U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                          Washington, D.C. 20549

                               FORM 12b-25                     ---------------
                                                               SEC FILE NUMBER
                       NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING                33-90344

(Check One): ( )Form 10-K and Form 10-KSB  ( )Form 20-F  ( )Form 11-K
             (X)Form 10-Q and Form 10-QSB  ( )Form N-SAR

             For Period Ended:  March 31, 1999

             ( )  Transition Report on Form 10-K
             ( )  Transition Report on Form 20-F
             ( )  Transition Report on Form 11-K
             ( )  Transition Report on Form 10-Q
             ( )  Transition Report on Form N-SAR

             For the Transition Period Ended: _____________________

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nothing in this form shall be construed to imply that the Commission has
               verified any information contained herein.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

If the notification relates to a portion of the filing checked above, identify
the Item(s) to which the notification relates:________________________________


Clariti Telecommunications International, Ltd. 
- ----------------------------------------------
Full Name of Registrant

1341 North Delaware Avenue
- ---------------------------------------------------------
Address of Principal Executive Office (Street and Number)

Philadelphia, PA 19125
- ------------------------
City, State and Zip Code

PART II - RULES 12b-25(b) AND (c)

If the subject report could not be filed without unreasonable effort or expense 
and the registrant seeks relief pursuant to Rule 12b-25(b), the following 
should be completed.  (Check box if appropriate)

(X) (a) The reasons described in reasonable detail in Part III of this form 
        could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort or expense.

(X) (b) The subject annual report, semi-annual report, transition report on 
        Form 10-K, Form 10-KSB, Form 20-F, Form 11-K, Form N-SAR, or portion 
        thereof, will be filed on or before the fifteenth calendar day 
        following the prescribed due date; or the subject quarterly report or 
        transition report on Form 10-Q  or Form 10-QSB, or portion thereof will 
        be filed on or before the fifth calendar day following the prescribed 
        due date.

( ) (c) The accountant's statement or other exhibit required by Rule 12b-25(c) 
        has been attached, if applicable.


On December 8, 1998 Clariti Telecommunications International, Ltd. ("Clariti") 
acquired all of the outstanding common stock of GlobalFirst Holdings, Ltd. 
("GlobalFirst"), a privately held telecommunications firm with operations in 
the United Kingdom and several other countries in Western Europe (the 
"GlobalFirst Acquisition"). On February 3, 1999, Clariti sold all of the 
outstanding common stock of Telnet Products & Services, Ltd. ("Telnet"). Prior 
to its sale, Telnet was one of several businesses operated by GlobalFirst. On 
March 16, 1999, Clariti acquired all of the outstanding common stock of 
MediaTel Global Communications, Ltd. ("MediaTel"), a switchless reseller of 
telecommunications services in the United Kingdom. The registrant and its 
independent accountants have been working diligently to acquire the necessary 
information to accurately present the effects of the sale of Telnet and the 
MediaTel acquisition in the consolidated financial statements for the three-
month and nine-month periods ended March 31, 1999. Several difficulties have 
been encountered in preparing these financial statements, including an 
inability to promptly locate financial data for some of the European operations 
and the need to conform MediaTel's financial information into U.S. generally 
accepted accounting principles.  As a result, it is management's opinion that 
financial statements for the three-month and nine-month periods ended March 31, 
1999 cannot be completed by May 17, 1999 (the original due date for Form 10-
QSB) without unreasonable effort or expense.  Management expects to file a 
completed Form 10-QSB for the quarter ended March 31, 1999 on or before May 24, 


(1) Name and telephone number of person to contact in regard to this 

      James M. Boyd, Jr.             215            425-8682
      ------------------          ---------     ----------------
            Name                  Area Code     Telephone Number


(2) Have all other periodic reports required under Section 13 or 15(d) of the 
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months been 
      filed?                                                      (X)Yes  ( )No

(3) Is it anticipated that any significant change in results of operations
      from the corresponding period for the last fiscal year will be reflected 
      by the earnings statement to be included in the subject report thereon?
                                                                 (X)Yes  ( )No

      If so, attach an explanation of the anticipated change, both narratively 
      and quantitatively, and, if appropriate, state the reasons why a 
      reasonable estimate of the results cannot be made.

      Pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, the GlobalFirst 
      Acquisition has been accounted for as a reverse acquisition.  Thus, 
      GlobalFirst was deemed to be the acquiror and Clariti was considered the 
      acquired company for purposes of applying purchase accounting rules.  As 
      a result, the registrant's unaudited interim earnings statements for the 
      three-month and nine-month periods ended March 31, 1999 will reflect 
      results of operations for GlobalFirst for the full three-month and nine-
      month periods, and Clariti's results of operations for only the period 
      from the acquisition date (December 8, 1998) to March 31, 1999.  In 
      contrast, the registrant's results of operations for the corresponding 
      periods for the last fiscal year reflected Clariti's results of
      operations only. The sale of Telnet and the acquisition of MediaTel are 
      also expected to have an effect on the 1999 results.

      Clariti incurred net losses of approximately $.09 million and $3.3 
      million for the three-month and nine-month periods ended March 31, 1998,
      respectively. Final consolidated results of operations for the three-
      month and nine-month periods ended March 31, 1999 have not yet been 
      completed; however, management expects that such results will reflect net 
      losses substantially greater than the prior year results noted above due 
      to the inclusion of GlobalFirst results of operations for the entire 
      three-month and nine-month periods as a result of the reverse acquisition 
      accounting treatment, as well as the impact of the sale of Telnet and the 
      acquisition of MediaTel.

              Clariti Telecommunications International, Ltd.
               (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

has caused this notification to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned 
hereunto duly authorized.

Date:  May 17, 1999                      By: s/James M. Boyd, Jr.
       ------------                          --------------------
                                             James M. Boyd, Jr.
                                             Vice President of Finance and
                                             Chief Accounting Officer