COACHMEN INDUSTRIES, INC.
           2831 Dexter Drive  P.O. Box 3300  Elkhart, Indiana 46515
                          574/262-0123 Fax 574/262-8823

                                  NEWS RELEASE

For immediate release Monday, Jan. 20, 2003

        o Expected fourth quarter earnings of $0.17 per share and expected
          full year 2002  earnings  of  $0.62 per share mark significant
          improvement over year-earlier periods.

ELKHART,  IND. - Coachmen  Industries,  Inc. (NYSE: COA) today announced that it
expects fourth quarter  earnings of $0.17 per share, a 289% increase over a loss
of $0.09 per share in the fourth quarter of 2001. The Company  expects full year
2002 earnings of $0.62 per share; a 348% increase over a loss of $0.25 per share
in 2001.

Claire C. Skinner,  Chairman,  Chief Executive Officer and President,  remarked,
"By any measure, we had a remarkable year. We not only returned to profitability
during 2002,  but we also  achieved a significant  improvement  in our earnings.
While we  expect  our full  year  earnings  to fall  below  our very  aggressive
earnings goal of $0.75 per share, we are extremely  pleased with the turn-around
we have accomplished this year and expect to continue in 2003.

"We delivered vast improvements in our Recreational  Vehicle business during the
year and  continued to achieve gains in wholesale  market share.  Our success at
the RV industry trade show in Louisville,  Kentucky in December, where our sales
were up 31 percent  compared to last year, point to a very solid start in 2003,"
Skinner  added.  "Our  Modular  Housing  and  Building  segment is also  showing
improvement, despite some difficulties encountered late in the year. Performance
on the  residential  side was hurt by  weather-related  shipment  delays  in the
fourth  quarter,   while  sluggish  demand   continued  on  the  commercial  and
telecommunications  side.  With the  fourth  quarter  behind  us,  and  assuming
reasonable  industry and economic  conditions  ahead,  we are excited  about our
prospects in 2003."

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                    Dedicated to the Enrichment of Your Life


Coachmen Industries, Inc. Fourth Quarter Earnings
Page 2
January 20, 2003

Coachmen  will  report its full  financial  results  after the market  closes on
Tuesday,  February 11th, followed by a conference call and webcast on Wednesday,
February 12th, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time.

Founded  in 1964,  Coachmen  Industries,  Inc.  is one of the  nation's  leading
manufacturers  of recreational  vehicles with  well-known  brand names including
Coachmen(R),  Georgie Boy(R),  Shasta(R) and Viking(R).  Coachmen  Industries is
also the largest  modular  home  producer  in the nation  with its All  American
Homes(R)   and    Mod-U-Kraf(R)    subsidiaries.    Modular    commercial    and
telecommunications  structures are manufactured by the Company's Miller Building
Systems subsidiary. Coachmen is a publicly held company with stock listed on the
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the COA ticker symbol.

This  release  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the  meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned not to
place  undue  reliance  on  forward-looking  statements,  which  are  inherently
uncertain. Actual results may differ materially from that projected or suggested
due to  certain  risks  and  uncertainties  including,  but not  limited  to the
potential  fluctuations in the Company's operating results, the condition of the
telecommunications industry which purchases modular structures, the availability
and the price of  gasoline,  the  Company's  dependence  on  chassis  suppliers,
interest rates, competition,  government regulations,  legislation governing the
relationships of the Company with its recreational  vehicle dealers,  the impact
of consumer  confidence  and economic  uncertainty  on  high-cost  discretionary
product purchases and other risks identified in the Company's SEC filings.

For more information:
        Joseph P. Tomczak
        Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

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