WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|
Check the appropriate box:

|X|  Preliminary  Proxy  Statement
|_|  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
|_|  Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|  Definitive  Additional  Materials |_| Soliciting  Material Pursuant to Rule

                              BRIDGE BANCORP, INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
     |X|  No fee required.

     |_|  Fee  computed on table below per Exchange  Act Rules  14a-6(i)(1)  and

          (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


          (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


          (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


          (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


          (5)   Total fee paid:


     |_|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:


     |_|  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
          Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
          was paid  previously.  Identify  the previous  filing by  registration
          statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          (1)   Amount Previously Paid:


          (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


          (3)   Filing Party:


          (4)   Date Filed:


                              BRIDGE BANCORP, INC.
                       2200 Montauk Highway, P.O. Box 3005
                             Bridgehampton, NY 11932

November 14, 2008

Dear Shareholder:

     You are cordially  invited to attend a Special Meeting of Shareholders (the
"Special Meeting") of Bridge Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company").  The Special Meeting
will be held at the offices of our subsidiary,  The Bridgehampton National Bank,
2200 Montauk Highway,  Bridgehampton,  New York 11932, on Tuesday,  December 16,
2008 at 11:00 a.m.

     The  business  to be  conducted  at the  Special  Meeting  consists  of the
proposal to approve an amendment to the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation
to authorize  2,000,000  shares of preferred  stock,  par value $0.01 per share.
This amendment to our  Certificate of  Incorporation  is required if the Company
wishes to participate in the Capital Purchase Program ("CPP") established by the
United States  Treasury  Department  as  authorized  by the  Emergency  Economic
Stabilization Act of 2008. Through the CPP, the Treasury Department will provide
participating  financial  institutions with a direct capital  investment through
the Treasury  Department's  purchase of preferred  stock. The Board of Directors
has  determined  that it may be in the best  interests  of the  Company  and its
shareholders to participate in the CPP, which  participation  is voluntary.  The
Board of Directors has authorized  management to apply for  participation in the
CPP  up  to  the  maximum  of  3%  of  risk-weighted   assets,  which  would  be
approximately  $15 million.  Because our Certificate of  Incorporation  does not
currently  authorize  preferred stock,  shareholder  approval of the proposal is
necessary  for us to be  able to  receive  this  investment  from  the  Treasury
Department.  For this reason, the Board of Directors of the Company  unanimously
recommends a vote "FOR" the  approval of the  amendment  to the  Certificate  of
Incorporation to authorize the preferred stock. Although we are seeking approval
of an amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to authorize  shares of
preferred  stock in order to be able to  participate in the CPP, the Company has
not committed to issue the preferred stock to Treasury and shareholder  approval
of the proposed  amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation  does not commit
the Company to issue the preferred stock under the CPP.

     On behalf of the Board of Directors,  we urge you to sign,  date and return
the enclosed proxy card, or cast your vote electronically,  as soon as possible,
even if you currently plan to attend the Special Meeting.  This will not prevent
you from voting in person,  but will assure that your vote is counted if you are
unable to attend the Special Meeting. Your vote is important,  regardless of the
number of shares that you own. Thank you for your continued investment in Bridge
Bancorp, Inc.


Kevin M. O'Connor
President and Chief Executive Officer

                              BRIDGE BANCORP, INC.
                       2200 Montauk Highway, P.O. Box 3005
                             Bridgehampton, NY 11932

                            NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING
                      TO BE HELD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2008

To the Shareholders of Bridge Bancorp, Inc.:

NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that a  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  ("Special
Meeting")  of  Bridge  Bancorp,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  will  be  held  at  The
Bridgehampton  National  Bank,  2200 Montauk  Highway,  Bridgehampton,  New York
11932,  on  Tuesday,  December  16,  2008,  at 11:00  a.m.,  for the  purpose of
considering and voting on the following matters:

     1)   The  approval  of  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   Certificate  of
          Incorporation  to authorize  2,000,000  shares of preferred stock, par
          value $0.01 per share; and

such other  business as may  properly  come  before the  Special  Meeting or any
adjournments thereof.

Any action may be taken on the foregoing  proposal at the Special Meeting on the
date specified above,  including all  adjournments of the Special Meeting.  Only
those  shareholders of record at the close of business on November 6, 2008 shall
be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting.

The Board of  Directors  believes  that the  approval  of the  amendment  to the
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  authorize  preferred  stock  is in the  best
interests of the Company and its shareholders and unanimously  recommends a vote
FOR this item.


By order of the Board of Directors

Howard H. Nolan
Senior Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary

November 14, 2008
Bridgehampton, New York

                              BRIDGE BANCORP, INC.
                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD DECEMBER 16, 2008


This Proxy Statement is being furnished to shareholders of Bridge Bancorp,  Inc.
(the "Company") in connection with the solicitation by the Board of Directors of
proxies to be used at a Special Meeting of Shareholders  ("Special  Meeting") to
be held at The Bridgehampton  National Bank (the "Bank"),  2200 Montauk Highway,
Bridgehampton,  New York  11932,  on Tuesday,  December  16, 2008 at 11:00 a.m.,
Eastern time, or any adjournments thereof.

Regardless of the number of shares of Common Stock owned,  it is important  that
shareholders  be  represented  by proxy or be present  in person at the  Special
Meeting.  Shareholders  are requested to vote by completing  the enclosed  proxy
card and  returning  it signed and dated in the  enclosed  envelope,  or to vote
electronically.  Shareholders should indicate their votes in the spaces provided
on the proxy card.  Proxies  solicited  by the Board of Directors of the Company
will be  voted  in  accordance  with  the  directions  given  therein.  Where no
instructions  are indicated,  executed proxies will be voted FOR the approval of
the amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to authorize  2,000,000 shares
of preferred stock.

The Board of Directors knows of no additional matters that will be presented for
consideration at the Special  Meeting.  Execution of a proxy,  however,  confers
discretionary  authority  on the  designated  proxy holder to vote the shares in
accordance  with their best judgment on such other  business,  if any, which may
properly come before the Special  Meeting or any  adjournments  thereof.  In the
event there are not  sufficient  votes for a quorum,  or to approve the proposed
amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  at the  time of this  Special
Meeting,  the Special  Meeting may be  adjourned  in order to permit the further
solicitation of proxies.

A proxy  may be  revoked  at any time  prior to its  exercise  by the  filing of
written  revocation  with the  Secretary of the Company,  by  delivering  to the
Company a duly executed  proxy bearing a later date, or by attending the Special
Meeting,  filing a revocation with the Secretary and voting in person.  However,
if you are a shareholder  whose shares are not  registered in your own name, you
will need appropriate  documentation  from your record holder to vote personally
at the Special Meeting.

The cost of solicitation of proxies in the form enclosed  herewith will be borne
by the Company.  In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail, proxies may
also be  solicited  personally,  by  telephone  or by  facsimile  by  Directors,
officers  and  employees  of  the  Company,   without  additional   compensation
therefore.  We have retained Laurel Hill Advisory Group, LLC to assist us in the
solicitation of proxies,  and will pay fees estimated to be approximately $6,500
plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket  expenses. In addition, our arrangement with
Laurel Hill Advisory Group, LLC includes  provisions  obligating us to indemnify
it for certain  liabilities that could arise in connection with its solicitation
of proxies on our behalf.

This Proxy Statement and the  accompanying  proxy card are first being mailed to
shareholders on or about November 14, 2008.



On October 14,  2008,  the U.S.  government  announced  a series of  initiatives
intended to  strengthen  market  stability,  improve the  strength of  financial
institutions,  and  enhance  market  liquidity.  According  to  federal  banking
regulators,  these  programs are intended to provide fresh capital and liquidity
to financial institutions to, among other things, foster new lending. As part of
this overall  initiative,  the U.S. Department of Treasury announced a voluntary
Capital Purchase Program (the "CPP") to encourage U.S. financial institutions to
enhance  capital,  in the  hope of  increasing  the  flow of  financing  to U.S.
businesses  and  consumers,  and to  support  the U.S.  economy.  Under the CPP,
eligible financial  institutions,  such as Bridge Bancorp,  will be able to sell
equity  interests  in the  form of  preferred  stock  to the  U.S.  Treasury  on
attractive  financial  terms in amounts equal to one percent to three percent of
the  risk-weighted  assets.  The preferred stock will constitute Tier 1 capital.
The Board of Directors has authorized  management to apply for  participation in
the  CPP  up  to  the  maximum  of 3%  of  risk-based  assets,  which  would  be
approximately $15 million.  The Company's  participation in the CPP is voluntary
and is subject to the approval of the Treasury Department.  Although the Bank is
presently  well-capitalized,  management  believes  it is  advisable  to be in a
position to take advantage of the  opportunities  offered by the CPP. Because we
do not have preferred  stock  authorized in our  Certificate  of  Incorporation,
however,  it is necessary for us to amend our  certification of incorporation to
authorize  preferred  stock.  For  additional  information,  see:  "Proposal No.
1--Amendment to Certificate of  Incorporation  to Authorize  2,000,000 Shares of
Preferred Stock."

                                VOTING SECURITIES

The securities  which may be voted at the Special  Meeting  consist of shares of
Common Stock of the Company (the "Common Stock"),  with each share entitling its
owner to one vote on all  matters  to be voted on at the  Special  Meeting.  The
close of business  on November 6, 2008 has been fixed by the Board of  Directors
as the  record  date  ("Record  Date")  for the  determination  of  shareholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at this  Special  Meeting or any  adjournments
thereof.  The total number of shares of Common Stock  outstanding  on the Record
Date was 6,146,872 shares. The presence, in person or by proxy, of a majority of
the total number of issued and  outstanding  shares of Common Stock  entitled to
vote is necessary to constitute a quorum at this Special  Meeting.  In the event
that there are not  sufficient  votes for a quorum,  or to approve or ratify any
matter being presented at the time of the Special  Meeting,  the Special Meeting
may be adjourned in order to permit the further solicitation of proxies.


Persons  and groups  who  beneficially  own in excess of five  percent of Bridge
Bancorp,  Inc.'s common stock and  directors  and  executive  officers of Bridge
Bancorp,  Inc.  are required to file certain  reports  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission  regarding such beneficial  ownership.  The following tables
set forth,  as of  November  6, 2008,  certain  information  as to the shares of
Bridge  Bancorp,  Inc. common stock owned by persons who  beneficially  own more
than five  percent  of the  Company's  issued and  outstanding  shares of common
stock, and owned by our directors and executive officers. We know of no persons,
except as listed  below,  who  beneficially  owned more than five percent of the
outstanding  shares of the  Company's  common stock as of November 6, 2008.  The
information  in the  Percentage  of  Outstanding  Shares  columns  is  based  on
6,146,872  shares of the Company's  common stock  outstanding  as of November 6,


Principal Stockholders


                                                                                               Percentage of
       Name and Address of Beneficial Owner              Number of Shares Owned             Outstanding Shares
      --------------------------------------            ------------------------          ----------------------

Patrick E. Malloy
Bay Street at the Waterfront                                      394,937  (1)                     6.43%
Sag Harbor, NY 11963

- ----------------------------

(1)  Based on a Schedule 13D filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
     on January 4, 2008.

Directors and Executive Officers


                                                                                               Percentage of
Name and Title                                         Number of Shares Owned (1)           Outstanding Shares
- ---------------------------                            ----------------------               ------------------

Kevin M. O'Connor, President and Chief Executive                         22,108 (2)                 *
Officer of the Company and the Bank, Director

Thomas J. Tobin, President Emeritus and Special                          84,114 (3)                1.4
Advisor to the Board, Director

Charles I. Massoud, Director                                              6,805 (4)                 *

Albert E. McCoy, Jr., Director                                           22,693                     *

Emanuel Arturi, Director                                                  5,060                     *

R. Timothy Maran, Director                                               65,338 (5)                1.1

Dennis A. Suskind, Director, Vice Chairperson of                         92,063 (6)                1.5
the Board

Thomas E. Halsey, Director                                               65,509 (5)                1.1

Marcia Z. Hefter, Director, Chairperson of the                           57,252 (5)                 *

Howard H. Nolan, Senior Executive Vice President                         16,418 (7)                 *
and Chief Administrative and Financial Officer,
Treasurer and Corporate Secretary, Director

All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group                         453,252  (8)               7.4%
(11 persons)

*    Represents less then 1%

(1)  Includes  shares as to which a person (or his or her  spouse)  directly  or
     indirectly  has or shares  voting  power  and/or  investment  power  (which
     includes  the power to dispose) and all shares which the person has a right
     to acquire within 60 days of the reporting date.

(2)  Includes 7,171 shares of restricted  stock subject to future vesting but as
     to which voting may currently be directed.

(3)  Includes  options to purchase  28,130 shares and 2,534 shares of restricted
     stock  subject to future  vesting but as to which  voting may  currently be

(4)  Includes options to purchase 975 shares.

(5)  Includes options to purchase 1,575 shares.

(6)  Includes options to purchase 975 shares. Of the shares reported, 55,200 are
     pledged as collateral for borrowings.

(7)  Includes  options to purchase  3,574 shares and 9,144 shares of  restricted
     stock  subject to future  vesting but as to which  voting may  currently be

(8)  Includes  options to purchase  41,717 shares granted to the named Directors
     and Executive  Officers and 26,912  shares of  restricted  stock subject to
     future vesting but as to which voting may currently be directed.



As to the  approval of the  amendment to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
authorize  2,000,000 shares of preferred stock, by checking the appropriate box,
a  shareholder  may: (i) vote "FOR" the item;  (ii) vote  "AGAINST" the item; or
(iii) "ABSTAIN" from voting on such item. The approval of this proposal requires
the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  the  votes  eligible  to  be  cast.
Accordingly,  broker  non-votes,  or proxies marked "ABSTAIN" will have the same
effect as votes against the proposal.

Proxies solicited hereby will be returned to the Company,  and will be tabulated
by inspector of election designated by the Board of Directors.


Our Certificate of Incorporation does not authorize the issuance of shares other
than common stock. Our Board of Directors has unanimously  approved a resolution
to amend the Certificate of Incorporation,  subject to shareholder  approval, to
authorize the issuance of up to 2,000,000  shares of preferred  stock, par value
$0.01 per share. The preferred stock to be authorized  ("Preferred Stock") would
have such  designations,  preferences and relative,  participating,  optional or
other special rights and qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, as
shall be  expressed in the  resolution  or  resolutions  adopted by the Board of
Directors from time to time  providing for the issuance of such stock.  As such,
the Preferred  Stock would be available for issuance  without  further action by
the  Company's  shareholders,  except as may be required by  applicable  law, or
pursuant to the  requirements of the exchange or quotation system upon which the
Company's securities are then trading or quoted.

The Board's primary  objective in amending the Certificate of  Incorporation  to
authorize the Preferred Stock is to provide maximum  flexibility with respect to
future  financing  transactions,  including being able to participate in the CPP
recently  established by the U.S. Treasury Department  ("Treasury").  Under this
program,  Treasury  will  make  a  direct  equity  investment  in  participating
institutions  through the purchase by Treasury of the  institution's  cumulative
perpetual preferred stock, with a liquidation  preference of at least $1,000 per
share.  Our CPP application with Treasury will have been filed as of the date of
this proxy statement.  If we receive preliminary  approval to participate in the
CPP, we would have only 30 days from the date of such  approval to complete  the
investment.  Because  applications to participate in the CPP are due by November
14,  2008,  time is of the  essence.  Accordingly,  we are holding  this Special
Meeting for the proposal to amend the Certificate of  Incorporation to authorize
the Preferred Stock.

Preferred  stock is commonly  authorized  by publicly  traded  companies  and is
frequently used as a means of raising capital and making  acquisitions.  In some
circumstances,  companies  have been  required  to  utilize  senior  classes  of
securities to raise  capital,  with the terms of those  securities  being highly
negotiated  and  tailored  to meet  the  needs  of both  investors  and  issuing
companies.  Such senior securities  typically  include  liquidation and dividend
preferences,  protections,  conversion  privileges and other rights not found in
common stock.


We presently lack the authority to issue preferred stock,  and accordingly,  may
not be eligible to participate in the CPP. As a result,  we would continue to be
limited  to  issuing  common  stock  or debt  securities  to raise  capital.  By
authorizing the Preferred Stock, we would not only be eligible to participate in
CPP, but also would increase our flexibility in structuring future transactions.

If the Certificate of  Incorporation is amended to authorize the issuance of the
Preferred Stock, the Board will have discretion to establish series of preferred
stock and the rights and privileges of each series so established.  In the event
of any such  issuance,  the  holders of our common  stock would have no input or
right to  approve  the  terms of any such  series,  including  the  issuance  of
cumulative   perpetual  preferred  stock  to  the  Treasury  if  we  decided  to
participate in the CPP.  Generally,  the authority to issue the Preferred  Stock
will enable the Company to respond  promptly to, and take  advantage  of, market
conditions and other  favorable  opportunities  without  incurring the delay and
expense  associated  with calling a special  shareholders'  meeting to approve a
contemplated stock issuance. The Board of Directors believes that this authority
will  also  help to  reduce  costs  because  the  Board  will  not  have to seek
shareholder  approval  to issue the shares of the  Preferred  Stock  unless such
approval is otherwise  required under the rules of any quotation  board or stock
exchange to which Bridge Bancorp is subject.

Bridge Bancorp has no present  agreement to issue any Preferred Stock and, other
than the possible issuance of Preferred Stock contemplated under the CPP, has no
present  intention to do so.  Moreover,  although we are seeking  approval of an
amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation  to authorize shares of Preferred
Stock  in order  to be able to  participate  in the  CPP,  the  Company  has not
committed to issue the Preferred Stock to Treasury and  shareholder  approval of
the proposed  amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation  does not commit the
Company to issue the  Preferred  Stock in the event  approval is  received  from

Senior Cumulative Preferred Stock Under the CPP

If Bridge  Bancorp were to  participate  in the CPP, the Treasury would purchase
from Bridge Bancorp  cumulative  perpetual  preferred stock,  with a liquidation
preference  of at least  $1,000 per share.  These  shares would be senior to our
common stock and would pay cumulative  dividends at a rate of 5% per annum until
the fifth anniversary of the date of the original investment and thereafter at a
rate of 9% per annum (the "Senior Preferred Shares"). Dividends would be payable
quarterly in arrears on the fifteenth day of February, May, August, and November
of each year.

Under the CPP, the Senior  Preferred  Shares would be non-voting  shares,  other
than class voting rights on (i) any  authorization or issuance of shares ranking
senior to the Senior Preferred  Shares;  (ii) any amendment to the rights of the
Senior Preferred  Shares, or (iii) any merger,  exchange or similar  transaction
which would adversely affect the rights of the Senior Preferred  Shares.  If the
dividends  described  above  were  not paid in full  for six  dividend  periods,
whether or not  consecutive,  the  shareholders of the Senior  Preferred  Shares
would have the right to elect two directors.  The right to elect directors would
then cease when dividends have been paid in full for four  consecutive  dividend

The Senior Preferred Shares will be callable at par after three years.  Prior to
the end of three  years,  the  preferred  shares may be  redeemed  only with the
proceeds  of an equity  offering of Tier 1  qualifying  perpetual  preferred  or
common stock. As long as the Senior  Preferred  Shares are  outstanding,  Bridge
Bancorp may continue  the payment of  dividends on common  shares at the current
rate,  provided  all  dividends  on Senior  Preferred  Shares  are  fully  paid.
Furthermore,  unless the Senior  Preferred  Shares are  transferred or redeemed,
until the third  anniversary of the Treasury's  investment,  any increase in the


common  stock  dividends or  repurchases  by the Company of shares of its common
stock, would be prohibited without the prior approval of the Treasury.

Under the CPP,  Treasury's  investment in the preferred stock of a participating
institution  will be limited to an aggregate  amount of between 1% and 3% of the
institution's  risk-weighted  assets. In the case of Bridge Bancorp,  based upon
the Bank's  risk-weighted  assets as of September  30,  2008,  this would permit
Bridge   Bancorp  to  apply  for  an  investment  by  the  Treasury  of  between
approximately  $5 million and $15  million.  We expect to use the  proceeds  for
general  corporate  purposes,  including loan  originations  and the purchase of
securities, primarily securities collateralized by mortgage loans, following our
normal prudent  underwriting  standards.  The proceeds will increase our capital
levels and thereby also support future  organic growth through branch  expansion
and  branch  or  bank  acquisitions,  although  we  have  no  current  plans  or
arrangements regarding any acquisitions.  Under the CPP, any shares of preferred
stock issued to Treasury  would  constitute  Tier 1 capital for bank  regulatory
purposes.  The following table shows Bridge Bancorp's  regulatory capital ratios
assuming   investments   by  the   Treasury  of  $5  million  and  $15  million,


        Regulatory capital
         ratios of Bridge         Historical at                                       $15 Million
              Bancorp          September 30, 2008     $5 Million Investment(1)       Investment(1)

                               Amount     Percent       Amount     Percent of     Amount     Percent of
                                          of Assets                  Assets                    Assets

        Tier 1 Capital (to     $53,475          7.4%    $58,475          8.0%     $68,475          9.3%
        average assets)

        Tier 1 Capital (to     $53,475         10.8%    $58,475         11.7%     $68,475         13.4%
        risk weighted


        Total Capital (to      $57,227         11.6%    $62,227         12.4%     $72,227         14.2%
        risk weighted


(1)  Assumes proceeds from the Senior  Preferred Shares  investment are invested
     in 100% risk weighted assets.

Institutions  participating  in the CPP must also grant a warrant to Treasury to
purchase a number of shares of common stock having a purchase price equal to 15%
of aggregate  amount of the preferred stock  investment.  The exercise price for
the warrant, and the market price for determining the number of shares of common
stock  subject to the  warrant,  will be  determined  by reference to the market
price of the common stock  (calculated on a 20-day trailing average) on the date
of Treasury  approval of an institution's  participation in CPP. Assuming Bridge
Bancorp issues $15.0 million of Senior Preferred Shares, it would simultaneously
grant to  Treasury  a warrant  to  purchase  common  stock  having an  aggregate
purchase price of $2.25 million.  Assuming a market price of $19.68 per share of
common stock (the 20 trading day trailing average price as of November 7, 2008),
we would grant  Treasury a warrant to purchase  114,329 shares of Bridge Bancorp
common  stock (at an exercise  price of $19.68),  which is less than 2.0% of our
outstanding shares of common stock.

If Bridge Bancorp  participates in the CPP, Bridge Bancorp must adopt Treasury's
standards for executive  compensation  and corporate  governance  for the period
during which  Treasury  holds any of the Company's  Senior  Preferred  Shares or
warrants  issued under the CPP.  These  standards  generally  apply to the chief
executive  officer,  chief  financial  officer,  plus the next three most highly
compensated executive officers (collectively,  the "senior executive officers").
Participating institutions must meet certain standards,  including: (1) ensuring
that incentive  compensation  for senior  executive  officers does not encourage
unnecessary  and  excessive  risks;  (2)  requiring  a clawback  of any bonus or
incentive compensation paid to a senior executive officer based on statements of
earnings,  gains or  other  criteria  that are  later  proven  to be  materially


inaccurate;  (3) prohibiting  certain  severance  payments to a senior executive
officer,  generally referred to as "golden parachute" payments,  above specified
amounts; and (4) agreeing not to deduct for tax purposes executive  compensation
in excess of $500,000  for each senior  executive  officer.  We expect that each
executive  officer  will  agree in  writing  to be bound by the  applicable  CPP
restrictions  on  compensation  during  any  period  that he or she is a  senior
executive officer and Treasury holds an equity or debt position acquired through
the CPP.

Although Bridge Bancorp has no reason to believe that any application it submits
to Treasury for participation in the CPP would not be approved,  there can be no
assurance that Treasury will approve any application submitted by Bridge Bancorp
or that the application  will be approved in the amount  requested.  If Treasury
does not approve our  application  to  participate  in the CPP, there will be no
material  effect on our liquidity,  capital  resources or results of operations,
and the  Bank  will  remain  well-capitalized  and  capable  of  continuing  its
strategic plan.

Within 30 days following  closing of the CPP  investment,  the Company must file
with the SEC a shelf registration  statement  registering the possible resale of
all of the preferred  shares,  the warrant and the warrant exercise  shares.  We
must also use reasonable best efforts to cause the registration  statement to be
continuously effective until there are no registrable securities remaining.

To the extent that a shelf  registration  statement is not  available and Bridge
Bancorp  proposes  to file a  registration  statement  for an  equity  offering,
holders of the preferred  shares,  the warrant and warrant  exercise shares will
have  piggyback  rights  to  include  their  securities  in  such   registration

Potential Anti-Takeover Effect

The  proposal  to amend  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  authorize  the
Preferred Stock could adversely effect the ability of third parties to take over
or change the control of Bridge  Bancorp by, for example,  permitting  issuances
that would dilute the stock  ownership of a person seeking to effect a change in
the  composition  of our Board of Directors or  contemplating  a tender offer or
other transaction for the combination of Bridge Bancorp with another company.

The ability of our Board of Directors  to establish  the rights of, and to cause
Bridge Bancorp to issue, substantial amounts of preferred stock without the need
for  shareholder  approval,  upon such terms and  conditions,  and  having  such
rights, privileges and preferences, as our Board of Directors may determine from
time to time in the exercise of its business judgment,  may, among other things,
be used to create  voting  impediments  with  respect  to  changes in control of
Bridge  Bancorp or to dilute  the stock  ownership  of  holders of common  stock
seeking to obtain control of Bridge Bancorp. The rights of the holders of common
stock will be subject to, and may be adversely  affected by, any preferred stock
that may be issued  in the  future.  The  issuance  of  preferred  stock,  while
providing  desirable  flexibility  in  connection  with  possible  acquisitions,
financings   and  other   corporate   transactions,   may  have  the  effect  of
discouraging,  delaying  or  preventing  a change in control of Bridge  Bancorp.
Other than our  continuing  review of whether to participate in the CPP, we have
no present plans to issue any shares of Preferred Stock.


Proposed Amendment

In order to authorize the Preferred Stock, we propose that the text of Paragraph
4 of our Certificate of Incorporation be amended to read as follows:

     4.   (A) The aggregate  number of shares which the  corporation  shall have
          authority to issue is 22,000,000 shares,  20,000,000 of which shall be
          common shares,  having a par value of One Cent ($0.01) per share,  and
          2,000,000 of which shall be preferred shares, having a par vale of One
          Cent ($0.01) per share ("Preferred Shares").

          (B)  The Board of Directors is authorized, subject to any limitations
          prescribed  by law,  to  provide  for the  issuance  of the  shares of
          Preferred  Shares in series,  and by filing a certificate of amendment
          pursuant  to the  applicable  law  of the  State  of  New  York  (such
          certificate  being  hereinafter  referred  to  as a  "Preferred  Share
          Designation"),  to establish from time to time the number of shares to
          be included in each such series,  and to fix the designation,  powers,
          preferences,  and  rights of the  shares of each such  series  and any
          qualifications,  limitations or  restrictions  thereof.  The number of
          authorized  shares of  Preferred  Shares may be increased or decreased
          (but not below the number of shares thereof then  outstanding)  by the
          affirmative  vote of the  holders of a majority  of the Common  Stock,
          without a vote of the holders of the Preferred Stock, or of any series
          thereof, unless a vote of any such holders is required pursuant to the
          terms of any Preferred Stock Designation.

Vote Required and Board of Director's Recommendation

The affirmative  vote of a majority of all shares eligible to vote, in person or
by proxy, is required for approval of this proposal.  In the event there are not
sufficient  votes to  approve  the  proposed  amendment  to the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  at the time of this Special  Meeting,  the Special Meeting may be
adjourned in order to permit the further  solicitation of proxies.  THE BOARD OF

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

In order to be eligible  for  inclusion in the proxy  materials  for next year's
Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  any shareholder proposal to take action at such
meeting  must be  received  at the  Company's  executive  office,  2200  Montauk
Highway,  P.O. Box 3005,  Bridgehampton,  New York 11932, no later than November
24, 2008. Any such proposals  shall be subject to the  requirements of the proxy
rules adopted under the Exchange Act.


The Company's Bylaws provide an advance notice  procedure for certain  business,
or nominations to the Board of Directors, to be brought before an annual meeting
of shareholders. In order for a shareholder to properly bring business before an
annual  meeting,  the  shareholder  must give  written  notice to the  Corporate
Secretary  not  less  than 90 days  prior  to the  date of the  Company's  proxy
materials for the preceding year's annual meeting;  provided,  however,  that if
the date of the annual meeting is advanced more than 30 days prior to or delayed
by more than 30 days  after  the  anniversary  of the  preceding  year's  annual
meeting,  notice by the  shareholder to be timely must be so delivered not later
than the close of business on the tenth day  following  the day on which  public
announcement  of the date of such  annual  meeting  is first  made.  The  Bylaws


require that the notice must  include,  among other  things,  the  shareholder's
name, record address, and number of shares owned,  describe briefly the proposed
business,  the reasons for bringing the business before the annual meeting,  and
any material  interest of the shareholder in the proposed  business.  Nothing in
this  paragraph  shall be deemed to require the Company to include in its annual
meeting proxy statement any  shareholder  proposal that does not meet all of the
requirements for inclusion established by the Securities and Exchange Commission
in effect at the time such proposal is received.

In  accordance  with the  foregoing,  advance  notice for  certain  business  or
nominations  to the Board of  Directors  to be brought  before  the 2009  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be given to the Company by December 24, 2008.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any business to come before the Special
Meeting other than the matters described above in this proxy statement. However,
if any matters should properly come before the Special  Meeting,  it is intended
that holders of the proxies will act in accordance with their best judgment.

Whether you intend to be present at this meeting or not, you are urged to return
your signed proxy promptly.  For your  convenience,  you may also cast your vote

By Order of the Board of Directors

Howard H. Nolan
Senior Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary

Bridgehampton, New York
November 14, 2008


REVOCABLE PROXY                                               REVOCABLE PROXY

                              BRIDGE BANCORP, INC.

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                December 16, 2008

The undersigned  shareholder of Bridge  Bancorp,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  hereby
appoints  the full Board of  Directors,  with full  powers of  substitution,  as
attorneys-in-fact  and  agents for and in the name of the  undersigned,  to vote
such shares as the undersigned may be entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of
Shareholders of the Company (the "Special Meeting") to be held at the offices of
the Company's bank  subsidiary,  The  Bridgehampton  National Bank, 2200 Montauk
Highway,  Bridgehampton,  New York 11932, on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 11:00
a.m. local time, and at any and all adjournments thereof, as follows:

1.   The approval of an amendment to the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation
     to  authorize  2,000,000  shares of  preferred  stock,  par value $0.01 per

        __FOR                __ AGAINST                __ ABSTAIN

In their  discretion,  the proxy  committee is  authorized to vote on such other
matters as may properly come before the Special  Meeting or any  adjournment  or
postponement thereof.


         (To be Signed on Reverse Side)



This Proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted by: (i) filing with the
Secretary  of Bridge  Bancorp,  Inc. at or before the Special  Meeting a written
notice of revocation bearing a later date than this Proxy; (ii) duly executing a
subsequent  proxy relating to the same shares and delivering it to the Secretary
of Bridge  Bancorp,  Inc.  at or before the  Special  Meeting;  (iii)  using the
Internet or telephone voting options;  or (iv) attending the Special Meeting and
voting in person (although  attendance at the Special Meeting will not in and of
itself  constitute  revocation of this Proxy). If this Proxy is properly revoked
as described above,  then the power of the Board of Directors to act as attorney
and proxy for the undersigned shall be deemed terminated and of no further force
and effect.

The above signed  acknowledges  receipt from Bridge Bancorp,  Inc., prior to the
execution  of this Proxy,  of Notice of Special  Meeting  and a Proxy  Statement
dated November 14, 2008.

Please sign exactly as your name(s)  appear(s)  above on this card. When signing
as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give your full
title. If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.

Dated: _______________, 2008     ------------------------------------
                                 Signature of Shareholder

                                 Signature of Shareholder

     Please  sign  exactly as your  name(s)  appear(s)  above.  When  signing as
     attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your
     full title. If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.

