REGARDING PURCHASE OF STOCK

"Agreement")  is made and entered into as of the 18th day of December,  1997, by
and  between   PERSONNEL   MANAGEMENT,   INC.,  an  Indiana   corporation   (the
"Corporation"), and DON R. TAYLOR ("Taylor").


         A. Taylor is employed by the Corporation as its Chief Executive Officer
and is the sole  owner of all of the issued  and  outstanding  shares of capital
stock of JBD Real Estate,  Inc., an Indiana corporation  ("JBD").  JBD owns four
parcels  of  improved  real  estate,  one parcel  located  in each of  Columbus,
Franklin,  Rushville  and  Shelbyville,  Indiana  (collectively,  the "JBD  Real
Estate"),  which  parcels are  currently  leased to the  Corporation  for use as
branch offices of the Corporation.

         B. The  Corporation and Taylor desire and intend that all shares of the
capital stock of JBD which Taylor now owns or subsequently may acquire (the "JBD
Shares") be purchased by the  Corporation  upon the occurrence of certain events
and that the  Corporation  have a right of first  refusal  to  purchase  the JBD
Shares in the event Taylor intends to sell the JBD Shares.

         C. The  Corporation  and  Taylor  have  determined  that it is in their
mutual best interests to restrict the transfer,  and to provide for the purchase
and sale, of the JBD Shares as provided herein.


         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing  and the  mutual
promises and  undertakings  contained in this  Agreement and for other  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
Corporation and Taylor agree as follows:

         1. Section Restrictions  Relating to JBD Shares. Except as is otherwise
provided in this Agreement,  Taylor may not voluntarily or  involuntarily  sell,
assign,  exchange,  convey,  transfer by gift or  otherwise,  encumber,  pledge,
distribute,  appoint or  otherwise  dispose  of in any manner  (any and all such
events being collectively  sometimes referred to herein as a "transfer") any JBD
Shares, or any interest  therein,  in whole or in part, and any such transfer or
attempted  transfer shall be void ab initio and shall be wholly  ineffective for
any  purpose.  Additionally,  Taylor  shall not cause or permit  any  additional
shares of capital stock or other  securities of JBD to be issued to anyone other
than himself.  In the event of an involuntary  transfer of any JBD Shares to any
person  pursuant to a judicial  order or decree or otherwise by operation of law
notwithstanding  the  foregoing  prohibition  against  any  such  transfer,  the
provisions of this Agreement  shall continue to be applicable to such JBD Shares
in the hands of the  transferee  thereof and such  transferee's  successors  and

         Section 2. Permitted  Sale of JBD Shares.  Subject to the provisions of
this Section, Taylor may sell the JBD Shares in a bona fide sales transaction as
provided  in this  Section.  If at any time  during  the term of this  Agreement
Taylor receives and desires to accept a bona fide written offer (the "Offer") to
purchase  all (but not less than all) of the JBD Shares from an offeror  that is
an unrelated and unaffiliated  party (the "Proposed  Transferee"),  Taylor shall
comply with the  provisions  of this  Section and the  Corporation  shall have a
right of first  refusal (or  option) to  purchase  such JBD Shares that shall be
exercisable as follows:

                  (a) Taylor  shall give  written  notice (the  "Notice") to the
         Corporation  of his intent to sell all of the JBD Shares,  which Notice
         shall be given in the manner  provided  in  Section  10.  Taylor  shall
         include in and/or  with the  Notice a copy of the  Offer,  the name and
         address of the Proposed  Transferee,  the proposed sales price, and all
         other terms and conditions of such proposed sale of the JBD Shares.

                  (b) The Corporation shall have the option to purchase all, but
         not less than all, of the JBD Shares at a price  equal to the  proposed
         sales  price  pursuant to the Offer.  The  Corporation's  option  shall
         expire  upon  the  earlier  of  (i)  sixty  (60)  days   following  the
         Corporation's  receipt  of the  Notice or (ii) the  earlier  receipt by
         Taylor of written notice from the  Corporation  that it has decided not
         to exercise its option to purchase pursuant to this Section.

                  (c) For purposes of this  Section,  an option may be exercised
         only by giving  written notice of such exercise to Taylor in accordance
         with the  requirements  of Section  10.  Such  notice to Taylor must be
         given within the  applicable  time  provided  above for the exercise of
         such option.  A sale of the JBD Shares  pursuant to the exercise of the
         Corporation's option under this Section shall be consummated within the
         period of time set forth in  Section 5, with  payment  of the  purchase
         price for such JBD Shares to be made in cash  pursuant to Section 6 or,
         at the Corporation's option, in the manner provided in the Offer.

                  (d) If  the  Corporation  fails  to  exercise  its  option  to
         purchase  the JBD  Shares,  then  Taylor may sell the JBD Shares to the
         Proposed Transferee referred to in the Notice, subject to the following
         conditions and limitations:

                    (i) such  sale may be made only to the  Proposed  Transferee
               and at the price and upon the terms and  conditions  included  in
               and/or with the Offer and the Notice; and

                    (ii)  such  sale may be made only  within  ninety  (90) days
               following the expiration of the Corporation's  option to purchase
               under this Section.

         Section  3. Sale  Upon  Triggering  Events.  Upon the  occurrence  of a
Triggering  Event  as  defined  in this  Section,  Taylor  (or  his  involuntary
transferee)  shall sell and the Corporation shall purchase all of the JBD Shares
at the purchase price (as  hereinafter  defined)  determined in accordance  with
Section 4 of, and upon the other  terms and  conditions  as  provided  in,  this
Agreement.  For  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  each  of  the  following  is  a
"Triggering Event":

                    (a) Taylor's  employment by the  Corporation  terminates for
               any reason including,  but not limited to, Taylor's disability or

                    (b)  Following a "Change of Control of the  Corporation"  as
               defined hereinbelow,  the Corporation ceases leasing or occupying
               one or more parcels of the JBD Real Estate.  For purposes of this
               Agreement,  a "Change  of Control  of the  Corporation"  shall be
               deemed to have  occurred  if,  after the date of this  Agreement,

                         (i)  there   shall  have  been   consummated   (1)  any
                    reorganization,  consolidation  or merger of the Corporation
                    in which the  Corporation is not the continuing or surviving
                    corporation or pursuant to which shares of the Corporation's
                    common stock shall have been converted into cash, securities
                    or other property, or (2) any sale, lease, exchange or other
                    transfer,  directly or indirectly,  in one  transaction or a
                    series of related  transactions,  of all,  or  substantially
                    all, of the assets of the Corporation  and its  consolidated
                    subsidiaries unless, following such reorganization,  merger,
                    consolidation, or transfer of assets:

                         (A) more than 60 percent of the then outstanding shares
                    of  common  stock of the  Corporation  resulting  from  such
                    reorganization,   merger   or   consolidation   (or  of  the
                    corporation   receiving   the   transferred   assets)   (the
                    "Continuing Corporation") and of the then outstanding voting
                    securities of the  Continuing  Corporation  entitled to vote
                    generally in the election of Directors are then beneficially
                    owned,  directly or indirectly,  by all or substantially all
                    of the  individuals  and  entities  who were the  beneficial
                    owners,  respectively,  of the outstanding  shares of common
                    stock  of the  Corporation  and of  the  outstanding  voting
                    securities of the Corporation  entitled to vote generally in
                    the  election  of  Directors   immediately   prior  to  such
                    reorganization,  merger, consolidation or transfer of assets
                    in  substantially  the same  proportions as their ownership,
                    immediately   prior   to   such   reorganization,    merger,
                    consolidation  or  transfer  of assets,  of the  outstanding
                    shares  of  common  stock  of  the  Corporation  and  of the
                    outstanding voting securities of the Corporation,

                         (B) no "person" (as that term is used in Sections 13(d)
                    and  14(d)(2) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
                    amended   (the   "Exchange   Act"))   (excluding   (1)   the
                    Corporation,  (2) any  employee  benefit  plan  (or  related
                    trust)  sponsored or  maintained by the  Corporation  or any
                    entity   controlled,   directly   or   indirectly,   by  the
                    Corporation  or  the  Continuing  Corporation  and  (3)  any
                    "person"  beneficially  owning,  immediately  prior  to such
                    reorganization, merger, consolidation or transfer of assets,
                    directly   or   indirectly,   20  percent  or  more  of  the
                    outstanding shares of common stock of the Corporation or the
                    outstanding    voting   securities   of   the   Corporation)
                    beneficially  owns,  directly or  indirectly,  20 percent or
                    more of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of common
                    stock  of the  Continuing  Corporation  or of  the  combined
                    voting power of the then  outstanding  voting  securities of
                    the Continuing Corporation entitled to vote generally in the
                    election of Directors, and

                         (C) at least a majority  of the members of the Board of
                    Directors of the Continuing  Corporation were members of the
                    Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  at the time of the
                    execution  of  the  initial  agreement  providing  for  such
                    reorganization, merger, consolidation or transfer of assets;

                         (ii) any "person" or "group" of persons (as those terms
                    are used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act,
                    and Regulations  13D-G and 14D thereunder) shall have become
                    the  "beneficial  owner"  (within  the meaning of Rule 13d-3
                    under  the  Exchange  Act),   directly  or  indirectly,   of
                    securities  of the  Corporation  representing  20 percent or
                    more of the combined voting power of the Corporation's  then
                    outstanding voting securities  entitled to vote generally in
                    the election of Directors  (excluding  (i) the  Corporation,
                    (ii) any employee  benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored
                    or maintained by the  Corporation or any entity  controlled,
                    directly  or  indirectly,  by  the  Corporation,  (iii)  any
                    "person"  who,  on  the  date  of  this  Agreement,  is  the
                    "beneficial owner", directly or indirectly, of 20 percent or
                    more of the Corporation's outstanding common stock, and (iv)
                    any "group" of persons that includes Taylor); or

                         (iii)  during  any  period  of two  consecutive  years,
                    individuals  who  constitute  the Board of  Directors of the
                    Corporation  at the  beginning  of such period cease for any
                    reason to constitute at least a majority thereof,  excluding
                    individuals  whose  election,  or nomination for election by
                    the Corporation's  shareholders was approved by a vote of at
                    least  two-thirds of the Directors  then still in office who
                    were Directors at the beginning of such period,  unless, for
                    this purpose,  any such new Director's initial assumption of
                    office  occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened
                    election  contest  (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 or
                    Regulation 14A promulgated  under the Exchange Act) or other
                    actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or consents by
                    or on behalf of a person  other than the Board of  Directors
                    of the Corporation.

         Section 4.        Determination of Purchase Price.

                  (a) The  purchase  price for the JBD Shares  purchased  by the
         Corporation  from Taylor upon the happening of a Triggering Event shall
         be the  net  book  value  of the  JBD  Shares  as of  the  date  of the
         Triggering  Event (as determined in accordance with generally  accepted
         accounting principles  consistently  applied),  adjusted to reflect the
         fair market  value  (rather than the book value) of the JBD Real Estate
         on  the  date  of  the  Triggering  Event  assuming,  for  purposes  of
         determining  such fair  market  value,  the  existence  of a  remaining
         five-year  lease period by the Corporation at the  then-current  rental
         amount and terms  (irrespective of the actual remaining lease period of
         the lease that may then be in effect)  with  respect to each  parcel of
         the JBD Real Estate.

                  (b) The fair  market  value of the JBD Real  Estate  as of the
         date of a Triggering Event shall be an amount as mutually agreed by the
         Corporation  and  Taylor,  or if they are  unable to so agree such fair
         market value shall be determined by the appraisal  process described in
         Sections 4(c) and 4(d).

                  (c)  If  the  Corporation  and  Taylor  are  unable  to  reach
         agreement regarding the fair market value of the JBD Real Estate within
         twenty (20) days following the occurrence of the Triggering Event, they
         may select, by mutual agreement, a qualified appraiser or appraisers to
         determine  such  fair  market  value.  If they  have not  agreed on the
         selection  of such  appraiser  or  appraisers  within  thirty (30) days
         following the  occurrence  of the  Triggering  Event,  then at any time
         following the expiration of such thirty (30) day period the independent
         auditor of the  Corporation  may be requested by either the Corporation
         or Taylor to select,  and shall promptly select and engage on behalf of
         the  Corporation,  one or more  independent  appraisers  which, in such
         auditor's professional judgment,  possesses suitable qualifications and
         expertise to appraise the fair market value of the JBD Real Estate.

                  (d) An appraiser  or  appraisers  selected as provided  herein
         shall be  requested  to  complete  such  appraisal  as  promptly  as is
         practicable  and to  provide  a report  of such  appraisal  to both the
         Corporation  and Taylor.  The fair market value of the JBD Real Estate,
         as  determined,  as the case may be,  by the  mutual  agreement  of the
         Corporation and Taylor, by the appraiser or appraisers  selected by the
         Corporation and Taylor,  or by the appraiser or appraisers  selected by
         the  Corporation's  independent  auditors,  shall  be  binding  on  all
         parties.  All fees and costs  associated  with the appraisal of the JBD
         Real Estate shall be paid by the Corporation.

         Section  5.  Closing.  Except  as  otherwise  agreed  in  writing,  the
consummation of a purchase and sale of the JBD Shares pursuant to this Agreement
(the  "Closing")  shall occur (i) not later that thirty (30) days  following the
Corporation's  exercise of its option to purchase  with  respect to a sale under
Section 2, and (ii) not later than ninety (90) days  following the occurrence of
the  Triggering  Event (or as soon  thereafter  as the  purchase  price has been
determined  if a delay  in the  Closing  is  necessary  in order  to  obtain  an
appraisal of the JBD Real  Estate)  with respect to a sale under  Section 3. The
Closing shall be held at the principal  office of the  Corporation in Greenwood,
Indiana, or at such other place as may be agreed by the Corporation and Taylor.

         Section 6.        Actions at Closing.   At the Closing:

                  (a) The Corporation shall pay to Taylor the purchase price for
         the JBD Shares as determined  pursuant to the applicable  provisions of
         this Agreement.

                  (b) Taylor shall  transfer  the JBD Shares to the  Corporation
         free and clear of all liens,  security  interests or other  outstanding
         interests of any kind whatsoever,  and shall deliver properly  endorsed
         stock  certificates  and all other  documents that the  Corporation may
         reasonably  require for the purpose of  establishing  Taylor's title to
         the JBD  Shares and  effecting  the  transfer  of the JBD Shares to the

                  (c) Both the  Corporation and Taylor shall take or cause to be
         taken such other actions,  and shall execute and deliver or shall cause
         to be executed and  delivered  such other  documents,  instruments  and
         agreements,  as shall be  reasonably  requested  by the other  party to
         effect compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and to complete
         the purchase and sale of the JBD Shares as provided herein.

         Section 7. Representations and Warranties of the Corporation.  In order
to induce Taylor to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions
contemplated  hereby,  the Corporation makes the following  representations  and

                  (a) The Corporation is duly organized and validly  existing as
         a  corporation  under  the laws of the  State of  Indiana  and has full
         corporate power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement.

                  (b) The execution of this  Agreement and  consummation  of the
         transactions  contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized
         by all necessary corporate action on the part of the Corporation.

                  (c) The  Corporation  has the power and  authority  to execute
         this  Agreement,  and this  Agreement  constitutes  a legal,  valid and
         binding   obligation  of  the  Corporation   enforceable   against  the
         Corporation  in accordance  with its terms.  The  Corporation  is not a
         party to or subject to any  agreement or other  instrument  or any law,
         rule or  regulation  which could  prevent or hinder it from, or require
         any consent to, the  execution  of this  Agreement or prevent or hinder
         its performance hereunder,  except that the consent of KeyBank National
         Association is required under the  Corporation's  credit agreement with
         such bank.

         Section 8.  Representations,  Warranties  and  Covenants of Taylor.  In
order to induce the  Corporation  to enter into this Agreement and to consummate
the transactions contemplated hereby, Taylor makes the following representations
and warranties to, and covenants with, the Corporation as follows:

                  (a) JBD is a corporation  duly organized and validly  existing
         under the laws of the State of Indiana.

                  (b) The  authorized  capital  stock of JBD  consists of 10,000
         shares of common stock, no par value per share, all of which are issued
         and outstanding. There are no preemptive,  preferential or other rights
         to  subscribe  for  shares  of  common  stock of JBD and  there  are no
         outstanding  options,  warrants or any other rights of any description,
         contractual  or otherwise,  entitling any person or entity to be issued
         any class of security of JBD.

                  (c) Taylor is the  President and sole  shareholder  of JBD and
         does and will  continue to own 100 percent of the  outstanding  capital
         stock of JBD  free  and  clear of all  liens,  security  interests  and
         encumbrances of any kind whatsoever,  and Taylor has and shall continue
         to have an  unrestricted  right to sell  and  transfer  the JBD  Shares
         pursuant to this Agreement.

                  (d) Except for liens on the JBD Real Estate securing a loan or
         loans  reflected on the books of JBD, JBD owns and will continue to own
         each parcel of the JBD Real Estate free and clear of all title  defects
         or objections,  mortgages,  pledges, liens, claims,  charges,  security
         interests,  conditional sales agreements, easements (other than utility
         easements) and other  encumbrances of any nature  whatsoever except for
         liens  for  current  taxes  which  have  not yet  become  due and  such
         imperfections  of title and non-monetary  encumbrances,  if any, as are
         not substantial in character,  amount or extent and do not and will not
         materially  hinder  or  detract  from  the use or value of the JBD Real

                  (e) JBD does not presently engage in any business  activity or
         hold any  assets,  and  Taylor  shall  cause  JBD not to  engage in any
         business activity or acquire any assets,  other than in connection with
         the ownership and leasing of the JBD Real Estate in the ordinary course
         of business.

                  (f) Taylor  shall cause JBD to maintain  complete and accurate
         books and records in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
         principles consistently applied.

                  (g) Neither  the  execution,  performance  or delivery of this
         Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby
         will  violate,  conflict  with, or constitute a default under any other
         agreement  to which  JBD or  Taylor  is a party or by which  either  is

                  (h) The JBD Shares have been and are duly authorized,  validly
         issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

                  (i) Taylor shall  provide to the  Corporation,  within  twenty
         (20) days after the  occurrence of a Triggering  Event, a balance sheet
         with respect to JBD as of the date of the  occurrence of the Triggering
         Event, and Taylor hereby  covenants,  represents and warrants that such
         balance sheet,  when  furnished,  will have been prepared in accordance
         with generally accepted accounting principles  consistently applied and
         will  present  fairly  the  financial  condition  of JBD as of the date

         Section 9. Survival of Representations,  Warranties and Covenants. Each
of the  representations,  warrants and covenants  contained herein shall survive
the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Closing and shall remain in
full force and effect  indefinitely,  regardless of any investigation made by or
on behalf of any party hereto.

         Section  10.  Notices.  Any notice or other  communication  required or
permitted  under  this  Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be  personally
delivered or sent by pre-paid  same day or overnight  courier or  registered  or
certified mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid, addressed as follows
(or  addressed to such other  address as may be given in writing by any party to
the other):

         To the Corporation:              Personnel Management, Inc.
                                          1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100
                                          Greenwood, Indiana  46143

         To Taylor:                       11123 Sloop Court
                                          Indianapolis, Indiana  46236

Notice that is mailed or sent by overnight  courier shall be deemed to have been
given (but not  received)  when  deposited in the U.S. Mail or delivered to such
overnight courier, as the case may be, as provided herein.

         Section 11. Restrictive Legend.  Taylor shall cause an executed copy of
this  Agreement  to be kept on file by JBD at its  principal  office  located at
11123 Sloop Court, Indianapolis,  Indiana 46236. As long as this Agreement is in
effect, Taylor agrees that he shall cause any certificates  evidencing ownership
of JBD  Shares,  whether  existing  at the date of this  Agreement  or issued or
reissued  subsequent  thereto,  to bear a legend  substantially in the following

          The  sale,  assignment,  exchange,  conveyance,  transfer  by  gift or
          otherwise,  encumbrance,  pledge,  distribution,  appointment or other
          disposition of the shares of stock  represented by this certificate is
          subject to the terms and  restrictions  contained in an Agreement  and
          Right of First Refusal  Regarding  Purchase of Stock (the "Agreement")
          dated December 18, 1997, by and between Personnel Management, Inc. and
          Don R.  Taylor.  A copy of the  Agreement,  including  any  amendments
          thereto,  is on file and  available  for  inspection  at the principal
          offices of JBD Real  Estate,  Inc.  Any  attempted  transfer  or other
          disposition  of the  shares  represented  hereby in  violation  of the
          Agreement will be void and of no effect whatsoever.

         Section 12.  Modification and Waiver. This Agreement may be modified or
amended only by an instrument in writing executed by the Corporation and Taylor.
No waiver of any of the  provisions  hereof  shall be  effective  as against the
party  purportedly  making such waiver  unless  such  waiver is  evidenced  by a
writing signed by such party.

         Section 13.  Severability.  The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any
provision of this Agreement shall not effect the validity or  enforceability  of
any other  provision  of this  Agreement,  which shall  remain in full force and
effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

         Section  14.  Headings;  Pronouns.  The  titles  to  Sections  in  this
Agreement are intended solely for convenience and no provision of this Agreement
is to be construed  by  reference  to the title of any Section.  All pronouns in
this  Agreement  and any  variations  thereof  shall be  deemed  to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural as the identity of the person or
persons may require.

         Section 15. Governing Law. The validity,  interpretation,  construction
and  performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
Indiana,  notwithstanding  the fact that one or more of the  parties  hereto may
become a resident or citizen of a different state.

         Section 16. Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon an
inure to the  benefit of the  parties  hereto and their  respective  successors,
assigns, heirs, beneficiaries,  devisees and legal representatives. For purposes
of this  Agreement,  a  successor  of the  Corporation  shall  include,  without
limitation, any corporation or corporations acquiring directly or indirectly all
or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the  Corporation  whether  by  merger,
consolidation,  sale or otherwise (and such successor shall thereafter be deemed
the "Corporation" for purposes of this Agreement).

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  and Taylor have  executed  this
Agreement as of the date and year first above written.

                                       PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

                                        By /s/ Gary F. Hentschel
                                          Gary F. Hentschel
                                          President and Chief Operating Officer


/s/ Robert R. Millard
Robert R. Millard
Vice President of Finance and
Administration, Chief Financial and
Accounting Officer, Treasurer and

                                          /s/ Don R. Taylor
                                          Don R. Taylor