Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                                 Amendment No. 1

                                  ACT OF 1934
                    For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
             For the transaction period from _________ to _________

                         Commission File Number: 0-32589

                            COMTEX NEWS NETWORK, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

           Delaware                                 13-3050512
           --------                                 ----------
(State or Other Jurisdiction of       (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
 Incorporation or Organization)

625 N. Washington Street, Suite 301, Alexandria, Virginia               22314
- ---------------------------------------------------------               -----
        (Address of Principal Executive Office)                      (Zip Code)

                                 (703) 820-2000
               (Registrant's Telephone Number including area code)

           Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


           Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                     Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share
                                (Title of Class)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934 during the  preceding  twelve  months (or for such shorter  period that the
Registrant  was  required  to file  reports)  and (2) has been  subject  to such
requirements for the past 90 days. YES  X   NO
                                       ---     ---

     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of Registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated  by  reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any  amendments  to
this Form 10-K. [ ]

     As of October 15, 2004, there were issued and outstanding 13,598,836 shares
of the Registrant's Common Stock.


1. None.

                                    PART III

ITEM 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Corporation
- ------------------------------------------------------------

     The Board of  Directors  of Comtex  News  Network,  Inc.  ("Comtex"  or the
"Company") consists of five persons and is divided into three classes,  with one
class of  directors  elected each year.  Directors of the Company are  generally
elected to serve for a  three-year  term and until their  respective  successors
shall have been elected and shall qualify.

     The  business  experience  for the  past  five  years  of each of  Comtex's
directors and executive officers is as follows:

     C.W.  GILLULY,  Ed.D.,  58, has served as a director of the  Company  since
1992. He served as President from June 1992 until September 1997, as Chairman of
the Board from June 1992 until  December  2002 and from  February 2004 until the
present,  as  Vice-Chairman  from December 2002 through June 2003 and as interim
Chief  Executive  Officer from February 2004 until the present.  Dr. Gilluly has
served as Chairman  of the Board and  President  of AMASYS and its  predecessor,
Infotechnology,  Inc., since June 1992. Dr. Gilluly also served as a director of
Analex  Corporation  until March 2003, an  engineering  services firm  primarily
involved with homeland security and bio-defense.

     WILLIAM  J.  HOWARD,  57, has served as a  director  of the  Company  since
January 2003. Mr. Howard has extensive experience in journalism and is currently
President of Discovery  Tours LLC, a firm  providing  the tourism  industry with
documentaries on historical  communities in the mid-Atlantic and southern United
States.  Mr. Howard has also  participated  in real estate  development  and the
restoration  of  historical  sites.  In  Maryland,  he has  received  Governor's
Citations  from  three  different  governors  for his  community  service  work,
particularly in Talbot County.

     ROBERT J. LYNCH,  JR.,  71, has served as a director  of the Company  since
January 2003.  Mr. Lynch has been  President of American & Foreign  Enterprises,
Inc.  ("AFE"),  an  investment  firm,  for more  than 20  years.  Among its many
enterprises,   AFE  is  partnered  with  Hochtief,   A.G.,   Germany's   largest
engineering/construction  group.  AFE has worked with  international  investment
banks such as Goldman Sachs & Co., BV Bank of Munich and Citibank. Mr. Lynch has
been a director of many public companies in various industries,  including Dames
& Moore (environmental/geotechnical  engineering), Data Broadcasting Corporation
(real-time financial market data) and Turner Construction Company.

     ERIK  HENDRICKS,  60, has served as a director of the  Company  since 1991.
Since 1979 he has served as the Executive  Director and Chief Operating  Officer
of the  Pennsylvania  Society  for the  Prevention  of  Cruelty  to  Animals,  a
non-profit humane society.

     PIETER  VANBENNEKOM,  59,  has served as a director  of the  Company  since
February 2004. Mr. VanBennekom has extensive experience in the news, information
and publishing industries and has worked with Progressive Business Publications,
Inc. ("PBP") a diversified  business  information  services  publishing company,
since 1994. He joined PBP as Senior Editor,  became Group  Publisher in 1996 and
was  promoted  to  Editorial  Director,  in 1998.  Prior  to  joining  PBP,  Mr.
VanBennekom  worked with the worldwide wire service  United Press  International
("UPI") for more than 20 years. He started with UPI as a foreign  correspondent,
moved up to  various  management  positions  and  ended  his UPI  tenure  as its
President  and CEO. Mr.  VanBennekom  speaks five  languages  and his  volunteer
activities include  membership on the Board of Directors of Junior  Achievement,
the national organization  dedicated to teaching children about ethical business

Executive Officers

     The following  table contains  information as of October 15, 2004 as to the
executive officers of the Company who are not also directors of the Company:

Name                     Age            Office Held With Company
- ----                     ---            ------------------------

Matthew Ball             42             Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Kathy Ballard            39             Vice President, Content

Chip Brian               33             Vice President, Operations

     Mr. Ball has more than nineteen years of accounting and finance experience.
From 2002  until  2004,  he served as  Assistant  and  acting  Controller  of an
international  manufacturing company,  Cambridge  International,  Inc. From 2001
until 2002, he was the Finance  Director of Channel  Marker,  Inc. and from 1998
through  1999,  Mr. Ball served as Chief  Operating  Officer and  Controller  of
Treesource,  Inc.  From 1993  through the  present,  Mr. Ball has also  provided
financial  management  services to various  entities.  His career also  included
positions  as a public  accountant  with  Aronson,  Fetridge & Weigle and Arthur
Andersen & Company.

     Ms.  Ballard's  career includes more than twenty years in various  research
and management positions in the information  industry.  She has been with Comtex
since 1999,  where she served as Director,  Product  Operations/Client  Services
until  assuming  her  present  position  in 2004.  Previously,  she worked  with
LEXIS/NEXIS  for more than twelve years,  held positions in the education  arena
and worked with the New York Times Information Service.

     Mr. Brian has extensive  experience in providing  operating  management and
technology solutions to companies in the financial services industry.  From 2003
until 2004, he was the Manager, Product Operations Group for Nyfix Incorporated,
where his  responsibilities  included  providing  "first  line,  high  exposure"
management to technicians  serving the broker  community on the floor of the New
York Stock Exchange. From the end of 2000 until 2003, Mr. Brian was the Manager,
Trading  Support  Operations  for the BNY Brokerage  division of The Bank of New
York.  During 2000,  Mr.  Brian worked with,  a Yahoo  company,  as
Manager of Systems  Operations.  From 1997 until 2000 he worked  with  Fluxmedia
Solutions,  as Project  Manager  responsible  for  network  operations  centers,
facilities, client support and vendor relationship management.

     There are no family relationships among the directors or executive officers
of the Company.

Meetings of the Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors  held a total of six meetings  during the  Company's
fiscal  year  ended  June  30,  2004.  Each  director   attended  in  person  or
telephonically at least 80% of the meetings held.

Committees of the Board of Directors

The Audit Committee

     The Audit  Committee,  which held four meetings during fiscal year 2004, is
comprised of Messrs. Lynch, Hendricks and Howard.

Report of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

     The Audit Committee has issued a report that states as follows:


     o    We have reviewed and discussed with  management the Company's  audited
          consolidated  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended June 30,

     o    We have discussed with the independent  auditors the matters  required
          to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61; and

     o    We have  received  the  written  disclosures  and the letter  from the
          independent  accountants  required  by  Independence  Standards  Board
          Standard No. 1, "Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees," and
          have discussed with the independent accountants their independence.

     o    Based on the review and discussions referred to above, we recommend to
          the  Board  of  Directors  that  the  audited  consolidated  financial
          statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
          the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004.

                                             Submitted by the Audit Committee
                                             Robert J. Lynch, Jr., Chairman
                                             Erik Hendricks
                                             William J. Howard

The Compensation Committee

     The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of  Directors,  which held eight
meetings during fiscal year 2004, is comprised of Messrs. Howard,  Hendricks and
Lynch. The Compensation  Committee  evaluates  management's  recommendations and
makes  its  own  recommendations  to  the  Board  of  Directors  concerning  the
compensation of the Company's executive officers. It is also responsible for the
formulation  of the Company's  executive  compensation  policy and the research,
analysis and  subsequent  recommendation  regarding  the  administration  of the
Company's  1995 Stock  Option  Plan and 2003  Stock  Incentive  Plan.  (Also see
section below including the "Report of the  Compensation  Committee of the Board
of Directors.")

The Executive Committee

     The Executive  Committee of the Board of Directors,  which held one meeting
during  fiscal year 2004, is comprised of Messrs.  Howard,  Hendricks and Lynch.
The  Executive  Committee is chartered to act in place of the full Board between
Board  meetings,  if actions  are  required,  and to  fulfill  the  function  of
reviewing any initial merger and acquisition and/or partnering proposals.

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

     The  Nominating  and  Corporate   Governance  Committee  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  which held two  meetings  during  fiscal year 2004,  is comprised of
Messrs.  Hendricks,  Howard and Lynch.  The Nominating and Corporate  Governance
Committee  meets in order to evaluate and nominate  candidates for membership to
the Board of Directors and as officers of the Company.

Independent Directors

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  that all of its  Directors  are
"independent" as defined in the Nasdaq corporate  governance  listing  standards
except for Director Gilluly due to his position as an employee of Comtex.

Attendance at Annual Meetings of Stockholders

     The Company does not have a policy regarding director  attendance at annual
meetings of  stockholders.  All of the  Company's  directors  attended the prior
year's annual meeting of stockholders.


Ownership Reports by Officers and Directors

     The Common  Stock of the  Company is  registered  with the SEC  pursuant to
Section 12(g) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act"). The
officers and Directors of the Company and beneficial  owners of greater than 10%
of the  Company's  Common Stock are required to file reports on Forms 3, 4 and 5
with the SEC disclosing beneficial ownership and changes in beneficial ownership
of the  Common  Stock.  SEC rules  require  disclosure  in the  Company's  Proxy
Statement or Annual  Report on Form 10-K of the failure of an officer,  director
or 10% beneficial  owner of the Company's Common Stock to file a Form 3, 4, or 5
on a timely basis. Based on the Company's review of such ownership reports,  the
Company  believes  that no  officer,  director  or 10%  beneficial  owner of the
Company failed to file such  ownership  reports on a timely basis for the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2004.

Code of Ethics

     The Company has adopted a Code of Ethics (the "Code") that is applicable to
the officers,  directors  and employees of the Company,  including the Company's
principal executive officer,  principal financial officer,  principal accounting
officer or controller,  or persons performing  similar functions.  Amendments to
and waivers from the Code will also be disclosed on the Company's website.

ITEM 11. Executive Compensation
- -------------------------------

Summary Compensation Table

     The following table sets forth information concerning all compensation paid
or accrued by the Company to its Chief Executive Officer and the other executive
officers of the Company who earned  total salary and bonus in excess of $100,000
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004  (collectively,  the "Named Executive

...................................... ........ .................................. .........................................
                                                      Annual Compensation                   Compensation Awards
...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
       Name and                       Fiscal                                       Shares Underlying         All Other
   Principal Position                  Year          Salary            Bonus             Options           Compensation
   ------------------                  ----          ------            -----             -------           ------------
...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................

C.W. Gilluly (1)                      2004         $     923             --                10,000                  --
Chairman and                          2003                --             --                    --                  --
Interim Chief Executive Officer       2002                --             --                    --                  --

...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
Raymond Capece (2)                    2004         $   8,852             --                    --                  --
                                      2003            24,231             --                    --                  --
                                      2002                --             --                    --                  --

...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
Stephen W. Ellis (3)                  2004         $  89,135         13,000               825,000                  --
                                      2003            36,346             --               710,000                  --
                                      2002                --             --                    --                  --

...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
Robin Deal (4)                        2004         $ 114,019             --                62,000                  --
                                      2003           110,000             --                11,748                  --
                                      2002           106,369             --                58,000                  --

...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
Deirdre D. McGonagle (5)              2004         $ 125,221             --                32,000                  --
                                      2003           103,204             --                11,748                  --
                                      2002           100,500             --                48,100                  --

...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
Steven Brosnihan (6)                  2004         $ 105,404             --               100,000          $   33,469 (7)

...................................... ........ ................... .............. ...................... ..................
- ---------------------
(1)  Mr. Gilluly was appointed interim Chief Executive Officer in February 2004.
(2)  Mr. Capece was appointed Chief Executive Officer in April 2003 and resigned
     his position in July 2003.
(3)  Mr.  Ellis was  appointed  Chairman of the Board in December  2002.  He was
     appointed  Chief  Executive  Officer in July 2003.  Mr. Ellis  resigned his
     positions in February 2004.
(4)  Ms. Deal resigned from the Company in May 2004.
(5)  Ms. McGonagle resigned from the Company in May 2004.
(6)  Mr.  Brosnihan  was  initially  employed by the Company in October 2003 and
     resigned from the Company in July 2004.
(7)  Consists of sales commissions.


Stock Option Grants

     The following table provides details regarding all stock options granted to
the Named Executive Officers during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004:

                        Option Grants in Fiscal Year 2004

                                                                                                  Realizable Value at Assumed
                                                                                                  Annual Rates of Stock Price
                               Number of         % of Total Options                             Appreciation for Option Term (1)
                           Shares Underlying          Granted          Exercise   Expiration    --------------------------------
Name                        Options Granted        in Fiscal Year       Price        Date             5%               10%
- ----                        ----------------       --------------       -----        ----             --               ---

C.W. Gilluly                        10,000              0.50%           $0.22     10/12/2013          $1,384           $3,506

Stephen W. Ellis                   250,000             12.48%           $0.26     07/01/2013         $40,878         $103,593
                                   575,000             28.71%           $0.26     07/31/2013         $94,020         $238,265

Raymond Capece                          --                --               --          --                 --               --

Robin Deal                          62,000              3.10%           $0.16     08/28/2004          $6,239          $15,810

Deirdre D. McGonagle                32,000              1.60%           $0.16     08/28/2004          $3,220           $8,160

Steve Brosnihan                    100,000              4.99%           $0.26     10/01/2013         $16,351          $41,437

- ----------------
(1)  Amounts represent  hypothetical gains that could be achieved,  if exercised
     at the end of the option  term.  The dollar  amounts  under  these  columns
     assume 5% and 10% compounded  annual  appreciation in the Common Stock from
     the date the  respective  options  were  granted.  These  calculations  and
     assumed realizable values are required to be disclosed under Securities and
     Exchange  Commission  rules and,  therefore,  are not  intended to forecast
     possible  future  appreciation  of  common  stock  or  amounts  that may be
     ultimately realized upon exercise. The Company does not believe this method
     accurately illustrates the potential value of a stock option.

     Set forth below is certain information as of June 30, 2004 regarding equity
compensation plans for directors and executive officers of the Company that have
been approved by stockholders.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 Number of securities to be issued    average        Number of securities
  Equity compensation plans        upon exercise of outstanding      exercise       remaining available for
   approved by stockholders             options and rights             price          issuance under plan
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1995 Stock Option Plan                   953,851                       $0.37             2,123,871
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003 Stock Option Plan                   350,000                       $0.26               650,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Options Exercised and Year-End Option Values

The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  the value of
exercised and  unexercised  options held by the Named  Executive  Officers as of
June 30, 2004.

                          Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                              Shares                              Number of Shares               Value of Unexercised
                           Acquired upon   Value Realized      Underlying Unexercised            In-the-Money Options
                            Exercise of    From Exercise      Options at June 30, 2004            at June 30, 2004(2)
Name                          Options      Of Options (1)     ------------------------            -------------------
- ----                          -------      --------------   Exercisable    Unexercisable     Exercisable    Unexercisable
C.W. Gilluly                     --              --          103,300           6,700           $10,000           --
Stephen W. Ellis                 --              --               --              --                --           --
Raymond Capece                   --              --               --              --                --           --
Robin Deal                       --              --           73,748              --            $2,715           --
Deirdre D. McGonagle             --              --           43,748              --            $1,515           --
Steve Brosnihan                  --              --               --              --                --           --
- ------------------
(1)  Represents the  difference  between the exercise price and the market value
     price on the date of exercise.
(2)  Represents  the difference  between the exercise  price of the  outstanding
     options  and the closing  bid price of the common  stock on June 30,  2004,
     which was $0.20 per share. Options that have an exercise price greater than
     the fiscal year-end market value are not included in the value calculation.

Stock Option Plan

     In October 1995,  the Board of Directors  approved the Comtex News Network,
Inc.  1995 Stock Option Plan,  which was  approved by  stockholders  in December
1995.  In July 2003,  the Board of Directors  approved the Comtex News  Network,
Inc. 2003 Incentive  Stock Plan,  which was approved by  stockholders in October
2003.  The Plans provide for the issuance of incentive  stock options within the
meaning of Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code and  non-qualified  stock
options  and  stock  awards  in order  to  recruit  and  retain  key  employees,
consultants and directors.

Compensation of Directors

     During fiscal year 2004, the Company's directors were reimbursed for travel
expenses  in  connection  with  attendance  at  Board  of  Directors'  meetings.
Non-employee  directors  of the Company  also  received a fee of $1,000 for each
Board  of  Directors'  meeting  attended.  Employee  directors  did not  receive
additional  compensation  for  Board  of  Directors'  meeting  attendance.   The
Company's  directors  received $500 for each committee  meeting  attended during
fiscal  year  2004,  unless  such  meeting  occurred  on the same day as a Board
meeting, in which case no additional compensation was paid.

Agreements with Executives

     Comtex  entered into letter  agreements  in April 2004 with each of Matthew
Ball and Chip Brian  regarding  their  employment  at the Company.  These letter
agreements  provide  for a base  salary  (currently  $100,000  for Mr.  Ball and
$130,000 for Mr. Brian)  prorated based on the number of days worked compared to
actual  workdays and the grant of 250,000 stock options to each of Messrs.  Ball
and Brian, of which 150,000 options vested  subsequent to June 30, 2004,  50,000
options of which will vest  December  31, 2004 and 50,000  options of which will
vest on March 31, 2005, provided that each individual remains employed under the
provisions of the respective letter agreements.  Subsequent to the end of fiscal
2004,  Mr. Brian assumed  additional  responsibilities  including  management of
Sales and Marketing for the Company, and received an additional grant of 250,000
options,  100,000 of which vested  immediately  and the  remainder of which vest
equally over three quarters beginning on April 1, 2005.  Messrs.  Ball and Brian
are  employees  at  will.  In the  event  that  the  executive's  employment  is
involuntarily terminated for other than


cause or the  executive  resigns for refusal to perform  unlawful  accounting or
business  practices,  then the executive's stock option will become fully vested
and the  Company  will  provide  the  executive  a  prorated  severance  payment
depending on the length of the executive's employment with Comtex.

Report of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors

     General.  The Company  believes its  compensation  policies are designed to
provide  competitive  levels of  compensation  that integrate with the Company's
annual and long-term  quantitative  and  qualitative  performance  factors.  The
compensation  policies reward  above-average  corporate  performance,  recognize
individual  initiative and achievements and assist the Company in attracting and
retaining qualified executives.

     The Company establishes compensation,  including compensation for the Chief
Executive Officer,  based on both objective and subjective  criteria.  Objective
criteria include actual versus target annual  operating  budget  performance and
actual versus target revenue growth,  either as to the Company as a whole, or as
to the officer's  particular  operating unit.  Subjective  performance  criteria
encompass  evaluation of each officer's  initiative and  contribution to overall
corporate  performance,  the  officer's  managerial  ability,  and the officer's
performance in any special  projects that the officer may have  undertaken.  The
Company also  endorses  the position  that stock  ownership  by  management  and
stock-based  performance  compensation  arrangements  are beneficial in aligning
managements' and stockholders' interests in the enhancement of stockholder value
and  therefore  uses its Stock  Option and Stock  Purchase  Plans to recruit and
retain senior management.

Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 162(M)

     Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code  disallows a tax deduction to
publicly held  companies  for  compensation  paid to certain of their  executive
officers,  to the extent that  compensation,  whether  payable in cash or stock,
exceeds $1 million  per  covered  officer in any  fiscal  year.  The  limitation
applies only to  compensation  that is not  considered to be  performance-based.
Non-performance-based  compensation paid to our executive  officers for the 2003
fiscal  year  did  not  exceed  the  $1  million  limit  per  officer,  and  the
Compensation  Committee  does  not  anticipate  that  any  non-performance-based
compensation  payable to the  executive  officers  for the 2004 fiscal year will
exceed that limit.  Because it is unlikely that the actual compensation  payable
to any of our executive  officers in the foreseeable future will approach the $1
million limit, the  Compensation  Committee has decided at this time not to take
any action to limit or restructure the elements of cash compensation  payable to
the  executive  officers.  The  Compensation  Committee  shall  reconsider  this
decision should the individual cash  compensation of any executive  officer ever
approach the $1 million level.

                                      Submitted by the Compensation Committee
                                      William J. Howard
                                      Erik Hendricks
                                      Robert J. Lynch, Jr.

Board of Directors Interlocks and Insider Participation

     General.  Dr.  Gilluly  serves as a Director  and interim  Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company.  Dr. Gilluly also serves as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of AMASYS,  which  beneficially owns  approximately 22% of the Company's
Common  Stock.  (See  "Beneficial  Ownership  of Common  Stock.") Mr. Lynch also
serves as a director of AMASYS.

      Note Payable to AMASYS

     On  December  9, 2003,  AMASYS  and Comtex  executed  an  amendment  to the
Amended,  Consolidated  and Restated 10% Senior  Subordinated  Secured Note (the
"Amended  Note"),  payable to AMASYS (said amendment the "Third  Amendment") for
the purpose of reducing  the price at which the  Amended  Note may be  converted
into common stock of the Company. Pursuant to the Third Amendment, AMASYS agreed
to subordinate the Amended Note to both the Company's note payable to its former
landlord and to the Accounts Receivable Purchase Agreement. In consideration for
these  subordination  agreements,  the Company  agreed to reduce the  conversion
price stipulated in the Amended Note from the previously-stated conversion price
of $1.20 per share to $0.75 per share,  and to increase this conversion price by
$0.05  every one hundred and eighty  (180) days  thereafter.  At the date of the


transaction the conversion  price of the Amended Note was in excess of the stock
price.  As of June 30,  2004,  the  Amended  Note  had a  principal  balance  of
$856,954.  Interest paid to AMASYS totaled  approximately  $86,000,  $88,000 and
$93,000 for the fiscal years 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

     This Amended Note bears interest at a rate of 10% on the principal  balance
of  approximately  $857,000  at June 30,  2004 and  2003.  The  Amended  Note is
collateralized by a continuing interest in all receivables, all products of such
receivables and the proceeds thereof,  all purchase orders,  and all patents and
technology  now or  hereafter  held or received by Comtex.  The Amended  Note is
subordinated to Comtex's  Accounts  Receivable  Purchase  Agreement with a third
party  financial  institution  and the  Company's  note  payable  to its  former
landlord.  The outstanding  principal balance of the Amended Note is due in July


Stock Performance Graph

     The graph below depicts the Company's stock price as an index assuming $100
invested on July 1, 1999 along with the composite  prices of companies listed in
the Nasdaq  Stock Market  (U.S.  Companies)  Index and a composite of peer group
companies in the Internet  Information  Providers Index. The Nasdaq Stock Market
Index and Internet Information Providers Index were prepared by CoreData, LLC, a
source believed to be reliable,  although the Company is not responsible for any
errors or omissions in such information.

     The Internet Information  Providers Index includes the following companies:
A.D.A.M.,   America  Online  Latin  American,   Aptimus  Inc.,   Bankrate  Inc.,
Chinadotcom  Corp, CNET Networks,  Inc., Edgar Online,,  Homestore
Inc., Infospace Incorporated,  Internet Gold-Golden,  Knot Inc.,
PLC,  Looksmart  LTD,  Inc.,  Inc.,  Paid,  Inc.,  Inc., India Ltd Ads, Sabre Holdings Corp.,
Inc., Inc., Stockscape  Technologies, Inc., Tucows
Inc., US Dataworks Inc., Verticalnet, Inc., World Gaming Plc, Yahoo! Inc.

     The  comparisons are required by regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission  and are not intended to forecast or to be indicative of the possible
future performance of the Company's Common Stock.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                  FISCAL YEAR ENDING
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPANY / INDEX / MARKET                         1999       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comtex News Network, Inc.                      100.00     145.45      32.48      14.06      12.12       9.70
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internet Information Providers                 100.00     101.81      22.41      12.03      26.55      53.81
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nasdaq Market Index                            100.00     150.47      83.33      56.52      62.85      79.93
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Graphic Omitted]

     The preceding report on executive  compensation  and the stock  performance
graph shall not be deemed  incorporated  by  reference  into any of our previous
filings under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934
which might  incorporate  filings  made by us under  those  acts,  nor will such
report or graph be  incorporated by reference into any future filings made by us
under those acts,  except to the extent that we  specifically  incorporate  this
information by reference.


ITEM 12.        Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                and Related Shareholder Matters

     Persons and groups who beneficially own in excess of 5% of the common stock
are required to file certain reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the "SEC")  regarding such  ownership.  Based on these  reports,  the following
table  sets  forth,  as  of  October  15,  2004,  the  shares  of  common  stock
beneficially owned by persons who beneficially own more than 5% of the Company's
outstanding shares of common stock.

Beneficial Ownership of Common Stock

     The following table sets forth information as of October 15, 2004 regarding
the beneficial ownership of shares of the Company's common stock, par value $.01
per share (the  "Common  Stock"),  of (i) each person known to the Company to be
the  beneficial  owner,  within the meaning of Section  13(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  of more than 5% of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  (ii) each  director of the Company,  (iii)
each executive  officer of the Company named in the Summary  Compensation  Table
(see "Executive  Compensation") and (iv) all executive officers and directors of
the Company as a group.  Unless otherwise  indicated,  the address of each named
beneficial  owner is c/o Comtex News Network,  Inc., 625 N.  Washington  Street,
Suite 301,  Alexandria,  Virginia 22314.  Except to the extent  indicated in the
footnotes,  each of the  beneficial  owners  named  below  has sole  voting  and
investment power with respect to the shares of Common Stock listed.


          Name and Address of                    Amount and Nature of
           Beneficial Owner                    Beneficial Ownership (1)                Percentage of Class
- --------------------------------------     --------------------------------     --------------------------------
AMASYS Corporation                                     3,224,629 (2)                          22.0%
625 N. Washington St., Ste. 301
Alexandria, VA  22314

C.W. Gilluly, Ed.D., Chairman and                      2,174,106 (3)                          15.9%
Interim Chief Executive Officer

Erik Hendricks, Director                                  81,600 (4)                            *

William J. Howard, Director                                9,900 (5)                            *

Robert J. Lynch, Jr., Director                             9,900 (5)                            *

Pieter VanBennekom, Director                               3,300 (6)                            *

Raymond Capece                                                 0                                --

Stephen W. Ellis                                         750,000 (7)                           5.3%

Steve Brosnihan                                                0                                --

Robin Y. Deal                                             14,641(8)

Deirdre D. McGonagle                                      23,455(9)

Charles W. Terry                                         764,408 (10)                          5.6%

All Directors and executive officers                   2,089,763 (11)                         19.4%
as a group (8 Persons)

- -------------------------
*    Less than 1%.

(1)  Beneficial ownership is direct unless otherwise indicated.
(2)  Includes  1,071,192  shares that may be acquired  upon the  conversion of a
     Convertible  Note held by AMASYS.  The principal  balance of $856,954 as of
     June 30, 2004 is  convertible  at $0.80 per share,  which is to increase by
     $0.05 every 180 days from December 4, 2003. (See "Note Payable to AMASYS.")
(3)  Includes  106,600  shares of Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of vested options granted under the Comtex News Network, Inc. 1995
     Stock Option Plan, and 2,067,506 shares of Common Stock held jointly by Dr.
     Gilluly and his spouse.
(4)  Includes  66,600  shares  of Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of vested options granted under the Comtex News Network, Inc. 1995
     Stock Option Plan.
(5)  Includes  9,900  shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of vested options granted under the Comtex News Network, Inc. 1995
     Stock Option Plan.
(6)  Includes  3,300  shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of vested options granted under the Comtex News Network, Inc. 1995
     Stock Option Plan.
(7)  Includes  450,000  shares of Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise  of vested  non-qualified  options  granted  under the Comtex News
     Network,  Inc.  1995 Stock Option Plan and 2003 Stock  Incentive  Plan.  On
     February 5, 2004,  Mr.  Ellis  resigned as a director  and Chief  Executive
     Officer of the Company.
(8)  Ms. Deal resigned as an officer of the Company in May 2004.
(9)  Ms. McGonagle resigned as an officer of the Company in May 2004.
(10) On April 24, 2003,  Mr. Terry  resigned as  President  and Chief  Executive
     Officer and  entered  into a  Separation  and  Release  Agreement  with the
     Company. (See "Executive Compensation" section.)
(11) Includes  680,454  shares of Common  Stock  that may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of vested options granted under the Comtex News Network, Inc. 1995
     Stock Option Plan.


ITEM 13.        Certain Relationships and Related Transactions
- --------------------------------------------------------------

     Certain  relationships and related transactions  involving directors of the
Company and certain other  entities are described in "Executive  Compensation  -
Board of Directors Interlocks and Insider Participation."

ITEM 14.        Principal Accountant Fees and Services
- ------------------------------------------------------

     The  Company's  Audit  Committee  is  responsible  for  appointment  of the
Company's independent auditors.  During the year ended June 30, 2004 the Company
engaged  Goldstein  Golub  Kessler  LLP and  ceased  using  Ernst & Young LLP to
conduct its annual audit and quarterly  reviews of the financial  statements and
to  provide  services  in  connection  with  the  SEC  proxy  statement  filing.
Additionally,  the Company engaged the services of Envision  Business  Solutions
LLC to perform  its tax  compliance  work for the years  ended June 30, 2004 and

     The following  table sets forth the aggregate fees billed to the Company by
its principal accountants for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2004 and 2003.

                                                                        Fiscal Year Ended
                                                                             June 30,
                                                                      2004             2003
                                                                 --------------   --------------

Audit Fees                                                       $       53,500   $       85,139
Tax Compliance Fees                                                       8,037            7,838
                                                                 --------------   --------------

Total Fees                                                       $       61,537   $       92,976
                                                                 ==============   ==============

Policy on Audit  Committee  Pre-Approval  of Audit  and  Non-Audit  Services  of
Independent Auditor

     The Audit  Committee's  policy is to  pre-approve  all audit and  non-audit
services provided by the independent auditors, either by approving an engagement
prior to the  engagement  or pursuant to a  pre-approval  policy with respect to
particular services. These services may include audit services,  review services
and other  services.  The  independent  auditors and  management are required to
periodically report to the full Audit Committee regarding the extent of services
provided by the independent  auditors in accordance with the  pre-approval,  and
the fees for the services performed to date.

     The Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether the  provision  of non-audit
services  is  compatible  with  maintaining   Goldstein  Golub  Kessler,   LLP's
independence.  The Audit Committee  concluded that performing such services does
not affect  Goldstein  Golub  Kessler,  LLP's  independence  in  performing  its
function as auditor of Comtex.


                                     PART IV

ITEM 15.          Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules
- ------------------------------------------------------------

     (b)  Exhibits
          31.1 Certification  of C.W.  Gilluly  Pursuant  to Section  302 of the
               Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
          31.2 Certification  of Matthew  Ball  Pursuant  to Section  302 of the
               Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
          32.1 Certification of Chief Executive  Officer Pursuant to Section 906
               of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
          32.2 Certification of Chief Financial  Officer Pursuant to Section 906
               of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002



     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the  Corporation  has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date:  October 28, 2004


By:  /s/ C.W. Gilluly                  By:  /s/ Matthew Ball
     -----------------------------          -----------------------------
     C.W. Gilluly, Ed.D.                    Matthew Ball
     Chairman and Interim Chief             Vice President and Chief
     Executive Officer                      Financial Officer (Principal
     (Principal Executive Officer)          Financial and Accounting Officer

     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  of 1934,  the
following  persons on behalf of the  Registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated have signed this report below.


Signatures                         Title                       Date
- ----------                         -----                       ----

/s/ C.W. Gilluly                   Chairman and Interim        October 28, 2004
- ---------------------------        Chief Executive Officer
C.W. Gilluly

/s/ Erik Hendricks                 Director                    October 28, 2004
- ---------------------------
Erik Hendricks

/s/ William J. Howard              Director                    October 28, 2004
- ---------------------------
William J. Howard

/s/ Robert J. Lynch, Jr.           Director                    October 28, 2004
- ----------------------------
Robert J. Lynch, Jr.

/s/ Pieter VanBennekom             Director                    October 28, 2004
- ----------------------------
Pieter VanBennekom