Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                          [Amendment No. _____________]

Filed by the Registrant  [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only 
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)((2))
[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
             Section 240.14a-12

                           PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]      No fee required.
[ ]      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-
             6(i)(4) and 0-11.

      1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
             (adjusted to reflect assumed exercise of all stock options and 

      3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      5) Total fee paid:

[X] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if  any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1) Amount Previously Paid:
      2) Form Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
      3) Filing Party:
      4) Date Filed:


                                      DEFINITIVE PROXY SOLICITATION MATERIALS--
                                         TO BE SENT TO SHAREHOLDERS ON OR ABOUT
                                                                  JULY 20, 1998

                           PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

July 20, 1998

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

      You are cordially  invited to attend the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders
(the "Special  Meeting") of Personnel  Management,  Inc. (the "Company"),  which
will be held on Tuesday,  August 18, 1998, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time,
at the Lees Inn, 1281 South Park Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143.

      At the  Special  Meeting  you will be asked to  consider  and vote  upon a
proposal   to  approve   and  adopt  an   Agreement   and  Plan  of  Merger  and
Reorganization, dated June 16, 1998 (the "Merger Agreement"), among the Company,
DHI Sub Corp and DHI Holdings,  Inc. ("DHI"),  pursuant to which DHI Sub Corp, a
wholly owned  subsidiary of DHI, will merge with and into the Company,  with the
Company  surviving  the merger,  as provided  for in the Merger  Agreement  (the
"Merger").  In the Merger, each outstanding share of Common Stock of the Company
will be converted  into the right to receive $16.00 in cash,  without  interest,
and the Company will become a wholly owned subsidiary of DHI.

      The  affirmative  vote of the  holders  of a majority  of the  outstanding
Company  Common Shares is necessary to approve the Merger  Agreement.  The terms
and conditions of the Merger are explained in detail in the  accompanying  Proxy
Statement, which we urge you to read carefully.

      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the Merger Agreement as in
the best  interests of the Company and the  shareholders.  The Board  recommends
that you vote in favor of the approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement.

      Whether or not you plan to attend the Special  Meeting,  please  complete,
sign and date the  enclosed  proxy card and return it promptly  in the  enclosed
postage prepaid  envelope.  If you attend the Special  Meeting,  you may vote in
person if you wish, even though you previously have returned your proxy card.

      Please do not send your share  certificates  with your proxy card.  If the
Merger  Agreement  is  approved  and the  other  conditions  to the  Merger  are
satisfied,  you  will  receive  a  transmittal  form  and  instructions  for the
surrender and exchange of your shares.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your continued support.

                                   Don R. Taylor, Chief Executive Officer


                                      DEFINITIVE PROXY SOLICITATION MATERIALS--
                                         TO BE SENT TO SHAREHOLDERS ON OR ABOUT
                                                                  JULY 20, 1998

                           PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

       A Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Personnel  Management,  Inc. (the
"Company")  will be held on Tuesday,  August 18,  1998,  at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern
Standard Time, at the Lees Inn, 1281 South Park Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143,
for the following purposes:

      1.     To  consider  and vote  upon a  proposal  to  approve  and adopt an
             Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and  Reorganization  and the Plan of
             Merger attached  thereto (the "Merger  Agreement"),  dated June 16,
             1998,  among  the  Company,  DHI Sub  Corp and DHI  Holdings,  Inc.
             ("DHI"), pursuant to which DHI Sub Corp, an Indiana corporation and
             a wholly owned subsidiary of DHI ("Sub"),  will merge with and into
             the Company (the "Merger"),  with the Company surviving the Merger,
             upon the terms and  conditions  of the Merger  Agreement,  and each
             Common Share of the Company,  no par value,  issued and outstanding
             immediately  prior  to the  effectiveness  of the  Merger  will  be
             converted  into  the  right to  receive  $16.00  in  cash,  without
             interest.   The  Merger  is  more   completely   described  in  the
             accompanying Proxy Statement, and a copy of the Merger Agreement is
             attached as Appendix A thereto.

      2.     To  transact  such other  matters as may  properly  come before the
             Special Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

Only holders of record of the  Company's  Common Shares at the close of business
on June 24, 1998, the record date for the Special  Meeting (the "Record  Date"),
are  entitled  to  notice  of and  to  vote  at  the  Special  Meeting  and  any
adjournments or postponements thereof.


                                                    DON R. TAYLOR
                                                    Chief Executive Officer

July 20, 1998
Greenwood, Indiana



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS.................................................. 
SUMMARY OF PROXY STATEMENT.................................................. 
THE SPECIAL MEETING......................................................... 
PARTIES TO THE MERGER....................................................... 
     The Company............................................................
THE MERGER..................................................................
     Recommendation of the Board of Directors............................... 
     Background of and Reasons for the Merger...............................
     Opinion of Financial Advisor........................................... 
     Conditions to the Merger...............................................
     Termination Provisions.................................................
     Termination Fee........................................................
     Conduct of Business Pending the Merger.................................
     Effective Time of the Merger........................................... 
     Payment for Common Shares..............................................
     Stock Options..........................................................
     High and Low Stock Prices..............................................
     Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger..................
     Expenses of the Merger.................................................
ABSENCE OF DISSENTERS'  RIGHTS..............................................
VOTING AGREEMENT............................................................
INTERESTS OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN THE MERGER..................................
     Agreement with JBD Real Estate, Inc....................................
     Change of Control Severance Benefits Agreements 
       and Employment Agreements............................................
     Stock Options..........................................................
ACCOUNTING TREATMENT OF THE MERGER..........................................
OTHER MATTERS...............................................................
INDEPENDENT PUBLIC AUDITORS.................................................
SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS.......................................................

Appendix A -   Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization 
               dated June 16, 1998
Appendix B -   Opinion of  George K. Baum & Company

A copy of the Personnel  Management,  Inc.  1997 Annual  Report to  Shareholders
accompanies this Proxy Statement.


                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

     This Proxy Statement contains certain forward-looking statements. To comply
with the terms of a "safe harbor" provided by the Private Securities  Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 that protects the makers of such  statements  from  liability
under certain  circumstances,  the Company notes that a variety of factors could
cause the actual results or experience to differ materially from the anticipated
results or other  expectations  described  or  implied by these  forward-looking
statements.  The risks and  uncertainties  that may  affect  actual  results  or
experience include general economic conditions,  economic and other factors that
could  affect  the  ability  of DHI to  obtain  the  financing  for which it has
commitments,  the  possible  inability  of DHI or the  Company  to  satisfy  the
conditions to the Merger,  contingent risks to shareholders of the Company under
creditors'  rights laws and other risks and uncertainties  described  throughout
this Proxy  Statement.  Additional  factors may be found in other filings by the
Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission, to which reference is made.


                           SUMMARY OF PROXY STATEMENT

     The following is a brief summary of certain information contained elsewhere
in this  Proxy  Statement.  Shareholders  are  urged  to read the  entire  Proxy
Statement  carefully.  Shareholders  also should read the  Agreement and Plan of
Merger and  Reorganization  and the Plan of Merger attached thereto (the "Merger
Agreement") and the opinion of George K. Baum & Company, copies of both of which
are included in appendices to this Proxy Statement.  This summary is necessarily
incomplete  and is  qualified  in its entirety by reference to the full text of,
and the documents  referred to in, this Proxy Statement and its appendices.  The
descriptions  in the  following  summary  and in the  full  text of  this  Proxy
Statement of the terms and  conditions of the Merger  Agreement are qualified in
their entirety by reference to the Merger Agreement attached as Appendix A.


                    The  Special  Meeting is  scheduled  to be held on  Tuesday,
                    August 18,  1998,  at 10:00 a.m.,  E.S.T.,  at the Lees Inn,
                    1281 South Park Drive, Greenwood, Indiana 46143, to consider
                    and vote upon the  proposal  to approve and adopt the Merger
                    Agreement.  Only  Shareholders  of  record  at the  close of
                    business  on June 24,  1998  (the  "Record  Date"),  will be
                    entitled to vote at the Special Meeting.  On such date there
                    were 2,048,951  shares of the Company's voting common stock,
                    no par value (the "Common Shares"),  issued and outstanding.
                    See "THE  SPECIAL  MEETING."  The  proposal  to approve  the
                    Merger  Agreement  will be  approved  and  adopted  if it is
                    approved  by  the  affirmative  vote  of  the  holders  of a
                    majority of the Common Shares issued and  outstanding on the
                    Record Date for the Special Meeting.  As of the Record Date,
                    Don R. Taylor,  the founder,  Chief Executive  Officer and a
                    Director  of  the  Company,   held  621,805  Common  Shares,
                    representing  approximately  30.4  percent of the issued and
                    outstanding  Common Shares.  Pursuant to a Voting  Agreement
                    dated June 16, 1998,  between Mr. Taylor and DHI, Mr. Taylor
                    has agreed to vote all of the Common  Shares  held by him in
                    favor of the approval  and adoption of the Merger  Agreement
                    at the Special Meeting.  See "VOTING AGREEMENT."  Therefore,
                    402,671, or approximately 19.7 percent, of the Common Shares
                    issued and  outstanding  on the Record Date,  in addition to
                    the Common Shares held by Mr. Taylor,  would be required for
                    the approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement. As of the
                    Record Date, Directors and executive officers other than Mr.
                    Taylor held 52,338,  or  approximately  2.6 percent,  of the
                    Common Shares issued and outstanding on that date.



      The Company

                    The  Company is an Indiana  corporation  founded in 1986 and
                    based in Greenwood,  Indiana. The Company provides temporary
                    and long-term  industrial and clerical  staffing services to
                    businesses  located  in  Indiana,   Kentucky,   Georgia  and
                    Florida. The Company's executive offices are located at 1499
                    Windhorst Way,  Suite 100,  Greenwood,  Indiana  46143.  Its
                    telephone number is 317-888-4400.

                    DHI is an Ohio  corporation  and  the  sole  shareholder  of
                    Diversco,   Inc.,  a  contract  maintenance  and  industrial
                    services firm headquartered in Spartanburg,  South Carolina.
                    The  principal  executive  offices  of DHI  are  located  at
                    Landerbrook   Corporate  Center  One,  Suite  280,  Mayfield
                    Heights, Ohio 44124. Its telephone number is (440) 684-1400.
                    See "INFORMATION ABOUT DHI."

                    Sub is an Indiana  corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary
                    of DHI that has been organized to facilitate the Merger. Its
                    address and telephone number are the same as that of DHI.


                    The Merger Agreement  provides for Sub to be merged with and
                    into the  Company,  with the Company  surviving  the Merger.
                    Pursuant  to the Merger,  the  Company  will become a wholly
                    owned  subsidiary  of DHI and each  issued  and  outstanding
                    Common  Share  will be  converted  into the right to receive
                    $16.00  in  cash.   See  "TERMS  OF  THE   MERGER   --Merger
                    Consideration."  The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
                    Common Shares issued and  outstanding  as of the Record Date
                    will be required to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement.


Board Approval and

                    In a meeting held on May 18, 1998,  the  Company's  Board of
                    Directors   voted  to  enter  into  a  period  of  exclusive
                    negotiations  with DHI based on DHI's  offer of  $16.00  per
                    share and based on the expectation that the parties would be
                    able  to  negotiate  a  mutually   satisfactory   definitive
                    agreement  setting  forth  the terms  and  conditions  of an
                    acquisition  of the Company.  The Board  approved the Merger
                    Agreement on June 15, 1998. The Company's Board of Directors
                    has unanimously determined that the Merger Agreement and the
                    transactions contemplated by it are in the best interests of
                    the  Company  and  its   shareholders  and  has  unanimously
                    approved  and adopted the Merger  Agreement  and the Merger.
                    The Board recommends a vote for approval and adoption of the
                    Merger  Agreement.  See "THE  MERGER--Recommendation  of the
                    Board of Directors". For information regarding the interests
                    of members of the Board of  Directors  of the Company in the
                    Merger, in addition to their interests as shareholders,  see

Background and Reasons
for the Merger

                    On February 16, 1998,  the Company  engaged George K. Baum &
                    Company   ("Baum")  to  evaluate   financial  and  strategic
                    alternatives  to  enhance  shareholder  value.  The  Company
                    authorized  Baum  to  solicit  indications  of  interest  in
                    acquiring  the  Company  and to evaluate  any  proposals  to
                    acquire the Company.  The  Company's  Board of Directors met
                    with  representatives of Baum on May 7, 1998, to discuss the
                    results  of the  solicitation.  On May 18,  1998,  the Board
                    voted to enter into a period of exclusive  negotiations with
                    DHI based on DHI's  offer of  $16.00  per  share.  The Board
                    approved the Merger  Agreement  on June 15,  1998.  See "THE
                    MERGER -- Background of and Reasons for the Merger."

Opinion of Financial

                    Baum has  rendered an opinion  that,  as of the date of such
                    opinion and  subject to certain  assumptions,  factors,  and
                    limitations  set forth in its  written  opinion,  the Merger
                    Consideration to be received by the holders of Common Shares
                    pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement  is fair from a financial
                    point  of view to such  holders.  The  full  text of  Baum's
                    opinion is set forth in  Appendix B to this Proxy  Statement
                    and is incorporated  herein by reference.  Shareholders  are
                    urged to, and should, read such opinion in its entirety. See
                    "THE MERGER -- Opinion of Financial Advisor."

Conditions to the Merger   

                    The respective  obligations  of the Company,  DHI and Sub to
                    consummate  the Merger are  subject to the  satisfaction  of
                    certain  conditions,  including approval and adoption of the
                    Merger  Agreement by the requisite vote of the  Shareholders
                    of the Company,  the continuing  accuracy of representations
                    and warranties of each party, and other conditions customary
                    for  a   transaction   of  this  nature.   See  "THE  MERGER
                    --Conditions to the Merger."

Financing and Creditors'
Rights Issues             

                    DHI   expects   to  finance   the   payment  of  the  Merger
                    Consideration   through  equity  capital  contributions  and
                    borrowings  and DHI has  informed  the  Company  that it has
                    obtained  certain  commitments  for such  contributions  and
                    borrowings. DHI's obligations under the Merger Agreement are
                    not  conditioned  upon its ability to obtain  financing.  In
                    debt-financed   acquisitions   like  the  Merger,   however,
                    unsecured  creditors of the acquired company may be entitled
                    to obtain payment of their claims from  shareholders  if the
                    acquired  company  subsequently  is  unable to  satisfy  its
                    obligations and a court  determines that the company,  at or
                    after the  acquisition,  was insolvent,  had an unreasonably
                    low level of  capital,  or had debts  beyond its  ability to
                    pay.  Although  the  Company,  based on its  review of DHI's
                    financing plans, does not believe a finding would be made to
                    require  payment  of the  Company's  unsecured  debt  by its
                    shareholders,  there can be no such assurance.  At April 30,
                    1998,  the Company's  unsecured  debt was  approximately  $5
                    million.  See  "FINANCING OF THE MERGER;  CREDITORS'  RIGHTS


                    Provisions In certain circumstances, if the Merger Agreement
                    is  terminated  prior to  consummation  of the  Merger,  the
                    Company is  obligated  to pay DHI a  termination  fee in the
                    amount  of  $1,250,000.   See  "THE  MERGER  --  Termination
                    Provisions" and "THE MERGER -- Termination Fee".

Conduct of Business
Pending the Merger

                    Until  the  Merger  is  consummated,  the  Merger  Agreement
                    requires the Company to conduct its business in the ordinary
                    course and in a manner  consistent  with past  practice  and
                    prohibits the Company from engaging in certain  transactions
                    without  the  prior   written   consent  of  DHI.  See  "THE
                    MERGER--Conduct of Business Pending the Merger."

Effective Time of the

                    The Merger will be consummated  after receipt of Shareholder
                    approval  and  after  satisfaction  or  waiver  of all other
                    conditions under the Merger Agreement, and will be effective
                    upon  filing of  appropriate  Articles  of  Merger  with the
                    Indiana  Secretary of State (the  "Effective  Time").  It is
                    currently anticipated that the Merger will be consummated on
                    or before August 31, 1998.  See "THE  MERGER--Conditions  to
                    the Merger" and "THE MERGER--Effective Time of the Merger."


Payment for Common Shares 

                    If the Merger is consummated,  Shareholders  will be advised
                    of the  procedures  to be  followed  in  surrendering  their
                    Common   Share   certificates   in  exchange  for  the  cash
                    consideration payable to them under the Merger Agreement.

Stock Options         

                    As  a  condition  to  DHI's  obligations  under  the  Merger
                    Agreement,  all  options to acquire  Common  Shares  held by
                    employees  and  Directors  of the  Company  pursuant  to the
                    Company's  stock  option  plans,  whether  such  options are
                    currently  exercisable or not, must be exercised or canceled
                    prior to or at the Effective  Time.  With respect to options
                    that are  canceled,  the option  holders will be entitled to
                    receive,  for each Common Share  potentially  issuable under
                    the options,  payment of an amount  equal to the  difference
                    between the Merger  Consideration  ($16.00) and the purchase
                    price  (exercise  price) per Common Share under each option.
                    Such  payment  with  respect  to  options  that  are not yet
                    exercisable will have the effect of accelerating the date as
                    of which such options become exercisable. See "THE MERGER --
                    Stock  Options"  and  "INTERESTS  OF CERTAIN  PERSONS IN THE
                    MERGER -- Stock Options".

High and Low
Stock Prices             

                    The Common  Shares are  listed for  quotation  on the Nasdaq
                    National  Market System under the trading  symbol "TPMI." On
                    June 15, 1998, the last full trading day prior to the public
                    announcement of the Merger Agreement,  the high and low sale
                    prices  reported on the Nasdaq  National Market System for a
                    Common Share were $13.00 and $12.75, respectively.

Certain Federal Tax

                    As a consequence of the Merger, each holder of Common Shares
                    will  recognize  taxable gain or loss for federal income tax
                    purposes  equal  to  the  difference  between  the  holder's
                    adjusted  tax basis in his or her  shares  and the amount of
                    Merger Consideration received for such shares in the Merger.
                    Each Shareholder  should consult his or her tax advisor with
                    respect to the  individual tax  consequences  of the Merger.
                    See THE  MERGER--Certain  Federal Income Tax Consequences of
                    the Merger."

Absence of Dissenters'

                    Under the Indiana Business Corporation Law ("IBCL"), holders
                    of the  Company's  Common  Shares  will not be  entitled  to
                    dissenters'  rights  as a  result  of the  Merger.  The IBCL
                    provides that dissenters' rights are unavailable in a merger
                    with  respect  to shares of any class of stock  which on the
                    applicable  record  date  for the  shareholder  vote on such
                    merger are listed on a national  securities  exchange  or on
                    the Nasdaq National  Market System.  On the Record Date, the
                    Company's  Common Shares were listed on the Nasdaq  National
                    Market System. Accordingly,  holders of the Company's Common
                    Shares will not have  dissenters'  rights as a result of the


Accounting Treatment  

                    The Merger  will be treated  as a  purchase  for  accounting
                    purposes. See "ACCOUNTING TREATMENT OF THE MERGER."

Expenses of the Merger             

                    Generally,  each party will pay its own expenses incurred in
                    connection with the Merger. See "THE MERGER--Expenses of the

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                               THE SPECIAL MEETING

      This Proxy Statement,  the letter to  shareholders,  the Notice of Special
Meeting and the form of proxy are being  furnished to  Shareholders  on or about
July 20, 1998, in connection with the  solicitation by the Board of Directors of
Personnel  Management,  Inc.  (the  "Company"),  of  proxies  to be voted at the
Special Meeting of Shareholders and any  adjournments or  postponements  thereof
(the "Special Meeting"). The Special Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., Eastern
Standard  Time,  on Tuesday,  August 18, 1998,  at the Lees Inn, 1281 South Park
Drive, Greenwood,  Indiana 46143. The Company's executive offices are located at
1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100, Greenwood, Indiana 46143.

      The purpose of the Special Meeting is to consider and vote upon a proposal
to approve and adopt an Agreement  and Plan of Merger and  Reorganization  dated
June 16, 1998 and the Plan of Merger attached  thereto (the "Merger  Agreement")
among the Company; DHI Holdings,  Inc., an Ohio corporation ("DHI"); and DHI Sub
Corp, an Indiana  corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of DHI ("Sub").  The
Merger  Agreement  provides for the merger of Sub with and into the Company (the
"Merger"),  with the Company surviving the Merger.  Pursuant to the Merger,  the
Company will become a wholly owned  subsidiary of DHI and each Common Share,  no
par value per share, of the Company (the "Common Shares") issued and outstanding
immediately  prior to the  Merger  will be  converted  into the right to receive
$16.00 in cash.

      At the close of business on June 24, 1998, the record date for the Special
Meeting (the "Record  Date"),  there were  2,048,951  Common  Shares  issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote at the Special Meeting.


      The  proposal  to approve  the Merger  Agreement  will be adopted if it is
approved  by the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of a majority  of the Common
Shares issued and outstanding at the Record Date.  Proxies marked as abstentions
and shares held in street name that are  designated by brokers on proxy cards as
not voted will not be counted as votes cast and, as a result, will have the same
effect as a vote against adoption and approval of the Merger Agreement.  Proxies
marked as abstentions or as broker non-votes, however, will be treated as shares
present for the purpose of  determining  whether a quorum is present.  As of the
Record Date, Don R. Taylor, the founder,  Chief Executive Officer and a Director
of the Company, held 621,805 Common Shares, or approximately 30.4 percent of the
Common Shares  outstanding on that date.  Pursuant to a Voting  Agreement  dated
June 16, 1998,  between Mr. Taylor and DHI, Mr. Taylor has agreed to vote all of
the Common  Shares  held by him in favor of the  approval  and  adoption  of the
Merger  Agreement at the Special  Meeting.  Therefore,  the affirmative  vote of
402,671,  or  approximately  19.7  percent  of  the  Common  Shares  issued  and
outstanding  on the Record  Date,  in addition to the Common  Shares held by Mr.
Taylor,  will be required for the approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement.
The Directors  and executive  officers of the Company other than Mr. Taylor held
in the aggregate 52,338 Common Shares, representing approximately 2.6 percent of
the Common Shares issued and outstanding, on the Record Date .

      If  the  enclosed  form  of  proxy  is  executed  and  returned,   it  may
nevertheless  be revoked at any time insofar as it has not been  exercised.  The
proxy may be revoked by either (a) filing with the  Secretary  (or other officer
or agent of the Company authorized to tabulate votes) (i) an instrument revoking
the proxy,  or (ii) a  subsequently  dated proxy,  or (b)  attending the Special
Meeting  and voting in person.  Unless  revoked,  the proxy will be voted at the
Special  Meeting in  accordance  with the  instructions  of the  shareholder  as
indicated on the proxy. If no instructions  are given,  the shares will be voted
in favor of approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement.


CARDS.   Promptly  following  the  consummation  of  the  Merger,  a  letter  of
transmittal  with  instructions  on the procedures for  surrendering  shares and
receiving the Merger Consideration will be forwarded to all shareholders .


                              PARTIES TO THE MERGER

The Company

      The Company is an Indiana  corporation  founded by Don R. Taylor and based
in Greenwood,  Indiana.  The Company provides  temporary and long-term  staffing
services to businesses through 46 offices located in Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia,
and Florida.  The  Company's  staffing  business  primarily  involves  providing
temporary employees to industrial  clients,  although it also provides clerical,
technical and professional  temporary staffing and long-term placement services.
The Company has grown rapidly  through the opening of new branch  offices and by
acquisitions  of other staffing  businesses  since it commenced  operations as a
provider of staffing  services in central Indiana in 1986. The Common Shares are
quoted on the Nasdaq National Market System under the trading symbol "TPMI." The
Company's  principal  executive offices are located at 1499 Windhorst Way, Suite
100, Greenwood, Indiana, 46143, and its telephone number is 317-888-4400.


      DHI is an  Ohio  corporation  that  is the  parent  corporation  and  sole
shareholder of Diversco,  Inc., a contract  maintenance and industrial  services
firm based in Spartanburg,  South  Carolina,  that DHI acquired in October 1996.
The  principal  executive  offices of DHI are located at  Landerbrook  Corporate
Center One, Suite 280,  Mayfield  Heights,  Ohio 44124.  Its telephone number is
(440) 684-1400. The principal executive offices of Diversco, Inc. are located at
105 Diversco Drive, Spartanburg,  South Carolina 29304, and its telephone number
is (864) 579-3420.


      Sub is an Indiana  corporation  that was formed  solely for the purpose of
facilitating  the Merger.  The mailing address for Sub is Landerbrook  Corporate
Center One, Suite 280, Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124, and its telephone number is
(440) 684-1400.

                                   THE MERGER

      The following  description  of the terms of the Merger is qualified in its
entirety by  reference to the Merger  Agreement,  a copy of which is attached as
Appendix  A to this  Proxy  Statement.  All  Shareholders  are urged to read the
Merger Agreement in its entirety prior to voting.



     The Merger  Agreement  provides  that Sub will be merged  with and into the
Company  and each issued and  outstanding  Common  Share of the Company  will be
converted into the right to receive $16.00 in cash (the "Merger Consideration").
The Company,  as the surviving  corporation in the Merger,  will become a wholly
owned  subsidiary of DHI and Sub's separate  existence will cease.  Each warrant
issued in connection  with the Company's  initial public offering and each stock
option  issued  pursuant  to the  Company's  stock  option  plans  that  remains
unexercised  at the Effective  Time will be converted into the right to receive,
in cash, the difference  between $16.00 and the exercise price per share of each
such warrant and option.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

      In a meeting held on May 18, 1998, the Company's  Board of Directors voted
to enter into a period of exclusive  negotiations  with DHI based on DHI's offer
of $16.00 per share and based on the expectation  that the parties would be able
to negotiate a mutually  satisfactory  definitive  agreement  setting  forth the
terms and conditions of an  acquisition  of the Company.  The Board approved the
Merger  Agreement  on June  15,  1998.  The  Company's  Board of  Directors  has
unanimously   determined  that  the  Merger   Agreement  and  the   transactions
contemplated by it are in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders
and has  unanimously  approved  and  adopted  the  Merger  Agreement.  THE BOARD
information  regarding the interests of members of the Board of Directors of the
Company in the Merger,  in  addition to their  interests  as  shareholders,  see

Background of and Reasons for the Merger

       During April 1997, Don R. Taylor,  the Company's Chief Executive Officer,
asked George K. Baum & Company  ("Baum") to prepare an analysis of financial and
strategic  alternatives  available to the Company to enhance  shareholder value.
This analysis  included a "status quo" scenario,  combining  forces with another
staffing company of similar size (a "strategic  merger"),  and a sale of control
to another  company.  Baum reported on the advantages and  disadvantages of each
alternative at a meeting with  management  during May 1997 and, at Mr.  Taylor's
request, at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on August 18, 1997.

      During July 1997,  independent of the  discussions  with Baum, the Company
was introduced to DHI and its principal shareholder, Linsalata Capital Partners,
by an investment banking firm other than Baum. The other investment banking firm
and the Company were  discussing  strategies  that would  enhance the  Company's
stock market  valuation  and, as a result of those  discussions,  the other firm
introduced  the Company and DHI.  Representatives  of the Company and DHI met in
Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 11, 1997. As a result of those discussions, DHI
indicated it might be interested in buying all the Common Shares of the Company,
except those Common Shares held by the executive officers of the Company,  for a
cash  purchase  price of $14.00  per share.  The  Company  did not pursue  those
discussions further at that time.


      Baum met with  the  Board of  Directors  again to  discuss  financial  and
strategic alternatives available to the Company on January 21, 1998. On February
16,  1998,  the  Company  engaged  Baum  to  evaluate  financial  and  strategic
alternatives  to enhance  shareholder  value  and,  if  requested,  to render an
opinion as to the fairness of the financial  consideration to be received by the
Company or its  shareholders in connection  with any  transaction  involving the
Company.  In connection with the evaluation of these  alternatives,  the Company
authorized Baum to solicit  indications of interest in acquiring the Company and
to evaluate any proposals to acquire the Company.  A descriptive  memorandum was
prepared and provided to potentially interested persons.

      Baum contacted  prospective buyers at the end of February and beginning of
March,  1998.  Baum  contacted  48  potential  buyers and asked for  preliminary
indications of interest.  Six potential buyers indicated interest on or prior to
March 23, 1998. The Company  formally  agreed to permit certain  persons who had
submitted preliminary  indications of interest,  including DHI, to perform a due
diligence  investigation  of the Company.  During  April,  1998 these  potential
purchasers, including DHI, performed due diligence on the Company. DHI submitted
its  proposal  to acquire  the  Company on or about May 4,  1998.  The  proposal
contemplated a cash offer of $15.00 per share.

      On May 7,  1998,  the Board  and  executive  management  met with Baum and
Leagre  Chandler & Millard,  the  Company's  legal  advisors,  to  consider  the
Company's financial and strategic alternatives and the developments with respect
to the effort  commenced in February  1998. At that meeting,  Baum reviewed with
the Company the persons who had  indicated an interest in acquiring the Company.
Following a discussion  regarding the  consideration of the Company's  financial
and  strategic  alternatives,  Baum was  directed to continue  discussions  with
several of the parties who had  indicated an interest in acquiring  the Company,
including DHI.

      Between May 7, 1998 and May 17, 1998,  DHI  increased  its offer to $16.00
per share. As a condition of its offer, DHI required that the Company enter into
an agreement to negotiate  exclusively with DHI for a 21-day period (such period
was  subsequently  extended  by five days by mutual  agreement).  After  further
consideration of the Company's  financial and strategic  alternatives to enhance
shareholder value other than through the sale of the Company and upon receipt of
oral  assurances  from  Baum  that Baum  expected  to be able to opine  that the
consideration to be received in the transaction proposed by DHI was fair, from a
financial point of view, to the shareholders of the Company, the Board agreed on
May 18 to enter into a period of exclusive  negotiations with DHI based on DHI's
offer of $16.00 per share and based on the expectation that the parties would be
able to negotiate a mutually satisfactory definitive agreement setting forth the
terms and conditions of an acquisition  of the Company.  In connection  with its
consideration of whether to enter into exclusive  negotiations with DHI for such
21-day period,  the Board  discussed that Mr. Taylor would not be continuing his
employment  by the Company  after the  acquisition  of the Company.  The Board's
discussion assumed Mr. Taylor would be paid his severance  entitlement under Mr.
Taylor's Change of Control Severance  Benefits  Agreement with the Company.  See


      During  detailed  negotiations  with DHI  commencing  on May 19, 1998,  it
became  evident  that DHI  believed  that Mr.  Taylor  would  be  retiring  upon
completion of the Merger and therefore had not intended that Mr. Taylor would be
paid his severance  entitlement  under Mr. Taylor's Change of Control  Severance
Benefits  Agreement  with the Company.  Representatives  of the Company told DHI
that the Board had approved the 21-day  period of exclusive  negotiation  on the
basis that the  severance  entitlement  would be paid and that the parties would
therefore need to reconsider their positions.

      Subsequent  discussions  ensued between Baum, DHI and Mr. Taylor after May
19 and DHI submitted a revised offer.  The revised offer  contemplated  that Mr.
Taylor would  receive a reduced  severance  benefit,  effected by the  Company's
forgiveness of Mr. Taylor's  outstanding debt to the Company.  In addition,  the
revised  offer  contemplated  that Mr.  Taylor would be required to enter into a
five-year noncompetition and confidentiality  agreement and would be required to
cancel his agreement with the Company relating to the acquisition by the Company
of Mr. Taylor's  shares of JBD Real Estate,  Inc. upon a change of control event
(See "INTERESTS OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN THE MERGER").  The Board was informed that
Mr. Taylor had agreed to the revised offer. The Board approved the revised offer
on May 22, 1998,  which  revised offer also provided a value of $16.00 per share
to the Company's shareholders.

      Subsequent  to  the  execution  of  the  revised   offer,   the  Company's
management,  legal  counsel  and  Baum  conducted  extensive  negotiations  with
principal  executive  officers of DHI and its legal counsel and DHI continued to
conduct its due diligence review of the Company and to finalize its arrangements
for financing the Merger.

      On  June  15,  1998,  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  and  executive
management met with Baum and the Company's legal advisors to consider whether to
approve the proposed  transaction  with DHI on the terms set forth in the Merger
Agreement,  and the  results  of  negotiations  with  respect  to the  Company's
representations  and warranties to DHI, and certain conditions  precedent to the
obligations  of DHI,  in each case  under the Merger  Agreement.  The Board also
reviewed the financing  commitments that had been submitted by DHI. In addition,
Baum  presented  certain  financial  and other  analyses and orally  rendered an
opinion  that  the  $16.00  per  Common  Share  in  cash to be  received  by the
shareholders  pursuant to the Merger  Agreement was fair, from a financial point
of view, to such shareholders. The Board also reviewed the personal interests of
the  members of the Board of  Directors  and of the  executive  officers  of the
Company in the Merger (see "INTERESTS OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN THE MERGER").  After
discussion,  the Board unanimously approved the Merger Agreement and unanimously
determined  to  recommend to the  Shareholders  the approval and adoption of the
Merger  Agreement.  The Company  executed the Merger Agreement on the morning of
June 16, 1998, and the transaction was promptly announced publicly.

Opinion of Financial Advisor

      The George K. Baum & Company Opinion. On June 15, 1998, Baum delivered its
oral opinion,  subsequently  confirmed in writing,  to the Board of Directors of
the Company that,  as of the date of such opinion,  the $16.00 per share in cash
to be received by the  holders of the Common  Shares of the Company  (other than
DHI Holdings, Inc. ("Parent"),  the Company or any direct or indirect subsidiary
of Parent or the Company) for all of the outstanding  Common Shares is fair from
a financial point of view to such holders.


      The full text of the written  opinion of Baum dated June 15,  1998,  which
sets forth the  assumptions  made,  matters  considered  and  limitations on the
review undertaken in connection with the opinion, is attached hereto as Appendix
B to  this  Proxy  Statement  and  is  incorporated  herein  by  reference.  The
shareholders  of the Company are urged to, and should,  read such opinion in its

      In connection with its opinion, Baum reviewed, among other things, (i) the
Merger Agreement;  (ii) the Annual Reports to Shareholders and Annual Reports on
Form 10-K of the  Company  for the four years  ended  October  31,  1997;  (iii)
certain interim reports to  shareholders  and Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q of
the  Company;  (iv)  certain  other  communications  from  the  Company  to  its
shareholders; and (v) certain internal financial analyses and forecasts prepared
by the Company's  management for the Company.  Baum also held  discussions  with
members of the senior  management of the Company  regarding the past and current
business operations and financial condition and future prospects of the Company.
In  addition,  Baum  reviewed the  reported  price and trading  activity for the
Common Shares,  compared certain financial and stock market  information for the
Company with similar  information  for certain other companies the securities of
which are  publicly  traded,  reviewed  the  financial  terms of certain  recent
business  combinations  in the  staffing  industry  specifically  and  in  other
industries  generally  and  performed  such other  studies  and  analyses  as it
considered appropriate.

      Baum relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the financial and
other information  reviewed by it and has assumed such accuracy and completeness
for  purposes  of  rendering  its  opinion.  In  addition,  Baum has not made an
independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets and liabilities of the Company
and Baum has not been furnished with any such evaluation or appraisal.  Analyses
based upon forecasts of future results are not necessarily  indicative of actual
future results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than suggested
by such analyses.  Because such analyses are inherently  subject to uncertainty,
being based upon numerous factors or events beyond the control of the parties or
their respective advisors, none of the Company, Parent, Baum or any other person
assumes  responsibility  if future results are  materially  different from those
forecast.  The  advisory  services of Baum and the  opinion of Baum  referred to
herein  were  provided  for the  information  and  assistance  of the  Board  in
connection with its consideration of the transaction  contemplated by the Merger
Agreement and such opinion does not  constitute a  recommendation  as to how any
holder of the Common Shares should vote with respect to the Merger Agreement.

      The  following is a summary of certain of the  financial  analyses used by
Baum in connection with providing its opinion.


        (a)  Historical  Stock Trading  Analysis.  Baum reviewed the  historical
      trading  prices and volumes for the Common Shares over the period from the
      date of the Company's  initial public offering on January 26, 1994 to June
      5, 1998;  over the period from June 5, 1997 to June 5, 1998;  and over the
      period from March 5, 1998 to June 5, 1998.  Such review  included a review
      of the  volume of shares  traded at  specific  prices.  Such  presentation
      indicated,  for the period  from  January  26,  1994 to June 5, 1998;  the
      period  from June 5, 1997 to June 5, 1998;  and the  period  from March 5,
      1998 to June 5, 1998;  weighted  average market prices of $10.30;  $12.21;
      and $13.60, respectively, per share of the Common Shares, based on trading
      prices and volumes for the Common Shares during such periods.

        Such  review also  included  Baum's  analysis of the indexed  historical
      trading  prices of the Common  Shares since the Company's  initial  public
      offering and during the period from June 5, 1997 to June 5, 1998 (based on
      trading prices for the Common Shares  determined daily during such period)
      as compared to the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, the Russell 2000 Index, as
      well as trading  prices of shares of a group of  companies in the staffing

        (b) Selected  Companies  Analysis.  Baum  reviewed and compared  certain
      financial  information relating to the Company to corresponding  financial
      information,  financial ratios and public market  valuation  multiples for
      eight publicly traded  corporations:  Kelly Services,  Inc.;  Labor Ready,
      Inc.; Manpower, Inc.; Norrell Corporation;  RemedyTemp, Inc.; SOS Staffing
      Services,  Inc.;  StaffMark,  Inc; and Western Staff  Services,  Inc. (the
      "Selected Companies"). The Selected Companies were chosen because they are
      publicly  traded  companies with  operations that for purposes of analysis
      may  be  considered  similar  to  the  operations  of  the  Company.  Baum
      calculated  and  compared  various  financial  multiples  and ratios.  The
      multiples and ratios for the Company were based on information provided by
      the Company's management,  publicly available information,  and the $16.00
      share price set forth in the Merger  Agreement;  the multiples for each of
      the Selected  Companies were based on publicly  available  information and
      selected  research  analyst  estimates as of June 5, 1998. With respect to
      the Selected  Companies,  Baum considered  enterprise  value (i.e.  market
      value of common  equity  plus total  debt less cash) as a multiple  of the
      following  data  for the last  twelve  months  ("LTM"):  (i)  sales,  (ii)
      earnings before interest,  taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA")
      and (iii) earnings before interest and taxes ("EBIT").  Baum's analyses of
      the Selected Companies  indicated  enterprise value multiples of LTM sales
      which ranged from 0.3x to 1.8x with a median of 0.6x (compared to 0.5x for
      the  Company),  EBITDA  which  ranged  from 7.9x to 40.1x with a median of
      11.9x  (compared  to 8.4x for the Company) and EBIT which ranged from 9.5x
      to 54.8x with a median of 14.8x (compared to 10.5x for the Company).  Baum
      also  considered  for the Selected  Companies  the ratio of share price to
      estimated  1998 earnings per share which ranged from 14.6x to 46.7x with a
      median of 20.1x  (compared to 19.6x for the Company),  LTM EBITDA  margins
      which ranged from 3.9% to 8.3% with a median of 4.6% (compared to 5.8% for
      the Company), total market capitalization which ranged from $242.2 million
      to $3,435.5  million  with a median of $639.1  million  (compared to $32.8
      million for the  Company),  three-year  compound  annual  growth rates for
      revenue which ranged from 15.0% to 211.8% with a median of 27.8% (compared
      to 11.1% for the  Company),  three-year  compound  annual growth rates for
      operating  income  which ranged from 9.8% to 339.6% with a median of 65.3%
      (compared to 24.5% for the  Company),  and total debt as a  percentage  of
      total capitalization which ranged from 0.0% to 12.2% with a median of 4.8%
      (compared to 19.2% for the Company).


        (c) Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. Baum performed a discounted cash flow
      analysis  using  financial  projections  prepared  by  management  of  the
      Company.  Baum  calculated a net present  value of free cash flows for the
      years 1998 through  2003 using  discount  rates of 12%,  13%, 14% and 15%.
      Baum calculated  terminal values at the year ended 2003 based on projected
      free cash flow divided by the  difference  between the Company's  weighted
      average cost of capital  which was assumed to be 12%,  13%, 14% or 15% and
      the  Company's  long-term  growth rates which were assumed to be 4%, 5% or
      6%. These terminal  values were then discounted to the present value using
      discount rates of 12%, 13%, 14% and 15%, resulting in 12 implied per share
      equity values ranging from $10.30 to $19.00 with an average of $13.79.

        (d) Selected  Transactions  Analysis.  Baum analyzed certain information
      relating to selected  transactions  in the staffing  industry since August
      1995 (the "Selected Staffing Transactions").  Such analysis indicated that
      for the Selected Staffing Transactions aggregate consideration paid (i.e.:
      market value of common equity issued to seller plus debt assumed plus cash
      paid  plus  the  value  of any  other  consideration  paid  to  seller  by
      purchaser) as a multiple of LTM target company revenue ranged from 0.1x to
      1.4x with a median of 0.2x  (compared  to 0.5x for the Company  based upon
      the aggregate consideration to be received).

        (e) Change of Control Stock Price Premium Analysis.  A change of control
      stock  price  premium is the  percentage  increase in the price of a stock
      from a specific  period prior to the  announcement  of a change of control
      transaction to the price paid per share of stock in the transaction.  Baum
      reviewed the trading  history of the Common  Shares at periods of one week
      and four weeks  prior to  rendering  its  opinion to the Board on June 15,
      1998, as a basis for  determining a range of prices that could be expected
      to be paid in a transaction that changes the control of the Company.  Baum
      analyzed selected change of control  transactions  since January 1996 (the
      "Selected  Change  of  Control  Transactions")  which  involved  aggregate
      consideration  of $25 million to $100  million and target  companies  (the
      "Target  Companies")  whose  stock  was  publicly  traded.  Such  analysis
      indicated  that the  holders  of the  Target  Companies'  stock  generally
      received  premiums  over the prices at which such  stock  traded  prior to
      announcements of the transactions. The median stock price premiums paid in
      the Selected  Change of Control  Transactions  were calculated to be 16.3%
      and  20.3%  greater  than the  prices at which  the  shares of the  Target
      Companies'  stock traded one week and four weeks,  respectively,  prior to
      announcement  of the  Selected  Change  of  Control  Transactions.  Baum's
      analysis  indicated  that  applying  these  change of control  stock price
      premiums  to the  Company's  closing  share  price one week and four weeks
      prior to Baum's  rendering  its  opinion  to the  Board on June 15,  1998,
      yields per share prices of $15.12 and $15.34, respectively.

        (f) Leveraged Buyout Analysis. Baum performed an analysis of a leveraged
      buyout of the Company. In conducting its analysis, Baum utilized financial
      projections  for fiscal years 1998 through 2003  prepared by the Company's
      management. The calculations assumed that a financial buyer would maximize
      borrowings  based  upon  the  borrower's  ability  to repay  debt  through
      internal cash flow. The calculations  were based upon certain  assumptions
      including:  (i) a required  internal  rate of return on equity of at least
      35%,  (ii) senior debt to EBITDA  ratios of no more than 4.5 times,  (iii)
      total debt to EBITDA  ratios of no more than 6.0  times,  (iv) a five year
      operating  period  between  the  purchase by the  financial  buyer and the
      financial  buyer's  sale to  another  party and (v) that the  multiple  of
      EBITDA paid by the financial buyer would equal the multiple of EBITDA paid
      to the financial  buyer at the time of the  financial  buyer's sale of the
      Company. The calculations resulted in Baum's assumption that the financial
      buyer could borrow  approximately  85% of the  purchase  price at interest
      rates between 9.25% and 12.0%.  The analysis also included the  assumption
      that a financial  buyer would  provide the balance of the  purchase  price
      through an equity  investment of approximately  15% of the purchase price.
      Based upon this analysis Baum calculated an implied per share equity value
      of $12.40  utilizing the financial  projections  provided by the Company's


      The  preparation  of a fairness  opinion is a complex  process  and is not
necessarily  susceptible to partial analysis or summary  description.  Selecting
portions of the analyses or of the summary set forth above,  without considering
the analyses as a whole as well as any other information  considered relevant by
Baum,  could  create  an  incomplete  view of the  processes  underlying  Baum's
opinion. In arriving at its fairness determination,  Baum considered the results
of all such  analyses.  No company or  transaction  used as a comparison  in the
above analyses is directly comparable to the Company, Parent or the contemplated
transaction.  The  analyses  were  prepared  solely for the  purposes  of Baum's
providing its opinion to the Board as to the fairness from a financial  point of
view of the $16.00 per share in cash to be received by the  shareholders  of the
Company (other than Parent, the Company or any direct or indirect  subsidiary of
Parent or the Company) for all of the  outstanding  Common Shares of the Company
and do not purport to be appraisals or  necessarily  reflect the prices at which
businesses or securities  actually may be sold. Analyses based upon forecasts of
future results are not necessarily  indicative of actual future  results,  which
may be  significantly  more or less  favorable  than suggested by such analyses.
Because such analyses are inherently  subject to  uncertainty,  being based upon
numerous factors or events beyond the control of the parties or their respective
advisors,  none  of the  Company,  Parent,  Baum  or any  other  person  assumes
responsibility  if future results are materially  different from those forecast.
As described  above,  Baum's  opinion to the Board was one of many factors taken
into  consideration  by the Board in making its  determination  to  approve  the
Merger  Agreement.  The  foregoing  summary  does not  purport  to be a complete
description  of the analysis  performed by Baum and is qualified by reference to
the written opinion of Baum set forth in Appendix B hereto.

      Engagement of Baum. Baum, as part of its investment  banking business,  is
continually  engaged in the  valuation of  businesses  and their  securities  in
connection with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated underwritings,  competitive
biddings,  secondary  distributions of listed and unlisted  securities,  private
placements, and valuations for estate, corporate and other purposes. The Company
selected Baum as its  financial  advisor  because it is a nationally  recognized
investment banking firm that has substantial experience in the staffing industry
and in mergers and acquisitions.

     Pursuant to an  engagement  letter,  dated  February 16, 1998,  the Company
engaged  Baum to act as its  financial  advisor  in  connection  with the Merger
Agreement,  and agreed to: (i) pay Baum a transaction fee based on the aggregate
consideration of the Merger,  resulting in a fee of 1.50% of such consideration,
all of which is contingent upon the  consummation of the Merger,  (ii) reimburse
Baum for its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses,  including the fees and expenses
of legal  counsel,  and (iii) to  indemnify  Baum against  certain  liabilities,
including certain liabilities under the Federal securities laws.
Conditions to the Merger


      Consummation of the Merger is subject to the satisfaction,  at or prior to
the closing of the Merger, of each of the following conditions precedent:

      (a)  The Merger  Agreement  shall have been  approved  by the holders of a
           majority of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Company;

      (b)  The making or receipt of all corporate filings or approvals necessary
to consummate the Merger;

     (c)   The representations  and warranties  of  the  parties  in the  Merger
Agreement  shall be true and correct in all material  respects as of the closing
date of the Merger;

     (d)   Each of the parties shall have performed each obligation and covenant
required to be performed by it under the Merger Agreement;

      (e)  All third party consents shall have been obtained;

      (f)  Each of the Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries  shall have
           submitted their resignations effective as of the Effective Time;

      (g)  The Company shall have caused all outstanding warrants and options to
           have been exercised or terminated;

      (h)  All employee loans or notes  receivable from employees of the Company
           or  its   subsidiaries,   other  than  loans  or  notes   which  are,
           individually or in the aggregate, in a principal amount of $10,000 or
           less,  shall have been paid (with respect to certain other loans, see

      (i)  The  absence  of  the  enactment  or  issuance  of  any  governmental
           authority,  agency  or  court of any law,  rule,  regulation,  order,
           decree,   ruling  or  injunction   that  would  have  the  effect  of
           prohibiting the Merger;

      (j)  The  absence  of  any  material   adverse  change  in  the  business,
           properties,  operations,  prospects  or assets,  or in the  condition
           (financial or otherwise),  of the Company and its subsidiaries  taken
           as a whole; and

      (k)  Other  customary  conditions and obligations of the parties set forth
           in the Merger Agreement shall have been satisfied.

      Prior to the Effective  Time,  the conditions to the  consummation  of the
Merger  Agreement may be waived in writing by the party  entitled to the benefit


Termination Provisions

      There are a number of  circumstances  under which the Merger Agreement may
be terminated by either the Company or DHI, including the following:

      (a)  if the Merger is not completed by October 14, 1998;

      (b)  if a breach of the Merger  Agreement  by the other party is not cured
within 30 days after notice of the breach is given;

      (c)  if a condition  precedent  becomes  impossible to satisfy (other than
           because of a breach by the terminating party); or

      (d) if the  Shareholders  of the  Company  fail to  approve  and adopt the
Merger Agreement.

      The Board of Directors of the Company can terminate  the Merger  Agreement
if the  Company  receives a more  favorable  offer to be  acquired  from a third
party, which offer the Board of Directors of the Company votes to accept.

      DHI has a right to terminate the Merger  Agreement if any of the following

      (a)  prior to the  completion  of the  Merger  someone  (other  than  DHI)
           acquires  more than 50 percent of the issued and  outstanding  Common

      (b)  following the receipt of an acquisition  proposal from a third party,
           the  Company  breaches  the  Merger  Agreement  and fails to cure the
           breach within 10 days after notice of the breach is given; or

      (c)  the Board of  Directors of the  Company,  prior to the  shareholders'
           vote,  withdraws,  modifies or qualifies its recommendation  that the
           shareholders  approve  the  Merger  or takes any  position  or action
           inconsistent with such recommendation.


Termination Fee

      The  Company  will be  obligated  to pay a  termination  fee to DHI in the
amount  of  $1,250,000  (the  "Termination  Fee")  if the  Merger  Agreement  is
terminated (prior to the completion of the Merger) under various  circumstances.
If the  Termination Fee is paid, it will be in lieu of any rights DHI might have
to recover its expenses (but not its other damages,  if any) in connection  with
the proposed Merger. The circumstances  under which the Termination Fee would be
payable are as follows:

      (a)  if the Company  terminates the Merger Agreement because it receives a
           more favorable acquisition proposal;

      (b)  if DHI terminates the Merger  Agreement on account of a breach by the
           Company  after the  Company  has  received  a  competing  acquisition

      (c)  if the  Shareholders  of the  Company  fail to approve  and adopt the
           Merger   Agreement   after  the  Company  has  received  a  competing
           acquisition proposal;

      (d)  if the  Shareholders  of the  Company  fail to approve  and adopt the
           Merger Agreement after a competing acquisition proposal has been made
           and then  withdrawn  if, within one year  thereafter,  the Company is
           acquired by someone other than DHI;

      (e)  if DHI terminates the Merger Agreement  because someone acquires more
           than 50 percent of the issued and outstanding Common Shares;

      (f)  if the Company  terminates the Merger Agreement because the Merger is
           not completed by October 14, 1998,  either (i) after the Shareholders
           of the Company have approved the Merger, or (ii) prior to the Special
           Meeting if an acquisition  proposal has been made to the Company by a
           third party;

      (g)  if Baum  withdraws its fairness  opinion as the result of a competing
           acquisition  proposal that, in Baum's  reasonable  opinion,  requires
           Baum to withdraw such fairness opinion; or

      (h)  if the Board of Directors of the Company,  prior to the shareholder's
           vote,  withdraws,  modifies or qualifies its recommendation  that the
           shareholders  approve  the  Merger  or takes any  position  or action
           inconsistent with such recommendation.


Conduct of Business Pending the Merger

      The Merger  Agreement  requires the Company to conduct the business of the
Company and its  subsidiaries in the ordinary course and in a manner  consistent
with past practice and to use reasonable  efforts to preserve intact the present
business organization of the Company and its subsidiaries, to keep available the
services of its current  officers  and  employees  and to preserve  the existing
relationships with customers and other persons having business dealings with the
Company or any of its subsidiaries.  In addition, the Merger Agreement restricts
or  prohibits  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  from  engaging  in  certain
transactions  prior to the Effective  Time without the prior written  consent of
DHI,  including  (i)  amending  its Articles of  Incorporation  or Bylaws;  (ii)
issuing (with certain  exceptions,  such as pursuant to the exercise of existing
stock options),  selling or granting any securities of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries or any options,  warrants or other rights to acquire  securities of
the Company;  (iii) selling,  encumbering or disposing of any material assets of
the Company or any of its subsidiaries,  except for sales in the ordinary course
of business;  or (iv)  declaring or paying any dividend or  distribution  on its
Common Shares, effecting a split, combination or reclassification of its capital
stock, or purchasing, redeeming or otherwise acquiring any such shares.

      The Company has agreed that  neither it nor any of its  subsidiaries  will
solicit  or  initiate  any  proposals  or offers  from any  person to effect any
acquisition of all or a material  amount of the assets or equity  securities of,
or any merger, consolidation or business combination with, the Company or any of
its  subsidiaries  or, except to the extent required by the fiduciary  duties of
the Board of Directors,  participate  in any  negotiations  with, or furnish any
information  or  assistance  to,  any  other  person  with  respect  to any such

Effective Time of the Merger

      If the Merger  Agreement is approved and adopted by the requisite  vote of
the  Shareholders of the Company and the other conditions to the consummation of
the Merger are  satisfied  or, if  permissible,  waived,  the Merger will become
effective at the time  Articles of Merger are filed with the  Secretary of State
of the State of Indiana in accordance with Indiana law (the  "Effective  Time").
It is  currently  anticipated  that the Merger  will be  completed  on or before
August 31, 1998.


Payment for Common Shares

      As soon as reasonably  practicable after the Effective Time,  Shareholders
will receive  instructions  for the  procedures  to be followed in  surrendering
certificates  for their Common Shares in exchange for the Merger  Consideration.
To  receive  payment,  each  Shareholder  will  be  required  to  surrender  the
certificate  or  certificates  representing  Common  Shares to the bank or trust
company  that the  Company  appoints  to act as  exchange  agent (the  "Exchange
Agent").  Upon the surrender of such certificate or certificates to the Exchange
Agent and  delivery of other  customary  documents  that may be required by such
instructions,  a  Shareholder  will be entitled to receive in exchange  therefor
cash in an amount equal to the Merger Consideration  multiplied by the number of
Common Shares  represented  by such  certificate or  certificates.  The Exchange
Agent  will not be  obligated  to  remit  payment  to a  Shareholder  until  the
Shareholder   delivers  the   certificate  or  certificates   representing   the
Shareholder's Common Shares or, if any certificate is lost, stolen or destroyed,
such  additional  documents or  assurances  as shall be  reasonably  required to
protect the corporation surviving the Merger and, if required,  the posting of a
bond in the amount specified by the surviving  corporation.  SHAREHOLDERS SHOULD

Stock Options

      All options to acquire  Common  Shares held by employees  and Directors of
the Company  pursuant to the Company's stock option plans,  whether such options
are currently  exercisable or not, will either be exercised or canceled prior to
or at the Effective Time. With respect to options that are canceled,  the option
holders will be entitled to receive,  for each Common Share potentially issuable
under the  options,  payment of an amount  equal to the  difference  between the
Merger Consideration ($16.00) and the purchase price (exercise price) per Common
Share under each option.  With respect to options that are not yet  exercisable,
the  cancellation of those options,  and the payment to be made by DHI to option
holders in connection  therewith,  will have the effect of accelerating the date
as of which such options become  exercisable.  See "INTERESTS OF CERTAIN PERSONS
IN THE MERGER -- Stock Options".

High and Low Stock Prices

      The Common  Shares of the Company are listed for  quotation  on the Nasdaq
National  Market System under the trading  symbol  "TPMI." On June 15, 1998, the
last full trading day prior to the public  announcement of the Merger Agreement,
the  high  and low sale  prices  for a Common  Share  were  $13.00  and  $12.75,

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger

      The  receipt  of cash by a holder of Common  Shares in  exchange  for such
holder's  Common  Shares  pursuant  to the  Merger  will  constitute  a  taxable
transaction  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  and  may  also  be  a  taxable
transaction  under  state,  local,  foreign  and other tax laws.  For holders of
Common Shares who are citizens or residents of the Unites States,  generally the
holder will recognize taxable gain or loss for federal income tax purposes equal
to the difference  between the holder's  adjusted tax basis in his or her shares
and the amount of Merger  Consideration  received for such shares in the Merger.
The type of capital gain or loss a holder of Common Shares will  recognize  will
depend upon how long the holder has held the Common Shares as a capital asset.



Expenses of the Merger

      Except as discussed above under "THE  MERGER--Termination  Provisions" and
"THE MERGER -- Termination  Fee," all expenses  incurred in connection  with the
Merger Agreement,  including all fees payable to brokers,  finders and financial
advisors, shall be paid by the party incurring or responsible for incurring such
expense.  Expenses  associated with this proxy solicitation will be borne by the

                          ABSENCE OF DISSENTERS' RIGHTS

      Under the Indiana  Business  Corporation  Law ("IBCL"),  holders of Common
Shares  will not have  dissenters'  rights as a result of the  Merger.  The IBCL
provides that  dissenters'  rights are  unavailable  in a merger with respect to
shares  of any  class  of  stock  which on the  applicable  record  date for the
shareholder vote on such merger are listed on a national  securities exchange or
on the Nasdaq National Market System.  On the Record Date, the Company's  Common
Shares were listed on the Nasdaq National Market System. Accordingly, holders of
the Company's Common Shares will not have dissenters'  rights as a result of the

                                VOTING AGREEMENT

      On  June  16,  1998,  simultaneously  with  the  execution  of the  Merger
Agreement,  Mr.  Taylor and DHI  entered  into a Voting  Agreement  in which Mr.
Taylor  agrees to vote all of the Common  Shares of the  Company  held by him in
favor of the  approval  and  adoption  of the Merger  Agreement  at the  Special
Meeting.  As of the date of the Voting Agreement and the Record Date, Mr. Taylor
held  621,805,  or  approximately  30.4 percent,  of the issued and  outstanding
Common Shares of the Company.

      In the Voting Agreement, in addition to agreeing to vote the Common Shares
held by him in favor of the approval and adoption of the Merger  Agreement,  Mr.
Taylor also agrees to (i) vote  against any  recapitalization,  merger,  sale of
assets or other  business  combination  or  similar  transaction  involving  the
Company or any of its  subsidiaries,  securities or assets which is not endorsed
in writing by DHI;  (ii) vote against any other  action or agreement  that would
result in a breach of any  covenant,  representation  or  warranty  or any other
obligation or agreement of the Company under the Merger Agreement or which could
result in any of the  conditions of the Company's  obligations  under the Merger
Agreement not being  fulfilled;  and (c) subject to his  fiduciary  duties as an
officer  and  Director  of  the  Company,  not  to  solicit,  or  authorize  the
solicitation  of, any inquiries or any proposals  from any person other than DHI
or DHI Sub Corp with respect to the  acquisition  of voting  securities,  or the
acquisition or disposition of a significant  amount of assets, of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries. In the Voting Agreement, Mr. Taylor also agrees that he
will not, and will not enter into any agreement  to, sell or otherwise  transfer
or  dispose  of  any  Common  Shares  (or  any  other  of the  Company's  voting
securities) held by him without the prior written consent of DHI.



      DHI  expects  to  obtain  the  funds  needed  for  payment  of the  Merger
Consideration  from equity capital  contributions  and borrowings.  DHI (in part
based upon the assets and business of Diversco and the Company) has  commitments
for equity capital contributions totaling $14.5 million and loans totaling $54.5
million to finance the Merger  Consideration,  the  retirement  of warrants  and
options  to  acquire  Common  Shares,  the  expenses  of  the  transaction,  the
refinancing  of existing  debts of  Diversco  and the  Company,  and the working
capital  needs of those  two  companies.  DHI's  obligations  under  the  Merger
Agreement are not conditioned upon its ability to obtain financing.

      The Company has  reviewed  DHI's  financing  plan to obtain the funds with
which to pay the Merger  Consideration.  The Company has  prepared a forecast of
operations  of DHI  subsequent to the Merger  (based,  in part, on a forecast of
Diversco's  operations,  without giving effect to the Merger,  provided by DHI).
Although the Company does not believe any such findings would be appropriate, in
the event the Company is found to have (a) become  insolvent  as a result of the
Company's assets being used as collateral for  indebtedness  incurred as part of
DHI's financing plan, (b) attempted,  after the Merger, to carry on its business
with an unreasonably  low level of capital,  or (c) believed that it would incur
debts beyond its ability to pay as they  mature,  then the payment of the Merger
Consideration  may be  deemed  to be a  "fraudulent  transfer"  or an  otherwise
impermissible  dividend or distribution.  In debt-financed  acquisitions such as
the Merger,  creditors of the acquired company may be entitled to obtain payment
of their claims from  shareholders if a court  determines that such a fraudulent
transfer,  dividend  or  distribution  has  occurred.  In the event  such  court
determination were made, there would be a risk that the recipients of the Merger
Consideration would be ordered to surrender part of the Merger  Consideration to
the  unsecured  creditors  of the  Company  (or to a trustee in  bankruptcy)  to
satisfy their claims.  As of April 30, 1998,  the unsecured  debt of the Company
was approximately $5 million.


      The executive  officers and Directors of the Company have interests in the
Merger as the result of  employment  and  certain  other  agreements.  Except as
described  below,  no  Director  or  executive  officer  of the  Company,  or an
associate  of any  such  Director  or  executive  officer,  has any  substantial
interest in the Merger, other than an interest arising from the ownership of the
securities  of the Company  (in which case each such owner  receives no extra or
special  benefit  not shared on a pro rata basis by all other  holders of Common
Shares).  The  Company's  Board of Directors  was aware of these  interests  and
considered them, among other matters, in making the determination to approve the
Merger Agreement and the Merger.


Agreement with JBD Real Estate, Inc.

      The  Company  leases four of its Indiana  office  locations  from JBD Real
Estate, Inc., an Indiana corporation ("JBD"). JBD is owned by Don R. Taylor, who
is the Company's  Chief Executive  Officer,  a member of its Board of Directors,
and a beneficial owner of more than five percent of the Company's Common Shares.
Total rental  expenses  paid by the Company to JBD during  fiscal year 1997 were
$125,200,  and such expenses are expected to be approximately $128,600 in fiscal
1998. In December  1997,  Mr. Taylor  entered into an agreement with the Company
that  provided  the  Company  with the option to  purchase  all of the shares of
capital stock of JBD from Mr. Taylor if he receives an offer for the shares (the
"JBD  Agreement").  The JBD  Agreement  also required Mr. Taylor to sell the JBD
shares,  and the Company to purchase  the shares,  at a purchase  price equal to
fair market value if Mr. Taylor's employment with the Company were terminated or
if there were a change of control of the  Company.  Fair market  value was to be
determined  by mutual  agreement of the Company and Mr. Taylor or, if they could
not reach an agreement,  by appraisal,  and the  determination was to assume the
existence of a remaining five-year lease period for each property  (irrespective
of the actual remaining lease periods).

      As  discussed  above in "THE  MERGER--  Background  of and Reasons for the
Merger," in connection with the proposed Merger, Mr. Taylor and JBD have entered
into a  Termination  Agreement  dated June 16,  1998,  with the Company and DHI.
Under the  Termination  Agreement,  Mr.  Taylor has agreed to terminate  the JBD
Agreement.  Mr. Taylor has also agreed to terminate his Employment Agreement and
Amended  Change of Control  Severance  Benefits  Agreement with the Company (See
"INTERESTS  OF CERTAIN  PERSONS  IN THE  MERGER -- Change of  Control  Severance
Benefits Agreements and Employment Agreements").

Change of Control Severance Benefits Agreements and Employment Agreements

      Don R.  Taylor  entered  into  a  Change  of  Control  Severance  Benefits
Agreement  with the Company in November  1995 and Robert R.  Millard and Gary F.
Hentschel  entered into essentially  identical  agreements upon their employment
with the Company in February and July, 1996, respectively.  These agreements, as
amended  in  December  1997,  provide  that  if the  executive's  employment  is
terminated  concurrently  with, within three months  immediately  preceding,  or
within  twenty-four  months  immediately  following,  a "change of control"  (as
defined  in the  agreements)  and such  termination  is not by the  Company  for
"cause,"  "disability"  or death,  or such  termination  is by the executive for
"good reason" (as these terms are defined in the  agreements),  then the Company
will pay each of Messrs.  Taylor,  Millard and Hentschel a severance  benefit in
the amount  equal to three times the  highest  amount of base salary paid to the
executive  during any one-year  period of his employment  with the Company.  The
amount of the severance benefit will be reduced,  however,  to the extent of any
indebtedness  then owed to the Company by the  executives.  The agreements  also
provide that if the  severance  benefit would  constitute  an "excess  parachute
payment" within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code, then the Company would
pay  the  executives   additional  amounts  to  cover  all  federal  excise  tax
attributable  to the excess  payment and to cover all state and  federal  income
taxes on the additional payment made for excise tax.


      A "change of  control,"  as defined in the  agreements,  is deemed to have
occurred if, subject to certain  qualifications and exceptions,  (a) the Company
is a party to a  reorganization,  consolidation or merger and the Company is not
the  surviving  corporation  or the Company's  Common Shares are converted  into
cash, securities or other property, or there is a sale, lease, exchange or other
transfer  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the  Company  and its
consolidated subsidiaries;  (b) a person or group of persons acquires beneficial
ownership  of  twenty  percent  or more of the  voting  power  of the  Company's
then-outstanding voting securities; or (c) at the end of any two-year period the
persons who served on the Board of Directors of the Company at the  beginning of
the period no longer constitute a majority of the members of the Board.

      Mr.  Taylor is also party to an  Employment  Agreement  with the  Company;
however,  Mr. Taylor will not be continuing  his employment by the Company after
the Merger. As discussed above in "THE MERGER--Background of and Reasons for the
Merger," during the detailed  negotiations for the Merger it became evident that
DHI's offer of $16.00 per share had  contemplated  that Mr.  Taylor would retire
and would not be paid his  severance  entitlement  under his  Amended  Change of
Control Severance Benefits  Agreement.  Mr. Taylor and the Board,  however,  had
contemplated  that Mr.  Taylor would  receive  such  severance  entitlement.  To
resolve the matter,  in addition to the agreement to terminate the JBD Agreement
and to enter  into a five year  noncompetition  and  confidentiality  agreement,
discussed  above,  the parties  agreed that Mr.  Taylor would  receive a reduced
severance  payment,  effected  by the  Company's  forgiveness  of  Mr.  Taylor's
obligation to repay his personal loans from the Company. More specifically,  the
Company would agree to terminate and forgive Mr.  Taylor's  promissory  notes in
favor of the Company up to a maximum amount of $625,000.  The Company made loans
to Mr. Taylor  during  calendar  year 1992 in the original  aggregate  principal
amount of $409,598.  The loans were  refinanced  in November  1995.  In December
1997, the Company renewed the loans and financed the accrued but unpaid interest
for twenty-four  additional  months,  maturing December 1, 1999, and changed the
interest rate from 8.75 percent (the  national  prime rate as of the date of the
1995  refinancing)  to the Company's  average  borrowing rate on its senior bank
debt  calculated  on a quarterly  basis (which was 7.4 percent as of January 31,
1998).  As of April 30, 1998, Mr. Taylor was indebted to the Company under these
loans  in  the  aggregate   amount  (with  interest)  of  $573,378.   Under  the
noncompetition  agreement to be executed by Mr. Taylor in connection  therewith,
Mr.  Taylor  would agree:  (a) not to compete with DHI or any of its  affiliates
(including the Company and Diversco) in certain  specified  geographic  areas in
the United  States for a period of five  years;  (b) not to  solicit,  employ or
engage any employees of DHI or any of its affiliates  (including the Company and
Diversco) for a period of five years; and (c) to hold certain information of DHI
and its affiliates confidential.

      Mr.  Hentschel,  currently  President and Chief  Operating  Officer of the
Company,  has entered into an employment  agreement with DHI which provides that
Mr. Hentschel will continue to serve in the same capacity  following the Merger.
Mr. Millard,  currently Chief Financial Officer of the Company, has entered into
an employment agreement with Diversco,  Inc. (a wholly-owned  subsidiary of DHI)
which provides that Mr.  Millard will assume the role of Senior Vice  President,
Corporate  Development  of  Diversco,   following  the  Merger.  The  employment
agreements cancel and terminate Mr. Hentschel's and Mr. Millard's Amended Change
of Control  Severance  Benefits  Agreements  with the Company,  as well as their
existing Employment Agreements and Noncompetition and Confidentiality Agreements
with the Company.  The employment  agreements are effective upon consummation of
the Merger and provide for one year terms which renew annually unless terminated
by either party prior to the expiration of the then current term. The employment
agreements provide for annual salaries comparable to their current salaries, and
performance  bonuses.  The  employment  agreements  also  provide  that upon the
occurrence of certain events of termination of employment, the employer will pay
the  executive  his  salary  for a period  of one  year  thereafter.  Under  the
employment  agreements,  Mr. Hentschel and Mr. Millard agree not to compete with
their  employer  for a period  of three  years  following  termination  of their
employment.  In addition,  Mr.  Hentschel and Mr.  Millard agree not to solicit,
employ or engage any  employees  of their  employer  for a period of three years
following  termination of their  employment.  Mr. Hentschel and Mr. Millard also
agree  to  hold  certain  information  of  their  employer  confidential.   Upon
consummation  of the Merger,  Mr.  Hentschel and Mr.  Millard will each purchase
shares,  at the same price as other  investors  that invest in DHI in connection
with the Merger,  representing approximately one percent of the equity ownership
of DHI and enter into certain  agreements  restricting such shares and also will
be granted stock options.


Stock Options

       The Company has granted various employees  (including executive officers)
and  non-employee  Directors of the Company the right to acquire  Common  Shares
pursuant  to stock  options  granted  under three stock  option  plans.  It is a
condition  to the  consummation  of the  Merger  that all  options to buy Common
Shares outstanding under the Company's stock option plans (all of which are held
by current or former employees or their spouses (including  executive  officers)
and Directors of the Company), whether such options are currently exercisable or
not, must be either exercised or canceled at or prior to the consummation of the
Merger.  With  respect  to options to  acquire  Common  Shares  that are not yet
exercisable,  the  cancellation of those options,  and the payment to be made by
DHI to the  option  holders  in  connection  therewith,  will have the effect of
accelerating  the  date  as  of  which  such  options  become  exercisable.  The
consideration  to be paid to option holders upon  cancellation of their options,
whether such option  holders are employees,  executive  officers or Directors of
the Company,  on a per share basis with respect to each Common Share potentially
issuable  under an option,  will be equal to the Merger  Consideration  ($16.00)
minus the purchase price (exercise price) for each Common Share under the option
being canceled.

      Messrs. Taylor,  Hentschel and Millard have been granted options under the
Company's  1994 Stock Option Plan. The options were granted at fair market value
on the date of grant  (except  that Mr.  Taylor's  options  were  required to be
granted at 110 percent of fair market value pursuant to the  requirements of the
Internal Revenue Code applicable to greater-than-ten-percent  shareholders). Mr.
Taylor was granted options for 15,000 shares, at an exercise price of $10.87 per
share,  on May 14, 1997,  and options for 10,000 shares on December 18, 1997, at
an exercise price of $14.04 per share.  As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,
Mr.  Taylor's  options are  exercisable  with  respect to 5,000 shares and 2,500
shares, respectively.  Mr. Hentschel was granted an option for 50,000 shares, at
an exercise price of $8.61,  in connection  with his employment with the Company
on July 15, 1996, and he was granted  options for 12,000 shares,  at an exercise
price of $9.88 per share, on May 14, 1997, and for 10,000 shares, at an exercise
price of $12.76,  on December 18, 1997. As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,
these options are  exercisable  with respect to 17,500,  4,800 and 2,500 shares,
respectively.  Mr.  Millard  was  granted  an option for  50,000  shares,  at an
exercise price of $6.30 per share,  in connection  with his employment  with the
Company on February 5, 1996, and he was granted options for 8,325 shares,  at an
exercise price of $9.88 per share, on May 14, 1997, and for 10,000 shares, at an
exercise  price of $12.76,  on December 18,  1997.  As of the date of this Proxy
Statement,  Mr. Millard's options are exercisable with respect to 26,750,  3,300
and 2,500 shares, respectively.

      Each of the non-employee Directors of the Company has been awarded options
to purchase  Common Shares under the Company's 1994 Directors  Stock Option Plan
(the  "Director  Plan").  The Director Plan provides for the award of options in
lieu of cash  payments for service on the Board of  Directors.  Currently,  each
non-employee  Director  is  granted  an option to  purchase  550 shares for each
meeting of the Board of Directors  attended and 275 shares for each meeting of a
committee of the Board of  Directors  attended.  The  following  table  presents
information on the options granted to non-employee  Directors under the Director
Plan since its adoption  (information as to  exercisability  of options is as of
date of this Proxy Statement):


                       Total No. Shares    No. Shares for Which       No. of Shares       No. of Shares Remaining
                     Covered By Options     Options Previously       Remaining Under        Under Unexercisable
       Name                Granted               Exercised         Exercisable Options            Options

Joseph C. Cook              9,625                  1,800                  4,250                    3,575
Max K. DeJonge              6,050                  1,650                  1,650                    2,750
David L. Swider             13,750                 1,925                 6,737.5                  5,087.5
Richard L.                  13,200                 2,728                 5,384.5                  5,087.5

The options held by Messrs.  Cook, Swider and VonDerHaar have per share exercise
prices ranging from $5.90 to $16.73 and the options held by Mr. DeJonge have per
share exercise prices ranging from $5.90 to $13.60.

        The  payment in  connection  with the Merger  for  options  that are not
currently  exercisable has the effect of accelerating the exercisability of such
options, as discussed above.


      The following table sets forth  information as of June 15, 1998 (except as
otherwise  noted),  relating  to every  person,  including  any group,  known by
management to  beneficially  own more than five percent of the Company's  Common

              Name and Address                      Shares Beneficially Owned
            of Beneficial Owner                        as of June 15, 1998                  Percent of Class
            -------------------                        -------------------                  ----------------
Don R. Taylor
1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100
Greenwood, IN  46143                                        629,805(1)                            30.5

Carolyn S. Taylor
Rural Route 5, Box 92
Rockville, IN  47872                                        202,884(2)                             9.9

Heartland Advisors, Inc. and
  Heartland Group, Inc.
790 North Milwaukee Street
Milwaukee, WI  53202                                        390,700(3)                            19.1

1    Includes  8,000 that Mr. Taylor has the right to acquire  pursuant to stock

2    Includes  16,334  shares that Ms.  Taylor is obligated to sell at $9.97 per
     share  to  David  A.  Noyes &  Company  pursuant  to  warrants  granted  in
     connection with the  underwriting of the Company's  initial public offering
     in 1994.

3    Based upon information  included in the Amendment No. 3 to the Schedule 13G
     filed by Heartland Advisors, Inc. on February 13, 1998.



     The Merger will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  In the application of
the purchase  method of  accounting,  all assets and  liabilities of the Company
will be  recorded  at their  fair  market  value at the  Effective  Time  with a
resulting  adjustment  to  shareholders'  equity  in  an  amount  equal  to  the
difference  between  the price paid by DHI and the fair  value of the  Company's
assets minus its liabilities.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  knows of no  matters,  other than the  proposal to
approve and adopt the Merger  Agreement  reported above,  that are to be brought
before the Special Meeting.  However,  if other matters properly come before the
meeting,  it is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy
to vote such proxy in accordance with their judgment on such matters.


     All expenses in connection with this  solicitation of proxies will be borne
by the Company.

                           INDEPENDENT PUBLIC AUDITORS

     Ernst & Young, LLP ("Ernst & Young") serve as independent  auditors for the
Company.  Representatives  of Ernst & Young are  expected  to be  present at the
Special Meeting and will be available to respond to appropriate questions at the
Special Meeting.

                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     If the Merger is not consummated, the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the
Company  will be held in 1999. A  shareholder  desiring to submit a proposal for
inclusion  in the  Company's  proxy  statement  for the 1999  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders  must deliver the proposal so that it is received by the Company no
later than October 22, 1998.  Proposals  should be sent to Secretary,  Personnel
Management,  Inc., 1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100, Greenwood,  Indiana 46143, and
mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested.


     The Company is subject to the informational  requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"),  and in accordance  therewith
files  periodic  reports,  proxy  statements  and  other  information  with  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC").  All reports,  proxy statements and
other  information filed by the Company with the SEC can be inspected and copied
at prescribed rates at the public reference facilities  maintained by the SEC at
Room 1024, Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549, or
at the regional  offices of the SEC located at 7 World Trade Center,  Thirteenth
Floor,  New York,  New York  10048 and the  Citicorp  Center,  500 West  Madison
Street,  Suite 1400, Chicago,  Illinois 60661. Copies of such materials may also
be obtained at prescribed rates from the Public Reference  Section of the SEC at
450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549. The SEC also maintains a Web site
( that contains reports, proxy and information statements and
other information regarding registrants that file electronically with the SEC.


     The  following  documents  filed  with the SEC are  incorporated  herein by

(a)  The Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October
     31, 1997.

(b)  Current Report on Form 8-K, dated June 16, 1998, reporting the execution of
     the Merger Agreement.

(c)  The Company's  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q for the  three-month  period
     ended April 30, 1998 and the three-month period ended January 31, 1998.


                                   APPENDIX A

                              AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF
                            MERGER AND REORGANIZATION

made as of the 16th day of June, 1998, among and between DHI HOLDINGS,  INC., an
Ohio  corporation  ("DHI"),  DHI SUB  CORP,  an  Indiana  corporation  that is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of DHI ("DHI Sub Corp"), and PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.,
an  Indiana  corporation  ("PMI")  (as  such  defined  terms  are  used  in this
Agreement,  each of DHI, DHI Sub Corp and PMI is a "Party" and together they are
the "Parties").


     WHEREAS,  DHI and PMI  have  determined  that it is in  their  mutual  best
interest,  and PMI has  determined  that it is in the  best  interest  of  PMI's
shareholders,  to effect an acquisition transaction whereby DHI acquires 100% of
the  outstanding  capital  stock of PMI in  exchange  for  cash  paid to the PMI
shareholders; and

     WHEREAS,  DHI and PMI have  mutually  agreed  to  effect  such  acquisition
transaction upon and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  DHI  Sub  Corp  has  been  organized  by DHI as its  wholly-owned
subsidiary  corporation to facilitate  such  acquisition  transaction by merging
with and into PMI as provided in this Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  simultaneously with the execution hereof, certain shareholders of
PMI have executed and delivered to DHI a Voting  Agreement of even date herewith
pursuant  to which  such  shareholders  agree to vote for the  Merger  described
herein,  which Voting  Agreement  has been relied upon by DHI in its decision to
execute this Agreement.


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises
made herein, DHI, DHI Sub Corp and PMI agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

     Section 1.1. Definitions.  For purposes of this Agreement,  and in addition
to terms that are defined elsewhere herein,  the following terms (and the plural
or singular  forms  thereof  when  applicable)  have the  meanings  specified or
referred to in this Section:


     "Acquisition Proposal" is defined in Section 7.3(d).

     "Baum" is defined in Section 7.1(g).

     "Best  Efforts"  means  the  efforts  that a  prudent  Person  desirous  of
     achieving a result would use in similar  circumstances  to ensure that such
     result is achieved as expeditiously as possible.

     "Closing"  means  the  consummation  by the  parties  of  the  transactions
     contemplated  by this Agreement as more  particularly  described in Section

     "Closing  Date"  means the date and time as of which the  Closing  actually
     takes place.

     "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986 or any  successor  law, and
     regulations  issued by the IRS pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code or any
     successor law, all as amended from time to time.

     "Commitments" is defined in Section 4.8.

     "Confidential Information" is defined in Sections 5.11(a) and (b).

     "Current PMI Filings" is defined in Section 3.8.

     "Disclosing Party" is defined in Section 5.13.

     "Effective Time" is defined in Section 2.5.

     "ERISA"  means the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974,  and
     regulations and rules issued pursuant thereto,  all as amended from time to

     "Exchange Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 or any successor
     law, and regulations and rules issued pursuant to that Act or any successor
     law, all as amended from time to time.

     "Favorable Preliminary Finding" is defined in Section 5.10(d).

     "GAAP"  means  generally  accepted  United  States  accounting  principles,
     applied  on a basis  consistent  with  the  basis on  which  the  financial
     statements referred to in Section 3.8 or Section 4.10, as applicable,  were


     "Governmental  Authorization" means any approval, consent, license, permit,
     waiver or other  authorization  issued,  granted,  given, or otherwise made
     available by or under the authority of any Governmental Body or pursuant to
     any Legal Requirement.

     "Governmental Body" means any:

     (a)  nation,  state,  county,  city,  town,  village,   district  or  other
          jurisdiction of any nature;

     (b) federal, state, local, municipal, foreign or other government;

     (c) governmental or  quasi-governmental  authority of any nature (including
         any governmental agency, branch, department, official or entity and any
         court or other tribunal);

     (d) multi-national organization or body; or

     (e) body  exercising,   or  entitled  to  exercise,   any   administrative,
         executive,   judicial,   legislative,   police,  regulatory  or  taxing
         authority or power of any nature.

     "HSR Act" means the Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements Act of 1976,
     and  regulations and rules issued pursuant to that Act, all as amended from
     time to time.

     "IBCL" means the Indiana Business Corporation Law.

     "Interested Person" is defined in Section 3.21.

     "Knowledge" is defined in Section 1.2.

     "Legal Requirement" means any federal,  state, local,  municipal,  foreign,
     international,  multinational or other administrative order,  constitution,
     law, ordinance, principle of common law, regulation, statute or treaty.

     "LP I" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "LP II" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "Material adverse change" and "material adverse effect" are defined in 
      Section 1.4.

     "Merger Consideration" is defined in Section 2.6.

     "Nondisclosing Party" is defined in Section 5.13.

     "Nullifying Event" is defined in Section 7.3(e).

     "OGCL" is defined in Section 4.1.

     "Option Consideration" is defined in Section 2.7.


     "Ordinary Course of Business" is defined in Section 1.3.

     "Organizational  Documents"  means  (a)  the  articles  or  certificate  of
     incorporation  and  the  bylaws  of  a  corporation,  (b)  the  partnership
     agreement and any statement of  partnership of a general  partnership,  (c)
     the  limited   partnership   agreement  and  the   certificate  of  limited
     partnership of a limited partnership,  (d) the articles of organization and
     the operating agreement of a limited liability company,  (e) any charter or
     similar  document  adopted  or  filed  in  connection  with  the  creation,
     formation, or organization of a Person, and (f) any amendment to any of the

     "Outstanding Obligations" is defined in Section 5.1(c).

     "Person"  means  any  individual,  corporation  (including  any  non-profit
     corporation),  general or limited  partnership,  limited liability company,
     joint venture,  estate, trust,  association,  organization,  labor union or
     other entity or Governmental Body.

     "Plan" is defined in Section 5.15(b).

     "Plan of Merger"  means the Plan of Merger in the form  attached  hereto as
      Exhibit A.

     "PMI Administration" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "PMI Benefit Plans" is defined in Section 3.13(a).

     "PMI Common Shares" is defined in Section 2.6.

     "PMI Corporate Subsidiaries" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "PMI  Disclosure  Schedule"  means the  confidential  writing  by that name
      provided by PMI to DHI concurrently with the execution of this Agreement.

     "PMI Holdings" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "PMI Partnership Subsidiaries" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "PMI Proxy Materials" is defined in Section 3.23.

     "PMI Reports" is defined in Section 3.7.

     "PMI Special Meeting" is defined in Section 5.5.

     "PMI Stock Plans" is defined in Section 3.4.

     "PMI Subsidiaries" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "PMI's Current Premium" is defined in Section 5.10(a).

     "Quest" is defined in Section 3.2.


     "Representative"  means with respect to a particular  Person, any director,
     officer,  employee,  agent, consultant,  advisor or other representative of
     such Person, including legal counsel, accountants and financial advisors.

     "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933 or any successor law, and
     regulations and rules issued pursuant to that Act or any successor law, all
     as amended from time to time.

     "SIT" is defined in Section 3.2.

     "Subsidiaries"   means,  with  respect  to  a  Person,   all  corporations,
     partnerships,  limited  liability  companies or other  entities as to which
     such  Person  (or one or more  Subsidiaries  of such  Person)  directly  or
     indirectly  owns or has the power to vote a majority of the common stock or
     other  voting  securities  or  interests  (including,  without  limitation,
     partnership or limited liability company interests).

     "Supplemental Disclosure" is defined in Section 5.13.

     "Surviving Corporation" is defined in Section 2.1.

     "Taxes" is defined in Section 3.12.

     "Termination Fee" is defined in Section 7.3(a).

     "Warrants" is defined in Section 3.4.

     Section 1.2. Knowledge. An individual will be deemed to have "Knowledge" of
a particular  fact or other matter if (a) such  individual is actually  aware of
such fact or other  matter,  or (b) a prudent  individual  could be  expected to
discover or  otherwise  become  aware of such fact or  existence of such fact or
other  matter.  A  Person  other  than  an  individual  will be  deemed  to have
"Knowledge"  of a  particular  fact or other matter if any  individual  who is a
director,  officer or general  partner of such Person (or any  individual in any
similar  capacity)  has,  or at any time  had,  Knowledge  of such fact or other

     Section 1.3. Ordinary Course of Business.  An action taken by a Person will
be deemed to have been taken in the "Ordinary Course of Business" only if:

         (a) such action is consistent  with the past practices  (including with
     respect  to  quantity  and  frequency)  of such  Person and is taken in the
     ordinary course of the normal day-to-day operations of such Person;

         (b) such  action  is not  required  to be  authorized  by the  board of
     directors  of such Person (or by any Person or group of Persons  exercising
     similar authority); and

         (c)  such  action  is  similar  in  nature  and  magnitude  to  actions
     customarily taken,  without any authorization by the board of directors (or
     by any Person or group of Persons  exercising  similar  authority),  in the
     ordinary course of the normal  day-to-day  operations of other Persons that
     are in the same line of business as such Person.


     Section 1.4.  Material  Adverse Effect.  When used in this  Agreement,  the
terms  "material  adverse  change",  "material  adverse effect" or similar terms
shall mean a material  adverse change in, or a material adverse effect upon, the
business,  properties,  operations,  prospects  or assets  or in the  condition,
financial or otherwise, of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

     Section 1.5. Section References.  All references to numbered sections refer
to sections of this  Agreement  unless  otherwise  provided.  All  references to
"this" article,  section or subsection refer to the particular article,  section
or subsection in which such reference occurs unless otherwise provided.

                                   ARTICLE II
                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE MERGER:
                         STATUS AND CONVERSION OF SHARES

     Section 2.1. The Merger.  At the Effective  Time,  in accordance  with this
Agreement,  the Plan of Merger and the IBCL,  DHI Sub Corp shall be merged  with
and into PMI, the separate  corporate  existence of DHI Sub Corp shall cease and
PMI shall be the surviving  corporation  (the  "Surviving  Corporation")  in the

     Section 2.2. Surviving  Corporation.  The name of the Surviving Corporation
after the  Effective  Time shall be "Personnel  Management,  Inc." The Surviving
Corporation  shall  continue to exist as a corporation  under the IBCL and shall
succeed to, possess and enjoy all the property, rights, privileges,  immunities,
powers,  purposes and franchises,  both of a public and a private nature, and be
subject to all the  restrictions,  disabilities and duties,  of DHI Sub Corp and
PMI, all in accordance  with the IBCL. At any time, or from time to time,  after
the Effective Time, the officers of the Surviving  Corporation  may, in the name
of PMI  and/or DHI Sub Corp,  and the  officers  of PMI and DHI Sub Corp  shall,
execute and deliver all such proper deeds, assignments and other instruments and
take or cause to be taken all such  further  or other  action  as the  Surviving
Corporation may deem necessary or desirable in order to vest, perfect or confirm
in the Surviving Corporation title to and possession of all PMI's and/or DHI Sub
Corp's  property,   rights,   privileges,   immunities,   powers,  purposes  and
franchises, and otherwise to carry out the purposes of this Agreement.

     Section  2.3.  Articles  of  Incorporation.  Subject to the  provisions  of
Section  5.10 hereof,  the  Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  of PMI,  dated
December 2, 1993,  a copy of which is  attached  hereto as Exhibit B, shall from
and after the Effective Time be and continue to be the Articles of Incorporation
of the Surviving Corporation until amended as provided therein or by law.

     Section 2.4. Bylaws.  Subject to the provisions of Section 5.10 hereof, the
Restated  Bylaws of PMI,  adopted  December 2, 1993, a copy of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit C, shall from and after the Effective  Time be and continue to
be the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until amended or repealed as provided
therein  or as  provided  by the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the  Surviving
Corporation or by law.

     Section 2.5.  Effective  Time. The Merger (unless this Agreement is earlier
terminated)  shall become effective on the date and time when Articles of Merger
in the  prescribed  form have been duly filed with the Secretary of State of the
State of Indiana.  The date and time of such effectiveness is referred to herein
as the Effective  Time.  Each of the Parties hereto agrees to use its reasonable
efforts to cause the Merger to become effective as soon as practicable.

     Section  2.6. PMI Common  Shares.  Each share of the common  stock,  no par
value, of PMI (the "PMI Common Shares") issued and outstanding immediately prior
to the Effective  Time shall,  by virtue of the Merger and without any action on
the part of the holder  thereof,  be  canceled  and  retired  and DHI shall,  in
accordance with the procedures  specified in Section 2.9 hereof, pay or cause to
be paid to each  record  holder of PMI Common  Shares as of the  Effective  Time
$16.00 net cash per share (the "Merger  Consideration"),  and pay to each holder
of  unexercised  Warrants  or  options  under  the PMI Stock  Plans  the  Option
Consideration.  Each  PMI  Common  Share  held in  treasury,  if any,  shall  be
canceled, and no consideration shall be paid therefor.


     Section 2.7. Treatment of Warrants and Stock Options. All rights to receive
PMI Common Shares pursuant to the Warrants and all options granted under the PMI
Stock Plans, which rights or options have not been exercised as of the Effective
Time , shall be canceled  and  converted,  without the  necessity of any further
action by the holders  thereof,  into the right to receive,  in cash,  an amount
equal to the  positive  difference,  if any,  between  $16.00  per share and the
exercise   price  per  share  of  each  such  option  or  Warrant  (the  "Option

     Section 2.8. DHI Sub Shares.  The single share of capital  stock of DHI Sub
Corp issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the Effective Time shall, by
virtue of the Merger and without  any action on the part of the holder  thereof,
be  converted  into and  become a  number  of  validly  issued,  fully  paid and
nonassessable  common shares,  without par value, of the Surviving  Corporation,
which is equal to the number of PMI Common Shares issued and  outstanding  as of
the Effective Time.

     Section 2.9. Procedures.

         (a)  Exchange  Agent.  PMI shall  authorize  one or more banks or trust
     companies  reasonably  acceptable  to DHI to act  as  exchange  agent  (the
     "Exchange  Agent")  hereunder   pursuant  to  an  agreement  or  agreements
     satisfactory to PMI.

         (b)  Additional  agreements.  DHI and PMI shall  have the right to make
     additional   agreements  consistent  with  the  terms  of  this  Agreement,
     governing  the payment for PMI Common  Shares being  canceled in connection
     with the Merger. All such additional  agreements shall be final and binding
     on all holders of PMI Common Shares.

         (c) Surrender of shares.  DHI shall make appropriate  arrangements with
     the Exchange Agent to wire transfer the aggregate Merger  Consideration and
     aggregate  Option  Consideration  to the Exchange  Agent on or prior to the
     Closing Date.  Commencing as soon as practicable after the Effective Time ,
     each  holder of record as of the  Effective  Time of one or more PMI Common
     Shares (other than treasury shares) shall be paid the Merger  Consideration
     per each share  surrendered,  upon delivery to the Exchange Agent of one or
     more  certificates  for such PMI Common  Shares  (the  "Certificates")  for
     cancellation,  together  with a duly executed  transmittal  letter and such
     other documents, information or assurances as may be required in accordance
     with Section  2.9(e)  hereof.  Each holder of Warrants or options under the
     PMI Stock Plans shall receive payment of the Option  Consideration from the
     Exchange Agent promptly  following the Effective Time. No interest shall be
     paid or accrued on the Merger Consideration or Option Consideration payable
     hereunder.  If  so  requested  by  the  Surviving  Corporation,  any  funds
     remaining  with the Exchange Agent nine (9) months after the Effective Time
     shall be  released  and  repaid  by the  Exchange  Agent  to the  Surviving
     Corporation, after which time persons entitled thereto may look, subject to
     applicable   escheat  and  other  similar  laws,   only  to  the  Surviving
     Corporation for payment thereof.


         (d) Cancellation of shares.  All holders of Certificates shall cease at
     the  Effective  Time to have any  rights  as  shareholders  of PMI,  or any
     interest in PMI, DHI, DHI Sub Corp or any subsidiary or affiliate of any of
     the foregoing,  by reason of the Merger,  and, in full  satisfaction of all
     rights  pertaining to their PMI Common Shares,  their exclusive right shall
     be to receive cash in accordance  with this Article II,  without  regard to
     any delay in  surrender  of any  Certificate  or  appropriate  accompanying
     documentation hereunder.

         (e) Transmittal letter. As soon as practicable after the Effective Time
     , but in any event not later than 14 days  thereafter,  the Exchange  Agent
     shall mail to each holder of record of a Certificate or Certificates: (1) a
     form letter of  transmittal  which,  without  limitation,  shall  include a
     representation  to be signed  by such  holder  to the  effect  that the PMI
     Common Shares  represented by such  Certificate(s) are owned by such holder
     free and  clear  from any  liens,  claims or other  encumbrances  and shall
     specify that delivery shall be effected,  and risk of loss and title to the
     Certificate(s)  shall pass, only upon delivery of the Certificate(s) to the
     Exchange Agent;  and (2) instructions for use in effecting the surrender of
     the  Certificate(s),  which shall specify what,  if any,  other  documents,
     information  or  assurances  may be  reasonably  required by the  Surviving
     Corporation to effect a surrender of any  Certificate or to be presented in
     the absence of a Certificate.

         (f) Lost  certificates.  The holders of Certificates  representing  PMI
     Common  Shares  shall not be entitled to receive the amount of cash payable
     pursuant  to  Section  2.9(c)  until such  holders  have  surrendered  such
     Certificates.  If such  Certificates  are lost,  stolen or  destroyed,  the
     Surviving  Corporation  shall determine the amount of the bond, if any, and
     the type of  additional  documents,  information  or assurances as shall be
     reasonably  required  to  protect  the  Surviving  Corporation  from  other
     claimants  with  respect to the PMI Common  Shares  represented  thereby in
     conformity  with applicable  law. The Surviving  Corporation  shall have no
     obligation  to pay or to  recognize  the claim of any  holder of PMI Common
     Shares who was not the holder of record thereof as of the Effective Time.

     Section  2.10. Closing.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  Article  VI, the
consummation of the Merger and other transactions contemplated by this Agreement
(the   "Closing")   shall  take  place  at  the  offices  of  PMI's  counsel  in
Indianapolis,  Indiana,  as soon as practicable after satisfaction of all of the
conditions  precedent  to Closing  provided  in Article  VI. In the absence of a
mutual  agreement  by DHI and PMI as to the date and  time of the  Closing,  the
Closing  shall be held on the last  business  day of the  calendar  month during
which the  satisfaction of the last to be satisfied of the conditions to Closing
occurs,  commencing on such date at 10:00 a.m.,  Indianapolis  time. The date on
which the Closing  actually  occurs is the  "Closing  Date" as such term is used
herein. In the event the Closing occurs,  the following actions will be taken at
the Closing:

         (a) the Parties will execute (unless same has been previously executed)
     the Plan of Merger;


         (b) PMI shall  deliver to DHI a  certificate  dated the Closing Date of
     the  secretary  (or other  appropriate  officer)  of PMI  certifying  as to
     appropriate  resolutions of the Board of Directors and the  shareholders of
     PMI authorizing  and approving this  Agreement,  the Plan of Merger and the

         (c) DHI and DHI Sub Corp  shall  provide  to PMI a  certificate  of the
     secretary   of  each  of  said   corporations   certifying,   respectively,
     appropriate  resolutions  of the Board of Directors of DHI and the Board of
     Directors and  shareholders of DHI Sub Corp  authorizing and approving this
     Agreement, the Plan of Merger and the Merger; and

         (d) each of the  Parties  shall  take such  further  actions  as may be
     reasonably  required to  consummate  the Merger and the other  transactions
     contemplated  hereby to be  consummated  on or before the  Closing  Date in
     accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE III

     PMI represents and warrants to DHI and DHI Sub Corp as follows:

     Section 3.1. PMI Organization.  PMI is a corporation that is duly organized
and validly  existing,  and is current in its corporate  reporting  obligations,
under the IBCL.

     Section  3.2.  Subsidiaries.  PMI owns all of the  issued  and  outstanding
capital stock of PMI Administration,  Inc., a corporation that is duly organized
and validly  existing,  and is current in its corporate  reporting  obligations,
under  the IBCL  ("PMI  Administration").  PMI also owns all of the  issued  and
outstanding  capital  stock of PMI Holdings,  Inc., a  corporation  that is duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Delaware  ("PMI  Holdings").  PMI also owns all of the  issued  and  outstanding
capital stock of two  additional  corporations,  Southern  Indiana  Temporaries,
Inc., a corporation that is duly organized and validly existing,  and is current
in its  corporate  reporting  obligations,  under  the IBCL  ("SIT"),  and Quest
Personnel  Search,  Inc.,  a  corporation  that is duly  organized  and  validly
existing, and is current in its corporate reporting obligations,  under the IBCL
("Quest").  (PMI  Administration,  PMI Holdings,  SIT and Quest are collectively
referred to herein as the "PMI Corporate  Subsidiaries".)  Neither SIT nor Quest
conducts any active business  operations.  Two limited partnerships in which PMI
holds an  interest  as a limited  partner  conduct  active  business  operations
through the temporary staffing offices maintained by those limited  partnerships
under the name of PMI. PMI LP I is a limited  partnership that is duly organized
and validly  existing,  and is current in its corporate  reporting  obligations,
under  the laws of the State of  Indiana  ("LP I").  PMI  Administration  is the
general partner of LP I and owns a 78.1% partnership  interest therein,  and PMI
and SIT are the limited  partners of LP I, owning 0.8% and 20.1% limited partner
interests therein. LP I conducts its business operations through offices located
in  Indiana  and  Kentucky.  PMI LP II is a  limited  partnership  that  is duly
organized,   validly  existing,  and  is  current  in  its  corporate  reporting
obligations,   under  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Indiana   ("LP  II").   PMI
Administration is the 1% general partner, and PMI is the 99% limited partner, of
LP II. LP II conducts business  operations from offices located in the states of
Georgia and Florida. (LP I and LP II are collectively  referred to herein as the
"PMI Partnership  Subsidiaries",  and the PMI Corporate Subsidiaries and the PMI
Partnership  Subsidiaries  are  collectively  referred  to  herein  as the  "PMI
Subsidiaries".)  Except as set forth in this  Section and in the PMI  Disclosure
Schedule, there are no Persons (other than the PMI Subsidiaries) in which PMI or
any of the PMI Subsidiaries has any voting rights or equity interests.  True and
correct  copies of the  Organizational  Documents of PMI are attached  hereto as
Exhibits B and C, and true and correct  copies of the  Organizational  Documents
pertaining to the PMI Subsidiaries are included in the PMI Disclosure Schedule.


     Section 3.3.  Qualification  and Corporate  Power.  PMI  Administration  is
qualified as a foreign  corporation and in good standing as such in the State of
Florida. LP I is qualified as a foreign limited partnership and in good standing
as such in the  State of  Kentucky.  LP II is  qualified  as a  foreign  limited
partnership  and in good  standing as such in the States of Georgia and Florida.
Each of PMI and the PMI  Subsidiaries  is duly  authorized  to conduct  business
under the laws of each jurisdiction  where such qualification is required except
where the lack of such qualification would not have a material adverse effect on
the financial  condition of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or on
the  ability  of  PMI  to  consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement.  Each  of  PMI  and  the  PMI  Subsidiaries  has  full  corporate  or
partnership (as the case may be) power and authority to carry on the business in
which it is engaged and to own and use the properties owned and used by it.

     Section 3.4.  Capitalization.  The entire  authorized  capital stock of PMI
consists of Four Million  (4,000,000)  authorized  shares of preferred stock, no
shares of which are issued and  outstanding,  and  Twenty  Million  (20,000,000)
shares of PMI Common Shares, of which 2,048,771 are issued and outstanding as of
March 13, 1998.  All of the issued and  outstanding  PMI Common Shares have been
duly authorized and are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable. As of June
1, 1998,  225,549 PMI Common  Shares were issuable upon the exercise of options,
at exercise  prices ranging from $5.90 to $16.73 per PMI Common Share,  pursuant
to PMI's 1993 Stock Option Plan,  1994 Stock Option Plan,  1994  Director  Stock
Option Plan and 1998 Stock Option Plan, all as amended  (collectively,  the "PMI
Stock Plans").  As of June 1, 1998,  52,416 PMI Common Shares were issuable upon
the exercise of warrants,  at an exercise price of $9.2727 per PMI Common Share,
pursuant to warrants  originally granted in connection with PMI's initial public
offering (the "Warrants"). Section 3.4 of the PMI Disclosure Schedule contains a
chart  reflecting the exercise prices,  vesting status,  date of grant and other
information concerning the options exercisable under the PMI Stock Plans and the
Warrants  as of June 1,  1998.  Except for the  Warrants  and  options  that are
outstanding  under  the PMI  Stock  Plans and  except  as  disclosed  in the PMI
Disclosure Schedule,  there are no outstanding or authorized options,  warrants,
purchase rights,  subscription  rights,  conversion  rights,  exchange rights or
other  contracts  or  commitments  that  could  require  PMI or  any of the  PMI
Subsidiaries  to  issue  or  sell,  or that  could  otherwise  cause  to  become
outstanding,  any PMI Common Shares or other securities of PMI or any securities
of or partnership  interests in any of the PMI Subsidiaries in addition to those
currently  issued and  outstanding.  Except as disclosed  in the PMI  Disclosure
Schedule,  there are no outstanding or authorized  stock  appreciation,  phantom
stock, profit  participation or similar rights with respect to PMI or any of the
PMI Subsidiaries. Upon the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby,
the Warrants and the options that are outstanding under the PMI Stock Plans will
be  cancelable  in  exchange  for  payment  by  DHI to  the  warrantholders  and
optionholders  of an amount equal to the difference  between the price per share
to be paid by DHI hereunder and the exercise price per share  applicable to such
Warrant or option.


     Section 3.5.  Authorization.  PMI has full power and  authority  (including
full corporate power and authority) to execute and deliver this Agreement and to
perform its obligations hereunder,  except that PMI cannot consummate the Merger
unless and until it receives the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority
of the PMI Common Shares  approving this  Agreement,  the Plan of Merger and the
Merger.  This Agreement  constitutes the valid and legally binding obligation of
PMI, enforceable against PMI in accordance with its terms and conditions.

     Section 3.6.  Noncontravention.  Except as disclosed in the PMI  Disclosure
Schedule,  neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement,  nor the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  will (i)  violate any
constitution,  statute, regulation or rule, or any injunction,  judgment, order,
decree, ruling, charge or other restriction of any Governmental Body or court to
which any of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  is subject,  or any  provision of the
Organizational Documents of any of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries, or (ii) conflict
with,  result  in a  breach  of,  constitute  a  default  under,  result  in the
acceleration  of, or create  in any  party the right to  accelerate,  terminate,
modify,  cancel or require any notice under,  any  agreement,  contract,  lease,
license,  instrument  or  other  arrangement  to  which  any of  PMI or the  PMI
Subsidiaries is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is
subject,  or result in the imposition of any lien or security interest on any of
its assets, except where the violation, conflict, breach, default, acceleration,
termination, modification, cancellation, failure to give notice or imposition of
a lien or  security  interest  would not have a material  adverse  effect on the
financial  condition of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or on the
ability of PMI to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement.
Other than filings to be made under the IBCL in  connection  with the Merger and
matters in connection  with the  provisions of the Exchange Act, the  Securities
Act and applicable  state  securities laws, none of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries
needs to give any notice to, make any filing  with or obtain any  authorization,
consent or approval of, any Governmental Body in order for PMI to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 3.7. PMI SEC Reports. PMI has made all filings with the SEC that it
has been required to make within the past two years under the Securities Act and
the Exchange Act (which filings,  collectively,  are the "PMI Reports"). Each of
the PMI Reports has complied with the Securities Act and the Exchange Act in all
material respects.  Except as disclosed in the PMI Disclosure Schedule,  none of
the PMI Reports, as of their respective dates, contained any untrue statement of
a material fact or omitted to state a material  fact  necessary in order to make
the statements made therein,  in light of the  circumstances  in which they were
made,  not  misleading.   The  PMI  Reports  are  each  identified  by  specific
description in the PMI Disclosure  Schedule.  PMI has delivered to DHI a correct
and complete copy of the PMI Reports  (together  with all exhibits and schedules
thereto and as amended to date).


     Section 3.8. PMI Financial  Statements.  PMI has filed,  as part of the PMI
Reports,  its Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for its fiscal  quarter ended April
30, 1998,  and its Annual  Report on Form 10-K for its fiscal year ended October
31, 1997  (collectively,  the "Current PMI Filings").  The financial  statements
included in or incorporated by reference into the Current PMI Filings (including
the related notes and schedules  thereto) have been prepared in accordance  with
GAAP and present fairly the consolidated  financial condition of PMI and the PMI
Subsidiaries  as  of  the  indicated  dates  and  the  consolidated  results  of
operations of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries for the indicated  periods,  subject,
however,  in the case of the interim  financial  statements  included therein to
normal year-end adjustments.

     Section 3.9. Events Subsequent to January 31, 1998. Since January 31, 1998,
excluding  changes  generally  affecting the industries in which PMI and the PMI
Subsidiaries operate and the change in control of PMI contemplated hereby, there
has not been any material adverse change in the business,  financial  condition,
operations,  results  of  operations  or  future  prospects  of PMI  and the PMI
Subsidiaries taken as a whole. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
except as disclosed in the PMI  Disclosure  Schedule  (and,  with respect to all
periods  of  time  and  dates  after  the  date  of this  Agreement,  except  as
contemplated  by Section 5.15 or approved in writing by DHI),  since January 31,

         (a) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has sold,  leased,  transferred
     or assigned  any of its assets,  tangible or  intangible,  other than for a
     fair consideration in the Ordinary Course of Business;

         (b) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has entered into any agreement,
     contract,  lease,  or license (or series of related  agreements,  contract,
     leases and  licenses)  either  involving  more than  $50,000 or outside the
     Ordinary Course of Business;

         (c) no  party  (including  any of PMI  or  the  PMI  Subsidiaries)  has
     accelerated,  terminated,  modified or canceled  any  agreement,  contract,
     lease or license (or series of related  agreements,  contracts,  leases and
     licenses)  involving  more  than  $50,000  to  which  any of PMI or the PMI
     Subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them is bound;

         (d)  none of PMI or the  PMI  Subsidiaries  has  imposed  any  security
     interest upon any of its assets, tangible or intangible;

         (e)  none  of  PMI  or  the  PMI  Subsidiaries  has  made  any  capital
     expenditure (or series of related capital  expenditures)  either  involving
     more than $50,000 or outside the Ordinary Course of Business;

         (f) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has made any capital investment
     in,  any loan to or any  acquisition  of the  securities  or assets of, any
     other  Person  (or  series  of  related  capital  investments,   loans  and
     acquisitions)  either  involving  more than $50,000 or outside the Ordinary
     Course of Business;

         (g) none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  has issued any note,  bond or
     other  debt  security  or  created,  incurred,  assumed or  guaranteed  any
     indebtedness  for borrowed money or  capitalized  lease  obligation  either
     involving more than $10,000 singly or $50,000 in the aggregate;


         (h) none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  had delayed or postponed  the
     payment of  accounts  payable  and other  liabilities  or  accelerated  the
     collection of accounts receivable outside the Ordinary Course of Business;

         (i)  none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  has  canceled,  compromised,
     waived or  released  any right or claim (or  series of  related  rights and
     claims) either  involving more than $50,000 or outside the Ordinary  Course
     of Business;

         (j) none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  has  granted  any  license or
     sublicense  of any  rights  under  or  with  respect  to  any  intellectual

         (k) there has been no change made or authorized  in the  Organizational
     Documents of any of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries;

         (l) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries  has issued,  sold or otherwise
     disposed of any of its capital stock,  or granted any options,  warrants or
     other rights to purchase or obtain (including upon conversion,  exchange or
     exercise) any of its capital stock;

         (m) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has declared, set aside or paid
     any dividend or made any  distribution  with  respect to its capital  stock
     (whether in cash or in kind) or redeemed,  purchased or otherwise  acquired
     any of its capital stock;

         (n) none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  has  experienced any material
     damage,  destruction  or loss to its  property  that was not fully  covered
     (except  for  applicable  deductibles)  by  casualty  or  other  applicable

         (o) none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries  has  made  any  loan  to,  or
     entered into any other transaction with, any of its directors, officers and
     employees outside the Ordinary Course of Business;

         (p) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has entered into any employment
     contract or collective bargaining  agreement,  written or oral, or modified
     the terms of any existing such contract or agreement;

         (q) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has granted any increase in the
     base compensation of any of its directors or officers;

         (r) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has granted any increase in the
     base  compensation  of any of its employees  outside the Ordinary Course of

         (s) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has adopted,  amended, modified
     or  terminated  any bonus,  profit-sharing,  incentive,  severance or other
     plan,  contract  or  commitment  for the  benefit of any of its  directors,
     officers and  employees (or taken any such action with respect to any other
     employee  benefit plan)  except,  in any such case, as required by ERISA or
     other applicable Legal Requirement;

         (t) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has made any material change in
     the employment terms of any of its directors or officers;

         (u) none of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries has made or pledged to make any
     charitable or other  capital  contribution  outside the Ordinary  Course of

         (v) there has not been any  material  transaction  outside the Ordinary
     Course of Business involving any of PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries; and

         (w) none of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries has committed to do any of the


     Section 3.10.  Undisclosed Liabilities.  Except  as  disclosed  in the  PMI
Disclosure  Schedule,  none of PMI and the PMI  Subsidiaries  has any  liability
(whether  known or unknown,  asserted  or  unasserted,  absolute or  contingent,
accrued or  unaccrued  and  liquidated  or  unliquidated,  and whether due or to
become due),  including any liability for taxes,  except for (i) liabilities set
forth on the face of the  balance  sheet of PMI  dated as of  January  31,  1998
(rather than in any notes thereto) and (ii) liabilities  which have arisen after
January 31, 1998 in the Ordinary Course of Business (none of which results from,
arises  out of,  relates  to, is in the nature of or was caused by any breach of
contract, breach of warranty, tort, infringement of intellectual property rights
or violation of law).

     Section 3.11.  Litigation. Except as disclosed in the PMI Reports or in the
PMI Disclosure Schedule,  there are no actions, suits,  proceedings,  reviews or
investigations  pending,  or to the Knowledge of PMI or any of its  Subsidiaries
threatened,  involving PMI or any of its  Subsidiaries,  at law or in equity, or
before any  Governmental  Body.  PMI is not  subject to any order,  judgment  or
decree that can reasonably be expected to result in any material adverse change.

     Section 3.12.  Taxes.  PMI and each of its Subsidiaries  has duly filed all
material federal,  state,  local and foreign tax returns required to be filed by
it, and PMI except as  disclosed in the PMI  Disclosure  Schedule has duly paid,
caused to be paid or properly accrued an adequate reserve for the payment of all
taxes and penalties and interest relating thereto (collectively, all such taxes,
penalties  and  interest  are  "Taxes")  required  to be paid in  respect of the
periods  covered by such returns and has properly  accrued an adequate  reserves
for payment of all Taxes  anticipated  to be payable in respect of all  calendar
periods  since the  periods  covered by such  returns.  The  federal  income tax
returns  required  to be  filed  by PMI have  been  examined  by the IRS for all
taxable  years  through  October 31,  1996.  All  deficiencies  and  assessments
asserted as a result of such  examinations  or other  audits by federal,  state,
local or foreign taxing  authorities have been paid, fully settled or adequately
provided for in the financial  statements  contained in the PMI Reports,  and no
issue or claim has been asserted for Taxes by any taxing authority for any prior
period the adverse  determination  of which would result in a  deficiency  which
would have a material  adverse  effect on the business,  financial  condition or
results of  operations of PMI and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole other than
those heretofore paid or provided for. Except as set forth in the PMI Disclosure
Schedule, there are no outstanding agreements or waivers extending the statutory
period of limitation  applicable to any federal,  state, local or foreign income
tax return of PMI or its Subsidiaries.

     Section 3.13.ERISA.

         (a) The PMI Disclosure  Schedule describes each "employee benefit plan"
     (as such term is defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA) and any bonus,  pension,
     profit  sharing,  deferred  compensation,   incentive  compensation,  stock
     ownership,   stock  purchase,  stock  option,  phantom  stock,  retirement,
     vacation, severance, disability, death benefit,  hospitalization,  medical,
     dental or other benefit plan,  arrangement or understanding  (collectively,
     all such  plans,  arrangements  and  understandings  are the  "PMI  Benefit
     Plans"), maintained or contributed to by PMI or any of its Subsidiaries for
     the  benefit  of the  employees  of PMI  or any of its  Subsidiaries.  With
     respect to the PMI Benefit  Plans,  PMI has included in the PMI  Disclosure
     Schedule a list of the  documents  creating or  evidencing  the PMI Benefit
     Plans and true and  correct  copies of (i) the most recent  annual  reports
     (Form 5500) filed with the IRS, (ii) the most current  determination letter
     received  from the IRS with  respect to each PMI Benefit Plan as to which a
     determination  letter has been  issued,  and (iii) each group  insurance or
     annuity  contract,  if any,  relating  thereto.  Neither PMI nor any of its
     Subsidiaries  has ever  maintained or contributed  to an "employee  benefit
     plan" subject to Title IV of ERISA.


         (b) With respect to the PMI Benefit  Plans,  neither PMI nor any of its
     Subsidiaries has any liabilities, other than liabilities for benefit claims
     and funding  obligations  payable in the normal course of the operations of
     the PMI Benefit Plans,  under ERISA,  the Code or any other  applicable law
     that in the aggregate  would have a material  adverse effect on PMI and its
     Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

         (c) With respect to the PMI Benefit Plans,  there are no funded benefit
     obligations for which contributions have not been made or properly accrued,
     and there are no unfunded benefit obligations which have not been accounted
     for by reserves or otherwise  properly footnoted in accordance with GAAP on
     the financial statements of PMI and its Subsidiaries.

         (d) All of the PMI Benefit  Plans have been  operated  in all  material
     respects  in  compliance  with  their   respective   terms  and  all  Legal
     Requirements,  and all  contributions  required (by Legal  Requirements  or
     contract) to any such PMI Benefit Plan have been made. All reports required
     to  be  filed  with  any  Governmental  Body  have  been  filed  with  such
     Governmental  Body on a timely basis. None of the PMI Benefit Plans provide
     benefits to Persons who are not  employees of PMI or the PMI  Subsidiaries.
     Neither PMI nor any of the PMI Subsidiaries has any liability of any nature
     to plan  participants,  whether  known or unknown,  and  whether  absolute,
     accrued,  contingent  or  otherwise),  with respect to any PMI Benefit Plan
     (including, without limitation, any prior plans and any plans maintained by
     any predecessor,  affiliated or related entities),  other than for payments
     of benefits due in the ordinary course under the PMI Benefit Plans, none of
     which are overdue.

     Section 3.14.   Legal Compliance.    PMI  and  its  Subsidiaries  hold  all
Governmental Authorizations necessary for the lawful conduct of their respective
businesses  except for  failures to hold such  Governmental  Authorizations  the
absence of which would not, in the aggregate,  have a material adverse effect on
the  business,  operations  or financial  condition of PMI and its  Subsidiaries
taken as a whole.  PMI and its  Subsidiaries are in compliance with the terms of
all  Governmental  Authorizations  held by them  except  where the failure so to
comply would not have a material  adverse effect on the business,  operations or
financial condition of PMI and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole. The businesses
of PMI  and its  Subsidiaries  are  not  being  conducted  in  violation  of any
applicable law, ordinance, rule, regulation, decree or order of any Governmental
Body (including but not limited to any Legal Requirement  relating or pertaining
to employment  matters) except for violations  which in the aggregate do not and
would  not  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  business,  operations  or
financial condition of PMI and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

     Section 3.15.  No Defaults.  Except  as set  forth  in the  PMI  Disclosure
Schedule,  neither PMI nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is in default or  violation
(and no event has occurred  which with notice or the lapse of time or both would
constitute a default or  violation)  of any term,  condition or provision of (i)
its Organizational Documents, (ii) any note, bond, mortgage, indenture, license,
contract, agreement or other instrument or obligation to which PMI or any of its
Subsidiaries  is a party or by which they or any of their  properties  or assets
may be bound, or (iii) any order, writ,  injunction,  decree,  statute,  rule or
regulation  applicable  to PMI or any of its  Subsidiaries,  which  defaults  or
violations  would,  in the  aggregate,  have a  material  adverse  effect on the
business, operations or financial condition of PMI and its Subsidiaries taken as
a whole or which would  prevent or delay the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby.


     Section 3.16.  Broker's Fees.  Except  as  otherwise  disclosed  in the PMI
Disclosure  Schedule,  none of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries has any liability or
obligation to pay any fees or  commissions  to any broker,  finder or agent with
respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 3.17.  Certain Documents.   The PMI Disclosure Schedule includes a 
list setting forth for PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries:

         (a)      all PMI Benefit Plans and all contracts with any labor union;

         (b)  contracts  for the  employment  or  engagement  as an  independent
     contractor  of any person on a full-time,  part-time,  consulting  or other
     basis,   excluding   contracts   wherein  the  aggregate   annual   payment
     contemplated does not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000);

         (c) contracts  pursuant to which PMI or any PMI Subsidiary has advanced
     or loaned  funds,  or agreed to advance or loan funds,  to any other person
     other  than  minimal  advances  to  employees  in the  Ordinary  Course  of

         (d)  contracts  or  indentures  relating  to  any  indebtedness  or the
     mortgaging, pledging or otherwise placing a lien on any asset of PMI or any
     of the PMI Subsidiaries;

         (e) contracts  pursuant to which PMI or any of the PMI  Subsidiaries is
     the lessee of, or holds or  operates,  any  leasehold  estate or any leased
     operating  asset,  other than leases of office equipment such as computers,
     copiers, facsimile machines and the like;

         (f) contracts pursuant to which PMI or any PMI Subsidiary is the lessor
     of, or permits any party to hold or operate,  any real or personal property
     owned by PMI or any such PMI Subsidiary;

         (g)  contracts or  agreements  with  customers of PMI or any of the PMI
     Subsidiaries,  or contracts  for purchase of goods or services  (other than
     leases)  involving  annual payments in excess of $50,000,  excluding in all
     such cases  contracts  that may be  terminated  without  penalty  (or other
     termination charge) on not more than 30 days' notice; and


         (h) any other  contract which is material to the business of PMI or any
     such PMI  Subsidiary and involves an aggregate  consideration  in excess of
     $100,000 annually.

     Section 3.18.No  Material  Defaults.  PMI has made available to DHI and DHI
Sub Corp for their  examination  copies of all material  contracts,  agreements,
leases, licenses and understandings of a kind that would be required to be filed
(or incorporated by reference) by PMI as exhibits to a Registration Statement on
Form S-1 under the  Securities  Act, as well as any other  agreements  and other
instruments  referred to in Section 3.17 above to which it or any PMI Subsidiary
is a party or by which any of them or their properties might be affected. Except
as  disclosed  in the PMI  Disclosure  Schedule,  neither  PMI nor any  such PMI
Subsidiary  is in default in any manner  which could lead to a material  adverse
change  under the terms of any such  contract,  agreement,  leases,  license  or
understanding.  Neither PMI nor any PMI  Subsidiary  has breached,  nor is there
pending or to the Knowledge of PMI threatened any claim, nor to the Knowledge of
PMI any legal basis for a claim, that PMI or any PMI Subsidiary has breached any
of the  terms  or  conditions  of any  agreement,  contract,  commitment,  plan,
instrument  or other  arrangement  set forth in any of the schedules or exhibits
delivered in connection  herewith or of any  agreement,  contract or commitment,
which  breach or  breaches  singularly  or in the  aggregate  could  result in a
material adverse change.

     Section  3.19.  Notes and  Accounts  Receivable.  All  notes  and  accounts
receivable of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries are reflected properly on their books
and records,  are valid receivables subject to no setoffs or counterclaims,  are
current and collectible, and will be collected in accordance with their terms at
their  recorded  amounts,  without  resort to  collection  proceedings  or other
extraordinary action, subject only to the reserve for bad debts set forth on the
face of the April 30, 1998  unaudited  balance  sheet of PMI (rather than in any
notes  thereto) as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance  with the past
custom and practice of PMI and the PMI Subsidiaries.

     Section  3.20.  Authorized   Signatories;   Officers  and  Banks.  The  PMI
Disclosure  Schedule  contains a list of all of the names and  locations of each
bank at which PMI or any PMI Subsidiary has an account,  safe deposit box or any
other  banking  relationship  and the names of all  persons  authorized  to draw
therefrom or have access thereto.


     Section 3.21.  Insider Interests. Except as set forth in the PMI Disclosure
Schedule,  to PMI's  Knowledge  none of the  leases,  contracts,  documents  and
instruments  required to be set forth in the PMI  Reports or the PMI  Disclosure
Schedule delivered  pursuant to this Agreement involves any "Interested  Person"
(hereinafter  defined) as a party thereto or as a party beneficially  interested
therein. Since November 1, 1996, neither PMI nor any PMI Subsidiary has directly
or  indirectly  purchased,  leased from or  otherwise  acquired  any property or
obtained  any  services  from or sold,  leased to or  otherwise  disposed of any
material amount of property or furnished any services to or otherwise dealt with
(except  in respect of  remuneration  for  services  rendered  (including  stock
options and other fringe benefits) as a Director,  officer or employee of PMI or
any PMI  Subsidiary),  in the  Ordinary  Course of  Business or  otherwise,  any
Interested  Person.  As used in this  Section,  "Interested  Person"  means  any
executive  officer or Director of PMI or any PMI Subsidiaries or any Person with
whom such  Person has any direct or  indirect  relation  by blood or marriage or
adoption, or entity in which any such Person has any material direct or indirect

     Section 3.22.  Customers, Distributors  and  Suppliers.  The PMI Disclosure
Schedule  contains  a true,  correct  and  complete  list  for PMI and  each PMI
Subsidiary of all of its and their customers who or which individually accounted
for 5% or more of the total  sales of PMI or such PMI  Subsidiary  in the fiscal
year ended October 31, 1997.

     Section 3.23.  Proxy  Statement.  None of the information supplied or to be
supplied by or on behalf of PMI with  respect to the  transactions  contemplated
hereby for  inclusion in (i) the letter to  shareholders,  notice of meeting and
proxy  statement  or form of  proxy  to be used by PMI in  connection  with  the
special meeting of the shareholders of PMI to be held to vote on the Merger (the
"PMI Proxy Materials"), including any amendments thereof or supplements thereto,
or (ii) any  other  document  to be filed  with the SEC in  connection  with the
transactions  contemplated  hereby, will at the time the PMI Proxy Materials are
mailed to the  shareholders  of PMI, at the respective  times such documents are
filed with the SEC and at the time of the PMI shareholders' meeting, be false or
misleading with respect to any material fact, or omit to state any material fact
required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements  therein,  in
light of the  circumstances  under  which  they are  made,  not  misleading,  or
necessary to correct any statement in any earlier  communication with respect to
the solicitation of any proxy or approval for the PMI shareholders' meeting. The
PMI Proxy  Materials  will comply as to form in all material  respects  with the
provisions  of the  Exchange  Act  and the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated


     Section 3.24.  Environmental Compliance. None of the real property owned by
PMI or any of the PMI  Subsidiaries  (and to the  Knowledge of PMI,  none of the
real  property  leased  by PMI or any PMI  Subsidiary)  is in  violation  in any
material respect of any federal, state or local statues, regulations, ordinances
or other  provisions  having the force or effect of law, in each case concerning
pollution or protection of the environment (including,  without limitation.  all
those  relating  to  the  presence,  use,  production,   generation,   handling,
transport,  treatment,  storage, disposal,  distribution,  testing,  processing,
discharge, release, control or cleanup of any hazardous materials, substances or
wastes,   toxic  chemicals,   petroleum   products  or  by-products,   asbestos,
polychlorinated  biphenyls (or PCBs), or radiation).  Except as set forth in the
PMI Reports or the PMI Disclosure  Schedule,  (i) neither PMI nor any of the PMI
Subsidiaries is the subject of any federal,  state, local, foreign or provincial
investigation,  and neither PMI nor any of the PMI Subsidiaries has received any
notice or claim (or is aware of any facts that would form a reasonable basis for
any  claim),  or entered  into any  negotiations  or  agreements  with any other
person,  relating to any liability or obligation or remedial action or potential
liability or obligation  or remedial  action under any  environmental  law which
could have a material  adverse effect and (ii) there are no pending,  reasonably
anticipated or to the Knowledge of PMI threatened actions,  suits or proceedings
(or facts  that  would  form a  reasonable  basis for any such  action,  suit or
proceeding)  against PMI, any of the PMI Subsidiaries or any of their respective
properties,  assets or  operations  asserting  any  liability or  obligation  or
seeking any remedial action in connection with any environmental law which could
have a material adverse effect.

     Section 3.25.  HSR Act. PMI is its own "ultimate  parent  entity" under the
HSR Act and has not at any  time  had  total  assets  or  annual  net  sales  of
$100,000,000 or more.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                             OF DHI AND DHI SUB CORP

     DHI and DHI Sub Corp,  jointly and severally,  represent and warrant to PMI
as follows:


     Section 4.1. Due Incorporation and Good Standing. DHI is a corporation duly
organized,  validly  existing  and in  good  standing  under  the  Ohio  General
Corporation Law (the "OGCL").  DHI Sub Corp is a corporation  duly organized and
validly existing, and is current in its corporate reporting  obligations,  under
the IBCL. DHI wholly owns Diversco, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

     Section 4.2.  Qualification  and Corporate  Power.  Each of DHI and DHI Sub
Corp is duly authorized to conduct business under the laws of each  jurisdiction
where such qualification is required except where the lack of such qualification
would not have a material  adverse effect on the financial  condition of DHI and
DHI Sub  Corp  taken  as a whole  or on the  ability  of DHI or DHI Sub  Corp to
consummate the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement. Each of DHI and DHI
Sub Corp has full  corporate  power and  authority  to carry on the  business in
which it is engaged and to own and use the properties owned and used by it.

     Section 4.3. Authorization. Each of DHI and DHI Sub Corp has full power and
authority  (including full corporate power and authority) to execute and deliver
this  Agreement  and to  perform  its  obligations  hereunder  . This  Agreement
constitutes  the valid and legally  binding  obligation  of DHI and DHI Sub Corp
enforceable against them in accordance with its terms and conditions.

     Section 4.4. Noncontravention. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.4 attached
hereto,  neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement,   nor  the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  will (i)  violate any
constitution,  statute, regulation or rule, or any injunction,  judgment, order,
decree, ruling, charge or other restriction of any Governmental Body or court to
which DHI or DHI Sub Corp is subject,  or any  provision  of the  Organizational
Documents of DHI or DHI Sub Corp, or (ii) conflict with,  result in a breach of,
constitute  a default  under,  result in the  acceleration  of, or create in any
party the right to accelerate,  terminate,  modify, cancel or require any notice
under, any agreement,  contract, lease, license, instrument or other arrangement
to which  DHI or DHI Sub Corp is a party or by which it is bound or to which any
of its assets is subject,  or result in the  imposition  of any lien or security
interest on any of its assets,  except where the  violation,  conflict,  breach,
default, acceleration, termination, modification,  cancellation, failure to give
notice or  imposition of a lien or security  interest  would not have a material
adverse  effect on the  financial  condition  of DHI and DHI Sub Corp taken as a
whole or on the ability of DHI and DHI Sub Corp to consummate  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.  Other than filings to be made under the IBCL in
connection  with the Merger and matters in connection with the provisions of the
Exchange Act, the Securities Act and applicable state  securities laws,  neither
DHI nor DHI Sub Corp needs to give any notice to, make any filing with or obtain
any authorization, consent or approval of, any Governmental Body in order for it
to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


     Section 4.5.  Litigation. There are no actions, suits, proceedings, reviews
or  investigations  pending,  or to  the  Knowledge  of  DHI  or  DHI  Sub  Corp
threatened,  involving DHI or DHI Sub Corp,  at law or in equity,  or before any
Governmental  Body, which  individually or in the aggregate are likely to have a
material adverse effect on the financial condition of DHI and DHI Sub Corp taken
as a  whole  or on the  ability  of  DHI  or DHI  Sub  Corp  to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Neither DHI nor DHI Sub Corp is
subject to any order,  judgment  or decree  that can  reasonably  be expected to
result in any material adverse change.

     Section 4.6.   No Prior  Activities.  DHI Sub Corp has not  engaged  in any
material business activities and has not incurred, nor prior to the Closing Date
will it incur,  directly or indirectly,  any liabilities or obligations,  except
those  incurred  in  connection  with  its  organization,  the  Merger  and  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

     Section 4.7.  Proxy  Statement.  None of the  information supplied or to be
supplied  by or on  behalf of DHI or DHI Sub Corp for  inclusion  in (i) the PMI
Proxy  Materials,  or (ii) any other  document  to be filed  with the SEC or any
regulatory agency in connection with the transactions  contemplated hereby will,
at the time of the PMI Proxy Materials are mailed to shareholders of PMI, at the
respective  times such  documents  are filed and at the time of the PMI  Special
Meeting,  be false or  misleading  with respect to any material fact included in
such  information,  or omit to state any material  fact required to be stated in
such  information or necessary in order to make the statements  included in such
information  in the context of such  information  not misleading or necessary to
correct any statement in any such information  previously supplied by DHI or DHI
Sub Corp.

     Section 4.8. Financing. DHI has received three binding commitments (subject
to the  satisfaction  of stated  conditions) to provide such financing to it as,
when combined with  immediately  available cash from DHI, will enable it to pay,
at the Closing Date, the entire Merger Consideration  payable hereunder in cash.
DHI has  provided  PMI with true and  accurate  copies  of each such  commitment
(collectively, the "Commitments"), which have not been amended or modified since
the respective  dates thereof except as approved in writing by PMI. There are no
conditions,  restrictions  or limitations on the  availability  of the financing
provided for in such Commitments other than as set forth therein.

     Section 4.9. HSR Act. DHI will be its own  "ultimate  parent  entity" under
the HSR Act as of the Closing  Date and has not at any time had total  assets or
annual net sales of $100,000,000 or more.


     Section 4.10. DHI Financial Statements.  The consolidated balance sheets of
DHI and its  Subsidiaries  as of March 31, 1998,  March 31, 1997 and October 24,
1996, and the related  consolidated  statements of income and retained  earnings
and of cash flows for the  periods  ending  March 31,  1998 and March 31,  1997,
together with the notes thereto,  have been prepared in accordance with GAAP and
fairly present the consolidated  financial condition of DHI and its subsidiaries
at the dates thereof and their consolidated results of operations and cash flows
for the periods stated therein.

                                    ARTICLE V

     Section   5.1.   Conduct  of  Business.   Except  as  otherwise   expressly
contemplated  or permitted by the terms of this Agreement or the written consent
of DHI during the period from the date of this Agreement  until the Closing Date
PMI will comply with,  and will cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to comply with,
the following covenants:

         (a)  Each of PMI and its  Subsidiaries  will  carry  on its  respective
     businesses  only in the  Ordinary  Course of Business and will use its Best
     Efforts  to (i)  preserve  intact  its  business  organization,  (ii)  keep
     available  the  services  of its  present  officers  and  employees,  (iii)
     preserve its  relationships  with its customers,  suppliers and others with
     whom it has business dealings,  and (iv) satisfy its obligations under each
     material agreement or commitment to which it is a party.

         (b) Neither PMI nor any of its  Subsidiaries  (other than  Subsidiaries
     that are directly or  indirectly  wholly owned by such Party) will declare,
     set aside or pay any dividend or other distribution (whether in cash, stock
     or  property or any  combination  thereof) in respect of any of its capital
     stock or other ownership  interests,  (ii) split, combine or reclassify any
     of its capital  stock or issue or  authorize or propose the issuance of any
     other securities in respect of, in lieu of or in substitution for shares of
     its capital stock, or (iii) repurchase,  redeem or otherwise acquire any of
     its securities or any securities.

         (c)  Neither  PMI  nor  any  of its  Subsidiaries  will  authorize  for
     issuance, issue, sell, deliver or agree or commit to issue, sell or deliver
     (whether   through  the   issuance   or  granting  of  options,   warrants,
     commitments,  subscriptions,  rights to purchase or otherwise) any stock of
     any class or any other securities (including  indebtedness having the right
     to  vote  or  equity  equivalents  including,   without  limitation,  stock
     appreciation  rights),  except  as  required  pursuant  to  agreements  and
     instruments  outstanding  as of the date of this Agreement and disclosed in
     the PMI Disclosure  Schedule  ("Outstanding  Obligations")  or amend in any
     respect  any of the  terms of any such  Outstanding  Obligations  except as
     necessary to comply with this Agreement.


         (d)   Neither  PMI  nor  any  of  its   Subsidiaries   will  amend  its
     Organizational Documents.

         (e) Neither PMI nor any of its Subsidiaries will sell, lease, encumber,
     transfer or dispose of any assets  outside the Ordinary  Course of Business
     or any assets  which are  material to PMI and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a
     whole (whether or not such  transaction  was outside the Ordinary Course of
     Business)  except, in any such case,  pursuant to Outstanding  Obligations,
     nor  shall  either  Party  nor  any  of its  Subsidiaries  enter  into  any
     commitment or transaction  outside the Ordinary  Course of Business  except
     pursuant to Outstanding Obligations.

         (f) Other  than in the  Ordinary  Course of  Business  or  pursuant  to
     Outstanding  Obligations,  neither PMI nor any of its Subsidiaries will (i)
     incur  any   indebtedness   for  borrowed   money  or  guarantee  any  such
     indebtedness,  (ii) issue or sell any debt securities or warrants or rights
     to acquire any debt securities,  (iii) guarantee or otherwise become liable
     for any  indebtedness  of others or make any  loans,  advances  or  capital
     contributions to others,  (iv) mortgage,  pledge or otherwise  encumber any
     material  assets or create or suffer any  material  lien upon any  material
     assets,  or (v) make  any  payment  or  transfer  anything  of value to any
     officer, director or stockholder of PMI or any of its Subsidiaries.

         (g)  Neither PMI nor any of its  Subsidiaries  will pay,  discharge  or
     satisfy any claims, liabilities or obligations,  whether absolute, accrued,
     asserted or  unasserted,  contingent or otherwise,  other than the payment,
     discharge or  satisfaction  of any such claims,  liabilities or obligations
     (i) in the Ordinary  Course of  Business,  or (ii) in  accordance  with the
     terms of liabilities  (A) reflected or reserved  against in or contemplated
     by the consolidated  financial statements (or the notes thereto) of PMI and
     its Subsidiaries, or (B) incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business.

         (h)  Neither  PMI nor any of its  Subsidiaries  will  change any of its
     accounting principles or practices except as required by GAAP.

         (i)  Neither  PMI nor any of its  Subsidiaries  will make any change in
     employment terms (including  employee benefit plans) with respect to any of
     its  directors,  officers  or  employees  outside  the  Ordinary  Course of

         (j) Neither PMI nor any of its Subsidiaries  will (i) agree to take any
     of the actions prohibited in the foregoing clauses of this Section, or (ii)
     take or agree to take any  action  that  would or is  reasonably  likely to
     result  in any of its  representations  and  warranties  set  forth in this
     Agreement  being  untrue,  or (iii) take or agree to take any  action  that
     would or is  reasonably  likely to result in any of the  conditions  to the
     Merger set forth in Article VI not being satisfied.


         (k) PMI will maintain,  and will cause each PMI Subsidiary to maintain,
     all of its and their properties in customary  repair,  order and condition,
     reasonable  wear  and  tear  and  obsolescence   excepted,   and  will  use
     commercially  reasonable  efforts  to  maintain,  and  to  cause  each  PMI
     Subsidiary  to  maintain,  insurance  upon all of its and their  properties
     reasonably  required  in the  conduct  of its and their  business  and with
     respect to the conduct of its and their businesses,  in such amounts and of
     such  kinds  as are  comparable  to  that  in  effect  on the  date of this

         (l)  No  change   shall  be  made  in  the  banking  and  safe  deposit
     arrangements existing on the date hereof of PMI and its Subsidiaries.

         (m) If any  action,  suit,  proceeding  or (to  the  Knowledge  of PMI)
     investigation is commenced against PMI or any of its Subsidiaries after the
     date of this  Agreement,  PMI agrees  promptly to advise DHI of the same in
     writing  and to  consult  with  DHI on the  nature  and  effect  of and its
     response to such action, suit, proceeding or investigation.

     Section  5.2.  DHI Sub Corp.  DHI will  cause DHI Sub Corp to take all such
actions as shall be reasonably required under this Agreement, the Plan of Merger
or applicable law in order to consummate the Merger at the appropriate time, all
in accordance with applicable law.

     Section  5.3.  Best  Efforts.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  herein
provided,  each of the Parties hereto agrees to use its Best Efforts to take, or
cause to be  taken,  all  action,  and to do,  or cause to be done,  all  things
necessary,  proper  or  advisable  under  applicable  laws  and  regulations  to
consummate and make effective the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,
including using its Best Efforts to obtain all necessary  waivers,  consents and
approvals,  and effecting all necessary  registrations  and filings with any and
all relevant Governmental  Authorities  (including its Best Efforts to cause the
satisfaction, but without any obligation to waive any, of the closing conditions
set forth in Article VI). In case at any time after the Closing Date any further
action is necessary  or  desirable to carry out the purposes of this  Agreement,
the proper  officers  and/or  directors of DHI, DHI Sub Corp or PMI, as the case
may be, shall take all such necessary action.

     Section 5.4. Certification of Shareholder Votes. On or prior to the Closing
Date,  PMI shall deliver to DHI and DHI Sub Corp a certificate  of its Secretary
setting forth the number of PMI Common Shares  outstanding  and entitled to vote
on the  adoption of this  Agreement  and the Plan of Merger and  approval of the
Merger and the number of PMI Common  Shares  voted in favor of  adoption of this
Agreement and the Plan of Merger and approval of the Merger.


     Section  5.5.  PMI  Shareholder  Meeting.  PMI  will,  as  promptly  as  is
reasonably  practicable,  duly call,  give notice of, convene and hold a special
meeting of its  shareholders  for the  purpose of voting on and  approving  this
Agreement,  the Plan of Merger and the Merger (the "PMI Special  Meeting").  PMI
will,  through its Board of Directors,  recommend to the PMI  shareholders  that
they approve this Agreement, the Plan of Merger and the Merger, and will use its
Best Efforts to secure the approval of its shareholders thereof, except that the
Board of Directors of PMI shall not be required to recommend approval thereof to
the  PMI   shareholders  if  the  Board  of  Directors  has  determined,   after
consultation  with its  counsel  and  financial  advisors,  that the making of a
favorable recommendation with respect thereto would violate the fiduciary duties
of the Board of Directors.  In connection with the PMI Special Meeting, PMI will
prepare and file a preliminary proxy statement with the SEC and responses to the
comments  of the  SEC  relating  thereto  (including,  without  limitation,  the
preparation  and filing of amendments,  supplements or other  filings),  and PMI
will cause the definitive proxy statement and related  documents with respect to
the PMI Special Meeting (as previously defined, the "PMI Proxy Materials") to be
mailed to the PMI shareholders,  all at the earliest practicable time and all in
accordance with applicable  provisions of the Exchange Act, PMI's Organizational
Documents  and  the  IBCL.  DHI  will  timely  furnish  to PMI  all  information
concerning  DHI and , DHI Sub Corp,  and any other  related  entity of either of
them,  reasonably  required to be included in the PMI Proxy  Materials or in any
other  information to be furnished to the shareholders of PMI in connection with
their approval of this Agreement,  the Plan of Merger and the Merger.  PMI shall
notify DHI of the  receipt of the  comments of the SEC and of any request by the
SEC for amendments or supplements to the PMI Proxy Materials,  or for additional
information,  and shall  supply DHI with  copies of all  correspondence  between
itself (or its representatives) and the SEC (or its staff) with respect thereto.
If any  event  should  occur  relating  to PMI or  its  Subsidiaries,  or  their
respective officers and directors,  which should be described in an amendment or
supplement to the PMI Proxy  Materials,  PMI shall promptly inform DHI and shall
promptly  prepare,  file and clear  with the SEC and mail to PMI's  shareholders
such amendment or supplement.

     Section 5.6. DHI Negative Covenants.  Neither DHI nor DHI Sub Corp will (i)
take or agree to take any action that would or is reasonably likely to result in
any of its  representations  and warranties  set forth in this  Agreement  being
untrue,  or (ii) take or agree to take any action  that  would or is  reasonably
likely to result in any of the  conditions to the Merger set forth in Article VI
not being satisfied.

     Section 5.7. Notice of Developments.  Each Party will give prompt notice to
the other Parties of (i) any notice,  or other  communication  received by it or
any of its  Subsidiaries  subsequent to the date of this  Agreement and prior to
the  Effective  Time of or relating to a default or event which,  with notice or
the lapse of time or both would become a default, under any agreement, indenture
or instrument  material to the financial  condition,  properties,  businesses or
results of operations of such Party and its Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole, and
by which such Party or any of its  Subsidiaries  is bound or to which such Party
or any of its  Subsidiaries is subject,  (ii) any notice or other  communication
from any third party  alleging that the consent of such third party is or may be
required in connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement,
which  allegation,  if true,  would  mean  that  there  has  been a breach  of a
representation  or  warranty  of a Party  under  this  Agreement,  and (iii) any
material  adverse  change in the financial  condition,  properties,  businesses,
results of operations or prospects of such Party and its  Subsidiaries  taken as


     Section 5.8. Announcements and Filings. The Parties shall consult with each
other before  issuing any press releases or otherwise  making public  statements
with respect to the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement and in making
any filings  with any  Governmental  Body  (including  any  national  securities
exchange) with respect thereto.

     Section 5.9. Governmental Authorizations. Each of the Parties will (and, as
applicable,  will cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to) give any notices to, make
any  filings  with,  and  use  its  Best  Efforts  to  obtain  any  Governmental
Authorizations as required in connection with the matters referred to in Section
3.6 and Section 4.4. Each of the Parties shall  promptly and timely consult with
one another with  respect to, and shall  provide to one another (or to a Party's
counsel) copies of, all filings made by such Party with any Governmental Body in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereunder.

     Section 5.10.Indemnification of PMI Officers and Directors. With respect to
each  individual  who  served  as a  director  of  officer  of PMI or any of its
Subsidiaries at any time prior to the Effective Time, DHI will provide,  or will
cause the  Surviving  Corporation  to  provide  (in which  case DHI does  hereby
guarantee  the payment  and  performance  by the  Surviving  Corporation  of its
obligations in that regard),  each of the following insurance or indemnification
benefits or rights:

         (a)  liability  insurance for a period of 48 months after the Effective
     Time with respect to acts or  omissions  occurring  prior to the  Effective
     Time which were  committed  (or  allegedly  committed)  by such officers or
     directors  in their  capacities  as such no less  favorable in coverage and
     amount than any  applicable  liability  insurance in effect and provided by
     PMI or any of its Subsidiaries for the benefit of any such individual as of
     March 5,  1998;  provided,  however,  that  neither  DHI nor the  Surviving
     Corporation  shall be  obligated to make annual  premium  payments for such
     insurance to the extent such  premiums  exceed the premiums  paid as of the
     date hereof by PMI for such insurance  ("PMI's  Current  Premium"),  and if
     such  premiums for such  insurance  would at any time exceed PMI's  Current
     Premium, then DHI shall cause to be maintained policies of insurance which,
     in DHI's good faith  determination,  provide the maximum coverage available
     at an annual premium equal to PMI's Current Premium;

         (b)  indemnification  rights and the benefits thereof  identical in all
     respects to the  provisions of the  Organizational  Documents  currently in
     effect of PMI or any of its Subsidiaries relating to the indemnification of
     officers and directors;

         (c)  indemnification  from  and  against  any and all  actions,  suits,
     proceedings,   hearings,   investigations,   charges,  complaints,  claims,
     demands,  injunctions,  judgments, orders, decrees, rulings, damages, dues,
     penalties,   fines,  costs,   amounts  paid  in  settlement,   liabilities,
     obligations,  taxes, liens, losses,  expenses and fees, including all court
     costs and  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  resulting  from,  arising out of,
     relating to or caused by this  Agreement  or the Merger or any of the other
     transactions contemplated herein; and


         (d) with  respect  to any  pending  matters  as to which  the  Board of
     Directors  of PMI has  determined  on or prior to March 5,  1998 (and as to
     which such Board has subsequently made such a determination as disclosed in
     the  "Special  Disclosure  Under  Section  5.10(d)"  in the PMI  Disclosure
     Schedule) that one or more officers or Directors (including former officers
     or Directors) of PMI (i) are not precluded from  obtaining  indemnification
     with  respect to such  matter  from PMI based on  information  then  known,
     and/or (ii) are entitled to receive  advancements  of  reasonable  expenses
     from PMI during the  pendency of such matter (in either  case, a "Favorable
     Preliminary  Finding"),  then DHI shall not (and shall cause the  Surviving
     Corporation  not to)  deny  either  the  right  to  indemnification  or the
     advancement  of  reasonable  expenses  with  respect  to such  matter to an
     officer or  Director  as to whom the Board of  Directors  of PMI has made a
     Favorable  Preliminary  Finding unless the Board of Directors of DHI or the
     Surviving Corporation  affirmatively  determines,  in good faith, that such
     officer  or  Director  has  failed  to meet in some  material  respect  the
     standard of conduct required for indemnification under PMI's Organizational
     Documents as in effect at the Effective Time.

     Section 5.11.Full Access.

         (a) PMI will  (and  will  cause  each of its  Subsidiaries  to)  permit
     Representatives  of DHI to have full access at all reasonable times, and in
     a manner so as not to interfere with the normal business  operations of PMI
     and  its  Subsidiaries,  to all  premises,  properties,  personnel,  books,
     records  (including tax records),  contracts and documents of or pertaining
     to each of PMI and its  Subsidiaries.  DHI and DHI Sub Corp will treat (and
     will instruct their  Representatives  to treat) as confidential and respect
     the confidentiality of any Confidential  Information  (hereinafter defined)
     received from PMI or its  Subsidiaries  in the course of the reviews by DHI
     or their Representatives  contemplated by this Section, and DHI and DHI Sub
     Corp will not use any of such Confidential Information except in connection
     with this  Agreement  and, if this  Agreement is terminated  for any reason
     whatsoever  without the  consummation  of the Merger,  DHI and DHI Sub Corp
     shall  (and shall  cause  their  Representatives  to) return to PMI and its
     Subsidiaries all  instruments,  documents or other tangible things (and all
     copies of any of them)  relating to or containing  any of the  Confidential
     Information  which are in the possession or under the control of DHI or DHI
     Sub Corp or their  Representatives.  For purposes of this Section, the term
     "Confidential  Information" means any information concerning the businesses
     and  affairs  of PMI and its  Subsidiaries  that is not  already  generally
     available to the public and does not become available on a  nonconfidential
     basis from a source other than PMI or the PMI Subsidiaries.

         (b) DHI will  (and  will  cause  each of its  Subsidiaries  to)  permit
     Representatives  of PMI to have full access at all reasonable times, and in
     a manner so as not to interfere with the normal business  operations of DHI
     and  its  Subsidiaries,  to all  premises,  properties,  personnel,  books,
     records  (including tax records),  contracts and documents of or pertaining
     to each of DHI and its Subsidiaries.  PMI will treat (and will instruct its
     Representatives  to treat) as confidential and respect the  confidentiality
     of any Confidential  Information (hereinafter defined) received from DHI or
     its Subsidiaries in the course of the reviews by PMI or its Representatives
     contemplated by this Section, and PMI will not use any of such Confidential
     Information except in connection with this Agreement and, if this Agreement
     is terminated for any reason  whatsoever  without the  consummation  of the
     Merger,  PMI shall (and shall cause its  Representatives  to) return to DHI
     and its Subsidiaries  all  instruments,  documents or other tangible things
     (and  all  copies  of any of them)  relating  to or  containing  any of the
     Confidential  Information  which are in the possession or under the control
     of PMI or its  Representatives.  For  purposes  of this  Section,  the term
     "Confidential  Information" means any information concerning the businesses
     and  affairs  of DHI and its  Subsidiaries  that is not  already  generally
     available to the public and does not become available on a  nonconfidential
     basis from a source  other than DHI,  DHI Sub Corp or any of their  related


     Section 5.12.  Exclusivity.  PMI will not, directly or indirectly,  whether
through any  subsidiary,  officer,  director or employee  of, or any  investment
banker, attorney, accountant or other representative retained by, PMI or any PMI
Subsidiary,  solicit or encourage  (including by way of furnishing  information)
any inquiries or the making of any proposal by any Person that could  reasonably
be expected to lead to any  Acquisition  Proposal  unless,  after  receipt of an
unsolicited  inquiry or proposal  from a third  party,  PMI's Board of Directors
believes   after   consultation   with  counsel   that  the  Board's   fiduciary
responsibilities obligate it to make such information available to and/or engage
in such  negotiations with such third party. PMI will promptly (and in any event
not later than the time of its first  furnishing  information  to or engaging in
such negotiations) advise DHI orally and in writing of inquiries or proposals.

     Section 5.13.  Supplemental  Disclosures.  If an event occurs subsequent to
the date of this  Agreement  and prior to the  Effective  Time which renders any
representation  or  warranty  of a Party  made as of the date of this  Agreement
incorrect or incomplete, such Party (the "Disclosing Party") shall promptly, and
in any event not later  than three  business  days  prior to the  Closing  Date,
deliver  to  each  other  unaffiliated  Party  (the  "Nondisclosing   Party")  a
supplement to the  Disclosure  Schedule  previously  provided by the  Disclosing
Party  pursuant  to Article III or Article IV, as  applicable  (a  "Supplemental
Disclosure"), which Supplemental Disclosure shall contain a detailed description
of the event that has  occurred  and the manner in which such event has resulted
in one or more  representations  or warranties of the Disclosing  Party becoming
incorrect or incomplete.  The furnishing of a Supplemental  Disclosure,  and the
occurrence of the events and matters disclosed  therein,  shall not constitute a
default  or breach by the  Disclosing  Party of any of its  representations  and
warranties  under  this  Agreement  (no  implication  shall  be  drawn  from the
foregoing as to whether the events or matters described therein,  or the actions
or failure to act of the Disclosing Party with respect  thereto,  shall or shall
not constitute a default or breach of any covenant of the Disclosing Party under
this  Agreement).  With  respect  to  any  Supplemental  Disclosure  made  by  a
Disclosing Party, for purposes of determining compliance with or satisfaction of
the  condition  precedent  to the  obligation  of  the  Nondisclosing  Party  to
consummate the Merger as set forth in clause (a) of either  Sections 6.1 or 6.2,
as applicable,  such  Supplemental  Disclosure (a) shall not be given any effect
(shall not "cure" any  inaccuracy)  for  purposes of testing the accuracy of the
Disclosing  Party's  representations  and warranties made as of the date of this
Agreement,  (b) shall be given  effect  (shall be  deemed to have  modified  the
representations  and warranties of the Disclosing Party) for purposes of testing
the accuracy of all representations and warranties of the Disclosing Party as of
the  Closing  Date  other  than  those  in  Sections  3.9 or 4.8,  whichever  is
applicable,  and (c) may be taken into  account (the events  described  shall be
considered and need not be disregarded merely because of the disclosure thereof)
in  determining  the accuracy as of the Closing Date of the  representation  and
warranty  of  the  Disclosing  Party  in  Sections  3.9  or  4.8,  whichever  is
applicable, and whether there has or has not been any material adverse change in
the business,  financial condition,  operations,  results of operation or future
prospects of the Disclosing Party and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole.


     Section 5.14.  Availability of Funds.  DHI shall obtain the financing to be
provided and made pursuant to the Commitments on or before the Closing Date, and
shall have  available  to it on the  Closing  Date all funds  necessary  for the
payment of the Merger Consideration.

     Section 5.15.  PMI Permitted Actions.  PMI shall be permitted to take any 
or all of the following actions at or prior to the Closing Date:

         (a) PMI may grant  options to acquire PMI Common  Shares  under the PMI
     Stock Plans (i) to PMI employees in accordance with PMI's existing employee
     bonus program (as described in the PMI Disclosure Schedule) for all periods
     of time through July 31, 1998,  and (ii) to PMI's  Directors in  accordance
     with PMI's 1994  Director  Stock  Option Plan,  as amended  (the  estimated
     numbers of options to be granted to Employees and Directors is shown on the
     chart of options  included in Section 3.4 of the PMI Disclosure  Schedule);

         (b) PMI may  accelerate  the vesting of all options  outstanding  under
     PMI's 1994 Director  Stock Option Plan,  as amended (the  "Plan"),  and may
     amend the Plan accordingly,  to provide that all options  outstanding under
     the Plan shall be fully  exercisable on the Closing Date if the transaction
     contemplated  by this Agreement is consummated  and to provide that in such
     event all such options  shall be canceled in exchange for payment by DHI of
     the difference between the exercise price thereof and the price paid by DHI
     for PMI Common Shares pursuant to this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     Section 6.1.  DHI's  Conditions.  The obligation of DHI and DHI Sub Corp to
consummate  the Merger is subject to the  satisfaction  (or the waiver by DHI in
writing at or prior to the Closing) of each of the following conditions:

         (a)  the  representations  and  warranties  of PMI  set  forth  in this
     Agreement  shall  be true  and  correct  as of the  date of this  Agreement
     (without  regard  to any  knowledge  qualifiers  contained  therein  or any
     Supplemental  Disclosures  made)  and  shall  be true  and  correct  in all
     material respects on and as of the Closing Date (after giving effect to any
     Supplemental  Disclosures  made)  with the same  force and effect as though
     made  on  and as of the  Closing  Date,  except  if and to the  extent  any
     failures  to be true  and  correct  would  not,  in the  aggregate,  have a
     material adverse effect on PMI and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole (for
     purposes hereof, the  representations and warranties of PMI shall be deemed
     to be made  without  the phrase "to the  knowledge  of PMI" or any  similar
     phrase,  it being the intent of the parties  that DHI and DHI Sub Corp will
     not be  obligated  to  consummate  the  Merger if the  representations  and
     warranties of PMI  contained  herein (i) are not true and correct as of the
     Closing Date without regard to the knowledge of PMI or any of its officers,
     and (ii) the failure of such  representations and warranties to be true and
     correct causes a material adverse change);


         (b) PMI shall have performed and complied in all material respects with
     all of its obligations  and covenants  under this Agreement  required to be
     performed by it at or prior to the Closing and PMI shall have  delivered to
     DHI a certificate of a duly authorized officer of PMI attesting thereto;

         (c) PMI and its Subsidiaries shall have procured all of the third party
     consents specified in Section 3.6;

         (d) PMI shall have  delivered  all documents to be delivered by it, and
     shall have  complied in all material  respects with its  obligations  to be
     performed,  at or in  connection  with the Closing as  specified in Section

         (e) DHI shall have  received from counsel to PMI an opinion in form and
     substance as set forth in Exhibit D attached  hereto,  addressed to DHI and
     dated as of the Closing Date;

         (f) PMI shall have taken all steps  necessary to cause all  outstanding
     warrants  and stock  options  granted  pursuant  to the PMI Stock  Plans or
     otherwise to be exercised or terminated on or prior to the Date, including,
     without limitation, the giving of timely written notice to each holder of a
     stock option in accordance with the PMI Stock Plans;

         (g) on or prior to the Closing  Date PMI shall  deliver to DHI evidence
     satisfactory  to DHI of the resignation of each director of PMI and any PMI
     Subsidiary, effective as of the Effective Time;
         (h) there shall have been no material  adverse  change  (whether or not
     disclosed in a Supplemental Disclosure) since the date hereof;

         (i) Don R. Taylor shall not have breached the Noncompetition  Agreement
     entered into with DHI in the form of Exhibit E attached hereto;

         (j) neither JBD Real Estate, Inc. nor Don R. Taylor shall have breached
     the  Termination  Agreement  entered into with DHI in the form of Exhibit F
     attached hereto;

         (k) Robert R. Millard shall not have breached the Employment  Agreement
     entered into with DHI in the form of Exhibit G attached hereto;

         (l) Gary F. Hentschel shall not have breached the Employment  Agreement
     entered into with DHI in the form of Exhibit H attached hereto;

         (m) no act or event  which  gives  rise to the right of Don R.  Taylor,
     Robert R. Millard or Gary F. Hentschel to receive severance  benefits under
     or  pursuant  to their  respective  Change of  Control  Severance  Benefits
     Agreement,  as  amended,  shall have  occurred  prior to the  Closing or by
     reason of the consummation of the Merger;


         (n) all employee loans or notes receivable from employees of PMI or the
     PMI Subsidiaries,  other than loans or notes which,  individually or in the
     aggregate  (with respect to any one person),  are of a principal  amount of
     $10,000 or less, shall have been paid;

         (o) PMI shall have delivered to DHI a certificate of a duly  authorized
     officer of PMI certifying as to the accuracy of PMI's  representations  and
     warranties  as of the date of this  Agreement  and as of the  Closing  Date
     (which may be to the best of such officer's knowledge); and

         (p) the Warrants and the options  outstanding under the PMI Stock Plans
     shall be  cancelable  as of the  Effective  Time upon payment of the Option
     Consideration to the holders thereof.

     Section 6.2.  PMI's  Conditions.  The  obligation of PMI to consummate  the
Merger is  subject  to the  satisfaction  (or the waiver by PMI in writing at or
prior to the Closing) of each of the following conditions:

         (a) the  representations  and warranties of DHI and DHI Sub Corp as set
     forth in this  Agreement  shall be true and  correct as of the date of this
     Agreement  (without regard to any Supplemental  Disclosures made) and shall
     be true and correct in all material  respects on and as of the Closing Date
     (after giving effect to any  Supplemental  Disclosures  made) with the same
     force and effect as though  made on and as of the Closing  Date,  except if
     and to the extent any  failures  to be true and  correct  would not, in the
     aggregate, have a material adverse effect on DHI and its Subsidiaries taken
     as a whole (for purposes hereof, the  representations and warranties of DHI
     and DHI Sub Corp  shall be deemed to be made  without  the  phrase  "to the
     knowledge of DHI" or any similar phrase, it being the intent of the parties
     that  PMI  will  not  be  obligated  to   consummate   the  Merger  if  the
     representations and warranties of DHI and DHI Sub Corp contained herein (i)
     are not true and  correct  as of the  Closing  Date  without  regard to the
     knowledge  of DHI and DHI Sub Corp or any of their  officers,  and (ii) the
     failure  of such  representations  and  warranties  to be true and  correct
     causes a material adverse change);

         (b) DHI and DHI Sub Corp  shall  have  performed  and  complied  in all
     material  respects with all of their  obligations  and covenants under this
     Agreement  required to be  performed by them at or prior to the Closing and
     DHI shall have delivered to PMI a certificate of a duly authorized  officer
     of DHI attesting thereto;

         (c) DHI and DHI Sub Corp shall  have  procured  all of the third  party
     consents specified in Section 4.4;

         (d) DHI and DHI Sub Corp  shall  have  delivered  all  documents  to be
     delivered by them,  and shall have  complied in all material  respects with
     their obligations to be performed,  at or in connection with the Closing as
     specified in Section 2.10;

         (e) PMI shall  have  received  from  counsel to DHI and DHI Sub Corp an
     opinion in form and  substance  as set forth in Exhibit I attached  hereto,
     addressed to PMI and dated as of the Closing Date; and

         (f) DHI shall have  delivered  to PMI a  certificate  of an  authorized
     officer of DHI  certifying  as to the  accuracy of DHI's and DHI Sub Corp's
     representations  and  warranties as of the date of this Agreement and as of
     the Closing Date (which may be to the best of such officer's knowledge).


     Section 6.3. Common Conditions. The obligation of each of DHI, DHI Sub Corp
and PMI to consummate the Merger shall be subject to the satisfaction (or to the
mutual  waiver  in  writing  by each of PMI  and  DHI) of each of the  following

         (a) other than the filings  contemplated under Article II in connection
     with the Merger,  (i) all Governmental  Authorizations and all filings with
     any Governmental Body contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise  required
     by any Legal Requirement to be made prior to the consummation of the Merger
     and the other  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement shall have been
     obtained or filed,  (ii) all waiting  periods  imposed by any  Governmental
     Body or Legal Requirement shall have expired or otherwise  terminated,  and
     (iii) all required  third party  consents  contemplated  by this  Agreement
     shall have been obtained except third party consents, in the aggregate, the
     failure  of which to obtain  would not have a  material  adverse  effect on
     either  of PMI  and  its  Subsidiaries  taken  as a  whole  or DHI  and its
     Subsidiaries taken as a whole;

         (b) this  Agreement,  the Plan of Merger and the Merger shall have been
     approved  by  the   shareholders  of  PMI  in  accordance  with  applicable
     provisions of the PMI Organizational Documents and the IBCL; and

         (c) no statute, rule, regulation, executive order, decree or injunction
     shall have been  enacted,  entered,  promulgated,  made or  enforced by any
     court or Governmental Body (i) which is in effect, and (ii) which prohibits
     the consummation of the Merger.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                            TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT

     Section 7.1.  Termination.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated at any time
prior to the Effective  Time (whether  before or after approval of the Merger by
the PMI shareholders):

         (a)      by the mutual written consent or agreement of DHI and PMI;

         (b) by either DHI or PMI if the Merger shall not have been  consummated
     on or before  (i) 120 days  after the date of this  Agreement  or (ii) such
     later  date,  if any,  as DHI and PMI shall  mutually  agree to in  writing
     (unless,  in any such case,  the failure to  consummate  the Merger by such
     date shall be due to the  action or failure to act of the Party  seeking to
     terminate this Agreement);

         (c) by either DHI or PMI in the event the other Party has  breached any
     material  representation,  warranty or covenant made by such other Party in
     this  Agreement  in any  material  respect  and such  breach has  continued
     uncured for a period of thirty (30) days (or more) after written  notice of
     such breach has been given by the terminating Party to the breaching Party;

         (d) by either DHI or PMI if (i) any of the  conditions  to such Party's
     obligations   shall  have  become   impossible   to  satisfy   unless  such
     impossibility  results primarily from a breach by such terminating Party of
     any of its  representations,  warranties or covenants under this Agreement,
     or (ii)  any  permanent  injunction  or  other  order  of a court  or other
     Governmental  Body  preventing  the  consummation  of the Merger shall have
     become final and non-applicable;

         (e) by PMI if it  shall  have  received  an  Acquisition  Proposal  (as
     defined  in  Section  7.3  below)  which  in the  opinion  of the  Board of
     Directors  of PMI is more  favorable  to the  shareholders  of PMI than the
     transactions contemplated hereby, and which offer the Board has determined,
     by vote of a majority of the members thereof, to accept and has accepted;

         (f)  by  either  DHI  or  PMI if  the  required  approval  of  the  PMI
     shareholders of this Agreement, the Plan of Merger and the Merger shall not
     have  been  obtained  upon a vote of  such  shareholders  taken  at the PMI
     Special Meeting or at any adjournment  thereof for the purpose of obtaining
     such approval;


         (g) by PMI if  the  fairness  opinion  provided  to the  PMI  Board  of
     Directors by George K. Baum & Company  ("Baum")  prior to the  execution of
     this Agreement  shall be withdrawn  after and as a result of an Acquisition
     Proposal that, in Baum's reasonable opinion, requires Baum to withdraw such
     fairness opinion;

         (h) by the Board of Directors of DHI if PMI, through its Board, has (i)
     failed  to  recommend  that  its  shareholders  approve  the  Merger,  (ii)
     withdrawn,  modified  (in a  manner  adverse  to  DHI)  or  qualified  such
     recommendation  once given,  or (iii) taken any  position or action that is
     inconsistent  with  such  recommendation  (including,  without  limitation,
     recommending or not opposing any Acquisition Proposal);  provided, that DHI
     must exercise such termination  rights hereunder prior to any final vote by
     the PMI shareholders at which the Merger is approved;

         (i) by the  Board of  Directors  of DHI if,  after the date  hereof,  a
     single  purchaser  or a group (as defined in Section  13(d) of the Exchange
     Act) of purchasers  acquires a number of PMI Common Shares which results in
     such  purchaser(s)  owning more than 50% of the issued and  outstanding PMI
     Common Shares; or

         (j) by the Board of Directors of DHI if, following the occurrence of an
     Acquisition  Proposal,  PMI shall have  breached  any covenant or agreement
     contained in this Agreement (including,  without limitation, PMI's covenant
     in Section 5.5 with respect to calling and holding the PMI Special Meeting)
     and shall have failed,  within ten days after written notice of such breach
     has been given by DHI or PMI, to cure such breach if such breach is curable
     within such ten day period, or if such breach is curable but is not curable
     within a ten day period shall have failed, within thirty days after written
     notice of such breach has been given by DHI to PMI, to cure such breach.

     Section 7.2.  Notice of  Termination.  In the event of  termination of this
Agreement by any Party, as provided in Section 7.1 above, written notice thereof
(accompanied,  in the case of a termination by PMI, by the  Termination  Fee, if
applicable)  shall promptly be given by the terminating Party to the other Party

     Section 7.3. Termination Fee.

         (a) Unless a Nullifying  Event shall have occurred and be continuing at
     the time this Agreement is terminated,  in the event that this Agreement is
     terminated  by PMI: (i) pursuant to Section  7.1(e) or Section  7.1(g);  or
     (ii)  pursuant to Section  7.1(f)  after the  existence  of an  Acquisition
     Proposal;  or (iii) pursuant to Section  7.1(b) after the PMI  shareholders
     have  approved  the Merger;  or (iv)  pursuant to Section  7.1(b) after the
     existence  of  an  Acquisition  Proposal  and  prior  to a  vote  of  PMI's
     shareholders  on the  question of whether to approve  the Merger;  then PMI
     shall pay to DHI a cash fee of $1,250,000 (the "Termination Fee"). Such fee
     shall  be  payable  in  immediately  available  funds  simultaneously  with
     delivery of notice of termination of this Agreement.

         (b) PMI shall  also pay to DHI the  Termination  Fee in the event  this
     Agreement is  terminated  by DHI (i) pursuant to Section  7.1(i) or (j); or
     (ii)  pursuant  to  Section  7.1(f) or 7.1(h)  after  the  existence  of an
     Acquisition  Proposal.  Such fee shall be payable in immediately  available
     funds within two business days after  delivery of notice of  termination of
     this Agreement.


         (c)  PMI  shall  also  pay to  DHI  the  Termination  Fee if DHI or PMI
     terminates this Agreement  pursuant to Section 7.1(f)  following the making
     of a proposal that would have been an Acquisition  Proposal had it not been
     withdrawn after being made and if, within twelve months after the effective
     date of such  termination,  PMI either enters into a definitive and binding
     agreement to effect, or consummates,  any of the following  transactions (a
     "Transaction") with a counterparty other than DHI (or its affiliates):  (i)
     a merger or consolidation, or any similar transaction, involving PMI (other
     than mergers,  consolidations or any similar transactions  involving solely
     PMI  and/or  one or  more  wholly-owned  Subsidiaries  of  PMI);  or (ii) a
     purchase,  lease or other  acquisition of all or  substantially  all of the
     assets  or stock of PMI or any of the PMI  Subsidiaries.  Such fee shall be
     payable in immediately  available  funds  concurrently  with the earlier of
     PMI's execution of a definitive  agreement to effect, or PMI's consummation
     of, a Transaction.

         (d) As used herein, "Acquisition Proposal" shall mean any:

                  (i)      publicly-announced proposal;
                  (ii)     regulatory application or notice (whether in draft or
                           final form);
                  (iii)    agreement or understanding;
                  (iv)     disclosure of an intention to make a proposal; or
                  (v)      amendment to any of the foregoing;

     which  is made or  filed  on or after  the  date  hereof  and  which is not
     withdrawn and is communicated to the PMI  shareholders  (either directly or
     through a public  announcement)  prior to their vote on the approval of the
     Merger, in each case with respect to any of the following transactions with
     a  counterparty  other  than  DHI  (or its  affiliates):  (A) a  merger  or
     consolidation,  or any  similar  transaction,  involving  PMI  (other  than
     mergers,  consolidations or any similar  transactions  involving solely PMI
     and/or one or more wholly-owned Subsidiaries of PMI); (B) a purchase, lease
     or other  acquisition of all or  substantially  all of the assets of PMI or
     any of the PMI  Subsidiaries;  or (C) a purchase or other acquisition after
     the date  hereof by a single  purchaser  or a group (as  defined in Section
     13(d) of the  Exchange  Act) of  purchasers  (including  by way of  merger,
     consolidation,  share exchange or otherwise) of securities representing 40%
     of the voting power of PMI.

         (e) As used herein,  "Nullifying Event" shall mean an event causing DHI
     to be in breach of any of its  covenants  or  agreements  contained in this
     Agreement  such that PMI shall be  entitled  to  terminate  this  Agreement
     pursuant to Section  7.1(c)  hereof,  unless such event shall have resulted
     from or been caused by any act or failure to act of PMI.

         (f)  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  8.8,  in the  event  the
     Termination  Fee is paid by PMI to DHI  hereunder,  DHI  shall not have any
     right to seek or recover its expenses in connection with this Agreement and
     the proposed  transactions  contemplated hereby on account of the breach of
     this  Agreement  by PMI or  otherwise in  connection  with the  termination
     hereof or the failure of PMI to consummate the Merger.

     Section 7.4. Effect of Termination. In the event of the termination of this
Agreement  pursuant to Section 7.1, this Agreement shall  forthwith  become void
and have no  effect,  without  any  liability  on the  part of any  Party or its
affiliates,  directors,  officers or  stockholders  to perform  hereunder  or on
account of such  termination,  except that (a) the  provisions  of Section  5.11
(relating  to  Confidential  Information),  Section  8.8  and  Section  7.3  (if
applicable),  and the  obligations  of the Parties  thereunder,  shall remain in
effect,  and (b) nothing  contained in this Section shall relieve any Party from
liability for any breach of this Agreement.


     Section 7.5.  Amendment.  This Agreement may be amended by the Parties,  by
action taken or authorized by their respective Boards of Directors,  at any time
before or after  approval of the Merger by the PMI  shareholders,  but after any
such approval no amendment shall be made which by law requires  further approval
by such shareholders  without such further  approval.  This Agreement may not be
amended  except  by an  instrument  in  writing  signed on behalf of each of the

     Section 7.6.  Extension;  Waiver. At any time prior to the Effective Time a
Party  may,  to the  extent  legally  allowed,  (i)  extend  the  time  for  the
performance  of any of the  obligations  or other acts of the other Party,  (ii)
waive any inaccuracies in the  representations and warranties of the other Party
contained herein or in any document  delivered  pursuant hereto, and (iii) waive
compliance  or  satisfaction  by the other Party with any of the  agreements  or
conditions  contained herein. Any agreement on the part of a Party hereto to any
such  extension  or  waiver  shall  be  valid  only if set  forth  in a  written
instrument signed on behalf of such Party.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     Section   8.1.   Survival   of   Representations   and   Warranties.    The
representations  and  warranties  made  herein  shall  not  survive  beyond  the
Effective Time.

     Section 8.2. Survival of Certain Covenants. All covenants in this Agreement
that are to be performed after the Effective Time shall continue in effect after
and shall survive the Effective Time.

     Section 8.3. Notices. All notices and other communications  hereunder shall
be in writing and shall be deemed given upon  receipt if  delivered  personally,
telecopied (which is confirmed),  delivered by a nationally  recognized  express
courier service,  or mailed by registered or certified U.S. mail (return receipt
requested),  to the Parties at the  following  addresses and numbers (or at such
other  address  for a Party as shall be  specified  by like  notice to the other

     If to  DHI or DHI Sub Corp,
       addressed to: 

                                     Linsalata Capital Partners Fund III, L.P.
                                     c/o A. Chace Anderson
                                     Landerbrook Corporate Center One, Suite 280
                                     Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
                                     Telecopier: (440) 684-0984

     With a copy to:                 James C. Vanderwist, Esq.
                                     Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
                                     1400  McDonald Investment Center
                                     800 Superior Avenue
                                     Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2688
                                     Telecopier:  (216) 241-0816

     If to PMI, addressed to:        Don R. Taylor, Chief Executive Officer
                                     Personnel Management, Inc.
                                     1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100
                                     Greenwood, Indiana 46143
                                     Telecopier: (317) 885-3755

     With a copy to:                 David B. Millard, Esq.
                                     Leagre Chandler & Millard
                                     1400 First Indiana Plaza
                                     135 North Pennsylvania Street
                                     Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
                                     Telecopier:  (317) 808-3100


      Section 8.4.  Descriptive  Headings.   The descriptive headings herein are
inserted  for  convenience  only and are not intended to be part of or to affect
the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

     Section 8.5.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement,  and
shall become  effective when two or more  counterparts  have been signed by each
Party and  delivered to the other Party,  it being  understood  that all Parties
need not sign the same counterpart.

     Section 8.6. Entire  Agreement;  Assignment.  This Agreement and all of the
documents, exhibits, schedules or agreements delivered or executed in connection
herewith  (a)  constitutes  the  entire   agreement  and  supersedes  all  prior
agreements  and  understandings,  both written and oral,  among the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof (other than any confidentiality  agreements
between the parties,  any  provisions  of which that are  inconsistent  with the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement being waived hereby) and (b) shall
not be assigned by either Party without the written consent thereto of the other

     Section 8.7.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed
in  accordance  with the laws of the  State of  Indiana  without  regard  to any
applicable principles of conflicts of law.

     Section 8.8. Expenses and Fees.

         (a)  Each  party  shall  pay  all of  the  expenses  incurred  by it in
     connection  with  this  Agreement  and  the   investigation,   negotiation,
     consummation  or  termination  of the  same,  including  all  out-of-pocket
     expenses  for  attorneys,   accountants,   investment  bankers,   financial
     advisers,  fundraisers and consultants,  travel expenses, and all deposits,
     commitments and other fees paid to potential  lenders,  except that, in the
     event of a termination  for breach of this Agreement  under Section 7.1(c),
     and except as otherwise  provided in Section 7.3(f ), the terminating Party
     shall pay all such  expenses  of the other  Party in  addition to any other
     damages which may be owed to the terminating Party in respect thereof.

         (b) In the event either  Party shall assert a claim to recover  damages
     from the other Party on account of a breach of this  Agreement  (including,
     without  limitation,  a  claim  by DHI  against  PMI  for  recovery  of the
     Termination  Fee),  the  prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover its
     expenses  reasonably  incurred  in  connection  with such claim  (including
     reasonable attorneys' fees) from the non-prevailing Party.

     Section 8.9. Parties in Interest.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure solely to the benefit of each Party hereto and Acquisition Subsidiary, and
nothing in this  Agreement,  express or implied,  is intended to or shall confer
upon any other Person or Persons any rights,  benefits or remedies of any nature
whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement, except the PMI shareholders and
except pursuant to Section 5.10 hereof.  DHI shall cause DHI Sub Corp to perform
its obligations hereunder.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DHI, DHI Sub Corp and PMI have caused this Agreement to
be signed by their respective  officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date
first written above.

                                      DHI HOLDINGS, INC.

                                      By  /s/ A. Chace Anderson
                                          A. Chace Anderson, Chairman

                                      DHI SUB CORP

                                      By /s/ A. Chace Anderson
                                         A. Chace Anderson, President

                                      PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

                                      By /s/ Don R. Taylor
                                         Don R. Taylor, Chief Executive Officer

                                  EXHIBIT LIST

Exhibit A    --    Plan of Merger

Exhibit B    --    Restated Articles of Incorporation of Personnel Management,

Exhibit C    --    Restated Bylaws of Personnel Management, Inc.

Exhibit D    --    Form of Opinion of Leagre Chandler & Millard

Exhibit E    --    Noncompetition Agreement between Don R. Taylor and DHI

Exhibit F    --    Termination Agreement between Don R. Taylor, JBD Real Estate,
                   Inc., DHI and PMI

Exhibit G    --    Employment Agreement between Robert R. Millard and DHI

Exhibit H    --    Employment Agreement between Gary F. Hentschel and DHI

Exhibit I    --    Forms of Opinion of Calfee Halter & Griswold and Baker & 


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 PLAN OF MERGER

               THIS PLAN OF MERGER (this "Plan"), is made and entered into as of
the ___ day of ________, 1998, among and between PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT,  INC., an
Indiana corporation  ("PMI"),  DHI HOLDINGS,  INC., an Ohio corporation ("DHI"),
and DHI SUB CORP, an Indiana corporation ("DHI Sub Corp").


          A. Pursuant to the terms and provisions of that certain  Agreement and
     Plan of Merger and Reorganization (the "Agreement") previously entered into
     by the  parties to this Plan,  the parties  hereto  intend to merge DHI Sub
     Corp with and into PMI pursuant to the  provisions  of, and with the effect
     provided in, the Indiana  Business  Corporation  Law (the "IBCL"). 

          B. This Plan has been  adopted and  approved by the Board of Directors
     and the shareholders of PMI.

          C. This Plan has been  adopted and  approved by the Board of Directors
     of DHI. Approval of this plan by the shareholders of DHI is not required.

          D. This Plan has been  adopted and  approved by the Board of Directors
     of DHI Sub Corp and by DHI as the sole shareholder of DHI Sub Corp.


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of and pursuant to the Agreement,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                              DESCRIPTION OF MERGER

     Section 1.1. The Merger.  Pursuant to the terms and  provision of this Plan
and in accordance with the Agreement and the IBCL, DHI Sub Corp shall merge with
and into PMI (the "Merger").

     Section  1.2.  Merging  Corporation.  DHI Sub  Corp  shall  be the  merging
corporation under the Merger and its corporate identity and existence,  separate
and apart from the Surviving Corporation, shall cease at the Effective Time.


     Section 1.3. Surviving Corporation.  PMI shall be the surviving corporation
in the Merger (the "Surviving  Corporation")  and its corporate  existence shall
continue as the Surviving Corporation from and after the Effective Time.

     Section 1.4. Effective Time. The Merger shall be effective immediately upon
filing Articles of Merger, to which this Plan will be attached, with the Indiana
Secretary of State (the "Effective Time").

                                   ARTICLE II
                                EFFECT OF MERGER

     Section  2.1.  Surviving  Corporation.   The  Surviving  Corporation  shall
continue to be named "Personnel Management,  Inc." after the Effective Time, and
the Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  and  Restated  Bylaws of PMI in effect
immediately prior to the Effective Time shall continue to be, respectively,  the
Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  and  Restated  Bylaws  of  the  Surviving
Corporation from and after the Effective Time and until amended or repealed.

     Section 2.3. Effect of the Merger. The Merger shall have all of the effects
provided by the IBCL. The Surviving Corporation shall continue to exist from and
after the Effective  Time as a corporation  under the IBCL and shall succeed to,
possess and enjoy all the  property,  rights,  privileges,  immunities,  powers,
purposes and franchises,  both of a public and a private nature,  and be subject
to all the  restrictions,  disabilities and duties, of DHI Sub Corp and PMI, all
in accordance with the IBCL.

                                   ARTICLE III
                              CONVERSION OF SHARES

     Section  3.1. PMI Common  Shares.  Each share of the common  stock,  no par
value, of PMI (the "PMI Common Shares") issued and outstanding immediately prior
to the Effective  Time shall,  by virtue of the Merger and without any action on
the part of the holder  thereof,  be canceled and retired and shall be converted
into the right to receive,  in accordance  with the provisions of the Agreement,
cash in the amount of Sixteen Dollars ($16) per PMI Common Share.

     Section 3.2.  Warrants and Stock Options.  All rights to receive PMI Common
Shares pursuant to outstanding warrants and stock options, which rights have not
been  exercised  as of the  Effective  Time,  shall be canceled by virtue of the
Merger  without the necessity of any further  action by the holders  thereof and
shall be converted  into the right to receive,  as to each PMI Common Share that
could be acquired pursuant thereto, and in accordance with the provisions of the
Agreement,  cash in an amount equal to the positive difference,  if any, between
Sixteen Dollars ($16) per PMI Common Share and the exercise price per PMI Common
Share of each such warrant or option.


     Section 3.3. DHI Sub Corp  Shares.  All shares of capital  stock of DHI Sub
Corp issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the Effective Time shall, by
virtue of the Merger and without  any action on the part of the holder  thereof,
be  converted  into and  become a  number  of  validly  issued,  fully  paid and
nonassessable  common shares,  without par value,  of the Surviving  Corporation
equal to the  number of PMI  Common  Shares  issued  and  outstanding  as of the
Effective Time.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Plan of Merger as
of the day and year first above written.

                                    DHI HOLDINGS, INC.

                                      A. Chace Anderson, Chairman

                                    DHI SUB CORP

                                      A. Chace Anderson, President

                                    PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

                                      Don R. Taylor, Chief Executive Officer


                                   APPENDIX B

                       OPINION OF GEORGE K. BAUM & COMPANY

June 15, 1998

Board of Directors
Personnel Management, Inc.
1499 Windhorst Way, Suite 100
Greenwood, Indiana  46240


You have requested our opinion as to the fairness from a financial point of view
to the holders (other than DHI Holdings, Inc. ("Parent"), DHI Sub Corp, a direct
wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent,  Personnel Management,  Inc. (the "Company"),
or  any  direct  or  indirect  subsidiary  of  Parent  or  the  Company)  of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock, no par value per share (the  "Shares"),  of
the  Company  of the  $16.00 per Share in cash to be  received  by such  holders
pursuant to the Agreement,  dated as of June 16, 1998, by and among Parent,  DHI
Sub Corp and the Company (the "Agreement").  Pursuant to the Agreement,  DHI Sub
Corp  will be  merged  with  and  into  the  Company  (the  "Merger")  and  each
outstanding Share will be converted into the right to receive $16.00 in cash.

George  K.  Baum &  Company,  as part of its  investment  banking  business,  is
continually  engaged in the  valuation of  businesses  and their  securities  in
connection with mergers and acquisitions,  negotiated underwriting,  competitive
biddings,  secondary  distributions of listed and unlisted  securities,  private
placements  and  valuations  for estate,  corporate and other  purposes.  We are
familiar with the Company  having acted as its  financial  advisor in connection
with, and having  participated  in certain of the  negotiations  leading to, the

In  connection  with this opinion,  we have  reviewed,  among other things,  the
Agreement; Annual Reports to Shareholders and Annual Reports on Form 10-K of the
Company for the four years ended October 31, 1997;  certain  interim  reports to
shareholders  and Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q of the Company;  certain other
communications  from the  Company  to its  shareholders;  and  certain  internal
financial  analyses and forecasts  prepared by the Company's  management for the
Company.  We also have held discussions with members of the senior management of
the Company  regarding the past and current  business  operations  and financial
conditions.  In  addition,  we have  reviewed  the  reported  price and  trading
activity for the Shares, compared certain financial and stock market information
for the Company  with  similar  information  for  certain  other  companies  the
securities of which are publicly traded, reviewed the financial terms of certain
recent business  combinations in the staffing industry specifically and in other
industries  generally  and  performed  such other  studies  and  analyses  as we
considered appropriate.

We have relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all the financial and other
information  reviewed by us and have assumed such accuracy and  completeness for
purposes of rendering this opinion. In addition, we have not made an independent
evaluation or appraisal of the assets and liabilities of the Company and we have
not been furnished with any such evaluation or appraisal.  Our advisory services
and the opinion expressed herein are provided for the information and assistance
of the Board of Directors of the Company in connection with its consideration of
the  transaction  contemplated  by the  Agreement  and  such  opinion  does  not
constitute  a  recommendation  as to how any holder of Shares  should  vote with
respect to such transaction.


Based upon and subject to the  foregoing and based upon such other matters as we
consider  relevant,  it is our opinion that as of the date hereof the $16.00 per
Share in cash to be  received  for the  Company  by the  holders  of the  Shares
pursuant  to the  Agreement  is  fair  from a  financial  point  of view to such

Very truly yours,


/s/ Duncan M. O'Brien, Jr.
Vice Chairman
Director of Investment Banking


                                     DEFINITIVE PROXY SOLICITATION MATERIALS--
                                        TO BE SENT TO SHAREHOLDERS ON OR ABOUT
                                                                 JULY 20, 1998

                                  FORM OF PROXY

                           PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, INC.

               Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors
                    of the Company for the Special Meeting of
                   Shareholders to be held on August 18, 1998

               The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Don R. Taylor and
Robert R. Millard, and each of them, his true and lawful agents and proxies with
full power of  substitution in each, to represent the undersigned at the Special
Meeting of  Shareholders of Personnel  Management,  Inc., to be held at the Lees
Inn, 1281 South Park Drive,  Greenwood,  Indiana 46143,  at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern
Standard  Time on August  18,  1998,  and at any  adjournments  thereof,  on all
matters coming before said meeting.

Item 1.        Approval of the Merger Agreement

                                              (change of address)


                                        (If you have written in the above
                                         space, please mark the corresponding
                                         box on the reverse side of this card.)

You are encouraged to specify your choices by marking the appropriate boxes, SEE
REVERSE SIDE, but you need not mark any boxes if you wish to vote "FOR" Items 1.
The Proxy  Committee  cannot  vote your  shares  unless you sign and return this

                   [Continued and to be signed on other side.]

                   [Continued and to be signed on other side.]

Item 1.  Approval of the Merger Agreement

                                    FOR     AGAINST    ABSTAIN

                                    [ ]       [ ]        [ ]
                                                      In their discretion,
                                                      the proxies are
                                                      authorized to vote
                                                      upon such other
                                                      business as may
                                                      properly come before
                                                      the meeting.

Shareholder name                        []   Change of Address
                                        []       Attend Meeting


                     Note:    Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.
                     Joint owners should each sign. Trustees, Executors, etc.
                     should indicate capacity in which they are signing.