March 5, 2009

Contact:  Amy E. Essex
          Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer & Corporate Secretary
          First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.
          (989) 356-9041


Alpena,  Michigan - (March 5, 2009) First Federal of Northern  Michigan Bancorp,
Inc.  (Nasdaq:  FFNM)  (the  "Company")  reported  a  consolidated  net  loss of
$2,324,000, or $0.81 per basic and diluted share, for the quarter ended December
31, 2008, compared to a consolidated net loss of $1,361,000,  or $0.47 per basic
and diluted share, for the quarter ended December 31, 2007.

The  consolidated  net loss for the twelve  months  ended  December 31, 2008 was
$3,241,000,  or $1.12 per basic and diluted share,  compared to  $1,600,000,  or
$0.56 per basic and diluted  share,  for the twelve  months  ended  December 31,

The main factor driving the net losses for the three- and  twelve-month  periods
ended  December 31, 2008 was the  provision  for loan losses of $3.2 million and
$4.4  million for the  respective  periods,  which were driven by weak  economic
conditions in our market area.

The  Company  took  several  steps  in 2008  to  reduce  non-interest  expenses,
including closing an under-performing branch, and reducing compensation cost via
staff reductions and benefit cuts. In early 2009, the Company sold the assets of
its insurance  subsidiary,  which will further reduce non-interest  expenses and
allow the Company to focus on core banking operations.

Michael  W.  Mahler,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company,
commented "Our major issue  continues to be credit  quality,  which is driven by
very weak  economic  conditions in our market area.  However,  while other banks
continue to report  losses in their  investment  portfolios  and  impairment  of
intangible assets and goodwill,  these are issues not affecting us. We have been
conservative  in our  investment  decisions  and that has paid off for us in the
long  run.  We  continue  to look  for ways to  improve  earnings.  We  recently
completed the sale of the insurance operations of our insurance subsidiary,  the
InsuranCenter  of  Alpena.  The sale of this  business  segment  will  result in
improved earnings going forward.  In the months to come, our focus will continue
to be on improving asset quality,  whether that means foreclosure,  repossession
and sale of non-performing  assets;  assisting troubled borrowers in refinancing
with other financial institutions; or working with viable borrowers to help them
make it through these troubled times.  There is no  one-size-fits-all  answer to
working with our troubled  borrowers so  credit-by-credit  we are  exploring all
avenues to  determine  which is the best route to take to return the  Company to
profitability.  Despite the significant  provision  expense which drove our loss
for the year,  the Company  still  remains  well  capitalized  with  significant
cushion to withstand this difficult economic period."

Selected Financial Ratios

                                                                    For the Twelve Months Ended December 31
                                                                       2008                         2007
                                                              ------------------------     -----------------------

Performance Ratios:
Net interest margin                                                             2.93%                       3.14%
Average interest rate spread                                                    2.51%                       2.67%
Return on average assets                                                       -1.30%                      -0.60%
Return on average equity                                                      -10.45%                      -4.64%

                                                                                     As of
                                                                 December 31, 2008           December 31, 2007
                                                              ------------------------     -----------------------
Asset Quality Ratios:
Non-performing assets to total assets                                           5.57%                       4.15%
Non-performing loans to total loans                                             6.14%                       4.54%
Allowance for loan losses to non-performing assets                             40.90%                      38.53%
Allowance for loan losses to total loans                                        2.85%                       1.95%

Financial Condition

Total assets of the Company at December 31, 2008 were $247.7 million, a decrease
of $3.2 million,  or 1.26%,  from assets of $250.8 million at December 31, 2007.
The ratio of nonperforming assets to total assets was 5.57% at December 31, 2008
compared to 4.15% at December  31,  2007.  Non-performing  assets  increased  by
$3,391,000  from  December  31,  2007  to  December  31,  2008.The  increase  in
non-performing  assets  included  a  $2.0  million  increase  in  non-performing
commercial loans,  most of which related to two large commercial  relationships.
The increase in  non-performing  assets also included a $1.0 million increase in
non-performing  residential  mortgages,  of which $857,000  related to one large
residential  mortgage.  The Company has established an aggressive plan to reduce
the level of non-performing assets in 2009 and beyond.

Stockholders'  equity  decreased by $3.1 million from $32.5  million at December
31,  2007 to $29.4  million at December  31,  2008.  The  decrease in equity was
attributable  primarily  to the net loss for the  twelve  month  period  of $3.2
million and dividends of $433,000. In an effort to preserve capital, in December
2008 the Company  announced the suspension of its quarterly  cash dividend.  The
Company intends to review this decision on a quarterly  basis.  First Federal of
Northern Michigan's regulatory capital remains at levels in excess of regulatory
requirements, as shown in the table below.

                                                                                                           Capital Required to be
                                                                                                               Categorized as
                                                                                                           Well-Capitalized Under
                                               Actual Capital           Capital Required for Capital          Prompt Corrective
                                           at December 31, 2008               Adequacy Purposes               Action Provisions
                                          Amount           Ratio           Amount           Ratio          Amount           Ratio
                                                                           (Dollars in Thousands)

December 31, 2008
  Total capital (to risk-
    weighted assets)                      $27,079          15.75%          $13,757          8.00%          $17,197          10.00%
  Tier 1 capital (to risk-
    weighted assets)                      $24,887          14.47%          $ 6,879          4.00%          $10,318           6.00%
  Tangible capital (to
    tangible assets)                      $24,887          10.31%          $ 3,620          1.50%          $ 4,826           2.00%

Results of Operations

Interest  income  decreased to $3.4 million for the three months ended  December
31,  2008  from  $3.9  million  for the year  earlier  period.  Interest  income
decreased by $2.2  million to $14.0  million for the  twelve-month  period ended
December 31, 2008 from $16.2 million for the same period in 2007.  The decreases
in interest income were due primarily to two factors:  a decrease in the average
balance of our interest-earning assets due to reductions in the size of our loan
portfolio and a decrease in the yield on interest-earning  assets due in part to
lower market interest rates.

Interest  expense  decreased to $1.7 million for the three months ended December
31,  2008 from $2.0  million  for the three  months  ended  December  31,  2008.
Interest expense for the twelve months ended December 31, 2008 decreased to $7.1
million from $8.4 million for the twelve  months  ended  December 31, 2007.  The
decrease in interest  expense  for the three- and  twelve-month  periods was due
primarily  to  decreases  in the average  balance of and  interest  rates on our
Federal Home Loan Bank advances  period over period as well as a decrease in the
average  balance of  certificates of deposit and a decrease in the cost of funds
related to  higher-costing  certificates of deposits which matured and re-priced

The Company's net interest margin decreased to 2.90% for the three-month  period
ended December 31, 2008 from 3.14% for the same period in 2007. During this time
period, the average yield on  interest-earning  assets decreased 78 basis points
to 5.70% from 6.48%,  while the cost of funds decreased 63 basis points to 3.17%
from 3.80%.  For the  twelve-month  period  ended  December  31,  2008,  the net
interest  margin  decreased  to 2.93%  from  3.14% for the same  period in 2007.
During this time period, the average yield on interest-earning  assets decreased
57 basis points to 5.96% from 6.53%,  while the cost of funds decreased 41 basis
points to 3.44% from 3.85%.

The provision for loan losses for the three-month period ended December 31, 2008
was $3.2 million, as compared to $2.1 million for the prior year period. For the
twelve-month  period ended  December 31, 2008, the provision for loan losses was
$4.4 million as compared to $2.4 million for the same period ended  December 31,
2007.  The increase in provision  for both the three- and  twelve-month  periods
related primarily to additional provisions for several commercial  relationships
that  continued to  deteriorate,  and also a large  provision  on a  residential
mortgage loan related to one of the commercial credits.  The provision was based
on  management's  review of the  components of the overall loan  portfolio,  the
status of non-performing loans and various other factors.

Non-interest  income  decreased  from $1.1  million for the three  months  ended
December  31, 2007 to $690,000  for the three  months  ended  December 31, 2008.
Non-interest  income  decreased  from $4.0  million for the twelve  months ended
December 31, 2007 to $3.1 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2008.
The decrease for the three-month  period was primarily  attributed to a decrease
in  insurance  brokerage  commissions  due to the  sale  in  April  2008  of the
exclusive  Blue Cross Blue Shield  insurance  contract as well as  decreases  in
service  charges and other fees and mortgage  banking  activities  income period
over  period.  For the  twelve-month  period,  the  decrease  was  also due to a
decrease period over period related to insurance brokerage commissions, but this
decrease was offset by a  year-over-year  increase in service  charges and other
fee income and mortgage banking activities income.

Non-interest  expense  decreased  from $3.0  million for the three  months ended
December 31, 2007 to $2.7 million for the three months ended  December 31, 2008.
Non-interest  expense  decreased  from $11.9 million for the twelve months ended
December  31, 2007 to $10.4  million for the twelve  months  ended  December 31,
2008.  The  decreases  period over  period were mainly the result of  prepayment
penalties  of $293,000  paid on FHLB  advances  during the twelve  months  ended
December 31, 2007,  reductions in compensation  and benefit  expenses due to the
closure of an under-performing  branch and other cost-cutting  measures, as well
as a reduction  in  insurance  brokerage  commission  expense due to the sale in
April 2008 of the exclusive Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance contract.

Safe Harbor Statement

This news  release  and  other  releases  and  reports  issued  by the  Company,
including  reports  to the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  may  contain
"forward-looking  statements."  The Company  cautions readers not to place undue
reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date
made. The Company is including  this statement for purposes of taking  advantage
of the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of

First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheet
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                December 31, 2008     December 31, 2007
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------
Cash and cash equivalents:
Cash on hand and due from banks ..............................................  $       3,097,788     $       3,567,858
Overnight deposits with FHLB .................................................            372,523             1,772,999
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------
Total cash and cash equivalents ..............................................          3,470,311             5,340,857
Securities AFS  ..............................................................         25,665,178            20,680,913
Securities HTM ...............................................................          4,022,235             2,770,000
Loans held for sale ..........................................................            107,000                     -
Loans receivable, net of allowance for loan losses of $5,647,055 and
  $4,013,454 as of December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively......        192,270,714           201,333,427
Foreclosed real estate and other repossessed assets ..........................          1,637,923             1,279,543
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost ........................................          4,196,900             4,196,900
Premises and equipment .......................................................          7,089,746             7,619,016
Accrued interest receivable ..................................................          1,469,176             1,699,706
Intangible assets ............................................................          1,394,983             2,093,735
Goodwill .....................................................................          1,408,604             1,396,854
Other assets .................................................................          4,939,523             2,420,340
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------
Total assets .................................................................  $     247,672,293     $     250,831,292
                                                                                =================     =================

Deposits .....................................................................  $     165,778,598     $     157,832,584
Advances from borrowers for taxes and insurance ..............................            104,475                   729
Federal Home Loan Bank Advances ..............................................         40,200,000            51,700,000
Note Payable .................................................................            768,651               983,795
REPO Sweep Accounts ..........................................................          9,447,415             6,637,089
Accrued expenses and other liabilities .......................................          1,954,392             1,173,550
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------
Total liabilities ............................................................        218,253,531           218,327,747
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------

Commitments and contingencies ................................................                  -                     -

Stockholders' equity:
Common stock ($0.01 par value 20,000,000 shares authorized
  3,191,999 shares issued)....................................................             31,920                31,920
Additional paid-in capital ...................................................         24,302,102            24,327,466
Retained earnings  ...........................................................          8,762,412            12,416,364
Treasury stock at cost (307,750 shares).......................................         (2,963,918)           (2,963,918)
Unallocated ESOP .............................................................           (764,861)             (958,651)
Unearned compensation ........................................................           (286,324)             (414,549)
Accumulated other comprehensive income........................................            337,431                64,913
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------
Total stockholders' equity ...................................................         29,418,762            32,503,545
                                                                                -----------------     -----------------

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity ...................................  $     247,672,293     $     250,831,292
                                                                                =================     =================

First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Income

                                                                        For the Three Months            For the Twelve Months
                                                                        Ended December 31,                Ended December 31,
                                                                     ---------------------------     ---------------------------
                                                                        2008            2007            2008           2007
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
                                                                             (Unaudited)                     (Unaudited)

Interest income:
Interest and fees on loans ........................................  $ 3,012,497     $ 3,559,399     $12,587,844     $14,456,297
Interest and dividends on investments .............................      193,721         300,591         958,351       1,651,268
Interest on mortgage-backed securities ............................      155,175          12,760         420,968          92,682
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Total interest income .............................................    3,361,393       3,872,749      13,967,163      16,200,247
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------

Interest expense:
Interest on deposits ..............................................    1,085,239       1,332,039       4,897,194       5,532,959
Interest on borrowings ............................................      579,698         665,861       2,233,276       2,913,595
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Total interest expense ............................................    1,664,937       1,997,901       7,130,470       8,446,554
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------

Net interest income ...............................................    1,696,456       1,874,848       6,836,694       7,753,693
Provision for loan losses .........................................    3,177,994       2,067,443       4,420,659       2,377,380
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Net interest (expense) income after provision for loan losses .....   (1,481,538)       (192,595)      2,416,035       5,376,313
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------

Non-interest income:
Service charges and other fees ....................................      233,668         261,252         942,115         911,096
Mortgage banking activities .......................................      115,369         140,901         431,752         418,005
(Loss) gain on sale of available-for-sale investments .............       (9,990)             46           6,062         (96,609)
Net gain (loss) on sale of premises and equipment,
  real estate owned and other repossessed assets ..................       (6,696)        (21,316)         21,801         (40,425)
Other .............................................................       29,113          25,792          96,471          63,886
Insurance & Brokerage Commissions .................................      328,864         682,817       1,644,119       2,726,335
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Total non-interest income .........................................      690,328       1,089,492       3,142,319       3,982,288
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------

Non-interest expenses:
Compensation and employee benefits ................................    1,377,288       1,585,607       5,698,370       6,236,874
SAIF Insurance Premiums ...........................................       36,681           4,901         121,919          20,837
Advertising .......................................................       55,798          39,773         184,658         200,396
Occupancy .........................................................      341,364         403,227       1,395,134       1,505,220
Amortization of intangible assets .................................      100,162         125,002         425,489         495,728
Service Bureau Charges ............................................       79,673          80,721         320,191         317,899
Insurance & Brokerage Commission Expense ..........................            -         228,704         309,874         948,095
Professional Services .............................................      100,278          77,764         414,067         325,207
Prepayment penalty on FHLB advances ...............................            -               -               -         464,240
Other  ............................................................      611,313         411,004       1,561,918       1,359,957
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Total non-interest expenses .......................................    2,702,556       2,956,703      10,431,619      11,874,451
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------

Loss before income tax benefit ....................................   (3,493,766)     (2,059,806)     (4,873,265)     (2,515,850)
Income tax benefit ................................................   (1,170,115)       (699,140)     (1,632,232)       (915,893)
                                                                     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Net loss ..........................................................  $(2,323,651)    $(1,360,666)    $(3,241,033)    $(1,599,957)
                                                                     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========

Per share data:
Basic loss per share ..............................................  $     (0.81)    $     (0.47)    $     (1.12)    $     (0.56)
Weighted average number of shares outstanding .....................    2,884,249       2,884,249       2,884,249       2,884,249

Diluted loss per share ............................................  $     (0.81)    $     (0.47)    $     (1.12)    $     (0.56)
Weighted average number of shares outstanding,
  including dilutive stock options ................................    2,884,249       2,884,249       2,884,249       2,884,249

Dividends per common share ........................................  $         -     $      0.05     $      0.15     $      0.20