AMENDED CHANGE OF CONTROL
                          SEVERANCE BENEFITS AGREEMENT

"Agreement")  is made and entered into as of the 18th day of December,  1997, by
and  between   PERSONNEL   MANAGEMENT,   INC.,  an  Indiana   corporation   (the
"Corporation"), and DON R. TAYLOR (the "Executive").


     WHEREAS, the Executive and the Corporation  previously executed a Change of
Control  Severance  Benefits  Agreement  dated  November 8, 1995 (the  "Original
Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Executive and the Corporation  mutually desire to replace the
Original Agreement with this Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual covenants and
promises contained herein and other valuable  consideration,  including services
performed  and to be  performed  by the  Executive,  it is hereby  agreed by and
between the parties as follows:

         Section 1.  Effect;  Effective  Date.  This  Agreement  supersedes  and
replaces the  Original  Agreement  effective as of the date hereof.  Anything in
this Agreement to the contrary  notwithstanding,  neither this Agreement nor any
provision  hereof shall be operative unless and until there has been a Change of
Control of the Corporation (as "Change of Control of the Corporation" is defined
in Section 7 of this  Agreement).  Upon a Change of Control of the  Corporation,
this Agreement shall become operative immediately.

         Section 2.   Employment.  This  Agreement  shall  not be  construed  as
creating a contract of employment between the Executive and the Corporation. The
Executive is, however, employed by the Corporation at the time this Agreement is

         Section 3.   Obligation  to  Provide  Severance  Entitlement.   If  the
Executive's   employment   with  the   Corporation   is  terminated   under  any
circumstances other than a Disqualifying Termination (as defined in Section 9 of
this Agreement) and if such termination of employment  occurs  concurrently with
or within three months  immediately  preceding or twenty-four months immediately
following a Change of Control of the  Corporation  (the  "Termination  Period"),
then the Corporation  shall provide to the Executive a severance  benefit in the
manner and amount as provided  in Section 4 of this  Agreement  (the  "Severance

         Section 4.   Manner  and  Amount  of  Severance  Entitlement.   If  the
Corporation  is obligated to provide a Severance  Entitlement  to the  Executive
pursuant  to Section 3 of this  Agreement,  the manner in which the  Corporation
shall  provide such  Severance  Entitlement  and the amount  thereof shall be as

                  (a) The  Corporation  shall  cancel  all  indebtedness  of the
         Executive to the  Corporation (if any) up to, but not in excess of, the
         amount of the  Severance  Entitlement  (as  provided  in  Section  4(c)

                  (b) If the  amount of  indebtedness  of the  Executive  to the
         Corporation  cancelled  pursuant to Section 4(a) above is less than the
         amount of the Severance  Entitlement to be provided to the Executive by
         the Corporation,  the Corporation shall pay to the Executive, by check,
         an amount of money  equal to the  difference  between the amount of the
         Executive's  indebtedness  that  is  cancelled  and the  amount  of the
         Severance Entitlement to be provided to the Executive.

                  (c)  The   Severance   Entitlement   to  be  provided  by  the
         Corporation  to the  Executive  shall  consist of the  cancellation  of
         indebtedness  and/or the payment of money as provided in Sections  4(a)
         and  4(b)  above.   The  aggregate   dollar  amount  of  the  Severance
         Entitlement,  whether in debt  cancellation or money or both,  shall be
         equal to three  times the  greater of (i) the  current  (as of the time
         Executive becomes entitled to the Severance Entitlement) amount of base
         salary being paid by the  Corporation to the Executive on an annualized
         basis,  or  (ii)  the  highest  amount  of  base  salary  paid  by  the
         Corporation  to the  Executive  for any full calendar year during which
         the Executive was employed by the Corporation;  provided, however, that
         if such  Severance  Entitlement,  either  alone or together  with other
         payments  which the  Executive  has the right to  receive  from any PMI
         Company,  would  constitute an "excess  parachute  payment"  within the
         meaning  of  Section  280G of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
         amended (the  "Code"),  then the  Corporation  shall pay an  additional
         amount  of money to the  Executive  that  will  equal  (based  upon the
         Executive's good faith  representations  of the Executive's  income tax
         position for the year(s) of  payment(s))  the sum of (i) all excise tax
         imposed  upon the  Executive  by Section  4999 of the Code and (ii) all
         additional   state  and  federal  income  taxes   attributable  to  the
         additional  payments to the Executive  pursuant to this proviso  clause
         (including  all state and federal  taxes on the  additional  income tax
         payments).  The  determination of the amounts of such payments pursuant
         to the immediately  preceding  proviso shall be made by the Corporation
         in good faith, and such determination shall be conclusive and binding.

         Section 5.   Provision  of  Severance  Entitlement.  With  respect to a
Severance Entitlement to be provided to the Executive hereunder, the Corporation
shall provide to the Executive  satisfactory  written  evidence of the amount of
any debt  cancellation,  and shall pay to the Executive any money,  to which the
Executive  is entitled as a Severance  Entitlement  not later than 30 days after
the later of (i) the  occurrence of the Change of Control of the  Corporation or
(ii) the termination of the Executive's employment.

         Section 6.   Withholding.  The  Corporation  may  withhold or otherwise
deduct from any  Severance  Entitlement  to be provided  hereunder  all federal,
state,  city,  county or other taxes as shall be required pursuant to any law or
governmental regulation or ruling.

         Section 7. Change of Control of the  Corporation.  For purposes of this
Agreement,  a "Change  of Control  of the  Corporation"  shall be deemed to have
occurred if, after the date hereof, either:

                           (a)  there  shall  have  been   consummated  (i)  any
         reorganization, consolidation or merger of the Corporation in which the
         Corporation is not the continuing or surviving  corporation or pursuant
         to which  shares of the  Corporation's  common  stock  shall  have been
         converted into cash,  securities or other  property,  or (ii) any sale,
         lease,  exchange  or other  transfer,  directly or  indirectly,  in one
         transaction   or  a  series  of  related   transactions,   of  all,  or
         substantially   all,  of  the  assets  of  the   Corporation   and  its
         consolidated   subsidiaries  unless,   following  such  reorganization,
         merger, consolidation, or transfer of assets;

                                    (i)  more  than  60   percent  of  the  then
                  outstanding   shares  of  common  stock  of  the   corporation
                  resulting from such  reorganization,  merger or  consolidation
                  (or of the corporation  receiving the transferred assets) (the
                  "Continuing  Corporation") and of the then outstanding  voting
                  securities  of the  Continuing  Corporation  entitled  to vote
                  generally in the election of Directors  are then  beneficially
                  owned, directly or indirectly,  by all or substantially all of
                  the individuals  and entities who were the beneficial  owners,
                  respectively, of the outstanding shares of common stock of the
                  Corporation  and of the outstanding  voting  securities of the
                  Corporation  entitled  to vote  generally  in the  election of
                  Directors  immediately prior to such  reorganization,  merger,
                  consolidation or transfer of assets in substantially  the same
                  proportions  as  their  ownership,  immediately  prior to such
                  reorganization,  merger,  consolidation or transfer of assets,
                  of the  outstanding  shares of common stock of the Corporation
                  and of the outstanding voting securities of the Corporation,

                                    (ii) no  "person"  (as that  term is used in
                  Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Securities  Exchange Act of
                  1934, as amended)  (excluding (aa) the  Corporation,  (bb) any
                  employee   benefit  plan  (or  related  trust)   sponsored  or
                  maintained  by  the  Corporation  or  any  entity  controlled,
                  directly or indirectly,  by the  Corporation or the Continuing
                  Corporation  and  (cc)  any  "person"   beneficially   owning,
                  immediately    prior   to   such    reorganization,    merger,
                  consolidation  or transfer of assets,  directly or indirectly,
                  20 percent or more of the  outstanding  shares of common stock
                  of the Corporation or the outstanding voting securities of the
                  Corporation)  beneficially  owns,  directly or indirectly,  20
                  percent or more of, respectively,  the then outstanding shares
                  of  common  stock  of  the  Continuing  Corporation  or of the
                  combined   voting  power  of  the  then   outstanding   voting
                  securities  of the  Continuing  Corporation  entitled  to vote
                  generally in the election of Directors, and

                                    (iii) at least a majority  of the members of
                  the Board of  Directors  of the  Continuing  Corporation  were
                  members of the Board of  Directors of the  Corporation  at the
                  time of the execution of the initial  agreement  providing for
                  such  reorganization,  merger,  consolidation  or  transfer of

                           (b) any  "person"  or "group"  of  persons  (as those
         terms  are  used in  Sections  13(d)  and  14(d)(2)  of the  Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange  Act"), and Regulations
         13D-G and 14D  thereunder)  shall have  become the  "beneficial  owner"
         (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act),  directly or
         indirectly, of securities of the Corporation representing 20 percent or
         more of the combined voting power of the Corporation's then outstanding
         voting  securities  entitled  to  vote  generally  in the  election  of
         Directors  (excluding (i) the  Corporation,  (ii) any employee  benefit
         plan (or related trust)  sponsored or maintained by the  Corporation or
         any entity  controlled,  directly or  indirectly,  by the  Corporation,
         (iii)  any  "person"  who,  on  the  date  of  this  Agreement,  is the
         "beneficial  owner",  directly or indirectly,  of 20 percent or more of
         the  Corporation's  outstanding  common stock,  and (iv) any "group" of
         persons that includes Don R. Taylor); or

                           (c)  during  any  period  of two  consecutive  years,
         individuals who constitute the Board of Directors of the Corporation at
         the  beginning  of such period  cease for any reason to  constitute  at
         least a majority  thereof,  excluding  individuals  whose election,  or
         nomination for election by the Corporation's  shareholders was approved
         by a vote of at least  two-thirds of the Directors then still in office
         who were  Directors at the beginning of such period,  unless,  for this
         purpose, any such new Director's initial assumption of office occurs as
         a result of either an actual or  threatened  election  contest (as such
         terms are used in Rule 14a-11 or Regulation 14A  promulgated  under the
         Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or
         consents by or on behalf of a person  other than the Board of Directors
         of the Corporation.

         Section 8.   Successive  Changes of  Control.  In the event a Change of
Control of the  Corporation  occurs but the  Executive  remains  employed by the
Corporation  until  the  expiration  of the  Termination  Period  following  the
occurrence  thereof,  this Agreement shall nevertheless  remain in effect and be
applicable  with respect to any  subsequent or further  Change of Control of the
Corporation  that may thereafter  occur. In the event a Change of Control of the
Corporation  occurs subsequent to the occurrence of a prior Change of Control of
the  Corporation as to which the Termination  Period  following same has not yet
expired, this Agreement shall survive and continue in effect and the twenty-four
month period following the subsequent Change of Control of the Corporation shall
become the relevant  period for  determining  the  Executive's  entitlement to a
Severance  Entitlement   hereunder.   For  purposes  of  determining  whether  a
subsequent  Change  of  Control  of  the  Corporation  has  occurred  after  the
occurrence of a prior Change of Control of the Corporation  under clauses (b) or
(c) of  Section  7  hereof  (i) the  increase  in  ownership  percentage  of the
Corporation's voting securities held by a "person" or "group" whose ownership of
such  voting  securities  has  resulted  in a prior  Change  of  Control  of the
Corporation  shall not constitute an additional or subsequent  Change of Control
of the  Corporation,  (ii) each  "group"  of  "persons"  shall be  separate  and
distinct  from any  other  "group"  even  though  one or more  "persons"  may be
included in common in more than one  "group",  and (iii) a  determination  as to
whether a Change of Control of the  Corporation has occurred under clause (c) of
Section 7 shall be made each time the  composition  of the Board of Directors of
the  Corporation  changes  based on the then  applicable  two year  "look  back"

         Section 9. Disqualifying Termination. For purposes of this Agreement, a
"Disqualifying  Termination" of the Executive's  employment with the Corporation
shall  mean  a  termination  of  the  Executive's  employment  under  any of the
following circumstances:

                           (a) termination of the  Executive's employment by the
         Corporation for Cause (as defined in Section 10); or

                           (b) termination of the Executive's  employment by the
         Corporation for Disability (as defined in Section 11); or

                           (c) termination of the Executive's  employment by the
         Executive without Good Reason (as defined in Section 12) to do so; or

                           (d)  termination of the  Executive's  employment as a
         result of the death of the Executive.

(As  provided in Section 3, the  Executive  shall not be entitled to a Severance
Entitlement  under  this  Agreement  if  the  Executive's  employment  with  the
Corporation  was terminated  under  circumstances  constituting a  Disqualifying

         Section 10.  Termination by the Corporation for Cause.  For purposes of
this  Agreement,  the  Corporation  shall  be  deemed  to  have  terminated  the
Executive's  employment with the Corporation for "Cause" only if the Corporation
terminated  the  Executive's  employment  with  the  Corporation  for any of the
following reasons:

                           (a)  the  continued   failure  of  the  Executive  to
         substantially  perform  any of the  Executive's  significant  duties or
         responsibilities  in connection with the Executive's  employment (other
         than any such failure resulting from the Executive's  incapacity due to
         physical or mental  illness) if such failure is not  corrected or cured
         within 30 days after  demand  for  substantial  performance  is made in
         writing upon the Executive by the Corporation  specifically identifying
         the manner in which the  Corporation  believes the Executive has failed
         to  substantially  perform one or more of the  Executive's  significant
         duties  or   responsibilities   (repetition  of  the  same  failure  as
         previously  described in any such written  demand after the 30-day cure
         period  following  such written demand shall be deemed to be "continued
         failure" to substantially perform by the Executive); or

                           (b)  any  act  that  constitutes  on the  part of the
         Executive  common law fraud or  dishonesty  regardless  of whether such
         fraud or  dishonesty  resulted  in, or was  intended  to  result  in, a
         benefit to the Executive at the expense of the Corporation; or

                           (c) the  conviction  of the Executive of, or the plea
         by the Executive of nolo  contendere to, a felony or a crime  involving
         moral turpitude; or

                           (d) any continuing  violation by the Executive in any
         material respect of any of the Corporation's policies or of any term or
         provision of any  employment or other  agreement  between the Executive
         and the Corporation which, in any such case, is not corrected or abated
         by the Executive  within 30 days after written notice of such violation
         is given by the  Corporation  to the Executive  (repetition of the same
         violation as previously  described in any such written notice after the
         30 day correction  period following such written notice shall be deemed
         to be a "continuing violation" by the Executive); or

                           (e) the Executive's  unexcused  total  abandonment or
         neglect of the Executive's  duties and  responsibilities  in connection
         with the  Executive's  employment  with  the  Corporation  (other  than
         absences due to illness,  physical or mental incapacity,  vacations, or
         other excused absences) for a continuous period of ten working days.

         Section 11. Termination by the Corporation for Disability. For purposes
of this  Agreement,  the  Executive  shall  be  considered  to have  suffered  a
"Disability"  and  the  Corporation  shall  be  deemed  to have  terminated  the
Executive's  employment with the Corporation for Disability if such  termination
is made after (and is identified by the  Corporation  as being on account of the
occurrence of) either of the following:

                           (a) the  actual  receipt by the  Executive  of income
         continuation  benefits or similar  benefits  pursuant  to a  disability
         insurance policy as a result of a determination  under such policy that
         the Executive is disabled, or

                           (b) the  Executive's  inability by reason of physical
         and/or  mental  incapacity  to  substantially   perform  the  essential
         functions  of  the  Executive's  duties  and  responsibilities  to  the
         Corporation on a full-time basis for a period of 26 consecutive weeks.

         Section 12.  Termination by the Executive for Good Reason.

                  (a) For  purposes of this  Agreement,  and subject to the time
         limitations and in compliance  with the  requirements of subsection (b)
         of this Section,  the  Executive  shall have "Good Reason" to terminate
         the Executive's  employment  with the  Corporation  upon the occurrence
         during the Termination Period,  without the Executive's express written
         consent or agreement thereto, of any of the following:

                           (i) the  Executive is demoted to a materially  lesser
                  position  within  the  Corporation  (considering,  in making a
                  determination  as to  whether a  demotion  has  occurred,  the
                  Executive's status, offices,  titles,  reporting requirements,
                  authority,   duties,   responsibilities   and  other  relevant
                  factors)  or the  Corporation  takes any other  action  that a
                  reasonable  person in the Executive's  position would conclude
                  is  inconsistent  in any material and adverse respect with the
                  Executive's position within the Corporation;

                           (ii) the  Executive's  base  salary is reduced or the
                  Executive  is  denied  a  fringe   benefit   provided  to  the
                  Corporation's management employees generally;

                           (iii) the Executive is required by the Corporation to
                  be based at any office or location  outside of either  Johnson
                  County or Marion County,  Indiana, or any county contiguous to
                  Marion County, Indiana; or

                           (iv) the Corporation fails to comply with and satisfy
                  Section 17.

                  (b) Upon the occurrence  during the Termination  Period of any
         facts or circumstances that constitute Good Reason for the Executive to
         terminate  his  employment   with  the   Corporation  as  described  in
         subsection (a) of this Section,  the Executive shall, within sixty (60)
         days  after  the  occurrence  thereof,   give  written  notice  to  the
         Corporation of the facts or circumstances  that constitute Good Reason,
         describing  in such  written  notice  the  facts  or  circumstances  in
         question with reasonable  particularity.  The Corporation  shall have a
         period of thirty (30) days after  receipt of such  written  notice from
         the Executive in which to take such actions, if any, as the Corporation
         shall deem  necessary,  appropriate or desirable,  in its judgment,  to
         remedy,  eliminate or otherwise  "cure" the facts or  circumstances  in
         question in such a manner  that Good Reason no longer  exists by virtue
         thereof.  In the event the Corporation shall fail to remedy,  eliminate
         or cure such facts or  circumstances  in such a manner that Good Reason
         no longer exists by virtue  thereof within such thirty (30) day period,
         then after the  expiration of such thirty (30) day period the Executive
         may terminate his employment  with the  Corporation for Good Reason (if
         Good Reason does, in fact, exist) by written notice of such termination
         to the Corporation;  provided,  however, that any such termination must
         be effected by the  Executive  on or before the earlier of (i) the date
         that is sixty (60) days  after the date the  Corporation  receives  the
         written  notice  required  hereunder  from  the  Executive,  or (b) the
         expiration of the Termination Period.

         Section 13.  No  Mitigation.  The Executive is not required to mitigate
the  amount of the  Severance  Entitlement  to be  provided  by the  Corporation
pursuant to this Agreement by seeking other  employment or otherwise,  nor shall
the amount of the Severance  Entitlement  payable  pursuant to this Agreement be
reduced by any compensation  earned by the Executive as the result of employment
by another  employer,  or which might have been earned by the  Executive had the
Executive  sought  other  employment,  after  the  date  of  termination  of the
Executive's employment with the Corporation.

         Section 14.     Notices.   Any  notice,   request,   demand  and  other
communication to be given hereunder shall be in writing and personally delivered
or mailed in the  continental  United States by  registered  or certified  mail,
postage  prepaid,  at the address stated below or to such changed address as the
addressee may have given by a similar notice:

                  To the Company:           Personnel Management, Inc.
                                            1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100
                                            Greenwood, Indiana  46143

                  To the Executive:         Don R. Taylor
                                            11123 Sloop Court
                                            Indianapolis, Indiana  46236

         Section 15.   Legal  Expenses.  In the event that either of the parties
institutes any legal action to enforce its rights under,  or to recover  damages
for breach of, this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
from the other party any actual expenses for attorney's  fees,  costs,  expenses
and disbursements incurred by the prevailing party.

         Section 16.   Successors  to the  Executive.  This  Agreement  shall be
binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the  Executive,  the  Executive's
heirs, beneficiaries,  devisees, successors and legal representatives.  No right
or interest to or in any payments hereunder shall be assignable by the Executive
except  assignments  to the  Corporation  in  accordance  with  applicable  law;
provided,  however,  that this  provision  shall not preclude the Executive from
designating one or more  beneficiaries to receive any amount that may be payable
after the Executive's  death and shall not preclude the legal  representative of
the  Executive's  estate from  assigning  any right  hereunder  to the person or
persons  entitled  thereto  under  the  Executive's  will  or,  in the  case  of
intestacy, to the person or persons entitled thereto under the laws of intestacy
applicable to the Executive's  estate. The term  "beneficiaries" as used in this
Agreement shall mean a beneficiary or beneficiaries so designated to receive any
such  amount,  or,  if  no  beneficiary  has  been  so  designated,   the  legal
representative of the Executive's estate. In the event of the Executive's death,
reference in this Agreement to the Executive shall be deemed, where appropriate,
to refer to the Executive's legal  representative or, where appropriate,  to the
Executive's beneficiary or beneficiaries.

         Section 17.  Successors to the  Corporation.  This  Agreement  shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the  Corporation  and any  successor of
the Corporation,  including, without limitation, successor acquiring directly or
indirectly  all or  substantially  all  of the  business  and/or  assets  of the
Corporation  whether  by  merger,  consolidation,  sale or  otherwise  (and such
successor shall thereafter be deemed the  "Corporation" for the purposes of this
Agreement).  The Corporation shall require and shall cause any such successor of
the  Corporation  to  expressly  assume and agree in  writing  to  perform  this
Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that the  Corporation  would
be required to perform it if no such succession had taken place.

         Section  18.  Headings;  Pronouns.  The  titles  to  sections  in  this
Agreement are intended solely for convenience and no provision of this Agreement
is to be construed  by  reference  to the title of any section.  All pronouns in
this  Agreement  and any  variations  thereof  shall be  deemed  to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural as the identity of the person or
persons may require.

         Section 19. Governing Law. The validity,  interpretation,  construction
and  performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of

         Section 20.  Amendment or  Modification;  Waiver.  No provision of this
Agreement may be amended, modified or waived unless such amendment, modification
or waiver shall be  authorized by the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  or
any authorized  committee of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and shall
be agreed  to in  writing,  signed by the  Executive  and by an  officer  of the
Corporation thereunto duly authorized. Except as otherwise specifically provided
in this  Agreement,  no waiver by either party hereto of any breach by the other
party hereto of any condition or provision of this  Agreement to be performed by
such  other  party  shall be  deemed a waiver  of a  subsequent  breach  of such
condition  or  provision  or a waiver of a similar or  dissimilar  provision  or
condition at the same or at any prior or subsequent time.

         Section 21.  Severability.  The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any
provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of
any other  provision  of this  Agreement,  which shall  remain in full force and
effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

         Section 22. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
together will constitute the same instrument.

         Section 23. PMI Companies.  Although the Corporation is the only one of
the PMI Companies formally executing this Agreement,  the Executive understands,
acknowledges  and agrees that this  Agreement  is made for the benefit of all of
the PMI Companies, as applicable, each of whom shall be entitled to enforce this
Agreement as their respective interests may appear.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  and the Executive have executed
this Agreement as of the date and year first above written.

                                            PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

                                             By /s/ Gary F. Hentschel
                                               Gary F. Hentschel

/s/ Robert R. Millard
Robert R. Millard

                                             /s/ Don R. Taylor
                                             Don R. Taylor