PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.
                             1998 STOCK OPTION PLAN


         This Stock Option Plan  ("Plan") is designed to provide an incentive to
persons employed by Personnel  Management,  Inc. (the  "Corporation") and any of
its subsidiaries,  including  officers and employee  Directors,  and to offer an
additional   inducement   in  obtaining   the  services  of  key  personnel  and
professional advisors by granting such persons options to purchase shares of the
Corporation's common stock ("Common Shares"). The Plan provides for the grant of
(i) options  intended to qualify as "Incentive Stock Options" within the meaning
of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and
(ii) non-qualified options.


         The Common Shares to be issued upon  exercise of options  granted under
the  Plan  (the  "Options")  shall be made  available,  at the  discretion  of a
committee of the Board of Directors appointed hereunder,  from either authorized
but  unissued  Common  Shares  or  Common  Shares  held in the  treasury  of the
Corporation  or any  subsidiary  of the  Corporation,  including  Common  Shares
purchased in the open market or otherwise.

         Subject to the  provisions  of the next  succeeding  paragraph  of this
Section 2, the aggregate number of shares for which Options may be granted under
the Plan shall be 200,000.  If, prior to December 17, 2007,  the Plan remains in
effect and an Option granted under the Plan shall have terminated for any reason
without having been exercised in full,  then the  unpurchased  shares covered by
the terminated Option shall become available for option to other employees.

         In the  event  that an  optionee  tenders  Common  Shares  owned by the
optionee in payment of the purchase  price of shares the optionee has elected to
purchase  pursuant to an Option,  only the net shares issued in connection  with
such  transaction  (calculated by subtracting  the number of shares  tendered in
payment  from  the  number  of  shares  purchased  under  the  Option)  shall be
considered to be shares for which Options have been granted under the Plan,  and
the  remaining  number of shares  issued under such Option  shall be  considered
unpurchased  shares that shall again become  available  for grants of Options to
other employees.

         In the event that the outstanding  Common Shares  hereafter are changed
into or exchanged for a different  number or kind of shares or other  securities
of  the  Corporation  by  reason  of  any  recapitalization,   reclassification,
combination of shares, stock split-up,  stock dividend,  or other reorganization
or (in the  discretion  of the  Committee) in the event of any spin-off or other
distribution  of a substantial  portion of the assets of the  Corporation to the
holders  of the  shares of the  Corporation  then  subject  to  Options  granted

          (a) the aggregate  number and kind of shares  subject to Options which
     may be granted hereunder shall be adjusted appropriately; and

          (b) rights under outstanding Options granted hereunder, both as to the
     number  of  subject  shares  and  the  Option  price,   shall  be  adjusted

         The  foregoing  adjustments  and  the  manner  of  application  of  the
foregoing  provisions shall be determined solely by the Committee,  and any such
adjustment may provide for the elimination of fractional share interests.


         The Plan shall be administered by a committee of the Board of Directors
(the "Committee")  consisting of two or more members, each of whom shall qualify
at all times as a  "Non-Employee  Director"  within  the  meaning  of Rule 16b-3
adopted under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any successor
rule ("Rule 16b-3"). The members of the Committee shall be appointed by, and may
be changed from time to time in the discretion of, the Board of Directors of the
Corporation.  A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum,  and the acts
of a  majority  of the  members  present  at any  meeting  at which a quorum  is
present,  and any acts  approved  in  writing  by all of the  members  without a
meeting, shall be the acts of the Committee.


         The  purchase  price  under  each  Option  shall be  determined  by the
Committee at the time of grant.  In the case of  Incentive  Stock  Options,  the
purchase price must be set as follows:

          (a) for  persons  who at the time of grant  own stock  possessing  ten
     percent or less of the total combined  voting power of all classes of stock
     of the  Corporation  or any parent or  subsidiary  corporation,  the Option
     price at the time the  Option  is  granted  must be set at no less than the
     fair market value of the Common Shares subject to the Option; and

          (b) for  optionees who own stock  possessing  more than ten percent of
     the total combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Corporation
     or of any parent or  subsidiary  corporation,  the Option price at the time
     the Option is granted must be at least 110 percent of the fair market value
     of the Common Shares subject to the Option.

The  purchase  price for  nonqualified  Options  shall be set at the fair market
value of the Common  Shares  covered  by the  Option at the time of grant.  Fair
market value shall be  determined  for purposes of Section 4 by the Committee in
good faith in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Code.


         The Committee may,  consistent with the purposes of the Plan, from time
to time (a)  grant  Options  to any or all  employees  (including  officers  and
employee  Directors) of the  Corporation  and any of its future  subsidiaries as
defined in applicable  sections of the Code, and (b) grant nonqualified  Options
to persons who act as consultants (not including non-employee  Directors) to the
Corporation  but who are not  employed  by the  Corporation.  There  shall be no
limitation on the aggregate  number of shares for which an Option or Options may
be granted to any one  individual;  provided,  however,  that the aggregate fair
market value  (determined  at the time the Option is granted) of the shares with
respect to which  Incentive  Stock  Options are  exercisable  for the first time
during any calendar year (under all such plans of the Corporation and any parent
or subsidiary  corporation) shall not exceed $100,000 (the "Qualifying  Limit").
Incentive  Stock  Options may not be granted  under the Plan after  December 17,
2007.  Notwithstanding  the above and in order that the Corporation  retains the
flexibility to provide  additional  inducement to key  personnel,  the aggregate
fair market value of shares of which any individual may be granted  Options that
first become  exercisable in any calendar year may exceed the Qualifying  Limit;
provided,  however,  that the Options granted in excess of the Qualifying  Limit
shall not be treated as "Incentive  Stock  Options."  Employees may receive more
than one Option under the Plan.

         The Committee, at the time of each grant under this Plan, shall specify
whether  such  grant is  intended  to qualify as an  Incentive  Stock  Option or
constitute a non-qualified Option.

         The Board of Directors,  without further approval of the  shareholders,
may  substitute  new Options for prior options of a constituent  corporation  or
assume the prior options of a constituent corporation.  For the purposes of this
Section 5, a constituent  corporation  shall include any  corporation  which has
been  merged  into  or  consolidated   with  the  Corporation  or  one  or  more
subsidiaries of the  Corporation,  or whose assets or stock has been acquired by
or liquidated into the Corporation,  or by or into any one or more  subsidiaries
of the Corporation, or any parent or any subsidiary of such corporation.

         Subject  to the  terms,  provisions  and  conditions  of the Plan,  the
Committee  shall have exclusive  jurisdiction  (i) to select the persons to whom
Options may be granted,  (ii) to determine the number of shares  subject to each
Option, (iii) to determine the time or times when Options will be granted,  (iv)
to determine the Option price of the shares subject to each Option,  which price
in the case of  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be not  less  than the  minimum
specified in Section 4 of the Plan,  (v) to determine  the time when each option
may be exercised  within the limits  stated in the Plan,  (vi) to prescribe  the
form, which shall be consistent with the Plan, of the instruments evidencing any
Options  granted  under the Plan,  and (vi) to take any other action or make any
other  determination  under this Plan not  expressly  delegated to others by the
Articles of Incorporation  or Bylaws of the Corporation,  or by this Plan, or by
applicable law. The Committee's  determination or  interpretation  of any matter
within the Committee's  jurisdiction  under the Plan shall be conclusive,  final
and  binding  upon the  Corporation,  the  optionees  and all  other  interested


         No Option,  including any Replacement Option (as defined in Section 7),
granted  under  the Plan  shall  be  transferable  by the  optionee  unless  the
Committee, in its sole discretion, authorizes such transfer and such transfer is
permitted  by, or is not in violation  of, the  provisions  of the Code and Rule
16b-3  (to the  extent  that  such are  applicable  to the  Option).  Except  as
specifically authorized by the Committee,  an Option,  including any Replacement
Option, shall be exercisable during the optionee's lifetime only by the optionee
or, in the case of the optionee's legal disability,  by the optionee's  guardian
or legal representative.


         Each  Option  granted  under the Plan  shall  expire not later than ten
years  from  the  date  the  Option  was  granted.  The  Committee  may,  in its
discretion,  prescribe  a shorter  period  for the  expiration  of any Option or

         Subject to the  provisions  of this  Section 7 and of Section 8 hereof,
each Option may be  exercised in whole or from time to time in part with respect
to the number of shares as to which it is then  exercisable  in accordance  with
the  terms  of the Plan  and the  determinations  of the  Committee.  Except  as
otherwise provided in Section 8 hereof, no Option that is intended to qualify as
an Incentive  Stock Option may be exercised  unless the optionee shall have been
in the employ of the Corporation or one of its  subsidiaries at all times during
the  period  beginning  with the date of grant of such  Option and ending on the
date  three  (3)  months  prior  to the date of  exercise  of such  Option.  The
Committee  may impose  additional  conditions  upon the right of an  optionee to
exercise any Option granted  hereunder that are not inconsistent  with the terms
of the Plan or, in the case of an Option  intended  to qualify  as an  Incentive
Stock Option,  with the  requirements  for  qualification  as an Incentive Stock
Option under Section 422 of the Code.

         A  person  exercising  an  Option  shall  give  written  notice  to the
Corporation  of such  exercise and the number of shares the optionee has elected
to  purchase  and shall at the time of  purchase  tender  an amount in cash,  in
Common Shares of the Corporation  owned by such person, or in any combination of
cash and such Common Shares,  equal in value to the purchase price of the shares
the optionee has elected to purchase.  Until the purchaser has made such payment
and has been issued a certificate or  certificates  for the shares so purchased,
the optionee shall possess no shareholder  rights with respect to any such share
or shares.

         In the event  that an  optionee  tenders  Common  Shares  owned by such
optionee in payment (in whole or in part) of the  purchase  price of shares that
the optionee has elected to purchase under an Option,  the Corporation  shall be
obligated to use its best efforts to issue to such optionee a replacement option
of the same type (Incentive Stock Option or nonqualified Option) (a "Replacement
Option") as the Option  exercised  (the  "Exercised  Option")  and with the same
expiration date as the Exercised Option.  Such Replacement  Option shall entitle
the  optionee  to  purchase  a number  of shares  equal to the  number of shares
tendered to the Corporation to purchase shares under the Exercised  Option,  and
shall  specify an exercise  price  equal to the fair market  value of the Common
Shares on the date of exercise of the Exercised Option.  Such Replacement Option
shall not be exercisable  during the  twelve-month  period following the date of
exercise of the Exercised  Option;  if, during such period,  the optionee should
sell any Common Shares of the Corporation (other than in payment of the exercise
price of another  Option under the Plan, or pursuant to a corporate  transaction
in which all holders of Common Shares are obligated to sell or otherwise dispose
of their shares),  then the  Replacement  Option shall never become  exercisable
with respect to the number of shares that are equal to the  aggregate  number of
Common  Shares that were sold by the  optionee  during  such period  (subject to
appropriate  adjustment for any  subsequent  changes in the Common Shares of the
type described by Section 2 of this Plan) but shall become exercisable as to the
remainder of the Common  Shares  covered by the  Replacement  Option.  Except as
specifically  provided  otherwise in this Section 7, all provisions of this Plan
applicable  to an Option  shall apply to a  Replacement  Option of the same type
(Incentive Stock Option or nonqualified  Option).  Replacement  Options shall be
issuable upon exercise of other Replacement Options granted under this paragraph
if all conditions for such issuance are satisfied.


               (a)  Termination  Other Than for  Disability,  Retirement or Upon
          Death. In the event that any optionee's  employment by the Corporation
          and its  subsidiaries  shall  terminate  for any  reason,  other  than
          permanent  and total  disability  as such term is  defined  in Section
          22(e)(3) of the Code ("Permanent and Total Disability"), retirement or
          death, all of such optionee's Options  (regardless of whether they are
          intended to be Incentive  Stock  Options),  and all of such optionee's
          rights to purchase or receive Common Shares pursuant  thereto,  as the
          case may be, may be  exercised,  to the extent that the  Optionee  was
          entitled to exercise such Options at the date of such  termination  of
          employment,  by the optionee  until the earlier of (i) the  respective
          expiration  dates  of such  Options  or (ii) (x) if the  Option  is an
          Incentive Stock Option, on the date that is three (3) months after the
          date of such  termination  of  employment  or (y) if the  Option  is a
          nonqualified  Option,  on the date that is one (1) year after the date
          of  such  termination  of  employment.   If,  however,  an  optionee's
          employment is terminated  for cause,  the  provisions of the preceding
          sentence  shall not apply and any Option  held by such  optionee  will
          terminate   automatically  upon  the  termination  of  the  optionee's
          employment.  Options  granted  under the Plan shall not be affected by
          any change in service or employment so long as the optionee  continues
          to be employed by or in the service of the  Corporation  or any of its
          subsidiaries,  or a  corporation  (or a parent or  subsidiary  of such
          corporation)  issuing  or  assuming  an  Option  in a  transaction  in
          accordance with applicable Code requirements.

               (b) Disability. In the event that any optionee's employment shall
          terminate as a result of the  Permanent  and Total  Disability of such
          optionee,   such  optionee  (or  the  optionee's   guardian  or  legal
          representative)  may  exercise,  to the extent that the  optionee  was
          entitled to exercise any such Options at the date of such  termination
          of  employment,  any Options  granted to the optionee  pursuant to the
          Plan at any time prior to the earlier of (i) the respective expiration
          dates of any such  Options or (ii) (x) if the  Option is an  Incentive
          Stock  Option,  on the date  that is one year  after  the date of such
          termination  of  employment  or (y) if the  Option  is a  nonqualified
          Option,  on the date that is three  (3)  years  after the date of such
          termination of employment.

               (c) Death.  In the event  that any  optionee's  employment  shall
          terminate  as a result  of the  death  of the  optionee,  any  Options
          granted to any such optionee may be exercised,  to the extent that the
          optionee  was  entitled  to exercise  any such  Options at the date of
          death,  by the person or persons to whom the  optionee's  rights under
          any  such  Options  pass  by  will  or by  the  laws  of  descent  and
          distribution  (including  the  optionee's  estate during the period of
          administration) at any time prior to the earlier of (i) the respective
          expiration  dates of any such  Options or (ii) the date which is three
          (3) years after date of death of such optionee.

               (d)  Retirement.  In the  event  that any  optionee's  employment
          terminates  as a  result  of the  optionee's  retirement  on or  after
          attaining  the age of 62 and after the optionee  has been  employed by
          the  Corporation  for at least three (3) years,  such optionee (or the
          optionee's  guardian or legal  representative)  may  exercise,  to the
          extent that the  optionee  was entitled to exercise any such Option at
          the date of such termination of employment, any Options granted to the
          optionee  pursuant to the Plan at any time prior to the earlier of (i)
          the respective  expiration  dates of any such Options or (ii) the date
          which  is three  (3)  years  after  the  date of such  termination  of
          employment. In the event that an optionee's employment terminates as a
          result of the  optionee's  retirement  and such  optionee has not been
          employed by the  Corporation  for at least three (3) years at the time
          of such retirement,  then, on the date of such optionee's  retirement,
          all of such  optionee's  Options  and  rights to  purchase  or receive
          Common Shares pursuant thereto shall terminate.

               (e) Nonqualified Options. Notwithstanding the above provisions of
          this Section 8, the  Committee in its sole  discretion  may extend the
          termination date of any  nonqualified  Option to a date not later than
          the scheduled expiration date of the nonqualified Option.

               (f) Termination of Options. To the extent that any Option granted
          under the Plan to any optionee  whose  employment  by the  Corporation
          terminates shall not have been exercised within the applicable  period
          set forth in this  Section 8, as it may be extended  by the  Committee
          hereunder, any such Option, and all rights to purchase shares pursuant
          thereto, shall terminate on the last date of the applicable period.


         Upon the  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the  Corporation,  or upon a
reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the Corporation as a result of which
the  outstanding  securities of the class then subject to Options  hereunder are
changed  into  or  exchanged  for  cash or  property  or  securities  not of the
Corporation's  issue,  or upon a sale of  substantially  all the property of the
Corporation to another  corporation or person, the Plan shall terminate,  unless
provision shall be made in writing in connection  with such  transaction for the
continuance  of the  Plan  and/or  for the  assumption  of  Options  theretofore
granted, or the substitution for such Options of options covering the stock of a
successor  employer  corporation,  or a parent  or a  subsidiary  thereof,  with
appropriate adjustments as to the number and kind of shares and prices, in which
event the Plan and Options  theretofore granted shall continue in the manner and
under the terms so provided. If the Plan and unexercised Options shall terminate
pursuant  to the  foregoing  sentence,  all persons  entitled  to  exercise  any
unexercised  portions of Options then outstanding  shall have the right, at such
time prior to the  consummation of the transaction  causing such  termination as
the Corporation shall designate,  to exercise the unexercised  portions of their
Options, including the portions thereof which would, but for this Section 9, not
yet be exercisable.


         The  Corporation  reserves the right, in the discretion of its Board of
Directors,  to  establish  other plans  during the term of this Plan under which
employees and others providing  services to the Corporation and its subsidiaries
(including officers and Directors thereof) may be entitled (in addition to their
rights under Options  granted under this Plan) to receive or purchase  shares of
the Corporation's capital stock or other securities,  or cash amounts determined
in relation to the  earnings,  dividends,  net worth or market  appreciation  of
shares of the Corporation's  capital stock or other securities,  including,  but
not limited to, restricted stock, stock appreciation rights, stock bonuses, book
value stock, and the like.


         The Committee may from time to time prescribe,  amend and rescind rules
and regulations  relating to the Plan and,  subject to the approval of the Board
of Directors of the  Corporation,  may at any time terminate,  modify or suspend
the operation of the Plan,  provided that no such modification shall be effected
without approval of the shareholders if such  modification  would cause the Plan
to no longer to comply with any regulatory or legal requirements.


    (a) Compliance with Law.

               (i) The  Corporation  shall not be  required to sell or issue any
          shares  under  any  Option  if  the  issuance  of  such  shares  shall
          constitute or result in a violation by the optionee or the Corporation
          of  any   provisions  of  any  law,   statute  or  regulation  of  any
          governmental  authority.   Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
          foregoing,  in  connection  with  the  Securities  Act  of  1933  (the
          "Securities  Act"), upon exercise of any Option, the Corporation shall
          not be required to issue  shares  unless the  Committee  has  received
          evidence  satisfactory to it to the effect that registration under the
          Securities Act and applicable state securities laws is not required or
          that  such  registration  is  effective.  Any  determination  in  this
          connection by the Committee shall be final, binding and conclusive. If
          shares are  issued  under any Option  without  registration  under the
          Securities Act or applicable  state  securities laws, the Optionee may
          be  required  to accept the shares  subject  to such  restrictions  on
          transferability as may in the reasonable  judgment of the Committee be
          required to comply with exemptions from registration  under such laws.
          The  Corporation  may, but shall in no event be obligated to, register
          any  securities  covered  hereby  pursuant  to the  Securities  Act or
          applicable  state  securities  laws.  The  Corporation  shall  not  be
          obligated to take any other  affirmative  action in order to cause the
          exercise of an option or the  issuance of shares  pursuant  thereto to
          comply with any law or regulation of any governmental authority.

               (ii)  With  respect  to  persons  subject  to  Section  16 of the
          Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"),  transactions under
          this Plan are  intended to comply with all  applicable  conditions  of
          Rule  16b-3 or its  successors  under the 1934 Act.  To the extent any
          provision of the Plan or action by the  Committee  fails to so comply,
          it shall be deemed  null and void to the extent  permitted  by law and
          deemed advisable by the Committee.

          (b) Vesting.  The Committee,  in its sole discretion,  shall determine
     the  conditions,  if any,  for the  vesting  of rights in  Options  granted
     pursuant to the Plan.

          (c) Tenure.  Nothing in the Plan or in any Option granted hereunder or
     in any agreement relating thereto shall confer upon any officer or employee
     the  right  to  continue  in such  position  with  the  Corporation  or any
     subsidiary thereof.

          (d) Withholding Taxes. Where an optionee is entitled to receive shares
     pursuant to the exercise of an Option pursuant to the Plan, the Corporation
     shall have the right to require  the  optionee to pay the  Corporation  the
     amount of any taxes which the  Corporation  is  required  to withhold  with
     respect to such shares,  or, in lieu  thereof,  to retain,  or sell without
     notice, a number of such shares  sufficient to cover the amount required to
     be withheld.

          (e)  Singular,  Plural;  Gender.  Whenever  used herein,  nouns in the
     singular shall include the plural,  and the feminine  pronoun shall include
     the masculine gender.

          (f)  Headings,  Etc.,  No Part of the Plan.  Headings of sections  and
     paragraphs   hereof  are  inserted  for  convenience  of  reference;   they
     constitute no part of the Plan.

          (g)  Governing  Law.  The Plan shall be governed by and  construed  in
     accordance  with the laws of the State of Indiana except to the extent that
     Federal law shall be deemed to apply.


         The Plan shall become effective on the date of adoption by the Board of
Directors (the "Effective Date"), subject to approval by the shareholders of the
Corporation  either (a) by the affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast
at a duly  held  meeting  at  which a  quorum  representing  a  majority  of all
outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon is present in person or by proxy and
voting on the Plan or (b) by unanimous written consent. The Plan shall expire on
December 17, 2007, after which no Options may be granted under the Plan.