March 10, 2008

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0408
         Attention: Mr. Edwin Adames

RE:      First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.
         File No. 000-31957
         Recent 8-K filing for Sale of Override Business

Dear Mr. Adames:

Per your recent  inquiry as to the effect of the planned  sale of the Blue Cross
Blue Shield override business to the Grotenhuis Group, we submit the following:

     First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp,  Inc. will collect upon closing
     the sales price reflected on the attached  confidential  exhibit. A gain on
     sale  equal to the  sales  price  will be  recorded.

     First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp,  Inc. has a related  intangible
     asset  associated  with that book of business  (see  attached  confidential
     exhibit), which will be written off.

     The impact of these 2 entries  is a net gain (the  amount of which is shown
     on the  attached  confidential  exhibit),  which  will be  recorded  in the
     quarter in which the transaction is consummated.


When the Company  acquired  the  InsuranCenter  of Alpena  ("ICA"),  the Company
recorded goodwill,  which is tested annually for impairment.  As of December 31,
2007,  the  balance of such  goodwill  was  $1,350,000.  Our testing of goodwill
impairment  is based upon a valuation  methodology  that uses a "multiple of net
sales"  factor,  which is  provided  to us by an outside  firm based upon recent
transactions. As part of the agreement to sell the business to Grotenhuis Group,
we will continue to collect  commissions from the buyer for the period specified
in the confidential  Exhibit to this letter.  Our split over that period will be
the percentage specified in the confidential Exhibit. The proforma models we ran
to test the implications of this deal on goodwill both in 2008 and at the end of
the period  (when the  commission  split ends)  indicated  that there will be no
goodwill  impairment  related  to the sales  transaction.  The  reason  for this
conclusion  is that over that  period,  we are writing  down the only  remaining
intangible asset (the customer list) which will nearly be fully amortized at the
end of the period,  when our commission  split from this sale ends.  Even though
the net sales will potentially be lower from the reduction in commission income,
this will more than be  offset  by the lower  carrying  value of the  intangible
assets. This analysis is based on the assumption that the commissions  collected
will remain static over time and that the net sales multiple will remain at 1.7,
which approximates where it has been over the last four years.

Confidential Treatment
- ----------------------

     In accordance with 5 U.S.C.  ss.552(b) and 17 C.F.R.  ss.200.83,  we hereby
request  that  the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  (the  "SEC")  afford
confidential  treatment  under the Freedom of  Information  Act to the  attached
Exhibit.  The Exhibit  contains  terms of the  transaction  with the  Grotenhuis
Group,  including  sales price,  not otherwise made available to the public.  In
addition,  the Company believes the disclosure of this  information  would cause
competitive harm to the Company.

     We submit that this information is appropriately  held  confidential by the
SEC under 5 U.S.C.  ss.552(b)(4),  as it  constitutes  "commercial  or financial
information  obtained  from  a  person  and  privileged  and  confidential."  In
accordance  with SEC Rule  200.83,  we  request  that this  information  be kept
confidential for a period of five (5) years from the date of this request.

     As  required  by  Staff  Legal  Bulletin  No.  1,  "Confidential  Treatment
Requests,"  as  amended,   the  Company   consents  to  the  furnishing  of  the
confidential portion to other government agencies,  offices or bodies and to the

     Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Michael W. Mahler

Michael W. Mahler - President
First Federal of Northern Michigan