American Bancorp of New Jersey, Inc. Letterhead

March 3, 2009

Michael Clampitt, Esq.
Senior Attorney
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

     Re:  American  Bancorp of New  Jersey,  Inc.  Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year
          Ended September 30, 2008
          File No. 000-51500

Dear Mr. Clampitt:

     We are in receipt of your letter dated February 13, 2009 providing comments
on the  referenced  filing  for  American  Bancorp  of  New  Jersey,  Inc.  (the
"Company").  The  Company's  responses  are set forth below and are keyed to the
staff's comment letter.

     Cover Page

1.   In future  filings,  calculate and state the aggregate  market value of the
     voting and non-voting  common equity held by  non-affiliates as of the last
     business day of your most recently  completed  second quarter,  not as of a
     recent date.

     The Staff's comment is noted and the Company will comply in future filings.

Michael Clampitt, Esq.
March 3, 2009
Page 2

     Item 15, Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules

2.   Please explain why the amended and restated  executive salary  continuation
     agreement or a form of the amended and rested  agreements,  the  employment
     agreements  amended  in  June  2008,  and  the  director  consultation  and
     retirement  plan, filed with your Form 10-Q and Form 10-Q/A for the quarter
     ended June 30, 2008, are not listed as exhibits to Form 10-K.

     In addition, please explain why the entry into such agreements and plan has
     not been disclosed on Form 8-K.

     The Staff's  comment is noted and the Company  requests  that it revise its
     exhibit index in future filings.  The agreements were not disclosed on Form
     8-K because the amendments thereto are not material to the Company.

     Exhibit 31

3.   We note that your  certifications  included  as Exhibit 31 to the Form 10-K
     contain  modifications  of the exact form of  certification as set forth in
     Item 601(b)(31) of Regulation S-K. In particular, the identification of the
     certifying individuals at the beginning of the certifications also includes
     their  titles and the  language  "(or  persons  performing  the  equivalent
     functions)'  has been deleted from paragraph 5. In future  filings,  please
     ensure that the  certifications  are in the exact form as set forth in Item
     601(b)(31) of Regulation S-K,  except as otherwise  indicated in Commission
     statements or staff interpretations.

     The Staff's comment is noted and the Company will comply in future filings.

                                      * * *

     The Company hereby acknowledges that:

     o    the  Company is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in the filing;

     o    staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments
          do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
          the filing; and

     o    the  Company  may  not  assert  staff  comments  as a  defense  in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

     We trust the foregoing is responsive  to the Staff's  comments.  We request
that any  questions  with  regard to the  foregoing  should be  directed  to the
undersigned at 973-748-3600.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    /s/ Eric B. Heyer

                                    Eric B. Heyer

cc:      Marc Levy, Esq.