EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT

     WHEREAS,  JAMES  E.  COLLINS  ("Executive")  and  BCB  BANCORP,  INC.  (the
"Company")  and BCB  COMMUNITY  BANK (the "Bank") have entered into an Executive
Agreement  ("Executive  Agreement")  to guarantee  and ensure that the Executive
shall  receive  the full value of the  benefits  to which he is  entitled  under
various  benefit  plans  sponsored  by the  Company  or by the Bank in which the
Executive is a participant; and

     WHEREAS,  tax law provisions  relating to "golden parachute payments" could
have the effect of reducing the benefits  otherwise  promised to Executive under
the various  benefit plans sponsored by the Company or the Bank as a result of a
Change in Control of the Company or the Bank,  either as the result of cut-backs
in the  benefit  due  to  restrictions  imposed  by the  Company  or the  Bank's
regulators or the  imposition of an excise tax on the deemed  "excess  parachute
payment"; and

     WHEREAS,  the Board believes that this  Executive  Agreement is in the best
interests  of the Company and the Bank and their  shareholders  and will provide
the  benefits  intended to be provided to  Executive in the event of a change in
control of the Company or the Bank,  without any  reduction  because of tax code
"penalties" or excise taxes relating to a change in control; and

     WHEREAS,  Section 409A of the Internal  Revenue Code ("Code")  necessitates
certain changes to this Executive Agreement and the Bank and Executive desire to
amend this Executive Agreement to comply with this Code Section.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
and upon the other terms and conditions hereinafter provided, the parties hereto
hereby agree as follows:

     1. In the event of a Change in Control (as defined in the Change in Control
Agreement between the Company and the Executive) of the Bank or the Company, the
Executive shall be entitled to receive, pursuant to this Executive Agreement, an
amount  payable by the Company or the Bank, in addition to any  compensation  or
benefits  otherwise  paid by the Bank or the  Company,  which  shall  equal  the
difference,  if any, between (i) the amount that would be paid by the Company or
the Bank under the terms of the  various  benefit  plans  without  regard to any
reduction  that may be required or imposed by any  regulatory  authority  having
jurisdiction  over the Company or the Bank, and (ii) the amount that is actually
paid to or for the benefit of the Executive by the Company or the Bank under the
terms of the various benefit plans.

     2. In addition, in each calendar year that Executive is entitled to receive
payments or benefits  under the  provisions of a benefit plan and this Executive
Agreement,  the  independent  accountants  of  the  Company  or the  Bank  shall
determine if an excess parachute payment (as defined in Code Section 4999 of the
Code)  exists.  Such  determination  shall be made after  taking any  reductions
permitted  pursuant to Section 280G of the Code and the regulations  thereunder.
Any amount  determined  to be an excess  parachute  payment  after  taking  into
account such  reductions  shall be hereafter  referred to as the "Initial Excess
Parachute  Payment."  As soon as  practicable  after a Change  in  Control,  the
Initial  Excess  Parachute  Payment  shall  be  determined.  Upon  the  Date  of

Termination  following  a Change in  Control,  the Company or the Bank shall pay
Executive, subject to applicable withholding requirements under applicable state
or federal law an amount equal to:

          (i)   twenty (20) percent of the Initial Excess Parachute  Payment (or
                such other amount equal to the tax imposed under Section 4999 of
                the Code), and

          (ii)  such  additional  amount (tax  allowance) as may be necessary to
                compensate  Executive  for the payment by Executive of state and
                federal  income and excise taxes on the payment  provided  under
                Clause  (i) and on any  payments  under  this  Clause  (ii).  In
                computing  such tax  allowance,  the  payment  to be made  under
                Clause  (i) shall be  multiplied  by the  "gross up  percentage"
                ("GUP"). The GUP shall be determined as follows:

                                       Tax Rate
                              GUP = ---------------
                                     1- Tax Rate

                The Tax Rate for  purposes  of  computing  the GUP  shall be the
                highest marginal federal and state income and employment-related
                tax rate,  including any applicable excise tax rate,  applicable
                to the  Executive in the year in which the payment  under Clause
                (i) is made.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  any payment  pursuant  to this  Executive
Agreement  shall be made no later  than  sixty (60) days after the date on which
the Executive remits any excise tax to the required taxing authority.

     3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if it shall subsequently be determined in
a final judicial  determination  or a final  administrative  settlement to which
Executive  is a party  that the excess  parachute  payment as defined in Section
4999 of the Code,  reduced as described  above,  is  different  from the Initial
Excess Parachute  Payment (such different amount being hereafter  referred to as
the  "Determinative  Excess  Parachute  Payment")  then the  Company  or  Bank's
independent accountants shall determine the amount (the "Adjustment Amount") the
Executive must pay to the Company or Bank or the Company or Bank must pay to the
Executive in order to put the Executive (or the Company or Bank, as the case may
be) in the same  position as the  Executive (or the Company or Bank, as the case
may be) would have been if the Initial Excess  Parachute  Payment had been equal
to the  Determinative  Excess Parachute  Payment.  In determining the Adjustment
Amount,  the independent  accountants  shall take into account any and all taxes
(including  any penalties and interest)  paid by or for Executive or refunded to
Executive  or  for  Executive's  benefit.  As  soon  as  practicable  after  the
Adjustment Amount has been so determined,  the Company or the Bank shall pay the
Adjustment  Amount to  Executive  or the  Executive  shall repay the  Adjustment
Amount to the Company or Bank, as the case may be. The purpose of this paragraph
is to assure that (i) the  Executive is not paid more as  reimbursement  for the
golden parachute excise tax than it may ultimately be determined is necessary to
make him whole, and (ii) if it is subsequently determined that additional golden
parachute excise tax is owed by him, additional  reimbursement  payments will be
made to him to make him whole for the additional excise tax.


     4. In each calendar year that Executive receives payments or benefits under
one or more benefit plans sponsored by the Bank or the Company,  Executive shall
report on his state and  federal  income  tax  returns  such  information  as is
consistent with the  determination  made by the  independent  accountants of the
Company or Bank as described above. The Company and the Bank shall indemnify and
hold Executive harmless from any and all losses,  costs and expenses  (including
without limitation,  reasonable attorney's fees, interest,  fines and penalties)
that Executive  incurs as a result of so reporting such  information.  Executive
shall promptly notify the Company or the Bank in writing  whenever the Executive
receives notice of the institution of a judicial or  administrative  proceeding,
formal or informal, in which the federal tax treatment under Section 4999 of the
Code of any amount paid or payable  under this  Supplemental  Agreement is being
reviewed or is in dispute.  The Company or the Bank shall assume  control at its
expense over all legal and  accounting  matters  pertaining  to such federal tax
treatment  (except to the extent  necessary  or  appropriate  for  Executive  to
resolve any such proceeding with respect to any matter unrelated to amounts paid
or payable pursuant to this contract).  The Executive shall cooperate fully with
the Company or the Bank in any such  proceeding.  The Executive  shall not enter
into any compromise or settlement or otherwise  prejudice any rights the Company
or the  Bank may have in  connection  therewith  without  prior  consent  to the
Company or Bank.

     5. This  Executive  Agreement  shall be binding on the  Company,  the Bank,
their  successors  and assigns  and the  benefits  hereunder  shall inure to the
benefit of Executive, his heirs and beneficiaries.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Company,  the Bank, and the Executive have caused
this Executive Agreement to be executed as of the 10th day of December, 2008.

                                       BCB BANCORP, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Mark D. Hogan

                                       BCB COMMUNITY BANK

                                       By: /s/ Mark D. Hogan


                                       By: /s/ James E. Collins
                                          James E. Collins
                                          Senior Lending Officer