FEDERAL STOCK CHARTER

     Section 1.  Corporate  Title.  The full  corporate  title of the subsidiary
holding company is Oritani Financial Corp. (the "Company").

     Section 2. Duration. The duration of the Company is perpetual.

     Section 3. Purpose and Powers.  The purpose of the Company is to pursue any
or all of the lawful  objectives of a federal mutual holding  company  chartered
under  Section  10(o) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, 12 U.S.C.  1467a(o),  and to
exercise all of the express,  implied,  and incidental  powers conferred thereby
and by all acts  amendatory  thereof and  supplemental  thereto,  subject to the
Constitution and laws of the United States as they are now in effect, or as they
may  hereafter  be  amended,  and  subject to all lawful and  applicable  rules,
regulations, and orders of the Office of Thrift Supervision (the "Office").

     Section 4. Capital Stock.  The total number of shares of all classes of the
capital  stock which the Company has  authority to issue is  90,000,000 of which
80,000,000  shares  shall  be  common  stock,  par  value  $.01 per  share,  and
10,000,000 shares shall be preferred stock, par value $.01 per share. The shares
may be issued from time to time as authorized by the board of directors  without
approval of its shareholders,  except as otherwise provided in this Section 4 or
to the extent  that such  approval  is  required  by  governing  law,  rule,  or
regulation.  The  consideration  for the issuance of the shares shall be paid in
full before  their  issuance  and shall not be less than the par value.  Neither
promissory  notes nor future services shall  constitute  payment or part payment
for the  issuance of shares of the  Company.  The  consideration  for the shares
shall be cash,  tangible or intangible property (to the extent the Company would
be permitted to directly invest in such property),  labor, or services  actually
performed for the Company,  or any combination of the foregoing.  In the absence
of actual  fraud in the  transaction,  the  value of such  property,  labor,  or
services,  as  determined  by the board of directors  of the  Company,  shall be
conclusive.  Upon payment of such consideration,  such shares shall be deemed to
be fully paid and nonassessable.  In the case of a stock dividend,  that part of
the surplus of the  Company  which is  transferred  to stated  capital  upon the
issuance of shares as a share dividend  shall be deemed to be the  consideration
for their issuance.

     Nothing  contained  in this  Section  4 (or in any  supplementary  sections
hereto)  shall  entitle the  holders of any class or series of capital  stock to
vote as a separate class or series or to more than one vote per share. Provided,
that this restriction on voting separately by class or series shall not apply:

     (i)          To any provision which would authorize the holders of
                  preferred stock, voting as a class or series, to elect some
                  members of the board of directors, less than a majority
                  thereof, in the event of default in the payment of dividends
                  on any class or series of preferred stock;

     (ii)         To any provision which would require the holders of preferred
                  stock, voting as a class or series, to approve the merger or
                  consolidation of the Company with another corporation or the
                  sale, lease, or conveyance (other than by mortgage or pledge)
                  of properties or business in exchange for securities of a
                  corporation other than the Company if the preferred stock is
                  exchanged for securities of such other corporation: Provided,
                  that no provision may require such approval for transactions
                  undertaken with the assistance or pursuant to the direction of
                  the Office;

     (iii)        To any amendment which would adversely change the specific
                  terms of any class or series of capital stock as set forth in

                  this Section 4 (or in any supplementary sections hereto),
                  including any amendment which would create or enlarge any
                  class or series ranking prior thereto in rights and
                  preferences. An amendment which increases the number of
                  authorized shares of any class or series of capital stock, or
                  substitutes the surviving Company in a merger or consolidation
                  for the Company, shall not be considered to be such an adverse

     A description of the different classes and series (if any) of the Company's
capital  stock and a statement of the  designations,  and the  relative  rights,
preferences  and  limitations of the shares of each class of and series (if any)
of capital  stock and  statement  of the  authority of the board of directors to
divide the  preferred  stock into  classes or series or both and to determine or
change for any such class or series its designation,  number of shares, relative
rights, preferences and limitations are as follows:

     A.  Common  Stock.  Except as  provided  in this  Section 4, the holders of
common stock shall  exclusively  possess all voting power. Each holder of shares
of  common  stock  shall be  entitled  to one vote for each  share  held by such
holder, and shall not be entitled to cumulate votes for election of directors.

     Whenever there shall have been paid, or declared and set aside for payment,
to the holders of the outstanding shares of any class of stock having preference
over the common stock as to payment of  dividends,  the full amount of dividends
and of sinking fund, or retirement fund, or other retirement  payments,  if any,
to which such  holders are  respectively  entitled in  preference  to the common
stock, then dividends may be paid on the common stock and on any class or series
of stock  entitled to  participate  therewith as to dividends  out of any assets
legally available for the payment of dividends.

     If at any time Oritani  Financial  Corp.,  MHC, the parent  mutual  holding
company  of the  Company  (the  "Mutual  Holding  Company")  converts  from  the
mutual-to-stock form of organization, a liquidation account shall be established
by any stock holding  company parent of Oritani  Savings Bank (the "Bank"),  and
the Bank. Subject to such, or any other provision for a liquidation  account, in
the event of any  liquidation,  dissolution,  or winding up of the Company,  the
holders  of the common  stock  (and the  holders of any class or series of stock
entitled to  participate  with the common stock in the  distribution  of assets)
shall be  entitled,  after  payment or  provision  for  payment of all debts and
liabilities of the Company,  to receive the remaining assets of the Company,  in
cash or in kind. Each share of common stock shall have the same rights as and be
identical in all respects with all the other shares of common stock.

     B.  Preferred  Stock.  The Company  may provide for one or more  classes of
preferred stock, which shall be separately  identified.  The shares of any class
may be divided into and issued in series, with each series separately designated
so as to distinguish  the shares thereof from the shares of all other series and
classes.  All  shares  of the same  class  shall be  identical  except as to the
following  relative rights and preferences,  as to which there may be variations
between different series:

     (a)          The distinctive serial designation and the number of shares
                  constituting such series;

     (b)          The dividend rate or the amount of dividends to be paid on the
                  shares of such series, whether dividends shall be cumulative
                  and, if so, from which date(s), the payment date(s) for
                  dividends, and the participating or other special rights, if
                  any, with respect to dividends;

     (c)          The voting powers, full or limited, if any, of shares of such

     (d)          Whether the shares of such series shall be redeemable and, if
                  so, the price(s) at which, and the terms and conditions on
                  which, such shares may be redeemed;

     (e)          The amount(s) payable upon the shares of such series in the
                  event of voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution, or
                  winding up of the Company;

     (f)          Whether the shares of such series shall be entitled to the
                  benefit of a sinking or retirement fund to be applied to the
                  purchase or redemption of such shares, and if so entitled, the
                  amount of such fund and the manner of its application,
                  including the price(s) at which such shares may be redeemed or
                  purchased through the application of such fund;

     (g)          Whether the shares of such series shall be convertible into,
                  or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or classes of
                  stock of the Company and, if so, the conversion price(s) or
                  the rate(s) of exchange, and the adjustments thereof, if any,
                  at which such conversion or exchange may be made, and any
                  other terms and conditions of such conversion or exchange;

     (h)          The price or other consideration for which the shares of such
                  series shall be issued; and

     (i)          Whether the shares of such series which are redeemed or
                  converted shall have the status of authorized but unissued
                  shares of serial preferred stock and whether such shares may
                  be reissued as shares of the same or any other series of
                  serial preferred stock.

     Each share of each  series of serial  preferred  stock  shall have the same
relative rights as and be identical in all respects with all the other shares of
the same series.

     The board of directors  shall have authority to divide,  by the adoption of
supplementary  charter  sections,  any authorized  class of preferred stock into
series and,  within the  limitations set forth in this section and the remainder
of this charter,  fix and determine the relative  rights and  preferences of the
shares of any series so established.

     Prior to the issuance of any preferred shares of a series  established by a
supplementary  charter  section  adopted by the board of directors,  the Company
shall file with the  Secretary to the Office a dated copy of that  supplementary
section of this charter  establishing  and designating the series and fixing and
determining the relative rights and preferences thereof.

     Section 5. Preemptive  Rights.  Holders of the capital stock of the Company
shall not be entitled  to  preemptive  rights with  respect to any shares of the
Company which may be issued.

     Section  6.  Beneficial  Ownership  Limitation.   Notwithstanding  anything
contained in the Company's  charter or bylaws to the  contrary,  for a period of
five  years  from the date of any  initial  public  sale of common  stock by the
Company,  no person  other than the Mutual  Holding  Company  shall  directly or
indirectly offer to acquire or acquire the beneficial ownership of more than 10%
of any class of any equity  security of the Company unless such offer to acquire
or  acquisition  is  approved  by a  majority  of the board of  directors.  This
limitation  shall  not  apply to the  purchase  of  shares  by  underwriters  in
connection with a public offering,  or the purchase of shares by a tax-qualified
employee stock benefit plan which is exempt from the approval requirements under
574.3(c)(1)(vii) of the Office's regulations.

     In the event shares are acquired in violation of this Section 6, all shares
beneficially  owned by any person in excess of 10% shall be  considered  "excess
shares"  and shall not be  counted as shares  entitled  to vote and shall not be
voted by any person or counted as voting shares in  connection  with any matters
submitted to the stockholders for a vote.

     For the purposes of this Section 6, the following definitions apply.

         (1)      The term "person" includes an individual, a group acting in
                  concert, a corporation, a partnership, a savings bank, a
                  savings and loan association, a joint stock company, a trust,
                  an unincorporated organization or similar company, a syndicate
                  or any other group formed for the purpose of acquiring,
                  holding or disposing of the equity securities of the Company.

         (2)      The term "offer" includes every offer to buy or otherwise
                  acquire, solicitation of an offer to sell, tender offer for,
                  or request or invitation for tenders of, a security or
                  interest in a security for value.

         (3)      The term "acquire" includes every type of acquisition, whether
                  effected by purchase, exchange, operation of law or otherwise.

         (4)      The term "acting in concert" means (a) knowing participation
                  in a joint activity or conscious parallel action towards a
                  common goal whether or not pursuant to an express agreement,
                  or (b) a combination or pooling of voting or other interests
                  in the securities of an issuer for a common purpose pursuant
                  to any contract, understanding, relationship, agreement or
                  other arrangements, whether written or otherwise.

     Section 7. Call for Special  Meetings.  For a period of five years from the
date of any initial public sale of common stock by the Company, special meetings
of stockholders of the Company may be called only upon direction of the board of

     Section 8.  Directors.  The Company shall be under the direction of a board
of  directors.  The number of directors,  as provided in the  Company's  bylaws,
shall not be less than five or more than fifteen except when a greater number is
approved by the Board.

     Section  9.  Amendment  of  Certificate.  Except as  provided  in Section 4
hereof, no amendment,  addition,  alteration,  change, or repeal of this charter
shall be made,  unless such is first  proposed by the board of  directors of the
Company,  approved by the stockholders by a majority of the total votes eligible
to be cast and  submitted  to the  Office  for  action  as  specified  by law or