March 18,2002

Dear Stockholder:

     We cordially  invite you to attend the 2002 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders
of Alpena Bancshares,  Inc. (the "Company").  The Annual Meeting will be held at
the Thunder Bay Recreational Center, 701 Woodward Avenue,  Alpena,  Michigan, at
1:00 p.m., Michigan time, on April 16, 2002.

     The  enclosed  Notice of Annual  Meeting and Proxy  Statement  describe the
formal business to be transacted.  During the Annual Meeting we will also report
on the operations of the Company.  Directors and officers of the Company will be
present to respond to any stockholders questions.  Also enclosed for your review
is our  Annual  Report to  Stockholders,  which  contains  detailed  information
concerning the activities and operating performance of the Company.

     The business to be conducted at the Annual Meeting consists of the election
of three directors to the Board of Directors of the Company and the ratification
of the  appointment  of  Plante & Moran,  LLP as  auditors  for the year  ending
December 31, 2002. For the reasons set forth in the Proxy  Statement,  the Board
of Directors  unanimously  recommends a vote "FOR" the election of directors and
"FOR" the ratification of the appointment of the Company's auditors.

     The Board of Directors of the Company has determined that the matters to be
considered at the Annual Meeting are in the best interest of the Company and its

     On behalf of the Board of Directors.  We urge you to sign,  date and return
the  enclosed  proxy card as soon as  possible,  even if you  currently  plan to
attend the Annual Meeting.  This will not prevent you from voting in person, but
will  assure  that your vote is  counted  if you are unable to attend the Annual
Meeting.  Your vote is  important,  regardless  of the number of shares that you


Martin A. Thomson
President and Chief Executive Officer

                             ALPENA BANCSHARES, INC.
                             100 South Second Avenue
                             Alpena, Michigan 49707
                                 (989) 356-9041

                                    NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          To Be Held On April 16, 2002

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Alpena  Bancshares,  Inc.
(the  "Company")  will be held  at the  Thunder  Bay  Recreational  Center,  701
Woodward Avenue,  Alpena,  Michigan,  on April 16, 2002, at 1:00 p.m.,  Michigan

     A Proxy Card and a Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting are enclosed.

     The Annual Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

     1. The election of three directors of the Company;

     2. The  ratification of the appointment of Plante & Moran,  LLP as auditors
for the Company for the year ending December 31, 2002; and

such other  matters as may  properly  come  before  the Annual  Meeting,  or any
adjournments  thereof. The Board of Directors is not aware of any other business
to come before the Annual Meeting.

     Any action may be taken on the foregoing proposals at the Annual Meeting on
the date  specified  above,  or on any date or dates to which the Annual Meeting
may be  adjourned.  Stockholders  of record at the close of business on February
28, 2002, are the stockholders  entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting,  and any
adjournments thereof.

     A list of  stockholders  entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  will be
available for inspection at the Company's main office,  100 South Second Avenue,
Alpena,  Michigan,  for the  twenty  (20) days  immediately  prior to the Annual
meeting. It also will be available for inspection at the Annual Meeting


                                             By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             /s/ James I. Malaski
                                             James I. Malaski

Alpena, Michigan
March 18, 2002

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                             ALPENA BANCSHARES, INC.
                              100 S. Second Avenue
                             Alpena, Michigan 49707
                                 (989) 356-9041

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 April 16, 2002

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies on behalf of the Board of  Directors  of Alpena  Bancshares,  Inc.  (the
"Company") to be used at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of the Company (the
"Annual  Meeting"),  which will be held at the Thunder Bay Recreational  Center,
701 Woodward Avenue, Alpena, Michigan, on April 16, 2002, at 1:00 p.m., Michigan
time, and all  adjournments of the Annual Meeting.  The  accompanying  Notice of
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  and this Proxy Statement are first being mailed
to stockholders on or about March 18, 2002.

     At the Annual  Meeting,  stockholders  will vote on the  election  of three
directors  of the  Company and on the  ratification  of the  appointment  of the
Company's auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002.

                              REVOCATION OF PROXIES

     Stockholders  who execute  proxies in the form solicited  hereby retain the
right to revoke  them in the manner  described  below.  Unless so  revoked,  the
shares  represented  by such proxies will be voted at the Annual Meeting and all
adjournments  thereof.  Proxies solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
the Company will be voted in accordance with the directions given therein. Where
no  instructions  are  indicated,  proxies will be voted "FOR" the proposals set
forth in this Proxy Statement for consideration at the Annual Meeting.

     The  Board  of  Directors  knows  of no  additional  matters  that  will be
presented  for  consideration  at the  Annual  meeting.  Execution  of a  proxy,
however, confers on the designated proxy holders discretionary authority to vote
the shares in  accordance  with their best judgment on such other  business,  if
any,  that may  properly  come  before  the Annual  meeting or any  adjournments

     Proxies  may be revoked  by sending  written  notice of  revocation  to the
Secretary  of the  Company,  at the  address of the  Company  shown  above.  The
presence at the Annual  Meeting of any  stockholder  who had given a proxy shall
not revoke  such  proxy  unless the  stockholder  delivers  his or her ballot in
person at the Annual  Meeting or delivers a written  revocation to the Secretary
of the Company prior to the voting of such proxy.


     Holders of record of the Company's  common stock, par value $1.00 per share
(the  "Common  Stock") as of the close of  business  on  February  28, 2002 (the
"Record  Date") are  entitled  to one vote for each  share then held.  As of the
Record  Date,  the  Company  had  1,641,579  shares of Common  Stock  issued and
outstanding,  920,000  of which  were held by  Alpena  Bancshares,  M.H.C.  (the
"Mutual Holding Company"),  and 721,579 of which were held by stockholders other
than the  Mutual  Holding  Company.  The  presence  in  person  or by proxy of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote is necessary
to constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting.  Broker  non-voted and abstentions
will be counted as shares  present  and  entitled  to vote for the  purposes  of
establishing a quorum. In the event there are not sufficient votes for a quorum,
or to approve or ratify any matter  presented at the time of the Annual Meeting,
the Annual Meeting may be adjourned in order to permit the further solicitations
of proxies.

     As to the election of  directors,  the proxy card  provided by the Board of
Directors  enables  the  stockholder  to vote  "FOR" the  election  of the three
nominees  proposed  by the Board,  or to  "WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY"  to vote for the
nominees  proposed.  Directors are elected by a plurality of votes cast, without
regard to either broker  non-votes or proxies as to which  authority to vote for
the nominee being proposed is withheld.

     As to the  ratification of Plante & Moran,  LLP as independent  auditors of
the Company,  by checking the appropriate box, a stockholder may: (i) vote "FOR"
the item;  (ii) vote "AGAINST" the item; or (iii)  "ABSTAIN" from voting on such
item. The  affirmative  vote of holders of a majority of the total votes present
at the Annual  Meeting in person or by proxy is  required  for  approval  of the
ratification  of  Plante & Moran,  LLP as the  Company's  independent  auditors.
Shares as to which the  "ABSTAIN"  box has been  selected on the proxy card will
count as  shares  present  and  entitled  to vote and will be  treated  as votes
"AGAINST" the proposal.

     Management of the Company  anticipates that shares of Common Stock owned by
the Mutual  Holding  Company will be voted in favor of the nominees for director
and in favor of the  ratification of the Company's  auditors for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2002. The  affirmative  vote of such shares would ensure the
election of such nominees and the ratification of such auditors.


     Persons and groups who  beneficially  own in excess of five  percent of the
Common  Stock are  required to file  certain  reports  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission ("SEC") regarding such ownership pursuant to the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange  Act"). The following table sets
forth, as of the Record Date, the shares of Common Stock  beneficially  owned by
directors and nominees  individually,  by executive  officers  individually,  by
executive  officers  and  directors  as a group and by each  person  who was the
beneficial owner of more than five percent of the Company's  outstanding  shares
of Common Stock.

                                                    Amount of Shares
                                                    Owned and Nature                       Percent of Shares
        Name and Address of                           of Beneficial                         of Common Stock
          Beneficial Owners                         Ownership (1) (4)                         Outstanding
          -----------------                         -----------------                         -----------

Directors and Executive Officers (2)
Duane I. Dickey (8)                                      24,813                                  1.51%

Martin A. Thomson                                        12,362                                  0.75

Gary W. Bensinger                                           966                                  0.06

James C. Rapin                                            8,364                                  0.51

Keith D. Wallace                                          7,715                                  0.47

Gary C. VanMassenhove                                       500                                  0.03

James I. Malaski                                         14,237                                  0.87

Debra S. Weiss                                              100                                  0.01

All Directors and Executive Officers                     69,057                                  4.21
   As a Group (8 persons) (3)

                                                      (Footnotes on next page)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Principal Stockholders:
Alpena Bancshares, M.H.C.                               920,000                                 56.04
100 S. Second Avenue
Alpena, Michigan 49707

Financial & Investment Management Group, Ltd.           120,364                                  7.33
417 Saint Joseph Street
Suttons Bay, Michigan 49682  (5)

Jeffrey L. Gendell, Individually, and as                128,930                                  7.85
Managing Member of
Tontine Management, L.L.C., and
General Partner of
Tontine Financial Partners, L.P.
237 Park Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, New York   10017  (6)

Jeffrey S. Halis, as the general                        93,708                                   5.71
partner of each of
Tyndall Partners, L.P.,
Tyndall Institutional Partners, L.P., and
Madison Avenue Partners, L.P.,
153 East 53rd Street, 55th Floor
New York, New York   10022  (7)

- ------------------------

(1)  In  accordance  with Rule  13d-3  under the  Exchange  Act, a person is
     deemed to be the beneficial owner for purposes of this table, of any
     shares of Common Stock if he has shared voting or investment power with
     respect to such security, or has a right to acquire beneficial ownership at
     any time within 60 days from the Record Date. As used herein, "voting
     power" is the power to vote or direct the voting of shares and "investment
     power" is the power to dispose or direct the disposition of shares.
     Includes all shares held directly as well as by spouses and minor children,
     in trust and other indirect ownership, over which shares the named
     individuals effectively exercise sole or shared voting and investment
(2)  The mailing address for each person listed is 100 S. Second Avenue, Alpena,
     Michigan 49707.
(3)  The Company's executive officers and directors are also executive officers
     and directors of Alpena Bancshares, M.H.C.
(4)  Includes shares of Common Stock allocated to the accounts of employees
     pursuant to the Company's  Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP").  Under
     the terms of the ESOP, shares  of  Common  Stock  so  allocated  are  voted
     in  accordance   with  the instructions of the respective employees,  while
     unallocated shares are voted by the ESOP  trustee in the  manner calculated
     to most accurately reflect the instructions it has received from the
     participants  regarding  the  allocated shares, unless its fiduciary duty
     requires  otherwise.
(5)  Based on a schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 15,  2002.
(6)  Based on a schedule 13D filed with the SEC on January 18, 2002.
(7)  Based on a schedule 13D filed with the SEC on January 29, 2002.
(8)  Mr. Dickey resigned as Chairman of the Board of the Company, effective
     March 13, 2002

                       PROPOSAL I - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Company's Board of Directors is currently composed of five members with
two vacancies. The Company's bylaws provide that approximately  one-third of the
directors  are to be elected  annually.  Directors of the Company are  generally
elected to serve for a three-year  period or until their  respective  successors
shall have been elected and shall qualify.  The Board of Directors has nominated
to  serve  as  director,  Martin  A.  Thomson,  James  C.  Rapin,  and  Gary  C.
VanMassenhove,  each of whom is  currently  a member of the Board of  Directors.
Messrs.  Thomson and Rapin will be elected to serve for three-year periods,  and
Mr.  VanMassenhove  will be  elected  for a  one-year  period,  and until  their
successors  shall have been elected and shall  qualify.  At the Annual  meeting,
proxies  cannot be voted for a greater number of persons than the three nominees
in this proxy statement.

     The table below sets forth certain information regarding the composition of
the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  including  the  terms of  office  of Board
members.  It is intended  that the proxies  solicited  on behalf of the Board of
Directors  (other  than  proxies in which the vote is withheld as to one or more
nominees)  will be voted at the Annual  Meeting for the election of the nominees
identified below. If a nominee is unable to serve, the shares represented by


all such proxies will be voted for the election of such substitute as the Board
of Directors may recommend. At this time, the Board of Directors knows of no
reason why the nominees might be unable to serve, if elected. There are no
arrangements or understandings between any nominee and any other person pursuant
to which such nominees were selected.

                                                                                         Shares of
                                                                                       Common Stock
                                      Positions                                        Beneficially
                                     Held in the      Director     Current Term          Owned on        Percent
     Name (1)             Age          Company        Since (2)      to Expire        Record Date (3)   of Class
     --------             ---          -------        ---------      ---------        ---------------   --------


James C. Rapin             61         Director          1986           2002                 8,364           *
Martin A. Thomson          53      President, CEO       1986           2002               12,362            *
                                    and Director
Gary C. VanMassenhove      55         Director          2001           2002                   500           *

                         DIRECTORS CONTINUING IN OFFICE

Gary W. Bensinger         59          Director          1985           2004                   966           *
Keith D. Wallace          60          Director          1988           2004                 7,715           *

* Less than 1%.

(1)   The mailing  address for each  person  listed is 100 S. Second  Avenue,
      Alpena,  Michigan 49707.  Each of the persons listed is also a director of
      First Federal of Northern Michigan,  the Company's savings association
      subsidiary (the "Bank"),  as well as Alpena Bancshares, M.H.C., which owns
      the majority of the Company's issued and outstanding shares of Common

(2)   Except for Mr. VanMassenhove, reflects initial appointment to the Board of
      Directors of the Bank's mutual predecessor.

(3)   See definition of "beneficial ownership" in the table under the heading
      "Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof."

     The  principal  occupation  during the past five years of each director and
executive officer of the Company and the Bank is set forth below.  References to
the Company include,  where applicable,  the Bank, which reorganized to form the
Company as its holding  company in November  2000.  All  directors and executive
officers  have held their  present  positions  for five years  unless  otherwise

         Directors -

     James C. Rapin was elected as the Vice  Chairman of the Board of  Directors
of the  Company in April  2001 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Company in March 2002 upon the resignation of Duane I. Dickey.  He and has been
a director of the Bank since 1985, and a director of the Company since its
formation in November 2000. Mr. Rapin is a pharmacist with LeFave Pharmacy,
Alpena, Michigan.

     Martin A. Thomson was named Acting President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company and Bank in May 2001 and later named  President and Chief  Executive
Officer in October 2001. Mr. Thomson  previously  held the position of President
and Chief Executive Officer of Presque Isle Electric and Gas Cooperative,  Inc.,
Onaway,  Michigan. Mr. Thomson has been a director of the Bank since 1986, and a
director of the Company since its formation in November 2000.


     Gary W.  Bensinger  is owner of  Bensinger's  Western Auto Store in Alpena,
Michigan.  Mr.  Bensinger  was named Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of
the Company in March 2002, and has been a director of the Bank since 1985, and a
director of the Company since its formation in November 2000.

     Keith  D. Wallace is the senior  partner  of the law  firm of Isackson  and
Wallace,  PC,  located in  Alpena, Michigan.  Mr. Wallace  has  acted as general
counsel  to the  Bank since 1988.  Mr. Wallace has been a  Director of  the Bank
since  1988, and a director of the Company since its formation in November 2000.

     Gary C.  VanMassenhove is a partner in  VanMassenhove,  Kearly,  Taphouse &
Faulman,  CPAs. Mr.  VanMassenhove has been a Certified Public Accountant for 31
years. He has been a director of the Company and the Bank since September 2001.

         Executive Officers Who Are Not Directors-

     Thomas S. Davis was named Senior Vice President,  Operations of the Bank in
April 2001, after serving as Vice President of Operations since joining the Bank
in July 1999.  Prior to joining the Bank Mr. Davis served as the Chief Financial
Officer of Bank of Ann Arbor,  Ann Arbor,  Michigan.  Mr. Davis also  previously
held operations and financial officer positions at other banks since 1987.

     Jerome W. Tracey was named Senior Vice President, Senior Lender of the Bank
in September 2001, after serving as Vice President of Commercial  Services since
joining the Bank in November 1999.  Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Tracey served
as Vice  President  of  Commercial  Lending  for  National  City  Bank,  Alpena,
Michigan,  a position  he held since  1996.  Mr.  Tracey has been in the banking
profession since 1981.

     James D.  Hubinger was named Chief  Financial  Officer and Treasurer of the
Bank in April 2001,  after serving as the  Controller  since joining the Bank in
November 1999.  Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Hubinger served as Assistant Vice
President - External  Reporting Manager with the former Mutual Savings Bank, Bay
City,  Michigan,  a position he held since 1993.  Mr.  Hubinger  has been in the
banking industry since 1978.

     Debra S. Weiss was named Vice  President,  Retail  Services  of the Bank in
September  2001,  after serving as the Gaylord  Branch Manager since joining the
Bank in May 2001.  Prior to joining  the Bank,  Ms.  Weiss  served as  Secondary
Market Officer and Compliance Officer for Alden State Bank, Alden, Michigan. Ms.
Weiss  was  employed  as a  Compliance  Specialist  Examiner  for the  Office of
Comptroller  of the  Currency  from 1998 - 1999,  and she held  various  officer
positions with First National Bank, Gaylord, Michigan from 1992 - 1998.

     Joseph W.  Gentry was named Vice  President,  Human  Resources  in February
2002,  after  serving as Director of Human  Resources  since joining the Bank in
October  2001.  Prior to  joining  the Bank,  Mr.  Gentry  served  as  Manager -
Industrial Relations / Safety for Lafarge - Presque Isle Corporation since 1991,
and was  employed by Besser  Company  from 1973 to 1991 as  Personnel  Manager /
Safety Director.  Mr. Gentry has taught economics at Alpena Community College as
an adjunct professor for the past 15 years.

     James I. Malaski is Vice  President of Corporate  Relations  and  Corporate
Secretary of the Bank. Mr. Malaski joined the Bank as Vice President in 1983 and
was made  Secretary  of the Bank in October  1999.  Mr.  Malaski has  previously
filled the positions of Executive  Vice President and Chief  Operations  Officer
for the Bank.

                   Ownership Reports by Officers and Directors

     The Common Stock of the Company is registered  pursuant to Section 12(g) of
the  Exchange  Act. The  officers  and  directors of the Company and  beneficial
owners  of  greater  than 10% of the  Company's  Common  Stock  (10%  beneficial
owners")  are  required  to  file  reports  on  Forms  3, 4 and 5 with  the  SEC
disclosing  beneficial  ownership  and changes in  beneficial  ownership  of the
Common Stock. SEC rules require  disclosure in the Company's Proxy Statement and
Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB of the  failure of an  officer,  director  or 10%
beneficial  owner of the Company's  Common Stock,  to file a Form 3, 4 or 5 on a
timely basis.  During the year ended December 31, 2001,  there were late filings
of Form 3 for Messrs.  Hubinger and VanMassenhove and for Ms. Weiss.  There were
also  late  filings  of  Form 4 for  Mr.  VanMassenhove  and  Ms.  Weiss,  which
information  was  filed  on Form 5 for  each,  in lieu of Form 4.


               Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

     The business of the  Company's  Board of  Directors  is  conducted  through
meetings and activities of the Board and its  committees.  During the year ended
December  31,  2001,  the Board of  Directors  held 12 regular  meetings and one
special meeting.  During the year ended December 31, 2001, no director  attended
fewer than 75% of the total meetings of the Board of Directors and committees on
which such director served.

     The Company has established an Executive  Committee,  which is comprised of
the full Board of Directors of the Company.  The  Executive  Committee  meets as
necessary in the intervals between meetings of the full Board of Directors.  The
Committee has authority to act on all matters of the Company's  business between
Board  meetings,  subject to the  ratification  by the Board of Directors at its
next meeting. The Executive Committee met ten times in 2001.

     The  Company's   Personnel  Committee  meets  periodically  to  review  the
performance  of  officers  and  to  determine  compensation  of  officers  to be
recommended  to the Board.  It is comprised of the full Board of Directors.  The
Personnel Committee met two times during 2001.

     The full Board of Directors acts as the Company's Nominating Committee. The
Nominating  Committee selects nominees to the Board of Directors of the Company.
The Nominating Committee met once during 2001.

     The Company's Audit Committee is comprised of the  non-employee  members of
the Board of Directors.  The  Committee  meets as needed in order to examine and
approve the audit report prepared by the Company's independent auditors.  During
2001, the Audit  Committee met one time.  Each member of the Audit  Committee is
"independent" as defined in the listing standards of the National Association of
Securities Dealers.  The Company's Board of Directors adopted an Audit Committee
charter in July 2000.

                             Audit Committee Report

     In accordance with rules established by the SEC, the Audit Committee of the
Company has prepared the following report for inclusion in this proxy statement:

As part of its ongoing activities, the Audit Committee has:

o Reviewed and discussed with  management,  the Company's  audited  consolidated
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2001.

o Discussed with the independent  auditors of the Company,  the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61,  Communications  with
Audit Committees, as amended; and

o Received the written disclosures and the letter from the independent  auditors
required  by  Independence   Standards   Board  Standard  No.  1,   Independence
Discussions  with  Audit  Committees,  and has  discussed  with the  independent
auditors their independence.

Based on the review  and  discussions  referred  to above,  the Audit  Committee
recommended  to the Board of Directors that the audited  consolidated  financial
statements  be included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the
year ended December 31, 2001.

This report has been provided by the Audit Committee:

            Duane I. Dickey
            Gary W. Bensinger
            Keith D. Wallace
            James C. Rapin
            Gary C. VanMassenhove


                             Directors' Compensation

     In 2001,  each  director of the Bank  received a $600 monthly  meeting fee,
payable only if the director attended the meeting. Each director is paid for one
excused  absence.  The  Chairman  of the Board  received  $850 for each  regular
meeting attended and each director  received $600 for each special Board meeting

     In addition to the  foregoing,  during the year ended  December  31,  2001,
Duane I. Dickey, Gary W. Bensinger,  James C. Rapin, Martin A. Thomson, Keith D.
Wallace and Gary VanMassenhove  received $1,700,  $2,500, $2,300, $2,400, $2,500
and $400  respectively,  for their services as members of the Bank's  Executive,
Personnel and Audit Committees. The Bank paid a total of $62,200 in director and
committee  fees to  members  of the Board of  Directors  during  the year  ended
December 31, 2001.

     No separate  fees are paid to members for service on the Board of Directors
of  the  Company,  or for  service  on  committees  of the  Company's  Board  of

                             Executive Compensation

     The following  table sets forth for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000
and 1999,  certain  information as to the total remuneration paid by the Bank or
the  Company to the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Bank and the  Company  (the
"Named Executive  Officer").  No other executive officer of the Company received
total annual  compensation  in excess of $100,000 during the year ended December
31, 2001.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
============================= =================================================

                                                                                       Long Term
                         Annual Compensation                                          Compensation Awards
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------

                            Years                           Other       Restricted
                            Ended                           Annual         Stock     Options/                All Other
Name and                  December    Salary    Bonus    Compensation    Awards(s)     SARs                Compensation
Principal Position (1)       31,      ($) (2)    ($)       ($) (3)          ($)         (#)      Payouts        ($)
- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------
- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------

Jerry A. Christensen (4)    2001      $76,456   $ -0-      $ 6,900         $ -0-       $ -0-      $ -0-        $ -0-
President and Chief         2000     $119,636   $ -0-      $10,500         $ -0-       $ -0-      $ -0-        $ -0-
Executive Officer           1999     $110,000   $ -0-      $ 9,300         $ -0-       $ -0-      $ -0-        $ -0-

- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------
- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------

Martin A. Thomson  (5)      2001      $65,998   $ -0-      $10,200         $ -0-       $ -0-      $ -0-        $ -0-
President and Chief         2000       $ -0-    $ -0-      $11,100         $ -0-       $ -0-      $ -0-        $ -0-
Executive Officer           1999       $ -0-    $ -0-      $ 9,000         $ -0-       $ -0-      $ -0-        $ -0-

========================= ========== ========== ======= =============== ========

(1) No other executive officer received salary and bonuses that in the aggregate
    exceeded $100,000.

(2) Amount shown is gross earnings.

(3) Includes fees for services on the Board of Directors and Board Committees of
    the Bank and the Company, and the Bank's service corporation subsidiary. The
    Bank also provides the Chief Executive Officer with the use of an
    automobile, insurance and other personal benefits that are not included in
    the Cash Compensation Table because such benefits do not exceed $50,000 or
    10% of the officer's cash compensation for the year ended December 31, 2001.

(4) Mr. Christensen was appointed as President of the Bank as of December 31,
    1998, and as Chief Executive Officer of the Bank on November 9, 1998, and
    resigned in May 2001.

(5) Mr. Thomson was appointed Acting President and Chief Executive Officer in
    May 2001, and as President and Chief Executive Officer in October 2001.



     Defined Benefit Plan. The Bank maintains a noncontributory  defined benefit
plan ("Retirement  Plan"). All employees age 21 or older, who have worked at the
Bank for a period of one year and have been credited with 1,000 or more hours of
employment  with the Bank during the year, are eligible to accrue benefits under
the Retirement  Plan. The Bank annually  contributes an amount to the Retirement
Plan  necessary  to  satisfy  the   actuarially   determined   minimum   funding
requirements in accordance with the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of
1974, as amended ("ERISA").

     At the normal  retirement  age of 65, the  Retirement  Plan is  designed to
provide a life annuity.  The retirement  benefit  provided is an amount equal to
2.5%  of a  participant's  average  salary  based  on the  average  of the  five
consecutive years during the participant's years of employment which provide the
highest average annual salary multiplied by the participant's  years of credited
service to the normal retirement date. Retirement benefits are also payable upon
retirement  due to early and late  retirement.  Benefits  are also paid from the
Retirement Plan upon a  participant's  disability or death. A reduced benefit is
payable upon early retirement at or after age 55. Upon termination of employment
other than as specified  above, a participant who was employed by the Bank for a
minimum of five years is eligible to receive his or her accrued  benefit reduced
for  early  retirement  or a  deferred  retirement  benefit  commencing  on such
participant's  normal  retirement date.  Benefits are payable in various annuity
forms as well as in the form of a single  lump sum  payment.  For the plan  year
ended June 30,  2001,  the Bank made  contributions  to the  Retirement  Plan of

     The following table indicates the annual  retirement  benefit that would be
payable under the Retirement  Plan upon  retirement at age 65 in plan year 2001,
expressed in the form of a single life annuity for the final average  salary and
benefit  service  classification  specified  below. As of December 31, 2001, Mr.
Thomson had less than one year credited service (i.e.  benefit service) with the


                                                       YEARS OF BENEFIT SERVICE AT RETIREMENT
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
    High 5-Year
   Average Salary            10                  15                 20                  25                 30
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

      $15,000              $3,750              $5,625             $7,500              $9,375             $11,250
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

      $25,000              $6,250              $9,375             $12,500            $15,625             $18,750
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

      $50,000              $12,500            $18,750             $25,000            $31,250             $37,500
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

      $100,000             $25,000            $37,500             $50,000            $62,500             $75,000
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

      $150,000             $37,500            $56,250             $75,000            $93,750            $112,500
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

===================== ================== =================== ================== =================== ==================

     Deferred  Compensation  Plan for Executive  Officers.  The Bank maintains a
non-qualified  deferred compensation plan for executive officers.  Such officers
may annually elect to defer a portion of their annual salary. The arrangement is
funded by the purchase of annuity  contracts and/or  insurance  contracts on the
life of the  employee.  The  Bank  is the  owner  and  beneficiary  of the  life
insurance contract.  Upon retirement or separation of service with the Bank, the
employee will be paid an amount  equivalent to the cash  surrender  value of the
life insurance contract.  Upon the employee's death, the employee's  beneficiary
will receive an amount  equivalent to the death benefit  provided under the life
insurance  contract on the life of the  employee.  As of December 31, 2001,  the
Plan had not purchased a life insurance contract on the life of Mr. Thomson.

     Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan and  Trust.  The Bank has  established  an
Employee Stock Ownership Plan and related Trust for eligible employees. The ESOP
is a  tax-qualified  plan subject to the  requirements of ERISA and the Internal
Revenue  Code  of  1986  (the  "Code").  Employees  with a  12-month  period  of


with the Bank during which they worked at least 1,000 hours and who have
attained age 21 are eligible to  participate.  The ESOP borrowed funds from an
unrelated third party lender and used the funds to purchase 48,000 shares of the
common stock issued in the Bank's initial stock offering. Collateral for the
loan was the  Common  Stock  purchased  by the ESOP.  The loan was being  repaid
principally from the Bank's  contributions to the ESOP and was fully paid during

     Contributions  to the ESOP and shares released from the suspense account in
an amount  proportional  to the repayment of the ESOP loan were allocated  among
participants on the basis of  compensation  in the year of allocation,  up to an
annual adjusted  maximum level of compensation.  Benefits  generally become 100%
vested after five years of credited  service.  Forfeitures  will be  reallocated
among remaining participating employees in the same proportion as contributions.
Benefits are payable upon death,  retirement,  early  retirement,  disability or
separation from service.  The Bank's contributions to the ESOP are not fixed, so
benefits payable under the ESOP cannot be estimated.

     The Bank's Board of Directors  administers the ESOP. The Bank has appointed
First Bankers Trust Company,  Quincy,  Illinois to serve as trustee of the ESOP.
The ESOP  Committee  may  instruct  the trustee  regarding  investment  of funds
contributed to the ESOP. The ESOP trustee,  subject to its fiduciary  duty, must
vote all allocated  shares held in the ESOP in accordance with the  instructions
of participating employees.  Under the ESOP, nondirected shares will be voted in
a manner calculated to most accurately  reflect the instructions it has received
from  participants  regarding  the  allocated  stock so long as such  vote is in
accordance with the provisions of ERISA.

     401(k) Plan.  The Bank  established a 401(k) Plan for Bank  employees as of
May 1, 1999.  The Plan is tax  qualified  and permits  participants  to elect to
defer up to 50% (as of January 1, 2002) of their  salary  into the Plan.  During
1999,  the  Bank  made  a  matching  contribution  of  25%  of  the  participant
contribution to the Plan, up to 1% of the participant's  total  compensation for
1999.  After  1999,  the  Bank  has made  matching  contributions  of 50% of the
participant's contribution, up to 3% of the participant's total compensation for
the year. All current  employees at the time of the establishment of the Plan on
May  1,  1999  were  100%  vested  in  their   contributions   and  in  matching
contributions.  Subsequently,  new employees became 100% vested after five years
of credited service in matching  contributions.  However,  beginning  January 1,
2002 the vesting  schedule  changed to be on an equally  graduated  basis over a
five- year period,  which includes employees hired after May 1, 1999.  Employees
are 100% vested in their elective  deferral amounts at all times under the Plan.
Participants  will be credited  for years of service  with the Bank prior to the
effective date of the Plan.  Forfeitures of discretionary  contributions will be
used to reduce the Bank's contributions in succeeding plan years.

     Stock Option Plan. Certain employees and non-employee directors of the Bank
and the Company are eligible to participate in the Bank's 1996 Stock Option Plan
(the "Stock Option Plan").  The Stock Option Plan  authorizes the grant of stock
options and limited rights to purchase  69,000  shares,  or 10% of the shares of
common stock issued to minority  stockholders  in the initial public offering by
the Bank.  Upon the  formation of the Company as the Bank's  holding  company in
November  2000,  the shares of common  stock  subject to the Stock  Option  Plan
became the shares of Common Stock of the  Company.  Pursuant to the Stock Option
Plan,  grants may be made of (i) options to purchase  Common  Stock  intended to
qualify as incentive  stock options under Section 422 of the Code,  (ii) options
that do not so  qualify  ("non-statutory  options")  and  (iii)  limited  rights
(described below) that are exercisable only upon a change in control of the Bank
or  the  company.   Non-employee   directors   are  only   eligible  to  receive
non-statutory options.

     The Stock Option Plan is administered by a committee  consisting of certain
non-employee directors of the Board of Directors (the "Committee").  In granting
options,  the Committee  considers factors such as salary,  length of employment
with the Bank, and the  employee's  overall  performance.  All stock options are
exercisable  in five equal annual  installments  of 20% commencing one year from
the date of grant; provided,  however, that all options will be 100% exercisable
in the event the optionee terminates his service due to normal retirement, death
or  disability,  or in the event of a change in  control  of the  Company or the
Bank.  Options may be  exercised  within 10 years from the date of grant.  Stock
options may be exercised up to one year following termination of service or such
later period as determined by the  Committee.  The exercise price of the options
will be at least 100% of the fair market value of the underlying Common Stock at
the time of the grant. The exercise price may be paid in cash or Common Stock.


     Incentive  stock  options  will only be  granted to  employees  of the Bank
and/or the Company.  Non-employee  directors will be granted non-statutory stock
options.  No incentive  stock option granted in connection with the Stock Option
Plan may be  exercisable  more  than  three  months  after the date on which the
optionee ceases to perform services for the Bank and/or the Company, except that
in the event of death, disability,  normal retirement, or a change in control of
the Bank or the Company,  incentive  stock options may be exercisable  for up to
one year; provided,  however, that if an optionee ceases to perform services for
the Bank or the Company due to  retirement  or following a change in control (as
defined in the Stock Option Plan),  any incentive  stock options  exercised more
than three months  following  the date the optionee  ceases to perform  services
shall be treated as a non-statutory stock option as described above.

     Upon the exercise of "limited  rights" in the event of a change in control,
the optionee will be entitled to receive a lump sum cash payment,  or in certain
cases,  Common Stock,  equal to the difference between the exercise price of the
option and the fair market  value of the shares of Common  Stock  subject to the
option  on the date of  exercise  of the right in lieu of  purchasing  the stock
underlying the option. In the event of death or disability,  the Bank and/or the
Company, if requested by the optionee or beneficiary, may elect, in exchange for
the option,  to pay the  optionee,  or  beneficiary  in the event of death,  the
amount by which the fair market value of the Common  Stock  exceeds the exercise
price of the option on the date of the  optionee's  termination  of service  for
death or disability.

     Pursuant to the Stock Option Plan,  non-employee directors at the inception
of the Plan on April 17, 1996, Bensinger,  Rapin, Thomson, and Wallace were each
granted  options to purchase  6,037 shares of Common  Stock.  These options were
granted at an exercise  price of $10.00 per share,  which  options have all been
earned but not exercised.  No options have been reserved for future  issuance to
non-employee directors under the Plan, and therefore Mr. VanMassenhove,  who was
appointed  to the Board of Directors  in  September  2001,  has not been awarded
options under the Plan.  Mr. Dickey was granted  options for 11,212 shares as an
employee of the Bank at an exercise price of $9.625,  of which options for 3,500
shares were exercised in June 1998,  and options for the remaining  7,712 shares
expired as of December 31, 2000 (one year after his retirement as an employee of
the Bank).  No options were  granted to the Named  Executive  Officer  under the
Stock Option Plan during the year ended December 31, 2001.

     Set forth below is certain  information  concerning options  outstanding to
the Named  Executive  Officer at December 31, 2001. No options were exercised by
the Named Executive Officer during 2001.


                          FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES
========================== =========== ============ ============================== ==================================
                                                        Number of Unexercised          Value of Unexercised In-
                                                             Options at                  The-Money Options at
                                                              Year-End                         Year-End
- -------------------------- ----------- ------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------------
- -------------------------- ----------- ------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------------
                              upon        Value       Exercisable/Unexercisable        Exercisable/Unexercisable
          Name              Exercise    Realized                 (#)                              ($)
========================== =========== ============ ============================== ==================================
========================== =========== ============ ============================== ==================================

Martin A. Thomson              -----       $-----              6,037 / -----                     $13,583 / -----

========================== =========== ============ ============================== ==================================

     Recognition  and  Retention  Plan.   Certain   employees  and  non-employee
directors of the Bank and the Company are eligible to  participate in the Bank's
Recognition  and  Retention  Plan,  which was adopted in 1996 (the  "Recognition
Plan").  A  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  composed  of  "disinterested"
directors (the  "Recognition  Plan Committee")  administers the Recognition Plan
and makes  awards to  executive  officers  and  employees.  Participants  in the
Recognition  Plan earn (become vested in) shares of Restricted  Stock covered by
an award and all  restrictions  lapse over a period of time  commencing from the
date of the award;  provided,  however,  that the Recognition Plan Committee may
accelerate  or extend the  earnings  rate on any  awards  made to  officers  and
employees under the Recognition Plan.  Awards to non-employee  directors vest at
the rate of 20% of the amount  initially  awarded  commencing  one year from the
date of the award.  Awards to  executive  officers  and  employees


become fully vested upon termination of employment or service due to death,
disability or normal  retirement  or  following  a  termination  of  employment
or service in connection  with a  change  in the  control  of the  Bank or the
Company.  Upon termination of employment or service for another reason, unvested
shares are forfeited.  Awards to non-employee directors  fully vest upon a
non-employee director's disability, death, normal retirement, or following
termination of service  in  connection  with a change in  control of the Bank or
the  Company. Unvested shares of Restricted Stock will be forfeited by a
non-employee director upon failure to seek reelection, failure to be reelected,
or resignation from the Board (other than in connection  with normal retirement,
as defined by the Recognition Plan).

     Pursuant to the Recognition Plan,  non-employee  directors at the inception
of the Plan on April 17, 1996, Bensinger,  Rapin, Thomson, and Wallace were each
granted 2,415 shares of Common Stock,  which shares have been earned and issued.
Mr.  Dickey  was  granted  4,485  shares,  as an  employee  of the Bank,  at the
inception  of  the  Plan,  which  shares  have  been  earned  and  issued.   Mr.
VanMassenhove,  who was  appointed to the Board of Directors in September  2001,
has not been  awarded  any shares  under the Plan.  No  additional  shares  were
granted to the Named  Executive  Officer under the  Recognition  Plan during the
year ended December 31, 2001. A total of 26,159 shares of Common Stock have been
earned and issued pursuant to the  Recognition  Plan as of December 31, 2001 and
1,441 shares are reserved for future issuance.

                    Transactions with Certain Related Persons

     Under  current  federal law,  except for loans or  extensions  of credit to
executive officers and directors under Company-wide  employee benefit plans, all
loans or extensions of credit to executive  officers and directors  must be made
on substantially  the same terms,  including  interest rates and collateral,  as
those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with the general public
and must not involve  more than the normal risk of  repayment  or present  other
unfavorable features. In addition, loans made to a director or executive officer
in excess of the greater of $25,000 or 5% of the Bank's  capital and surplus (up
to a maximum of  $500,000)  must be  approved  in  advance by a majority  of the
disinterested  members of the Board of Directors.  Bank policy requires that all
loans made to a director or  executive  officer must be approved in advance by a
majority of the disinterested members of the Board of Directors. At December 31,
2001, the Bank's directors and executive officers had loans outstanding totaling
$882,723 in the aggregate.

     The Bank intends that all  transactions  between the Bank and its executive
officers,  directors,  holders  of 10% or more of the shares of any class of its
common stock and affiliates thereof, will contain terms no less favorable to the
Bank than could  have been  obtained  by it in  arm's-length  negotiations  with
unaffiliated  persons  and  will  be  approved  by  a  majority  of  independent
non-employee directors of the Bank not having an interest in the transaction.


     The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the engagement of Plante
& Moran, LLP to be the Company's auditors for the year ending December 31, 2002,
subject to the ratification of the engagement by the Company's stockholders.  At
the Annual Meeting,  stockholders  will consider and vote on the ratification of
the  engagement  of Plante & Moran,  LLP for the  Company's  fiscal  year ending
December 31, 2002. A representative of Plante & Moran, LLP is expected to attend
the Annual Meeting to respond to  appropriate  questions and to make a statement
if he so desires.

     On June 29, 2000, the Company dismissed the Company's previous  independent
auditor, Straley, Ilsley & Lamp, P.C. ("Straley").  The report of Straley on the
Company's  financial  statements  for the year ended  December  31, 1999 did not
contain any adverse  opinion or a disclaimer of opinion and was not qualified or
modified as to uncertainty or audit scope accounting principles. The decision to
change accountants was approved by the Company's Board of directors. The Company
and Straley have not, in connection  with the audit of the  Company's  financial
statements for the year ended  December 31, 1999, or for any subsequent  interim
period prior to and including March 31, 2000, had any disagreement on any matter
of accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial  statement  disclosure,  or
auditing scope or procedures,  which disagreement,  if not resolved to Straley's
satisfaction, would have caused Straley to make reference to the subject matters
of the  disagreement in connection with its reports.


     Set forth below is certain information concerning aggregate fees billed for
professional services rendered by Plante & Moran, LLP during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2001:

         Audit Fees                                  $41,000
         Financial Information Systems
           Design and Implementation Fees            $    -
         All Other Fees                              $6,990

     The Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether the  provision  of non-audit
services is compatible with maintaining Plante & Moran, LLP's independence.  The
Audit Committee concluded that performing such services does not affect Plante &
Moran, LLP's independence in performing its function as auditor of the Company.

     In order to ratify the selection of Plante & Moran, LLP as the auditors for
the year ending  December 31, 2002,  the proposal  must receive the  affirmative
vote of a majority of the shares at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote. THE

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     In order to be eligible for inclusion in the Company's  proxy materials for
next year's Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  any  stockholder  proposal to take
action at such meeting must be received at the Company's  executive office,  100
S. Second Avenue,  Alpena,  Michigan 49707, no later than November 19, 2002. Any
such proposal  shall be subject to the  requirements  of the proxy rules adopted
under the Exchange Act.


     The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any  business  to come  before the
Annual Meeting other than the matters  described above in this proxy  statement.
However,  if any matters should properly come before the Annual  Meeting,  it is
intended  that  holders of the proxies will act as directed by a majority of the
Board of  Directors,  except for  matters  related to the  conduct of the Annual
Meeting, as to which they shall act in accordance with their best judgment.  The
Board of  Directors  intends to  exercise  its  discretionary  authority  to the
fullest extent permitted under the Exchange Act.

     The  Bylaws of the  Company  provide an advance  notice  procedure  for new
business to be taken up at the Annual  Meeting.  In order for a  stockholder  to
properly bring business  before the Annual Meeting,  the stockholder  must state
the new business in writing and file the  description  of the new business  with
the  Secretary of the Company at least five days prior to the date of the Annual
Meeting. A stockholder may make any other proposal at the Annual Meeting itself,
and the proposal may be discussed and  considered,  but unless stated in writing
and filed with the Secretary at least five days prior to the Annual Meeting, the
proposal will be laid over for action at an adjourned, special or annual meeting
of the  stockholders  taking place 30 days or more  thereafter.  Nothing in this
paragraph  shall be  deemed to  require  the  Company  to  include  in its proxy
statement and proxy relating to an annual meeting any stockholder  proposal that
does not meet all of the  requirements  for inclusion  established by the SEC in
effect at the time such proposal is received.

     The date on which the 2003 Annual meeting of Stockholders is expected to be
held is April 15,  2003.  Accordingly,  advance  written  notice of  business or
nominations  to the Board of  Directors  to be brought  before  the 2003  Annual
meeting  of  Stockholders  must be given to the  Company no later than April 10,



     The cost of  solicitation  of  proxies  will be borne by the  Company.  The
Company  will  reimburse  brokerage  firms and other  custodians,  nominees  and
fiduciaries for reasonable  expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the beneficial  owners of Common Stock. In addition to solicitations by mail,
directors,  officers,  and regular  employees of the Company may solicit proxies
personally or by telegraph or telephone without additional compensation.


                                             BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                             /s/ James I. Malaski
                                             James I. Malaski

Alpena, Michigan
March 18, 2002
