
                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                             Dated February 2, 1998,

                                  by and among

                                   PMI LP II,

                            SUMMIT TEMPORARIES, INC.,

                               LESLIE A. BARNETT,

                                GARY F. NICHOLS,


                                 LYLE D. NICHOLS


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I                     Purchase and Sale                               1
    Section 1.1               Purchased Assets                                1
    Section 1.2               Excluded Assets                                 2

ARTICLE II                    Purchase Price                                  3

ARTICLE III                   Assumption of Liabilities                       3
    Section 3.1               Assumed Liabilities                             3
    Section 3.2               Excluded Liabilities                            4

ARTICLE IV                    Closing and Effective Time                      4
    Section 4.1               Closing; Closing Date; Effective Time           4
    Section 4.2               Closing Requirements                            4

ARTICLE V                     Other Actions, Agreements and Covenants
                              of the Parties                                  5
    Section 5.1               Assignment of Contracts                         5
    Section 5.2               Delivery of Property Received After 
                              Effective Time                                  6
    Section 5.3               Purchaser Appointed Attorney for Seller         6
    Section 5.4               Execution of Further Documents; 
                              Financial Statements                            6
    Section 5.5               Employment by Purchaser of Seller's Employees   7
    Section 5.6               Noncompetition and Confidentiality Agreements   7
    Section 5.7               IRS Form 8594                                   7

ARTICLE VI                    Representations and Warranties by Seller, 
                              Barnett, G. Nichols and L. Nichols              7
    Section 6.1               Corporate Existence and Qualification           7
    Section 6.2               Subsidiaries and Affiliates                     8
    Section 6.3               Financial Statements                            8
    Section 6.4               Events Subsequent to Date of Most Recent 
                              Interim Balance Sheet Included in
                              Seller Financial Statements                     8
    Section 6.5               Undisclosed Liabilities                         8
    Section 6.6               Tax Returns                                     9
    Section 6.7               Real Property                                   9
    Section 6.8               Personal Property - Owned                       9
    Section 6.9               Personal Property - Leased                      9
    Section 6.10              Use and Condition of Property; 
                              Environmental Concerns                         10
    Section 6.11              Restrictive Covenants                          10
    Section 6.12              Intellectual Property Rights                   10
    Section 6.13              No Breach, Default or Violation                10
    Section 6.14              Litigation and Claims                          11
    Section 6.15              Material Contracts                             11
    Section 6.16              Validity of Purchased Contracts                11
    Section 6.17              Powers of Attorney                             11
    Section 6.18              Employment Matters; Employee Benefit 
                              Plans; ERISA Compliance                        11
    Section 6.19              Insurance                                      12
    Section 6.20              Compliance With Laws; Licenses                 12
    Section 6.21              Authorization of Agreement                     12
    Section 6.22              All Material Information                       13
    Section 6.23              Material Adverse Contract                      13
    Section 6.24              Shareholders                                   13
    Section 6.25              Consents of Third Parties                      13
    Section 6.26              Other Approvals                                13
    Section 6.27              Customer Relations                             13
    Section 6.28              Knowledge of Seller                            14

ARTICLE VII                    Matters Regarding Securities                  14

ARTICLE VIII                  Representations and Warranties by Purchaser    15
    Section 8.1               Valid Existence and Qualification of Purchaser 15
    Section 8.2               Authorization of Agreement by Purchaser        15

ARTICLE IX                    Indemnification                                16
    Section 9.1               Indemnification by Seller, Barnett, G. 
                              Nichols and L. Nichols                         16
    Section 9.2               Right of Setoff                                16
    Section 9.3               Indemnification by Purchaser                   16
    Section 9.4               Survival of Covenants, Representations 
                              and Warranties                                 17
    Section 9.5               Payment and Settlement of Amounts Due          17
    Section 9.6               Limitation on Indemnities                      18
    Section 9.7               Notice and Defense of Third Party Claims       18
    Section 9.8               Rights of Setoff and Setoff Procedures         19

ARTICLE X                     Change of Names; Use of Names by Purchaser     21

ARTICLE XI                    Expenses of the Parties                        21

ARTICLE XII                   Brokers' Commission                            21

ARTICLE XIII                  Miscellaneous                                  22
    Section 13.1              Waivers and Amendments                         22
    Section 13.2              Entire Agreement                               22
    Section 13.3              Headings                                       22
    Section 13.4              Notices                                        22
    Section 13.5              Severability                                   23
    Section 13.6              Disclosures on Schedules                       23
    Section 13.7              Third Parties                                  23
    Section 13.8              Counterparts                                   24
    Section 13.9              Successors and Assigns                         24

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         THIS ASSET PURCHASE  AGREEMENT  (this  "Agreement") is made and entered
into this 2nd day of February,  1998,  effective as of 12:01 a.m. on February 2,
1998 (the "Effective  Time"), by and among Summit  Temporaries,  Inc., a Georgia
corporation ("Seller"),  Leslie A. Barnett, a Georgia resident ("Barnett"), Gary
F. Nichols,  a Georgia  resident  ("G.  Nichols"),  Lyle D.  Nichols,  a Georgia
resident  ("L.  Nichols"),  and  PMI  LP  II,  an  Indiana  limited  partnership

                              PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

         Seller desires to sell to Purchaser,  and Purchaser desires to purchase
from Seller, substantially all of the non-cash assets owned by Seller or used or
useful in the  operations  or  business of Seller,  on the terms and  conditions
hereinafter set forth.

     Barnett,  G.  Nichols and L.  Nichols are parties to this  Agreement as the
sole shareholders of Seller.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,   in  consideration  of  the  mutual  representations,
warranties,  covenants and conditions  hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto
agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                Purchase and Sale

         Section 1.1.  Purchased Assets.  Seller agrees to and does hereby sell,
transfer,  assign, convey and deliver to Purchaser,  and Purchaser hereby agrees
to and does hereby  purchase  and  acquire  from  Seller,  free and clear of all
liens, encumbrances,  claims, restrictions,  security interests, obligations and
liabilities  except as otherwise  expressly  provided herein,  all of the assets
that are owned by Seller or that are used or useful by Seller in the  operations
or  business of Seller at the  Effective  Time  except the  Excluded  Assets (as
hereinafter  defined),   including  in  the  assets  being  purchased  and  sold
hereunder,  without  limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the following
assets  as the same  shall  exist at the  Effective  Time  (which  assets  being
acquired are hereinafter collectively called the "Purchased Assets"):

               1.1.1.   all   furniture,   furnishings,    fixtures,   leasehold
          improvements,  equipment  and other fixed assets,  including,  without
          limitation, the assets listed on Schedule 1.1.1;

               1.1.2. all of Seller's rights,  title, and interest in and to all
          software  owned by Seller  or  licensed  to  Seller by third  parties,
          including  all  documentation,  source  codes,  software  modules  and
          enhancements and software in development;

               1.1.3. all inventories  including marketing materials  (including
          video tapes, brochures, and the like), spare parts and supplies;

               1.1.4.  all  of  Seller's  rights  under  all  leases,  contracts
          (including  software license  agreements and maintenance  agreements),
          agreements,  and sales  orders,  including  but not  limited  to those
          leases,  contracts,  agreements,  and sales orders  listed on Schedule
          1.1.4 (the "Purchased Contracts");

               1.1.5.  all prepaid and deferred items including  prepaid rentals
          and deposits;

               1.1.6. all operating and financial data and information and books
          and  records  relating  to the  Purchased  Assets or the  business  or
          operations of Seller  (wherever  located and in every format and media
          whatsoever),  including without limitation software databases, written
          records,  personnel files (but only as to personnel hired by Purchaser
          and only with  their  knowledge),  files,  policies,  customer  lists,
          mailing lists,  supplier lists,  credit  information,  correspondence,
          designs,  slogans,  processes,  know-how,  trade  secrets,  and  other
          similar property;

               1.1.7.  all  intellectual  property  rights of Seller,  including
          Seller's  rights,  title and interest in and to all United  States and
          foreign patents (including all reissues, divisions,  continuations and
          extensions thereof), patent applications, patent disclosures docketed,
          copyrights,  trademarks,  trademark  rights,  trademark  applications,
          trade  names,  service  marks,  service  mark  rights,   service  mark
          applications and licenses;

               1.1.8. all registrations,  permits, licenses, consents, approvals
          and  qualifications  of  Federal,  State,  local or  other  government
          agencies  relating  to the  business  or  operations  of Seller or the
          Purchased Assets;

               1.1.9.  all rights to warranties  and  guarantees or other claims
          relating to any of the Purchased Assets,  including without limitation
          rights  under  agreements  for the supply of  equipment  or  leasehold

               1.1.10.   all  rights  to  the  use  of  Seller's   name  "Summit
          Temporaries,  Inc." and derivatives  thereof, all past corporate names
          of Seller and all other names used or previously used by Seller or its
          predecessors in its business; and

              1.1.11.  the goodwill relating to Seller's business.

     Section  1.2.  Excluded  Assets.  Seller is  retaining  and is not selling,
transferring,  conveying,  assigning or  delivering  to Purchaser  the following
assets (hereinafter collectively called the "Excluded Assets"):

               1.2.1. any cash and cash equivalents of Seller on hand or in bank
          accounts at the Effective Time;

               1.2.2.  any marketable securities;

               1.2.3. any deposits related to workers' compensation insurance;

               1.2.4. all accounts receivable of Seller for work performed prior
          to the Effective Time; and

               1.2.5. all notes receivable of Seller at the Effective Time.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                 Purchase Price

         The  total  purchase  price for the  Purchased  Assets  (the  "Purchase
Price") shall be an amount determined and paid as follows:

               (i) Purchaser shall pay $1,700,000 cash to Seller at Closing;

               (ii)  Purchaser  shall  deliver at Closing  the  following  notes
          issued by  Purchaser  (collectively,  the "Notes" ): (x) a note in the
          principal  amount of $950,000,  with  interest  payable at the rate of
          8.5%  per  annum,  with  quarter-annual  principal  payments  over the
          four-year  period  commencing  on the date of the Closing and with the
          other terms and  conditions as set forth in the form of the Promissory
          Note  attached as Exhibit A to this  Agreement;  and (y) a note in the
          principal amount of $100,000 with  quarter-annual  principal  payments
          over the  two-year  period  commencing  on the date of the Closing and
          with the  other  terms  and  conditions  set  forth in the form of the
          Promissory Note attached as Exhibit B to this Agreement (collectively,
          the "Notes"), which Notes shall be guaranteed by Personnel Management,
          Inc., an Indiana corporation ("PMI"), as guarantor.

                                   ARTICLE III
                            Assumption of Liabilities

         Section 3.1. Assumed  Liabilities.  Purchaser hereby assumes and agrees
to pay, perform or discharge,  to the extent not theretofore paid,  performed or
discharged, (i) Seller's liabilities and obligations arising after the Effective
Time under those Purchased Contracts, if any, listed on Schedule 1.1.4, and (ii)
if Purchaser,  in its sole discretion and at its option, elects in writing after
the Closing (as  hereinafter  defined) to assume  liabilities  or obligations of
Seller  under any  Purchased  Contracts  not  listed  on  Schedule  1.1.4,  then
Purchaser will assume and pay Seller's liabilities and obligations arising after
the  Effective  Time  under  each  such  nonlisted  Purchased  Contract  that is
expressly assumed in writing by Purchaser, excluding with respect to clauses (i)
and (ii) any liability for default  thereunder  occurring prior to the Effective
Time  and,  with  respect  to  liabilities  for rent and  taxes,  excluding  any
liability as to periods of time prior to the Effective Time.

         Section  3.2.  Excluded  Liabilities.  Except  as  otherwise  expressly
provided in Section 3.1,  Purchaser  does not assume and shall not be liable for
any of the liabilities or obligations of Seller, including,  without limitation,
Seller's  liabilities  or  obligations  which  are  known or  unknown,  fixed or
contingent, now existing or hereafter arising (which liabilities and obligations
not  assumed  by  Purchaser  are  hereinafter   referred  to  as  the  "Excluded

                                   ARTICLE IV
                           Closing and Effective Time

     Section 4.1. Closing;  Closing Date;  Effective Time. The execution of this
Agreement and the taking of various actions in connection  therewith as provided
herein with  respect to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby (the  "Closing")
shall take place on February 2, 1998 (the  "Closing  Date").  As provided in the
preamble  to this  Agreement,  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall be
effective  as of  12:01  a.m.  (Indianapolis  time)  on  February  2,  1998  (as
previously defined, the "Effective Time").

     Section 4.2. Closing Requirements.  Seller, Barnett, G. Nichols, L. Nichols
and/or  Purchaser,  as applicable,  shall take the following  actions  ("Closing
Requirements") at or prior to the Closing:

                  4.2.1.  Seller shall take such actions and execute and deliver
         to Purchaser such bills of sale,  certificates of title,  endorsements,
         assignments,  or other  instruments,  with all  documentary or transfer
         taxes  applicable  thereto  duly  paid or  provided  for,  as  shall be
         necessary  to  vest  in  Purchaser  at  the  Effective  Time  good  and
         marketable  title  to  the  Purchased  Assets,  subject  to  no  liens,
         encumbrances,  claims, restrictions,  security interests,  obligations,
         liabilities  or rights in any other  party  whatsoever,  except for the
         Assumed Liabilities.

                  4.2.2.  Seller  shall have  delivered to Purchaser a certified
         copy  (certified  by the  Secretary  of State of  Georgia)  of Seller's
         Articles  of  Incorporation,   including  all  amendments  thereto  and
         restatements thereof.

                  4.2.3.  Seller  shall have  delivered to Purchaser a certified
         copy  (certified  by the  Secretary  or other  appropriate  officer  of
         Seller) of  Seller's  Bylaws,  including  all  amendments  thereto  and
         restatements thereof.

                  4.2.4.  Seller shall have  delivered  to  Purchaser  certified
         copies  (certified  by the  Secretary or other  appropriate  officer of
         Seller) of resolutions  and/or consents setting forth the authorization
         and approval of the Board of Directors  and  shareholders  of Seller of
         the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and all other
         agreements,   documents   and   transactions   pertaining   hereto   or
         contemplated hereby.

                  4.2.5.  Each of Seller,  Barnett,  G.  Nichols and L.  Nichols
         shall have executed and delivered to Purchaser the  Noncompetition  and
         Confidentiality  Agreement (as hereinafter defined and substantially in
         the form of Exhibit D hereto).

                  4.2.6.  Seller and Purchaser shall have executed and delivered
         to one another such  assignment and assumption  agreements as either of
         them  shall  reasonably  request  relating  to  the  assignment  to and
         assumption by Purchaser of the Purchased Contracts and the benefits and
         obligations thereunder. Seller shall have obtained and shall provide to
         Purchaser the written consent of any third party or parties required in
         connection with the assignment of any of the Purchased Contracts.

                  4.2.7.  Seller shall have delivered to Purchaser a certificate
         of the Secretary of Seller  certifying as to the incumbency of officers
         and Directors of Seller, dated the date hereof.

                  4.2.8.  Seller shall have delivered to Purchaser  certificates
         as of a current date  evidencing  the corporate  existence of Seller in

                  4.2.9.  Purchaser  shall have  delivered  to Seller  certified
         copies (certified by the Secretary or other appropriate  officer of PMI
         Administration,  Inc.,  the  sole  general  partner  of  Purchaser)  of
         resolutions   and/or  consents  setting  forth  the  authorization  and
         approval of the Board of Directors of PMI Administration,  Inc., as the
         general   partner  of  Purchaser,   of  the  execution,   delivery  and
         performance of this Agreement and all other  agreements,  documents and
         transactions pertaining hereto or contemplated hereby.

                  4.2.10.  Purchaser shall pay to Seller the cash and deliver to
         Seller the Notes that constitute the Purchase Price.

                  4.2.11. Purchaser shall deliver to Seller a signed guaranty of
         PMI with respect to  Purchaser's  obligations  under the Notes and this
         Agreement,  which guaranty shall be  substantially in the form attached
         hereto as Exhibit C.

                                    ARTICLE V
             Other Actions, Agreements and Covenants of the Parties

     Purchaser, Barnett, G. Nichols, L. Nichols and Seller covenant and agree as

         Section 5.1.  Assignment  of  Contracts.  Seller  hereby  transfers and
assigns to Purchaser  all of Seller's  rights and benefits  under the  Purchased
Contracts.  With  respect  to the  Real  Estate  Leases  (hereinafter  defined),
Purchaser  accepts  the  assignment  of each of them  subject to the  conditions
subsequent that Seller shall,  on or before March 2, 1998,  provide to Purchaser
the written  consent of the lessor  under each of the Real Estate  Leases to the
assignment  thereof  by  Seller  to  Purchaser  and that the  lessor's  security
interest provisions be deleted from the Wellington Square Shopping Center lease.
In the event any  increase  in rent or other  charges  is  imposed by the lessor
under any of the Real Estate Leases in connection with the assignment thereof by
Seller to Purchaser,  Seller shall pay to Purchaser,  monthly as rent is payable
by  Purchaser  thereunder,  the amount of any such  increase  that  Purchaser is
required to pay on account of such  assignment  throughout  the  remaining  term
thereof.  Seller  shall pay all fees,  charges  and other  costs  payable to any
lessor under any of the Real Estate Leases in connection  with the assignment of
the Real  Estate  Leases by  Seller  to  Purchaser.  Subject  to the  conditions
subsequent to  Purchaser's  acceptance of assignment of the Real Estate  Leases,
Purchaser  shall pay and perform all  obligations  of the tenant  under the Real
Estate Leases accruing and/or attributable to events or circumstances  occurring
after the Effective Time, and Seller shall pay and perform all such  obligations
accruing and/or  attributable to events or circumstances  occurring prior to the
Effective Time.

         Section 5.2.  Delivery of Property  Received After Effective Time. From
and after the Effective  Time (i) Seller  agrees that it will promptly  transfer
and deliver to Purchaser any cash or other  property,  except  Excluded  Assets,
that Seller may receive from time to time after the  Effective  Time relating to
the  Purchased  Assets,  and (ii)  Purchaser  agrees that it will  transfer  and
deliver to Seller any cash or other  property  that  Purchaser  may receive from
time to time after the Effective Time relating to the Excluded Assets.

         Section 5.3.  Purchaser  Appointed  Attorney for Seller.  Seller agrees
that,  effective as of the Effective  Time, it hereby  constitutes  and appoints
Purchaser,   its  successors  and  assigns,   the  true  and  lawful  agent  and
attorney-in-fact  of Seller in the name of  Purchaser  or in the name of Seller,
but for the benefit and at the expense of Purchaser, its successors and assigns,
(i) to institute and prosecute all  proceedings  which Purchaser may deem proper
to collect, assert or enforce any claim, right, title or interest of any kind in
or to the Purchased  Assets;  (ii) to defend or compromise  any and all actions,
suits or  proceedings in respect of any of the Purchased  Assets,  and to do all
such acts and  things in  relation  thereto  as  Purchaser,  its  successors  or
assigns, shall deem advisable; and (iii) to take all action which Purchaser, its
successors or assigns, may reasonably deem appropriate to provide for Purchaser,
its successors or assigns,  the benefits of or under any of the Purchased Assets
where any required consent of another party to the sale or assignment thereof to
Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement shall not have been obtained. If Purchaser,
in the name of Seller,  desires to institute and  prosecute any action,  suit or
proceeding,  or take any other action  pursuant to this  Section 5.3,  Purchaser
shall give Seller 10 days' prior written notice.  Seller  acknowledges  that the
foregoing  powers  and  agency  are  coupled  with  an  interest  and  shall  be
irrevocable.  Purchaser  shall be  entitled  to retain for its own  account  any
amounts  collected  pursuant  to  the  foregoing  powers  and  agency  which  is
attributable  to its  interest  hereunder,  including  any  amounts  payable  as
interest in respect thereof.

         Section 5.4.  Execution of Further Documents.  After the Closing,  upon
the reasonable  request of Purchaser,  Seller shall take such additional actions
and execute, acknowledge and deliver all such further documents and instruments,
including without limitation bills of sale, assignments, transfers, conveyances,
powers of attorney and assurances,  as may be required to convey and transfer to
and vest in Purchaser and protect  Purchaser's  right, title and interest in and
to all of the Purchased  Assets or as may be appropriate  otherwise to carry out
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         Section  5.5.  Employment  by Purchaser  of Seller's  Employees.  It is
understood  and agreed that Purchaser is under no obligation to hire and provide
employment for any of Seller's existing employees,  it being Seller's obligation
to terminate such employees, if such is necessary. Purchaser, however, presently
intends to hire some of Seller's  existing  employees as new hires,  and Seller,
Barnett,  G. Nichols and L. Nichols  shall use their  reasonable  efforts to aid
Purchaser in engaging  such of Seller's  agents and  employees as are  presently
engaged  or  employed  by  Seller  as  Purchaser  shall in its  sole  discretion
determine.  Purchaser does not intend to hire and provide employment for Barnett
(although he will perform consulting  services as an independent  contractor for
Purchaser  for a period of time) or  Jennifer  Hoofnagle,  and  neither  of such
persons shall become  employees of Purchaser and Seller shall be responsible for
whatever  legal or  contractual  obligations  may exist between  Seller and such
persons.  Each of Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols and L. Nichols hereby waives the
right to  enforce,  and  covenants  that it or he will not enforce or attempt to
enforce,  any  agreement  not to  compete  or  disclose  confidential  or  other
information  or similar  agreement or  restriction  made by or applicable to any
shareholder  or employee of Summit that is employed by Purchaser  and that would
be violated by the employment of such employee by Purchaser or the engagement by
such employee in the continuation of the business  formerly  conducted by Seller
on behalf of Purchaser.

         Section  5.6.   Noncompetition  and   Confidentiality   Agreement.   As
additional  consideration for Purchaser's agreement to buy the Purchased Assets,
Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols and L.  Nichols  shall each execute and deliver to
Purchaser at Closing an agreement  not to compete with  Purchaser  for a term of
three  years,  commencing  at the  Effective  Time,  substantially  in the  form
attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  D  (the   "Noncompetition   and   Confidentiality

         Section  5.7.  IRS Form  8594.  Seller  and  Purchaser  agree  that the
Purchase Price shall be allocated as set forth in Schedule 5.7 hereto,  and that
neither  party will report an  allocation  inconsistent  therewith  on Form 8594
subsequently filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                    Representations and Warranties by Seller
                     and Barnett, G. Nichols and L. Nichols

         To induce  Purchaser to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereunder,  Seller, Barnett, G. Nichols and L. Nichols
make the following representations and warranties, each of which shall be deemed
to be  independently  material  and relied upon by Purchaser  regardless  of any
investigation made or information obtained by Purchaser:

         Section 6.1.  Corporate  Existence and  Qualification.  Seller (i) is a
corporation  duly organized and validly  existing under the laws of the State of
Georgia,  (ii)  has all  requisite  corporate  power  and  authority  to own its
properties and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted;  and (iii)
is not required to be qualified to transact business as a foreign corporation in
any  jurisdictions.  Copies of Seller's Articles of Incorporation,  certified by
the Georgia  Secretary of State, and Bylaws,  including all amendments  thereto,
certified by the Secretary of Seller, have been delivered to Purchaser, and such
copies are true, complete and correct in every particular.

         Section 6.2.      Subsidiaries.  Seller has no subsidiaries.

         Section 6.3. Financial Statements.  Attached hereto as Schedule 6.3 are
the  unaudited  Balance  Sheet of Seller at December 31,  1997,  and the related
unaudited  Statement  of  Operations  of Seller for its  fiscal  year then ended
(which  Balance  Sheet and  Statement  of  Operations  are  herein  collectively
referred to as the "Seller Financial  Statements"),  which have been prepared in
accordance with the accrual method of accounting and sound accounting principles
consistently  applied  with  respect  to prior  periods.  The  Seller  Financial
Statements  present  fairly  the  financial  condition  of  Seller  at the  date
indicated and the results of operations of Seller for the period indicated.

         Section 6.4. Events Subsequent to Date of Seller Financial  Statements.
To the  knowledge  of  Seller,  and except for  economic  conditions  applicable
generally to  businesses  of the type  conducted by Seller,  since  December 31,
1997,  (a) there have been no adverse  changes in the  condition  of the assets,
liabilities,  business, operations, prospects or properties of Seller, or in the
financial  condition  or  earnings  of Seller as shown in the  Seller  Financial
Statements,  other than  changes in the  ordinary  course of  business of Seller
which,  individually or in the aggregate,  are not material,  (b) Seller has not
entered into any material transaction,  except for the transactions contemplated
by this  Agreement,  not in the usual and ordinary  course of its business,  (c)
Seller's  assets,  business,  operations,  prospects or properties have not been
adversely  affected  in any  material  way as a result of any fire,  accident or
other  casualty  or by any act of  God,  (d)  Seller  has  not  sold,  assigned,
transferred or otherwise disposed of (other than using expendable supplies),  or
removed or permitted to be removed from any Real Estate (as hereinafter defined)
or any building or structure thereon, any assets of Seller or any assets used or
useful in its  business  or  operations  of the type that,  but for such sale or
other event described above, would have been includable in the Purchased Assets;
and (e) Seller has not failed to use reasonable  efforts or to act in good faith
(a) to preserve the assets and  business of Seller,  (b) to keep  available  the
services of  Seller's  present  employees,  agents and  representatives,  (c) to
preserve the goodwill of Seller's  customers,  suppliers,  and all others having
business with Seller, (d) to conduct and operate Seller's business, and maintain
Seller's books,  accounts and records, in the customary manner, in a prudent and
normal fashion,  and in the ordinary course of business,  or (e) to maintain the
Purchased Assets in the same condition as such assets were in as of December 31,
1997 and preserve Seller's physical  properties,  business  premises,  fixtures,
furniture and equipment, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

     Section  6.5.  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except as reflected on the Seller
Financial Statements, Seller has no material liabilities or obligations, whether
accrued,  absolute,  contingent or otherwise,  and whether due or to become due,
and whether known or unknown, and there is no basis for any claim against Seller
for any such  liabilities  or  obligations,  except  liabilities  or obligations
incurred in the ordinary  course of business of Seller since  December 31, 1997,
including  the  Assumed  Liabilities,  none  of  which  individually  or in  the
aggregate will have a material  adverse effect upon the Purchased  Assets or the
business or condition, financial or otherwise, of Seller.

         Section  6.6.  Tax  Returns.  Seller  has  filed  with the  appropriate
agencies all tax returns and tax reports  required by law to be filed by or with
respect to Seller and has paid all taxes due, specifically including all returns
and taxes with respect to employment matters, and to the knowledge of Seller (i)
no audit of any federal, state, county or municipal returns or other tax returns
filed by Seller is in progress, pending or threatened,  (ii) there are no unpaid
taxes which are or will become a lien or charge on any of the  Purchased  Assets
or for  which  Purchaser  may be  liable  and  there  are no known  or  proposed
deficiency  assessments in respect of any Federal,  State, county,  municipal or
other tax return  filed by Seller  which might  adversely  affect the  Purchased
Assets or Seller's  business  or for which  Purchaser  may be liable;  and (iii)
there are no taxes, penalties or interest assessed against, due and/or unpaid by
Seller with respect to the Purchased Assets or Seller's business.

         Section 6.7.  Real Property.

                  6.7.1.  Set forth in Schedule 6.7.1 is a list of the addresses
         of each parcel of real property leased or otherwise used by Seller (the
         "Real  Estate").  Seller has furnished to Purchaser a true and complete
         copy of each lease of any Real Estate of which  Seller is the lessee or
         the lessor  (herein  referred to as the "Real  Estate  Leases"),  and a
         description of the type of use of each such parcel. Seller owns no real
         property and has not agreed or committed to purchase any real property.

                  6.7.2. All Real Estate Leases are in full force and effect and
         there exists  thereunder  no event of default or event which,  with the
         giving of notice or passage of time or both,  would constitute an event
         of  default  by any party  thereto.  ll of the Real  Estate  Leases are
         assignable   to  Purchaser   only  with  the  consent  of  the  lessors
         thereunder. Except as otherwise disclosed on Schedule 6.7.1, Seller has
         obtained  written  consents  from the  lessors  to such  assignment  to
         Purchaser with respect to each of the Real Estate Leases.  There are no
         delinquencies or alleged delinquencies in the payment of rents or other
         amounts owed any landlords under any of the Real Estate Leases.

         Section 6.8. Personal Property - Owned.  Except as otherwise  disclosed
on Schedule  1.4.4,  (a) Seller has good and  marketable  title to all  personal
property  included in the  Purchased  Assets  reflected on the Seller  Financial
Statements  (except any sold since the date  thereof in the  ordinary  course of
business), free and clear of all mortgages, liens, security interests,  charges,
claims,  restrictions and other encumbrances of every kind, and (b) the personal
property included in the Purchased Assets utilized in Seller's business is owned
by Seller and may be used for such purposes  without conflict with the rights of

         Section  6.9.  Personal  Property  - Leased.  Seller has  disclosed  in
Schedule  1.1.4 all leases  under which Seller  leases  personal  property  from
others. Seller has furnished Purchaser with a true and complete copy of all such
leases.  The property  described  in such leases is presently  used by Seller as
lessee  under the terms of such  leases  and such  leases  are in full force and
effect, and no defaults exist under such leases and there exists no event which,
with the giving of notice or passage of time or both, would constitute a default
under such leases. All of such leases are assignable to Purchaser hereunder, and
Seller shall obtain all necessary consents to such assignment.

         Section 6.10.    Use and Condition of Property; Environmental Concerns.

                  6.10.1.  There are and have  been no  material  violations  by
         Seller of, and Seller has not received  notice of any violation of, any
         law, statute,  ordinance,  regulation,  order,  rule,  judgment,  writ,
         injunction,  decree, permit, registration or other requirement relating
         or applicable to the Real Estate or any of Seller's  property,  assets,
         business or  operations  or the  Purchased  Assets,  including  without
         limitation  violations  relating to pollution  control or environmental
         contamination.   To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,   but  without
         independent  investigation,  there  are no  orders,  rulings,  decrees,
         injunctions,  judgments  or  writs  of  any  federal,  state  or  local
         government  or of any court,  department,  commission,  board,  bureau,
         agency or other  instrumentality  thereof  known to Seller  outstanding
         against,  or  relating  or  applicable  to,  Seller or its  properties,
         business or operations or the Real Estate.

                  6.10.2.  There  are no  existing  facts or  circumstances,  to
         Seller's  knowledge,  that Seller  reasonably  believes  could form the
         basis for the assertion of any claim  against  Seller in respect of the
         business,  operations,  activities  or properties of Seller or the Real
         Estate relating to environmental matters.

                  6.10.3. There are no environmental  operating or other similar
         environmental  permits or authorizations  required for the operation of
         Seller's business or the Purchased Assets.

     Section 6.11.  Restrictive  Covenants.  Except for the  Noncompetition  and
Confidentiality  Agreement  and  a  shareholders  agreement  among  Barnett,  G.
Nichols,  L.  Nichols and Seller,  none of Barnett,  G.  Nichols,  L. Nichols or
Seller is subject  to any  agreements  not to  compete  or  similar  restrictive

     Section 6.12.  Intellectual  Property Rights. There are no patents,  patent
applications,  inventions,  discoveries,  trade  secrets  or other  intellectual
property relating to or used in the business of Seller developed by Barnett,  G.
Nichols,  L. Nichols or any of the other  employees of Seller or any other party
to which  Seller  has or may have a right of  ownership  or a right of use which
have not been assigned to Seller.

     Section  6.13. No Breach,  Default or  Violation.  Seller is not in default
under or in breach or violation of the  provisions  of any franchise or license,
any provision of its Articles of Incorporation  or Bylaws,  any promissory note,
indenture or any evidence of  indebtedness or security  therefor,  or any lease,
contract,  purchase or other  commitment  or any other  agreement by which it is
bound,  which  individually or in the aggregate may result in a material adverse
effect on its business or condition,  financial or  otherwise,  or the Purchased

     Section 6.14.  Litigation and Claims.  There is no action,  suit,  legal or
administrative  proceeding,  arbitration,  investigation  or other proceeding or
claim  pending or, to the knowledge of Seller  threatened,  against or affecting
Seller, and Seller is not a party plaintiff in any action, suit,  arbitration or
proceeding.  No  unsatisfied  judgment,  order or decree  has been  entered  and
remains pending or in effect as to Seller.

     Section 6.15. Material Contracts.  Other than employment agreements and the
Purchased Contracts listed on Schedule 1.1.4,,  there are no material contracts,
agreements,  commitments,  licenses or other  arrangements to which Seller is or
was subject or by which  Seller is or was bound,  oral or written,  expressed or
implied, including without limitation all agreements and instruments relating to
purchase orders or commitments,  supply or  requirements  contracts,  agreements
with sales agents or representatives,  and franchise or license agreements, that
were material in connection with Seller's  business  operations  during the year
1997 and that are not terminable  without financial payment or penalty by reason
thereof on 30 days' notice or less.

     Section 6.16.  Validity of Purchased  Contracts.  Each  Purchased  Contract
other than the Real  Estate  Leases may be  assigned  to  Purchaser  without any
restriction,  required  consent or other  approval  (except for such consents or
approvals that Seller has obtained), is in full force and effect and constitutes
the  valid,  legal  and  binding  obligations  of Seller  and the other  parties
thereto,  enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms  except  that  (i)  such
enforcement may be subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium
or similar laws now or hereafter in effect  relating to creditors'  rights,  and
(ii) the  remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
equitable  relief may be subject to equitable  defenses and to the discretion of
the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought;  Seller is not in
default and to the best knowledge of Seller no other party thereto is in default
(and no event has  occurred  which  with  notice or lapse of time or both  would
become a default) or has an accrued right of termination thereunder; and no such
contract  requiring  the purchase by Seller of equipment,  furniture,  fixtures,
operating  supplies or other  properties or services is for a quantity in excess
of the normal  requirements of Seller's  business or at a price in excess of the
generally prevailing price for the item to be purchased.

     Section  6.17.  Powers  of  Attorney.  There are no  outstanding  powers of
attorney  granted by Seller with  respect to its business or  operations  or the
Purchased Assets.

     Section 6.18. Employment Matters; Employee Benefit Plans.

                  6.18.1. Seller has no employment agreements with its employees
         other than pursuant to a written  agreement in the form attached hereto
         as Schedule 6.18. The hours worked by, payments made to and the working
         conditions of the employees of Seller have not been in violation of the
         Fair Labor  Standards  Act or any other  applicable  federal,  state or
         local  laws,  orders or  regulations  relating to the payment of wages,
         conditions of employment,  the employment of minors or similar matters;
         the practices of Seller in respect to the hiring,  working  conditions,
         promotion, discharge, discipline and rates of pay of its employees have
         not been in violation of any  federal,  state or local laws,  executive
         orders or regulations,  including but not limited to those  prohibiting
         discrimination for any reason; and there are not as of the date of this
         Agreement  and  there  will not be as of the  Closing  Date  any  labor
         troubles of any kind or nature pending or threatened against Seller.

                  6.18.2.  Seller  does  not  maintain  and has not at any  time
         within  the past five years  maintained,  and has no  liability  to any
         current  employee with respect to, any employee  benefit or other plans
         that provide retirement, disability, health or other benefits to any of
         Seller's employees (collectively,  all such plans and practices are the
         "Plans"), including all such Plans that are either an "employee pension
         benefit plan" or an "employee  welfare  benefit plan" as such terms are
         defined  in  the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act  of  1974
         (together with all  regulations of the Internal  Revenue  Service,  the
         United  States  Department  of Labor and the Pension  Benefit  Guaranty
         Corporation thereunder, "ERISA").

         Section 6.19. Insurance.  Schedule 6.18 is a true, correct and complete
list of all  fire,  theft,  casualty,  liability  and other  insurance  policies
insuring Seller and all insurance policies  maintained for any of its employees,
specifying  the type of  coverage,  the amount of  coverage,  the  premium,  the
insurer and the  expiration  date of each such policy.  Seller is not in default
with respect to any provisions of any such policy, nor has Seller failed to give
any material notice or present any material claim known to Seller under any such
policy in due and timely fashion.

         Section 6.20. Compliance with Laws; Licenses. To Seller's knowledge the
business  and  operations  of  Seller  are and have  been in  compliance  in all
material  respects  with all  applicable  laws,  rules  and  regulations  of all
authorities, and Seller has obtained all licenses, permits, bonds, insurance and
the like and have made all registrations which are required for such compliance.
A list of all states in which Seller is licensed or  registered as an employment
agency,  employment  leasing  agency  or  similar  business,  and a copy of each
license or registration listed, is attached hereto as Schedule 6.20.

         Section 6.21. Authorization of Agreement.  The execution,  delivery and
performance  of this Agreement by Seller and the  consummation  by Seller of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly and effectively  authorized by
all requisite corporate and other action and this Agreement constitutes a legal,
valid and binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
with  its  terms,   except  as  may  be  affected  by  bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or similar laws relating to or affecting  creditors'
rights generally or by equitable principles. Neither the execution,  performance
or  delivery  of  this  Agreement  nor  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby will (i) violate, conflict with, or constitute a default (or
an event  which,  with  notice  or lapse of time or  both,  would  constitute  a
default) under, or result in the creation of a lien or encumbrance on any of the
Purchased Assets pursuant to any of the terms, conditions,  or provisions of the
Articles  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of  Seller or any note,  bond,  mortgage,
indenture, deed of trust, license,  agreement, or other instrument or obligation
to  which  Seller  is a party  or is  bound,  or (ii)  violate  any  law,  rule,
regulation,  order,  writ,  injunction,  decree  or  statute  applicable  to the
business or operations of Seller or the Purchased Assets.

         Section 6.22. All Material  Information.  No representation or warranty
made by Seller in this  Agreement  or any  Schedule  delivered  pursuant to this
Agreement  (or any  statement  made to  Purchaser  by or on  behalf of Seller in
connection with the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement)  contains any
untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or  omits  to state  any  material  fact
necessary to make such  representation,  warranty or statement,  in light of the
circumstances when made, not misleading. Seller has no knowledge of any existing
or  threatened  occurrence,  event  or  development  which,  as  far  as  can be
reasonably  foreseen on the basis of information  currently available to Seller,
has or would have a  material  adverse  effect  upon the  business,  operations,
prospects,  property,  assets or financial  condition of Seller or the Purchased

         Section 6.23. Material Adverse Contracts.  Seller is not a party to any
contract,  agreement  or  arrangement,  oral or  written,  express  or  implied,
whatsoever which could  materially  adversely affect the use or operation of the
Purchased  Assets by Purchaser or which could  materially  adversely  affect the
value or prevent or hinder the sale of the Purchased Assets.

         Section  6.24.  Shareholders.  The  persons  listed  in  Schedule  6.24
constitute  all of the  beneficial  and record  holders of all of the issued and
outstanding shares of capital stock of Seller, each owning that number of shares
listed in Schedule 6.24.

         Section 6.25.  Consents of Third Parties.  Except as otherwise provided
on Schedule 6.7.1,  all necessary  consents or approvals of third parties to the
transfer  and  assignment  of the  Purchased  Assets  (including  the  Purchased
Contracts),  the  absence of which would  adversely  affect  Purchaser's  rights
hereunder  or  thereunder  or its  utilization  of the  Purchased  Assets or the
conduct of the related  businesses,  have been  obtained  (and shown by evidence
satisfactory  to  Purchaser),  including  without  limitation  the  consents and
approvals referred to in this Agreement.

         Section  6.26.  Other  Approvals.  All necessary  consents,  approvals,
authorizations  or other official actions of all governmental  authorities,  the
absence of which would materially affect  Purchaser's rights hereunder or to the
utilization  of the Purchased  Assets or conduct of the related  business,  have
been duly and validly  issued or granted and the period for  objection,  stay or
imposition of any other  impediment to the transactions  contemplated  hereby by
any such governmental authority has expired.

         Section 6.27. Customer Relations. Except as disclosed on Schedule 6.27,
(a) Seller has no actual knowledge that any person or organization that has been
a material  customer  of Seller  during all or any portion of the period of time
encompassed by the Seller Financial  Statements intends or is likely not to be a
material  customer of Purchaser  within the twelve month  period  following  the
Effective Time, and (b) Seller has no knowledge of any facts,  circumstances  or
conditions  (other than  general  economic  conditions  applicable  generally to
Seller's customers) that, either individually or in the aggregate, would cause a
reasonable person to believe that any such material customer of Seller will not,
or likely will not, be a material  customer of Purchaser during the twelve month
period following the Effective Time.

         Section 6.28.  Knowledge of Seller. With respect to representations and
warranties  herein that are made or qualified as being made "to the knowledge of
Seller" or words of  similar  import,  it is  understood  and agreed  that (a) a
person has  "knowledge"  of a  particular  matter or fact if such  person (i) is
actually  aware of such matter or fact or (ii) is actually  aware of information
that would cause a prudent person to conclude that such matter or fact is likely
to be true or exist, and (b) matters within the knowledge of any of Barnett,  G.
Nichols or L. Nichols or any of the  directors,  officers or employees of Seller
shall be considered to be within the knowledge of Seller.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                          Matters Regarding Securities

         To induce  Purchaser  to enter  into this  Agreement,  each of  Seller,
Barnett,  G. Nichols and L. Nichols hereby acknowledges that he has been advised
by  Purchaser  that the  promissory  notes to be  received  by Seller in partial
payment of the Purchase Price pursuant to this Agreement (the "Securities") have
not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended (the "1933
Act"),  or under the  securities  laws of the State of  Indiana  or the State of
Georgia or any other state  (collectively,  "State  Law"),  and are being issued
pursuant  to this  Agreement  in  reliance  upon  certain  exemptions  from such
registration  available  under  the  1933 Act and  under  applicable  State  Law
(collectively,  the "Exemptions").  In connection with such Exemptions,  each of
Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols and L. Nichols  severally  represents and warrants
that each of the  following  statements  is true and  complete as of the date of
this Agreement:

         (a)      Seller has been provided  with, and has made available to each
                  shareholder  of Seller,  a copy of the 1997  annual  report on
                  Form 10-K (the "Form 10-K") of Personnel Management, Inc., the
                  guarantor of the  Securities.  The  opportunity  has been made
                  available to Seller and each of the  shareholders of Seller at
                  a reasonable  time prior to the execution and delivery of this
                  Agreement to ask questions and receive  answers from Personnel
                  Management,  Inc., Purchaser and their officers concerning the
                  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Securities  and  the  matters
                  disclosed in the Form 10-K.

         (b)      With respect to each  shareholder of Seller,  such shareholder
                  and Seller represent and warrant that such  shareholder's  net
                  worth (joint with spouse of  applicable),  which includes such
                  shareholder's   ownership  in  Seller,   exceeds  one  million
                  dollars,  and  that  such  shareholder  has  been  advised  by
                  Purchaser  that  this  information  will  be  relied  upon  by
                  Purchaser in establishing  the  availability of the Exemptions
                  and that  Purchaser  and  Personnel  Management,  Inc.  may be
                  damaged if, by reason of the  inaccuracy of such  information,
                  the Exemptions are lost in whole or in part.

         (c)      It is understood  (based upon advice from  Purchaser) that the
                  Securities are subject to restrictions on transferability  and
                  may not be sold, assigned,  transferred or pledged except upon
                  compliance  with the provisions of the 1933 Act and State Law,
                  and that each document evidencing the Securities shall include
                  a legend detailing such restrictions on transfer.

         (d)      The Securities are being acquired by Seller for investment for
                  its own account (not as a nominee or agent for others) and not
                  with  the view to,  or for  resale  in  connection  with,  any
                  distribution thereof.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                   Representations and Warranties by Purchaser

         To  induce  Seller to enter  into this  Agreement  and  consummate  the
transactions    contemplated   hereunder,    Purchaser   makes   the   following
representations,  warranties,  covenants and agreements,  each of which shall be
deemed to be independently material and relied upon by Seller, regardless of any
investigation made or information obtained by Seller:

         Section 8.1. Valid Existence and Qualification of Purchaser.  Purchaser
is a limited  partnership  duly organized and validly existing under the laws of
the State of Indiana,  has been  admitted  to transact  business in the State of
Georgia as a foreign  limited  partnership,  and has all  requisite  partnership
power and authority to acquire and own the  Purchased  Assets,  to assume,  pay,
perform and discharge the Assumed  Liabilities,  and to perform its  obligations
under this Agreement.

         Section 8.2.  Authorization  of Agreement by Purchaser.  The execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by Purchaser and the  consummation by
Purchaser of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby have been authorized by all
requisite  partnership and other action and this Agreement  constitutes a legal,
valid and binding  obligation of  Purchaser,  enforceable  against  Purchaser in
accordance with its terms, except as may be affected by bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or similar laws relating to or affecting  creditors'
rights generally or by equitable principles. Neither the execution,  performance
or  delivery  of  this  Agreement  nor  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby will (i) violate, conflict with, or constitute a default (or
an event  which,  with  notice  or lapse of time or  both,  would  constitute  a
default) under, any of the terms,  conditions,  or provisions of the Partnership
Agreement of Purchaser or any note, bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  deed of trust,
license,  agreement,  or other  instrument or obligation to which Purchaser is a
party or is bound,  or (ii)  violate any law,  rule,  regulation,  order,  writ,
injunction, decree or statute applicable to Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE IX

     Section 9.1. Indemnification by Seller, Barnett, G. Nichols and L. Nichols.
Seller, Barnett, G. Nichols and L. Nichols hereby jointly and severally covenant
and agree to indemnify Purchaser and its successors and assigns against and hold
them  harmless  from any and all  liabilities,  losses,  deficiencies,  damages,
expenses and costs (including,  without limitation,  reasonable counsel fees and
costs and expenses incurred in the  investigation,  defense or settlement of any
claims covered by this indemnity or that would, if successfully  asserted by the
claimant,  be  covered  by  this  indemnity,  or  incurred  in  connection  with
successfully  asserting,  proving and collecting  indemnity payments pursuant to
this Article IX with  respect to matters not  involving  defense of  third-party
claims) accruing from or arising at any time as a result of or out of:

               9.1.1.  Any  inaccuracies in or breaches of the  representations,
          warranties,  covenants,  obligations  or  agreements  made  or  to  be
          complied  with or  performed  by Barnett,  G.  Nichols,  L. Nichols or
          Seller  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or in any  agreement,  schedule,
          certificate  or  instrument  delivered by or on behalf of Barnett,  G.
          Nichols,  L.  Nichols or Seller  pursuant  hereto,  including  without
          limitation the Noncompetition and Confidentiality Agreements;

               9.1.2. Any and all of Seller's liabilities other than the Assumed

               9.1.3.  Any claims for  brokerage  commissions  or  placement  or
          finders' fees in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
          Agreement  insofar  as such  claims  shall be  alleged  to be based on
          arrangements made by or on behalf of Seller;

               9.1.4.  Any operations or business  conducted,  commitment  made,
          service rendered or condition  existing or any action taken or omitted
          by or on behalf of Seller on or prior to the  Effective  Time,  except
          for liabilities expressly assumed by Purchaser pursuant to Section 3.1
          hereof; and

         Section 9.2. Right of Setoff. Subject to the provisions of Section 9.8,
Purchaser  shall  have the right to setoff  any  amounts  with  respect to which
Purchaser  is  entitled to  indemnification  pursuant to Section 9.1 against any
amounts  not yet paid under the Notes.  The  exercise of such right of setoff by
Purchaser in good faith,  whether or not ultimately  determined to be justified,
will not  constitute an event of default  under the Notes.  Neither the exercise
nor the failure to exercise such right of setoff will  constitute an election of
remedies  or limit  Purchaser  in any  manner  in the  enforcement  of any other
remedies that may be available to Purchaser.

         Section 9.3.  Indemnification  by Purchaser.  Purchaser shall indemnify
Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols,  L. Nichols and their  respective  successors and
assigns  against and hold them  harmless from any and all  liabilities,  losses,
deficiencies,  damages,  expenses  and  costs  (including,  without  limitation,
reasonable  counsel fees and costs and expenses  incurred in the  investigation,
defense or  settlement  of any claims  covered by this  indemnity or incurred in
connection  with  successfully  asserting,   proving  and  collecting  indemnity
payments  pursuant  to this  Article IX with  respect to matters  not  involving
defense of third-party  claims) accruing from or arising at any time as a result
of or out of:

               9.3.1.  Any claims for  brokerage  commissions  or  placement  or
          finders' fees in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
          Agreement  insofar  as such  claims  shall be  alleged  to be based on
          arrangements made by or on behalf of Purchaser.

               9.3.2. Any failure of Purchaser to pay,  discharge or perform the
          Assumed Liabilities;

               9.3.3. Any liabilities asserted by any third party arising out of
          any act or  failure  to act by  Purchaser  after the  Effective  Time,
          except  Excluded  Liabilities  and  liabilities  as to which Seller is
          obligated to indemnify Purchaser pursuant to Section 9.1; and

               9.3.4.  Any  inaccuracies in or breaches of the  representations,
          warranties,  covenants,  obligations  or  agreements  made  or  to  be
          complied with or performed by Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement.

         Section 9.4.  Survival of Covenants,  Representations  and  Warranties.
Subject to the proviso clause below, each of the covenants,  representations and
warranties  contained  herein  or in any  agreement,  schedule,  certificate  or
instrument  delivered  pursuant  hereto shall  survive the Closing and remain in
full force and effect,  regardless of any investigation  made by or on behalf of
any party hereto, until but not after 11:59 p.m. (Indianapolis time) on the date
that is two years from the date of this Agreement;  provided,  however, that the
representations  and  warranties  contained in Sections  6.6, 6.8 and 6.10 shall
survive indefinitely regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of any
party hereto.

         Section 9.5.      Payment and Settlement of Amounts Due.

               9.5.1.  Any amount due to  Purchaser  from  Seller,  Barnett,  G.
          Nichols  and/or L. Nichols  pursuant to any of the  provisions of this
          Article IX shall be paid to Purchaser by Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols
          and/or L. Nichols within 10 days of demand  therefor.  If such amounts
          are not paid to Purchaser when due,  Purchaser  shall be entitled,  in
          addition  to all other  available  remedies,  to offset  such  amounts
          against amounts otherwise payable to Seller pursuant to Section 9.2.

               9.5.2.  Any amount due to Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols and/or L.
          Nichols  from  Purchaser  pursuant  to any of the  provisions  of this
          Article  IX shall be paid to Seller,  Barnett,  G.  Nichols  and/or L.
          Nichols by Purchaser within 10 days of demand therefor.

               9.5.3.  Any amounts not paid when due pursuant to the  provisions
          of this Section 9.5 shall bear interest from the date of demand at the
          rate  of  15  percent   per  annum.   

     Section  9.6.  Limitation  on  Indemnities.The  obligations  of  Purchaser,
Seller,  Barnett,  G. Nichols and L. Nichols with respect to payments  made with
respect to  obligations  to  indemnify a person or entity  under  Section 9.1 or
Section  9.3,  and the  corresponding  rights  of such  person  or  entity to be
indemnified  thereunder (which obligations and corresponding rights are referred
to herein as the "Indemnities"),  are subject,  as applicable,  to the following

                  (a)      The  maximum  amount of  aggregate  Indemnities  that
                           Seller,   Barnett,   G.   Nichols   and  L.   Nichols
                           collectively  shall be  obligated  to pay under  this
                           Article IX shall be $2,750,000.

                  (b)      The  maximum  amount of  aggregate  Indemnities  that
                           Purchaser  shall  be  obligated  to  pay  under  this
                           Article IX shall be $500,000.

     Section 9.7. Notice and Defense of Third Party Claims.

                  (a) If any third party shall  notify any party  hereto that is
         or  may be  entitled  to  indemnification  hereunder  (an  "Indemnified
         Party") with respect to any matter (a "Third  Party  Claim")  which may
         give rise to a claim for indemnification  under this Article IX against
         any  of  the   parties  who  are  or  may  be   obligated   to  provide
         indemnification   to  the   Indemnified   Party  with  respect  thereto
         (collectively,  the  parties  who are or may be  obligated  to  provide
         indemnification are the "Indemnifying  Parties"),  then the Indemnified
         Party shall promptly notify in writing each of the Indemnifying Parties
         of the Third Party Claim; provided,  however, that no delay on the part
         of the Indemnified  Party in notifying the  Indemnifying  Parties shall
         relieve the Indemnifying  Parties from any obligation  hereunder unless
         (and then solely to the extent)  the  Indemnifying  Parties are thereby
         prejudiced; and provided, further, that only one such notification need
         be provided to the  Indemnifying  Parties with respect to a Third Party
         Claim regardless of the number of Indemnified Parties involved.

                  (b) The  Indemnifying  Parties shall have the right,  at their
         own expense,  to defend the  Indemnified  Party against the Third Party
         Claim  with  counsel of their  choice  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
         Indemnified  Party so long as: (i) the Indemnifying  Parties notify the
         Indemnified Party in writing within 15 days after the Indemnified Party
         has given notice of the Third Party Claim that the Indemnifying Parties
         will  undertake  to defend the  Indemnified  Party with respect to such
         Third Party Claim at the expense of the Indemnifying  Parties; (ii) the
         Indemnifying  Parties  provide  the  Indemnified  Party  with  evidence
         reasonably  acceptable to the Indemnified  Party that the  Indemnifying
         Parties will have the financial  resources to defend  against the Third
         Party Claim and fulfill their  indemnification  obligations  hereunder;
         (iii) the Third Party Claim  involves  only money  damages and does not
         seek an injunction or other equitable relief; (iv) settlement of, or an
         adverse  judgment with respect to, the Third Party Claim is not, in the
         good faith  judgment of the  Indemnified  Party,  likely to establish a
         precedential  custom or practice  materially  adverse to the continuing
         business  interests of the Indemnified  Party; and (v) the Indemnifying
         Parties  conduct  the defense of the Third  Party  Claim  actively  and

                  (c) So long as the  Indemnifying  Parties are  conducting  the
         defense of the Third Party Claim in accordance with Section 9.7(b), (i)
         the Indemnified  Party may retain separate  co-counsel at its sole cost
         and expense and  participate  in the defense of the Third Party  Claim,
         (ii)  the  Indemnified  Party  will  not  consent  to the  entry of any
         judgment or enter into any  settlement  with respect to the Third Party
         Claim without the prior written  consent of the  Indemnifying  Parties,
         which  consent  shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld,  and  (iii)  the
         Indemnifying  Parties  will not consent to the entry of any judgment or
         enter into any settlement with respect to the Third Party Claim without
         the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party, which consent shall
         not be unreasonably withheld.

                  (d) In the event  the  Indemnifying  Parties  fail or cease to
         satisfy any of the conditions of Section  9.7(b),  (i) the  Indemnified
         Party may defend  against,  and consent to the entry of any judgment or
         enter into any settlement with respect to, the Third Party Claim in any
         manner it reasonably may deem appropriate  without  consulting with, or
         obtaining the consent of, any of the Indemnifying Parties in connection
         therewith; (ii) the Indemnifying Parties will reimburse the Indemnified
         Party promptly for the costs, including, without limitation, reasonable
         attorneys' fees, of defending  against the Third Party Claim; and (iii)
         the Indemnifying Parties will remain responsible for any Indemnity owed
         to any  Indemnified  Party  relating  in any manner to such Third Party

     Section 9.8. Rights of Setoff and Setoff Procedures.

                  (a) With  respect to the exercise by Purchaser of any right of
         setoff  against the Notes in  accordance  with Section 9.2 or otherwise
         (an "Indemnity  Setoff"),  the procedures set forth in this Section 9.8
         shall  govern  the  rights  and  obligations  of Seller  and  Purchaser
         relating to such Indemnity Setoff.

                  (b) With respect to any  Indemnities as to which the liability
         of  Seller  or  any  other  party  obligated  to  indemnify   Purchaser
         (collectively, the "Indemnitors") and the extent of such liability have
         been established by either (i) the written acknowledgment, agreement or
         confirmation  of Seller with respect  thereto,  or (ii) the judgment or
         award of any court or arbitrator having jurisdiction,  then in any such
         case  Purchaser  shall be entitled to make an Indemnity  Setoff against
         the Notes with respect to such  liability as a matter of right  without
         advance  notice thereof to the  Indemnitors;  provided,  however,  that
         written  notice of the making of such Indemnity  Setoff,  describing in
         reasonable detail the relevant factual circumstances, shall be given to
         the Indemnitors at the time such Indemnity Setoff is made.

                  (c) With respect to an Indemnity  Setoff to be made other than
         pursuant to Section 9.8(b),  Purchaser shall give written notice to the
         Indemnitors  of the intention to make an Indemnity  Setoff (the "Setoff
         Notice") at least 15 days prior to the date as of which such  Indemnity
         Setoff is intended to be made (the "Setoff  Date").  The Setoff  Notice
         shall describe in reasonable detail the factual circumstances  relating
         to the claimed  Indemnities  as to which an  Indemnity  Setoff is to be
         made (including the amount thereof) and the obligation of the Purchaser
         against which the Indemnity  Setoff will be applied.  If Purchaser does
         not receive  written  notice from any of the  Indemnitors  prior to the
         Setoff  Date that the  intended  Indemnity  Setoff is  disputed  by the
         Indemnitors,  Purchaser  may  make the  intended  Indemnity  Setoff  in
         accordance with the description  thereof in the Setoff Notice and shall
         give written notice to the Indemnitors  that such Indemnity  Setoff has
         been made. If Purchaser does receive written notice prior to the Setoff
         Date that an intended  Indemnity Setoff is disputed by the Indemnitors,
         Purchaser may elect to make such Indemnity Setoff in escrow pursuant to
         Section  9.8(d) or may,  without  waiving  any  rights to  recover  the
         Indemnities  as to which an Indemnity  Setoff was intended or to make a
         further claim for an Indemnity Setoff with respect thereto, and without
         being  otherwise  adversely  affected  with  respect  thereto,  take no
         further  action  with  respect to such  Indemnity  Setoff as to which a
         Setoff Notice was given to the Indemnitors.

                  (d) With  respect  to an  intended  Indemnity  Setoff  that is
         disputed  by  the   Indemnitors  in  accordance  with  Section  9.8(c),
         Purchaser may effect such Indemnity Setoff by delivering the funds that
         are the intended  subject of such Indemnity Setoff to a commercial bank
         maintaining an office in Atlanta,  Georgia (the "Bank"),  to be held by
         the Bank  pending  the  resolution  of such  dispute  pursuant  to this
         Section 9.8(d). The Indemnitors and Purchaser shall execute and deliver
         to one another and the Bank an appropriate Escrow Agreement whereby the
         Bank agrees to receive and distribute such funds as provided  herein. A
         disputed Indemnity Setoff as to which Purchaser deposits the funds with
         the Bank  shall be  resolved  by  submitting  the  matter to a court of
         competent  jurisdiction  or, if mutually  agreeable by the parties,  to
         arbitration. The Bank shall distribute all funds held by it pursuant to
         the Escrow  Agreement in accordance  with the decision or award made in
         such court or arbitration proceeding.

                  (e) All  earnings  on funds held by the Bank shall be reported
         as taxable income of Purchaser.  Upon resolution of a dispute as to the
         entitlement of Purchaser to effect an Indemnity  Setoff with respect to
         any funds paid to the Bank by Purchaser, the Bank shall pay over to the
         Indemnitors  all  earnings  (including  earnings on  earnings) on funds
         received  by the Bank  that  are  paid by the  Bank to the  Indemnitors
         pursuant  to the court or  arbitration  decision  or  award;  provided,
         however,  earnings on escrowed sums  otherwise  payable under the Notes
         shall be in lieu of accrued interest on such sums under the Notes after
         the date such sums were paid by Purchaser  to the Bank  (payment to the
         Bank shall be considered as the payment of such sums to the Indemnitors
         for purposes of the Notes and calculating the balances thereof).

                  (f) Payment of any funds to the Bank by Purchaser  pursuant to
         this Section 9.8 shall,  for purposes of determining the performance by
         Purchaser of its  obligations  under this  Agreement and the Notes,  be
         deemed to  constitute  performance  to the same extent as if such funds
         had been paid or delivered to Seller rather than the Bank.

                                    ARTICLE X
                   Change of Names; Use of Names by Purchaser

         As soon as is reasonably possible after the Effective Time Seller shall
change its  corporate  name to a name other  than,  and not similar to, the name
"Summit Temporaries, Inc.," and shall file appropriate documents reflecting such
name  change in Georgia and in each state  where  qualified  to do business as a
foreign  corporation  and  furnish  a copy of all  such  filings  to  Purchaser;
provided,  however,  that Seller may  continue to use such name for a reasonable
period,  not to exceed ninety days from the date of this  Agreement,  solely for
the purpose of  facilitating  the  collection of accounts and notes  receivable.
Seller  shall  coordinate  any such name  change and the  filings in  connection
therewith with Purchaser and its counsel in to ensure that Purchaser obtains all
rights to the name in all jurisdictions in which Seller has used such name. From
and after  the  Effective  Time  Purchaser  shall  have  full  right,  power and
authority  to  use,  and  Seller  hereby  consents  to the use by  Purchaser  or
Purchaser's  designee  of,  the  name  "Summit   Temporaries,   Inc.,"  and  any
abbreviations  or combinations  thereof,  all past corporate names of Seller and
other  names  used or  previously  used by Seller or its  predecessors  in their
businesses,  and any word or trade  name used by Seller  prior to the  Effective
Time in the conduct of its  business,  without  restriction  or adverse claim of
Seller,  any of its  affiliates,  or any person  claiming  by,  through or under
Seller.  After the  Effective  Time,  Seller shall not use any such name without
Purchaser's written consent.

                                   ARTICLE XI
                             Expenses of the Parties

         Each party shall pay its expenses,  including the expenses of its legal
and  accounting  representatives,  in connection  with the origin,  negotiation,
execution  and  performance  of this  Agreement,  except as  otherwise  provided
herein. Purchaser shall pay any and all sales and transfer taxes with respect to
the transactions  contemplated hereby.  Seller shall pay any and all federal and
state income or other taxes  attributable  to Seller  arising as a result of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                               Brokers' Commission

         The parties  hereby agree and  represent and warrant to each other that
there are no claims for brokerage commissions, or placement or finders' fees, in
connection with the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  except for
those payable to James Selton, which shall be paid by Purchaser.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

         Section 13.1. Waivers and Amendments.  This Agreement may be amended or
modified,  and  its  terms  or  conditions  may be  waived,  only  by a  written
instrument  executed by the parties hereto,  or in the case of a waiver,  by the
party  waiving  compliance.  The  failure  of any  party at any time or times to
require  performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right
at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver by any party of the breach of any
term or condition contained in this Agreement in any one or more instances shall
be deemed to be, or construed as, a further or continuing  waiver of any breach,
or a waiver of the breach of any other term or condition  contained herein.  The
parties reserve the right to amend or modify this Agreement,  or waive the terms
or  conditions  hereof,  without  the  consent of any third  person  (natural or

         Section 13.2. Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement (and the Schedules and
Exhibits  hereto which are hereby  incorporated  and made a part hereof) and all
certificates,  agreements, documents and instruments delivered contemporaneously
and in connection  herewith  constitute the entire  understanding of the parties
relative to the subject  matter hereof and supersede  all prior  agreements  and
undertakings  between or among any of the parties relating to the subject matter
hereof.  Any reference  herein to this Agreement  shall be deemed to include the
Schedules and Exhibits hereto.

         Section 13.3. Headings.  The table of contents and descriptive headings
in this Agreement and on the Schedules and Exhibits are inserted for convenience
only  and  shall  not   constitute   a  part  of,  nor  affect  the  meaning  or
interpretation of, this Agreement or any section or subsection hereof.

         Section  13.4.  Notices.  Any  notice,  election  or demand to be given
hereunder  to any of the parties by another  shall be in writing and  personally
delivered  or sent by prepaid  same day or overnight  courier or  registered  or
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

       If to Purchaser,                 PMI LP II
         addressed to:                  c/o Personnel Management, Inc.
                                        1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100
                                        Greenwood, Indiana  46143
                                        Attn: President

       With a copy to:                  Leagre Chandler & Millard
                                        9100 Keystone Crossing, Suite 800
                                        Box 40609
                                        Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-0609
                                        Attn: Robert V. Kixmiller

       If to Seller,                    Summit Temporaries, Inc.
        addressed to:                   c/o Gary F. Nichols
                                        6925 Brandon Mill Road
                                        Atlanta, Georgia 30328

       If to Leslie A. Barnett,         Leslie A. Barnett
        addressed to:                   235 Mark Trail
                                        Atlanta, Georgia  30328

       If to Gary F. Nichols,           Gary F. Nichols
        addressed to:                   6925 Brandon Mill Road
                                        Atlanta, Georgia  30328

       If to Lyle Nichols,              Lyle D. Nichols
        addressed to:                   329 Broadland
                                        Atlanta, Georgia  30342

       With a copy, as to               Oliver C. Murray, Jr.
         any of Seller, Leslie A.       Suite 1190
         Barnett, Gary F. Nichols       1349 W. Peachtree Street, N.E.
         or Lyle Nichols, to:           Atlanta, Georgia  30309-2956

Any party may change the address to which notices are to be sent to it by giving
written  notice of such  change of  address  to the other  parties in the manner
herein provided for giving notice.

     Section  13.5.  Severability.  In case  any  one or more of the  provisions
contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid,  illegal
or   unenforceable   in   any   respect,   such   invalidity,   illegality,   or
unenforceability  shall not affect any other provision hereof and this Agreement
shall be construed as if such invalid,  illegal, or unenforceable  provision had
never been contained herein. Should any particular covenant in this Agreement be
held unreasonable or unenforceable for any reason,  including without limitation
the  time  period,  geographical  area,  or scope of  activity  covered  by such
covenant,  then such  covenant  shall be given  effect and  enforced to whatever
extent would be reasonable and enforceable.

     Section 13.6. Disclosures on Schedules.  Facts disclosed on any Schedule to
this  Agreement  shall be  considered  as  disclosed  for purposes of all of the
representations and warranties contained in Article VI.

     Section 13.7. Third Parties.  Except as otherwise provided herein,  nothing
herein  expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or
give to any person or entity other than the parties hereto and their  respective
successors  or  assigns,  any  rights  or  remedies  under or by  reason of this

     Section  13.8.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in multiple
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original.

     Section  13.9.  Successors  and  Assigns.  All the  terms,  covenants,  and
conditions of this Agreement  shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of
and be  enforceable by the parties  hereto and their  respective  successors and


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

                          PMI LP II, an Indiana Limited Partnership

                          By: PMI ADMINISTRATION, INC.,
                              its General Partner

                            By: /s/ Don R. Taylor
                            Don R. Taylor, President

                            SUMMIT TEMPORARIES, INC.

                            By /s/ Gary F. Nichols
                              Gary F. Nichols, President

By /s/ Leslie A. Barnett
  Leslie A. Barnett, Secretary

                            /s/ Leslie A. Barnett
                            Leslie A. Barnett, Individually

                            /s/ Gary F. Nichols
                            Gary F. Nichols, Individually

                            /s/ Lyle D. Nichols
                            Lyle D. Nichols, Individually

                  )  SS:

     Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on the 9th day
of February,  1998,  personally  appeared Don R.  Taylor,  the  President of PMI
Administration,  Inc., sole General Partner of PMI LP II, who  acknowledged  the
execution of the above and foregoing Asset Purchase  Agreement for and on behalf
of such corporation.

                                        WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal.

                                        /s/ Dorothy J. Hoefener
                                        NOTARY PUBLIC, a Resident of
                                        Shelby County, Indiana

                                        Dorothy J. Hoefener 
My Commission Expires:                  Name Printed


                     )  SS:

     Before me, a Notary  Public in and for said  County and State,  on the 12th
day of February,  1998,  personally  appeared Gary F. Nichols,  the President of
Summit  Temporaries,  Inc.,  who  acknowledged  the  execution  of the above and
foregoing Asset Purchase Agreement for and on behalf of such corporation.

                                            WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal.

                                            /s/ Renee P. Buchanan
                                            NOTARY PUBLIC, a Resident of
                                            Paulding County, Georgia

                                            Renee P. Buchanan
My Commission Expires:                      Name Printed


                    )  SS:

     Before me, a Notary  Public in and for said  County and State,  on the 12th
day of February,  1998,  personally appeared Leslie A. Barnett, who acknowledged
the  execution of the above and  foregoing  Asset  Purchase  Agreement to be his
voluntary act and deed.

                                            WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal.

                                            /s/ Renee P. Buchanan
                                            NOTARY PUBLIC, a Resident of
                                            Paulding County, Georgia

                                            Renee P. Buchanan
My Commission Expires:                      Name Printed


                   )  SS:

     Before me, a Notary  Public in and for said  County and State,  on the 12th
day of February, 1998, personally appeared Gary F. Nichols, who acknowledged the
execution  of  the  above  and  foregoing  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  to be his
voluntary act and deed.

                                            WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal.

                                            /s/ Renee P. Buchanan
                                            NOTARY PUBLIC, a Resident of
                                            Paulding County, Georgia

                                            Renee P. Buchanan
My Commission Expires:                      Name Printed


                      )  SS:

     Before me, a Notary  Public in and for said  County and State,  on the 12th
day of February, 1998, personally appeared Lyle D. Nichols, who acknowledged the
execution  of  the  above  and  foregoing  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  to be his
voluntary act and deed.

                                            WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal.

                                            /s/ Renee P. Buchanan
                                            NOTARY PUBLIC, a Resident of
                                            Paulding County, Georgia

                                            Renee P. Buchanan
My Commission Expires:                      Name Printed


                              LIST OF SCHEDULES TO
                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

Schedule 1.1.1    Fixed Assets

Schedule 1.1.4    Purchased Contracts

Schedule 5.7      Allocation of Purchase Price

Schedule 6.3      Seller Financial Statements

Schedule 6.7.1    Real Property -- Leased

Schedule 6.18     Employee Contract Form

Schedule 6.19     Insurance

Schedule 6.20     Licenses

Schedule 6.24     Shareholders

Schedule 6.27     Customer Relations

                               LIST OF EXHIBITS TO
                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

Exhibit  A        --       Note in Principal Amount of $950,000 (Article II)

Exhibit  B        --       Note in Principal Amount of $100,000 (Article II)

Exhibit  C        --       Form of Guaranty

Exhibit  D        --       Form of Noncompetition and Confidentiality Agreement 
                           (Section 5.6)