys  in the  enclosed  proxy will vote the
proxies on such matters in accordance with their judgment.

     Although the proposal for consideration of each Fund's  stockholders is set
forth jointly in this combined proxy  statement,  the  stockholders of each Fund
will vote separately on such proposal at their Fund's meeting.



     The  Directors  of each Fund have  approved,  subject  to the  approval  of
stockholders  of  each  Fund,  an  Agreement  and  Plan of  Reorganization  (the
"Reorganization  Agreement")  in the form  attached to this Proxy  Statement  as
Exhibit A. The Reorganization  Agreement provides for the reorganization of each
Fund (the  "Reorganization")  from a  Massachusetts  corporation to a new series
fund of Eaton Vance Series Trust (the "Trust"),  a Massachusetts  business trust
with its  principal  offices  at 24  Federal  Street,  Boston,  MA  (tel.  (617)
482-8260).  No federal or state regulatory approvals are required to be obtained
in connection with the Reorganization.

     The Trust is an  open-end,  management  investment  company  organized as a
Massachusetts  business  trust  on  June  24,  1996  and  registered  under  the
Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "Act").  Each Fund currently  operates as a
Massachusetts  corporation.  The Trust  currently  has one series  (called Vance
Sanders Exchange Fund) operating as a separate  diversified  series of the Trust
under the Act.

     Each  Reorganization  will involve the transfer of all of the assets of the
Fund to a corresponding  new series of the Trust  established in connection with
the Reorganization  (the "Successor Fund") in exchange for the assumption of the
Fund's  liabilities by the Successor Fund and the issuance to the Fund of shares
of beneficial  interest ("shares") of the Successor Fund. The only security held
by each  Fund is an  interest  in the  Tax-Managed  Growth  Portfolio,  and that
interest will be  transferred  to the Successor  Fund.  The aggregate  number of
shares of the Successor Fund (the  "Successor  Fund Shares")  issued to the Fund
will be equal to the number of shares of the Fund outstanding immediately before
the  Reorganization.  These  transactions will be immediately  followed by a pro
rata  distribution  by the Fund of the  Successor  Fund Shares to the holders of
Fund  shares in exchange  for those  shares,  in  liquidation  of the Fund.  The
corporate  existence  of the Fund  will then be  terminated.  As a result of the

Reorganization,  stockholders  of  the  Fund  will  become  shareholders  of the
Successor  Fund.  The name of the Successor Fund will be the same as the name of
the Fund except for the  deletion  of "Inc." at the end of its name.  Except for
reorganizing  the Funds as separate series of the Trust (as more fully described
below),  the  Reorganizations  will not result in any changes in the  investment
objective  or policies or  operations  of the Funds.  The  historical  financial
results of each Fund will be transferred to its Successor  Fund.  Each Successor
Fund will continue the Fund's practice of making redemption  payments  primarily
in kind.


TO IMPROVE THE FUND'S OPERATIONAL FLEXIBILITY.  Specifically,  it is anticipated
that a Fund will incur lower printing,  administrative and legal expenses if the
Fund is  reorganized  as a series of the Trust.  In  addition,  the Fund will be
governed by the more flexible and  convenient  Massachusetts  business trust law
rather than Massachusetts corporate law.

     Eaton Vance  Management  ("EVM"),  with its principal  office located at 24
Federal Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts 02110, currently serves as administrator
to each Fund. Each Fund is currently responsible for all expenses it incurs that
are not expressly stated to be payable by EVM under the Administrative  Services
Agreement.  Expenses  for  which  each  Fund  is  responsible  include,  without
limitation,  fees and expenses of its custodian and transfer agent;  the cost of
stock certificates;  insurance expense; association membership dues; expenses of
reports to stockholders,  proxy statements,  and other expenses of stockholders'
meetings;  printing and mailing  expenses;  legal and accounting  expenses;  and
expenses of issue,  repurchase  and  redemption  of shares;  taxes and interest;
registration of the Fund under the Act; and governmental fees.

     As a result of each Reorganization,  a Fund will be replaced by a Successor
Fund which is a separate series of the Trust.  Each Fund is currently  organized
as a Massachusetts  corporation  while the Trust is organized as a Massachusetts
business  trust.  Each Fund is currently  subject to somewhat  more  restrictive
statutory  provisions than the Trust.  The material  differences with respect to
governance of the Trust and the Fund are summarized below.

     The  Directors  of each Fund  believe the Fund and the Fund's  stockholders
should benefit from anticipated  administrative  efficiency,  expense reductions
and improved operational flexibility resulting from the Reorganization.  Expense
reductions will be attributable  to, among other things,  (i) greater  operating
efficiency of the Successor Fund resulting from fewer shareholder meetings; (ii)
the  dissolution  of the Fund's  corporate  existence  after the  Reorganization
resulting  in the  elimination  of  annual  stockholder  meetings;  (iii)  lower
administrative,  legal and printing costs,  especially if shareholder reports of
the Successor  Fund will be combined  with those of one or more other  Successor



     The following  discussion  summarizes  certain terms of the  Reorganization
Agreement  for each  Fund.  This  summary  of the  Reorganization  Agreement  is
qualified  in its  entirety  by the  provisions  of the  form of  Reorganization
Agreement attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

     In order to accomplish  the  Reorganizations,  each Successor Fund has been
established as a new series of the Trust.  Assuming that the  Reorganization  is
approved  by  stockholders  of a Fund,  it is  currently  contemplated  that the
closing  date of the  Reorganization  (the  "Closing  Date") will be October 31,
1997.  On the Closing  Date,  each Fund will  transfer  all of its assets to the
Successor  Fund in exchange for the  assumption by the Successor  Fund of all of
the  liabilities  of the Fund and the  issuance  to the Fund of  Successor  Fund
Shares.  The number and net asset value per share of Successor Fund Shares to be
issued by the Successor Fund will be identical to the number and net asset value
per share of the shares of the Fund outstanding on the Closing Date.

     Immediately  thereafter,   the  Fund  will  liquidate  and  distribute  the
Successor  Fund  Shares  to each  shareholder  pro  rata in  proportion  to such
shareholder's  beneficial  interest in the Successor Fund Shares and in exchange
for that  shareholder's  Fund shares. The Fund's existence as a corporation will
then be  terminated.  The number and net asset value per share of Successor Fund
Shares to be received by each  shareholder  will be  identical to the number and
net  asset  value  per  share of  shares  of the Fund  held by that  shareholder
immediately prior to the Reorganization.

     If, at any time prior to the Closing Date, the Board of Directors of a Fund
or the Board of  Trustees  of the Trust  determines  that it would not be in the
best interest of the Fund, the Trust or their respective shareholders to proceed
with  the   Reorganization,   the   Reorganization   will  not  be  consummated,
notwithstanding  the  approval of the  Reorganization  by  stockholders  at this
meeting.  The  obligations  of a Fund and the  Trust  under  the  Reorganization
Agreement  are  subject  to  various  conditions.  In order to  provide  against
unforeseen events, the Reorganization  Agreement may be terminated or amended at
any time prior to the Closing  Date by the Board of  Directors  of a Fund or the
Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust.  A Fund and the Trust  may at any time  waive
compliance with any of the covenants and conditions  contained in, or may amend,
the  Reorganization  Agreement,  provided that any such waiver or amendment does
not materially adversely affect the interests of stockholders of the Fund.


     Dividends  with  respect to the stock of each Fund have been paid only when
and as declared by its Board of Directors;  similarly, dividends with respect to
the shares of each  Successor Fund will be paid only when and as declared by the
Trustees  of the Trust.  The  Directors  of each Fund in the past have  declared
dividends  quarterly out of current and accumulated  investment  company taxable
income available therefor, and the Trustees of the Trust intend to continue this
practice.  Dividends are paid in additional  shares,  unless the shareholder has
elected to receive  cash.  Each Fund has, in the past,  generally  retained  its
realized  long-term  capital  gains and paid the  federal  income tax thereon on
behalf of the stockholders,  and the stockholders have received a credit for the
tax paid  thereon in  connection  with their  federal  income tax  returns.  The
Trustees  of the Trust  intend to continue  this  practice  with  respect to any
long-term capital gains realized by each Successor Fund.


     The Trust's  transfer  agent,  First Data Investor  Services  Group ("First
Data"),  will establish  accounts for all  stockholders of a Fund containing the
appropriate  number of Successor Fund Shares to be received by that  stockholder
under the Reorganization  Agreement.  Such accounts and the elections applicable
to each account  will be identical in all material  respects to the accounts and
elections currently maintained by that Fund for its stockholders.

                         EXPENSES OF THE REORGANIZATION

     Each  Fund  will  bear  its  proportionate  share  of all  of the  expenses
associated with the transactions  contemplated by the  Reorganization  Agreement
and if the  reorganization is consummated,  such expenses will be assumed by the
Successor  Fund. It is presently  estimated  that the aggregate  expenses of the
Reorganization,  including costs  associated  with the  solicitation of proxies,
will be approximately $5,000 for each Fund.


     It is a condition to the consummation of each  Reorganization that the Fund
and the Trust  receive  on or before  the  Closing  Date an  opinion  from legal
counsel,   Kirkpatrick  &  Lockhart  LLP,  concerning  the  federal  income  tax
consequences  of the  Reorganization.  This  opinion will  provide,  among other
things, that the transaction  contemplated by the Reorganization  Agreement will
constitute a reorganization under Section 368(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and that,  consequently,  no gain or loss will
be recognized  for federal  income tax purposes by the Fund or its  stockholders
upon (1) the  transfer  of all of the  Fund's  assets to the  Successor  Fund in
exchange  solely for Successor  Fund Shares and the assumption by such Successor
Fund of the  Fund's  liabilities  or (2)  the  distribution  by the  Fund of the
Successor  Fund Shares,  in  liquidation  of the Fund,  to the  stockholders  in
exchange for their Fund Shares.  The opinion  will  further  state,  among other
things,  that (i) the  federal  tax  basis of the  Successor  Fund  Shares to be
received by  stockholders  of the Fund will be the same as the federal tax basis
of the Fund shares  surrendered in exchange therefor and (ii) each stockholder's
federal tax holding  period for his or her  Successor  Fund Shares will  include
such  stockholder's  tax  holding  period  for the Fund  shares  surrendered  in
exchange therefor, provided that such Fund shares were held as capital assets on
the date of the exchange.


STRUCTURE OF THE TRUST.  The  Trust  has  been  established under  Massachusetts
law as a trust with transferable  shares of beneficial interest - commonly known
as "a  Massachusetts  business trust" - pursuant to a Declaration of Trust dated
June 24, 1996.  Pursuant to the  Declaration  of Trust,  Capital  Exchange Fund,
Depositors Fund of Boston, Diversification Fund, Fiduciary Exchange Fund, Second
Fiduciary  Exchange Fund and The Exchange Fund of Boston,  the Successor  Funds,
are established and designated as series of the Trust.  See "Series of Shares of
the Trust" below. Following the Reorganization,  each Successor Fund will assume
and carry on the operations of the corresponding Fund.

TRUSTEES  AND   OFFICERS  OF THE  TRUST.  Subject  to  the   provisions  of  the
Declaration of Trust, the business of the Trust will be managed by its Trustees,
who have all powers  necessary or convenient  to carry out that  responsibility.
The  responsibilities,  powers and duties of the Trustees will be  substantially
the same as those of the  Directors  of each Fund.  The Trustees and officers of
the Trust are the same persons  currently  serving as Directors  and officers of
each Fund.  Trustees of the Trust may be appointed  by the existing  Trustees of
the Trust without shareholder approval under certain circumstances.

INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS.  Deloitte & Touche LLP act as independent public
accountants  of  each  Fund  and  will  continue  to act as  independent  public
accountants of each Successor Fund.

SERIES AND  CLASSES OF SHARES OF THE TRUST.  The  Trust's  Declaration  of Trust
permits the Trustees to create and issue an unlimited number of series of shares
of the Trust,  and to create and issue an unlimited number of full or fractional
shares  of one  or  more  classes  of  shares  within  each  series.  After  the
Reorganizations,  the Trust would have seven operating  series and all shares of
the Trust would be of the same class.  Each share of each series or class of the
Trust represents an equal  proportionate  interest with each other share in that
series  or class,  none  having  priority  or  preference  over  another.  While
additional series or classes may be added in the future,  they are not currently
contemplated.  Each series would be a separate entity for tax purposes, eligible
to qualify as a separate regulated investment company.

by  Massachusetts  business  corporate  law  while  the  Trust  is  governed  by
Massachusetts  business trust statutory law. Massachusetts business trust law is
silent as to most aspects of trust governance and operation.  The governance and
operation of a Massachusetts business trust,  therefore,  is generally guided by
the  Trust's  Declaration  of  Trust  and its  By-Laws.  Massachusetts  business
corporate law, on the other hand,  contains  detailed  provisions  regarding the
governance and operation of a corporation to which a  Massachusetts  corporation
must adhere.  Each Fund also has certain  requirements set forth in its Articles
and By-Laws.  While there are many  similarities  with respect to the governance
and operation of the Trust and the Funds,  there are some material  differences.
Some of these are set forth below:


     Under  Massachusetts  law,  shareholders of a Massachusetts  business trust
(unlike a corporation)  may,  under certain  circumstances,  be held  personally
liable for the  obligations of the Trust.  The  Declaration of Trust contains an
express disclaimer of shareholder liability for acts or obligations of the Trust
and allows for  notice of such  disclaimer  in each  agreement,  obligation,  or
instrument  entered  into  or  executed  by  the  Trust  or  the  Trustees.  The
Declaration of Trust provides for  indemnification  out of the Trust property of
any  shareholder  held personally  liable for the obligations of the Trust.  The
Declaration of Trust also provides that the Trust will, upon request, assume the
defense of any claim made against any  shareholder  for any act or obligation of
the Trust and satisfy any  judgment  thereon.  Thus,  the risk of a  shareholder
incurring  financial  loss  beyond  the  shareholder's   investment  because  of
shareholder  liability  is limited to  circumstances  in which the Trust  itself
would be unable to meet its  obligations.  In light of the nature of the Trust's
business and the nature of its assets,  the  Directors of the Funds believe that
the possibility of the Trust's  liabilities  exceeding its assets, and therefore
the risk of personal liability to a shareholder of the Trust, is remote.

     The  Declaration  of Trust  further  provides that the Trustees will not be
liable for errors of judgment  or  mistakes  of fact or law,  but nothing in the
Declaration of Trust protects a Trustee  against any liability to which he would
otherwise  be  subject  by reason  of  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross
negligence,  or reckless  disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of his


     Currently,  the  Articles  of  Organization  of each Fund (the  "Articles")
provide that the Fund will hold a meeting of the stockholders  each year for the
purpose of  electing  Directors,  and in the case of the  Depositors  Fund,  the
Diversification  Fund and the Exchange Fund, a Treasurer and a Clerk,  ratifying
the  selection of auditors,  and taking any other action which the Directors are
permitted  or  required  to take  under the  Articles  or the 1940 Act.  Special
meetings  of the  stockholders  may also be  called  by a  majority  vote of the
Directors or by stockholders holding not less than 10% of the outstanding shares
of the Fund.

     The Trust does not hold annual meetings of shareholders. The Declaration of
Trust gives shareholders the power to vote on the following matters:

     (i) the  termination  of the Trust or any series or class  thereof,  except
that the Trustees may terminate the Trust or any series or class thereof without
shareholder  authorization  upon a determination that its continuation is not in
the best  interest  of the  Trust,  such  series  or  class or their  respective
shareholders; and

     (ii) any amendment of the  Declaration of Trust,  except that amendments to
designate or establish any series or class of shares,  to change the name of the
Trust or any  series,  to make such other  changes  as do not have a  materially
adverse  effect on the  financial  interests of  shareholders  or to conform the
Declaration of Trust to the requirements of applicable  federal or state laws or
regulations or the  requirements  of the Code, do not require  authorization  by
shareholder vote.

     In addition,  the  shareholders  have certain  rights,  as set forth in the
By-Laws of the Trust,  to request that a meeting of the  shareholders  be called
for the purposes  specified in the request,  including for the purpose of voting
on the removal of one or more Trustees.

     Each  Successor  Fund will operate as a separate  diversified  series of an
open-end  investment  company  registered  under  the Act.  Shareholders  of the
Successor Fund will, therefore,  have the power to vote at special meetings with
respect to, among other things,  changes in fundamental  investment policies and
limitations of the Successor Fund; and such additional  matters  relating to the
Trust or the Successor Fund as may be required by the Act. If, at any time, less
than a majority of the Trustees holding office has been elected by shareholders,
the Trustees then in office will promptly call a meeting of  shareholders of the
Trust for the purpose of electing Trustees to fill any existing vacancies in the

     Each  Successor  Fund of a Fund,  like the  Fund,  will  invest  solely  in
Tax-Managed  Growth  Portfolio (the  "Portfolio") a large  diversified  open-end
management   investment   company  having   substantially  the  same  investment
objective,  policies  and  restrictions  as the  Fund  and its  Successor  Fund.
Shareholders  of the  Successor  Fund will  therefore  acquire the pass  through
voting  rights  previously  held by the Fund  with  respect  to its share of the
interests in the  Portfolio.  Each holder in the Portfolio is entitled to a vote
in  proportion  to its  share  of the  interests  in the  Portfolio.  Except  as
described  below,  whenever a  Successor  Fund is  requested  to vote on matters
pertaining  to the  Portfolio,  the  Successor  Fund will hold a meeting  of its
shareholders and will cast its votes  proportionately as instructed by Successor
Fund shareholders.  Subject to applicable statutory and regulatory requirements,
the Successor Fund would not request a vote of its shareholders  with respect to
(a) any proposal relating to the Portfolio, which proposal, if made with respect
to the Successor  Fund,  would not require the vote of the  shareholders  of the
Successor  Fund,  or (b) any  proposal  with  respect to the  Portfolio  that is
identical,  in all material  respects,  to a proposal that has  previously  been
approved by  shareholders  of the  Successor  Fund.  Any  proposal  submitted to
holders  in  the  Portfolio,  and  that  is  not  required  to  be  voted  on by
shareholders of a Successor Fund, would  nonetheless be voted on by the Trustees
of the Trust.


     The Trust or any series or class thereof may be terminated as follows:  (1)
by the affirmative vote of the holders of not less than two-thirds of the shares
outstanding  and entitled to vote at any meeting of shareholders of the Trust or
the appropriate  series or class thereof,  or by an instrument or instruments in
writing  without a meeting,  consented  to by the holders of  two-thirds  of the
shares of the Trust or a series or class  thereof,  provided,  however,  that if
such  termination is recommended by the Trustees,  the vote of a majority of the
outstanding  voting  securities of the Trust or series or class thereof entitled
to vote  thereon  shall  be  sufficient  authorization;  or (2) by  means  of an
instrument in writing signed by a majority of the Trustees,  to be followed by a
written  notice to  shareholders  stating  that a majority of the  Trustees  has
determined that the  continuation of the Trust or series or class thereof is not
in the best interest of the Trust,  such series or class or of their  respective

     Massachusetts  law  provides  that  a  corporation  may be  dissolved  upon
authorization by vote of two-thirds of all the stock outstanding and entitled to
vote on the matter  unless the Fund's  Articles  provide for a lower  vote.  The
Articles of each Fund provide that  approval by the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares  of  the  corporation  may  authorize   dissolution  of  the


     The Trust's  Declaration  of Trust  provides that a series of the Trust may
merge or consolidate with any other entity or may sell, lease or exchange all or
substantially all of its property or may sell and convert all of its assets into
money when and as authorized by the Trustees without the authorization,  vote or
consent of shareholders.

     Massachusetts  law  provides  that a  corporation  may merge,  consolidate,
transfer its assets or have its shares  exchanged upon the vote of a majority of
the  Directors  and the vote of  two-thirds  of all the  stock  outstanding  and
entitled to vote on the matter  unless the Fund's  Articles  provide for a lower
vote.  The  Articles  of each Fund  provide  that  approval  by the holders of a
majority  of  the  outstanding   shares  of  the  corporation  may  authorize  a
reorganization providing for the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially
all of the corporation's  property and assets to another  registered  investment


     The Trust's  Declaration  of Trust  states that the Trustees can amend such
Declaration of Trust without shareholder  approval to designate or establish any
series or classes  of  shares,  to change the name of the Trust or any series of
the  Trust,  to make the Trust  conform to federal or state laws and to make any
changes which do not have a material  adverse effect on the financial  interests
of shareholders. Otherwise, a majority of the outstanding shares affected by the
amendment must approve it.

     Massachusetts law requires that any amendments to a corporation's  Articles
be approved by a majority of shares outstanding.


     The Trust's  Declaration  of Trust  provides  that the number of shares the
Trust may issue is unlimited  and the Trustees  have the ability to issue shares
without shareholder approval.

     Massachusetts  law  requires a  corporation  to state  specifically  in its
articles of organization the number of shares it is authorized to issue.

                               RELATED AGREEMENTS

     If stockholders of a Fund approve the Reorganization  Agreement, the Trust,
on  behalf  of  the  Successor   Fund,  will  enter  into  contracts  which  are
substantially  identical  to the Fund's  currently  effective  contracts.  These
contracts  will  include an  Administrative  Services  Agreement  with EVM and a
Transfer Agency Agreement with First Data Investor Services Group.  Custody will
continue to be provided to the Successor  Fund by Investors Bank & Trust Company
pursuant to the Trust's  Custodian  Agreement.  The terms of these contracts are
substantially  identical to those  contained in the Fund's  contracts  with such
service  providers.  Each Fund will continue to rely on the investment  advisory
services provided by Boston  Management and Research (a wholly-owned  subsidiary
of  EVM  with  its  principal  office  located  at 24  Federal  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02110) to the Tax-Managed Growth Portfolio, an open-end investment
management company with the same investment objective as the Fund into which the
Fund  invests its  assets.  The  Directors  of the Funds have not  retained  the
services of an investment  adviser for the Funds. This arrangement will continue
after the Reorganization. Deloitte & Touche LLP, each Fund's current independent
auditors,  will continue to serve as the  independent  auditors to the Successor
Funds as well as to the Trust.  Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP are not
expected  to be present at the meeting  but have been given the  opportunity  to
make a statement if they so desire and will be available should any matter arise
requiring their presence.

                            DISSOLUTION OF THE FUNDS

     If the  Reorganization  Agreement is approved by the stockholders of a Fund
and the  Reorganization  is completed by such Fund, that Fund will thereafter be
dissolved  as soon as  practicable  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the
Massachusetts  Business  Corporation  Laws  and  appropriate  dissolution  votes
adopted by the stockholders at the Meeting.

     The   Massachusetts   Business   Corporation   Law  provides  that  if  the
Reorganization  is approved by the  stockholders  at the meeting and effected by
the Fund, any  stockholder  (1) who files with the Fund before the taking of the
vote on the approval of the  Reorganization,  written  objection stating that he
intends to demand payment for his shares if the  Reorganization  is effected and
(2) whose  shares are not voted in favor of the  Reorganization  has or may have
the right to demand in writing from the Successor Fund, within twenty days after
the date of  mailing  to him of notice in writing  that the  Reorganization  has
become effective,  payment for his shares and an appraisal of the value thereof.
The Successor Fund and any such stockholder  shall in such cases have the rights
and  duties and shall  follow the  procedure  set forth in  sections  88 to  98,
inclusive, of chapter 156B of the General Laws of Massachusetts.  The Securities
and Exchange  Commission  has taken the position  that these  provisions  of the
Massachusetts  General  Corporation  Law do not apply to  registered  investment
companies such as the Funds,  and the Board of Directors will act in accord with
the position of the Commission.


     Based on the  considerations  discussed  above, at a meeting held on August
11, 1997, the Directors of each Fund approved the  Reorganization  Agreement and
determined that the Reorganization (i) is in the best interests of the Fund, and
(ii) will not result in dilution of the  interests  of the  stockholders  of the
Fund. In addition,  the Directors voted to recommend to the  stockholders of the
Fund that they approve the  Reorganization  Proposal.  If the  stockholders of a
Fund do not  approve  the  Reorganization  Proposal,  that Fund will  retain its
current corporate status.



     The holders of a majority of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote at
the close of business on the record date, August 11, 1997,  present in person or
represented by proxy will  constitute a quorum for the meeting.  The affirmative
vote of a majority of the shares of each Fund  outstanding  and entitled to vote
is  required  at  a  meeting   called  for  the  purpose  of   considering   the
Reorganization.  Approval of this proposal by any Fund requires the  affirmative
vote of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of such Fund  entitled to vote at
the meeting.


     The Funds have previously solicited all Nominee and Broker/Dealer  accounts
as to the number of  additional  Proxy  Statements  required to supply owners of
shares.  Should  additional  proxy material be required for  beneficial  owners,
please forward such requests to: First Data Investor Services Group, Eaton Vance
Group of Funds, Proxy Department, P.O. Box 9122, Hingham, MA 02043-9717.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

     After the  Reorganization is consummated,  shareholders of a Successor Fund
wishing to submit  proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent
shareholders'  meeting should send their written proposals to: Secretary,  Eaton
Vance Series Trust,  24 Federal  Street,  Boston,  MA 02110.  Proposals  must be
received  in  advance  of a proxy  solicitation  to be  included  and  the  mere
submission  of a proposal does not  guarantee  inclusion in the proxy  statement
because certain Federal securities law rules must be complied with.

     The expense of preparing  and printing this proxy  statement  will be borne
ratably by the Funds.  Each Fund will bear the  expense of mailing its own proxy
solicitation material. Proxies will be solicited by mail and may be solicited in
person or by  telephone,  telegraph  or  facsimile  by  officers  of a Fund,  by
personnel of its administrator,  Eaton Vance Management,  by the transfer agent,
First Data Investor Services Group, by broker-dealer firms, or by a professional
solicitation organization. The expenses connected with the solicitation of these
proxies  and  with  any  further  proxies  which  may be  solicited  by a Fund's
officers,  by the administrator's  personnel,  by the transfer agent, First Data
Investor   Services  Group,  by   broker-dealer   firms  or  by  a  professional
solicitation  organization in person, by telephone, by telegraph or by facsimile
will be borne by that Fund. A written  proxy may be delivered to the Fund or its
transfer agent prior to the meeting by facsimile machine,  graphic communication
equipment or similar  electronic  transmission.  Each Fund will reimburse banks,
broker-dealer  firms, and other persons holding that Fund's shares registered in
their names or in the names of their  nominees,  for their expenses  incurred in
sending proxy material to and obtaining  proxies from the  beneficial  owners of
such shares.

     All proxy cards  solicited  by the Board of  Directors  that are signed and
received by the Clerk prior to the meeting,  and which are not revoked,  will be
voted  at the  meeting.  Shares  represented  by such  proxies  will be voted in
accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no  specification is made on the
proxy card, it will be voted for the  Reorganization  Proposal.  To be effective
for any Fund, the  Reorganization  Proposal must be approved by the  affirmative
vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of such Fund.  Abstentions noted on
proxy cards will be tallied  accordingly,  and not as affirmative votes.  Broker
non-votes (i.e., shares held by brokers or nominees as to which (i) instructions
have not been received  from the  beneficial  owners or the persons  entitled to
vote and (ii) the broker or nominee  does not have  discretionary  voting  power
with respect to the Reorganization  Proposal) will not be counted as shares that
are present and entitled to vote for purposes of  determining  the presence of a
quorum.  In  addition,  broker  non-votes  will not be  entitled to vote on such
Proposal  and will not be  included  in the tally of the number of votes cast in
favor of, against or abstained from such Proposal.

     In the event that sufficient votes in favor of the Reorganization  Proposal
are not received by October 9, 1997 for a Fund,  the persons  named as attorneys
in the  enclosed  proxy may propose one or more  adjournments  of the meeting of
that Fund to  permit  further  solicitation  of  proxies  with  respect  to such
Proposal.  Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of the holders
of a  majority  of the  shares  of that Fund  present  in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote on the Reorganization Proposal at the session of the meeting to
be adjourned.  The persons named as attorneys in the enclosed proxy will vote in
favor of such adjournment those proxies which they are entitled to vote in favor
of the  Reorganization  Proposal.  They will vote  against any such  adjournment
those proxies required to be voted against such Proposal.  Broker non-votes will
not be entitled to vote on any such adjournment and will not be counted for such
purpose.  Abstentions voted on proxy cards will be tallied accordingly,  and not
as  affirmative  votes,  with respect to the vote on any such  adjournment.  The
costs of any such additional  solicitation and of any adjourned  session will be
borne by the relevant Fund.

02110 (800-225-6265).

                           CAPITAL EXCHANGE FUND, INC.
                         DEPOSITORS FUND OF BOSTON, INC.
                           DIVERSIFICATION FUND, INC.
                          FIDUCIARY EXCHANGE FUND, INC.
                        THE EXCHANGE FUND OF BOSTON, INC.

August 28, 1997

                                                                  EXHIBIT A


     THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF  REORGANIZATION  (the  "Agreement") is made this
11th day of August,  1997,  between  (FUND  NAME) (the  "Fund") a  Massachusetts
corporation  and Eaton Vance Series Trust, a  Massachusetts  business trust (the
"Trust") on behalf of (FUND NAME), a series thereof (the "Successor Fund"), each
with principal offices at 24 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.


     a. The Fund  shall  assign,  sell,  convey,  transfer  and  deliver  to the
Successor Fund at the Closing provided for in Section 2 (hereinafter  called the
"Closing")  all of its then  existing  assets  of  every  kind  and  nature.  In
consideration  therefor, the Trust, on behalf of the Successor Fund, agrees that
at the Closing (i) the Successor Fund shall assume all of the Fund's obligations
and  liabilities  then  existing,  whether  absolute,   accrued,  contingent  or
otherwise, including without limitation all unpaid fees and expenses of the Fund
in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby and (ii) the Trust shall
issue  and  deliver  to the  Fund a  number  of full and  fractional  shares  of
beneficial  interest of the Successor Fund (the "Successor Fund Shares"),  which
is equal to the number of full and fractional shares of common stock of the Fund
then outstanding.

     b. Upon consummation of the transactions described in paragraph (a) of this
Section 1, the Fund shall  distribute  in complete  liquidation  pro rata to its
stockholders  of  record,  as of the  Closing  Date the  Successor  Fund  Shares
received  by  the  Fund.  Such   distribution   shall  be  accomplished  by  the
establishment  of an account on the share record books of the Successor  Fund in
the name of each  stockholder  of the  Fund  representing  a number  of full and
fractional Successor Fund Shares equal to the number of shares of the Fund owned
of record by the stockholder at the Closing Date.

     c.  As  promptly  as  practicable  after  the  liquidation  of the  Fund as
aforesaid,  the Fund  shall  be  dissolved  pursuant  to the  provisions  of the
Massachusetts Business Corporation Law and its legal existence terminated.

     2.  CLOSING  AND  CLOSING  DATE.  The  Closing  shall occur at 4:00 p.m. on
October  31,  1997 or at such later time and date as the  parties  may  mutually
agree (the "Closing Date").

     3.  CONDITIONS  PRECEDENT.  The  obligations of the Fund, the Trust and the
Successor  Fund  to  effect  the   transactions   contemplated   hereunder  (the
"Reorganization")  shall be subject to the satisfaction of each of the following

     a. All such filings shall have been made with, and all such  authorizations
and orders shall have been received from, the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the "SEC") and state  securities  commissions as may be necessary to permit the
parties to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     b. Each party shall have  received an opinion of counsel  substantially  to
the effect that for federal  income tax  purposes:  (1) the  acquisition  of the
assets and  assumption of the  liabilities  of the Fund by the Successor Fund in
return for Successor Fund Shares, the distribution of such Successor Fund Shares
to the  stockholders  of the Fund in complete  liquidation  of the Fund, and the
termination of the Fund will constitute a "reorganization" within the meaning of
Section 368(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),
and the Successor  Fund and the Fund will each be "a party to a  reorganization"
within the  meaning of Section  368(b) of the Code;  (2) no gain or loss will be
recognized  by the Fund upon the transfer of all of its assets to the  Successor
Fund solely in exchange for the Successor  Fund Shares and the assumption by the
Successor Fund of the  liabilities of the Fund and the  distribution by the Fund
of such  Successor Fund Shares to the  stockholders  of the Fund; (3) no gain or
loss will be  recognized  by the  Successor  Fund upon the receipt of all of the
assets  of the  Fund in  exchange  solely  for  Successor  Fund  Shares  and the
assumption by the Successor  Fund of the  liabilities  of the Fund;  (4) the tax
basis of the Successor Fund in assets received from the Fund will be the same as
the tax basis of such assets in the hands of the Fund  immediately  prior to the
transfer of such assets to the  Successor  Fund;  (5) the  Successor  Fund's tax
holding  period  for the assets  acquired  from the Fund will  include,  in each
instance,  the Fund's tax holding  period for those assets;  (6) no gain or loss
will be recognized by the Fund's  stockholders upon the exchange of their shares
of the Fund solely for Successor Fund Shares as part of the reorganization;  (7)
the tax basis of the Successor Fund Shares  received by the Fund's  stockholders
in the transaction will be, for each  stockholder,  the same as the tax basis of
the shares of the Fund exchanged therefor; and (8) the tax holding period of the
Successor Fund Shares received by the Fund's stockholders will include, for each
stockholder,  the  stockholder's  tax holding  period for the shares of the Fund
surrendered therefor,  provided that the surrendered shares were held as capital
assets in the hands of the Fund's stockholders on the date of the exchange.  The
opinion may cover any additional matters deemed material by such counsel;

     c. This  Agreement  and the  Reorganization  shall  have been  adopted  and
approved by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
the Fund  outstanding and entitled to vote at a meeting of  stockholders  called
for the  purpose.  All shares of the Fund  present and  entitled to vote at such
meeting will be voted together as a single class.

     d. The Trust, on behalf of the Successor  Fund,  shall have entered into an
Administrative Services Agreement with Eaton Vance Management, a Transfer Agency
Agreement with First Data Investor Services Group and a Custodian Agreement with
Investors  Bank & Trust  Company.  Each  such  agreement  shall be in each  case
substantially  identical in form and substance to those respective agreements in
effect at the Closing  Date between the Fund and said other  parties.  Each such
agreement shall have been approved by the Board of Trustees of the Trust and, to
the extent  required by law, by a majority of the  Trustees of the Trust who are
not "interested  persons" of the Trust as defined in the Investment  Company Act
of 1940.

     e. The Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust,  including  a  majority  of those
Trustees of the Trust who are not  "interested  persons" of the Trust as defined
in the Investment  Company Act of 1940,  shall have selected as auditors for the
Successor  Fund such  auditors as shall have been  selected and ratified for the

     At any time prior to the Closing,  any of the foregoing  conditions  except
3(c) may be waived by the Directors of the Fund or the Trustees of the Trust if,
in their  judgment,  such waiver will not have a material  adverse effect on the
interests of the stockholders of the Fund.

     4.  AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement may be amended at any time by action of the
Directors  of the Fund and the Trustees of the Trust,  notwithstanding  approval
thereof by the stockholders of the Fund, provided that no amendment shall have a
material adverse effect on the interests of the stockholders of the Fund.

     5. TERMINATION.  The Directors of the Fund or the Trustees of the Trust may
terminate  this  Agreement  and  abandon  the  Reorganization,   notwithstanding
approval  thereof  by the  stockholders  of the Fund,  at any time  prior to the
Closing,  if  circumstances  should  develop  that,  in  their  judgment,   make
proceeding with the Reorganization inadvisable.

Declaration  of Trust of the Trust,  as it may be amended from time to time, are
on file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and notice is
hereby given of the  limitation  of  shareholder  liability as set forth in such
instrument. The obligations assumed by the Trust on behalf of the Successor Fund
pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be limited in all cases to the Successor Fund
and its  assets.  None of the other  series of the Trust shall be liable for any
obligations assumed by the Successor Fund hereunder. No party named herein shall
seek  satisfaction  or any  obligation  hereunder from the  shareholders  or any
shareholder of the Trust or the Successor Fund. No party named herein shall seek
satisfaction  of any such  obligation  from  the  Trustees  of the  Trust or any
individual Trustee.

     7.  CERTIFICATES.  Certificates which have been issued to stockholders will
not be required to be surrendered in connection  with the  reorganization.  Such
certificates will be deemed to be for shares of the Successor Fund.

     This  Agreement  shall be  executed in any number of  counterparts  each of
which shall be deemed to be an original,  but all of such counterparts  together
shall  constitute  only one  instrument.  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have
hereunto  caused this  Agreement  to be  executed  and  delivered  by their duly
authorized officers as of the day and year first above written.

                                               (NAME OF FUND)


By:  /s/ Janet E. Sanders                   By:  /s/ James B. Hawkes
     ----------------------                      --------------------------
       Assistant Secretary                          Vice President

                                            EATON VANCE SERIES TRUST
                                            on behalf of (Fund Name)


By:  /s/ Janet E. Sanders                   By:  /s/ James B. Hawkes
     -----------------------                     --------------------------
       Assistant Secretary                          Vice President

                                            THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FUND

KNOW  ALL  MEN  BY  THESE  PRESENTS:  That the  undersigned,  revoking  previous
proxies for such stock, hereby appoints Alan R. Dynner and Eric G. Woodbury,  or
either of them,  attorneys of the undersigned,  with full power of substitution,
to vote all stock of Fiduciary  Exchange Fund,  Inc.,  which the  undersigned is
entitled to vote at the Special  Meeting of the  Stockholders of said Fund to be
held on October 9, 1997 at the principal  office of the Fund, 24 Federal Street,
Boston,  Massachusetts  02110, at 10:00 A.M.  (Boston time),  and at any and all
adjournments  thereof.  Receipt  of the Notice of and Proxy  Statement  for said
Meeting is acknowledged.

The  shares  represented  by this  proxy  will be  voted  on the  reorganization
proposal  as  specified  on  the  reverse  side  by  the   undersigned.   If  no
specification is made, this proxy will be voted IN FAVOR of such proposal.
Note:  This proxy MUST be returned in order for your shares to be voted.

                                  THE DIRECTORS RECOMMEND A VOTE IN FAVOR OF
                                  THE PROPOSAL

                                  Dated:_________________________, 1997


                                  Please sign exactly as your name or
                                  names appear at left.

                           (CONTINUED FROM OTHER SIDE)

                                     PLEASE VOTE BY FILLING IN THE BOXES BELOW.

                                                  FOR      AGAINST    ABSTAIN
To approve an  Agreement  and Plan of             [  ]      [  ]       [  ]
Reorganization  on behalf of Fiduciary
Exchange Fund, Inc. pursuant to which
Fiduciary Exchange Fund, Inc. will  be
reorganized  from  a Massachusetts
corporation  to a series fund of
Eaton  Vance  Series  Trust,  a
Massachusetts business trust (the
"Successor  Fund"), and to approve
the  dissolution of the corporation.