WASHINGTON D.C.  20549
                         SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

               Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the 
                     Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                            (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant     [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ [ Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12   

                         UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of the Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

   1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: 


   2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: 


   3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
   to Exchange Act Rule 0-11(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
   calculated and state how it was determined):


   4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:  

   5)  Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
    0-11(a)(2) and idenfity the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid 
    previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement 
    number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)  Amount previously paid:
     2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.
     3)  Filing party:
     4)  Date filed:

                     220 West Sixth Street
                          P.O. Box 711
                     Tucson, Arizona 85702

James S. Pignatelli
Chairman of the Board                        (520) 571-4000

                                             March 30, 1999
Dear Shareholder:

     You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders of UniSource Energy Corporation ("UniSource
Energy")  to  be  held on May 21, 1999.  The  Meeting  will
begin  at 10:00 a.m., Tucson time, at the Leo Rich Theater,
260 South Church Avenue, Tucson, Arizona.

     At  the Meeting you will be asked to elect a Board  of
Directors  for  UniSource  Energy  for  the  ensuing  year.
During  the  Meeting,  a  report  will  be  given  on   the
operations  of  UniSource Energy during fiscal  year  1998.
Directors and officers of UniSource Energy will be  present
to   respond  to  questions  that  shareholders  may   have
beginning at 9:30 a.m.
     Please  fill out, sign, date, and return the  enclosed
Proxy Card promptly.  If you attend the Meeting and wish to
vote  your shares personally, you may revoke your proxy  at
that time.  Your interest is very much appreciated.

                            Sincerely yours,

                            UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION

							James S. Pignatelli
                            Chairman of the Board, President and
                            Chief Executive Officier	


                     220 West Sixth Street
                          P.O. Box 711
                     Tucson, Arizona 85702         (520) 571-4000

     Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders May 21, 1999

To the Shareholders of

     Notice  is  hereby  given that the Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders   (the   "Meeting")   of   UniSource    Energy
Corporation ("UniSource Energy") will be held on  the  21st
day of May, 1999, at the Leo Rich Theater, 260 South Church
Avenue, Tucson, Arizona at 10:00 a.m., Tucson time, for the
purposes of:

     (1)  electing  a  Board of Directors for  the  ensuing
          year; and

     (2)  transacting  such other business as may  properly
          come  before  the Meeting or any  adjournment  or
          adjournments thereof.

     The holders of record of common stock at the close  of
business on March 12, 1999 will be entitled to vote at  the
Meeting  and at any adjournments thereof.  Proxy soliciting
material  is  first being sent or given to shareholders  on
March 30, 1999.

                              By  order  of  the  Board  of Directors,

                              Dennis R. Nelson
                              Corporate Secretary

Dated:  March 30, 1999

IMPORTANT:  Your presence at the Meeting is desired, but if
you  cannot  be present, please fill out, sign,  date,  and
return the enclosed form of proxy in the envelope provided.
Due  to  the  number of shareholders, your  cooperation  in
returning your proxy promptly is essential and will be very
much appreciated.



                         PROXY STATEMENT

- - -------
     This  Proxy  Statement  is  being mailed  to  shareholders  in
connection with the solicitation, by and on behalf of the Board  of
Directors of UniSource Energy Corporation ("UniSource Energy"),  of
proxies  to  be  voted at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of UniSource Energy to be held on May 21, 1999,  at  the
time  and  place and for the purposes set forth in the accompanying
Notice  of  Annual  Meeting of Shareholders, and  at  any  and  all
adjournments of the Meeting.

     An  appropriate form of proxy for execution by shareholders is
enclosed.   Any shareholder giving a proxy has the right to  revoke
the  same by giving notice to UniSource Energy in writing, directed
to the Corporate Secretary, or in person at the Meeting at any time
before the proxy is exercised.

     UniSource Energy will bear the entire cost of the solicitation
of  proxies.  UniSource Energy will make solicitations primarily by
mail.   Additional  solicitation of brokers, banks,  nominees,  and
institutional  investors  may  be  made  pursuant  to   a   special
engagement  of  Beacon Hill Partners, Inc. at a cost  to  UniSource
Energy   of  approximately  $3,500  plus  reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses  not to exceed $1,500.  If necessary to obtain  reasonable
representation  of  shareholders at the Meeting, solicitations  may
also  be  made  by  telephone, facsimile,  or  personal  interview.
UniSource  Energy  will  request brokers or other  persons  holding
stock in their names, or in the names of their nominees, to forward
proxy  material to the beneficial owners of such stock  or  request
authority for the execution of the proxies, and will reimburse such
brokers or other persons for their expense in so doing.

     In  accordance with UniSource Energy's Bylaws,  the  Board  of
Directors has fixed March 12, 1999 as the record date (the  "Record
Date")  for the determination of shareholders entitled to  vote  at
the  Meeting  and at any and all adjournments thereof.   The  stock
transfer books will not be closed.

Change in Accountants
- - ---------------------
      On  November  7, 1997, based upon the recommendation  of  its
audit  committee, the Board of Directors of UniSource Energy  voted
to   appoint  PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP  as  UniSource  Energy's
independent accountants effective for the year ending December  31,
1998.   UniSource  Energy  chose not to  renew  the  engagement  of
Deloitte  & Touche LLP, UniSource Energy's then present independent
accountants.  Deloitte & Touche LLP continued to serve for the 1997
fiscal  year, including rendering an opinion on UniSource  Energy's
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1997.

      The  reports  of Deloitte & Touche LLP on UniSource  Energy's
financial  statements for each of the two most recent  years  ended
December 31, 1997 did not contain any adverse opinion or disclaimer
of opinion, nor were the reports qualified in any matter.

      During  1996, 1997 and the period from December 31,  1997  to
March 2, 1998, the date of UniSource Energy's Annual Report on Form
10-K  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1997,  there  were   no
disagreements  with  Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP  on  any  matter   of
accounting principle or practice, financial statement disclosure or
auditing  scope  or procedure. During this period,  there  were  no
"reportable  events" as that term is defined in Item 304  (a)(1)(v)
of Regulation S-K.

      Deloitte  &  Touche LLP furnished a letter addressed  to  the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") stating that  it  agreed
with  the  above  statements for the two most  recent  years  ended
December  31, 1997 to March 2, 1998, the date of UniSource Energy's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

        On    November   14,   1997,   UniSource   Energy   engaged
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP as its principal accountants  to  audit
its  financial  statements for the year ending December  31,  1998.
During 1996, 1997 and the period from December 31, 1997 to March 2,
1998, the date of UniSource Energy's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the  year ended December 31, 1997, UniSource Energy did not consult
PricewaterhouseCoopers,   LLP  on   items   which   concerned   the
application  of accounting principles generally, or to  a  specific
transaction or group of transactions, either completed or proposed,
or  the  type  of  audit  opinion that might  be  rendered  on  the
financial statements except as related to transactions for the year
ending December 31, 1998.

     Representatives  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP,   UniSource
Energy's  current independent auditors, are expected to be  present
at  the  Meeting with the opportunity to make a statement  if  they
desire  to  do  so, and to be available to respond  to  appropriate
questions.   Representatives  of Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP  are  not
expected to be present at the meeting.

Voting of Shares
- - ----------------
     At   the   Record  Date,  UniSource  Energy  had   outstanding
32,294,598  shares of common stock, no par value ("Common  Stock").
At the Record Date, there were 25,219 shareholders of record of the
Common Stock.  Holders of Common Stock will be entitled to one vote
per  share, subject to cumulative voting rights in the election  of
Directors as described below.

     Under the Arizona Business Corporation Act, a majority of  the
shares  entitled to vote on any single subject matter which may  be
brought  before the Meeting will constitute a quorum, and  business
may  be  conducted  once a quorum is represented  at  the  Meeting.
Except as otherwise specified by law, if a quorum exists, action on
a  matter  other  than  the election of Directors  will  be  deemed
approved  if  the  votes cast "For" such matter exceed  votes  cast
"Against" it.

     In  the election of Directors, each holder of shares of Common
Stock  has the right to cumulate his votes by casting as many votes
in  the aggregate equal to the number of his shares of Common Stock
multiplied by the number of Directors to be elected.  He  may  cast
the  whole number of such votes for one nominee or distribute  such
votes  among  two  or  more  nominees.  If  a  quorum  is  present,
Directors  are  elected by a plurality of the  votes  cast  by  the
shares  entitled to vote.  Withheld votes will be counted as  being
represented at the Meeting for quorum purposes but will not have an
effect on the vote.

     The  shares represented by an executed proxy will be voted for
the  election  of  Directors, or withheld in  accordance  with  the
specifications in the proxy.  If no specification is  made  in  the
proxy, the proxy will be voted "FOR" the nominees listed herein.
     Any  broker  "non-votes" with respect to a  proposal  will  be
counted  for  purposes of determining the presence  or  absence  of
quorum, but will not be counted as shares represented and voting on
that proposal.  In contrast, proxies voted "abstain" will have  the
same legal effect as votes against a proposal.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
- - -----------------------------------------------
     As  of  the Record Date, UniSource Energy knew the following
persons  to  be  the beneficial owners of more  than  5%  of  the
outstanding shares of Common Stock:

                                             Amount and 
                  Name and Address            Nature of        Percent of
 Title of Class   of Beneficial Owner    Beneficial Ownership    Class
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  Common         Heartland Advisors, Inc.     2,825,400 (1)       8.80%
                 790 North Milwaukee Street
                 Milwaukee, WI 53202
  Common         The Prudential Insurance     1,786,720 (2)       5.54%
                 Company of America
                 751 Broad Street
                 Newark, NJ  07102-3777

(1)  In a statement dated February 4, 1999, filed with the SEC on
     Schedule  13G under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as
     amended,  Heartland  Advisors, Inc. indicated  it  has  sole
     voting  power  over  1,213,700 shares and  sole  dispositive
     power  over 2,825,400 shares of the outstanding Common Stock
     of  UniSource Energy, which are held in investment  advisory
     accounts.    Heartland  Advisors,  Inc.  is   a   registered
     investment  advisor  as defined under  Section  203  of  the
     Investment Advisors Act of 1940.

(2)  In a statement dated February 1, 1999, filed with the SEC on
     Schedule  13G under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as
     amended,   The  Prudential  Insurance  Company  of   America
     indicated  it  may  have  direct or indirect  voting  and/or
     investment   discretion  over  1,786,720   shares   of   the
     outstanding Common Stock of UniSource Energy which are  held
     for  the  benefit  of its clients by its separate  accounts,
     externally    managed   accounts,   registered    investment
     companies, subsidiaries and/or other affiliates.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
- - -------------------------------------------------------
     Section 16(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and SEC regulations require Directors, certain officers,
and  persons  who own greater than 10% of the stock of  UniSource
Energy  to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership  of
such  UniSource  Energy stock with the SEC  and  New  York  Stock
Exchange.   These  Directors,  officers  and  greater  than   10%
beneficial owners are required by law to furnish UniSource Energy
with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.
      Based  solely  on  a  review of the copies  of  such  forms
furnished  to UniSource Energy and on written representations  of
its  Directors and officers, UniSource Energy believes  that  all
Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its Directors and
officers  were complied with during 1998, with the  exception  of
Mr.  Jose  L.  Canchola,  a  Director  of  UniSource  Energy  who
inadvertently  failed  to timely file a Form  4  for  the  single
acquisition  of 1,000 shares of Common Stock he purchased  during
1998, Ms. Elizabeth T. Bilby, a Director of UniSource Energy  who
inadvertently  failed  to timely file a Form  4  for  the  single
acquisition  of  100 shares of Common Stock she purchased  during
1998,  and  Mr.  Daniel  W. L. Fessler, a Director  of  UniSource
Energy  who inadvertently failed to timely file a Form 4 for  the
single  acquisition  of 423 shares of Common Stock  he  purchased
during   1998.    Mr.  Canchola's  acquisition  was  subsequently
reported  to the SEC on his Form 5 for 1998.  Ms. Bilby  and  Mr.
Fessler's  acquisitions were each subsequently submitted  to  the
SEC on separate Form 5s.

Security Ownership of Management
- - --------------------------------
     The  following table sets forth as of the Record  Date,  the
number  and  percentage of shares beneficially owned, along  with
the  nature  of such beneficial ownership, by each  of  UniSource
Energy's   Directors  and  nominees,  UniSource  Energy's   Chief
Executive   Officer,  the  four  other  most  highly  compensated
executive  officers  ("Named  Executives")  of  UniSource  Energy
during 1998, and all Directors and officers as a group.

                                                                         Allocable Amount
                                   Amount and                          Shares Under Deferred
                                   Nature of                           Compensation Stock
Title of        Name  of           Beneficial           Percent of      Plan and Restricted
 Class      Beneficial Owner       Ownership (1)(2)(3)     Class       Stock Unit Account(4)(5)
- - ------      ----------------       -------------------  -----------   -------------------------
Common   James S. Pignatelli         39,091 (6)(7)           *                5,669
         Chairman, President
         and CEO

Common   Ira R. Adler                31,955 (8)(9)           *                6,663
         Executive Vice President,
         Chief Financial Officer,
         Treasurer, and Director

Common   Charles E. Bayless           6,000                 ____               ____
         Former Chairman,
         President and CEO

Common   Larry W. Bickle              2,000                  *                 ____

Common   Elizabeth T. Bilby           3,900 (10)             *                 2,847

Common   Harold W. Burlingame         2,500                  *                 ____

Common   Jose L. Canchola             5,800 (10)             *                   404

Common   John L. Carter               9,000 (11)             *                 5,804

Common   Daniel W. L. Fessler           423                  *                  ____

Common   John A. Jeter                6,600 (10)             *                   597

Common   R. B. O'Rielly               3,880 (10)             *                 3,289

Common   Martha R. Seger              5,388 (10)             *                 2,112

Common   H. Wilson Sundt              5,600 (10)(12)         *                   364

Common   George W. Miraben (13)       21,686(14)             *                   562
         Senior Vice President

Common   Dennis R. Nelson             19,741 (15)            *                 6,052
         Vice President
         General Counsel and
         Corporate Secretary

Common   Steven J. Glaser             16,623 (16)(17)        *                 2,601
         Vice President
         Energy Services
         Tucson Electric Power

Common   All  Directors  and          255,376(18)(19)        *                67,439 (20)
         executive officers as
         a group
- - ------------------
*   Represents  less than l% of the outstanding Common  Stock  of
    UniSource Energy.

(1)Includes  any  shares held in the name of  the  spouse,  minor
   children, or other relatives sharing the home of the  Director
   or   officer.   Except  as  otherwise  indicated  below,   the
   Directors,  nominees  for Director,  and  officers  have  sole
   voting  and  investment power over the shares  shown.   Voting
   power  includes the power to direct the voting of  the  shares
   held,  and  investment power includes the power to direct  the
   disposition of the shares held.
(2)Based  on  information  furnished by Directors  and  officers.
   Includes  shares  subject  to options  exercisable  within  60
(3)Effective  June  1, 1998, UniSource Energy added  a  UniSource
   Energy  Stock  Fund  election option to its Triple  Investment
   Plan  (401(k)) ("TIP") portfolio.  Amounts include  equivalent
   share amounts allocated to the individual's TIP portfolio.
(4)Includes  shares held in trust under the Deferred Compensation
   Plan.   With the cash compensation deferred, the trust invests
   in  Common Stock quarterly.  Distributions under the  Deferred
   Compensation Plan are made in Common Stock.  Until the  Common
   Stock  is  distributed, Directors and  officers  are  not  the
   beneficial  owners of such shares.  The number of  shares  set
   forth  includes  shares purchased through the  last  quarterly
   purchase on January 15, 1999.
(5)Includes   allocable  amount  of  deferred   shares   in   the
   participant's  Restricted  Stock  Unit  Account  (see  Summary
   Compensation Table).
(6)Includes  30,646 shares subject to options exercisable  within
   60 days.
(7)Includes  7,045  shares purchased under TIP  UniSource  Energy
   Stock Fund.
(8)Includes  27,382 shares subject to options exercisable  within
   60 days.
(9)Includes  3,403  shares purchased under TIP  UniSource  Energy
   Stock Fund.
(10)Includes  3,600  shares subject to  options  exercisable
    within 60 days.
(11)Includes  2,000  shares subject to  options  exercisable
    within 60 days.

(12)Includes 1,000 shares held by a corporation  with  which
    Mr. Sundt is associated.
(13)Mr. Miraben resigned effective January 15, 1999.
(14)Includes  20,726 shares subject to  options  exercisable
    within 60 days.
(15)Includes  19,161 shares subject to  options  exercisable
    within 60 days.
(16)Includes  14,520 shares subject to  options  exercisable
    within 60 days.
(17)Includes  753  shares  purchased under TIP  UniSource  Energy
    Stock Fund.
(18)Includes  218,688 shares subject to options  exercisable
    within 60 days.
(19)Includes  16,192 shares purchased under TIP UniSource  Energy
    Stock Fund.
(20)Includes 5,527 restricted stock grants pursuant  to  the
    1997 TEP Officer Restricted Stock Awards.

                           PROPOSAL 1
                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

- - -------
     At the Meeting, the shareholders will elect twelve Directors
to  serve on the Board of Directors of UniSource Energy  for  the
ensuing  year and until their successors shall have been  elected
and  shall  have qualified. The votes applicable  to  the  shares
represented  by  executed proxies in the  form  enclosed,  unless
withheld, will be cast for the twelve nominees listed below,  or,
in the discretion of the persons acting as proxies, will be voted
cumulatively for one or more of such nominees, all  of  whom  are
present  members of the Board of Directors.  All of the  nominees
have  consented  to  serve if elected.  If  any  nominee  becomes
unavailable for any reason or a vacancy should occur  before  the
election  (which events are not anticipated), it is the intention
of   the  persons  designated  as  proxies  to  vote,  in   their
discretion, for other nominees.

             Name and Principal Occupation          Age    Since
             -----------------------------          ---   --------   
         JAMES  S.  PIGNATELLI,  Chairman  of  the  55     1998 
         Board  of Directors, President and  Chief      
         Executive  Officer  of  UniSource  Energy
         since  July  1998; Senior Vice  President
         and  Chief Operating Officer of UniSource
         Energy  from December 1997 to July  1998;
         Executive   Vice  President   and   Chief
         Operating  Officer  of  Tucson   Electric
         Power  Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary
         of  UniSource Energy ("TEP")  from  March
         1998  to July 1998; Senior Vice President
         and  Chief Operating Officer of TEP  from
         1996  until  1998; Senior Vice  President
         of  Business Development of TEP from 1994
         to   1996;  Chairman  of  the  Board   of
         Directors, President and Chief  Executive
         Officer  of  Millennium Energy  Holdings,
         Inc.,   a  wholly  owned  subsidiary   of
         UniSource  Energy  ("Millennium"),  since
         1997.    President  and  Chief  Executive
         Officer  of  Mission  Energy  Company,  a
         subsidiary  of SCE Corp.,  from  1988  to
         1993;  Director  of INNCOM International,
         IRA   R.  ADLER,  Director  of  UniSource  48   1998
         Energy  since  July 1998; Executive  Vice
         President,  Chief Financial  Officer  and
         Treasurer of UniSource Energy since  July
         1998;  Executive  Vice President  of  TEP
         since   March   1998;   Chief   Financial
         Officer  of  TEP since 1990; Senior  Vice
         President  of  TEP  from  1990  to  1998;
         Director  of Millennium since 1998;  Vice
         President and Chief Financial Officer  of
         Millennium  from April 1998  to  November
(2)(3)   LARRY  W.  BICKLE, Managing  Director  of  53   1998
(4)      Haddington  Ventures, LLC, an  investment
         company,  since  1997;  Chairman,  Market
         Hub  Partners, a developer of natural gas
         storage  facilities from  1994  to  1997;
         Chairman   and   CEO,   TPC   Corporation
         (formerly  Tejas Power Corporation)  from
         1984  to  May  1997; Director,  St.  Mary
         Land & Exploration Company.
(1)(2)   ELIZABETH   T.   BILBY,   President   and   59   1995
(3)(4)   Treasurer of Gourmet Products,  Inc.,  an
         agricultural  product marketing  company,
         and  Director of International  Marketing
         of  Santa  Cruz  Valley Pecan  Co.  since
(1)(2)   HAROLD  W.  BURLINGAME,  Executive   Vice  58   1998
(3)      President,   Merger   &   Joint   Venture
         Integration  of  AT&T since  March  1999;
         Executive   Vice   President   of   Human
         Resources  of  AT&T from  1987  to  March
         1999; Chairman of the AT&T Foundation.
(1)(2)   JOSE  L.  CANCHOLA, President  and  Chief  67   1992
(3)(4)   Executive  Officer  of  Canchola   Group,
(5)      Inc.,   holder   of  several   restaurant
         franchises   in   Tucson   and   Nogales,
         Arizona,    since   1976;    Member    of
         McDonald's     Corporation      Operators
         Advisory   Board  from  1981   to   1993;
         National    Franchise   Director,    U.S.
         Department   of   Commerce,   Office   of
         Minority  Business Enterprise  from  1974
         to 1976.
(2)(4)   JOHN  L. CARTER, Executive Vice President  64  1996
(5)      and  Chief  Financial  Officer  of  Burr-
         Brown  Corporation  from  1993  to  1996;
         President and Chief Executive Officer  of
         Qualtronics  Manufacturing,   Inc.   from
         1987 to 1996.
(4)      DANIEL W. L. FESSLER, Partner in the  law  57  1998
         firm  of  LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene &  MacRae
         L.L.P.  since 1997; Member of the Harvard
         Electricity  Policy  Group  since   1994;
         Member  of  the  American  Law  Institute
         since  1985; Professor of Law, University
         of  California, Davis from 1970 to  1995;
         President   of   the  California   Public
         Utilities Commission from 1991  to  1996;
         Commissioner     of    the     California
         Transportation Commission  from  1991  to
(1)(2)   JOHN   A.   JETER,  Independent  business  68  1994
(3)(5)   consultant  since 1991;  partner  in  the
         accounting  firm  of Arthur  Andersen   &
         Co. from 1967 to 1991.
(1)(4)   R.  B.  O'RIELLY, President  of  O'Rielly  69  1989
(5)      Motor  Company, an automobile  dealership
         management company, since 1955.
(1)(2)   MARTHA  R. SEGER, Distinguished  Visiting  67  1992
(4)      Professor  of Finance, American  Graduate
         School  of International Management  from
         1993  to 1998; John M. Olin Distinguished
         Fellow  at the Karl Eller Center for  the
         Study  of Private Market Economy  at  the
         University of Arizona from 1991 to  1993;
         Financial Economist and Governor  of  the
         Federal  Reserve  System  from  1984   to
         1991;   Director  of  Xerox  Corporation,
         Kroger  Company,  Fluor Corporation,  and
(2)(3)   H.  WILSON SUNDT, Chairman of the  Board,  66  1976
(5)      The  Sundt Companies Inc., since  January
         1999;  Chairman  of the Board  and  Chief
         Executive  Officer  of  Sundt   Corp,   a
         general  construction  contracting  firm,
         from   1979  to  December  1998,   having
         served  as President from 1979  to  1983;
         Director   of   Magma   Copper   Company,
         October 1987 to January 1996.
- - --------------------
(1)Member of Nominating Committee.  Mr. Canchola served  on
   this  Committee  through May 8, 1998.  Mr. Burlingame  and  Dr.
   Seger were elected to the Nominating Committee on May 8, 1998.

(2)Member  of  Audit Committee.  Dr. Seger served  on  this
   Committee  through May 8, 1998.  Dr. Bickle and Mr.  Burlingame
   were elected to the Audit Committee on May 8, 1998.

(3)Member  of Compensation Committee.  Dr. Bickle  and  Mr.
   Burlingame  were elected to the Compensation Committee  on  May
   8, 1998.

(4)Member of Finance Committee. Dr. Bickle and Mr. Canchola
   were  elected  to the Finance Committee on May  8,  1998.   Mr.
   Fessler  was  elected in November 1998 but did not  attend  any
   meetings in 1998.

(5)Member of Executive Committee.

Committee Functions
- - -------------------
     The  Audit Committee selects and recommends to the Board  of
Directors  a firm of independent certified public accountants  to
audit  annually  the  financial statements of  UniSource  Energy;
reviews  and  discusses  the scope of such  audit;  receives  and
reviews  the  audit  reports and recommendations;  transmits  its
recommendations  to  the  Board of Directors;  reviews  with  the
internal audit department of UniSource Energy, from time to time,
the  accounting  and  internal control  procedures  of  UniSource
Energy,  and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors  for
any  changes  deemed necessary in such procedures;  and  performs
such  other  functions as the Board of Directors,  from  time  to
time, shall delegate to the Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee
of  UniSource Energy held four meetings in 1998 and was  in  full
compliance with its written charter.

     The  Compensation  Committee  reviews  the  performance   of
UniSource    Energy's   Directors   and   officers   and    makes
recommendations  to  the  Board  of  Directors  with  respect  to
Directors'   and   officers'  compensation.    The   Compensation
Committee of UniSource Energy held four meetings in 1998.

     The  Nominating Committee interviews potential Directors  of
UniSource  Energy, nominates, and recommends to the  shareholders
and Directors, as the case may be, qualified persons to serve  as
Directors.   The  Nominating Committee of UniSource  Energy  held
four  meetings  in  1998.  At such times  as  Director  vacancies
occur,   the   Nominating   Committee   will   consider   written
recommendations  for  the  Board of  Directors  which  have  been
received  from shareholders.  The deadline for consideration  for
next  year's Annual Meeting of Shareholders is December 2,  1999.
Recommendations  must  include  detailed  biographical   material
indicating the candidate's qualifications and a written statement
from  the  candidate  of willingness and availability  to  serve.
Recommendations  should be directed to the  Corporate  Secretary,
UniSource  Energy  Corporation, P.O.  Box  711,  Tucson,  Arizona

     The Finance Committee reviews and recommends to the Board of
Directors  long-range  financial  policies  and  objectives,  and
actions required to achieve those objectives.  Specifically,  the
Finance  Committee reviews capital and operating budgets, current
and  projected  financial results of operations,  short-term  and
long-range  financing  plans, dividend  policy,  risk  management
activities,  and  major commercial banking,  investment  banking,
financial  consulting, and other financial relations of UniSource
Energy.   The  Finance Committee of UniSource  Energy  held  four
meetings in 1998.

      The Executive Committee coordinated and consulted with  the
Chief Executive Officer regarding the establishment of short-term
goals  and  objectives in support of UniSource  Energy's  overall
strategic  direction  and recommended its determinations  to  the
Board  of Directors.  The Executive Committee was established  on
June  23,  1998,  dissolved on December 31, 1998,  and  held  two
meetings in 1998.

     The  Board of Directors of UniSource Energy held a total  of
eight regular and special meetings in 1998.

Executive Compensation and Other Information
- - --------------------------------------------
    The   following   tables   set  forth   certain   information
concerning  compensation of, stock option grants  to,  and  stock
options/Stock  Appreciation  Rights ("SARs")  held  by  UniSource
Energy's  Chief  Executive Officer and the  Named  Executives  at
December  31,  1998.   Mr. Bayless served as  UniSource  Energy's
Chief  Executive Officer until July 6, 1998. Mr.  Pignatelli  was
named Chief Executive Officer on July 6, 1998.


                                                                        Long Term Compensation
						                        Annual	        	Restricted		 Securities		   All Other
						                      Compensation	          Stock		     Underlying		 Compensation
Name and principal position		Year	Salary ($)	   Bonus ($)	Awards ($)(1)	Options/SARs(#)     ($) (2) 
- - ---------------------------     ----    ----------     ---------    -------------  ----------------  -------------
James S. Pignatelli				1998		410,050		216,004		      -	            58,246			7,200
President and				    1997		307,924		186,001		    67,524			16,800			7,200
Chief Executive Officer			1996		256,462		113,288		      -		     	13,109			8,561

Charles E. Bayless				1998		254,524		   -		      -		           -	      600,276(3)
Former President 				1997		439,309		352,001	       451,793			41,890			7,200
and Chief Executive Officer     1996		423,881		242,250		      -			    36,196	       47,863

Ira R. Adler				    1998		297,614		125,995           -		        17,700			7,200
Executive Vice President,		1997		244,558		147,001         83,853			13,300			7,200
Chief Financial Officer and     1996		235,400		100,633	          -			     9,652		   61,073 

George W. Miraben (4)			1998		238,965		73,500	          -			    14,400		    7,200
Senior Vice President 			1997		208,616		126,001	        71,870		    11,400			7,200
			                	1996		174,376		76,950	          -			     9,652         19,096 

Dennis R. Nelson				1998		206,693		72,000		      -			     8,800	        7,200
Vice President, 				1997		179,595		90,001		    61,605			 8,400	        7,200
General Counsel and             1996		171,518		60,990		      -			     9,652		   23,294
Corporate Secretary				

Steven J. Glaser				1998		186,174		54,000		      -			     8,000			7,200
Vice President				    1997		164,423		82,500		    35,935			 7,700			7,200
Energy Services (TEP)			1996		151,780		54,328      	  -			     6,116	       23,212 


(1) Represents  the  fair market value of the restricted  stock
  award  on June 27, 1997, the grant date.  The restrictions  lapse
  over   a  three-year  period  in  one-third  increments  on  each
  anniversary  date  of  the  grant.  Recipients  are  entitled  to
  receive  shares of stock after the restrictions have lapsed,  but
  may  elect  to  defer receipt of such stock to a  future  period.
  The  restricted stock is entitled to dividends at the  same  rate
  as  UniSource  Energy's Common Stock.  As of December  31,  1998,
  based  on  the closing market price of UniSource Energy's  Common
  Stock  on  that  date of $13.50, James S. Pignatelli  held  4,677
  shares  of restricted stock valued at $63,140; Ira R. Adler  held
  5,808  shares  of restricted stock valued at $78,408;  George  W.
  Miraben  held 4,978 shares of restricted stock valued at $67,203;
  Dennis R. Nelson held 4,267 shares of restricted stock valued  at
  $57,605;  and  Steven J. Glaser held 2,489 shares  of  restricted
  stock  valued at $33,602.  On August 13, 1998, Charles E. Bayless
  received  10,431 shares of restricted stock valued  at  $147,990,
  based  on  the closing market price of UniSource Energy's  Common
  Stock  on  that date of $14.1875.  Mr. Bayless' 20,862  remaining
  restricted  stock awards were canceled when he resigned  July  6,

(2) All  Other Compensation consists of TEP's contributions  to
  the  TIP  ($7,200 for each Named Executive officer  in  1998  and
  1997  and  $6,750 in 1996).  In addition, in 1996 the  All  Other
  Compensation  amount  included a one-time  payment  for  vacation
  accrued  and  unused  for  all years of  service  with  UniSource

(3) Mr.  Bayless' All Other Compensation consists of a $593,076
  payment   for   accrued  supplemental  retirement   plans   (paid
  following  his resignation) and TEP's contribution of  $7,200  to
  the TIP.

(4) Mr. Miraben resigned effective January 15, 1999.



                                 OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR
                                                                                      Realizable Value at
                        Number of     Percent of Total                               Assumed Annual Rates of
                        Underlying      Granted to        Exercise                  Stock Price Appreciation
                       Options/SARs    Employees in        Price       Expiration       for Option Term
 Name                   Granted (#)     Fiscal Year         ($/Sh)        Date         5% ($)      10% ($)
- - -----                 --------------- --------------      --------     ----------     ------       -------
James S. Pignatelli       58,246	      27.8%	           15.5625	     7/9/08       570,063    1,444,653

Charles E. Bayless          -		        -	              -            -              -         -	

Ira R. Adler              17,700		   8.5%	           15.5625       7 /9/08       173,233     439,006

George W. Miraben         14,400		   6.9%	           15.5625    	 4/15/99	   140,935	   357,158

Dennis R. Nelson           8,800		   4.2%	           15.5625	     7/9/08	        86,127     218,263

Steven J. Glaser           8,000		   3.8%	           15.5625	     7/9/08	        78,297     198,421          

During  1998,  the  Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board  of
Directors granted stock options, a portion of which are intended to
qualify as incentive stock options under the Internal Revenue  Code
of  1986,  as  amended (the "Code"), to the officers  of  UniSource
Energy with exercise prices equal to the market price of the Common
Stock at the date of grant.  The options vest annually over a three-
year  period.  The aggregate number of shares attributable  to  the
1998 grants is 209,246.


                                                           Number of Securities         Value of     
                                                               Underlying              Unexercied
                                                               Unexercied              In-the-Money
                                                             Options/SARs at        Options/SARs at
                                                           Fiscal Year-End (#)      Fiscal Year End ($)
                       Shares Acquired    Value               Exercisable/             Exercisable/
  Name                 on Exercise (#)    Realized ($)       Unexercisable            Unexercisable
 -----                 ---------------    ------------     --------------------     -------------------
James S. Pignatelli	           -	           -		     30,646/73,816             4,370/2,185

Charles E. Bayless	         71,210	         58,532		           -	               	    -

Ira R. Adler	               -	           -		     27,382/29,785		       3,217/1,609     

George W. Miraben	           -	           -		     19,067/25,218		       3,217/1,609

Dennis R. Nelson	           -	           -		     19,161/17,618		       3,217/1,609

Steven J. Glaser	           -	           -		     14,520/15,173             2,039/1,020


                          LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLANS - AWARDS
                                  IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                       Number   Performance Or   Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-Stock
                       Shares,   Other Period               Price-Based Plans
                      Units Or     Until         ----------------------------------------
                        Other   Maturation or      Threshold    Target     Maximum 
    Name               Rights      Payout              (#)        (#)        (#) 
    ----               -------   -------------      ---------    ------     -------
James S. Pignatelli     80,000     12/31/01           40,000     80,000     120,000

Charles E. Bayless        --          --                --         --         --

Ira R. Adler              --          --                --         --         --

George W. Miraben         --          --                --         --         --

Dennis R. Nelson          --          --                --         --         --

Steve J. Glaser           --          --                --         --         --

      On  June  26, 1997, at the recommendation of the Compensation
Committee,   the   Board  of  Directors  unanimously   approved   a
Performance  Share  Program under the TEP 1994  Omnibus  Stock  and
Incentive Plan (the "Omnibus Plan").  The Performance Share Program
is  intended to align the interests of UniSource Energy's  officers
directly  with  the interest of its shareholders.  On  October  10,
1997,  the  Compensation  Committee approved  a  total  of  254,540
performance shares to be awarded (the "Target Number of Shares") to
all  executive  officers, including Mr. Pignatelli  and  the  Named
Executives.   The  Performance  Share  Program  provides  for   the
delivery of shares of UniSource Energy's Common Stock equal to 0 to
150%  of  the  Target  Number of Shares, depending  upon  UniSource
Energy's  total  shareholder  return  (stock  price  increase  plus
dividends, divided by the initial stock price) over the performance
period ending December 31, 2001, compared to corporations in a peer
group.   For  this  purpose, "peer group" means those  corporations
that,  as  of  the vesting date, are included in the  S&P  Electric
Utility  Index.   At  the  end  of  the  performance  period,   the
Compensation  Committee will determine the  number  of  performance
shares  that  vest  (the  "Vested  Performance  Shares")  based  on
UniSource Energy's performance against the peer group.  Performance
share  recipients will receive one share of Common Stock  for  each
Vested  Performance Share.  The shares of Common  Stock  underlying
the  performance shares are subject to limitations on  their  sale,
transfer,  or  pledge  prior  to  the  time  they  become   vested.
Recipients   of  performance  shares  will  have   no   rights   as
stockholders  of  UniSource Energy, including dividend  rights  and
voting  rights,  with  respect to the performance  shares  and  any
shares  of Common Stock underlying or issuable in respect  of  such
performance shares until such shares are actually issued  and  held
of record by the recipient.

                            PENSION PLAN TABLE
Remuneration ($)                    Years of Service
- - ----------------                    ----------------
                   10         15         20         25         30         35
125,000          54,850     54,850      54,850     54,850     54,850    54,850
150,000          65,820     65,820      65,820     65,820     65,820    65,820
175,000          76,790     76,790      76,790     76,790     76,790    76,790
200,000          87,760     87,760      87,760     87,760     87,760    87,760
225,000          98,730     98,730      98,730     98,730     98,730    98,730
250,000         109,700    109,700     109,700    109,700    109,700   109,700
300,000         131,640    131,640     131,640    131,640    131,640   131,640
400,000         175,520    175,520     175,520    175,520    175,520   175,520
450,000         197,460    197,460     197,460    197,460    197,460   197,460
500,000         219,400    219,400     219,400    219,400    219,400   219,400
550,000         241,340    241,340     241,340    241,340    241,340   241,340
600,000         263,280    263,280     263,280    263,280    263,280   263,280
650,000         285,220    285,220     285,220    285,220    285,220   285,220

    Remuneration  is  comprised  of the  officer's  average  annual
compensation  during the five consecutive years of employment  with
the  highest  compensation  within  the  last  15  years  preceding
retirement.  Compensation is comprised of salary and bonuses, shown
on  the Summary Compensation Table.  The listed amounts are  to  be
paid  out  annually, commencing on the officer's normal  retirement

    The  estimated credited years of service for the CEO, former  CEO
and Named Executives are as follows:
                                     Years of
           Name                      Service
           ----                      --------      
       James S. Pignatelli              4
       Charles E. Bayless               9
       Ira R. Adler                    13
       George W. Miraben                9
       Dennis R. Nelson                21
       Steven J. Glaser                 9
    The  pension  benefit  is  equal  to  a  base  of  40%  of  the
compensation for 25 years of service, plus 9.7% of such  calculated
amount.  The estimated benefits shown in the Pension Plan Table are
straight  life annuities not subject to a reduction for any  Social
Security  benefits.  The table also reflects amounts payable  under
the  Excess Benefits Plan which will pay from the general funds  of
UniSource  Energy,  the difference, if any,  between  the  benefits
shown  in  the  table above and any benefit payments which  may  be
limited by federal income tax regulations.

                                    Cash           Security Grants
                                Compensation       ---------------
                              Annual                    Number of
                             Retainer  Meeting Number    Securities
                               Fee      Fees     of      Underlying
   Name(1)                    ($) (2)   ($)(2) Shares(#) Options/SARs (#)(3)
   -------                    -------  -----  --------  -------------------
   Larry W. Bickle              16,040   24,000     -         1,200

   Elizabeth T. Bilby           17,500   41,000     -         1,200

   Harold W. Burlingame         16,040   20,000     -         1,200
   Jose L. Canchola             17,500   40,000     -         1,200

   John L. Carter               17,500   38,000     -         1,200

   Daniel W. L. Fessler         13,122   13,000     -         1,200
   John A. Jeter                17,500   41,000     -         1,200

   R.B. O'Rielly                17,500   35,000     -         1,200

   Martha R. Seger              17,500   27,000     -         1,200

   Donald G. Shropshire          5,835   12,500     -         1,200
   H. Wilson Sundt              17,500   37,000     -         1,200


  (1)     Mr.  Pignatelli, Mr. Adler and Mr. Bayless are not listed
     in   the  above  table  because  Directors  who  are  salaried
     employees  of UniSource Energy do not receive compensation  in
     their capacity as members of the Board of Directors.  Refer to
     the  Summary  Compensation  Table for  information  concerning
     their compensation.
  (2)     Cash compensation includes amounts earned but deferred at
     the election of Directors.
  (3)     These are grants of UniSource Energy Common Stock options
     under  the  1994  Outside  Director  Stock  Option  Plan  (the
     "Plan"), which vest in one-third increments on the grant  date
     anniversary and expire in ten years.

     Except for Dr. Bickle, Mr. Burlingame and Mr. Fessler, options
were  granted to each of the Directors on January 3,  1998,  at  an
exercise  price  of  $18.1250, the market value of  the  underlying
stock on the grant date.  Dr. Bickle and Mr. Burlingame joined  the
board in March 1998 and were granted their options on March 6, 1998
at  an  exercise  price  of  $16.7813,  the  market  value  of  the
underlying Common Stock on the grant date.  Mr. Fessler joined  the
board  in May 1998, and was granted his options under the  Plan  on
May  8, 1998 at an exercise price of $17.1250, the market value  of
the underlying stock on the grant date.  Each Director of UniSource
Energy,  other  than  Mr. Pignatelli, Mr. Adler  and  Mr.  Bayless,
received an annual cash retainer of $17,500, $1,000 for each  Board
meeting,   $1,000  for  each  committee  meeting  and   $1,500   as
chairperson  for  each  committee meeting attended  in  1998.   The
annual  retainer amount paid to Dr. Bickle, Mr. Burlingame and  Mr.
Fessler was prorated because they were each appointed to the  Board
during  1998  and  served less than the entire  year.   The  annual
retainer  amount  paid to Mr. Shropshire was  prorated  because  he
retired  from the Board effective May 8, 1998 and thus served  less
than the entire year.


    TEP  has  Change  in  Control  Agreements  ("Agreements")  with
fourteen officers (including Mr. Pignatelli, Mr. Adler, Mr.  Nelson
and  Mr. Glaser) which became effective as of December 4, 1998  and
remain in effect until the latter of: (1) five years after the date
either  TEP or the officer gives written notice of termination;  or
(2) if a change in control occurs during the term of the Agreement,
five  years  after the change of control.  For the purpose  of  the
Agreements,  a  change  in  control  includes  the  acquisition  of
beneficial ownership of 30% of the Common Stock, certain changes in
the  Board  of Directors, approval by the shareholders  of  certain
mergers  or consolidations, or certain transfers of the  assets  of
UniSource  Energy.  The Agreements provide that each officer  shall
be  employed by TEP or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates  in  a
position  comparable to their current position,  with  compensation
and  benefits which, as set forth in each Agreement, are  at  least
equal to such officer's then current compensation and benefits, for
an employment period of five years after a change in control occurs
(subject to earlier termination due to such officer's acceptance of
a position with another company or termination for cause).

    Following  a change in control, in the event that the officer's
employment  is terminated by TEP (with the exception of termination
due  to the officer's acceptance of another position or for cause),
or  if the officer terminates his employment because of a reduction
in  position,  responsibility, salary or for certain  other  stated
reasons, the officer is entitled to severance benefits in the  form
of:  (i) a lump sum payment equal to three times the present  value
of his salary and bonus compensation; (ii) the present value of the
additional  amount he would have received under the TEP  Retirement
Plan  if  he had continued to be employed for the five-year  period
after  a  change  in  control occurs; (iii) the  present  value  of
contributions that would have been made by TEP under the TIP if  he
had  continued to be employed for such five-year period;  and  (iv)
the present value of any employee awards under the Omnibus Plan  or
any  successor  plan, which are outstanding  at  the  time  of  the
officer's  termination (whether vested or not), prorated  based  on
length  of  service.  Such officer is also entitled to continue  to
participate  in TEP's health, death benefit and disability  benefit
plans for five years after the termination.  The Agreements further
provide  that TEP will make a payment to the officer to offset  any
excise  taxes that may become payable by the officer by  reason  of
application  of  Sections  280G and  4999  of  the  Code,  and  any
associated federal, state, local, employment and or excise tax owed
on  this gross-up payment.  Any payments by UniSource Energy  which
are  subject  to  Section  280G of the  Code  are  not  deductible.
Assuming  a  change  in control occurred on the Record  Date  which
resulted  in  the  immediate termination  of  the  Chief  Executive
Officer   and  the  three  Named  Executives  with  whom  TEP   has
Agreements, the total payments made by UniSource Energy pursuant to
the Agreements would not be expected to exceed $13.2 million.
                    OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

      The  Compensation  Committee of the Board of  Directors  (the
"Compensation   Committee")  is  responsible  for  developing   and
administering  UniSource Energy's executive  compensation  policies
and  programs and making recommendations to the Board of  Directors
with  respect  thereto.   In 1998, the Compensation  Committee  was
comprised   of  six  of  UniSource  Energy's  independent   outside
Directors.   Dr.  Bickle and Mr. Burlingame were appointed  to  the
Compensation  Committee  in  May  1998  replacing  Mr.  Donald   G.
Shropshire,  who  retired  in  May.   The  Compensation   Committee
determines   the  compensation  of  UniSource  Energy's   executive
officers, including Mr. Pignatelli and the
Named   Executives,  and  sets  policies  for   and   reviews   the
compensation awarded to other key members of management.  UniSource
Energy  applies  a  consistent philosophy to compensation  for  all
executive employees, including the Named Executives.

     Compensation Policies Applicable to Executive Officers

       UniSource  Energy's  executive  compensation  policies   and
programs  generally are intended to (i) relate the compensation  of
employees  to the success of UniSource Energy and the  creation  of
shareholder  value; and (ii) attract, motivate  and  retain  highly
qualified executives.  UniSource Energy's compensation program  was
developed  with  the assistance of an external consultant,  and  is
intended to provide competitive pay levels which are linked to  the
achievement of UniSource Energy's strategic objectives.

      UniSource  Energy's  1998 compensation program  consisted  of
three  components:   (i)  base salary;  (ii)  short-term  incentive
compensation; and (iii) long-term incentive compensation.

Base Salaries
- - -------------

      The  base salary component of compensation is intended to  be
competitive with that paid by companies with which UniSource Energy
competes  for  employees.  In developing the compensation  program,
the  Compensation  Committee retained  an  external  consultant  to
conduct  a  competitive  analysis of  pay  for  UniSource  Energy's
officer group.  In conducting its analysis for 1998, the consultant
used comparative groups of utility (primarily electric) industry as
well  as  general  industry  companies  with  revenues  similar  to
UniSource  Energy, chosen based on their business  and  size.   The
utility  industry group served as an industry comparator group  for
top-level personnel, and the general industry group was used  as  a
comparator  based  on  the  Compensation  Committee's  belief  that
UniSource  Energy's market for top-level personnel  extends  beyond
the  utility  industry.   The Compensation Committee  believes  the
companies   in  the  comparative  group  are  a  more   appropriate
comparison  for  UniSource  Energy than  the  Edison  Electric  100
companies  used  in the performance graph set forth following  this
Report,  because  the type of business and annual revenues  of  the
companies included in the survey are more closely related to  those
of  UniSource  Energy  and the companies in the  comparative  group
represent  primary  competitors to UniSource Energy  for  top-level
management  personnel.   The external data from  companies  in  the
comparative  group  was used to develop a competitive  compensation
for  each executive position.  Base salaries for UniSource Energy's
executive officers (including Mr. Bayless, Mr. Pignatelli  and  the
Named Executives) were set at market compensation levels in January
1998, in recognition of the increasingly competitive environment in
the  electric  industry  and the need to continue  to  attract  and
retain  highly  qualified executives, as well as the  fact  that  a
substantial portion of each executive's total compensation  package
is  "at-risk," based on the achievement of certain corporate goals.
See  Short-Term  Incentive  Compensation  and  Long-Term  Incentive
Compensation  below.   Mr. Bayless resigned as Chairman,  President
and Chief Executive Officer in July 1998.  Mr. Pignatelli was named
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer at that time.   His
base  salary was determined based on the aforementioned competitive
pay  analysis  of  pay for UniSource Energy's officer  group.   Mr.
Bayless  received a 4% increase in base salary for 1998. The  Named
Executives received increases ranging from 4% to 13%.

Short-Term Incentive Compensation
- - ---------------------------------

      The  Board of Directors adopted the Short-Term Incentive Plan
to   provide  compensation  for  meeting  or  exceeding   specified
corporate  objectives designed to contribute to the  attainment  of
UniSource  Energy's long-term strategic plan.  Under the Short-Term
Incentive Plan, target award levels are set as a percentage of each
participant's  base  salary.   In  1998,  the  percentage  for  Mr.
Pignatelli was 40% and for the other executive officers ranged from
25  to  30%.   Actual awards can vary from 0 to 200% of the  target
award  level,  depending  upon UniSource  Energy's  performance  in
relation to pre-established goals.  For 1998, pre-established goals
for  officers  (including Mr. Pignatelli and the Named  Executives)
consisted  of  two  corporate objectives  and  a  customer  service
multiplier.  The corporate objectives consisted of: (i)  increasing
UniSource Energy's intrinsic value, measured by cash flow return on
investment;  and (ii) improving profitability and cost  management,
measured  by  operations & maintenance expenses per  kilowatt  hour
sold.  The customer service multiplier consisted of eight component
goals,  relating  to:  (i)  reducing the number  of  outages;  (ii)
decreasing  average  outage  duration;  (iii)  improving   customer
service  satisfaction;  (iv) increasing  customer  use  of  special
programs   and  services;  (v)  increasing  services  provided   to
customers;   (vi)  increasing  customer  service   options;   (vii)
sustaining  air  quality compliance; and (viii) sustaining  Company
visibility through participation in community activities.

      In  calculating the percentage of target awards payable,  the
Compensation  Committee established target performance  levels  for
each  of the corporate objectives.  Minimum performance levels (50%
of  target awards payable) and exceptional performance levels (150%
of  target awards payable) were established as well.  No credit was
given  for performance below minimum levels.  The customer  service
multiplier  was  established at levels ranging  from  0.8  to  1.2,
depending upon the number of component goals met.  In order for any
incentive compensation to be paid, UniSource Energy was required to
meet  at  least  the  minimum performance levels  on  each  of  the
corporate  objectives.   Based  on  the  achievement  of  corporate
objectives for 1998, incentive compensation was paid in the  amount
of  120%  of  target award levels to Mr. Pignatelli and  the  Named
Executives.  Mr. Bayless did not receive incentive compensation for
1998.  Incentive compensation earned in 1998 by Mr. Pignatelli  and
the  Named  Executives  is  set  forth  in  the  preceding  Summary
Compensation Table.

Long-Term Incentive Compensation
- - --------------------------------

       UniSource  Energy's  long-term  incentive  compensation   is
intended to attract and retain quality employees over the long term
in a manner that directly aligns them with shareholder interests.

     At the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the Board
of  Directors unanimously adopted, and, at the 1994 Annual  Meeting
of  Shareholders, the shareholders approved, the Omnibus Plan.   On
July  9,  1998,  the Compensation Committee issued Incentive  Stock
Options ("ISOs") and Non-Qualified Stock Options ("NQSOs")  to  all
executive officers of UniSource Energy including Mr. Pignatelli and
the  Named Executives.  In calculating the level of awards  to  Mr.
Pignatelli  and  the  other  executive officers,  the  Compensation
Committee  considered  the  aforementioned  analysis  of  executive
compensation  for comparative companies.  Based on  such  analysis,
the  Compensation Committee awarded Mr. Pignatelli ISOs  and  NQSOs
with  a  total value equal to 60% of his base salary  (based  on  a
Black-Scholes  pricing model which assigned a value  of  $6.79  per
share for ISOs and $5.91 per share for NQSOs).  The total value  of
stock options issued to the Named Executives ranged from 30% to 33%
of  base salary.  The number of shares covered by the stock  option
grant to Mr. Pignatelli was 58,246.  The Compensation Committee did
not   consider  the  number  of  options  previously   granted   or

      On  June  26, 1997, at the recommendation of the Compensation
Committee,   the   Board  of  Directors  unanimously   approved   a
Performance  Share Program under the Omnibus Plan.  The Performance
Share  Program  is  intended to align the  interests  of  UniSource
Energy's  executive  officers directly with  the  interest  of  its
shareholders.   The  Performance Share  Program  provides  for  the
delivery of shares of UniSource Energy's Common Stock equal to 0 to
150%  of  the  Target  Number of Shares, depending  upon  UniSource
Energy's  total  shareholder  return  (stock  price  increase  plus
dividends, divided by the initial stock price) over the performance
period ending December 31, 2001, compared to corporations in a peer
group. For this purpose, "peer group" means those corporations that
as  of  the  vesting date are included in the S&P Electric  Utility
Index.   At  the  end of the performance period,  the  Compensation
Committee  will  determine the number of Vested Performance  Shares
based  on  UniSource Energy's performance against the  peer  group.
Performance share recipients will receive one share of Common Stock
for  each  Vested  Performance Share.  The shares of  Common  Stock
underlying  the  performance shares are subject to  limitations  on
their  sale,  transfer, or pledge prior to  the  time  they  become
vested.   Recipients of performance shares will have no  rights  as
stockholders  of  UniSource Energy, including dividend  rights  and
voting  rights,  with  respect to the performance  shares  and  any
shares  of Common Stock underlying or issuable in respect  of  such
performance shares until such shares are actually issued  and  held
of  record by the recipient.  On October 10, 1997, the Compensation
Committee  approved a total of 254,540 Target Number of  Shares  to
all  executive officers, including Mr. Bayless, Mr. Pignatelli  and
the  other Named Executives.  When he was named President and Chief
Executive Officer in July 1998, Mr. Pignatelli's performance shares
were increased by 80,000 to 104,790, representing a target value of
approximately 200% of his base salary.

      The  Compensation Committee does not presently have a  policy
regarding  qualifying compensation paid to executive  officers  for
deductibility under Section 162(m) of the Code.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                              H. Wilson Sundt
                              Larry W. Bickle
                              Elizabeth T. Bilby
                              Harold W. Burlingame
                              Jose L. Canchola
                              John A. Jeter

         Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return
    UniSource Energy Corporation, S&P 500 Index, and EEI Index
                 of 100 Investor-Owned Utilities

The graph showing on the hard copy represents the comparison of five year
cumulative total return between UniSource Energy Corporation, the S&P
500 Index, and EEI index of 100 investor-owned utilities.  The graph's
X-axis shows the years 1993 to 1998, and the Y-axis shows dollar values from
50 to 300.  The data points are connected by lines with the following markers: 
UNS - triangles; S&P 500 Index - diamonds; EEI index of 100 investor-  
owned utilities - squares.  The datapoints are as follows: 

                          1993    1994    1995    1996    1997    1998
                          ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
UniSource Energy
Corporation               $100     $83     $90     $91    $100     $74

S&P 500 Index             $100    $101    $139    $171    $229    $294

EEI Index of 100
Utilities                 $100     $88    $116    $117    $149    $170

Assumes $100 invested on December 31, 1992 in UniSource Energy
Corporation Common Stock, S&P Index and EEI Index.  It is assumed that
all dividends are reinvested in stock at the frequency paid and the
returns  of each component peer group issuer are weighted according
to the issuer's stock market capitalization at the beginning of the

     So  far  as  UniSource Energy is aware, no matters other  than
those  described in this Proxy Statement will be acted upon at  the
Meeting.  If, however, any other matters shall properly come before
the  Meeting,  it  is  the intention of the persons  named  in  the
enclosed  proxy to vote the proxy in accordance with their judgment
on such matters.


     Rule 14a-4 of the SEC's proxy rules allows UniSource Energy to
use  discretionary  voting authority to vote  on  a  matter  coming
before an annual meeting of the shareholders which was not included
in UniSource Energy's Proxy Statement (if UniSource Energy does not
have notice of the matter at least 45 days before the date on which
UniSource  Energy first mailed its proxy materials  for  the  prior
year's   annual  meeting  of  the  shareholders).    In   addition,
discretionary  voting  authority may  generally  also  be  used  if
UniSource  Energy  receives  timely  notice  of  such  matter   (as
described  in  the  preceding  sentence)  and  if,  in  the   proxy
statement, UniSource Energy describes the nature of such matter and
how UniSource Energy intends to exercise its discretion to vote  on
such   matter.   Accordingly,  for  the  2000  Annual  Meeting   of
Shareholders of UniSource Energy Corporation, any such notice  must
be  submitted to the Corporate Secretary of UniSource Energy on  or
before February 14, 2000.
    This   requirement  is  separate  and  apart  from  the   SEC's
requirements  that  a shareholder must meet  in  order  to  have  a
shareholder  proposal  included  in  the  UniSource  Energy   Proxy
Statement.  Shareholder proposals intended to be presented  at  the
2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of UniSource Energy Corporation
must be received by UniSource Energy no later than December 1, 1999
in  order to be eligible for inclusion in UniSource Energy's  Proxy
Statement and the form of proxy relating to that meeting.

                       By   order  of  the  Board  of Directors,

                      Dennis R. Nelson
                      Corporate Secretary

Dated:  March 30, 1999

Shareholders are requested to fill out, date, sign, and promptly
return the accompanying form of proxy in the enclosed envelope.


                         UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION
                   220 West Sixth Street, Post Office Box 711
                             Tucson, Arizona 85702

You are cordially invited to join us at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
UniSource Energy Corporation. This year's meeting will be held at the Leo Rich
Theater, 260 S. Church Avenue, Tucson, Arizona on Friday, May 21, 1999.

At the meeting you will be asked to elect a Board of Directors. It is important
that your shares be voted whether or not you plan to be present at the meeting.
You should specify your choices by marking the appropriate boxes on the proxy
form below, and date, sign and return your proxy form in the enclosed, postpaid
return envelope as promptly as possible. If you date, sign and return your proxy
form without specifying your choice, your shares will be voted in accordance
with the recommendations of your directors.

We will discuss the business of UniSource Energy during the meeting. I welcome
your comments and suggestions, and we will provide time during the meeting for
questions from shareholders.

I am looking forward to having you with us on the 21st of May. In the meantime,
if you have questions regarding the Meeting, please phone our Investor Relations
Department at 520-884-3661.


- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



1. Election of Directors

FOR all nominees     WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote     *EXCEPTIONS   [ ]
listed below         for all nominees listed  
[ ]                  below  [ ]
Nominees: Ira R. Adler, Larry W. Bickle, Elizabeth T. Bilby, Harold W.
Burlingame, Jose L. Canchola, John L. Carter, Daniel W. L. Fessler, John A.
Jeter, R.B. O'Rielly, James S. Pignatelli, Martha R. Seger, H. Wilson Sundt


*Exceptions --------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Change of Address and
                                                  or Comments Mark Here   [ ]

tenants in common or as community property, both should sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or custodian, please give
full title as such. If a corporation, please sign in corporate name by President
or other authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name
by authorized person. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of Notice of Annual
Meeting, Proxy Statement and the 1998 Annual Report.

                                              Dated:              , 1999



                                                VOTES MUST BE INDICATED
                                                (X) IN BLACK OR BLUE INK.



(FORM OF PROXY CARD - BACK)                  

                          UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION
                   THE ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD MAY 21, 1999
                                   P R O X Y

    The undersigned hereby appoints James S. Pignatelli and Ira R. Adler, and
each of them, with the power of substitution, to represent and to vote on behalf
of the shareholder all shares of Common Stock which the shareholder is entitled
to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held at the Leo
Rich Theater, 260 S. Church Avenue, Tucson, Arizona, on May 21, 1999, and at any
adjournments thereof, with all powers the shareholder would possess if
personally present and particularly with respect to Item 1 and in their
discretion, upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the shareholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted "FOR"
Item. 1.
                        (Continued, and to be dated and signed on reverse side.)

                                                    C/O THE BANK OF NEW YORK
                                                    P.O. BOX 11030
                                                    NEW YORK, N.Y. 10203-0030