[Letterhead of Provident Bancorp]

                                  NEWS RELEASE

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                           Stock Symbol: PBCP
Monday, October 25, 2004                        Traded on Nasdaq National Market

Paul A. Maisch, SVP & Chief Financial Officer
Roberta Lenett, VP & Manager of Shareholder Relations
(845) 369-8082

                           PROVIDENT BANCORP ANNOUNCES
                              QUARTERLY EARNINGS OF
                    $4.2 MILLION, OR $0.11 PER DILUTED SHARE
                  UP 57% FROM QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003

MONTEBELLO,  NY - October 21, 2004 -- Provident Bancorp,  Inc.  (Nasdaq-National
Market:  PBCP),  the parent company of Provident Bank,  today announced that for
the three months ended September 30, 2004, net income was $4.2 million, or $0.11
per diluted share  compared to net income of $2.6 million,  or $0.07 per diluted
share for the three months ended  September 30, 2003,  an increase of $0.04,  or
57%. Net income for the fiscal year ended  September 30, 2004 was $11.0 million,
including after-tax charges of: (i) $3.0 million due to the establishment of the
charitable  foundation in connection with the second-step  conversion in January
2004,  (ii) $463,000 in merger  integration  costs for Ellenville  National Bank
("ENB") and (iii) $1.2 million in amortization of core deposit intangibles. This
compares to $11.3 million for the twelve-months  ended September 30, 2003, which
included  only  $263,000  in  after-tax  cost of  amortization  of core  deposit
intangibles.  Diluted  earnings per share were $0.29 for the twelve months ended
September  30, 2004  compared to $0.32 for the same period last year.  Excluding
the above items,  adjusted  diluted earnings per share would have been $0.42 for
the full year ended  September 30, 2004 compared to $0.33 for the same period in
2003.  Earnings per share  results for the prior  periods have been  restated to
reflect  the  4.4323-to-one  conversion  ratio  as a  result  of  the  Company's
second-step conversion.

George  Strayton,  the  Company's  President  and CEO,  commented:  "Since  1999
Provident Bank had been operating under a mutual holding company  structure.  As
such,  we were able to establish a solid  operating  and business  platform that
positioned us well for the growth  opportunities in our marketplace.  In January
2004 we  successfully  raised $196  million in capital in  conjunction  with our
second-step  conversion.  We simultaneously  acquired  Ellenville National Bank,
which added $219 million in loans, $327 million in deposits and nine branches to
the  Provident  franchise.  On  October  1st  of  this  year  we  completed  the
acquisition  of Warwick  Community  Bancorp,  Inc.,  adding  approximately  $300
million in loans,  $500  million in deposits  and another  nine  branches to the
Bank.  Since  September  30, 2003,  Provident  Bank  increased  assets from $1.2
billion to $2.5 billion and doubled the number of branches from 18 to 36. Twenty
nine of these branches are  concentrated in Rockland and Orange  Counties,  with
the remaining seven branches located in contiguous counties.

Our strong market share in Rockland is now augmented by an even stronger  market
share in Orange.  Significant  population  growth and healthy business  climates
make these New York State  Counties very  desirable  places to do business.  The
banks that Provident acquired in Orange County have similar business

strategies,  with the delivery of superior customer service as the core value. I
believe  the  resulting   combination  will  provide  value  to  our  customers,
shareholders, employees and all the communities in which we do business."

Total assets as of September 30, 2004 were $1.8  billion,  an increase of $651.8
million,  or 55.5%,  over assets of $1.2  billion at  September  30,  2003.  The
increase is due primarily to (i) the January  acquisition  of ENB,  whose assets
totaled $349.7 million on the merger date (ii) proceeds from the offering in the
second-step  conversion  of  $192.2  million,  net of  related  costs  and (iii)
internal growth of the company.

Net Loans as of September  30, 2004 were $980.3  million,  an increase of $277.1
million,  or 39.4%,  over net loan  balances of $703.2  million at September 30,
2003. Loans acquired from ENB totaled $219.2 million,  while allowances for loan
losses  acquired  in  connection  with ENB were $5.7  million,  or 2.6% of ENB's
outstanding loan balances. Inclusive of ENB loans acquired, (1) commercial loans
increased by $234.0 million,  or 92.6%, over balances at September 30, 2003; (2)
consumer loans  increased by $49.4 million,  or 61.2%,  during the  twelve-month
period; and (3) residential loans remained unchanged. Asset quality continues to
be strong. At $2.7 million, or 0.15% of total assets, non-performing assets were
down from $4.7 million at September 30, 2003 as two loans  totaling $2.1 million
were resolved in the fiscal fourth quarter of 2004.

Securities increased by $229.1 million, or 61.2%, to $603.4 million at September
30, 2004 from $374.3  million at September 30, 2003 as the Company  invested the
majority of the stock offering funds  received in securities.  Investments  were
made primarily in mortgage-backed securities, which increased by $147.3 million,
or 69.5%, and in U.S. Government and Federal Agency Securities,  which increased
by $60.3 million, or 45.2%.

Deposits as of  September  30, 2004 were $1.2  billion,  up $370.0  million,  or
42.6%,  from  September  30, 2003.  Deposits  acquired  from ENB totaled  $326.8
million.  As of September 30, 2004 retail and  commercial  transaction  accounts
were 30.0% of deposits compared to 25.9% at September 30, 2003.

Stockholders'  equity increased by $231.8 million to $349.6 million at September
30, 2004 compared to $117.9 million at September 30, 2003. The Company completed
its  second-step  conversion  in  January  2004  raising  $192.4  million in new
capital,  net of related  costs.  In addition,  $39.7  million and $4.0 million,
respectively,  in new capital  were  issued for the  purchase of ENB and for the
formation  of the  charitable  foundation.  Net income of $11.0  million for the
fiscal year also increased capital.  Partially offsetting the increases were the
payments of cash  dividends  totaling $5.0 million,  the purchase of ESOP shares
totaling $10.0 million and net declines in accumulated  comprehensive  income of
$3.7 million.

Income Information - Quarter
- ----------------------------

Net interest income before  provision for loan losses for the three months ended
September  30, 2004 was $17.5  million,  compared to $11.3 million for the three
months  ended  September  30, 2003,  an increase of $6.2  million or 54.9%.  The
increase in net interest income was largely due to a $563.9 million  increase in
average earning assets to $1.6 billion for the quarter ended September 30, 2004,
as  compared  to $1.0  billion  for the same  quarter  in the  prior  year,  due
primarily to the  Ellenville  National Bank  acquisition,  net proceeds from the
second-step  offering and  continued  internal  growth.  The increase in average
earning  assets was  partially  offset by a decline  in average  yield of twelve
basis points from 5.34% to 5.22%.  Included within loan interest for the quarter
was  $733,000 in interest  recoveries  from the  resolution  of two  significant
nonaccrual  loans.  This impacted the yield on earning  assets by increasing the
quarterly  yield by 18 basis  points.  Despite a decrease in the average cost of
interest  bearing  liabilities  of six basis  points,  interest  expense for the
quarter  increased  $832,000  compared to the same  quarter in 2003,  as average
interest-bearing  liabilities  increased by $310.2  million.  On a fully taxable
equivalent  basis,  net interest margin increased by five basis points to 4.39%,
while net interest spread declined by four basis points to 4.05%.  The impact of
the previously  mentioned  nonaccrual interest income recovery increased taxable
equivalent net interest margin by 18 basis points.

Non-interest  income was $3.1 million for the three months ended  September  30,
2004 compared to $2.3 million for the  comparable  period in 2003.  Gains on the
sale of securities were $561,000 for the current three-month period, compared to
$112,000  for the same period last year.  During the three  month  period  ended
September 30, 2004,  the Company also recorded  gains on sales of loans totaling
$88,000,  compared to $259,000  for the same  period  last year.  Excluding  the
effects of gains on sales of securities and loans,  the

increase in non-interest income was $535,000, or 27.8%. Deposit fees and service
charges  increased by $468,000,  or 35.2%,  of which $402,000 was generated from
the  acquired  ENB  branches  and $66,000  was due  primarily  to  volume-driven
increases in overdraft, non-sufficient funds, and ATM and debit card fees. Other
non-interest  income  increased by $90,000 or 27.2%,  due  primarily to sales of
mutual funds and annuities.

Non-interest expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2004 increased by
$4.8 million, or 50.5%, to $14.4 million, compared to $9.6 million for the three
months ended September 30, 2003. The acquisition of ENB in January 2004 played a
major  role in the  increases  in most  categories.  Compensation  and  employee
benefits  increased by $2.0  million,  or 44.7%,  to $6.5 million for the period
ended September 30, 2004. Of that amount,  $780,000 was  attributable to the ENB
acquisition  and the remainder was due to staff  additions for future growth and
expansion,  as well  as  normal  merit  increases.  A  decrease  in  stock-based
compensation plans of $81,000, or 10.3%, occurred during the current three-month
period.  Occupancy and office  operations  increased by $540,000,  or 39.5%, and
data processing  expense increased  $287,000 or 37.6% for the three months ended
September 30, 2004,  almost all of which was  attributable to the acquisition of
ENB.  Professional fees increased by $628,000,  or 171.3%, due primarily to fees
associated  with the Company's  compliance with the provisions of Section 404 of
the Sarbanes  Oxley Act of 2002  ("Sarbanes  Oxley") and fees paid to contracted
consultants  engaged to run day-to-day  operations,  as the Company's  permanent
employees focused on the integrations of ENB and Warwick Community Bancorp, Inc.
("Warwick").  Amortization of core deposit intangible increased by $502,000 as a
result of the ENB deposits acquired.  Other expenses  increased by $823,000,  or
60.5%,  due  primarily  to increases of $71,000,  $73,000,  $127,000,  $104,000,
$120,000 and $215,000 in SEC and shareholder-related expenses, courier expenses,
supplies expense, insurance,  postage, and miscellaneous operational write-offs,

Income tax expense  increased by $404,000  for the three months ended  September
30, 2004 compared to the same period in 2003.  However,  the Company's effective
tax rate  declined  to 29.3% from 34.4% as the Company  recorded a reduction  of
$300,000 in tax expense reflecting the expiration of certain previously open tax

Income Information - Fiscal Year
- --------------------------------

Net interest income after provision for loan losses  increased by $15.9 million,
or 35.5%,  to $60.7  million for the fiscal year ended  September  30, 2004 from
$44.8  million for the same period in 2003.  The increase in interest  income of
$16.7 million  reflects an increase in average  earning assets of $441.5 million
to $1.4  billion,  partially  offset by a decline in yield of 59 basis points to
5.20%.  The cost of  interest-bearing  liabilities  increased by $922,000 as the
average  balances  increased by $241.1 million to $1.1 billion,  even though the
average rate paid on average interest bearing funds decreased 24 basis points to
1.21%. On a fully taxable  equivalent  basis, net interest margin decreased from
4.59% to 4.31% and net interest spread declined from 4.33% to 3.99%.  The impact
of the previously  mentioned nonaccrual interest income recovery increased fully
taxable  equivalent net interest  margin by five basis points for the year ended
September 30, 2004.

Non-interest  income for the fiscal year ended  September 30, 2004  increased to
$11.6 million, an increase of $2.0 million,  or 21.1%,  compared to $9.6 million
for the same period last year.  Gains on sales of securities and loans were $2.5
million  and  $320,000,  respectively,  for the  current  period,  generating  a
combined  decrease of $327,000 from the  securities and loan sales gains of $2.0
million and $1.1  million,  respectively,  for the prior year.  Deposit fees and
service  charges  increased  to $6.6  million for the current  fiscal  year,  an
increase of $2.1 million, or 48.2%, over the same period last year. The increase
is primarily attributable to increases in service fees of $1.2 million resulting
from the acquired  branches,  coupled with  volume-related  increases in service
fees on new and existing  accounts at the  original  Provident  branches.  Other
income including loan fees and charges increased by $207,000,  or 10.2%, to $2.2
million for the year ended  September  30, 2004,  from $2.0 million for the same
period last year.  The increase is primarily  due to $552,000 in income from the
Bank Owned Life  Insurance  ("BOLI")  for the current  fiscal  year  compared to
$483,000 for the same period last year, as the BOLI program was only established
for nine months of fiscal 2003 and $107,000 in increased  income on mutual funds
and annuity sales.

Non-interest expenses,  including the Charitable Foundation contribution of $5.0
million,  increased  to $56.1  million for the fiscal year ended  September  30,
2004, an increase of $19.4 million, or 52.6%,  compared to $36.8 million for the
prior year.  Major  increases in  compensation  and benefits  ($2.5 million) and
occupancy and office operations ($1.1 million) were directly attributable to the
increased  operations  resulting from the acquisition of ENB.  Compensation  and
benefits  increased by an additional $3.1 million due to annual salary

increases and staff additions.  Stock-based  compensation  expense  increased by
$584,000,  or 26.5%,  as the company's per share value increased from an average
of $7.43 per share for the year ended September 30, 2003 to an average of $10.95
per share for the year ended  September 30, 2004.  Also,  the Company  allocated
additional shares related to the $10.0 million ESOP plan purchase.  Professional
fees  increased  to $2.7  million  for the year ended  September  30,  2004,  an
increase of $1.1  million,  or 68.0%,  over the  comparable  period in the prior
year.  The increase is primarily  due to the  additional  fees  associated  with
Sarbanes-Oxley  compliance,  and the fees  for  contracted  consultants  engaged
during the  integration  periods of ENB and  Warwick.  Additional  increases  in
non-interest  expense  categories for the current  fiscal year were  advertising
costs of $393,000,  or 23.7%,  and a  volume-related  increase of  $711,000,  or
24.3%, in data and check  processing  costs.  The Company  incurred  $773,000 in
integration  costs for the current  fiscal year,  due  primarily to the expenses
associated with the systems conversion of ENB. Amortization of intangible assets
increased  by  $1.6  million  due  to  the  addition  of the  ENB  core  deposit
intangible.  Other  non-interest  expense  increased by $2.1 million,  or 39.0%,
primarily due to increases in SEC and shareholder relations expenses ($231,000),
supplies  expenses  ($520,000),  postage  ($269,000),  ATM transaction  expenses
($172,000),  insurance expense  ($199,000),  courier related expense ($148,000),
and miscellaneous operational write-offs ($215,000).


In  addition  to  historical  information,  this  earnings  release  may contain
forward-looking  statements.  For this purpose,  any statements contained herein
that are not statements of historical  fact may be deemed to be  forward-looking
statements.  There are a number of important factors which have been outlined in
previously  filed  documents with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  and
other factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially
from  those  contemplated  by  such  forward-looking   statements.  The  Company
undertakes  no  obligation  to publicly  release the results of any revisions to
those  forward-looking  statements  which  may be  made  to  reflect  events  or
circumstances  after the date of this  release or to reflect the  occurrence  of
unanticipated events.

Provident Bancorp, Inc.
thousands, except per share data)

                                                                  September 30,       September 30,
                                                                  --------------      ------------
                                                                       2004                2003
                                                                       ----                ----
Cash and due from banks                                          $    107,571        $     33,500
Total securities                                                      603,375             374,259
Loans held for sale                                                       855               2,364
       One-to four-family residential mortgage loans                  380,749             380,776
       Commercial real estate, commercial business
             and construction                                         486,904             252,857
        Consumer loans                                                129,981              80,620
                                                                 ------------        ------------
                  Gross loans                                         997,634             714,253
        Allowance for loan losses                                     (17,353)            (11,069)
                                                                 ------------        ------------
                  Total loans, net                                    980,281             703,184
                                                                 ------------        ------------
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost                                  10,247               8,220
Premises and equipment, net                                            16,846              11,647
Goodwill                                                               65,612              13,540
Core deposit intangible                                                 5,624               1,063
Bank owned life insurance                                              13,245              12,483
Other assets                                                           22,419              14,045
                                                                 ------------        ------------
                   Total assets                                  $  1,826,075        $  1,174,305
                                                                 ============        ============
          Transaction accounts                                   $    372,799        $    225,376
          Savings and money market deposits                           533,410             407,939
          Certificates of deposit                                     333,323             236,238
                                                                 ------------        ------------
                    Total deposits                                  1,239,532             869,553
                                                                 ------------        ------------

     Borrowings                                                       214,909             164,757
     Mortgage escrow funds and other                                   22,011              22,138
                                                                 ------------        ------------
                    Total liabilities                               1,476,452           1,056,448
Stockholders' equity                                                  349,623             117,857
                                                                 ------------        ------------
                    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $  1,826,075        $  1,174,305
                                                                 ============        ============

Common shares outstanding at period end (1)                        39,655,167          35,221,365
Book value per share                                             $       8.82        $       3.35

(1)  Prior  period  share   information   has  been   adjusted  to  reflect  the
     4.4323-to-one conversion ratio in connection with the Company's second step
     conversion in January 2004.

     Provident Bancorp, Inc.
(unaudited, dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                           Three Months Ended                Year Ended
                                                             September 30,                  September 30,
                                                         2004            2003           2004            2003
                                                         ----            ----           ----            ----

Interest and dividend income:
     Loans                                            $    15,442   $    10,616     $    54,093   $    43,815
     Securities                                             5,598         3,362          20,231        13,586
     Other earning assets                                      81            97             184           389
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------
Total interest and dividend income                         21,121        14,075          74,508        57,790
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------

Interest expense:
     Deposits                                               2,219         1,628           7,901         7,775
     Borrowings                                             1,362         1,121           5,081         4,285
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------
Total interest expense                                      3,581         2,749          12,982        12,060
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------

Net interest income                                        17,540        11,326          61,526        45,730
Provision for loan losses                                     225           100             800           900
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses        17,315        11,226          60,726        44,830
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------

Non-interest income:
     Deposit fees and service charges                       1,798         1,330           6,570         4,432
     Loan fees and late charges                               242           265             832           903
     Net gain on sales of securities                          561           112           2,455         2,006
     Net gain on sales of loans                                88           259             320         1,096
     Other                                                    422           332           1,396         1,118
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------
Total non-interest income                                   3,111         2,298          11,573         9,555
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------

Non-interest expense:
     Compensation and employee benefits                     6,478         4,476          23,001        17,451
     Stock-based compensation plans                           707           788           2,790         2,206
     Occupancy and office operations                        1,907         1,367           6,741         5,178
     Advertising and promotion                                506           367           2,050         1,657
     Professional fees                                        995           367           2,655         1,580
     Data and check processing costs                        1,049           762           3,634         2,923
     Stationery and office supplies                           251           124           1,036           516
     Integration costs                                          0             4             773             4
     Amortization of core deposit intangibles                 595            93           2,063           438
     Establishment of charitable foundation                     0             0           5,000             0
     Other                                                  1,933         1,237           6,403         4,837
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------
Total non-interest expense                                 14,421         9,585          56,146        36,790
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------

Income before income tax expense                            6,005         3,939          16,153        17,595
Income tax expense                                          1,760         1,355           5,136         6,344
                                                      -----------   -----------     -----------   -----------
Net income                                            $     4,245   $     2,584     $    11,017   $    11,251
                                                      ===========   ===========     ===========   ===========

Per common share:
     Basic earnings                                   $      0.11   $      0.08     $      0.30   $      0.33
     Diluted earnings                                        0.11          0.07            0.29          0.32
     Dividends declared                                      0.04          0.03            0.15          0.13

Weighted average common shares (1):
     Basic                                             37,877,763    34,163,623      36,809,451    34,186,015
     Diluted                                           38,499,635    34,718,808      37,444,381    34,663,258

(1)  Prior period  information  has been  adjusted to reflect the  4.4323-to-one
     conversion ratio in connection with the Company's second-step conversion.

Provident Bancorp, Inc.
(unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                    September 30,  September 30,
                                                        2004           2003
                                                     ----------     ----------

Asset Quality Data:
    Non-performing loans  (NPLs)                     $   2,737      $   4,697

    Non-performing assets (NPAs)                         2,737          4,697

    NPLs as % of total loans                              0.27%          0.66%
    NPAs as % of total assets                             0.15%          0.40%
    Allowance for loan losses as % of NPLs                 634%           236%
    Allowance for loan losses as % of total loans         1.74%          1.55%

Capital Ratios:
    Equity to total assets (consolidated)                19.15%         10.04%
    Tier 1 capital ratio (Bank only)                     11.28%          8.14%
    Tier 1 capital consolidated                          15.91%          8.70%

                                                              Three Months Ended                Twelve-months Ended
                                                                September 30,                      September 30,
                                                            2004            2003               2004            2003
                                                        --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------

Performance Ratios (annualized):
   Return on:
        Average assets                                           0.93%            0.90%            0.69%            1.04%
        Average common equity                                    4.89%            8.91%            3.94%            9.92%

   Net interest rate spread (tax-equivalent basis)               4.05%            4.09%            3.99%            4.33%
   Net interest margin (tax-equivalent basis)                    4.39%            4.34%            4.31%            4.59%

Average Balance Data:
   Average assets                                       $   1,808,002    $   1,133,447    $   1,607,594    $   1,082,562
   Average earning assets                                   1,609,285        1,045,378        1,446,003        1,004,484
   Average stockholders' equity                               345,360          115,054          279,888          113,369