AMENDED AND RESTATED

                         2005 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

                 Amended and Restated Effective January 1, 2005

                            SENECA FALLS SAVINGS BANK
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                         2005 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

sponsored by Seneca Falls  Savings  Bank (the  "Bank"),  updates and revises the
2005 Deferred  Compensation  Plan (the "Prior Plan") in order to bring the Prior
Plan into compliance with the final regulations issued under Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") in April,  2007. The Bank
has herein restated the Plan with the intention that the Plan shall at all times
satisfy Code Section 409A,  and the provisions of the Plan shall be construed to
effectuate  such  intentions.  References  to the "Company"  mean  Seneca-Cayuga
Bancorp,  Inc. a federal  corporation  that owns 100% of the common stock of the

                                   ARTICLE I

                           PURPOSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE

     Section 1.01  Purpose.  The purpose of the Plan is to permit a select group
of management (at the level of vice  president or higher) or highly  compensated
employees and directors of the Bank to defer on a pre-tax basis al1 or a portion
of their compensation paid by the Bank in order to provide funds for retirement.
It is intended that the Plan will aid in retaining and attracting  employees and
directors by providing such persons with a means to supplement their standard of
living at retirement.

     Section 1.02  Effective  Date.  The Plan was  originally  effective in May,
1981. The Plan is hereby amended and restated effective January 1, 2005.

                                   ARTICLE II


     For the purposes of this Plan,  the following  words and phrases shall have
the meanings indicated, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

     Section 2.01 Bank. "Bank" means Seneca Falls Savings Bank.

     Section 2.02 Beneficiary. "Beneficiary" means the person, persons or entity
designated by the  Participant  to receive any benefits  payable under the Plan.
Any Participant  Beneficiary  designation shall be made in a written  instrument
filed with the Bank in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit B and shall  become
effective only when received, accepted and acknowledged in writing by the Bank.

     Section  2.03  Board.  "Board"  means the Board of  Directors  of the Bank.

     Section  2.04 Change in Control.  "Change in Control" of the Company or the
Bank  shall  mean (i) a change in  ownership  of the  Company  or the Bank under
paragraph (a) below, or (ii) a change in effective control of the Company or the
Bank  under  paragraph  (b)

below, or (iii) a change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets
of the Company or the Bank under paragraph (c) below:

     (a)       Change in the  ownership  of the Company or the Bank. A change in
          the  ownership of the Company or the Bank shall occur on the date that
          any one person,  or more than one person acting as a group (as defined
          in paragraph  (b)),  acquires  ownership  of stock of the  corporation
          that,  together  with stock held by such person or group,  constitutes
          more than 50 percent of the total fair  market  value or total  voting
          power of the stock of such corporation.  However, if any one person or
          more than one person acting as a group, is considered to own more than
          50 percent of the total fair market value or total voting power of the
          stock of a corporation,  the  acquisition  of additional  stock by the
          same  person or  persons  is not  considered  to cause a change in the
          ownership of the  corporation  (or to cause a change in the  effective
          control  of the  corporation  (within  the  meaning of  paragraph  (b)
          below)).  An  increase  in the  percentage  of stock  owned by any one
          person,  or persons acting as a group, as a result of a transaction in
          which the corporation acquires its stock in exchange for property will
          be treated as an  acquisition  of stock for purposes of this  section.
          This paragraph (a) applies only when there is a transfer of stock of a
          corporation (or issuance of stock of a corporation)  and stock in such
          corporation remains outstanding after the transaction.

     (b)       Change in the  effective  control of the  Company or the Bank.  A
          change in the effective control of the Company or the Bank shall occur
          on the date that  either (i) any one  person,  or more than one person
          acting as a group (as  determined  below),  acquires  (or has acquired
          during  the  12-month  period  ending  on the date of the most  recent
          acquisition  by such  person  or  persons)  ownership  of stock of the
          corporation possessing 30 percent or more of the total voting power of
          the stock of such  corporation;  or (ii) a majority  of members of the
          corporation's  board of  directors  is  replaced  during any  12-month
          period by directors whose appointment or election is not endorsed by a
          majority of the members of the corporation's  board of directors prior
          to the date of the appointment or election, provided that for purposes
          of this paragraph  (b)(ii),  the term  corporation  refers solely to a
          corporation for which no other corporation is a majority  shareholder.
          In the  absence of an event  described  in  paragraph  (i) or (ii),  a
          change  in the  effective  control  of a  corporation  will  not  have
          occurred.  If any one  person,  or more  than one  person  acting as a
          group, is considered to effectively  control a corporation (within the
          meaning of this paragraph (b)), the acquisition of additional  control
          of the  corporation by the same person or persons is not considered to
          cause a change in the  effective  control  of the  corporation  (or to
          cause a change in the ownership of the corporation  within the meaning
          of paragraph  (a)).  Persons will not be  considered to be acting as a
          group  solely   because  they  purchase  or  own  stock  of  the  same
          corporation  at the  same  time,  or as a result  of the  same  public

     (c)       Change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the Company's
          or the  Bank's  assets.  A change in the  ownership  of a  substantial
          portion of the  Company's or the Bank's assets shall occur on the date
          that any one  person,  or more than one  person  acting as a group (as
          determined  below),  acquires  (or has  acquired  during the  12-month
          period  ending  on the date of the  most  recent  acquisition  by such
          person or persons) assets from the corporation that have a total gross
          fair  market  value  equal to or more than 40% of the total gross fair
          market value of all of the assets of the corporation immediately prior
          to such  acquisition  or  acquisitions.  For this purpose,  gross fair
          market value means the value of the assets of the corporation,  or the
          value of the assets being  disposed of,  determined  without regard to
          any  liabilities  associated  with such assets.  There is no Change in
          Control event under this  paragraph (c) when there is a transfer to an
          entity that is  controlled  by the  shareholders  of the  transferring
          corporation immediately after the transfer.

     (d)       Each of the  sub-paragraphs  (a) through (c) of this Section 2.04
          shall be construed and interpreted consistent with the requirements of
          Code  Section  409A and any  Treasury  regulations  or other  guidance
          issued thereunder.  Notwithstanding anything in this subsection to the
          contrary,  a Change in  Control  shall not be deemed to have  occurred
          upon the conversion of the Seneca Falls Savings Bank,  MHC, the Bank's
          mutual holding  company  parent,  to stock form, or in connection with
          any reorganization used to effect such a conversion.

     Section  2.05 Code.  "Code" means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended from time to time, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     Section 2.06 Deferral  Agreement.  "Deferral  Agreement"  means the written
form (attached  hereto as Exhibit A) that is submitted by the Participant to the
human  resources  officer of the Bank before the  relevant  Election  Date which
indicates  the amount of  compensation  to be  deferred,  the timing and form of
distribution(s). A Deferral Agreement becomes effective when it is signed by the
Participant and the Bank in a timely manner.

     Section 2.07 Deferral Benefit. "Deferral Benefit" means the benefit payable
to a Participant as calculated in Article VI hereof.

     Section 2.08 Deferred Benefit Account. "Deferred Benefit Account" means the
accounts  maintained  on the books of account  of the Bank for each  Participant
pursuant to Article V. Separate  Deferred  Benefit  Accounts shall be maintained
for each  Participant.  More than one Deferred Benefit Account may be maintained
for each Participant if necessary to reflect separate year deferral elections. A
Participant's  Deferred Benefit Account shall be utilized solely as a device for
the measurement and  determination  of the amounts to be paid to the Participant
pursuant  to this Plan.  A  Participant's  Deferred  Benefit  Account  shall not
constitute or be treated as a trust fund of any kind.

     Section 2.09  Determination  Date.  "Determination  Date" means the date on
which the amount of a  Participant's  Deferred  Benefit Account is determined as
provided  in Article V hereof.  The last day of each  calendar  month shall be a
Determination Date.

     Section  2.10   Disability.   "Disability"   means  any  case  in  which  a
Participant:  (i) is unable to engage in any  substantial  gainful  activity  by
reason of any medically  determinable physical or mental impairment which can be
expected to result in death or can be expected to last for a  continuous  period
of not less than 12  months;  (ii) is, by reason of any  medically  determinable
physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or can be
expected to last for a continuous  period of not less than 12 months,  receiving
income  replacement  benefits  for a period of not less  than 3 months  under an
accident and health plan  covering  employees of the Bank (or would receive such
benefits if eligible to participate  in the plan);  or (iii) is determined to be
totally disabled by the Social Security Administration.

     Section 2.11 Election Date. The "Election Date" is the date  established by
this  Plan as the date on or  before  which a  Participant  must  submit a valid
Deferral  Agreement  or Notice of  Adjustment  of  Deferral  to the  Board.  The
applicable  Election  Dates are as follows:  (a) 30 days after a newly  eligible
Participant is notified of his right to participate in the Plan, or (b) at least
30 days prior to January 1st of any Plan Year if (a) above does not apply.

     Section  2.12  Participant.  "Participant"  means  any  individual  who  is
designated by the Bank to participate in this Plan and who elects to participate
by filing a Deferral Agreement as provided in Article IV.

     Section 2.13 Plan.  "Plan" shall mean the Seneca Falls Savings Bank Amended
and Restated 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan.

     Section 2.14 Plan Administrator.  "Plan  Administrator" means the committee
appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.

     Section 2.15 Plan Year. "Plan Year" means a twelve month period  commencing
January 1 and ending the following December 31.

     Section 2.16 Separation from Service. "Separation from Service" means:

         (a)   the  Participant's  retirement or termination of employment  with
               the Bank.

         (b)   No  Separation  from  Service  shall be  deemed  to occur  due to
               military leave, sick leave or other bona fide leave of absence if
               the  period of such  leave  does not  exceed  six  months  or, if
               longer,  so long as the  Participant's  right to  reemployment is
               provided by law or contract.  If the leave exceeds six months and
               the Participant's right to reemployment is not provided by law or
               by  contract,  then the  Participant  shall be  deemed  to have a
               Separation from Service on the first date  immediately  following
               such six-month period.

         (c)   Whether a  Separation  from  Service has  occurred is  determined
               based on whether the facts and  circumstances  indicate  that the
               Bank and the Participant  reasonably  anticipated that no further
               services  would be

               performed  after a  certain  date or that the  level of bona fide
               services the  Participant  would perform after such date (whether
               as an employee or as an independent contractor) would permanently
               decrease  to less  than 50% of the  average  level  of bona  fide
               services  performed over the immediately  preceding 36 months (or
               such  lesser  period of time in which the  Participant  performed
               services  for  the  Bank).   The   determination   of  whether  a
               Participant  has had a Separation  from Service  shall be made by
               applying the presumptions  set forth in the Treasury  Regulations
               under Code Section 409A.

     Section  2.17  Specified  Employee.   "Specified  Employee"  means  a  "key
employee" of a publicly  traded  company within the meaning of Code Section 409A
and the final regulations or other guidance issued thereunder.

                                  ARTICLE III


     Section  3.01 Plan  Administrator  and  Board  Duties.  This Plan  shall be
administered  by the Plan  Administrator.  Decisions  of the Plan  Administrator
shall be  reviewable  by the Board.  The Board shall also have the  authority to
make,  amend,  interpret,  and enforce all appropriate rules and regulations for
the  administration  of this Plan and  decide or resolve  any and all  questions
including  interpretations  of this Plan,  as may arise in  connection  with the
Plan. A Participant  who is a member of the Board may vote on matters  affecting
all Participants but may not vote on matters solely relating to his benefits.

     Section 3.02 Binding Effect of Decisions. Subject to Article IX herein, any
decision or action of the Board in respect to any question  arising out of or in
connection with the  administration,  interpretation and application of the Plan
and the rules and regulations  promulgated hereunder shall be final,  conclusive
and binding upon all persons having any interest in the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE IV


     Section 4.01  Participation.  Participation in the Plan shall be limited to
individuals who are vice presidents (or higher) of the Bank and directors of the
Bank who file a Deferral  Agreement with the Bank. Except as provided in Section
2.11(a), a Deferral Agreement must be filed with the Plan Administrator at least
30 days prior to January 1st  immediately  preceding  the Plan Year in which the
Participant's  participation  under the  agreement  will  commence.  A  properly
completed and timely executed Deferral Agreement shall be effective on the first
day of the Plan Year following  receipt by the Bank.  With respect to a Deferral
Agreement  filed by an officer or director who first becomes  eligible after the
first day of a Plan Year,  such Deferral  Agreement shall be effective only with
respect to  compensation or director's fees not yet earned and based on services
not yet  performed  at the time of the  execution  and  filing  of the  Deferral

     Section  4.02 Minimum  Deferral.  A  Participant  may elect in any Deferral
Agreement to defer all or a portion of his compensation and future  compensation
increases.  The minimum amount that may be deferred under an officer's  Deferral
Agreement shall be $1,000.

     Section 4.02(a) From time to time the Bank may increase or decrease the
minimum deferral set forth above (or establish a maximum deferral) by giving
reasonable written notice to the affected Participants. Such changes shall be
effective for all Deferral Agreements filed thereafter.

     Section 4.02(b) A  Participant's  election to defer  compensation  shall be
irrevocable for a Plan Year upon the filing of a Deferral Agreement.

     Section 4.03 Duration of Deferral Agreement.  Deferral Agreements remain in
effect until  revoked or modified by the filing of a new  Deferral  Agreement or
Notice of  Adjustment  of Deferral,  which shall be effective  for the Plan Year
following the Plan Year in which it is submitted.

     Section 4.04  Revocation  or  Reduction  of  Deferral.  Deferrals of future
compensation  may be stopped or reduced by timely  filing a Notice of Adjustment
of Deferral (attached hereto as Exhibit C). Such revocation or reduction will be
effective as of the 1st day of the next succeeding Plan Year.

     Section 4.05  Increase of Deferral.  A new Notice of Adjustment of Deferral
or new Deferral  Agreement  must be filed under the terms of Section  2.11(b) if
the Participant  wishes to increase the amount of  compensation  being deferred.
Such an election  will be effective on the 1st day of the next  succeeding  Plan

     Section 4.06 No Deferral Without Agreement. An eligible officer or director
who has not  submitted  a valid  Deferral  Agreement  to the Plan  Administrator
before  the  relevant   Election  Date  set  forth  in  2.11may  not  defer  any
compensation  until the next Plan Year. A  Participant  who has not  submitted a
valid timely Deferral  Agreement or Notice of Adjustment of Deferral to the Plan
Administrator in accordance with Section 2.11(b) shall either (i) have deferrals
deducted in  accordance  with the  Participant's  last  validly  filed  Deferral
Agreement in  accordance  with  Section 4.03 or, (ii) if no deferrals  are being
deducted  from the  Participant's  compensation  or  director's  fees,  then the
Participant shall not be entitled to make deferrals until the next Plan Year.

     Section 4.07 When to File  Deferral  Agreement or Notice of  Adjustment  of
Deferral.  A Notice of  Adjustment  of  Deferral  shall be filed to  increase or
reduce  deferrals  in a future  Plan Year or Years.  A Notice of  Adjustment  of
Deferral shall also be filed to eliminate  entirely  deferrals for the next Plan
Year or for all future Plan Years. The filing of a new Deferral  Agreement shall
not  change  the  time  or  form  of  distribution  of  amounts  credited  to  a
Participant's  Deferred Benefit Account, and earnings on such amounts,  that are
subject to a previously filed Deferral Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE V

                            DEFERRED BENEFIT ACCOUNT

     Section 5.01 Deferred Benefit Account. The amount that a Participant elects
to defer pursuant to a validly executed and filed Deferral  Agreement,  shall be
credited  by the Bank to the  Participant's  Deferred  Benefit  Account.  To the
extent that the Bank is required to withhold any taxes or other amounts from the
Participant's deferred compensation pursuant to any state, federal or local law,
such  amounts  shall  first be taken  out of the  portion  of the  Participant's
compensation which is not deferred under this Plan.

     Section 5.02 Vesting of Deferred  Benefit Account.  A Participant  shall be
100% vested in his Deferred Benefit Account(s).

Section 5.03 Interest Credit. Compensation deferred by a Participant plus an
amount equal to the Participant's deemed interest shall be credited to the
Participant's Deferred Benefit Account(s) on each Determination Date. Interest
shall be credited at a rate which is annually determined by the Board.

     Section 5.04 Determination of Account. Each Participant's  Deferred Benefit
Account(s),  as of each Determination  Date, shall consist of the balance of the
Participant's  Deferred  Benefit  Account(s)  as of  the  immediately  preceding
Determination Date. The Deferred Benefit Account(s) of each Participant shall be
reduced  by the amount of all  distributions,  if any,  made from such  Deferred
Benefit Account(s) since the preceding  Determination Date, and increased by any
contributions  and interest  credited to such Deferred Benefit  Account(s) since
the preceding Determination Date.

     Section  5.05  Statement  of  Accounts.  The  Bank  shall  submit  to  each
Participant,  within 120 days after the close of each Plan Year,  a statement in
such form as the Bank deems  desirable,  setting forth the balance to the credit
of such Participant in his Deferred Benefit Account(s) as of the last day of the
preceding Plan Year.

                                   ARTICLE VI


     Section 6.01 Benefit Upon  Separation  from Service.  Upon a  Participant's
Separation from Service (other than due to death or  Disability),  a Participant
shall be entitled to a Deferral Benefit payable under Section 6.04.

     Section  6.02  Death.  If a  Participant  dies  after the  commencement  of
payments of his Deferral  Benefit,  his Beneficiary  shall receive the remaining
installments   of  his  Deferred   Benefit   Account  in  accordance   with  the
Participant's   existing  distribution   election.  If  a  Participant  has  not
designated a  Beneficiary  under the Plan, or if no  designated  Beneficiary  is
living on the date of distribution hereunder,  amounts distributable pursuant to
this Section shall be distributed first to the  Participant's  surviving spouse,
or if none, to the  Participant's  estate.  If a  Participant  dies prior to any
payments of a Deferral Benefit, his Beneficiary shall receive a lump sum payment
equal to his Deferred Benefit Account as of the Determination Date within

thirty (30) days following such death or in annual  installments  as provided in
the Participant's Deferral Agreement.

     Section 6.03  Disability.  In the event of  Disability  prior to Separation
from  Service,  the  disabled  Participant,  unless he  otherwise  elects in his
Deferral  Agreement,  shall have his payments  commence in the form specified in
Section 6.04 over a 5 year period.

     Section  6.04 Form of  Benefit  Payment.  Upon the  occurrence  of an event
described in Sections 6.01 or 6.03,  the Bank shall pay to the  Participant  the
amount  specified  in periodic  installments  as set forth in the  Participant's
Deferral  Agreement.  Payments  commencing under Section 6.05 shall be paid over
the  specified  period  designated  in  the  Participant's  Deferral  Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event a Participant fails to elect a form
of payment of his Deferral Benefit the  Participant's  Deferral  Agreement,  the
Deferral Benefit shall be distributed to the Participant in substantially  equal
quarterly payments over a period of five years.

     Section  6.05  Benefit  Payment  Prior  to  Separation   from  Service.   A
Participant  may  elect in his  Deferral  Agreement  to have  payments  from his
Deferred  Benefit  Account  commence  prior  to  Separation  from  Service  at a
specified date set forth in the Deferral Agreement. If the Participant elects to
have benefits paid at a specified date or dates,  such benefits shall be paid in
either annual or quarterly  installments  over a period of five or ten years (as
designated in the Participant's Deferral Agreement).

     Section 6.06  Withholding:  Payroll Taxes and Code Section 409A Taxes.  Any
distribution under this Plan shall be reduced by the amount of taxes required to
be withheld from such  distribution.  This Plan shall permit the acceleration of
the time or schedule of a payment to pay  employment  related taxes as permitted
under  Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.409A-3(j)  or to pay any taxes  that may
become due at any time that the  arrangement  fails to meet the  requirements of
Code Section 409A and the regulations and other guidance promulgated thereunder.
In the latter case,  such  payments  shall not exceed the amount  required to be
included in income as a result of the failure to comply with the requirements of
Code Section 409A.

     Section 6.07 Commencement of Payments.  Commencement of payments under this
Plan shall begin no later than one month  following  the event which  entitles a
Participant (or a Beneficiary) to payments under this Plan.  Notwithstanding any
provision  of this Plan to the  contrary,  if the  Participant  is  considered a
Specified Employee, then solely to the extent necessary to avoid penalties under
Code Section 409A, no distribution shall be made during the first six (6) months
following  Separation  from  Service.   Rather,  any  distribution  which  would
otherwise be paid to the Participant during such period shall be accumulated and
paid to the  Participant  in a lump sum on the  first day of the  seventh  month
following Separation from Service. All subsequent distributions shall be paid in
the manner specified in the Plan.

     Section 6.08 Early Distributions. In the following circumstances and to the
following extent, the Plan Administrator may, in its sole discretion,  authorize
the acceleration of the payment of benefits under the Plan.

         (a)   Unforeseeable Emergency.

               At  the  request  of a  Participant,  or at  the  request  of the
               Participant's  Beneficiary  after the  Participant's  death,  the
               Board may, in its sole discretion, accelerate any pay all or part
               of the value of a  Participant's  Deferred  Benefit  Account  due
               under this Plan. Accelerated  distributions at the request of the
               Participant or a Participant's Beneficiary may be allowed only in
               the event of an "unforeseeable  emergency." For these purposes an
               "unforeseeable  emergency" means a severe  financial  hardship to
               the  Participant  resulting  from an illness or  accident  of the
               Participant, the Participant's spouse, or a dependent (as defined
               in  Code  Section  152(a))  of  the  Participant,   loss  of  the
               Participant's  property  due to  casualty,  the  need  to pay for
               medical expenses, including nonrefundable deductibles, as well as
               for the costs of prescription  drug  medication,  the need to pay
               for  the  funeral  expenses  of a  spouse,  a  Beneficiary,  or a
               dependent (as defined in Code Section 152, without regard to Code
               Section  152(b)(1)(,  (b)(2),  and  (d)(1)(B)),  or other similar
               extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising as a result
               of events beyond the control of the Participant.  Amounts allowed
               as a hardship  distribution may not exceed the amounts  necessary
               to satisfy such  emergency  plus  amounts  necessary to pay taxes
               reasonably  anticipated  as a result of the  distribution,  after
               taking into  account the extent to which such  hardship is or may
               be relieved through reimbursement or compensation by insurance or
               otherwise,  or by liquidation of the Participant's assets (to the
               extent the  liquidation  of such  assets  would not itself  cause
               severe financial hardship).  All hardship  distributions shall be
               made in a single cash lump sum  distribution  within  thirty (30)
               days  following  the date on which  the  Participant  suffers  an
               "unforeseeable emergency."

         (b)   Compliance with Domestic Relations Order.

               To the  extent  required  to comply  with the terms of a domestic
               relations  order  (within  the  meaning of Section  414(p) of the
               Code)   directed   to  and  served   upon  the  Plan,   the  Plan
               Administrator may direct the payment of all or any portion of the
               benefit to which a  Participant  is entitled to at any time or in
               accordance  with any benefit  payment  schedule set forth in such
               order.  Such lump sum  payment  shall be in lieu of the  benefits
               that would otherwise be payable to a Participant.

         (c)   Compliance with Certificate of Divestiture.

               To the extent  necessary to effect  compliance with a certificate
               of divestiture  (within the meaning of Section  1043(b)(2) of the
               Code), the Plan Administrator may permit a lump sum payment in an
               amount up to the  present  value of the then  remaining  benefits
               otherwise  payable to the Participant  under this Plan. Such lump
               sum payment shall be in lieu of the benefits that would otherwise
               be payable to a Participant.

     Section 6.09 Payments in the Event of a Change in Control.  In the event of
a Change in Control, a Participant's  Deferred Benefit Account(s) may be paid to
the  Participant,

irrespective of whether the Participant suffers a Separation from Service if the
Participant  has  elected  a  distribution  upon  a  Change  in  Control  in the
Participant's Deferral Agreement.

     Section 6.10 Cashout of Small  Benefits.  Notwithstanding  anything in this
Plan to the contrary, if at any time the total present value of the payments due
and  payable to a  Participant  is equal to or less than the  applicable  dollar
amount  under  Code  Section  402(g)(1)(B)  for  year in which  the  Participant
Separates from Service, such entire present value shall be paid to the recipient
as soon as  practicable.  Any such payment  shall be in full  settlement of such
person's interest under this Plan.

     Section 6.11 Transition Election Form. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan
to the contrary,  a Participant who previously  filed a Deferral  Agreement with
the Bank may elect to change  the time and  manner of  payment  of the  Deferral
Benefit  to  another  permissible  time  and  form by  filing  with  the  Bank a
Transition Year Election Form (attached hereto as Exhibit D), provided that such
election is made by on or before December 31, 2008.

                                  ARTICLE VII

                             BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION

     Section  7.01  Beneficiary  Designation.  Each  Participant  shall have the
right,  at any time,  to designate any person or persons as his  Beneficiary  or
Beneficiaries  to whom payment under this Plan shall be paid in the event of his
death prior to complete  distribution  to the  Participant  of the  benefits due
under the Plan.

Section 7.02 Amendments. Any Beneficiary designation may be changed by a
Participant by the written filing of such change on a form prescribed by the
Bank. The filing of a new Beneficiary designation form will cancel all
Beneficiary designations previously filed.

     Section  7.03  No  Beneficiary  Designation.  If  a  Participant  fails  to
designate a Beneficiary as provided  above,  or if all designated  Beneficiaries
predecease the Participant, then any amounts to be paid to the Beneficiary shall
be paid first to the Participant's  surviving spouse, if any, otherwise,  to the
Participant's estate.

     Section 7.04 Effect of Payment. The payment to the deemed Beneficiary shall
completely discharge the Bank's obligations under this Plan.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


     Section 8.01  Amendment.  The Board may at any time amend the Plan in whole
or in part; provided,  however, that no amendment shall be effective to decrease
or restrict any Deferred  Benefit  Account at the time of such  amendment and no
amendment  shall be made which shall affect the rights of a Participant  under a
validly executed and filed Deferral Agreement.

     Section  8.02  Termination  of the Plan.  The Bank may, in its  discretion,
elect to terminate the Plan in any of the following three circumstances provided
below and accelerate the

payment of the entire unpaid balance or payments of the
Participant's  benefits as if the  Participant  experienced  a  Separation  from
Service on the date of the  termination of the Plan and in accordance  with Code
Section 409A:

         (a)   The Board of Directors may terminate the Plan within 12 months of
               a corporate  dissolution  taxed under Code  section  331, or with
               approval   of  a   bankruptcy   court   pursuant   to  11  U.S.C.
               ss.503(b)(1)(A),  provided  that the amounts  deferred  under the
               Plan are included in the Participant's gross income in the latest
               of (i) the calendar year in which the Plan  terminates;  (ii) the
               calendar  year in which  the  amount is no  longer  subject  to a
               substantial risk of forfeiture;  or (iii) the first calendar year
               in which the payment is administratively practicable.

         (b)   The Board of Directors  may terminate the Plan within the 30 days
               preceding  a Change in  Control  (but not  following  a Change in
               Control),  provided  that  the  Plan  shall  only be  treated  as
               terminated if all substantially similar arrangements sponsored by
               the  Bank  are  terminated  so  that  the   Participant  and  all
               participants  under   substantially   similar   arrangements  are
               required to receive all amounts of  compensation  deferred  under
               the terminated  arrangements  within 12 months of the date of the
               termination of the arrangements.

         (c)   The Board of Directors  may  terminate the Plan provided that (i)
               the  termination  and  liquidation  does not occur proximate to a
               downturn  in  the  financial   health  of  the  Bank,   (ii)  all
               arrangements  sponsored by the Bank that would be aggregated with
               this Plan under Treasury  Regulations  Section 1.409A-1(c) if the
               Participant covered by this Plan was also covered by any of those
               other  arrangements are also terminated;  (iii) no payments other
               than  payments  that  would be  payable  under  the  terms of the
               arrangement if the  termination  had not occurred are made within
               12  months  of the  termination  of  the  arrangement;  (iv)  all
               payments  are made  within 24 months  of the  termination  of the
               arrangements;  and (v) the Bank does not adopt a new  arrangement
               that would be aggregated  with any terminated  arrangement  under
               Treasury  Regulations  Section  1.409A-1(c)  if  the  Participant
               participated in both arrangements, at any time within three years
               following the date of termination of the arrangement.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                                CLAIMS PROCEDURE

     Section 9.01 Claim for Benefits.  Benefits shall be paid in accordance with
the provisions of this agreement.  The Participant or a Beneficiary or any other
person  claiming  through  the  Participant,  shall make a written  request  for
benefits under this  agreement.  This written claim shall be mailed or delivered
to  the  Plan   Administrator.   Such  claim  shall  be  reviewed  by  the  Plan
Administrator or its delegate.

     Section 9.02 Denial of Claim.  If the claim is denied,  in full or in part,
the Plan  Administrator  shall provide a written  notice within ninety (90) days
setting forth the specific  reasons for denial,  and any additional  material or
information  necessary  to perfect  the claim,  and an  explanation  of why such
material  or  information  is  necessary,   and   appropriate   information  and
explanation of the steps to be taken if a review of the denial is desired.

     Section 9.03 Review of Denied Claim. If the claim is denied and a review is
desired, the Participant (or Beneficiary) shall notify the Plan Administrator in
writing  within  sixty  (60) days (a claim  shall be  deemed  denied if the Plan
Administrator  does not take any action  within the  aforesaid  ninety  (90) day
period) after receipt of the written  notice of denial.  In requesting a review,
the  Participant or his Beneficiary may request a review of the Plan document or
other  pertinent  documents  with  regard  to the  benefit  created  under  this
agreement,  may submit any written issues and comments, may request an extension
of time for such written submission of issues and comments, and may request that
a hearing be held,  but the decision to hold a hearing  shall be within the sole
discretion of the Board.

     Section 9.04 Board  Review.  The decision on the review of the denied claim
shall be rendered by the Board  within  sixty (60) days after the receipt of the
request  for review  (if a hearing is held) or within  sixty (60) days after the
hearing  if one is held.  The  decision  shall be  written  and shall  state the
specific reasons for the decision including  reference to specific provisions of
this Plan on which the decision is based.

                                   ARTICLE X

                           NATURE OF BANK'S OBLIGATION

     Section 10.01 Unsecured General Creditor. The Bank's obligations under this
Plan shall be an unfunded  and  unsecured  promise to pay. The Bank shall not be
obligated under any  circumstances to fund its financial  obligations under this

     Section 10.02 General Assets.  Any assets which the Bank may acquire or set
aside to help cover its financial liabilities are and must remain general assets
of the Bank  subject to the claims of its  creditors.  Neither the Bank nor this
Plan gives the Participant any beneficial ownership interest in any asset of the
Bank. All rights of ownership in any such assets are and remain in the Bank.

                                   ARTICLE XI


     Section 11.01  Notice.  Any notice which shall be or may be given under the
Plan or a Deferral  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be mailed by United
States mail, postage prepaid.

     Section 11.02 Change of Address.  Any party may, from time to time,  change
the address to which notices shall be mailed by giving,  written  notice of such
new address.

     Section 11.03 Binding  Agreement.  The Plan shall be binding upon the Bank,
its  assigns,  and any  successor,  and  upon a  Participant,  his  Beneficiary,
assigns, heirs, executors and administrators.

     Section 11.04 Nonassignability.  Except insofar as prohibited by applicable
law, no sale, transfer,  alienation,  assignment,  pledge,  collateralization or
attachment  of any benefits  under this Plan shall be valid or recognized by the
Bank.   Neither  the  Participant  or  Beneficiary   shall  have  any  power  to
hypothecate,  mortgage, commute, modify, or otherwise encumber in advance of any
of the benefits payable hereunder,  nor shall any of said benefits be subject to
seizure for the payment of any debts,  judgments,  alimony maintenance,  owed by
the  Participant or his  Beneficiary,  or be transferable by operation of law in
the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, or otherwise.

     Section  11.05  Gender  and  Number.  Whenever  the  context  so  requires,
masculine pronouns include the feminine and singular words include the plural.

     Section  11.06  Compliance  with  Section  409A of the  Code.  The  Plan is
intended to be a non-qualified  deferred  compensation plan described in Section
409A of the Code. The Plan shall be operated, administered and construed to give
effect to such  intent.  To the  extent  that a  provision  of the Plan fails to
comply with Code Section 409A and a  construction  consistent  with Code Section
409A is not possible,  such provision shall be void ab initio. In addition,  the
Plan  shall  be  subject  to  amendment,  with  or  without  advance  notice  to
Participants and other interested  parties,  and on a prospective or retroactive
basis, including but not limited to amendment in a manner that adversely affects
the rights of Participants and other interested parties, to the extent necessary
to effect such compliance.

     Section  11.07  Applicable  Law. This Plan shall be governed by the laws of
the state of New York.

                                    Exhibit A

                            SENECA FALLS SAVINGS BANK

     I, ____________________________, and Seneca Falls Savings Bank (the "Bank")
hereby agree for good and valuable  consideration,  the value of which is hereby
acknowledged, that I shall participate in the Amended and Restated 2005 Deferred
Compensation Plan (the "Plan"), initially effective as of May, 1981, amended and
restated  effective  January  1,  2005 , and do  further  agree to the terms and
conditions thereof.

     Pursuant  to  Article  IV of the  Plan,  I  understand  that I may  make an
election to defer the receipt of a fixed  percentage  of my annual  compensation
and/or of my director's fees due to me during calendar year 200__. Accordingly I
hereby make the following elections:

DEFERRAL  ELECTIONS (May be made on an annual basis,  with subsequent  elections
effective the first day of the following calendar year):


     In  accordance  with the Plan, I hereby  elect to defer  _________ % (enter
whole  percentage)  of my annual  compensation  for the Plan Year 20_____.  Such
deferrals  shall  commence  on  January  1,  20____,  and shall  renew  annually
thereafter  unless changed at least 30 days prior to January 1 of any year under
the Plan.  I  understand  and agree that my deferral  election  applies  only to
compensation attributable to services I have not yet performed.


     In  accordance  with the Plan, I hereby  elect to defer  __________ % of my
board fees for the Plan Year 200__.  Such deferrals shall commence on January 1,
20_____,  and shall renew  annually  thereafter  unless changed at least 30 days
prior to January 1 of any year under the Plan.  I  understand  and agree that my
deferral  election applies only to compensation  attributable to services I have
not yet performed.

     I understand  that my election to defer shall  continue in accordance  with
this Deferral Agreement with Distribution  Elections until such time as I submit
a  "Notice  of  Adjustment   of  Deferral"   (Exhibit  C  hereto)  to  the  Plan
Administrator  at least 30 days prior to January 1 of any year under the Plan. A
Notice of  Adjustment  of Deferral can be used to adjust the amount of my annual
compensation  and/or  board  fees to be  deferred  or to  discontinue  deferrals

DISTRIBUTION  ELECTION  (To be  completed  only one time and shall  apply to all

     If you have  previously  made a  distribution  election,  please  skip this
section and sign and date the form on the last page.  The Plan provides that you
may  make a  single  distribution  election,  which  will  apply  to all of your

     In accordance  with terms of the Plan, I understand and agree that all Plan
benefits shall be paid in the form I selected below, and that such  distribution
form,  once made by me, shall be. I also  understand  and agree that my Deferred
Benefit  Account shall be  distributed  commencing on the first day of the first
month  following the  occurrence  of the event giving rise to the  distribution,
provided,  however,  that if I am a Specified  Employee as  described in Section
2.17, I understand and agree that  distributions  of my Deferred Benefit Account
balance will not  commence  until the first day of the 7th month  following  the
month of my Separation from Service.

     Select either (i) or (ii) below:

     (i) Fixed Distribution Schedule at Specified Date

     In accordance  with the terms of the Plan, I hereby elect a deferral period
of  _____  years.  Payments  hereunder  shall  commence  in the  year  20__.  In
accordance  therewith,  I hereby  elect to  receive  the  amount of my  Deferred
Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

          _____ Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 10 years

     (ii) Separation from Service

     In the event of my Separation from Service on the Board, or from employment
with the Bank for any reason  other  than  cause,  I hereby  elect to receive my
Deferred Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

          _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 10 years

                               OPTIONAL PROVISIONS

     Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of my Disability,  death prior
to  termination  of employment  or from service,  or in the event of a Change in
Control of the Bank,  as such terms are defined in the Plan,  I hereby elect the
following alternative  distribution forms. I understand that these elections are
optional,  and  that if not  made,  any  relevant  distribution  will be made in
accordance with my selection under (i) or (ii) above:

     (iii) Disability

     In the event that my service  on the Board or  employment  with the Bank is
terminated  on account of my  Disability,  I hereby elect to receive my Deferred
Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

          _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 10 years

     (iv) Death

     In the event of my death  prior to  termination  of service on the Board or
termination of employment with the Bank, I hereby elect that my Deferred Benefit
Account be distributed to my beneficiary(ies) in the following form (check one):

          _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 10 years

     (v) Change in Control

     In the event of a Change in Control of the Bank,  I hereby elect to receive
my Deferred Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

          _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 5 years

          _____ Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10 years

          _____ Substantially equal annual payments over a period of 10 years

                            [Signature page follows]

     This Deferral Agreement with Distribution  Elections shall become effective
upon execution below by both the  Participant  and a duly authorized  officer of
the Bank.

         Dated this _____ day of _______________, 20___.

         ---------------------------              ------------------------------
         (Participant)                            (Bank duly authorized Officer)

                                    Exhibit B

                             BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION

     The  undersigned  Participant  under the terms of the Amended and  Restated
Seneca Falls Savings Bank 2005 Deferred Compensation Plan, hereby designates the
following  beneficiary(ies)  to receive  payments  under such Plan following his

     Primary Beneficiary: -----------------------------------------

     Secondary Beneficiary: ---------------------------------------

     This  Beneficiary   Designation   hereby  revokes  any  prior   Beneficiary
Designation which may have been in effect.

     This  Beneficiary  Designation  is  revocable  by the  completion  of a new
Beneficiary Designation.

Dated: __________ ____, 200___

- --------------------------------            ---------------------------------
(Witness)                                   Participant (Print)

                                            Participant (Signature)

                                    Exhibit C

                            SENECA FALLS SAVINGS BANK
                        NOTICE OF ADJUSTMENT OF DEFERRAL

To:          Seneca  Falls  Savings  Bank
Attention:   Plan Administrator, Amended and Restated 2005 Deferred Compensation

     I hereby give notice of my election to adjust the amount of my compensation
deferral  in  accordance  with my  Deferral  Agreement,  dated  the _____ day of
_________,  200__.  This notice is  submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to
January 1st, and shall become effective as of January 1st, as specified below.

         Adjust my deferral as of:                    January __, 20__

         Deferred Salary (if applicable)

         Previous Deferral Percentage                  _____ %
         New Deferral Percentage                       _____ %
         N/A                                           _____

         Deferred Director's Fees (if applicable)

         Previous Deferral Percentage                  _____ %
         New Deferral Percentage                       _____ %
         N/A                                           _____

Dated: __________ ____, 20___

- --------------------------------            ---------------------------------
(Witness)                                   Participant (Print)

                                            Participant (Signature)

                                    Exhibit D

                            SENECA FALLS SAVINGS BANK
                          TRANSITION YEAR ELECTION FORM

Instructions:  If you are a participant in the Seneca Falls Savings Bank Amended
and Restated 2005 Deferred  Compensation  Plan (the "Plan"),  and you previously
filed a Deferral  Agreement  with  Seneca  Falls Bank (the  "Bank") in which you
elected the time and manner of payment of your Deferral Benefit (e.g., quarterly
installments  over five  years),  you have a limited  period of time to use this
Transition  Year  Election  Form to elect to change your  previous  distribution
options. For example, if you previously elected to receive your Plan benefits in
quarterly  installments upon your Separation from Service with the Bank, you may
use this  Transition Year Election Form to change your form of benefit to annual

Due to current IRS rules,  individuals  who  participate in the Plan during 2008
must  complete  this form on or before  December 31, 2008.  You may not use this
form to change your  distribution  elections  with respect to payments  that are
scheduled to be made to you in 2008,  or otherwise to cause  payments to be made
to you in 2008.

Print Name:

Note: If you do not wish to change your form of payment under a previously filed
Deferral Agreement with Distribution Elections (or other similar election form),
then you do not need to complete this Transition Year Election Form.


     In accordance  with terms of the Plan, I understand and agree that all Plan
benefits  shall be paid in the form I select below,  and that such  distribution
form, once made by me, shall be irrevocable. I also understand and agree that my
Deferred Benefit Account shall be distributed commencing on the first day of the
first  month   following  the  occurrence  of  the  event  giving  rise  to  the
distribution,  except  that if I am a  "Specified  Employee,"  as  described  in
Section 2.17, I understand and agree that  distributions  of my Deferred Benefit
Account balance will not commence until the first day of the 7th month following
the month of my Separation from Service.

     Select either (i) or (ii) below:

     (i)       Fixed Distribution Schedule at Specified Date

     In accordance  with the terms of the Plan, I hereby elect a deferral period
of  _____  years.  Payments  hereunder  shall  commence  in the  year  20__.  In
accordance  therewith,  I hereby  elect to  receive  the  amount of my  Deferred
Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

               _____  Substantially  equal quarterly payments over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially  equal  annual  payments  over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10

               _____  Substantially  equal annual  payments  over a period of 10

     (ii)      Separation from Service

     In the event of my Separation from Service on the Board, or from employment
with the Bank for any reason  other  than  cause,  I hereby  elect to receive my
Deferred Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

               _____  Substantially  equal quarterly payments over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially  equal  annual  payments  over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10

               _____  Substantially  equal annual  payments  over a period of 10

                               OPTIONAL PROVISIONS

     Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of my Disability,  death prior
to  termination  of employment  or from service,  or in the event of a Change in
Control of the Bank,  as such terms are defined in the Plan,  I hereby elect the
following alternative  distribution forms. I understand that these elections are
optional,  and  that if not  made,  any  relevant  distribution  will be made in
accordance with my selection under (i) or (ii) above:

     (iii)     Disability

     In the event that my service  on the Board or  employment  with the Bank is
terminated  on account of my  Disability,  I hereby elect to receive my Deferred
Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

               _____  Substantially  equal quarterly payments over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially  equal  annual  payments  over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10

               _____  Substantially  equal annual  payments  over a period of 10

     (iv)      Death

     In the event of my death  prior to  termination  of service on the Board or
termination of employment with the Bank, I hereby elect that my Deferred Benefit
Account be distributed to my beneficiary(ies) in the following form (check one):

               _____  Substantially  equal quarterly payments over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially  equal  annual  payments  over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10

               _____  Substantially  equal annual  payments  over a period of 10

     (v)       Change in Control

     In the event of a Change in Control of the Bank,  I hereby elect to receive
my Deferred Benefit Account in the following form (check one):

               _____  Substantially  equal quarterly payments over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially  equal  annual  payments  over a period of 5

               _____  Substantially equal quarterly payments over a period of 10

               _____  Substantially  equal annual  payments  over a period of 10

                            [Signature page follows]

     This  Transition  Year Election Form shall become  effective upon execution
below by both the Participant and a duly authorized officer of the Bank.

- -----------------------------                  -------------------------------
(Participant)                                  (Bank duly authorized Officer