Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [x] Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [] Check
the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential for use of the Commission only (as permitted by Rule
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                                NCRIC Group, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filling Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x] No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
            907,609 shares x $21.25 (cash consideration) plus 114,750 options x
            $10.561 (option cash out value) plus 240,000 debentures x $21.25
            (debenture cash out value), and multiplying that sum by 1/50th of 1%
         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         5)  Total fee paid:


[ ] Fee previously paid with preliminary materials:
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1) Amount Previously Paid:

2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

3) Filing Party:

4) Date Filed:

         May 14, 2003

         Dear Shareholder:

         You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
         ("Annual Meeting") of NCRIC Group, Inc. (the "Company"),  which will be
         held at The Watergate Hotel,  2650 Virginia Avenue,  N.W.,  Washington,
         D.C.  20037 at 3:00 p.m.  Washington,  D.C.  Time on Tuesday,  June 24,

         The  enclosed  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and Proxy
         Statement  describes the formal business to be transacted at the Annual
         Meeting.  During  the  Annual  Meeting  we  will  also  report  on  the
         operations of the Company and its subsidiaries.  Directors and officers
         of the  Company  will be  present  to  respond  to any  questions  that
         shareholders  may have. Also enclosed for your review is the prospectus
         relating to the conversion of NCRIC,  A Mutual Holding  Company and the
         related  stock  offering by the  Company,  which will serve as our 2002
         Annual  Report  to  Shareholders.   This  document   contains  detailed
         information  concerning the activities and operating performance of the

         The  business to be  conducted  at the Annual  Meeting  consists of the
         election of four directors,  the adoption of the NCRIC Group 2003 Stock
         Award Plan, the adoption of the NCRIC Group 2003 Stock Option Plan, and
         the approval of a Plan of Conversion  and  Reorganization  of NCRIC,  A
         Mutual  Holding  Company.  The Board of  Directors  of the  Company has
         determined  that  these  proposals  are in the  best  interests  of the
         Company and its  shareholders,  and the Board of Directors  unanimously
         recommends a vote "FOR" each proposal.

         On  behalf  of the Board of  Directors,  we urge you to sign,  date and
         return the enclosed  proxy card as soon as possible.  If you  currently
         plan to attend  the  Annual  Meeting,  this will not  prevent  you from
         voting in person,  but will assure that your vote is counted if you are
         unable to attend.


         /s/ R. Ray Pate, Jr.

         R. Ray Pate, Jr.
         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                NCRIC Group, Inc.
                             1115 30th Street, N.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20007
                                 (202) 969-1866

                                    NOTICE OF
                       2003 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                           To Be Held On June 24, 2003

         Notice is hereby  given that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Annual  Meeting")  of NCRIC Group,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  will be held at The
Watergate Hotel, 2650 Virginia Avenue, N.W., Washington,  D.C., on Tuesday, June
24, 2003, at 3:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. Time.

         A proxy statement and a proxy card for the Annual Meeting are enclosed.
The Annual Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

         1.       The election of four directors;

         2.       The adoption of the NCRIC Group, Inc. 2003 Stock Award Plan;

         3.       The adoption of the NCRIC Group, Inc. 2003 Stock Option Plan;

         4.       The plan of conversion  and  reorganization  pursuant to which
                  NCRIC, A Mutual Holding Company and NCRIC Holdings,  Inc. will
                  be merged with and into the  Company,  and the Company will be
                  succeeded  by a new  Delaware  corporation  with the same name
                  which has been  established  for the purpose of completing the
                  conversion. As part of the conversion,  shares of common stock
                  of the Company  representing NCRIC, A Mutual Holding Company's
                  ownership interest, held through NCRIC Holdings, Inc., will be
                  offered for sale in a  subscription  and  community  offering.
                  Common  stock  of  the  Company   currently   held  by  public
                  shareholders  will be converted into new shares pursuant to an
                  exchange  ratio  that will  ensure  that  shareholders  of the
                  Company  at the  time of the  conversion  will  own  the  same
                  percentage  of the Company  after the  conversion as they held
                  immediately  prior thereto,  exclusive of any shares purchased
                  by the  shareholders in the offering and cash received in lieu
                  of fractional shares; and

such other  matters as may  properly  come  before  the Annual  Meeting,  or any
adjournments thereof.

         Any  action  may be  taken on the  foregoing  proposals  at the  Annual
Meeting on the date specified above, or on any date or dates to which the Annual
Meeting may be adjourned. Shareholders of record at the close of business on May
6, 2003, are the  shareholders  entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting,  and any
adjournments thereof.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ William E. Burgess

                                              William E. Burgess
Washington, D.C.
May 14, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                NCRIC Group, Inc.
                             1115 30th Street, N.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20007
                                 (202) 969-1866

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                       2003 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  JUNE 24, 2003


         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies on behalf of the Board of  Directors  of NCRIC  Group,  Inc.  ("NCRIC
Group"  or the  "Company")  to be used at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders
("Annual  Meeting")  of NCRIC Group which will be held at The  Watergate  Hotel,
2650 Virginia Avenue, N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20037, on Tuesday, June 24, 2003,
at 3:00 p.m.  Washington,  D.C.  Time,  and at all  adjournments  of the  Annual
Meeting.  The  accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  and this
Proxy Statement are first being mailed to shareholders on or about May 20, 2003.

         Regardless  of the  number  of  shares of  common  stock  owned,  it is
important that shareholders of NCRIC Group be represented by proxy or be present
in  person  at the  Annual  Meeting.  Shareholders  are  requested  to  vote  by
completing  the enclosed  proxy card and returning it, signed and dated,  in the
enclosed postage-paid envelope.  Shareholders are urged to indicate the way they
wish to vote in the spaces provided on the proxy card.  Proxies solicited by the
Board of  Directors  will be  voted in  accordance  with  the  directions  given
therein. Where no instructions are indicated, signed proxies will be voted "FOR"
the  election of the nominees for  director  named in this Proxy  Statement  and
"FOR" the approval of the NCRIC Group 2003 Stock Award Plan,  "FOR" the approval
of the NCRIC Group 2003 Stock  Option Plan and "FOR" the approval of the Plan of
Conversion and Reorganization.

         The Board of  Directors  knows of no  additional  matters  that will be
presented  for  consideration  at the  Annual  Meeting.  Execution  of a  proxy,
however, confers on the designated proxyholders  discretionary authority to vote
the shares in  accordance  with their best judgment on such other  business,  if
any,  that may  properly  come  before  the Annual  Meeting or any  adjournments

         Shareholders  who execute  proxies in the form solicited  hereby retain
the right to revoke them in the manner described below.  Unless so revoked,  the
shares  represented  by such proxies will be voted at the Annual Meeting and all
adjournments thereof. Proxies solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors will
be voted in accordance with the directions given thereon.


         Proxies may be revoked at any time prior to exercise by sending written
notice of revocation to the Secretary of NCRIC Group, William E. Burgess, at the
address  shown above,  or by  delivering  to NCRIC Group a duly  executed  proxy
bearing a later date. The presence at the Annual Meeting of any  shareholder who
has given a proxy shall not revoke such proxy  unless the  shareholder  delivers
his or her  ballot  in  person  at the  Annual  Meeting  or  delivers  a written
revocation to the Secretary of NCRIC Group prior to the voting of such proxy. If
you are a shareholder whose shares are not registered in your own name, you will
need appropriate documentation from your record holder to vote personally at the
Annual Meeting.

         The cost of  solicitation of proxies in the form enclosed will be borne
by  NCRIC  Group.  Proxies  may  also be  solicited  personally  or by mail  and
telephone by NCRIC Group's directors,  officers and regular  employees,  without
additional  compensation.  NCRIC  Group  will also  request  persons,  firms and
corporations  holding shares in their names,  or in the name of their  nominees,
which are  beneficially  owned by others,  to send proxy  material to and obtain
proxies from such beneficial  owners,  and will reimburse such holders for their
reasonable expenses in doing so. NCRIC Group has also retained Sandler O'Neill &
Partners,  L.P. ("Sandler O'Neill") as conversion agent to assist NCRIC Group in
connection  with the  conversion and related stock  offering.  In such capacity,
Sandler O'Neill will provide  assistance in connection with the  solicitation of
proxies for the Annual  Meeting.  Sandler O'Neill will receive a fee of $10,000,
plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, for serving as conversion agent.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

         Holders of record of NCRIC Group's  common  stock,  par value $0.01 per
share,  (the "Common  Stock"),  as of the close of business on May 6, 2003, (the
"Record  Date") are  entitled to one vote for each share held.  As of the Record
Date,  NCRIC Group had 3,708,399  shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding.
The presence,  in person or by proxy, of one-third of the total number of issued
and  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  entitled  to vote is  necessary  to
constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting. In the event there are not sufficient
votes for a quorum,  or to approve or ratify any matter  being  presented at the
time of this Annual  Meeting,  the Annual  Meeting may be  adjourned in order to
permit the further solicitation of proxies.


         As to the election of Directors,  the proxy card being  provided by the
Board of Directors  enables a  shareholder  to vote FOR the election of the four
nominees proposed by the Board, or to WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for one of more
of the  nominees.  Directors  are elected by a plurality of votes cast,  without
regard to either broker non-votes,  or proxies as to which authority to vote for
the nominees being proposed is withheld.

         As to the  approval  of the 2003 Stock  Award  Plan,  by  checking  the
appropriate box, a shareholder may: (i) vote FOR the item; (ii) vote AGAINST the
item;  or (iii)  ABSTAIN  from voting on such item.  The approval of this matter
shall  be  determined  by the  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of the  shares
represented and entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  Shares as to which the
"ABSTAIN"  box is marked on the proxy  will be  treated as present at the Annual
Meeting and entitled to vote and  therefore  will have the same effect as a vote
against the matter. Broker non-


votes  will not be  considered  as shares  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  and
therefore will not affect the vote on this matter.

         As to the  approval of the 2003 Stock  Option  Plan,  by  checking  the
appropriate box, a shareholder may: (i) vote FOR the item; (ii) vote AGAINST the
item;  or (iii)  ABSTAIN  from voting on such item.  The approval of this matter
shall  be  determined  by the  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of the  shares
represented and entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  Shares as to which the
"ABSTAIN"  box is marked on the proxy  will be  treated as present at the Annual
Meeting and entitled to vote and  therefore  will have the same effect as a vote
against the matter. Broker non-votes will not be considered as shares present at
the Annual Meeting and therefore will not affect the vote on this matter.

         As to the approval of the Plan of  Conversion  and  Reorganization,  by
checking the  appropriate  box, a shareholder  may: (i) vote FOR the item;  (ii)
vote AGAINST the item;  or (iii)  ABSTAIN from voting on such item.  The Plan of
Conversion  and  Reorganization  must be approved by at least  two-thirds of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock, and a majority of votes cast by shareholders
other than the Mutual Holding Company.  With respect to the required affirmative
vote  of at  least  two-thirds  of  the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock,
abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will have the effect of a vote  against  the
conversion. With respect to the required affirmative vote by a majority of votes
cast by shareholders other than the Mutual Holding Company, broker non-votes and
abstentions will not be considered votes cast.

         Proxies will be returned to Registrar and Transfer  Company and will be
tabulated by an inspector of election designated by the Board of Directors.


         Persons and groups who  beneficially  own in excess of 5% of the Common
Stock of NCRIC Group are required to file  certain  reports with NCRIC Group and
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC"),  regarding such ownership
pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The following table
sets forth information regarding each person known to be the beneficial owner of
more than 5% of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock of NCRIC Group
on the Record Date.

                                            Amount of Shares
             Name and Address               Owned and Nature               Percent of Shares of
           of Beneficial Owner           of Beneficial Ownership         Common Stock Outstanding
- --------------------------------         -----------------------         -------------------------
NCRIC, A Mutual Holding Company               2,220,000(1)                         59.9%
1115 30th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20007
(1)  Represents shares of common stock that are held by NCRIC Holdings, Inc., a
     wholly owned subsidiary of NCRIC, A Mutual Holding Company.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       PROPOSAL I - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Four  directors  will be elected  at the Annual  Meeting to serve for a
three-year  period and until their  successors  have been elected and qualified.
The Board of Directors has nominated  Leonard M. Glassman,  Stuart A. McFarland,
R. Ray Pate, Jr. and David M. Seitzman to serve as directors.

The table below lists certain  information  regarding the nominees and the other
members of the Board of  Directors  who will  continue in office  following  the
Annual Meeting. It is intended that the proxies solicited on behalf of the Board
of  Directors  will be voted  at the  Annual  Meeting  for the  election  of the
nominees  identified below (unless  otherwise  directed on the proxy card). If a
nominee is unable to serve,  the shares  represented by all such proxies will be
voted  for the  election  of such  substitute  as the  Board  of  Directors  may
recommend.  At this  time,  the Board of  Directors  knows of no reason  why the
nominees would be unable to serve, if elected.

                                                                                           Shares of
                                      Positions                                          Common Stock
                                     Held in the          Director        Term to        Beneficially      Percent
       Name           Age(1)           Company            Since(2)        Expire           Owned(3)       Of Class


Leonard M. Glassman     56            Director              1993           2006             22,770            *
Stuart A. McFarland     56                -                   -            2006                  -            *
R. Ray Pate, Jr.        43        President, Chief          1996           2006             60,365          1.6%
                                Executive Officer and
                             Vice Chairman of the Board
David M. Seitzman       73            Director              1980           2006              7,645            *

                                           DIRECTORS CONTINUING IN OFFICE

Vincent C. Burke, III   51            Director              1998           2005              4,370            *
Pamela W. Coleman       46            Director              1989           2005             10,821            *
Martin W. Dukes, Jr.    57            Director              1997           2004              2,620            *
Luther W. Gray, Jr.     62            Director              1984           2004              7,641            *
Prudence P. Kline       51            Director              1995           2005              3,720            *
Edward G. Koch          60            Director              1996           2004              3,020            *
J. Paul McNamara        53            Director              1998           2005             20,095            *
Leonard M. Parver       58            Director              1998           2004             14,912            *
Nelson P. Trujillo      65      Chairman of the Board       1980           2004             46,330          1.3%


Stephen S. Fargis       43      Senior Vice President and    n/a            n/a             34,640            *
                                Chief Operating Officer
Rebecca B. Crunk        51      Senior Vice President and    n/a            n/a             31,943            *
                                Chief Financial Officer
William E. Burgess      47      Senior Vice President and    n/a            n/a             18,235            *
All Directors and Executive
Officers as a Group (18 persons)                                                           305,989(4)       8.2%

*      Less than 1%.
(1)  As of March 1, 2003.                     (footnotes continued on next page)


(2)  With respect to years prior to 1998, includes service as a governor of
     National Capital Reciprocal Insurance Company, or a director of its
     attorney-in-fact, or its subsidiary, Commonwealth Medical Liability
     Insurance Company.
(3)  Includes shares of common stock held directly, by spouses or minor children
     and in trust and other indirect ownership, as well as vested stock options
     and shares owned by the named individuals under NCRIC, Inc.'s 401(k) Plan
     and employee stock ownership plan.
(4)  Includes shares owned by two people whose terms of office as directors will
     expire at the Annual Meeting.


         The principal  occupation  during the past five years of each director,
nominee for  director and  executive  officer of NCRIC Group is set forth below.
All directors have held their present  positions for five years unless otherwise

         Nelson P. Trujillo, M.D. is Chairman of the Board of Directors of NCRIC
Group and its  subsidiaries.  He was a  governor  and  Chairman  of the Board of
National Capital Reciprocal Insurance Company from 1980 until its mutual holding
company reorganization on December 31, 1998. Dr. Trujillo is currently President
of Metropolitan Gastroenterology Group, where he is a physician.

         R. Ray Pate,  Jr. is  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of NCRIC
Group and NCRIC,  Inc. and Chief Executive Officer of NCRIC MSO, Inc. He was the
Treasurer of National Capital Reciprocal Insurance Company and President,  Chief
Executive  Officer  and  Director  of  National  Capital   Underwriters,   Inc.,
attorney-in-fact  for the National Capital Reciprocal  Insurance  Company,  from
1996 until the mutual holding company reorganization in 1998. Since June 2000 he
has served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.

         Vincent  C.  Burke,  III  has  been  a  director  of  NCRIC  Group  and
subsidiaries  since the mutual holding company  reorganization  in 1998. He is a
partner  with the firm of Furey,  Doolan & Abell,  LLP.  From  April 1992 to May
1998,  he was counsel to the law firm of Reed Smith Shaw & McClay.  Mr.  Burke's
law  practice is focused in the areas of  corporate,  business,  real estate and
closely-held businesses. He practices in the District of Columbia and Maryland.

         Pamela W. Coleman,  M.D. was a governor of National Capital  Reciprocal
Insurance  Company from 1989 until the mutual holding company  reorganization in
1998, and has been a Director of NCRIC Group and  subsidiaries  since the mutual
holding company reorganization. Dr. Coleman is a urologist in private practice.

         Martin  W.  Dukes,  Jr.,  M.D.  was  a  Director  of  National  Capital
Underwriters from 1997 until the mutual holding company  reorganization in 1998,
a Director of NCRIC, Inc. since the mutual holding company reorganization, and a
Director  of NCRIC  Group  and  subsidiaries  since  May  2001.  Dr.  Dukes is a
physician in private practice in the District of Columbia.

         Luther W. Gray, Jr., M.D. was a governor of National Capital Reciprocal
Insurance  Company from 1984 until the mutual holding company  reorganization in
1998 and has been a Director  of NCRIC Group and  subsidiaries  since the mutual
holding company reorganization. He is currently the Chairman of the Underwriting
Committee  for NCRIC,  Inc.  Dr. Gray is a physician  and general  surgeon  with
Luther W.  Gray,  Jr.,  M.D.,  PC and is Chair of the  Department  of Surgery at
Sibley Memorial Hospital.


         Leonard  M.  Glassman,   M.D.  was  a  Director  of  National   Capital
Underwriters,  Inc. from 1993 until the mutual holding company reorganization in
1998 and has been a director  of NCRIC Group and  subsidiaries  since the mutual
holding company  reorganization.  He is currently the Chairman of the Investment
Committee of NCRIC, Inc. and served as Chairman of the Board of NCRIC, Inc. from
1998  until  2000.  Dr.  Glassman  is  a  physician  with  Washington  Radiology
Associates,  P.C. He is a past member of the  Finance  Committee  of the Medical
Society of the  District  of  Columbia  and was Chief of  Radiology  of Columbia
Hospital for Women Medical Center from 1984 to 1999.

         Prudence  P.   Kline,   M.D.   was  a  Director  of  National   Capital
Underwriters,  Inc. from 1995 until the mutual holding company reorganization in
1998 and has been a director  of NCRIC Group and  subsidiaries  since the mutual
holding  company  reorganization.  Dr.  Kline has been a  physician  in  private
practice in the District of Columbia since 1986.

         Edward G. Koch, M.D. has served as a Director of  Commonwealth  Medical
Liability  Insurance  Company  since  1996 and a  director  of NCRIC  Group  and
subsidiaries  since the mutual holding company  reorganization in 1998. Dr. Koch
is a gynecological physician in private practice in Arlington,  Virginia and the
District of Columbia.  Since 1997 he has been President of the Arlington  County
Medical Society Foundation.  Sponsored by the Medical Society of Virginia, he is
an alternate delegate to the AMA from Virginia.

         Stuart  A.  McFarland  has been  nominated  to  serve  on the  Board of
Directors of NCRIC Group for a three-year  term. Mr. McFarland is the co-founder
and since 1997 the managing partner of Federal City Capital Advisors, a merchant
banking and financial advisory business.  From 1999 to 2001 he was president and
chief  executive  officer of Pedestal,  Inc., an  internet-enabled  mortgage and
mortgage  securities  trading exchange.  Mr. McFarland also serves as a director
for  the  following  companies:   Newcastle  Investment  Corp.,  a  real  estate
investment trust; the Brandywine Funds, a mutual fund; Sterling Eagle Investment
Company, a specialty finance company; and Basis 100, a technology company.

         J. Paul  McNamara  has been a director of NCRIC Group and  subsidiaries
since the mutual  holding  company  reorganization  in 1998. He is President and
Chief Operating Officer of SequoiaBank.

         Leonard  M.  Parver,  M.D.  has  been a  Director  of NCRIC  Group  and
subsidiaries  since the mutual holding  company  reorganization  in 1998. He was
Chairman of the Board of Directors of NCRIC MSO,  Inc.  from 1998 until 2000. He
has practiced medicine in the District of Columbia for the past 22 years.

         David M.  Seitzman,  M.D.  was a member  of the Board of  Directors  of
National Capital  Underwriters,  Inc. from 1980 until the mutual holding company
reorganization  in 1998 and has been a Director of NCRIC Group and  subsidiaries
since the mutual holding  company  reorganization.  Dr.  Seitzman is now retired
from the  practice of  medicine.  He served on the boards of Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of the National  Capital Area and the Medical  Society of the District of
Columbia and served as President  and  co-founder  of the Center for  Ambulatory
Surgery, Inc. Since 1993, Dr.


Seitzman was a trustee of portfolios of The 59 Wall Street Fund,  Inc., which is
advised  by Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.,  one of NCRIC,  Inc.'s  investment
advisors until January 1, 2000.

Executive Officers Who Are Not Directors

         Stephen S. Fargis was Senior Vice  President - Business  Development of
National Capital  Underwriters,  Inc. from 1995 until the mutual holding company
reorganization in 1998. Since the mutual holding company reorganization,  he has
been Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of NCRIC Group and NCRIC,
Inc. and in 2001 was named President of NCRIC MSO, Inc.

         Rebecca B. Crunk was the Chief  Financial  Officer of National  Capital
Underwriters,   Inc.   from  April  1998  until  the  mutual   holding   company
reorganization in 1998. Since the mutual holding company reorganization, she has
been Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of NCRIC Group
and NCRIC,  Inc. Ms. Crunk is a certified  public  accountant and is a member of
the American Institute of Certified Public  Accountants.  From 1995 to 1998, she
was Vice President,  Treasurer and Controller of ReliaStar  United Services Life
Insurance Company.

         William  E.  Burgess  was  Senior  Vice  President  -  Claims  and Risk
Management  of National  Capital  Underwriters,  Inc. from August 1997 until the
mutual holding company  reorganization in 1998. From 1993 to August 1997, he was
a Vice President of National Capital Underwriters, Inc. Since the mutual holding
company reorganization, he has been Senior Vice President and Secretary of NCRIC
Group and NCRIC, Inc.

Ownership Reports by Officers and Directors

         The Common Stock of NCRIC Group is registered pursuant to Section 12(g)
of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934.  The  officers  and  directors of the
Company and beneficial  owners of greater than 10% of the Company's common stock
("10% beneficial  owners") are required to file reports on Forms 3, 4 and 5 with
the SEC  disclosing  changes in beneficial  ownership of the Common  Stock.  SEC
rules require  disclosure in the Company's  Proxy Statement and Annual Report on
Form 10-K of the failure of an officer,  director or 10% beneficial owner of the
Company's  Common Stock to file a Form 3, 4 or 5 on a timely  basis.  All of the
Company's directors and officers filed these reports on a timely basis.

Committees and Meetings of the Board of Directors

         The  business of NCRIC Group is conducted  through  regular and special
meetings of the Board of Directors  and its  committees.  The Board of Directors
met eleven (11) times during 2002.  No director  attended  fewer than 75% of the
total  meetings held by the Board of Directors and the  committees on which such
director served, except Dr. Robert L. Simmons.

         The  Board  of  Directors  has  established  an  Audit   Committee,   a
Compensation Committee, a Governance Committee and a Nominating Committee.

         The Audit Committee is comprised of Directors Burke, Coleman,  McNamara
and Seitzman. The Audit Committee appoints the independent  accountants to audit
the  financial  statements,  reviews the scope and results of the audit with the
independent  accountants,  pre-approves audit and permitted  non-audit services,
reviews with management and the independent accountants NCRIC


Group's  year-end  audit,  and considers the adequacy of NCRIC Group's  internal
accounting controls. The Audit Committee met five (5) times in 2002.

         The  Compensation  Committee is comprised  of Directors  Burke,  Kline,
Seitzman  and   Trujillo.   The   Compensation   Committee   reviews  and  makes
recommendations  to the  Board of  Directors  concerning  compensation,  benefit
policies and stock ownership programs,  as well as the compensation of the chief
executive officer. The Compensation  Committee administers the stock option plan
and the stock award plan. The Compensation Committee met five (5) times in 2002.

         The  Governance  Committee  is  comprised  of  Directors  Pate,  Burke,
Glassman and Trujillo. The Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing the
effectiveness  of board  meetings and board  committees,  and for  reviewing and
establishing board governance  guidelines.  The Governance Committee met one (1)
time in 2002.

         The  Nominating  Committee  is  comprised  of  Directors  Pate,  Burke,
Glassman and Trujillo.  The Nominating Committee was established for the purpose
of identifying, evaluating and recommending potential candidates for election to
the  Board.  While the  Committee  will  consider  nominees  recommended  by the
shareholders,  it has not actively solicited  recommendations from shareholders.
Nominations   by   shareholders   must  comply  with  certain   procedural   and
informational  requirements  set forth in NCRIC  Group's  Bylaws.  See  "Advance
Notice of  Business  to be  Conducted  at an  Annual  Meeting."  The  Nominating
Committee met one (1) time in 2002.

Audit Committee Report

         In accordance with current SEC rules,  this report has been prepared by
the Audit  Committee for inclusion in this Proxy  Statement.  Each member of the
Audit Committee satisfies the definition of independent  director as established
by the National  Association of Securities  Dealers.  The Board of Directors has
adopted a written charter for the Audit Committee.

         Management  is  responsible  for NCRIC  Group's  internal  controls and
financial  reporting  process.  The independent  accountants are responsible for
performing  an  independent  audit  of  NCRIC  Group's  consolidated   financial
statements in accordance with the auditing  standards  generally accepted in the
United   States  and  to  issue  a  report   thereon.   The  Audit   Committee's
responsibility is to monitor and oversee these processes.

         As part of its ongoing activities, the Audit Committee has:

         o        Reviewed and discussed with  management  NCRIC Group's audited
                  consolidated  financial statements for the year ended December
                  31, 2002;

         o        Discussed with the independent  auditors the matters  required
                  to be discussed by  Statement  on Auditing  Standards  No. 61,
                  Communications with Audit Committees, as amended; and

         o        Received  the  written  disclosures  and the  letter  from the
                  independent auditors required by Independence  Standards Board
                  Standard   No.  1,   Independence   Discussions   with   Audit
                  Committees,  and has discussed with the  independent  auditors
                  their independence.


         Based on the  review  and  discussions  referred  to  above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended to the Board of Directors  that the audited  consolidated
financial  statements be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2002 and be filed with the SEC.

         This  report  shall  not be deemed  incorporated  by  reference  by any
general  statement  incorporating  by reference  this proxy  statement  into any
filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934,  as amended,  except to the extent  that NCRIC  Group  specifically
incorporates  this  information by reference,  and shall not otherwise be deemed
filed under such Acts.

              This report has been provided by the Audit Committee:

                         David M. Seitzman, M.D., Chair
                              Vincent C. Burke, III
                             Pamela W. Coleman, M.D.
                                J. Paul McNamara

Director Compensation

         Fees.  Each  non-employee  director  of  NCRIC  Group  (other  than the
Chairman)  receives  annual cash  compensation  of $45,000.  The Chairman of the
Board will receive annual cash compensation of $150,000 (prior to the completion
of the conversion, the mutual holding company paid a proportionate share of this
amount).  Directors  who are also  officers or  employees  of NCRIC Group do not
receive any cash  compensation for serving as directors.  Directors who serve on
the audit committee  receive a fee of $600 for each committee  meeting  attended
($750 for the Chairman of the committee).  Directors who serve on the nominating
or  compensation  committee  receive  a fee of $300 for each  committee  meeting
attended ($350 for the Chairman of the committee).  All directors are reimbursed
for  out-of-pocket  expenses in connection with attendance at any meeting of the
Board of Directors or any committee.

         Stock  Benefit  Plans.   Directors  of  NCRIC  Group  are  eligible  to
participate  in certain stock  benefit  plans and have received  awards of stock
options and  restricted  stock.  Directors will be eligible to receive awards of
restricted  stock and stock  options  under the plans  proposed for  shareholder
approval at this Annual Meeting.


Executive Compensation

         The following table sets forth information for the years ended December
31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 as to compensation paid to the President and Chief
Executive Officer and the other executive officers (collectively referred to as
"Named Executive Officers") who earned over $100,000 in salary and bonuses
during 2002.

                                              Summary Compensation Table
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Annual Compensation(1)                              Long-Term Compensation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    Other       Restricted    Options/
Name and Principal Position   Fiscal     Salary       Bonus        Annual          Stock        SARs       All Other
                             Year(1)                            Compensation     Award(2)       (#)      Compensation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R. Ray Pate, Jr.,              2002      $290,000     $  -0-          -             -            -         $26,208
President and Chief            2001       290,000        -0-          -             -            -          22,346
Executive Officer              2000       240,000     60,000          -           $104,895       -          22,528
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephen S. Fargis,             2002      $170,000     $  -0-          -             -            -         $24,339
Senior Vice President &        2001       170,000        -0-          -             -            -          22,130
Chief Operating Officer        2000       151,667     30,308          -           $ 69,930       -          22,312
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rebecca B. Crunk,              2002      $170,000     $  -0-          -             -            -         $26,500
Senior Vice President &        2001       170,000        -0-          -             -            -          22,453
Chief Financial Officer        2000       135,000     27,000          -           $ 69,930       -          22,414
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William E. Burgess,            2002      $128,398     $  -0-          -             -            -         $18,739
Senior Vice President and      2001       120,000        -0-          -             -            -          20,690
Secretary                      2000       120,000     24,000          -           $ 58,275       -          20,249
(1)  For the fiscal years ended December 31.
(2)  Equals the market value of the stock award on the date of grant, which was
     $7.875 per share. The total number and dollar value of unvested shares of
     stock awarded to Mr. Pate, Mr. Fargis, Ms. Crunk and Mr. Burgess as of
     December 31, 2002, based on the market value of the common stock on
     December 31, 2002 ($11.00 per share), was 7,992, 5,328, 5,328 and 4,400
     shares, and $87,912, $58,608, $58,608 and $48,400, respectively.

         Employment  Agreements.  R. Ray Pate,  Jr.  serves as the President and
Chief  Executive  Officer of NCRIC Group under an employment  agreement  between
NCRIC  Group  and Mr.  Pate  dated  January  1,  2001.  Under  the  terms of his
employment agreement, Mr. Pate is entitled to basic compensation of $350,000 for
2003 and is reimbursed for all reasonable and proper business  expenses incurred
by him in the performance of his duties.  The terms of the employment  agreement
also provide that Mr. Pate is entitled to participate  in any retirement  and/or
pension  plans or health and medical  insurance  plans  offered to NCRIC Group's
senior  executives;  to receive use of an automobile;  and to be covered by both
term life insurance and disability insurance.

         The term of the employment  agreement is five years commencing  January
1, 2001. NCRIC Group may terminate the employment agreement for cause or without
cause,  at any time.  Any  dispute as to whether  NCRIC  Group had cause will be
determined by  arbitration.  If NCRIC Group  terminates  Mr.  Pate's  employment
agreement  without cause, Mr. Pate is entitled to receive,  as severance pay, an
amount  equal to three  years' base  compensation  at the level in effect on the
date of the  termination.  Mr. Pate may  voluntarily  terminate  his  employment
provided that he gives 60 days prior notice of his voluntary termination or pays
liquidated damages equal to the amount of his base compensation for two months.


         NCRIC Group entered into an employment agreement commencing December 1,
2000 with Stephen S. Fargis on substantially  similar terms to Mr. Pate's except
that Mr. Fargis' employment agreement terminates November 30, 2003, and provides
for base compensation of $200,000 for 2003.

         NCRIC Group entered into an employment  agreement commencing January 1,
2001 with Rebecca B. Crunk on substantially  similar terms to Mr. Pate's, except
Ms.  Crunk's  agreement  terminates  December  31,  2003,  and provides for base
compensation of $220,000 for 2003.

         NCRIC Group entered into an employment  agreement commencing January 1,
2002 with  William E.  Burgess on  substantially  similar  terms to Mr.  Pate's,
except Mr.  Burgess'  employment  agreement  terminates  December 31, 2004,  and
provides for base compensation of $175,000 for 2003.

         Stock Option Plan. The Company has  established a stock option plan for
its  directors,  officers  and key  employees.  No  options  were  granted to or
exercised by the Named Executive Officers during 2002.

         Set forth  below is  information  relative  to options  outstanding  at
December 31, 2002.

                                    FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES
                                                                 Number of             Value of
                                                                Underlying           Unexercised
                                                                Unexercised          In-the-Money
                                                              Options at Fiscal    Options at Fiscal
                                                                  Year-End            Year-End(1)
                                                            -------------------- ---------------------
                           Shares Acquired       Value          Exercisable/          Exercisable/
          Name              Upon Exercise      Realized        Unexercisable        Unexercisable
- -------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------------- ---------------------
R. Ray Pate, Jr.                  0          $      -          13,320/0               $53,280/0
- -------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------------- ---------------------
Stephen S. Fargis                 0          $      -          9,250/0                $37,000/0
- -------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------------- ---------------------
William E. Burgess                0          $      -          7,400/0                $29,600/0
- -------------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------------- ---------------------
Rebecca B. Crunk                  0          $      -          7,400/0                $29,600/0
========================== ================= ============== ==================== =====================
(1)  Equals the difference between the aggregate exercise price of the options
     and the aggregate fair market value of the shares of common stock that
     would be received upon exercise, assuming such exercise occurred on
     December 31, 2002, at which date the closing price of the common stock as
     quoted on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market was $11.00.


         Set forth below is information as of December 31, 2002 as to any equity
compensation  plans  of the  Company  that  provide  for  the  award  of  equity
securities  or the grant of  options,  warrants  or rights  to  purchase  equity
securities of the Company.

                                Number of securities to
                                 be issued upon exercise                                  Number of securities
   Equity compensation plans     of outstanding options         Weighted average        remaining available for
   approved by shareholders             and rights               exercise price            issuance under plan
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stock Option Plan.............         74,000                    $7.00                        0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stock Award Plan..............         24,667(1)                 Not Applicable               0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity compensation plans not
approved by shareholders
                                       None                      None                         None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total......................       98,667                    $7.00                        0
(1) Represents shares that have been granted but have not yet vested.

         Deferred  Compensation  Plan.  Effective  January 1, 2003,  the Company
established a  compensation  deferral plan for officers and board  members.  The
compensation  deferral plan is an unfunded plan with annual  Company match of 5%
of total  compensation  for  officers.  Contributions  credited for an officer's
deferral account and the earnings  attributable to these  contributions shall be
one hundred percent vested or nonforfeitable  when the officer has five years of
service in his or her position.  Under the compensation  deferral plan, officers
may defer up to 15% of total compensation and board members may defer up to 100%
of fees. Contributions are credited with a 6% guaranteed rate of return.

         Pursuant to the terms of the plan, a participant's account balance will
be paid in cash by (a) lump sum, or (b) annual  installments  over a 5, 10 or 15
year  period.  The  deferred  compensation  liability  is  recorded  at the full
accumulation value of the accumulated contributions and interest and is included
in accrued expenses.

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

         The  Compensation  Committee has adopted a  compensation  strategy that
seeks to provide  competitive  compensation  that is strongly  aligned  with the
business  objectives  and financial and stock  performance  of NCRIC Group.  The
compensation program has three key elements:  base salary, annual incentives and
long-term  incentives.  The Compensation  Committee  periodically reviews salary
levels and other aspects of executive  compensation to ensure that NCRIC Group's
overall executive  compensation  program remains  competitive and that executive
pay reflects both the  individual's  performance  and the  performance  of NCRIC

         NCRIC  Group has an annual  incentive  plan based on a  combination  of
NCRIC Group and  individual  executive  performance  in relation to  established
objectives. Plan pay-outs vary based on NCRIC Group's performance in relation to
the targeted  objectives.  Individual  payments are then  increased or decreased
based on the performance of the individual executive during the year. The target
level of  incentive  pay  opportunities  is 20% to 25% of base pay,  with actual
payments  in a  range  of  zero  to  150%  of the  target  percentage  based  on
performance  levels.  No incentive  pay-outs were made to the four executives in
2002 due to NCRIC Group's 2002 financial results.


         The Compensation  Committee  believes that long-term  incentives are an
effective way of aligning executive  compensation with the creation of value for
the shareholders through stock appreciation. The Stock Option Plan and the Stock
Award Plan were established in connection with the initial public offering.  The
stock  options  were  allocated  in 1999 and the  restricted  stock  awards were
allocated in 2000.

         In January  2001,  NCRIC  Group  entered  into a  five-year  employment
agreement with Mr. Pate. This employment  agreement,  with an annual base salary
of $290,000 for the Chief Executive Officer, was effective for the year 2002. No
bonus  was  paid to the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  or to the  other  executive
officers, with respect to 2002.

           This report has been provided by the Compensation Committee

                          Vincent C. Burke, III, Chair
                             Prudence P. Kline, M.D.
                             David M. Seitzman, M.D.
                            Nelson P. Trujillo, M.D.


                                STOCK PERFORMANCE

         The  following  graph  compares the  cumulative  total return for NCRIC
Group's  common  stock,  the  S&P  500  index,  and  a  peer  group  of  medical
professional  liability insurance  companies,  for the period July 29, 1999, the
first day of public trading of NCRIC Group's common stock on the Nasdaq SmallCap
Market,  through  December 31, 2002. The graph assumes an investment on July 29,
1999 of $100 in each of NCRIC Group's  common stock,  the stocks  comprising the
S&P 500 index,  and the common  stocks of the peer  group  companies.  The graph
further assumes that all paid dividends were reinvested.  The peer group and the
S&P 500 index are weighted by market  capitalization.  The  calculations for the
information  below  were  prepared  by SNL  Securities,  LC of  Charlottesville,

Cumulative Total Return

                                 NCRIC Group, Inc.
                            [STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH]

                                                 Period Ending
Index                          07/29/99  12/31/99  12/31/00  12/31/01  12/31/02
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NCRIC Group, Inc.               100.00    115.70    105.79    145.45    145.45
S&P 500                         100.00    110.16    100.12     88.23     68.64
NCRIC Group Peer Index*         100.00     61.92     39.05     51.69     36.74

*The NCRIC Group Peer Index consists of MIIX Group, FPIC Insurance Group, SCPIE
Holdings, ProAssurance Corporation, and American Physicians Capital.


                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         NCRIC Group's independent auditors for the year ended December 31, 2002
were Deloitte & Touche LLP. The Audit  Committee's  review of the impact of fees
for  non-audit  services in regard to auditor  independence  concluded  that the
non-audit  fees did not impair  auditor  independence.  The expense  incurred by
NCRIC Group for fees to Deloitte & Touche LLP during 2002 was as follows:

Audit fees                                        $  298,000
Financial Information Systems
   Design and Implementation fees                         -0-
Audit Related fees                                    40,000
All other fees                                        81,000
         Total                                    $  419,000

         Audit related services  generally include fees for quarterly  financial
statement  reviews and statutory and  accounting  consultations.  All other fees
include tax consulting and tax compliance services.

         A  representative  of  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP will  attend  the Annual
Meeting and will be given the  opportunity to make a statement if they desire to
do  so  and  will  be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate   questions  from
shareholders present at the Annual Meeting.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              2003 STOCK AWARD PLAN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Board of Directors of NCRIC Group has adopted the NCRIC Group, Inc.
2003 Stock  Award  Plan (the  "2003  Stock  Award  Plan") to  provide  officers,
employees  and directors of the Company with  additional  incentives to share in
the growth  and  performance  of the  Company.  If the 2003 Stock  Award Plan is
approved by the shareholders of NCRIC Group,  NCRIC Group will establish a trust
for the purpose of  purchasing  shares of common  stock in the  offering.  NCRIC
Group  will loan the trust  the funds to  purchase  a number of shares of common
stock equal to 4% of the shares sold in the  offering.  NCRIC Group  anticipates
that the loan to the trust will be repaid by periodic cash  contributions  to be
made to the trust by NCRIC Group. The trust will award shares of common stock to
participants in a manner designed to encourage  participants' continued service.
The  following  is a summary of the  material  features  of the 2003 Stock Award
Plan,  which is qualified in its entirety by reference to the  provisions of the
2003 Stock Award Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A.


         The 2003  Stock  Award  Plan will  remain in effect for a period of ten
years following  adoption by shareholders.  The 2003 Stock Award Plan authorizes
the  issuance  of a  number  of  shares  equal to 4% of the  shares  sold in the
conversion stock offering, up 174,570 shares of common stock, pursuant to grants
of  stock  awards  by the  Board  of  Directors  of NCRIC  Group,  or  committee
designated by the Board of Directors.


         The 2003 Stock  Award  Plan will be  administered  by the  Compensation
Committee (the  "Committee")  of the Board of Directors.  The Committee has full
and  exclusive  power within the  limitations  set forth in the 2003 Stock Award
Plan to make  all  decisions  and  determinations  regarding  the  selection  of
participants  and the granting of awards;  establishing the terms and conditions
relating to each award; adopting rules,  regulations and guidelines for carrying
out the 2003  Stock  Award  Plan's  purposes;  and  interpreting  and  otherwise
construing  the 2003 Stock Award Plan.  The 2003 Stock Award Plan may be amended
by  the  Board  of  Directors  or  the   Committee,   without  the  approval  of
shareholders, but no such amendments may adversely affect any outstanding awards
under the 2003 Stock Award Plan without the consent of the holders thereof.


         Key  employees  and  directors of the Company or its  subsidiaries  are
eligible to receive stock awards under the 2003 Stock Award Plan.

Stock Awards

         The Committee may determine the type and terms and  conditions of stock
awards  under the 2003 Stock  Award Plan.  Stock  awards may  constitute  actual
shares of common  stock or may be  denominated  in stock units that  entitle the
recipient to receive  future  payments in either  shares,  cash or a combination
thereof.  The Committee  will  determine  the terms and  conditions of the stock
award which will be set forth in the award agreement, and may include continuous
service with the Company,  achievement of specific business objectives and other
measurements  of performance.  Stock awards may be subject to  restrictions  and
contingencies  regarding  vesting  and  eventual  payment as the  Committee  may
determine.  Pending  vesting,  a  recipient  may direct the voting of the shares
subject to an award.

         Any stock  awards  granted  under  the 2003  Stock  Award  Plan will be
subject to vesting  requirements  and other  contingencies  as determined by the
Committee. Stock awards will be evidenced by written agreements, approved by the
Committee,  which  set  forth  the  terms  and  conditions  of each  award.  The
Committee,  in its  discretion,  may  accelerate  or extend  the  period for the
exercise or vesting of awards.

         Awards granted under the 2003 Stock Award Plan would be nontransferable
and  nonassignable.  Awards would be adjusted for capital  changes such as stock
dividends  and stock  splits.  Awards would be 100% vested upon  termination  of
employment  or  service  due to  death,  disability,  or  following  a change in
control, and also would be 100% vested upon normal retirement.  If employment or
service were to terminate for other reasons,  the award  recipient would forfeit
any  nonvested  award.  If employment or service were to terminate for cause (as
defined), shares not already delivered would be forfeited.

Tax Consequences

         When a recipient receives a stock award, the participant must recognize
ordinary  income  equal to the fair market  value of the shares  received at the
time the shares became transferable or not


subject to substantial risk of forfeiture, whichever occurs earlier. The Company
will be entitled to a deduction for the same amount.

         No awards have been  granted  under the 2003 Stock Award Plan as of the
date of this proxy statement.  There are 12 outside directors of the Company and
its  subsidiaries  and 106 employees  eligible to  participate in the 2003 Stock
Award Plan.

         As of May 12,  2003,  the last  sale  price  of the  Common  Stock,  as
reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market,  was $15.31. The affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority  of the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting is  required  to
approve the 2003 Stock Award Plan.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             2003 STOCK OPTION PLAN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Board of Directors of the Company has adopted the NCRIC Group, Inc.
2003 Stock  Option  Plan (the "2003  Stock  Option  Plan") to provide  officers,
employees  and  directors of the Company and its  subsidiaries  with  additional
incentives to share in the growth and performance of the Company. If approved by
the shareholders,  the 2003 Stock Option Plan would reserve 10% of the shares of
common  stock sold in the  conversion  offering  (or up to 436,425  shares)  for
issuance  pursuant to the exercise of options that may be granted to recipients.
The  following  is a summary of the  material  features of the 2003 Stock Option
Plan,  which is qualified in its entirety by reference to the  provisions of the
2003 Stock Option Plan attached hereto as Exhibit B.


         The 2003 Stock  Option  Plan will  remain in effect for a period of ten
years following adoption by shareholders.  The 2003 Stock Option Plan authorizes
the issuance of up to 436,425 shares of Common Stock pursuant to grants of stock
options,  limited rights,  reload options or dividend  equivalent  rights by the
Board of Directors or committee designated by the Board of Directors.

         The 2003 Stock  Option Plan will be  administered  by the  Compensation
Committee (the  "Committee")  of the Board of Directors.  The Committee has full
and exclusive  power within the  limitations  set forth in the 2003 Stock Option
Plan to: make all  decisions  and  determinations  regarding  the  selection  of
participants  and the  granting of awards;  establish  the terms and  conditions
relating to each award; adopt rules, regulations and guidelines for carrying out
the 2003 Stock Option Plan's purposes;  and interpret and otherwise construe the
2003 Stock Option  Plan.  The 2003 Stock Option Plan may be amended by the Board
of Directors or the Committee, without the approval of shareholders, but no such
amendments  may  adversely  affect any  outstanding  awards under the 2003 Stock
Option Plan without the consent of the holders thereof.



         Key  employees  and  directors of the Company or its  subsidiaries  are
eligible to receive awards under the 2003 Stock Option Plan.


Types of Awards

         The Committee may determine the type and terms and conditions of awards
under the 2003 Stock  Option  Plan.  Awards may be granted in a  combination  of
options,  limited rights,  reload options or dividend  equivalent  rights.  Such
awards may have terms  providing  that the  settlement or payment of one type of
award automatically  reduces or cancels the remaining award. Awards may include,
but are not limited to, the following:

         Stock Options. A stock option gives the recipient, or the optionee, the
right to purchase  shares of common  stock at a specified  price for a specified
period of time.  The exercise  price of each option may not be less than 100% of
fair market  value on the date of grant.  Fair market  value for purposes of the
2003 Stock Option Plan means the reported  closing  price of the common stock on
the day the  option is  granted  or, if the  common  stock is not traded on such
date, on the next preceding day on which the common stock was traded.

         Stock options are either incentive stock options or non-qualified stock
options.  Incentive  stock options have certain tax  advantages  and must comply
with the  requirements  of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended.  Employees of the Company and its  subsidiaries are eligible to receive
incentive  stock  options.  A stock  option  may be  exercised  in  whole  or in
installments, which may be cumulative. Shares of common stock purchased upon the
exercise  of a stock  option  must be paid for in full at the  time of  exercise
either in cash or with stock of the Company, as determined by the Committee,  or
with a  combination  of cash and stock.  Stock  options  are  subject to vesting
conditions and restrictions as determined by the Committee.

         Limited Rights. A limited right gives the option holder the right, upon
a change in control of the Company, to receive the excess of the market value of
the shares  represented  by the  limited  right on the date  exercised  over the
exercise  price.  Limited rights will generally be subject to the same terms and
conditions and  exercisable  to the same extent as stock  options,  as described
above. Payment upon exercise of a limited right will be in cash or, in the event
of a merger transaction,  in shares of the acquiring  corporation or its parent,
as applicable.

         Limited  rights may be granted at the time of, and must be related  to,
the grant of a stock  option.  The exercise of a limited right is in lieu of the
exercise of a stock  option and vice versa.  If a limited  right is granted with
and related to an incentive stock option, the limited right must satisfy all the
restrictions  and  limitations  to which the related  incentive  stock option is

         Reload  Options.  Reload  options  entitle the option  holder,  who has
delivered  shares of Company  common stock as payment of the exercise  price for
the stock  option,  to a new option to  acquire  additional  shares  equal in an
amount to the shares the option holder has traded in for payment of the exercise
price.  Reload options may also be granted to replace option shares  retained by
the Company for payment of the optionholder's  withholding tax. The option price
at which additional  shares of stock may be purchased  through the exercise of a
reload  option  is  equal  to the  market  value of the  common  stock  that was
surrendered  to pay  the  exercise  price  of the  option  at  the  time  it was
surrendered.  The option  period during which the reload option may be exercised
expires at the same time as that of the original option that was exercised.


         Generally, all awards, except nonincentive stock options, granted under
the  2003  Stock  Option  Plan  will  be  nontransferable  except  by will or in
accordance  with the laws of descent and  distribution or pursuant to a domestic
relations  order.  During the life of the  participant,  awards can be exercised
only by him or her.  The  Committee  may permit a  participant  to  designate  a
beneficiary  to  exercise  or receive  any rights  that may exist under the 2003
Stock Option Plan upon the participant's death.

Change in Control

         Upon the occurrence of an event constituting a change in control of the
Company as defined in the 2003 Stock Option Plan,  all awards  outstanding  will
become vested immediately.

Tax Consequences

         The following are the federal tax consequences  generally  arising with
respect to awards  granted  under the 2003 Stock  Option  Plan.  The grant of an
option or limited right will create no tax  consequences  for an optionee or the
Company.  The optionee will have no taxable income upon  exercising an incentive
stock option and the Company will receive no deduction  when an incentive  stock
option is exercised.  Upon exercise of a non-qualified option, the optionee must
recognize ordinary income equal to the difference between the exercise price and
the fair market value of the stock on the date of exercise, and the Company will
be  entitled  to a  deduction  for the same  amount.  The tax  treatment  for an
optionee on a disposition of shares  acquired  through the exercise of an option
depends on how long the  shares  have been held and  whether  such  shares  were
acquired by  exercising  an incentive  stock option or a  non-qualified  option.
Generally,  there will be no tax  consequences to the Company in connection with
the  disposition  of shares  acquired  pursuant  to an option,  except  that the
Company  may be  entitled  to a  deduction  if shares  acquired  pursuant  to an
incentive  stock option are sold before the required  holding  periods have been

         No options have been granted under the 2003 Stock Option Plan as of the
date of this proxy statement.  There are 12 outside directors of the Company and
its  subsidiaries  and 106 employees  eligible to  participate in the 2003 Stock
Option Plan.

         As of May 12,  2003,  the last  sale  price  of the  Common  Stock,  as
reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market,  was $15.31. The affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority  of the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting is  required  to
approve the 2003 Stock Option Plan.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  Board  of  Directors  of  NCRIC  Group  has  approved  the plan of
conversion and  reorganization  pursuant to which our organization  will convert
from the mutual holding  company form of  organization  to the fully stock form.
NCRIC, A Mutual Holding Company (the "Mutual Holding  Company") owns 100% of the
outstanding shares of common stock of NCRIC Holdings,  Inc. ("Holdings"),  which
holds 59.9% of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of NCRIC Group.
The remaining 40.1% of the outstanding  shares of common stock of NCRIC Group is
held by the public.

         In  accordance  with the plan of  conversion  and  reorganization,  the
following transactions will occur:

         (1)      Holdings  will merge with and into NCRIC Group (the  "Mid-Tier
                  Merger") with NCRIC Group as the resulting  entity pursuant to
                  an Agreement of Merger between  Holdings and NCRIC Group. As a
                  result of the Mid-Tier Merger, the Mutual Holding Company will
                  receive  the  shares  of  NCRIC  Group  common  stock  held by
                  Holdings and the Holdings  common stock held by Mutual Holding
                  Company will be cancelled.

         (2)      Immediately  following the Mid-Tier Merger, the Mutual Holding
                  Company  will  convert to a stock  company  and merge with and
                  into NCRIC  Group,  with NCRIC Group as the  surviving  entity
                  (the "MHC Merger"), pursuant to an Agreement of Merger between
                  NCRIC Group and the Mutual Holding Company. The Mutual Holding
                  Company members will constructively  exchange their membership
                  interests  for stock of the  converted  company  and then will
                  exchange the stock of the converted company for interests in a
                  liquidation account in NCRIC Group.

         (3)      Immediately after the MHC Merger,  NCRIC Group will merge with
                  and  into a  Delaware  Corporation  that  is  initially  to be
                  established as a subsidiary of NCRIC Group,  with the Delaware
                  Corporation (which shall be referred to herein as "NCRIC Group
                  (Delaware)") as the surviving entity, pursuant to an Agreement
                  of Merger between NCRIC Group and NCRIC Group  (Delaware) (the
                  "Holding Company Merger").  As a result of the Holding Company
                  Merger,  public  stockholders  will  exchange  their shares of
                  NCRIC Group for shares of NCRIC Group (Delaware),  pursuant to
                  the  exchange  ratio (as  defined in the Plan of  Conversion).
                  Persons who received an interest in the liquidation account in
                  NCRIC Group will exchange their  liquidation  account in NCRIC
                  Group  for  an  interest  in a  liquidation  account  in,  and
                  subscription  rights to  purchase  shares of common  stock of,
                  NCRIC Group (Delaware), as the successor to the MHC.

         (4)      Immediately  after the above Mergers,  NCRIC Group  (Delaware)
                  will sell shares in the Offering.


         At the conclusion of the  conversion and offering,  each share of NCRIC
Group common stock owned by persons other than the Mutual  Holding  Company (the
public  shares)  will be converted  automatically  into the right to receive new
shares of NCRIC Group, Inc. (our newly-formed Delaware corporation and successor
to NCRIC Group)  common stock,  determined  pursuant to an exchange  ratio.  The
exchange  ratio will  ensure  that  immediately  after the  exchange of existing
shares of NCRIC Group for new shares of our newly-formed  Delaware  corporation,
the public  shareholders of NCRIC Group common stock will own the same aggregate
percentage of new NCRIC Group common stock that they owned  immediately prior to
the conversion, excluding any shares they purchased in the offering.

         Approval  of the plan of  conversion  and  reorganization  will also be
deemed to be approval of the merger of NCRIC, A Mutual Holding Company and NCRIC
Holdings,  Inc. into NCRIC Group and the  subsequent  merger of NCRIC Group into
the newly formed  Delaware  corporation  of the same name (the  "Mergers").  The
affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares
of common  stock of NCRIC  Group and a majority  of the votes cast by the public
shareholders  of NCRIC Group  common stock also are required to approve the plan
of conversion and reorganization.

         In addition to this proxy statement,  you have received as part of this
mailing a Prospectus that describes the conversion and related stock offering in
more  detail.  The  Prospectus  is  incorporated  by  reference  into this proxy
statement.  Therefore,  you should read carefully the Prospectus prior to voting
on the proposal to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Details of the conversion
are addressed in the Prospectus  sections entitled  "Summary," "The Conversion."
"Comparison of Stockholder Rights," "Restrictions on Acquisition of NCRIC Group"
and "Description of Capital Stock of NCRIC Group Following the Conversion."

Rights of Dissenting Shareholders

         Under  District of Columbia  law, you may dissent from the Mergers.  If
you dissent from the Mergers,  you have the right to a judicial appraisal of the
fair  value  of  your  shares   conducted  by  a  District  of  Columbia  court.
Shareholders who wish to exercise  dissenters'  rights must strictly comply with
the  provisions  of Section  29-101.73  of the  District  of  Columbia  Business
Corporation Act. This proxy statement is your only notice of dissenters'  rights
that NCRIC Group will provide.

         The  following  is a brief  summary of the material  provisions  of the
District of Columbia statutory  procedures  required to dissent from the Mergers
relating to the Conversion and perfect your shareholder dissenters' rights.

         Shareholders  wishing to exercise dissenters' rights must, prior to the
Annual  Meeting,  file with the Company a written  objection to the Mergers.  In
addition,  dissenting  shareholders  must  not  vote  in  favor  of the  plan of
conversion  at  the  Annual  Meeting.   To  meet  this  requirement   dissenting
shareholders  may  either  enter  a vote  against  the  plan of  conversion  and
reorganization or simply not enter a vote at all. Voting in favor of the plan of
conversion and reorganization  will have the effect of waiving the shareholder's
right to dissent.

         Next,  within 20 days after completion of the Conversion the dissenting
shareholder  must make a written  demand to NCRIC  Group for payment of the fair
value of the dissenting  shareholder's  shares as of the day prior to the Annual
Meeting. In the written demand for payment,


the  dissenting  shareholder  must  state  the  number  of  shares  held  by the
shareholder.  If the dissenting shareholder fails to make the demand for payment
within the required  20-day period,  the  shareholder  will forfeit  dissenters'
rights and be bound by the terms of the plan of conversion and reorganization.

         If the dissenting  shareholder and NCRIC Group are able to agree on the
fair value of the shares within 30 days after the completion of the  Conversion,
NCRIC Group shall pay to the dissenting  shareholder  the agreed upon fair value
for the  shares.  Such  payment  shall  be made  immediately  if the  dissenting
shareholder  has  uncertificated  shares,  or upon receipt by NCRIC Group of the
share  certificates in the case of dissenting  shareholders who hold NCRIC Group
share certificates.  NCRIC Group is required to pay the fair value to dissenting
shareholders,  provided NCRIC Group has received any share  certificates held by
the  dissenting  shareholder,  within  90  days  after  the  completion  of  the
conversion. Once payment is made to the dissenting shareholder, that shareholder
shall cease to have any interest in NCRIC Group.

         If the dissenting  shareholder and NCRIC Group cannot agree on the fair
value of the dissenting  shareholder's shares within the 30-day period following
the completion of the Conversion, the dissenting shareholder may, within 60 days
following  the  expiration of the 30-day  period,  file a petition in a court of
competent  jurisdiction  in the  District  of  Columbia  requesting  a  judicial
determination  of  the  fair  value  of  the  dissenting  shareholder's  shares.
Following  the  judicial  determination  of fair  value,  NCRIC  Group  will pay
dissenting  shareholders,  in cash, the judicially  determined fair value of the
shares  plus  interest  at an annual  rate of 5%  computed  from the date of the
Annual  Meeting until the date of the  judgment.  NCRIC Group shall make payment
immediately  following the judicial  determination for holders of uncertificated
shares,  or upon  receipt of the share  certificates  in the case of  dissenting
shareholders who hold share  certificates.  After receiving payment for the full
value of the shares, the dissenting shareholder shall cease to have any interest
in NCRIC Group.

         If the dissenting  shareholder fails to meet any of the requirements of
Section 29-101.73, the shareholder will waive all dissenters' rights and will be
bound by the terms of the merger  agreements  and the related plan of conversion
and reorganization. Because of the complexity of Section 29-101.73, shareholders
who may wish to dissent  from the Mergers and pursue  their  dissenters'  rights
should consult their legal advisers.


                              AT AN ANNUAL MEETING

         The  Bylaws of NCRIC  Group  provide an advance  notice  procedure  for
certain business, or nominations to the Board of Directors, to be brought before
an annual meeting.  In order for a shareholder to properly bring business before
an annual meeting,  or to propose a nominee to the Board,  the shareholder  must
give  written  notice to the  Secretary of NCRIC Group not less than ninety (90)
days before the date of the proxy statement  relating to the prior year's annual
meeting.  The notice must include the  shareholder's  name,  record  address and
number  of  shares  owned by the  shareholder,  describe  briefly  the  proposed
business,  the reasons for bringing the business before the annual meeting,  and
any material interest of the shareholder in the proposed  business.  In the case
of  nominations  to the Board of Directors,  certain  information  regarding the
nominee must be provided.  Nothing in this paragraph  shall be deemed to require
NCRIC Group to include in its proxy  statement  and proxy  relating to an annual
meeting any shareholder proposal which does not meet all of the requirements for
inclusion  established  by the  SEC in  effect  at the  time  such  proposal  is
received.  Accordingly, in accordance with the foregoing, advance written notice
of business or  nominations  to the Board of Directors to be brought  before the
2004 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  must be given to NCRIC Group no later than
February 13, 2004.  If notice is received  after  February 13, 2004,  it will be
considered untimely,  and NCRIC Group will not be required to present the matter
at the shareholders meeting.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         In order to be eligible for inclusion in NCRIC  Group's proxy  material
for next year's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, any shareholder proposal to take
action at such  meeting  must be received  at NCRIC  Group's  office,  1115 30th
Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007, no later than January 14, 2004. Nothing in
this  paragraph  shall be deemed to require  NCRIC Group to include in its proxy
statement and proxy relating to an annual meeting any shareholder  proposal that
does not meet all of the requirements for inclusion established by the SEC.

                                              BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                              /s/ William E. Burgess

                                              William E. Burgess

Washington, D.C.
May 14, 2003

D.C. 20007.


                                                                       Exhibit A
                                NCRIC GROUP, INC.
                              2003 STOCK AWARD PLAN

1.       Establishment of the Plan; Creation of Separate Trust

         (a) NCRIC Group,  Inc. (the  "Company")  hereby  establishes  the NCRIC
Group,  Inc.  Stock  Award  Plan (the  "Plan")  upon the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter stated in the Plan.

         (b) A separate trust or trusts may be established to purchase shares of
the Common Stock that will be awarded  hereunder  (the  "Trust").  If a trust is
established  and a Recipient  hereunder  fails to satisfy the  conditions of the
Plan and forfeits all or any portion of the Common Stock  awarded to him or her,
such  forfeited  shares  will  be  returned  to  said  Trust.  If  no  trust  is
established,  forfeited  shares  shall  be  cancelled  or  held in  treasury  as
determined by the Committee.

2.       Purpose of the Plan

         The purpose of the Plan is to advance  the  interests  of NCRIC  Group,
Inc. (the  "Company") and the Company's  stockholders by providing Key Employees
and Outside  Directors of the Company and its  Affiliates,  upon whose judgment,
initiative and efforts the successful conduct of the business of the Company and
its Affiliates largely depends, with compensation for their contributions to the
Company and its Affiliates and an additional  incentive to perform in a superior
manner, as well as to attract people of experience and ability.

3.       Definitions

         The following words and phrases, when used in this Plan with an initial
capital letter,  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise,  shall have the
meanings set forth below.  Wherever  appropriate,  the  masculine  pronoun shall
include the feminine pronoun and the singular shall include the plural:

         "Affiliate" means any "parent corporation" or "subsidiary  corporation"
of the Company, including without limitation NCRIC, Inc. and NCRIC MSO, Inc., as
such terms are defined in Section 424(e) and (f), respectively,  of the Code, or
a successor to a parent corporation or subsidiary corporation.

         "Award"  means the  grant by the  Committee  of  Restricted  Stock,  as
provided in the Plan.

         "Beneficiary"  means the person or persons designated by a Recipient to
receive any  benefits  payable  under the Plan in the event of such  Recipient's
death.  Such person or persons shall be designated in writing on forms  provided
for this  purpose  by the  Committee  and may be  changed  from  time to time by
similar  written  notice  to  the  Committee.   In  the  absence  of  a  written
designation,  the Beneficiary shall be the Recipient's surviving spouse, if any,
or if none, his estate.

         "Board" or "Board of  Directors"  means the Board of  Directors  of the
Company, unless otherwise noted.

         "Cause"  means (i)  fraud,  dishonesty,  gross  negligence  or  willful
misconduct in the  performance of a Key Employee or Outside  Director's  duties,
including  willful failure to perform such duties as may properly be assigned to
him or her.


         "Change  in  Control"  of the  Company  means a change in  control of a
nature  that:  (i) would be  required to be reported in response to Item 1(a) of
the  current  report on Form 8-K, as in effect on the date  hereof,  pursuant to
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act");
or (ii) without limitation, a Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred
at such  time as (a) any  "person"  (as the term is used in  Sections  13(d) and
14(d) of the Exchange Act) is or becomes the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in
Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of the
Company  representing  25% or more of the  combined  voting  power of  Company's
outstanding  securities except for any securities  purchased by the Company's or
an Affiliate's  employee stock  ownership plan or trust;  or (b) individuals who
constitute  the Board on the date hereof (the  "Incumbent  Board") cease for any
reason to  constitute  at least a  majority  thereof,  provided  that any person
becoming a director subsequent to the date hereof whose election was approved by
a vote of at least  three-quarters  of the  directors  comprising  the Incumbent
Board,  or whose  nomination  for  election by the  Company's  stockholders  was
approved by the same  Nominating  Committee  serving  under an Incumbent  Board,
shall be, for purposes of this clause (b), considered as though he were a member
of the Incumbent Board; or (c) a plan of reorganization,  merger, consolidation,
sale  of  all  or  substantially  all  the  assets  of the  Company  or  similar
transaction in which the Company is not the surviving institution occurs; or (d)
a proxy  statement  soliciting  proxies from  stockholders  of the  Company,  by
someone other than the current  management of the Company,  seeking  stockholder
approval of a plan of reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the Company or
similar  transaction  with one or more  corporations  as a result  of which  the
outstanding shares of the class of securities then subject to the Plan are to be
exchanged for or converted into cash or property or securities not issued by the
Company;  or (e) a tender offer is made for 25% or more of the voting securities
of the Company and the shareholders owning beneficially or of record 25% or more
of the  outstanding  securities  of the Company have tendered or offered to sell
their shares  pursuant to such tender offer and such  tendered  shares have been
accepted by the tender offeror.

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "Committee" means a committee of the Board of the Company consisting of
either  (i) at least two  Non-Employee  Directors  of the  Company,  or (ii) the
entire Board of the Company.

         "Common  Stock" means  shares of the common  stock of the Company,  par
value $.01 per share.

         "Company" means NCRIC Group, Inc., or a successor corporation.

         "Continuous  Service" means employment as a Key Employee and/or service
as  an  Outside  Director  without  any  interruption  or  termination  of  such
employment and/or service.  Continuous Service shall also mean a continuation as
a member of the Board of Directors  following a cessation of employment as a Key
Employee and continuation of service as a Director Emeritus following  cessation
of service as a Director. In the case of a Key Employee, employment shall not be
considered  interrupted  in the case of sick leave,  military leave or any other
leave of absence approved by the Company or one of its Affiliates.

         "Director" means a member of the Board.

         "Disability"  means  the  permanent  and total  inability  by reason of
mental or  physical  infirmity,  or both,  of an  employee  to perform  the work
customarily  assigned to him,  or of a Director or Outside  Director to serve as
such.  Additionally,  in the case of an employee,  a medical doctor  selected or
approved by the Board must advise the  Committee  that it is either not possible
to determine when such  Disability  will  terminate or that it appears  probable
that such Disability  will be permanent  during the remainder of such employee's


         "Effective  Date" means the date of, or a date  determined by the Board
following, approval of the Plan by the Company's stockholders.

         "Key  Employee"  means any  person  who is  currently  employed  by the
Company or an Affiliate  who is chosen by the  Committee to  participate  in the

         "Non-Employee Director" means, for purposes of the Plan, a Director who
(a) is not  employed  by the  Company  or an  Affiliate;  (b) does  not  receive
compensation  directly or indirectly as a consultant  (or in any other  capacity
than as a Director)  greater  than  $60,000;  (c) does not have an interest in a
transaction  requiring disclosure under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K; or (d) is
not engaged in a business  relationship  for which  disclosure would be required
pursuant to Item 404(b) of Regulation S-K.

         "Normal Retirement" means a termination of employment which constitutes
a "retirement" under any employee stock ownership plan maintained by the Company
or an  Affiliate,  or, if no such plan is  applicable,  which  would  constitute
"retirement"  under any qualified pension benefit plan maintained by the Company
or an  Affiliate,  if such  individual  were a  participant  in such plan.  With
respect  to an  Outside  Director  shall  mean  retirement  form  the  Board  in
connection  with any retirement  policy  established  by the Board,  or if none,
retirement on or after attainment of age 65.

         "Outside  Director" means a Director of the Company or an Affiliate who
is not an employee of the Company or an Affiliate.

         "Recipient"  means a Key Employee or Outside Director of the Company or
its Affiliates who receives or has received an Award under the Plan.

         "Restricted  Period" means the period of time selected by the Committee
for the purpose of determining  when  restrictions are in effect under Section 6
with respect to Restricted Stock awarded under the Plan.

         "Restricted  Stock"  means  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  have  been
contingently awarded to a Recipient by the Committee subject to the restrictions
referred to in Section 6, so long as such restrictions are in effect.

4.       Administration of the Plan.

         (a) Role of the  Committee.  The  Plan  shall  be  administered  by the
Committee.   The  interpretation  and  construction  by  the  Committee  of  any
provisions  of the Plan or of any  Award  granted  hereunder  shall be final and
binding. The Committee shall act by vote or written consent of a majority of its
members.  Subject to the express  provisions  and  limitations  of the Plan, the
Committee may adopt such rules and  procedures as it deems  appropriate  for the
conduct of its affairs.  The  Committee  shall report its actions and  decisions
with respect to the Plan to the Board at appropriate times, but in no event less
than one time per calendar year.

         (b) Role of the Board.  The members of the Committee shall be appointed
or approved by, and will serve at the pleasure of, the Board of Directors of the
Company.  The Board may in its discretion from time to time remove members from,
or add  members  to,  the  Committee.  The Board  shall  have all of the  powers
allocated  to it in the Plan,  may take any action  under or with respect to the
Plan that the Committee is  authorized to take,  and may reverse or override any
action  taken or decision  made by the  Committee  under or with  respect to the
Plan, provided,  however, that except as provided in Section 6(b), the Board may
not revoke any Award except in the event of revocation for Cause or with respect
to unearned Awards in the


event the  Recipient  of an Award  voluntarily  terminates  employment  with the
Company or one of its Affiliates prior to Normal Retirement.

         (c) Plan  Administration  Restrictions.  All  transactions  involving a
grant,  award or other  acquisitions  from the Company shall:

                  (i)      be  approved  by the  Company's  full Board or by the

                  (ii)     be approved, or ratified, in compliance with Section
                           14 of the Exchange Act, by either: the affirmative
                           vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
                           present, or represented and entitled to vote at a
                           meeting duly held in accordance with the laws under
                           which the Company is incorporated; or the written
                           consent of the holders of a majority of the
                           securities of the issuer entitled to vote, provided
                           that such ratification occurs no later than the date
                           of the next annual meeting of stockholders; or

                  (iii)    result in the acquisition of Common Stock that is
                           held by the Recipient for a period of six months
                           following the date of such acquisition.

         (d)  Limitation on  Liability.  No member of the Board or the Committee
shall be liable for any  determination  made in good  faith with  respect to the
Plan or any Awards  granted  under it. If a member of the Board or the Committee
is a party or is  threatened  to be made a party to any  threatened,  pending or
completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or
investigative,  by reason of anything  done or not done by him in such  capacity
under or with  respect to the Plan,  the  Company  shall  indemnify  such member
against expense (including attorneys' fees),  judgments,  fines and amounts paid
in settlement  actually and reasonably  incurred by him in connection  with such
action,  suit or  proceeding  if he  acted  in good  faith  and in a  manner  he
reasonably believed to be in the best interests of the Company and, with respect
to any criminal  action or  proceeding,  had no reasonable  cause to believe his
conduct was unlawful.

5.       Eligibility; Awards

         (a)  Eligibility.  Key Employees and Outside  Directors are eligible to
receive Awards.

         (b) Awards to Key  Employees and Outside  Directors.  The Committee may
determine which of the Key Employees and Outside Directors referenced in Section
5(a) will be  granted  Awards and the  number of shares  covered by each  Award.
Shares of Restricted  Stock that are awarded by the Committee shall, on the date
of the Award,  be registered in the name of the Recipient and transferred to the
Recipient,  in accordance  with the terms and conditions  established  under the
Plan. The aggregate number of shares that shall be issued under the Plan is four
percent  of the  shares  of  common  stock  sold by the  Company  (for  cash) in
connection with the second step conversion, up to a maximum of 174,570 shares.

         (c) In the event  Restricted  Stock is  forfeited  for any reason,  the
Committee,  from time to time,  may  determine  which of the Key  Employees  and
Outside Directors will be granted additional Awards to be awarded from forfeited
Restricted Stock.

         (d) In  selecting  those Key  Employees  and Outside  Directors to whom
Awards  will be  granted  and the  amount of  Restricted  Stock  covered by such
Awards,  the Committee shall consider such factors as it deems  relevant,  which
factors may include,  among others, the position and responsibilities of the Key
Employees and Outside  Directors,  the length and value of their services to the
Company and its Affiliates,  the compensation  paid to the Key Employees or fees
paid to the  Outside  Directors,  and the  Committee  may  request  the  written
recommendation  of the  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  other  senior  executive
officers of the


Company  and  its  Affiliates  or the  recommendation  of the  full  Board.  All
allocations  by the  Committee  shall be  subject  to review,  and  approval  or
rejection, by the Board.

         No  Restricted  Stock shall be earned  unless the  Recipient  maintains
Continuous  Service  with the  Company or an  Affiliate  until the  restrictions

         (e) Manner of Award.  As promptly as practicable  after a determination
is made pursuant to Section 5(b) to grant an Award,  the Committee  shall notify
the  Recipient  in writing  of the grant of the  Award,  the number of shares of
Restricted  Stock covered by the Award,  and the terms upon which the Restricted
Stock  subject  to the Award may be  earned.  Upon  notification  of an Award of
Restricted  Stock,  the  Recipient  shall  execute  and return to the  Company a
restricted stock agreement (the "Restricted Stock Agreement")  setting forth the
terms and conditions under which the Recipient shall earn the Restricted  Stock,
together with a stock power or stock powers endorsed in blank.  Thereafter,  the
Recipient's  Restricted  Stock and stock power shall be deposited with an escrow
agent specified by the Company  ("Escrow  Agent") who shall hold such Restricted
Stock  under  the  terms  and  conditions  set  forth  in the  Restricted  Stock
Agreement.  Each  certificate  in respect of shares of Restricted  Stock Awarded
under the Plan shall be registered in the name of the Recipient.

         (g)  Treatment of Forfeited  Shares.  In the event shares of Restricted
Stock are forfeited by a Recipient, such shares shall be returned to the Company
and shall be held and accounted for pursuant to the terms of the Plan until such
time as the Restricted Stock is re-awarded to another  Recipient,  in accordance
with the terms of the Plan and the applicable  state and federal laws, rules and

6.       Terms and Conditions of Restricted Stock

         The Committee  shall have full and complete  authority,  subject to the
limitations  of the Plan, to grant awards of  Restricted  Stock to Key Employees
and Outside Directors and, in addition to the terms and conditions  contained in
Sections 6(a) through 6(g),  to provide such other terms and  conditions  (which
need not be  identical  among  Recipients)  in respect of such  Awards,  and the
vesting thereof, as the Committee shall determine.

         (a) General Rules.  Restricted  Stock shall be earned by a Recipient at
the rate or rates  determined by the  Committee,  provided  that such  Recipient
maintains Continuous Service.  Subject to any such other terms and conditions as
the Committee shall provide with respect to Awards,  shares of Restricted  Stock
may not be sold, assigned,  transferred (within the meaning of Code Section 83),
pledged  or  otherwise  encumbered  by  the  Recipient,  except  as  hereinafter
provided, during the Restricted Period.

         (b) Continuous Service; Forfeiture. Except as provided in Section 6(c),
if a Recipient ceases to maintain Continuous Service for any reason,  unless the
Committee shall otherwise determine,  all shares of Restricted Stock theretofore
awarded  to  such  Recipient  and  which  at the  time of  such  termination  of
Continuous Service are subject to the restrictions imposed by Section 6(a) shall
upon such termination of Continuous Service be forfeited. Any stock dividends or
declared but unpaid cash  dividends  attributable  to such shares of  Restricted
Stock shall also be forfeited.

         (c)  Exception  for  Termination  Due to  Death or  Disability,  Normal
Retirement and Following a Change in Control.  Notwithstanding  the general rule
contained in Section 6(a) and (b), Restricted Stock awarded to a Recipient whose
employment  with the Company or an Affiliate or service on the Board  terminates
due to  death,  Disability,  or  Normal  Retirement,  or  following  a Change in
Control,  shall be deemed  earned as of the  Recipient's  last day of employment
with the  Company  or an  Affiliate,  or last day of service on the Board of the
Company  or an  Affiliate;  provided  that  Restricted  Stock  awarded  to a Key
Employee  who at any time also serves as a Director  shall not be deemed  earned
until both employment and service as a Director have been terminated.


         (d) Revocation for Cause.  Notwithstanding  anything hereinafter to the
contrary,  the Board may by resolution immediately revoke, rescind and terminate
any Award, or portion thereof,  previously awarded under the Plan, to the extent
Restricted  Stock has not been redelivered by the Escrow Agent to the Recipient,
whether or not yet earned,  in the case of a Key Employee  whose  employment  is
terminated by the Company or an Affiliate or an Outside  Director  whose service
is  terminated  by the Company or an  Affiliate  for Cause or who is  discovered
after  termination  of  employment  or service  on the Board to have  engaged in
conduct that would have justified termination for Cause.

         (e) Restricted  Stock Legend.  Each certificate in respect of shares of
Restricted  Stock  awarded under the Plan shall be registered in the name of the
Recipient and deposited by the  Recipient,  together with a stock power endorsed
in blank,  with the Escrow  Agent,  and shall bear the  following (or a similar)

         "The  transferability  of this  certificate  and the  shares  of  stock
         represented  hereby are subject to the terms and conditions  (including
         forfeiture) contained in the NCRIC Group, Inc. Stock Award Plan. Copies
         of such  Plan  are on file in the  offices  of the  Secretary  of NCRIC
         Group, Inc., 1115 30th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007."

         (f) Payment of Dividends and Return of Capital. After an Award has been
granted but before such Award has been earned,  the Recipient  shall receive any
cash dividends paid with respect to such shares,  or shall share in any pro-rata
return of capital to all  stockholders  with respect to the Common Stock.  Stock
dividends  declared  by the  Company  and paid on Awards  that have not yet been
earned shall be subject to the same restrictions as the Restricted Stock and the
certificate(s) or other instruments representing or evidencing such shares shall
be legended in the manner provided in Section 6(e) and shall be delivered to the
Escrow Agent for  distribution  to the Recipient when the Restricted  Stock upon
which such  dividends  were paid are earned.  Unless the  Recipient  has made an
election  under  Section 83(b) of the Code,  cash  dividends or other amounts so
paid on shares that have not yet been earned by the  Recipient  shall be treated
as  compensation  income to the Recipient  when paid. If dividends are paid with
respect to shares of  Restricted  Stock under the Plan that have been  forfeited
and  returned  to the  Company  or to a trust  established  to hold  issued  and
unawarded  or  forfeited  shares,  the  Committee  can  determine  to award such
dividends to any Recipient or Recipients  under the Plan, to any other  employee
or director of the Company or its  Affiliates,  or can return such  dividends to
the Company.

         (g) Voting of Restricted Shares.  After an Award has been granted,  the
Recipient as conditional  owner of the Restricted  Stock shall have the right to
vote such shares.

         (h) Delivery of Earned Shares.  At the  expiration of the  restrictions
imposed by Section 6(a),  the Escrow Agent shall  redeliver to the Recipient (or
where the  relevant  provision of Section 6(c) applies in the case of a deceased
Recipient,  to his Beneficiary) the certificate(s) and any remaining stock power
deposited  with it pursuant to Section 5(d) and the shares  represented  by such
certificate(s) shall be free of the restrictions referred to in Section 6(a).

7.       Adjustments upon Changes in Capitalization

         In the event of any change in the outstanding  shares subsequent to the
Effective Date by reason of any reorganization,  recapitalization,  stock split,
stock dividend,  combination or exchange of shares, or any merger, consolidation
or any  change in the  corporate  structure  or shares of the  Company,  without
receipt or


payment of consideration by the Company,  the maximum aggregate number and class
of  shares  as  to  which  Awards  may  be  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  be
appropriately   adjusted  by  the  Committee,   whose   determination  shall  be
conclusive. Any shares of stock or other securities received, as a result of any
of the  foregoing,  by a Recipient  with  respect to  Restricted  Stock shall be
subject to the same  restrictions and the  certificate(s)  or other  instruments
representing  or  evidencing  such shares or  securities  shall be legended  and
deposited with the Escrow Agent in the manner provided in Section 6(e).

8.       Assignments and Transfers

         No Award nor any right or interest of a Recipient under the Plan in any
instrument  evidencing  any Award under the Plan may be assigned,  encumbered or
transferred  (within the meaning of Code Section 83) except, in the event of the
death of a Recipient, by will or the laws of descent and distribution until such
Award is earned.

9.       Key Employee Rights under the Plan

         No Key Employee  shall have a right to be selected as a Recipient  nor,
having been so selected, to be selected again as a Recipient and no Key Employee
or other  person  shall have any claim or right to be granted an Award under the
Plan or  under  any  other  incentive  or  similar  plan of the  Company  or any
Affiliate.  Neither the Plan nor any action taken  thereunder shall be construed
as giving any Key Employee any right to be retained in the employ of the Company
or any Affiliate.

10.      Outside Director Rights under the Plan

         Neither the Plan nor any action taken  thereunder shall be construed as
giving any  Outside  Director  any right to be  retained  in the  service of the
Company or any Affiliate.

11.      Withholding Tax

         Upon the  termination  of the  Restricted  Period  with  respect to any
shares of Restricted Stock (or at any such earlier time that an election is made
by the Recipient  under  Section  83(b) of the Code, or any successor  provision
thereto,  to include  the value of such shares in taxable  income),  the Company
shall have the right to require the  Recipient  or other person  receiving  such
shares to pay the  Company the  minimum  amount of any  federal or state  taxes,
including  payroll taxes,  that are applicable to such  supplemental  income and
that the Company is required to withhold  with  respect to such  shares,  or, in
lieu thereof,  to retain or sell without notice,  a sufficient  number of shares
held by it to cover the amount  required to be withheld.  The Company shall have
the right to deduct from all dividends paid with respect to shares of Restricted
Stock the amount of any taxes that the  Company is  required  to  withhold  with
respect to such dividend payments.

12.      Amendment or Termination

         The Board of the Company may amend,  suspend or  terminate  the Plan or
any portion  thereof at any time,  provided,  however,  that no such  amendment,
suspension or termination shall impair the rights of any Recipient,  without his
consent,  in any Award  theretofore  made pursuant to the Plan. Any amendment or
modification  of the Plan or an  outstanding  Award  under  the  Plan,  shall be
approved by the Committee, or the full Board of the Company.


13.      Governing Law

         The Plan shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

14.      Term of Plan

         The Plan shall become effective on the date of, or a date determined by
the  Board  of  Directors  following,  approval  of the  Plan  by the  Company's
stockholders.  It shall  continue  in effect  until the earlier of (i) ten years
from the Effective  Date unless sooner  terminated  under Section 12 hereof,  or
(ii) the date on which all shares of Common Stock available for award hereunder,
have vested in the Recipients of such Awards.


                                                                       Exhibit B
                                NCRIC GROUP, INC.
                             2003 STOCK OPTION PLAN

1.       Purpose

         The  purpose  of the NCRIC  Group,  Inc.  2003 Stock  Option  Plan (the
"Plan") is to advance the interests of NCRIC Group, Inc. (the "Company") and its
stockholders by providing Key Employees and Outside Directors of the Company and
its Affiliates,  including  NCRIC,  Inc.,  upon whose  judgment,  initiative and
efforts the successful conduct of the business of the Company and its Affiliates
largely depends, with an additional incentive to perform in a superior manner as
well as to attract people of experience and ability.

2.       Definitions

         "Affiliate" means any "parent corporation" or "subsidiary  corporation"
of the Company, including without limitation NCRIC, Inc. and NCRIC MSO, Inc., as
such terms are defined in Section 424(e) or 424(f),  respectively,  of the Code,
or a successor to a parent corporation or subsidiary corporation.

         "Award" means an Award of Non-Statutory Stock Options,  Incentive Stock
Options,  Limited  Rights,  Reload Options  and/or  Dividend  Equivalent  Rights
granted under the provisions of the Plan.

         "Beneficiary"  means the person or persons  designated by a Participant
to  receive  any  benefits   payable  under  the  Plan  in  the  event  of  such
Participant's  death.  Such person or persons  shall be designated in writing on
forms provided for this purpose by the Committee and may be changed from time to
time by similar  written  notice to the  Committee.  In the absence of a written
designation,  the Beneficiary  shall be the  Participant's  surviving spouse, if
any, or if none, his estate.

         "Board" or "Board of  Directors"  means the board of  directors  of the
Company, unless otherwise noted herein.

         "Cause"  means (i)  fraud,  dishonesty,  gross  negligence  or  willful
misconduct in the  performance of a Key Employee or Outside  Director's  duties,
including  willful failure to perform such duties as may properly be assigned to
him or her.

         "Change  in  Control"  of the  Company  means a change in  control of a
nature  that:  (i) would be  required to be reported in response to Item 1(a) of
the  current  report on Form 8-K, as in effect on the date  hereof,  pursuant to
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act");
or (ii) without limitation, a Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred
at such  time as (a) any  "person"  (as the term is used in  Sections  13(d) and
14(d) of the Exchange Act) is or becomes the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in
Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of the
Company  representing  25% or more of the combined voting power of the Company's
outstanding  securities except for any securities  purchased by the Company's or
an Affiliate's  employee stock  ownership plan or trust;  or (b) individuals who
constitute  the Board on the date hereof (the  "Incumbent  Board") cease for any
reason to  constitute  at least a  majority  thereof,  provided  that any person
becoming a director subsequent to the date hereof whose election was approved by
a vote of at least  three-quarters  of the  directors  comprising  the Incumbent
Board,  or whose  nomination  for  election by the  Company's  stockholders  was
approved by the same  Nominating  Committee  serving  under an Incumbent  Board,
shall be, for purposes of this clause (b), considered as though he were a member
of the Incumbent Board; or (c) a plan of reorganization,  merger, consolidation,
sale  of  all  or  substantially  all  the  assets  of the  Company  or  similar
transaction in which the


Company  is not the  surviving  institution  occurs;  or (d) a  proxy  statement
soliciting  proxies from stockholders of the Company,  by someone other than the
current  management of the Company,  seeking  stockholder  approval of a plan of
reorganization,  merger or consolidation  of the Company or similar  transaction
with one or more corporations as a result of which the outstanding shares of the
class  of  securities  then  subject  to the  Plan  are to be  exchanged  for or
converted into cash or property or securities not issued by the Company;  or (e)
a tender offer is made for 25% or more of the voting  securities  of the Company
and  the  shareholders  owning  beneficially  or of  record  25% or  more of the
outstanding  securities  of the Company  have  tendered or offered to sell their
shares pursuant to such tender offer and such tendered shares have been accepted
by the tender offeror.

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "Committee" means the Stock Benefits Committee consisting of either (i)
at least two Non-Employee  Directors of the Company, or (ii) the entire Board of
the Company.

         "Common  Stock" means  shares of the common  stock of the Company,  par
value $.01 per share.

         "Company" means NCRIC Group, Inc., or a successor corporation.

         "Continuous  Service" means employment as a Key Employee and/or service
as  an  Outside  Director  without  any  interruption  or  termination  of  such
employment and/or service.  Continuous Service shall also mean a continuation as
a member of the Board of Directors  following a cessation of employment as a Key
Employee or continuation of service as a Director Emeritus  following  cessation
of service as a Director. In the case of a Key Employee, employment shall not be
considered  interrupted  in the case of sick leave,  military leave or any other
approved leave of absence or in the case of transfers  between payroll locations
of the Company, its subsidiaries or its successor.

         "Date of Grant"  means the actual  date on which an Award is granted by
the Committee.

         "Director" means a member of the Board.

         "Disability"  means  the  permanent  and total  inability  by reason of
mental or  physical  infirmity,  or both,  of an  employee  to perform  the work
customarily  assigned to him,  or of a Director or Outside  Director to serve as
such.  Additionally,  in the case of an employee,  a medical doctor  selected or
approved by the Board must advise the  Committee  that it is either not possible
to determine when such  Disability  will  terminate or that it appears  probable
that such Disability  will be permanent  during the remainder of said employee's

         "Effective  Date" means the date of, or a date  determined by the Board
of Directors following, approval of the Plan by the Company's stockholders.

         "Fair Market  Value"  means,  when used in  connection  with the Common
Stock on a certain  date,  the  reported  closing  price of the Common  Stock as
reported by the Nasdaq stock market (as published in The Wall Street Journal, if
published)  on the day prior to such date, or if the Common Stock was not traded
on the day prior to such  date,  on the next  preceding  day on which the Common
Stock was traded; provided, however, that if the Common Stock is not reported on
the Nasdaq stock market,  Fair Market Value shall mean the average sale price of
all shares of Common Stock sold during the 30-day period  immediately  preceding
the date on which such stock option was granted,  and if no shares of stock have
been sold within such 30-day  period,  the average  sale price of the last three
sales of Common Stock sold during the 90-day period


immediately  preceding  the date on which such stock option was granted.  In the
event Fair Market Value cannot be determined in the manner described above, then
Fair  Market  Value shall be  determined  by the  Committee.  The  Committee  is
authorized, but is not required, to obtain an independent appraisal to determine
the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock.

         "Incentive  Stock Option" means an Option granted by the Committee to a
Key Employee,  which Option is designated as an Incentive  Stock Option pursuant
to Section 9.

         "Key  Employee"  means any  person  who is  currently  employed  by the
Company or an Affiliate  who is chosen by the  Committee to  participate  in the

         "Limited Right" means the right to receive an amount of cash based upon
the terms set forth in Section 10.

         "Non-Statutory  Stock Option" means an Option  granted by the Committee
to (i) an Outside  Director  or (ii) any other  Participant  and such  Option is
either (A) not designated by the Committee as an Incentive Stock Option,  or (B)
fails to satisfy the  requirements  of an Incentive Stock Option as set forth in
Section 422 of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

         "Non-Employee Director" means, for purposes of the Plan, a Director who
(a) is not  employed  by the  Company  or an  Affiliate;  (b) does  not  receive
compensation  directly or indirectly as a consultant  (or in any other  capacity
than as a Director)  greater  than  $60,000;  (c) does not have an interest in a
transaction  requiring disclosure under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K; or (d) is
not engaged in a business  relationship  for which  disclosure would be required
pursuant to Item 404(b) of Regulation S-K.

         "Normal Retirement" means a termination of employment which constitutes
a "retirement" under any applicable qualified pension benefit plan maintained by
the Company or an Affiliate, or, if no such plan is applicable, which would
constitute "retirement" under any qualified pension benefit plan maintained by
the Company or an Affiliate, if such individual were a participant in such plan.
With respect to an Outside Director shall mean retirement form the Board in
connection with any retirement policy established by the Board, or if none,
retirement on or after attainment of age 65.

         "Option" means an Award granted under Section 8 or Section 9.

         "Outside  Director" means a Director of the Company or an Affiliate who
is not an employee of the Company or an Affiliate.

         "Participant"  means a Key Employee or Outside  Director of the Company
or its Affiliates who receives or has received an award under the Plan.

         "Reload  Option"  means an option  to  acquire  shares of Common  Stock
equivalent  to the  number of  shares  (i) used by a  Participant  to pay for an
Option,  or (ii) deducted from any  distribution  in order to satisfy income tax
required  to be  withheld,  based  upon the terms set forth in Section 19 of the

         "Right" means a Limited Right.

         "Termination   for  Cause"  means  the  termination  of  employment  or
termination  of  service  on  the  Board  caused  by the  individual's  personal
dishonesty,  willful misconduct, any breach of fiduciary duty involving personal
profit,  intentional  failure to perform stated duties, or the willful violation
of any law, rule


or regulation (other than traffic  violations or similar  offenses),  or a final
cease-and-desist  order, any of which results in material loss to the Company or
one of its Affiliates.

3.       Plan Administration Restrictions

         The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee.  The  Committee  is
authorized,  subject to the  provisions of the Plan, to establish such rules and
regulations as it deems necessary for the proper  administration of the Plan and
to make whatever  determinations and interpretations in connection with the Plan
it deems necessary or advisable.  All determinations and interpretations made by
the Committee  shall be binding and conclusive on all  Participants  in the Plan
and on their legal representatives and beneficiaries.

         All transactions involving a grant, award or other acquisition from the
Company shall:

         (a) be approved by the Company's full Board or by the Committee; or

         (b) be approved,  or  ratified,  in  compliance  with Section 14 of the
Exchange Act, by either:  the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the securities  present,  or represented  and entitled to vote at a meeting duly
held  in  accordance  with  the  laws of the  state  in  which  the  Company  is
incorporated;  or the  written  consent  of the  holders  of a  majority  of the
securities of the issuer entitled to vote provided that such ratification occurs
no later than the date of the next annual meeting of shareholders; or

         (c) result in the  acquisition  of an Option or  Limited  Right that is
held by the  Participant  for a period of six months  following the date of such

4.       Types of Awards

         Awards  under the Plan may be granted in any one or a  combination  of:
(a) Incentive  Stock  Options;  (b)  Non-Statutory  Stock  Options;  (c) Limited
Rights; (d) Dividend Equivalent Rights; and (e) Reload Options.

5.       Stock Subject to the Plan

         Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 17, the maximum  number of
shares  reserved  for  issuance  under the Plan is ten  percent of the shares of
common stock sold by the Company (for cash) in  connection  with the second step
conversion,  up to a maximum of 436,425 shares. Shares issued under the Plan may
be issued by the Company from authorized but unissued  shares,  treasury shares,
or acquired by the Company in open market purchases.  To the extent that Options
or Rights  granted  under the Plan are  exercised,  the shares  covered  will be
unavailable  for  future  grants  under the Plan;  to the  extent  that  Options
together with any related Rights granted under the Plan terminate, expire or are
forfeited  without  having  been  exercised  or, in the case of  Limited  Rights
exercised  for cash,  new Awards may be made with  respect to these  shares.  In
addition,  any shares that are used for full or partial  payment of the exercise
price of any Option in  connection  with a Reload  Option will not be counted as
issued under the Plan and will be available for future grants under the Plan.


6.       Eligibility

         Key  Employees of the Company and its  Affiliates  shall be eligible to
receive Incentive Stock Options,  Non-Statutory  Stock Options,  Limited Rights,
Dividend  Equivalent  Rights  and/or  Reload  Options  under the  Plan.  Outside
Directors  shall be eligible to receive  Non-Statutory  Stock Options,  Dividend
Equivalent Rights and/or Reload Options under the Plan.

7.       General Terms and Conditions of Options and Rights

         (a)  The  Committee   shall  have  full  and  complete   authority  and
discretion,  except as expressly  limited by the Plan, to grant  Options  and/or
Rights and to provide  the terms and  conditions  (which  need not be  identical
among Participants)  thereof.  In particular,  the Committee shall prescribe the
following terms and  conditions:  (i) the Exercise Price of any Option or Right,
which  shall  not be less  than the Fair  Market  Value per share on the Date of
Grant,  (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock subject to, and the expiration
date of, any Option or Right,  which  expiration date shall not exceed ten years
from the  Date of  Grant,  (iii)  the  manner,  time  and  rate  (cumulative  or
otherwise) of exercise of such Option or Right,  and (iv) the  restrictions,  if
any, to be placed upon such Option or Right or upon shares of Common Stock which
may be issued upon exercise of such Option or Right.

8.       Non-Statutory Stock Options

         The Committee may, from time to time, grant Non-Statutory Stock Options
to eligible Key Employees  and Outside  Directors.  Non-Statutory  Stock Options
granted  under  the Plan,  including  Non-Statutory  Stock  Options  granted  in
exchange for and upon surrender of previously granted Awards, are subject to the
terms and  conditions  set  forth in this  Section.  Subject  to  adjustment  as
provided  in Section 17 of the Plan (and except for shares  awarded  pursuant to
the  exercise of a Reload  Option),  the maximum  number of shares  subject to a
Non-Statutory  Option  that may be  awarded  under the Plan to any Key  Employee
shall be 150,000.

         (a) Option  Agreement.  Each  Option  shall be  evidenced  by a written
option agreement  between the Company and the Participant  specifying the number
of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  through  its  exercise  and
containing  such other terms and conditions that are not  inconsistent  with the
terms of the Plan.

         (b) Price.  The purchase  price per share of Common  Stock  deliverable
upon the  exercise of each  Non-Statutory  Stock Option shall be the Fair Market
Value of the Common  Stock of the  Company  on the Date of Grant.  Shares may be
purchased  only upon full  payment of the  purchase  price in one or more of the
manners set forth in Section 13 hereof, as determined b the Committee.

         (c) Vesting. A Non-Statutory  Stock Option granted under the Plan shall
vest in a  Participant  at the rate or rates  determined  by the  Committee.  No
Options shall become vested in a Participant  unless the  Participant  maintains
Continuous  Service  until the vesting date of such Option,  except as set forth

         (d) Exercise of Options.  A vested Option may be exercised from time to
time,  in whole or in part,  by  delivering a written  notice of exercise to the
President or Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,  or his  designee.  Such
notice  shall be  irrevocable  and must be  accompanied  by full  payment of the
purchase  price in cash or shares of Common  Stock at the Fair  Market  Value of
such shares,  determined on the exercise date in the manner described in Section
2 hereof. If previously acquired shares of Common Stock are


tendered  in payment  of all or part of the  exercise  price,  the value of such
shares shall be determined as of the date of such exercise.

         (e) Amount of Awards. Non-Statutory Stock Options may be granted to any
Key Employee or Outside Director in such amounts as determined by the Committee.
In granting  Non-Statutory  Stock  Options,  the Committee  shall  consider such
factors as it deems  relevant,  which  factors may include,  among  others,  the
position and responsibility of the Key Employee or Outside Director,  the length
and value of his service to the Company or any Affiliate,  the compensation paid
to the Key Employee or Outside Director,  and the Committee's  evaluation of the
performance of the Company or the Affiliate,  according to measurements that may
include,  among others,  key financial  ratios,  level of classified  assets and
independent audit findings.

         (f) Term of Options.  Unless the Committee  determines  otherwise,  the
term during which  Non-Statutory  Stock Options granted to Outside Directors may
be  exercised  shall not exceed  ten years  from the Date of Grant.  In no event
shall a Non-Statutory  Stock Option be exercisable in whole or in part more than
ten years from the Date of Grant.  The  Committee  may, in its sole  discretion,
accelerate the time during which any  Non-Statutory  Stock Option vests in whole
or in part to the Key Employees and/or Outside Directors.

         (g) Termination of Employment or Service. Upon the termination of a Key
Employee's employment, or upon termination of an Outside Director's service, for
any reason other than death, Disability, Termination for Cause, termination upon
Normal Retirement,  or termination following a Change of Control (other than for
Cause  following a Change of Control),  the  Participant's  Non-Statutory  Stock
Options  shall be  exercisable  only as to those  shares  that were  immediately
purchasable  on the  date  of  termination  and  only  for  one  year  following
termination.  In the  event  of  Termination  for  Cause,  all  rights  under  a
Participant's  Non-Statutory Stock Options shall expire upon termination. In the
event of the Participant's  termination of employment or service due to death or
Disability,  or following a Change of Control or due to Normal  Retirement,  all
Non-Statutory  Stock Options held by the  Participant,  whether or not vested at
such time,  shall vest and become  exercisable  by the  Participant or his legal
representative  or  beneficiaries  for  one  year  following  the  date  of such
termination,  death or cessation of employment  or service,  provided that in no
event shall the period extend beyond the expiration of the  Non-Statutory  Stock
Option term.

         (h)  Transferability.  In  the  discretion  of  the  Board,  all or any
Non-Statutory  Stock  Option  granted  hereunder  may  be  transferable  by  the
Participant  once the Option has vested in the Participant,  provided,  however,
that the Board may limit the  transferability  of such  Option or  Options  to a
designated class or classes of persons.

9.       Incentive Stock Options

         The Committee may, from time to time,  grant Incentive Stock Options to
Key Employees.  Incentive  Stock Options  granted  pursuant to the Plan shall be
subject to the following terms and conditions:

         (a) Option  Agreement.  Each  Option  shall be  evidenced  by a written
option agreement between the Company and the Key Employee  specifying the number
of shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  through  its  exercise  and
containing  such other terms and conditions that are not  inconsistent  with the
terms of the Plan.

         (b) Price.  Subject to  Section 17 of the Plan and  Section  422 of the
Code, the purchase price per share of Common Stock deliverable upon the exercise
of each  Incentive  Stock  Option shall be not less than 100% of the Fair Market
Value of the Company's  Common Stock on the date the  Incentive  Stock Option is
granted.  However,  if a Key Employee owns stock possessing more than 10% of the
total  combined  voting  power of all  classes  of stock of the  Company  or its
Affiliates  (or  under  Section  424(d)  of the  Code  is  deemed  to own  stock
representing more than 10% of the total combined voting


power of all classes of stock of the Company or its  Affiliates by reason of the
ownership  of such  classes  of stock,  directly  or  indirectly,  by or for any
brother,  sister, spouse, ancestor or lineal descendent of such Key Employee, or
by or for any  corporation,  partnership,  estate  or trust  of  which  such Key
Employee is a shareholder, partner or Beneficiary), the purchase price per share
of Common Stock  deliverable  upon the exercise of each  Incentive  Stock Option
shall not be less than 110% of the Fair  Market  Value of the  Company's  Common
Stock on the date the Incentive Stock Option is granted. Shares may be purchased
only upon payment of the full purchase price.  Payment of the purchase price may
be made,  in whole or in part,  through  the  surrender  of shares of the Common
Stock of the Company at the Fair Market Value of such shares  determined  on the
exercise date.

         (c) Vesting.  Incentive  Stock Options  awarded to Key Employees  shall
vest at the rate or rates determined by the Committee. No Incentive Stock Option
shall become vested in a Participant unless the Participant maintains Continuous
Service until the vesting date of such Option, except as set forth herein.

         (d) Exercise of Options.  Vested  Options may be exercised from time to
time,  in whole or in part,  by  delivering a written  notice of exercise to the
President or Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,  or his  designee.  Such
notice is  irrevocable  and must be  accompanied by full payment of the exercise
price in cash or shares of Common  Stock at the Fair Market Value of such shares
determined on the exercise date.

         The Options comprising each installment may be exercised in whole or in
part at any time after such installment becomes vested, provided that the amount
able to be first  exercised  in a given  year is  consistent  with the  terms of
Section 422 of the Code. To the extent  required by Section 422 of the Code, the
aggregate  Fair Market Value  (determined  at the time the Option is granted) of
the Common Stock for which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first
time by a  Participant  during any calendar year (under all plans of the Company
and its Affiliates) shall not exceed $100,000.

         The Committee may, in its sole discretion, accelerate the time at which
any Incentive  Stock Option may be exercised in whole or in part,  provided that
it is consistent with the terms of Section 422 of the Code.  Notwithstanding the
above,  in the event of a Change of Control of the Company,  all Incentive Stock
Options that have been awarded shall become immediately  exercisable,  provided,
however,  that if the aggregate  Fair Market Value  (determined  at the time the
Option is granted) of Common Stock for which Options are exercisable as a result
of  a  Change  of  Control,  together  with  the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value
(determined  at the time the Option is  granted) of all other  Common  Stock for
which  Incentive  Stock Options  become  exercisable  during such year,  exceeds
$100,000,  then the first $100,000 of Incentive Stock Options  (determined as of
the Date of Grant)  shall be  exercisable  as  Incentive  Stock  Options and any
excess shall be  exercisable  as  Non-Statutory  Stock Options (but shall remain
subject to the provisions of this Section 9 to the extent permitted).

         (e) Amounts of Awards.  Incentive  Stock  Options may be granted to any
eligible Key Employee in such amounts as determined by the  Committee;  provided
that the amount granted is consistent with the terms of Section 422 of the Code.
Notwithstanding  the above, and subject to adjustment  pursuant to Section 17 of
the Plan (and except for shares  awarded  pursuant  to the  exercise of a Reload
Option),  the maximum number of shares that may be subject to an Incentive Stock
Option  awarded under the Plan to any Key Employee shall be 150,000  shares.  In
granting  Incentive Stock Options,  the Committee shall consider such factors as
it deems  relevant,  which factors may include,  among others,  the position and
responsibilities of the Key Employee, the length and value of his or her service
to the Company, or any Affiliate,  the compensation paid to the Key Employee and
the Committee's  evaluation of the performance of the Company, or any Affiliate,
according to measurements that may include,  among others, key financial ratios,
levels of


classified  assets,  and  independent  audit  findings.  The  provisions of this
Section 9(e) shall be construed and applied in accordance with Section 422(d) of
the Code and the regulations, if any, promulgated thereunder.

         (f) Terms of Options. The term during which each Incentive Stock Option
may be exercised shall be determined by the Committee,  provided, however, in no
event shall an Incentive  Stock Option be  exercisable  in whole or in part more
than 10 years  from  the  Date of  Grant.  If any Key  Employee,  at the time an
Incentive Stock Option is granted to him, owns stock  representing more than 10%
of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or its
Affiliate  (or,  under  Section  424(d)  of the  Code,  is  deemed  to own stock
representing  more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of
stock,  by  reason of the  ownership  of such  classes  of  stock,  directly  or
indirectly, by or for any brother, sister, spouse, ancestor or lineal descendent
of such Key Employee, or by or for any corporation, partnership, estate or trust
of which  such Key  Employee  is a  shareholder,  partner or  Beneficiary),  the
Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  to him  shall  not be  exercisable  after the
expiration of five years from the Date of Grant.

         (g) Termination of Employment. Upon the termination of a Key Employee's
employment for any reason other than death,  Disability,  Termination for Cause,
termination upon Normal Retirement, or termination following a Change of Control
(other  than for  Cause  following  a Change  of  Control),  the Key  Employee's
Incentive  Stock Options shall be exercisable  only as to those shares that were
immediately  purchasable by such Key Employee at the date of  termination  for a
period  of  three  months  following  termination.  Upon  termination  of a  Key
Employee's  employment  due to death or  Disability,  or  following  a Change of
Control  or due to  Normal  Retirement,  all  Incentive  Options  held  by a Key
Employee,  whether or not vested at such time, shall vest and become exercisable
by the Participant or his legal  representative  or  beneficiaries  for one year
following  the date of such  termination,  death  or  cessation  of  employment,
provided that in no event shall the period  extend beyond the  expiration of the
Stock Option term, and provided, further, that such Option shall not be eligible
for treatment as an Incentive Stock Option in the event such Option is exercised
more than three months  following  termination.  In the event of Termination for
Cause  all  rights  under  the   Incentive   Stock  Options  shall  expire  upon

         No Option shall be eligible for treatment as an Incentive  Stock Option
in the event such Option is exercised more than one year  following  termination
of  employment  due to  Disability.  In order to obtain  Incentive  Stock Option
treatment  for  Options  exercised  by heirs or  devisees  of an  Optionee,  the
Optionee's  death must have  occurred  while  employed or within three months of
termination of employment.

         (h)  Transferability.  No Incentive Stock Option granted under the Plan
is transferable  except by will or the laws of descent and  distribution  and is
exercisable during his lifetime only by the Key Employee to which it is granted.

         (i) Compliance  with Code. The options granted under this Section 9 are
intended to qualify as Incentive Stock Options within the meaning of Section 422
of the Code,  but the Company makes no warranty as to the  qualification  of any
Option as an  Incentive  Stock  Option  within the meaning of Section 422 of the
Code. If an Option granted  hereunder  fails for whatever  reason to comply with
the  provisions of Section 422 of the Code, and such failure is not or cannot be
cured, such Option shall be a Non-Statutory Stock Option.

10.      Limited Rights

         The Committee may grant a Limited Right  simultaneously  with the grant
of any Option to any Key Employee of the Company or any Affiliate,  with respect
to all or some of the shares  covered by such  Option.  Limited  Rights  granted
under the Plan are subject to the following terms and conditions:


         (a) Terms of Rights.  In no event shall a Limited Right be  exercisable
in whole or in part before the  expiration  of six months from the date of grant
of the Limited  Right.  A Limited Right may be exercised  only in the event of a
Change of Control of the Company.

         The Limited Right may be exercised only when the  underlying  Option is
eligible to be exercised,  provided that the Fair Market Value of the underlying
shares on the day of exercise is greater than the exercise  price of the related

         Upon exercise of a Limited Right,  the related Option shall cease to be
exercisable.  Upon exercise or  termination  of an Option,  any related  Limited
Rights shall  terminate.  The Limited Rights may be for no more than 100% of the
difference  between the  exercise  price and the Fair Market Value of the Common
Stock subject to the underlying  Option.  The Limited Right is transferable only
when the underlying Option is transferable and under the same conditions.

         (b)  Payment.  Upon  exercise  of a Limited  Right,  the  holder  shall
promptly  receive from the Company an amount of cash or shares of stock equal in
value to the  difference  between the Fair Market  Value on the Date of Grant of
the related  Option and the Fair Market  Value of the  underlying  shares on the
date the Limited  Right is  exercised,  multiplied  by the number of shares with
respect to which such Limited Right is being exercised.

11.      Reload Option

         Simultaneously  with the  grant of any  Option  to a  Participant,  the
Committee  may grant a Reload  Option with  respect to all or some of the shares
covered by such  Option.  A Reload  Option may be granted to a  Participant  who
satisfies all or part of the exercise  price of the Option with shares of Common
Stock (as  described in Section 13(c)  below).  The Reload Option  represents an
additional  Option to acquire  the same  number of shares of Common  Stock as is
used by the Participant to pay for the original Option.  Reload Options may also
be granted to replace  Common  Stock  withheld  by the  Company for payment of a
Participant's  withholding  tax under  Section 19. A Reload Option is subject to
all of the same terms and  conditions  as the  original  Option,  including  the
remaining Option exercise term, except that (i) the exercise price of the shares
of Common Stock  subject to the Reload Option will be determined at the time the
original  Option is  exercised  and (ii) such Reload  Option will conform to all
provisions of the Plan at the time the original Option is exercised.

12.      Surrender of Option

         In  the  event  of  a   Participant's   termination  of  employment  or
termination of service as a result of death or Disability,  the  Participant (or
his or her personal  representative(s),  heir(s),  or devisee(s)) may, in a form
acceptable to the  Committee,  make  application to surrender all or part of the
Options held by such Participant in exchange for a cash payment from the Company
of an amount equal to the difference between the Fair Market Value of the Common
Stock on the date of  termination  of employment or the date of  termination  of
service on the Board and the exercise price per share of the Option. Whether the
Company  accepts such  application  or determines  to make payment,  in whole or
part, is within its absolute and sole discretion,  it being expressly understood
that the Company is under no  obligation to any  Participant  whatsoever to make
such  payments.  In the event that the  Company  accepts  such  application  and
determines to make payment, such payment shall be in lieu of the exercise of the
underlying Option and such Option shall cease to be exercisable.


13.      Alternate Option Payment Mechanism

         The Committee has sole  discretion to determine what form of payment it
will accept for the exercise of an Option. The Committee may indicate acceptable
forms in the agreement with the Participant covering such Options or may reserve
its decision to the time of exercise.  No Option is to be  considered  exercised
until payment in full is accepted by the Committee or its agent.

         (a)  Cash  Payment.  The  exercise  price  may be  paid  in  cash or by
certified check. To the extent permitted by law, the Committee may permit all or
a portion of the exercise price of an Option to be paid through borrowed funds.

         (b) Cashless Exercise. Subject to vesting requirements,  if applicable,
a Participant may engage in a "cashless exercise" of the Option. Upon a cashless
exercise,  the Participant shall give the Company written notice of the exercise
of the Option together with an order to a registered broker-dealer or equivalent
third party,  to sell part or all of the Common Stock  subject to the Option and
to deliver  enough of the  proceeds  to the  Company to pay the Option  exercise
price and any applicable withholding taxes. If the Participant does not sell the
Common  Stock  subject  to the  Option  through a  registered  broker-dealer  or
equivalent  third party,  the Participant may give the Company written notice of
the  exercise of the Option and the third party  purchaser  of the Common  Stock
subject  to the  Option  shall pay the Option  exercise  price  plus  applicable
withholding taxes to the Company.

         (c) Exchange of Common Stock.  The Committee may permit  payment of the
Option  exercise price by the tendering of previously  acquired shares of Common
Stock.  All shares of Common Stock  tendered in payment of the exercise price of
an Option  shall be valued at the Fair  Market  Value of the  Common  Stock.  No
tendered shares of Common Stock which were acquired by the Participant  upon the
previous  exercise  of an Option or as awards  under a stock award plan (such as
the Company's  Recognition  and  Retention  Plan) shall be accepted for exchange
unless the  Participant has held such shares  (without  restrictions  imposed by
said plan or award) for at least six months prior to the exchange.

14.      Rights of a Stockholder

         A Participant shall have no rights as a stockholder with respect to any
shares covered by a Non-Statutory  and/or  Incentive Stock Option until the date
of issuance of a stock  certificate  for such shares.  Nothing in the Plan or in
any Award  granted  confers on any person any right to continue in the employ of
the Company or its Affiliates or to continue to perform services for the Company
or its  Affiliates or interferes in any way with the right of the Company or its
Affiliates to terminate his services as an officer,  director or employee at any

15.      Agreement with Participants

         Each Award of Options,  Reload Options,  Limited Rights and/or Dividend
Equivalent  Rights will be  evidenced  by a written  agreement,  executed by the
Participant  and the Company or its Affiliates that describes the conditions for
receiving  the  Awards,  including  the  date  of  Award,  the  purchase  price,
applicable periods, and any other terms and conditions as may be required by the
Board or applicable securities laws.

16.      Designation of Beneficiary

         A  Participant  may,  with the  consent of the  Committee,  designate a
person or persons to receive, in the event of death, any Option,  Reload Option,
Limited Rights or Dividend Equivalent Rights to which he would


then be  entitled.  Such  designation  will be made upon forms  supplied  by and
delivered to the Company and may be revoked in writing.  If a Participant  fails
effectively to designate a Beneficiary, then his estate will be deemed to be the

17.      Dilution and Other Adjustments

         In the event of any change in the outstanding shares of Common Stock by
reason of any  stock  dividend  or split,  pro rata  return  of  capital  to all
shareholders,   recapitalization,   or  any  merger,  consolidation,   spin-off,
reorganization,  combination or exchange of shares,  or other similar  corporate
change, or other increase or decrease in such shares, without receipt or payment
of  consideration  by the Company,  the Committee will make such  adjustments to
previously  granted Awards,  to prevent dilution or enlargement of the rights of
the Participant, including any or all of the following:

         (a)      adjustments  in the  aggregate  number  or kind of  shares  of
                  Common Stock that may be awarded under the Plan;

         (b)      adjustments  in the  aggregate  number  or kind of  shares  of
                  Common Stock covered by Awards already made under the Plan; or

         (c)      adjustments  in the purchase  price of  outstanding  Incentive
                  and/or  Non-Statutory  Stock  Options,  or any Limited  Rights
                  attached to such Options.

         No such  adjustments  may,  however,  materially  change  the  value of
benefits  available to a  Participant  under a previously  granted  Award.  With
respect to Incentive Stock Options, no such adjustment shall be made if it would
be deemed a "modification" of the Award under Section 424 of the Code.

18. Effect of a Change of Control on Option Awards

         In the event of a Change of  Control,  the  Committee  and the Board of
Directors  will take one or more of the following  actions to be effective as of
the date of such Change of Control:

         (a) provide that such Options shall be assumed,  or equivalent  options
shall be  substituted  ("Substitute  Options") by the  acquiring  or  succeeding
corporation  (or an affiliate  thereof),  provided that: (A) any such Substitute
Options  exchanged for Incentive  Stock Options shall meet the  requirements  of
Section  424(a)  of the Code,  and (B) the  shares  of stock  issuable  upon the
exercise of such  Substitute  Options shall be registered in accordance with the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  ("1933 Act") or such  securities  shall be
exempt from such registration (collectively, "Registered Securities"), or in the
alternative,  if the  securities  issuable upon the exercise of such  Substitute
Options shall not constitute  Registered  Securities,  then the Participant will
receive  upon  consummation  of the  Change of Control a cash  payment  for each
Option  surrendered equal to the difference between the (1) fair market value of
the consideration to be received for each share of Common Stock in the Change of
Control times the number of shares of Common Stock  subject to such  surrendered
Options,  and (2) the aggregate exercise price of all such surrendered  Options;

         (b) in the event of a transaction  under the terms of which the holders
of Common  Stock will  receive  upon  consummation  thereof a cash  payment (the
"Merger  Price")  for each  share of Common  Stock  exchanged  in the  Change of
Control  transaction,  make or provide  for a cash  payment to the  Participants
equal to the difference  between (1) the Merger Price times the number of shares
of Common Stock subject to such Options held by each  Participant (to the extent
then  exercisable  at prices  not in excess of the  Merger  Price),  and (2) the
aggregate exercise price of all such surrendered Options.


19.      Withholding

         There may be deducted from each distribution of cash and/or Common
Stock under the Plan the minimum amount of any federal or state taxes, including
payroll taxes, that are applicable to such supplemental taxable income and that
are required by any governmental authority to be withheld. Shares of Common
Stock will be withheld where required from any distribution of Common Stock.

20.      Amendment of the Plan

         The Board may at any time, and from time to time, modify or amend the
Plan in any respect, or modify or amend an Award received by Key Employees
and/or Outside Directors; provided, however, that no such termination,
modification or amendment may affect the rights of a Participant, without his
consent, under an outstanding Award.


21.      Effective Date of Plan

         The Plan shall become  effective  upon the date of approval of the Plan
by the Company's stockholders.

22.      Termination of the Plan

         The  right to grant  Awards  under  the Plan  will  terminate  upon the
earlier of (i) 10 years after the Effective  Date, or (ii) the date on which the
exercise of Options or related  rights  equaling  the  maximum  number of shares
reserved under the Plan occurs, as set forth in Section 5. The Board may suspend
or terminate the Plan at any time,  provided  that no such action will,  without
the consent of a  Participant,  adversely  affect his rights  under a previously
granted Award.

23.      Applicable Law

         The Plan will be  administered in accordance with the laws of the State
of Delaware.


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                                NCRIC GROUP, INC.

                           TO BE HELD ON JUNE 24, 2003

         The  undersigned  shareholder  of NCRIC Group,  Inc.  (the  "Company"),
hereby appoints the full Board of Directors,  with full powers of  substitution,
as attorneys-in-fact and agents for and in the name of the undersigned,  to vote
such votes as the  undersigned  may be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  of the Company (the "Annual  Meeting") to be held at The Watergate
Hotel,  2650  Virginia  Avenue,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20037,  at 3:00 p.m.,
Washington,  D.C.  time,  on June  24,  2003,  and at any  and all  adjournments
thereof.  The Board of  Directors is  authorized  to cast all votes to which the
undersigned is entitled as follows:

                                                               FOR    AUTHORITY
                                                               ---    ---------
1. The election of:                                            |_|       |_|

   Leonard M. Glassman
   Stuart A. McFarland
   R. Ray Pate, Jr.
   David M. Seitzman

   to serve on the  Company's  Board of  Directors
   for a three-year term expiring in 2006.

   To withhold  your vote for one or more nominees
   listed above,  write the name of the nominee(s)
   on the line(s) below


                                                       FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                       ---    -------    -------
2. The  approval  of the NCRIC  Group,  Inc.  2003     |_|      |_|        |_|
   Stock Award Plan;

                                                       FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                       ---    -------    -------
3. The  approval  of the NCRIC  Group,  Inc.  2003     |_|      |_|        |_|
   Stock Option Plan;

                                                       FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                       ---    -------    -------
4. The  approval  of the  plan of  conversion  and     |_|      |_|        |_|
   reorganization   pursuant  to  which  NCRIC,  A
   Mutual Holding Company and NCRIC Holdings, Inc.
   will be merged with and into the  Company,  and
   the Company will be succeeded by a new Delaware
   corporation  with the same name  which has been
   established  for the purpose of completing  the
   conversion.  As  part  of  the  conversion  and
   reorganization,  shares of common  stock of the
   Company  representing  NCRIC,  A Mutual Holding
   Company's  ownership  interest,   held  through
   NCRIC Holdings,  Inc., will be offered for sale
   in  a  subscription  and  community   offering.
   Common stock of the Company  currently  held by
   public  shareholders will be converted into new
   shares  pursuant to an exchange ratio that will
   ensure that  shareholders of the Company at the
   time  of  the  conversion  will  own  the  same
   percentage of the Company after the  conversion
   as  they  held   immediately   prior   thereto,
   exclusive  of  any  shares   purchased  by  the
   shareholders  in the offering and cash received
   in lieu of fractional shares; and

         Such other  business as may properly come before the Annual  Meeting or
any adjournment thereof.

         NOTE:  The Board of Directors is not aware of any other matter that may
come before the Annual Meeting.

         The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the listed proposals.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           IF NO CHOICE IS MADE HEREON

         Votes  will  be  cast  in  accordance  with  this  proxy.   Should  the
undersigned  be  present  and  elect  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  or at any
adjournment  thereof and after notification to the Corporate  Secretary of NCRIC
Group,  Inc., at said Annual Meeting of the member's  decision to terminate this
proxy,  then the  power  of said  attorney-in-fact  or  agents  shall be  deemed
terminated and of no further force and effect.

         The undersigned  acknowledges receipt of a Notice of Annual Meeting and
a proxy statement dated May 14, 2003, prior to the execution of this proxy.

- --------------------------------               --------------------------------
             Date                                           Date

- --------------------------------               --------------------------------
           Signature                                      Signature

         Please sign exactly as your name appears on this card.  When signing as
attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your full
title. If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------