MILLERS AMERICAN GROUP, INC.

                          STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     This OPTION AGREEMENT (this "Option Agreement") is entered into by and

between  Millers American Group, Inc., a Texas corporation (the "Company"),

and the undersigned optionee (the "Optionee").

     1.   GRANT OF OPTION.  The Company hereby grants to the Optionee effective

as  of  the date set forth in Section 20 hereof (the "Date of Grant"),  the

right  and option (the "Option") to purchase up to the aggregate number  of

shares  of  common  stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the  Company  (the

"Common  Stock")  set  forth in Section 20 hereof,  subject  to  adjustment

pursuant  to Section 3 hereof and subject to the Optionee's acceptance  and

agreement to all of the terms and conditions and restrictions described  in

the  Millers  American Group, Inc. 1999 Stock Option Plan, as amended  (the

"Plan"),  a  copy of which has been provided to the Optionee,  and  to  the

further terms, conditions and restrictions set forth below.

     2. EXERCISE PRICE. Subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3, the

exercise price payable by the Optionee upon exercise of this Option is set forth

in Section 20 hereof.


and exercise price shall be subject to adjustments as provided in Section 9.4 of

the Plan.

     4. TAX STATUS. This Option will be treated as an "incentive stock option"

within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code to the extent that any portion of

this Option meets the requirements of Section 422 of the Code. To the extent

that any portion of this Option does not meet such Code requirements, this

Option shall be deemed a nonqualified stock option.

     5. EXERCISE OF OPTION. Subject to the terms of the Plan and this Option

Agreement, Optionee shall have the right to acquire shares of Common Stock under

this Option Agreement as follows:

          (a) as of the Date of Grant and thereafter, Optionee may exercise

     rights to acquire 33% of the Common Stock subject to the Option;

          (b) as of the first anniversary of the Date of Grant and thereafter,

     Optionee may exercise rights to acquire an additional 33% of the Common

     Stock subject to the Option; and

          (c) as of the second anniversary of the Date of Grant and thereafter,

     Optionee may exercise rights to acquire an additional 34% of the Common

     Stock subject to the Option.

     6.    EXPIRATION OF OPTION.  This Option shall expire and cease to  be

exercisable  on the sixth anniversary of the Date of Grant or such  earlier

date as may be specified in the Plan.


          (a) Subject to the following provisions of this Section 7 and Article

     VI of  the  Plan, this Option may not be exercised unless at the time  of

     exercise the Optionee is an Employee or a Director of the Company or a


          (b) TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. In the event that Optionee is an Employee

     and the Optionee's employment by the Company or a Subsidiary shall

     terminate for Cause (as defined in Section 6.1 of the Plan), this Option

     shall terminate immediately. In the event that Optionee is a Director and

     Optionee fails to be reelected as a Director, resigns as a Director or is

     removed as a Director (other than due to Optionee's disability, as defined

     in Section 6.3 of the Plan), this Option shall terminate immediately.

          (c) DEATH OR DISABILITY. (i) In the event that the Optionee shall die

     while employed by, or serving as a Director of, the Company or a Subsidiary

     or if Optionee's employment by, or service as a Director of, the Company or

     a Subsidiary is terminated because the Optionee has become disabled,

     Optionee, his estate, or beneficiary shall have the right to exercise this

     Option at any time within 60 days from the date of death of Optionee or

     termination of his employment by, or service as a Director of, the Company

     or a Subsidiary due to disability, as the case may be, only to the extent

     the Optionee was entitled to exercise this Option immediately prior to such

     occurrence. To the extent that this Option is not so exercised, it shall

     expire at the end of such 60-day period. For purposes of this Option

     Agreement, disability shall be as defined in Section 6.3 of the Plan.

               (ii)    If the Optionee dies during the 60-day period  after

     the  termination of his or her position as an Employee or Director  of

     the  Company or a Subsidiary and at the time of his or her  death  the

     Optionee  was  entitled  to exercise this Option,  this  Option  shall

     expire  60  days  after the date on which his or her  position  as  an

     Employee or Director of the Company or a Subsidiary terminated, but in

     no  event, later than the date on which this Option would have expired

     if  the  Optionee  had  lived.  Until the expiration  of  such  60-day

     period,  this  Option may be exercised by the Optionee's  executor  or

     administrator or by any person or persons who shall have acquired  the

     Option directly from the Optionee by bequest or inheritance, but  only

     to the extent that the Optionee was entitled to exercise the Option at

     the  date of his or her death and, to the extent the Option is not  so

     exercised, it shall expire at the end of such 60-day period.

          (d) RIGHT TO EXERCISE. In the event that termination of employment

     with the Company occurs other than for Cause or for death or disability

     pursuant to Sections 7(b) or 7(c) above, or in the event that the

     directorship of an Optionee who is a Director is terminated for reasons

     other than the removal, resignation, death or disability of Optionee, the

     Optionee shall have the right to exercise this Option at any time within 60

     days after such termination to the extent he was entitled to exercise the

     same immediately prior to such termination. To the extent that this Option

     is not so exercised, it shall expire at the end of such 60-day period.

     8.    PROCEDURE TO EXERCISE. The Optionee (or other person entitled to

exercise this Option) shall purchase shares of stock of the Company subject

hereto by the payment to the Company of the purchase price in full and  the

amount of employment tax and withholding tax due, if any, upon the exercise

of  this  Option  (i)  by  certified or official bank  check,  (ii)  if  so

permitted  by the Company, by the delivery of a number of shares of  Common

Stock  (plus  cash if necessary) having a fair market value  equal  to  the

amount of such purchase price and employment and withholding tax, or  (iii)

by  delivery  of  the equivalent thereof acceptable to  the  Company.   Any

employment  or withholding tax due upon exercise of this Option  shall  be,

and  shall  remain, the responsibility of the Optionee (or such  Optionee's

estate or representative).  This Option may be exercised from time to  time

by  written notice to the Company stating the full number of shares  to  be

purchased  and  the  time and delivery thereof, which  shall  be  at  least

fifteen  days after the giving of notice unless an earlier date shall  have

been agreed upon between the Optionee (or other person entitled to exercise

this Option) and the Company, accompanied by full payment for the shares as

described  in the first sentence of this Section 8.  The Company  will,  as

soon  as  is  reasonably possible, notify the Optionee (or such  Optionee's

representative) of the amount of employment tax and other withholding  tax,

if  any,  that must be paid under federal, state and local law due  to  the

exercise  of this Option.  The Company shall have no obligation to  deliver

certificates  for  the  shares  purchased  until  the  Optionee  (or   such

Optionee's representative) pays to the Company the purchase price  in  full

and  the  amount  of employment tax and withholding tax  specified  in  the

Company's notice as described in this Section 8 by payment terms set  forth

in  the  first  sentence of this Section 8.  At the time of  delivery,  the

Company  shall,  without transfer or issue tax to the  Optionee  (or  other

person entitled to exercise this option) deliver at the principal office of

the  Company,  or at such other place as shall be mutually agreed  upon,  a

certificate  or certificates for such shares, provided, however,  that  the

time of delivery may be postponed by the Company for such period as may  be

required  for  it to comply with reasonable diligence with any requirements

of  law.  The foregoing notwithstanding, the Optionee may elect to exercise

the  Option  by a "cashless exercise" with a broker or by surrendering  the

Option in exchange for an amount, payable (at Optionee's election) in  cash

or shares of Common Stock (except for fractional shares which shall be paid

in cash) valued at Fair Market Value as of the date of such surrender, that

is  equal to the difference between (i) the aggregate Fair Market Value  of

the shares subject to the portion of the Option being exercised, minus (ii)

the  total  exercise price for the portion of the Option  being  exercised.

Withholding  obligations as a result of such surrender of the Option  shall

be  satisfied by any lawful means approved by the Committee and  agreed  to

with  Optionee  at  or  prior to the time of surrender.   This  alternative

exercise procedure shall apply only to that portion of the Option  that  is

not  exercised as an "incentive stock option" within the meaning of Section

422 of the Code.

     9. NONTRANSFERABILITY OF OPTION. This Option shall not be assignable or

transferable other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution and

shall be exercisable during the Optionee's lifetime only by the Optionee.

     10. CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT OR RETENTION. Subject to the terms of any

employment agreement between the Company and the Optionee, nothing herein shall

confer upon the Optionee any right to be continued in the employ or retention of

the Company or a Subsidiary, or continue to serve as a Director of the Company

or a Subsidiary, or shall prevent the Company or Subsidiary which employs or

retains the Optionee from terminating such employment at any time, with or

without cause, or removing or failing to reelect the Optionee as a Director.

     11. RIGHTS AS SHAREHOLDER. Nothing herein is intended to or shall give to

the Optionee or the legal representatives, heirs, legatees, or distributees of

the Optionee any right or status of any kind as a shareholder of the Company in

respect of any shares of Common Stock covered by this Option or entitle the

Optionee or the legal representatives, heirs, legatees, or distributees of the

Optionee to any dividends or distributions thereon unless and until such shares

shall have been delivered to the Optionee or the legal representatives, heirs,

legatees, or distributees of the Optionee and registered in the Optionee's name

and the Optionee or the legal representatives, heirs, legatees, or distributees

of the Optionee has received a certificate or certificates therefor.

     12. INTERPRETATION. If and when questions arise from time to time as to the

intent, meaning or application of the provisions hereof or of the Plan, such

questions shall be decided by the Board of Directors or the Committee in its

sole discretion, and any such decision shall be conclusive and binding on the

Optionee. The Optionee hereby agrees that this Option is granted and accepted

subject to such condition and understanding.

     13. INVESTMENT REPRESENTATION. At such time or times as the Optionee may

exercise this Option, the Optionee shall, upon the request of the Company,

represent in writing (i) that the shares being acquired by the Optionee under

this Option will not be sold except pursuant to an effective registration

statement, or applicable exemption from registration, under the Securities Act

of 1933, as amended, (ii) that it is the Optionee's intention to acquire the

shares being acquired for investment only and not with a view to distribution

thereof, and (iii) other customary representations as the Company deems

necessary or advisable. No shares will be issued to the Optionee unless the

Optionee provides such representations and agreements and the Company is

satisfied as to the accuracy of such representations and agreements. If so

requested, Optionee agrees to provide a lock-up agreement prohibiting the sale

by Optionee of shares issued upon exercise of the Options for a period of 180

days following a public offering by the Company of its Common Stock.

     14. REPURCHASE BY THE COMPANY. All shares of Common Stock purchased by the

Optionee or his or her estate or beneficiary and exercisable Options held by the

Optionee at the time of termination of employment shall be subject to repurchase

by the Company pursuant to Section 9.3 of the Plan.

     15. WITHHOLDING OF TAXES. Upon exercise of this Option (either wholly or in

part), the Optionee must pay to the Company, or make arrangements satisfactory

to the Company regarding payment of, any federal, state or local taxes of any

kind required to be withheld in connection with the issuance to the Optionee of

Common Stock upon exercise of this Option. The Company may permit withholding of

shares of Common Stock in accordance with procedures established by the Company

as an election by Optionee to meet applicable withholding requirements.

     16. NOTICES. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in

writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally,

mailed certified mail (return receipt requested) or sent by overnight delivery

service, cable, telegram, facsimile transmission or telex to the Optionee at the

address on the signature page hereof and to the Company at the address set forth

below or at such other addresses as shall be specified by the parties by like


                    Millers American Group, Inc.
                    300 Burnett Street
                    Fort Worth, Texas  76102-2799
                    Attention:  Chief Financial Officer
                    Facsimile No.  (800) 826-9865

     17.  DEFINED TERMS.  All capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise

defined shall have the meanings given them in the Plan.

     18. CONFIDENTIALITY. Unless otherwise permitted by the Chairman of the

Board or the President of the Company, Optionee agrees to keep confidential the

terms of this Option Agreement (and the terms of any other Option Agreement with

any other Employee or Director of the Company known to Optionee) and shall not

disclose such terms to any other Employee or otherwise.


for the grant to Optionee of the Option evidenced by this Option Agreement,

Optionee hereby covenants and agrees as follows:

          (a) Optionee hereby acknowledges that Optionee will have access to

     certain trade secrets and confidential information of the Company and of

     corporations and/or other business enterprises directly or indirectly

     owned, controlled and/or operated by the Company ("Affiliates") and that

     such information constitutes valuable, special and unique property of the

     Company and such corporations. Optionee shall not, during or after the term

     of Optionee's employment by the Company or a Subsidiary, disclose any such

     trade secrets or confidential information to any person or entity for any

     reason or purpose whatsoever except as may be required by law or use such

     confidential information for any purpose not authorized by the Chairman of

     the Board. Confidential information shall include (i) all information

     designated as confidential by the Chairman of the Board and (ii) all

     information the disclosure of which Optionee knows, or in the exercise of

     reasonable care should know, would be damaging to the Company; provided,

     however, that confidential information shall not include any information

     known generally to the public (other than as a result of unauthorized

     disclosure by Optionee) or any information not otherwise considered by the

     Chairman of the Board or the Board of Directors to be confidential.

          (b) Optionee agrees that during the term of Optionee's employment by,

     or service as a Director of, the Company or a Subsidiary and for a period

     of 24 months following the termination of Optionee's employment with, or

     service as a Director of, the Company or a Subsidiary, Optionee shall not,

     at any place within the States in which the Company or an Affiliate is

     conducting business operations at the time of such termination, without the

     prior written consent of the Chairman of the Board, either in his own

     behalf or as a partner, officer, director, employee, agent or shareholder

     (other than as the holder of less than 10% of the outstanding capital stock

     of any corporation whose stock is traded on a national securities exchange)

     engage in, be interested in or render services to any business then

     competitive with the Company or a Subsidiary.

          (c) Optionee agrees that during the term of Optionee's employment by,

     or service as a Director of, the Company or a Subsidiary and for a period

     of 24 months following the termination of Optionee's employment, or service

     as a Director of, Optionee shall not, either alone or on behalf of any

     business competing with the Company or any Affiliate, directly or

     indirectly (i) solicit or induce, or in any manner attempt to solicit or

     induce any person employed by, or an agent of, the Company or any Affiliate

     to terminate his contract of employment or agency, as the case may be, with

     the Company or any Affiliate, as the case may be, or (ii) solicit, divert,

     or attempt to solicit or divert, as a supplier or customer, any person,

     concern or entity which, as of the date of termination or during the one

     year period prior thereto, furnishes products or services to, or receives

     products and services from the Company or any Affiliate, nor will Optionee

     attempt to induce any such supplier or customer to cease being (or any

     prospective supplier or customer not to become) a supplier or customer of

     the Company or any Affiliate.

     20.  SPECIFIED INFORMATION.  This Option Agreement shall apply with respect

to the following specific information:

          a.   Date of Grant:  ___________

          b.   Name of Optionee:  ___________

          c.   Number of Shares Covered by Option:  ___________

          d.   Option Exercise Price Per Share:  $___________

                         [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  have  executed  this  Option

Agreement to be effective as of the Date of Grant set forth above.

                              MILLERS AMERICAN GROUP, INC.

                              By: ______________________________
                                   Name: _______________________
                                   Title: ______________________

                              _________________, Optionee

                              Optionee's Address:
