Exhibit 10.14

                              CLAIMS LIFE CYCLE
                              SERVICES AGREEMENT

      This Claims Life Cycle Services Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as
of the 1st day of June, 1997 ("Effective Date") by and between Millers
Integrated Claims Resources, Inc. dba MiliRisk, a Texas corporation with
principal offices at 300 Burnett, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 ("MiliRisk"), and
Millers Casualty Insurance Company, a Texas corporation, having its principal
place of business at 300 Burnett Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 ("Customer").

      Whereas, Customer is desirous of MiliRisk providing Claims Life Cycle
Services for Customer as set forth in this Agreement;

      Whereas, MiliRisk wishes to provide such Services for Customer; and

      Whereas, the parties hereto wish to reduce their Agreement to writing;

      Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the premises set forth
below and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which is expressly acknowledged, Customer and MiliRisk hereby agree as

                             ARTICLE 1. SERVICES

      The "Services" to be performed by MiliRisk are set forth in Exhibit I
to this Agreement.

                               ARTICLE 2. TERM

2.1      The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and
         shall have a "Minimum Term" of 36 full calendar months unless
         terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The
         Agreement shall automatically be renewed and extended after the
         conclusion of the Minimum Term for an additional renewal term or
         terms of 36 months unless terminated pursuant to the provisions of
         Article 8.

2.2      The "Implementation Period" shall begin on the Effective Date of
         this Agreement and shall end on the date MiliRisk notifies Customer
         that MiliRisk is capable of receiving all future claims on behalf of
         Customer. During the Implementation Period, MiliRisk shall prepare
         an analysis of the lines of business for inclusion within the terms
         of this Agreement. Customer shall assist MiliRisk during such
         "Implementation Period" with the gathering of appropriate data,
         information, background, and other facts as needed by MiliRisk to
         enable MiliRisk to perform the Services enumerated in Exhibit I of
         this Agreement.

                        ARTICLE 3. DUTIES OF MILIRISK

3.1      During the Implementation Period, MiliRisk shall design, construct
         and implement software systems to provide claims administration,
         management information, and other related services all of which are
         as described in Exhibit I.

         In addition, the Implementation Period will be used to assemble the
         staff, arrange for furniture and fixtures and prepare for the start
         of business. All procedures required to conduct business as well as
         the requisite staff training will occur during this period.

3.2      MiliRisk shall dedicate the necessary human, equipment and computer
         resources to provide and, during the term of this Agreement, will
         provide Customer with the Services enumerated in Exhibit I of this
         Agreement for the Lines of Business and States specified in Exhibit

3.3      MiliRisk shall investigate, evaluate, and handle each claim reported
         within the established authority for claims as set forth in Exhibit
         I attached hereto and made part of the Agreement.

3.4      MiliRisk will designate an employee to act as liaison with Customer
         to facilitate the provision of the Services.

3.5      MiliRisk shall maintain the confidentiality of data or information
         which is the property of Customer and which is directly accessible
         to MiliRisk in the implementation and performance of the Services.

3.6      MiliRisk shall maintain complete, accurate and orderly claim books,
         files, records and accounts of all transactions in accordance with
         generally accepted insurance and accounting practices.

3.7      MiliRisk shall maintain permanent copies of all claims and
         correspondence related to the claims. MiliRisk shall not destroy
         these permanent copies without the written permission of the
         Customer for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of
         the last file activity, or the period specified by the applicable
         state statute regulating preservation of records, whichever is
         longer. At the end of such five year period, upon MiliRisk's written
         request for instructions, the Customer shall authorize MiliRisk to
         either (a) destroy the closed files or (b) return such files to
         Customer at Customer's expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any
         claim file involving a minor shall be separately identified and
         returned to Customer at the end of such five year period. Claim
         files shall be the property of the Customer. Upon an order of
         liquidation of Customer, the files shall become the sole property of
         Customer or Customer's estate. MiliRisk may, at its discretion, use
         magnetic, optical, and other types of technology to store such data.

3.8      All claims still open upon termination or cancellation of this
         Agreement will require one of the following to occur:

         a.    All open claims will be handled on a pre-agreed annual fee per
               claim; or

         b.    All open claims will be handled on a time and expense basis at
               then current prevailing rates; or

         c.    All claims will be returned to Customer, with any holdover
               reverting to a time and expense basis at then current
               prevailing rates.

         MiliRisk will make this determination at its discretion.

3.9      MiliRisk acknowledges and agrees that Customer, being at risk and
         having ultimate responsibility for the claims to be administered by
         MiliRisk, shall at all times have ultimate discretion with respect
         to all matters pertaining to the claims.

3.10     MiliRisk will not assume the responsibility for direct notification
         to any excess or quota share insurance carrier of a claim; however,
         reports will be provided as required.

                        ARTICLE 4. DUTIES OF CUSTOMER

4.1      Customer agrees that all claims occurring during the term of this
         Agreement will be reported to MiliRisk, unless otherwise notified by
         the Customer and approved by MiliRisk. Customer will provide all
         information relevant to claims to MiliRisk in order for MiliRisk to
         fulfill its duties and obligations as set out in Exhibit I.

4.2      Customer shall appoint a Project Manager with sufficient authority
         within Customer's organization to facilitate Customer's role as
         MiliRisk performs the Services enumerated in Exhibit I of this

                         ARTICLE 5. AUDIT PROVISIONS

5.1      MiliRisk shall maintain records of amounts billable to and payments
         made on behalf of Customer. In addition, MiliRisk shall maintain
         records of the data utilized to perform the Services defined in
         Exhibit I of the Agreement until five years following the date of
         last file activity, or the period specified by the applicable state
         statute, whichever is the later unless such records are earlier
         returned to Customer. MiliRisk agrees to provide reasonable
         supporting documentation concerning any disputed invoice amount to
         Customer within 15 days after Customer provides written notification
         of the dispute to MiliRisk. Customer and an auditor selected by
         Customer shall have access to all such records upon mutually agreed
         upon prior notice for the purposes of audit and verification during
         normal business hours during the full term of this Agreement and
         during the respective periods in which MiliRisk is required to
         maintain such records.

         MiliRisk shall provide access to its books, records and bank
         accounts to the insurance department of the State of Florida in a
         form usable by the department.

                         ARTICLE 6. PRICE AND PAYMENT

6.1      Customer agrees to pay Service Fees and Rates as specified in
         Exhibit II hereto.

6.2      Except for Services Fees and Rates which are based upon a percentage
         of incurred losses, the Services Fees and Rates in Exhibit II hereto
         may be increased effective as of each anniversary of the Effective
         Date during the existence of this Agreement by the percentage change
         in the United States Consumer Price Index for all Urban Users
         (CPI-U) published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics,
         for the immediately preceding calendar year. In the event a vendor
         supplying any service or product to MiliRisk required for MiliRisk
         to provide the Services to Customer increases its rates charged to
         MiliRisk, MiliRisk may increase the contracted rates set forth
         herein to include such increased costs.

6.3      The Service Fees and Rates may increase if changes in the Services
         mutually agreed to in writing substantially alter the servicing
         personnel, equipment, or result in the servicing being done on a
         different system.

6.4      When Customer requests MiliRisk personnel to travel to any location
         for the purpose of performing work under this Agreement, the
         Customer will, in addition to the charges specified for Services,
         pay MiliRisk for all reasonable travel, living and out-of-pocket

6.5      Customer agrees to pay all tariffs and taxes that are now or may
         become applicable to the Services rendered hereunder, any equipment
         used by MiliRisk solely for Customer communication line, its use,
         lease, operation, control, transportation or value pursuant to this
         Agreement, or as measured by payments made by Customer to MiliRisk
         under this Agreement, or as required to be collected by MiliRisk or
         paid by MiliRisk to tax authorities based on this Agreement. This
         provision includes but is not limited to sales, use, and personal
         property taxes, or any other form of tax based on Services
         performed, equipment used, and the communicating or storage of data,
         but does not include taxes based upon the net income of MiliRisk.

6.6      Service Fees and Rates for Services will be due and payable 15 days
         after the close of a calendar month beginning the effective date of
         the first policy issued.

6.7      Custom agrees that MiliRisk will have the right to renegotiate the
         Service Fees in the event of statutory, regulatory, or judicial
         changes that require additional activities not contemplated at the
         inception of this Agreement.


7.1      Although MiliRisk from time to time may use its own proprietary
         computer software products in the performance of the Services
         enumerated in Exhibit I of this Agreement, this Agreement does not
         grant a license to Customer for the use of any software products.

7.2      This Agreement grants to Customer no right to possess or reproduce,
         or any other interest in, the computer software programs performing
         all or any part of the Services or their specifications in any
         tangible or intangible medium. Customer may not mortgage,
         hypothecate, sell, assign, pledge, lease, transfer, license or
         sublicense the computer software programs performing all or any part
         of the Services, nor allow any person, firm, or corporation to
         transmit, copy or reproduce the computer software programs
         performing all or any part of the Services or their specifications
         in whole or in part. In the event Customer shall come into
         possession of the computer software programs performing all or any
         part of the Services, Customer shall immediately notify MiliRisk and
         return the computer software programs performing the Services and
         all copies of any kind thereof to MiliRisk upon MiliRisk's request.

7.3      Customer promises and agrees not to disclose or otherwise make
         computer software programs performing all or any part of the
         Services available to any person other than employees of Customer
         required to have such knowledge for normal use of them. Customer
         agrees to obligate each such employee to a level of care sufficient
         to protect the computer software programs performing all or any part
         of the Services from unauthorized disclosure. THE OBLIGATION OF

7.4      MiliRisk warrants and represents that it owns, or is licensed with
         respect to, all software it will employ in the performance of this
         Agreement. In the event this Agreement is terminated, MiliRisk will
         grant a license, upon terms and conditions set forth in a licensing
         agreement, to Customer and/or Clarendon to use the software which
         MiliRisk employs in the performance of this Agreement to the extent
         MiliRisk is not otherwise prohibited from doing so by contract or by
         operation of law. MiliRisk shall use its best efforts to deliver the
         software, as well as all necessary manuals, to the Customer
         immediately upon delivery of data to the Customer.

                            ARTICLE 8. TERMINATION

8.1      Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause at the
         expiration of the Minimum Term set forth in Section 2.1, provided
         the other party receives at least six (6) months prior written
         notice of termination. Termination without cause during any renewal
         term would also require six months notice.

8.2      Either party may terminate this Agreement upon breach by the other
         party of any one or more of the terms and conditions of this
         Agreement or the related Exhibits, provided that the party in breach
         is notified in writing by the other party of the breach and the
         breach is not cured or a satisfactory resolution agreed upon in
         writing within thirty (30) days of such written notification, or if
         such breach is non-monetary and is of such a nature that it cannot
         reasonably be cured within such time commenced to cure same and does
         not diligently continue to and actually cure same within a
         reasonable period thereafter. The terms and conditions of MiliRisk
         referred to in this Section 8.2 shall include, but shall not be
         limited to:

         (a)   the obligation to observe and comply with applicable laws,
               regulations, rules and rates affecting the transaction of
               business hereunder; and

         (b)   the obligation to provide any other Services under this

8.3      In the event either party makes a general assignment for the benefit
         of creditors or files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or
         petitions for reorganization or arrangement under the bankruptcy
         laws, or if a petition in bankruptcy is filed against either party
         and remains undismissed for a period of thirty (30) days, or if a
         receiver or trustee is appointed for all or any part of the property
         and assets of either party, the other party may terminate the
         Agreement immediately.

8.4      Rights Upon Termination. Upon expiration or termination of this

         (a)   The obligations of the Customer and MiliRisk to the date of
               termination shall be discharged promptly.

         (b)   MiliRisk shall promptly return to the Customer any forms or
               other supplies imprinted with the Customer's or Clarendon's
               name, regardless of who incurred the cost for same.

         (c)   In any proceeding brought by the Customer to recover premiums
               or return premiums or other funds due hereunder to Clarendon
               or insureds under the policies (hereinafter called "trust
               funds"), MiliRisk shall be obligated to account on its own
               records for such trust funds and to pay all sums for which it
               cannot account. In any such proceeding it shall be
               conclusively presumed that MiliRisk is liable for trust funds
               which have not been timely paid, and MiliRisk waives (i) any
               right it may have to assert any counterclaim, crossclaim, or
               set-off of any kind in the proceeding, and (ii) any claim or
               defense based on or relating to its use of the Customer's
               reporting procedures as provided for in this Agreement, or any
               modification thereof.  MiliRisk shall retain the right to
               bring any separate proceeding it deems appropriate to recover
               on any claims it may have as a creditor or otherwise, but the
               pendency of any such proceeding shall not delay, hinder or
               defeat the Customer's right to promptly recover any trust
               funds then due or to levy upon any judgment therefore.


9.1      If data is processed in error due to an error or defect in the
         Services provided by MiliRisk, then upon MiliRisk receiving notice
         of such error or defect, MiliRisk shall reprocess such data without
         charge to Customer.

9.2      MiliRisk shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold Customer, its
         officers, directors, shareholders and employees harmless from and
         against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, fines,
         settlements, penalties and judgments (including reasonable costs and
         attorney's fees) (herein "Damages") arising out of or resulting from
         the negligent, wilful or intentional acts of MiliRisk performed in
         connection with this Agreement or arising from a breach of this
         Agreement by MiliRisk. Customer shall indemnify, protect, defend and
         hold MiliRisk, its officers, directors, shareholders and employees
         harmless from and against any and all Damages arising out of or
         resulting from the negligent, willful or intentional acts of
         Customer performed in connection with this Agreement or arising from
         a breach of this Agreement by Customer. This indemnity shall survive
         the earlier expiration or termination of this Agreement.

9.3      MiliRisk's liability to Customer for Damages arising from errors and
         defects in performing the Services (whether the damage is based in
         tort or contract, law or equity) is limited to an amount not to
         exceed the usual and customary charges paid to MiliRisk under this
         Agreement in any one month of this Agreement.

9.4      Customer's remedies and MiliRisk's liability for breaches of this
         Agreement and errors or defects in the delivery of Services are
         limited to the remedies and liabilities set forth in Sections 8.2,
         9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 of this Agreement.

                             ARTICLE 10. GENERAL

10.1     The parties shall not be liable or deemed to be in default for any
         delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or interruption
         of Service resulting, directly or indirectly, from acts of God,
         civil or military authority, labor disputes, shortages of suitable
         parts, materials, labor or transportation or any similar cause
         beyond the reasonable control of the parties.

10.2     All notices which are required to be given or submitted pursuant to
         this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be either delivered in
         person or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
         address set forth herein or to such other address as the parties may
         from time to time designate in writing for such purposes. Notices
         shall be deemed to have been given at the time when personally
         delivered or, if mailed in a certified post-paid envelope, upon the
         fifth day after the date such notice shall be postmarked. All
         notices to MiliRisk shall be addressed to the attention of the Chief
         Financial Officer.

10.3     The parties covenant and promise not to disclose the terms and
         conditions of this Agreement to any third party unless expressly
         agreed to by the parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties
         agree that disclosure may be made to any auditors, regulators,
         carriers, or reinsurers on a need to know basis only without prior

10.4     This Agreement and any Exhibits made a part hereof: (a) constitute
         the entire Agreement between the parties and supersede and merge any
         and all prior discussions, representations, negotiations,
         correspondence, writings and other Agreements and together state the
         entire understanding and Agreement between MiliRisk and Customer
         with respect to the Services described; (b) may be amended or
         modified only in a written instrument agreed to and signed by
         MiliRisk and Customer; and (c) shall be deemed to have been entered
         into and executed in the State of Texas and shall be construed,
         performed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws
         of that state. For purposes of venue, this Agreement is performable
         in Tarrant County, Texas.

10.5     Neither party hereto shall be deemed to have waived any rights or
         remedies accruing to it hereunder unless such waiver is in writing
         and signed by such party. No delay or omission by either party
         hereto in exercising any right shall operate as a waiver of said
         right on any future occasion. All rights and remedies hereunder
         shall be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently.

10.6     The descriptive headings of this Agreement are intended for
         reference only and shall not affect the construction or
         interpretation of this Agreement.

10.7     Wherever the singular of any term is used herein it shall be deemed
         to include the plural wherever the plural thereof may be applicable.

10.8     The parties shall not assign this Agreement or any of its rights
         hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party which
         consent shall not be unreasonably withheld unless the proposed
         assignment is to a competitor of the other party.

10.9     If any provision of this Agreement or any Exhibit hereto or the
         application thereof to any party or circumstances shall, to any
         extent, now or hereafter be or become invalid or unenforceable, the
         remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and every
         other provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to
         the fullest extent permitted by law.

10.10    In the event of any action between Customer and MiliRisk seeking
         enforcement of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
         the prevailing party to such action shall be awarded its reasonable
         costs and expenses, including its court costs and reasonable
         attorney's fees.

10.11    The parties hereto are independent contractors of one another, and
         they should not in any instance be construed as partners or joint


      EXECUTED to be effective the 30th day of June, 1997.

Millers Integrated Claims           Millers Casualty Insurance
Resources, Inc.                     Company

    ---------------------------         -----------------------------
Name: Jeffrey W. Robinson           Name: Frank W. May
Title: Vice President               Title: Executive Vice President

                                  EXHIBIT I
                                    TO THE
                                BY AND BETWEEN


During the term of this Agreement, MiliRisk shall provide the Claims Life
Cycle Services defined below for the Lines of Business (Section B of this
Exhibit I) for the States specified (Section C of this Exhibit I) written by
or through Customer. MiliRisk will, in accordance with guidance and direction
provided by the Customer, provide all Claims Life Cycle Services and general
management of these Services described herein for subject claims as follows:

1.    Customer grants MiliRisk the authority to investigate, evaluate, and
      handle each claim reported according to applicable state law, the terms
      and conditions of the policy and any written standards provided by
      Customer. MiliRisk shall not have any authority to alter or discharge
      any policy or waive any policy provision or condition.

2.    MiliRisk will set up a claims operation center that will function as a
      control unit.

3.    Loss reporting will be by toll free access provided to insureds and

4.    Coverage will be verified on all cases.

5.    MiliRisk will administer the appraisal/assessment process and will use
      in this endeavor a combination of staff and vendors, adjusters, and

6.    MiliRisk will perform all reasonable and necessary administrative and
      clerical work in connection with claim or loss reports.

7.    MiliRisk will establish and maintain a claim file for each reported
      claim or loss with a copy of the policy for each reported claim. The
      claim file will have a daily activity log which shall be reviewable at
      any and all reasonable times by the Customer subject to the provisions
      of Article V of the Agreement.

8.    MiliRisk will provide the Customer with litigation management and will
      have control of choice of counsel. MiliRisk will not abandon files to
      the control and handling by defense counsel. MiliRisk will work with
      counsel to determine the best course of action within a reasonable
      budget and will continue to do best efforts adjusting/investigation
      activities within the scope of authority granted by the Customer.

9.    MiliRisk will record and report each claim promptly to the Customer
      with a recommended reserve. MiliRisk shall consult with Customer with
      respect to any of the following:

      (a)   Any loss or claim resulting in legal action being instituted
            against MiliRisk or the Customer;

      (b)   Any loss or claim causing a complaint to be filed with any
            regulatory authority;

      (c)   Any inquiry from any regulatory authority, including but not
            limited to any insurance department, with respect to any claim or
            claims, even if no complaint causes such inquiry;

      (d)   Any claim MiliRisk deems appropriate to deny policy coverage or
            involves a coverage dispute;

      (e)   Any claim which might ultimately result in the payment(s) in
            excess of the lesser of (i) Twenty-five thousand ($25,000)
            dollars or (ii) an amount established by the Florida Department
            of Insurance. In the event of such claim, MiliRisk shall forward
            a copy of the claim file to Customer at its request;

      (f)   Any claim open for more than six months or involves an allegation
            of extra contractual obligations;

      (g)   Any claim involving a fatality, amputation, spinal cord or brain
            damage, loss of eyesight, extensive burns, poisoning, or multiple
            fractures; or

      (h)   Any claim involving a minor.

10.   Within seven business days after the end of each calendar month,
      MiliRisk will provide monthly, year-to-date and inception-to-date
      reports on all claims activity, including new claims, claims closed
      without payment, and changes to outstanding reserves as of the date
      reported, all reported by Accident Year. The claim reports will include:

      (a)   Information and statistical data (i) required by Insurance
            Services Office ("ISO"), and (ii) necessary for Clarendon to
            prepare any reports required by the National Association of
            Insurance Commissioners, or (iii) other reports reasonably
            requested by Customer;

      (b)   Loss Runs with paid claims and outstanding reserves remaining at
            the end of each monthly report period, categorized as indemnity,
            medical payment, or loss adjustment expense, plus any other
            information required by the Annual Statement instructions or
            state regulatory agencies;

      (c)   Check Registers;

      (d)   Reserve Transaction Journal;

      (e)   Large Loss Listing, including cumulative paid and outstanding
            reserves as of month end; and

      (f)   Aggregate Loss Runs (on a paid and incurred basis) by policy.

11.   MiliRisk will perform a periodic review at mutually agreed upon
      intervals of outstanding claim reserves, and recommend changes to
      outstanding claim reserves.

12.   MiliRisk will prepare checks and vouchers, compromises, releases,
      agreements and any other documents reasonably necessary to finalize and
      close claims. MiliRisk will issue payments of claims and allocate loss
      adjustment expenses only on check of, and as authorized by, the

      For purposes of settling claims and paying claim related expenses,
      Customer has agreed to establish, maintain and fund a separate bank
      account from which MiliRisk may draw against as hereinafter set forth
      (the "Claim Account"). MiliRisk shall not retain more than three months
      estimated claims payments and allocated loss adjustment expenses in the
      Claim Account.

      Customer agrees to deposit additional funds into the Claims Account on
      a weekly basis if necessary to maintain it at a level sufficient to
      allow MiliRisk to carry out its obligations under this Agreement.
      MiliRisk shall regularly provide information and estimates to Customer
      to enable Customer to maintain the Claims Account at an appropriate
      level. Customer shall provide to MiliRisk such information as is
      necessary for MiliRisk to draw checks on the Claims Account.

      MiliRisk hereby guarantees that any check it prepares will be signed
      and issued only in accordance with the procedures adopted by Customer.
      Any check prepared by MiliRisk on the Claims Account must be signed by
      two authorized individuals.

      MiliRisk shall maintain a daily register of checks drawn on the Claim
      Account for each loss payment (the "Claim Register"). The Claim
      Register shall include, for each claim and/or claimant, the claim
      number, policy number, loss date, the name of payee, the date and check
      number of the disbursement, and the amount and type or purpose of the
      payment (i.e., indemnity, loss adjustment expense, etc.). MiliRisk
      shall forward a copy of the Claim Register to Customer on a monthly

      MiliRisk shall promptly deposit any monies collected through salvage
      and subrogation to the Claim Account, and maintain a register of all
      such collections and deposits (the "Salvage and Subrogation Register").
      The Salvage and Subrogation Register shall include, but shall not be
      limited to, the following information: date of deposit, date of receipt
      of funds, the claim number, the payor, and the amount and purpose of
      such payment.

      MiliRisk shall reconcile the Claim Register and the Salvage and
      Subrogation Register to the Claim Account on a monthly basis.

13.   Service standards and claims documentation will be to standards set by
      the Customer and agreed to by MiliRisk. At a minimum, MiliRisk will be
      in compliance with all State regulations dealing with the adjusting and
      handling of claims. MiliRisk will periodically review the development
      of the claims handling procedure with the Customer to identify problems
      and recommend corrective action.

14.   MiliRisk will diligently pursue and prosecute Clarendon's salvage and
      subrogation rights relating to any losses. MiliRisk will use all
      reasonable efforts to collect and deposit funds arising from the
      enforcement of such rights into the Claim Account. MiliRisk will report
      monthly on salvage/subrogation receipts.

15.   MiliRisk will provide Customer with a maximum of four (4) copies each
      of the standard monthly Risk Management Information Reports (RMIS)
      which are detail claims register, a loss run, check register, reserve
      transaction journal, and a large loss listing. MiliRisk will also
      provide Customer with data described in Exhibit III.

16.   MiliRisk will produce 1099's per IRS regulations for vendors whose
      services are not included within the basic fee for Claims Life Cycle


      Homeowners (HO3).




      MiliRisk shall provide the Services defined above at the MiliRisk
      service center in Fort Worth, Texas and/or at a site in Florida.

                                  EXHIBIT II
                             SERVICE FEES & RATES

CONSULTANT  $125.00 per hour

PROGRAMMERS $125.00 per hour


      Fees will be based upon 7% of earned premium for non-catastrophe claims
      and 5% of incurred loss for catastrophe claims.


      Design, construction, and implementation of software systems to support


      Claim system modifications will be charged to the Customer on a time
      and materials basis utilizing the appropriate mix of service personnel
      required to perform the modification. Additional reports or
      modifications to agreed upon reports will also be charged to the
      Customer on a time and materials basis utilizing the appropriate mix of
      service personnel required to perform the modifications or produce new
      reports. Hourly rates for such personnel are listed above.