4333 Edgewood Road NE
                                             Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499

    Capital Guardian Value Portfolio (formerly Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio)
    Jennison Growth Portfolio (formerly Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio)
        Capital Guardian Global Portfolio (formerly Endeavor Select Portfolio)

                                               INFORMATION STATEMENT

                                                 December 8, 2000

We Are Not Asking You For A Proxy And You Are Requested Not To Send Us A Proxy

            This  statement  is for  informational  purposes only.

         This  Information  Statement is furnished in connection with changes in
the investment  advisers for three of the  portfolios of Endeavor  Series Trust:
Capital  Guardian Value Portfolio  (formerly  Endeavor Value Equity  Portfolio),
Jennison Growth Portfolio  (formerly  Endeavor  Opportunity Value Portfolio) and
Capital  Guardian Global  Portfolio  (formerly  Endeavor Select  Portfolio) (the
"Portfolios").  These  changes,  together  with  changes  of  the  names  of the
Portfolios, were effective October 9, 2000.


         The Trust is a  series-type  mutual  fund that is  registered  with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  as an  open-end,  diversified  management
investment  company.  As of July 31, 2000,  the Trust had  fourteen  portfolios,
three of which  are  Endeavor  Value  Equity  Portfolio  (now  known as  Capital
Guardian Value  Portfolio),  Endeavor  Opportunity Value Portfolio (now known as
Jennison Growth  Portfolio) and Endeavor Select  Portfolio (now known as Capital
Guardian Global Portfolio).  The assets of each Portfolio are held separate from
the assets of the other  Portfolios,  and each  Portfolio  has its own  distinct
investment  objectives  and  policies.  Each  Portfolio  operates  as a separate
investment fund, and the income,  losses and expenses of one Portfolio generally
have no effect on the investment performance of any other Portfolio.

          Endeavor Management Co. (the "Manager"), located at 4333 Edgewood Road
     NE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499, has overall supervisory responsibility for the
     general  management  and investment of the  Portfolios'  assets and for the
     general administration and management of the Trust. The Manager selects the
     investment   adviser  for  each  Portfolio  and  monitors  each  investment
     adviser's  investment program.  As authorized by the Management  Agreement,
     the  Manager  selects  and  contracts  with  an  investment   adviser  (the
     "Adviser") for  investment  services for each of the Portfolios and reviews
     the Adviser's  activities and receives a management fee from each Portfolio
     based on that  Portfolio's  net  assets.  Out of the  management  fee,  the
     Manager compensates separate investment advisers for each Portfolio.  Until
     October 9, 2000,  OpCap  Advisors,  a subsidiary  of  Oppenheimer  Capital,
     provided  investment  advisory  services to Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio
     and Endeavor  Opportunity  Value Portfolio and Montgomery  Asset Management
     LLC ("Montgomery") provided investment advisory services to Endeavor Select
     Portfolio.  The Manager paid each Adviser for its services a portion of the
     management fee the Manager receives with respect to the Portfolio.

         The Manager has the ability, without shareholder approval, to terminate
a Portfolio's  investment  adviser and retain a new investment  adviser.  In the
exercise of its  managerial  oversight,  the Manager  determined  to replace the
investment  adviser of each Portfolio and retain Capital  Guardian Trust Company
as investment  adviser to Endeavor  Value Equity  Portfolio and Endeavor  Select
Portfolio,  and  Jennison  Associates  LLC as  investment  adviser  to  Endeavor
Opportunity  Value  Portfolio.  None  of the  Advisers  is an  affiliate  of the

         To obtain these quality investment advisers, the Manager is required to
pay higher  investment  advisory  fees than were being paid to each  Portfolio's
prior  investment  adviser.  Therefore,  the Manager  asked the  Trustees for an
increase in the management fee to cover the  additional  costs.  At a meeting of
the  Trustees of the Trust held on July 24, 2000,  all of the Trustees  present,
including a majority  of the  Trustees  who are not  "interested  persons"  (the
"Independent  Trustees")  of the  Trust  or the  Manager,  voted to  approve  an
amendment to the  Management  Agreement  providing for an increase in management
fees and to recommend that  shareholders of each Portfolio  approve the increase
in management fees.

         At the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  held on  September  25, 2000,
shareholders  of each Portfolio  approved an increase in management fees paid to
the Manager with respect to each Portfolio.

         Background.  Section  15(a) of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act"), requires that all agreements under which persons serve
as  investment  managers or  investment  advisers  to  investment  companies  be
approved by  shareholders.  The Securities  and Exchange  Commission has granted
exemptive  relief to the Trust  and the  Manager  which  generally  permits  the
Manager,  subject  to the  approval  of the  Board of  Trustees,  to (i)  select
Advisers  for each of the  Trust's  Portfolios,  (ii) enter into and  materially
modify  existing  investment  advisory  agreements  between  the Manager and the
Advisers and (iii) terminate and replace the Advisers without obtaining approval
of the relevant Portfolio's  shareholders.  Therefore,  shareholder approval was
not required for the change in investment advisers.  This information  statement
is being  provided  to you to satisfy  one of the  conditions  of the  exemptive
relief order.

         In  the   exercise   of  its   portfolio   oversight   and   management
responsibility,  the Manager determined to replace OpCap Advisors and Montgomery
as Advisers to the Portfolios.  The primary factors considered by the Manager in
reaching this  determination  were the relatively  poor  performance of Endeavor
Value  Equity  Portfolio  and  Endeavor  Opportunity  Value  Portfolio  and  the
significant change in investment style and portfolio managers at Montgomery.

         After reviewing potential replacement Advisers, the Manager proposed to
the  Board of  Trustees  and,  on July 24,  2000,  all of the  Trustees  present
approved the  termination  of OpCap Advisors as Adviser to Endeavor Value Equity
Portfolio and Endeavor  Opportunity Value Portfolio and Montgomery as Adviser to
Endeavor Select  Portfolio.  In addition,  on July 24, 2000, all of the Trustees
present approved  investment advisory agreements between the Manager and Capital
Guardian  Trust  Company  ("Capital  Guardian")  with respect to Endeavor  Value
Equity  Portfolio  and Endeavor  Select  Portfolio  and an  investment  advisory
agreement  between the Manager and Jennison  Associates  LLC  ("Jennison")  with
respect to Endeavor  Opportunity  Value  Portfolio.  Information  about  Capital
Guardian and Jennison is set forth in Appendix B to this Information Statement.

         Investment Advisory Agreements.  For the reasons herein and based on an
extensive  analysis  of  factors  described  in this  Information  Statement,  a
majority of the Trustees of the Trust have approved the  Manager's  execution of
new investment  advisory agreements (the "New Agreements") with Capital Guardian
(for the renamed  Capital  Guardian  Value  Portfolio  and the  renamed  Capital
Guardian  Global  Portfolio)  and  Jennison  (for the  renamed  Jennison  Growth
Portfolio).  The  New  Agreements  contain  substantially  the  same  terms  and
conditions as the previous  agreements  other than: an increase in the amount of
fees paid by the Manager to the Adviser,  the name of the Portfolio and the name
of the  Adviser.  The Manager  will pay each  Adviser a monthly fee at an annual
rate based on each  Portfolio's  average  daily net assets.  The New  Agreements
commenced on October 9, 2000 and will continue  initially for a two-year  period
and continue for successive annual periods thereafter, provided such continuance
is approved at least annually by a majority of the Board of Trustees who are not
interested  persons  of the  Trust  (as the term is used in the 1940  Act) and a
majority of the full Board of Trustees or a majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Portfolio,  as defined in the 1940 Act. The New Agreements are
terminable,  without  penalty,  by the Board of  Trustees  of the Trust,  by the
Manager or by vote of holders of a  "majority"  (as  defined in the 1940 Act) of
the  Portfolio's  Shares upon 60 days' prior written notice to the Adviser or by
the Adviser upon 90 days'  written  notice to the Manager,  or upon such shorter
notice as may be mutually  agreed upon.  These New  Agreements  shall  terminate
automatically and immediately upon termination of the Management Agreement dated
July 22, 1999  between the Manager  and the Trust.  These New  Agreements  shall
terminate  automatically and immediately in the event of their  assignment.  The
terms "assignment" and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities"
shall  have the  meaning  set  forth  for such  terms  in the  1940  Act.  These
Agreements may be amended at any time by the Adviser and the Manager, subject to
approval by the Trust's Board of Trustees and provided such New  Agreements  are
done in accordance with the Trust's  exemptive  relief order. The New Agreements
are included as Appendix C to this statement.

         Investment  Advisory Fees. The New Agreements with Capital Guardian and
Jennison  provide  for  payment of  investment  advisory  fees by the Manager to
Capital  Guardian and Jennison in amounts  greater than the investment  advisory
fees previously paid by the Manager to OpCap Advisors and Montgomery.  Set forth
below is the  schedule  of fees as a  percentage  of  average  daily net  assets
previously  paid by the Manager to OpCap  Advisors and  Montgomery  and the fees
that now are payable to Capital Guardian and Jennison.

                                                   Advisory Fees

Portfolio                        Adviser                      Fee

Capital Guardian Value           OLD - OpCap Advisors         0.40%
                                 NEW - Capital Guardian       0.50% up to  $150  million;
                                                              0.45% in excess of
                                                              $150 million up to
                                                              $300      million;
                                                              0.35% in excess of
                                                              $300 million up to
                                                              $500      million;
                                                              0.30% in excess of
                                                              $500 million

Jennison Growth Portfolio        OLD - OpCap Advisors         0.40%
                                 NEW - Jennison               0.50% up to $300 million;
                                                              0.45% in excess of $300 million

Capital Guardian Global          OLD - Montgomery             0.60%  (prior  to May 1, 2000, Montgomery received a
Portfolio                                                     fee of 0.70% which was voluntarily reduced to 0.60%)

                                 NEW - Capital Guardian       0.65% up to  $150  million;
                                                              0.55% in excess of
                                                              $150 million up to
                                                              $300      million;
                                                              0.45% in excess of
                                                              $300 million up to
                                                              $500      million;
                                                              0.40% in excess of
                                                              $500 million

         As a result of the increased  investment  advisory costs to the Manager
for each Portfolio at current net asset levels,  the Manager proposed and all of
the Trustees  present at the Board meeting,  as well as the shareholders of each
Portfolio,  approved  increases in the  management  fee paid to the Manager with
respect  to  each  Portfolio.  Although  the  new  fee  schedule  increases  the
management  fee paid by the  Portfolios,  the new fee schedule at current  asset
levels  does not  increase  and,  with  respect  to Capital  Guardian  Value and
Jennison  Growth  Portfolios,  decreases  the amount of the fee  retained by the
Manager.  The full  amount of the fee  increases  is being  passed on to the new
Advisers. Management's primary goal in the new fee schedule is to compensate the
new Advisers at competitive levels,  while generally  maintaining,  if Portfolio
assets  grow,  the amount of the  management  fee retained by the Manager at the
prior level.

         Basis for the Board's Action.  In evaluating and approving the increase
in management  fees and advisory  fees,  the Board,  including  the  Independent
Trustees,  in consultation with their separate counsel,  requested and evaluated
information  provided by the Manager which, in its opinion,  constituted all the
information  necessary  for the Board to form a judgment  as to whether  the new
management  fees  and  advisory  fees  would  be in the  best  interest  of each
Portfolio and its shareholders.

         In recommending  that  shareholders  approve the increase in management
fees as well as approving the New Agreements,  the Board  considered all factors
that it deemed relevant, including:

     (i)   the investment  management fees and other expenses that would be paid
           by the Portfolios  under the new fee schedule as compared to those of
           similar  funds  managed by other  investment  advisers.  The Trustees
           noted in particular  that,  for each  Portfolio,  the new  investment
           management fee would be within the range of contractual  fee rates at
           similar asset levels for funds within the current variable  insurance
           marketplace  having  similar  investment  focus and asset  types,  as
           indicated in material  prepared for the Board by the Manager based on
           information contained in publicly available documents and information
           supplied by Lipper Analytical Services

     (ii)  the impact of the proposed changes in investment management fee rates
           on each Portfolio's total expense ratio

     (iii) the historical investment  performance of each Portfolio,  as well as
           each new Adviser's  historical  performance  with  comparable  mutual
           funds and private accounts,  portfolio  managers and other investment

     (iv)  their favorable  experience in overseeing,  on an on-going basis, the
           nature and quality of investment  management services provided by the
           Manager to the Portfolios

     (v)   current and projected profitability and related other benefits to the
           Manager  in   providing   investment   management   services  to  the
           Portfolios,   both  under  the  existing  investment  management  fee
           schedule and the new investment management fee schedule

     (vi) possible economies of scale in managing the Portfolios

         In considering an increase in the management  fees, the Board concluded
that the management fee schedule  (including  proposed  breakpoints)  would: (i)
over the  long-term,  enable the  Manager to  continue  to provide  high-quality
investment  management  services to the portfolios at reasonable and competitive
fee rates and (ii) enable the Manager to provide investment  management services
to the Portfolios at levels consistent with the increased demands of the current
variable products marketplace.

         For these purposes, in taking into account the Manager's profitability,
the Trustees  considered the current and anticipated  level of  profitability to
the Manager in providing  investment  management  services to the Portfolios and
pro forma  information  with respect to the total  expenses (as a percentage  of
average  daily  net  assets  of each  Portfolio)  expected  to be  borne by each

         The Agreements.  The Management Agreement provides that the Manager has
overall supervisory  responsibility for the general management and investment of
each Portfolio's  assets and has full investment  discretion with respect to the
assets of any  Portfolio  not then being  managed by an Adviser.  The Manager is
expressly  authorized  to  delegate  day-to-day   investment   management  of  a
Portfolio's assets to another investment adviser.

         The Management  Agreement provides that the Manager is also responsible
for  providing  the Trust with office  space,  office  equipment  and  personnel
necessary  to operate and  administer  the Trust's  business.  The Manager  also
supervises  the  provision  of  services  by third  parties  such as the Trust's
custodian and transfer agent.  PFPC Inc.  assists the Manager in the performance
of its administrative  responsibilities  to the Trust. The Manager pays the fees
and  expenses  of PFPC Inc.  pursuant  to an  administration  agreement  and the
Manager is entitled  under the  Management  Agreement to be reimbursed  for each
Portfolio's  portion of the fees and  expenses  paid by the Manager to PFPC Inc.
with respect to such  Portfolio.  For the year ended  December  31, 1999,  after
waivers,  the  Manager  was  reimbursed  by the  Portfolios  for  administrative
expenses incurred by the Manager on behalf of the Portfolio as follows:

          Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio                      $45,114
          Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio                  $2,281
          Endeavor Select Portfolio                            $39,167

         The Management  Agreement  provides that the Manager will be paid a fee
with  respect to each  Portfolio  based on that  Portfolio's  average  daily net
assets.  Each Advisory Agreement provides that the Adviser will be paid a fee by
the Manager with respect to the Portfolio's average daily net assets. The amount
of the  management fee and advisory fee varies among the  Portfolios.  Under the
new fee  schedule,  the amount of the  management  fee and the advisory fee will
increase.  The  management  fee  previously in effect for each Portfolio and the
aggregate  amount of compensation  paid to the Manager by each Portfolio  during
the Trust's  fiscal year ended  December 31, 1999 is set forth in Table 1, as is
the  advisory  fee in effect  for each  Portfolio  and the  aggregate  amount of
compensation  paid to the Adviser  during the Trust's fiscal year ended December
31, 1999. The new management fee for each Portfolio and the aggregate  amount of
compensation  that would have been paid to the Manager for each Portfolio during
the Trust's  fiscal year ended  December 31, 1999 is set forth in Table 2, as is
the new advisory fee for each Portfolio and the aggregate amount of compensation
that would have been paid to the Adviser  during the  Trust's  fiscal year ended
December 31, 1999.


Portfolio               Management Fee      Aggregate Management            Advisory Fee            Aggregate Advisory Fee
                    (as a % of net assets)     Fee Paid During         (as a % of net assets)         Paid During Fiscal
                                              Fiscal Year Ended                                           Year Ended
                                              December 31, 1999                                        December 31, 1999
                                              -----------------                                        -----------------
Endeavor Value              0.80%             $1,856,971                        0.40%                      $928,455
Endeavor                    0.80%               $364,453                        0.40%                      $182,333
Opportunity Value
Endeavor Select*            1.10%               $291,700           0.60%  (prior  to May 1, 2000,          $186,199
                                                                   Montgomery received a fee of
                                                                   0.70% which was voluntarily
                                                                   reduced to 0.60%)

*The Manager waived $834 in management fees.  Effective May 1, 2000, the Manager
reduced its  management fee to 1.00% as a result of a reduction in the Adviser's
fee from 0.70% to 0.60%. If the 1.00%  management fee had been in effect for all
of 1999, the aggregate management fee paid would have been $265,999.


Portfolio                New Management Fee        Pro Forma Aggregate         New Advisory Fee        Pro Forma Aggregate
                       (as a % of net assets)       Management Fee For      (as a % of net assets)       Advisory Fee For
                                                    Fiscal Year Ended                                   Fiscal Year Ended
                                                    December 31, 1999                                   December 31, 1999
                                                    -----------------                                   -----------------
Endeavor Value      0.85% up to $300 million;           $1,972,966        0.50% up to  $150  million;       $1,119,512
Equity              0.80% in excess of $300                               0.45% in excess of $150
                    million up to $500 million;                           million up to $300
                    0.775% in excess of $500                              million;
                    million.                                              0.35% in excess of $300
                                                                          million up to $500
                                                                          0.30% in excess  of  $500

Endeavor            0.85%                                 $387,457        0.50% up to $300 million;          $227,916
Opportunity Value                                                         0.45% in excess of $300
Endeavor Select     1.05% up to $150 million;             $279,299        0.65% up to  $150  million;        $172,899
                    1.00% in excess of $150                               0.55% in excess of $150
                    million up to $300 million;                           million up to $300
                    0.95% in excess of $300                               million;
                    million up to $500 million;                           0.45% in excess of $300
                    0.925% in excess of $500                              million up to $500 million;
                    million.                                              0.40% in excess of  $500

         Table  A  in  Appendix  A  to  this  Information  Statement  shows  the
annualized level of all fees and expenses  incurred by each Portfolio during the
year ended December 31, 1999 under the prior investment management fee schedule,
the  annualized  level of all fees and expenses that would have been incurred by
each Portfolio  during the year ended December 31, 1999 under the new investment
management fee schedule and the dollar and percentage differences
between the two.

         Table B in  Appendix  A also  contains  a fee table for each  Portfolio
showing  the  actual  level  of all  recurring  expenses  under  the  Management
Agreement  and  the  estimated  overall  expense  levels  had  the  increase  in
management fees been in effect for the year ended December 31, 1999.

         The Management Agreement provides that the Trust is responsible for all
expenses  other  than  those  expressly  assumed  by the  Manager.  The Trust is
responsible  for,  among other things,  (i) the Manager's  fees,  (ii) legal and
audit expenses,  (iii) fees for  registration of Trust Shares,  (iv) fees of the
Trust's transfer agent,  registrar,  custodian,  dividend  disbursing agent, and
shareholder  servicing  agent, (v) taxes,  (vi) brokerage and other  transaction
expenses,  (vii)  interest  expenses,   (viii)  expenses  of  shareholders'  and
Trustees'  meetings,  (ix) printing of share certificates and prospectuses,  (x)
mailing of prospectuses to existing Trust shareholders, (xi) insurance premiums,
(xii) charges of an independent pricing service,  (xiii) expenses related to the
purchase and redemption of Trust Shares, (xiv)  administrative  expenses paid by
the Manager on behalf of the Trust and (xv) nonrecurring  expenses,  such as the
cost of litigation.

         Each Advisory  Agreement  provides that the Adviser is responsible  for
making  investment  decisions,   supplying  investment  research  and  portfolio
management  services  and  placing  purchase  and  sales  orders  for  portfolio
transactions.  Each Advisory  Agreement also provides that the Adviser will bear
all expenses in connection with its performance.

         The Management  Agreement and each Advisory  Agreement provide that the
Manager or Adviser is not liable for its acts or omissions  under the agreement,
but that the Manager or Adviser is not protected  against  liability arising out
of  its  own  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  or  gross  negligence  in  the
performance of its duties.

         The Management  Agreement and each Advisory  Agreement  provide that it
(i) will  continue in effect with respect to each  Portfolio for a period of two
years from its effective  date and  thereafter  from year to year if approved at
least  annually by a majority  vote of the shares of the Portfolio or a majority
of the  Trustees  and by a  majority  of the  Independent  Trustees,  (ii may be
terminated as to any Portfolio,  without penalty, by the Trustees or by the vote
of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of a  Portfolio  upon 60 days'  prior
written notice,  iii) may be terminated by the Manager on 90 days' prior written
notice to the Trust and (iv) will  terminate  automatically  in the event of its
"assignment" as such term is defined in the 1940 Act.

         No Trustee of the Trust has any material interest in the new Investment

Portfolio Transactions

         Subject to the  supervision and control of the Manager and the Trustees
of the Trust,  each Portfolio's  Adviser is responsible for decisions to buy and
sell securities for its account and for the placement of its portfolio  business
and the negotiation of commissions, if any, paid on such transactions. Brokerage
commissions are paid on transactions in equity securities traded on a securities
exchange and on options,  futures  contracts and options  thereon.  Fixed income
securities  and certain  equity  securities in which the  Portfolios  invest are
traded in the over-the-counter  market. These securities are generally traded on
a net basis with  dealers  acting as principal  for their own account  without a
stated  commission,  although prices of such securities usually include a profit
to the dealer. In over-the-counter transactions, orders are placed directly with
a principal  market maker unless a better price and execution can be obtained by
using a broker. In underwritten offerings, securities are usually purchased at a
fixed  price,  which  includes  an amount  of  compensation  to the  underwriter
generally referred to as the underwriter's concession or discount. Certain money
market  securities  may be purchased  directly from an issuer,  in which case no
commissions  or discounts are paid.  U.S.  government  securities  are generally
purchased from  underwriters  or dealers,  although  certain  newly-issued  U.S.
government  securities may be purchased  directly from the U.S. Treasury or from
the issuing agency or  instrumentality.  Each Portfolio's Adviser is responsible
for effecting its portfolio  transactions and will do so in a manner deemed fair
and  reasonable to the  Portfolio and not according to any formula.  The primary
consideration in all portfolio  transactions  will be prompt execution of orders
in an efficient  manner at a favorable  price. In selecting  broker-dealers  and
negotiating  commissions,  an  Adviser  considers  the firm's  reliability,  the
quality  of its  execution  services  on a  continuing  basis and its  financial
condition.  When  more  than  one  firm  is  believed  to meet  these  criteria,
preference may be given to brokers that provide the Portfolios or their Advisers
with brokerage and research  services within the meaning of Section 28(e) of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934.  Each  Portfolio's  Adviser is of the opinion
that,  because this material must be analyzed and reviewed,  its receipt and use
does not tend to reduce expenses but may benefit the Portfolio by  supplementing
the  Adviser's  research.  In seeking  the most  favorable  price and  execution
available,  an Adviser may, if permitted by law, consider sales of the Contracts
a factor  in the  selection  of  broker-dealers,  as  described  in the  Trust's

         An  Adviser  may effect  portfolio  transactions  for other  investment
companies and advisory  accounts.  Research services furnished by broker-dealers
through which a Portfolio effects its securities transactions may be used by the
Portfolio's Adviser in servicing all of its accounts;  not all such services may
be used in connection with the Portfolio.  In the opinion of each Adviser, it is
not possible to measure  separately the benefits from research  services to each
of its accounts,  including a Portfolio.  Whenever concurrent decisions are made
to  purchase  or  sell  securities  by a  Portfolio  and  another  account,  the
Portfolio's  Adviser will attempt to allocate equitably  portfolio  transactions
among the Portfolio and other accounts.  In making such allocations  between the
Portfolio  and  other  accounts,  the  main  factors  to be  considered  are the
respective investment objectives, the relative size of portfolio holdings of the
same or comparable securities, the availability of cash for investment, the size
of  investment  commitments  generally  held,  and the  opinions  of the persons
responsible  for  recommending  investments  to  the  Portfolio  and  the  other
accounts.  In some  cases  this  procedure  could  have an  adverse  effect on a
Portfolio.  In the  opinion  of  each  Adviser,  however,  the  results  of such
procedures will, on the whole, be in the best interest of each of the accounts.

         The  Adviser  to  Jennison  Growth  Portfolio  may  execute   portfolio
transactions  through  certain  of its  affiliated  brokers,  acting as agent in
accordance  with  procedures  established by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  but
will  not  purchase  any  securities  from or sell  any  securities  to any such
affiliate acting as principal for its own account.

         For the year ended December 31, 1999,  Endeavor Value Equity  Portfolio
(now known as Capital Guardian Value Portfolio) and Endeavor  Opportunity  Value
Portfolio (now known as Jennison  Growth  Portfolio)  paid $296,817 and $44,641,
respectively,  in brokerage  commissions.  For the year ended December 31, 1999,
Endeavor Select Portfolio (now known as Capital Guardian Global  Portfolio) paid
$156,177 in brokerage  commissions  of which $33 (0.02%) was paid to  Montgomery
Securities, Inc., an affiliate of the Portfolio's former Adviser.

Brokerage Enhancement Plan

         The Trust has adopted, in accordance with the substantive provisions of
Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, a  Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan (the  "Plan") for
each of its Portfolios. The Plan uses available brokerage commissions to promote
the sale and distribution of each Portfolio's shares.  Under the Plan, the Trust
uses  recaptured  commissions  to pay  for  distribution  expenses.  Except  for
recaptured commissions,  unlike asset based charges imposed by many mutual funds
for sales expenses,  neither the Trust nor any Portfolio of the Trust will incur
any additional fees or charges to pay distribution expenses.

         Under the Plan,  the Manager is  authorized  to direct  Advisers to use
certain broker-dealers for securities transactions.  (The duty of best price and
execution still applies to these transactions.) These broker-dealers have agreed
to give a  percentage  of  their  commission  from  the  sale  and  purchase  of
securities to Transamerica Capital, Inc., the distributor of the Trust's shares.

         Transamerica  Capital, Inc. does not make any profit from participating
in the Plan.  It is  obligated  to use any money  given to it under the Plan for
distribution  expenses  (other  than a minimal  amount  to defray  its legal and
administrative  costs).  The rest will be spent on activities  that are meant to
result in the sale of the Portfolios' shares, including:

         *holding or participating in seminars and sales meetings
*promoting the sale of the  Portfolios'  shares paying  marketing  fees
requested by
          broker-dealers  who  sell  variable  annuity  contracts  ("Contracts")
      * training sales personnel compensating broker-dealers and/or registered
          representatives in connection with the allocation of
         cash values and premiums of the Contracts to the Trust
*printing and mailing Trust prospectuses, statements of additional
          information and shareholder reports to prospective Contract holders
          *creating and mailing advertising and sales literature

         For the year  ended  December  31,  1999,  Transamerica  Capital,  Inc.
received an aggregate of $829,876  pursuant to the Plan,  of which  $175,545 was
attributable to Endeavor Value Equity  Portfolio (now known as Capital  Guardian
Value  Portfolio) and $26,151 was  attributable  to Endeavor  Opportunity  Value
Portfolio (now known as Jennison Growth Portfolio).  In 1999, $888,475 generated
under the Plan (including  amounts generated in prior years) was utilized to pay
the costs of seminars and sales meetings.

Other Information

         AUSA Holding Company ("AUSA"),  4333 Edgewood Road, N.E., Cedar Rapids,
Iowa 52499,  an affiliate of PFL Life Insurance  Company and AUSA Life Insurance
Company, owns all of the Manager's outstanding common stock. AUSA is an indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary of AEGON USA, Inc., a financial services holding company
whose  primary  emphasis  is on  life  and  health  insurance  and  annuity  and
investment products.  AEGON USA, Inc. is an indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary of
AEGON N.V., a Netherlands  corporation which is a publicly traded  international
insurance group.

         Transamerica  Capital,  Inc.,  an  affiliate  of the  Manager,  4600 S.
Syracuse Street,  Suite 1180,  Denver,  Colorado 80237, is the Trust's principal



         The table below shows (i) the annualized level of all fees and expenses
incurred by each Portfolio  under the prior  investment  management fee schedule
during the year ended December 31, 1999,  (ii) the annualized  level of all fees
and expenses that would have been incurred by each  Portfolio  under the amended
management  fee schedule  during the year ended  December 31, 1999 and (iii) the
dollar difference and percentage differences between the two.


                                                                          Difference between    Difference between
                                                                            Prior and New          Prior and New
                               Prior Aggregate     New Aggregate Fees         Aggregate              Aggregate
         Portfolio            Fees and Expenses        and Expenses       Fees and Expenses      Fees and Expenses
         ---------            -----------------        ------------       -----------------      -----------------

Endeavor Value Equity               0.95%                 1.00%               $116,057                 5.3%
Endeavor Opportunity Value          0.91%                 0.96%                $22,792                 5.5%
Endeavor Select                     1.39%*                1.44%                $13,300                 3.6%

*Effective May 1, 2000, the Manager  reduced its management fee by 0.10%,  which
reduction is reflected in prior  aggregate fees and expenses.  Actual 1999 prior
aggregate fees and expenses were 1.49%.


                                   PORTFOLIO BY PORTFOLIO FEE TABLE COMPARISONS

         The  tables  provided  below  compare  the  actual  overall   recurring
portfolio  expenses under the  Management  Agreement for the year ended December
31,  1999 and the  estimated  overall  recurring  portfolio  expenses  under new
management  fee schedule had the new schedule  been in effect for the year ended
December  31,  1999.  The tables and  examples do not reflect  separate  account
expenses,  including  sales  loads.  Each table  reflects  the annual  portfolio
operating expenses calculated as a percentage of average daily net assets.

         The  Examples  are to help you  compare  the cost of  investing  in the
portfolios  with the cost of  investing  in other  funds.  They  assume that you
invest  $10,000 in each  portfolio  for the time periods  indicated and then you
redeem all of your shares at the end of those periods.  The examples also assume
that (i)  your  investment  has a 5%  return  each  year,  (ii) the  portfolio's
operating  expenses stay the same and (iii) all dividends and  distributions are
reinvested.  The  examples are  presented on a prior and new basis.  Your actual
costs may be higher or lower.


                                                  Prior          New
Management Fee                                    0.80%         0.85%
12b-1 Fees (1)                                    0.08%         0.08%
Other Expenses                                    0.07%         0.07%
Total Portfolio Operating Expenses                0.95%         1.00%

After 1 year                                            $97         $102
After 3 years                                          $303         $318
After 5 years                                          $525         $552
After 10 years                                       $1,166       $1,225


                                                  Prior          New
Management Fee                                    0.80%         0.85%
12b-1 Fees (1)                                    0.06%         0.06%
Other Expenses                                    0.05%         0.05%
Total Portfolio Operating Expenses                0.91%         0.96%

After 1 year                                            $93          $98
After 3 years                                          $290         $306
After 5 years                                          $504         $531
After 10 years                                       $1,120       $1,178


                                                  Prior          New
Management Fee                                    1.00%         1.05%
12b-1 Fees                                         ---           ---
Other Expenses                                    0.39%         0.39%
Total Portfolio Operating Expenses                1.39%         1.44%

After 1 year                                           $142         $147
After 3 years                                          $440         $456
After 5 years                                          $761         $787
After 10 years                                       $1,669       $1,724

(1) The Board of Trustees of the Trust has  authorized an  arrangement  whereby,
subject to best price and execution,  executing  brokers will share  commissions
with the Trust's  affiliated  broker.  Under  supervision  of the Trustees,  the
affiliated broker uses the "recaptured  commissions" to promote marketing of the
Trust's  shares.  The staff of the Securities and Exchange  Commission  believes
that, through the use of these recaptured  commissions,  the Trust is indirectly
paying for  distribution  expenses  and that such amounts must be shown as 12b-1
fees in the above table.  The use of recaptured  commissions to promote the sale
of the Trust's shares involves no additional  costs to the Trust or any Contract
owner. The Trust, based on advice of counsel, believes that recaptured brokerage
commissions should not be treated as 12b-1 fees. The amounts shown as 12b-1 fees
for 1999 reflect the actual 12b-1 fees for 1999.  Because the 12b-1 fees reflect
recaptured commissions, rather than a fee charged as a percentage of assets, the
actual  amount of 12b-1 fees treated as expenses will vary from year to year and
may be higher or lower than the 12b-1 fees incurred in 1999.



         Capital  Guardian,  located at 333 South Hope Street,  55th Floor,  Los
Angeles, CA 90071 is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Capital Group  International,
Inc., which itself is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of The Capital Group Companies,
Inc., located at 333 South Hope Street,  55th Floor, Los Angeles,  CA 90071. The
Chairman of Capital  Guardian is David I.  Fisher.  The  executive  officers and
other directors of Capital Guardian are listed in the table below.


      Donnalisa Barnum                 Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Vice President,
                                       Capital International, Inc. and Capital International Limited.

      Andrew                           F. Barth Director, Capital Guardian Trust
                                       Company   and,   Capital   Research   and
                                       Management Company; Director and Research
                                       Director, Capital International Research,
                                       Inc.;    President,    Capital   Guardian
                                       Research  Company;  Formerly Director and
                                       Executive   Vice    President,    Capital
                                       Guardian Research Company.
      Michael D. Beckman               Director, Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Capital Guardian Trust
                                       Company; Director, Capital Guardian Trust Company of Nevada; Treasurer,
                                       Capital International Research, Inc. and Capital Guardian Research
                                       Company; Director and Treasurer, Capital Guardian (Canada), Inc.; Formerly
                                       Chairman and Director, Capital International Asia Pacific Management

      Michael A. Burik                 Senior Counsel, The Capital Group Companies, Inc.; Senior Vice President,
                                       Capital Guardian Trust Company.

      Elizabeth A. Burns               Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company.

      Larry                            P. Clemmensen Director,  Capital Guardian
                                       Trust   Company   and   American    Funds
                                       Distributors,    Inc.;    Chairman    and
                                       Director, American Funds Service Company;
                                       Director and President, The Capital Group
                                       Companies,  Inc.  and Capital  Management
                                       Services, Inc.; Senior Vice President and
                                       Director, Capital Research and Management
                                       Company,  Treasurer,   Capital  Strategy,

      Kevin G. Clifford                Director and President, American Funds Distributors, Inc.; Director,
                                       Capital Guardian Trust Company

      Roberta                          A. Conroy Senior Vice President, Director
                                       and  Counsel,   Capital   Guardian  Trust
                                       Company;   Senior  Vice   President   and
                                       Secretary,  Capital International,  Inc.;
                                       Assistant  General  Counsel,  The Capital
                                       Group Companies, Inc., Secretary, Capital
                                       Guardian  International,  Inc.; Formerly,
                                       Secretary,  Capital Management  Services,

      Jon B. Emerson                   Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Director, Capital
                                       Guardian Trust Company, a Nevada Corporation.

      Michael Ericksen                 Director and Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company;
                                       Director and Senior Vice President, Capital International Limited

      David I. Fisher                  Vice Chairman and Director, Capital International, Inc., Capital
                                       International Limited and Capital International K.K.; Chairman and
                                       Director, Capital International S. A. and Capital Guardian Trust Company;
                                       Director and President, Capital International Limited (Bermuda); Director,
                                       The Capital Group Companies, Inc., Capital International Research, Inc.,
                                       Capital Group Research, Inc. and Capital Research and Management Company.

      Richard N. Havas                 Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company, Capital
                                       International, Inc. and Capital International Limited; Director and Senior
                                       Vice President, Capital International Research, Inc.; Director and Senior
                                       Vice President Capital Guardian (Canada), Inc.

      Frederick M. Hughes, Jr          Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company.

      William                          H.  Hurt   Director   and   Senior   Vice
                                       President,    Capital    Guardian   Trust
                                       Company;  Chairman and Director,  Capital
                                       Guardian   Trust   Company,    a   Nevada
                                       Corporation    and    Capital    Strategy
                                       Research,  Inc.; Formerly,  Director, The
                                       Capital Group Companies, Inc.

      Peter C. Kelly                   Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Assistant General
                                       Counsel, The Capital Group Companies, Inc.; Director and Senior Vice
                                       President, Capital International, Inc.

      Robert G. Kirby                  Chairman Emeritus, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Senior Partner, The
                                       Capital Group Companies, Inc.

      Nancy J. Kyle                    Director and Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company;
                                       President and Director, Capital Guardian (Canada), Inc.

      Karin                            L. Larson  Director,  The  Capital  Group
                                       Companies,  Inc., Capital Group Research,
                                       Inc.,  Capital  Guardian  Trust  Company,
                                       Director and Chairman,  Capital  Guardian
                                       Research      Company     and     Capital
                                       International  Research,  Inc., Formerly,
                                       Director   and  Senior  Vice   President,
                                       Capital Guardian Research Company.

      D. James Martin                  Director, Capital Guardian Trust Company, and Director and Senior Vice
                                       President of Capital International Research Inc.

      James                            R.  Mulally   Director  and  Senior  Vice
                                       President,    Capital    Guardian   Trust
                                       Company;  Senior Vice President,  Capital
                                       International  Limited;  Vice  President,
                                       Capital   Research   Company;   Formerly,
                                       Director,   Capital   Guardian   Research

      Shelby Notkin                    Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Director, Capital
                                       Guardian Trust Company, a Nevada Corporation.

      Mary M. O'Hern                   Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company and Capital
                                       International Limited; Vice President, Capital International, Inc.

      Jeffrey C. Paster                Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company.

      Robert V. Pennington             Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; President and
                                       Director Capital Guardian Trust Company, a Nevada Corporation Company.

      Jason                            M.  Pilalas  Director,  Capital  Guardian
                                       Trust Company;  Senior Vice President and
                                       Director, Capital International Research,
                                       Inc.; Formerly,  Director and Senior Vice
                                       President,   Capital  Guardian   Research

      George L. Romine, Jr.            Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company

      Robert Ronus                     Director and President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Chairman and
                                       Director, Capital Guardian (Canada), Inc., Director, Capital
                                       International, Inc. and Capital Guardian Research Company; Senior Vice
                                       President, Capital International, Inc.; Capital International Limited and
                                       Capital International S.A.; Formerly, Chairman, Capital Guardian
                                       International Research Company and Director, Capital International, Inc.

      James F. Rothenberg              Director, American Funds Distributors, Inc., American Funds Service
                                       Company, The Capital Group Companies, Inc., Capital Group Research, Inc.,
                                       Capital Guardian Trust Company and Capital Management Services, Inc.;
                                       Director and President, Capital Research and Management, Inc.; Formerly,
                                       Director of Capital Guardian Trust Company, a Nevada Corporation, and
                                       Capital Research Company.

      Theodore R. Samuels              Director and Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company;
                                       Director, Capital International Research, Inc.; Formerly, Director,
                                       Capital Guardian Research Company

      Lionel A. Sauvage                Director and Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Vice
                                       President, Capital International Research, Inc.; Formerly, Director,
                                       Capital Guardian Research Company.

      John                             H. Seiter  Director  and  Executive  Vice
                                       President,    Capital    Guardian   Trust
                                       Company;  Senior Vice President,  Capital
                                       Group   International,   Inc.;  and  Vice
                                       President,  The Capital Group  Companies,

      Eugene P. Stein                  Director and Executive Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company;
                                       Formerly, Director, Capital Guardian Research Company.

      Phil A. Swan                     Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company.

      Shaw                             B.  Wagener  Director,  Capital  Guardian
                                       Trust Company, Capital International Asia
                                       Pacific  Management Company S.A., Capital
                                       Research  and   Management   Company  and
                                       Capital International  Management Company
                                       S.A.;  President  and  Director,  Capital
                                       International,    Inc.;    Senior    Vice
                                       President,  Capital Group  International,

      Joanne Weckbacher                Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company.

      Eugene M. Waldron                Senior Vice President, Capital Guardian Trust Company.

         Capital  Guardian has been  providing  investment  management  services
since 1968 and managed  approximately  $123 billion in assets as of December 31,

         Capital Guardian uses a multiple  portfolio  manager system under which
each Portfolio is divided into several  segments.  Each segment is  individually
managed  with the  portfolio  manager  free to decide on  company  and  industry
selections  as well as  valuation  and  transaction  assessment.  An  additional
portion of each Portfolio is managed by a group of investment research analysts.

         The individual  portfolio managers,  as applicable,  of each segment of
each Portfolio,  other than segments managed by the group of research  analysts,
are as follows:

Donnalisa  P.  Barnum is a Senior  Vice  President  and a  portfolio  manager of
Capital Guardian. She joined the Capital organization in 1986. (Capital Guardian
Value Portfolio)

Michael R. Erickson is a Director,  Senior Vice President and portfolio  manager
of  Capital  Guardian.  He joined the  Capital  organization  in 1987.  (Capital
Guardian Global Portfolio)

David I. Fisher is Chairman of the Board and a Director of Capital Guardian.  He
joined the Capital organization in 1969. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Richard N. Haves is a Senior Vice President of Capital  Guardian and a portfolio
manager  with  research  responsibilities  for Capital  Guardian.  He joined the
Capital organization in 1986. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Nancy J. Kyle is a Director and Senior Vice President of Capital  Guardian.  She
joined the Capital organization in 1991. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Christopher A. Reed is a Vice President of Capital International  Research, Inc.
with portfolio management  responsibilities for Capital Guardian.  He joined the
Capital organization in 1994. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Robert Ronus is a Director  and  President  of Capital  Guardian.  He joined the
Capital organization in 1972. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Theodore R. Samuels is a Director and Senior Vice President of Capital Guardian.
He joined the Capital organization in 1981. (Capital Guardian Value Portfolio)

Lionel M. Sauvage is a Director and Senior Vice  President of Capital  Guardian.
He joined the Capital organization in 1987. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Nilly Sikorsky is President and Managing Director of Capital  International S.A.
with portfolio management  responsibilities for Capital Guardian. She joined the
Capital organization in 1962. (Capital Guardian Global Portfolio)

Rudolf  M.  Staehelin  is a  Senior  Vice  President  and  Director  of  Capital
International  Research,  Inc. with portfolio  management  responsibilities  for
Capital Guardian.  He joined the Capital organization in 1981. (Capital Guardian
Global Portfolio)

Eugene P. Stein is  Director,  Executive  Vice  President,  and  Chairman of the
Investment   Committee   of   Capital   Guardian   with   portfolio   management
responsibilities.  He joined the Capital organization in 1972. (Capital Guardian
Value Portfolio)

The table below lists the equity mutual funds with capital appreciation as their
investment objective that are currently advised by Capital Guardian, the size of
each fund,  and the rate of  compensation  received by Capital  Guardian for the
investment advisory services it provides for each fund:

                      Capital Guardian Trust Company
                   Schedule of Assets and Fee Schedules
                 Global Equity and U.S. Equity (40's Act)
                         (assets as of 9/30/2000)

U.S. Equity
Equitable         Capital Guardian                           ING          CGC Trust - Large
                  U.S. Equity Portfolio         $                         Cap Value Series          $ 70,988,000.97
           First                 $         0.500%                 First   $       150,000,000         0.500%
          Next                            0.450%                  Next                               0.450%
                            150,000,000                                             150,000,000
          Next                            0.350%                  Next                               0.350%
                            200,000,000                                             200,000,000
           Over                            0.300%                  Over                               0.300%
                            500,000,000                                             500,000,000

                                                                       Manufacturers Investment
Vantagepoint      Vantagepoint Growth                        Manulife     Trust U.S. Large Cap
                 & Income Fund                 $                         Value Trust              $ 397,412,543.53
         First                     $      0.550%                 First   $       500,000,000         0.400%
       Next                            0.400%                  Over                               0.350%
                             25,000,000                                             500,000,000
         Over                            0.225%

Global Equity
ING               CGC Trust - Managed                        Nomura       GANT Global Equity
                  Global Series                 $                         Portfolio 2               $ 38,058,118.30

           First                     $      0.650%                 First                     $         0.750%
                            150,000,000                                              25,000,000
            Next                            0.550%                  Next                               0.600%
                            150,000,000                                              25,000,000
          Next                            0.450%                  Next                               0.425%
                            200,000,000                                             200,000,000
            Over                            0.400%                  Over                               0.375%
                            500,000,000                                             250,000,000

Note:             In some cases, fees charged to clients will be different due to differing levels of service.


Jennison, located at 466 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017, is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Prudential Investment Corporation ("PIC").  Jennison has served as
an  investment   adviser  to  investment   companies   since  1990  and  managed
approximately  $59.1  billion  in  assets  as of  December  31,  1999.  PIC is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Prudential Asset Management Holding Company (PAMHCo),
which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Prudential. The address for PIC and PAMHCo
is Gateway Center Three, 100 Mulberry  Street,  Newark,  NJ 07102.  Jennison has
provided investment advisory services to registered  investment  companies since

The  table  below  lists  the name and  principal  occupation  of the  principal
executive officers and each director of Jennison.  The address of each person is
466 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017.

Name                          Principal Occupation
Michael                       A. Del Balso Director  since 1998,  Executive Vice
                              President,  Jennison,  since 1998;  prior to 1998,
                              various   positions  to  Senior  Vice   President,
                              Jennison Associates Capital Corp.

Mary-Jane                     Flaherty Director since 2000.  Managing  Director,
                              Strategic  Initiatives,  PIC, since December 1998;
                              prior to December 1998, various positions to Chief
                              Financial  Officer,  PIC, and various positions to
                              Vice President, Prudential.

John                          H. Hobbs  Chairman  since  1998.  Chief  Executive
                              Officer,  Jennison,  since  1998;  prior  to 1998,
                              various  positions to Chairman and Chief Executive
                              Officer, Jennison Associates Capital Corp.

Karen                         E.  Kohler  Director  since 1998.  Executive  Vice
                              President,   Jennison,   since  2000.   Treasurer,
                              Jennison, since 1999. Chief Compliance Officer and
                              Director,  Jennison,  since  1998;  prior to 1998,
                              various positions to Senior Vice President,  Chief
                              Compliance  Officer,  Jennison  Associates Capital

Kathleen A. McCarragher       Director since 1998. Executive Vice President,
                              Jennison, since 1998. 1992-1998,
                              Managing Director, Weis, Peck & Greer LLC.

Philip                        N. Russo Director  since 2000.  Vice President and
                              Director,   PIC,  since  1999;   Vice   President,
                              Prudential,  since 1997;  prior to 1997,  Managing
                              Director, Bankers Trust Company.

Spiros Segalas                Director since 1998. President and Chief
                              Investment Officer, Jennison, since 1998.
                              Prior to 1998, various positions to President and
                              Chief Investment Officer, Jennison
                              Associates Capital Corp.

Victor Sim                    Director since 2000. Vice President, Prudential,
                              since 1997.

John                          R. Strangfeld Director since 2000. Chief Executive
                              Officer of  Prudential  Securities  since  October
                              2000, Executive Vice President since February 1998
                              of Prudential;  Chief Executive Officer, Chairman,
                              President and Director  since January 1999 of PIC;
                              Chairman  since  August  1989  of  Pricoa  Capital
                              Group;  prior to 1998,  various positions to Chief
                              Executive Officer,  Private Asset Management Group
                              of Prudential.

Keven                         C. Uebelein  Director since 2000.  Senior Managing
                              Director, Mergers & Acquisitions, PIC, since 2000;
                              prior  to  2000,  various  positions  to  Managing
                              Director,  New Products,  Private Asset Management
                              Group, Prudential.

Bernard                       B. Winograd - Director since 2000. Chief Executive
                              Officer,  Prudential Real Estate Investors,  since
                              December 1986; Senior Vice President and Director,
                              PIC, since December 1996;  prior to December 1996,
                              The Taubman Company LLC.

The table below lists the equity mutual funds with capital appreciation as their
investment  objective that are currently  advised by Jennison,  the size of each
fund,  and the rate of  compensation  received  by Jennison  for the  investment
advisory services it provides for each fund:

                                                                   Fund Net Assets          Fee Paid to Jennison
                             Fund                                    as of 9-30-00        (% of average daily net

Growth - Prudential Investment Portfolios, Inc. - Prudential        $7,261,778,258      0.30% to $300
Jennison Growth Fund                                                                    million
                                                                                        0.25% over $300 million

Prudential Diversified Funds - Prudential  Diversified              $   74,772,996      0.30% to $300
Conservative Growth (Growth  Segment)                                                   million
                                                                                        0.25% over $300 million

Prudential Diversified Funds - Prudential  Diversified              $  191,302,761      0.30% to $300
Moderate Growth (Growth Segment)                                                        million
                                                                                        0.25% over $300 million

Prudential Diversified Funds - Prudential  Diversified High         $  158,801,150      0.30% to $300
Growth (Growth Segment)                                                                 million
                                                                                        0.25% over $300 million

Harbor Fund - Harbor Capital Appreciation Fund                      $9,514,000,000      0.75% to $10
                                                                                        0.50% next $30
                                                                                        0.35% next $25
                                                                                        0.25% next $335
                                                                                        0.22% next $600
                                                                                        0.20% over $1
                                                                                        0.25% over $5 billion

SunAmerica Style Select Series, Inc. - Large-Cap Growth             $   43,548,000      0.30% to $300 million
Portfolio (1)
                                                                                        0.25% over $300 million

The Hirtle Callaghan Trust - The Growth Equity Portfolio (1)        $  176,981,000      0.30%

The Preferred Group of Mutual Funds -  Preferred Growth Fund        $  804,265,000      0.75% first $10
                                                                                        0.50% next $30
                                                                                        0.35% next $25
                                                                                        0.25% next $335
                                                                                        0.22% next $600
                                                                                        0.20% over $1 billion

EQ Advisors Trust -  EQ/Balanced Portfolio (1)                      $  239,592,000      0.35%

(1) Jennison  provides  subadvisory  services for only one segment of this fund.
Fund net asset  figures  identify  only the portion of total fund net assets for
which Jennison provides subadvisory services.


                                           INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT made this 9th day of October,  2000, by and between  Jennison
Associates  LLC,  a  New  York  limited  liability  company   ("Jennison")  (the
"Adviser"),   and  Endeavor  Management  Co.,  a  California   corporation  (the

         WHEREAS,  the Manager has been organized to serve as investment manager
of Endeavor Series Trust (the "Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust which has
filed a  registration  statement  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended  (the  "1940  Act") and the  Securities  Act of 1933 (the  "Registration
Statement"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Trust  is  comprised  of  several  separate  investment
portfolios, one of which is the Jennison Growth Portfolio (the "Portfolio"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Manager  desires  to  avail  itself  of  the  services,
information,  advice,  assistance  and  facilities of an  investment  adviser to
assist the Manager in performing investment advisory services for the Portfolio;

         WHEREAS, the Adviser is registered under the Investment Advisers Act of
1940,  as amended  (the  "Advisers  Act"),  and is engaged  in the  business  of
rendering  investment  advisory  services  to  investment  companies  and  other
institutional clients and desires to provide such services to the Manager;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:

         1. Employment of the Adviser. The Manager hereby employs the Adviser to
manage the investment and  reinvestment of the assets of the Portfolio,  subject
to the control and  direction of the Trust's  Board of Trustees,  for the period
and on the  terms  hereinafter  set  forth.  The  Adviser  hereby  accepts  such
employment  and agrees  during such period to render the  services and to assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Adviser shall for all purposes herein be deemed to be an independent  contractor
and  shall,  except as  expressly  provided  or  authorized  (whether  herein or
otherwise), have no authority to act for or represent the Manager, the Portfolio
or the  Trust  in any  way.  The  Adviser  may  execute  account  documentation,
agreements,  contracts  and  other  documents  requested  by  brokers,  dealers,
counterparties and other persons in connection with its management of the assets
of the  Portfolio,  provided  the Adviser  receives  the express  agreement  and
consent of the  Manager  and/or the Trust's  Board of  Trustees to execute  such
documentation,  agreements,  contracts and other documents,  which consent shall
not be  unreasonably  withheld.  In such  respect,  and only  for  this  limited
purpose,  the  Adviser  shall act as the  Manager's  and the  Trust's  agent and

         Copies of the  Trust's  Registration  Statement,  as it  relates to the
Portfolio (the "Registration  Statement"),  and the Trust's Declaration of Trust
and Bylaws (collectively, the "Charter Documents"), each as currently in effect,
have been delivered to the Adviser.  The Manager agrees, on an ongoing basis, to
notify  the  Adviser  of each  change  in the  fundamental  and  non-fundamental
investment  policies  and  restrictions  of the  Portfolio  before  they  become
effective and to provide to the Adviser as promptly as practicable copies of all
amendments and supplements to the Registration  Statement before filing with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  and  amendments  to the  Charter
Documents.  The Manager will  promptly  provide the Adviser with any  procedures
applicable  to the Adviser  adopted  from time to time by the  Trust's  Board of
Trustees  and agrees to promptly  provide the Adviser  copies of all  amendments
thereto.  The Adviser  will not be bound to follow any change in the  investment
policies,  restrictions or procedures of the Portfolio or Trust, however,  until
it has received written notice of any such change from the Manager.

         The Manager  shall  timely  furnish the  Adviser  with such  additional
information  as may be  reasonably  necessary for or requested by the Adviser to
perform its  responsibilities  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  The Manager  shall
cooperate with the Adviser in setting up and maintaining  brokerage accounts and
other accounts the Adviser deems  advisable to allow for the purchase or sale of
various forms of securities pursuant to this Agreement.

         2.  Obligations  of and  Services to be Provided  by the  Adviser.  The
Adviser undertake to provide the following  services and to assume the following

                  a. The Adviser shall manage the investment and reinvestment of
the portfolio assets of the Portfolio,  all without prior  consultation with the
Manager, subject to and in accordance with the investment objective and policies
of the Portfolio set forth in the Trust's Registration Statement and the Charter
Documents,  as such Registration  Statement and Charter Documents may be amended
from time to time, in compliance with the requirements  applicable to registered
investment companies under applicable laws and those requirements  applicable to
both  regulated   investment  companies  and  segregated  asset  accounts  under
Subchapters  M and L of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended  (the
"Code") and any written  instructions  which the Manager or the Trust's Board of
Trustees may issue from  time-to-time in accordance  therewith.  In pursuance of
the  foregoing,  the Adviser shall make all  determinations  with respect to the
purchase and sale of portfolio  securities and shall take such action  necessary
to  implement  the same.  The Adviser  shall  render such reports to the Trust's
Board of Trustees and the Manager as they may reasonably  request concerning the
investment  activities of the Portfolio,  provided that the Adviser shall not be
responsible  for  Portfolio  accounting.  Unless the  Manager  gives the Adviser
written instructions to the contrary,  the Adviser shall, in good faith and in a
manner which it reasonably believes best serves the interests of the Portfolio's
shareholders, direct the Portfolio's custodian as to how to vote such proxies as
may be necessary or advisable in connection with any matters submitted to a vote
of shareholders of securities held by the Portfolio.

                  b.  To  the  extent  provided  in  the  Trust's   Registration
Statement,  as such Registration Statement may be amended from time to time, the
Adviser shall,  in the name of the Portfolio,  place orders for the execution of
portfolio transactions with or through such brokers,  dealers or other financial
institutions as it may select including affiliates of the Adviser and, complying
with Section 28(e) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, may pay a commission
on  transactions  in excess of the amount of  commission  another  broker-dealer
would have charged.

                  c.  In  connection  with  the  placement  of  orders  for  the
execution of the  portfolio  transactions  of the  Portfolio,  the Adviser shall
create and maintain all necessary records pertaining to the purchase and sale of
securities  by the Adviser on behalf of the  Portfolio  in  accordance  with all
applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations,  including but not limited to records
required by Section  31(a) of the 1940 Act. All records shall be the property of
the Trust and shall be available for  inspection  and use by the SEC, the Trust,
the Manager or any person retained by the Trust at all reasonable  times.  Where
applicable,  such records shall be maintained by the Adviser for the periods and
in the places required by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

                  d. The Adviser  shall bear its expenses of providing  services
pursuant to this  Agreement,  but shall not be  obligated to pay any expenses of
the Manager,  the Trust, or the Portfolio,  including  without  limitation:  (a)
interest and taxes; (b) brokerage commissions and other costs in connection with
the  purchase or sale of  securities  or other  investment  instruments  for the
Portfolio;  and (c) custodian fees and expenses.  Any reimbursement of fees paid
to the Manager  required by any expense  limitation  provision and any liability
arising  out of a violation  of Section  36(b) of the 1940 Act shall be the sole
responsibility of the Manager.

                  e. The Adviser and the Manager acknowledge that the Adviser is
not the compliance agent for the Portfolio or for the Manager, and does not have
access to all of the Portfolio's  books and records necessary to perform certain
compliance  testing.  To the extent  that the  Adviser has agreed to perform the
services specified in this Section 2 in accordance with the Trust's Registration
Statement and Charter  Documents,  written  instructions  of the Manager and any
policies  adopted by the Trust's  Board of Trustees  applicable to the Portfolio
(collectively,  the "Charter  Requirements"),  and in accordance with applicable
law (including  sub-chapters M and L of the Code, the Investment Company Act and
the Advisers Act  ("Applicable  Law")),  the Adviser shall perform such services
based upon its books and records with respect to the  Portfolio (as specified in
Section 2.c.  hereof),  which  comprise a portion of the  Portfolio's  books and
records, and upon information and written instructions  received from the Trust,
the  Manager or the  Trust's  administrator,  and shall not be held  responsible
under this  Agreement so long as it performs such  services in  accordance  with
this  Agreement,  the Charter  Requirements  and  Applicable Law based upon such
books and records and such information and  instructions  provided by the Trust,
the  Manager  or  the  Trust's   administrator.   The  Adviser   shall  have  no
responsibility  to monitor  certain  limitations or  restrictions  for which the
Adviser has not been provided sufficient  information in accordance with Section
1  of  this  Agreement  or  otherwise.   All  such   monitoring   shall  be  the
responsibility of the Manager.

                  f. The Adviser makes no representation or warranty, express or
implied, that any level of performance or investment results will be achieved by
the Portfolio or that the Portfolio will perform comparably with any standard or
index, including other clients of the Adviser, whether public or private.

                  g. The Adviser shall be responsible  for the  preparation  and
filing of  Schedule  13G and Form 13F on behalf of the  Portfolio.  The  Adviser
shall not be  responsible  for the  preparation  or filing of any other  reports
required of the Portfolio by any  governmental or regulatory  agency,  except as
expressly agreed to in writing.

         3.  Compensation of the Adviser.  In consideration of services rendered
pursuant to this Agreement, the Manager will pay the Adviser a fee at the annual
rate of the  value of the  Portfolio's  average  daily net  assets  set forth in
Schedule A hereto.  Such fee shall be accrued  daily and paid monthly as soon as
practicable  after the end of each month.  If the  Adviser  shall serve for less
than the whole of any month, the foregoing  compensation shall be prorated.  For
the  purpose  of  determining  fees  payable  to the  Adviser,  the value of the
Portfolio's  net  assets  shall  be  computed  at the  times  and in the  manner
specified in the Trust's Registration Statement.

         4. Activities of the Adviser. The services of the Adviser hereunder are
not to be deemed  exclusive,  and the  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar
services to others and to engage in other  activities,  so long as the  services
rendered hereunder are not impaired.

         The Adviser shall be subject to a written code of ethics  adopted by it
pursuant to Rule 17j-1(b) of the 1940 Act, and shall not be subject to any other
code of ethics,  including the  Manager's  code of ethics,  unless  specifically
adopted by the Adviser.

         5. Use of Names.  The Adviser  hereby  consents to the Portfolio  being
named the Jennison Growth Portfolio.  The Manager shall not use the name or mark
"Jennison" or disclose information related to the business of the Adviser or any
of their  affiliates  in any  prospectus,  sales  literature  or other  material
relating to the Trust in any manner not approved  prior  thereto by the Adviser;
provided,  however, that the Adviser shall approve all uses of its name and that
of its  affiliates  which  merely  refer in  accurate  terms to its  appointment
hereunder or which are required by the SEC or a state securities commission; and
provided,  further,  that  in no  event  shall  such  approval  be  unreasonably
withheld.  The Adviser shall not use the name of the Trust or the Manager in any
material relating to the Adviser in any manner not approved prior thereto by the
Manager;  provided,  however,  that the Manager shall approve all uses of its or
the Trust's name which merely refer in accurate terms to the  appointment of the
Adviser  hereunder  or  which  are  required  by the SEC or a  state  securities
commission;  and,  provided,  further,  that in no event shall such  approval be
unreasonably withheld.

         The Manager  recognizes that from time to time directors,  officers and
employees of the Adviser may serve as directors,  trustees,  partners,  officers
and employees of other  corporations,  business  trusts,  partnerships  or other
entities (including other investment companies) and that such other entities may
include the name "Jennison" or any derivative or abbreviation thereof as part of
their name,  and that the Adviser or its  affiliates  may enter into  investment
advisory, administration or other agreements with such other entities.

         Upon  termination of this  Agreement for any reason,  the Manager shall
immediately  cease and cause the Portfolio to  immediately  cease all use of the
name and mark "Jennison."

         6.  Liability.  Except as may otherwise be provided by the 1940 Act, or
other federal  securities  laws,  neither the Adviser nor any of its affiliates,
officers, directors, shareholders,  employees, or agents shall be liable for any
loss, liability,  cost, damage, or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees
and costs) (collectively referred to in this Agreement as "Losses"),  except for
Losses  resulting from the Adviser's  gross  negligence,  bad faith,  or willful
misconduct  or reckless  disregard  of their  obligations  and duties under this
Agreement.  The Manager  shall hold  harmless and  indemnify  the  Adviser,  its
affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders,  employees or agents for any Loss
not  resulting  from the  Adviser's  gross  negligence,  bad  faith,  or willful
misconduct  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties  under this
Agreement. The obligations contained in this Section 6 shall survive termination
of this Agreement.

         7. Limitation of Trust's  Liability.  The Adviser  acknowledges that it
has received  notice of and accepts the limitations  upon the Trust's  liability
set forth in its Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Adviser agrees that any
of the Trust's  obligations  shall be limited to the assets of the Portfolio and
that the Adviser shall not seek  satisfaction  of any such  obligation  from the
shareholders  of the Trust nor from any Trust officer,  employee or agent of the

         8. Renewal, Termination and Amendment. This Agreement shall continue in
effect,  unless sooner terminated as hereinafter  provided,  for a period of two
years  from the date  hereof  and shall  continue  in full  force and effect for
successive  periods  of one  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long as each  such
continuance  as to the Portfolio is  specifically  approved at least annually by
vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the
Portfolio or by vote of a majority of the Trust's Board of Trustees; and further
provided  that  such  continuance  is also  approved  annually  by the vote of a
majority of the  Trustees who are not parties to this  Agreement  or  interested
persons of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such approval. This Agreement may be terminated as to the Portfolio at
any time, without payment of any penalty,  by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  by
the Manager,  or by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the Portfolio  upon 60 days' prior written  notice to the Adviser,  or by the
Adviser upon 90 days' prior written notice to the Manager,  or upon such shorter
notice  as  may  be  mutually   agreed  upon.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate
automatically and immediately upon termination of the Management Agreement dated
July 22, 1999 between the Manager and the Trust.  This Agreement shall terminate
automatically  and  immediately  in the  event  of  its  assignment.  The  terms
"assignment" and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities" shall
have the meaning set forth for such terms in the 1940 Act. This Agreement may be
amended at any time by the Adviser and the  Manager,  subject to approval by the
Trust's  Board of  Trustees  and,  if  required  by  applicable  SEC  rules  and
regulations,  a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting

         9. Confidential  Relationship.  Any information and advice furnished by
any party to this  Agreement  to the other party or parties  shall be treated as
confidential  and shall not be disclosed to third parties without the consent of
the other party hereto except as required by law, rule or regulation.

         The Manager  hereby  consents to the disclosure to third parties of (i)
investment  results and other data of the Manager or the Portfolio in connection
with providing composite  investment results of the Adviser and (ii) investments
and  transactions  of the Manager or the Portfolio in connection  with providing
composite information of clients of the Adviser.

         10.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or
made invalid by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise,  the remainder of
this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

         11. Custodian.  The Portfolio assets shall be maintained in the custody
of its custodian.  Any assets added to the Portfolio shall be delivered directly
to such custodian. The Adviser shall have no liability for the acts or omissions
of  any  custodian  of  the  Portfolio's  assets.  The  Adviser  shall  have  no
responsibility  for  the  segregation  requirement  of the  1940  Act  or  other
applicable  law other than to notify the custodian of  investments  that require
segregation and appropriate assets for segregation.

         12.  Information.  The  Manager  hereby  acknowledges  that  it and the
Trustees  of the Trust have been  provided  with all  information  necessary  in
connection with the services to be provided by the Adviser hereunder,  including
a copy of Part II of the  Adviser's  Form ADV at  least  48  hours  prior to the
Manager's  execution  of this  Agreement,  and any  other  information  that the
Manager or the Trustees deem necessary.

         13.  Miscellaneous.  This Agreement  constitutes  the full and complete
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.  Each
party agrees to perform such further actions and execute such further  documents
as are necessary to effectuate  the purposes  hereof.  This  Agreement  shall be
construed and enforced in accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State
of California.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience only
and in no way define or delimit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect
their  construction  or  effect.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  several
counterparts,  all of which  together  shall  for all  purposes  constitute  one
Agreement, binding on all the parties.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first written above.

                                            ENDEAVOR MANAGEMENT CO.

                                            BY:      /s/P. Michael Pond

                                                        Authorized Officer

                                            JENNISON ASSOCIATES LLC


                                                        Authorized Officer

                                                    SCHEDULE A

Jennison                                                        Growth Portfolio
                                                                .55%  of   first
                                                                $300  million of
                                                                average    daily
                                                                net assets; .50%
                                                                of average daily
                                                                net assets  over
                                                                $300 million

                                           INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this 9th day of October,  2000, by and between  Capital
Guardian Trust Company, a California  corporation (the "Adviser"),  and Endeavor
Management Co., a California corporation (the "Manager").

         WHEREAS,  the Manager has been organized to serve as investment manager
of Endeavor Series Trust (the "Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust which has
filed a  registration  statement  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended  (the  "1940  Act") and the  Securities  Act of 1933 (the  "Registration
Statement"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Trust  is  comprised  of  several  separate  investment
portfolios,  one  of  which  is  the  Capital  Guardian  Global  Portfolio  (the
"Portfolio"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Manager  desires  to  avail  itself  of  the  services,
information,  advice,  assistance  and  facilities of an  investment  adviser to
assist the Manager in performing investment advisory services for the Portfolio;

         WHEREAS,  the Adviser is a bank not required to be registered under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and is engaged
in  the  business  of  rendering  investment  advisory  services  to  investment
companies and other  institutional  clients and desires to provide such services
to the Manager;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:

         1. Employment of the Adviser. The Manager hereby employs the Adviser to
manage the investment and  reinvestment of the assets of the Portfolio,  subject
to the control and  direction of the Trust's  Board of Trustees,  for the period
and on the  terms  hereinafter  set  forth.  The  Adviser  hereby  accepts  such
employment  and agrees  during such period to render the  services and to assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Adviser shall for all purposes herein be deemed to be an independent  contractor
and  shall,  except as  expressly  provided  or  authorized  (whether  herein or
otherwise), have no authority to act for or represent the Manager, the Portfolio
or the  Trust  in any  way.  The  Adviser  may  execute  account  documentation,
agreements,  contracts  and  other  documents  requested  by  brokers,  dealers,
counterparties and other persons in connection with its management of the assets
of the  Portfolio,  provided  the Adviser  receives  the express  agreement  and
consent of the  Manager  and/or the Trust's  Board of  Trustees to execute  such
documentation,  agreements,  contracts and other documents,  which consent shall
not be  unreasonably  withheld.  In such  respect,  and only  for  this  limited
purpose,  the  Adviser  shall act as the  Manager's  and the  Trust's  agent and

         Copies of the  Trust's  Registration  Statement,  as it  relates to the
Portfolio (the "Registration  Statement"),  and the Trust's Declaration of Trust
and Bylaws (collectively, the "Charter Documents"), each as currently in effect,
have been delivered to the Adviser.  The Manager agrees, on an ongoing basis, to
notify  the  Adviser  of each  change  in the  fundamental  and  non-fundamental
investment  policies  and  restrictions  of the  Portfolio  before  they  become
effective and to provide to the Adviser as promptly as practicable copies of all
amendments and supplements to the Registration  Statement before filing with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  and  amendments  to the  Charter
Documents.  The Manager will  promptly  provide the Adviser with any  procedures
applicable  to the Adviser  adopted  from time to time by the  Trust's  Board of
Trustees  and agrees to promptly  provide the Adviser  copies of all  amendments
thereto.  The Adviser  will not be bound to follow any change in the  investment
policies,  restrictions or procedures of the Portfolio or Trust, however,  until
it has received written notice of any such change from the Manager.

         The Manager  shall  timely  furnish the  Adviser  with such  additional
information  as may be  reasonably  necessary for or requested by the Adviser to
perform its  responsibilities  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  The Manager  shall
cooperate with the Adviser in setting up and maintaining  brokerage accounts and
other accounts the Adviser deems  advisable to allow for the purchase or sale of
various forms of securities pursuant to this Agreement.

         2.  Obligations  of and  Services to be Provided  by the  Adviser.  The
Adviser undertakes to provide the following services and to assume the following

                  a. The Adviser shall manage the investment and reinvestment of
the portfolio assets of the Portfolio,  all without prior  consultation with the
Manager, subject to and in accordance with the investment objective and policies
of the Portfolio set forth in the Trust's Registration Statement and the Charter
Documents,  as such Registration  Statement and Charter Documents may be amended
from time to time, in compliance with the requirements  applicable to registered
investment companies under applicable laws and those requirements  applicable to
both  regulated   investment  companies  and  segregated  asset  accounts  under
Subchapters  M and L of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended  (the
"Code") and any written  instructions  which the Manager or the Trust's Board of
Trustees may issue from  time-to-time in accordance  therewith.  In pursuance of
the  foregoing,  the Adviser shall make all  determinations  with respect to the
purchase and sale of portfolio  securities and shall take such action  necessary
to  implement  the same.  The Adviser  shall  render such reports to the Trust's
Board of Trustees and the Manager as they may reasonably  request concerning the
investment  activities of the Portfolio,  provided that the Adviser shall not be
responsible  for  Portfolio  accounting.  Unless the  Manager  gives the Adviser
written instructions to the contrary,  the Adviser shall, in good faith and in a
manner which it reasonably believes best serves the interests of the Portfolio's
shareholders, direct the Portfolio's custodian as to how to vote such proxies as
may be necessary or advisable in connection with any matters submitted to a vote
of shareholders of securities held by the Portfolio.

                  b.  To  the  extent  provided  in  the  Trust's   Registration
Statement,  as such Registration Statement may be amended from time to time, the
Adviser shall,  in the name of the Portfolio,  place orders for the execution of
portfolio transactions with or through such brokers,  dealers or other financial
institutions as it may select including affiliates of the Adviser and, complying
with Section 28(e) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, may pay a commission
on  transactions  in excess of the amount of  commission  another  broker-dealer
would have charged.

                  c.  In  connection  with  the  placement  of  orders  for  the
execution of the  portfolio  transactions  of the  Portfolio,  the Adviser shall
create and maintain all necessary records pertaining to the purchase and sale of
securities  by the Adviser on behalf of the  Portfolio  in  accordance  with all
applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations,  including but not limited to records
required by Section  31(a) of the 1940 Act. All records shall be the property of
the Trust and shall be available for  inspection  and use by the SEC, the Trust,
the Manager or any person retained by the Trust at all reasonable  times.  Where
applicable,  such records shall be maintained by the Adviser for the periods and
in the places required by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

                  d. The Adviser  shall bear its expenses of providing  services
pursuant to this  Agreement,  but shall not be  obligated to pay any expenses of
the Manager,  the Trust, or the Portfolio,  including  without  limitation:  (a)
interest and taxes; (b) brokerage commissions and other costs in connection with
the  purchase or sale of  securities  or other  investment  instruments  for the
Portfolio;  and (c) custodian fees and expenses.  Any reimbursement of fees paid
to the Manager  required by any expense  limitation  provision and any liability
arising  out of a violation  of Section  36(b) of the 1940 Act shall be the sole
responsibility of the Manager.

                  e. The Adviser and the Manager acknowledge that the Adviser is
not the compliance agent for the Portfolio or for the Manager, and does not have
access to all of the Portfolio's  books and records necessary to perform certain
compliance  testing.  To the extent  that the  Adviser has agreed to perform the
services specified in this Section 2 in accordance with the Trust's Registration
Statement and Charter  Documents,  written  instructions  of the Manager and any
policies  adopted by the Trust's  Board of Trustees  applicable to the Portfolio
(collectively,  the "Charter  Requirements"),  and in accordance with applicable
law (including  sub-chapters M and L of the Code, the Investment Company Act and
the Advisers Act  ("Applicable  Law")),  the Adviser shall perform such services
based upon its books and records with respect to the  Portfolio (as specified in
Section 2.c.  hereof),  which  comprise a portion of the  Portfolio's  books and
records, and upon information and written instructions  received from the Trust,
the  Manager or the  Trust's  administrator,  and shall not be held  responsible
under this  Agreement so long as it performs such  services in  accordance  with
this  Agreement,  the Charter  Requirements  and  Applicable Law based upon such
books and records and such information and  instructions  provided by the Trust,
the  Manager  or  the  Trust's   administrator.   The  Adviser   shall  have  no
responsibility  to monitor  certain  limitations or  restrictions  for which the
Adviser has not been provided sufficient  information in accordance with Section
1  of  this  Agreement  or  otherwise.   All  such   monitoring   shall  be  the
responsibility of the Manager.

                  f. The Adviser makes no representation or warranty, express or
implied, that any level of performance or investment results will be achieved by
the Portfolio or that the Portfolio will perform comparably with any standard or
index, including other clients of the Adviser, whether public or private.

                  g. The Adviser shall be responsible  for the  preparation  and
filing of  Schedule  13G and Form 13F on behalf of the  Portfolio.  The  Adviser
shall not be  responsible  for the  preparation  or filing of any other  reports
required of the Portfolio by any  governmental or regulatory  agency,  except as
expressly agreed to in writing.

         3.  Compensation of the Adviser.  In consideration of services rendered
pursuant to this Agreement, the Manager will pay the Adviser a fee at the annual
rate of the  value of the  Portfolio's  average  daily net  assets  set forth in
Schedule A hereto.  Such fee shall be accrued  daily and paid monthly as soon as
practicable  after the end of each month.  If the  Adviser  shall serve for less
than the whole of any month, the foregoing  compensation shall be prorated.  For
the  purpose  of  determining  fees  payable  to the  Adviser,  the value of the
Portfolio's  net  assets  shall  be  computed  at the  times  and in the  manner
specified in the Trust's Registration Statement.

         4. Activities of the Adviser. The services of the Adviser hereunder are
not to be deemed  exclusive,  and the  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar
services to others and to engage in other  activities,  so long as the  services
rendered hereunder are not impaired.

         The Adviser shall be subject to a written code of ethics  adopted by it
pursuant to Rule 17j-1(b) of the 1940 Act, and shall not be subject to any other
code of ethics,  including the  Manager's  code of ethics,  unless  specifically
adopted by the Adviser.

         5. Use of Names.  The Adviser  hereby  consents to the Portfolio  being
named the Capital Guardian Global Portfolio.  The Manager shall not use the name
or mark "Capital Guardian Trust Company" or disclose  information related to the
business  of the  Adviser  or any of its  affiliates  in any  prospectus,  sales
literature  or other  material  relating to the Trust in any manner not approved
prior thereto by the Adviser; provided,  however, that the Adviser shall approve
all uses of its name and that of its  affiliates  which merely refer in accurate
terms to its  appointment  hereunder or which are required by the SEC or a state
securities  commission;  and  provided,  further,  that in no event  shall  such
approval be  unreasonably  withheld.  The Adviser  shall not use the name of the
Trust or the Manager in any  material  relating to the Adviser in any manner not
approved prior thereto by the Manager; provided, however, that the Manager shall
approve all uses of its or the Trust's name which merely refer in accurate terms
to the appointment of the Adviser  hereunder or which are required by the SEC or
a state securities  commission;  and, provided,  further, that in no event shall
such approval be unreasonably withheld.

         The Manager  recognizes that from time to time directors,  officers and
employees of the Adviser may serve as directors,  trustees,  partners,  officers
and employees of other  corporations,  business  trusts,  partnerships  or other
entities (including other investment companies) and that such other entities may
include  the  name  "Capital  Guardian  Trust  Company"  or  any  derivative  or
abbreviation  thereof  as part of  their  name,  and  that  the  Adviser  or its
affiliates  may  enter  into  investment   advisory,   administration  or  other
agreements with such other entities.

         Upon  termination of this  Agreement for any reason,  the Manager shall
immediately  cease and cause the Portfolio to  immediately  cease all use of the
name and mark "Capital Guardian Trust Company."

         6.  Liability.  Except as may otherwise be provided by the 1940 Act, or
other federal  securities  laws,  neither the Adviser nor any of its affiliates,
officers, directors, shareholders,  employees, or agents shall be liable for any
loss, liability,  cost, damage, or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees
and costs) (collectively referred to in this Agreement as "Losses"),  except for
Losses  resulting from the Adviser's  gross  negligence,  bad faith,  or willful
misconduct  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties  under this
Agreement.  The Manager  shall hold  harmless and  indemnify  the  Adviser,  its
affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders,  employees or agents for any Loss
not  resulting  from the  Adviser's  gross  negligence,  bad  faith,  or willful
misconduct  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties  under this
Agreement. The obligations contained in this Section 6 shall survive termination
of this Agreement.

         7. Limitation of Trust's  Liability.  The Adviser  acknowledges that it
has received  notice of and accepts the limitations  upon the Trust's  liability
set forth in its Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Adviser agrees that any
of the Trust's  obligations  shall be limited to the assets of the Portfolio and
that the Adviser shall not seek  satisfaction  of any such  obligation  from the
shareholders  of the Trust nor from any Trust officer,  employee or agent of the

         8. Renewal, Termination and Amendment. This Agreement shall continue in
effect,  unless sooner terminated as hereinafter  provided,  for a period of two
years  from the date  hereof  and shall  continue  in full  force and effect for
successive  periods  of one  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long as each  such
continuance  as to the Portfolio is  specifically  approved at least annually by
vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the
Portfolio or by vote of a majority of the Trust's Board of Trustees; and further
provided  that  such  continuance  is also  approved  annually  by the vote of a
majority of the  Trustees who are not parties to this  Agreement  or  interested
persons of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such approval. This Agreement may be terminated as to the Portfolio at
any time, without payment of any penalty,  by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  by
the Manager,  or by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the Portfolio  upon 60 days' prior written  notice to the Adviser,  or by the
Adviser upon 90 days' prior written notice to the Manager,  or upon such shorter
notice  as  may  be  mutually   agreed  upon.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate
automatically and immediately upon termination of the Management Agreement dated
July 22, 1999 between the Manager and the Trust.  This Agreement shall terminate
automatically  and  immediately  in the  event  of  its  assignment.  The  terms
"assignment" and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities" shall
have the meaning set forth for such terms in the 1940 Act. This Agreement may be
amended at any time by the Adviser and the  Manager,  subject to approval by the
Trust's  Board of  Trustees  and,  if  required  by  applicable  SEC  rules  and
regulations,  a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting

         9. Confidential  Relationship.  Any information and advice furnished by
either party to this Agreement to the other shall be treated as confidential and
shall not be disclosed to third  parties  without the consent of the other party
hereto except as required by law, rule or regulation.

         The Manager  hereby  consents to the disclosure to third parties of (i)
investment  results and other data of the Manager or the Portfolio in connection
with providing composite  investment results of the Adviser and (ii) investments
and  transactions  of the Manager or the Portfolio in connection  with providing
composite information of clients of the Adviser.

         10.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or
made invalid by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise,  the remainder of
this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

         11. Custodian.  The Portfolio assets shall be maintained in the custody
of its custodian.  Any assets added to the Portfolio shall be delivered directly
to such custodian. The Adviser shall have no liability for the acts or omissions
of  any  custodian  of  the  Portfolio's  assets.  The  Adviser  shall  have  no
responsibility  for  the  segregation  requirement  of the  1940  Act  or  other
applicable  law other than to notify the custodian of  investments  that require
segregation and appropriate assets for segregation.

         12.  Information.  The  Manager  hereby  acknowledges  that  it and the
Trustees  of the Trust have been  provided  with all  information  necessary  in
connection  with the  services to be provided by the Adviser  hereunder  and any
other information that the Manager or the Trustees deem necessary.

         13.  Miscellaneous.  This Agreement  constitutes  the full and complete
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.  Each
party agrees to perform such further actions and execute such further  documents
as are necessary to effectuate  the purposes  hereof.  This  Agreement  shall be
construed and enforced in accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State
of California.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience only
and in no way define or delimit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect
their  construction  or  effect.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  several
counterparts,  all of which  together  shall  for all  purposes  constitute  one
Agreement, binding on all the parties.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first written above.

                                            ENDEAVOR MANAGEMENT CO.

                                            BY:      /s/P. Michael Pond

                                                        Authorized Officer

                         CAPITAL GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY

                                            BY:      /s/

                                                        Authorized Officer

                                                    SCHEDULE A

Capital                                                         Guardian  Global
                                                                Portfolio   .65%
                                                                of  first   $150
                                                                million       of
                                                                average    daily
                                                                net assets; .55%
                                                                of average daily
                                                                net assets  over
                                                                $150  million up
                                                                to $300 million;
                                                                .45% of  average
                                                                daily net assets
                                                                over        $300
                                                                million   up  to
                                                                $500    million;
                                                                .40% of  average
                                                                daily net assets
                                                                over        $500

                                           INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this 9th day of October,  2000, by and between  Capital
Guardian Trust Company, a California  corporation (the "Adviser"),  and Endeavor
Management Co., a California corporation (the "Manager").

         WHEREAS,  the Manager has been organized to serve as investment manager
of Endeavor Series Trust (the "Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust which has
filed a  registration  statement  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended  (the  "1940  Act") and the  Securities  Act of 1933 (the  "Registration
Statement"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Trust  is  comprised  of  several  separate  investment
portfolios,   one  of  which  is  the  Capital  Guardian  Value  Portfolio  (the
"Portfolio"); and

         WHEREAS,   the  Manager  desires  to  avail  itself  of  the  services,
information,  advice,  assistance  and  facilities of an  investment  adviser to
assist the Manager in performing investment advisory services for the Portfolio;

         WHEREAS,  the Adviser is a bank not required to be registered under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and is engaged
in  the  business  of  rendering  investment  advisory  services  to  investment
companies and other  institutional  clients and desires to provide such services
to the Manager;

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:

         1. Employment of the Adviser. The Manager hereby employs the Adviser to
manage the investment and  reinvestment of the assets of the Portfolio,  subject
to the control and  direction of the Trust's  Board of Trustees,  for the period
and on the  terms  hereinafter  set  forth.  The  Adviser  hereby  accepts  such
employment  and agrees  during such period to render the  services and to assume
the  obligations  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein  provided.  The
Adviser shall for all purposes herein be deemed to be an independent  contractor
and  shall,  except as  expressly  provided  or  authorized  (whether  herein or
otherwise), have no authority to act for or represent the Manager, the Portfolio
or the  Trust  in any  way.  The  Adviser  may  execute  account  documentation,
agreements,  contracts  and  other  documents  requested  by  brokers,  dealers,
counterparties and other persons in connection with its management of the assets
of the  Portfolio,  provided  the Adviser  receives  the express  agreement  and
consent of the  Manager  and/or the Trust's  Board of  Trustees to execute  such
documentation,  agreements,  contracts and other documents,  which consent shall
not be  unreasonably  withheld.  In such  respect,  and only  for  this  limited
purpose,  the  Adviser  shall act as the  Manager's  and the  Trust's  agent and

         Copies of the  Trust's  Registration  Statement,  as it  relates to the
Portfolio (the "Registration  Statement"),  and the Trust's Declaration of Trust
and Bylaws (collectively, the "Charter Documents"), each as currently in effect,
have been delivered to the Adviser.  The Manager agrees, on an ongoing basis, to
notify  the  Adviser  of each  change  in the  fundamental  and  non-fundamental
investment  policies  and  restrictions  of the  Portfolio  before  they  become
effective and to provide to the Adviser as promptly as practicable copies of all
amendments and supplements to the Registration  Statement before filing with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  and  amendments  to the  Charter
Documents.  The Manager will  promptly  provide the Adviser with any  procedures
applicable  to the Adviser  adopted  from time to time by the  Trust's  Board of
Trustees  and agrees to promptly  provide the Adviser  copies of all  amendments
thereto.  The Adviser  will not be bound to follow any change in the  investment
policies,  restrictions or procedures of the Portfolio or Trust, however,  until
it has received written notice of any such change from the Manager.

         The Manager  shall  timely  furnish the  Adviser  with such  additional
information  as may be  reasonably  necessary for or requested by the Adviser to
perform its  responsibilities  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  The Manager  shall
cooperate with the Adviser in setting up and maintaining  brokerage accounts and
other accounts the Adviser deems  advisable to allow for the purchase or sale of
various forms of securities pursuant to this Agreement.

         2.  Obligations  of and  Services to be Provided  by the  Adviser.  The
Adviser undertakes to provide the following services and to assume the following

                  a. The Adviser shall manage the investment and reinvestment of
the portfolio assets of the Portfolio,  all without prior  consultation with the
Manager, subject to and in accordance with the investment objective and policies
of the Portfolio set forth in the Trust's Registration Statement and the Charter
Documents,  as such Registration  Statement and Charter Documents may be amended
from time to time, in compliance with the requirements  applicable to registered
investment companies under applicable laws and those requirements  applicable to
both  regulated   investment  companies  and  segregated  asset  accounts  under
Subchapters  M and L of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended  (the
"Code") and any written  instructions  which the Manager or the Trust's Board of
Trustees may issue from  time-to-time in accordance  therewith.  In pursuance of
the  foregoing,  the Adviser shall make all  determinations  with respect to the
purchase and sale of portfolio  securities and shall take such action  necessary
to  implement  the same.  The Adviser  shall  render such reports to the Trust's
Board of Trustees and the Manager as they may reasonably  request concerning the
investment  activities of the Portfolio,  provided that the Adviser shall not be
responsible  for  Portfolio  accounting.  Unless the  Manager  gives the Adviser
written instructions to the contrary,  the Adviser shall, in good faith and in a
manner which it reasonably believes best serves the interests of the Portfolio's
shareholders, direct the Portfolio's custodian as to how to vote such proxies as
may be necessary or advisable in connection with any matters submitted to a vote
of shareholders of securities held by the Portfolio.

                  b.  To  the  extent  provided  in  the  Trust's   Registration
Statement,  as such Registration Statement may be amended from time to time, the
Adviser shall,  in the name of the Portfolio,  place orders for the execution of
portfolio transactions with or through such brokers,  dealers or other financial
institutions as it may select including affiliates of the Adviser and, complying
with Section 28(e) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, may pay a commission
on  transactions  in excess of the amount of  commission  another  broker-dealer
would have charged.

                  c.  In  connection  with  the  placement  of  orders  for  the
execution of the  portfolio  transactions  of the  Portfolio,  the Adviser shall
create and maintain all necessary records pertaining to the purchase and sale of
securities  by the Adviser on behalf of the  Portfolio  in  accordance  with all
applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations,  including but not limited to records
required by Section  31(a) of the 1940 Act. All records shall be the property of
the Trust and shall be available for  inspection  and use by the SEC, the Trust,
the Manager or any person retained by the Trust at all reasonable  times.  Where
applicable,  such records shall be maintained by the Adviser for the periods and
in the places required by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

                  d. The Adviser  shall bear its expenses of providing  services
pursuant to this  Agreement,  but shall not be  obligated to pay any expenses of
the Manager,  the Trust, or the Portfolio,  including  without  limitation:  (a)
interest and taxes; (b) brokerage commissions and other costs in connection with
the  purchase or sale of  securities  or other  investment  instruments  for the
Portfolio;  and (c) custodian fees and expenses.  Any reimbursement of fees paid
to the Manager  required by any expense  limitation  provision and any liability
arising  out of a violation  of Section  36(b) of the 1940 Act shall be the sole
responsibility of the Manager.

                  e. The Adviser and the Manager acknowledge that the Adviser is
not the compliance agent for the Portfolio or for the Manager, and does not have
access to all of the Portfolio's  books and records necessary to perform certain
compliance  testing.  To the extent  that the  Adviser has agreed to perform the
services specified in this Section 2 in accordance with the Trust's Registration
Statement and Charter  Documents,  written  instructions  of the Manager and any
policies  adopted by the Trust's  Board of Trustees  applicable to the Portfolio
(collectively,  the "Charter  Requirements"),  and in accordance with applicable
law (including  sub-chapters M and L of the Code, the Investment Company Act and
the Advisers Act  ("Applicable  Law")),  the Adviser shall perform such services
based upon its books and records with respect to the  Portfolio (as specified in
Section 2.c.  hereof),  which  comprise a portion of the  Portfolio's  books and
records, and upon information and written instructions  received from the Trust,
the  Manager or the  Trust's  administrator,  and shall not be held  responsible
under this  Agreement so long as it performs such  services in  accordance  with
this  Agreement,  the Charter  Requirements  and  Applicable Law based upon such
books and records and such information and  instructions  provided by the Trust,
the  Manager  or  the  Trust's   administrator.   The  Adviser   shall  have  no
responsibility  to monitor  certain  limitations or  restrictions  for which the
Adviser has not been provided sufficient  information in accordance with Section
1  of  this  Agreement  or  otherwise.   All  such   monitoring   shall  be  the
responsibility of the Manager.

                  f. The Adviser makes no representation or warranty, express or
implied, that any level of performance or investment results will be achieved by
the Portfolio or that the Portfolio will perform comparably with any standard or
index, including other clients of the Adviser, whether public or private.

                  g. The Adviser shall be responsible  for the  preparation  and
filing of  Schedule  13G and Form 13F on behalf of the  Portfolio.  The  Adviser
shall not be  responsible  for the  preparation  or filing of any other  reports
required of the Portfolio by any  governmental or regulatory  agency,  except as
expressly agreed to in writing.

         3.  Compensation of the Adviser.  In consideration of services rendered
pursuant to this Agreement, the Manager will pay the Adviser a fee at the annual
rate of the  value of the  Portfolio's  average  daily net  assets  set forth in
Schedule A hereto.  Such fee shall be accrued  daily and paid monthly as soon as
practicable  after the end of each month.  If the  Adviser  shall serve for less
than the whole of any month, the foregoing  compensation shall be prorated.  For
the  purpose  of  determining  fees  payable  to the  Adviser,  the value of the
Portfolio's  net  assets  shall  be  computed  at the  times  and in the  manner
specified in the Trust's Registration Statement.

         4. Activities of the Adviser. The services of the Adviser hereunder are
not to be deemed  exclusive,  and the  Adviser  shall be free to render  similar
services to others and to engage in other  activities,  so long as the  services
rendered hereunder are not impaired.

         The Adviser shall be subject to a written code of ethics  adopted by it
pursuant to Rule 17j-1(b) of the 1940 Act, and shall not be subject to any other
code of ethics,  including the  Manager's  code of ethics,  unless  specifically
adopted by the Adviser.

         5. Use of Names.  The Adviser  hereby  consents to the Portfolio  being
named the Capital Guardian Value  Portfolio.  The Manager shall not use the name
or mark "Capital Guardian Trust Company" or disclose  information related to the
business  of the  Adviser  or any of its  affiliates  in any  prospectus,  sales
literature  or other  material  relating to the Trust in any manner not approved
prior thereto by the Adviser; provided,  however, that the Adviser shall approve
all uses of its name and that of its  affiliates  which merely refer in accurate
terms to its  appointment  hereunder or which are required by the SEC or a state
securities  commission;  and  provided,  further,  that in no event  shall  such
approval be  unreasonably  withheld.  The Adviser  shall not use the name of the
Trust or the Manager in any  material  relating to the Adviser in any manner not
approved prior thereto by the Manager; provided, however, that the Manager shall
approve all uses of its or the Trust's name which merely refer in accurate terms
to the appointment of the Adviser  hereunder or which are required by the SEC or
a state securities  commission;  and, provided,  further, that in no event shall
such approval be unreasonably withheld.

         The Manager  recognizes that from time to time directors,  officers and
employees of the Adviser may serve as directors,  trustees,  partners,  officers
and employees of other  corporations,  business  trusts,  partnerships  or other
entities (including other investment companies) and that such other entities may
include  the  name  "Capital  Guardian  Trust  Company"  or  any  derivative  or
abbreviation  thereof  as part of  their  name,  and  that  the  Adviser  or its
affiliates  may  enter  into  investment   advisory,   administration  or  other
agreements with such other entities.

         Upon  termination of this  Agreement for any reason,  the Manager shall
immediately  cease and cause the Portfolio to  immediately  cease all use of the
name and mark "Capital Guardian Trust Company."

         6.  Liability.  Except as may otherwise be provided by the 1940 Act, or
other federal  securities  laws,  neither the Adviser nor any of its affiliates,
officers, directors, shareholders,  employees, or agents shall be liable for any
loss, liability,  cost, damage, or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees
and costs) (collectively referred to in this Agreement as "Losses"),  except for
Losses  resulting from the Adviser's  gross  negligence,  bad faith,  or willful
misconduct  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties  under this
Agreement.  The Manager  shall hold  harmless and  indemnify  the  Adviser,  its
affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders,  employees or agents for any Loss
not  resulting  from the  Adviser's  gross  negligence,  bad  faith,  or willful
misconduct  or  reckless  disregard  of its  obligations  and duties  under this
Agreement. The obligations contained in this Section 6 shall survive termination
of this Agreement.

         7. Limitation of Trust's  Liability.  The Adviser  acknowledges that it
has received  notice of and accepts the limitations  upon the Trust's  liability
set forth in its Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Adviser agrees that any
of the Trust's  obligations  shall be limited to the assets of the Portfolio and
that the Adviser shall not seek  satisfaction  of any such  obligation  from the
shareholders  of the Trust nor from any Trust officer,  employee or agent of the

         8. Renewal, Termination and Amendment. This Agreement shall continue in
effect,  unless sooner terminated as hereinafter  provided,  for a period of two
years  from the date  hereof  and shall  continue  in full  force and effect for
successive  periods  of one  year  thereafter,  but  only so  long as each  such
continuance  as to the Portfolio is  specifically  approved at least annually by
vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the
Portfolio or by vote of a majority of the Trust's Board of Trustees; and further
provided  that  such  continuance  is also  approved  annually  by the vote of a
majority of the  Trustees who are not parties to this  Agreement  or  interested
persons of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such approval. This Agreement may be terminated as to the Portfolio at
any time, without payment of any penalty,  by the Trust's Board of Trustees,  by
the Manager,  or by a vote of the majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the Portfolio  upon 60 days' prior written  notice to the Adviser,  or by the
Adviser upon 90 days' prior written notice to the Manager,  or upon such shorter
notice  as  may  be  mutually   agreed  upon.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate
automatically and immediately upon termination of the Management Agreement dated
July 22, 1999 between the Manager and the Trust.  This Agreement shall terminate
automatically  and  immediately  in the  event  of  its  assignment.  The  terms
"assignment" and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities" shall
have the meaning set forth for such terms in the 1940 Act. This Agreement may be
amended at any time by the Adviser and the  Manager,  subject to approval by the
Trust's  Board of  Trustees  and,  if  required  by  applicable  SEC  rules  and
regulations,  a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting

         9. Confidential  Relationship.  Any information and advice furnished by
either party to this Agreement to the other shall be treated as confidential and
shall not be disclosed to third  parties  without the consent of the other party
hereto except as required by law, rule or regulation.

         The Manager  hereby  consents to the disclosure to third parties of (i)
investment  results and other data of the Manager or the Portfolio in connection
with providing composite  investment results of the Adviser and (ii) investments
and  transactions  of the Manager or the Portfolio in connection  with providing
composite information of clients of the Adviser.

         10.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or
made invalid by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise,  the remainder of
this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

         11. Custodian.  The Portfolio assets shall be maintained in the custody
of its custodian.  Any assets added to the Portfolio shall be delivered directly
to such custodian. The Adviser shall have no liability for the acts or omissions
of  any  custodian  of  the  Portfolio's  assets.  The  Adviser  shall  have  no
responsibility  for  the  segregation  requirement  of the  1940  Act  or  other
applicable  law other than to notify the custodian of  investments  that require
segregation and appropriate assets for segregation.

         12.  Information.  The  Manager  hereby  acknowledges  that  it and the
Trustees  of the Trust have been  provided  with all  information  necessary  in
connection  with the  services to be provided by the Adviser  hereunder  and any
other information that the Manager or the Trustees deem necessary.

         13.  Miscellaneous.  This Agreement  constitutes  the full and complete
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.  Each
party agrees to perform such further actions and execute such further  documents
as are necessary to effectuate  the purposes  hereof.  This  Agreement  shall be
construed and enforced in accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State
of California.  The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience only
and in no way define or delimit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect
their  construction  or  effect.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  several
counterparts,  all of which  together  shall  for all  purposes  constitute  one
Agreement, binding on all the parties.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first written above.

                                            ENDEAVOR MANAGEMENT CO.

                                            BY:      /s/P. Michael Pond

                                                        Authorized Officer

                         CAPITAL GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY


                                                        Authorized Officer

                                                SCHEDULE A

Capital                                                         Guardian   Value
                                                                Portfolio   .50%
                                                                of  first   $150
                                                                million       of
                                                                average    daily
                                                                net assets; .45%
                                                                of average daily
                                                                net assets  over
                                                                $150  million up
                                                                to $300 million;
                                                                .35% of  average
                                                                daily net assets
                                                                over        $300
                                                                million   up  to
                                                                $500    million;
                                                                .30% of  average
                                                                daily net assets
                                                                over        $500