Exhibit 10.12

                               THE PROVIDENT BANK

                           NON-QUALIFIED SUPPLEMENTAL
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

                               THE PROVIDENT BANK
                           NON-QUALIFIED SUPPLEMENTAL
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

     1.   Purpose

     This Non-Qualified  Supplemental  Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("Plan") is
intended to provide Participants (as defined herein) or their Beneficiaries with
the full dollar amount of  Employer-provided  pension benefits  obtainable under
The  Provident  Bank Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan ("ESOP")  which may not be
accrued  under said ESOP due to the  limitations  imposed by Section  415 of the
Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") and the limitation on includible compensation
imposed by Section  401(a)(17) of the Code. The benefits provided under the Plan
(as described below) are intended to constitute a deferred compensation plan for
"a select group of management or highly  compensated  employees" for purposes of
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

     This Plan is intended to comply with Internal Revenue Code ("Code") Section
409A and any  regulatory or other  guidance  issued under such  Section.  At the
effective  date of the Plan  additional  guidance was being  promulgated  by the
Department  of Treasury.  Any terms of this Plan that  conflict with such future
guidance shall be null and void as of the effective date of the Plan. After such
guidance  is issued,  the intent is to amend the Plan to delete any  conflicting
provisions and to add such other provisions as are required to fully comply with
Section 409A and any other legislative or regulatory  requirement  applicable to
the Plan. This Plan shall be effective as of January 1, 2004.

     2.   Definitions

     Where the following  words and phrases appear in the Plan,  they shall have
the respective  meaning as set forth below unless the context clearly  indicates
the contrary. Except to the extent otherwise indicated herein, and to the extent
inconsistent with the definitions  provided below, the definitions  contained in
the ESOP are applicable under the Plan.

     2.1 "Bank" means The Provident Bank.

     2.2 "Beneficiary"  means the person designated by the Participant under the
ESOP to receive benefits in the event of the Participant's death.

     2.3 "Board of  Directors"  means the Board of  Directors  of The  Provident

     2.4 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
time.  Reference  to a  specific  provision  of  the  Code  shall  include  such
provision,  any  valid  regulation  or  ruling  promulgated  thereunder  and any
comparable  provision of future law that amends,  supplements or supersedes such

     2.5 "Committee" means the Benefits Committee of the Bank.

     2.6 "Company" means Provident Financial Services, Inc.

     2.7 "Effective Date" means January 1, 2004.

     2.8 "Employee"  means an employee of the Employer on whose behalf  benefits
are payable under the ESOP.

     2.9 "Employer" means The Provident Bank with respect to its employees,  and
any successors by merger, purchase, reorganization or otherwise. If a subsidiary
or affiliate of the  Employer  adopts the Plan,  it shall be deemed the Employer
with respect to its employees.

     2.10 "ERISA" means the Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended  from time to time.  Reference  to a specific  provision  of ERISA shall
include such provision,  any valid regulation or ruling  promulgated  thereunder
and  any  comparable  provision  of  future  law  that  amends,  supplements  or
supersedes such provision.

     2.11 "ESOP" means The Provident Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and any
successor thereto.

     2.12 "Participant"   means  an  Employee  who  has  been  designated  for
participation in this Plan pursuant to Section 3.1.

     2.13 "Phantom  Stock"  means the unit of  measurement  of a  Participant's
account hereunder  denominated in hypothetical shares of the Company's Stock. On
any  measurement  date,  the Phantom  Stock shall have a value equal to the fair
market value of the Company's Stock on such date.

     2.14 "Plan" means The Provident Bank  Non-Qualified  Supplemental  Employee
Stock  Ownership  Plan,  as set forth  herein and as may be amended from time to

     2.15 "Plan Year" means the period from January 1, 2004 through December 31,
2004, and each January 1 to December 31 thereafter.

     2.16 "Stock"  means the common  stock of the  Company,  par value $.01 per

     3.   Participation

     3.1  Designation  to  Participate.  Upon the  designation  of the  Board of
Directors,  Employees may become  Participants at any time during the Plan Year.
Each Employee  initially  selected by the Board to participate in the Plan shall
be set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof.  Participation
in this  Plan  shall be  limited  to a  select  group of  management  or  highly
compensated  employees of the Bank whose benefits under the ESOP are affected by
Section 401(a)(17), 401(m), or Section 415 of the Code and who are designated by
the Board of Directors to participate in this Plan.


     3.2 Continuation of Participation. An Employee who has become a Participant
shall remain a Participant so long as benefits are payable to or with respect to
such Participant under the Plan.

     4.  Benefit Requirements and Payments

     4.1 Supplemental ESOP Benefits.  A Participant shall be entitled to receive
as a benefit from this Plan the  supplemental  ESOP benefit set forth below.  In
the event of the death of a Participant  prior to the commencement of payment of
benefits hereunder, the Beneficiary of the Participant shall be entitled to
receive as a benefit from this Plan an amount equal to 100% of the  supplemental
ESOP benefit that would have been payable to the  Participant at the time of his
death. The  supplemental  ESOP benefit is denominated in shares of Phantom Stock
equal to the sum of the difference between "(a)" and "(b)," plus "(c)", where:

               (a)  is the  number  of  shares  of Stock  that  would  have been
                    allocated  to  the  account  of  the  Participant,  and  the
                    earnings thereon, had the limitations of Sections 401(a)(17)
                    and   415(c)(1)(A)  and  415(c)(6)  of  the  Code  not  been

               (b)  is the number of shares of Stock  actually  allocated to the
                    account of the  Participant for the relevant ESOP plan year,
                    and the earnings thereon; and

               (c)  is the  number of shares of  Phantom  Stock  into  which the
                    dividends  properly  allocable ot the Participant's  account
                    under  the Plan can be  converted,  based on the  following:
                    each  Plan  Year,  a  determination  shall be made as to the
                    dividends  that  would be  allocated  to such  Participant's
                    account  hereunder  for such  year,  based on the  shares of
                    Phantom Stock allocated thereto.  As of the last day of such
                    Plan  Year,  the  cash  dividends  so  determined  shall  be
                    converted  to shares  of  Phantom  Stock,  based on the fair
                    market value of the Company's Stock on such date.

     4.2 Eligibility and Vesting.

               (a)  A Participant will be eligible to receive  Supplemental ESOP
                    Benefits   only  in  the  event  he  or  she  is  an  Active
                    Participant as that term is defined under the ESOP.

               (b)  A  Participant  shall vest in his or her  Supplemental  ESOP
                    Benefits under the same terms and conditions as the benefits
                    provided under the ESOP.

     4.3 Incidents of Supplemental ESOP Payments.  Benefits under this Section 4
shall be payable to the Participant in a lump sum upon the Participant's:


               (a)  "Separation  from Service" as defined in guidance  issued by
                    the Treasury  Department;
               (b)  disability;  "disabled"  shall have the meaning set forth in
                    Code Section 409A; or
               (c)  death.

     4.4 Form of Supplemental ESOP Payments.  A Participant's  supplemental ESOP
benefits under Section 4.1 of this Plan shall be a benefit paid in cash.

     5.  Administration of the Plan

     5.1 Committee;  Duties.  This Plan shall be  administered  by the Committee
which shall consist of not less than three (3) persons appointed by the Board of
Directors  or its  designee.  The  Committee  shall have the  authority to make,
amend,  interpret  and enforce all  appropriate  rules and  regulations  for the
administration  of the  Plan  and  decide  or  resolve  any and  all  questions,
including  interpretations  of this Plan,  that may arise in connection with the
administration of the Plan; provided,  however,  that any such  interpretations,
rules and/or  regulations  shall be  consistent  with the  requirements  of Code
Section 409A and any Treasury Regulations or other guidance issued thereunder. A
majority  vote of the Committee  members shall control any decision.  Members of
the Committee may be Participants under the Plan.

     5.2 Agents.  The Committee may, from time to time,  employ other agents and
delegate to them such administrative duties as it sees fit, and may from time to
time consult with counsel who may be counsel to the Employer.

     5.3 Binding  Effect of  Decisions.  The decision or action of the Committee
regarding any question arising out of or in connection with the  administration,
interpretation  and  application  of the  Plan  and the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated hereunder shall be final and conclusive and binding upon all persons
having any interest in the Plan.

     5.4 Indemnity of Committee.  The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless
the members of the Committee against any and all claims,  loss, damage,  expense
or  liability  arising  from any action or  failure to act with  respect to this
Plan, except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

     6.  Claims Procedure

     6.1 Claim. Any person claiming a benefit,  requesting an  interpretation or
ruling under the Plan,  or requesting  information  under the Plan shall present
the request in writing to the Committee  which shall  respond in writing  within
thirty (30) days.

     6.2 Denial of Claim. If the claim or request is denied,  the written notice
of denial shall state:

               (a)  the reason for denial,  with specific  reference to the Plan
                    provisions on which the denial is based.


               (b)  a  description  of any  additional  material or  information
                    required and an explanation of why it is necessary.

               (c)  an explanation of the Plan`s claim review procedure.

     6.3 Review of Claim. Any person whose claim or request is denied or who has
not  received a response  within  thirty (30) days may request  review by notice
given in writing to the Committee. The claim or request shall be reviewed by the
Committee  who may,  but shall not be required to, grant the claimant a hearing.
On review, the claimant may have  representation,  examine pertinent  documents,
and submit issues and comments in writing.

     6.4 Final  Decision.  The decision on review shall  normally be made within
sixty (60) days.  If an  extension  of time is  required  for a hearing or other
special  circumstances,  the claimant shall be notified and the time limit shall
be one hundred  twenty (120) days.  The  decision  shall be in writing and shall
state the reason and the relevant plan provisions. All decisions on review shall
be final and bind all parties concerned.

     7.  Amendment or Termination

     7.1 Amendment of Plan. A majority of the Board of Directors may amend this
Plan  at any  time or  from  time to  time.  However,  no such  amendment  shall
adversely  affect the benefits of the  Participant  which have accrued  prior to
such action.

     7.2 Termination  of Plan.  The Plan  shall  not be  terminated  until  all
benefits  payable  under the  terms of the Plan are  either  paid or  forfeited.
Unless  permitted under Code Section 409A, the termination of the Plan shall not
cause the acceleration of benefits payable hereunder.

     8.  Miscellaneous

     8.1 Unfunded Plan.  This Plan is intended to be an unfunded plan maintained
primarily  to  provide  deferred  compensation  benefits  for a select  group of
management or highly compensated  employees.  However, the Employer may elect to
fund for the benefits of  Participants  as described in Section 8.3 below.  This
Plan will  continue to be unfunded for tax purposes and Title I of ERISA even if
benefits are funded by the Employer under Section 8.3 below.

     8.2 Unsecured  General  Creditor.  The Participant  and his  Beneficiaries,
heirs,  successors and assigns shall have no legal or equitable rights, interest
or  claims  in any  property  or  assets  of the  Employer,  nor  shall  they be
beneficiaries of, or have any rights,  claims or interests in any life insurance
policies,  annuity  contracts  or the proceeds  therefrom  owned or which may be
acquired by the Employer.  Such  policies or other assets of the Employer  shall
not  be  held  under  any  trust  for  the   benefit  of   Participants,   their
Beneficiaries,  heirs,  successors or assigns,  or held in any way as collateral
security for the fulfilling of the  obligations of Employer under this Plan. Any
and all of the Employer`s assets shall be, and remain,  the general,  unpledged,
unrestricted  assets of the Employer.  The Employer`s  obligation under the Plan
shall be that of an unfunded and unsecured  promise of the Employer to pay money
in the future.


     8.3 Trust Fund. The Employer  shall be  responsible  for the payment of all
benefits provided under the Plan. At its discretion,  the Employer may establish
one (1) or more trusts,  with such  trustees as the Board may  approve,  for the
purpose of providing for payment of such  benefits.  Such trust or trusts may be
irrevocable,  but the  assets  thereof  shall be  subject  to the  claims of the
Employer`s  creditors.  To the extent any benefits  provided  under the Plan are
actually paid from any such trust, the Employer shall have no further obligation
with respect thereto,  but to the extent not so paid, such benefits shall remain
the obligation of, and shall be paid by, the Employer.

     8.4 Nonassignability.  Neither the  Participant nor any other person shall
have any right to commute, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, anticipate,  mortgage
or  otherwise  encumber,  transfer,  hypothecate  or convey in advance of actual
receipt the amounts, if any, payable hereunder,  or any part thereof, which are,
and  all  rights  to  which  are,  expressly  declared  to be  unassignable  and
nontransferable.  No part of the amounts payable shall, prior to actual payment,
be subject to seizure or sequestration for the payment of any debts,  judgments,
alimony or separate  maintenance owed by a Participant or any other person,  nor
be transferable by operation of law in the event of a Participant`s or any other
person`s bankruptcy or insolvency.

     8.5 Expenses  of  Plan.  All  expenses  of the  Plan  will  be paid by the

     8.6 Change of Control of the Company or the Bank.  Notwithstanding  any
other provision  herein,  to the extent permitted under Code Section 409A, there
shall become immediately due and payable upon a Change of Control of the Company
or the Bank, a Participant's  supplemental ESOP benefit in a lump sum payment. A
"Change in Control" shall mean a change in the ownership or effective control of
the Company or Bank, or in the ownership of a substantial  portion of the assets
of the  Company  or Bank,  as defined in the  regulations  used by the  Treasury
Department  and/or other guidance issued by the Treasury  Department or Internal
Revenue Service under Code Section 409A.

     8.7 Withholding;  Payroll Taxes. The Employer shall withhold from payments
made to the Participant from the Plan any taxes required to be withheld from the
Participant`s wages for the federal or any state or local government.

     8.8 Participation by Subsidiaries and Affiliates. If any employer is now or
hereafter  becomes a subsidiary  or  affiliated  company of the Employer and its
employees  participate  in the ESOP,  the Board of Directors may authorize  such
subsidiary or affiliated  company to participate  in this Plan upon  appropriate
action by such employer  necessary to adopt the Plan.

     8.9 Delivery  of  Elections  to  Committee.  All  elections,  designation,
requests,  notices,  instructions and other communications required or permitted
under the Plan from the Employer, a Participant,  Beneficiary or other person to
the Committee  shall be on the appropriate  form,  shall be mailed by electronic
mail,  first-class  mail or  delivered  to such address as shall be specified by
such  Committee,  and shall be deemed to have been given or delivered  only upon
actual receipt thereof by such Committee at such location.


     8.10 Delivery of Notice to Participants.  All notices, statements,  reports
and other communications  required or permitted under the Plan from the Employer
or the Committee to any Officer, Participant, Beneficiary or other person, shall
be  deemed  to have  been  duly  given  when  delivered  to,  or when  mailed by
electronic mail, first-class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to such person
at this address last appearing on the records of the Committee.

     9.   Construction of the Plan

     9.1  Construction  of the  Plan.  The  provisions  of this  Plan  shall  be
construed, regulated, and administered according to the laws of the State of New
Jersey, to the extent not superseded by Federal law.

     9.2  Counterparts.  This  Plan  has been  established  by the  Employer  in
accordance  with the  resolutions  adopted by the Board of Directors  and may be
executed in any number of  counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an
original.  All the counterparts  shall  constitute one instrument,  which may be
sufficiently evidenced by any one counterpart.

     9.3  Validity.  In case any provision of this Plan shall be held illegal or
invalid for any  reason,  said  illegality  or  invalidity  shall not affect the
remaining parts hereof, but this Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such
illegal or invalid provision had never been inserted herein.

[signature page follows]


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  and as  evidence  of the  adoption of the Plan by the
Employer,  it has caused the same to be signed by its Officer  duly  authorized,
and its corporate seal to be affixed this 23 day of December, 2004.

ATTEST:                                THE PROVIDENT BANK

/s/ Mary Louise Festa             By:  /s/ Paul M. Pantozzi
- -----------------------                ------------------------------------
                                       Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive